#Tricks Dedicated to Witches
When the (fake) isekai manga hits you with the gender studies lesson out of nowhere
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meme-id-templates · 2 years
Hello Person From Franchise ID Template
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[ID: A black and white "Hello Person from Franchise" meme in four panels. The first panel is of Suzuki Iruma smiling and saying "Hello Makito from Tricks Dedicated to Witches". The second panel is of Harry Makito saying "Hello Suzuki Iruma from Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun".
The third panel is of Iruma in Wicked Irumi form with long black hair in a short black halter top dress, followed by Harry Makito in his 'Grand Transformation' form with long black hair and a halter top bearing the midriff in the fourth. Wicked Irumi is standing and holding a mic stand with a 'Fwip' sound effect while Grand Transformation Harry is wearing his fur-collar jacket as a cape. End ID]
Source: imgflip.com
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sunny44 · 9 months
Old vs new
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x daughter
Warnings: none, just fluff
Summary: When Lewis is bored in his house and decide to do a instagram live with his daughter.
This is a request
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It was a sunny afternoon and I was bored in the house, my wife was with her sister and I was at our house with my daughter who was doing something in her room and then I had the idea of doing an Instagram live witch is something I usually don’t do but since the fans lives Ava I thought it was a good ideia.
I called Ava saying to meet me in my trophies room and when I press the button to start the live, Ava entered the room and she sit in my lap and we immediately created a buzz as fans tuned in to witness our live.
"Hey everyone, I've got a very special lady here with me today," I said to the phone and Ava smiled and waved at everyone. "As you guys already now this is my daughter Ava. And she’s already in go kart to be the next Hamilton.”
Mia giggled, her eyes lighting up as she playfully jabbed, "Yeah, Dad, you're not as fast as you used to be. You're like, ancient in F1 years!"
The comment sparked laughter from Lewis and his audience. "Ancient, huh?" he responded, feigning shock. "Well, I might not be as young as I was when I started, but I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve!"
Ava’s eyes twinkled mischievously. "Oh, I've seen your tricks, Dad. I've also seen your old races on TV. Vintage stuff!"
The banter continued as they reminisced about Lewis's early days in racing. He recounted stories of his breakthrough races, while Mia giggled at the outdated racing gear he used to wear. "Hey, don't laugh too hard! Those suits were cutting-edge back then," Lewis protested, feigning offense.
Mia, her voice dripping with mock seriousness, quipped, "Yeah, sure they were, Dad. Just like those ancient cell phones you used!"
The playful teasing exchanged between father and daughter endeared them to their audience even more. Amidst the jokes, Lewis shared the valuable lessons he learned from his journey – the hard work, dedication, and resilience that drove him to become a champion.
"You know, Ava" Lewis began with a thoughtful expression, "racing isn't just about speed and trophies. It's about determination and pushing yourself beyond your limits. That's something you'll need to remember when you're the next Hamilton in F1."
Mia's eyes gleamed as she leaned closer to the camera. "Oh, I'll remember, Dad. And when I'm on that track, I'll make sure to remind everyone that the Hamilton legacy continues!"
Their connection was a beautiful blend of admiration and camaraderie. As the conversation flowed, Lewis turned the tables on Ava. "You know what, Ava? I think it's time for a challenge. How about we have a karting race this weekend? Old vs new!"
Ava's face lit up, excitement radiating from her. "You're on, Dad! Just remember, I've been practicing!"
As the live session drew to a close, Lewis shared his pride in his daughter's aspirations. "I'm not just her father, but also her biggest fan. If she chooses to step into the world of racing, I'll be there every step of the way."
The Instagram Live ended with promises of the upcoming karting showdown and a grateful farewell to the fans. Lewis and Ava had not only shared their love for racing but had given the world a glimpse into the genuine bond they shared – a bond that would undoubtedly continue to flourish as the next generation of the Hamilton legacy began to unfold.
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kaeyx · 9 months
In any monster au chuuya would 1000% be a vampire. Blood in wine glasses, dark moody reds and black, hates bright lights, lives in extravagance with a night time job. Hes the refined, elegant type that has successfully integrated into human society but misses being an old romantic. Chuuya closely monitors the modern era, absorbing all kinds of information from technology to ethics. Initially it was to better blend in but now he has an appreciation for human tenacity and ingenuity. When he falls in love he falls hard, he cannot bare to part from you but he cant stand turning you into a cold monster such as himse-"but if im a vampire we can fuck forever" .....you make a good point and he will think on it. In all seriousness though he is a gentleman who considers your happiness and wellbeing above everything. If you come to the conclusion that you want to remain human he is absolutely going to dedicate an entire mausoleum and garden to you inside his castle- he leaves the city behind to stay with your corpse until he also returns to dust. Its the hardcore romanticism in him. For as long as your alive though, dont expect him to ever leave you alone
Dazai is harder for me to pin down but i feel like he would be genuinely unsettling/inhuman. Thinking drider/jorogumo, kelpie, jinkininki. I think kitsune also fits very well for the trickster aspects but the monster side needs to be beefed up for me to appreciate. Regardless he is found in the dark, dangerous, and empty corners of cities. On the surface he is completely adjusted to life as a human, especially when he is able to present in human form. But at his core he is still a monster who doesnt expend empathy or kindness to humans. His tricks, his traps, his appetite for human flesh are still alive and well. Thankfully at some point someone instilled in him the idea of morals so dazai's diet consists of human scum. He isnt romantic like chuuya but is devoted and tender. Unfortunately a true monster fell in love with you and he will find a way to make you immortal. There are plenty of talented witches and taoists that owe him favors. Theres no existence without you, he will bind his soul to yours so he never has to be alone again
Suffice to say both monsters are yandere and the sex is intense
But yes that's me you're telling me I get to sleep during the day and wander around in low cut shirts with puffy sleeves?? Forever??? And also this hot man will bite me??? Sign me UP I'll work graveyard shift somewhere
Ugh it suits him so well tho,,,, big cold corridors, nice clothes, fancy wine glasses, yearning from a distance, love letters sealed with wax, lots and lots of blood,,,,,, ehehehe I need him
This bastard definitely embraces the more unsettling, inhuman aspects of himself. Being a little too tall, limbs a little too long, teeth a little too sharp even if he's mimicking a human. You look into his eyes too long and get a little dizzy, like looking over the edge of a cliff. Weird shit is always happening around him, though it's unclear whether that's because of his magic or because he's just Like That™.
