#Victoria Wallace
dcbinges · 7 months
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The New Teen Titans #36 (1983) by Keith Pollard & Marv Wolfman
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pretzelmath · 7 months
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no one in my classes gets how infinite jest coded the 2006 vs fashion show was
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rebeccaajc93 · 2 months
This is the Aardman Villains Edition of Squid Game.
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Episode 470: Nonsense about names
Part One. Roger/ Joshua Much to her surprise, well-meaning governess Vicki Winters came unstuck in time in #365 and found herself in the year 1795. She spent the first few weeks of her sojourn in the past telling all the characters she met about the other roles that their actors played in the first 73 weeks of Dark Shadows, thereby puzzling them and irritating the audience. After a few months,…
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Lindsay Wallace || Victoria Beckham
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letterboxd-loggd · 6 months
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Harvey (1950) Henry Koster
December 3rd 2023
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grantgustinbrasil · 1 year
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Grant Gustin, junto com alguns colegas de The Flash, participou de uma manifestação a favor de melhores salários para roteiristas. 
A foto foi compartilhada por Danielle Nicolet, interprete de Cecile em The Flash, em seu Instagram. [Link]
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antialiart · 1 year
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Mark and May! I thiiink I'm done with this.
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the--highlanders · 2 years
actually I'm curious, what are people's favourite dr who eu media formats? like audios, books, comics, short trips books, etc
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terrorpenned · 9 months
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lines that have been on repeat in my head lately for no particular reason
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victoriadallonfan · 2 years
Hmm. Defiant/Dragon/Victoria triangle
Defiant is her strict step-dad that she usually gets along with and bonds over similar personalities, but then gets into a heated argument with when she doesn't immediately respect his authority.
Dragon is the distant step-mom that Vic is professionally courteous towards, with Dragon thinking Vic is hiding a lot of resentment and bad behavior, but they bond after the misunderstanding is cleared up.
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rachelbethhines · 1 year
60 Years of Doctor Who Anniversary Marathon - Troughton 2nd Review
On a Pedestal - Short Story
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This story was another mini history lesson for me. As an American, who’s never seen Braveheart, I knew fuck all about William Wallace. I didn’t know who he was, what he did, or what he was known for. I didn’t even know what time period he lived in. Which made things a little confusing as the author clearly expects you to know these basics going into the story.
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Today’s Short Trip comes from the anthology The Quality of Leadership. The central theme of the book is the Doctor meeting various leaders through out time and space. Hence where William Wallace comes in; the leader of The First War of Scottish Independence. 
Aboard the Tardis, Jamie and Victoria have an argument over the historical figure. As a Scotsman who has fought the British army himself, Jamie idolizes William Wallace as a hero. While Victoria, an upper-class woman from late Victorian England, has bought into the British propaganda she’s been told her whole life and believes him to be a villain. Only for the Tardis to land them in 13th century Scotland where they get to meet the real William Wallace and both have their preconceptions about the man challenged. 
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Let’s talk about the things I liked in this story first.
I liked how Jamie’s and Victoria’s backgrounds are used to flesh out their characters. They’re some of the few historical companions to travel with the Doctor, so of course their points of view are informed by how they were raised. Everyone feels completely in character.
I also like how the setting plays into those backgrounds. Jamie is right at home, even if he’s technically centuries in his past, because he has a chance to reconnect with his culture. Victoria is more out-of-place, and believes herself to be from a more ‘advance and civilized’ age, but is then faced with the harsh reality that all that she’s been taught about the British Empire is wrong.
Which is where my problems with the story come in. I know it’s only a story story but I wish the set ups and themes here were pushed even further.
Like I said, the author expects the audience to already know who William Wallace is and what time period he lived in, so there’s not enough effort spent on establishing how out of time Jamie and Victoria really are. Which is something you have to take extra care in establishing since they’re already historical companions.
I also don’t think Victoria was challenged enough on her beliefs. She seems to view Wallace’s injustice in isolation rather than as part of a larger systematic problem. The villainous English officer who hounds them and threatens them is just a bad egg to her mind and not a product of his environment. Therefore, it feels like she’s just sorry that the she’s being separated from the guy she has a crush on instead of learning a valuable lesson on the evils of imperialism.
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Which leads to my second complaint. As a Victoria and Jamie shipper, I’m not too fussed over her romance with Wallace. Which just abruptly ends when he has to go on the run from the law, and she has to continue on traveling with the Doctor. He doesn’t even ask her to come with him or anything, so we don’t even get a rejection to resolve the plot point.
All in all, it’s not a bad tale, but I think this is one of the few Short Trips that could have benefited from being a longer story.
