#Unhinged Kaz RIGHTS
fantastic-nonsense · 1 year
you think Kaz Brekker's most iconic kill is the guy he threw overboard because he nearly killed Inej
I think Kaz Brekker's most iconic kill is the law clerk he dropped off a lighthouse because he was blackmailing a sex worker
we are not the same
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raayllum · 8 months
was thinking about rayla and les mis and (bear with me) concepts of morality and the miscommunication that can come from thinking a morally driven character is one that does what's Right vs the reality of a morality driven character doing what is intrinsically right to them. it's why javert and superman and rayla can all be morally driven characters, but one is a way too fucking intense cop who only sees black-and-white, one's the biggest good guy paragon in existence, and another is an assassin who is very bad at being an assassin, because morally driven characters are usually driven by a motivation to Protect above all else, but who deserves that protection and what they are protecting people from (ie. who is deemed the Enemy) can all vary wildly
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crayonverse · 2 years
tecton: so what is... a wattpad
oliver: oh! its site where people can post their stories and stuff. like writing? its uhm. not the best.
tecton: is it like a newsite? do they post about me, or any other superhero?
kaz, remembering when he was 12 and would search up megahertz x tecton fanfiction: no. theres. theres nothing about you.
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mistylakeee · 10 months
So Kaz like…does card tricks right. That’s his thing right. He can do shit like fold a card and put it in his mouth and that just happens to be the card you have in your hand. We’re all on the same page here correct?
Here me out: This man has without a doubt done magic tricks to try and impress Inej and make her laugh and there is nothing that can convince me otherwise. It doesn’t matter the timeline; before SOC, after CK.
I’m talking is this your card? But super elaborate. On crack. Like he pulls the card out of his mouth (as described above). And he does absolutely insane unhinged shuffling just cuz Inej is watching.
Inej would insist on shuffling because he’s doing it with too much flare and thinks it’s to distract her from the trick. So he’ll let her shuffle and she’s horrible at it and Kaz has to stop himself from interfering with the way she’s bending the cards.
Are you going to look me in the eye and tell me that the bastard of the barrel never pulled a coin out of Inej’s ear?
And Inej is into it damn it. She’s fascinated. She begs him to just show her one trick. Pre-soc kaz would never but post-ck kaz just might. She’s the only person he’s ever explained one of his tricks to. Ok bye.
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astrhae · 11 months
some important and underrated lines in the books, related to wylan van eck (aka gold that i found again while writing the character study fic):
Wylan took a deep breath as if sucking in courage and sputtered, “You won’t throw me overboard. You need me.”
--- Six of Crows, Chapter 13. when i say wylan is unhinged, i mean he had the audacity to lie to kaz brekker (who doesn't know yet that wylan isn't the best hostage) AND use that lie to go against kaz AND actually win. jesper only notices wylan lying to kaz in the second book, but despite being wide-eyed as matthias describes, wylan's been lying to kaz from the very beginning. throughout the books, wylan gets better and better at using people's assumptions of him as a weapon/tool, and he admits as much when jesper says: "i'm going to stop underestimating you", and wylan replies: "then you're going to be a lot harder to surprise."
While Kaz explained and Jesper used the laundry shears to portion out pieces of rope, Wylan helped Inej and Nina prepare. To pass as members of the Menagerie, they would need tattoos.
--- Six of Crows, Chapter 28. wylan is CANONICALLY a tattoo artist. demolitionist. poisons expert. musician. and tattoo artist. do with that what you will
“I don’t like the idea of killing people, either. I don’t even like chemistry.”
--- Six of Crows, Chapter 32. HE LIKES NUMBERS. and music. and jesper. there's just something about wylan being forced into chemistry when he doesn't truly enjoy it, vs. everything his father's forced him to do when he doesn't truly enjoy it. he says this right after the we could wake him up line, and him mentioning that he doesn't even like what he's been doing all along underscores how much wylan's ruthlessness comes from a place where he doesn't want to be cruel. he's just. had to do a lot of things to survive. and he does want to survive
Gunfire sounded from above. Apparently, Wylan had found the controls. ... Wylan had scratches from the glass all over his cheeks and neck. He was beaming.
--- Six of Crows, Chapter 39. wylan is unhinged. truly. and i love him, really. he was really the first to figure out how to fire the tank. him, not jesper, which was a choice i very much approve of
He should be making a plan, maybe even plotting revenge, trying to gather his wits and his resources. And what was he doing? Wishing he could ring for tea... Whatever it took to survive the Barrel, Wylan knew he didn’t have it.
--- Crooked Kingdom, Chapter 23. first, wylan wishing he could ring for tea, vs. the parallel in the show where he offers the crows tea. second, wylan being painfully honest with himself. but third, he ends the chapter being able to navigate the streets of the barrel himself without knowing how to read the signs, which really reflects his amazingly good memory and skill for thinking along three axes, like the lockpick kaz compared him to
“Yes,” Wylan said, that one word imbued with a whole world of hope. “But I don’t have anything to bargain with.”
