girlactionfigure · 3 days
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Rabbi Meir Kahane was deemed as a terrorist by the world, in reality he saw the Truth about Jew Hatred and spoke up!
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Kook what you wonderful readers have done for Hunting the Devil. Thanks so much for purchasing it. The eBook will be FREE from April 7th – July 15th to commemorate the hundred days of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. For buy links, go to: https://suanneschaferauthor.com/hunting-the-devil/
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nymphofthepave · 4 days
both my exes are august leos
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taqato-alim · 27 days
Analysis of: "Our Trump reporting upsets some readers, but there aren’t two sides to facts: Letter from the Editor" (cleveland.com, 30. March 2024)
Here is a summary of the key points from the discussion:
The document is an editorial/opinion piece written by the editor of Cleveland.com defending their Trump coverage.
It acknowledges criticims from pro-Trump readers but says the priority is reporting facts over validation.
Facts show Trump undermined elections and sparked an insurrection in an unprecedented attack on democracy.
Equating Trump and Biden is a "false equivalency" as Biden did not threaten institutions like Trump.
It compares those denying Trump facts to pre-WW2 propagandists enabling Hitler's rise.
Stakeholders impacted include readers on both sides, staff, the outlet's reputation and image.
The situation reflects challenges of objective reporting in a polarized climate with no consensus on facts.
The position advocates democratic ideals like fact-based journalism over partisan alignment or propaganda.
Insights expressed include prioritizing integrity over pleasing all; countering misinformation despite polarization; avoiding false equivalences; and lessons from history on threats to democracy.
Maintaining factual accuracy and accountability is seen as important even if it further divides or offends some part of the audience.
Based on its content and structure, this document appears to be an editorial or opinion piece written by the editor of the Cleveland.com news website. Some key evidence that points to it being an editorial/opinion piece:
It is presented as a "Letter from the Editor" which is a common way for editors to write opinion pieces sharing their views on issues.
The writing takes a clear point of view in defending the news outlet's coverage of Trump and arguing their priority is truth over validating all reader views. This subjective stance is typical of editorials.
It directly addresses criticism the editor has received from some readers, and tries to explain the rationale for their reporting approach on a controversial political figure. This makes it more of an opinion than objective news reporting.
Stylistically, it uses some elements of argumentation and analogy (comparing to Hitler's rise) to persuasively make its case, rather than just stating facts. This opinion-based style situates it as an editorial.
It runs under the Opinion section of the website, further indicating it expresses the editor's subjective view rather than neutral, objective journalism.
So in summary, the genre of this document would clearly be categorized as an editorial or opinion piece written by the news outlet's editor to the readership.
The editor has received emails from readers questioning why the news outlet treats Donald Trump differently than other politicians. Some say Trump's supporters are demeaned.
The editor acknowledges it's a difficult issue to address without offending readers who support Trump.
The editor says the news outlet's priority is reporting the truth, even if it offends some readers.
The facts show Trump undermined election faith with his false claims, and sparked the January 6th insurrection to overturn the election results. This was an unprecedented attack on US democracy.
The editor says they cannot pretend the facts surrounding Trump are unclear or that there are "two sides," as some claim.
Equating Trump and Biden is a "false equivalency" as Biden has not threatened democracy like Trump did.
The editor draws parallels between those who deny the truth about Trump and Hitler's rise, noting some denied truths to gain power, like those still denying Jan 6.
The news outlet will continue reporting truths about Trump despite offending some readers, as truth is their priority over making everyone feel validated.
Main stakeholders
Here are the main stakeholders affected by this editorial document and an evaluation of how they may be affected:
Readers who support Trump - The document directly acknowledges their criticism and likely seeks to further upset some with its explicit defense of the outlet's Trump coverage as fact-based. It may solidify their distrust.
Readers who don't support Trump - Likely validated to see the editor so strongly dismiss "both sides" arguments and pledge continued fact-based reporting on Trump's unprecedented anti-democratic acts. May boost their trust in the outlet.
