#Veterinary physician
k-star-holic · 1 year
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Go Eun-ah, I have a lot of money. Go Eun-ah, love.
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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kajmasterclass · 10 months
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kyreniacommentator · 2 months
Girne Dog Neutering Project Continues
A cooperation protocol was signed between Girne Municipality and the Cyprus Turkish Veterinary Physicians Association as part of the ‘Spaying Project for Dogs at the Girne Municipality Animal Shelter and Rehabilitation Centre’. Continue reading Girne Dog Neutering Project Continues
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wattsandassociates · 1 year
Website: https://www.wattshbot.com/
Address: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
From small single chamber clinics to huge multiple chamber mega clinics for humans and/or animals, we are your partner. We are here to walk beside you as you grow through the hyperbaric clinic creation process. Your success is our success! Get in touch now to see how we can assist you with your best hyperbaric outcome!
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fushipurro · 1 month
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy
Chapter 3 - Malevolent Desire
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☆ Content: 18+ MDNI, cowboy!au, darker themes, yandereish!sukuna, sukuna is bad at feelings, brief mention of an implied kidnapping/murders, brat taming, orgasm denial, vaginal/nipple foreplay, cunnilingus, creampie, sukuna calls you a slut (affectionate), biting/small blood mentions
☆ Word Count: 5.9k
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Never in your life did you think one town could look as good as it does right now. It’s like a desert mirage that calls your name, urging you closer with the promise of rest.
After reclaiming your fateful bay mare, the trip home felt greater in lengths, heightened by the midday rays of the hot sun down the back of your neck. Now, the city of Valentine sits ahead of you, basked in rich golden hues.
It’s been a long time since you’ve felt the levels of exhaustion you face now. It pulls on your mind, body, and soul alike ─ demanding everything you’re able to give.
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Upon your return with the empty-handed lawmen, Satoru offers a not-so-subtle notion that if you’re sore or injured after any “strenuous activities” to stop in at the neighboring doctor’s office for some care.
You decide to take him up on it, hoping to find some sort of reprieve, at least from the warm sensations where clothes couldn’t protect you from the harsh touch of sunlight. There, you find a woman by the name of Shoko Ieiri ─ an old friend of the two you had spent your day with, and the resident physician.
She proves especially helpful in restocking whatever medical supplies you needed, and even more understanding with any matters relating to ones with Satoru’s involvement. In fact, all you had to do was mention his name and referral, and it was as though you gave her the key to a closet full of tonics dedicated in his name.
During your time shopping, a man clad in dark jeans, a purple button up, and a black vest steps into the office. Just like you, he’s here to restock, claiming to be on the hunt of a local predator who recently claimed another victim.
Turns out, the man you had a shootout with went missing sometime late last night, leaving behind a trail of blood that didn’t go far. The modus operandi matches that of the killer he and his partner are after. Whether they’re alive still or not is unknown, but it won’t be long before a decaying body surfaces with a cryptic message to follow.
You’ve always been intrigued with bounty hunters, at times becoming one yourself to make a few extra bucks if need be. It was something your father had done on the side to put food on the table considering how picky businesses can get with new hires.
In your discussion with Shoko and the man called Choso, you made a mention to your little adventure with Satoru and what all your poor Valentine has been through. Surprisingly, Choso claims to have some veterinary knowledge, offering to look her over for any potential injuries, free of charge.
You accept of course, her health is of the upmost importance to you. Even if you don’t believe Suguru would have purposely harmed her, you can’t say the same for his crew. That, and how she was in the middle of an ongoing robbery. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Choso not only ensures that Valentine’s in tip top form, but also checks over Clementine. You appreciate it, knowing how much you’d hate yourself if something were to happen before she’s reunited with Kento.
The two of you are joined by his partner, Yuki, who had been resupplying at the weapon’s shop across the street. She reminds you a lot of yourself, perhaps even cut from the same cloth. It’s always a pleasure to meet another woman on the frontier that can hold her own, and you hope to run into her again someday ─ maybe while hunting a bounty to compare skills.
In the meantime, she can’t help but swoon over the two mares in your care, even showing off her own that she raised from a filly ─ a silver turkoman dubbed Garuda. Choso’s steed on the other hand is a leopard appaloosa gelding by the name of Nova.
When everything’s said and done and the hunters take their leave, dusk has settled over Valentine with a thick blanket of stars. All that’s left for you to do now is to get your meat and you can be on your way for some food and rest.
…so long as the butcher’s stall is actually open, which in this case ─ it’s not.
Tough luck.
So much for getting your dinner now, guess you’ll be going to bed hungry. You opt to head for the hotel, which only serves to sour your mood further as the clerk tells you your stay is up and there’s no other rooms left to rent out. At the very least, you’re still able to pay for a bath to wash off the various dirt, grime, and other slick stuck to your body.
Now you could head off into the nearby prairie, or down by the Dakota River to camp, but as highlighted earlier, you’re exhausted. With two horses under your care and all your worldly possessions, you need to be extra careful what you do and where you go as a woman in this wild age.
Luckily, there’s a dozen barns to choose from in town, and even more available stalls to sneak into. At this point, straw poking your back is the least of your problems if it means getting a night of rest.
You lead the two mares over to an empty corral behind one such stable, freeing them from their tack and hiding the evidence under a pile of alfalfa bales. Save for the saloon, the rest of town has quieted down as others have now retreated to their homes and families.
That used to be you once when you were younger, now here you are sneaking inside a barn to get some shuteye. Oh, how your father would be so proud.
There’s just one problem.
You’re not alone.
As soon as you enter through the barn doors, you’re met with a few lit lanterns and a huge horse on the crossties. We’re talking the definition of a war horse here, with a blood bay coat to match. Their feathering is light, and you wouldn’t be surprised to find out there’s some warmblood mixed in with some draft breed. At the sound of their deep, echoing neigh, a head pops up from between their hindquarters.
“Who the fuck ─ ahh, it’s you,” the voice remarks, and it’s one you remember quite well.
The Butcher.
“Come to finally collect what’s yours?” he asks, a tinge of playful annoyance lacing in his words.
You approach the man, narrowing your eyes. He spares you his own sharp look before resuming his work clipping the giant’s hoof.
“Since when does Valentine’s butcher do farrier work?” you question, admiring the look of dark chaps around his beefy legs. It pairs nicely with his black pants and the red shirt he has on.
He snorts, “I do a lot of different work ‘round here, sweetheart.” His nickname falls short when paired with sarcasm. “Whatever pays the bills while I’m here, and besides, this is my own mare so it’s not like I’m being paid.”
“Leave it to a bloodied man to ride a red mare,” you mutter under your tongue, hearing him huff anyways. “Can’t lie though, she’s a beauty.” You reach out to pet the girl, only to retract your hand the second her ears pin backwards and she about bites your hand off.
“That she is,” he chuckles lowly, uncaring to what almost occurred, “Calamity here is loyal and obedient, just how I like it.”
You scowl in response, ultimately realizing any interactions with this man require a level of caution to be taken. He’s not to be trifled with.
Then again, Daddy didn’t raise no coward.
“You sure you’re not compensating for something?”
Not that he needs to. Appearance wise, he’s very attractive, even if he waves enough red flags at you to be called a matador. You are a stubborn bull at times, so it may be a fair tradeoff. Being tired and hungry don’t mix well for any wicked cowgirl.
“Please,” the butcher scoffs. “I have no reason to need to. Why, you interested in taking me on?” He throws a smirk at you from over his shoulder, grabbing a large file in the process to shave down the mare’s hoof.
You roll your eyes, leaning up against a wooden post to admire his workmanship. “Please,” you mock, “I think you’re exactly the type of man my father would tell me to put a bullet into and call it a day.”
