#Vietnam Conflict
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1967, Number 5 tank of 1st Platoon, Alpha company
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johnpodlaski · 1 year
Miracle in the Sky
Here’s a notable story about an F-4E Phantom which tangled with a North Vietnamese MIG-21 during a mission in the skies over North Vietnam. It was truly a miracle! By David Craighead (Clive 04)Aircrew: 1Lt Wesley Zimmerman, Aircraft Commander1Lt David “Bubba” Craighead, Weapons Systems OperatorAircraft: F-4E, tail # 70-321Unit: 4thTFS, 366TFW, Takhli, RTAFB, ThailandFlight Location: Pack 6,…
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whtsnmmnd · 2 years
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I just started this so I don't have much to say about it yet, but god can we talk about how good American propaganda is?? Like somehow they convinced me the Vietnam Conflict was a tie???
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on an aerial view of the bomb damage and impact craters left filled with water after a US B-52 carpet bombing strike north of Dai Teng, Vietnam, c. 1968. 📸: Tim Page.
"WAR is a black hole to AVOID."
Source: www.flickr.com/photos/13476480@N07/3729158436.
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smalltofedsblog · 2 years
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Vietnam was not a declared war. It was a setup by the Military Industrial Complex (MIC).   was an incursion; one of the first setup by the Military Industrial Complex and the "Best and the Brightest" in the Pentagon.
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floralcavern · 2 months
My opinion on the IDF
(Because, yes, despite me being Pro-Israel, I still have ✨thoughts✨)
People need to stop comparing the I/P conflict to the Holocaust. It is nothing like the Holocaust and Israel is nothing like Germany. And you making that comparison really shows how little you actually know about WW2. Read any history book. Read Anne Frank, or Night. In fact, the closest thing to the Holocaust that is happening in this war is what is happening to the Israeli hostages. They are under way more of those conditions. 
No. If we are to ever compare this to any other war, it is more similar to the Vietnam War. 
The IDF is very similar to US soldiers in Vietnam.
Look. We can all agree that US was on the right side of Vietnam. They were helping the Southern Vietnamese from the Northern Vietnamese. So when you hear “They were on the right side/good side” you automatically think they were the good guys. Wonderful heroes. And, yes, Vietnam veterans were heroes. But they did some fucked up shit. 
For example, according to one veteran, one time when one of his friends had been murdered, out of anger, they all burned an entire town down. US soldiers took out a lot of their frustrations and anger onto the Vietnamese. So while we all agree that they are on the right side and are the good guys, they did some fucked up shit. Stuff that cannot be excused at all. 
Another example is in WW2! We all think of the allies as the good guys! They fought against the terrible Nazis and yadada. America was on the good side, they were one of the main sides that took down Germany! So while we acknowledge that America was the right side the be on, we cannot forget the horrible things they did. For example..
They had Japanese concentration camps. 
Bet you didn’t know that. 
The reason for this was because the amount of violence they saw and experienced was involved with Japan. They were traumatized but it is no excuse to do something like that!
America was the right side, but they weren’t the perfect military. 
No military is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!
That includes the IDF. 
But here’s the thing, on the side of the ‘good guys’, usually when there’s extremely violent people in the military, there are usually two reasons for this. 
They have experienced horrors beyond comprehension while fighting on the battlefield, causing them to become jaded and bitter
2. They were always a violent person and they joined the war to take that out onto others. 
It is the tragic reality that every single military has people like this. It is history. The historical ‘good guys’ did horrible things as well. 
That brings me back to the Vietnam War. 
The soldiers saw so many horrible things that could actually compare very well to what the IDF has seen. 
US soldiers had no way to tell if a citizen was Northern Vietnamese or Southern Vietnamese. 
Usually by the time they learned, it was too late. 
There are stories of US soldiers having a Vietnamese child come up to them, holding something. About to give them a gift! But when they opened their hand, they were holding a grenade. 
That is so similar to what Hamas is doing. They use suicide bombers and child soldiers. Things like that will create an idea of they can’t trust anyone. Anyone could be out to hurt them and there’s the idea of almost animalistic fighting for survival. How can you trust when Hamas could literally send a child out to kill you?!
So, really, if you think about it, the US soldiers of the Vietnam War are very similar to the IDF. 
