#Walter Stocker
reppyy · 1 month
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marias-wonderland · 1 year
I like to think Alucard as being a massive bookworm. I been reading Bram Stocker's Dracula and the dude got a library filled with not only books but pamphlets, articles, newspaper, and just pretty anything that he can get his hands one(the library is a mess). He even learned English through books.
So I think Alucard would be a book nerd and maybe a bit of a movie nerd too.
Idk what do you think?
I don't know what I've done to deserve such sweet asks today! Thank you sooo much!!
I've read the book as well back in high school (fun fact: I used to read it during maths classes xD). I remember that part, it was in the beginning of the book, when Jonathan arrived at the castle if I'm not mistaken?
Yes, I remember how he learnt English through books and stuff and that he wanted to hold conversations with Jonathan because he wanted to master his accent (Jonathan noted how his accent and intonation sometimes was a bit off?).
Also don't forget that he was a prince! Royalty was known for being erudite (or at least having access to the best education of that time). It was crucial for his survival as a ruler to educate himself on a plethora of fields. Managing a kingdom is not only about impaling people! Having knowledge on finances, on psychology and on agriculture were some important factors I think.
It was only natural that he would end up a little bookworm.
I'm sure that sometimes, he spends his time in the manor's library, reading whatever books he likes, while drinking blood from a blood bag. Perhaps even integra says to walter to purchase more books for him to read? Whatever doesn't make him drown his sorrows in alcohol and cry into his coffin (Because she remembers her father's words, how Alucard is basically a sobbing child. She makes sure to provide him the few things that bring him serenity).
His favourite books would be historical books, obviously studying the history of the nations of the world, but also catching up with the history of his own country (since he can not visit it anymore). He doesn't strike me as a fiction lover, in a "books filled with magic and friendship" way. Perhaps he would enjoy the horror genre, like Poe and King, since he's accustomed to unbridled chaos and lunacy (perhaps he would even talk to himself about how he would have written the books to be extra scary? Or positively applause the writers for writing something "adequately" scary for mere humans?).
Or he would find science fiction interesting? I'm sorry but idk much about this genre. I remember hirano referenced "Dune" in Hellsing, so I suppose Alucard wouldn't mind it.
My little personal HC is that Alucard would love to read erotica books to Integra (Just imagine that deep masculine voice narrating some spicy activities into your ear 🤭). Integra of course would try to decline buuuut, who can resist a Romanian prince reading you erotica? Certainly not me! (And her xD). Or even if this didn't happen, he would spend his time imagining it (because everyone deserves to have fantasies xD).
The movie nerd is canon ya know, Alucard really loved action packed movies! One of his dreams had a character from those old action movies if I remember correctly (I read about this from some old hellsing posts around here). He loves his movies with guns and violence! (And perhaps some sex in there? xD).
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slugterra-twisted-ends · 10 months
Characters for Ask Series
So here's that list I was talking about... it's a long boy-
Shane Gang Related Cast: Eli Shane, Trixie Sting, Kord Zane, Pronto Geronimole, Will Shane, Junjie, Mira Serene, Katrina Drake
Allies of the Shane Gang: Honey Shane, Jimmo Shane, Dr Nathaniel Serene, Marie Serene, Dana Por, Tom Por, Brodie, Coop, Bartholomev, Katherine McGregor, Tobias, Grendel, Indra, King of Sling, Mario Bravado, the Gentleman, Millard Milford, Redhook, Sally, Shadow Clan Priest, Tharsos, Chief, Shadow Clan, Shanai, Vance Bolt, Dandelion Redwall
Blakk Industries Big Leagues: Dr Blakk, Twist, El Diablos Nachos, Maurice, Tad Blakk, Brimstone, Dark Bane Elites, Blakk Goons, Locke, Lode, C.C, John Bull, Quintin, Sedo, Ivor 'the White Bear' Lewis, Janice Lewis, Trip Lewis, Matt Holarctic
Enemies of the Shane Gang: Billy, Shorty, Glasses, Blite, Malvoilo Drake, Brutale Drake, Fang, Mr Watts, Fav, Gabe and Marcus Powers, Boss Ember, Straggus, Mongo, Lil Stevie, Munch, Mr Saturday, Spirex, the Game Master
One off Villains: Gar Revelle, André Geyser, Fire/Flame, Ice/Frost, Behemoth, Darius Yorman, Gerhard Stocker, Judge Logan, Primo Presto, Sergeant Slug, Shockwire, Viggo Dare
Citizens: Bob Johnson, Blast Vanderhuge, Bryce Estavan, Chief Lucius, Croesus, Cyrus, Desdmona, Dorium, Dr Harlan E Blakk, Howard, Sylvia, Jacques, Welder Walter, Max Jackson, Rubin Evern, Sid the Kid, Spinks, Thrasher, Trini, Trini's Mom, Waylon, Quill Wright
Eastern Caverns Heroes: Drucilla, Old Man, Lian, Hamangku, Flower, Hoshi, Swick, Sleade, Yang
The Emperor's Army: The Emperor, The Goon Doc, Jonny Mann, Underlord Holt, Underlord Yarry, Morv, Oogleby, Stone Warriors, Unbeatable Warriors
Other Eastern Citizens: Nathan, Symothy, the Pyritor, Orion, Celestia
Slugs: All of the Shane Gang's named All of the villains slugs/ghouls that are named All of the other cast's slugs/ghouls that are named
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duxvonzazer · 1 year
« De la capacité de stocker, né le capitalisme et voit l’accroissement des inégalités par divers processus. Le premier est l’innovation qui permet d’avoir une longueur d’avance sur l’accaparement des richesses. L’héritage va jouer un rôle clef aussi en concentrant les richesses de génération en génération mais plus important encore, il est possible que plus il y a d’inégalité et plus le flux économique généré soit conséquent. Autrement dit, si les inégalités augmentent, le niveau de vie de chacun n’en augmente pas moins pour autant.