And my god the sex. Absolutely insane sex on both sides. Chuuya has endless stamina and would want nothing more than to turn you while he's fucking you, drinking your blood until you're lightheaded and can barely move, letting him go as many rounds as he likes. Dazai digging his sharp teeth and claws into you, fucking you in weird places like alleyways or in the middle of the forest, chasing you through the city before pinning you to the ground and fucking your brains out. Plus he has a knot
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sanjoongie · 1 year
Dragon Oracle
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🐉Submission for @thelargefrye Starseed Jam event! 🐉Pairing: Choi Jongho x Reader (f) x Jeong Yunho 🐉Genre: enemies to lovers au, poly!ot8, fantasy au 🐉Word Count: 15,916 (yeah this bitch is wordy but it's an entire saga in one sitting, so sit back and enjoy the show) 🐉Warnings:  fighting with swords, blood, death, penetrative sex with no barrier, overstim, mentions of mxm, dom!reader x sub!jongho, scratching/marking, dom!yunho x sub!reader, big cock! yunho, hair pulling, finger sucking, clit stimulation, degradation kink, choking, future fucks with San and seonghwa {separately dear God why did I write it like that no} and mingi (cunninlingus) , mentions of mate bond-testing sex with yeosang? 🐉Rated: 18+ MDNI, smut, angst, romance
🐉Summary: Dragon from the window au~ What if yn was born as a dragon oracle instead? (please read smalls headcanons and fics before you read mine, you will not regret it! especially mean hongjoong a la ugly dragon!)
🐉Dedication: @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland, my lovely beta’s. And to smalls: this is my love letter to the wonderful world you have created. Know that I will always be a fan of your work, your writing and this world 🥰
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"You're not even a true dragon!"
"Filthy oracle."
Your kind had fallen out of favor centuries ago. When the clans fought the witches, using their dark magic and assassins, they practically wiped the oracle's out. For you, the oracle's were now used for the desperate, for the weak, but never truly taken seriously by any of the high ranking dragons, including the prince. Especially considering that any oracle could not turn into a dragon. It was said that it was a curse on the oracles for failing the dragon clans all those eons ago…
You were from a long line of dragon oracles who could trace themselves back to the wars. The problem with that lie in that everyone was living a lie. Most of the way that the current oracles conjured their ‘visions’ was with a lot of smoke and mirrors, cheap tricks that fascinated the hatchlings and elderly but the sharp-eyed dragons of the clan never fell for it. You knew you were about to be hauled off to the council to vote if you were to remain in the clan if you attempted to fool one of the dragons who could see right through the cheap tricks. Finding one of them at your door was hardly a good omen.
Lucky for you, you kept out of their way, no matter how handsome some of the higher ranking dragons were. The prince certainly was haughty, noble and beautiful but some of his mates were also akin to sparkly jewels. That was until the day you learned that one of them was your mate as well.
You were residing in a hammock, swinging around in the incense-filled room that you shared with your hatchling brood, your ‘sacred sisters’, when your eyes clouded over. You began to scream in fear and fell from your hammock. One of your sister’s ran for the eldest oracle, guessing that she would be the best to help you in your current state. 
While you were left in the arms of one of your other sisters, you saw something that didn’t quite make sense to you at first. You saw a man who was dressed like a dragon hunter and he brandished a weapon that made you feel like you just had received a punch to the gut. There was no doubt that that sword was made from your mother’s great silver talon. 
You received a quick flash of your mother’s final moments, tragic and harsh, being lashed down to the earth by strong nets and to never fly again. Your mother had mated with your father, from that long line of oracles, much to the chagrin of her family. She had a true form which you always envied. That’s why it hurt you even more when you had lost her to dragon hunters. She always seemed to be the one true dragon who accepted you. 
But that was not all you were privy to. You watched as the dragon hunter approached one of the prince’s mates. You saw the brown hair and knew it was Jongho. He struggled in his human form, a delicate but strong family of chains wrapping around him, prominently around his shoulders. 
“Release me!” Jongho demanded with a bellow, never ceasing to fight his confines.
The dragon hunter chuckled. “Why would I do that when I have the clear advantage here? I’ll simply drag you back to our camp and we will harvest your dragon parts when we force you back into your more appealing form.”
Your heart dropped. Was this a vision of the future or was this happening in real time? You decided you didn’t care once the vision adjusted one more time.
You were shown a domestic scene full of love and adoration. You were holding Jongho and he was allowing you to card your hands through his hair. “You’re mine,” Jongho growled below you.
“Of course,” You murmured, placing a gentle kiss on the top of his head.
“But I have to share you,” Jongho said in a voice that had a slight whine to it.
“If I’m mate to one, I'm going to be mate to the rest of them, Jongho,” You told him in a calm voice.
“I just wanted something that was solely mine, for once…” Jongho admitted.
“You share the other’s fine,” You couldn't help but laugh under your breath.
“Yes, but I thought…” Jongho allowed himself a moment to pout. He was softer with you. You couldn't put your finger on it, but something had allowed him to open up and be vulnerable with you. “...I thought perhaps you would be my mate, and only mine. I didn’t think I would have to share.”
You rubbed your cheek into the crown of his hair. “Well for now, at least, it’s just you and me. It will take some convincing for the others.”
Your eyes slowly became unclouded and you were able to see the wrinkled face of the eldest dragon oracle within the clan. Awe was clearly written all over her face. “A true oracle. Finally!” she shouted.
Your sisters had all gathered around you and gasped as the elder spoke. “Surely you kid.”
The granny cupped your face with her withered hands and smiled happily, tears brimming in her eyes. “My grandmother was a true oracle. They killed her in fear that she would ruin the rest of our lives. But I saw her eyes turn cloudy only an hour before she predicted her death. They say that our eyes go cloudy because we gave up our dragon form for the ability to see. The clouds are our spirit selves flying the skies of the future.”
Your sisters murmured amongst themselves but you gently pushed yourself up from the ground, remembering your vision. “I must find Jongho!”
One of your sister’s screwed up her nose. “Why? That warrior will only spit on you if you talk to him.”
“He’s in danger!” You shouted, feeling sick to your stomach with fear.
The elder oracle pointed to the door. “If anyone would know of his whereabouts, it would be his other mates. You cannot approach Hongjoong or Seonghwa easily, but the other warriors will know where he patrols. Go, child, follow your vision!”
Based on your vision, you knew you would be fighting if you were going to help Jongho, so you quickly grabbed your sword that sat uselessly in its sheath by your bed. If you were good for anything, it was your sword fighting abilities. Your father trained you, first to protect your mother and later to protect yourself. You didn't have a dragon form to rely on, so you had to hone your human one.