That sense of they can’t trust anyone, violence due to the trauma and being surrounded by enemies trying to do the same fucking thing (hell, Hamas has been committing terrorist attacks on Israel for years now). Even what the two sides fight for are somewhat similar! 
The US fought to help the Southern Vietnamese and gain freedom from their Northern neighbors. Israel is fighting for freedom from their neighbors who are constantly attacking them and freeing Palestinians from their oppressive government. 
It starts out virtuous and those ideas do carry on for the most part, but it also dissolves into animalistic violence and anger because of the shit they have seen.
Also, the way US Vietnam soldiers were treated in America is actually really similar to how Americans treat the IDF. 
Nowadays when we meet a Vietnam veteran, we comment on how brave they are and how they’re a hero. Back then, though? Ohhhhh boy. Americans hated them. When soldiers would come home, Americans would yell at them, spit on them, etc. Now, doesn’t that sound familiar?
I support Israel and I support the IDF in the same way I support America in WW2 and the Vietnam War. They’re on the right side and have virtuous intent, but they sure as hell aren’t perfect and have done some fucked up shit. Yknow. Like every other military in the world. The sad reality we live in. Not everything is black and white.
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do you ever think about how johnny silverhand served in the second central american conflict and deserted and came back home to a public that was openly and viciously blaming deserters for the dissolution of the united states instead of the gang of four and corporations that led to the country’s demise and so he released a solo album called sins of your brothers that detailed the horrific treatment of soldiers from being given hard psychoactive drugs to untested military-grade chrome that caused cyberpsychosis and with its release swayed the public opinion into realizing that the veterans themselves and especially the deserters were not to blame and then johnny dies in the tower and then fifty years later in sixth street territory especially you can overhear night city NPCs talk about how much they hate the deserters of the unification war and that everything johnny sang and fought and died for was all for nothing or are you normal.
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Countries that fought Vietnam in the last hundred years
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b4kuch1n · 7 months
I'm not really any manner of orator, and I average out at the amount of knowledge that passes my feed. I just... you know, recognize that. the US authorities and the bulk of celebrities who played into it to keep their job did those same things to us in the 60s and 70s. it's the same playbook, it's the same colonialism, it's the same human toll.
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Vietnam War: Escalation and Withdrawal through rare photographs, 1968-1975
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taiwantalk · 8 months
I meant demoralizing to russians
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hoasens · 9 months
how do u think viet acts around ppl she doesn't like very much/is arguing w? i wanna write historical sea beefing :3
i think she’s very passive aggressive, it really shows that she doesn’t like someone with her mannerisms and body language. even so, she still will try to have a level of respect. when she’s pushed to her absolute limits then you’ll get a barrage of insults and swears but i feel like her anger is more of a dirty look type of deal. she’s an actions speaker louder than words character to me.
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johnpodlaski · 1 year
The Spartan-like defense and tragedy of Xuan Loc, April 1975. After fighting for twelve straight days, the valiant stand at Xuan Loc by heavily outnumbered ARVN soldiers echoes the famed sacrifice of King Leonidas’ 300 Spartans facing Xerxes’ Persian masses at the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C. Greece. The Persians then marched south and captured Athens. Read about the last major battle of…
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whumpfish · 10 days
Now that I've had my antidepressant and some food, as well as some time to think about my Vietnam and Civil War and World War courses....
I think that in addition to my pain and my disabilities in general, part of why I turned to whump and dead dove/extreme fiction more and more is a way to cope with the secondhand trauma of the study of brutality. It's a necessary trauma, and it's one that we volunteer to undergo when we decide on this life course, but that is ultimately what it is. And like any voluntary trauma, you don't know how rough it's going to be on you until that first rough patch hits.
I think some people become flag-wavers after studying military history because they can't cope with that secondhand exposure to brutality, and the only way they can make peace with their bruised psyche is to justify and glorify. I think military families go through the same secondhand trauma, but it's not voluntary in their case. They grab onto the flag faster and harder because they weren't warned, and the only control they have over that secondhand exposure and pain is control of their personal narrative.
Like any trauma, you can choose healthier ways of dealing with it, but this country actively teaches people flag-waving as the best way to deal with any and all trauma from about the age of 5. I think we should all reflect well on this, and the fact that how you approach these folks has an influence on whether and how readily they open their minds to those healthier coping strategies before you decide to open your pie-hole on matters concerning war.
