phallo-diary 10 days
Post op today went really well, got to shower, feeling really good. Posted pics on reddit.
Currently I'm uncertain about the size of the glans (feels too big) but I think it's just an adjustment period. I also decided to keep some of my labia since I kept my vagina, which leads to a very interesting look but I dig it. Overall, I'm feeling really good, have been mostly uncomfortable.
While I'm limited to 1,500 steps a day I am fully independent. I have to drive myself to my appointment next week, which will guaranteed break my steps limit but don't have a better option. I was cleared to drive as long as I was comfortable. With no issues sitting it's really only the steps I'm worried about. Doesn't seem to be a hard limit, just limit movement to reduce wound separation chances. Been sitting a lot doing embroidery with minimal issues, mostly leakage from the surgical sites.
Was in the cloud until appointment today, so 5 full days of cloud and prop. Cleared out of it with the bolster dressing on the glans removed. My penis can't rest on my scrotum yet so that's tucked up and away. A folded kerlix is over and around the scrotum, but not nearly as bulky and awkward as the cloud. Stitches get pulled out in two weeks. Glans site is wrapped with xeroform and a cling gauze. They pulled a graft of some variety from my doppler scar, I just keep Vaseline on it.
Really excited to see how things look at they heal and un-swell. Have definitely had a change in sensation, when I manipulate my penis to wrap or adjust, it Feels. It's a different kind of sensation, not something I can really describe, and not one I'm testing too much with everything being a little delicate. Does mean that the burial nerves are doing something. Electrolysis will certainly be an experience, hopefully bearable. Not sure when I can start that up again, I need to ask at my next post op.
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phallo-diary 12 days
This shower on Tuesday is going to be heavenly, I feel so disgusting
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phallo-diary 14 days
Second day post stage 2. Been home for about 12 hours now, slept for most of that. Currently at my desk and oh I'm so glad for being allowed to sit. Everything is all a little delicate. I can't roll on my chair, uses too much force esp since it's wheels on carpet so I have to hover squat over it to get it into position. I do feel gross and achey but this recovery is going to be far less emotionally taxing I can already tell. I am not nearly as limited; I have both arms and I'm not bed bound, I'm practically unstoppable.
I have 1,500 steps in a day and with how the size of my apartment is that's not going to become an issue. Plenty to get water, food, and go to the bathroom. I think I'll probably be a little pathetic about food for a few days, but my roommate does not mind feeding me, that was the plan from the beginning was for him to cook for me. I'm a little nervous about changing my mesh underwear later but that will need done. I just need to be careful not to manhandle the glans site too much. At least propping is super easy with coban tape around the site.
Pain is kept manageable with tylenol. I have been sitting at around a 1 with mild spikes up to 2 as I maneuver around. Though it's really less painful and more discomfort. Worst pain was going home because I did not take tynenol before we left, didn't get above a 4 but I was not a happy camper in the slightest.
Overall I feel great, it's gunna be a rough first week I think but after I get through my first post-op Tuesday I'm sure things will have their rhythm by then.
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phallo-diary 16 days
Surgery went very good it sounds like, feel pretty damn good all considered. The worst pain is the headache but the tylenol is starting to kick in. I inhaled some snacks, grateful for water. Surgical site is more uncomfortable than anything. Craving a nap so bad but its damn bright.
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phallo-diary 16 days
Over 3 months post op, currently getting chores done tonight in prep for surgery TOMORROW. I think I mentioned on this blog that I got approved for stage 2 way ahead of what I expected, but tbh I've been forgetting about tumblr in general. I started working more and it's just eaten up so much of my brain. I'm healing really well, my only issue is I started scar massage on my donor arm and it's caused blisters to appear and pop so I've got a couple of open spots on my arm, though all but one have pretty much closed. The one that hasn't sloughed recently. Excited for the chance to get the two big stages out of the way so early.
But yea, life is just chugging along. I've got nearly full range of motion back, no pain (though I was never in any pain even from the get-go), and I'm just living my gay little life. Tomorrow I get glansplasty, scrotoplasty, and clitoral burial, then I get a long break from surgery. Stage 3 is sometime next year, consult in October this year.