En analysant l’histoire des inégalités « de l’âge de pierre au XXI ème siècle » Walter Scheidel n’a pu observer de réduction des inégalités que lors de quatre types d’épisodes cataclysmiques, qu’il nomme « les Quatre Cavaliers de l’Apocalypse » : Guerre de masse, Révolution violente, Effondrement de l’Etat, Pandémie majeure.
Mais est-ce que ces catastrophes constituent une régulation naturelle des inégalités qui ne sont pas souhaitables ? Pour ce qui est des révolutions, dans l’histoire récente, on note que les régimes ayant forcé la réduction des patrimoines et l’égalisation des revenus ont tous conduits à la pénurie. Que ce soit l’épisode bolchévique ou la période révolutionnaire chinoise, les mêmes causes ont produit les mêmes effets. La Révolution Française est différente, et les marxistes aiment à le rappeler, elle est une révolution bourgeoise qui au contraire a libéré les forces de production industrielles et les inégalités. L’égalité en droit ne visait aucunement une égale répartition des bien et revenus mais simplement à retirer les privilèges des nobles pour libérer les forces productrices bourgeoises. »
Nimh pour Rage.
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campmurderparty · 8 months
etan & berlin.
This was certainly the most interesting shift etan ever had at the shop-ez. If interesting was even the word for it. Eventful, maybe? Most days, he stocked the shelves or bagged groceries, then smoked half a joint with the other bag boys and stockers in the back where they believed berlin wouldn’t be able to catch them. Sometimes, when he was feeling particularly lazy, he hung out behind the milk shelves in the fridge and watched tiktoks until he either got too cold or someone walked around, calling his name. Beyond marjorie and the other old biddies that always had something rude to say behind a veil of sweetness, the shop e-z was an okay job to have.
It was quickly going from interesting or eventful to scary. He had been distracted by the buzzing above the store, not paying attention to the commotion up front as the customers protested Berlin locking the doors. Still over by the checkout lane, he could still see Walter as he cried and thumped against the glass, but only through small glimpses from between the crowds’ shoulders. 
The buzzing moved, settling on the roof for a brief moment before it traveled down around the building. Eyes following the sound, it was almost as if he could see the path that whatever was making that buzzing sound was using. His mind conjured up some sort of dnd monster, or an enlarged hornet from some seventies b-horror movie. His breathing grew harsher without him realizing it, wanting to look away from the windows just so he could protect his mind from seeing whatever it was that was making that noise.
Walter called out, partially audible to etan over the buzzing. Forcing his legs to move, he stepped away from the checkout lane and pushed lightly through the crowd. Standing behind mr. Carroway, his middle school algebra teacher, and mrs. napierkowski, his ex-girlfriend’s mom, he barely caught Walter being dragged away.
Instantly, the crowd ran off in different directions, all screaming. Except for etan. He stood in place, mouth agape. What the fuck just happened? Suddenly berlin’s voice cut through the ensuing chaos. “Huh?” etan gasped, searching for his manager through the scrambling crowd. Finally he saw him up front at the doors. “Uh…” etan hesitated for a second before he sprung into action, sprinting to the doors. “Over there!” he pointed at the flower bouquet display case, assuming it wasn’t bolted to the wall. “We can use that!”
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tiny-tigers · 11 months
Okay so my thoughts on vid:
I love Ellis Genge more than ever (you whisper to that horse for Fred hunnie) - their dynamic, I'm dead.
Danny Care and his baby feet are adorable
Northampton lads seem to hide and stick together a lot?? (cute jvp shaking everyones hand)
Joe Cokanasiga seems so lovely and kind hearted
Fred saying "go on girl" has killed me. I AM DEAD.
(don't like that he clearly bets a lot...) 👀
I genuinely think Aled Walters might work wonders with this team
Joel Stocker is a gifted angel
Any gifs/fred vids would be greatly appreciated 😭😭😭💕
Got u babe,
ok gonna do my list as well :
I have been robbed of swimsuit content and I'm GUTTED
Toby Flood was saying" that's massive" a lot so when I heard Jack saying it I was frozen and my heart shattered into glitters
ollie is a gift
I love the new logo and we are far away from the new england new sons new rose and all those battlefield warrior names under Eddie I love the delicate : " this rose "
MEEP MEEP and Jack hand shake <3
Yeah saints are all together but search fred and u see jack as his shadow and always touching him so...