You ran to the training grounds where most of the warriors honed their skills. There you found Yeosang with chain sickle. He was currently wrapping the chain around his arm and hand gripping the sickle part hard enough to make his muscles bulge. "Is Jongho out on patrol?" You demanded.
Yeosang stared you, looking you up and down, clearly unimpressed you were talking to him. "Aren't you from the oracle family? Why would you need to know where Jongho is?"
"Yeosang, please. I am a part of this clan. Set aside our differences and tell me where Jongho is. I might not have enough time to get to him!"
Yeosang gives you a look full of judgment. "He's gone to the forest east of here, patrolling all the way to the mountains. He could be anywhere."
You placed a hand on Yeosang's arm. "Thank you."
And that's when you saw clouds again, obscuring your vision and showing you a glimpse into the future.
"Do you…do you think you could forgive me?" Yeosang's eyes filled with sorrow as he looked at your bandaged arm.
"You just saw a human, you weren't thinking. Being in that much pain must have made your instincts as a dragon flare. I'm sure if--" your breath caught in your throat. There it was again. That guilt branded into your skull: you would never understand truly being a dragon.
"I'll take you out," Yeosang rushed out his words. "When you're better. I'll take you for a flight. Everyone from our clan should know how the wind feels on their face when they fly."
You couldn't help but feel emotional. "You don't have to do that," You declined softly.
Yeosang pushed your chin up so that you would meet his eyes. "You're my mate. I want to share that with you."
Your eyes unclouded and Yeosang looked at you with round eyes. "What was that?"
You smiled awkwardly. "Oracle stuff."
"Wha-?" Before Yeosang could make you explain yourself, you were gone. 
You ran to the stables. The horses were there for farming and tilling the fields that helped feed the livestock that the clan ate. But this wouldn't have been the first time you hopped onto the back of one of the docile geldings. You were desperate to feel something of your dragon origins, so horses had been your bridge to that.
So you galloped through the eastern forest, weaving amongst the animal trails, eyes peeled for Jongho’s dragon form. You cursed under your breath, sure that you were going to arrive too little too late.
You bursted into a clearing and saw two small bodies in the distance. Could that be them? You urged your horse forward, whispering to him of the sweet sugar you would feed him later if he rode like the wind to get you to Jongho’s side. The horse tore through the tall grass and you confirmed it was Jongho struggling in his bonds before the dragon hunter who had killed your mother when you were young.
You let out a yell full of rage and fury and halted the horse, jumping to the ground. Your sword came free of its sheath and soon it was clanging against the hunters. 
"Oh, dragon, is this human a friend of yours?" The hunter said through gritted teeth.
You bared yours at him in retaliation. "I'm your worst nightmare. A dragon who fights like a human."
You could tell the hunter had truly only used his strength against his opponents; he had no finesse. He barely was able to block any of your strikes and half of his were easy to dodge. He wasn't a fighter, he was a hunter. Bullying was in his nature, winning a sword fight was not.
With one final guttural yell, you pulled back your sword and plunged it into the gap of his neck and shoulder of his boiled leather armor. The man died with a quiet, bloody gurgle and then it was done.
You wiped the blade on his corpse and turned to check on Jongho. But first, you went to a knee. That last thing you wanted was to insult Jongho. "How can I help you?"
"Did you…did you just save my life? How?" Jongho said in disbelief.
"I saw you being captured in a premonition." 
Jongho blinked at you. "And so you came to save me?"
"I…" You eyed the ground. "I had to. That hunter killed my mother. He was going to kill you."
"But I've never even acknowledged your existence. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've called your family a pale shadow of a dragon."
You grimaced in mental pain. "You are a part of my clan. You are the prince's mate. You are--" my mate.
"Quickly, help me get out of these chains. They're binding me to human form!" Jongho urged you.
You moved to stand behind him and found the clasp and it fell to the ground. Jongho rolled his neck and shoulders in relief. "Can you…should you transform?" You wondered, unsure if he would take insult.
Jongho turned and shook his head. "I don't think I should." He changed the subject immediately, "You fight like a feral creature!"
"The hunter was a--oh the sword!" You remembered how you identified the hunter in the first place.
You pulled the sword from underneath the dragon hunter and brandished it. The silver hue of an immortal creature turned rainbow tinged in the light. You could feel the connection to the sword; you could say with everything that made you you, that this sword had been carved from your mother’s talon. 
"You should name it Rosa's Bane," Jongho suggested.
"You knew of my mother?" You frowned heavily.
"Of course I do. They tell us all her story so that we know what happens to bad little dragons." Jongho’s gaze dropped in shame.
"It's okay," You say softly, "I'm aware of what they say."
"But!" Jongho’s booted feet touched yours as he halted in front of you, teeth snapping shut. "You're a real oracle! And you saved my life."
"All I ask in return is for you to be kinder to the oracle family," You asked in a hushed tone. "I'll leave you be then."
Before you could turn and head back to the gelding, Jongho's hand went to your bicep. "Wait. I owe you an apology. You clearly aren't only about yourself and your tricks. There's more to you than meets the eye."
You let a small smile of hope pull the corner of your lips. "Apology accepted."
After saving Jongho, the elders of the clan held a council. You recounted your experience honestly. Hongjoong sat at his place--on a throne made from melted stone that could only be heated by dragon's fire--looking bored, head in hand. Your elder collaborated with your state, your urgency to save Jongho. Even Yeosang came before the council, his deep voice echoing against the old lava tunnels of the mountain. He confirmed your clouded vision state. And when Jongho took the center of the natural auditorium, passionately speaking of how you saved him and avenged your mother, and therefore were a hero of the clan, well, no one could deny that things were about to change.
Suddenly, you had your own rooms. They were filled with silk pillows and luscious smelling incense. You were given lost treasures of the clan that were put away in an old horde cave, for dragon's never disregarded their treasures, simply rotated through their favorites. An old copper bowl filled with embers for scrying. A large book and stand to record your visions. Even old toe bones of the first oracle dragon, said to speak the truth of your soul. 
You were declared oracle of the dragon clan and had an official standing. You were on equal terms as Seonghwa, the right hand of Hongjoong himself. Hongjoong would have nothing to do with you, or so it seemed as if you never saw the prince. But Seonghwa, on the other hand, you saw a lot of. 
Part of your official duties, especially as oracle, was to be privy to the decision making of the clan. Where the next patrol should be, when they should celebrate a new brood of hatchlings being brought into this world, the list went on. Seonghwa begrudgingly worked with you. You could tell he was unsure of you. He didn’t trust you, but clearly you had saved Jongho, so you got points for that.
