blujayonthewing · 7 months
when is baldygate gonna patch in the ability for my friends to know I already have a girlfriend
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avocado-writing · 4 months
Okay, I've had this idea bouncing around in my head, waiting for you to reopen suggestions, haha. How do you think the Origins Companions + Halsin, Rolan, Dammon, and Zevlor would react if they found out that Tav had been hiding a very serious injury from them? The kind of injury where Tav is convinced that they're fine and they don't want to worry anyone with something they can handle on their own, especially the people they care most for, but as they try to ignore the injury it only gets worse until it's potentially life threatening and they can't keep up the facade anymore. I will leave it up to you whether or not Tav and the other individual are in a romantic relationship. I think both ways have potential for wonderful angst 😆
ooohhh noooooo! but also oh yes, LOVE this sort of angst lol. written as if you have had an infection come on from an injury. this is gonna be a long list so let's buckle up...
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really tries to hide his panic but fails miserably.
can't help but start snapping - how could you keep something like this from him?
you try to give your excuses but he waves them away, angry, but mostly because he's terrified that he might have lost you.
if he has any healing potions he helps you take them, if he doesn't he immediately... sources some from somewhere.
holds you as tight as he dares, worried that he will aggravate the injury otherwise.
as you begin to heal and drift off to sleep he spends the whole night watching you rest, making sure that you're still breathing, still safe. doesn't mind when you cuddle up to him in the night, sleepily.
curses himself for not noticing your condition. he's a wizard, damn it! he's meant to be bloody perceptive.
wishes for the first time ever that he didn't just know wizard spells. wishes he knew how to heal, too.
makes you as comfortable as he can while he finds a book about what he can do for an infected wound, probably swallowing his pride and going to Shadowheart if it's bad enough.
you manage a weak, "Gale, you don't have to--", and he cuts you off, "if you're going to insist that I don't have to look after you, I'm telling you that I do."
fixes you something to help with the pain and infection, makes sure you drink it all despite the horrid taste, then tucks you into his bedroll to let you rest.
when you go to reach out and cuddle him he slips into your arms, presses his lips to your hair, and whispers as you fall asleep about how much you scared him. about how he'd never be able to lose you.
only realises how unwell you are when you fall over mid-journey.
"tsk'va! why did you hide the extent of your injuries from me?"
hauls you onto her back and carries you back to camp, muttering about your foolishness the whole time.
makes you comfortable in her tent and uses her knowledge of githyanki medicine to help start healing you.
it isn't comfortable as she works on your infection but for the first time you feel her hands being soft rather than vicious.
"you should not have kept this from me." "I know. I'm sorry." "hm. ridiculous thing. zhak vo'n'fynh duj."
goes and intimidates the camp into being quiet so you can rest. it works. this is the nicest she's ever been to you. you could get used to it.
obviously this is not a huge problem for her, but she is still worried that it got so far without her noticing.
immediately heals you, pouring far too many spell slots into your body in order to get it up and running again.
it helps, immediately breaking the fever you've been nursing, and the touch of Shadowheart's hand to your face is cooling and reassuring.
"lady shar teaches us to embrace our pain... but not like this. you should have known better. you could have died."
her hand slips down to cup your cheek, you cover it with one of your own. she's telling you off but you can tell it's because she cares.
"I'm sorry that I scared you." "I know. don't do it again."
she smiles and the ache in your heart is lifted, too.
you collapse on day in camp and he immediately calls on the others for help, not so proud as to be unable to admit when something is out of his knowledge. he is not a healer. he needs help.
he manages to catch you in his arms as you tumble, hugging you close to his chest while magic is worked or a healer checks you over.
lets out a breath he didn't realise he was holding when you begin to stabilise.
helps you back to your tent to rest, gently chiding you but letting you know that he's glad you're alright.
when your hand weakly comes up to touch him, he indulges you in a kiss to let you know how relieved he is.
constantly watching you on the battlefield from that moment on. if he can help it, you'll never be hurt again.
another panicker.
scoops you up in her arms and holds you to her chest, running to the tent of the nearest healer in camp - or, if you're in the city, kicking down the door of a local doctor.
begging the healer to check you over, but is reluctant to let you go. if she stops holding you it's like she's relinquishing control and that scares the life out of her.
you're healed and she feels you start to stir in her arms, peppering you with kisses of relief, choking through her tears that you're never to scare her like that again.
carries you back home, even if you're totally capable of walking. she just wants to make sure you're okay.
sternly disappointed that you didn't tell him, but more annoyed that he didn't notice something was wrong himself. how could he not see how out of balance with nature you were?
squirrels you away to his tent to heal you, make you soothing and medicinal teas, his big hands over the source of the infection.
you burrow into his touch, into his chest, and you end up sitting in his lap as he heals you.
he wants to tell you off a little, but is more relieved that you're alright. encourages you to share all your burdens with him.
kisses you on the forehead, then on the mouth when he's sure you're strong enough for it not to knock you flat.
my poor boy is just a blacksmith, so though he doesn't exactly panic, he does scoop you up and try to find a healer as soon as he can.
waits quietly and nervously as you are examined, silently cursing himself for being too busy to see how you were hurt. he's meant to be better than this. he's meant to love you, how didn't he notice?
when you come to he can't stop apologising, and it takes several of your kisses to soothe him and tell him it was not his fault but yours.
he makes you promise that you'll always tell him when you're hurt. has you look into his eyes and swear it.
he can't do much on the battlefield but he can protect you where he can.
another one cursing that he doesn't know healing spells.
"you aren't meant to die, gods damn it! you're meant to be strong... what good am I if I can't keep you safe..."
rushes you to the best doctor in Baldur's Gate. pays for all the treatment that you could need. holds your hand at your bedside for your entire recovery... until you come back to consciousness, of course, at which point he just starts telling you off for being stupid enough to get into his mess in the first place.
you grab him by the collar and drag him down for a kiss. that finally shuts him up. but he never lets you forget how foolish you were.
practical but still worried about you.
you collapse in the field and he finds a safe place to hide the both of you from dangerous eyes, using his Lay on Hands ability to channel his magic into healing.
you try to apologise but a finger to your lips silences you, and all you can do is watch in quiet wonder as he burns the infection out with his Paladin's light.
when you're better he gently chides you. tells you that you have people relying on your leadership, and that a problem shared means there are more heads working on how to fix it.
when he sees how sorry you are lets you cuddle into him. when you say you'll repay him, he insists your happiness and well-being is enough for an old warrior like him.
does take the kiss you offer, though. he's been wanting to do that for a while...
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mashiraostail · 4 months
your gang orca praise kink stuff goes soooo crazy please give us some gentle dom praising from halsin w Fem reader PLEASE
glad u like it thank u!!
yall are crazy outing your praise kink in my ask box. Ask and u shall receive tho!!! Kind of a long one, i care for u guys so I have to feed u.
NSFW under the cut!
Aches blossomed like weeds all over your poor body. Maybe you should have brought Halsin along on this one, a healer would have done you well about 3 hours ago. He stayed back, or perhaps he went on his own way for the day. For all your not seeing eye to eye Astarion was seemingly happy to help you hobble along with an arm slung over his shoulder.
He's biting something back and Karlach all but shoves it out of him.
"Thank you. For...taking those hits for me." He rolls his eyes when he says it, but it does nothing to veil his grateful tone, "i can't imagine it was pleasant."
"It wasn't." You muse back, "but you're helping me along."
"Well-" He sputters, "I figured you could take it since you have Halsin waiting for you with baited breath every night."
He was right, you did. He tried to be subtle, to give everyone a once over after a hard day, but he always lingered on you. He liked you, perhaps more, it was obvious. At least when you stumble back to camp he has a reason to make a b-line to you first.
"What happened?" He takes you from Astarion, who snickers a bit at you.
"Nothing, just the typical day." You shrug.
"Is everyone else okay?" Bless him, he feigns interest in the other 3 trailing behind you.
"Don't worry." Wyll waves, "we'll live."
"Come with me." He doesn't even respond to Wyll, he was not as good of an actor as he hoped to be.
You go with him, not that he gave you much of a choice, guiding you away before he could even finish. He settles you down by a shallow river not too far off from camp. He brings a bowl and a rag, with a small sack of supplies to clean you off with.
"I know you're capable." He starts, as he wipes layers of blood and grime away from your skin, "i'm not underestimating you-"
"I understand." You cut him off before he can prattle off into a nervous explanation as to why he seems to favor you over the others when you're injured.
You fall back into silence as he cleans you off.
"Look up at me." Fingers on your chin crane your gaze up to him, if he's trying to be seductive it has certainly worked, and if he wasn't it was cruel. He's scanning your face, his eyes meet your gaze.
