#UGGHH i wanna dRAW
lyriumsings · 1 year
ugghhhh i gotta fuck off to bed and i am tired but i wish i could draw more
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kim-shadin · 21 days
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An older work from this year, now without any upload and quality issue; Adam ✨️ A friend of mine wanted to see him in a dress like that and who am I to say No to such a request?
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rexscanonwife · 3 months
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I was talking more about my s/i and Charles in their college years with a friend and I'm obsessed with them 😭🙏
I've got more stuff I wanna draw but for now take a little sketch of what I imagine to be their first kiss, a heat of the moment thing after he wins a fencing match, and a little comparison of my take on 20 year old Charles vs. 40 something year old Charles 😂 his youth and whimsy? GONE!!
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ranminfan · 2 years
Let me just quickly share you guys what triggered me into drawing human minions, and it was this artwork here when I was browsing in Pinterest.
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I don't know who the artist is, I unfortunately can't find them, but LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, Kevin looks handsome here and I'm not even ashamed saying that anymore. Bob is the most adorable boi and Stuart looks so chill, I lovethisart-
Thank you for coming bye-
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rubiarts · 1 year
Do you still take questions? Because I’m a little curious about the Bird Au.
Does Robin undergo a magic Cinderella esque transformation with all the shepards as his/her witness?
Yup asks are always open!
omg yes my idea of the bird au is very fairytale-like lol kinda like princess and the frog, a certain prince's kiss would break the curse 😏
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haeroniel-doliet · 2 years
God that mood where you both need to do stuff and want to do stuff but both needs are vague and have too many options so you just. Do nothing you want or need to do and realize all the time you had is disappearing. A good time!!!
#haeroniel talks#forget the tag oh well#but for real. had 4 days off work and a ton of real life stuff i both have to get done and have been meaning to get done for a long time#ive pretty much only played video games and called my friends. genuinely not time wasted and i love when i get to do that#and like rn i would love to play more games and spend time with my friends like if one offers you know i never say no#but its also already getting dark and i have to go back to work tomorrow and ive not done everything i promised to have done yknow?#time doesnt feel real and i dont wanna get up even if the anxiety slowly builds to hopefully productive panic#but in the mean time im like ugghh i wanna stop laying around just playing sudoku and watching lame youtube. i wanna play something#(unclear what it is i actually wanna play too many options i kinda wanna play all of them and none huehheh)#im also very sad i havent drawn in ages and any attempt just feels shit. like maybe if i read enough fanfic thatll respark the love.#id love to post something before christmas to get me excited to draw again over the break but who the hell knows if i'll manage#and yeah still have the annoying job related/driving school related/therapy applying/other life admin that really really should be done#im just being grouchy and stuck and need to vent hi tumblr love you all kiss kiss i wish i could function better#i think maybe perhaps. ill concede that driving school and therapy arent priority (important but ive wasted ages on them already)#i think i can do work related things bc theyre sort of fun. i can use my parents help to whack through the life admin and then#maybe i can let myself spend the rest of the evening guilt free either calling my friends and/or playing or if im going totally w drawin
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shaded-senka · 2 years
Ya ever just
*starts sobbing uncontrollably*
Ahem, sorry about that, what I meant to say was
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peepsburt · 7 months
Ohh my god I think I had a little zombie character at some point. I need to draw them
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kuberish · 4 months
art blocked UGGHH
Got artblocked and I REALLY wanna get back to art but ughh
Anyone feel free to drop asks with suggestions for scenario's or what to draw. I hope it might spark my inspiration and get my art engine goin again
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peppermint-moss · 1 year
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First time participatin in hourly comic day!! I’ve done one before that I never actually posted; but Feb.1 I believee is like The Day for hourly comics c: (transcription of the writing under the cut cause i feel like my writing is real real messy here sorry bout that)
commission info || tip jar
10:00 AM panel 1: Woke up.... ish.. panel 2: .. Watched YT videos in bed trying to get more awake panel 3: Brush teef / Breakie
11:00 AM panel 1: scrollin tumblr panel 2: Draw hourlies during work meeting... panel 3: Oops I wasn’t listening I should take notes LOL
12:00 PM 1: Still in meeting... mmm 2: mmm Almond Hazelnut Chocolate :) 3: Walking to bus... I didn’t realize the elementary school I cut across to get to bus was having their recess so I tried to walk through as unthreateningly as possible o god there was so many children 4: On bus, listening to the “Wonderful!” podcast
1:00 PM 1: Visiting art gallery + hanging out with a friend
2:00 PM 1: Walkin around park with friend going heart eyes over all the crows n squirrels n stuff :) 2: Ate a few bites of lunch @ restaurant with friend very fast cause I had to go to class!! 3: Mrrgh... Hour long transit to school :(
3:00 PM 1: Oops 5 min late to class 2: Tis an Art History class; talk abt readings+essay assignment aargh beans nooo
4:00 PM 1: Class over! It’s only an hour which is so SHORT my dang transit takes longer than the time spent in class 2: Drop off pen pal letter for letter-writing club I’m in @ school 3: UGHH TRANSIT Side doodle: (Walking to train, saw a dog with the tiniest lil stick legs and bright pink jacket omg)
5:00 PM 1: Drawing hourlies on transit 2: Oh shit my stop is here already?? Drawing makes time go so fast wowie 3: Get on another bus... More drawing hourlies on transit 4: Walk through the elementary school grounds... nice n quiet now
6:00 PM 1: Back in house! Into comfier pjs and watchin YT to settle 2: Got lotta work to do but... :( 3: ...back to watching YT videos
7:00 PM 1: Dinner + some very brief research for art history essay
8:00 PM 1: “oh boy my plant is dying” / Shower time 2: Scrollin on phone all nice n warm from shower :) 9:00 PM 1: “ugghh outta bed” / Should really be working on stuff :( 2: Working on essay...
10:00 PM 1: “grr detailed pen+ink drawing is Not my jam” / Some working on illustration project
11:00 PM 1: Late night snack of leftover pecan crumbs (while Apple looks at me) 2: “Noo more transit tmr :(” / Brush teeth... Thinking abt how I don’t wanna get up for tomorrow’s early class
12:00 AM 1: Sleepy time
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seepylilthing · 1 year
Dude i absolutely love the idea of sans in a big poofy dress but i never see it... or its like form fitting or something. I really wanna see more of that!!!
Someone made an absolute banger dress design for him here
I plan to draw him in it as soon as I finish the dishes because ugghh he'd be soooo cute .
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outpost-31 · 2 years
ugghh anybody wanna give me some characters from part 4/5 to draw i am so bored and restless and doing wpm tests isn't cutting it
need to do my part 4 designs. have at it if anybody wants
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rexscanonwife · 16 days
Uggggh I'm trying to draw but struggling (the strugglerrrr) so I'm gonna play video games instead but I was also talking to my partner the other day about how my OVW s/i would probably be really good friends with Genji!
I mean they both have omnic parts and neither really...got them by choice 😂😂 I think my s/i has been keeping hers a secret for a while because of ppl who are omnic racist and I feel like she'd be able to be a little more accepting of herself because of bonding with Genji!
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joltedfox-06 · 1 year
Ugghh I wanna draw so badly but I can barely sit up without feeling sick
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me waiting for my creativity funk to pass
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gachapulls · 3 years
okay but do you want to know whats my favorite kind of oddly specific idol game fan art? character walking home like when its raining or just dark out and they pass by an illuminated promo poster of themselves and just kinda stare at it sadly or they even ignore it completely
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