“If you think my ‘services’ are inadequate, then you’re more than welcome to,” he retorts, finishing up the hoof with a beautifully crafted horseshoe nailed perfectly on. He stands up after, dusting off his hands and turning to you in full. He certainly has a height advantage on you amongst other things.
You don’t back down, not even when you’re at the disadvantage. “We’re still talking about work, right? ‘Cause you have something of mine.”
The butcher steps forward into your space, like a predator stalking its prey into a corner, only you don’t move. “Is that really why you came creeping in here? Or maybe you’ve been following me,” he muses with sultry words.
“I’m not here for you, your highness.” Those choice words deepen his annoying grin. “But since you are here, then I’d like to get my meat and go. I’ve had quite a long day.”
His eyes darken as a thought crosses his mind. “I think I can help with that… if you’ll give in to me,” he says, moving one hand to brush a strand of hair from your face. You slap him away, earning a click of his tongue, “Don’t be a tease.”
You ignore his accusation. “What exactly are you offering here?”
“Instead of sleeping in a stall full of shit…” he pauses, letting his words register that yes ─ he knew exactly why you were here to begin with. He’s as smart as he is cocky, that’s for sure. Not a bad combination, but only if you can back it up. “…why don’t you come back home with me, and I’ll treat you to some care?”
A tempting offer, but full of risk.
“And how am I supposed to believe you aren’t planning on robbing or gutting me the moment we’re alone?”
He laughs again, only this time it resembles some cackling coyote in the dead of night. “Guess you’ll just have to be good and trust me.”
“Howreassuring of you,” you reply sarcastically.
“It’s up to you, brat.” He shrugs nonchalantly, picking up his heavy western saddle. “Whether you want it or not, make your choice now or forever hold your peace.”
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You keep a horse-length behind the man, Sukuna, atop your mare; your eyes are glued to the back of his head with one hand close to your iron if the situation warrants the need. The environment around you both is eerily calm ─ as if nature knows something about a potential threat that you don’t.
Perhaps your foremost thought about him being a serial killer on the side wasn’t too far off.
It doesn’t help your nerves either or his case for that matter when his home happens to be a cabin in the woods. There’s a set of storm doors that immediately catch your eyes upon arrival. They’re tightly bound and sealed with the use of heavy chains but at this point, would it really surprise you if there’s something down there he doesn’t want others to see?
Rationally, it could just be where he stores excess meats and other parts of his work, and that the chains are only there to keep predators out. He is a butcher after all, that would be the safest option.
…Unless of course the seal exists to prevent anything from escaping.
You decide to push those thoughts away for now. You’ve wrestled with bears numerous times after all; if Sukuna decides to betray the trust you’re giving him, then you won’t be going down easily.
Sukuna rides up to the pasture gate, hitching Calamity up to a post to untack her. You join him near his side with both Valentine and Clementine to do the same. Hopefully his mare’s temperament doesn’t affect either of your girls in the field after Choso gave them the okay. Explaining any new injuries to Kento would not be easy after he’s already gone out on a limb for you.
You’re then led up into his cabin, where the interior is surprisingly clean. For a butcher, he seems careful enough about it, as nothing you see has a speck of blood staining it.
“Take a seat,” he practically demands, pulling out one of his dining chairs for you on his way into the kitchen. You oblige, choosing not to comment on his tone.
You watch him from afar as he cooks, to which it appears to be yet another skill he excels in. His precision with a knife also tells you that in the event of any fights to the death, you’re gonna need a gun to win. He spares you a few glances here and there, but otherwise his focus is kept solely on the stovetop until he’s walking back into the room with dishes in hand.
You can honestly say that Sukuna’s cooking is one of, if not, the best you’ve had the privilege to eat. He’s prepared a selection of different meats paired with fresh vegetables and is eager for you to try everything he’s whipped up.
Conversation is kept to a minimum, not that you can complain. His earlier attitude seems to have softened after a good meal, yet the tension still hasn’t let up. After dinner, you offer to help clean up as thanks, but he shuts you down, even taking your plate straight from your hands.
There’s a look of mischief that plays across his crimson eyes as you’re turning back to the table. Now there’s one thing to always be cautious of when sharing company with a predator, and that’s to never turn your back on one.
A full belly must’ve dulled your senses, subsequently lowering your guard to forget that rule. Your mistake comes with a consequence, or maybe a blessing ─ Sukuna now caging you between himself and the dinner table.
His voice, deep and velvety, murmurs in your ear, “Ready to discuss payment?”
It makes your body shiver, and you hope it wasn’t too obvious. He chuckles, so you know that was a bust. Good thing you’ve still got some sass in you.
“You’re telling me you didn’t do this out of the kindness of your heart?” you tease with the man.
“Fuck no.” Sukuna inhales your scent, making your eyes flutter shut. “I’m not about to let some other maggot get in my way,” he says, brushing the hair off the side of your neck, revealing splotches of red and purple bruising. “This time…you’re mine.”
“I don’t belong to anyone,” you tell him, but your efforts to remain in control are in vain.
Sukuna starts to pepper kisses across every discoloration his eyes can find, his other hand now pulling you closer to his body.
He’s hard, and nor was he lying either when he said he has nothing to compensate for.
With one hand placed inches above your needy core, he encourages you to grind against his own. It’s an action so specific, you can’t help but wonder if there’s some hidden meaning to it. Either way, Sukuna knows right where to get you along your neck until you’re weak in the knees and grasping the edge of the table for stability.
“What’s the matter?” he asks between kisses. “No more bratty comments?” You can feel his lips hovering over your carotid artery, smiling against the flesh as your heartbeat quickens in response.
“Fuck you,” you spit in a low volume, your grip on the table growing stronger as Sukuna’s hand moves fast to cup your sex.
“There’s plenty of time for that,” he muses. “I intend to enjoy every minute of this.” He lifts his hand upwards, pulling you off your feet for a hot second causing a gasp to leave your mouth. He then lets go of your body, backing away a few steps.
“Strip,” he commands, and you find yourself throwing caution to the wind. As you start to unbutton your shirt, he stops you, “Aht aht, turn around.” He motions with his finger almost impatiently so.
You roll your eyes before doing so, continuing where you left off. “Better, my lord?”
“That’s it,” he drawls, ignoring your snarky tone in favor of the new title of worship. “You’ll do well to listen and take orders.”
“You know, maybe I should put a bullet in you if you think I’m gonna sit back and become one of your pets. Better yet, I could always just cut your dick right off or maybe gelding would be more fun,” you warn him with an amused smile.
“Your words only arouse me, brat.” He stalks closer, baring his canines towards you with a similar, more salacious grin. “Stick around long enough with me and I’ll show you the best way how to do all of those things.”
Unlike you, you don’t believe he’s joking.
Sukuna takes a moment to admire your body, feeling his own cock strain in his pants. He leans his head down, taking you by your mouth in a ravenous embrace. He roughly bites your bottom lip, making you gasp yet again. Sukuna uses this chance to slip his tongue past your teeth, savoring the metallic flavor all while a free hand slips between your thighs.
He spreads you open, prodding his middle finger against your opening. “My… so wet already? I’ve hardly touched you.”
For how much you hate him for his arrogance, he certainly knows how to make a gal feel oh so aroused. You’re enjoying this more than you had expected to.
Without warning, he thrusts his finger upwards, lifting your body to rest atop the dining table. “Fuck!” you shriek, the pain turning to pleasure when his thumb coos your throbbing clit. With deft motions, he pumps his finger in and out.
Sukuna laughs in an almost sadistic manner, thoroughly enjoying the reactions you’re giving him. It’s always more fun when his prey has some fire that makes his efforts to break them all the more satisfying. Pretty soon, you’re rolling your hips against his knuckles on your own, aiding his motions.
