pmfkitns · 20 days
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“This is Webbi-dings!”
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Webby Week Day 3: Nightmares/Daydreaming
Webby often had her head in the clouds.
On those lazy days in the early autumn, those mild afternoons where there was nothing to be done except to live, she would sit outside with a sketchbook, watching the clouds go by and maybe drawing something.
Since the Shadow War, though, those daydreams had darkened.
She would be staring into the middle distance, and all of a sudden, out of absolutely nowhere, that awful, awful memory would pop into her brain, unannounced and uninvited.
Lena sacrificing herself to save her.
Lena being banished to the Shadow Realm.
Lena disappearing, never to return.
And the weirdest thing? This happened even after Lena had come back. Even when she knew it didn't matter anymore.
She often felt like crying - after all, who wouldn't, when the moment her best friend had all but died kept replaying itself?
"What do I do?" she would ask herself, whe it happened, "Who could possibly help me?"
She'd told Beakley, of course, but Beakley didn't seem to get it. How could she? She'd never had it happen.
But Scrooge had.
She gave a tentative knock on the door of Scrooge's study.
“Yes?" came his voice, slightly muffled.
"It's just me," Webby said, "I kinda need your help with something."
"Come on in, lass," Scrooge opened the door to let her in.
"Do you ever still think about Della leaving?" Webby decided that the direct approach was the best one.
"Sometimes," Scrooge answered slowly, "Why do you ask?"
"I keep getting flashbacks to when Lena..." Webby trailed off.
"And I don't know why!" she continued, "She's been back for ages now, I know she's okay - why can't I stop thinking about it?"
Scrooge paused.
"Memories are a strange one," he said eventually, "Even months, years, decades after the fact, they can still come back on you. The fact that this is happening shows just how much you care for her. And I know it's hard, but the best thing to do is to talk about it."
Webby gave a sad little nod.
"About a week after Della came back, she and I had a talk," Scrooge went on, "I was as confused as you are - I didn't know why I still woke up in a cold sweat at two in the morning, remembering that night. But it's just one of those things that doesn't go away so easily."
"I guess," Webby tried to smile.
"It'll get easier in time," Scrooge reassured her, and the two of them held each other in that office for a while.
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You're not fucking talking to him.
That's not your decision to make, Bliklotep.
They know it isn't. T'noy Karaxis reaches for her, hands opening and closing. Pokey holds him back, trying to pull his arms back down.
To think you have the nerve-
I work here with the children. Children like him.
She inclines her head to Tinky, who has started whining for her, starting to cry again.
I am here to help my brother.
Like your "help" post-Hatchetfield, you fucking backstabbing-
Her booming voice fills the hall despite the lack of echo. Wiggog shudders at the spindly pinpricks crawling up his leg. He brushes off nothing. Nibblenephim scoots back into the chair and wall with a wince, a bitter and musty taste curling on his tongue.
I am still a god. Your footing has slipped.
She steps closer. Blinky shifts to block his brother from view. Tinky moves the other way, gaze fixed on her gentle glow. His eyes grow large.
Webby's lips ghost a smile. Her white pupils meet Wiggly's green eyes as her voice rings.
If it's any comfort, I don't have to stay longer than he wants me to. Then it will be like this never happened.
Wiggog Y'wrath seethes, fingers twitching into a fist.
He's si - delirious. You cannot possibly think he's in his right mind.
There's a glint flashing across her eyes he doesn't catch the meaning of. Her voice holds a faint ding of laughter.
Interesting vocal development, Wiggly. And, nice crown.
He glares at the couch's floral pattern, yanking his crown tighter over his head. Bliklotep scoffs, scrutinizing her.
Are you really so young that you're oblivious to how much damage you caused after-
Do you really think he's thinking about that right now?
T'noy presses into his brother's shoulder, staring at Webby longingly. His excited eyes meet his big brother's. Blinky cringes, voice quiet.
The other three splutter disbelievingly.
What?! But-
Are you serious-?
Brother, you cannot just-
He glares at both of them in turn.
Enough. We will allow Webblin N'yok to stay in this house for however long T'noy Karaxis wishes.