“Seonghwa?” You dared to grab his attention as he was working on the details of the next feast.
“Yes?” He said in his clipped but coldly polite tone that he always took on when addressing you.
“What’s this map over here?” The edges of your vision were getting blurry and you were starting to learn that you were closer to a clue of a true seeing.
Seonghwa’s eyes flitted to what you were pointing to on the table. “That? Just Hongjoong planning on visiting a settlement. It’s nothing to worry about. The plans are all set.”
Your hand trembled as you moved to reach for it. Seonghwa was back to focusing on his writing, quill feather moving diligently. “Something about this map feels weird.”
Seonghwa scoffed. “Are you going to pretend you know something about it, Oracle?”
“Seonghwa, I’m serious!” You raised your voice at him.
Seonghwa’s eyes snapped up to watch you as you finally snatched up the map but no vision occurred. He let out a mocking laugh. “Looks like you can only see visions when it’s convenient for you, hmm?”
You narrowed your eyes at him and that’s when he gave up his writing and stood up. “You may be a bit of a warrior in your own right, but you forget your place. I am a dragon. I will put you down if need be.”
You threw up your hands in frustration. “Because God forbid I actually help someone. Do you know how close Jongho was to--”
Seonghwa’s long legs took him close to you but you side stepped him before he could touch you. You didn’t want what happened with Yeosang to happen right now. Even if it would prove to Seonghwa that you were a true oracle first hand, you didn’t want the knowledge that Seonghwa was also your mate. Not right now, at least. Seonghwa regarded you with suspicion but did not attempt again to grab you. “You're dismissed, Oracle. Sleep well.”
“Gladly,” You replied to him curtly and left the room posthaste.
You sped walk to your quarters and slammed the door for good measure. You also took your meal within your room as well. You were tired of having to fight for your spot. All you wanted to do was help the clan, but you couldn’t if both Seonghwa and Hongjoong were against you. You felt like your seeing abilities were a curse at this point.
Sometime in the evening, when the sun had been laid to rest and the moon watched over the world, there was a knock on your door. “Go away, Seonghwa!” You shouted, throwing a shoe at your door, “I don’t want to hear about how useless I am.”
“Oracle?” A different voice came through the wood of the door. “It’s Jongho.”
You rushed to your door, feeling chagrined. “Jongho, I’m so sorry!’
Jongho was sporting a slight frown. “Is Seonghwa causing you trouble? I could talk to him for you.”
You shook your head. “No. That’s my battle to fight. Don’t worry about it.” Your eyes took in the mysterious robe that Jongho had on. “How are you? I don’t think I’ve seen you since I rescued you.”
Jongho’s turned his head left then right, eyes searching the hallway before saying “Do you think I could come in?”
“Sure, sure,” You opened your door and let Jongho come into your room.
He took a few steps, head swinging to take in the different objects you had. “Have you had any visions…since that day?”
You shook your head and closed the door. “Either there is nothing important enough to see or it was a fluke,” You laughed bitterly.
Jongho spun around. “Don’t say that!”
You cocked your head in curiosity. “What’s wrong?”
Jongho grasped his robe near his collarbones with two hands. “You can’t say that your visions have been a fluke.”
You took a step closer to Jongho. “Because?”
“Because…” Jongho took a deep breath and looked you in the eyes honestly. “Because you saw we were mates, didn’t you?”
You gasped. “How did you…?” 
“Oracle, I feel things for you that I have only felt for my other mates,” Jongho said in a hushed tone, his eyes dilating. “I burn for you.” 
“I--Jongho--” You started to step backwards. You knew in theory Jongho was yours but nothing could have prepared you for this.
For every step you took backwards, Jongho took a step forwards. “I took the device that attempted to seal me to human form from that fateful day. I took it and made it into something as a memento; the day I met my mate.”
You shook your head, unable to find the words to tell him to stop. “You shouldn’t--does anyone else--?”
“Do you want to see it?” Jongho looked at you through his eyelashes flirtatiously. 
You swallowed but couldn't find any moisture in your mouth. “Do I want to see it?”
Without another word, Jongho dropped his robe. He wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing underneath it, but he did have something adorning his body. The same chains that bound him to human form were now made to frame his chest, falling along his shoulders and encircling his neck. You felt like your heartbeat was caught in your throat, like you had swallowed a hummingbird and it was looking to escape. 
“Oh, Jongho…” You said in awe of the picture he cut in the warmth of your candlelight.
“I have been trying to find the right moment to tell the others but I cannot hold back any longer. You saved my body and now I want to pay you back with that body. I must mate with you. I need to be inside of you,” Jongho begged, his eyes looking desperate.
“They will only hate me more!” You protested, “Don’t put me in that position, Jongho.”
Jongho shook his head. “I will not let them.” He placed a hand on the door that stood at your back, trapping you against it. “You protected me once, let me protect you now.”
Your last shred of protesting was cast aside then. So used to the cold attitude the majority of dragonkind treated you with, you caved under the need to be loved. You pressed your body and your lips to Jongho and he moaned into your mouth. "I'll take this offering of your body," You said in between eating up those plush lips of his.
"Please take me," Jongho whined again.
It was your turn to push while Jongho receded. Soon, the back of his legs hit the lounge you had in case your visions came on while looking into the embers or tossed the toe bones. He sat down heavily and you pulled up your diaphanous skirts to straddle Jongho’s leg.
Your forefinger traced Jongho’s collarbones and then both your hands raked your nails down his chest, pulling at his tight and sensitive nipples. Jongho let out a guttural grunt and you licked your lips in anticipation. 
"What's this, Jongho?" You reached in between your body and his and found his cock standing to attention. It twitched in your hands and Jongho whimpered.
"It's yours, it's all yours," Jongho babbled.
"Mine?" You asked, interest coating your voice, "Don't you share this with others? Perhaps they might protest, hmmm?"
Jongho shook his head, his cheeks jiggling at his alacrity. "Yours, yours, yours, for tonight, my body is yours."
You started to pump his cock in your hand. Jongho’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and the back of his head hit the back of the lounge. "Please, your touch is so good. Feels so good." Jongho takes a moment to swallow and breathe out and he sounded like he was drowning in lust. "D-don't make me come in your hand. Mercy, please."
You languidly pumped his cock. "Are you truly asking for mercy?"
"No," Jongho admitted quickly and squeezed his eyes shut in embarrassment. "I want you to ruin me for everyone else."
