#We should start a trend
kori-senpai · 3 months
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Day 1 of putting characters in my clothes because I really suck at drawing cool clothing and want to be better at it
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vimbry · 29 days
omg wait yeah a notif tag about the "isopods are cringe" thing just reminded me: you ever see that post on here with an addition where someone shyly tagged it with, "I know possums are "out" but-" what do you mean out they're an animal 😭 don't let people who twist themselves up trying to be unauthentically different to stay on trend make you insecure, none of this matters
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Tbh... I don't think TOH should get a pass for it's shoddy plot just because some of the stuff that happens within the plot invokes an emotional response in people.
First of all, people react to concepts with varying degrees of emotional intensity based on what they like and/or their life experiences. Secondly, you can still create resonate moments with a good plot lmao.
There is no reason TOH should get a pass for making Belos a non threat for most of Season 1 just because people think x, y, z moment is wholesome or whatever.
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angelwithdeerstalker · 9 months
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me: ok, got a hyperfixation on tatort münchen right now, what should I do??
my brain: memes.
me: what? No--
my brain: Kalli memes
me: .....
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protcg · 3 days
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" would . "
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thottybrucewayne · 4 months
Fashion girlies are spineless, we know this. But I find this insistence on trying to blend both faux activism and praise of the bigots and fascists in the industry of yesteryear aggravating. If you spend more time waxing poetic about how Coco Chanel, John Galiano, or Karl Lagerfeld's work shaped the industry than you do detailing the various bigoted or outright fascist things said or did, what do you think your audience is going to come away with? How do you not see that you're lowkey painting their actions as just flaws of an artistic genius and visionary? Are the pretty shapes and colors more important to you than the human cost of their bigoted ideals? Really?
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woulddieforloki · 1 year
I kind of want to write a fic where Odin is about to banish Thor and Loki's watching it go down and the guilt is eating at him and right before Thor gets yeeted through the Bifrost, Loki yells, "IT WAS ME!" and, because that's actually words (and interesting words at that), Odin actually stops what he's doing to listen instead of just yelling a keyboard smash out loud, and Loki explains that he manipulated Thor into attacking Jotunheim, but it was never supposed to get that far and he's very sorry and it will never happen again. and he thinks he's mitigating the damage but instead Odin just banishes him instead (and he'd banish Thor too but he needs someone to take the throne and tbh what would it say about him as a dad if he has to banish all three of his kids?)
so then Loki ends up getting hit by Jane's car, except he's not an idiot so he doesn't run around screaming at the sky about being hammered and Darcy never has to taze him so he never ends up in the hospital so they're off to a good start already.
and they get to talking (and they're all very confused and operating under completely different understandings of the situation) and Loki figures out he's in Midgard entirely because they don't know what the Nine Realms are and Midgard is the only realm stupid enough not to know that. Jane mentions that they're scientists and Loki just kinda scoffs at that because scientists on Midgard are like childrens' tutors in Asgard, and Jane is equally offended and impressed.
and I choose to think that Odin never takes Loki's magic away the way he did to Thor's because he can't take it away. if he could, he would've done that before they threw him in the dungeon in TDW. so Loki still has his magic so it's pretty easy to convince them that he's a god (and honestly they're more convinced than he is because he just found out that he might possibly be Jotun?)
so they end up taking Loki with them (against Selvig's better judgment) because he sounds like a know-it-all and he ends up pretty much being a know-it-all so that works well for Jane. and actually it kinda maybe works too well? because she starts to fall in love with him and surprise, it's a Lokane fic and he starts to fall for her and they have babies and live happily ever after!
no jk idk what would happen but I'm thinking Mjolnir would still be out there so maybe Loki would go to check it out and he'd probably have better luck with it because he's magic so it's pretty easy to get everyone out of his way but he's definitely not worthy so he can't wield it but it does get them both tangled up with SHIELD probably?
idk apparently I can only thing of Lokane fic ideas if they have no ending so that's all I got lmao
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sassmill · 2 months
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When you want to visit the Alhambra but mom’s like “we got the Alhambra at home”
#niche joke maybe?#unclear how many millennials and elder gen z are familiar with moorish decorative arts#but this is the theatre at New York City center#described in the show program as ‘1943 neo-moorish’#I think theatres need to start having themes again why did we stop doing that#I’m not saying we should randomly model them on landmarks of other cultures#because it’s so fucking weird#like the garde arts center in CT is vaguely Egyptian and it’s like??? that’s a choice#but new build theatres are just like neutral spaces#which I understand completely you don’t want to distract from the production happening onstage#but surely there’s some middle ground we could reach!#some kind of neo art deco revival could be lovely#especially as more and more art deco theatres are getting restored to their historic designs#I don’t know if theatres are this way in other countries but I’m assuming that the American trend at the turn of the century#was influenced by European theatrical tradition#I’ve seen color plates of concert halls and opera houses#so I’m pretty sure our heavily themed theatres built 1900-1950 are a translation of that#unfortunately I don’t really have a knowledge base for American theatres older than that because I haven’t really been to any#well wait that’s a lie I’ve been to ford’s theatre in DC#but I don’t think there was much that stood out stylistically to me I think it was just very bog standard federalist#which isn’t the period most people associate it with because of Lincoln#but I don’t know off the top of my head when it was built and that is likely a modern design choice anyway#this has been another episode of ‘I have approximate knowledge of many things’
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anthonycrowley · 3 months
if i had a nickel for every time i had a character that was kind of embarrassing to like that i can put my limb by haley williams on character playlists as a joke for i’d have two nickels. which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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daisywords · 8 months
10 lines tag
thanks @megarywrites for the tag! idk exactly what the rules are but I'm going to give you the first lines of 10 chapters!
