candiedapplez · 1 year
i am going to draw opheebop
Opheebop superior
opheebop supremacy
all hail queen opheebop
opheebop hot
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shamehaversoffontaine · 5 months
aight we lookin at the kits
gaming is just, dragonstrike diluc without the crazy tech, but also hu tao
not sure what the hell is going on with his ult. if i saw it in action i'd be able to be like oohhhh
and he got that dehya passive. really the greatest hits of pyro 5 stars (and dehya) in one 4 star lion dance boi.
cute! dont know if i'll be getting him for the 4 star freepull, ill have to take a census. but a lot of them are c6 now, esp compared to last year i feel like. so it narrows it down quite a bit.
but no yeah i like him. solid character, works really well with the fontaine meta,
oh she also has plunging......
between 4.4 being the crystallize and overload update and 4.5 being the plunging attack update, it seems like hyv is making this the winter of un-niche-ing the niche mechanics.
i saw the movement from her E and it looks soooo coooool. like i wonder how useful it is in practice.
no weapons no artifacts no whatever else.
new area looks cool as hell.
oh no theres quests with recipes on them. return of supremos?
oh wow actually theres a lot of new recipes. makes sense considering xianyun and also cny but as a recipe completionist i do enjoy having my work cut out for me in any given patch
ooo costumes. looks like 3 this time??? i wonder whooooooo
ok i found the gaming animations. OHHH WHAT A CUTE IDLEEEEE
alright i think i understand his ult more, now i get it, yeah thats probably p decent, again youd have to see it in full action, but yeah looks like it'd work.
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allstylefashion · 2 years
Personalized Keep Calm And Drink Busch Light 3D Hoodie
Personalized Keep Calm And Drink Busch Light 3D Hoodie
This keepsake hoodie is a great way to remember your favorite beer and keep your cool in the face of any crisis. Its also available in other sizes, including mens and youth sizes.
Keep Calm And Drink Busch Light 3D Hoodie
Whether youre celebrating a birthday, watching a game, or just relaxing after a long day, this keepsake hoodie will help you feel at ease with the most popular brand of beer in the world. This unique garment features three-dimensional embroidery that looks exactly like the bottle itself—just add your name or initials for an extra personal touch.
Its a new year, and were not afraid to say it: were excited!
Busch Light is back! Weve been waiting for the brand to make a comeback since they went out of business in 2013. And now theyve brought their iconic hoodie back in an updated version thats better than ever before. We love this new design so much that we decided to take it on ourselves to make sure everyone knows about it.
So heres how you can get your own personalized Busch Light 3D Hoodie!
First, go to . Then choose your size and style. Once youve picked those out, add them to your cart and checkout. When you get to the payment screen, just select "Keep Calm & Drink Busch Light" as your gift message and keep scrolling until you see a spot for your name—then write whatever name you want under the "name" field (or leave it blank if youd like!). Click submit, and boom—youre done! Your new hoodie will arrive in time for Christmas (or sooner!).
Get it here : Personalized Keep Calm And Drink Busch Light 3D Hoodie
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Ok so I sent my last one in on 12-21 and this one is being sent 12-22(his birthday). I'm not quite sure how much I said before but whatever imma just go for the events of the last couple of days. Not asking advice, just updating since you've been helping me :)
Yesterday, I texted him asking him if he was doing anything for his birthday today because one of our friends was trying to plan something for his birthday and he told me that his mom was probably planning something out, he couldn't do anything today for sure. So I asked him to go to birthday dinner, wherever he wants, and I'll pay and he said that he (a now 20yo man) was being forced to go to a church event to meet people by his mom (which after 5 years knowing them, I'm not actually sure she would do that) but at that point I was like "whatever, kinda sad but its fine". So today I said happy birthday at 8am, he responded with thanks nearly 3 hours later and then didnt say anything until I asked him if he was doing stuff with his family still, which he said yes, and so an hour or two later I texted him telling him I was bringing his christmas/birthday present (a 50$ blanket that I made by hand out of my own sparse funds because I'm in college), showed up, his mom was surprised and said that he walked downstairs with another friend not too long ago (which remember he said he for sure could not have people over today) so I headed downstairs and found him and one of our friends checking out video games and such and when I handed him the present, he just looked at it and went "so it's just a blanket?" To which my snarky, already kinda upset ass replied, "yeah. And I made it." To which he got googly eyed and looked embarrassed for acting like that in front of our friend, who is also recieving a handmade gift and both received handmade gifts in the past numerous times and know that that's my thing. Our friend just kinda looked at him like "uh.. duh its handmade dumbass?? You've known her for 5 years and didn't know it'd be handmade??" And then went back to looking at games. BEFORE THIS LAST PART: this friend that was in the room was not supposed to know that we were dating as to not hurt his feelings/keep another friend who's a little too obsessed with bf from knowing. ANYWAY so he gets up and just kinda gives me this awkward smile and a light hug, like one of your guy best friends in middle school were trying to console you on your first period or something, and then kisses me in front of this friend who isn't supposed to know. So I left, went to a nearby park and cried bc 1. If he wanted to just spend some time with this one friend, he should have and could have just told me and i would've been fine and he knows that bc weve both done it before and been fine. 2. The attitude that came with receiving his present? I mean I get just not using it or donating it once the persons gone but straight up "it's just a blanket?" To my face?? 3. If he told the friend we were dating, I would've liked to had known so I didnt feel wierd recieving a present and not being able to talk to him about it and having to watch what's coming out of my mouth. 4. Why is he seemingly avoiding me???
Now that I'm done with that, with what you said in the last reply about talking to him, I do plan on it. I was going to over dinner, but since it was his birthday it didnt feel right so I'm going to wait a bit. I'm honestly hoping this doesn't go on much longer and it fixes soon bc the last time I was in a situation like this was bc I wasnt giving the guy what he wanted and so he cheated on me, then tried to pin the blame on me and play victim so I would break up with him and it wouldn't be his fault to his parents (I most def made him take responsibility) but I dont want anything like that happening again (though I doubt the cheating part would happen since hes super antisocial)
Thanks for listening folks
Okay so, I talked to him and told him he needed to communicate with me because he said he was having problems and I told him he needed to talk to me about those things and not just ignore me, and he told me yesterday (new years eve) he wanted to talk to me bc I was right, he needed to communicate and we went to a park and he talked for a bit, said he wasnt sure he wanted to finish bc he didnt want me to be mad or shattered or anything, I reassured him and he broke up with me. I took him home, we joked for a min before he got out and he said "see you around" when he got out so we're still cool and friends so I'm pretty happy with the situation all in all. I wanted him to break up with me last night if at all so that I could go into the new year and just let it go since I kinda knew that things would be ending a while ago anyway.
i know this is late im sorry i was working on my mental health yet again 🥺
for the first part, excuse my french but what a dick... i always do homemade gifts so i know how that is, but "just a blanket" that would crush me...i would have been so upset.
for the second part, the ending shattered my heart because it sucks to know the relationship is ending, however im glad it ended on okay terms... i wish you all the luck in the world and if you ever just want someone to talk to im here, ive dropped my @ multiple times including once tonight, if you ever do feel so inclined to message me i would gladly talk to you for a bit!
p.s. happy new year i love you toooo!
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phantom-bleu · 4 years
Tbh while i very much hope devsis does smth about this wave drop thing and i dont want 2 speak too harshly on them in case they do i think ppl have a right 2 be upset about this. People have been excited for sea fairys mc for years and devsis knows that 4 a fact- no fucking way would ppl let them get away with introducing an even higher rarity costume with any other update when the costume gacha already bleeds ppl dry, and a lot more ppl would be talking about how difficult it is to keep up w the legendary update schedule (new pet And a legendary buff just 3 months after the last legendary came out) And just how nightmarish it is for farm for legendary candies in general on top of the whole candy blessing fiasco.... like at least i would b talking about these things but i kno ppl would agree on these points and devsis got gutsy with doing all of this bc they know people will be okay w it because weve wanted all this stuff for sea fairy. So theyve really dropped the ball w this update imo and it stings 2 hear that they knew this would happen and were telling ppl that wave drop wouldnt b in this reward cycle, ppl were so looking forward to this since the premiere for the LAST update of tofw, and now weve just been told that we either need to shell out 15 quid or wait a week to be able to use buffed sea fairy at all, we cant do the trial bc its literally locked but sf is also unusable in trophy race bc the nature of the game is that a cookie is useless w/o their combi pet
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magiccallie · 4 years
So I wrote down my thoughts as i watched through most of Season 2 of Scooby Doo Mystery Inc, and would like to share them, major spoilers below cut
Notes of Season 2 of Scooby Mystery Inc Shout out to this jock bully(?) who upon encountering a monster threatening a girl, did no hesitate to take on said monster, recuse said girl, and protect her as they escape Fred really needs to talk to someone about his new parents, who are now living in his house with him???? The house of the man who took him from them?????? Bronson might not be exactly straight looking at how he acted around the old mayor vs the new one, but *shrugs* Jock Strikes again, is this gunna be the twist? That''s a really douchy twist to pull a stunt like this Love how-I mean this is just the plan. He wanted girls too so he set up the same scenario. Is this extra set up by the parents to get him to trust them that is some next level douchery/ Scratch that on Bronson, omg Oh shit starting with a furry attack this is going to be a weird episode the gang's meta knowledge coupled with their sure willingness to go along with tropes and shit makes for great dialogue oh *oh* this is the episode where we get a peak to see just how big the picture is, love the lore building. knew this episode was gunna be good is that a demon? the furry isnt the mosnter??? ummm...weve been getting hints, are things getting real? so we've established motive for why someone whould want this plavce closed, but actually tangent but dont a lot of these monsters that they encounter seem like, weirdly powerful and mobile for costumes oh there's the furry that red aura is a...the things that happen around it are something deeper it seems. fascinating. is the red just representative of fire hallucinations? those seemed a bit real in effect for hallucinations... this guy, like my manager, needs to hire a little more staff occult magic book falls from the library to gang, and no one is as concerned as they should be nazi robot nazi robot get BJ on the phone Cassidy is the kinda retired PC that the players can strive to be Shit is getting real quick isnt it. Wait is that a seal. does Cassidy die? I know about a certain other death that makes me sad, but i dont want Cassidy to die too this episode is a rollercoaster of odd events weird hologram disguise for Paraclese is nifty Seeing the tragic fate of past groups is...well obviously sad oh dear, she does die huh its super low key, but it plays at the terrifying corrupting ordeal of the eldritchstuff really well with the lore notes bear troubles oh that badge...is that where they buried him? that's...kinda grim they have stealth suits and killer nazi robots? why have the evil guys not won yet? there is a bomb and they are not evacuating. There is a BOMB and they are not evacuating oh the bear can talk, how dare i assume that a bear is incapable of speech the bear is a twunk, scratch that, still a bear, is...he doing a christiphor walkin impersonation? aaand that’s enough for tonight, starting fresh later We're back, 13 more episodes oh so were getting into why i don’t like astrology Enigma machine omg. sorry, im a sucker for bits like that i wanna have long white hair too, i could rock that look How does Paraclese still have an accent after all these years? It is like destiny's Rasputin and just a stubborn superiority complex? something about visiting villains you can talk to in a prison is-ohp thats just all of um huh, cameo episode- err, anyways, it just paints a delightful scene about the relationship of the protags and antags and villainy as a whole in the world well this is horrific, throw some brownish red stuff around and it would be a silent hill scene update: still gay Thirteen more episodes and they have the disk...that does not bode well for what is going to happen the writer's willingness to reference other hannah barbara characters/shows