#Visa help in Australia
vozyeducation · 4 months
V-OZY Visa help in Australia to find the best way to get a visa to Australia
Discover seamless pathways to your Australian adventure with V-OZY Visa help in Australia. Our expert team navigates the complexities of the visa application process, ensuring you find the optimal route to your dream destination. Trust V-OZY for personalized guidance and unlock the best way to secure your visa to Australia effortlessly.
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idsb · 7 months
Bestie fr like I get what you’re saying but not everyone can just pick up and move to some other country. The reason your in Australia rn was because it was your last chance to take advantage of this program. The main barrier to getting out is that we need to be fucking employed - my best friend moved to Canada for a year got a work permit and a job and everything and still had to come back to the states because they wouldn’t renew his work visa. He spent his entire life savings including his retirement shit from his US work, AND went into debt to try to keep the dream alive. So don’t act like we’re staying here because we’re too dumb to get out that’s just fucking insulting.
I never said anyone was staying here because they were too dumb, and the “almost” no reason bit I said, the “almost” was due completely to financial in my mind.
Now, I can’t tell people what to do with their money, and everyone is different and obviously the US is like an abusive relationship in that the nature of the country makes it extremely hard to leave. It’s really hard if you’re in a situation that prohibits you from having any savings, as is the case with a lot of Americans, but I also know a lot of people who DO have a lot of savings and are like “America SUCKS and is EVIL” and just. Still don’t leave, which is what I don’t understand and never have.
I also can’t speak on the Canadian visa process, because I haven’t done it and don’t care to, but from what I’ve heard knowing people who have dealt with this it is EXTREMELY hard to get a visa there, very adjacent to the experience people have trying to come to America (or I think the UK is similarly difficult). Conversely, for Australia (and many other countries) it’s pretty fairly straightforward because the country simply has pretty big worker shortages and is in ‘growth’ mode. I’ve met dozens and dozens of people during my travels here who have emigrated here and had a really reasonable and straightforward (albeit expensive and annoying) experience. So like, while that obviously is total dogshit what happened to your friend, but the plus side is that not every country you’d ever leave America to go to is like that. It just takes a lot of research. My whole point was really just that leaving - even just temporarily - is very very very possible.
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howlsmovingwaifu · 2 years
Y’all someone needs to wife me asap.
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rankertopanwar · 2 years
migration agent Brisbane
While it is not a legal requirement in Australia to engage a registered visa service provider, it is advised that you do. Isn't it always better to engage someone who is qualified and really knows what they are doing, because your visa application can be a complex process - right?
There are many steps involved in obtaining a visa and you wouldn't want to make any careless errors. These could cost you dearly as your visa application may not be the best it can be; something you didn't mean to do, but did inadvertently anyway.
In Australia we normally refer to a Visa service provider as a Migration Agent. These are experts that help people to obtain a visa to enter Australia. Most Migration Agents will be qualified and should be registered with the Migration Agents Regulatory Authority.
What is the Migration Agents Regulatory Authority?
Australia has had some form of regulation in this industry for a long time now. The official body is known as the Migration Agents Regulatory Authority. The focus of the latest changes to the rules and regulations has been to remove the total self-regulation of the industry. This self regulation has caused distress to the representation of the industry, so many people haven't had put as much of their trust in these professionals as the Government would have liked.
Deciding to migrate overseas is a life-changing decision. It involves significant financial and emotional investments and it is vital they have confidence in the professionalism and integrity of their Migration Agent.
If you visit the Migration Agents Regulatory Authority website, you will find heaps of information to help you. If you know of a executive visa service provider that you would like to engage, you can do a search on the website and you will be able to find out if that person is registered or not.
for more information:- https://www.mbmigration.com.au/
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🌍 Planning to study abroad? Here's a quick guide:
What is the process of applying to a university for international students?
The process of applying to a university as an international student can vary depending on the country and the specific university, but here is a general overview of the steps involved:
Research and Choose a University: Start by researching universities in the country where you want to study. Consider factors like the quality of education, program offerings, location, cost of living, and any language requirements
Select a Program: Choose the specific program or course of study you wish to pursue. Ensure it aligns with your academic and career goal goals
Check Admission Requirements: Review the admission requirements for the program and university you're interested in. These can include academic qualifications, language proficiency tests (e.g., IELTS, TOEFL), standardized tests (e.g., SAT, GRE), and letters of recommendation.
Prepare Required Documents:
Gather all the necessary documents, which typically include:
Transcripts and diplomas from previous educational institutions.
Proof of language proficiency (if required).
Standardized test scores (if required).
Letters of recommendation.
Statement of purpose or personal essay.
CV or resume.
Passport copy.
Financial documents to prove you can cover tuition and living expenses.
Complete the Application: Fill out the university's online application form. Pay attention to application deadlines, as they can vary for different programs and universities.
