♥️ Favorite Line
Oh gosh it's genuinely so difficult to pick. I poured everything I had into chapters 9, 14, 18, and 20, so those ones are full lines I agonized over.
Currently if I had to choose, I'd say: "Mikey spun his luminescent links in lethargic arcs, paying no heed to their bloody tips shedding dark droplets. Or to the soft ching… ching… ching… as they skittered over stone." from chapter 20 (that whole scene, actually) was a JOY to write.
I love any use of the ticking. Or using the word 'Lollapalooza'.
✨ Favorite Comment
I love getting each and every comment, but I do have some favorites. I screenshot the ones I really like and keep them in a special folder that I might print out one day.
Obviously @purplepixel's comment/essays are some of my favorite things in the world, specifically the one on chapter 20. like_theletter 's comment on chapter 10 is also one of my favorites. But hands down, one of the best comments I have ever received was on chapter 15 by @8rook which said, "NOOO!!! HE'S DEAD!!! AND HE'S IN THE SHOWER WATER!!! AHHHHH!!!" cracks me up EVERY time I think about it.
💭 What Inspires Me
The original inspiration for 'Spider's Web With Strings Attached' was a mix between lfls by @eternalglitch, the '03 turtles in their battle arena, the Gemini Twins by @tangledinink, and @drsmer.
Without Dr. Smer urging me, drawing concept art, making a playlist, helping me decide names, characters, places, events, chapter titles, and even the title of the fic, I guarantee it would not have gotten this far.
But when I'm actually writing, when I need inspiration I'll put random songs on shuffle and see what emotions they make me feel. I've gone on long drives or car rides to give me some inspiration before (I was in the mountains with my family when I got the idea for Viper and chapter 9). However, if I'm being totally honest, the best way for me to get inspiration is to lay on my floor, stare up at the ceiling fan, and let my brain do what it will. That might not work for everyone, but Floor Time™️ is an essential part of my process
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skyward-floored · 9 days
so you said you were excited for Whumptober (me too! There is no way to imagine how much I love your whumptober fics) and it made me curious. I am usually very critical of my writing so I want to know which whumptober fiction from last year was your favorite. Which one was your favorite as far as how it turned out? Which was most fun to write?
Oof, that’s a hard decision XD I don’t think I’m particularly annoyed at how any of them turned out— there were some I wish I could’ve devoted more time to, like the second part of the fairy Warriors arc (day 21), or the stuff with downfall Time (days 22, 25 & 29). But I still mostly like how they came out in the end. I just wish I’d had more time to fix them up a little further and hammer out the plot.
The one with Legend and half of the chain turning on him because of a wizzrobe (day 4 & 10) turned out really well I think, I executed the idea exactly how I wanted to :) Same with Sky’s desert wandering (day 2) and Wild being stuck in a memory (day 3), those both turned out really well. Probably because they were at the beginning of the month XD
I’m also really happy with how the one where Malon gets kidnapped by Dink turned out (day 9), even though nobody quite got that the mailman was supposed to be Dink in disguise... but that’s okay 😂 And sticking with the Malon trend, the one with her and Legend (day 19) turned out nicely too. I love some good Marin angst.
As for the most fun to write... the one where Warriors and Twilight swap clothes was really fun (day 6), but so were the two chain meets Twilight ones... mostly because I was laughing evilly while writing them heh (days 17 & 20).
The one where Sky sacrifices himself (day 28) was also a blast, just because I knew I’d be yelled at for it (I was hehe), but also the one where Sky ends up taking care of the entire chain (day 24). It was fun doing a fic where I tried to give all of the Links a moment in the spotlight, and I think I juggled them well.
But let it also be said that I am very critical of my writing. After finishing whumptober, I couldn’t look at these for at least a few weeks afterward because in my memory they were all rushed and messy... and honestly? ...I was depressed as heck most of last October and kinda just putting those fics out because I’m stubborn and I wasn’t going to quit halfway.
And now? I rather enjoy rereading them.
I know there’s things I could fix in them, and could doubtlessly write them better now, but for me, the point of whumptober is just to see what I can do in the space of a month. And what I did was pretty good :)
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henrysglock · 1 year
what vibes do you think the students get from teacher creelarke/how do you think they feel from henry? (examples dad, weird, fun, chill, neutral, uncle, etc?)
oh now THAT depends on who you ask
To most kids I think he’d come off a little kooky, a little reclusive, but not outright scary unless he’s trying to be (I know damn well The Stare can silence a room full of tweens). It’s really easy to get him on tangents, though, I’d think, so he would definitely be That Teacher who gets distracted from the actual lesson all the time. Definitely not super strict or outright mean. He’s got more of the "quiet older brother who became the Opinionated About Politics uncle" type vibe in general, I think.
(mind y’all this is canon divergence, so Henry is completely uninvolved with the villainous side of ST. There’s AU lore to that, but generally just note that Henry Creel has zero chance of being a Creep here)
As for the Party…they’d have mixed reviews.
Dustin clocks him immediately and is a Menace™ trying to prove that he and Scott are together. He does not fear Henry in any way. They’ve got the kind of relationship that a college kid might have with their favorite TA: He’s respectful most of the time, but definitely tends towards treating Henry like a peer. That man holds like Zero power over Dustin Henderson.
Mike, however, took one look at Henry and went “you ever see a man so soft-looking that there HAS to be something horribly wrong with him?” and that set the tone for their whole relationship. Coincidentally, that opens Henry up as a person Mike knows he can be a little asshole to and not incur Parental Consequences (see: El lashing out about Terry in NINA and being met with questions and engagement rather than punishment). They’re like two bitchy cats forced to share the same territory: too similar to coexist in harmony, but just different enough that they manage to make it work in a beneficial way. For them, it leans into that older brother dynamic in that they squabble, but Mike also Knows that Henry would come in with a steel chair if need be.
Lucas staunchly refuses to get involved in Dustin’s conspiracies (He already knows creelarke are all but married. He saw them holding hands once and that was all it took. He will not tell Dustin this, because it's far more entertaining to watch him rant and sleuth). He honestly just wants everyone to stop antagonizing the damn teacher so he can get his A without too much trouble. He sees Henry as weird, for sure, but generally harmless. It ends up becoming something closer to a “yeah this is the guy whose house we just…show up at whenever things start getting freaky again” type of trust.
Will and Henry have that gay-gay, artist-artist, autist-autist connection. Henry sees some of Will’s freaky gruesome DnD doodles on the back of his homework, and it’s like this scene from IASIP:
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Henry with his black widow drawings vs Will with the dragon biting a guy's head off...They just Get It (and even more so once the actual plot sets in in 1983). "Same guy, different font" sort of thing. Henry sees Will go missing/get possessed in conjunction with HNL, and it's just "I think I've seen this film before...and I didn't like the ending".