is great oooo anticaptilism, BF is scoring points excuse me???? cyborg dragon girl???? he cant even call her by her name through most of the episode wtf??????? see now im at the point i gotta ask, is this a real ghost thing, or a fake ghost thing? ah i understand now youd think he would be more willing to explain to th-there we go so the animal companians are more suceptible, but they all have the risk Paraclese talking about these cattle is every gm talking about their homebrew monsters omg writers wth was that conclusion for the cattle im dying sk-ska zombies. ska. zombies. i can pick it up oh like the dancing plauge but worse, nifty these ghosts are rude boys, like, thats actually one of their names. And just caught that it the band name is skatastic oh they mentioned the dancing plauge, thank you wtf 101 the 'lighthearted' tone of this episode speaks dark tidings about the horrors to come aaah, hex girls, omg oh damn, update again: still hella gay bards duels be like, but for real loving this more and more young me is crazy about having the hex girls interact with a magicy thing like the disks, the rest of me is concerned at the events that are taking place scooby agrees, and his dog girl friend...well that was something Ricky displaying increasing regrets is not going to do good things for his lifeespectancy ohp then he drags in the other two well, i didnt see that coming for the criminal identity this little girl just had her mom ditch her for a stranger that robbed them, the heck i should probably eat dinner at some point, or like, anything at somepoint... calling it now, this guy is a circus performer/stunt driver, and if he is the random hired british poolboy it is a fake accent he's lureing women away with emotional intemacy. thats funny in itself, btu that they accept so readily still isnt normal oh and apparently kinks, lured with kinks so hes going to be the librarian dude then?? maybe? k, so at least i got that o.o O.O, well, that was quite the lead up and explanation food on plate, depresso in heart, ready to continue so they have to know right? like, this is a planned trap since Fred is 'the only one who knows where it is' doesnt explain Fred though, or how the fake acts "jeepies you found my scarf" oh there it is, they are after the info from him and its all fake, not some hell vision to show why he has to suceed Fred knew first? good on him plastic surgery, holy crap, next level villainy here holy shit they're all in puragoty thanks to the corrpution?????? Going back to early about the horrifying nature of all this. it is just so immensly sad watching them go through these bits. Cool, but sad. Velma demonstrating why thinking and understanding are not always good in eldritch horror games so he's got a guilt complex? heart felt talk with Mayor Dad awwww, poor Velma doesnt think she's pretty guessing...well id say the wife of Enrique but that seems too easy some how, stiill shes the only offered suspect beside Enrique himself thus far *deep sigh* i will never guess any culprit i bother to write down correctly would be a real move of the writers to Uzumaki the town two day deadline given, props to velma for having the foresight to model the disks in a digital format incase theyre lost mad max mystery machine sounds like a doom metal synth wave fusion song things are going too well... How many giant evil doors will this lair have? alchemy. of course. should have guessed. is...is this the episode where Marcie...oh no oh at least shes trying good on her, she's going down in style and flame... oh. ya know, even knowing it was coming and talking it up a sentence before, not a happy event this is a nifty dungeon last episode, hell of an opening/recap wh-what fghaseguk this went batshit didnt it. i wish i had the willingness to write at unhinged as these writers one more media that i am surpised didnt end in a poly relationship this climax is eerily familiar to the live action movies at times and then they all died and went to heaven aww Rickee and Cassidy *and* Velma and Marcie, aww, my heart will heart to think about that one for long, but awwwww Miskatonik University, or however the heck it is said. i thought it was going to be a one off joke but wasn't expecting that.
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tapbond · 3 years
Change Default Application For Opening Files Mac
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Change Default Application For Opening Files Full Article 100
Change Default Application For Opening Files How To Change The
Change Default Application For Opening Files Mac With Apple
These are the steps to both change the default app to open one specific file or to change the default app to open all files of one file type.
Typically I just want to view an image instead of edit it so having Preview as my default app makes sense.
By changing the default application to photoshop for that file, I can save a bunch of time.
Change Default Application For Opening Files How To Change The
Below Ill show you how to change the default application for all files of one file type.
Not only has he been crafting tutorials for over ten years, but in his other life he also enjoys taking care of critically ill patients as an ICU physician.
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The comments and forum posts are property of their posters, all the rest 2003-2015 by QD Ideas, LLC.
Change Default Application For Opening Files Mac With Apple
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Read Full Article 100 comments Bloomberg: First Mac With Apple Silicon Will Be Announced in November Friday October 9, 2020 9:59 am PDT by Joe Rossignol Apple is set to host its next event on Tuesday, October 13, where it is widely expected to unveil its iPhone 12 lineup and more, but those waiting for the first Apple Silicon Mac may have to be patient for a little bit longer.
Apple Watch Series 5 vs 6 What are the differences between the Apple Watch Series 6 vs Series 5 Widgetsmith Guide Should you buy a Mac now or wait for Arm Macs AppleCare: Should you Get It See more guides Upcoming Apple Watch Series 6 Just Released Blood oxygen monitor, new colors, S6 chip, and more.
AirTags macOS 11 Big Sur iMac AirPods Studio Apple Glasses Foldable iPhone See full product calendar How to Change a File Types Default App in macOS Tuesday June 19, 2018 4:03 AM PDT by Tim Hardwick Each document that you have on your Mac is associated with a default application which macOS uses to open the file whenever you double-click on its icon in Finder.
If you dont see the checkbox, click the Options button at the lower left of the window and it should appear.
In most cases this is correct, but you can still override it by changing the Recommended Applications view to All Applications using the Enable: dropdown menu.
Select Other. in the drop-down menu of apps to select one not already in the list, and then click Change All.
Score: 3 Votes ( Like Disagree ) fairuz 30 months ago How do you do this in iOS Joke and jokes and jokes The equivalent is when you press the share button to open something in another app, in which case it gives you the list.
Score: 3 Votes ( Like Disagree ) Centris 650 30 months ago Is there really anyone who didnt know this already Theres always a newbie.
Score: 3 Votes ( Like Disagree ) C DM 30 months ago Is there really anyone who didnt know this already Plenty of people dont know about plenty of things that plenty others know about.
Score: 2 Votes ( Like Disagree ) H3LL5P4WN 30 months ago Easy, if you have an iPhone switch to Android, if you have an iPad switch to Windows 10.
Why would you downgrade Score: 2 Votes ( Like Disagree ) Read All Comments Top Stories Leaker: iPhone 12 Lineup to Feature Faster Face ID, Improved Zoom, and Longer Battery Life Sunday October 11, 2020 12:38 pm PDT by Hartley Charlton Leaker Max Weinbach has today shared new finalized and revised information about the upcoming iPhone 12 via his Twitter account PineLeaks.
Weinbach states that the most important things about the new iPhones were already revealed by Chinese Weibo user Kang via an extensive leak on Friday, but he does offer some specific new information.
Read Full Article 501 comments Top Stories: October 13 Apple Event, iPhone 12 and HomePod Mini Leaks, and More Saturday October 10, 2020 6:00 am PDT by MacRumors Staff Apples iPhone 12 event is nearly upon us, and leaks and rumors have been flying around in the final days.
Weve got new details on the iPhone 12 and its launch timing, a smaller HomePod, and more.
In addition, were still looking at a number of other new products including AirPods Studio, AirTags, and the first Apple Silicon Macs, so read on below for the latest on all of these.
Apple. Read Full Article 78 comments iPhone 12 Colors: Eight Total, Including Striking New Blue Color Saturday October 10, 2020 4:52 pm PDT by Hartley Charlton Apples iPhone 12 lineup is expected to come in eight different colors, overhauling the iPhone color options to prospective customers.
The colors come to accompany the iPhone 12s new squared-off industrial design, with a flat stainless steel band around the outer edge, at least on the Pro models, and glass on the rear.
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An image of the original post in Chinese has been tweeted by leaker Ice Universe, who has provided accurate information on unreleased Apple products in the past.
The. Read Full Article 389 comments iPad Air Shipments Arriving at Apple Stores Ahead of Launch Friday October 9, 2020 11:51 am PDT by Juli Clover Apple retail stores around the world are receiving shipments of new devices that are likely to be the new iPad Air models, according to Bloombergs Mark Gurman.
In a tweet, Gurman said that new devices have started arriving at Apple Stores for opening at a later date.
These new devices are likely the iPad Airs that are set to go on sale at some point in October as its too early for the.
Read Full Article 63 comments Apple Removes Beats Landing Page From Website Ahead of Tuesdays Launch Event Update: Restored Monday October 12, 2020 3:55 am PDT by Tim Hardwick Apple has quietly removed the Beats by Dre webpage from its website ahead of its Apple event on Tuesday, as it prepares to launch a new, lower-cost HomePod and AirPods Studio headphones.
As noted by Apple Terminal, the landing page for Beats products can no longer be found on Apples website.
The Wayback Machine has a snapshot of the page in its original form from October 2, while the most.
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wallpaperpaintings · 4 years
The Worst Advices We’ve Heard For Medicare For All | medicare for all
The Expanded and Improved Medicare For All Act or U.S. National Health Insurance Act is a proposed bill first introduced by U.S. Representative John Conyers, D-MI in 2020 with a dozen sponsors in Congress. In 2020 it was introduced as H.R.3, which is the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act. This bill would provide single-payer Medicare coverage to every American citizen.
Although there are different types of single-payer plans already in operation in other countries, only one type of health plan can currently provide universal coverage. Currently, there are two basic types of private health insurance: group insurance plans and individual insurance plans. The main difference between a group plan and an individual plan is that a group plan is designed to cover an entire group whereas an individual plan is designed to cover an individual member of the group.
Group plans have been in existence for many years, while individual plans have only recently become available to many insurance companies. One of the advantages of group insurance plans is the fact that they are more affordable than individual plans. Many people do not want to have to spend hundreds of dollars on individual health insurance premiums every month, even if the premiums are subsidized by the government. For these people, group plans can be their best option.
The expanded Medicare for All bill, passed in 2020, was designed to make Medicare even more affordable. It also included a number of benefits such as eliminating annual deductible or co-payment for preventive care and expanding coverage for prescription drugs. The bill also required that each American citizen over the age of eighteen be offered the choice of either a private insurance plan or a government plan. Currently, the government only offers group insurance plans. When the government decides to expand its coverage, it has to apply to a special waiver process, which takes several years to process.
When the expanded Medicare for All bill first came up, the Obama Administration did not support it. Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA), who is a leading Democratic Presidential candidate in 2020 suggested that there should be a waiting period for the program to become implemented. The administration then claimed that the waiting period would be too costly. and did not support the bill. Now however, it seems that President Obama has changed his position and supports the legislation.
The primary difference between a group plan and individual health insurance plans is that the government provides the basic infrastructure and pays all the health care costs of the members of the plan. This includes the hospital room, doctors, and all prescriptions. The private insurance plans usually cover only a portion of the cost.
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PolitiFact Q&A: Medicare for All – What it is, what it isn’t – medicare for all | medicare for all
The Worst Advices We’ve Heard For Medicare For All | medicare for all – medicare for all | Encouraged for you to my personal blog, with this time I will explain to you in relation to keyword. And after this, this is the initial picture:
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Here you are at our website, contentabove (The Worst Advices We’ve Heard For Medicare For All | medicare for all) published .  Today we’re excited to announce that we have found an extremelyinteresting nicheto be discussed, that is (The Worst Advices We’ve Heard For Medicare For All | medicare for all) Lots of people trying to find specifics of(The Worst Advices We’ve Heard For Medicare For All | medicare for all) and of course one of them is you, is not it?