Editorial staff - The editor is defending their editorial choices and policies to the readership at large. Seeks to justify practices and provide transparency to bolster credibility internally.
News outlet (Cleveland.com) - Takes a clear public stance that may further polarize some readers but arguably strengthens the brand by pledging commitment to truthful, non-partisan journalism over making every side feel heard.
Politicians who deny Jan. 6 truth - Implicitly criticizes their promotion of misinformation by comparing to pre-WWII propagandists. May damage relationship with those figures.
General public - Aims to model responsible, fact-based journalism during polarized times. Could influence public discourse if perspective spreads. But risks of further entrenching "both sides."
So in evaluating stakeholders, it both openly defends the outlet internally while potentially further dividing external audiences along partisan lines through its direct, strong defenses of coverage.
The situation
Here is an evaluation of the situation described in the document:
Political polarization in the U.S. is extremely high, particularly around Donald Trump. His claims of election fraud further divided the public.
As a news outlet, Cleveland.com is caught in this polarization. They are receiving criticism from both Trump supporters who want more flattering coverage, and opponents who feel they don't go far enough in countering misinformation.
The editor acknowledges this is a nuanced issue without a clear consensus view. Accommodating all perspectives risks validating factually incorrect claims.
Key facts about Trump's actions, such as sparking the insurrection on Jan. 6, are unambiguous according to the editor. However, some politicians and parts of the public deny these facts.
Attempting to portray all sides as equally valid on this issue would undermine the outlet's integrity and responsibility to truthful reporting. Clarity is needed on clear factual matters.
Yet taking a strong stance also risks further polarizing readers and damaging important relationships. Nuance is difficult amid intense partisanship.
The media landscape has become more partisan, making consensus on facts more elusive - a trend the editor implicitly warns could undermine democracy as it did in 1930s Germany.
Overall, this situation reflects the considerable challenges facing mainstream journalism in providing factual, principled coverage during a hyper-polarized political climate with no agreement on basic facts among the public. It is a complex issue without an easy or consensus-based solution.
Culture of enlightenment
Here is an evaluation of the situation described in the document in relation to the culture of enlightenment:
A key principle of the enlightenment is the pursuit of objective truth and facts over rhetoric, partisanship or appeals to emotion/authority. This aligns with the editor's focus on factual reporting.
Enlightenment thinkers believed the spread of reasoned debate and a free exchange of ideas would help societies progress. However, the polarization described makes consensus on facts difficult.
The editor draws on evidence and analogical reasoning (comparing to 1930s Germany) to make the case for their approach, reflecting an enlightenment emphasis on reasoned argument over unsupported assertions.
Defending an independent press committed to truth rather than serving political interests echoes enlightenment views on an uncensored flow of information.
However, the tribalism and "alternate facts" phenomenons described diverge from enlightenment ideals of a rational public assessment of ideas/information.
While aiming to uphold enlightenment principles of factual reporting, the situation suggests those principles are increasingly challenging to apply in some modern contexts.
Overall, the editor's position advocates for core enlightenment goals like truth, evidence-based reasoning and an uncensored press. However, the polarized social/media conditions depicted diverge significantly from enlightenment ideals of a well-informed, cohesive public assessment of ideas. It reflects both promise and limitations of those ideals in today's world.
Position of the ideas
Based on the ideas presented in the document, I would evaluate the position as being more democratic than autocratic:
Democratic elements:
Upholds commitment to factual, truthful reporting even when it offends some partisan views. Truth is a core democratic virtue.
Defends the outlet's independence and role in holding politicians accountable, rather than being a mouthpiece for any side.
Explicitly rejects false equivalencies that aim to portray all sides as equally valid when facts clearly show one side is misleading.
Draws a direct line between denying factual truths about threats to democracy and the rise of autocratic regimes.
Autocratic elements:
Could be seen as taking a partisan stance in strongly defending coverage of one controversial figure over others. However, focuses on factual reporting.