Pay Application Fees: Some universities charge an application fee. Ensure you make the necessary payments to complete your application
Submit Your Documents: Upload or mail your required documents as part of your application. Ensure they are accurate and translated (if necessary) as per the university's requirements
Wait for Admission Decision: Universities will review your application and documents. It can take several weeks to months to receive an admission decision
Acceptance and Visa: If you are accepted, the university will send you an acceptance letter. You will then need to apply for a student visa from the country's embassy or consulate in your home country.
Financial Planning: Ensure you have a plan to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and any other costs while studying abroad. This may involve scholarships, loans, or personal savings.
Housing and Arrival: Arrange for housing in your destination country and plan your arrival.
Orientation and Enrollment: Attend orientation sessions provided by the university. Enroll in classes and get your student ID card.
Health Insurance: Obtain health insurance as required by the university or country.
Enjoy Your Study Abroad Experience: Once you've completed these steps, you're ready to begin your study abroad adventure.
It's essential to check the specific requirements and procedures of the university you are applying to, as they can vary significantly. Additionally, stay organized, meet all deadlines, and seek assistance from the university's international admissions office if you have any questions or concerns. For more information about studying abroad visit us here! Tokyo International Education Institute
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gradico · 11 months
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vilaneeve · 1 year
People who live in other countries or have tried working holiday visas....how was it?
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haneenatya · 2 months
A donation of (20USD) will not cost you a lot , but will protect my family to get out to safety 🕊️🕊️
I want you to notice that the campaign currency is AUD which means the currency is Australian Dollar. Which is different from the USD (United State Dollar).
When you donate (100 $/ AUD) this means it equals (65.81 $/ USD).
I'm currently seeking donations to support the evacuation of my family (10 family members) from the city of Rafah, where they have been sheltering over the past 6 months.
The lack of food, water, medication, and basic human needs has been worsening as the Israeli genocide in Gaza persists.
My family has never thought of leaving our beloved Gaza until the genocidal state of Israel has made it impossible to maintain life there. The homes of all my family members and their own families have been reduced to rubble alongside the entire village where
My mother, my brother, and my 2 brothers along with their young families have, with a heavy heart, made the tough decision of leaving Gaza into safety in Egypt, escaping the ongoing carnage of death and destruction that has claimed tens of thousands of lives and millions of livelihoods.
Unfortunately, they now have no choice but to leave because, as my brother tells me, “there is nothing left to stay there for anymore.”
In December 2023, I submitted tourist visa - 600 applications for all of my family members through the Department of Home Affairs. I also, concurrently, lodged consular assistance applications for each family member through the DFAT to facilitate their departure through Rafah crossing to Australia.
All of the 10 ‏They were refused a visa after waiting 4 months
Therefore, it is frustrating and heart wrenching, to say the least, that the only way to evacuate my family is to use the sole Egyptian travel agent currently operating across the Gaza/Egypt border who charges large sums of money for each Gazan who tries to escape the genocide - 5k US dollars each!
I'm left with no other choice but to use this travel agent!
Please help me evacuate my family members through the Rafah crossing into Egypt and into safety.
I need all the support that I can muster to help them escape with their lives, secure basic needs in Egypt, and get urgently-needed medication and medical assistance for my sick mother who suffers from diabetes.
I'm counting on your generosity and support.
Every minute counts!
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tipsforstudents · 2 years
Why study abroad | Best country for study abroad
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worldvisacouncil · 2 years
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stil-lindigo · 5 months
ABC News in Australia covers the story of how community groups all over the country are coming together as a community to provide for returning Gazan families.
El Rahman Inc. stands at the forefront of this community effort in Naarm/Melbourne, and on the organisation’s Instagram page, regularly posts updates on what supplies are currently needed. It accepts monetary and supply donations at drop off points (which are currently closed until the 28th Dec).
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The PCIA has also been instrumental in organising resources for returning Palestinian families. For more widespread support not limited to Melbourne, please consider donating to the Arab Council of Australia, another independent non-profit which has a long history of supporting their community. They are based in New South Wales, which is home to Australia's largest population of Arabic-speaking Australians.
ABC's news report also highlights that between October 7 and November 20, Home Affairs granted 860 visas to Palestinians, including those seeking to depart Gaza. However, what they fail to give proper attention to is the fact that Israel has been preventing Palestinians from leaving.
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Of the around 860 visas distributed, only 143 Palestinians have managed to successfully arrive in Australia, with the number of new names being added to 'the list' falling to a pathetic degree. To understand the grave conditions of Palestinians awaiting safe passage, this is a great article to read. And although politicians like Penny Wong insist they are doing everything in their power to help Palestine in this time, Australia still shamefully stands by its strongest ally, the US, and actively provides military surveillance of the Gaza Strip to Israeli sources through Pine Gap, a military base in Alice Springs.
In this time, it is imperative to maintain pressure on the Australian government. Protest and vocal pro-Palestine movement is the only thing that caused Australia to eventually vote for a ceasefire in the recent UN resolution, after their cowardly performance earlier. Resources like vic_socialists on Instagram, regardless of where you may stand on their performance as a party itself, has been outstanding in organising regular protest movements across all of Victoria. APAN also maintains a list of pro-Palestine events all around Australia on their website, although I'm not sure at this point if it's exhaustive.