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Compare Democrats’ many Medicare-for-All proposals with this chart – medicare for all | medicare for all
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Case for Medicare for All: Gerald Friedman – Книга Rahva Raamat – medicare for all | medicare for all
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The #13 Reason Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare-for-All Plan Is A – medicare for all | medicare for all
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The Fallacy of Medicare for All Fortune – medicare for all | medicare for all
Business Leaders for Medicare for All – medicare for all | medicare for all
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How Much Will Medicare for All Cost? Committee for a Responsible – medicare for all | medicare for all
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Medicare for All: Democrats look to health care option as – medicare for all | medicare for all
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The Medicare for All bill is a winner – Medicare For All – medicare for all | medicare for all
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The Time for Medicare for All Has Come’: Jayapal Unveils Visionary – medicare for all | medicare for all
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How Bernie Sanders made Medicare-for-all a winner in the 13 – medicare for all | medicare for all
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Блумберг: Medicare For All обанкротит нас на долгие годы – МК В – medicare for all | medicare for all
from WordPress https://www.bleumultimedia.com/2020/07/29/the-worst-advices-weve-heard-for-medicare-for-all-medicare-for-all/
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pooffa · 5 years
Hello. Anyone know of an ol fashioned loan shark? Lol. Or just a kind soul thats willing to help me and loan the rest of the money I need to get rid of this lingering debt. I managed to get it down to 500. This chunk is just hovering over us and going into the new bills. We are trying so hard to get by and Im afraid we are going to start to loose things or get things shut off. Ive tried again asking family, but theyve all shut me out. I know im asking alot. And I know there are others in similiar or worse situations. I just need alittle help and if someone can help and need it paid back...I will do that. Again...Thank you!! If you can help, thank you. If not, please please signal boost.
**UPDATE**: Sorry for waiting so long to update. And Thank you to the ones that helped and signal boosted. I was able to get some help but not all. The new month came and what was paid for the new month was used towards the past. So im still, with all fees short 700. Theyve given us til sunday. I know this is hard for everyone. And if theres any kind souls out there that need to be paid back...i will do that. I thought i found an old friend that was willing to help me and lend me the whole amount. But he changed the plans and wanted more from me than just to be paid back. I was shocked and felt so violated by the things he was saying. 😢 I am desperate at this point, but not like that. Especially from a friend. Ughh...i still cant get over this. Anyway...if anyone can help..id really appreciate it or if not...please signal boost. THANK YOU!!
Ive been putting off coming on here to ask for help because I wasnt sure how well that would go down with anyone. But as I see all the post about FAMILY and SPN ending next year...Im hoping I can get some help from this FAMILY cause my real family SUCKS!!
Ive been with this fandom for about 4 or 5 years. Im unfortunately not a very creative person...so I cant do art or fics or anything like that. Im actually one of the quiet shy behind the scenes type. Mostly due to the nasty ones that came at me in the beginning for liking destiel and cockles. Also...because thats just me. Sorry. But I DO reblog all art and fics and anything that I see that should be. And I am quick to try to help or reblog anyone asking for help.
Anyway....I come here now...asking for help. I live with my mom. I take care of her. I have a job and she gets disability. My sister used to live with us but she got into drinking, drugs and other stuff. She left but left all her debt. Weve tried taking care of that and almost had it cleared. But then she stole money from us and now we are struggling with rent this month. The landlord has been helpful...but they can only hold it for so long. We have less than a week to come up with 1015 or we have to go.
Ive tried asking everyone....surprising when people whom youve always helped are now nowhere to be found. Especially relatives.
I know its asking alot and I already feel bad for asking. If you are able to help any and it can be loaned...I can pay it back...I just need a month to get it back to you.
If you are able to help...my paypal acct is
Thank you for reading this. And Thank you if youre able to help or even reblog this for help.
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friendshipcampaign · 4 years
Session Recap 10/12/19: Prima Materia
In the morning, the party found they had several messages waiting for them from the Gatekeepers. 
Erwyn’s, from Palava, read:
dear erwyn,
we interacted with the raliv mercantile co when we were in veritas. one of a number of individuals promising aid to the city in exchange for increased political clout. spokesperson for the company was huxley emberbraid montfort, a noble from mardros. cant say i liked him much, but i find it hard to like anyone who sees a tragedy as a way to make themselves richer and more powerful. ive heard vilars name but dont know much about her. we were certainly not aware of any infernal ties or we would have warned you and done our best to warn the city as well exclamation point. what information do you have about this cult and its potential ties to veritas question mark. weve all been stretched so thin that we havent been able to do much in the way of preventative investigation im sorry to say. its hard enough to keep up with the active breaches. find out what you can, but do be careful. demons and devils are always out for each others blood, and they wont be picky about who gets caught in the crossfire. 
also, violetta should have mentioned it in her message to voski, but one of our friends has been detecting some increased planar distortions around veritas. it looks like someones trying very hard to start another breach. if we figure out where they are, we should still be able to nip it in the bud, but we think theyve mounted some magical defenses to make it more difficult to pinpoint. keep us informed and watch out for yourself, 
alembic and palava
Ditto had a message waiting for her as well, from Hubris, that elaborated on her research question from before.
ditto, quick research update. 
ive found very little but im going to keep digging exclamation point. everything pre fourth era is pretty spotty of course unless you want to go bothering ozogot the black. plenty of references to the devotion of the citizens of veritas but nearly nothing about what they were devoted to. 
one interesting thing is the account of the gnomish historian gibberty booklore chatterjack penner squirrelchase yapp gallbug townkeeper talltale tallyho prickingbone, whose books were blessed to remain indelible in the face of magic that distorts memories and history. she mentions going to a high temple on her visit to the city and remarks on the devotion of the humans who live there when she visited during the reign of king ulfgar the stern beneath the mountains. when she returned some years later after the third skeleton war, which saw the temporary takeover of the city by the lichlord saerevon, she instead discusses how strange it is that no deity seems able to maintain a strong presence in veritas, and that none has done so as long as anyone remembers. it could be an issue of incorrect or fragmentory histories surviving, but i would focus investigations on the transitional period between the fourth and fifth eras. 
other accounts from the same period suggest that by then worship had transferred to the divine messenger whose image persists to this day, and that the deity themselves was kept secret if not already forgotten. if she was worshiped as a mystery cult theyve done a very good job of covering their records. if her name had already been lost, gibbertys texts suggest that theres something fishy going on. seems that veritas has always been a city of mysteries exclamation point. will keep searching semicolon its time to get into some of the fringe theorists which should be quite a ride. 
cheers, hubris
Finally, Voski also had a message waiting, from Violetta, reading:
kasia, re: karin mordechai
karin mordechai unknown. could be alias or figurehead. provide names and descriptions of associates and i will cross reference them with known entities. note readings indicate increased instability in veritas. spike on night of blomhath twentieth. attempt to identify source and neutralize if possible. can provide backup for strike but not extended investigation.
In preparation for their next plans, Ditto asked Tiktik if they would be alright doing some spying for the group and if she could turn them into a beetle. They told her she would have to bribe them, but they were willing, and she promised them chicken in exchange for their service before transforming them into a small insect.
The party decided that in order to keep the demons watching them from realizing where they had taken Tenny, they would turn Amaranth invisible, then give her the demiplane (with Tenny inside) to take into Grankhul’s Rest to drop the girl off and explain the situation. Once Ditto had cast Invisibility on her, they headed out and started making their way towards the inn -- followed by a large row of demonic pigeons who were keeping pace with them as they went. With the rest of the party keeping them distracted, though, Amaranth was able to break away from the rest of the group and sneak inside the inn.
Inside, she saw Selfish Dann reading a book by the fireplace and decided she’d prefer to have this conversation with the tiefling of the inn’s group. She spoke up once she was nearby, startling him. She explained she was invisible, but that she’d like to talk somewhere private, and he suggested they go to the basement. Once there, Amaranth explained that the party had someone that needed looking after, and they thought the inn’s caretakers would be the best equipped of anyone they could ask to deal with the kind of danger she was in. When Dann asked for details, she explained some of Tenny’s situation, and he agreed they could take care of her.
Amaranth opened the demiplane to see an eclectic arrangement of decor that Tenny had come up with while getting transported. She complimented the girl’s taste and Tenny told her not to let the others make the place boring, if they could make whatever they wanted. Amaranth then led her out to meet Selfish Dann, who promised Amaranth that they would take good care of her. 
After leaving Grankhul’s Rest, Amaranth caught up with the rest of the party. Still invisible, she jumped up behind Kriv and tried to startle him, causing the dragonborn to reflexively elbow her and Erwyn, despite the distance, to startle and slightly jump. Once she had reappeared, the group started to make their way to a place near the exclusion zone, so that Ditto could send Tiktik to fly overhead and see what they could beyond the walls. On their way up she took the chance to gaze through their eyes and got a view of a goopy, black, stagnant lake with things moving below the surface. A group of workers, watched over by burnished metal constructs, were trying to skim algae from the water’s surface. Eventually, Tiktik reported back that they had reached a point above the exclusion zone that had kept them from going forward -- like a painful magical force that repelled them away from it. 
Moving to their next location, the party passed the Blacks’ smithing shop. It had clearly taken damage from the recent attack of bones, but from the sounds inside it seemed to still be operating. They then arrived near enough the workhouse that they could try sending Tiktik inside, though once they had gone in the party kept walking a little so as not to be too near its vicinity. They decided the elephant statue was a good place to casually hang around and parked there for a bit. Kriv pulled out a sketchbook to do a little drawing of it while they waited.
Eventually Tiktik returned, speaking quickly to Ditto about everything they’d just seen. Apparently once they passed the room with the nervous-looking clerk some of the party members had met before, they’d found themselves in a nice office, where a halfling woman was talking to a fire genasi man, the latter fiddling around with some kind of weird fork. After that they had picked up on a weird draft coming from a bookcase that, when they investigated further, had a door behind it, leading to a room with some kind of magic circle on the floor. They then backtracked through the last couple of rooms to make their way to the cell block, which had a door at the end that was being guarded by a large construct that lead to a row of higher-security cells, with thicker walls and more constructs milling about.
With one more destination for Tiktik to snoop around in mind, the party next headed towards the mayor’s house. Tiktik went through the gates while the rest of them kept their distance and waited for them to return. After quite a lot of waiting, though, it became clear that something must have happened, as the familiar never returned. When Ditto tried to summon them back to her, nothing happened. So the group took a detour at Knife’s shop, which wasn’t too far away, where Ditto asked her friend if she could cast the spell to bring them back. Knife let her use his upstairs room to do the summoning.
Ditto brought Tiktik back in cat form and they bounded into her as soon as they’d been summoned. They explained that there had been a wyvern inside the stables behind the Mayor’s house, and it had chomped them before they could get away. The two of them headed downstairs to return to the others and Ditto thanked Knife for the use of his quarters. He assured her they were open to her anytime.
The party’s next order of business was to find a new place to stay for the night. Hoping to follow up on Nilo’s other recommendation, they went to The Pig’s Eye in order to ask Frileg where the Thirsty Sage was, as it didn’t seem to be along Keeper’s Row with all the other inns. She said she knew where it usually was, but warned them to be careful, as it seemed to pop in and out of existence unpredictably. Apparently the place was an old wizard’s tower, now run as an inn by an eccentric goblin, and sometimes people would go in for a night and turn up weeks later terribly confused. She attributed Nilo’s success with the place to his halfling luck.