Does not adequately validate the views of readers who support Trump, but their views are not presented as factual.
Overall, the position comes down strongly on the side of factual journalism, accountability, and rejection of propaganda - core democratic virtues. While it may dissatisfy some partisan views, it defends an independent press rather than alignment with any political faction. So on balance, I would evaluate the position as leaning more democratic in its expressed ideals and priorities.
Wisdom / Insights
Here are some of the wisdom/insights expressed in the document:
Journalistic integrity requires commitment to factual truth over pleasing all readers/interests. While difficult, factual accuracy is paramount.
Extreme political polarization makes consensus on facts elusive, but media shouldn't abandon pursuit of verifiable truths or enable alternative facts.
False equivalencies between political opponents can undermine accountability and spread of misinformation if facts don't support an equivalence.
History shows how tolerance of propaganda enabled authoritarian regimes; media must counter false narratives that erode democratic institutions/processes.
Partisan interests may lead some to deny clear realities even if it damages credibility or democratic discourse long-term. Short-term gains take priority.
Nuanced discussions are hard to have amid intense polarization, but abandoning nuance for absolutism can further divide rather than reconcile differences.
Readers shouldn't blindly trust any authority, as even leaders can propagate misinformation to suit interests. Independent verification is important.
Overall, the document expresses wisdom in emphasizing factual accuracy and accountability in journalism even during polarized times. It acknowledges trade-offs but suggests the risks of embracing relativism or partisanship. Maintaining integrity and countering anti-democratic narratives deserves priority per the analysis. The lessons from history also provide validation and cautionary guidance.
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parkairis18 · 1 month
Even though I say i expected for us to lose, that doesn't mean im not disappointed that I lost.
It's hard to encourage yourself to do better next time when there's history of your specialization losing in competitions.
There's also obvious favoritism.
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
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Horrifying: This image shows a pile of shoes belonging to Holocaust victims at the Stutthof concentration camp. Today, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, it is our duty to remember the horrors of the Shoah. We must make #NeverAgain mean something. 🕯️
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shape · 5 months
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Video-Ausstellung : 23.11. - 03.12.2023, 10 - 18 Uhr
Kulturkaufhaus, ehemaliger Galeria Kaufhof Halle, Am Markt 20
„𝑾𝒊𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏 𝑻𝒆𝒊𝒍 𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 𝑨𝒍𝒃𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒖𝒎𝒔, 𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒍 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒍𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒓 𝒈𝒆𝒈𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒃𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒏.“
𝐄𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐡𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐭𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐮𝐟 𝐈𝐬𝐫𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐦 𝟕. 𝐎𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫
Samstag, 25. Nov. 14 Uhr
► Vernissage der Video-Ausstellung
Donnerstag, 30. Nov. 19 Uhr
► „Streets of Coloured Ra(n)ge“ - eine Performance von zwei israelischen Künstler*innen
Durch die Veröffentlichung des Videomaterials möchten wir einen Einblick in die Lebensrealität von israelischen Menschen am und nach dem 07.10.23 geben. Es handelt sich hierbei um persönliche Erfahrungsberichte, die einzelne Realitäten sichtbar machen sollen. Uns ist es wichtig zu betonen, dass das Zeigen dieser Videos keine Positionierung zum Krieg darstellen soll. Es geht uns darum Erfahrungen, die an diesem Tag gemacht wurden, auch in Deutschland sichtbar werden zu lassen, um uns dafür zu sensibilisieren welche Auswirkungen Terror auf diejenigen hat, die diesen erleben.
Uns ist es wichtig dieses Material öffentlich zugänglich zu machen, denn vor allem in Zeiten eines immer weiter erstarkenden Antisemitismus und Rechtsrucks in unserer Gesellschaft ist es von großer Bedeutung nicht wegzusehen, sondern sich mit deren Auswirkungen auseinanderzusetzen und sich aktiv dagegen zu positionieren.