“Look at you, slut,” his voice, full of sin, whispers in your ear. He bites the sides of your neck overtop the pre-existing marks, thus overriding the claims. “So desperate. You want to cum, don’t you? I can feel it.”
You nod your head, unable to hold back your noises as you grow closer to that sweet release. His touch is like wildfire against your body, igniting you with otherworldly passion.
“I wonder, what would happen if I were to deny you?” His grin widens and he retracts his hand from your body.
“Asshole!” you hiss breathlessly, groaning from the loss.
Sukuna loves how easy it is to push your buttons. Each action serving to intoxicate you under his full control. If one simple finger of his could do all of this for you, then he can’t waitto impale you with his cock.
“Such a bad girl,” he purrs against your ear once again. Both of Sukuna’s hands hold you at the hip while he rubs his clothed self against you. “Tell me you’re mine and I’ll please you over and over again until all you can think about is me.”
“I’m starting to think it was love at first sight with you,” you chuckle through a moan, “Can’t ask a girl out like a normal person?” That remark earns you another reprimand as he suddenly pushes himself hard against you, forcing you back onto your forearms.
“Last I checked, I already made you dinner and offered you my home. If you’re having second thoughts then I’ll gladly let you go,” he states, but you can tell that’s a lie.
Sukuna would much rather you stay and give in to his desires. The offer is quite tempting to, as with any deal with a devil. It proves even harder to deny the effects Sukuna has on you, your stomach endlessly performing flips with emotions.
His whole domineering self is a forbidden type of decadence that draws you in, hypnotizingly so. There’s a lot you don’t know yet about him, and if one thing is obvious, it’s that the longer you stay at his side, the more you want to slip into depravity with Sukuna.
It might even help you become a better version of yourself. No longer would you be alone trying to survive in a world pitted against you.
Then again, your feisty nature is what got you here to begin with. Where’s the fun in letting that go now when you have someone that can keep up with you, with plenty to offer if he stays true to his word.
With a devious grin of your own, you tell him, “Fuck. You.” Emphasizing each word to better toy with him.
He laughs again, louder, and more boastful this time. He knew you would continue to deny yourself, punishing yourself in the process. You’re only making this easier for him to have his way.
“You won’t say it?” He stares down at you with a darkened expression, flashing those wolfish fangs again. One of his hands swoops up to cup your breast, pinching the bud as he makes you lie flat for him. “Oh, I’ll make you say it.”
In the blink of an eye, his mouth latches onto your swollen pearl, sucking with an intense force that leaves you writhing beneath him. One way or another, he’ll shatter your will. He knows it’s just a matter of time before you admit what you already know to be true.
Sukuna’s tongue swipes upwards once before pushing inside. He licks up every last drop of your arousal, feeding into his own animalistic desire to claim you.
To ruin you.
He moans at this thought, savoring your delectable taste like it’s his last meal on earth. The sweet flavoring pairs perfectly the way you cry his name out. One of your hands even holds the table in a white-knuckle grip, with the other struggling against his head. You can’t escape his touch, even if you tried. His own hands brandish your hips tight enough to bruise ─ making you in his name.
“S’kuna,” you groan, feeling your mind reaching a state where it has no choice but to unravel.
“Just say those three words,” Sukuna insists, spelling it out for you with the tip of his tongue. He’s edging you a second time now, knowing all too well how close you are. “Three words, and I’m all yours,” he urges.
“Fuck! Please, please, let me cum!” you beg the man, rocking yourself against his mouth for the needed stimulation. Sukuna clicks his tongue but doesn’t let up, sucking more vigorously now. Your eyes practically roll into the back of your head, your spine arching off the table from the force your climax hits you with. “Sukun-aah!” you cry out in pleasure.
Your mouth falls agape with a silent scream, falling limp against the wood. It takes a minute to come down off the high, but when your vision clears, you look to Sukuna whose shirt has been discarded. Now, you can clearly see his sculpted chest and all the black ink that adorns his body.
The sound of metal teeth fills your ears, and his jeans are the next to go. He doesn’t even give you a chance to see the rest of him in his full glory before you’re scooped into his arms, forced to wrap your tired legs around his waist. Contrary to his abrasive personality, he holds you with a lot of care, and you think you if this goes on, you could fall asleep just like this.
Sukuna lowers himself onto his bed, and in the process forces you into a straddling position. He briefly kisses your lips ─ another sweet act ─ and then leans back, tucking his hands behind his head.
“Ride me,” he commands. You shoot him a questioning glare in response. “What, you thought I was going to do all the work tonight?” he scoffs, “I told you already what I want to hear.”
You sigh, lips stretching into a fine line. It doesn’t seem like any amount of begging will save you from those three words he wants you to say, but are you ready to admit it?
“Come on, cowgirl.” Both his tone and expression carry a hint of mocking, albeit playful as part of his nature. “Let’s see some bareback riding… I want to watch you make yourself cum on my cock.” Sukuna pats your thigh before pulling it back behind his head.
You lift upwards, feeling a burn in your legs as you do so. Between days of being on the saddle and Sukuna marking the fourth man in your unintentional conquest of the city of Valentine, you ought to get a medal for how hard you’re working. At this rate, you may as well embrace the buckle bunny trope.
Reaching between your thighs, you take his cock in hand. The size is bigger than you imagined, even after feeling it through his denim. He’s no doubt the biggest you’ve taken thus far, and you can’t even feel the tips of your fingers around his girth.
There’s a bit of uncertainty that starts to bubble up, but as the famous saying goes ─ country girls make do.
And so, you line him up, rolling the fat mushroom tip across your slit to gather the necessary lubricant before even attempting to sit over this monster. You wince at the first stretch, your insides burning unimaginably so.
Sukuna wants to laugh. He’d love to keep teasing you but even he’s having trouble forming words in this situation. It’s hard enough resisting the urge to go all in and get it over with, but that won’t end well for him.
He wants you to trust him after all.
He wants you to be his.
After what feels like a century, you finally bottom out, hips kissing his pelvis in full with a deep, guttural moan to follow. Any slight movement on either of your parts sends shockwaves heavier than his heavyweight draft.
In this moment, Sukuna decides to play nice. His hands move from his head down to the dips of your hips, helping you through the motions with a gentle touch. It’s mostly an excuse to get you moving already, but also due to how deeply he wants to feel every bit of you.
Pretty soon he lets you take over, as he originally planned. At first, your pace is agonizingly slow, fueled from your exhausted state much to his discontent. Despite this being his way of tormenting you, it affects him equally so. Sukuna’s also punishing himself for not making his move earlier when he had the chance.
“Is that all you got? Here I thought you wanted to cum,” he teases. “You look so pretty with my cock buried in you, slut.”
The degrading term aside, his sudden compliment has you moaning a saccharine tune. Your body hunches forward, curving his length to reach greater depths you didn’t think possible.
“Oh?” Sukuna groans deeply. “Does someone enjoy being praised?”
“Y-yes, ‘Kuna.”
“Good girl,” he hisses with lustful joy, clenching his teeth together. Sukuna wasn’t prepared for the feeling you created by saying his name in such a delectable way.
He could eat you right up for that.
“My dove is doing so well,” he murmurs against your ear, pulling the lobe between his teeth. “Now if only you’ll say those three words already,” he urges you once more, wishing for you to give into him.
You huff, “What haa-happened to saying please?”
“Tch.” The palm of his hand meets your ass. You gasp into a cry, clenching around his length. “Don’t be a brat after I’ve been nice and complimenting you.”
Fresh tears gloss your eyes but are quickly soothed by him rubbing circles over the forming red handprint. That hand then moves deftly over your stomach to where it had rested earlier. Sukuna pushes with his palm slightly, feeling himself deep within you.