DaDBaB Past Timeline
Act 0, chapters 1–5:
The wagon stopped with a jolt, and Trip jerked awake. 
The hall of records wasn’t much to look at, mainly because it was dark.
Lya took the arm the boatman offered, holding her cloak out of the way with her other hand as she stepped over the gap between boat and flagstone.
Gerik ordered a firewater.
When the crier on the other side of the wall announced the Chosen of Tarinthe as the guest of honor, Lya swept into the banquet hall, shoulders back, eyes fixed firmly on the far wall. 
Act 2, chapters 1–5:
Trip trudged through the thick Tiresian jungle, tired and favoring his left leg.
The journey began early the next morning with a short ride on a rickety train that would stop in the small town of Sematey. After that, it would be into the wilderness.
It was on the morning of the fifth day that they found the door.
The silence and sameness of the city had crept slowly into Trip’s bones, far enough that he didn’t notice the temple until they were two rings deep.
Several aspects of the situation competed for his attention, amidst all the running.
tagging @baroquesse @theroseempress @sleepyowlwrites @e-s-willswriting and @zevarcoda to play based on your whims :)
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tariah23 · 5 months
But until then they will be at each other’s throats
Tbh, If you aren’t Black or Asian then I don’t think it’s fully appropriate to comment on like, any of this, especially even mentioning “the being at each others throats,” part if I’m being honest, like. Black ppl as a whole don’t really have much of an issue with anyone else, it’s usually just the other way around really and for the most part, we accept everyone (sometimes to a fault,) into our space and culture. Just as long as it’s not appropriative or making fun of us then it’s like, what can you do? There will always be conversations needed to be had in order to build some kind of common ground between poc but yeah.
#black ppl can’t stop non blacks from getting locks and using a blaccent/aave or this and that but hey what can you do#rambling#tkf replies#I don’t want be put on the spot to talk about race stuff like this tbh it’s a bit 😭#anonymous#the video itself was whatever like I’ll roll my eyes because the dude probably wanted locks because he thinks black ppl look cool or he#might listen to like chief keef or whatever tf but it’s whatver like at this point my bare minimum for cultural appropriation of black folk#is to at least talk to black ppl (like do these ppl ever have any black friends or ppl they hang around before they do all of this….. not#really so it’s a bit…. odd most of the time but whatever)#they watch a few rap videos and think that is how every black person in the world must be#like just as long as they aren’t saying the n word and using aave then I can look the other way I guess I don’t have the energy#to focus on stuff like then otherwise#it’s already a hopeless and losing battle at this point but just as long as other ppl remember that black people aren’t just their silly#little makeup and fashion trend that they can slap on at any moment when they want to look cool#and that we are people with a vast amount of culture that should be respected than alright#I learned in the comments of that post that there is also a huge chicano subculture in Jp as well#the Japanese girls dress up as latina’s and everyone’s obsessed with lowriders so that’s something#that’s…. something………#regardless of how it starts it’s always nice to see people want to learn about how other people live#their lives their culture their everything#the world can be reset tomorrow and I bet you 1 million bucks that after a couple of millions of years#there would still be cultures shared and expanded upon between ppl wanting to learn grow love and share are innate to us as humans
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billpottsismygf · 1 year
I've just started Jekyll & Hyde Weekly to replace the Dracula shaped hole in my life, but I want to know if anyone is doing a serialised Dickens substack or if I'm going to have to make one myself
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n-chu4ever · 6 months
local woman saw that phil had posted on his Insta, went to YouTube, AND LO AND BEHOLD CATBOY HOURS
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fantomette22 · 2 years
Hey, you need to remember that many ships that Exist have not been hinted at in canon - someone one day just "invented" them and other people joined! x) You do not really need community for the ship or pre-existing works, it just feels way more nice and validating if other people are into it too. Like... I for one do not get the attitude that shipping something no one else shipped yet is somehow 'awkward' if not 'cringe'. Questions like 'omg this ship is REAL?' don't make sense either... like, every ship exists as a possible scenario, for example Valtr x Eileen is as 'real' as Valtr x Yamamura, whether someone created stuff for it or not yet is not relevant. Be a trend starter! You might stay alone in this boat, yeah, but you ALSO might get other people into shipping it too, when they see how much fun YOU have talking about this ship or drawing/writing for it. Because they'll wanna have fun too! Be the change you want to see!