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rustedhearts · 8 months
yesss! i finished szn 4 a few days ago and here are my opinions;
Maeve Wiley stays the love of my life ❤️❤️ she has been my girl since DAY 1!!!!!
so far I enjoyed everyone’s arcs/stories ESPECIALLY ERIC AND AIMEE!! Watching both of them find themselves was so cathartic😭
Adam and his relationship with his dad literally made me cry especially since I had daddy issues😭
I wanna give Jean A HUGE HUG ISTG. Having a newborn is exhausting like literally. I remember when my mom had my younger sister. Zero sleep 🤦🏽‍♀️
Otis pissed me TF OFF THIS SEASON. UGHHHHHHHHH. But lowkey it made me realize how selfish he was over the past seasons, like when Eric said “whenever maeve is around nothing else matters to him” I WAS LIKE UR SO RIGHT?????
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Otis’ mission to prove he was the better sex therapist was exhausting to watch, how he used everyone around him and didn’t even care about their feelings was so irritating , but this has been going on for the whole show and I didn’t even pay attention 😔
My character rankings:
1. Maeve and Aimee
2. Eric
3. Ruby
4. Jean
5. Adam
okay sorry this is gonna be long but!! nobody else talks about it with me lol
i saw a tiktok and someone said maeve’s story was rushed this season and her mother’s death was unnecessary, but i disagree ENTIRELY. i think this was the most brutally honest version of maeve we’ve ever seen. i’m so glad they brought sean back (i was hoping they would!!) because their sibling dynamic and childhood trauma is such a captivating storyline to me. it really resonates lmao
and aimee!! oh my god i loved her this season. i always loved her, but this season she was truly the best! her style was gorge, but i also just really appreciated that the writers didn’t rush into her healing journey. she really took her time with it, and as someone who’s been sa’d, this is the truth of it! i feel so much of aimee in me!! and i loved her taking up photography—it felt very on-brand for her character, who sort of sees everything for what it is.
i was never a big isaac fan (for obvious reasons) but i enjoyed his character development this season. i was iffy on him and aimee together (because i looooved steve) but by the end i liked them!!
when adam screamed at his dad and called him just a “scared little man with a job he hates” i was like YESSSS!!! conor is such an amazing actor and i loved adam all throughout the show as a character just because of how nuanced he was. he has such a sad little face :(
otis. otis…bleh. not the biggest fan this season. agreed he’s always been selfish. but i do feel like his riff with eric this season kind of felt silly because it came out of nowhere.
very very sad about the lack of jakob especially because of what they went through in s3. i think him not being there at all felt really out of character for him. i think even if he found out joy wasn’t his, after dealing with such a difficult pregnancy and jean almost dying, he wouldn’t have just uprooted everyone and abandoned her.
i really appreciated the storyline with jean and her sister.
overall, i think maeve’s storyline was my favorite this season. i loved her characterization (biased opinion since she’s just…me) and wish we had a liiiiiittttle longer to explore all of her backstory, but i’m also pretty pleased with where the show ended! i think it makes sense otis and maeve didn’t end up together.
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alatusxiaoo · 2 years
Hiii zalyy. Uhh i just saw your recent post and i wanted to say that youre under no obligation to write if you're not feeling it or just don't want to anymore. You already know this but I just wanted to put it out there because forcing yourself to pump out works is exhausting and something i hope you never have to do.
I also want to add that it's okay if you don't post often. Like I think that was implied but like I hope you don't feel sad for not being able to post your ideas and works. You have your own life outside of tumblr and being here is something you do out of your own volition, not a responsibility. Uhhh basically wanna say i hope that you don't feel sad or stressed about the the time you take between posting fics!
That said, i want you to know that i truly enjoy your writing. You're on of the first blogs i followed once i began reading genshin x readers and you've played a huge part in me beginning to play genshin. (I hope this doesnt sound like a guilttrip :< i just wanna say that you and your writing are lovely)
Thanks for reading until the end. I truly hope you're nothing but happy with the choices you make :D
i saw this a few days ago along with a similar ask, so im really sorry it took a while to respond…but can i just say i feel so touched that you actually wrote a whole ass essay to me 😭😭 like wow. you certainly didn’t have to go this far because i am literally NOT worth it, but thank you so much for this anyway ;;
its weird how i always initially view writing as a hobby, and then at some point suddenly look at it only to feel like i’m being obligated to do it,, or at least satisfy people for the sake of it. i mean, i like writing, i like making people happy, i have a shit ton of amazing drafts left without completion, but at some point it does get taxing,,, and at the same time the urge to write starts to get sort of inconsistent. i like it but i hate it 😭 and probably the weirdest thing about it
that said, reading stuff like this actually motivates me to write some stuff again — not because i feel guilt tripped into staying — but because things like this make it feel worth writing, knowing that someone out there is still willing to read and interact with any of my works. and it’s upsetting to see how some passionate and talented people on tumblr decided to quit or put a pause on writing, because they felt like they gave a lot of effort producing all these amazing fics for nothing.
i definitely have the better hang of juggling real life and writing this time, and i’m hoping that during this (potentially) last month, i won’t feel too stressed or burned out by it like i did before.
anyways idk why this got so long and sidetracked 😭 and i still have no idea why i’m kinda attached to writing. shoving that shit aside, i’m really flattered that i’ve become a part of your genshin playing journey :’) and i’d love to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of my writing one too <3
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classickook · 2 years
how did stephen and our widow first meet?
i’ve been thinking long and hard about this lol:
okay so technically speaking, once natasha and yelena rescued our widow, that led right into infinity war. natasha forced y/n to stay behind on this since she had literally just come out of the red room and this was essentially her first taste of freedom, so natasha hid her for a while. then when infinity war happened, natasha and her group of avengers went one way, and stephen and his group went another. y/n was left to regroup and heal on her own while everyone went off to fight and do their avenging stuff.
then at the end, when half of the population blipped, natasha returned to the compound to y/n and they mourned together for a bit and tried to heal as best as they could. during all that time, y/n had heard stories of all she had missed out on like other missions they had been on and who everyone was, so she learned of stephen that way and kinda fell for him through those stories.
when the blipped came back, that, of course, led into endgame, which natasha again told y/n to stay behind and go somewhere safe until it was all over (natasha was definitely the big sister here) so y/n never saw him then either. when everything was over and the remaining avengers went their separate ways, y/n and yelena reunited and tried to heal after natasha’s death by returning to the ‘new’ compound (in my paper hearts timeline, the compound was quickly rebuilt after endgame by advanced stark technology okay? lol).
SO in answer to your question after my long winded explanation, y/n didn’t officially meet stephen until then and he bumped into her while stopping by the compound for a meeting with the remaining avengers.
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v-albion · 2 months
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Continuation of THIS <— its getting long
Hey he finally got some affection! Thanks raphie @hitwiththetmnt
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dlartistanon · 6 months
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Fellas is it gay to top the Radiant Knight
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cosmicdreamgrl · 2 months
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bangtan gif challenge ☆ ↳ stage mix (one song) + your bias → jungkook x dionysus stages
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tojisun · 3 days
hockey player simon pt 03 // part of this plot // mlist
i swear it was just supposed to be a drabble w no plot
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jo heaves a sigh the moment you slide in front of her, and you would have been insulted if it wasn't for the gentle smile she gives right after. still, she's staring at you with that teasing tilt of her lips and her eyes narrowed in humour, one that you're not privy to.