They followed Frileg’s directions and found that the Thirsty Sage was in fact there for the moment. The building itself had a chimney with multicolored smoke billowing out of it and a heavy metal door which, when they knocked on it, was flung open enthusiastically by a manic-looking one-eyed goblin in a blue robe covered in golden stars and matching hat. The goblin ushered them in and did their best to give a tour, pointing out some of the strange magic paraphernalia decorating the place, but it was deeply clear they had very little idea what they were talking about. The group talked with them for a bit about accommodations, but were still hesitant about the idea. Erwyn and Amaranth in particular voiced concerns about what would happen if they weren’t so lucky in the time department, and in the end, they decided it was too risky and bid the goblin proprietor farewell. In parting, they told the group their name was the Acrimonious Bimbimble.
No extra time had passed when the party emerged, fortunately. They returned to the Pig’s Eye and Ditto asked Frileg if she had any other ideas about places in the city that might be safe to stay. As Ditto rambled, the dwarven woman gave her a glass of ale -- which she largely ignored and Amaranth finished -- but unfortunately her only ideas we either the Slumbering Grell or some boardinghouses she knew were receptive to people on the run from certain things.
The group quietly decided they would just need to find an alleyway or other place to lay low for the night. Amaranth started noting the beggar’s marks she saw on some of the abandoned storefronts in the city, looking for one pointing to a likely spot. There were more empty buildings than usual in the wake of the disaster, with some of the citizens of Veritas having decided to cut their losses and flee, so she soon found a good candidate in a building accessed by an alleyway, with a secure basement behind a shuttered door. On seeing it wasn’t clearly occupied, the party decided it would be where they retreated that evening -- and indeed, decided they would lie low there for a little before meeting with Tress that evening. Tiktik wove their way around the party members as they did, as if to seek attention for having done dangerous things for them all earlier.
As the hour of Candling arrived, the party made their way to Inner Truths for their appointment with Tress. She was waiting for them, petting Palette’s filigreed exterior. She greeted them, saying that the project had been much more interesting than she’d been expecting, and that she thought they might want to discuss things privately. Somewhat suspiciously, Kriv tried a quick Divine Sense, but felt nothing unusual. Her enthusiasm was more familiar, however, to Voski.
Tress lead them to her back room and shut the door. Inside, a table had been laid out with supplies and tools for an experiment: the leaf Erwyn had given her, several different vials, a basin with assorted arcane sigils carved in the top, a houseplant, and another glass vial containing a few flies. She explained that she’d been able to identify a partial transfiguration effect turning parts of the leaf to graphite. She snapped it in half to demonstrate these properties, revealing that it was only the outer shell that had calcified, while the inner layer still consisted of dying plant matter.
She went on to say that that the tincture they’d given her was primarily water with a little alcohol in it, and had the remains of a very low-level light spell on it -- a common practice by snake-oil salesmen to make their product appear magical when it really wasn’t. She then held out a glass vial with the remains of some particulate in it, which was left over once she’d distilled the tincture down, and added that she had absolutely no idea what it was.
Tress said that she’d been testing the properties of the material, using an alchemist’s vessel to multiply the quantity to perform experiments. She said she was going to perform a demonstration of this process, but that the magic would only be in effect for a short time, and asked them to save their “questions, comments, and shocked gasps” until the end.
She scooped some of the particulate onto a small bone tool, added it to the vessel with the sigils, then poured in some water and swirled it around. Taking a leaf from the healthy plant, she dipped it into this compound, where it immediately turned to graphite. She dropped this leaf on the floor and it shattered instantly. Next, she took a dead fly from the bottom of the insect vial and dipped it into the basin as well. There was no effect. She extracted another fly, this one live. When the live fly was dipped into the compound, it instantly turned to graphite the way the leaf had. She then took a leaf from a different vial, where it had been soaking in the remnants of the tincture, and dipped it. This one hardened and turned to graphite as well, but when she dropped it, it didn’t shatter the way the first leaf had. 
Finally, Tress took a small knife. “I did already bleed for this, if there is another volunteer,” she said meaningfully.
Erwyn offered his hand and she pricked it. When his blood mixed with the tincture, it turned to the same graphite substance as the leaf and the living fly had. She looked a bit surprised at this, then turned to Voski.
“Kasia,” she asked. “Are they going to be weird about it?”
Voski reassured Tress her companions could exercise discretion. Tress proceeded to prick her own finger with the knife. A drop of her blood welled up, dark blue-black, and when it hit the mixture in the basin, it didn’t turn to graphite like Erwyn’s had. Instead, it turned to gold. 
The tincture mixture seemed to evaporate from the vessel as the magic effect amplifying it ran out. Tress commented that the demonstration hadn’t been exactly what she was expecting, but she should have assumed there might be more variables.
With questions now open, the party asked her opinion on what might have been in the vials, mentioning the people peddling the tinctures claimed they had ingredients sourced from the elemental planes. She said it was hard to verify that for certain, though the water certainly wasn’t plane-touched, and added that whatever was causing the transformation was highly diluted in the tinctures themselves. She also pointed out that, as had been clear from her demonstration with the leaves, immediate, quick exposure caused the transformation to be more brittle, whereas the prolonged dosage seemed to result in a more stable, gradual process.
The group began to discuss possible motivations behind the revelation. It was obvious that the tinctures wouldn’t persist as a fad if they had such visible negative effects, so diluting the effect ensured a wider exposure for whatever purpose the sellers had in mind. Erwyn pointed out that with everything else going on in Veritas, there were certainly other things people might blame ill effects on, like the background energy from the Abyss all over the city. Ditto also brought up that it was already well-known people were mysteriously going missing, so it was possible some of the worst effects were being hidden. Tress added that at the dosage people seemed to be taking of the tinctures, it would likely take several weeks or even a month or two for them to notice any reaction. She noted, though, that she hadn’t been able to perform any longitudinal studies, and it was always possible that at a certain point the effects could speed up.
Ditto, unable to contain herself, finally burst out asking Tress what her deal was, since her blood had reacted so differently. Tress sighed and replied that she was an air genasi -- underscored by the fact that, where she had cut her finger, there was now smeared makeup revealing blue-tinted skin -- and asked the party not to make a big deal about it. She said that while her blood’s reaction to the tincture was interesting, she couldn’t imagine there were enough other genasi in the city to make it worth their while. Erwyn wondered if it might be a quality of plane-touched individuals in general, and Kriv asked if she would be willing to do the experiment again, looking at Amaranth as he spoke. Tress said she would need another tincture, but was willing, and would be working late that evening if they were able to get one by then.
The party departed for the Pig’s Eye after that. When they got there, Nilo had not yet arrived. Sparrow was there, however, and came over to Amaranth, offering to buy her a drink. Ditto gave Amaranth a surreptitious thumbs-up while Kriv, teasingly, stuck his tongue out instead.
The drow demon who had been frequenting the place arrived soon after, looking somewhat less nervous than she usually did. She took a seat in the corner and beckoned Voski over. At this, Voski ordered the drink with Underdark fruit syrup the demon had recommended to her the night before, then took it and sat down with her to talk.
The yochlol told Voski that she had talked with her Lady and was more comfortable speaking openly now that Voski wasn’t such a stranger. She also said that the Lady had something to ask of Voski, as repayment for granting her blessing -- commenting that it seemed she was having some trouble protecting her “investment” as she glanced over at Erwyn.
She said she and some of her companions had been transporting an item to a city in the Underdark, but had been caught in Veritas when the current situation erupted. She and her companions (several drow, who she feared had perished) were taking a detour through the markets when the portal opened, and the artifact had been lost or stolen in the chaos. She had since been unable to reclaim it or find anyone to assist her in doing so, as it was lost in the exclusion zone and everyone she’d attempted to hire had proven unreliable.
Voski asked if, since they had been caught so off guard, this meant the Lady hadn’t had a hand in the events in Veritas. The yochlol explained that this breach didn’t seem to have been planned by any known power in the Abyss, and whatever had broken through had kept to itself enough that the other demons weren’t certain which layer had even caused it. She also admitted, when pressed, that she too was trapped inside the city by the barrier that was keeping the other demons in. Lolth had other ways of extracting her, but she couldn’t return empty-handed.
Finally Voski asked about the artifact. The yochlol said she was looking for a magical harp, finely constructed and very important to Lolth, as it was used in several rituals down in the Underdark. While it was missing, she could tell it wasn’t destroyed, thanks to her connection to Lolth. 
After explaining that she was hoping Voski could retrieve it, she offered her a silver brooch in the shape of a spider, set with purple and blood-red stones, which she said would signify to other demons that Lolth had a vested interest in her and, perhaps, encourage them to leave her alone. She commented that Lolth found her amusing, and would prefer if she didn’t die. Voski accepted the brooch and tucked it away into her armor, though she added that she didn’t subcontract and would not enlist any of the others to search on Lolth’s behalf. But, since they were headed into the exclusion zone soon enough, she would try to take a look around while she was there.
As she rose to leave, Voski realized they’d never properly introduced themselves to each other and asked the yochlol if there was any name she wanted Voski to call her by. The demon shrugged and said she didn’t see the point. Voski nodded, then invited her to tell her Lady that Voski intended to survive, with or without her help. Then she added that the drink the yochlol had recommended was surprisingly good.
“Right?” the demon said.
Voski returned to the others, who were enjoying the music of the one-armed bard, Meg, who had played there the night before. Erwyn was sipping from another glass of milk, conjured earmuffs from Ditto present yet again, and Amaranth continued chatting with Sparrow until Nilo and Clarity finally showed up. When the pair finally entered the tavern, Nilo was clad in his “work clothes” -- a combination of dark roguish attire and dozens upon dozens of different good luck charms, ranging from onions to holy symbols rubbed with lamp-black so they were less obvious -- and somehow still moving silently. He was clearly ready for crimes.
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btsengland · 5 years
BTS Reaction-Falling in love with Taehyung ❤️
(Requested by @taehyungismydrug , hope it’s ok ☺️)
You loved BTS and had been Army for 3 years now, your bias was of course Taehyung. You loved how unique he was, his handsome looks, his deep raspy voice, his kindness and caring side and his love for Art.
You knew their was a fan sign coming up near you and you knew you had to be there! It was your chance to meet all the boys and especially your bias. You called your best friend round to help you chose a fashionable outfit that you hope would impress Tae as he is a fashion king. You ended up picking a flowery dress and put your hair is a french braid/or a nice blue shirt with braces and trousers with a gucci belt with your hair slicked back.
When you got to the venue for the fan sign you were extremely nervous, you saw the long queue of Army and noticed how beautiful everyone looked and thought you’d have no chance of getting noticed and they would just pass you on but you were wrong!
After hours of waiting it was finally your turn, you had brought your best friend with you and made them go first. First up was Jin who was very excitable and greeted you with Hello. He could tell you were nervous so said ‘I know meeting someone as worldwide handsome as me i would be nervous too’ you couldn’t help but laugh as hobi butted in with ‘just ignore him we do’ as you move on to Jimin and Jungkook you finally got to Tae, you couldn’t help but stare at his beauty, you knew he was handsome from youtube and being a little spec at concerts but right in front of you he was breathtaking so much so that you didn’t realise he was trying to talk to you. You finally snapped out of it and said sorry. He thought it was cute! he grabbed your hand to try and calm you down, you love how his hand would cover yours and was so soft. You remembered you wanted to give him a heart to thank him for all his love for Army so he stuck it on his cheek and said ‘does it look good’ which you replied with ‘anything looks good on you’ He watched as you moved onto Namjoon and he couldn’t stop staring at you.
