fluttershyes · 4 months
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strykingback · 7 months
Joy! More negative thoughts!!!
Yup. I think im gonna be mostly down on my luck for the rest of the week cause I already am expecting "God" to shit all over my dinner even more.
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killjoy-prince · 8 months
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panpanpanini · 21 days
detco salt. tl;dr i am officially in the 1000s now and i wish i was in a better mood about it
i already said my piece about 1000/1001 as failures of commemorative specials but 999 really wasn't much better either. like really not. they super dropped the ball on a real milestone section of the series, huh... to say nothing of smile village and frying pan of hatred which come right before this too
i don't actually have -that- much to whinge about on this one [spoilers: i proceed to whinge on and on about it] bc it IS just filler at the end of the day but there are times when i'm just so, SO confused about the messages detco is trying to get across. its stance on certain things, especially as pertains to morality and justice, are sometimes just so wildly inconsistent (as is expected from a show with over 1000 episodes and 27 movies, but still). to save you 20 minutes, in episode 999 the victim-- a man who can only be described as a serial abuser of emergency services-- is first assaulted by a restaurant patron, then later found dead by his colleague. he did not die from the assault, instead it was his colleague who dealt the final blow. the victim had wronged both people with his frivolous tattling, so to speak. the episode ends with conan/kogoro reading the first assailant--the restaurant patron-- as a guy who consciously chose not to follow through with murder and praising him for "controlling himself" in the end. which. ugghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i remember this being a bigger issue in some of the earlier episodes but...to put it bluntly... -attempted- robbery/murder/assault is still a crime, is it not????? i'm not talking about how -bad- of a crime it is, getting halfway through the crime -is- still a crime, right?? why on earth does this show sometimes try to impart that it isn't?
i just find it so weird every single time the series insists that justice is black and white [1] because it's not and [2] for as many instances of moral binaries that exist within the show there are just as many grey areas that it creates to which it applies those binaries anyway, even if it fails to address them like a deeper crime show would. morality is a gradient and that gradient is different from person to person, from culture to culture, and oftentimes the laws which write this code into the legal system don't reflect those shades of grey, but. i think most people would agree that trying to commit a crime is still... committing a crime... and stooping to a thesis statement which basically boils down to "you get a gold star for only assaulting a guy when you could've killed him" is horrifically careless. ESPECIALLY literal seconds after the same character chides the murderer as a guy whose crime is 'unforgivable.' is the bar really so low? what the hell is this weird double standard? i understand what they were trying to get across (that is, "this could have been much worse") but wowee zowee it's so badly executed and frankly probably shouldn't be your first choice of message in this situation. who wrote this???
episodes like this cause me to wade in disappointment because like plenty of other detco filler, there's opportunity to explore other things which make the detective genre endearing beyond serialized whodunits. in isolation the idea of a guy being fooled into believing he may have gone too far and killed someone is interesting. speculating on why he didn't follow through with killing the guy in the first place is interesting too and could be an exploration of character. the guy who did actually end up doing the killing could also be explored since it's never really established whether he premeditated the exact circumstances that led up to the murder, especially since he wasn't in cahoots with the first assailant-- rather, he comes across as an opportunist who already had it in mind to take out the victim and just saw that the time had come. in short... there's just a lot more to comment on here than capping the episode with something weird like "good job on not 100% killing the guy who ruined your life." why not consider something like regret, or whatever the criminal equivalent of buyers' remorse is?? more than once detco episodes have said some bizarre pieces on situations like this and, at least to me, transcends from [weird OOC dialogue] to [mouthpiece for the writer.] is it a crime in itself to plan a murder but not act on it? if not, how far is too far? when does someone cross the line from fantasy to premeditation? the victim was the type of person to call the police on people who "looked suspicious" - we can agree that this was cranked up to cartoonishly karen levels for the show, but there are definitely people out there who behave similarly, with behaviors having roots in things like systemic unconscious bias or xenophobia. how does the law deal with these people who call emergency services willy-nilly? is there legal punishment for such people who abuse the system (and in the presence of vigilante justice, as is what ultimately happened here, does that suggest there is none)?
these are all things that are infinitely more intriguing than the final product. and i didn't make any of it up either, i pulled all of this from what we were shown; the groundwork is there but time and time again detco does this low-key infuriating thing where it just doesn't ask questions. more than anything that i mumble and grumble about in this series i find this above all to be extremely annoying. like i almost can't take it sometimes, there have been a few other episodes like this where i can't really do anything but be bewildered (553 comes to mind as THE worst offender so far). i would argue that detective fiction is one of the greyest brands of storytelling out there, so for detco to consistently-- and seemingly willingly-- avoid shades of grey like water and oil is utterly baffling to me and i'm mostly sure this is The Thing that will eventually drive me away from it again [context: i fell back in love with detco in 2021, the first was in 2004 and my interest tapered off in 2007/8 or so]. i'm pessimistic it will ever change course to the degree that i would like (that's a silly expectation), but... there are episodes peppered throughout its catalogue that do, at the very least, acknowledge that these questions are out there (ie 956/957) but rather like other story beats and character developing moments it's almost like the series is cursed to rubber band back to the status quo each time it takes a risk! why??? (this is rhetorical, i'm not looking for an answer)
okay. that's all. i didn't like episode 999 lmao
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orcelito · 11 months
just letting you know, the person who reposted the duck tiktok (not the original tiktok poster themself) is a terf :( figured you would want to know
Ugghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yea actually looking at the url it seems very sus & I did a quick dig and. Yea. I See What You Mean
Thank U for telling me. Another Blog For The Block
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Are you KIDDING ME?! I just went to start editing today's Xenoblade episode (I haven't been sleeping well, so I'm getting started late) and there's NO audio on the recording file.