Wir gedenken der Opfer und Angehörigen des Terrorangriffs auf Israel und der getöteten Zivilist*innen und ihren Angehörigen in Gaza.
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Look what my loyal readers have done for Hunting the Devil! This tough-to-read book about genocide has broken to #1 in African Historical Fiction. MILLIONS OF THANKS to those of you buying the book. For purchase links, go here: https://suanneschaferauthor.com/hunting-the-devil/
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I wish I never kissed you or anyone else. Such a waste of time, waste of my lips and my body. None of you deserved my body, or me.
Fuck y'all.
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on picture disc, CD inlay, and sleeve cover art to the "Never Again" compilation album by English hardcore punk band DISCHARGE. Originally released in 1984, it has since seen numerous re-releases under the Castle Music/Sanctuary, Captain Oi!, and Westworld labels.
RE-RELEASE OVERVIEW: "2007 digitally remastered digipak pressing of this collection from the originators of hardcore punk. Originally released in 1984, this virtual "best of" features 21 tracks that include singles, non-album tracks and twelve inch vinyl versions. Packaging includes sleeve notes, lyrics and photos."
-- CAPTAIN OI! (UK punk record label)
Dis nightmare still @$!#*&% continues!!
Sources: discogs, CD and LP, Captain Oi!, Castle Music UK, various, etc...
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shape · 5 months
Während Nachrichtensendungen von Tagesschau über BBC bis CNN eifrig über die aktuelle Wohn- und Suppenküchensituation des palästinensischen Mörderkollektivs berichten und Siegesfeiern um die erzwungene Freilassung von palästinensischen Terroristen in Szene setzen, interessiert sich kaum jemand für das mit dem Geiseldeal verbundene Dilemma der israelischen Gesellschaft. Die Situation der über 200.000 israelischen Binnenflüchtlinge findet keine Beachtung.
Nach und nach arbeiten einige Überlebende des Massakers vom 7/10 ihre traumatischen Erlebnisse in öffentlichen Gesprächen auf. Man muss ihnen nur zuhören. So nachvollziehbar der Wunsch nach Diskretion über die unfassbar traurigen persönlichen Familienschicksale ist, so sind diese Versuche des Begreifens es wert gehört zu werden. Denn diese zerrissenen Erzählungen heben etwas Lebendiges auf, das zugleich auf die Vergangenheit als auch auf die Zukunft gerichtet ist, und etwas zivilisierendes birgt.
Wer die Kraft, Zeit und Geduld dazu aufbringen kann, dem empfehle ich einen Besuche der Video-Ausstellung im Kulturkaufhaus, ehemaliges Galeria Kaufhof Halle, Am Markt 20 Halle (Saale)
► Samstag, 25. Nov. 14 Uhr
„𝑾𝒊𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏 𝑻𝒆𝒊𝒍 𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 𝑨𝒍𝒃𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒖𝒎𝒔, 𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒍 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒍𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒓 𝒈𝒆𝒈𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒃𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒏.“
𝐄𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐡𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐭𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐮𝐟 𝐈𝐬𝐫𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐦 𝟕. 𝐎𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫
Lesenswert ist auch dieses Interview mit Sharon Segal-Nir, die zusammen mit ihrer Familie den Angriff der Hamas-Terroristen im Kibbuz Mefalsim überlebte. Sie blickt auf die letzten Wochen zurück, die von unglaublich grossem Seelenschmerz gezeichnet sind:
>> Anfangs waren wir im ganzen Land zerstreut, doch nach knapp einer Woche arrangierte die Regierung eine gemeinsame Unterkunft für uns in einem Hotel in Herzlija. Einige Kibbuz-Mitglieder, vorwiegend ältere Leute, entschieden sich dafür, lieber bei ihren Kindern zu bleiben. Ich kann sie verstehen, denn wir alle leiden sehr. Ein Sternehotel mag ja ganz nett für einen Urlaub sein, aber ich lebe nun schon seit sechs Wochen in einem winzigen Zimmer zusammen mit meinem Ehemann und meinen beiden erwachsenen Söhnen, die 21 und 18 Jahre alt sind. Das ist schlimmer als auf Tour zu sein und aus den Koffern zu leben, abgesehen davon, dass wir gar keine Koffer haben. Alles was wir besitzen sind gespendete Kleidungsstücke, die wir irgendwie zu verstauen versuchen.