"what?" you finally bite out, fiddling with your iced coffee, feeling self-conscious.
you fleet your eyes to yourself and, yeah, sure you're wearing the same pants as yesterday’s but c'mon? you didn't get to go back to your place after, well...
at least you didn't repeat your top, and is instead wearing a sweater you've stolen from simon's closet. cashmere, cream and soft, and the material comfortable, if not a little bit loose in the arms that droop past your fingers.
you thought you at least looked like those typical college students in the movies—effortlessly chic in a boyfriend sweater, if not a little haggard because who is not when in university?
she finally chuckles, the thrum of her voice easing up the frown that tugged your brows together. “don’t sweat it, superstar. it’s just that i’m still not used to seeing you be a sugar baby.”
you choke mid-sip, her words devouring you like an angry tide. you feel your eyes water in protest, the feeling burning as you sputter.
“i’m not–!”
“you’re not what?” tim asks, sliding into the seat beside yours.
you grumble, wagging a finger as you wipe your stained chin with your other hand. jo snorts and fills him in, chuckling all the while as she gestures at your sweater because she knows it couldn’t possibly have been yours.
tim’s smile turns cheeky, teasing, and he wiggles his brows at you.
“shut up, oh my god,” you whine, rolling your eyes at them, almost shyly, and you feel your cheeks warming. “i’m not– simon’s not my–”
“oh c’mon, babe,” jo says, playfully throwing her mechanical pencil at you. you huff before chucking it back at her, giggling to yourself when it bounces off her arm and rolls into the floor.
tim picks it up for her.
“he buys you expensive things—” her eyes flit to the new promise ring that you’re wearing. you unconsciously hide it behind your palm. “and pays for your tuition which i’m so, so jealous of.”
“doesn’t he fly you around too? in a private jet or something?” tim pipes up, shamelessly snagging away your iced coffee now that you’re too preoccupied to drink it.
“he doesn’t!”
twin brows quirk up in silent judgement.
“…he buys us first class tickets, not, like, a whole jet.”
see? they seemed to say with the way they cock their heads to the side.
you sniff. “it’s for work,” you mumble, remembering the first time simon flew you for his games.
“i mean, for him, maybe. but you? tell me what business do you have in winnipeg?” tim chirps and you almost want to jump him just to make him shut up.
“sugar baby,” jo finishes, singing. “but i mean, who can blame him, huh?” she grins, her voice dipping into a faux southern accent. “i’d spoil you too, sugar.”
“oh, you flirt,” you trill, taking the opening she offers to change the topic.
tim takes the bait and whines about how jo doesn’t do all those things for him, but jo is unmoved, eyeing you knowingly, but thankfully drops it too.
it’s just—
there’s a whole stigma to athlete’s girlfriends. for god’s sake, they even have a whole label—puck bunny—which is honestly just a dig made up by really shitty men who burn with jealousy . and you know that, but—
you can’t help but wonder if some, not all, of simon’s love for you is because of what you do to him. of what you give him in return. especially since he’s so busy all the time, either flying during the season and is rarely home, or packed with training and other physical regimen during the offseason.
so you wonder if this—flying you with him on the days the official WAGs are not being flown by the franchise, bringing you to vacation spots on the other side of the ocean, buying you everything you used to only dream of ever having—was his way of paying you back for your support and patience and care and love.
tim knocks his shoulder with yours, worry now lining his boyishly charming face.
“of course.” you lick your lips. “so did you ever get a copy of the lab sheet from rayan?”
you watch from the front seats as the team wrap up practice tonight, their coach looking pleased at their performance. it was still difficult to follow the game, but the players all look content too despite the sweat and their ragged breathing.
they never did know how to hold back even during a practice.
you say your goodbyes to the other people who came to watch, shooting simon a text that you’ll be waiting for him in the parking lot, and walk out.
the cashmere sweater, thankfully, is enough to fight off the cool air and the gentle breeze while you make your trek to simon’s distinct range rover, all sleek and pure black like he’s got the damn royals for a passenger.
it’s locked so you hover outside, stuffing your hands in the pockets of your pants, and entertained yourself with making puffs of air like you’re ten again. it’s honestly not too bad to be alone, if it weren’t for the sudden swarming of your doubts—the very same ones you thought you already shrugged off before taking the cab to the rink.
“hey, love,” simon’s voice pierces through your thoughts and you jump, barely smothering the yelp that almost tore itself from the base of your throat.
you swivel, heart pounding, and simon’s beautiful face creases into one of concern.
“are you–”
“si!” you greet, jogging to him.
he laughs and opens his arms for a hug, one that you excitedly give him. you tuck your cold face in the crook of his neck, breathing him in, taking in the antiseptic scent of rink soap and the faint smell of his shampoo.
his body is so warm against yours, and you can’t help but melt in his hold, body relaxing at the comfort he brings you.
“you ready to go home?” he asks like the insinuation that his home is also yours is not heart-stopping and world-changing.
you nod, unable to trust your voice right now.
there’s something different whenever it’s just you and simon—your thoughts, for once, are quiet and your confidence in yourself peaking like simon is the only place in this world where you can truly be yourself. it’s not just indulgence, nor tolerance, but it’s pure unadulterated acceptance.
and maybe it’s because of that realization, that flipped switch, that in the lull of your conversation with simon, you bring it up.
“did you know? my friends think that you’re my sugar daddy.”
you feel him freeze, body going rigid as your words spill into the space between you two. you continue to hide your face away from, avoiding a serious conversation as regret begins to build, shame licking up from your fingertips to your ears.
stupid, you think to yourself. why the hell did i bring it up? fuck—
then, simon laughs, soft and sputtering, his whole body shaking as he giggles, choked wheezes uncontainable. you tip your head up just enough to catch his eyes, questions filling your tongue, waiting to be spilled, but simon cups your cheek so tenderly before you could doubt anything any more.
“do i need to be one to spoil you rotten?” he asks like he didn’t just shaken the foundations of your doubts.
do i need to be one to spoil you rotten, he said like spoiling you was the norm. like showering you with expensive gifts and booking you expensive flights and helping you with your expensive necessities was something that boyfriends typically do. like your friends are the odd ones for thinking he had to be anything other the man you’re dating to be able to splurge for you.
“no,” you say, dizzy with the weight of your affections.
simon’s smile droops, his eyes clearing. “was that something that honestly worried you?”
the humour leaves him, and simon straightens up at seeing the gravity of the turmoil in your heart. his hands fall to your sides, thumbs hooked in the dip of your hips. he leans forward until his nose is brushing against yours.
“you know i love you, right?” simon asks, his voice quaking in desperation.
“yeah,” you sniffle, honest because god you mean it. “yeah, si. i know.”