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vozyeducation · 5 months
In this blog we will give you information about the benefits of Study in Australia. V- OZY can give a complete guide to global students or immigrants that have recently arrived onshore in Australia all they need to identify with how to settle in Australia. We can help you know How to Apply for Student Visa in Australia.
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jaegeraether · 6 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 20)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (20)
Masterlist (other parts here)
YFN had just received an email from the company she now worked for, Lumos. She tried to research the company and the first thing that popped up was a popular charity, followed by several other companies sharing the same name. Eventually she found her company which had nothing beyond a basic internet site and new social media accounts, so she knew they were being honest when they said they were brand new and starting up.
The salary they’d offered her was already high, with the promise of increase based on performance, both hers and Lumos’. The amount of money they were putting into the business and expenses were also much higher than she expected. Someone really wanted this to work.
She looked over at Lucy who was making her own sandcastles and smiled. Once the email had come through, Lucy had insisted she read it and took her time to mull it over. YFN loved that she was doing anything she could to let her make a future in the country, and especially around her profession. That was her Lucy. Always three steps ahead.
She took her phone out to film a little snippet of her as she made her giant sandcastle. She couldn’t help the smile on her face looking at how happy she was. Lucy’s big kid was shining through. She looked up and saw YFN filming her and grinned, gesturing to her sandcastle as if to show it off. YFN ended the video and put it away, looking at Lucy sitting in the sand, a leg either side of her creation. She was wearing black shorts, her whole body tanned from Spain, abs shining with the sunscreen YFN put on her, regardless of the clouds. Her heart felt full just watching her.
“Admiring the view?” Lucy grinned.
YFN felt her face reddening, though she didn’t know why. She wasn’t ashamed to look. She nodded, pressing her lips together to hide a cheeky smile.
“Can you send me that video, little one?”
“Yes ma’am.”
She sent the video and went back to the email on her laptop. The email was promising, and she found herself excited at everything she read.
Her phone rang and she looked at the number, Lumos. She answered it, putting it on speaker, knowing Lucy would be interested.
“YFN speaking.”
“Hi YFN, it’s Joe, how are you?” She sounded lovely, like a mum.
“Hi Joe, lovely to hear from you again. I’m great, just at the beach soaking in all of the sunshine the UK has to offer.”
She laughed. “I dare say it’s nothing compared to what you’re used to in Australia. I hope I haven’t caught you at a bad time.”
“No, not at all. I was expecting this today, I’m free to chat.” She smiled at Lucy who gave her a supportive thumbs up.
“Excellent. Okay, well I thought we’d just go through the basics of what we’re hoping to accomplish as a company, our goals and along those lines. If you have the email open, we’ll just run through it together. Also, how’s the work Visa coming along?”
“Perfect, I have it open now. I’ve also spoken to my Visa agent and he’s confident they’ll have it approved by tonight. They’re happy with the contract and 6-month minimum guarantee that you’ve sent through.”
“Outstanding, that’s what we want to hear! Just send that through as soon as you receive it, or if you need any other information. Fingers crossed! Okay, let’s get started. So firstly, as you know, I’ve wanted to start this company for quite a period of time. I have a lot of friends and acquaintances in and around the industry, and we’re not seeing the movement in female football that we’ve wanted, so Lumos is a plan to change that. Now, the World Cup has been brilliant for progress, and we plan to latch onto that and keep the momentum building. Over the past year and especially the past few months, I and my friends in the industry have put our feelers out, gotten some feedback and have established interest by a lot of the players. Now, I understand it will start slow, but we’re willing to put the work in and definitely also put the funding into it.”
Lucy looked impressed, nodding as she was talking.
“That sounds fantastic, Joe..”
“I’m glad you agree! To be quite honest with you, YFN, you’ve been the lynchpin I’ve been looking for. I’ve been looking for someone with your experience and after reading your columns and seeing the interviews you’ve conducted, I’m beyond impressed. The research you put into your work, and the way you speak and ask questions to your interviewee’s are smart, and incredibly respectful. I can see that’s important to you, and it’s very important to me. We shouldn’t be asking the same boring questions, or we’ll get the same media trained answers.”
“Oh I completely agree. I was a bit worried at first that this job would encourage me to ask those simple and sometimes far too personal questions, so I’m really happy to hear you say that because people don’t realise that we can go beyond the norm of interviewing, and still remain just like that. Respectful. Not only that, but players will be more willing to open up, accept interviews, and request us if they’re comfortable around us. They’ll also want to use us to get their messages across and I know that if we do this right, the momentum will build and more players will be using us to fulfil their media duties.”
“Outstanding, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear! We’re so, so lucky that you happened to meet Katie so she could recommend you to us. We’ve been looking for you for quite a while.”
YFN was a little embarrassed, she didn’t know how to accept compliments and blushed. Lucy reached over and squeezed her leg in support. “Thanks Joe, that’s lovely to hear. I hope I can live up to your expectations, and I’m excited to get started! It’s a blank slate which means so much opportunity for the company.”