Fuck, it feels good, but it’s not enough.
Your pace begins to slow as your body tries desperately to balance exhaustion with your building orgasm. Sukuna’s breathing turns disheveled, a sign that even he’s losing his patience ─ ready to fill you to the brim with his seed.
Nearing the precipice of your release, you finally come to terms with your inner turmoil. You’re here now, you may as well make the most of it. As downright intimidating as Sukuna can be, he just wants to please you in his twisted sort of way.
It’s not easy to admit, but in a way, he reminds you of your father ─ always pushing you past pain to grow stronger. It’s what made you into a rattlesnake in a world full of predators. Sukuna brings out that venomous side of you but also rewards you with subtle soft touches.
One might argue that your affection for Sukuna could be the result of losing your father years ago. On the other hand, this possessiveness Sukuna shows might be his own way of dealing with issues from his past. Whatever the case may be, you hope the lengths he’d go to protect what he deems his isn’t anything too maniacal in nature.
Maybe for the first time in your life, you will let go of control ─ let someone else carry your burden without always needing to put up a strong front.
“’Kuna,” you whine, leaning down in front of his face, cupping both sides of his jaw. A bead of sweat falls from a strand of your hair, disappearing in an instant from his hot flesh.
His eyes narrow in your hold, obsidian swallowing garnet. “Say it.”
And you finally do.
“I’m yours, Sukuna. All yours.”
That’s all he needed to hear for everything to snap into place. Sukuna’s arms reach around your torso, holding you tight to thrust himself into a brutal pace. His cabin now but a domain of lust, fueled by a cadence of sounds as body and souls unite as one.
“’Bout time,” he growls, the pitch of his voice noticeably lower. “I was just gonna mess with ya at first, tease you a bit ─ see how far I could back you into a corner,” Sukuna starts to reveal, his pace unrelenting. “Then I saw you showin’ off at the bar, fucking that bastard’s hand up without breaking a sweat. Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever been more turned on in my life.”
The two of you bury your faces in each other’s neck, your hands struggling to find a grip anywhere to provide relief from the mounting state of rapture. The knot in your abdomen growing tighter and tighter by the second.
“Had to watch that blond fuck get to you before I could, and then,” he growls, “you ran off with that white-haired freak of a sheriff this morning.” His arms coil around you with more force. “Don’t think I’m not aware these marks are from him.”
“’Kuna, please,” you whimper into his collar.
“That’s right, tell the world who you belong to ─ who’s ruining you,” Sukuna’s laugh mixes with deep, groaning exhales. “Fuck, you feel so good wrapped around my fat cock. You better be proud of yourself for what you’re doing to me.”
You cry out his name a dozen more times as he ravishes you, no sooner reaching the plateau of an ecstasy that unravels every fiber of your being. Your only thoughts now are of the man beneath you, drunk off his cock now shooting thick ropes of cum deep inside you.
The stimulation gets to be too much that you feel the overwhelming desire to bite down on his neck. Sukuna revels in this, spilling out every last drop he can manage until it overflows from within you and around the base of him.
You relinquish your hold on him, allowing your body to slump against his. “You’re mine now,” Sukuna declares with your name following his words. He moves one hand up and down your back, reminding you of his softer side, all before flipping your positions, still nestled within your body.
“Suku–“ You’re cut short by his lips pressing against yours in a warm embrace.
He kisses every tear down your face, and even the drool that trails the sides of your mouth before returning to your lips. Amongst everything else, you can still taste yourself on his tongue, paired perfectly with his own like seasoning on the finest of meals.
“Did you think we were done?” One hand moves to hook the backing of your knee, lifting it up to grant him better access. “I said I’d take good care of you, and all you had to do was submit your trust to me.”
You might’ve just created a monster without realizing.
“Take every bit of me now… you’ve earned it.”
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You have no memory of when sleep overtook you. Sunlight peeks through the curtains now, illuminating the cabin in warm, rich tones. Your body, while sore and aching, feels renewed in all aspects ─ mind, body, and soul.
Sukuna’s arm is wrapped around your waist, with his other acting as a pillow beneath your head. Feeling you stirring, his eyes flutter open, glaring at you with his own tired expression.
“Mornin’, dove,” he greets, voice thick with sleep.
You stretch in his arms, moaning slightly as you wiggle closer for comfort and warmth. Sukuna smiles against your forehead, tightening his arms around you like he’s afraid you’ll fly away if he lets go. It’s fine for now. After all, you made your choice to give in and it’s one you don’t regret.
He may joke about “fucking the brat out of you”, but let’s face it ─ Sukuna had plenty of frustrations of his own to get out. Now, you get to experience his softer side. While Sukuna will never admit he has one, he is glad you’re here and wants to keep it that way.
After another bout of sleep, he prepares a nice, fulfilling breakfast for you. It’s quiet as the two of you eat, both knowing full well you weren’t going to be staying for another night.
The fact remains that Sukuna has some unfinished business to attend to, and you yourself must return Clementine to Kento before making any lifechanging decisions in your journey of life.
On your way out the door, Sukuna grabs your wrist, spinning you back and up against the door. His knee wedges between your legs, one hand holding your jaw up for him to claim your lips in a fervent kiss goodbye.
“Come back to me soon, dove. I’m not finished with you.” He smiles, but it lacks the malicious intent he held earlier.
You think.
“See you around, cowboy.” You tap the back of your hand to his chest when he releases you, walking off from the porch and over to the pasture. “Oh, and by the way,” you call out from over your shoulder, “I give you five stars for your excellent service.” You wink, licking your lips.
Sukuna smirks from afar, remaining by his doorstep until you’re nothing but a shadow in the distance. His eyes pan over in the direction of his cellar, eager to pass the time until your hopeful return.
…but will you?
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☆ Notes: I got stuck on this for a while during my writing slump as I’ve come to realize I’m not all that big on smut writing, tbh. It’s not something I feel confident with, nor is it something I actively seek out to read.
But god, writing Sukuna was a BLAST and a nice start for me cause I have several ideas I want to do for him in the future <3 I hope you guys enjoyed how I wrote him though; I tried to balance all my favorite aspects his personality and my own little headcanons.
Also had to throw in my own choso & yuki cowboy headcanons… originally I was gonna have choso working in the office with shoko, but I ship him with yuki hard and really wanted to include them one way or another in the series. blood manip just screams doctor AUs to me, and I think he’d be an awesome vet or peds doctor!!
For all the red dead 2 players though… do you recognize what house we’re in? :3
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skyloftian-nutcase · 25 days
Uh hi, I uh hope this isn't too much of a bother on your day.
I just wanted to know how you decided to do... whatever in healthcare you do? Did you have to "make peace" with something in you about that, or was it pretty much all you wanted to do?
I think it may be just the Sunday Dreads or the I Sat Still Too Longs, but I just have this gripping dread in currently pursuing veterinary school and just a deep fear that I won't be able to do all the things a veterinarian is required to do, that I won't be able to make it basically, and I just have this driving fear that I need to drop out of the program and pursue something else in medicine/healthcare.
Well, I’m in two healthcare fields, so I’ll address each.
My decision to get into EMS was definitely me going in blind, all I knew was I would be in an ambulance lol. I hit the ground running and only once in a while did I stop after I’d started and went like “…can I actually do this well???” But idk I feel like at this point I’ve been doing it so long I’m just used to it. Whenever I did doubt, though, I just studied harder and ran scenarios through my head and talked it over with coworkers.
As for nursing, that decision came after I meandered in the healthcare world and saw that nursing is very hands on, which is much more my style. I chose critical care nursing in a cardiac ICU because I wanted something that would challenge me and deal with organs that I found fascinating. There were also times (and still are) where I question whether I should be here. But honestly, whenever I doubt I just double down on studying and trying to be a better provider.