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phallo-diary 2 months
COMPLETELY forgot about this blog lol I am just a week over 2 months post op and doing great. Posted pics to Reddit. Returned to work earlier this week, only had a half week (2 days) and did great. Might have a 7 day week ahead of me to get my shift schedule changed around but I'm not too worried. I already have a date for stage 2 (will get glansplasty, scrotoplasty, and clitoral burial) for late May. I have a consult for stage 3 in October, will probably get implants sometime in fall/winter 2025. Electrolysis will restart in late June most likely.
No sensation in my penis yet but I can get some good feelings jerking off. It's a bit tricky to do but I figure I'll have better luck after burial. I've got good range of motion in my wrist, could be better, just need to do my exercises more consistently. I'm really starting to adjust to the general tightness/awareness of the donor arm scar.
Generally, I'm feeling real good about everything thus far. Excited to get stage 2 so much sooner, but also it's still gunna be a bit a marathon as I spend the next probably year on electrolysis/waiting for implants/eventual tattooing.
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phallo-diary 2 months
6 weeks post op, feeling great and healing great. I'm now allowed to let my penis just dangle. I feel real good, I could go back to work early but I think I'll take this time to relax since I'm approved for 4 more weeks. Get a chance to have passover off. Starting occupational therapy this Saturday, which is exciting. Last week got cancelled last minute so a bit of later start than I would've liked. I've graduated from vaseline to lotion and to a basic UV sleeve (no compression) when I'm out. No baths for a while (~3 months post op) which is a bummer, I really need to get through my bath bombs.
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phallo-diary 2 months
Holy shit, it sounds like I have the chance to get stage 2 three months earlier than expected. I should have a date next week!
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phallo-diary 3 months
Meant to post this last week but here's pics of my junk + donor sites one month post op (and 12 days post split thickness).
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phallo-diary 3 months
Hi! I'm so glad you're healing well and I sincerely appreciate you documenting this journey. I hope your surgeries go well in the future and your body becomes all you want it to be
Thank you! Really happy to share, it was other people documenting their journeys that helped me so I wanted to give back. I really thought I would have more to blog about but my healing has been incredibly smooth. Right now it's just working on increasing sitting and sandwich time. I'm anxious and ready to get one with stage 2 but OHSU is very cautious and I can really only hope to get in August.
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phallo-diary 3 months
36 days post post. Had my 5th post-op appointment and things are healing fantastic. Get to add 20 minutes to my sitting/sandwich time tomorrow so I'll be at 2 hours total. Once I hit 3 hours that's the end goal and I'm clear to sit for as long as I want. Will keep sleeping in the cloud but sounds like next week I'll be let out to sandwich only. Got all the stitches pulled out of my arm too so that's allowed to be open to air while at home. Keeping vaseline on it and lotion on my leg. Kerlix wrap on it when I leave the house. The vaseline is a small issue rubbing off on things, esp when I use the computer but hopefully in a few weeks I can move to just lotion.
Got in early tomorrow for OT finally, it was a bit last minute and my roomie won't be able to take me so I'm gunna do the drive later tonight. I was able to drive without issue a short distance, this is quite a lot more driving than down to the craft store. Again, do the drive tonight and make sure I'm comfortable for the morning. I don't foresee any issues but I can always bus it if needed.
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phallo-diary 3 months
29 days post op. Close enough to one month for me. Had my fourth post-op appointment and I feel like I'm on top of the world. Splint is off my right arm and guess what! I'm typing this post with BOTH HANDS! I feel like a new man lol Currently only have to wear the splint to bed. I'm also clear to sit for 30 minute chunks three times a day, and to "sandwich" my dick also 30 minutes at a time three times a day. The sandwich keeps it at a 45 degree angle as opposed to the cloud which keeps it at 90. As long as no swelling occurs I can increase that time by 10 minutes a day. Waiting to hear back from OHSU about hand therapy. For now just getting used to using my right hand after having it out of commission for a month.聽
I will keep dressing my forearm daily in xeroform for another week. Then only when I'm out of the house. I was also cleared to shower with my arm unwrapped which is very exciting. My thigh dressing is peeling nicely, keeping that vaseline鈥檇 during the day. I wipe it off at night so it doesn't stick to my blankets. My dick also so good Dr. Peters had their fellows look at it. Award winning dick, best at healing! Looking forward to Saturday where I get my nostril piercings put back in.