Though his voice dips at 'however', the rest is as formal as a godly oath. He moves out of the way, brow creased worringly.
If you do anything, N'yok-
He hisses the name like a curse. She frowns, solemn.
You think so little of me now, Blinky.
Without another word, Blinky gestures for Pokey to let Karaxis go. He obeys hesitantly. Understanding the implication, T'noy grins and clacks his knuckles together. He pulls away from Pokey, accidentally kneeing him in the shin.
Webby's anger vanishes as soon as Tinky crawls to her. Kneeling with open arms, Webby beams at her little brother.
Hello, T'noy Karaxis.
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mmmmducks · 1 year
The Triplets Being Adorable!
Pt. 18
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Huey telling his brother he needs to communicate his needs better (he cares <3)
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I find it concerning how open Dewey is to bringing nothing to a sword fight
Guys this scene is so cute!!!!
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“Ha-ha, you salty skydog! I’m Dewey, I fear not the likes of youwey.”
-Huey Duck as Dewey Duck
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This is the real Dewey btw he’s got different color sleeves
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“I have a colorful personality, not unlike my hat! *giggle* Watch how I DEWEY it! Dewdewdew-”
-Louie Duck as Dewey Duck
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“I’m sweet and sensitive and full of secrets! And, uh, something about Mt. Peligroso.”
-Webby Vanderquack as Dewey Duck
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Dewey realizing his siblings do pay attention to him
I like to think, at this point, Webby and Louie have not yet perfected their impressions. There’s a chance Louie can only impersonate Huey, but I find that unlikely considering Webby, who we’ve seen impersonate Dewey perfectly, can’t do that here. I will continue to die on the hill that Louie can do perfect impressions of his brothers.
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monkey-li · 11 months
And here ye have the secret files of Webbigail Vanderquack:
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petrikaira · 6 months
The Butler
Chapter 7: The Chase
Pg 4 (Previous, Next)
Rating: T for Teen
Cw: Violence, blood and gore
Eksender’s burning, wet hand closed around the back of Butler’s pristine collar and pulled back. The melting flesh trickled down Butler’s neck, matting in his fur. Oozing on his skin.
“We’re leaving.”
Butler dug his nails into the floor, leaving long gouges behind. “No-” he managed to croak out.
The hand on his back went slack.
“Roll!” Ilse called.
Butler did. He rolled as if his life depended on it, towards her voice. Eksender slammed hard into the ground, the back of his head bubbling and blood pooling. Butler scrambled away from the prone body. Behind him stood Ilse, the iron pan clutched in her hands now dented in the middle.
“Did you kill him?” Butler demanded.
“I- I don’t think so-” Ilse said.
Butler looked down at the bubbling immobile mess. The perfectly sculpted, disgustingly tailless ass. The mass of bubbling pink hair at the back. His heart raced in his throat. This was bad. He wasn’t sure what laws held if a human had done the killing- 
He knew it was often a demand of firstborn children. 
He pressed himself against the bed, and looked at Ilse. She was shaking, and despite her dark skin she looked rather pale. 
“What is he?” She asked. “Who- I mean, he’s a demon, so-”
A demon. Butler laughed, merciless. He ignored the sound of a shake in his own voice. She would think everyone in the Demon City was a demon. She would not jump to fae. Of course not. All she had known of the world beyond the human one was all around them.
“Sure. Let’s pretend that,” Butler said. Maybe if she didn’t know what she did, the punishment would never be as bad.
Eksender jerked. The skin on his hands was bubbling, new pink and webby forming back over the palm. Not dead then. 
Which meant they needed to move, now. 
“Ilse,” Butler said. “Run.”
And with that he turned and fled. He couldn’t be caught dead staying to make sure one human was alright, even if she had saved him. Or at least, that was what he told himself. 
From the sound of her footsteps, she listened. She raced alongside him, never quite as fast. Human legs couldn’t meet a wolf’s. Human legs couldn’t meet a demons. Well- at least, not his legs. He was sure she could outrun some of the beetles and other short legged beings. 
“Butler, you need to tell me what the hell is going on,” Ilse said.