“okay,” he says after a while, still intensely looking at you like you aren’t surely anything but a blob in his eyes with how close you two are pressed to each other.
then, his lips brush with yours, so faint, you almost missed it. you shudder at the feeling of it—how could a chaste kiss feel so intense?—your lips wobbling as something in your heart bloats.
you feel simon’s lips stretch into a grin from where they’re ghosting above yours, and then he’s kissing you again, this time deeper and longer. you curl your arms around his neck, feeling like you’re being swept off your feet all over again.
because simon is not good with words, truly, but he’s managed to swing an axe to the cornerstone of your self-doubt and made it crumble.
“oh god,” jo sobs in your arms, the two of you snuggled up under your sheets. “that was a joke! i promise!”
“i know,” you say, giggling. “i swear jo, it’s not you, it’s me.”
she looks up at you, eyes shimmering with tears. “are you sure?”
“yeah,” you croon, bumping foreheads with her. “...‘sides, simon’s taking me somewhere to make up for, and i quote, ‘making you doubt how serious i am about you’.”
she sniffs. “…permission to make a joke again?”
you grab your plushie from somewhere behind you and smack her ass with it.
“stop being dramatic—that didn’t hurt.”
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[giggles nervously] so uh. 🏃🏻
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orlaite · 5 months
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"I cannot fiddle, but I can make a great state from a little city." Peter O'Toole as T.E Lawrence LAWRENCE OF ARABIA (1962)
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fumifooms · 1 year
Analysis of Laios’ succubus and theories on what it means - deep dive on Laios’ desires in human connections
Laios’ succubus is a very odd incident. I have some particular interpretations of why it was Marcille, and why things went down the way they did.
We know that a succubus shows what one desires, stated in canon as “an alluring form”; yes often in a romantic or sexual sense, as seen with Chilchuck’s succubus being entirely set on looks and seduction, meanwhile Marcille’s does have a focus on chivalrous noble demeanor as well, showing romantic behavior and personality. BUT with Izutsumi we also see that the liaison doesn’t have to be romantic or sexual at all, either, in Izutsumi’s case it’s a familial bond she craves. So perhaps we can say that the succubus exploits a desire based on connection, in whichever form that takes. Marcille wants an emotional connection foremost(which is also reflected in how it’s a character she knows very well and not a stranger. Perhaps romantic.), Chilchuck wants pleasure(a simple pleasure not unlike alcohol, perhaps such a connection is free of the more risky or unpleasant parts of a relationship, he doesn’t have to worry or to think and can just let himself go. Sexual.), Izutsumi wants a mother figure that can offer her warmth and comfort with who she doesn’t have to be tough (Familial), and I believe Laios’ is platonic and centered on his desire to have people with who he belongs and can be himself with…
But Laios’ case is more complex, it has layers. The thing is, even if Laios wanted to have someone able to turn him into a monster—which it didn’t even have to be, could straight up have just been a monster with such powers—, it didn’t have to be someone he knew. You could say the succubus wanted to disarm Laios’ suspicions with someone he knew and that was nearby, but the succubus seem very direct in every other case, simply appearing with someone’s greatest appearance even though both Marcille and Chilchuck were fully on guard and the succubi knew it. "Believability" isn’t an important factor. No, his succubus being someone he knew was important. It being Marcille was important.
There’s a TLDR at the end of this if you want to cut it short. For everyone else, strap in everyone, if you don’t know me hi I’m Fumi and I made this 3k words long analysis and theorizing bc I am autistic much like the character in question and I think this is both fascinating and has a lot to say. In this I offer both platonic and romantic reasonings and I do go rather in depth in Laios’ psychology and relationships to dissect what ever could this damn cryptic event MEAN. Spoilers for the succubus chapters obviously and also the last few arcs of the series so… Spoilers for the series as a whole!
So attraction wise it’s kinda unsure where Laios stands. He does sort of logically list off aesthetically pleasing traits of the orc’s wives, but besides that… Not really, or he never voices it anyways. He and Marcille never share like “omg you’re pretty” moments or anything. Senshi gets more compliments than either of them through the series lmfao. Maybe Laios is asexual, maybe he simply doesn’t show outwardly his attraction much or even maybe isn’t self-aware about it, regardless… Laios HAS implied preference for Marcille’s looks in the past. With the orcs, he said that “tallmen like long ears”. Laios’ shapeshifter of Marcille has her hair down just like her succubus, which by Kui is explained to be because she had it down when she revived Falin and it really marked him, though it could also be interesting to see it as his mental image of her as her most authentic self, I’ve seen it theorized that it’s a preference too but I think that’s disproven. But of course the most damning evidence itself… The succubus scene. It could have been anyone else in the party, certainly Senshi shares Laios’ interest in monsters much more already. We shouldn’t discredit the way Laios was blushing madly once she revealed she was a monster, that made her more attractive to Laios for sure, but he still wouldn’t have reacted that way if it was just anyone. The contexts are very different, but we can compare it to how Laios reacted when Lycion turned into a wolf man in front of him for instance. Laios certainly doesn’t act that way with Izutsumi- and it’s confirmed like a page later that he does see Izutsumi as a monster already. AND!! Laios starts blushing madly BEFORE she says that she can turn him into a monster- and we can safely assume that the blush isn’t out of simple fluster but out of desire/infatuation since he clearly wants her to bite him in the next page and his blush does not relent at all.
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There’s something we could say about Laios’ liking of Marcille being born out of companionship rather than aesthetic attraction, on familiarity and intimacy. As members of the same party they’ve spent a lot of time together and we’ve seen that Laios trusts in her and relies on her for her skillset and avice. If Laios’ interest in her developped more naturally and gradually, valuing the familiar bond they have, I don’t see why he’d be acting all blushy and lovesick every time they interact or whatever, which is the explanation I have for Marcille genuinely being Laios’ most alluring form but him not freezing at the sight of it. That could also be a reason why he physically rejects succubus!Marcille instinctively, because something about her feels off or different (which is sorta the most direct interpretation of the scene, since Laios’ first thought is that it can’t be Marcille and must be a monster).
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 [Edited in: Oh my god. The picture above is the last page of the dullahan chapter, chapter 57, a chapter that centers around Laios and Marcille’s relationship through flashbacks as Laios is on the brink of death and sees his life flashing before his eyes (he remembers how they first met, etc, which is also interesting to note that on the brink of death he reminisces about her the most). The last page of that chapter, more or less the thesis of the chapter in which we see Laios opens up about the real reason he and Falin go dungeon diving to her after them having a rough meeting but she turns out to also have an interest in dungeons, has Laios go "she starts out frowning but she ends up smiling! Wether its’s about eating monsters or about me :)”. That chapter is the one right before th succubus chapters. Laios’ most alluring form wasn’t “just” Marcille, it’s a SMILING Marcille. Which is why the succubus had such a weird and off demeanor right away (which gets knocked off once it doesn’t work and becomes a more Marcille-like Marcille)! It was only focused on smiling because it was the angle it was working from.