You leaned down to whisper into Jongho’s ear. "I could have you bent over on my bed, tongue in your ass and hand wrapped around your dick, making you fall apart for me but that is not mating, is it, my pet?"
When you pulled back, Jongho looked up at you with shiny, bright brown eyes. "No."
"Then," You brought his cock to your entrance and rubbed it against your leaking hole, "Let's join and become one, hmmm?"
Your own skin was feverishly hot, feeling the need for Jongho as much as he had for you. It wasn't until you pushed down on him that you felt some sort of relief. 
Jongho’s hands flew to your hips, holding you there. "Wait, wait, I've wanted this for too long, let me--let me drink it in."
You lasted all of two seconds staying still before you clenched around him and he let out a strangled moan. "Please?"
"You forget your place," You said in a guttural tone as you began to weave your hips in a figure eight shape. "You said you were mine for the taking, remember?"
You turned Jongho’s face harshly and began to suck and lick up his neck. After each successful mark, you whispered "Mine" eliciting a shiver each time from Jongho.
When you finally get to his jawline you decided it was time to reward Jongho with a kiss to his lips. "Such a good pet, letting me take what I want from you, hmm?" You tugged at his bottom lip briefly with your teeth and he groaned for you again.
"I'm yours," Jongho whispered.
"Not until I take wholly what is mine," You growled.
You began a relentless pace, bouncing on Jongho’s cock. His whines were back, desperate and needy. "We will only be mated once you have come inside of me, Jongho. Need you to release your seed and then the deed is done."
You watched almost predatorily as the Adam's apple in Jongho’s throat bobbed up and down. "You--you first!" He said with a warbled shout.
You hooked a finger through Jongho's chained necklace and pulled him closer to you. "Was that an order?"
Jongho flinched at the sound of your dangerous purr. "No…"
“Then you will come. Now,” You commanded.
Jongho held you down on his cock and spurted inside of you, his noises of satisfaction and neediness filling the air. You slowed down your pace to simply winding your hips as Jongho came down from his high but you didn’t stop. His fingernails dug into your ass soon, however. 
“Too much,” He said through gritted teeth.
“Too much?” You smiled, “Didn’t you say you needed to be inside of me? Didn’t you want me to come too?”
Jongho nodded but whimpered at the overstimulation of his cock. The urge to pull yourself off of him and kiss and lick his cock surged through you; to have another dragon in your thrall touched a side of you that you didn’t know had the potential to develop but you suppressed it. You needed to seal the deal. You knew it in your bones that this was a joint mission.
So you pushed Jongho’s hair out of his face and kissed his nose, his cheeks, even his eyelids until his whines of overstimulation became groans of a second climax. “You can do it for me, pet, you can endure it so that I can come for you, right? You’re doing so well for me, letting me take care of you like this, hmm? You trust me right?”
Jongho’s eyes were vulnerable and it was as if he was removing all of his layers to you and only you. “I trust you with my life.”
“Then let’s go again, shall we?” You nuzzled your nose against his and he nodded. 
You began to build your pleasure back up, brick by brick, thrust by thrust, until you were tingling again. Jongho was practically dripping out of you, and with your own slick adding to his cum, your room was filled with wet, lewd noises. 
Jongho was pussy-drunk again, however. His arms were lax at his side, his mouth open and drooling a bit, the only part of him truly moving was his pelvis muscles tensing for your bounce. “You’re so warm and wet,” He whimpered.
“You enjoy being inside of me that much, my pet?” You asked.
“I love your pussy,” Jongho moaned, his tongue coming out to lick at the drool from the side of his mouth.
“Then make this pussy come, Jongho,” You whispered sensually.
Jongho’s eyebrows furrowed cutely as he attempted to focus enough to aid you in coming. He pressed his lips together and fucked up into your pussy as you brought your hips downwards. When he started to hit that spongy part inside of you that was making you see stars, you knew you were getting close.
“Oh Jongho, just like that, hnnnnnn,” You started to whine as your climax got closer and closer and finally it bursted through you like a wave hitting a cliff. You dug your teeth into the meat of Jongho’s neck and dug your nails into his sides as you came hard.
Jongho was like a puddle below you, completely relaxed and satisfied in finally making you come. "My mate," he pouted.
You plopped down on the side of the lounge that was empty and Jongho laid with his arms wrapped around your waist and his head resting on your chest, the rest of his body in-between your legs. You carded you hands through his hair tenderly and Jongho's voice rumbled into your chest, "You're mine."
Tears came unbidden to your eyes. This was the scene, this was how you knew Jongho was your mate!
“Of course,” You murmured, placing a gentle kiss on the top of his head.
“But I have to share you,” Jongho said in a voice that had a slight whine to it.
“If I’m mate to one, I'm going to be mate to the rest of them, Jongho,” You told him in a calm voice.
“I just wanted something that was solely mine, for once…” Jongho admitted.
“You share with the other’s just fine,” You couldn't help but laugh under your breath.
“Yes, but I thought…” Jongho allowed himself a moment to pout. He was softer with you. You had to assume that saving him had allowed him to open up and be vulnerable with you. “...I thought perhaps you would be just my mate, and only mine. I didn’t think I would have to share.”
You rubbed your cheek into the crown of his hair. “Well, for now at least, it’s just you and me. It will take some convincing for the others.”
"Do you know for sure about the others?" Jongho wondered.
"I'll be honest, only Yeosang. I had a vision with him before I saved you."
Jongho rubbed his face further against your cheek and it brought out a low moan from you. Jongho smiled mischievously. "If I sucked your breasts through this dress would you be mad at me?"
"We need to sleep, greedy guts," You admonished him.
"Can I…can I sleep here? With you?" Jongho asked.
"Do you really want to be caught sneaking out of my rooms at dawn?" You chuckled.
"I want to sleep with my mate," Jongho admitted. 
"Alright, you can sleep here, but you cannot hide behind my skirts if someone catches you."
"Can I sneak under your skirts and show them how to take care of you before they get to have you themselves?"
After the successful mating with Jongho, things seemed to get somewhat easier. With the possibility of you being a mate to the prince, the hushed conversations about you stopped, at least in public. Jongho must have spoken to the others on your behalf because Seonghwa was begrudgingly a little less cold to you. Yeosang began to take walks with you through the training yards to the stables. You thought perhaps he would be the next to succumb to the mating pull but it was someone else you did not expect.
You were frustrated with your abilities. The bad position you were in now with Seonghwa on top of things only pushed you to try the tools of the old oracles.