“100% agree. Any chance you’ve found our website and social media accounts?”
“I did just before you called..”
Joe laughed again. “Of course, you have. Straight into work! Excellent. We’re going to get along so well, I already know it. Our IT guy is Noel, and his contact details are in the email. Right now I’ve asked him to make the accounts all bare minimum, as I imagine you’ll want to create a theme to follow..”
“Yes! Absolutely, so I plan on organising a meeting with the whole team for Monday, I just wanted to make sure you were happy with that first..”
“Yes, please! And just for the future, this is your team, your baby. Anything involving the creation of this, meetings, team logistics, etc, all of that is yours. Obviously I’ll still like to be kept up to date with the progress and the plans, but to be completely fair with you, YFN, I run several businesses so I’m quite busy. This company is still in its start-up stages, so I’ll have much more time for it, and I do have a soft spot, this is always going to be one of my priorities, however I just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page with this.”
“That’s perfect, I’ll send you through weekly updates and expenses, planning, coverage and everything we change or create along the way. I appreciate the honesty and the communication also, I think until we establish that solid footing, you and I will have to be in a lot of contact to ensure we’re achieving the expected goals, and keeping everything in budget.”
“You don’t know how much this is music to my ears.”
YFN laughed, feeling positive and happy with the plan thus-far. Joe seemed perfect, offering her everything and having the blind faith in her to start up the business almost from the ground, up. “I think we’re starting at a good time, though. We’re catching the start of the seasons, so it gives us time to iron out any issues before the finals for both the WSL and the Conti Cup. A good timeline will be for us to have full coverage by Round 5 on the Conti Cup, and January for WSL, covering both through to the Final. Then we should be fully prepped and running smoothly for the UEFA Women’s Champions League.”
“That’s a very respectable timeline and exactly my thoughts. January will be perfect if we can have full coverage by then.”
“I think it’s achievable, I’ll have a better idea after I research a bit more and talk to the team. I’m sure everyone’s keen to get started! Also, it’ll be quite a heavy work period as we start up, and then when we finally start to get footing, we’ll be expanding to make sure we have the people to cover all games and the email also says you’re hoping for international team and coverage of the other leagues in Europe?”
“Yes,” Joe sounded a litte sheepish. “I know, I know, it’s quite a high expectation, but we’ll get there eventually. Let’s start with the WSL and Continental Cup. Definitely want to be all over the UEFA Women’s Champions League, that’s the first major goal. From there, you and I can talk about expanding to cover Tier 2. Then, depending on the timeline, we want to cover Tier 3 and Tier 4 so we can encourage grassroots and young girls upcoming through the leagues. Then we want Liga F, Serie A, Feminine, etc, also following the national teams, NWSL in the US, A-Leagues in Australia and onwards.”
“Very large goals! That’s great, a lot to look forward to and to aim for. We’ll make sure to split the goals up to feel more achievable for the team, but I think if they know the long-term goal, it’ll make everyone determined and ready to settle down into the job.”
“That’s exactly what we want. The team building and team trust in each other is vital to make this business a success. Anything you need, let me know and we’ll work through it together, that includes extra positions or professionals. I imagine a recruiter may become useful if you become inundated with the logistics.”
YFN nodded, even though she couldn’t see her. She was taking notes eagerly, excited by the conversation as she responded, a little distracted as she typed. “I’ll definitely let you know if we need anything to help us expand..”
“I heard you’re meeting some of the players, also?”
YFN stopped typing and tilted her head. Lucy groaned. She looked over at Lucy who had a frown on her face, gesturing to the phone. “Um… Joe I have Lucy close by who wants to say something I think?”
Joe was aware that YFN was dating Lucy. YFN had made sure she’d told Joe, fearing a conflict of interest, especially with the need to visit Spain. Joe had had the opposite reaction. She thought it was great that YFN was so involved in the industry, knowing that dating Lucy made her closer with the inner circle of football than just being part of a media group. As for Spain, she’d encouraged her to go, offering to pay for flights and knowing that the more she was involved with Barcelona, the easier it would be to expand into Liga F and onwards. She was particularly interested in Alexia Putellas and Aitana Bonmati as they had so much influence in the sport. Joe’s ambition was multi-faceted, but positive on all fronts. She wanted to encourage the young female footballers of tomorrow, give women strong rolemodels to idolise, and to bring much needed attention to all of women’s football in general, all around the world. Popular footballers like Lucy, Alexia, Aitana, could help expedite their growth and influence.
“Of course! I assumed she was there with you and then Lucy’s post confirmed it.” She laughed.
Lucy’s post? She looked at a now cheeky looking Lucy as she passed her the phone and stole Lucy’s to check on said “post”. She’d posted the video of her building sandcastles on the beach and grinning at the camera, but more importantly, she’d posted a selfie Lucy had taken of the two of them, YFN sat in-between her legs and being pulled back by Lucy who was kissing her cheek as she smiled. Her mouth dropped open. Hard launch. She looked at the caption.