--- Crooked Kingdom, Chapter 28. wylan's spent so long bargaining for his life that by the time he meets genya, he doesn't believe he has anything left to bargain with. but wylan still tries, AND when he succeeds, he still has the audacity to get genya to make him look better
in conclusion, wylan might be shy but that doesn't mean he isn't scheming something, but that doesn't mean he wants to scheme, but that doesn't mean he isn't good at scheming. he's excellent at it, he's just an unhinged ball of contradictions, and wylan would, could, and should beat kaz in a chess match
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 3 months
You write for Kaz brekker too ? I didn't know that
How are you love ? Hope you're taking care of yourself , staying hydrated and getting enough sleep 🫶 .
Here's my request ( no Pressure pls ) : I was wondering what if y/n is a dreg , but she and kaz haven't worked together yet , but they go on a job or something and kaz finds out that she's even more unhinged and psychotic than him and he instantly falls for her , a few years later when y/n asks him how he knew she was the one for him , he tells her and y/n is taken aback but also happy that he fell in love with her because of her darkness , and didn't shy away from it .
I'm sorry if this was not coherent , I'm tired rn and I was too excited 😅 anyways tc 💜
warning: blood, mental of past trauma, touch aversion, murder, loss of family members.
Bloody hands
It's an early winter morning. A different one than a handful of years back. No freezing toes or fingers. No blue lips. Clattering teeth. A growling belly. A fireplace is roaring happily and the room is nice and toasty. A warm blanket is draped over your frame but the main source of heat is the body that you’re lazily snuggled against.
It takes you another handful of breaths to take in your surroundings. Ones that even after a couple of years still felt like a joke of imagination. Surreal. Like a dream. One before you die maybe… “Good morning, my darling”, a husky voice pierced through your mind. Making you turn slightly. And here he was. A soft smile broke on your face because there wasn’t a moment now that you weren’t grinning from ear to ear when you looked at Kaz. “Morning”, you muttered softly, turning to snuggle back against his chest. Kaz didn’t flinch. Haven’t been flinching for some time now. At least not when you touched him. Others still ticked him off at times and he was still firmly against any touching with his team and friends. But your touch had always been different to him. “It has healing powers”, Kaz had muttered on one of the first nights when you two had started working on his touch aversion. It had been a long process. One that required a lot of patience. But the result had been worth all the sweat and tears.
“How did you sleep?”, Kaz slowly moved his fingers through your hair, reaching to wrap his arm around you, pulling you even more tightly against his chest. “I always sleep well with you in my bed”, you muttered, palm resting over his heart and the neatly tattooed initials of your name there. “Touché. And to think that you go claiming that you’re an independent woman…”, you didn’t have to see Kaz’s face to know that he was smirking. “You, sir, think too highly of the company you provide”, you jabbed a finger against his ribs playfully making Kaz let out a barely audible chuckle. “You flatter me one moment and stab me the other”, the fake wounded tone that he carries made you let out a breath laugh yourself, as you scooted up on his chest, bracing your hands on either side of him before narrowing your eyes at the now man laying beneath you. Kaz stilled for a moment his hand coming up to cup your cheek before he used your delightful hum as a distraction to flip you both over. Both panting with breathy chuckles.
“Dreamt of you today”, he murmured, making you still. “What do you mean?”, you frowned slightly. Kaz had never been a dreamer. Through the years of you two being together, he only had nightmares or dreamless sleep. “Do you remember the first job we did together, miss black leather boots?”, Kaz teased, brushing his nose against your cheek before leaving a couple of kisses along your shoulder. “You never called me miss back then if I remember correctly you called me a bitch the first time we met”, you shrugged, “And you loved the boots so don’t give me shit for it mr. Black gloves”, you bopped his nose, making Kaz roll his eyes.
“You blew up my warehouse with your makeshift bombs, sorry my words of endearment were harsh”, he hummed right as your hands reached to comb through his way longer black hair. “See, the way I remember it. That building was in my way so the only logical solution was to move it”, you pointed out innocently. “I always liked this unbothered wild side of you”, Kaz admitted after a moment of silence, “No fucks to give, no fear for tomorrow”.
Even if by now you two knew more than well that there had been nothing but fear. Yes, you had made a name for yourself and yes your and Kaz’s paths crossed by accident but it felt as if your two were meant to find one another. Both were utterly beaten by the world but so in need of a company that understood without words what the other felt.
“And here I was thinking that you loved watching me pulling knuckles out of the two bastards the most”, there was humor there but by now Kaz knew that it was simply your cover-up for pain. “I didn’t love it but I was glad to give you closure”, he admitted leaning in to kiss your temple. The way you had helped Kaz to pay an overdue visit to Pekka. Kaz had found the man responsible for your family's murder. Turning a blind eye to the ways you dealt with them.
“Why do you even love me?”, your quiet words jab at Kaz like the sharpest of knives. “How can you even ask that, darling?”, he shakes his head in disbelief. He hadn’t believed in love before he met you. “You know I hate sappy but I read poetry to you, you wear my clothes and get to kiss me whenever you want”, you rolled your eyes at his statements, “Not to mention that I would slaughter a whole town without a second thought if that would lead me back to you”. You crooked your head to the side, watching him, “I like you with your hands bloody, Kaz Brekker”, you smiled up at him. “I’d gladly get them bloody for you Y/N Brekker”, reaching up Kaz carefully took a hold of your hand kissing the sparkling stone on your ring finger.