He turned back, lagging just enough for her to catch up with him. “That, my dear, is no demon,” he said finally. Eksender had lived. There was no helping Ilse now. “That is a fae.”
Ilse lifted the iron pan. There was a strange sparkle in her green eyes, one he had seen once before when he had taken her through the demon city to buy a blanket. Curiosity without fear. She should really be afraid, he thought. She twirled the bent iron pan in her hands.
“Then it’s a good thing I brought this, isn’t it?” She asked.
“Yes. For once in your human life you’ve done exemplary-” 
“Oh shut up,” she said. “All of my accomplishments have been exemplary.”
(Previous, Next)
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autistic--alien · 2 years
*banging pots and pans*
Ding-dong, the BITCH is dead! Which old bitch? The watcher bitch Ding-dong, Lord Bliklotep is dead
(or rather. out of commission bc Alicia smashed the furby. Not yet sure if he'll,,,,die like Pokey and Webby did)
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444names · 2 years
american forenames, surnames and states + chinese cities + periodic table elements
Acobalder Acobally Adriet Adriquez Aguirrett Almers Almes Alsh Alton Anders Andez Angfang Angying Anneth Anton Aprin Ariamusse Arlos Artz Ayang Baili Bair Baldinan Baltay Baoto Bari Bartiz Beil Beili Beina Bent Benter Bert Bette Billiotte Blacruz Blandian Blang Bobb Bowe Bozhuaying Bradshand Branda Brantimoth Brenee Brenqiu Brera Burges Cadownsen Calleroach Cami Candry Candy Cangyi Cangzhong Carleshan Carne Carold Caron Carongrace Carvins Casteve Castine Cathangge Chael Chanjiang Cheng Chongxiang Chrium Chroe Clain Clard Claurie Cleah Cock Collouglas Conne Cons Consteng Cookes Cooks Courichoa Cray Cristi Cristy Cruzhou Cummin Cunnie Dalazquez Dangshui Danium Danjian Darry Datoyang Daven Deron Diany Ding Dong Dongcher Dore Dorenhe Doughn Douglances Duanie Dujilium Dyers Ebonne Eleah Elin Elliveron Erium Esteeler Esterines Etha Europinoz Evan Evedo Florina Foshala Frandley Frandra Frandy Fudith Fuqi Fuquanwei Fuyanjian Fuzhondace Garia Gejin Genevanedy Gininggang Gins Glore Gomero Gomers Gong Gongkou Gongqiu Gongyingel Gonzaler Goodmantes Gramonard Grosa Guisiang Guthdakota Guzmandra Halas Hang Hangde Hangdu Harien Hartz Hatt Heathryn Heathy Hega Heid Hestine Hichong Hobbins Holina Hong Honglaibin Hoper Howendy Howers Huana Huang Huangzhou Hughn Hulton Huntes Indy Iridgers Jacquez Jamentium Janes Jare Jarez Jess Jiana Jiannes Jiaobersen Jiaogang Jieshi Jiliamsey Jing Jisheidi Jodingguan Johnstana Jone Joses Juliu Juropium Kangyann Kanshuluna Karez Kathristy Katine Kell Kendersey Kentium Kurtney Laird Lamber Land Laney Lard Lechnett Lelandra Lelinhot Leod Lian Liangyuana Licha Lina Lingde Livas Lone Loree Lowen Lucilina Lushang Lüliandy Mach Magnes Marginan Mariel Mariong Marizhou Marla Marson Marsong Marvis Massa Matti Mcca Mcconwayne Mccraig Mcdan Mcfarr Mcgowayne Mcguirret Mclemarvin Mcmileshi Meador Medinguyen Meishorthy Meith Meitney Miang Miangang Micharla Midt Millman Mily Mire Misti Mond Monradshan Mont Moradley Morester Morsey Muel Muelin Mull Murrantha Nancheng Nand Nandrews Nebra Nice Nielice Ning Ningzhou Nitron Northance Olla Orrolynne Owers Pacholton Padium Palmeryl Panji Patt Patthelson Pauletium Pennis Peterbing Phia Ping Pingel Pingluori Pitt Port Pott Prin Pruichan Qianyunfu Qiaoya Qiaozhou Racey Racia Rady Raqu Reen Rence Rencer Robeith Robers Robertha Roberty Roble