Kind of just depends on what your reservations are, I think. Some things are just not meant for us, and that is 100% ok. I decided against going to medical school to become a physician because I was pretty certain it wasn’t for me. But most things you can overcome if you really want to do it.
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cinemaaslut · 14 days
Manthan: Shyam Benegal's masterpiece is officially a Cannes Classic!
Poster of Manthan by NDFC. Shyam Benegal’s 1976 film Manthan has been restored in 4K resolution to be screened at the 77th Cannes Film Festival in the Classics section, as it happens to be one of the most important films ever made in India. The film is based on a fictitious account of a veterinary physician Dr. Rao who is tasked with the responsibility of starting a Milk Co-operative Society in…
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tieflingkisser · 8 months
How Neuralink Keeps Dead Monkey Photos Secret
Elon Musk’s brain-chip startup conducted years of tests at UC Davis, a public university. A WIRED investigation reveals how Neuralink and the university keep the grisly images of test subjects hidden.
Read here (tw for animal abuse):
The tan macaque with the hairless pink face could do little more than sit and shiver as her brain began to swell. The California National Primate Center staff observing her via livestream knew the signs. Whatever had been done had left her with a “severe neurological defect,” and it was time to put the monkey to sleep. But the client protested; the Neuralink scientist whose experiment left the 7-year-old monkey’s brain mutilated wanted to wait another day. And so they did.
As the attending staff sat back and observed, the monkey seized and vomited. Her pupils reacted less and less to the light. Her right leg went limp, and she could no longer support the weight of her 15-pound body without gripping the bars of her cage. One attendant moved a heat lamp beside her to try to stop her shaking. Sometimes she would wake and scratch at her throat, retching and gasping for air, before collapsing again, exhausted.
An autopsy would later reveal that the mounting pressure inside her skull had deformed and ruptured her brain. A toxic adhesive around the Neuralink implant bolted to her skull had leaked internally. The resulting inflammation had caused painful pressure on a part of the brain producing cerebrospinal fluid, the slick, translucent substance in which the brain sits normally buoyant. The hind quarter of her brain visibly poked out of the base of her skull.
On September 13, 2018, she was euthanized, records obtained by WIRED show. This episode, regulators later acknowledged, was a violation of the US Animal Welfare Act; a federal law meant to set minimally acceptable standards for the handling, housing, and feeding of research animals. There would be no consequences, however. Between 2016 and 2021, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) enforced the humane treatment of animals through what it called “teachable moments.” Because the center—home to a colony of nearly 5,000 primates run by the University of California–Davis—had proactively reported the violation, it could not be legally cited.
And neither could Neuralink. “If you want to split hairs,” a former employee tells WIRED, “the implant itself did not cause death. We sacrificed her to end her suffering.” The employee, who signed a confidentiality agreement, asked not to be identified.
Missing from the veterinary records released by the university are hundreds of photographs taken by the primate center’s staff between 2018 and 2020 of Neuralink’s test subjects. Though publicly funded, thus bound by California’s open records law, UC Davis has fought disclosure of the photographs for more than a year. Releasing them, it says, would not serve the public’s interest.
Meanwhile, videos of the experiments have seemingly vanished. Documents obtained by WIRED show that the primate center’s staff wrote about reviewing a “tape” of the aforesaid monkey hours before they stopped her heart. The school has not acknowledged that such a tape exists, and Neuralink, whose partnership with the school ended three years ago, was permitted to store its own footage and remove it from the property when it wished.
“They provided their own computing infrastructure, and they had their own network connection, and they have removed their computing infrastructure from the premises,” the school said in a September 2021 email to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, which is suing UC Davis for the release of images and videos of Neuralink’s experiments there. “The IT staff at the California National Primate Research Center were in no way involved with any aspects of the creation or storage of Neuralink’s video content,” the school added.
Records show that the school ordered Neuralink to request permission before recording any of the animals. And the school reserved the right to view the footage.
Internal emails reviewed by WIRED show that Neuralink, founded and owned by Elon Musk, had tight control over what UC Davis was allowed to divulge about the experiments. Interviews with sources familiar with the tests shed light on the tensions between the school and outside groups over the public’s right to know about research it’s subsidizing.
The sources say secrecy is given top priority, not merely because of the proprietary research being conducted at the center, but also out of fear that the public will respond poorly—perhaps violently—to images of the macaques being experimented on. Though the school’s protocols work effectively to prevent images of the experiments from getting out, it could not legally keep hidden all the written records of Neuralink’s procedures.
Macaques procured for Neuralink from UC Davis’ colony were trained months and even years before going under the knife, a former Neuralink employee recently told WIRED. But the prospect for survival was abysmal for some, they say, due in part to “poor planning and poor procedure.” Early on, the Neuralink researcher says, the company lacked personnel crucial to the operation. “We didn’t have any surgical techs. We didn’t even have a veterinary pathologist on staff at the time.”
After an animal was “sacrificed,” few if any records were created. The former employee claims Neuralink worked purposely to keep records of its work out of UC Davis’ hands—specifically to shield them from public records requests. The products under development at the center are proprietary and created for profit, the researcher says, not to “further the knowledge of mankind.”
Emails obtained by WIRED through a public records request show Davis’s staff scrambling in February 2018—the earliest days of the partnership—to get Neuralink’s equipment up and running. The university had agreed to provide the firm with a dedicated on-site network with a secure uplink to a remote facility. In one email, a faculty member noted that Neuralink had been warned against “live streaming” or producing any “recording of actual monkeys.” Asked if the same rules would apply after Neuralink’s equipment was set up, another Davis official said once installed “they can do whatever they want.”
Neuralink did not respond to WIRED’s request to comment. UC Davis spokesperson Andy Fell maintains that the university has complied with the California Public Records Act, having supplied the “vast majority of records” requested by the Physicians Committee. “Some requested items were not provided because they are exempt from disclosure under the law for various reasons set out in court filings,” he says. “All animal research at UC Davis, including contract research like that performed by Neuralink, is conducted under the same rules and regulations and overseen by the UC Davis Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC),” Fell adds.
UC Davis’ Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee did not respond to a request for comment.
Davis has released hundreds of pages of emails, contractual documents, memos, and other veterinary records detailing the public university’s work for Neuralink between 2018 and 2020. The descriptions of botched surgeries and the suffering of the subjects was enough to provoke media investigations and coax comments of concern from a handful of lawmakers.
Hundreds of files remain under lock and key—including photographs of the neurological damage that resulted from Neuralink’s work with the macaques. The experiments involved drilling a hole roughly the size of a US dime into the monkey’s skulls, placing electrodes inside their brains, and screwing titanium plates to their skulls. UC Davis says the value of the photos of these operations now lies exclusively in “informing future research and clinical practices,” or what it calls “the refinement of surgical techniques.”
In October 2022, the Physicians Committee sued UC Davis—a public institution, funded in part by US taxpayers—in an attempt to gain access to records of Neuralink’s work. The Physicians Committee, which aims to promote alternatives to animal testing, has many detractors in the scientific community. The American Medical Association, which supports the use of animals in biomedical research, is one of the largest.
The Physicians Committee has argued in California state court that the public has the right to know about any suffering resulting from taxpayer-funded animal tests. “Disclosure of the footage is particularly important because Neuralink actively misleads the public about, and downplays the gruesome nature of, the experiments,” Corey Page, an attorney with Evans and Page who is representing the Physicians Committee in the lawsuit, tells WIRED.
The Physicians Committee’s suit against UC Davis, filed in California state court in Yolo County, is ongoing.
As it is a public records law that UC Davis is fighting, its arguments against greater transparency are centered around what’s best for the public. According to the school's attorneys, that means the public should not see images of Neuralink’s work.