After you had met Yoongi you met up with your friend and squealed as you had just met BTS and it was the best moment ever! You couldn’t even sleep that night as you tried to process what had happened and updated all your social media.
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Meanwhile Tae couldn’t get you out of his head and told the boys how beautiful you were with Namjoon teasing him ‘I could see that mate you couldn’t stop staring’
He asked the team if there was any chance of knowing who you were but they didn’t know. The boys joked that you might turn up at the concerts and told Tae that if he ever saw you he should be really extra when he sang to try and impress you.
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What they didn’t realise was you were going to their next concert and ended up being at the barrier after waiting in line for nearly 24 hours. It was your first time as they hadn’t been to any venue near you and you loved it. You loved how loud Army were, the colours, the fireworks, hearing them sing live, the dancing. As they came down later in the show to the middle stage Tae noticed you and called Jungkook to point you out. Jungkook laughed and pointed hearts to you with Tae which made you blush and abit confused.
A security member asked you for you phone number to pass onto Tae and you couldn’t believe it! of course you didn’t tell anyone as you respected their privacy which made Tae fall for you even more. You met him backstage and he told you how beautiful you were and if he could take you on a date which you agreed to and from that point on you became boyfriend and girlfriend/boyfriend.
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The boys would always tease him and the Bighit team started to aswell.
‘so weve heard you’ve been ditching the boys to hang out with someone else and you’ve been hanging out a lot?!’
Tae didn’t reply he just got embarrassed and tried to change the subject.
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Everything was perfect, Tae was so loving towards you and spoilt you! He loved helping you take photos when you went out together and would sneakily save some on his phone so he change his lock screen and home screen. He would even give you directions to take the best photos.
‘ok y/n head back a bit...yeah now lean to the left a little’
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He loved spending every minute with you so when he got time off he would fly to meet you and surprise you. If you knew you would make cute banners at the arrival hall which would always make him smile and he would give you the biggest hug spinning you around.
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He would always care and be protective of you so he would make sure you were eating good and would give you some of his meal to make sure. He would always let you chose where you would eat as he knew that would make you happy and he didn’t care as long as he was with you.
‘are you caring for me Tae?’
‘of course it’s my job babe’
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You loved having deep conversations at night together and would often talk about that fan sign meet and how he tried to flirt with you at the concert with Tae laughing at himself and impersonating what he did.
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When he was on tour you would always be on facetime together talking about how your day was/what you were doing which often lead to a member (mainly Jimin) crashing it as he wanted attention too.
Tae would also love showing you all the new clothes and fashion accessories he brought and asked for your opinion on them as he knew you were always honest.
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You loved taking videos together and Tae loved it too as you could watch it back and remember all the loving times together, plus he asked Jungkook to make a GCF of your trips and of course he agreed with Tae even joking that when you got married you would hire Jungkook as the wedding videographer.
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xphanuel · 5 years
My isolation hiatus will come to a close once I have copious amounts of marriage iguanas again
Also trying to get hooked up with medical in NYS for chronic fatigue syndrome, PTSD, and POTS (heart syndrome)
My anxiety throws my blood pressure out of whack, it really scared my doctor how high it was compared to when I'm not freaking the fuck out internally (she was more surprised I LOOKED calm while trying to prevent a panic attack silently)
I know smoking helps that for me, so I'm really hoping things start working out and turning up
The fact this job sounds too good to be true is amazing as well
I love the atmosphere there, I always have, and they told me they start newbies at the lowest part of their job tier and you get rewarded for hard work with bigger positions and more hours and stuff, and that sounds so fucking perfect for me right now. I need to take things at my own pace in an environment where I'll ACTUALLY be appreciated for the work and effort I put in. They were so sweet, and I love my friend. They told me all the good things she said about me and I wanted to cry on the spot. I had just messaged her last night and thanked her for being here for me bc I truly didnt think people like her existed anymore.
She made me realize theres more to life than the shit that made me happy in the past, and that it is possible to move forward even while time and trauma still fucks you up. You literally just have to make new memories and slowly it gets easier to experience things again. AND THIS PURE WHOLESOME BITCH SAID SO MANY THINGS ABOUT ME THAT I FEEL EXACTLY THE SAME WAY ABOUT HER AND I JUST ajdkhsfuwjfjsnf if it wasn't for her I dont think I would have gotten this job but Ik if I said that she would yell at me and tell me to stop doubting myself but THAT'S ALL I GOT BRUH. I'm so glad we met each other when we did. Weve been mutuals for years but I never really spoke with her bc Anxiety(tm) but omfgggg I cant wait for the summer. I have a job now, i LITERALLY START FRIDAY/SAT/SUN even though the interview was today, and they pay every week. EVERY WEEK, HOMIES. FUCK THE BI WEEKLY STRUGGLE. We gonna go out and do some urban exploring this summer bitchessss we gonna be PRODUCTIVE and IN THE REAL WORLD FOR ONCE
I think that's why I dissociate so often, I've lived online for more than half my life. So when I dont have anyone to talk to online I get thrown out of whack and this change was a huge one. I'm managing though
I digress, I'm going to purchase so much bud with my first check
I'll put away 30 for gas but the rest? SMONKIN IT UP
And then I may finally be a functioning member of society again
And I will never let someone who's close to me hurt me like this ever again. I refuse to let people into my life that disregard my feelings and lack common sense. I have no patience for it anymore. No more second chances.
Now tomorrow I have to somehow tell my therapist about my sexual trauma without freaking out!! I want to write it down physically and let her read it after I leave, and maybe we can talk about it periodically every session or something, just so I don't get too upset that I cant focus enough to drive home yknow
Anyway thTs my life update for yall, who ever is still listening or passing by
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theonyxpath · 6 years
Yes, I’d say the creation of the 2nd Edition of Scion has taken the most thought (and Thoth) of any of our projects to date.
From the years spent iterating the Storypath System that powers Scion, to the years and years we and the Scion community dissected and recombined the first edition rules and setting, to the extensive amount of care the writers and developer Neall Raemonn Price have put into improving first edition in every way they could.
Like the Netjer (Egyptian) pantheon pictured above, all the pantheons have been researched and re-researched and run past experts in the myths and cultures they represent. You don’t in any way need a doctorate to use and enjoy them in your game, but now they more accurately reflect our current understanding of the gods and their cohorts.
Neall goes into this in his interview with Eddy and Dixie on last Friday’s Onyx Pathcast, and it is well worth your time to check it out if you’re a Scion fan. He goes into his thinking on Scion, as well as some of the often torturous steps we have had to take to get the first two game books created. If you’re not a Scion fan, he also reveals how Beckett’s Jyhad Diary was developed and written, and so basically, it’s a great overview of how RPG books are created.
You can check it out on your favorite podcast venue or directly on PodBean here: https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
This Friday on the Onyx Pathcast, the Wraith Curse rears its ugly head, and the gang have to recreate an entire episode where they only mention Wraith in discussing TTRPGs and how they affect our non-game lives. Listen in to find out how the Wraith Curse manifests this time!
    Dragon-Blooded art by Yiyoung Li
    Now for myself, I too have thought a lot about Scion. From green-lighting the first edition and realizing that without something wahoo going on, the sales distribution system was going to under-order Scion: Hero, (“We need new games to sell!” “Here’s a new one we made.” “Wah? It’s new and has no sales history, how can we order that?”), to getting a copy of the book put into every retailer bag at that year’s GAMA trade show. Retailers who then ordered the game in such amounts that we had to do a second print pretty much before the book hit stores!
I’ve thought a lot about the dedication of the Scion community during the (very) lean years when almost nothing new came out, yet WW‘s old Scion forums were still getting more posts than entire other gaming websites. I read your posts you magnificent bastards, and incorporated that thinking into what we needed to do to elevate Scion for second edition.
I’ve ground my teeth in frustration during the time Storypath was iterating and while Scion: Origin and Scion: Hero have been incubating, and thought long and hard about the iterations and improvements that slowed things down. Were they worth it?
Well, the answer is yes, as far as I can see. Storypath is the simple base 10-sided pool system that can be expanded depending on your table’s interest in more shared storytelling that I hoped for. It is so flexible that we can add tweaks to it to emulate a post-apocalyptic scarcity game with zombies in Dystopia Rising: Evolution, and reflexive and meta humor mechanics in They Came From Beneath the Sea!.
And it enables play from man on the street to god levels of power for Scion and the Trinity Continuum.
    VtR2 Guide to the Night art by Sam Araya
      Scion has a built-in setting now, with the World, yet it is so designed that you can pull back on that and keep the god stuff hidden, or dial it to 11 and make the presence of the gods even more impactful on our normal world. I thought about whether adding the World was the right way to go – and had probably far more discussions with Neall than he wanted to have about it – but in the end, I think the default setting combined with the very easy options to alter that if you so choose hits the right spot.
It’s there and it’s rich and deep with history, but still open enough that your characters matter. Which is a big part of Scion, as I see it.
And one more thing that I’ve thought about A LOT, and have mentioned before, is that to me Scion is just getting started. The 4 book core of Origin, Hero, Demigod, and God is really the central spine of the possible ways Scion can be played. There’s the “Children of the Gods in Modern Times” that defines that spine, and we can provide a lot more projects that help build on that. We already have the Companion, Jumpstart, Ready Made Characters, and Bestiary being worked on.
But let’s change that to “Children of ____ in Modern Times”, or “Children of the Gods in _____ Times”, and we open up a huge range of possibilities if we start filling in those blanks!
Whew! I get pretty fired up thinking about all that.
Now, on to the Notes from our Monday Meeting today! We talked about:
1- We are all over the place online right now! It’s great! On this Tuesday night at 6pm Pacific US time, Pugmire: Homeward Bound begins on the Saving Throw Show Twitch channel. Here’s the intro video (it is amazing and beautiful!): youtu.be/qMpNHXjbZK8
And the link to their Twitch channel: twitch.tv/savingthrowshow
2- I did a wee little interview that surprisingly covered all sorts of Onyx Path and classic White Wolf stories and yet did not go into my love of pudding. Why is that surprising? Because the podcast interview was for Everybody Loves Pudding, and I was lured into this because I thought I’d be able to expound on the virtues and wonders of pudding. But, even without the pudding, it’s a pretty good chat – the guys were very on target with the questions. Not sure if you can say the same about my answers, but judge for yourself: http://www.everybodylovespudding.com/podcast/season-1-episode-22/
3- Eddy Webb is flying up to my neck of the woods and we’ll be going together to Save Against Fear, the convention that benefits the Bodhana Group, whose mission is to use tabletop gaming in their therapeutic efforts. Links are below in the Convention News section of The Blurbs, but we recently added that I’ll be there on Saturday signing Magic Cards and working on some artist proof sketches. So if you are near there and want your cards signed and to help a great group – come on by and meet me and Eddy!