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Oh my god it makes sense. It’s a direct narrative link, it’s as explicitly put with its story structure without Kui just stating it, besides, you know, the many times Laios says how precious her smile is to him. He’s like “I love her smile” and right next chapter the succubus is like “yes this is what he likes seeing most”. But… This also does mean that the focus might be less romantic, like Marcille’s significance doesn’t diminish, but then the alluring form might be less about her and more about the smile itself. About having a friend who looks at him like that, about someone who smiles after eating monster dishes or surpassing obstacles together… Or it can actually be so much more romantic. Like, maybe the smiling Marcille doesn’t work is because well, it’s not like Marcille, she wouldn’t just be smiling like that and behave like that (esp since his musing is about how her smiles are sort of “earned”, that she doesn’t smile right away but it’s sort of like a rewarding sight when she does). So then the most alluring form of Marcille doesn’t work because she doesn’t convincingly BEHAVE like her. His most alluring form isn’t a Marcille-lookalike, it’s her as a whole. More on the succubus shifting/switching in its approach later.]
Where was I. Ah yes, “It could have been anyone else in the party, certainly Senshi shares Laios’ interest in monsters much more already.” But then that’s the point isn’t it. I think Laios’ succubus being Marcille is because his wish isn’t so much focused on her, or on becoming a monster, but on not being alone. On being understood. On having others finally share his interest. On not only becoming a monster, but having someone to share that with. A trusted friend, a companion, or a lover, it matters little in my interpretation, the bedrock of it stays the same. And this is why it’d be someone he already knew instead of someone new, because it’d defeat the point, and it was maybe Marcille because she’s the most vocal about finding monsters disgusting: it’d have finally been a shift in her that she now liked monsters. And again this brings back to when he talks about her smile, when he says that she starts out unhappy with eating monsters, but ends up smiling by the end of it. Her smile itself represents that though first impression or reflexive dislike, someone can turn around and end up liking it anyways, it’s hope for his interests to be liked and perhaps for him to be lovable as well, that it’s possible to be accepted.
But I do think it would be a mistake to say that there’s absolutely no romantic interest, that it’s plainly platonic or another kind of interest misplaced and idealized in her. What we saw with the other succubus is that they 100% act in ways that the person desires, sure Izutsumi’s start attacking after a while, but that was after pushing them over the edge, and succubus Marcille wasn’t being agressive nor did she have a reason to be (even when she could have with Laios’ choking, she didn’t turn to violence, so she was 100% still in seduction mode). Ultimately the goal of the succubus is to make physical contact to be able to suck their essence, but the way they go about achieving that is tailored to the individual’s desire, Marcille’s kissed her hand and Izutsumi’s offered a hug.  The succubus can identify and embody complex desires, often subconscious ones, shown with Izutsumi’s. They go straight to it without complex subterfuge either. Chilchuck’s succubi were very direct because that’s what he wanted, Marcille’s was courtly because that’s what she wanted, Izutsumi’s offered motherly comfort and affection because that’s what she wanted, and Laios’ is Marcille attempting to kiss him. Let that sink in.
Laios why are you choking the supposed key to your heart?
Ok so the theory that Laios’ desire is to have a deeper companionship from an existing companion is pretty tame and surface level I’d say, but strap in… The way Laios reacted violently to Marcille trying to kiss him is VERY interesting. The first thing he thinks about is that she isn’t Marcille so she must be a succubus, then confusion at to why it’s her. He’s even afraid of what the others would think, feeling… Shame? With how he imagines Marcille would be horrified that he likes her that way. Fear of rejection?
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But no no, what interests me is the shift that the succubus makes. It seemed very confident at first, went straight in, but when overpowered shifted the direction it was going in- shifted from a desire for Marcille to a desire for a monster Marcille and whatever deeper desire that hides. But??? Succubi did not make mistakes as to what someone wanted thus far, possibly that has never ever happened before by human records. Could the succubus truly have miscalculated what Laios desires? It’d be hard to imagine that the succubus would misunderstand what type of companionship someone wished for or what approach to take, since it’s done complex cases before too, Izutsumi being very much in denial before it & at first. In Izutsumi’s case, even with her complex feelings over it and her two souls desiring different things, the succubus did not miss its mark, and ultimately it was having a second soul for who the succubus wasn’t alluring that allowed her not to be frozen to the spot. But with Laios the succubus fully switches strategy.
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The thing is that succubi don’t usually need to switch strategies, because the form and approach they take always work and always leave the victim frozen. Izutsumi bypassed this because of her two souls, but was still frozen and struggling to reject the succubus at first. And yet? Laios did. A succubus’ victim is supposed to be instantly frozen, and yet Laios acts on instinct and defensively agressive as soon as his reaction time allows. And well, it’s hard to really come to a logical conclusion as to why, since we have no idea of what rules can override a succubus’ temptation besides multiple souls… C’mon regular Marcille can’t be the winged lion/kenksuke’s desire bc of the loose hair being Laios’ mind-Marcille we’ve gone over this /hj Although, since it’s confirmed that the winged lion was watching with the dream Laios gets induced right after, maybe he’s what allowed Laios to be moving? It’s possible that it’d have frozen him otherwise, even if Laios with his full rationale wouldn’t have accepted the kiss faced with supernatural allure he might have gotten paralysis from being overwhelmed, similarly to how if Chilchuck had his full rationale he wouldn’t allow a woman like his succubus to kiss him (he’s always stayed faithful to his wife even after 4 years of separation, give the guy his earned credit). Getting somewhat offtopic, but something to say about how if that’s the case once again the theme of ‘irrational desire you crave vs what you truly want/need’ that is present throughout the manga would be reflected.
My best guess however on why Laios reacted so quickly and forcefully is: trauma. The more recent arcs with Laios suggest that Laios has deep-seated trauma over humans. He dislikes humans as a whole, that was like, pretty much stated, though perhaps exaggerated. As a kid he fantasized about monsters wiping out human towns. We know Laios has been ostracized for most of his life by others, in his village and in the military, and beyond social rejection it’s shown he got beaten in group too and it was implied that it happened regularly. But damn, disliking humans to the point of wanting to be a monster and murderous genocidal reclusive envies and all of that stuff? That is massive trauma, massive identity & belonging issues and hint at massive trust issues.
So then, the negative reaction could be because of Laios’ deep trauma with humans. Because of trauma getting activated, not due to a miscalculation on the succubus’ part but due to a contradicting dislike of the desire that makes the form inherently and straight out of the gate un-alluring, Laios’ repression being so strong that he’s able to affect his own desires in that way, or an instinctive defense response to the trigger (a human).   Even though Laios hides it well, once again recent arcs (and some other moments) make it clear that Laios still has some innate dislike of humans, which in canon is a term that all races like elves fit in. He has a bias against them, perhaps even an innate distrust of them. Who knows how aware he is of it, or how much control and will he has over it. What if Laios reacting agressively to it was his defense mode tied to this kicking in, a survival and security instinct, stopping any possibility of Laios wanting a romantic relationship with a human? Any chance of that human getting close and being hurt by it, either rejected or stabbed in the back? It’d then make sense if Laios is unaware and doesn’t understand his attraction to Marcille then, if it’s a sort of self-made blockage, denial. And that’d make full sense with how, when Marcille is suddenly a monster, then all of Laios’ reluctance is gone and he’s fully enthralled, all that it took was taking away that one blockage for Laios to be utterly charmed. It takes away the trigger element, humans, and replaces it for something safer. A desire for connections, but connections with people that are ‘safe’, people who also don’t fit in with society, who are part of his interest in monsters, who would accept and understand him. I think that Laios does desire human connections, specifically, but can’t allow himself to pursue them either from conscious or unconscious trauma, so though he does desire it he can’t accept that he does/can’t accept the relationship even if it’s handed to him on a silver platter.
