zevvin · 10 months
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office flirt
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Literally Asuna & Jose
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i don’t know guys but the idea of Carlos and Jill tending to each others wounds but being tired and a little clumsy  much like season 3 blarke after this gif takes place Clarke moves the banadge
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being together for awhile then splitting and doing different things (Carlos joining Terra Save? maybe) and remembering each other then seeing each other again after the events of RE5 and picking up where they left off almost. I love them all versions of them (I do love the angst of them being romantically involved before Jill gets taken by Wesker)
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snailvee · 10 months
t4t chreon t4t serennedy t4t metaltango t4t chrisker t4t aeon t4t valeveria etc etc
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findyourrp · 6 months
i have the biggest brain rot for jill and carlos (valeveria) from resident evil 3 atm so i'm searching for people to rp with! semiliterate to literate in third person preferred. i don't have any triggers so i’m happy to delve into nsfw/dead dove stuff. please be 20+ though. alternate universes are more than welcome, or an alternative timeline for resident evil events.
i have only written as carlos but would be more than happy to give jill a go!
i usually write on discord - find me at arcturus405 over there, or send me a message on tumblr 🌠 thank you!
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thevampirecat · 3 years
catch up meme
Tagged by the forever lovely @ninzied
three ships: kastle, bethyl, sansan (and I’m giving myself a bonus, valeveria)
last song i listened to: Ok, don’t judge, there is a reason behind this which will become clear in due course. New York Minute by Don Henley. currently watching: The Barrier and doing a rewatch of V from 2009 because it is on Syfy and my ship is hot. currently reading: The Winternight Trilogy how’s it going? It’s going. There’s work and then there’s fic which is coming along nicely. My cat had his teeth cleaned and the vet ladies fell in love with him and told me he was the best most handsome cat. He overheard them, so now he is a bigger jerk than before. It snowed a bit on Saturday. I want to make a parfait.
Tagging @goddamnitkastle @captain-k-jones @fortysevenswrites @g-r-a-u @inkinmytea @heidiamalia @kteague and anyone else who wants to do it.
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softdadcarlos · 4 years
hiii! may i make a slightly angsty request for the family au? even if carlos is a stay at home dad, he still maintains has his built physique, so to people who don't know him, they'd think he's no good. in eliza's school, there's a rule that the teacher has to see the students off to their parents come dismissal. valeveria usually pick up eliza together, but baby 2 is putting up a fight so jill sits out. eliza's teacher is acquainted with them, but that day, there was a substitute instead (1/2)
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I shall add this to the list! But you bet your ass Jill is going to cuss the sub out if she’s still there the next day
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tolucanights · 4 years
So I want to write one more (maybe final) Valeveria thing and I may have started a few blurbs but there’s genuinely so much I want to explore that I’m struggling to think of how best to do it. So here’s my ideas:
1) Centered round a promise they make to one another every time they leave for a new mission - to return home/to wait for their return. Explores 2 times they almost broke that promise, and the one time one of them did (RE5). Either 2 or 3 chapters, would focus on one of Carlos’s missions gone wrong, on the Veltro incident and on Lost in Nightmares.
2) A short anthology thing of short segments looking at the major events. Would cover most of the same stuff as above but would cover more of it (like before and after RE5 rather than just before). Some would be from Chris’s POV.
3) A oneshot covering one of the major events. Probably RE5. Maybe a fleshing out of the headcanons I posted a while ago.
If you’d like to see one of the above drop a comment or an ask and I’ll think on it some more :). Even open to some prompts via ask so I can get the ideas out without committing to an entire fic XD.
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zevvin · 10 months
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