San accompanied you while you went on an outing to retrieve morning glories, the flower that your elder had said your predecessor had used. San carried the wicker basket as you two meandered the trails. You were pretty sure Jongho strong-armed San, perhaps literally, into joining you. 
"So Jongho sounds like he's hopelessly in love with you," San said in a voice that sounded both mocking and mean.
So you threw the same attitude back at him. "Sounds to me like you're a tad bit jealous."
That stopped San in his tracks and he lagged behind for a bit and then caught up with you. "I'm not jealous. I'm just saying, you've fooled him well," San insisted.
"If you think I've fooled Jongho, then I'm not sure you know your own mate, San," You scoffed.
San was silent for a time, seemingly chewing on your words. You found a group of morning glories and began to cut them from the vines they were growing on. Then he deigned to speak. "I'm only here as a witness, so when you speak of how you didn't get the right flower and that's why you didn't have your vision, I can confirm to the rest of my mates that you are indeed a fake."
You swept up your basket without another word and made the long trek back to the castle. San accompanied you every bit of the way, albeit more silent and focused on your reaction. It wasn't until you arrived back in front of your rooms that he spewed his final toxic words. 
"I hope for Jongho’s sake that your talents are true. Or do you need for me to fuck you too to prove it?" San threw a verbal dagger your way.
So you drew a real one. You let the flat of the blade play along the side of his neck. "You may have found me complacent and quiet when I had no standing in this clan but I am second only to Hongjoong and Seonghwa. You may be their mate but I am the left hand of the prince. You would do well to remember that." You pushed San towards the opposing wall and rushed into your rooms. 
You carefully prepared the embers in the bronze bowl and consumed the morning glories by quickly folding them on top of your tongue. The green bitterness danced across your taste buds so you quickly looked down into the embers.
The body behind you was surely larger than your own. You could feel how both of his hands encompassed your waist. His thrusts inside of you brought a choked cry to your mouth. "Yu--"
One of those hands left your waist and wound itself in your hair. The hand tugged and guided you to arch your back. "Don't say my name, whore." 
"But--" You still cannot manage to get a word out because how wonderful it felt to have a dick continue to hit the end of you.
"FUCK!" He roared and yanked your hair so hard that the back of your head was resting against his shoulder and chest. "Can't you just let me enjoy this? He hissed into your ear.
You attempted to press your lips together but still moans fell from them. You simply could not contain yourself. "Please," You whimpered and then groaned loudly.
"I frankly don't give a damn if you come," he snapped from behind you. "But I cannot be known as the only one who cannot pleasure you."
Long fingers were unceremoniously shoved into your mouth and still your tongue lathed at them. You moaned around them, knowing full well they'd be leaving your mouth soon. His fingers, wet with your saliva, found your clit and began to rub it harshly, well wedded with the snap of his hips against your ass.
You felt your climax build within you, the double sensations driving you mad with desire. "Yunho, Yunho please," You begged for the final time.
Yunho used his other hand and gently squeezed your throat. "Let's see if I can't make you have a vision, hmmm?"
You moved over to the book and stand you were gifted to document your visions. You read over your words and quickly begin to rip out the pages. But what else were you to believe? You could feel the pain and love you had been feeling in that moment. You knew, without a doubt, that Yunho was one of your mates. And that was not good.
San may be distrustful but at least he'd look at you and speak to you. Yunho… you had barely exchanged a word with. Hongjoong had no choice but to take on your council but you had yet to speak to him one on one. But Yunho would not spare you a glance. You thought he was simply ignoring you completely until you came across him and Seonghwa speaking to each other before your morning meeting with the prince the next day.
"They simply adapted," Yunho insisted to Seonghwa. "They've learned better tricks and deceived us like they always have."
"I don't know, Yunho," Seonghwa said, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. "The air felt like it was full of energy. Even though she didn't have a vision, I had Yeosang take another fly around the area of the settlement and they found hunters. Whatever she's doing… it's saving lives. I don't think she's the sniveling worm you call her to be!"
"I know what she did with Jongho," Yunho said with a disparaging tone, "He was bespelled by her cunt. I doubt it's that good."
"Perhaps we can speak of this in a place that doesn't have ears on the walls?" Seonghwa suggested, tight-lipped and hesitant. 
Yunho nodded curtly and then put his hand against the wall, trapping Seonghwa between his body and the wall. "Don't let the thoughts of what we shared last night drive you too insane during your meeting," Yunho smirked and tilted his head.
Seonghwa smiled back, accepting a chaste kiss against the lips as an apology. "Nor you while doing your patrols."
They parted and you realized you better start moving or Yunho was about to witness you eavesdropping on him and Seonghwa. When Yunho passed you around the corner, his face was a mask of disacknowledgement; you might as well have been a ghost to him. 
"Ah, Oracle, good morning," Seonghwa greeted you, a nervous shake to his eyes apparent.
You walked past him and entered the room in which Hongjoong heard your opinions and news about his kingdom. Seonghwa coughed at the awkwardness of you ignoring his greeting. “I was wondering if you might look over this list of names of hatchlings, perhaps?”
“And why would a sniveling worm do that?” You bite with your words.
Seonghwa’s shoulders fell forward in defeat. “So you did overhear us. You have to excuse Yunho, he’s simply--”
“--an ass,” you finished Seonghwa’s sentence, “He’s being an ass, Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa recovered his haughty expression. “That’s my mate that you’re calling an ass.”
You made eye contact with Seonghwa, who was full of all his dragon pride right now. “Yes, mine too.”
Seonghwa blinked profusely for a moment until your words sunk in. “Did the flowers work? Did you have a vision?”
“Would you even believe me if I said yes?” You couldn't help but let a bitter tone coat your tongue.
“That’s three of us now,” Seonghwa sounded contemplative. “Please, Oracle, look over this list. If you could tell us if we need to help any of these hatchlings before one of them gets sick…”
The hatchlings had done nothing wrong, they were innocent in simply being born of this world. They might grow up to become full adults and dragons, and look down upon you, but for now, they were innocent. You couldn't condemn them for their future, certainly. “I’ll look, Seonghwa. But not because you asked.”
A small smile twitched across Seonghwa’s face but then it was smoothed out and he was all business and pomp. “Here,” He offered the piece of scroll to you.
You took the paper and nothing set you off immediately. Your fingertip followed the line of names, the theme of flora being apparent with this brood. It wasn’t until your finger landed on the final name. Eunjoo. You felt a jolt of electricity run up your arm upon touching her name. 
“Seonghwa,” You called over to him softly.