“Happy place with my happy little Australian” *red heart*
She’d tagged her and YFN looked at the phone in Lucy’s hand, unsure how it hadn’t blown up from all of the notifications it must have had. Lucy winked at her as she moved next to her, resting her hand on her thigh and stroking her thumb there.
“Hey Joe, it’s Lucy.. funny you should mention that, I actually hadn’t told YFN that just yet..”
“Hi Lucy… oh, I’m sorry! I’d heard a few little whispers from a few friends..”
Lucy laughed. “That’s okay, she had to find out eventually.” She looked at YFN who looked curiously at her gorgeously tanned athlete. She couldn’t help reaching out and playing with a few strands of Lucy’s hair that were wildly playing in the wind. “I might as well tell you both.. YFN said a while ago that one of the first things she’d want to do is to have a get-together with a few players to ask them what they want, their likes and dislikes and to start building those relationships.” YFN’s fingers stroked down the side of Lucy’s face from around her temple, down to her jaw as she watched her speak. Lucy leant into her as she did. “So a few of the girls and I made a few phone calls to get some players together for dinner tonight.”
YFN’s fingers paused on her jaw, her eyes softening and heart filling. How did she get so lucky?
“That’s fantastic! A very strong start to everything! Relationship building is the most important thing for us, we want to build and maintain those special relationships with all of the players, so this dinner tonight is going to be the perfect start for that. I speak for our whole company when I say a big thank you to you, Lucy. This is just… beyond the start I was expecting.”
“You’re welcome, and to be fair, I know a lot of the players are excited for this. As you said, word has been spreading for a while now and heating up in the last few months so we’re all excited to see this come to life. The girls I’ve spoken to have been so under represented and misrepresented for so long that they’re excited for this to happen. YFN’s going to have a lot of work, but I know she’s going be the most amazing asset for you and create magic, like she does with everything else.”
YFN’s hand dropped and she looked at Lucy with an embarrassed but thankful expression. Lucy touched that little dimple, her eyes unable to leave it. She handed the phone back to YFN who was almost crying. So much work. She wondered how busy she would be in 13 days when she needed to head to Spain. Joe was aware of it, of course, and immediately approved, reminding her that she didn’t need her permission.
They spoke for a little while longer, talking about the email and the team members they had. The call ended and YFN folded up her little note taking book, pulling the band over it. Lucy’s mouth on hers was surprising, but not unwelcome. She kissed back eagerly, tilting her head and their tongues meeting. It grew a little bit more desperate as their hands tangled in each other’s hair, and Lucy pulled her on top, straddling her in a sitting position. YFN groaned into her mouth at the feel of Lucy’s body against hers. Then her phone rang again.
She jumped, assuming it was Joe calling back and looked at the phone.
“Nan calling. Baby bro calling.”
“Oh shit, Joe really distracted me.” She answered the phone on loudspeaker, sliding off of Lucy, noticing her confused expression. “Hi Nan, hey bro.”
Lucy understood and settled herself behind YFN, legs either side of her and pulled her back to lean on her body. She pulled a blanket around them.
“Hey sis.”
They changed to Facetime and it was impossible for them to not see Lucy. YFN’s nan adjusted her glasses to better see and her brother looked surprised and unbelieving.
“Oh shit, you weren’t joking.” He choked.
Lucy laughed. “Hi! It’s nice to finally meet you both. I’ve heard so much about you two.”
“Oh, YFN, she’s stunning.” Her nan said, making her choke out a little of the water she was sipping. Lucy and her brother laughed as she coughed the water out of her lungs.
“It’s not just about looks, nan!”
“No, but it certainly helps, doesn’t it?” She laughed.
YFN could feel Lucy’s whole body vibrating as she laughed behind her. She rolled her eyes knowing that Lucy loved compliments.
“Oh and I saw the photos online, very nice!”
Her nan was far past retired, she was a pensioner who spent most of her time playing games on the iPad YFN had bought her, and looking through Instagram and Facebook she’d installed on there for her. She had no idea how to use them and only had a few friends and followers, but that’s all she needed. After that, Lucy took out her phone and followed them both, making sure it was okay first and warning them about random follows that would ultimately pop up.
They spoke for a while, Lucy immediately loved by both, of course. Everybody loved Lucy. Lucy and her brother clicked surprisingly well, perhaps even better than YFN did with him, though she suspected a part of it was his idolisation of athletes and Lucy was nothing if not an athlete. She felt Lucy’s abs against her back, her strong biceps cradled around her own arms and she held her and laughed with her family like this wasn’t the first time they’d all spoken. God, that woman.
By the end of the phone call, Lucy had already managed to convince them both to come over and watch a game, offering to pay for their flights and accommodation. YFN made a mental note to argue with her about that later, or pay before Lucy could. Somehow she’d even convinced her nan who had always said she was too old for flying, Lucy managing to sweet talk her about first class and how much room and food you got. She was excited at the prospect of seeing them both. She’d seen her nan only a few weeks before, but the distance was cruel. Also, she hadn’t seen her brother in 8 months as he was living in Japan, exploring and doing god knows what.
