girlactionfigure · 8 months
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On Saturday October 7th, a festering menace broke through the Gazan border exposing the what the world had sought to deny — not the second Holocaust, but an unforgivable continuation of the very first.
An act of unprecedented atrocity unfolded, not flitting moments of terror or isolated war crimes. But a plot of systematic wreckage, birthed from Hitler's ideological offspring, disseminated among an entire populace. Their sinister resolve: to eradicate Jews, inspired by the same malevolent tenets that once blanketed Europe in despairs.
This reincarnated form of Nazism was merciless. They targeted men, women, and children, the old and the young with ruthless terror. Families pleading for mercy were slaughtered, children and teens were abducted from their sanctuaries to be violated, tormented, disfigured, and burnt alive. This, an extreme-dimensional evil, surpassed anything seen or imagined in the civilized world.
Screams of the dying, pleas of the terrified fell on deaf global ears. We sought your protection, world, invoking your solemn promise. But our entreaties returned to us cloaked in sly betrayal, resounding in cold, biting betrayal.
Now, it's our duty to ascend—to become the shield you failed to provide, the sentinel you were incapable of being. We are bound to root out the Nazi ideology that was allowed to pitch its malignant tent in the Middle East. We are no longer your scapegoats—no pawns in your games of guilt, blame, or shame. We shall stand robust, unflinching, and united against this monstrous evil. Because in our adversity, we have discovered our unbreakable fortitude.
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amangoomber · 4 years
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We should be kinder towards others no matter how bad things get for us, especially during these trying times. @amangoomber #BeKind #DontHate #AdverseTimes #United #adversity #UnitedInAdversity #AmanGoomber #WritersHub #TheRhythmicVerse #TheOngoingJourney #WordPress #WP (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-8jrUqBJ4c/?igshid=2gnzwafadq10
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