The succubus’ shift could then be either that it switched from one wish, a wish for Marcille, to another, a wish for companionship in monster-liking, or that it stayed on the same fundamental wish, but had to improvise with the new information (that Laios is human-averse)(not bc it didn’t exist previously but bc it wasn’t manifested) to take out of the equation the thing that was holding Laios back (from giving in).
But well, the fact that the rest of the party is included does lean towards the former, but in any case that doesn’t erase all I’ve spoken about, all about how Marcille is 100% the focus of this whole thing. It could still be a bit of both. But it is interesting that he worries about the party’s reaction to seeing his succubus being Marcille, and when she shifts into monster Marcille he *still* worries about the others: “b-but what about the others?” He’s a mess, with his most alluring form seducing him, and he still has a shred of resistance in him to question how the others would react, and it’s only when she says that they’re already monsters too that he truly gives in. Is he really so afraid of ostracization? Of losing the people he cares about due to judgement? Then the mention of the others in the party can simply be something the succubus added on top to unlock another “blockage”, the same way she added Marcille being a monster on top of the basic premise of Marcille; Take out the immediate dismissal of humans first, and then the fear of loss and judgement from other friends so Laios can finally stop worrying and give in. That worry/framing I’d say makes the latter more credible, because it’s not the premise of the alluring form but an extra.
In the end, like the recent arcs kind of spell out, the thing central to Laios’ character is less so a love for monsters and moreso a dislike for humans, and this is what this puts on full display.
Laios’ most alluring form is Marcille, a human that doesn’t understand his interests and thus him, and regardless of everything else that Marcille is, that is so traumatic to him that all of his being immediately rejects it.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk! I’ve spent so much time thinking about this and wording and rewording this same train of thought, also it’s the end of my college semester and I’m going crazy
Tldr: My personal fav theory for Laios’ succubus is that Laios really values Marcille’s smile a ton like it’s often mentioned, and that’s what his most alluring form centers on. I’ve got a ton of different interpretation on the why it’d go for a kiss? Since it tailors its approach to the person’s desires, but obviously something goes wrong with Laios’, which is really interesting because even with Izutsumi who resists because she has 2 souls so one part of her can always remain unaffected, the succubus hit bullseye on her most alluring forms. But regardless of that, I think his desire for Marcille (either her or what she represents, wether as a platonic ideal or something else) isn’t wrong/untrue perse, but that Laios has such a complex with humans and intimacy and connecting with others that his defense mode kicks in and that’s when the succubus has to shift into a different, safer desire: one that doesn’t involve humans but that still shows connections and acceptance and belonging. Also Laios realizes that it isn’t Marcille when she goes in for the kiss, which if his allure for her is based on familiarity since they’re friends and all could make sense that it’d break him away from it, or since it’s a liking based on familiarity he doesn’t freeze, or maybe it’s because the winged lion has its eye on him. I think that’s so much more likely with how Kui makes even her jokes be character moments or at least consistent, and also with the tension of the scene, than just the scene being a gag about how Marcille doesn’t mean much to Laios actually.
I think there’s a lot to be said about why Marcille is special to Laios, why her smile means something to him, etc, and I don’t think saying Marcille is special to him is exaggeration or reaching at all. Laios, Marcille and Falin are the golden trio, she’s the deuteragonist, she’s the only other character in the main party whose goal in going back for Falin is Falin and who has a bond with her and Laios outside of being coworkers, in post-canon they live together, happily, in the anime’s ending they’re emphased on by dining out all three together... I could go on.   Marcille has the benefit of being very trusted by Laios, not only with the time they’ve spent together but how she was Falin’s friends first, the person he himself feels so protective of and has been so consistently ostracized throughout her life. Marcille represents a positive odd one out that’s like, the good example of "humanity can be good and safe and warm actually".  Which is a big reason why imo Marcille is like, the secondary protag and with Falin they form the golden trio. She’s central to the story in many ways including making Laios see that humanity is worth saving and sticking with, but that’s a topic for another analysis. One such reason is how his first meeting with her went: it started really badly but ended with her coming around and unexpectedly sharing their interest in dungeons, which made him and Falin open up about the real reason they go dungeon diving, perhaps for the first time. There is just so much that goes into it but Laios seems generally very expectant of rejection: in the climax chapters after he transformed back as a human and was hiding out in the woods, pre-canon in an extra where we see him battling himself on if he should suggest eating monsters or not. But another one, the one I truly want to bring up in this post, is how genuine Marcille is! And funnily enough, how dramatic she is, and how her elf ears change position depending on her emotions. Like, let me compare her affectionately to a dog for a second, but dogs move their ears and use whole body language to communicate, and I think that part of Marcille, really strong emoting, with her ears and body language on top of her often dramatic facial expressions, reassure him. Like ok, maybe he can’t tell when Shuro and Kabru would lie to him, but Marcille? She wears her heart on her sleeve and her feelings on her whole self. And that takes away some of the stress and trauma he has with humans, explains why her smiles would “put him at ease”, doesn’t it?
I don’t remember wether I’ve mentioned this somewhere or just in my reblog linked at the end of the post, but while at first I thought the succubus going for a kiss on the lips heavily implied a romantic desire in Laios,  now I have a couple different theories on why the succubus would have gone for that approach. I think the most likely is that, if the principal allure of his succubus is her smile, the succubus is like "as long as he sees her face right up until i can suck up his blood and he passes out I’ll be gucci", so it’s not about the kiss but about him seeing her face all the while until the very last moment, so he stays charmed.
Btw chapter 34 explores Laios’ relationship with touch too imo, and we see that he is uncomfortable with touch to some degree, very unsure and hesitant and tense. I feel like it’s something more shown in a bigger picture sense with his whole struggles with humans and extras, than just in any one page so go reread the beginning of that chapter if you want I’d say, but putting a page below as example anyways. I think it’s notable that it’s a character moment shared with Marcille too, she acts sort of like a bridge to humanity with social propriety and being extroverted in many cases. In the chapter Chil and Marcille point out how awkward he is with touch, but he learns to be casual/comfy enough about touch to do healing magic with her (something that was also enforced through him having to practice magic on Marcille turned to stone, he got a lot of touch exposure and magic practice done in those days. Dammit Laios, MArcille and touch is worthy of a whole analysis of its own). She’s just like, his human comfort zone, even if they aren’t that close at least at first, besides Falin he has literally like no friends and I think that itself shows how he doesn’t fit in well socially and that it’s a significant struggle for him. But yes what I was saying here is I believe there’s setup for him recoiling from touch like he did with the succubus (due to an instinctive aversion to touch made especially intense due to the succubus’ oddness and forwardness).