One researcher familiar with the photos conceded they are particularly gruesome. “A macaque skull with the flesh torn out of it is not a pretty image,” they say. The school routinely deals with protesters, the source says. As a result, any visual evidence of experiments or animal subjects are tightly controlled. Filming the monkeys without the permission of the facility’s director is forbidden. Davis exercises the right to “pre-review” any media it allows to be captured.
A typical request for a recording at the colony, approved in August 2019, aimed to capture how a monkey’s breathing caused “vibration and movement” in a brain implant. Neuralink’s researchers emphasized in paperwork obtained by WIRED that the subject would “NOT be in focus” herself. Court records show Davis’s attorneys have argued that the most likely outcome of releasing the photos is that its own pathologists will simply stop taking them. While losing a “useful note‐taking and memory‐jogging” tool, they say, refusing to take photos at the necropsy stage of the experiments may also run afoul of federal regulatory guidelines, enforced by the USDA and the campus’s own “animal use” committee. Compliance with this committee, incidentally, is a prerequisite of the center’s federal funding.
A document known as a Vaughn index relays the school’s specific rationale for withholding more than 370 photos, which may be subject to release under the 1968 California Public Records Act. The index lays out the theory that viewing the images would have such a visceral impact on the public that fears of reprisal among Davis’ researchers would be detrimental to their work ethic.
It centers on the belief that the public is too naive at large to distinguish between scientific inquiry and senseless butchery. In its own words, there is a high risk of “non‐contextual misinterpretation of the photos by persons who are not privy to the contextual facts.”
“The interest in protecting the safety of public employees and ensuring research that benefits the public can proceed without risk of violence clearly outweighs the public's interest in viewing said photographs,” the document says.
The risk of public officials being harassed is a factor addressed by most, if not all, open records laws in the United States, which are traditionally built on a presumption that favors disclosure. In most cases, being a mid- to low-level employee is enough to warrant redaction by default–a rule that is generally observed, as well, by professional news organizations. In veterinary records reviewed by WIRED, Davis has consistently censored the names of all of its staff, including those at director level. The university has even redacted identifying information about the animals, including their names and other identifiable information.
In part, Davis argues that the photos represent what’s called a “deliberative” work product. Public officials are often protected from disclosing information that reflects meditations on policies that have yet to become rule or law. The object is to encourage debate and consideration of all ideas—not just the ones assumed to be good from the start. This privilege, however, does not extend to documents related to policies actually enacted. And the school states clearly that the photos it’s choosing to withhold have been kept only to inform future policy.
History shows there are other consequences to the release of photographs specifically with regards to animal treatment. The creation of the US Animal Welfare Act can be tied to the public’s reaction to evidence of animal abuse published more than 60 years ago in Life magazine. Without being able to see what Life audaciously called “concentration camps for dogs,” it’s difficult to predict just how long it would have been before the United States finally adopted a law to protect animals that are bought, sold, and experimented upon.
Neuralink ended its partnership with UC Davis in September 2020, but the Physicians Committee claims that it continues to employ the same neurosurgeon and many of the staff responsible for the experiments that poisoned, maimed, and ultimately killed at least 12 macaque monkeys.
Last month, the company announced that it is preparing to start human trials after receiving a green light from the US Food and Drug Administration. Since ending its partnership with Davis, Neuralink has brought its testing in-house—far from the prying eyes of journalists, animal welfare groups, and the jurisdiction whose records law first shed light on its practices.
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beyonddeveil · 3 months
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david lee mcInnis, pansexual, cis male + he/him/his → isn’t that casey callahan? i’ve seen them hanging out with the dragonkin. i hear they’re 242, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 53 years. they seem to be caring & passionate, but also misanthropic & violent. it’s cool that they’re capable of pyrokinesis!
FULL NAME: Casey Charles Callahan / Gang Cheolhyun NICKNAME(S): Case, Cas AGE: 242 DATE OF BIRTH: October 3rd, 1781 SPECIES: Dragonkin NATIONALITY & ETHNICITY: American (Irish, German, Korean) OCCUPATION: Veterinarian RELIGION: Agnostic GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cismale & he/him ORIENTATION: Pansexual
His father was a human, an Irishman living in the states. His mother was a dragonkin who descended from the Korean draconic bloodline, traveling outside her home country. They chanced upon each other and had a son, Casey. After his father passed away, Casey and his mother left for her home country, Joseon (the Korean kingdom at the time).
When Japan colonized Joseon in the early 20th century, Casey and his mother worked as a part of the Korean freedom fighters. His mother was killed in the process. Even after the independence, however, the Korean War broke out as a proxy war of the American and Soviet powers, and Casey witnessed too many massacres and violence.
Losing all faith in humanity, Casey snapped. When he saw a group of soldiers about to wipe out an entire village, he turned those men to ashes and killed some more soldiers who chased him down.
Casey developed a severe case of misanthropy, and over the years he killed evildoers and those who hurt others with no remorse. At some point, he was pursued by hunters and he had to disappear. He came upon Alexandria, Louisiana and stayed there.
Back in the days, Casey used to be a physician and a medic. But since he came to Alexandria, he has picked up veterinary medicine not wanting to deal with people anymore.
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Bartonella henselae
Case Report:
23M veterinary student from home with a cat, presents with a one year history of neck swelling, 1 month of fevers and lethargy. Also he lives in Karachi.
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The fevers are a/w chills and rigours that response to paracetamol and have no particular pattern to them.
He doesnt have any arthralgias or arthritis or rash.
They find pretty sizable lymph nodes on exam in the cervical chain and inguinal regions.
He starts developing hypotension and they start him on some vasopressors and meropenem.
The fevers don't respond, and someone decides to start azithromycin, which it does respond to.
He's also worked up for IE given the chronicity of events.
Eventually on biopsy of the lymph node, the lab finds bartonella hensalae.
Microbiology + transmission:
aka cat scratch fever, so this is why history is so important to infectious diseases physicians.
it's actually disease of cats that can spread to their humans via bites and scratches. Or the cat licks a wound etc.
and unfortunately also via arthropod vectors and mossies
after entry into a host, it's main target cells are CD34s, immune cells, and then alters the host immune system
it's interesting special power is that it can predispose hosts to other pathogens in this manner
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it's a gram negative rod (pink rods)
Historical trivia
the fun bits
genus of Bartonella is named for a Peruvian scientist (Alberto Barton, also had interest in brucellosis and leishmaniasis --> other tropical diseases taht cause fevers of unclear origin), he isolated the bacteria from patients during an outbreak among railway works in South america. This was 1905.
reminds me of love in the time of cholera, when people still wrote physical letters.
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species of bartonella henselae is actually named for Diane Henselae, a researcher from Oklahoma, who collected samples during an outbreak there in the mid 1980s.
rare for someone who discovered a species named for them to be both alive and a woman, and I can't find much about her online.
there are other bartonella species that cause historically significant diseases like trench foot (bartonella quintana, transmitted by lice) and carrion's disease (bartonella bacilliformis, with a high mortality rate). another post for another day.