(Naturally I am curious what rareship you refered to x) You gotta tell us now dfhhsds I mean if you are comfortable sharing)
You're right and I 100% agree with what you just say!
It's just it's kinda the first time that this happened to me ? or at least the first time I fully realize it. That I was probably the first one who thought about this particular ship? ... but who knows. (I was tired too XD)
To talk a bit about my life, I don't really have that much ships. (even across all the fandoms I have and all, but it's something I really like as well). Of course there's plenty I found cool but only a handful of ships I like really hard/i'm really invested in (not sure if that's an aro/ace thing too lol) (half of the time it's really popular and the other half it's quite rare and except the weird stuff you can find at time I like this particulars ship so much I'm taking almost every content I can found!)
So for all the others I generally have a scale that goes from :
(my eyes!) ew not my thing ->...-> I don't really care/neutral->...-> oh that's valid/ cool-> oh that's cute (-> ship them so hard I'm taking almost ANYTHING XD)
So for Bloodborne now... that's subject is not really the focus of the game too (an I really like that aspect) but yes there's quite a few I "like" or found cool but only like 1 I'm super invest in ?
(Some people here might know who I might reference XD One day I need to actually seriously talk about it... I guess when I will just not care anymore or if someone nicely push me... I know the mutuals I got here are super encouraging about it too x) The problem, it's that I have so much different interpretations of this relationship at the same time I'm afraid it's weird (that create more than 2 AU and one character became like 2 different idk ...)
And recently I thought about another one... so hm on my last post I was basically thinking about Dores x Gate Keeper...
So who wanna join my lil boat ? XD I'm gonna develop a bit here too :
I know we don't know much about them but for me it just makes a lot of sense I guess? I don't know I just think they would be cute. (And it's funny and drama... and really sad at some point too...) Not too serious into it but cool background/minor ship
In the grave guard set description they don't just talk about Dores but about mr Gate keeper as well (and we know other people become mad because in the dungeons but it's only referencing this 2!)
They became mad like... Together ?! They might have done the most of their expedition together as well. Perhaps they help each other with their issues...they probably got the same problems at the same time and the only who could fully understand what one feel was the other... And they both stick with Willem in the end.
I begin to imagined quite a few headcanons about them too. Because well I needed that to prepare my big bb story x) especially the first part at Byrgenwerth.
I do believe in badass young middle aged (+older) woman Dores supremacy. Who is really feral, can kick& punch Pthumerians with only her bare fist. (Willem know he was right to got her by their side, Gehrman is impressed, Liam (the name I choose for mr password gate keeper) is so in love and encouraging and Laurence is just really concerned XD).
If she likes you that's great she gonna scared whoever is mean to you in the best case. If she don't... well hope you don't see her often... For Gate keeper he's usually you know, the "calm and collected one", the guy who was raised in Yharnam and didn't spend all his childhood in like... the forest... But if he needs he's not afraid to shoot people with a shotgun (especially mad pthumerians). And this 2, after Willem, act like the parents of the Byrgenwerth squad/gang at times ? (yes even Gehrman who is just a bit younger than them XD but this trio guys I swear... so much potential)
If I remember correctly there's indeed a moment where I begin to consider them as a ship...it begins when I decided to re take a look how/where you found the graveguard set.
The set is divided between the corpse of two hunters? (who appeared in the game with the yharnam's hunter set, but like the member of the church got the default black church attire in the overworld so...).
One have the mask and the other the rest of the set (I took the first pic I could find on YouTube too). They're really close, but you can't access to the mask directly after you got the rest of the set.
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And well obliviously you can wonder why this two have it? They're not Dores right? They might have take her(/their/his) role after she passed away I guess? but who are they really ? (it's highly possible it's just some hunter from Ludwig era or after, who stick with Byrgenwerth or in the lost wood/villagers for some reason or that Dores took in to help and taught them stuff ^^ it's a cute idea but I got another...)
I begin to wonder, what if... what if... this 2 are like her children/grandchildren ?? (depending on their age and this dumb timeline... also if they're the grand kids who could be the kid(s)? Well the Madras twins need to come from somewhere right? hm forget it...I'm not even settle on this they could just be friends) So um... I figure it could be cool if the other parent was like... gate keeper... 😵‍💫
Yesterday in between the G&M hugs, group hugs & the crows I draw this too ^^
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(My designs for them are like there and there too...)
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mearcatsreturns · 1 year
“authors behaving badly”...are they behaving badly, or are they just writing a story that you don’t like or that doesn’t resonate with you in particular? are they not engaging in a way you like?
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mars-ipan · 1 year
hey guys can we maybe stop calling queer people we disagree with “freaks.” yes even if they’re gross. i feel like we should know better considering our circumstances
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