Marcus looks tired and off :/
Just imagine DK watching that :/
The noises that does Jack O_O
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randomtangle · 1 year
Warfare Wednesday: Eggnog Riot
The Eggnog Riot was a drunken riot that took place on 24-25 December, 1826, at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. Alcohol was banned in the Academy, prompting cadets to smuggle in a large quantity of whiskey to spike their eggnog. Sylvanus Thayer was the superintendent of the Academy at the time.
Timeline of Events
Dec. 22
At 20:50-22:15, Cadets William R. Burnley, Alexander J. Center and Samuel Alexander Roberts smuggled two gallons of whiskey from by boat, originating from Martin’s Tavern, across the Hudson, to North Barracks room No.33. Cadet T. M. Lewis smuggled a gallon of rum from Benny’s Tavern to North Barracks room No.5.
Dec. 23
At 17:45, a Christmas party began at Thayer’s residence, lasting until 21:30.
Meanwhile, at 18:00, cadets Walter B. Guion, Jefferson Davis (future president of the Confederacy), John Stocker and David Farrelly met at Benny Haven’s tavern. Back at the Academy, the North Barracks’ party preparations began. Residents stole small amounts of food from the mess hall. During this time, the South Barracks caught wind of the party North was planning.
Dec. 24-25
At 22:00, the party began. Nine cadets in North Barracks room No.28 started off the night, with others joining as the party progressed. In room No.5, seven cadets started a party. A notable attendant was future president of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis. Cadet Nathaniel Eaton, in charge of North Barracks’ external post, discussed the smuggled booze with Captain Ethan Allen Hitchcock, a member of the military tactics department at the Academy. Early on Christmas morning, Farrelly fetched another gallon of whiskey from a tavern, possibly Benny Haven’s.
At 02:00, cadet Charles Whipple, superintendent of the division, investigated the commotion coming from room No.5. He interrupted a round of singing coming from eight cadets, including Davis. After some talking with the cadets, Whipple returned to his room. At 03:00, Hitchcock began a patrol around the barracks. At 04:00, he heard loud noises upstairs, and went to investigate. In room No.28, he found six drunken cadets and two sleeping ones. He ordered two cadets back to their room, and after they left woke up the sleeping ones and told them to return to their rooms, too. He then confronted cadet James W.M “Weems” Berrien, who responded similarly. Hitchcock sternly lectured the residents for possession of alcohol on campus, and left the room at 4:15. Weems started to express his anger about Hitchcock, prompting William D.C. “Billy” Murdock to lead the organization of a riot against Hitchcock.
At 04:30, Hitchcock went to his room to sleep. He heard knocking at his door three times, and each time nobody was there. Eventually he found a drunken cadet and saw Davis heading to room No.5, where 13 cadets were partying. Davis warned of Hitchcock’s arrival. Hitchcock entered and ordered a cadet to open another cadet’s footlocker, but was refused. Hitchcock ordered for the disorder to end, and left the room to look for Lieutenant William A. Thornton, at 4:50.
Thornton had been walking the North Barracks from 22:00 to 02:00, noticing the partying, deciding to go to sleep at 02:00. He was awaken by loud yells, and upon exiting his room, was attacked by three cadets. Thornton arrested cadet William P.N. Fitzgerald for brandishing a weapon. Fitzgerald retreated to room No. 29 and told the two cadets there of the arrest.
Noises erupted from South Barracks, prompting Thornton’s investigation. Roberts, who had been ejected from room No.28 earlier by Hitchcock, knocked Thornton out in a stairway.
Some cadets went looking for Hitchcock, and three were discovered by cadet James G. Overton, not involved in the parties, who questioned their behavior. The three drunkenly said they were looking for a drum and fife.
Around 05:00, several windows had been broken, and Hitchcock found a drunk cadet wandering. He then returned to his room, No.8, only for his door to be attacked by several cadets, including Guion, who drew a pistol and shot into the room. The captain opened the door and yelled at the cadets to stop, starting to arrest them.
Hitchcock had Eaton go find Major William J. Worth, commandant of the cadets. Overton asked Hitchcock to find Thayer, and Hitchcock replied “No, Mr. Overton. Fetch the com [Commandant Worth] here." Many cadets thought Hitchcock was calling in the bombardiers to quell the riot, using heavy weapons, and thus the non-drunken cadets took up arms in defense of North Barracks.
Thayer awoke to the sound of drums at 05:00, and ordered his aide, Patrick Murphy, to fetch Worth. Truly, the hunt for Worth had begun.
Hitchcock continued to try to restore order, fighting with cadet Walter Otey. Thornton woke up and returned to his room, met by Hitchcock at 05:45. By 06:00, non-drunk cadets joined in trying to restore order. Overton could not find Eaton, who was searching the South Barracks, but did find Worth. Hitchcock told Worth what happened. The Second Artillery arrived at North Barracks in time for reveille, at 06:05.
By 06:05, reveille sounded, mixed with gunfire, glass breaking, profanity from cadets, cries of pain and threats to academy officials. The riot started to end.