These next two weeks will be very exciting as things start to move toward normal. I'm excited about being cleared to start driving here toward the end of the month (most likely).
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phallo-diary 3 months
22 days post-op. Had my third post op appointment, everything looks great. Got the plastic film off my split thickness site, got the stitches out of my dick, and got a look at my arm. Split thickness made the arm look so good, there's probably not gunna be too bad of a divot even once it heals. Very happy to see my dick without stitches too. The way they make the fake urethra also means its way deeper then I thought. It is a tube-in-tube for the first like, inch of my dick. Very neat, but also disconcerting when she shoved a qtip down there to clean it.
Mom went home, I'm set up at my apartment again. The toilet here is so small, it really sucks. Going to shower tomorrow morning, that way I'm fully convinced the split thickness bandage is dried to my leg. Walking is slow going but being home is nice. Got a referral for hand therapy, but will get to return to my typical excersizes Sunday. Should hear back within the month to schedule stage 2.
Next week is a month post op, will get cleared off serious bed rest and work on getting back to my life. Hopefully by then the split thickness will have mostly healed.
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phallo-diary 3 months
17 days post-op. Split thickness graft was today, everything went real smooth. Keeping up on tylenol, there isn't any pain but I get some light stinging went I walk and when I pull my underwear down to pee. I'm orange as hell from the iodine. We cleaned up some of it with baby wipes. I'm not clear to shower til Tuesday.
The site looks gross, but the Integra really desensitized me, so it doesn't even phase me. Freaks my mom out which is reasonable. Idk my arm was fucking see through with the Integra, the STG is gross but also completely unremarkable. Not even oozing too much which is nice. The gauze wrap around the thigh loooooves migrating, which is annoying.
Semi-related, but if you wanna see 2 week post-op penis pics I posted them on Reddit. Tumblr removed my post here so I'm just not gunna bother fighting.
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phallo-diary 3 months
Ah so I can't upload post-op pics even marked mature? My post got flagged and removed. Lame. Wild that my first pic was fine.
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phallo-diary 3 months
13 days post-op. We wrapped me up in a blanket (hides the bulge the penis cloud makes) and let me stand outside for a minute. Felt great. Bed rest sucks and it's really getting to me. Just about halfway through tho.
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phallo-diary 3 months
Shabbat shalom I'm 12 days post-op! Haven't posted anything meaningful in a bit, and while I'm sorta keeping a journal I don't really post much in depth here. My mom and I relocated from my apartment to an extended stay hotel cause it was easier on her. Time feels weird in the hotel, but mom and I have a good system going. Shower every other day, which feels fantastic. We have benedryl for the worst itch flairs. Arm gets weird tingles and zaps sometimes but that鈥檚 just healing. Bed rest and having one hand is hard. I'm restless. Stage 2 is going to be leagues easier, not just because sitting is likely ok but because there won鈥檛 be any arm nonsense.聽
Split thickness graft on Thursday, the doctor compared it to road rash which is not exciting. I haven鈥檛 been taking tylenol cause I鈥檓 not in any pain, but that may change. Tomorrow is last day of gabapentin (nerve pain relief or smth) so we鈥檒l see how I fair. Coming up on two weeks though, which means I鈥檓 halfway through the worst of it. Mom is geared up to go home on the 7th, and I should be good to use my right arm some the 9th. We鈥檒l get me settled back into the apartment the 6th. Good friend will help some leading up to the 12th, where I should get cleared for sitting. Walking will still be limited, but getting some movement back is exciting. I鈥檓 excited at the thought of getting to drive to my own appointments.
One armed typing makes my left shoulder real sore. I have a lot on my mind but no real desire to keep clacking away. Just gotta get through, but I鈥檓 in high spirits.
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