They ended the phone call after a good period, both agreeing to come and watch England play at some point in the near future. She was excited at the thought of seeing her family soon and wriggled back into Lucy to show her happiness.
When the call disappeared from the screen, she saw the notifications and groaned nervously. She opened the post.
*Lucy Bronze MBE tagged you in a post*
*Caitlin Foord liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Caitlin Foord commented on a post you’re tagged in.*
*Jordan Nobbs liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Jordan Nobbs commented on a post you’re tagged in.*
*Alexia Putellas liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Ruesha Littlejohn liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Millie Bright liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Ridley liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Ridley commented on a post you’re tagged in.*
*Leah Williamson liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Mariona Caldentey liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Katie McCabe liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Katie McCabe commented on a post you’re tagged in.*
She didn’t finish reading the notifications before she cleared them and put her phone away. She’d look later. Right now, she was with Lucy, and she was more than aware that she only had her for one more day. Lucy hummed her approval and kissed her temple.
“Busy third date, hm?”
“Cute lunch, majestic sandcastle, exciting work call, successful first meeting with my family… I’d call that a brilliant third date.”
Lucy nodded against her. “It’s getting late, little one. We need to go; I want us to get unpacked and showered before we go out for dinner.”
“What’s on your mind? I can hear you thinking.” Lucy nuzzled behind her ear.
“I was just thinking about how I need to say goodbye to you in a day..”
“Don’t think about that.” She whispered. “Let’s enjoy it.”
“I am. My heart is starting to feel sad already though..” She turned slightly to look at Lucy. “Also, just out of curiosity, are we going to not have sex tonight, or just be quiet so Jordan doesn’t hear us?”
Lucy’s head fell back as she laughed. It was one of YFN’s favourite sounds. “Oh, we’re having sex tonight. As for the noise… I’m going to make sure you’re thinking about it for the next 13 days so… good luck staying quiet.”
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chaithetics · 18 days
Free Things you can do from home to support Palestine!!! 🖤🤍❤️💚
Hey Tumblr besties! Here's a few ways to help Palestine that you can do from home and don't cost any money! It's pretty much just emails! Hopefully you have local organisations that have resources can help with this that are more specifically tailored to your government. But if you need help drafting emails, finding resources or want someone to proofread them before you send them, I'm more than happy to do that! Please do reach out, take a read and share as well please! Your voice matters and this is an important way to help, your emails can be as short or as long as you like! Much love 🖤🤍❤️💚
Palestinian Visas
- While many Palestinians are stuck in Israeli occupation and terrorism, there are some who have been able to evacuate but are further stuck in limbo or are not able to evacuate due to visa statuses and immigration policy of foreign governments.
- For example, In late December 2023, Minister Marc Miller, Canada's Immigration Minister announced a special category of visas for Palestinians in Palestine who are related to Palestinian-Canadians. Not a single visa has been granted and all applications are still in the early stages. Many Palestinian-Canadians have spoken about this, contacted the Minister and PM Trudeau and nothing. Minister Erica Stanford, the Minister for Immigration in Aotearoa New Zealand has not granted Palestinian visas and not made a special visa category despite releasing a press release in 2022 when she was in the opposition, criticising the Labour government for not doing enough for Ukrainians and not having created a special visa category within 14 days. She is not replying to correspondence on this.
What you can do-Email your head of Government (Prime Minister, President etc.) Governments across the world are structured differently but if you have a Minister of/for Immigration contact them, your local MPs/Congress members, senators etc., those with Immigration portfolios and interests.
Include these requests in your email:
To create a special humanitarian Visa category for Palestinians to apply for that is accessible.
To prioritise these visas, and expedite these visas with urgency.
To expedite any backlogged Palestinian visas urgently.
Sanctions against Israel
- Email your head of Government (President, Prime Minister etc.), your Minister of Foreign Affairs, local representatives and urge them to place sanctions against Israel.
This includes
Ending diplomatic ties, closing down Israeli embassies for example.
Export restrictions, ending military aid etc. Australia is providing materials to Israel that are used in making f35s for example.
Calling for a Permanent Ceasefire
- It is important that we continue to urge our Governments into advocating for and calling for a permanent ceasefire and recognise the state of Palestine.
- Email your Head of Government, your Ministers and representatives with foreign affairs portfolios and your local representatives to
Call and continue to advocate for a permanent ceasefire and recognition of Palestine as it's own state.
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hezzabeth · 5 months
The description of the space station is based on my own experiences during a ten hour layover in Singapore.
"Are you alright? Do you have a bout of telesickness?" Brigadeiro Bun asked as Revati stared off into space.
"Telewhat?" Revati asked, her brain snapping back into place.
When Amma and Nanni heard that Revati was about to go off-world, they tried to prepare her.