Captain Hitchcock and Lieutenant Thornton had been bruised, with several cadets suffering minor injuries, and Fitzgerald a hand injury. Worth reported to Thayer that between 50 and 90 cadets were involved. The subsequent inquiry determined the number to be 70. 22 cadets, including Davis, were placed under house arrest. There was 20 trials, 17 cadets were expelled as a result. There was determined to be $168.83 worth of property damage.($4,430 in today’s money.)
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mateoch2007 · 2 years
5. 12 Hombres en pugna
Año: 1957.
Titulo original: 12 Angry Men.
Síntesis: Un jurado retirado intenta evitar un error judicial obligando a que sus amigos revisen nuevamente la evidencia.
Es la quinta película mejor calificada de IMDb con 9/10 puntos.
Premios: Fue nominada a 3 premios Óscar. En total ganó 17 premios y 13 nominaciones.
Elenco principal: Henry Fonda, Lee J. Cobb, Martin Balsam, John Fiedler, E. G. Marshall, Jack Klugman, Edward Binns, Jack Warden, Joseph Sweeney, Ed Begley, George Voskovec, Robert Webber, Rudy Bond, Tom Gorman, James Kelly, Billy Nelson, John Savoca, Walter Stocker.
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Elenco principal al momento de la realización de la película.
Director: Sidney Lumet.
Guionistas:  Reginald Rose.
Género: Crimen, Drama.
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1001movies · 4 years
12 ANGRY MEN (1957)
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garadinervi · 4 years
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Armin Haab, Alex Stocker, and Walter F. Haettenschweiler, Lettera, Verlag Niggli AG, Sulgen, 1954 [Museum für Gestaltung Zürich]
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yikes-xander · 5 years
Can we just appreciate this work of art my younger sibling made? 100% accurate I luv it
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elarafritzenwalden · 7 years
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Sankt Marien-Kirche - Muttergotteskirche Solothurn Solothurn, Switzerland; 1951-54
Josef Schütz as architect; Emil Schubiger as engineer; A. Huber, Jean Hutter and Albert Schilling as sculptors and Hans Stocker in the glass windows (photographs by Walter Binder and Peter Heman)
see map | related information | + pictures 1, 2 | video
via “(Das) Werk, 41” (1954)
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metvmorqhoses · 3 years
What are some of your favourite books? Sorry if you’ve already posted a list like this somewhere. Thank you very much!
the list is growing by day, so it’s nice to publicly update it now and then, dear. just note that the books which are following are just the ones off the top of my head.
the picture of dorian gray - oscar wilde
salomé - oscar wilde
de profundis - oscar wilde
the importance of being earnest - oscar wilde
the tragedy of macbeth - william shakespeare
the tragedy of hamlet, prince of denmark - william shakespeare
antony and cleopatra - william shakespeare
a midsummer night’s dream - william shakespeare
the tempest - william shakespeare
wuthering heights - emily brontë
jane eyre - charlotte brontë
the secret history - donna tartt
the goldfinch - donna tartt
remembrance of things past - marcel proust
faust - johann wolfgang von goethe
the tragical history of life and death of doctor faustus - christopher marlowe
paradise lost - john milton
la comedìa - dante alighieri
the prince - niccolò machiavelli
the letters of abelard and héloïse
the spanish tragedy - thomas kyd
the sorrows of young werther - johann wolfgang von goethe
blindness - josé saramago
the master and margarita - mikhail bulgakov 
thus spoke zarathustra - friedrich nietzsche
the birth of tragedy - friedrich nietzsche
the antichrist - friedrich nietzsche
the metamorphoses - ovid
the bacchae - euripides
iphigenia in aulis - euripides
the greek knowledge - giorgio colli
the marriage of cadmus and armonia - roberto calasso
the renaissance - walter pater
the invisible cities - italo calvino
the book of disquiet - fernando pessoa
the unbearable lightness of being - milan kundera
mrs dalloway - virginia woolf
the waves - virginia woolf
orlando - virginia woolf
lolita - vladimir nabokov
the great gatsby - francis scott fitzgerald 
the elegance of the hedgehog - mauriel barbery
the name of the rose - umberto eco
dracula - bram stocker
the phantom of the opera - gaston leroux
the count of montecristo - alexander dumas
the three musketeers - alexander dumas
the lord of the rings - j.r.r. tolkien
his dark materials - philip pullman
kushiel’s legacy - jacqueline carey
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maxmaggr · 4 years
Χίτλερ: Οι κινηματογραφικές ενσαρκώσεις του
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Ο Χίτλερ, είναι μια από τις πιο σκοτεινές φιγούρες της σύγχρονης ιστορίας. Η επιρροή που άσκησε ο Χίτλερ κατά την διάρκεια της ζωής του, άφησε ένα σκληρό στίγμα στον θεσμό της Ευρώπης. Αυτή η επιρροή συνεχίζεται και μέχρι σήμερα, καθώς βλέπουμε χιλιάδες βιβλία, ιστορικά και ��ογοτεχνικά να ανατυπώνονται και να πουλάνε αμέτρητα αντίτυπα, όλα με πρωταγωνιστή τον Αδόλφο Χίτλερ. Οι πίνακες του Χίτλερ πλέον πουλιούνται σε δημοπρασίες για χιλιάδες ευρώ ενώ ο Χίτλερ έχει γίνει και αντικείμενο σάτιρας στα κόμικς και στην τηλεόραση. Ο Χίτλερ ήταν αδύνατον να μην περάσει και από το σινεμά. Αυτό το άρθρο είναι ένα αφιέρωμα στους ηθοποιούς που υποδύθηκαν αυτήν την μυστηριώδη και πολύπλευρη προσωπικότητα. Επειδή, λίγο έως πολύ, οι ταινίες είναι πανομοιότυπες μεταξύ τους,το άρθρο θα λειτουργήσει ως ένας κατάλογος πορτρέτων, παρά ως ανάλυση του χαρακτήρα του Χίτλερ. Από την μικρή έως την μεγάλη οθόνη, αυτά είναι τα πορτραίτα του Αδόλφου Χίτλερ. Ήρθε η ώρα να τα γνωρίσουμε.