Clinical features
incubation period: up to 10 days
initial: rash at site of injection or intro of pathogen, from there it travels to local lymph nodes causing lymphadenopathy about 1-3 weeks later
From CDC guidelines who took image from NEJM
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Bsymptoms - low grade fevers/malaise/fatigue
epidemio: occurs most often (for a rare disease) in kids < 15
infection affecting the eye (neuro-retinitis = visual changes, irritation and photophobia), liver, spleen, brain/spine (transverse myelitis, encephalitis etc), bones and heart valves (IE)
Increased risk groups for complications
HIV/AIDs, immunocompromised hosts (i.e. transplants), mortality is an issue in this group, as disseminated disease a possibility
small risk of IE in groups with RFs for develop this (prosthetic valves, damaged valves, unrepaired congential heart disease etc)
challenging, no gold standard test as the sens and spec is variable for each individual one, so it's a combination really, of history exam and a variety of confirmatory tests
PCR (variable spec/sens), serology (indirect and often negative in early stages, can also be positive for years post treatment and doesn't differentiate from other bartonella species), cultures are definitive but it can take 21 days for anything to grow (it's fastidious)
histopath of lymph nodes helpful - stains: silver stain or Warthin Starry stain (silver nitrate) which is kind of a reverse starry starry night used for spirochetes like helicobacter.
in IE, it can be culture negative, which can confuse diagnosis
From Wiki
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mild disease is self resolving
first line: few days azithromycin or doxycycline can reduce symptoms and is indicated for enlarged lymph nodes to reduce size or unresolving LAD >1 month
in case of eye infection or IE expect longer duration of hterapy, like doxy and rif for 4-6 weeks
will also respond to bactrim, cipro, rif and gent
Prevention from the CDC:
avoid strays, wash hands after petting cats, keep strays from your cat, avoid owning new kittens who are < 1 yr if you are immunocompromised
avoid getting scratched..which is kinda hilarious but can see why
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stat pearls
case report above
Rare diseases
CDC guidelines
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Go Eun-ah, openly courting ⁇ life goal = marriage, ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ( ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ )
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robosucka · 2 years
Neuralink exposé.txt
They drilled two burr holes into [Animal 21′s] skull, inserted electrodes attached to implants, and closed the holes with “cranial sealant.” The Neuralink surgeon used Bioglue, a surgical adhesive, which was not approved for use in this surgery and is known to be toxic to nerve tissue. [Neuralink] has acknowledged it killed six monkeys, on the advice of UC Davis veterinary staff, because of health problems caused by experiments. It called the issue with the glue a “complication” from the use of an “FDA-approved product.” Despite this tragic outcome, 11 months later, the Neuralink surgeon [again] used Bioglue during an experimental procedure. Again, the adhesive leaked onto the animal’s brain. Neither incident was reported by UC Davis to the U.S. Department of Agriculture as required by the federal Animal Welfare Act, and the agency refused to cite the university and Neuralink for a violation even after the Physicians Committee filed a complaint in February 2022.
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kwebtv · 11 months
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TV Guide -  July 20 - 26, 1963
William Dennis Weaver (June 4, 1924 – February 24, 2006)  Actor best known for his work in television and films from the early 1950s until not long before his death in 2006. Weaver’s two most notable roles were as Marshal Matt Dillon’s trusty partner Chester Goode on the CBS western Gunsmoke and as Deputy Marshal Sam McCloud on the NBC police drama McCloud. He appeared in the 1971 television film Duel, the first film of director Steven Spielberg.
From 1964 to 1965, he portrayed a friendly veterinary physician in NBC’s comedy-drama Kentucky Jones.  His next substantial role was as Tom Wedloe on the CBS family series Gentle Ben, with co-star Clint Howard, from 1967 to 1969.  In 1970 Weaver landed the title role in the NBC series McCloud, for which he received two Emmy Award nominations.  Later series during the 1980s (both of which lasted only one season) were Stone in which Weaver played a Joseph Wambaugh-esque police sergeant turned crime novelist and Buck James in which he played a Texas-based surgeon and rancher. (Buck James was loosely based on real-life Texas doctor James “Red” Duke.) He portrayed a Navy rear admiral for 22 episodes of a 1983–1984 series, Emerald Point N.A.S.. Weaver’s last work was done on an ABC Family cable television show called Wildfire, where he played Henry Ritter, the father of Jean Ritter and the co-owner of Raintree Ranch. His role on the show was cut short due to his death.  (Wikipedia)
James Arness (May 26, 1923 – June 3, 2011) Actor best known for portraying Marshal Matt Dillon for 20 years in the television series Gunsmoke. Arness has the distinction of having played the role of Dillon in five separate decades: 1955 to 1975 in the weekly series, then in Gunsmoke: Return to Dodge (1987) and four more made-for-television Gunsmoke films in the 1990s. In Europe, Arness reached cult status for his role as Zeb Macahan in the western series How the West Was Won. He was the older brother of actor Peter Graves.  
After Gunsmoke ended, Arness performed in Western-themed movies and television series, including How the West Was Won, and in five made-for-television Gunsmoke movies between 1987 and 1994. An exception was as a big-city police officer in a short-lived 1981-1982 series, McClain’s Law, co-starring with Marshall Colt. His role as mountain man Zeb Macahan in How the West Was Won made him a cult figure in many European countries, where it became even more popular than in the United States, as the series has been rebroadcast many times across Europe. (Wikipedia)
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I need a doctor! or surgeon!Damian fic. Damian who starts out going to veterinary school and setting up a clinic for pets and being a veterinarian and then deciding to go to med school because Jon’s annoying enough to come to him for operations so he’s like why not. Also he does this in rebellion against his parents because he’s sick of their shit, being distrusted and used against each other. Ironically Bruce ends up being very proud of him and Talia to for persueing a veterinary degree and a medical degree and become a world-renowned surgeon.
Because well his grandfather was also a surgeon so ironically in his rebellion to get away from his father’s and grandfather’s shadow and getting back at them, he ends up being in his other grandfather’s shadow, the one whose dead
and idk I find that interesting.
Would also be a good way to think about how Thomas Wayne used be like. What accomplishments he made and what he did in his life before his death. He seems to be the sort who treat anyone in need of help.
And Damian’s name, it means “to tame” or “subdue.” It is derived from the Greek word “Damianos” which can mean “master,” “overcome,” or “conquer” which I think was Talia’s way of implying that Damian will follow his maternal grandfather’s footsteps.
But what I also found interesting was that the name Damian is also popular among Christians. This is because of Saint Damian who was martyred alongside his brother Cosmas in the 4th century. They are currently the patron saints of physicians. 
“Cosmas and Damian were third century Arabian-born twin brothers who embraced Christianity and practised medicine and surgery without a fee. This led them to be known as the holy unmercenaries, the Anargyroi (without silver). They reputedly cured blindness, fever, paralysis and reportedly expelled a breast serpent. “
And Damian’s paternal grandfather was a physician. 
I find it very interesting how Damian’s name is contradictory, much like how both sides of his family are to each other. On the one hand, he’s expected to be a conqueror and a mercenary by his maternal grandfather... but on the other hand, he’s named after an Arab turned Christian surgeon who provided services for free, being called an “unmercenary”. 
Idk these are just thoughts and headcannons I have. In my headcannon, he becomes a physician for both animals and humans but is also the Head of the Legion of Assassins after his grandfather and mother dies...which is ironic..I wouldn’t know how he would managed that. He probably would have someone else deal with LoA stuff. 
Maybe Jason?
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Caduceus a Monumental Bronze Sculpture Allegory by James Muir Bronze Allegorical Sculptor-Artist.
"Caduceus", recognized as a universal medical symbol, in this bronze representation by James N. Muir has become and Angel of Healing bringing love and peace upon the earth and all of its inhabitants. She is 12 feet high with a 9-foot wing span and includes fountain capabilities.
In a limited edition of 12.
"My goal is to see these "Seven Ladies on Seven Continents" transcending individual differences to become a unifying symbol for the universal kinship of humanity and all creation in a physical metaphor representing
the spiritual connection between all things. To help bring the healing power of love into the earth, ushering in a new era of Peace."
James Nathan Muir.
"Recognized internationally as the universal symbol of Medicine, the "Caduceus" has become an Angel of Healing rising, like the mythical Phoenix heralding a New Era of harmony and Peace, to heal the Earth and all its inhabitants with Love as the Master Physician."