"Will I live?" There's a coyness to your voice that just about knocks him off balance.
"Yes, lucky me. Does your head hurt?"
"Not at all." You felt better, under his caring hands, there was a dull soreness now, it overtook the harsh and stinging aches.
It was already dark, nobody had bothered to call the pair of you for dinner, perhaps more knowing than they let on.
"Can I do anything else for you?" He asks, kneeling now but still tall enough to be gazing down at you. The dull light of your lantern made him glow.
"No-" Suddenly you can't play coy anymore, it's like his sucked the air out of your lungs, he takes your hand.
"Will you stay with me tonight?" when he asks he traces his fingers over the back of your knuckles.
"Of course." You nod, something flutters under your ribs. He brushes his lips over the back of your hand, and it lights you up. It's such a silly, small, innocuous gesture, but it makes your stomach warm.
"Thank you." He looks up from the back of your hand to catch your gaze.
You kiss your teeth, your mouth feels dry all of a sudden, "why thank me?"
"Because you're allowing me." Halsin murmurs it, "I'm grateful to be let so close to you." He kisses his way up your arm in a galant gesture, though it makes you feel light headed none the less. When he reaches the crook of your neck, the shallow divot where your shoulder ends he stops, and drops your arm gently onto your lap.
"You can act modest, or play coy," He continues despite the lack of contact, which makes you feel cold and even more exposed then when he's ravishing you. "But you know how I want you. You indulge me."
"Please," You're fluttering, you try to sound casual but you're fluttering like a moth and Halsin is a big, bright fire drawing you in. "it's self serving."
"Even better." He elects to sit beside you, "indulge yourself in me."
"Oh gods." You feel hot, in the back of your neck, in your chest, between your legs.
"What?" Halsin reaches for you, you let him, he wraps an arm around you, he draws you in. "don't you want to?"
"I do-" You're practically whining despite the fact he has not denied you, and probably never would. You turn your face into his neck, nosing at his collar. He makes a pleased noise at the feeling, and brings a hand up to cup your hair.
"Then tell me what you want. You can have it, you deserve it. Anything, just tell me."
You aren't sure when you make your way into his lap, when the desire to taste his skin becomes so potent that you have no choice but to glide your tongue over his collar bone. He's happy to rub up your back and thighs, to pull your closer by the back of your head.
"Is it me you want?"
You moan, gasping, you aren't sure when you started rutting against his leg, but he seems all the more happy to have you there so you cast aside the sheer embarrassment of it all.
"You can have it, you can have me. All you have to do is take it. I'll let you, I'm yours for the taking."
You practically cry at that, you aren't sure when you'd become so pent up.
"You can have me." One of his hands is holding onto the bend of your hip, guiding them against his leg in a languid rolling pace, "you already do. You deserve it, all of it, whatever you want. Tell me."
You let him take your shirt off, you're more than keen to free him of his.
"I must have been particulalry well behaved in my past life." For a breif moment his hand releases your hips and he's gliding rough palms over your chest and stomach, "you're such a lovely thing..." He ducks down, kisses at your chest, pulling you away from the perfect friction of his thigh to the warm heat of his mouth and tongue.
He's kissing, licking and nipping at the newly exposed skin while his hands trail over your ass, up your back and thighs, drawing you in impossibly closer to his mouth.
"I'd give you the world, anything you'd ask." He pushes the small of your back, guiding you back down onto his lap, "but you only want me?"
"Do you really feel that way? That I should have whatever I ask for? Whatever I want?"
The sight of your chest heaving, glistening from his mouth makes him groan, "how could I not? Tell me what you want, My hands? My mouth?"
You feel on the verge of passing out, terrible and blissful all at once.
He lifts you as he stands, but just a quickly sets you down again laying on your back.
"Are you sore?" His hands hold your waist, his nose is at your jaw, "I'd be content just to stay here, looking at you, kissing you. We would not need to anything more to sate me." He assures you, "the sight of you like this alone would be enough to satisfy me for lifetimes to come."
"No." You're breathless, you shake your head.
"No?" Despite what he's said he sounds hopeful, grateful, pleased even.
"No." All you can think to do is repeat him. You help him help you out of your pants.
"Will you let me?" He's already lowering himself between your legs, you flush.
"You hardly have to ask permission."
"Yes?" He pushes you for it anyways, of course you indulge him.
It's been hundreds of years, of course he was an attentive and...skilled lover, but this was almost too much.
Your back arched off the ground, his hands were there, big and warm and slightly rough, he held your waist there his fingers wrapping around to the small of your back where it arched. Where they held you his hands pulled you closer, just barely.
He didn't protest when your thighs closed around his head, when they squeezed, or when your hands pulled him impossibly closer by his hair. In fact he sounded more than pleased at all of the above. Every time he had a spare breath he was singing you praises. You were perfect, you cried out for him perfectly, and you were so easy to love.
His hands squeezed your waist where they held you, he groaned every time you called his name.
When you do reach your climax it almost blinds you for a second, but Halsin doesn't seem interested in letting you rest until you force him off with a keening sort of whine at the overstimulation.
"I'm sorry," He's kissing at your legs, your lower stomach and up your ribs ravenously, "I can't bring myself to stop with you."
It's so easy to open yourself up to him, to let him take and for you to take what you want.
"You're so lovely." He's kissing around your chest, subtly gasping for you air, "I'd mistake you for an angel if not for the things we do together." He guides your legs around him, closing the small amount of space left between you.
"If I didn't know you to be so truly good then I'd mistake you for something much more sinister than an angel, considering the spell you must have put on me." He's arching up into your hands, turning and preening at every touch and heavy breath, "do you know what you have done to me?"
Eventually you stop your head spinning enough to fumble with his pants, until there's nothing at all between you.
"I was taken by you from our first meeting," He groans as you undress him, "but all the things I dreamt have been put to shame at the feeling of the reality of it in my hands." He takes in an uneven breath as your hands run over his cock, you turn your head to open your neck to him, he's glad to muffle himself into it. The feeling of his low groans vibrates the crook of your neck. You arch your back, pressing your chest into his which seems to set him over the edge.
"You're the most lovely thing I've ever laid my hands on, please, say you'll have me." As if it wasn't obvious, as if you weren't laying naked below him, blossoming at his lips and fingertips.
He guides himself easily into you It’s hardly painful, it barely stings, it tingles up to your stomach, and it’s pleasant. A blooming sort of feeling that you often pined for once it was gone. It was fleeting and easily missed when it dissipated. He's captivated by you, your expressions, the way you cry out, the wavering in your voice.
As with all things, he's incredibly gracious with you, giving you long, deep rolls of his hips and easy praise. He enjoys watching you melt from it, it makes his chest warm with affection.
"You're divine," He doesn't mind your arms around his neck, he holds you closer with a hand between your shoulder blades, "every single time." He enjoys the feeling of your hand holding the back of his head too.
"Every time I swear you can have me, but you're always bent at my will aren't you? Beautiful, obedient, and mine for the taking. Look at me."
All you can do is obey and nod, maybe a bit dumbly. You wrap your legs tighter around him, there was no way you'd last very long in this state. He holds you by your chin, he keeps his eyes on you whenever you cum, muttering out obscene praises. Occasionally he'll use his hold on you to turn your head to the side, to observe your throat, he swears he can see your pulse beating.
When the pair of you are finished Halsin seems perfectly fine to dip into the shallow river, it hardly reaches his waist.
"Come here," He insists, "I'll hold you."
"is it cold?" You roll over to see him.
"No, barely." He waves you over, and fuck, you're still coming down from your high, still bent at his will. You go to him, you let him guide you by your hand into the river, once you're close enough he holds the crook of your elbow, then the bend of your waist.
You rest your head against his chest as he runs wet hands over your hair.
"Many people have held my favor in my life," He looks down at you, "but I don't recall ever being so enthralled by someone." He runs a wet hand down the side of your face, "some days I dread the thought of our paths diverging."
"Don't think you'll be rid of me so easily" You manage to be a bit cheeky. Despite yourself you brush gentle fingers over the side of his neck, he closes his eyes thankfully.
"Kiss me." His voice is quiet but steadfast. Of course you go to him.
When he pulls away it's just enough to speak, "you know I adore you, tell me you do."
"I know." You grin and push his damp hair back, "you're especially sentimental today."
"I suppose I...must have missed your company." He decides, "we usually travel together."
"Is that it? I'm not complaining, maybe we'll travel separately more often."
He groans, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you up, "don't be cruel to me when you were so well behaved all night. I'm not sure what I'll do."