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No actually I don’t want Kaz to be shown in a calmer light for tv show purposes. I want him unhinged and ruthless and cunning and you don’t see where the line is, where he’ll cross it, with who. I want him bloody and bleeding and dripping in vengeance and memories. And they’re doing it now, they’re finally doing it in episode three, and he’s black-hearted and scheming and we don’t know where his line is.
“Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason.”
That’s what I wanted and that’s what we’re fucking getting right now and I want more.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 7 months
Analysing my favourite lines from Six of Crows chapter by chapter: Chapter 3, part 2
Same as usual: famous or popular quotes being missed doesn't mean I don't like them it just means I don't have anything new to say, and some quotes will not have explanations because I just like them I don't really have anything to analyse
"But this wasn't cheap Barrel flash. A squat decked out like this took real money" - The relevance of this quote for me is all in the implication of the phrase "real money" and it's something I've spoken about on here before. When we use the phrase "real money" the general implication behind it is one of absurd riches, not a comparison of 'real' and 'fake' money. However Kaz's use of the phrase is arguably more synonymous with the latter, since we know for a fact that the people who succeed in the Barrel can become massively wealthy - I'm talking about people like Pekka Rollins, possibly even Tante Heleen. The implication of this specific phrasing is therefore more about the perception of wealth in the Barrel being fake because it's new money, not part of the inherited empires of the Merchant Council. Kaz is very aware of this perception and even in the concept of wealth and success sees a considerable disconnect between himself and the Kerch aristocracy, even if their actions are arguably just as criminal, but I think it's really important to note that Pekka Rollins doesn't see this gulf at all. He makes multiple comments in Crooked Kingdom that show him to see himself and Van Eck as equals, whilst Van Eck clearly doesn't return this, even going as far to call Kaz a "trifling piece of Barrel trash", as if they aren't from the same slums and weren't raised fighting for thier lives on the same streets. Although Kaz and Pekka's similarities are vastly important, I think we sometimes forget that their differences are as well - and this is brilliant one.
"hairline making a determined retreat from his forehead" - the Crows commenting on Van Eck's receding hairline is honestly one of my favourite ongoing jokes in these books
"When Kaz met his gaze, the man cleared his throat and pressed his fingers together.
'Mr Brekker. I hope you're not feeling too poorly,' " - sir are you actively trying to act like a supervillain?
"I'm going to pry that fat jewel from its setting and jab the pin right through your mercher neck for chaining me to a chair, Kaz thought. But all he said was: 'Van Eck' " - This is such a wonderfully unhinged quote and I love it so much, remember this is the first chapter we've had from Kaz's perspective and little things that this go such a long way for helping us to understand him! Kaz's thoughts are wild, they're violent and out of control, and often it appears that his actions are too. But he exercises the perfect amount of restraint, remaining to an onlooker frighteningly calm in the face of threat until the most opportune moment. He is in complete control of nearly every situation he finds himself in, even one as unexpected as waking up chained to a chair. In fact we see him remain relatively calm for most of this scene, until a parem-drugged tidemaker is revealed for reasons I went into in the previous part.
" 'You know me then?'
'I know you," he said, "You're one of those merch crusaders always trying to clean up the Barrel' " - Although it's definitely subtle, I find this to parallel Rollins meeting with Kaz in the Ice Court. Kaz enters the cell and Rollins says his name, prompting Kaz to ask if he knows who is, and Rollins replies "sure, you're that little skiv who's been stealing my customers". This enrages Kaz, because Rollins is failing to recognise everything he did to Kaz and Jordie. When KAz leaves the room he follows up on this by saying "you don't remember me at all, do you?". Rollins replies "Should I?" and Kaz says "Not just yet". This failure to even remember the boys fuels Kaz's hatred for Rollins even more, but I think we should address how similar these response patterns are. Van Eck is looking for a confession, or at the very least something small to confirm his suspicions, that Kaz was the thief who stole his DeKappel oil painting, but Kaz denies him any satisfaction and instead insults him for what is comparatively a far more minor thing to remember him for.
" 'What's the difference between wagering at the Crow Club and speculating on the floor of the Exchange?'
'One is theft and the other is commerce'
'When a man loses his money, he may have trouble telling them apart' " - I am OBSESSED. Leigh Bardugo just summed up the core theme of these novels and the basis of her setting in three sentences that the reader can immediately understand and support, as well as carry with them for the majority of the first novel and all of the second. Genius.
" 'One out of every five vessels you send seeking coffee and jurda and bolts of silk sinks to the bottom of the sea, crashes on the rocks, falls prey to pirates. One out of five crews dead, their bodies lost to foreign waters, food for deep sea fishes. Let's not speak of violence' " - ugh it's just so brilliant
" 'What business?'
It was the question spoken at the opening of any meeting. A greeting from a peer, not a plea from a prisoner" - Kaz is extending himself beyond what Van Eck has tried to confine him to, he's mocking the merch by using the language of business whilst Van Eck uses the language of criminals. This also parallels Inej trying to assert dominance over Dunyasha at Sweet Reef on the high rope in Crooked Kingdom, when she asked 'What business?' then comments that it 'felt absurd to say it 50 feet in the air'.