4- On a related topic, Monica Valentinelli is working with Extra Life on a fundraiser where she’s playing D&D5e to help sick kids. Onyx Path has donated Scarred Lands PDF rewards at various levels of contribution, so here’s your chance to help a super cause and dig into Scarred Lands! https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=326323
    M20 Gods and Monsters art by Claudio Pozas
    5- If you missed the Prince’s Gambit casual Vampire card game by Justin Achilli Kickstarter campaign, we have copies of the card set available to buy from Studio2 and your local retailer, see below, and the basic set and booster pack will go on sale on Wednesday from DriveThru. The retail card set is all the cards from the Kickstarter in one box, and the DriveThru cards take all the cards and divide them into a basic set, and then the added cards from the KS in a booster pack. And, because we are asked this, Prince’s Gambit is a different type of game than VTES, it is not VTES, was not intended to replace VTES, and lots of us here are VTES fans and glad that new VTES cards are being made.
6- Finally, we have a fantastic sale going on at IPR for our Deluxe and Prestige books from our Kickstarter print-run overruns! Half off until the end of October, it’s our HalfoWeen Sale! The Mummy: The Curse Prestige Editions have sold out as of this writing, which means there are no more of them available for sale anywhere in the world! (Except EBAY, I’m sure. But other than that…)
I’m not finding a clever way to lead in to out tag-line this time, no wait, I just did. Damn:
Many Worlds, One Path!
Lo the darkness that lies like a pall over Chicago. The V5 Chicago By Night Kickstarter arises in October!
We’re also working on the Kickstarter for They Came From Beneath the Sea! (TCFBtS!), which has some very different additions to the Storypath mechanics we’ll be explaining during the KS.  They take an excellent 50’s action and investigation genre game and turn it to 11!
      As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is both rolling and rocking!
Here are the links for the Apple and Android versions:
Three different screenshots, above.
And our latest, the dice for Werewolf: The Forsaken 2e:
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue you bought it from. Reviews really, really help us with getting folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Endless Ages Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage II (Kindle, Nook)
Mage: The Ascension: Truth Beyond Paradox (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: The God-Machine Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Mummy: The Curse: Curse of the Blue Nile (Kindle, Nook)
Beast: The Primordial: The Primordial Feast Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Masquerade: Of Predators and Prey: The Hunters Hunted II Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: The Poison Tree (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Songs of the Sun and Moon: Tales of the Changing Breeds (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Requiem: The Strix Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Forsaken: The Idigam Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Mage: The Awakening: The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Beast Within Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: W20 Cookbook (Kindle, Nook)
Exalted: Tales from the Age of Sorrows (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Tales of the Dark Eras (Kindle, Nook)
Promethean: The Created: The Firestorm Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Demon: The Descent: Demon: Interface (Kindle, Nook)
Scarred Lands: Death in the Walled Warren (Kindle, Nook)
V20 Dark Ages: Cainite Conspiracies (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Strangeness in the Proportion (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Requiem: Silent Knife (Kindle, Nook)
Mummy: The Curse: Dawn of Heresies (Kindle, Nook)
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the Screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there!
And we’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
  Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
Here’s the link to the press release we put out about how Onyx Path is now selling through Indie Press Revolution: http://theonyxpath.com/press-release-onyx-path-limited-editions-now-available-through-indie-press-revolution/
And you can now order Pugmire: the book, the screen, and the dice! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=296
  The Prince’s Gambit basic card set and the added cards from the PG Kickstarter booster pack will both be available on DriveThru this Wednesday!
From Fast Eddy Webb, we have these:
Eddy will also be a featured guest (and RichT will be there at some point, too) at Save Against Fear (October 12-14) in Harrisburg, PA. He’ll be running some Pugmire games, be available for autographs, and will sometimes accept free drinks. http://www.thebodhanagroup.org/about-the-convention
Dixie Cochran will be at High Level Games Con in Atlantic City October 12-14, running a Women in Game Design panel, Eddy’s RPG Developer Bootcamp, and possibly making a surprise appearance at another event!
  And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM FAST EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
C20 Novel (Jackie Cassada) (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Tales of Excellent Cats (Monarchies of Mau)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Scion Ready Made Characters (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion Jumpstart (Scion 2nd Edition)
Geist2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Memento Mori: the GtSE 2e Companion (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Pirates of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Witch-Queen of the Shadowed Citadel (Cavaliers of Mars)
  Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
CofD Dark Eras 2 (Chronicles of Darkness)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Dystopia Rising: Evolution (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon (Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition)
Adventures for Curious Cats (Monarchies of Mau)
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Spilled Blood (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
In Media Res (Trinity Continuum: Core)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Wr20 Book of Oblivion (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
V5 Chicago By Night (Vampire: The Masquerade)
  Manuscript Approval:
Aeon Aexpansion (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
C20 Players’ Guide (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
  Post-Editing Development:
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
Trinity Continuum: Aeon Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
Ex Novel 2 (Aaron Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
They Came From Beneath the Sea! Rulebook (TCFBtS!)
Dog and Cat Ready Made Characters (Monarchies of Mau) (With Eddy)
Changeling: The Lost 2nd Jumpstart (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
  In Art Direction
Dystopia Rising: Evolution
M20: Gods and Monsters – AD’d and Contracted.
Geist 2e
The Realm
Trinity Continuum (Aeon and Core) – Tracking down Core finals and going over Aeon Sketches.
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
Chicago By Night – KS art finals in.
Pugmire Roll of Good Dogs and Cats
C20 Player’s Guide
Aeon Aexpansion
They Came From Beneath the Sea! – Got KS artnotes out.
  Marketing Stuff
  In Layout
Trinity Core – Working on symbols this week.
Trinity Aeon – Fancying up my Opnet images.
Ex3 Dragon Blooded
Scion Hero – Inputting Neal’s 2nd proof changes.
PTC: Night Horrors: The Tormented – KT has Steffie’s corrections in.
Scion Origin – Doing Neall’s errata changes, and swapping out the font.
VtR: Guide to the Night – Danielle is getting me her p.xx stuff on Monday and I’ll be wrapping this one up for approval by WW shortly thereafter.
Fetch Quest – Package design done
  At Press
Monarchies of Mau and Screen – At Studio2. Dice and buttons getting ready to ship to Studio2.
Cavaliers of Mars – Backer copies all shipped out.
Wraith 20th – Printing the Deluxe interior, proofing cover.
Wraith 20 Screen – Printing.
Scion Dice – At Studio2.
Cav Talent cards – PoD proof coming.
Lost 2e Screen – Prepping files.
Scion Screen – Prepping files.
Prince’s Gambit core deck and booster PoD – On sale at DriveThru on Wednesday!
Changeling: The Lost 2e – Prepping files for printer.
  TODAY’S REASON TO CELEBRATE: OK, celebrate this one or don’t as you see fit. I know a lot of my South Philly buddies do and will. All I know is today I didn’t get my new fancy brush recommended by Jeff Miracola today because no mail on the Monday holiday. And the last kid has off from school, so I get to hear him shouting at his friends as they multi-play a shooter. Some holiday.
6 notes · View notes
statetalks · 3 years
Did Any Republicans Own Slaves In 1860
Still Facing Democratic Oppression
Even though nearly 80% of the nation supports voluntarily spoken prayer in public schools only 13% of Democrats voted for a recent constitutional amendment to permit it. And even though almost 80 percent of the nation supports public displays of the Ten Commandments, only 21 percent of Democrats voted for a congressional bill to allow those displays.
Consider too, the congressional bill to remove IRS control from over what pastors can say. A bill that would reinstate freedom of speech to American pulpits, exactly the way it had been before Lyndon Baines Johnson amended the IRS code in 1954 to restrict speech in churches. Only 5 percent of Democrats voted to allow free speech for churches.
And when there was a vote on protecting under God in the Pledge of Allegiance,  even though 87 percent of Americans support that phrase only 17 percent of Democrats voted to protect it. And on the issue of preserving marriage is ordained in the Scriptures, 72 percent of Americans support traditional marriage but only 15 percent of Democrats in Congress voted to protect it.
The Democrats simply do not have a good voting record on traditional religious issues. Consider also how Democrats deal with the issue of faith-based programs. Current statistics prove that faith-based programs offer the best solutions to many of societys most serious problems. For example, on the issue of drug abuse, the average cure rate for governmental type drug abuse programs is under 10 percent.
The Mcconnell Family Slaves
After NBC News reported earlier this week that McConnell’s great-great-grandfathers had owned 14 slaves, he responded by pointing out that President Barack Obamas ancestors also were slave owners.
“You know, once again I find myself in the same position as President Obama,” he said. “We both oppose reparations, and both are the descendants of slaveholders.”
A USA TODAY Network review of census documents and local property and accounting records show that slave ownership was passed down through generations and persisted in the McConnell family through the Civil War.
Richard Daley, McConnells maternal great-great-grandfather, reported owning five young female slaves in the 1850 U.S. Census Slave Schedule.
But he said that four “mulatto,” or mixed race, slaves ages 20, 18, 4 and 2 were escaped fugitives. One 22-year-old black woman remained at his farm, the document shows.
In the 1860 census, Daley reported owning another five slaves a 30-year-old “mulatto” female, an 11-year-old “mulatto” female and two “mulatto” boys ages 7 and 10 or 12.
They also escaped, according to the document, but one 39-year-old black female slave remained.
The names of slaves and receipts of sale transactions are difficult to trace. Slaves either moved with families from other states into Alabama or were purchased at auctions in Montgomery.
James McConnell, whose farm was next to Daleys, had four female “mulatto” slaves ages 25, 4, 3 and 1 who all escaped, according to the 1860 census.
The Republican Party Becomes The Party Of Rich Northerners
US History Scene
All this while, economic issues were growing more important to Republican politicians. Even before the Civil War, the North was more industrialized than the South, as you can see from this map of railway lines. After it, this industrialization only intensified.
And during the war, the federal government grew a lot bigger and spent a lot more money and that meant people got rich, and owed their wealth to Republican politicians. The partys economic policies, Cox Richardson writes, were creating a class of extremely wealthy men.
Gradually, those wealthy financiers and industrialists took more and more of a leading role in the Republican Party. They disagreed on many issues, but their interests rather than the interests of black Southerners increasingly started to become the partys raison detre.
National Republican Platform Adopted By The National Republican Convention Held In Chicago May 17 1860 Chicago Press And Tribune Office Chicago Illinois 1860 Library Of Congress Rare Book And Special Collections Division Alfred Whital Stern Collection Of Lincolniana Https://googl/lcbfpa
Resolved, that we, the delegated representatives of the Republican electors of the United States in Convention assembled, in discharge of the duty we owe to our constituents and our country, unite in the following declarations:
That the history of the nation during the last four years, has fully established the propriety and necessity of the organization and perpetuation of the Republican party, and that the causes which called it into existence are permanent in their nature, and now, more than ever before, demand its peaceful and constitutional triumph. That the maintenance of the principles promulgated in the Declaration of Independence and embodied in the Federal Constitution, That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, is essential to the preservation of our Republican institutions; and that the Federal Constitution, the Rights of the States, and the Union of the States must and shall be preserved.
. . .
Republican Platform Of 1860. A reprint of the original broadside containing the Republican Platform of 1860, adopted by the National Republican Convention held in Chicago, 1860. Library of Congress, https://ift.tt/3gEpktE.
Study Questions
Q: Where Did Enslaved People Live In The White House
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A: Enslaved individuals working in the White House often slept in the attic or in the Ground Floor rooms. Their living arrangements varied by administration. Accounts suggest these spaces were uncomfortable with extreme temperature disparity. In particular, the Ground Floor level was often damp and rodent infested.
The Fugitive Slave Law Repealed By Republicans
Frederick Douglass was in attendance at one such midnight rally, waiting for the proclamation to become official. When that moment arrived a celebration erupted and Douglas exclaimed, It was one of the most affecting and thrilling occasions I will witness and a worthy celebration of the first step on the part of the nation and his departure from the of the ages.