Rodge Rodner Rome Rosium Rown Rubidi Ruijian Ruila Rushu Sala Sama Samara Samartez Sampton Sanchen Sanmen Sansas Santu Sarie Schris Schward Selencia Sell Serris Serrishou Setta Shan Shanum Shaogan Shel Shelendy Shelps Shenja Sheparks Shepparks Sher Sherika Shui Shuiz Skins Sopherd Southryn Spencias Statine Stengfang Ster Sterson Stes String Strogentes Stroger Strongang Suixing Swanya Sylvin Sylving Taiyang Tamie Tang Tash Ters Terson Thangchoa Thong Tian Tiannie Tierceliao Timo Tong Trickerson Vanise Velack Vernadium Vers Vila Violandy Viole Viviang Vivingyang Wadela Wadett Walla Wates Watkinson Wattie Weaves Webbie Weller Wheeleona Whitner Wiggs Wight Wilker Will Willene Willo Wilsonia Wischmidd Wisco Woodymium Wudan Wugaoanna Wuweifang Wyater Wynner Wyoming Wyorkman Xing Xingkou Yibinzhou Yicharon Yichelead Yichmony Ying Yola Yons Zachaniel Zamon Zaozhou Zhana Zhanglaine Zhaoyang Zhou Zhuan Zhumphrey Zircon Ziyangzi Zunyi Zunyu
same thing but with lesser order
Alde Alillinne Alis Amarsott Amon Analvidne Angzhuzhou Ante Arading Aray Arca Ardium Arotomers Arren Ater Bairis Balleatin Bard Barner Barricky Barroe Baunlas Beang Bein Bellilcia Belly Bernan Blarrer Blatephi Bohnson Boods Bordox Boto Branie Brengtand Brez Brie Bron Cadia Calinie Calt Camen Canatt Cang Card Cark Carlas Carry Cart Casa Cashens Cecker Changgill Chansong Cheleahou Cherbi Cherley Chou Chri Chua Clail Clang Clangdey Clashiniff Cleett Cles Clexance Clung Conieliang Coton Dalle Dartiam Dawnio Dayler Daynchen Deart Dertro Dery Destin Dilium Ditan Dium Doline Doll Dong Dongzhou Dorgins Dreng Dridinorta Dung Dunhujim Durrent Edge Eshota Eulanne Fanew Fang Farcarli Faurtnes Feitchard Fenroody Ferks Ferricare Finet Fiteve Foriquer Fortry Frannin Fuyuz Gaberriss Galey Gashiterry Gileen Gillen Ging Gium Golore Gominard Gooke Gookley Gradia Gricixon Guan Guez Guiz Guton Guyannorna Guytt Guyueqium Haft Halaikou Hally Hamb Hamer Hamillace Hana Handerett Hang Hanmenrie Hanyang Haoyi Hard Harks Harle Heang Hejie Held Helia Hell Hened Hens Henta Hepadrowen Hirgola Hoanger Hong Huadium Huan Huang Hullamel Huozacart Ianeyer Ilen Illetthis Inxillon Jacdaker Jachurent Jacks Jearish Jeatkie Jengen Jennart Jermong Jerna Jers Jiana Jiang Jimars Jinance Jindron Jing Jinghose Jinsonerna Jiyatrice Joedet Jong Jorriston Jossimer Joydris Kainza Kaiwu Kang Kanobard Karisonium Karmard Karvent Kath Katt Kauez Kell Khou Kievarster Kinxin Krick Krielaing Krielci Lairbingxi Lancha Lankottsyl Lanyuzhuan Laoyan Lempshui Leng Lenzhon Lerincy Lhobsotona Lian Liangtan Licaroe Licheng Ling Lingbaoyan Liniummy Lium Liviretes Llie Llium Locheph Lont Lord Lorklandan Lortnewson Loweng Loyangshui Luchanqium Mabill Maley Manjium Mannearver Many Manzhou Markson Marle Masquang Mathyde Maxin Maxing Mayan Mccars Mcco Mcdosh Mcger Mcks Mcla Mclasmaro Mclen Mcliu Megolairms Meiff Melinsim Menan Meng Merbel Merey Meroseang Mill Mine Miney Ming Minie Mium Mongzhouss Monrin Moodium Mormanium Mormsopar Mosboodia Muez Muland Mulinie Mura Murpeter Murs Myron Ninerninie Niqueqidi Niupe Nowayon Nyuan Obbye Odinie Open Orris Osbynnium Pald Parce Parsetterr Pathaing Patranthon Pearinsone Pella Penei Penson Piermatt Pine Plut Poling Pophiferno Potenie Prushi Qing Qitere Qium Quez Racklagam Radford Radi Rang Razibensy Regio Relilan Reling Rhou Rillose Rindong Ring Risenshun Rocond Rodaledey Rodo Roleinathi Roney Rong Rony Rosbon Roseandre Rubers Ruzmaney Sart Sena Seping Shaiyathy Shamps Shan