" 'You were first arrested at 10'
'Everyone remembers his first time' " - this boy is made of audacity and I am living for it
" 'I kill for a cause,'
'And what cause is that?'
'Same as yours, merch. Profit,' " - hell yes
" 'You see every man is a safe, a vault of secrets and longings. Now, there are those who takes the brute's way, but I prefer a gentler approach. The right pressure applied at the right moment, in the right place. It's a delicate thing,'
'Do you always speak in metaphors, Mr Brekker?'
Kaz smiled.
'It's not a metaphor'
He was out of his chair before his chains hit the ground. " - I'm in love
"everything seemed sunnier with a weapon in his hand"
"but not even Grisha could just stroll through a wall" - as someone who read Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom before she read the Grisha trilogy (I didn't know they were sequels, I actually thought Shadow and Bone was a prequel so yeah) little things like this were super helpful to understand the world and learn about Grisha power. i read a lot of high fantasy so when we weren't given explanations for these things I didn't realise it was because I was missing information, but rather I just assumed the writing stye was to throw me in the deep and let me figure it out - which to be fair I had no problem doing, I didn't find the duology at all inaccessible despite my lack of prior knowledge. But therefore I thought of things like this as our introduction to who the grisha were an how they worked, since all I had seen of grisha power at this time was Anya on parem I thought this quote was a clever little phrasing to enhance the worldbuilding and help me as the reader distinguish between natural grisha power and parem-induced grisha power.
"the pistol was more useful, but the cane brought Kaz a relief he didn't care to quantify"
We're now officially halfway through the chapter! This is a long chapter, but it is a brilliant one too. I'm sorry to break this into yet another part, but it takes a long time to put these together and I'm ill at the minute so I'm going to leave this here for now and bring you part three another time - hopefully that should be the last part!! Thank you all so much for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it. I've been thinking about maybe expanding onto another platform like tiktok where I can verbally voice these ideas for you guys and you can ask me questions a bit more easily than on here (I promise I am looking at my inbox, sorry, I know you're waiting) but I only want to do that if there is genuine interest and people would be up for it. It wouldn't stop me posting content on here but a lot of the content would probably include overlap, and I would probably also use that account to talk to you about my own writing - I'm currently in the process of querying agents for the YA fantasy book I wrote and I would love to get it out there a bit and share it with you. Thanks so much, let me know what your favourite quotes from this chapter or other chapters are!
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whatbusiness · 1 year
ahead of the s2 release, here are a few incoherent thoughts based on absolutely nothing while i have some time to jot them down during my snow day: (gv book spoilers ahead, so skip for now if you’re a show only fan!) 
above all else, i’m just excited to have these characters back in new (and yet still familiar) ways 
i do not need this to be a perfect season. it won’t be. no one should be expecting that. speaking entirely right now about the crows and their duology, we have two perfect books to go back to. nothing that happens in this show could “ruin” anything from SoC or CK because they are two different entities
i am scared of the kaz and jordie flashbacks in a way that i have never been scared of anything in my entire life. there is sheer terror coursing through my veins right now.
i know. i just know. that genya’s arc will end my entire life this season. if i hear the words “i am not ruined. I am ruination” delivered by daisy within the next 48 hours i will be ascending to another plane of existence
whatever kanej content we get this season WILL cause a medical emergency for me and i know this
wylan. that’s it, that’s the tweet. wylan. 
trying to prepare for my helnik brain cells to be beaten to shit this season
remembering that we also get jesper flashbacks just made me doordash tissues to my apartment 
just know this. any zoyalai interactions will have consequences that range so far. that are so intense. the shockwaves will be felt far and wide. 
i want unhinged kaz this season and i had better get it. just absolutely wild. cane beatdowns left and right. merciless. irrational. ruthless. give it to us. 
i am wholly unprepared to see nikolai living the persona he enjoys most. knowing what’s ahead for him and how much he yearns for these moments in the future. not ready for THAT! wait. if this season covers books 2 and 3 are we going to see demon!nikolai. oh FUCK. oh fuck oh fuck. why did i not consider this before literally right now. 
in summary, we are fucked. good luck out there everyone. NMNF. 
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bardofavon · 10 months
Just realised that every unhinged speech the Darkling has made has been done in complete privacy. Just imagining him slipping up and doing one of his deranged monologues at Kaz with an audience next time and Inej and Jesper and Nikolai collectively being like '.......................okay what the FUCK' 'did he just say he wanted to vore you??' 'you were sleeping next to this guy?' like put kaz in protective custody right now. no wonder he looks like that. "'i'll kill everyone you love so you only have me" who SAYS that? who says that OUT LOUD?'
“I want to vore you” PLEASE 😭 I swear on my life he’ll never say that I can’t do it 😭 but yeah those are all limited edition Kaz exclusives, only reserved for the man himself.
If Genya knew she’d give him a FAT “I told you so”, Inej and Jesper would be more than just a little bit concerned and would somehow be more determined to snap Kaz out of whatever this is while also understanding a little bit more why Kaz has been so weird about navigating all of this??? Nikolai would also be like…a little more understanding of why Kaz is Like That right now but he doesn’t know Kaz enough yet to know if he’s like. into it or not. (but tbh Kaz also doesn’t know Kaz enough to know if he’s into it or not, let’s face it 😔) but regardless he sure as hell would not be throwing it in kaz’s face like he is.