The word "Caduceus" (Ka-doo'-seus) originates from the Greek "karykeion", itself derived from "karyx" meaning a herald's badge or staff. In latin, the word, "Caduceum" means practically the same. The caduceus was worn or displayed by Roman surgeons, official messengers, and by military emissaries to signify a cessation of hostilities on the battlefield. It symbolized the herald of the gods, --Mercury in Rome and Hermes in Greece--who carried a winged wand on which were coiled two serpents, symbolizing male and female. Legend was that Hermes came upon two serpents at war and, in his beguiling manner placed a staff, which Aesculapius had given him (also a symbol used in Medicine), between them whereupon entwining with it, they ceased warring and began loving one another thus expressing unity, fertility, and peace.
While Hermes was sometimes associated with more roguish elements, in the third century, along with being guardian of health, he came to be connected with theology and philosophy. Later, in the sixteenth century, though not himself a physician, chemistry, pharmacy and medicine came under his domain as well. In 2000 B.C., records indicate the physician to the Sumerian King used the symbol of a staff entwined with two serpents. In 1856, it was selected as the emblem of the U.S. Marine Hospital Service, the Public Health Service in 1871, The U.S. Army Medical Corps in 1902, then the Dental Corps, Veterinary Corps, Army Nursing Corps, and the Sanitary Corps. The American Medical Association officially employed it in 1912. (from "The Virtual Hospital" by Clifford C. Snyder, M.D.).
At this critical juncture in world history, the Caduceus seems a uniquely appropriate symbol for the redirection of hatred and conflict by the staff of a higher Power to produce unification, harmony and peace on earth. As "Quo Vadis" depicts our upward spiritual journey, "Caduceus" expresses the initial spiritual flow of energy from Creator to Creation. Also like "Quo Vadis", the symbologies run so deep and complex that, other than a brief overview, the allegories are best left to the personal insight of each individual.
The seven-rayed crown or tiara in the form of a nurse's cap and the crown of Liberty (physical and spiritual) also refers to the seven energy centers of the body as well as to the seven ancient Hermetic causes of "dis-ease." The latter being physical: (1) misuse of faculty, organ or function, (2) presence of foreign substances, impurities or obstructions in the system, and superphysical: (3) unhealthy (negative) mental attitudes (thoughts), (4) imbalance (disharmony) between the physical and spiritual nature, (5) internal spiritual influences, (6) external spiritual influences, (7) astrological energy influences. More directly, the seven rays issue forth the likewise ancient healing energies to flow down the seven ringlets of hair upon a disparate world: (1) practical allopathic medicine, (2) naturopathic medicine of diet, exercise and daily healthful habits, (3) homeopathic medicine of nature's herbs, (4) vibration and color, (5) amulets, (6) invocations, and (7) prayer, which cures all but requires faith.
The jewel on her forehead, over the mystical third or spiritual eye, represents vision with full intuitive insight and acuity into the esoteric world of healing and metaphysical reality. The "sun-moon" of the earrings are traditional symbols for the "doctor-patient" relationship but herein reflect the perfect balance of the fully spiritualized energy of the "Yang" and the "Yin", mind-heart symbols. At her back, the feather of Truth (Ma'at) is tied at the juncture where the two polarities of her braids become one in completeness. The "ANKH", the "key" or "staff" of life is an ancient healing device pre-dating Egypt's symbolic use by thousands of years. Here it is combined with the equally ancient "Rose Croix" (cross) of spiritual unfoldment over a divine trinity of leaves, along with three nails signifying the sacrifice of the lower self (Mind, Emotional Body, Soul) for the resurrection of the true Higher Self. The jewel rests upon her breast to radiate down healing energy in the form of rain water flowing forth through her open exposed heart.
The nine-foot wings (the number nine being the number of Unconditional Universal Love as well as "Mankind") with their twenty-four primary feathers, expand to shield, protect and uplift a disparate and fearful world. The Lady's hands raised in blessing, with one and two fingers raised to signify the two universal commandments also for the twin signs for "Love" and "Peace." Her left hand bears the wedding ring of perfect union with the Creator, a marriage of Heaven and Earth, while her right hand bears the ancient signature ring of --in service to the Creator through service to His creation.
In a whirlwind of energy, her hair ribbons radiate to the ends of the earth: the front ribbons with twelve suns symbolic of the months of the solar year and the higher, universal life cycle this world of humanity in transiting, the rear ribbons with one hundred and forty-four (twelve-square) stars symbolizing a new enlightened level of awareness. The bow at the top, with one and seven stars, suggests the crest of the mythical "Phoenix" bird as she rises out of the ashes of the old-world thinking of mankind, and, with acute vision, sees and comprehends the truth in all things. The "Ourobaros", the serpent swallowing its tail in eternal resurrection and renewal like the Phoenix herself, continues its never-ending cycle around her crown.
Whirling up in their own double vortex of energy rise the twin serpents of the Caduceus. Like the serpents which the Hopi legends say reside at the earth's poles awaiting the time to be re-awakened into activity, they are kept in balance by her wisdom in a symbiotic relationship of spiritual/physical, heart/head energies and form the double helix of the human DNA molecule. The python represents the "spiritual" while the cobra symbolizes the "body"; both in harmony provide a balance point or fulcrum for the "mind" to bring forth peace and healing.
The old earth symbolically, and literally, is falling away to reveal the golden orb of a new world of enlightenment, harmony and peace. America is transformed into the genesis of that New Era, tasked to responsibly lead the way into a brighter and better future for all. If she fails in this regeneration, then her fate is sealed and the Phoenix shall rise from the ashes of her funeral pyre.
The base establishes the orientation of the four quarters with the center, the sacred point or "Sanctum Sanctorum" being the earth herself. While we, as humans, must heal the earth, the earth must first heal us humans. The perfect elixir of the mythical "philosopher's stone" combined the four elements in ideal balance to heal any "dis-ease." This magic elixir flows forth gentle as the rain from the spouts of each element -- Fire, Water, Air, Earth--through Truth and Peace to the four corners of the earth. The true physician can only heal through the power of love and, though the lessons will be hard ones, the earth will teach us love-love for this sacred living planet, love for all creation, and perhaps even love for ourselves. Then, and only then, will we take our rightful place as master physicians to share the promise of Caduceus' enigmatic dolphin in healing the earth and being the true stewards of all creation. As the most important symbol of all, the benevolent, compassionate expression of the lady herself, is to remind us all that perfect healing must begin with perfect love and, even in the darkest hour of the darkest night of the soul, Love will be the Master Physician.
James Nathan Muir.
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johnfosbinder · 8 days
Wilderness Medicine Is More Than Treating Wilderness-Related Ailments
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Many enter wilderness medicine for various reasons, namely, having a love of the outdoors and the adventure that comes with it. A job that many practitioners do part-time or voluntarily, wilderness medicine is more than treating patients for injuries that happen in the wild.
The National Center for Outdoor Adventure and Education (NCOAE) says that wilderness medicine involves practitioners making decisions regarding medical care that make the environment a priority over traditional, established systems of care. The field involves not only treating ailments and injuries but also adopting preventive measures and survival skills and dealing with natural events related to extreme weather, wildlife encounters, and dangerous terrain.
The skills used in wilderness medicine might also be used in other settings. For example, a physician who cares for a patient whose limb has been impaled by a tree branch might rely on their wilderness medical training. In disasters, wilderness medicine comes in handy when helping people in the aftermath of an earthquake. In military medicine, wilderness medicine can help villagers with veterinary care. Finally, wilderness care has applications in alternative medicine, where a physician might treat an injury using tree bark or treat patients relying on methods rooted in their culture or identity.
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