Shandy Shang Shas Shay Shen Shencia Shou Shuang Shuo Siefengjia Sium Skan Slovancas Smium Sodre Song Soning Sont Soscon Spelia Stes Stick Stie Stiz Ston Suilley Suquez Susa Sushan Susuzher Suzhann Syler Tandy Tangyant Tattilmolf Tharr Thespen Timoner Ting Tins Todo Tonine Trudia Truzhou Tundsond Tyroll Ulle Urse Valengin Vark Vaudelanum Vene Venzhou Vercuss Vers Vian Vicarethiz Videass Vinna Vise Wanahen Warter Water Wattriling Waynores Weatkina Weers Weidna Weith Whena Wher Will Wine Wisha With Wucken Wuytterson Wuzmark Xiane Xicey Xicur Xinanzhord Xinding Xing Xinor Yant Yicha Ying Yizher Yonarce Ytua Zhan Zhang Zheze Zhom Zhon Zhou Zhund Zimmongs Zird
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alexro9501 · 2 years
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Spider-Man No Way Home is here!!!!! It’s been a long journey and almost everyone got a chance to see it! I did Tobey and Andrew arts, but now, Tom arts are finally here! It’s amazing how much I’ve put on effort for all of these almost 24/7. It’s not easy, but I’m finally done with all. Don’t send any spoilers around here.
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gummygoatgalaxy · 3 years
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My ducksona, @webby-dings ducksona, and our friend's ducksona!
(I don't know if they have a tumblr account...)
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rasukudraw · 4 years
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Aannd here it is!!! Its Ariel, the OC of @webby-dings !!! This took me like 2 hours bc im slooooow ;-; i have add somme details on the necklace :) Anyway i hope you like it!!! And sorry my english is waaayy too bad bc im french :')
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angelbunny-arts · 4 years
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Gift for @webby-dings for being my first follower! ❤❤ Tysm!
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cook-boss-88 · 5 years
Dewey: I could have easily injured/killed you.
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Webby: Really, Bitch?
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eliza-art-stuff · 4 years
Art Trade with @lelula1
She asked me to draw her oc Jaiden with my of tom!
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Art trade with @oatmealcookiesstuff
She Asked me To Draw her OC Walker? And my oc Alice!
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Here! Sorry if it looks Bad!!! And i could not draw Pride stuff so sorry! ^^'
Art trade with @sophfandoms53
She Asked me to surprise her! So i did!
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Ta Da! I Drew Shelly!!!
Art Trade with @webby-dings ! She Asked me to draw Lily and Jay! Here they are!
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Sorry! If this took long! Really! School has just started And im Pilled up with homework! ^^
Anyways! I hope you guys love it!
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yakuzakuku · 4 years
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Ariel: @webby-dings
Destiny: @icenicemice
Louie: Disney (lol)
Vicky: (my oc)
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janetbrown711 · 4 years
Can you draw Ariel's oc Ash with NerdyDork's oc Matilda having a snowball fight?
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He doesn't have enough snowballs to foght off a robot
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