"It's not like your other wasteland adventures where you wandered into a city on foot! You'll need to buy tickets; then apply for a tourism visa," Amma explained.
"My what?" Revati asked, completely confused.
"The actual teleporting takes less than a second, but you will have to spend at least an hour in customs and immigration and four hours in the teleport waiting your turn," Nanni added.
It was all incredibly exhausting and confusing.
The teleport hub they were waiting in was deliberately designed to make people forget they were waiting. Bright, expensive shops with intricate displays created pathways to different teleportation gates. Massive, giant flowering bushes surrounded by clouds of butterflies brushed against the glass ceiling. In the center of everything, there was a crystal pond. Robotic bronze mermaids swam up and down underneath the lily pads.
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"Telesickness! It's okay, a lot of people not used to teleporting end up with upset stomachs," Brigadeiro reassured her, handing her something small and pink from his shirt pocket.
"This should help, their stomach stabilizers! I bought them in the bathroom," Brigadeiro smiled helpfully, and Revati took one, popping it into her mouth before promptly spitting it out.
"It tastes like gasoline," Revati grimaced.
"You're not supposed to eat it! You rub it on your temples," Brigadeiro explained gently before picking the stomach stabilizer up off her lap.
"Please don't rub that all over my temples; it has my spit on it," Revati pointed out, shutting her eyes.
"Are you sure you're not sick?" Brigadeiro asked.
"I'm just exhausted; we've teleported so many times I have no idea where we are," Revati sighed, closing her gritty eyes.
"We're at the Anh Do memorial teleport hub; he was a figure from southwest Sydney legends! When he was a baby, he was on a boat attacked by pirates. Then he grew up to become a famous children's writer and artist," Brigadeiro rattled on.
Revati felt herself slump to one side with exhaustion, her head landing on something soft.
Brigadeiro's home wasn't even technically a planet. Rather, it was a series of six space stations, each representing different areas of a land once known as "Australia." The Southwest Sydney Station was so big it had its own weather patterns, ecosystem, and geography. Most of it consisted of expensive tourist resorts, beachside towns, and theme parks. Brigadeiro had explained many times before that his family was part of the 15 million-strong workforce that lived in the secret employee-only towns and cities. Someone, hopefully Brigadeiro, was gently massaging her scalp, and Revati felt herself fall into a drowsy, dark state.
Revati wasn't sure how long she had been snoozing when the screaming sirens suddenly filled the air. Revati's self-preservation instincts kicked in, and her eyes snapped open. Within seconds, she was back on her feet, reaching for her mace.
"You had to leave the weapon at security back on Mars," Brigadeiro reminded her as hundreds of people suddenly started flowing out of the teleport gates. The air was thick with sirens and flashing blue lights as the crowd swelled around her. Brigadeiro snatched her hand, and together they were swept forward in the tidal wave of chaos.
People were everywhere, their faces blurred by the rapidity of the moment, their shouts and cries a blurry nonsense of at least a dozen different languages. In a second of terror, Revati found herself thrown down. Feet pounded on her back as she curled herself up into a ball. There was a sudden break in people, and Revati saw a glimpse of the mermaid pool. Revati forced herself forward and grabbed the pool's safety fence, hauling herself over the edge. She landed with a splash into the shallow water. For a few moments, all Revati could hear was the pounding of the mob and sirens.
All Revati could feel was her body as the robot mermaids bumped into her before swimming away. The glass ceiling above had clouded over, turning an eerie white. There was a sudden buzzing on Revati's wrist, indicating her bangle had an incoming call. It was the android. Of course, it was.
"Ignore," Revati groaned, sitting up, and a tiny mermaid bounced off her cleavage. Somehow, half her shirt had managed to get ripped off. The crowd wasn't as thick, but people were still charging past the shops heading to some unknown destination. The sirens suddenly stopped.
"All interstellar teleport gates have been switched off temporarily! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused," a lady's voice chimed over the speakers. People slowly stopped running and instead began to shuffle around.
Tiny first aid drones began to zoom out of the shops, attending to the fallen. Through it all, Revati scanned and searched. Spotting Brigadeiro was far harder than usual since many people in the hub had pink, curly hair. Finally, she saw him across the crowd in the doorway of a chocolate shop. A woman was lying at his feet. Revati slowly stood, her legs wobbling, before climbing out of the pond. By the time she managed to push her way through to the storefront, she had heard several whispers. There had been an attack on another Space Station known as “Cairnes”. The crowd consisted of tourists and travelers who fled when an employee opened up a teleportation gate during the attack. Brigadeiro was attending to the woman who was bleeding all over the shop floor from a gash on her temples.
"Oh, thank Goup!" Brigadeiro cried, wrapping Revati in a smothering hug. Brigadeiro was, of course, a little shorter than her, and he nuzzled his face into her shoulder, sobbing.
"It's alright, I'm fine," Revati assured him, petting his back, and Brigadeiro sobbed.
"It's not that; Cairnes has been destroyed! Millions are dead," Brigadeiro's voice choked.