You laugh, bracing yourself against his chest as he prepares to drop you into the river, "no please, I swear to keep you dutifully at my side from now on, just don't drop me in this water!"
He's ravishing your neck again, your laughter made his chest burn with affection, "I truly can never deny you."
You have a feeling tonight may be a longer night than average.
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kirain · 7 months
Tav: Oh my gods ... it's happening. It's happening! Everyone, come quick!
Astarion: What the hells are you shouting about? It's barely four o'clock in the bloody morning. I know you don't get it, but I prefer to rise when the sun does.
Tav: It's the egg! It's hatching!
Shadowheart: The one you got from the githyanki crèche? You mean you still have it?
Tav: Of course! You didn't really think I'd give it to that crazy baby-snatcher, did you?
Gale: Shh, shh! Everyone, calm yourselves and be silent. I may not look it, but I know quite a bit about child-rearing. I read many books on the subject when I was Mystra's Chosen, and as I understand it, newborns require low, serene noises when they're brought into the world. Anything too stentorian could overwhelm the poor babe.
Lae'zel: That is perhaps the case for you pitiful, soft, fragile humans, but githyanki offspring are born with an innate sense of—
Tav: Quiet! It's hatching!
Narrator: The egg stirs and shakes, then cracks as the inhabitant kicks at its confines. After a few moments of struggle, the shell breaks, pieces of green and yellow debris sliding off the newborn's slender frame. Free at last, it looks up at you, is eyes narrow but full of wonder, then mews like a kitten looking for its mother.
Karlach: Ohhh-ho-ho-ho-hooo my gods! It's so cute! Look at its little feet and droopy ears! And look that that: born with a full set of tiny chompers! I want to squeeze it and never let go!
Lae'zel: Githyanki offspring are not "cute"...
Astarion: That's for damn sure. It looked like a jaundiced monkey.
Wyll: Heheh. Well, it's certainly something. It's ... well, I'm not actually sure. What is it, exactly?
Lae'zel: A soldier.
Wyll: I meant the sex.
Lae'zel: Oh. A boy.
Wyll: Welcome to the world, little man! We're going to have so much fun. I'll teach you how to use a blade and defend the innocent and—!
Shadowheart: Hold that thought, why don't you? You're getting way ahead of yourself. This is a tremendous responsibility. What do we even do? Lae'zel?
Lae'zel: What? Why are you looking at me?
Shadowheart: Because out of everyone here, I would assume a githyanki knows best how to raise a githyanki child.
Lae'zel: I know nothing of raising hatchlings. It's not my place.
Shadowheart: Lady Shar protect us ... and this child.
Tav: Don't be so defeatist. We'll be fine!
Gale: Absolutely. How hard can it be? An infant is an infant. He's probably hungry, so let's tackle that problem first. Come here, little one!
Lae'zel: I wouldn't—
Narrator: Gale reaches down and scoops the young hatchling into his arms. At first the creature seems confused, pensive even. Then, its pupils shrink, its teeth clenching. It growls like a caged animal and claws at the wizard's face. Luckily for him, it misses, but the battle is far from over. In a rage, the creature twists its body, then sinks its teeth into Gale's hand, latching onto it in a fit of fury.
Gale: Ow, ow, ow! Aaaugh!
Lae'zel: Typical.
Narrator: Gale attempts to shake the vicious newborn off, waving his arm up and down like a madman, but to no avail. The creature holds steadfast, almost mockingly.
Gale: A hand would be very much appreciated!
Karlach: Ask the babe. He already has an extra one.
Everyone: *Laughs*
Astarion: Well ... I wasn't too keen on the idea at first, but perhaps keeping the creepy little morsel around isn't such a bad idea after all.
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beepersteeper · 4 days
I Will Always Find You -- Astarion x Tav -- Vulnerability | Part 7
Astarion and F!Tav live happily together for the remaining years she has, she refuses to be turned into a vampire because her faith says that her soul isn’t finished with its work yet. Tav dies of old age and leaves Astarion to put together the pieces of his broken heart. AN: Lord of Light lore taken and changed to fit the story's means. Not canonically accurate. TLDR story line stuff. This is an AU where Astarion ascends but isn't a power hungry bastard and Tav is able to help him continue healing. Wyll is immortal and the Duke. Karlach in my mind, if given a new engine would be able to live a lot longer than the usual tiefling. Another AN: idk if anyone wants tagged in this WIP but let me know. 
His  eyes slowly bink open, admittedly fighting the urge to wake up fully. He feels something moving up and down his arm causing him to slowly force his eyes open fully. When he does he sees Vira’s hand haphazardly tracing wavy lines on his arm, her eyes still closed. He closes his eyes again, enjoying the tender moment. He yawns, unable to hide being awake anymore he hugs her to him with the arm on her back. “Good morning, beautiful.” he whispers into the top of her head, kissing her there too. She hums barely awake herself. “I hope you slept okay.”
She moves her head to look at him and smiles. “I slept wonderfully.” she coos. “But how on earth how did you convince daddy to stay the night?”
Astarion chuckles mostly through his nose. “I didn't convince him, he refused to let me take myself home.”
“He does really like you, you know.” she props herself on her forearms to look at him more easily, her bed head hair falling into her face. She leans her head to the side trying to push it to the side without her hands. 
Smiling, Astaion pushes his fingers through her hair, tucking it behind her ear. “I don't think he's the only one, darling.” he tuts. She blushes, burying her face in her hands muttering for him to stop. He does, leaning his head forward to kiss her head again. “This was the best night's sleep I've had in a long, long time.” he sighs, resting his head on the pillow behind him. “But I should consider heading home soon, I'm sure Wyll is wondering where I am, and I'm famished.” Vira nods, understanding. “You could come with me, if you’re free,” he adds.
Vira pushes herself up in bed, kissing him quickly with the intention of sitting upright. But that was stalled when Astarions hands held onto her face and pulled her back into a kiss. “I wasn’t done with that.” he chuckles watching her eyes smolder briefly before deepening their kiss, her tongue finding his and delicately dancing together. She pushes herself up again, with her hand flat on his chest and righting herself on the bed, smiling down to Astarion who sighed and licked his lips.
“I could get used to waking up like this.” she giggled mostly to herself, stepping off the bed and stretching before opening her wardrobe and turning her head to Astarion “A moment?” she blushes while pulling out a black and  maroon dress. 
“Right.” he coughs “of course.” he nods and steps out into the hall and shuts the door behind him starting to fix his clothes. As he does Eyman walks slowly into the hall squinting trying to piece together what is happening. 
“Morning.” Eyman grumbles “Why are you just standing here son?”
“Vira is getting changed, sir- sorry.” he apologizes after hearing the honorific roll off his tongue.
Eyman waves his hand “It’s too early. I'd rather too much respect than too little. You slept okay?” Astarion nods his response. “Wonderful.” Eyman smiles briefly before knocking on the door “I'm leaving for the day daughter, have a good day.”
“You too daddy! I love you.” she shouts through the door. Eyman smiles, responding with  his own love for her. 
“Have a good day Little Star.” he smiles and holds out his hand to shake and whispers to him “get her out of this bookstore will you? If she has a choice she'll probably stay here and pour herself into a book before she realizes the day has passed.” Astarion nods acknowledging what Eyman said. 
Her father walks down the stairs and leaves the building. Astarion leans on the wall next to the door and waits for her to be ready. He hears her call out to him. “Star, can you come in here please?” she huffs. He unknowingly smiles, hearing Tav’s name for him being spoken again.
“Are you decent?” he asks cracking the door open before walking in
“Yes, I just need” she sounds annoyed “a bit of” she grumbles curses “help.” He walks in to see her reaching for a lace in the center of her back. “I lost hold of the tie. Can you finish it for me?”
“Sure” he smiles and strides over taking the dark ribbon in his hands. He straightens the fabric on her back and smooths the sides along her ribs before tightening the lower laces of the corset and threading it through the upper eyelets “is that too tight?” he asks as he flattens all of the laces and she shakes her head. He finally ties the lace in a bow and tucks the ends into the top to secure them. He slides his hand down her side to rest it on her hip and leans his chin on her shoulder.
“What do you think?” she asks, looking at his face through the mirror's reflection.
“You are stunning.” he sighs, kissing her shoulder, moving her hair over her other shoulder, pushing his own deja vu from his mind, remembering the days tav would let him feed from her like this, needing to get some breakfast in his system.
“It's my favorite dress.” she starts to take a step forward to continue getting ready. She was stopped being held in place.
“It is a great dress, but you” he emphasizes “are beautiful.” he holds her hand while watching her blush. “Don't sell yourself short darling.” he opens his hand and lets her step away, leaning himself on the door frame. While she brushes her hair he asks “Is it okay if we get breakfast at my place?”