The Great Dictator (1940)
Σκηνοθεσία: Charles Chaplin Πρωταγωνιστούν: Charles Chaplin, Paulett Godard, Jack Oakie Είκοσι χρονιά μετά την ήττα της Tomania από τον πρώτο παγκόσμιο πόλεμο. Ένας δικτάτορας ανεβαίνει στην εξουσία με σκοπό να ανυψώσει την χώρα του σε μια παγκόσμια υπερδύναμη. Ο Charles Chaplin υποδύεται τον δικτάτορα Hynkel, ένα σατιρικό «κακέκτυπο» του Χίτλερ, σε μια τολμηρή καυστική ταινία, που πλέον θεωρείται κλασική στο παγκόσμιο σινεμά. O Moe Howard από τους The Three Stooges,υποδύθηκε τον Χίτλερ εννιά μήνες πριν από το The Great Dictator (1940),στο σατιρικό φιλμάκι You Nazty Spy! (1940). O Mow Howard ενσάρκωσε ξανά τον Χίτλερ στην ταινία I’ll Never Heil Again (1941).
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Πηγή εικόνας; imdb.com
Man Hunt (1941)
Σκηνοθεσία: Fritz Lang Πρωταγωνιστούν: Walter Pidgeon, Joan Bennet, George Sanders Ο λοχαγός Thorndike, έχει στο στόχαστρο τον Χίτλερ και θα κάνει τα πάντα για να τον βγάλει από την μέση. Αν και στην ταινία ο Χίτλερ παίζει μικρό ρόλο, έχει σημασία να αναφέρουμε τον ηθοποιό που τον υποδύεται. Ο Carl Ekberg ενσάρκωσε τον ρόλο του Χίτλερ, άλλες τέσσερις φορές: Citizen Cane (1941), The Wife Takes Flyer (1942), Once Upon a Honeymoon (1942) και What Did You Do in the War, Daddy (1966).
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
The Devil With Hitler (1942)
Σκηνοθεσία: Gordon Douglas Πρωταγωνιστούν: Bobby Watson, Alan Mowbray, George E. Stone Το συμβούλιο της κόλασης, ευχαριστημένο με την κτηνώδη φύση του Αδόλφου Χίτλερ. Αποφασίζει να απολύσει τον διάβολο, για να πάρει την θέση της αρχηγίας της κόλασης ο Χίτλερ. Ο μόνος τρόπος για να κρατήσει ο διάβολος την θέση του, είναι να επηρεάσει τον Χίτλερ, ώστε να κάνει μια τουλάχιστον αγαθή πράξη. Ένα από τα μικρού μήκους φιλμάκια αμερικάνικης προπαγάνδας, με πρωταγωνιστή τον Bobby Watson. O Bobby Watson, ενσάρκωσε τον Χίτλερ, άλλες οκτώ φορές: Hitler- Dead or Alive (1942), That Nazty Nuisance (1943), The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek (1944), The Hitler Gang (1944), A Foreign Affair (1948), The Story of Mankind (1957), On The Double (1961), The 4 Horsemen of Apocalypse (1962).
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Πηγή εικόνας; imdb.com
The Strange Death of Adolf Hitler (1943)
Σκηνοθεσία: James P.Hogan Πρωταγωνιστούν: Ludwig Donath, Gale Soundergaard, George Dolenz O Frantz Huper είναι ένας υπάλληλος που έχει ταλέντο στην μίμηση, συλλαμβάνεται από την Γκεστάπο επειδή μιμούνταν τον Χίτλερ. Η Γκεστάπο αποφασίζει να χρησιμοποιήσει τον Frantz ως απομιμητή του Χίτλερ, σε περίπτωση που γίνει απόπειρα δολοφονίας κατά του Φύρερ.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel (1951)
Σκηνοθεσία: Henry Hathaway Πρωταγωνιστούν: James Mason, Jessica Tandy, Luther Adler Η ταινία αφηγείται τα τελευταία χρόνια της ζωής του Γερμανού στρατηγού Erwin Rommel κατά την διάρκεια του δευτέρου παγκοσμίου πολέμου. Ο Luther Adler ενσαρκώνει τον Αδόλφο Χίτλερ. Ο Andler ενσάρκωσε ξανά τον Χίτλερ στην ταινία The Magic Face (1951).