Seonghwa came to your side, accidentally bumping your hip in the process and pushed you into a full vision. Your eyes went cloudy and then you collapsed against Seonghwa unexpectedly.
Seonghwa’s hand was over your mouth. His eyes were wide with fear of being caught. But that didn’t stop his dick from moving in and out of you. Your leg curled around his waist, urging him forward, meanwhile…“Where did those two go?” Hongjoong cursed out loud in the meeting room.
The two of you were in a random room adjacent from the meeting room, unable to keep your hands off each other now that the bond thrummed between you two. Seonghwa’s hips worked desperately between your legs, the horror of Hongjoong catching you two turning him on. You made worried noises against his palm but he shook his head at you, strands of hair falling into his face.
It was like you two were teenagers, hormone-driven and unable to stop yourselves. Your hands dug into the nape of his neck, needing something to tug as your climax threatened to spill over. 
“I will rake them over hot coals when I find them,” Hongjoong promised and then his heeled boots announced that he was gone.
“Seonghwa!” You whispered in urgency when he removed his hand from your mouth.
Seonghwa began to babble back. “Come, just come, love, please, I don’t think I can hold off any--”
You let out a sweet cry and clenched down on Seonghwa and then he was gone too, coming deep inside of you. The both of you were panting, exchanging air and kissing as you both came down from your highs.
“We can’t do that again,” You said with a sneaky smile.
“We’re definitely doing that again,” Seonghwa confirmed, a conspiratory smirk on his face as well.
Hongjoong was peering down at you when you woke up. Seonghwa had laid you on the floor while you passed out from the vision.
“Does she always faint?” Hongjoong cocked his head at you, a cold curiosity more than anything, like you were a bug he didn’t understand.
“I believe it was because she induced a vision last night. This one came from touching me. Hongjoong,” Seonghwa looked unsure, “I saw her eyes cloud over. It’s just like the scrolls--”
“Get her up,” Hongjoong snapped his fingers, interrupting Seonghwa’s thoughts. “We have work to do.”
Seonghwa knelt beside you but you held up your hands. “Please, one vision of you was enough.”
“I--” He looked pained at not being able to help you up.
You sighed heavily. “You know, don’t you.”
Seonghwa wouldn’t meet your gaze now. “I can…feel the bond…amongst other things…”
You groaned. “Great. Just do me a favor. Don’t tell Hongjoong. I don’t need to give him another reason to be against me.”
The meeting was…interesting. Seonghwa kept sending you sneaky little looks and Hongjoong was picking up that something was going on but he clearly didn’t know what, nor would his pride allow him to ask. 
Your feelings about Eunjoo had been correct. She had been somewhat of a runt of the group, and had hidden in the hatchling room under a mountain of blankets. She had consumed something she should not have and Mingi was beyond worried for the small dragon. You came to visit the little one, curious as to if your ‘feelings’ had been any help.
Mingi cradled the toddler dragon in his arms, feeding her a solution of herbs to aid her in her recovery. Your heart clenched at the paleness of the small child’s face but Mingi beamed up at you when you came to visit. 
“Thank you,” He said softly, “Because you caught onto her malady early, the healers say she will make a full recovery.”
Tears built up at the corner of your eyes. “I’m glad,” You said with a strained tone.
“I will whisper to her of the oracle that helped save her life,” Mingi promised, “She will know who to thank when she’s older.”
Then the tears began to pour. To have a new generation of dragons not look down upon you or your family meant more to you than you than perhaps Mingi understood. Or perhaps he understood perfectly well because his eyes were kind as he said it.
“Do you want to hold her? Skin against skin is the best for her right now, so she knows that someone is here supporting her while she is fighting the sickness.” Mingi’s eyes were solidly on yours, hanging off your next decision. 
You nodded wordlessly and Mingi deposited the infant in your arms. You cradled her and she frowned in her sleep. Mingi continued to dip his finger in the solution and let the baby suck it from his finger. The domestic scene was doing something to you, waking up a side of you that you had put to bed a long time ago. You had convinced yourself that you weren’t going to bring another child into this world that had to endure the cruelty of being dirt amongst the clan, but perhaps, if the tide was changing…
“You’re good with her,” Mingi interrupted your thoughts, smiling at you again, his eyes disappearing into crescent moons. “It bodes well for--”
“What are you doing?”
Yunho’s quiet but angry voice cut through the air, making both you and Mingi jump. “Yunho, she saved Eunjoo!” Mingi protested.
“She probably poisoned her in order for it to seem like she saved her,” Yunho accused you.
You wordlessly gave Eunjoo back to Mingi and stood up. “I may be a lot of things, Yunho, but to accuse me of harming the hatchlings is going too far.” Your heart was both hurting and beating erratically. 
Yunho used every inch of his height difference against you. “I am going to expose you for the fraud you truly are,” Yunho vowed, dark eyes looking down his nose at you.
You couldn't help but grin maniacally back up at him. “And when you’re wrong? What will you do then?”
Yunho’s eyes burned with a pure hatred for you. Clearly coming across you with Mingi and the hatchlings had triggered something inside of him. “That day will never come,” Yunho spat.
“Oh, what’s this, are you an oracle too?” You smirked.
Yunho narrowed his eyes, spun on his heel and was out just as quickly as he was in. 
You had been regularly sleeping with Jongho, relieving the tension you both felt through your bond. The two of you were worried about the others. Mingi, Yeosang and Seonghwa were won over but San, Hongjoong and Yunho were still staunch in their separation that they would not be included. From what Jongho told you, it was affecting their bonds with each other as well. So when San showed up at your door, almost a deja vu of when he helped you get flowers, you were both surprised and not. It had Jongho written all over it again.
San was leaning against the door frame when you opened your door, looking up at you, head lowered and an inquiring eyebrow lifted up. "Good morning, Oracle."
"And to what do I owe this favor, oh esteemed mate of my mate?" You said dryly.
"Jongho still doesn't shut up about you saving him in human form. He also said that you only go to the training grounds when the other warriors aren't practicing. He thought that perhaps if you went along with me that the clan might accept you training among them," San said, cheek perched to the side in unsureness. 
Your throat was tight with emotion. Jongho was going above and beyond as a mate, or so you felt, and it was really making your heart burst with love for the dragon. "Jongho is very kind," You opted with.
"Well, I have better things to do, but apparently, if I don't do this, I'm not getting any from him so here we are," San threw his hands up in the air and began to walk down the hall.