It’s all “fight against the Darkling fight against the Darkling you have nothing to lose, we’re the better option, who cares if he’s mad you shouldn’t care about his feelings anyway, he KILLS PEOPLE KAZ, literally just leave him” until you hear the Darkling say shit like “I will pluck the ambition from your chest and fill you with new meaning” or “I will kill everyone you love until you have no one but me” or “I own you and you like it” or “it’s just us, it will always be just us” or “you would suffer and I would love you and I would make you thank me” or “I will never let you go and my love has no room for freedom or compassion or escape” or “you will outlive everyone you love, care to be alone for eternity?”
and then they��d all be like. “okay. reluctantly, we can see why you’re wary about the consequences of leaving this guy and have underestimated just how much he’s latched onto you but what the fuck lmao”
But the Darkling wouldn’t slip up and say that shit in public so anyone else finding out would rely solely on Kaz’s ability to be vulnerable and honest, admit he’s afraid, and share really really intimate conversations that he holds very personally and feels kind of ashamed at having been involved in because. like. the conversations were two way streets that Kaz kept walking down.
they’d also be like “why the fuck were you going to see him so much at night in os alta when he’d SAY THIS SHIT” without understanding how it’s kind of a little intoxicating at first to have someone that powerful obsessed with you and wrapped around your finger (presumably)
anyway yeah the Darkling is such a little freak
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achingwoundforaheart · 7 months
The crows had finalized on how to get y/n out, completely unaware of the unhinged plan that y/n had to get herself, Matthias and Marie out. Their plan largely depended on y/n winning a hellfight, which she had now chosen not to participate in. Kaz came to know in the morning of the night they planned on breaking her out.
"what does this mean" Jesper exclaimed, completely restless now, thoughts of y/n constantly going through his head. It was good that she wont be fighting a beast but how are we supposed to get her out now. "what are we going to do now"
"the trial?" Nina asked furrowing her brows.
"She only has one day" Kaz said grimly "That may not be an option"
Inej was pacing around, making no sound by distinctly visible and worried. "There has to be something" she prayed internally "we can't just do nothing. I don't know if it's related but there a lot more disappearances around the city and people keep showing up at her shop, what is going on"
Everyone was worried. The last week had painted a completely new picture of y/n and it was uncomfortable. She had a lot more influence than they realized. Kaz was particularly worried, she knew he was not from the Barrel, what else could she know about his past. About everyone's past. They were scared.
"we can still use the hellfight as a means to break in but finding her would be more difficult now" Kaz said, not liking the odds. If y/n had this much power in the barrel she was not an enemy he should have made. Maybe he could make amends.
"we're going" Inej stated.
Jesper agreed immediately, Nina and Kaz were more cautious but agreed nevertheless. She was not what they thought she was and not knowing was a dangerous bet. But that is what you do in ketterdam, you gamble.
"You realize you only have one day before they" Matthias stopped not really comfortable all of a sudden.
"before they explode me like a balloon" y/n offered laughing slightly at the image. It did not hurt to do that after a long time.
"yeah that" Matthias said streching his lips into a line. "how are you going to do whatever you are planning"
"what are your chores" y/n asked throwing away molted bread from the breakfast. Now that Matthias and Marie had agreed to help her she could get to devising her plan. Exciting times.
"Um cleaning, floors" Marie said, hoping that's not what she'll have to do to escape, she hated it.
"repairs" Matthias said when y/n jutted her chin in his direction.
She hummed. Some sort concreteness coming up.
"Marie, how much bleach can you smuggle into the laundry room?' y/n asked.
"A bottle at most, bit more if i have distraction, but won't laundry room already have bleach" Marie looked confused.
"Laundry bleach is not strong plus this prison doesn't exactly have white uniforms that they'd keep a decent amount. Can you get three liters maybe" y/n said, her brain doing math to make chloroform, enough to knock out guards during the dining hours. "and Matthias," He looked startled even though he was already paying attention, "need you to keep one of the manholes of sewer system open, preferably near the guards' quarters.
"Shouldn't we be as far away from guards when trying to get out" He asked trying to understand what she was thinking.
"where's the fun in that" y/n giggled, working out details on how she would terrorize the guards once chloroform's effect wears off. "i hope you both know how to use a gun"
Matthias nodded reluctantly but Marie shook her head. "I though you were supposed to be drafted to war do they not take eligibility criteria or something in Ravka" y/n asked slightly annoyed.
"Eligibility is being 14, everything else they teach once you are inducted, from which I ran away" Marie said, looking uncomfortable.
"Right hmm" y/n said deep in thought "get the bleach in place before noon" She commanded hurriedly as the bell chimed and her personal guard as she liked to call them was within earshot. She nodded slightly at Matthias hoping he understands that it meant that he does his part without more question. "Meet you at lunch" She chimed as the guard tugged her towards the opposite direction.
"it's not like they can run anywhere" the guard laughed at her bonking her with the gun to walk faster. Gillis again. These men never learn she thought.