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Πηγή εικόνας: themoviescene.co.uk
The Last Ten Days (1955)
Σκηνοθεσία: George Wilhelm Pabst Πρωταγωνιστούν: Albin Skoda, Oskar Werner, Lotte Tobisch Οι τελευταίες δέκα μέρες της ζωής του Αδόλφου Χίτλερ. Τον Χίτλερ ενσαρκώνει ο Albin Skoda.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Hitler (1962)
Σκηνοθεσία: Stuart Heisler Πρωταγωνιστούν: Richard Basehart, Maria Emo, Cordula Trantow Η ζωή και το έργο του Αδόλφου Χίτλερ. Τον Χίτλερ ενσαρκώνει ο Richard Basehart.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Is Paris Burning ? (1966)
Σκηνοθεσία: Rene Clement Πρωταγωνιστούν: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Charles Boyer, Leslie Caron Η ταινία αφηγείται την απελευθέρωση του Παρισιού από τα γερμανικά στρατεύματα τον Αύγουστο του 1944.
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Πηγή εικόνας: memoiresdeguerre.com
They Saved Hitler’s Brain (1968)
Σκηνοθεσία: David Bradley Πρωταγωνιστούν: Walter Stocker, Audrey Caire, Carlos Rivas Τρελοί Ναζί επιστήμονες συντηρούν στην ζωή το κεφάλι του Αδόλφου Χίτλερ, ώστε να τον επαναφέρουν στην ζωή.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Which Way to the Front ? (1970)
Σκηνοθεσία: Jerry Lewis Πρωταγωνιστούν: Jerry Lewis, Jan Murray, Sidney Miller O Sindey Miller ενσαρκώνει τον Χίτλερ, σε μια ξεκαρδιστική κωμωδία από την δεκαετία του ’70.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Hitler: The Last Ten days (1973)
Σκηνοθεσία: Ennio De Concini Πρωταγωνιστούν: Alec Guiness, Simon Ward, Adolfo Celi Τον Χίτλερ ενσαρκώνει  ο Alec Guiness.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Seventeen Moments of Spring (1973)
Σκηνοθεσία: Tatyana Lioznova Πρωταγωνιστούν: Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Yefim Kopelyan, Fritz Diez Η επιτυχημένη σοβιετική τηλεοπτική σειρά, που αφηγείται την ζωή του Σοβιετικού κατασκόπου Maxim Isaev. Τον Χίτλερ ενσαρκώνει ο Fritz Diez. Ο Fritz Diez τον ενσάρκωσε, άλλες έξι φορές: Ernts Thalmann-Fuhrer seiner Klasse (1955), Frozen Flashes (1967), I, Justice (1967), Liberation (1970-71), Take Aim (1974) και Soldiers of Freedom (1977).
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
The Bunker (1981)
Σκηνοθεσία: George Schaefer Πρωταγωνιστούν: Anthony Hopkins, Richard Jordan, Cliff Gorman Οι τελευταίες βδομάδες της ζωής του Χίτλερ, μέσα στο καταφύγιο του.
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Πηγή εικόνας; imdb.com
Inside the Third Reich (1982)
Σκηνοθεσία: Marvil J. Chomsky Πρωταγωνιστούν: Rutger Hauer, John Gielgud, Maria Schell Η ταινία αφηγείται την ζωή του Albert Speer.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Hitler’s SS Portrait in Evil (1985)
Σκηνοθεσία: Jim Goddard Πρωταγωνιστούν: John Shea, Bill Nighy, Lucy Gutteridge Η ταινία αφηγείται την ζωή των αδελφών Helmut και Karl Hoffmann. Και οι δυο καταταγμένοι από την νεαρή τους ηλικία στα σκοτάδια του Ναζισμού.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
The Winds of War (1983)
Σκηνοθεσία: Dan Curtis Πρωταγωνιστούν: Rober Mitchum, Ali MacGraw, Jan-Michael  Vincent Τον Χίτλερ ενσαρκώνει ο Gunter Meiner, ο οποίος τον είχε ενσαρκώσει ξανά, στην κωμωδία Ace of Aces (1982). Η σειρά απέκτησε ένα sequel, War and Remembrance (1988).
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Σκηνοθεσία: Steven Spielberg Πρωταγωνιστούν: Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, Alison Doody Η τρίτη περιπέτεια του Indiana Jones, αυτήν την φορά, παλεύει ενάντια στους ναζί για την διεκδίκηση του Χρυσού Δισκοπότηρου.