She shrugs “That's not a problem.”
“It won't bother you if I have my breakfast will it?”
“Astarion, I wouldn't be dating a vampire if I was squeamish, as long as you're not eviscerating something on the table I think I'll be okay.” she looks at him with a cheeky half smile. 
“Oh gods no.” he says, sucking on his teeth and waving the thought away. “I'm not a heathen.” Once she is ready he puts on his boots, gathers his jacket and they walk to the palace hand in hand. Going the quickest way because the hunger pangs are intensifying, it's been nearly a decade since he's felt those pangs. “Think about what you want darling, the chef will make you whatever your heart desires.”
“I usually just have coffee and toast.” she shrugs “Just have them surprise me.” she laughs, nudging her shoulder into his “What's on the docket for Lord Ancunín today?” She toys.
Groaning Astarion responds “Absolutely nothing.” he nudges her back changing his tone “Astarion however has a day full of giving his undivided attention to a certain gorgeous woman.”
“Who’s the lucky lady?” she jokes.
“She's truly amazing.” he smiles and looks at her out of the corner of his eye “she's funny, and intelligent, and the first person in like 30 years that I've wanted to spend time with. She's about this tall” he puts his hand above her head “and has these green eyes that make it hard to breathe if I look at them too long.”
“Stooop.” she coos, turning her face away to hide her cheeks flushing.
“You aaasked” he responds with the same tone and laughs as he opens the door being immediately greeted by a worker.
“Lord Ancunín, welcome home, do you need anything?”
“Breakfast. Please.” he urges hanging his jacket on the banister. “And have Ellar make that breakfast sandwich he used to make, for my guest.”
“Right away my lord, will you be taking it in your room?”
“Not today. The dining room is fine.” he shakes his head as the worker leaves in a hurry. Astarion gestures with his head for Vira to follow him. “I promise I'll give you the tour you deserve after we eat.”' He guides her to the large dining room walking past Wyll’s office as he waves to him earning a suspicious look over the newspaper. No sooner than he pulls a chair out for Vira his goblets were delivered. “Oh gods below thank you.” he looks at Vira as he sits next to her holding one of the goblets “Are you sure you're okay if I..?”
She pushes the bottom of the vessel toward his mouth “If you don't just have your breakfast…” she darts a threatening look to him “I swear to all of the gods I will make you.”
He sighs happily into his glass, finishing one quickly, dulling the ache in his stomach. He picks up the second, wiping the corner of his lip with his thumb making sure he didn't spill any. “I almost forgot, you're in charge.” he tuts. She raises her eyebrows and smiles. He tends to his second glass slowly, savoring it. Making a note to figure out where it came from, certainly tastes human again. Vira’s meal is delivered and she coos over how delicious it is. I could eat this every day for the rest of my life, Tav would say. I don't know what Ellar does, but he does it well. Astarion raises his goblet and takes another shallow swallow. They enjoy their breakfast together and he rocks his head back finishing the contents of his glass and setting it on the table and closing his eyes, sitting in the slight high from human blood again and after a day without any. He opens his eyes when he hears Vira speak.
“What's it like?” she says, earning a confused look from Astarion. “Does it just feel like eating regular food?”
“Not really.” he shakes his head “it depends on its source. Non-thinking creatures are like watered down broth. Just enough to survive but never enough to be satisfied. Others, it's like a full bodied wine, heavy in  the stomach and can sometimes cloud the mind like a strong drink. But everyone is different, no two taste the same.” she nods, processing the answer. A different worker comes and clears the table. Astarion stands from his seat and offers his arm to Vira “How about that tour I promised?” She takes her usual place on his arm and he leads them both through the palace, pointing out different interesting rooms, art, or details. “This is home.” he shrugs.
“This place is huge.” she says in awe spinning in a circle, enamored, taking in everything. “I can't imagine living in a place this big.”
Astarion shrugs agreeing. "That's why I'll never tell Wyll, but I'm glad he stays here.” He whispers to her walking down a small flight of stairs to get to a terrace “and here's the best view from the palace of the entire city." He gestures broadly “and on especially clear nights you can't find a better view of the stars.” He leans his hands on the fencing and looks over his domain.
"So you've watched the gate grow from here for 300 years?” Vira asks leaning like him to his side. 
“More like the last 100." He admits, shrugging “the first 200 I was not… I didn't have much time to just sit back and watch.” she doesn't say anything but places her hand on his squeezing three times and rubbing her thumb across his knuckles. They look over the horizon and see a fleet of ships making their way into the channel of port. Astarion watches her eyes fix onto the first ship in the fleet as her mouth turns down for a moment before returning to its neutral state. “Where to now?" She asks, pushing herself away from the stone fence turning away from the view.
He cocks his eyebrows at her apparent disdain for the ships. “What was that look for?” he asks following her.
Vira rolls her eyes and sighs “My mom died in a shipwreck some 20 years ago.”  She takes a breath and turns sad eyes toward him. He on instinct pulls her into a hug caging her to him with his arms keeping her facing the building. “Assumed dead I suppose. But at this point Daddy and I have all but accepted it. When I was a kid I used to go sit at the docks where we lived and wait, and wait and wait for her to come home. But she was the captain and I know she wouldn't have saved herself before any of her crew.” she leaned her forehead on his shoulder, breathing shallowly. 
“I’m sorry, I didn't know…” Astarion is really unsure what to say.
She shakes her head “You wouldn't have any reason to, we don't talk about it any more. Hurts daddy too much. And I’ve learned how to be alright. I still keep in contact with some of the crew she had, luckily a few have stayed on land since then and one has even made a home here in the gate. They're actually the reason we moved here. She and daddy have found some sort of… comfort” she laughs and sticks out her tongue at the thought “in each other's company.”
“Oh. OH! Oh..” Astarion flips through the emotions quickly realizing what she was implying. “That's something I know now.” he laughs with Vira who restates about the tour, wanting to be done talking about her mother. 
“That's really the end of the grand tour." He chuckles and stands upright as well. “But I need to get changed because I already don't love dressing up like this" he gestures to himself “and now I've been in this for an entire day." They walk for a moment and turn into his and Tav's room. “Just give me a moment." He asks while taking his shirt off and grabbing a new plain outfit and walking into the washroom. Vira catches a glimpse of his scar and causes her breath to audibly catch. “What's wrong darling?" 
"Can I ask about those…” she trails off, letting her eyes travel the expanse of his back.
He heaves a breath into his lungs turning his eyes to face her. "Let me change first?” 
She nods and urges, "I won't ask if you're uncomfortable." As he closed the doors of the washroom. 
“It's fine, really. Just a sore subject, but if Tav ever taught me anything it's that transparency in a relationship is important." He kind of mumbles to himself, lacing his pants and putting on his scented oil. He walks out of the room finger combing his hair willing it into place not letting his eyes meet hers. “Come here?” He asked his voice softer than usual, reaching his hands out to her and setting himself on the foot of the bed. She does, standing between his knees pulling his head gently into her chest running her fingers through his hair trying to soothe his nerves while he begins to speak. “I haven't always been this person. A decent person.” 
He scoffs at his own words and starts at the beginning explaining his life in a tone as if talking about a different man. I was a magistrate in a new town. I pissed off the Gur and they mugged me, and a powerful man offered to save me from my inevitable death. And like an idiot without hesitation I took his offer. Cazador Szar turned me into a bloodthirsty monster to do his own bidding. My 6 spawn siblings and I were his to do anything he demanded. I spent 200 years luring so many people into my bed and then into his grasp. That monster carved those runes into our backs in an attempt to become the first and only Vampire Ascendant- A being with all of the strength of a vampire that had none of the weaknesses. One who could live an eternal life on the line between mortal and immortal. The runes were all the fine print of an infernal contract. My adventuring companions, Tav, Wyll, and Karlach helped me take his spot, with the promise that I wouldn’t become like him. The devil you know and what not. We knew that I wouldn't cause the same carnage that he would or the 7 thousand nearly feral spawn. I've spent the last hundred years trying to retrain my mind from being a spawn, trying to right wrongs and do some good to… I guess make up for his past mistakes and my own. “All of that to say I'm a broken man. Those scars just are a physical reminder of all of the shit I've been through.”
Vria doesn't say anything, but doesn't move either. she just continues raking her fingers through his hair, gently dragging her nails on his scalp.  Astarion looks up at her face, trying to glean some sort of understanding of her reaction. Worry, empathy, so many questions hiding behind her eyes. He sets his forehead on her stomach letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. She kneels on the floor holding his face in her hands, not letting him escape her gaze. “Thanks for trusting all of that with me.” her smile is light and genuine "I didn't know you've been through so much.” She rests back on her heels finding his hand with hers. He shrugs again, unsure what to say.