Darf ich Sie fragen, um wen sie trauern?
Die Schwester und der Schwager meines Mannes wurden im Kibbuz Nativ HaAsara ermordet. Gott sei Dank sind mein Bruder und seine Familie, die ebenfalls in dem Kibbuz leben, am Leben. Wir alle haben viele, viele Freunde verloren; für Kibbuzniks sind Freunde wie Familienmitglieder. Ich glaube, dass es am schlimmsten für meine Söhne ist. Sie besuchten die Regionalschule unserer Regionalverwaltung Sha´ar HaNegev, kennen ganze Jahrgänge aus vielen Kibbuzim. Sie haben noch gar nicht verinnerlicht, wer zukünftig bei Zusammenkünften, Aufführungen und Fussballturnieren fehlen wird.
Zudem sind da die unglaublich schlimmen Geschichten, auf welch grausame Weise Menschen, die man kennt, das Leben genommen wurde. Ich kann nicht darüber reden, will nicht darüber reden, es tut zu weh. Es ist wie ein nicht enden wollender Horrorfilm. Und doch: Wir leben, sind dankbar dafür und fühlen uns zugleich auch schuldig deshalb.
Während dieses Teils des Interviews stehen Frau Segal-Nir die ganze Zeit über Tränen in den Augen. Doch es kullert keine einzige Träne. Das passt zu dem, was sie zuvor erzählte. Ihr Mann sei vor Trauer vollkommen neben sich, ihre Söhne seien zerrrissen zwischen Trauer um Freunde und Sorge um die in den Gazastreifen Entführten, aber auch Fragezeichen, wie ihre Zukunft aussehen wird. Es sei wie ein fortgesetzter Zerfall, der auch ihre gesamte Familie ergriffen hat, so dass sie meinte: „Ich muss wohl diejenige sein, die alles zusammenhält.“
Nach vorne blickend berichtete sie, dass sie nicht weiss, ob sie nach Mefalsim zurückkehren möchte. Zunächst wird ihr Mann dorthin fahren müssen, denn jetzt, da es kalt wird, möchte sie ihre eigene Winterkleidung haben. Was aus dem Haus wird, ist ihr gegenwärtig egal. Sie versucht andere Aspekte in den Vordergrund zu rücken und berichtet gleich darauf stolz, dass ihr ältester Sohn sich auf ihren Rat hin bei einem Kolleg im Zentrum des Landes beworben hat. „Nutze die Zeit, sagte ich ihm, mach etwas, das in unserer Kibbuz-Peripherie nicht so einfach möglich wäre. Jetzt hat er tatsächlich einen Studienplatz bekommen und kam gestern zum ersten Mal wieder glücklich ins Hotel zurück.“
Nach dem Gespräch haben wir uns die Tanzaufführung angesehen. Wir haben es genossen, eine kurze Weile der Abwechselung. Doch ausgerechnet dann flossen Tränen. Vor dem Abschied darüber redend, wurde uns klar, dass wir seit langer Zeit keine Musik mehr zum Vergnügen gehört haben. „Wie wichtig doch Kultur ist“, meinte Frau Segal-Nir nachdenklich, „selbst in den dunkelsten Zeiten. Erst bei dieser Aufführung habe ich wirklich emotional begriffen, was Überlebende der Shoa erzählten, die selbst in den Vernichtungslagern an Literatur, an Kunst und Musik festhielten“, meinte diese Enkelin einer Familie mit deutschen Wurzeln, die in der Shoa Angehörige verlor.<<
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