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Πηγή εικόνας; imdb.com
Countdown to war (1989)
Σκηνοθεσία: Patrick Lau Πρωταγωνιστούν: Ian Mckellen, Michael Albridge, Tony Britton Τον Χίτλερ ενσαρκώνει ο Ian Mackellen.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
The Plot To Kill Hitler (1990)
Σκηνοθεσία: Lawrence Schiller Πρωταγωνιστούν: Brad Davis, Madolyn Osborne, Ian Richardson Τον Χίτλερ ενσαρκώνει ο Mike Gwilym.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
The Empty Mirror (1996)
Σκηνοθεσία: Barry J. Hersey Πρωταγωνιστούν: Norman Rodway, Camilla Soeberg, Peter Michel Goetz Ένα σκοτεινό ταξίδι στο μυαλό του Αδόλφου Χίτλερ.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Moloch (1999)
Σκηνοθεσία: Aleksandr Sokurov Πρωταγωνιστούν: Elena Rufanova, Leonid Mozgovoy, Irina Sokolova 1942: Ο Χίτλερ μαζί με την Εύα Μπράουν, τον Γκέμπελς και τον Μπόρμαν θα περάσουν ένα χαλαρό σαββατοκύριακο στις Βαυαρικές Άλπεις.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Max (2002)
Σκηνοθεσία: Menno Meyjes Πρωταγωνιστούν: John Cusack, Noah Taylor, Leeleei Sobienski Η ταινία απεικονίζει την φιλιά μεταξύ του Rothman, ενός έμπορου τέχνης και του μαθητή του, του Αδόλφου.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Hitler: The Rise of Evil (2003)
Σκηνοθεσία: Christian Duguay Πρωταγωνιστούν: Peter Stormare, Friedrich Von Thun, Peter O’ Toole Τον Χίτλερ ενσαρκώνει ο Robert Carlyle.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Operation Valkyrie (2004)
Σκηνοθεσία: Jo Baier Πρωταγωνιστούν: Sebastian Koch, Ulrich Tukur, Hardy Kruger,Jr. Τον Χίτλερ ενσαρκώνει ο Udo Schenk.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Downfall (2004)
Σκηνοθεσία: Oliver Hirschbiegel Πρωταγωνιστούν: Bruno Ganz, Alexandra Maria Lara, Ulrich Mattes Τον Χίτλερ ενσαρκώνει ο Bruno Ganz, σε μια ανεπανάληπτη ερμηνεία.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Valkyrie (2008)
Σκηνοθεσία: Bryan Singer Πρωταγωνιστούν: Tom Cruise, Kenneth Branagh, Bill Nighy Τον Χίτλερ ενσαρκώνει ο David Bamber.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Σκηνοθεσία: Quentin Tarantino Πρωταγωνιστουν: Brad Pitt, Diane Kruger, Christoph Waltz Μια συμμορία ��βραίων στρατιωτών ετοιμάζουν ένα σχέδιο εκδίκησης ενάντια στην τυραννία των ναζί.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
The Man Who Crossed Hitler (2011)
Σκηνοθεσία: Justin Hardy Πρωταγωνιστούν: Ed Stoppard, Ian Hart, Bill Paterson Τον Χίτλερ ενσαρκώνει ο Ian Hart.
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Πηγή εικόνας: telegraph.co.uk
Grey Wolf: Hitler's Escape to Argentina (2012)
Σκηνοθεσία: Gerrard Williams Πρωταγωνιστούν: Dante Venesio, Maria Heller, Pietro Gian Ένα συνωμοσιολογικό docu-drama σχετικά με την διαφυγή του Χίτλερ στην Αργεντινή.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Kung Fury (2015)
Σκηνοθεσία: David Sandberg Πρωταγωνιστούν: David Sandberg, Jorma Taccone, Steven Chew Το διάσημο ρετρό ταινιάκι του youtube που κατάφερε να γίνει ένα σύγχρονο pop φαινόμενο.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Look who’s Back (2015)
Σκηνοθεσία: David Wnedt Πρωταγωνιστούν: Oliver Masucci, Thomas M. Koppl, Marc-Marvil Israel Ο Χίτλερ επιστρέφει στην Γερμανία του 21ου αιώνα και αποκτάει άμεσα φήμη, θα προσπαθήσει να αλλάξει ξανά τον κόσμο, με διαφορετικά όπλα αυτήν την φορά. Απέκτησε ένα sequel με τίτλο, Sono Tornato, οπού ο Μπενίτο Μουσολίνι επιστρέφει στην Ιταλία του 21ου αιωνα
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com
Jojo Rabiit (2019)
Σκηνοθεσία: Taika Waititi Πρωταγωνιστούν: Scarlett Johansson, Taika Waititi, Sam Rockwell Ο Jojo είναι ένα από τα παιδιά της Χιτλερικής νεολαίας, όταν μαθαίνει ότι η μητέρα του έχει προσφέρει στέγη σε μια Εβραία κοπελίτσα, τα πράγματα αλλάζουν για εκείνον.