These gatherings were the origin of the modern day watch night services held every year at thousands of churches across the country. They are New Years Eve meetings where churchgoers gather to greet the entry of the new year and its glories and hopeful prospects with times of prayer and thanksgiving to God.
In 1864 following the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation several civil rights laws and laws preparing to facilitate civil rights were passed. One of them was this bill establishing the Freedmens Bureau. Another was this bill equalizing pay for soldiers in the military whether white or black. The Fugitive Slave Law was also repealed that year over the almost unanimous opposition of the Northern Democrats still in Congress.
Democratic Party And Its Factions
  There have been voices that get lost over time, overlooked in popular memory, left unattended in historical study.  In 1860, the United States loomed on the brink of war. Violence had erupted in growing western terror ties as Americans struggled to determine the future of slavery in the states. The variety of opinion over territorial policies proved too powerful for young Americas two party political systems. Certainly, two parties existed the Republicans and the Democrats. The Republican Party, united behind the illustrious Abraham Lincoln, has often over overshadowed its Northern opponents in historical memory. Yet even in the Union stronghold of Pennsylvania, the Democrats received a considerable amount of popular support. On the surface, it would be easy to paint the Democrats as one monolithic group, unable match the popular support of Lincolns Republican party. Yet a closer looks shows the Democrats were a popular party in Pennsylvania that had been dangerously divided in its beliefs about war, slavery, and civil liberties both before and after the fateful attacks on Fort Sumter.
  James A. McPherson. Battle Cry of Freedom. New York: Ballantine Books, 1989.
Campbell, James to Franklin Pierce. October 22, 1860, Pierce Letter Collection. Library of    Congress. Microfilm, Reel 5. Pennsylvania State University Libraries.
Shankman, Arnold M. The Pennsylvania Antiwar Movement, 1861-1865. Madison, Wisc.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1980. 24.
A Teachable Moment: Dinesh Dsouza Refuses To Take Back False Claim About Republicans Owning Slaves In 1860
See below the post for an update.
For Dinesh DSouza watchers, this headline is as shocking as proclaiming that water is wet. I post this incident because it is a clear and convincing demonstration that DSouza shows zero interest in academic integrity.  Let me lay out the basics. First, DSouza claimed in a speech that no Republican owned slaves in 1860. Here is the speech:
Do you know how many Republicans owned slaves in 1860, the year before the Civil War started?
The answer may surprise you if you listen to progressive historians.
Dinesh DSouza June 10, 2019
He said one Republican who owned a slave in 1860 would require him to take back his claim.
Historians on Twitter, led by Princetons Kevin Kruse, quickly rose to the occasion and found ten. Follow the thread below for the receipts.
Weve provided clear evidence that at least ten Republicans owned slaves in 1860, and yet DSouza keeps retweeting this video insisting there werent any and promising hed take it back if anyone proved otherwise.
Kevin M. Kruse June 10, 2019
To go directly to the thread with the breakdown of the ten found thus far, .
In essence, the method of finding Republican slave owners involves an examination of those who attended the Republican convention as delegates and then comparing that list with registries of slave owners.
For his part, DSouza said the instances offered by the historians are and he repeated his claim this morning.
Juneteenth The Day Republicans Freed The Democrats Slaves
Our history and our heritage are being shoved by rioters, looters, and anarchists down the memory hole. This is year zero on their calendar. Everything that came before and every struggle for freedom and human dignity by patriots of all colors is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is now. The only thing that matters is what they tell you. How we got here and what makes us who and what we are may not be pretty or politically correct but it is important. We cant know where were going if we dont remember where weve been.
The canceling of American history by anarchists, encouraged by cowering Democratic governors and mayors is necessary if they intend on propagating the lie that America is and always has been irredeemably racist. The Republicans are labeled white supremacists and its being pushed that only liberal progressive Democrats can create social justice, which means the absence of resistance to groups like Black Lives Matter, which among other goodies on its website endorses the elimination of the nuclear family. Nothing can be allowed to interfere with the progressive police state they are hoping to establish on Nov. 3, 2020.
The day after Sen. Elizabeth Warren was rebuked while making a speech critical of Sen. Jeff Sessions , Sen. Ted Cruz blasted Democrats, saying their party is the one rooted in racism.
He also happens to be a former card-carrying member of the KKK. In fact, he created his own chapter along with 150 of his friends and colleagues.
The Claim: Historians Do Not Teach That The First Black Members Of Congress Were Republicans
A viral meme, posted on Instagram, features a well-known lithograph of the first Black members of Congress, with a bold statement.
History not taught, it says. The first 23 Black congressmen were Republican.
You wont be taught this, wrote Ryan Fournier, the co-chair of Students for Trump, whose watermark appears on the meme, on his Instagram account. The Republicans were the anti-slavery party.
It is mostly accurate that the Republican Party formed to oppose the extension of slavery, although up until the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, Abraham Lincoln and other Republicans pledged not to interfere with slavery in states where it existed. And the first 23 African Americans in Congress did belong to the Republican Party, due to the GOPs support of voting rights and the Democratic Partys embrace of white supremacy.
But the idea that Reconstruction-era historians hid those facts key to understanding the period is false.
This is just front and center in what we teach all the time, said Kate Masur, a professor of history at Northwestern University who has written extensively about Reconstruction. Its not a big secret.
A message seeking comment was sent to Fournier on Wednesday.
  Mitch Mcconnells Ancestors Owned Slaves According To A New Report He Opposes Reparations
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is a direct descendant of two slave owners in his family line, according to an NBC report published Monday.
James McConnell and Richard Daley, two of the Kentucky Republicans great-great-grandfathers, owned at least 14 slaves in Limestone County, Ala., NBC reported, citing 19th-century census records. All but two of the slaves were female.
McConnell, who grew up in the area of Limestone County, has said he opposes reparations, the process of giving compensation to the descendants of slaves. The idea of reparations has recently animated the political debate surrounding racial injustice.
I dont think reparations for something that happened 150 years ago, when none of us currently living are responsible, is a good idea, he said in June before a House committee held hearings on the matter. Weve tried to deal with our original sin of slavery by fighting a civil war, by passing landmark civil rights legislation. Weve elected an African American president.
McConnell did not return a request for comment from The Washington Post.
NBC reports:
NBC reported it did not find any record of McConnell acknowledging his familys history, including in his 2016 memoir, The Long Game. The book mentions slavery twice, including a chapter about Barack Obama that calls it the countrys original sin, saying it was a proud moment when Obama was elected.
Black writers, activists, scholars testify before House panel on the role of reparations
Abraham Lincoln And Slavery
This article is part of a series about
Abraham Lincoln‘s position on slavery in the United States is one of the most discussed aspects of his life. Lincoln often expressed moral opposition to slavery in public and private. “I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong,” he stated in a now-famous quote. “I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel.” However, the question of what to do about it and how to end it, given that it was so firmly embedded in the nation’s constitutional framework, in Congress, and in the economy of much of the country, was complex and politically challenging. In addition, there was the unanswered question, which Lincoln had to deal with, of what would become of the four million slaves if liberated: how they would earn a living in a society that had almost always rejected them, or looked down on their very presence.
As early as the 1850s, Lincoln was attacked as an . But in 1860 he was attacked as not abolitionist enough: Wm. Lloyd Garrison, editor-publisher of The Liberator, went to the expense of hiring a phonographer to record in full Wendell Phillips‘ May 30 speech attacking Lincoln. According to Phillips, if elected Lincoln would waste four years trying to decide whether to end slavery in the District of Columbia. Many abolitionists emphasized the sinfulness of slave owners, but Lincoln did not. Lincoln was married to Mary Todd Lincoln, the daughter of a slaveowner from Kentucky.
Horace Greeley Proceedings Of The First Three Republican National Conventions Of 1856 1860 And 1864 78
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“Republican Party Platform of 1856, American Presidency Project, at , accessed April 25, 2014. Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Carlinville, Illinois, August 31, 1858, in Abraham Lincoln Association, Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, edited by Roy Basler, at , accessed April 25, 2014. Abraham Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863, at United States National Archives, Americas Historical Documents, at , accessed April 25, 2014. University of Richmond Digital Scholarship Lab, Voting America: Presidential Election, 1864, at , accessed January 9, 2014.
Causing The Civil War
The central story told in textbooks is that the industrial revolution, beginning with the first textile mill in New England in the 1790s, created an economy that did not need slaves. Southerners, however, continued to use slave labor on their farms because agriculture was profitable. Closely related to this change, cities rose as population centers in the North created an urban society while the South remained primarily agrarian. Census data on farms and cities, however, reveals that while cities grew rapidly in the North between 1800 and 1860, they did not become leading population centers until 1920, 60 years after the Civil War began. In 1860, there were more farms in the North than in the South, although Southern states, especially in the Cotton Belt, had the majority of large farms .
The notion that there were no southern cities was also a myth. The U.S. had eight cities with more than 150,000 residents in 1860 and three of themSt. Louis, Baltimore and New Orleanswere in slave states. Several other southern cities, such as Louisville, Mobile, and Charleston, had more than 20,000 residents each and were listed among the largest urban places in the U.S. Similarly, data demonstrate the presence of manufacturing in the South. Richmond, VA, had mills and factories as early as 1800. The 1860 census shows the fairly even spread of manufacturing across the states, with only New York and Pennsylvania recording 17,000 or more manufacturing establishments .
Elder: Politifact Rates Elder False On Democrats And Slavery But Elder Was Right
Getting fact-checked cuts two ways. It means the fact-checkers pay attention to what I say. It also means I should expect liberal bias from the checkers.
In a recent appearance on Fox News, I made the following assertions:
Republicans did not own slaves. Democrats owned slaves;
Democrats founded the KKK;
Democrats opposed the 13th Amendment that freed the slaves, Democrats opposed the 14th Amendment that made the newly freed slaves citizens, and Democrats opposed the 15th Amendment that granted them the right to vote; and
As a percentage of their party, more Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than did Democrats.
Here are the claims Im interested in:
1. Republicans did not own slaves. Democrats owned slaves.
2. Democrats founded the KKK.
3. Democrats opposed the 13th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, the 15th Amendment.
4. As a percentage of their party, more Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than did Democrats.
Could you please send me any evidence you have in support of these claims?
I responded: As to no Republicans ever owning slaves, I was wrong, and Ive corrected it on social media. There were at least 10. As for the rest, you should have no difficulty finding sources. Good luck.
No. 4. Elder: As a percentage of the party, more Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
PolitiFact: 61% of Democrats and 80% of Republicans voted for the bill to pass the House.
Game to Elder.
Game to Elder.
Game to Elder.
After The War Radical Republicans Fight For Rights For Black Americans
When states ratified the 14th Amendment. Republicans required some Southern states to ratify it to be readmitted to the Union.
For a very brief period after the end of the Civil War, Republicans truly fought for the rights of black Americans. Frustrated by reports of abuses of and violence against former slaves in the postwar South, and by the inaction of Lincolns successor, Andrew Johnson, a faction known as the Radicals gained increasing sway in Congress.
The Radicals drove Republicans to pass the countrys first civil rights bill in 1866, and to fight for voting rights for black men at a time when such an idea was still controversial even in the North.
Furthermore, Republicans twice managed to amend the Constitution, so that it now stated that everyone born in the United States is a citizen, that all citizens should have equal protection of the law, and that the right to vote couldnt be denied because of race. And they required Southern states to legally enact many of these ideas at least in principle to be readmitted to the Union.