"That's an awfully calm reaction to finding out that I am a literal monster.” He chuffs and tries to turn his head away from her.
“I don't see a monster." She shakes her head, holding firm on his face “I see someone who has been through the hells and back and somehow hasn't lost the drive to be good. You said it yourself." She smiles a little more than before.
He shakes his head and forces air through his nose raising his lip disgusted. “How do you see that through everything I just told you?”
"Because” she starts "all of that is who you were. That's all the experience that made you who you are today. And from what I've seen, who you are today isn't a “monster"” She emphasizes with finger quotes "if you were ever one before.” to which he just smiles a weak smile and shakes his head. "What? Do you want me to see you as a monster?”
"Of course not.” He says shooting his head up from where it was resting knitting his eyebrows in the center of his face.
"Then stop trying to change my mind, Star.” she urges, earning a surprised laugh from the pale form in front of her.
“Whatever you say." He chuckles and shakes his head again.
The rest of the day was spent just spending time together. Truly getting to know each other. They talked about their past good and bad, friends, family and dreams. Before they knew it dinner time had come and they were invited to join Wyll in the dining room. He had asked for a hearty meal to be made because he said "I was kind of missing the campsite today.”
Astarion laughs hard when they are served the same stew that Gale used to make, simmering over the fire all day.  “You're telling me you miss sleeping on rocks?" He jokes feigning a sore back.
"Now, now I didn't say that." He laughs. “Just the…  company. And now you're back, and you've brought Vira around… it feels like some pieces of our past are coming back together.”
Vira talks to Wyll about his account of their adventure, telling embarrassing stories about Astarion in the process. Astarion sits back in his chair, tending to his supper and just looking at Vira. Trying to wrap his mind around everything they talked about today. He reaches out his hand and squeezes her thigh three times before returning to the conversation at hand, trying to defend himself from Wyll’s exaggeration of the blood-drained boar outside of the goblin camp. After supper is over Astarion walks Vira back home, the sky losing its light quickly with the setting sun. He opens the door for her and closes it behind himself, being greeted by Eyman.
“You have a good day daughter?” he asks, kissing her cheek.
“Just the best daddy.” She sighs and smiles as if Astarion wasnt there and starts detailing their day like a schoolgirl. “We spent the whole day just talking. I've never been more excited to just talk to someone than I am with him.'' She coos and grabs his hand. “Also, thanks for letting him stay last night.”
“Of course.” he smiles past her to Astarion “I wouldn't let someone you care about so much wander the streets at that hour.” to which Astarion rolls his eyes and smiles.
“Then I should leave soon before I have to stay again.” he flirts , winking at Vira.
“Don't press your luck Little Star.” Eyman jokingly warns with a wagging finger.
“I should excuse myself though, Wyll needs me back home tonight.” he says bringing Viras knuckles to his lips to kiss. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asks her directly.
“I would hope so.” she blushes.
“Good night Eyman” he shakes the man's hand getting a nod as a response.
“I can take a hint.” Eyman chuckles and walks into the curtained room.
Astarion puts his arms around Vira’s waist pulling her close to him and in turn she drapes her arms over his shoulders. “Thanks for everything today, Darling.” He is cut off by a quick response, her saying there was nothing to thank her for. He ignores it and continues “Thank you for listening to me, for not judging me, for wanting to see the best in me. But most of all thank you for trusting me.” he kisses her lips, breathing in her scent, pulling away only when they need to take a breath. “I don't know what the future holds, but I hope beyond hope I get to see it with you, love.”
“Then isn't it great we want the same thing?” she flirts, touching his nose with hers. Astarions smile reaches the creases around his eyes as he nods. She kisses him sweetly before saying “Goodnight Star, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He walks away slowly, backwards holding her hand until they couldn't touch any more. 
He shuts the door behind himself and walks happily to the cemetery. He kneels in front of Tav’s marker placing his hand on the stone and his forehead on his hand. He speaks to Tav in his mind Gods, my love, I wish you could tell me if she's… if she's you. I can feel myself drawn to her. It just feels… natural being with Vira. There's moments that I feel like I've known her for, well, as long as I've known you! It's got to be. But how do I figure it out? How do I show her? Will you hate me if I'm wrong and I still fall for her? His chest wrenches with the last thought. Conflicted. Just give me a bloody sign darling. Tell me if I'm even close to being right. At that moment he hears Vira’s voice call out through the night 
“Astarion! Daddy said if you don't go home right now he's going to drag you into this house himself.” she calls leaning out of her open window leaning on her hand looking at him kneeling in the grass.
He giggles into the face of the stone. He doesn't believe in signs, but if he did, that would be one. “Tell him I'm leaving,” he calls back “I just needed to talk to Tav for a moment. Goodnight Darling.” They wave to each other as Astarion walks at a quick pace out of the cemetery, keeping that pace the majority of the way home. 
When he walks in the door he is almost immediately greeted with a glass of warm red liquid. He thanks the worker and asks where it was procured. The worker responds by saying that an old contracted agreement offered their service again when word of his return spread. He nods, accepting that response. He walks into Wyll’s office to begin going over  their calendar planning different meetings and events that they are either planning, collaborating in planning or being noted guests at. 
“Glad to see you made it back tonight.” Wyll joked from his stack of papers
“If you and I didn't already have a date I probably wouldn't have.” Astarion responds in kind. “Although I almost didn't get the chance to because Eyman saw I was in the cemetery after I left and I had to leave before he ‘dragged me in the house himself’.” Astarion uses finger quotes. “I've been on this plane for 3 full centuries and he is treating me like I'm his child.” he scoffs and smiles without realizing it.
“He's treating you like you're dating his daughter. I don't think he would care if you were 30 or 500 years old. That's the role you're in.” Wyll gestures with a paper scratching the base of his horns. “You're not worried that things are moving kind of fast though? Spending the night together already?”
“Not at all. It's not like we're sleeping together, well we slept together  but you know what I mean. We're just going with the flow. Seeing where things go. It's incredible how natural this all is.” he looks at Wyll for a moment before continuing “Do you believe in signs?”
“Suppose I do?” Wyll humors Astarion.
Astarion explains the whole scene in the cemetery tonight ending his description saying “I asked if I was close, then Vira called out to me. That's weird, right?”
“Certainly a strange circumstance. If I believed in signs I would be inclined to believe that was one.” Wyll says diplomatically. “And yet you decided to come home to work on this with me rather than spend another night with her? I'm honored.”
Astarion groans loudly and buries his nose in his work, accepting an invitation to a dinner honoring the new graduating class of the Flaming Fist in 3 months time. “I hope these fledgling fist remember what their studies taught them and we won't have to intervene again.” Wyll nods in agreement “Are you bringing anybody?”
Wyll considers the question for a moment before suggesting he could reach out to karlach “she had said recently that she's hoping to come topside, her engine has been upgraded and maintained. She thinks that she may be able to come back up full time…”
“Hmm, maybe I can harass you like you've done to me if she comes topside. I recall all of your stories you shared over a bottle of red when she had to go back to Avernus.” Astarion taunts.
Wyll blushes briefly before closing his own work. “Just mark us both down for a plus one would you? I think I'm going to retire for the night.”
Astarion sucks his teeth with a tut “We were having such a fun conversation my friend.”
“You were having a good time taking the piss my friend.” Wyll retorts, bending slightly at the waist. “I have a tiefling to contact.” he says picking up an enchanted book and waves it in the air before leaving the room. 
Astarion chuckles to himself and cleans up the desk before retiring to his room for the night as well. Changing quickly and collapsing into bed, realizing he is able to meditate again. He happily falls into his trance and rests through the night.
@zoeloveslotr @silverfangmarks @prudent-nerd @sadexistentialism
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satansleftnutcheek · 9 months
Just had like the biggest brain realization about Astarion bear with me I think I'm onto something here. Spoilers ahead for those who don't know about his "condition" or haven't heard about his tragic backstory™
I think people generally overlook the bite scene in favor of focusing on how it reveals Astarion being a vampire, how it can benefit the player if you're trying to romance him, or find an easy way to get him out of your party. I would like to note that there’s nothing wrong with this response! I did the same in my play through because I already knew he was a vampire due to spoilers. I just saw the scene as Astarion looking for his equivalent of a sandwich when it happened.
But why does Astarion bite Tav of all people?
The obvious answer is because Tav's the protagonist. Any important character scenes will happen to or involve them because they're the player character. It's the nature of how RPG stories are told. However, Larian Studios has put a lot of thought into this game, so why not dig a bit deeper?