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Πηγή εικόνας: imdb.com Read the full article
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sportsrepo · 2 years
Rivermen hold off Shenendehowa; Queensbury falls to Storm | Ice-hockey
Rivermen hold off Shenendehowa; Queensbury falls to Storm | Ice-hockey
Site: Glens Falls Rec Center Second period: 1, Adirondack, Tyler Carruthers (Matthew Perrotte), 8:22. Third period: 2, Adirondack, Jack Walter (Tyler Carruthers, Matthew Perrotte), 16:39. 3, Shen, Stocker (Palmer, Westrick), 5:28. Goalies-saves: Andy Buser (A) 51. Matthew Gregoire (A) 4. Murdock (Shen) 13. Snider (S) 4. Records: Adirondack (4-1, 5-1), Shenendehowa (1-1-1, 1-5-1). Site:…
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lopezayiesha01 · 3 years
How a Chinese 사설토토사이트 Conquered a Piece of America #2963
For example, lower stake table minimums of $5 or $10, generally allow minimum hard ways bets of $1. The maximum bet is based on the maximum allowed win from a single roll. http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=토토사이트 When a blackjack occurs for the dealer, of course, the hand is over, and the players' main bets are collected - unless a player also has blackjack, in which case it is a stand-off. Each casino may set which bets are offered and different payouts for them, though a core set of bets and payouts is typical. From here it is generally thought that playing cards journeyed along three main routes. The first was westward into Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal. The second, was north and westward up through Switzerland and into southwest Germany. The third, north and eastward into Austria, Bohemia and Silesia so that by the 1370s playing cards were well vested in European culture.
Both, you and the dealer, will receive five initial cards while yours will be all visible, the dealer’s cards won’t, except for the first card. After cards have been dealt, it’s up to you to decide whether you want to Call or Fold. If you have faith in a happy ending, Call, if your cards don’t promise much, it’s better to fold. Final 4, for example, is a 4-chip bet and consists of one chip placed on each of the numbers ending in 4, that is 4, 14, 24, and 34. Final 7 is a 3-chip bet, one chip each on 7, 17, and 27. Final bets from final 0 (zero) to final 6 cost four chips. Final bets 7, 8 and 9 cost three chips. Straight hands of five cards are sometimes used as a final showdown, but poker is almost always played in a more complex form to allow for additional strategy. It is played in major casinos in China (including Macau); the United States (including Boston, Massachusetts; Las Vegas, Nevada; Reno, Nevada; Connecticut; Atlantic City, New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Mississippi; and cardrooms in California); Canada (including Edmonton, Alberta and Calgary, Alberta); Australia; and, New Zealand.
In casual play, the right to deal a hand typically rotates among the players and is marked by a token called a dealer button (or buck). The fact that the player is only playing against the house as there is no bluffing involved. This makes the game a much better choice for a player who would like to unwind than its classic form as well as other variants such as Omaha, Hold’em and even Stud. This is referred to as senpuku (潜伏 'hidden') kakuhen because it does not occur in any of the jackpot modes. This is a reproduction of a deck dated to 1567 that is based on a set of face cards by Pierre Marechal of Rouen, France. The cards of Rouen are significant because many were produced for export to Britain. English merchants are even said to have bought them for re-export to other countries. In 1628 England banned the importation of cards, and English printers have been shown to have used Rouen face cards as inspiration for their own cruder, more stylised decks which have become the standard motifs still used in many modern decks.
In the 1971 Western comedy Support Your Local Gunfighter, James Garner's character has a gambling addiction—he cannot stop betting everything he has on a single roulette spin. He loses several times, but finally wins at the very end. * 4 of a Kind – four cards of matching rank (Example – 7 of Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds and Spades). Where both the player and the dealer hold 4 of a Kind the hand with the higher rank is considered the winner. After Ante and any Progressive bets are placed, all Players and the Dealer will be dealt five cards each. The Players' cards are face down and the Dealer will place four of his cards face down and one face up. Now, go ahead and look at your cards.However, this approach, which is based on the perspective of economic impacts to analyze and discuss social cost, has triggered many controversial debates of “what social cost is” and “what the definition of social cost should be” in social science.
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Five squares in each row had numbers ranging from 1 through 90, which led to the modern design. In 1986, when a professional gambling team headed by Billy Walters won $3.8 million using the system on an old wheel at the Golden Nugget in Atlantic City, every casino in the world took notice, and within one year had switched to the new low-profile wheel. Stocker was a respectable wife and mother who was frequently written about in the local newspaper society pages. 안전메이저놀이터 Casino games – also called table games - can be played in a casino or online.
Nine chips or multiples thereof are bet. Two chips are placed on the 0-2-3 trio; one on the 4-7 split; one on 12-15; one on 18-21; one on 19-22; two on the 25-26-28-29 corner; and one on 32-35. This terrifies casino operators, as it is difficult and expensive to recover from perceptions of a high-priced slot product. This bet is the opposite of the place bet to win and pays off if a 7 is rolled before the specific point number.Each player puts money into the “pot” and competes against the other players to win the pot.
The little ball has no memory and can’t remember where it last landed. Poker is any of a number of card games in which players wager over which hand is best according to that specific game's rules in ways similar to these rankings. The buy bet must be at least table minimum excluding commission, however some casinos require the minimum buy bet amount to be at least $20 to match the $1 charged on the 5% commission.Random number games are based upon the selection of random numbers, either from a computerized random number generator or from other gaming equipment. Random number games may be played at a table or through the purchase of paper tickets or cards, such as keno or bingo.
When he wins, he crosses out numbers and continues working on the smaller line. A 2014 study showed that pathological gambling tendencies among Japanese adults was 9.04% in men and 1.6% in women, higher than the North American prevalence of 1.6%, particularly for men. Still standing as a cinema classic, Rain Man features blackjack, casinos, Vegas and card counting all-in-one.Decision-making can be more difficult when you’re stressed or upset.
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