"yeah so funny" she mocked which landed another jab at her back. She tripped a bit, the shackles were becoming a big pain she needed to get out of them. This guy is dying today she decided and scoffed to herself.
"have fun" he pushed her inside the clothes room.
There heaps of guard uniforms, cell bedsheets, inmates uniform to wash, dry and fold. There were also another heap of uniforms which needed mending. The guards loved leaving their underwear, crispy underwear she shuddered, in that heap to mess with inmates.
The man, Kronk only other prisoner her with the red uniform was soon pushed inside. Y/n noticed him flare his nostrils and controlling himself from not hitting the guard. He was here for multiple partially eaten human bodies that were found in his apartment's kitchen. He looked at y/n who was sorting out the clothes, looking for something to drench with chloroform discretely, and waved. He seemed to some sort of a crush.
He started filling buckets with water and soaking the inmates' uniforms which had blood on them. Periods, guards, other fights. Hellgate loved blood.
"you should probably mend the clothes" he said in broken Suli.
"I can speak kerch pretty well, you know because that's what i learnt" y/n replied rolling her eyes.
He looked away clearly embarrassed. He's really timid for a cannibal she thought. She did move onto mending, buttons, tears normal stuff. Table cloth. Perfect she thought. the vapors will knock out a whole table together. It had a frayed at the ends.
The bell chimed eleven, a guard came in, startling y/n because it was unusual for them to check on them after they had locked them inside. But the guard simply added a hand shackle on Kronk and guided him out, y/n raised an eyebrow.
"hellfight" Kronk said when he noticed her looking. The guard just pulled him out faster. The door shut and the bolt sounded. It's better for me she thought, making chloroform from bleach while not giving it away would have been difficult. Luck was rare but where was Marie.
As if she heard her thoughts, Marie rolled two bottles of bleach through the vent that ran above. Y/n caught it so it didn't make any sound. Good girl she whispered through the vent, not sure if Marie could hear. Chemistry was fun, she had enough to soak the table cloth, they might notice it's a little wet nut it should turn to vapor by the time they do anything about it. She worked fast setting aside the bucket of chloroform for the end and washing the clothes quickly, folding everything. She heard the guards unlock the door so she swiftly poured the weapon on the folded tablecloths taking a deep breath before and holding it as long as she could.
Two guards and one worker entered. One of the guards and the worker took the bundle of tablecloth with them probably going to set the table and the other handcuffed her hands to the back.
The guard left her in the rec room, without removing her handcuffs. There were Marie, Matthias and two more inmates with two guards looking bored. She moved towards Matthias signaling Marie to not move but she did not understand.
"did you leave one unlocked" she whispered.
"I left two unlocked" he said uneasily, the guards were too close.
"ooh nice work Helvar" y/n praised "I get why Nina liked you"
"you're still handcuffed" Marie said, pointing out the obvious.
"I'm aware" y/n said "now listen, I will comment on their secrets," she said nodding towards the guards who looked uninterested, "they will probably come to attack, take their rifles from behind"
"they notice" Matthias said with furrowed brows.
"No they'll have enough anger to come directly towards me" she snickered "I'll handle that."
"Okay, then what"
"Then we have the power" y/n said, impatiently when she noticed the guards looking at them pointedly. "just do what I say, I know my way around"
They nodded and she turned the guards and grinned.
"Hey David" she teased "How are your experiments in the back going" he knew she was referring to his sodomy and like she predicted was instantly furious and started his stride towards her "I heard Victor's mom would be interested" She smiled as both of them took out their batons ready to beat her.
Matthias took Victor's rifle with ease because of the distraction and knocked him out. Marie was not so successful and David forced her to her knees, pointing his weapon on her head and Matthias quickly did the same.
"oh come on" y/n said completely irritated now, and rotated her shoulders in a very painful way so now her hands were in the front. That distracted David enough that Marie could backflip him kick the rifle out of his hands. She stood shocked at herself. "damn nice kid"
The other inmates were old and did not looked amused or interested. "you are wasting your effort" one of them said.
"what now" Marie said with an uneasy feeling. Y/n kicked David to his side to fish out the keys to her handcuffs and shackles. Handcuffs she found but not shackles. Victor stirred a bit as y/n took his pistol from his holster and quickly unsheathed a knife and stabbed her leg when he realized what was happening.
She yelped but responded with the same speed and shot his head.
"ew" she said at his brains that splattered on her. Matthias and Marie were coming to realize what y/n was capable of. Y/n pulled out the knife and murmured "rude".
"Let's go" she chirped turning to them and smiling once she was done bandaging. Both of them were still recovering from what just happened. She noticed them staring. "this can't be the first dead body you are seeing, and I am literally here for murder"
"right" Marie said and Matthias shook his slightly and gained his composure.
"follow" she said, pointing towards the door, dragging her feet which made her slower than she liked. "take a gun"
"knife" Marie stated, taking the one with y/n's blood, Matthias took the other pistol that David had and followed.
She led them through the corridors as fast as she could towards the dining hall, there were no more guards around because they were at the dining hall. Knocked out she thought to herself.