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on the "Bleed for Me"/"Life Sentence" 7" vinyl single by Bay Area hardcore punk band, DEAD KENNEDYS (Virus 23), released in 1982 under the Statik label in the UK/Europe and Alternative Tentacles domestically. The 7 inch also included a lyric sheet.
REVIEW: "A-side is very reminiscent of the earlier DK’s sound—words you can hear, slower but extremely powerful and clear instrumentation. B-side is more thrashed out, and again very strong production. The excitement generated by them at live shows comes across on both cuts. Great graphics too. Should be out domestically on Faulty."
REVIEWER: Tim Yohannan
LABEL: Statik/Alternative Tentacles
ISSUE: MRR #2 • September/October 1982
Sources: https://timebombshop.com/products/dead-kennedys-bleed-for-me-alternative-tentacles-virus-23-format-vinyl-7-single, www.maximumrocknroll.com/band/dead-kennedys, various, etc...
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guardiansing · 5 months
Throughout the progression of the Israeli IDF bombing of the Gaza Strip, I was surprised to see people I had connected to and people I trusted become either supportive or indifferent to the Israeli government. These people, whom I saw as fellow left-leaning folks, staggeringly began siding with the neo-conservative lens regarding Palestine. They say that the Israeli government is our ally and so excuse the actions of the US government, that it is simply our foreign policy as if our foreign policy is an absolute we must all respect and uphold to. They refuse to engage in learning about the history, modern or otherwise, simply because it makes them uncomfortable. They say It is unhealthy to engage in something so depressing all of the time, it is unhealthy to be agitating all of the time. The people suffering do not care if you are talking about them, and so it is best that we do not talk about them at all. We will do anything to push back against the people talking about it, we will do anything to avoid uncomfortable conversations about our shared reality, we will do anything to suppress it.
For better or worse this is the prevailing opinion I have seen in many of my circles, often those who even if they oppose the Israeli government feel that the situation is out of their hands. They continue to tell themselves that it is a foreign conflict and nothing more, and for that reason we are abstained from discussing it. To them, the most notable thing about this humanitarian crisis is that it is depressing to talk about and so would rather keep it silent. To them it is simply a fad that will go away naturally with time
Within my circles and communities, it is largely people of color, myself included, who continue showing support for the end of the invasion. To us, this is not a foreign conflict, nor is it justified by US foreign policy. To us it is the very same battle that people have been fighting ever since this country was first settled. What many Palestinians are experiencing and in fact what they have been experiencing for 80 years is not imaginary to us, it is not a statistic. We have experienced it, we know what it is like. Our wound is not so old.
I have watched on as white people within the queer community who claimed to be leftists, people who agitate for the equality of gay and trans people, grow silent in the discussion of class and race segregation. Refuse to acknowledge their material conditions or analyze their personal biases, believing in their white guilt that their queerness and/or ability at relying progressive sounding rhetoric abstains them from the blind spots of privilege. They will say that criticizing the Israeli government is anti-semantic and so they reveal that they do not see Jewish people as being truly human and non-monolithic, but instead as a race of people to whom suffering and oppression are inherent. A people to whom their government is endemic to their nation.
They reveal that they are not indeed leftists as they may claim, but instead are liberals. People believing supremely in their individual liberties and comforts. They see the world as consisting of good and bad teams, the oppressor and the oppressed instead of actions, effects, and contexts. They oppose every war except the current one and support every movement except the current one. They say it all when they describe Hamas as a terrorist group and Likud as Likud.
At the very least, they see the cause as being lost and so have already fallen into a state of depressive apathy. They are not evil, they aren't bad people. They have been hurt before and do not see a lost cause as something worth spending energy on. In an apathetic world such as ours it is easy for you yourself to become apathetic. We have very little power in what we can do as individuals. As a collective we theoretically have all the power in the world. But some have chosen to give away all their power entirely, opting for the comfort of their ivory tower.
Were Donald Trump to win the next election and the GOP preceded to do all the things promised in project 2025, I wonder if the people who hold these beliefs would be the freedom partisans they claim they'd be.
Or would they do nothing and instead choose to wallow in their apathy, seeing the cause as lost and letting it go by.
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