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pretzelmath · 4 months
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normal valentine’s day gift to myself thank you random infinite jest map man
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rebeccaajc93 · 4 months
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This is my drawing of the Top 10 Aardman Villains List:
*10. Lord Nooth from Early Man (2018)
*9. Piella Bakewell from Wallace and Gromit: A Matter Of Loaf and Death (2008)
*8. Anthony Trumper from Shaun The Sheep Movie (2015)
*7. Victor Quartermaine from Wallace and Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit (2005)
*6. Queen Victoria from The Pirates! In An Adventure With Scientists! (2012)
*5. Preston from Wallace and Gromit: A Close Shave (1995)
*4. Agent Red from A Shaun The Sheep Movie: Farmaggedon (2019)
*3. The Toad from Flushed Away (2006)
*2. Mrs. Melisha Tweedy from Chicken Run Duology (2000-2023)
*1. Feathers McGraw from Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers (1993)
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Episode 269: To recognize hopelessness
Matriarch Liz stands at the edge of a cliff. Rather than let seagoing con man Jason McGuire blackmail her into marrying him, she has resolved to throw herself to her death on the rocks below. As she takes a running start, well-meaning governess Vicki grabs her. Vicki talks Liz out of killing herself, and Liz hugs her. Liz hugs Vicki In #140, Vicki had rescued strange and troubled boy David…
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flowerbarrel-art · 2 years
~ PuffballsUnited, InnerSloth, The Henry Stickmin Collection
~ Terrence Suave AU ~
Next Part
“Hey…wake up.”
Terrence stirred, then jerked upright, peeling a paper off his face as he did.
“What?” he muttered sleepily, blinking until Victoria’s face wasn’t as blurry.
“You seen Henry today?” she asked.
“Nobody’s seen him,” Victoria said, folding her arms.
“So…what?” Terrence asked. “You think he ran off?”
“We haven’t ruled that out…” Victoria sighed heavily. “It’s still early though. Just let someone know if you see him.”
“He’s staying with Charles, right?” Terrence yawned, tiredly stacking the papers up.
“Yeah. He wasn’t in his bed this morning. Charles thought he just went to bed early last night, but his bed was still made, and apparently he doesn’t usually make it.”
“Hope he’s alright…” Terrence said, quickly sorting the papers before closing the folder.
“You’ve made some good progress,” she noted, then glanced at his bed. “Doesn’t look like you slept last night either.”
Terrence shook his head and stumbled up from the desk.
“They’re in as much order as I could get,” he mumbled. “And one of the files reminded me of something.”
He pulled the paper out and handed it to Victoria.
“Gordon Smith,” he said as she took and scanned it. “He’s a guard at the Wall, and a Toppat.”
Victoria looked up, eyes widening.
“He’s a double-agent?”
“I think we have a handful of Toppats undercover at the Wall.” Terrence paused a moment, then shook his head. “When I was going through the files, something felt familiar. I think I knew about it when I was leader…might’ve even organized some of it.”
“Why would you have your people undercover there?” Victoria asked with a frown. “Wouldn’t it be too risky?”
“The Wall picks up anybody they feel like, whether or not they’ve done anything wrong,” Terrence muttered. “Having spies there gives us intel and chances to free any Toppats who get locked up.”
“Did you ever bribe any of the guards who aren’t spies?” Victoria questioned as she examined the paper.
“Definitely,” Terrence said, nodding at the files. “We always had some funds for that, even when I was leader, apparently. I’m glad I still cared about getting our guys out of that place. No one deserves to be there.”
“The General will want to know this,” Victoria said eagerly. “He wanted to see me, so let’s get moving.”
Terrence nodded and started after her, but stumbled into the doorframe, holding his head tightly.
“You good?” Victoria asked, and Terrence stared dizzily at her.
“You didn’t tell me you had a twin too.”
Victoria helped him to his bed.
“I’ll go,” she said. “Try and get a couple hours of sleep, but you might have to tell Galeforce what you told me.”
“Thass ffine,” Terrence slurred, closing his eyes.
“Alright. See you later.”
Terrence heard the door shut quietly as he dropped off to sleep.
The front door slammed open, and footsteps thudded towards Terrence’s room.
He lay confused for a moment, then shot up in bed when the bedroom door banged open.
“Cap—sir—Gen…” Terrence stammered, still half-asleep.
“Get up,” Galeforce snapped, and Terrence got out of bed, stumbling for his dresser drawer before remembering he hadn’t changed out of his uniform yet. “Leave it! Follow me.”
Terrence stared, then hurried after Galeforce. Victoria was waiting in the den, both arms held behind her back.
Terrence stayed silent until they reached Galeforce’s office.
“Sit,” Galeforce barked, and Terrence hastily yanked the chair out and took a seat. “Are the Toppat Clan’s files on the Wall up to date, floor plans included?”
“Y-yes, sir…they are,” Terrence stammered. “Smith’s file is recent. He’s still undercover there, along with Wallace Pemberton.”
Galeforce nodded for Terrence to continue.
“Far as I read and can remember,” Terrence said, wringing his hands in his lap, “we made sure to keep the layout of the Wall updated in our files. Sometimes our members would be captured, and our spies would make it easier to get them out.”