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
the Shadow and Bone screenwriters are doing me in because now I KNOW they can pull out absolutely unhinged lines like "No saint ever watched over me. Not like you have" but also don't have enough understanding of Kanej's relationship pacing to leave them for a scene where it makes sense for Kaz to say them, like The Bathroom Scene or the CK epilogue hand-holding scene
if they'd had an ounce of patience they could have slid that line in RIGHT HERE and watched the fandom absolutely explode:
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strawberryloveyyy · 1 year
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Do you know what I want to see in the six of crows spin off? A very angry and unhinged Inej Ghafa laughing hysterically at Van Eck before she hits him in the face with her head. Yes that’s what I want, I would melt if I got that scene. And I want it so bad. Inej has a very pretty laugh, like that scene from SaB season 2 where she was cornered by some of the dime lions and they started laughing at her but she started laughing with them. You know? That just blew my mind. She has such a really really pretty laugh. Like kaz is right, I too would have bottled her laugheter to get drunk on it every night...
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cardinalcheerio · 2 years
What I think each crow would be like in a modern day High school:
Kaz: He would be that angsty kid that somehow makes straight A's, without actually being in class half the time. Nobody knows what his deal is, but he doesn't talk, or raise his hand in class. Also wears all black and dresses up like that every day. (School heartthrob)
Inej: the over achiever. Inej would be part of a group, but also the quiet one. She doesn't talk to alot of people but does get loud around her friends. She gets decent grades and studies a decent amount. Her and kaz get along, and everyone secretly ships them. She raises her hand in class and actually gets the answer right.
Wylan: the smart kid with something to prove. Wylan would be the teachers favorite but when he isn't watched by adults says the most unhinged things ever. Him and Jesper are together and no one knows how it happened but like it none the less.
Jesper: class clown. Jesper Is the kid that Is bffs with all the teachers. Gets horrible grades and fails every assignment but somehow gets lucky on the test and doesn't fail the class. He's very flirty and self confident which alot of people like. Everyone loves him and he is friends with everyone. Wears outrageous outfits. Started GSA with Nina, Wylan, And the other crows support.
Nina: bffs with jesper, their the chaotic duo. Nina gets incredible grades for doing none of the work and taking some of Matthias's homework when she can. Her and Jes are the most popular in the school, and alone she is super chaotic, but able to get some work done, but as soon as she is around other people she just has a good time. And also she's the fashionista of the school and so pulls it off because she is a Queen! Though she does get dress coded a few times and fights about the unfairness of some of the rules (as she should)
Matthias: B+ student, along for the ride. Has strict parents but sneakily does stuff purely from peer pressure from the other crows. He works hard and pays attention in class. Kinda stuck up ngl, and tattle on other kids. But defends people and will fight when people disrespect someone.
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
Ok so I just finished watching Shadow and Bone for the first time and I knew you had watched it before so I came to see what your opinions on some of it was. Didn't really see anything for what what is probably my favorite ship is but I don't really care about that right now. I think I'm more interested in knowing what you're Top 5 favorite ships are (Top 10 if you feel like you're having a hard time narrowing it down to just 5 but from what I saw, I don't think that would be a problem???). Also, if you feel up to it, any favorite headcanons for the various characters or ships you might want to include. Much love to you Phoe!!! Now I'm off to go consume for content because I need my pretty men... gods, why are there so many pretty men in this show 😭😭😭 a lot of pretty women too, though I'm gay so it's just aesthetically pretty on their part, lol
oooh you watched ot for the first time! I hope you liked it! And well now I'm cirious what your favorite ship was.
Since I only have exactly 10 ships in this fandom, I will give you a top 10! lol Though since these are all the ships, they actually do span the entire spectrum of "I am obsessed with this", "I've written for this" to "it's a nice sidepairing! I liked when they were on screen but don't really think about them when they're not".
+ bonus: Tolya/poetry
because I definitely came out of this headcanoning Tolya as aroace and I want this softest of boys to find someone who will platonically share his love of poetry with him. Please. He deserves it.
Not a secret that Darklina is my OTP. I'm not exactly quiet about it. They make me feel all shades of unhinged. I gotta get onto writing about them, honestly, can't believe that hasn't happened yet, but I guess that s1 left me too satisfied with canon overall to want to write just yet. Currently nose-deep in fics about them.
Alina and Inej is a solid second. They didn't have much interaction but what they had was gold. The blade protecting her saint. The worship and awe. These two badasses. I love them. And, much like Alinej, both Kaz/Jesper and Genya/Alina were also ships I came out of s1 with and wrote for after that.
Honestly, Tamar/Nadia would rank higher if the show had dedicated more time to them, but they happened so much in the background and I'm genuinely mad about that. I had to sit through so so so much straight drama especially in this season, but the only wlw ship in this entire show and they barely got screentime. They were cute together, visually, but... I didn't get enough of what made them click, or of Nadia's personality in general to be quite honest, to be as invested as I wanted to be (because I did. I knew that Nadia was a wlw and I knew that Tamar would be introduced this season and I was looking forward to this). So, with what the show gave me? I was like "daw, cute" when they were on screen, yeah.
On the other hand, I love both Tamar and Inej, and the potential of Inej now on the ship makes me think of the potential of those two together. Now, I am a lover of poly so I would not be opposed to just mashing these two ships together either. But I'm really intrigued by Tamar/Inej primarily here.