Assuming Tav has everyone in their camp when this scene is triggered, Lae'zel and Shadowheart are off the menu purely because if things go wrong they'd immediately kill Astarion. Not good! If things go wrong with Karlach he could possibly smooth talk his way out of it. After all, she's a very kind person who goes out of her way to help people. But she's also twice his size and could snap him like a twig, which is not a risk worth taking.
Wyll isn't nearly as much of a threat as the other three, if it came down to it, Astarion could probably take him in a fight. The main problem here is that Wyll happens to have a habit of killing monsters, which would make talking things out really difficult. Astarion's relied on skills like persuasion for the past 2 centuries so he'd probably want to have his best skills be viable options if things go awry. Halsin, much like Karlach, is twice his size and could kill him with ease. Hard pass on that! This leaves Gale as the last, and really only, viable option. I mean look at him, he's frail as hell, always having the lowest HP in the party, and his weapon is a stick. Worst thing that could happen to Astarion is a bonk on the head.
So then why Tav? Why are they the one Astarion bites?
Now Tavs come in a lot of varieties. The player could be doing a Dark Urge run, they could be playing as the embodiment of pure evil, the kindest soul that is second only to Jesus, or somewhere in between. However, the one thing that unites them all is their power. They're the leader of the party and the others (to varying degrees) respect them. Tav is the one that chooses where the party goes, who they help, who they kill, and even how they'll have the tadpoles removed. In a way, Tav controls the party.
Remind you of something that Astarion openly talks about wanting?
For two centuries Astarion hasn't had autonomy, respect, freedom, resources, or control. What he's learned from those centuries is that power always gets you what you want. If you want freedom you need the power to control others. So while biting Gale would be the easy answer, it doesn't have the perk that biting Tav does.
If Tav wakes up during his biting attempt, Astarion could smooth talk his way out of it. If things go okay and Astarion gets to keep his head, he'll have gained more of Tav's trust. This in turn would give Astarion greater power over them as they'd be easier to manipulate, which in turn gives him more control over the others. If he ends up killing Tav then that technically would open up a power vacuum in the party. Whoever fills it would have all the power and control that Tav has. I don't think any of the other characters would let that happen though. Astarion's the person who you don't want to be the leader because he's clearly performing this role for his own self-centered reasons. Also seeing as this scene generally happens early in the game, nobody likes him enough to just let him become the leader.
Now if Tav lets Astarion bite them things get more interesting. It's a possibility that never occurred to him, but he isn't going to turn it down. First of all, it establishes Tav as an easy food source. Astarion has a consenting snack that in the future, might let him bite again. If that happens then Astarion's food source becomes far more reliable and surviving becomes significantly easier. Tav's consent also reveals how much they trust Astarion. From his perspective Tav's shown too much of their hand. Astarion's simple plan to manipulate Tav for the sake of his security has become child's play at this point.
All this being said having Astarion choose to bite Tav over Gale reveals so much about his character. While Gale is the safest choice to make, Tav's position of leadership is what entices Astarion to bite them over Gale. After experiencing two hundred years of mental and physical abuse, Astarion values power so much he'd be willing to risk his ability to not become a mind flare, and his life, in order to gain it. All because this is what he learned from being Cazador's slave for 200 years.
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riddlerosehearts · 3 months
some more, slightly longwinded thoughts on various things i've done in act 1 of bg3 with my half-elf bard tav, elenion:
i ran into raphael and basically told him to fuck off because why would we ever accept "help" from a devil after seeing what just happened with wyll and mizora??
i also investigated the beach and found the harpies. i wonder if it was actually them that the squirrels were complaining about earlier and not alfira's beautiful song.
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gale is hilarious but i'm now imagining elenion, who has already chosen to project an image of them on a romantic walk with gale into his head, rolling their eyes and thinking "so that's what i might be getting myself into if we survive all this."
i think i need to try and get into the habit of talking to everyone at camp after anything big happens even if they don't have a ! over their heads. i went to camp and accidentally clicked on astarion, and he had quite a bit to say about raphael and then so did everyone else!
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lae'zel is so funny sometimes actually.
also, the investigate the beach quest seems to have bugged out for me--it didn't complete after getting the letter from the kid we saved, which i assume was the end of the quest, but the objective was still to find mol who had no new dialogue. and then after i beat the goblin leaders the quest suddenly completed and changed to say "the situation has changed in the grove. mol is busy dealing with other matters." that's kind of annoying, but i'm guessing/hoping it won't really cause any issues.
anyway. i investigated kagha, and when i confronted her i got an option to recite the history told on the plaques in the grove as a way of convincing her to turn against the shadow druids. i knew my dedication to reading every bit of flavor text that i can find would come in handy somewhere! also, the game says that you just speak the text that was etched into the plaques, but since elenion is a bard i'm choosing to pretend that he turned it into a song.
after that i set out toward the goblin camp to save halsin and defeat the leaders. on the way there i got a dream sequence with the guardian i made in character creation, going "i've been protecting you from everything and btw you should totally embrace the ilithid powers". i had no idea what the guardian was going to be used for so i just made her look basically like how i thought elenion's mother would look, except i gave her the wrong eye color by mistake. i imagine that would feel very strange and would make it obvious that someone is trying to magically use his mother's face to manipulate him but has gotten a significant detail wrong.
everyone else at camp had the same dream and all had something to say about it! elenion basically told everyone he isn't sure he trusts this mysterious dream visitor, because really, i don't see why he should from a roleplay perspective. when he later found a specimen and was asked to open his mind to it, he rejected it because i don't think intellectual curiosity or desire to protect others should override basic common sense, though maybe something later in the story will change that. guess we'll see.
also, minthara wiped my party once when i tried fighting her normally, so the second time around i killed her by luring her onto a bridge and then destroying it out from under her. i didn't get her loot that way, but it was hilarious. will probably try to beat her legitimately on a second playthrough though.
i forgot to say earlier, i love how investigating the shadow druids gives you the ability to make kagha see the error of her ways and redeem her. however i am still mad that she tried to imprison a child.
kind of hilarious to me how lae'zel was very clearly expressing... interest in my tav at the party and was all "well, it's your loss, then" when they turned her down whereas astarion, completely unprompted, was like "gods i wish i was having sex with someone right now. but not you obviously, that would be awful". 😭 well you know what, elenion is gorgeous and smart and a musician (an inherently sexy thing to be) so maybe that's your loss, you overdramatic fruit bat. not that they would've been interested in him anyway though.
i think i also could've ended up getting a romantic scene with shadowheart (she wanted to share a bottle of wine after everyone else went to sleep), but i chose not to do anything with her.
i've heard that if you trigger the weave scene with gale at the party then the other companions will have dialogue where they react to the budding romance. which sounds hilarious but i got his approval up very quickly just by having my character be nice to people, and got the weave scene earlier, so i didn't get that dialogue. oh well! i still got a very sweet conversation with him. all of this talk about tara makes me wish she could come on the journey with us :(
i'm so glad we get to see alfira again at the party. i wish she could be a companion tbh, it'd be nice to still have a bard around if you don't play as one.
and speaking of alfira, once again i'm obsessed with the dialogue options in this game:
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i picked the mixed heritage option because although elenion hates to boast or reveal too much about himself, i think he is very proud of his family. but i love that you have the option to be like "if you're going to write a song about me then it obviously has to be about how hot i am" or "if you dare write a song about me i will actually kill you".
anyway uhhh. what else. i'm sure that i've missed plenty of things i could've done so far, for example i ended up finding a dead tiefling beside a telescope on a hill and i bet if i'd gone up there sooner i could've saved her. i bet i also could've gotten higher approval with at least karlach or lae'zel and seen what might've changed about their dialogue at the party if i'd progressed more in their quests first. i think i may have also missed the chance to adopt a baby owlbear. and i'll probably end up missing even more things! but that's fine because i already know i'm going to be doing multiple playthroughs of this game.
i think now before i do anything else i am going to work on karlach's personal quest, because i still haven't taken down those paladins and i need to get answers out of her.
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elfcollector · 9 months
AHEM. my time has come. FOR DELIGHT, if it pleases you... 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 32, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50. i know it is a lot... my desire to know more of delight cannot be understated. HAVE FUN
ask me about my ocs! / accepting! / @bg3
FRAY GOOD LORD....i owe u my life. AWESOME. this is going under a cut cos its gonna get SO long.
2. Do they wear perfume/cologne? If so what scents do they prefer?
Not historically! They're an adventurer by trade, and rarely stay anywhere long — they show up, save the innocents, convince the baddie to lay off or kill them, and then they leave. And the vast majority of their adventuring is something they're doing alone. These things combine just mean they're rarely around another's company long enough to care about what others think of their smell, and they don't care aside from not wanting to smell gross.