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I have even more theories and rambling on details on the succubus here in a reblog, but unless I want to put in some pictures of Laios repressing himself around others and such I don’t think I’ll be touching this post again in a while
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
kiss all your tears away
alternatively: we haven’t talked in almost 4 days (next)
in which she and logan don't walk into the paddocks together for the first time all season and sends everyone speculating about the status of their relationship friendship
(series masterlist)
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she hikes her bag up her shoulder, pushing the sunglasses up her nose. she taps her card against the reader before she can step into the paddocks.
when she'd woken up this morning, she laid in bed with two packs of ice over her eyes to try and reduce the swelling of her eye area. when she’s gotten up to look at herself in the mirror, it did depuff but didn’t entirely erase the evidence of all the crying she did.
she dropped george a text message early this morning, asking if it was okay to be wearing sunglasses everywhere on the paddocks without looking like a complete fool — it’s just a rehearsal, after all.
george simply assumed she’s hungover or something of the sort, so he didn’t ask questions. he just told her he does it all the time.
so, here she is walking into the paddocks by herself. with her stupid bag on her stupid shoulder and a pair of sunglasses over her eyes to hide away from everyone.
oscar, who comes in right after her, almost walks right past her before he realised who she is. he just almost barely recognises her entering the paddocks with a bag on her shoulder and logan next to her.
oscar taps her on the shoulder gently, flashing her a bright smile. “alone today?”
“yeah,” she answers simply, a smile of gratitude stretching her lips when oscar slows his pace down to walk with her.
“oh,” oscar nods to himself. while he’s been slightly out of touch with her out of respect of their relationship, he still did grow up with her. he still knows her telltales when she’s got a problem. “fought?”
“that bad?”
“pretty bad.”
“i won’t ask about it. but are you okay?”
“i guess.”
“i’m sure it’ll be okay.”
“let me carry your stuff,” oscar mutters, circling around her to her other side. he doesn’t wait for an answer — he just slides her backpack off her shoulder and throws it over his shoulder on top of his bag.
she opens her mouth to protest, but oscar is quick to shut her down. “i used to do it before logan. don’t act like it’s so new to you,” oscar laughs, shaking his head. “and it’s weird seeing you with a bag in the paddocks.”
���that’s true. i haven’t walked into the paddocks with my bag on my shoulder since i joined you guys in f2,” she grins shyly.
“let’s put your stuff down then come and hang at mclaren? lily’s just got a taxi to arrive from the airport.”
“oh, she’s here this weekend? she didn’t tell me that…”
“she was going to surprise you after the rehearsal,” oscar giggles. “so, what do you say?”
“okay, but only if lando makes me a cup of coffee.”
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george tilts his head at the empty seat alex has left in the corner. “move to the corner, we’re going to hog the space and be shat on for acting like boyfriends.”
“logan’s sitting with us tonight,” alex answers simply with a shrug. “can’t fully commit to being your boyfriend tonight, mate, i’m sorry.”
“oh, how come?” george asks, furrowing his eyebrows. typically, logan would sit in the middle rows with his girlfriend. “doesn’t he usually sit with (y/n) or oscar?”
alex shrugs, bottom lip pouted out. “think they had a friendly squabble a couple days ago. he’s been weird since he arrived in vegas the other day.”
george surprisingly held on to the unspoken agreement he has with them. he hasn’t told a soul about seeing her in the gap between his door that one time. nor has told alex about it.
but he does talk to lando, which wasn’t a great conversation to start when he came up to him with a 50 pound bill in his hand. they danced around the information of knowing something particularly specific, and lando eventually blurted excitedly that he saw them on a date a few days back.
so maybe they fought. or worse, have they broken up?
logan arrives literally a second after the worst thought passes his mind. he takes the empty seat next to alex, greeting george with a small smile before leaning in to start a conversation.
he watches the door, curious at what’s exactly going on. he completely tunes out from the conversation, feigning intelligent answers and short reponses. his eyes dart over to the door whenever it’s pulled open, and sighing when it’s not the driver he expects.
he looks down at his watch. there’s about 10 minutes before the briefing starts for them. and, vegas is a race that had them come in a couple days prior to be briefed and conduct a short rehearsal for the opening ceremony.
luckily, there’s not much media around today, which would make tiptoeing around this issue a whole lot easier.
when the door is pulled open again, george lifts his head quickly, as he’s genuinely quite invested now. he raises an eyebrow and is taken aback by the girl holding the door open with a pair of sunglasses resting on her nose.
he’s absolutely forgotten the fact that she had texted him this morning about this issue.
she takes a step forward, but then takes two back. instead of walking in, she stays back outside the room with the door in her hand. pierre and charles walk in, thanking her softly before returning to their conversation.
there’s a momentary pause as she looks inside, where they’re seated, before she looks at somebody who’s in the hallway with her. oscar appears, motioning for her to walk in, but she shakes her head and simply points inwards to the room.
alex has chosen to settle for the wrong seats today, obviously. having logan sit right next to the door might be a bit more detrimental than he thought. but what would alex know? he doesn’t even know of their relationship.
oscar tries to fight with her, but she simply purses her lips. the australian slumps his shoulder before sharply turning on his heel and just walking into the room, followed by a distressed looking lando.
lando looks around, catching george’s curious eyes, so the man in orange simply shrugs tiredly at him.
she beckons for someone else in the hallway to walk in, but it seems that it’s a losing fight by the way that she’s continually waving her hands in the air to persuade them.
sighing, she just visibly sighs and winds her hand back to act out a punch. she drops her hands before finally turning around to take a step forward again.
if there’s any way that she announces her arrival, it’s typically by the scent of her strong perfume. her floral scent fills his nose, and it’s obvious that logan finally takes notice of her arrival.
because logan turns around, eyes trained on her as she walks in with an orange paper cup in her hand. what’s made everything stranger is that she simply walks ahead: she doesn’t spare logan another look as she walks down the side aisle to join max, oscar and lando who unfortunately only landed the front row seats.
george watches logan’s eyebrows furrow and press his lips together. logan shifts in his seat uncomfortably before turning back to continue their conversation.
“did you catch that, mate?” alex asks, nudging george’s arm with his elbow.
“what?” george tears his eyes away from the girl in front to look at the two men next to him. “sorry, i didn’t catch what you were saying.”
“right, so basically…”
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she looks up at the giant yellow circle in front of her. she momentarily lifts her sunglasses to gawk at the ever changing expressions of the emoji face being projected.
“that’s so adorable!” she points out, reaching out to roughly pat max’s shoulder to get his attention. “look, it’s looking at us!”
“hey, your hands are not as light as you think!” max scolds, his arm darting out to catch her wrist in his hands. “you’ve got to make up with logan.”
she pouts, retracting her hand roughly from the older man’s grip. she drops her sunglasses back down to her nose and folds her arms over her chest. “what do you mean? you don’t like hanging out with me?”