Nikolai and Alina worked surprisingly well. Didn't think I'd end up with another guy for Alina aside from Aleksander. But I really liked their chemistry and the fake marriage plotline absolutely ended me. He could be her trophy husband, I wouldn't mind.
Jesper and Wylan were honestly a positive surprise to me! You know me, you know my track-record with canon mlm ships! I usually do not like them. So that they made the list at all is great. I'm not super invested, but I thought they were adorable.
And Genya and David were cute too. I don't get why they killed David off? From what I gather, they don't in the books, so that was weird. But I thought they were nice.
Headcanons? Mostly sexuality wise.
Ace Kaz. Ace Kaz was the first once I had. I know his touch aversion roots in trauma but I recognize a lot of my own sex-repulsion in his behavior and am projecting hard so ace Kaz. Also definitely dom Kaz, have you seen that man rule his club, or bring Pekka to his knees (not that I want Pekka to sub for him, ew, but the power Kaz radiated in that moment was *chef's kiss*).
Nikolai the pan pirate who definitely should never have been a prince, like, I would love him so much more if he had just been a pirate but thoughts on the monarchy and how that plotline was handled are too much for this post. ANYWAY yeah I think Nikolai should go back onto his ship and pirate away with his boyfriend. Also, just, can you believe the Enemies to Lovers arc Mal and Nikolai had? I mean, they literally went from "I refuse to know your name" to "take my name", like that is explicitly something that happened in canon. Wild.
Lesbian Inej, which I know, not a popular headcanon in the fandom since the fandom seems to unanimously ship her and her endgame romance. I just... don't really get romantic vibes there at all, even after season 2. I like them as friends, a lot. But I'm getting huge lesbian vibes from Inej and will be clinging onto that, even more so after how little wlw love s2 gave me.
Mal as a suppressed gay would be fun. Like, his thing with Alina was annoying. He didn't give a damn about her romantic feelings for him until she had a boyfriend and suddenly he got jealous. I don't like these types of writings. So I'd love to see that more as Mal never having been romantically interested in her at all, just friend!Mal afraid to be abandoned. The cheeky pirate is his gay awakening. All the girls - and apparently book!Mal was kind of a slut - were just him trying really hard to be straight.
Alina is just a bi queen. And queen literal. That's where the "Niko should go sail with his bf" part comes into play, because... the monarchy needs to go down. She should rule, she should have never supported the damn royal family that's been enslaving and oppressing Grisha for centuries, I just. I don't like that part. I really don't. Ship to rule beside her is optional (Aleksander, Genya, okay fine Nikolai but like she rules, he's just her trophy husband), but queen!Alina is a must. Though gotta admit for my Alinej I still love her as a part of the Crows - post s1, I wrote some where Alina and Mal just... stayed with the Crows after they left Ravka and I'm still fond of that. I still think that would be a fun take.
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sunsis · 1 year
sporadic thoughts on shadow & bone S2
1. I personally have no issue with jesper and wylan’s relationship set up since even though they were a speed-run, the chemistry was on point and being that they’re slightly older than in the book and established as having met before, it felt in character for them to get together as quick as they did. not every ship needs to be angsty and slow burn. I've always loved that they’re the more openly communicative and playful pair of the group. wesper stans were well fed this season so I'm happy about them (and I feel it’ll make the future kuwei kiss all the more iconic/messy if they’re already a couple). 
2. every monstrous thing episode was peak kaz brekker with the ruthlessness and vengeance-seeking, freddy ATE and left no crumbs. I was a bit scared of him, he was giving the right amount of unhinged and bloodthirsty that was lacking a bit last season  
3. I do not gaf about the darkling at all but i am intrigued by nikolai and alina together with his powers and potentially in their villain era?? I really hope he stays dead though 
4. some aspects of inej felt out of character and random like her friendship with zoya when tf did that happen? ditching the crows so early to go join mal’s new pirate crew? and he’s sturmhond now for some reason? slay I guess
5. that little flirty look between inej and tolya on the ship made me uncomfortable!! as fine as tolya is i will NOT be supporting whatever the writers are pushing there. like set him up with genya instead (RIP David)  
6. nina and matthias are great no notes. their whole thing is the only one that seems to not have been changed much LOL
7. I needed more friendships not only the romances; I wanted to see more of kaz trusting and inspiring confidence in wylan, was hoping for jesper and nikolai bantering/bonding and kaz chiming in with snark aimed at both of them, JESPER AND NINA barely interacted which was criminal, zoya and alina’s close friendship came out of nowhere she just suddenly started being nice to her?? on the plus side inej and nina’s friendship felt natural and true to the books, and I enjoyed seeing tolya be the first person to exasperate jesper before he could talk their ears off. would be fun to see the twins go on more quests with the crows in future seasons. they honestly fit right in
overall I view the show as a fun decently-written fanfiction,  the timeline is f*cked with the the plot and messy overlapping of characters, but the cast is so great and there’s clearly so much passion behind it that I'm still enjoying it. here’s hoping we get that spinoff for the crows so they can delve more into the characters and include the book scenes we love without having to make space for alina content. 
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