That being said, they take bathing regularly seriously, so they do often smell, under the blood and etc., like clean soap! And, once they start getting closer with Shadowheart, some members of the camp notice they seem to have started wearing orchid perfume, despite having never done so before. Everyone's too polite to comment on how obvious they're being.
6. If they were badly injured, and for whatever reason couldn't go to a hospital, who would they go to for help?
I don't think they're the type to let others know they're injured! If they can, or even if they can't, they're gonna try to hide the injury and take care of it without anyone finding out. tough with a vampire on the team! that being said, when they do show it, wyll is 100% their go - to — they're best friends, and they trust him not to try any funny business.
7. Do they have any unusual fears?
I'm still sort of rotating the finer points of their backstory in my head like a rotisserie chicken, but they struggle to depend on others — their biggest fear is trusting someone (in the sense of trusting them to be honest, or to fulfill their end of a bargain, or etc.) and that trust resulting in not only their own suffering, but the suffering of others.
As for more unusual ones — they find the sound of bone cracking really unsettling, which is rough when your job involves so much violence.
8. Do they collect anything? If so, what and why?
They collect jewelry, though they rarely wear it! They're especially likely to take jewelry off of any corpses the gang finds.
If you looked through their (extensive) collection, you'd find a few things that are inscribed with the names Lythia and Lythi — it's odd that this name shows up so regularly. Poor Lythia must have died with a lot of jewelry, one supposes.
As for the why...if you asked directly, they'd say that jewelry is often a sign of love — after all, jewelry is so often a gift — and so, by holding onto it, Delight is preserving a sign of love between people, even if those people are dead. And they're not lying! That is most of the reason.
10. Do they have any regrets?
Oh, so many, but they won't talk about them for the most part. And, to their credit, most of the regrets are in the past; nowadays, as long as they did their best and did what was right (or as close as they could, in the circumstances) they're good at not blaming themselves for what happens that no one could have predicted. "I did the very best that I could, the rest is out of my hands."
That being said, the gang is the first time in years they've had any kind of real companions, and losing any of them would be...unbearable. No matter how good their intentions were or how much they tried, if they lost any of them, they'd...well, it wouldn't be pretty. That would be a regret.
11. Do they have any addictions?
If you asked them, they'd say "heroics, probably" as a joke. I don't think so, to be honest, and if they are addicted to anything, it's less substances and more...concepts.
14. Do they have a hard time opening up to people?
Yes, though it's less out of intentional secrecy (at least for the most part) and more because they're just out of practice. They've been on their own for a long time, doing solo heroism and only stopping to be a listening ear to whoever happens to be suffering along the way — that role doesn't require a whole lot of heart-baring on their part. When Shadowheart asked them to tell her something about them, they diverted and asked about her, not out of a desire to avoid the question but because it simply felt more natural after so many years of not confiding in anyone.
I mentioned that they hide wounds and things, and I do think it can be a challenge for them to open up about mistakes they've made in the past, but as far as their general day-to-day life and their dreams and etc, they wouldn't mind talking about that sort of thing if they could just break the listening-but-not-sharing habit.
15. What kind of sense of humor do they have? Or do they have one at all?
They're very funny! It tends to be a dry thing; they've got a lot of charisma, but when they're interacting as themself and not in the interest of trying to get someone from somebody (which is when they crank the charisma up) they tend towards a dry, deadpan humor. They and Gale get along fine, but he's so theatrical in his humor and they're so flat in theirs that they struggle to reach the other's wavelength some time. Ironically, they play off of Astarion's theatre-kid-isms no problem.
17. How easily would they be convinced to do something that goes against their morals?
It's INCREDIBLY hard. Delight has a very strong moral center and etc — they know that nothing haunts them quite like not sticking to their guns. Not that they're not flexible — they can adjust on the fly if there's not an obvious 'good' answer, and they're not above lying, stealing, etc. — but still...
There was a time a long time ago when they should have stuck to their morals, but they trusted someone too much, let that someone warp their goodness, let that someone convince them to set aside their morals, believed that someone when he promised that he'd fill in the gaps and keep people safe...and it ended with Delight scarred and so many others dead. Never again. If they cause death, better to be because of their own choice rather than their own abdication.
32. If they could change one thing about themselves what would it be?
If they could rewrite parts of their past, they would, but as for who they are now...they'd not change anything, I think! They fought for who they are now, and they like that person, despite the pain in their history.
That being said, they would love to get the tadpole out of their head. They very nearly let Volo put a fucking icepick through their skull about it.
34. How well do they deal with grief?
Depends on the kind of grief. If a loved one died naturally, they would mourn and be miserable for a long time, but they'd be okay. If someone they loved was lost to them and it was their fault, then...well! Again, it would not be pretty!
35. Do they believe in fate or do they believe they are in charge of their own destiny?
It's not something they think about, honestly, though if you asked them they'd eventually come back with "We're inclined to follow fate, but we can always break free if we choose." Another person acting cruelly or leaving others to suffer or failing themselves while claiming it's fate and not worth fighting would just make them angry.
41. Do they learn from their mistakes?
Whether they learn the right lessons is up in the air, but generally speaking, yes!
42. Can they speak multiple languages? If yes which all do they speak and why?
Does talking to animals count?
In all seriousness, yes! They grew up in a very multicultural environment, lots of languages happening at once, so they got used to that. It helps a lot in all their traveling.
44. Who, if anyone, would they trust with their deepest secrets?
It takes a long time for Delight to be willing to share the grittier parts of their history, their secrets; they're deeply ashamed of some of it, and fear being judged. That being said, Wyll is the first in the gang they'd be willing to share with. Shadowheart, eventually, then Karlach.
I imagine by the end of the game, they'll be there with most if not all of the gang. But their...primary circle or whatever is Wyll-Shadowheart-Karlach, and they'll always be the closest.
46. Would they lie to get out of trouble?
Oh, absolutely. They lie all the time and are good at it! Being a hero is as much about know how to diffuse a problem as it is about killing people, and sometimes the best way to diffuse a problem is to tell a half-truth.
47. Would they lie to get someone else out of trouble? Even if they would have to take that someone else's place?
Even more absolutely. Put them in jail because Karlach got caught with the sticky fingers. That's fine by them. It'll be fun.
48. How likely are they to go on a quest for revenge?
For their own revenge? Not going to happen. Revenge for someone they love? Almost definitely.
50. What is your favorite thing about them?
I joked before I got the game that a lot of my main PCs in these games, especially my first playthru, end up following the same basic beats — and Delight isn't anything truly groundbreaking for me. But I've enjoyed developing them in the game and in my head and seeing the small differences, the little stuff that's new. They're good and they do the right thing, but it's interesting how it seems to me like it stems less from like....how do I word this.
They are morally upright and have a tough moral center. But they don't really care if their companions don't (though, no killing innocents on their watch) because while they do believe in their morals it's like...they don't think about them. They do the right thing because that's just what you do, and because the time they didn't lead to the biggest regret of their life, but there's like...no posturing or sense of superiority or even sense of "my way is right and yours is wrong." Again, this has limits, but it's interesting to rotate this character in my head who is extremely good but not in a way that has anything to do with like...actual steadfast beliefs, if that makes sense? It's fun!
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goddness-lunafreya · 6 months
Philrath Headcanon - As the Companions Come My PoV
So, after seeing many people doing this, I had the courage and desire to do it too. Inspired by the posts Write your Tav (other characters' POV edition) and My Tav (Tyrael) Headcanons, I decided to make this post. Let's see what the Companions think of our Half-Dragon? Meet more about Philrath
"Philrath is...Curious. But not in a bad way. Of course, when I met her I thought she was strange, but she was kind to me, to all of us. Sometimes I think we didn't deserve it. Her being the daughter of a dragon was strange to accept, but I soon got used to it. In the end I think I understand her, she was alone for so many years, away from her family... I hope she feels good where she is now."
"The dragon hybrid exceeded my expectations. Maybe they weren't tall, but Philrath proved to be more than just a pretty face. She fought bravely! When I saw her fly in her direction, spitting the end of her enemies onto the ice, I understood why she was hiding, and I admired her. But she doesn't need to hide, she'll be the dragon when she needs to be, and we'll be here to make sure no bastard locks her up again! I may not agree with everything she does... she's still a sentimental fool. But I see a warrior in her eyes."