“i do. trust me, i have the time of my life annoying the shit out of you,” max laughs dryly down at her. “but you are all over my hater hours. gawk at this… thing,” he points at the sphere, “with your boyfriend.”
“no,” she scoffs, simply shaking her head. she huffs and tries to walk past him. “forget it — i’ll just go and find yuki and hang out with him. he doesn’t try and push me away when i try.”
max sighs, rolling his eyes. he grabs her elbow and drags her back to him. he puts her in front of him, hands on her shoulders.
max reaches out and takes off the sunglasses, clipping it to the collar of his shirt. “you’ve got to talk this whole fight out with logan. stop ignoring him.”
“i’m not ignoring him. he’s ignoring me,” she insists, throwing a hand into the air.
“no, he’s not!” max cries, pinching the bridge of his nose. honestly, he didn’t want to enjoy this race in vegas. in fact, all he’s done leading up to this grand prix has been openly hate on the thought of even being here.
he didn’t factor in that he’d have to suddenly play the part of being an older brother and a therapist to the girl standing in front of him.
he has grown to be fond of her, yes, but he very much preferred not being put in the middle of all this.
“yeah! he was literally boring holes into you when you walked into the rehearsal briefing earlier,” max points out. “and then he only left the room after you left; after you just walked right past him again without a flinch!”
“okay, listen! if you had the fight that we had, you wouldn’t make up so easily either, okay?” she rambles, hands on her hips in frustration. her puffy eyes are finally nowhere in sight. “you don’t even know what we fought about.”
“fine, then enlighten me.”
“we fought about this,” she circles her hands around them, motioning to the track setup around them. “about all of this! formula 1! it’s caught up to us!”
max furrows his eyebrows. “what do you mean?”
“i mean like i literally had the sebastian vettel vouching for me to get a seat this season,” she sighs, shaking her head as she recalls the fight they had before flying to vegas. “i mean like i’ve been in the points consistently since i crashed in baku and he’s struggling to even be on par with alex!
“how is that my fault, max? it’s not my fault!”
“you’re right: it’s not.”
“why does it feel like it is? i hate that this is happening to him, of all people! but how is it my fault that i’m delivering and meeting everyone’s expectations of me entering the sport?”
tears rush into her eyes. she presses the bottom of her palms into her eyes as her voice cracks, shaking her head hopelessly. “like, it’s not my fault we’re performing differently. i’m literally driving for my reputation and seat — i’m on probation with my team just as much as he is.”
max suddenly regrets poking her button. from what oscar tells him, they’re not typically the couple to have very big fights. it seems that he has misread the severity of the situation.
“oh, (y/n),” max frowns, stepping forward to wrap his arms around her. he puts his hand on the back of her head, gently letting her nuzzle his face into his arm. “i’m sorry. i didn’t know.”
“it just gets increasingly difficult to comfort him weekend after weekend. i’m at a high, and he’s just-“
“i’m sure it’s not easy for him either,” max cooes, swaying side to side in an attempt to comfort her. “i am sure that it is not his intention to… make you ‘feel bad’ of what you’ve achieved thus far.”
“it’s just so hard,” she cries harder into his chest. “i want to be there for him, really. but it’s hard! it’s hard when my team is out celebrating after every race because of my points finish and he’s down with what’s happened with his race.”
max looks up at the sound of footsteps against the gravel, catching lando and george trying to make their way towards them.
he holds up a thumbs up to them, nodding gently enough for her not to feel it, to send them the other way. it’s bad enough she’s crying at the f1 track four days before a race with majority of the teams still in the paddocks.
he turns his head to the side, by the grandstands, catching oscar and sebastian’s stare of concern. he simply flashes them a smile and a reassuring nod. in return, he gets a firm nod from the race engineer and a thankful smile from the young driver.
from what he knows, she hasn’t told anyone about this issue. perhaps that’s why she’s stuck to him all evening?
“i don’t think we’ll get past this, max. that’s the worst part,” she sobs, pulling away to rub her eyes. she heaves as tears flow out of her eyes, lips quivering and voice cracking with every word she speaks. “how can we even? i don’t know what to do.”
max frowns. he pushes her head into his chest again, this time, resting his chin on the top of hers. he doesn’t exactly know what to say.
their situation is so unique, that even he — with as much trauma as he carries around — does not know anything he can say that would make her feel better. so, he just rubs circles on her back as he sways.
“i’m sorry this happened to you,” he sighs, readjusting to now press his cheek on the top of her head. “i really don’t know what to say. there wouldn’t be any words i can string together to make you feel better about this.”
from the distance, he can see alex walking out of the pitlane. the bright blue shirt didn’t really make him hard to spot in the first place.
alex is the least of his problems. because behind alex is logan trailing behind him quietly, completely taken a step away from the conversation alex holds with some of their team members.
“do you want to go somewhere more private? teams are coming out to scout the track, i think,” max whispers, moving his head to look at her face. “let’s go?”
“okay. it’s kinda weird i’m crying here anyway,” she manages to mutter a joke. “my sunglasses.”
max almost wants to laugh when she cries even harder, reaching out for the sunglasses he’s confiscated from her a while ago. she removes it from his shirt, then replaces it on her face.
while she had paraded about with her chin in the air all evening, now she walks with her head down. her hair is out of the braids that blythe had styled her with, now falling to her cheeks to hide her away from everyone else.
if max could have continued walking the other way to simply avoid the williams racing team, he would. but if he did that, they’d have made a complete round of the track on foot. which doesn’t seem like a good idea at all with her state.
max slings a protective arm around her shoulders, walking around her body to hold her away from the prying eyes of those that walk past them.
as they slowly approach the team in blue, alex grows mildly concerned at the weirdly silent girl. “is sh- oh, okay.” alex nods understandingly, holding a hand up to wave max for an apology. all because she’s heaving silently in her sob in max’s arm that immediately told alex to not intervene. “sorry.”
and max just knows they’d eventually find a way out of this fight they’re in. because he turns around to gauge logan’s expression: he’s stopped dead on the tracks with a lingering stare on the crying girl.
max just gives him a small smile, to which logan forces a grin before turning away to catch up with alex who calls out for him.
surely, there’s a way around this. right?
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yudol-skorbi · 2 years
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continuation of epic saga about Eddie's pathetic crush (there will be p3 (and maybe even soon) i promise!!!)
part 1
part 3
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chthonicarcher · 2 months
hi archer can u draw equius & nepeta sharig a twin pop im dreamin of summar
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♌️♦️♐️ first request of the day!! ♌️♦️♐️
I thought about doing them all in jspaint, but this one took me literally all day yesterday 😭 so I’m gonna go ahead and use Procreate for the rest LOL
thank u randy for the tips n tricks AND for making the pretty background gradient for me <3 (jspaint why cant u do the neat gradient trick HUH?? c’mon man)
anyway!! send me an ask if you’ve got a request and I will do my best to get to it today! 🥰
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miniiieevee · 1 year
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Let Me Explain Everything
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