I can't believe I have to replace another fucking episode's audio. Ugghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I'm not giving up on this channel, I'm going to see it through no matter what. You guys better check our stuff out and appreciate it.
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lilyjane-anon · 3 years
Me in bed trying to process it's Monday tomorrow 😃 (😭)
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the-dot · 4 years
please end meeeee im so tired all the fjdkhgd time
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knivesrey · 4 years
Not me not doing the lineart for a comission im almost finished with bc i dont wanna do it
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19 with Asmo uwu
Makeover night. It always came by, every Saturday, as Bronwen and Asmodeus wound down from the rest of the week that seemed to always drag on and on. It’d happened ever since Asmodeus was assigned to guide Bronwen through the Devildom, and make sure she was safe when she went out. The two had become friends, even despite the strangeness of their relationship.
Well, so long as “strangeness” meant “romantic tension”.
Asmodeus had been painting Bronwen’s nails- insisting on a shade of pink he said would look beautiful on her- when he popped a question that turned the poor, ever easy to fluster woman bright red in an instant.
“Soooooo Bunny~” Asmo began, looking at her with a mischevious glint in his pastel orange eyes, “Do you have a crush on anyone?”
She just about choked on air at that. Bronwen stuttered, using her free hand to brush some hair out of her face, all while trying to look literally anywhere at all that wasn’t in Asmodeus’ direction. It didn’t help much, since she could still feel his gaze on her, and she could have sworn that chuckle just made everything infinitely worse. Half of her was screaming one thing, the other was shouting something else. What was she supposed to say? She couldn’t let him even get the inclination that she- because she didn’t! Not like that!
“I-I… Um…” Bronwen’s chocolate eyes darted towards the floor, “…I-I think I do…”
The sparkle in his eyes just made everything so much worse, putting aside the polish as he’d finished up her nails already- which were thankfully already practically dry, as he took both her hands in his and leaned a bit closer towards her. “Really? Ooo, who is it, who is it~?”
She wasn’t sure her face could get much redder, but the thought that crossed her mind certainly did the trick.
‘It’s you.’ Bronwen thought, still trying not to meet his eyes, ‘It’s always been you.’
“…I’d rather not say.”
“Aww… really? But I need to know what I’m up against!” Asmodeus whined, taking Bronwen’s face into his hands and leaning in even closer, “After all… I still want to be your first kiss, you know that riiiiiiight~?”
Bronwen just sputtered and scurried away, burying her face in her hands.
“L-Let’s just get started on our hair already!”
Asmodeus just laughed.
“Whatever you want, my cute little Bunny.”
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roseofthewind · 6 years
i couldn’t have gotten sick one week later, after finals were over?
#all ive been doing lately is complaining but i feel like shit#and i do not want to write this fucking pointless essay#or go to an 8:30am final tomorrow morning#i actually emailed the professor i have to write the essay for if i could have an extension#and email it to her instead of giving her a physical copy#and the professor with the 8:30am final if i could take it later in the day#which makes me feel even more shit!#the worst part is maybe i dont even feel that bad and i should suck it up and just do what im expected#but bullshitting everything this week because i dont feel good has sent me into a nice depressive spiral and now i really dont feel good#ugghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#rose.text#i dont even want to admit this is whats been going on#i lied to my grandmother when she asked how ive been doing and said I think I'm getting sick#and she gave me some useless advice about drinking enough water and getting enough sleep#thanks i know that and im having trouble sleeping because i keep coughing#i kind of said this already but i hate that the real problem is that im fucking depressed and being sick when theres things expected of me#makes that a thousand times worse#i wished i lived in a world that actually prioritized mental health and i could just say#hey i feel like shit and having to do all this work is stressing me out and making me feel like even more shit#and it would be like okay!#you can do all this later!#and of course my intrusive thoughts are saying#actually you're just pathetic and weak and lazy#if you read this far i promise ill be fine im going home in two days and worse case scenario is i fail my last two finals
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repressedgay-blog · 7 years
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commander-ledi · 7 years
my hair dye is kinda faded and i wanna dye it again but i have picked my scalp into a disaster and i need to wait for the wounds to heal and its going to take like 48956 years
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lovelyrhink · 6 years
depression: cry. cry a lot.
work makeup: please don't
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cuuzca · 2 years
Why are there ads while scrolling on my own page?!
ugghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. no. these are the end times.
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t-lostinworlds · 3 years
I want to gif it so bad but I’m fucking working ugghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m losing my minddddd.
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