"Destroyed?" Revati gasped. The bleeding lady on the ground twitched, and Revati let go of Brigadeiro in order to check her. The lady was a bit older than Revati, probably in her late twenties. She had the pale, sickly skin and brighter blue hair of those who came from the northern parts of Mars. Her haircut, however, was similar to the trendy “mushroom cap” style she had seen on the space station – short with a blunt fringe. Revati reached into one of her pants pockets, pulling out a trusty medibandage, and stuck it onto the woman’s temple. Even while unconscious, she had the expression of someone fully capable of starting a riot in a coffee shop. It clashed violently with her bright purple tropical print shirt and neon pink watch. The watch. Revati grabbed the unconscious lady's hand to examine the watch.
"SOS Emergency Medical Information," she said to the watch. Its screen flickered, and a tiny 3D hologram of the lady appeared.
"My name is Pauletta Chuchotor, I am twenty-nine years old! My blood type is B- and I'm allergic to Venusian swamp gas," the hologram said cheerfully, and suddenly the hologram switched off as tight fingers wrapped themselves around Revati's wrist.
Revati glanced at the lady who was now staring at her with bloodshot green eyes.
"My personal information isn't for you," she said in a deep, raspy voice.
"Good to know," Revati said. Pauletta Chuchotor was staring at her curiously.
"I don't forget faces easily," she said, her fingernails still digging into Revati's wrist.
"Ok," Revati replied uneasily, wondering if the lady had a brain injury.
"You look a little like someone I met a long time ago," Pauletta said, as if accusing Revati of something terrible.
"I got a message from Dad; the news says all the teleporting hubs have been shut down! He says we should leave the hub and take the workers' bullet train back to Paprika Station before they stop running," Brigadeiro said, gesturing to his grey bracelet.
"A bullet train? Like the one in Olde Landon? I thought this space station was supposed to be super advanced?" Revati asked, completely confused.
"It is, but teleportation has a weight limit of six hundred kilograms; the trains are used when we need to transport bulk goods and supplies to different resorts," Brigadeiro explained.
"I also need to go to this Paprika Station; I will follow you," Pauletta Chuchotor remarked, and Revati exchanged a look with Brigadeiro.
"I mean, it's not like we can stop her," Brigadeiro pointed out.
The train ride to Paprika Station turned out to be far more exhausting, bewildering, and strangely smelly than teleporting. Everyone seemed to know Brigadeiro Bun, and by extension, everyone seemed to know Revati.
"Bridgadeiro! Your mama said you would be back for Applefestus! And is this the famous Revati from Mars?" An old lady with orange hair said to them as they waited for the train.
"I may have mentioned you in my messages home; this is my mother's friend Mrs. Jambalaya from church," Brigadeiro said as the old lady descended onto Revati in a cloud of vanilla perfume.
"Oh, she's so pretty! Such big amber eyes! And who's that?" She asked, nodding at Pauletta, who was standing several feet away from them, staring into the distance.
"No idea, we think she's an injured tourist," Brigadeiro admitted as Revati quietly blushed. No one in Olde Landon had ever called her pretty.
"Bridge! Did you hear about the terrorist attack? My dad said appliances from Mars did it," someone yelled when they finally got onto the cramped train. A teenage boy with dark skin and fuchsia braids was waving at them from a row of seats.
"We were at the capital telehub when it happened! Revati, this is my cousin Pecan," Brigadeiro explained as they sat down.
Pecan gasped with horror. "Oh, Goup! You're the girl Bridge is bringing home for Applefestus! You probably don't want us talking about the war," Pecan remarked.
"It's fine; I'm too tired and freaked out to care," Revati assured him.
"Why don't you take a nap? The ride to Paprika Station takes around four hours," Brigadeiro said, tapping his shoulder. Revati sighed gratefully, her head dropping onto his shoulder. Before her eyes shut, she spotted Pauletta standing on the other side of the carriage, staring at her with dried blood still in her hair.
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the-secret-garden1 · 28 days
New Petition Alert 🚨
The purpose of this petition is to call on the Australian government to:
• Issue newly arrived Gazans temporary humanitarian visas immediately so they are given access to case management support, Medicare, work rights, study rights, schooling, and income support.
• Expedite Palestinians protection visa claims given Palestinians have no right of return to their home country and the scale of devastation in Gaza. This will provide Palestinian arrivals certainty about their future and access to essential supports.
• Give Palestinian arrivals humanitarian settlement support through HSP. Access to immediate settlement support through HSP will ensure people are linked in with essential services and to help them integrate and adjust to Australian life.
• Allow Palestinian children to enrol in school. This will enhance a child's development and integration into the community
• Provide easily accessible information to the Australian public on how the $25 million pledged by the Australian government to the Palestinian community in Australia has been distributed. Sponsors of Palestinian arrivals are desperately reaching out to services for support given the complex psychosocial, health, and mental health needs of arrivals. This will alleviate the burden being placed on the Australian Palestinian community (who are traumatised by events in their home country) and NGOs to provide new arrivals settlement support.
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