"Philrath is unique. What can I say? I would love to study her magic more calmly. I understand exactly how dragon magic flows so well in a hybrid's body, but I'm afraid of getting bitten! Well... I wouldn't just get one..." (Referring to the vampire) "Anyway, I'm glad she trusts us enough to expose herself. It's difficult... Explaining when you have something dangerous in you. I confess that looking at it from this angle, damn, it makes sense that she ignored me... A dragon is a little too much for me..." (He takes a goddess and still says that...). "Better to leave her with someone who understands these wilder things."
"She is amazing! Seriously, she, like, even tried to touch my hand when I asked. We almost gave her a thermal shock, poor thing, but did she accept it? Serious. She's crazy! But... I adore her. I would hate to see her arrested, when she told me I... I was devastated. I'm going to kick those hunters' asses! She protected me... I must do the same. It's almost as if she were a little sister... A little sister who turns into a fucking dragon, but a little sister."
"Philrath... Sometimes I let slip from my lips a nickname, 'Little Dragon'. That's what she is. She's small for a dragon, but she must have her heart in the right place, more so than most of them... When she asked me to train her, I was embarrassed. I didn't see myself in a position to do that, but she opened up and said how scared she is of hurting people, transformed... I know what that's like. Even I, an experienced person, I feel fear when I transform into a bear over unstable emotions, imagine her, a dragon. But she is safe now, in our arms, with Silvanus and protected in the embrace of her soulmate. I will be here if she needs extra arms for the hug ." (A not so innocent joke)
"Oh, Philrath? My Darling? What do I say... I don't want to expose her too much, but she's a delight. But I think that before I talk about how wonderful she is carnally, I should say how much she... Trusted me. See, you let me bite you. She gave me company at night. It was a sweet voice for when I got nervous. She did crazy things, oh how crazy things, for me! And... I never wanted anything in return. She just... loved me. Honestly, I don't want to break up with her! I don't care if she has scales, or if she turns into a dragon, or if she's hunted by maniacs? But so what?? I have my own maniac to kill. So what?? I'd love to do this with her... And I'd love to return the favor." (Post Cazador, they will apparently have no rest.)
"Philrath... She's not a monster. I know it's weird to start like this, but everyone says that! She says this about herself. And she's not a monster. It's just a... Person who has suffered his whole life and wants to live! Damn, if it's difficult for me now that I have this pair of horns, imagine she's had them since birth. I feel sorry, but I want to help her. The Blade of Frontiers has promised to protect those in need, and she does. Philrath could only abandon everything and everyone, live in seclusion, feel angry. But look at her here... Making us happy with songs and dances and saving little children. She is not a monster. Monsters are those who gave her that title."
Tag List: (Thank you!) @spacebarbarianweird @vixstarria
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thessalian · 8 months
Faerun!Alisaie vs A Whole Lot Of Mess
Wandering through the streets of the Lower City
Wyll: Did we have to go tomb-raiding? Really?
Alisaie: I trust precisely nothing underground in this city right now.
Shadowheart: Which is why we're taking the walking tour, I imagine.
Alisaie: Pretty much. If we had a ship with Shadow Curse clinging to it docked nearby, it's a good idea to check the docks in general and--
Sahuagin: *attack*
Citizens: *cower*
Gale: ...Really?
Alisaie: Okay, this doesn't generally happen, so I guess we're searching around the docks for the source of a fish-people invasion now. But first... HEY! COME GET SOME, YOU SUSHI PLATTER WITH DELUSIONS OF SAPIENCE!
Wyll: Okay, I love the blade-work, but I did miss the literally deadly insults. *Eldritch Blasts a sahuagin into next week*
Stabnation: *ensues*
Awhile later, further down the docks...
Gale: Well. This is netting us a whole lot of nothing. Except for raiding a supply shipment of illegal nonsense.
Alisaie: I want to find all the ins and outs to the undercity before I go hunting Orin down there, so... Huh. What's that commotion over there?
Shadowheart: That's ... Volo.
Alisaie: Huh. I wondered why he wasn't hanging around our room at the Elfsong. What the fuck is he doing out here?
Volo: *tied to several barrels of smokepowder* Help! Help!
Wyll: Annoying the populace, apparently.
Volo: Volothamp Geddard; now will you do something about this?!?
Alisaie: So ... you have a thing against bards, then?
Absolutist: Frankly, yes.
Alisaie: *sigh* Everyone's a critic.
Absolutist: Wait-- You're a--?
Alisaie: College of Swords says hello, shitbag. *shanks*
Absolutist: *throws torch onto alcohol 'fuse'*
Alisaie: Oh fuck-- WYLL!
Wyll: On it! *Misty Steps to Volo*
Stabnation: *ensues*
And, once the stabbing is done...
Alisaie: They don't step in when innocent people are being attacked, but they give me funny looks for looting the corpses of people I killed in self-defense? What is wrong with people?!? Last time I checked, there wasn't a decree about leaving someone's coin to pay for their burial or anything...
Wyll: I think there were fewer dead people at the time, and the coffin-maker wasn't dealing with a month of backlog.
Alisaie: We don't dump criminals into mass graves anymore? Eh, whatever. I suppose we should check in on Volo.
Volo: You're welcome!
Alisaie: ...Excuse me?
Volo: A daring rescue was just the thing you needed to add to your legend! I have things to impart but in private! Yes! I'll be back at your camp! ...Um ... where is your--?
Alisaie: *sigh* Elfsong Tavern, upper rooms.
Volo: Fabulous! *exits in an Elfsong-wards direction*
Shadowheart: Did you have to tell him where we were staying?
Alisaie: Maybe he doesn't have anything important to tell us, but at this point, I'm not taking any risks. Now, let's head in that general direction via the Society of Brilliance. Blurg always has the best components and... Huh.
Wyll: Huh?
Shadowheart: Yes, we should probably go investigating the singing. Sounds like a Water Queen funeral. Got any offerings you'd like to make?
Alisaie: Song, respect, my sword to avenge them if they were killed--
Allandra: Yes! That one! Evil poisoned creatures came and--
Alisaie: Okay. I get it. I'll find whatever did this. Promise. I just really do need to speak to the Society of Brilliance and get a decent night's sleep. This should be fine because the gods are at least supposed to understand mortal needs and mortal frailties.
Gale; Shadowheart: *grumble*
Alisaie: I said 'supposed to'.
And, walking towards their rooms...
Alisaie: I really don't like this. Too many people are just plain missing and--
Lae'zel: This child is the imposter!
Alisaie: ...the fuck? Lae'zel, Gortash said it was one of our allies, not a little kid who barely knows half of what we've been doing-- Oh. Right. Okay, Orin, c'mon out and leave the kid alone.
'Lae'zel': *shanks the kid anyway*
Alisaie: Oh you nasty little--
Orin: *taking her true form* So I have a deal for you--
Alisaie: Where is Lae'zel?!?
Orin: Safe for now. But here's the deal. You finish off Gortash for me, then you come down to me and you and I fight it out for the stones!
Alisaie: What, no "Rule at my side" bullshit?
Orin: Oh, no. I want to make you bleed. I want you to make me bleed. We will flay each other in glorious battle and the pain and the blood and the--
Alisaie: Oh for fuck's sake shut up! How exactly am I supposed to trust you?
Orin: *shrug* Don't disappoint me, or your friend suffers. *poofs*
Alisaie: Well ... fuck.
Shadowheart: She and I never really saw eye to eye, but...
Alisaie: I know, I know. We will fix this. I just need a night to figure out how. One way or another, both of those two dickwaffles are going down, but finding the best way without getting Lae'zel killed is ... tricky.
Jaheira: I admit to being new with this entire party, but ... you didn't seem the least bit surprised when the false Lae'zel held a child at knifepoint.
Alisaie: She does that.
Shadowheart: Seriously. She does that.
Astarion: How many holes will I have poked in me by various people's weapons if I ask if we're really invested on saving someone who's been ... honestly, nothing but antagonistic, that I've seen.
Alisaie: Well, you two have seldom if ever worked together, so maybe consider there's shit you haven't seen. Also, if you want pragmatism, what's Kith'rak Voss going to say when he finds out we let a murder-happy asshole kill one of his only allies? We've already got half the gith race wanting us dead; we don't need the other half too.
Astarion: Buuuuuut you're doing it because you're a hero and she's a friend.
Alisaie: And I am giving you pragmatic reasons to let you save face and never have to admit you're worried too.
Astarion: ...Right. Insight Queen. I'm shutting up now...
Alisaie: Right. I am going to try to sleep, but first I should see if any of Volo's stuff is useful at all.
Volo: Lovely little set-up you have here! I'll just make myself at home, shall I?
Alisaie: But--
Volo: So which bed is mine?
Alisaie: But you said--
Volo: Ooh, vegetable soup!
Alisaie: .........I am going to bed so I don't yeet you out the nearest window!
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