Galeforce gave Terrence a long look; eventually he looked away, continuing to fidget.
“We believe Henry has been captured by them and is being transported there now.”
Terrence looked up sharply.
“How do you…”
“He had a tracker bracelet on,” Galeforce said. “It was giving us location updates until an hour ago. He’d just crossed the border into Canada when it was deactivated. But we’re working on piecing together the route he was taking….or more likely, the route his kidnappers were taking. He didn’t go back to his room last night, and we discovered signs of a struggle near Charles’ place.”
Galeforce held up a small gray object.
“This was also found, and is a device Henry’s known to have used.”
Terrence looked at the device curiously, noting green panels and a red button.
“Pay attention,” Galeforce ordered. “Quentin’s going to take you and Victoria to get Henry back.”
“What?!” Terrence burst out. “With…with all…due respect and everything…I don’t think I’m the best one for that!”
Galeforce narrowed his eyes, and Terrence balled his fists and lowered his gaze.
“You don’t remember,” Galeforce said, sliding a paper across to Terrence. “It was when you were Wilford’s right hand. A number of Toppats had been captured by the Wall, and you were assigned to go undercover and free them.”
Terrence looked up slowly.
“…and…did I?”
“You did, and Reginald, too. One of the Toppats you saved should look familiar.”
Terrence took a breath, then flipped the paper over to see a somewhat younger Right Hand Man gazing back at him.
“But…w-we…we had to…”
“Apply, yes,” Galeforce said. “We’ve taken care of that. The Toppats aren’t the only ones who’ve got people undercover, you know.”
“About time,” Grigori muttered, glowering at Victoria and Terrence. “This way.”
They quickly followed after Grigori, passing several cells until finally turning down a longer hallway.
A sharp scent of rubbing alcohol made Terrence halt, but Victoria nudged him forward, and he followed Grigori into a small room.
“You wait here,” Grigori said, then gestured to Victoria. “Follow me.”
Terrence’s eyes widened, but she shook her head discreetly.
“See you later,” Victoria said, clapping a hand on his shoulder before leaving the small examination room.
Terrence clenched his fists as the door shut with a hiss. He looked around the room, seeing several red containers with biohazard signs on them.
He glanced back at the door, then quickly approached it and reached for the button.
Before he could press it, the door slid up and a man in a white coat walked in.
“Sit,” he said mildly, and Terrence glanced at the door, then reluctantly sat on the examination table. The man pulled out a packet and ripped it open, revealing an iodine swab. “Alright. Hold still. This won’t take long.”
“Alright,” Terrence mumbled, balling his fists and crumpling the paper on the table.
“All new guards get a microchip installed,” the man explained as he swabbed Terrence’s neck. “It’s a new procedure for guards’ safety. It tracks your vitals and location. Inmates frequently attack guards while trying to escape.”
Terrence swallowed hard as the doctor opened a drawer and pulled out a large syringe.
“Take a deep breath and hold still,” he said, and Terrence closed his eyes, then took a breath.
He felt a dull ache, then a burning pain.
“Done. Now just let me bandage it.”
The man quickly wrapped bandages around Terrence’s neck.
“Any nausea or dizziness?”
Terrence shook his head.
“Alright. Go into the hall and wait for Grigori.”
Terrence nodded and quickly left the room, leaning against the wall once outside.
“You good?”
Terrence jumped at Victoria’s voice.
“Yeah, thanks…you?”
“Yeah. Wasn’t too bad.”
“They didn’t do that when I was here last,” Terrence whispered, glancing around the empty hallway. “New procedure to protect guards, apparently.”
“Lucky us.” Victoria shrugged, then spoke quietly. “We’ll get them deactivated after we get Henry back to base.”
The doctor left the room and strode down the hall.
“Anyway,” Victoria continued quietly, “I heard a bit about Henry from Grigori. Didn’t mention him by name, but it’s a new guy who put up a fight. It’s worth looking into. He’s not in max security so we’ll be able to find him a bit more easily.”
“Alright,” Terrence said. “I haven’t been here, but once we get back to the main hallway things will look more familiar.”
Footsteps thumped down the hall, and Grigori swiftly approached.
“You’re assigned to the main cell block,” he said, gesturing for them to follow. “New inmates are trouble. You will both stand guard once you get equipment.”
Grigori led them back the way they’d come, then stopped and opened a door, leading them inside.
Two small beds were inside, each with a small chest at the foot of them.
“Orientation is in six hours. Be ready. After that you will guard the new inmates.”
They nodded, and Grigori briskly left.
Terrence sank on a bed and sighed.
“Do you think they trust us?”
“Nope,” Victoria said, sitting on the remaining bed. “But if everything goes well, we won’t be here too long.”
Terrence winced and rubbed his neck, then stretched out on the bed and closed his eyes.
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