These are basic bedrocks of our society today, but at the time they were truly radical. Just a few years earlier, the idea that a major party would fight for the rights of black citizens to vote in state elections would have been unthinkable.
Unfortunately, however, this newfound commitment wouldnt last for much longer.
How Republicans Made Common Cause With Southern Democrats On Economic Matters
Map: Vox. Data: Barry Hirsch, David Macpherson, Wayne Vroman, Estimates of Union Density by State.
Roosevelts reforms also brought tensions in the Democratic coalition to the surface, as the solidly Democratic South wasnt too thrilled with the expansion of unions or federal power generally. As the years went on, Southern Democrats increasingly made common cause with the Republican Party to try to block any further significant expansions of government or worker power.
In 1947, confirming a new alliance that would recast American politics for the next two generations, Taft men began to work with wealthy southern Democrats who hated the New Deals civil rights legislation and taxes, Cox Richardson writes. This new alliance was cemented with the Taft-Hartley bill, which permitted states to pass right-to-work laws preventing mandatory union membership among employees and many did.
Taft-Hartley stopped labor dead in its tracks at a point where unions were large, growing, and confident in their economic and political power,Rich Yeselson has written. You can see the eventual effects above pro-Democratic unions were effectively blocked from gaining a foothold in the South and interior West, and the absence of their power made those regions more promising for Republicans electoral prospects.
Compensated Emancipation: Buy Out The Slave Owners
The thirteenth amendment to abolish slavery, which Lincoln ultimately sent to the states provided no compensation but earlier in his presidency, Lincoln made numerous proposals for compensated emancipation in the loyal border states whereby the federal government would purchase all of the slaves and free them. No state government acted on the proposal.
President Lincoln advocated that slave owners be compensated for emancipated slaves. On March 6, 1862 President Lincoln, in a message to the U.S. Congress, stated that emancipating slaves would create economic inconveniences and justified to the slave owners. The resolution was adopted by Congress; however, the Southern states refused to comply. On July 12, 1862 President Lincoln, in a conference with Congressmen from Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, and Missouri, encouraged their respective states to adopt emancipation legislation that gave compensation to the slave owners. On July 14, 1862 President Lincoln sent a bill to Congress that allowed the Treasury to issue bonds at 6% interest to states for slave emancipation compensation to the slave owners. The bill was never voted on by Congress.
In his December 1, 1862 State of the Union Address, Lincoln proposed a constitutional amendment that would provide federal compensation to any state that voluntarily abolished slavery before the year 1900.
History Of Democrats Vs Republicans On Slavery
The history of a racist tinge being fought against or allowed into a political party is a long, hard struggle. I continue to be appalled at the stories black friends tell me they have heard from grandparents and great grandparents. It still is not over, even today. Looking back to 1789, after the U.S. Constitution was ratified, Congress made further extensive efforts to end slavery.
They did this by passing the laws of the Northwest Ordinance. This law outlawed any slavery in federal territories held at that time. It is for this reason that these seven eventually entered the nation as slave-free states:
A couple decades later, Congress continued its fight against slavery by ending slave trade in 1808. A sermon celebrating this was given by the Rev. Absalom Jones. He was the first black bishop in the Episcopal Church in America. This sermon he gave in St. Thomas Church, Philadelphia became .
source https://www.patriotsnet.com/did-any-republicans-own-slaves-in-1860/
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purpleones · 3 years
In a weird state of limbo.... I move out next week, and have two concerts lined up for next week too. Its gonna be exciting. but it makes right now feel kind of bland. ive spent the week inside just saving money and hanging out alone. my family went away for the week so I feel like my final week at “home” isn't how it should've been. because of the absence of the people that I have lived with all my life that have made “home” what it is. I'm grateful though. I know they care. I know they love me. its just unusual knowing I'm moving out in less than four days. 
I need to stop worrying so much too. I dunno. I worry about everything. even when things are fine I find something that bugs me. its probably annoying for those around me and I feel bad about it. like it could be clear as day that you're into me and if you don't talk to me at all for a day I get kinda nervous that ive done something wrong. I guess thats just instinct from past toxic relationships though. I know everything is fine. its just unusual and irritating that I find myself faced with this issue every so often.
Anyways. In other news. a member of this band I like messaged me on instagram asking me if I wanted to go on holiday with him next year after his tour. weird. weve been friends for about a year now. never met as they live 3000+ miles away and were in a pandemic. but he asked me. I dunno f I should say yes or not.... plus I'm into someone. like super into him and don't want to mess it up in any way. would meeting up with band guy mess that up? id want it to be a strictly platonic holiday if I was still seeing who I am now. who I have no plans of departing from. its just unusual. we don't even talk that much either. he shoots me a few messages every few months. we text for a bit and then he disappears again. I think going from not meeting to shipping myself off to somewhere abroad to be with him could be unusual and problematic. Aaaand id rather not ruin another one of my favourite bands- which you actually don't know about. I wont name any names. I want to keep this strictly anonymous. but back a few years ago I did have an altercation with quite a well known band. we texted on twitter a lot because we “met” on there. exchanged phone numbers and face-timed and such. then we met when his tour landed him close to me. had sex. hung out for two days. then he basically ghosted me. which yeah it was probably predictable. I was 18 at the time. he was 22+ years older than me? I was stupid and young. I shouldn't have done it. but it was consensual. its just made it so I cant listen to the band the same anymore. all of the members are lovely barring the ghosting situation. but what did I really expect? some romance? come on. 
id just rather not have a situation like that again. I don't want to ruin all the music I love and have grown up on. so i don't want to put myself into any situations id regret. 
Also!!1 they've added canada to the list of countries we can now fly to. now I'm just waiting on america. thats all I need. all I want. to be able to see him. I have hope itll happen soon. I just hope it lines up with my schedule- if not ill have to wait until christmas to see him   
But anyway, everything is fine as of now. Just waiting on the move. I'm kind of nervous how its going to affect me. I'm not too great at being alone for long periods of time. I know ill have my roommates. but its not really the same. I have a skatepark around the corner from my apartment though that I should start going to. ive skated on and off for years now. having a skatepark around the corner is very accessible and kind of makes it hard for me to make excuses not to go (ha) well see. 
Anyways I'm gonna head to bed now. just thought id update my situation. been a weird few days but I'm doing good. got a weekend of working ahead of me before the concert on Tuesday and moving on Wednesday. exciting!
Then my first festival back on saturday! gonna be a good week :) I just wish I could spend it with the man im falling for. 
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deariann · 3 years
Thought/emotional baggage dump/1year
So, my ex and I ended between us Last feb 24,2021. Weve been together for a year....
The story of us it started this way. I accept the fact we dont have a strong foundation.
Met him online. Started seeing each other, having dates for 4months. Officially got together on the 5th month (october 2019) . But unfortunately he is bound to UK for work, despite knowing all that we decided to continue it with LDR. He was able to let me meet his parents and I have mingled with his family 2x.
Came november 2019 he is now in UK.
First redflag. December/january of 2019 he kissed a girl which he only met and nakasabayan who came to UK (but i only knew this around May or June of 2020). Around May im sensing that something was off...and one of our video calls i caught him that he was hiding something from me and that he told me what happened. I was devastated. Felt worthless. Felt rubbish. But at the same time, the stupid me even rationalized that "touch" is a human need and i cant blame him for wanting it.
Came July 2019, COVID is being little less strict and that Ive heard that there are online classes for English exams which is prerequisite for UK. Then i pursued it thinking that if we are together, it will be pointless that we are in a relationship without knwng the unknown when we would be back together. So i purused UK, (never heard a single whisper from my saudi application, and the fact that sobrang narresign nko) from that i thought then it was a win win situation. So i reviewed July-August, failed the August exam (bec i was distracted with the thought he cheated on me, and the fact that this is going to be my future, and also the fact that im not fond of UK weather. Like is this worth it?) . Reviewed again, took the 1st October exam. Passed. Took my CBT around november (this too had hurdles, i went 2x to manila, first being cancelled because of a super typhoon thay got me stranded, 2nd ofcourse passed it with one take. Plus the fact that I had to reschedule my 1st take because I was quarantined, due to exposure of a positive patient at work. And that initially travel reqts that i need to quarantine. It wasnt an easy one. Plus the cost of 10k per baba to manila which costed me 20k for those 2 travels). During my quarantine in the hospital. I was antsy waiting my OET result, i just focused on reviewing for CBT to kill and make use of the time (thank God that was helpful). And then i had to send my files to the local agency. And this time around need to buy a laptop.
Around this time too september-oct our relationship has been rocky. "Pass the exams for me" . It was a pressure on my second take. I passed the exams. And he decided that he would wait for me, we both decided to give us a second chance, when i get there to relive the relationship.
Around november i was able to get in touch with the local agency and was told that there would be an intrerview by the hospital that i wanted to go to which i was hopeful. But i was then ghosted. And since i wasnt hearing any updates from the agency , and before the holiday season kicks in, i strived and was able to manage to get in touch with the foreign agency. December i had an interview with one the of the hospitals in London, failed with that. Then 1st few days of January i was then followed up by the foreign agency that there would be an interview (with the hospital that i wanted, in Cardiff) January 12. I was little panicky bec i already had a commitment interview and to another local agency for a January 20th interview, and that had little time to prepare but pinasaDiyos ko nalang and plus my experience. And the fact that one of the drug calcs and my interview almost overlapped. I finished the drug calc right away (passed that), and interview came next drug calc was 5pm. Interview was 6pm. Then right there and then I passed the interview and got accepted. Had to cancel the January 20th interview in hospital of London. Received an offer letter few days after. Then was referred to a local agency. Now i worked hand in hand with the foreign and local agencies in terms of my documents and such. So i was able to settle all my papers by the end of January and hopeful that i would be leaving feb if not march. I was told that i would join the cohort MAR31 (i was really sad about this). But then with all the follow ups this end of January still no progress.
Then i had to do more follow ups since the end of January to February so that i was expecting when to process my visa, OEC and the likes. Then came another bad news that I was moved to Apr 15. Told him about that and straightly asked him, considering his wellbeing, "Could you still wait?" His reply was "what if i cant" from there i knew its gonna be the end. We talked that night (Ph time) He said he would think about it. Then the next day, even before he called I knew what would be the answer, and that I just needed to hear from him. So it was after work, i was still sulky. And he was really bold with his decision to end things between us.
I like the fact and appreciated how his mother constantly checks up on me and calls me "Anak" , honestly she checks up on me more than my parents does and way MORE THAN any of my relatives does here which was a zero. So i really got closed with his family. And what hurted me the most was feb 24 i was all crying, alone, sleepy already because of my eyes...his mother messaged me right before i went to sleep, peeked through the message, and askng how i am. GREAT TIMING, i was like, yeah your son just broke up with me if thats what youre aksng. But then yeah i slept it off and decided to reply the next day. Plus also, it was also just then on that day that Irene (foreign agency she really is nice and dependable) went back at me plus emma from medacs like (dropped the bad news) FUCK YOU ALL GREAT TIMING EVERYONE. From the Irene part, it looks like she talked to Christian before talking to me. Like fuuuuckheads whyyyy is everything happening all at once!
The next day feb 25. Good thing im 3-11. But i was all sulky. Read his moms reply and it made me cry more. The fact that at sompoint i became part of the family. Which makes me sad. They would be a good in-laws honestly. But then its the end.
So there.
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