The other dragon warriors were wary when you entered the training grounds with San. They eyed him cautiously but spat on the ground as you passed. The muttering and grumbling that trash was now on the grounds were low but still audible. Some warriors put their weapons away and actually left. You tried really hard to not let it hurt your newly healed heart. San, with his ever watchful eye always looking for your reactions, remained silent, as was his way.
It became easier as the days passed. Soon, the other warriors either avoided coming to the grounds when you were there or grew used to your presence. San was the only one who truly became more and more sour as time passed. He attacked with a fervor that most would leave for an actual enemy and you were really starting to think that he might think you are one.
Still, you benefitted from practicing with San. Your father was well into his silver years, so he couldn't practice with you and so you had been limited to the dummies on the grounds. Being able to pit muscle against muscle, technique with experience really stretched your abilities to the max. And even though San's attitude was worse with each day, your spirits rose. Perhaps if San would acknowledge your skills, the other warriors might change their mind, maybe even Yunho--
San interrupted your thoughts by giving you quite a nasty cut on your arm as you were distracted. You saw his mouth move, probably giving some kind of mocking excuse for his bad manners. It was the training grounds, not a battlefield where there was no holding back. Your vision became red. 
With a wild yell, you charged at San with your sword raised. San's eyes widened in surprise but still muscle memory kicked in and he blocked, but his muscles strained a bit to do so. You tried a large undercut sweep but San managed to jump backwards, curving his body to avoid the sword.
"Oracle," San chuckled nervously, "I'd almost swear you--" He yelped as he raised his broader blade to halt another swing of your sword.
When the overhanded strike was stopped with San's high block, sweat started to bead his hairline. You tried for more technique, faking a strike and instead thrusting forward. San had to avoid your blade, barely redirecting your blade with his. "Seriously, you're going to--" He grunted with effort to parry another thrust, the shing of the sword as the tip pinged echoing in both your ears.
That's when you decided you needed to disarm San. You prepared another swing in which both of your blades had to dance in a circle together, and then with a sharp twist of your wrist, San's blade was sliding across the straw-strewn stones.
San held his hands up in defeat. "I almost might be impressed with th--" He made a loud oof as you kicked him square in the chest.
You were on top of San as soon as he hit the ground, your body straddling his body as you brought your personal dagger to his throat. This time you didn't use the flat of the blade but the edge that you always kept razor-sharp. It pricked his skin and a small line of blood trailed down his glowing skin. 
"Do you yield?" You growled.
"Does any dragon ever yield? Yielding is death!" San denied, sounding quite strained.
You brought the tip of the dagger under San's chin. "I've had enough of your shit attitude, San. Either you yield to me or I stop coming to these practices and Jongho starts withholding himself from you again."
San looked bewildered. "You would do that?" he said in a higher pitched voice.
You laughed mirthlessly. "That's the least I would do, warrior."
San hooked both of his legs around yours and threw his weight so that he could flip the situation. Now he was on top of you, your dagger knocked out of your hands. He may have the upper hand in the fight but he had revealed something that he should have kept hidden. 
You smiled slowly in cockiness. "Did you get turned on by my prowess?"
"That's nothing," San denied immediately. You noticed a small pout that had never graced his lips before when he spoke to you. He was all sharp looks and this held such a curve to his mouth it almost looked kissable. "Adrenaline can make a man hard, that's all." 
"Hard for a woman that you hate?" You said lowly, "That must hurt your warrior pride."
"I'm not--" 
You took the moment to flip again, legs clamped on either of San's slim waist. 
With an indignant shout, San flipped you again just as fast. "If you don't stop interrupting me, I am going to wrap my hands around that pretty neck of yours and test your ability to hold your breath."
You cocked your head in question. "No, I don't think that's how that would work."
"Don't think--" San began to get flustered and stumble over his words, "What's that supposed to mean?!"
You pushed San's shoulder gently and he allowed you to lead him to his back. "There's no one here, San, didn’t you notice?"
San didn't look around but instead kept his eyes solidly on you. "I noticed."
"You know, instead of me keeping Jongho away from you, you could have him, but I could have you too."
San scoffed, but his eyes kept leaving and meeting yours. "Ludacris. Why would I do that?"
You sat fully back on San's pelvis, allowing your plush ass to really sit down on San's still rock hard cock. San whimpered, biting down hard on his lip but let the flesh go slowly. When you took a moment to grind, winding your hips. San's hands find your hips, swallowing down his low moans at the stimulation. 
"Perhaps that's why, San," You provoked him.
"Why are you so hot when you're this angry? I know you don't have a dragon form but your rage is red-hot like one," San said in pure confusion.
"I could take you on the training grounds right now and you wouldn't say no, would you?" You hummed, finger following a path along his breastplate.
San's adam's apple was moving up and down as he clearly attempted to find moisture in his mouth. "You…you would do that?"
"Only if…” You considered for a moment, if it was worth having a vision while San, who hated you, was watching over you. It had convinced all the others. And if you were being honest with yourself, it didn’t feel right to sleep with San without confirming first that he was indeed your mate.
“Only if…?” San prompted you for you to continue your sentence. 
“Do you know what happens if I touch you?” You asked softly.
“You fuck me?” San answered, head empty except for thoughts of sex, clearly.
You snorted. “There’s no going back with my visions, San.”
San’s face grew hard and sharp, similar to the San that was desperate for you to be a fake oracle. “I don’t believe in your stupid visions.”
You let out a sigh. “Here goes nothing then.” 
You cupped his face and then your eyes went cloudy and you collapsed against San’s chest.
"Are you sure you really want to be there?" You said in a condescending tone.
San whined between your legs, tongue out flat, and head worrying back and forth in response. 
"You sure, little flame? I'm not feeling the enthusiasm from you." You squeezed his head with your thighs. 
With a growl, San gripped both of your thighs tightly, went on his knees, and drove your back into the headrest of your bed. His arms strained as he held you aloft, tongue deep into your cunt. You could feel your walls parting for his eager tongue.
"Gonna make me come? Gonna show me how a good little flame makes his Mistress come?" You crooned.
San tongue-fucked you to completion, making your toes curl and screamed his name. When he was done, your back scraped against the headboard as he let you go but remained kneeling in front of you. 
"I hate you so much," he cursed, using the back of his hand to wipe your wetness from his face.
You chuckled lowly. "Hate me so much you'd eat me up like I'm your last dinner, huh?"
San's eyes were dark but he rolled his eyes and groaned in frustration. He grabbed your face with both hands and made out with you. "I love you so fucking much, I can hate you a little bit," San whined.
You felt the love through your bond, so you knew San was being playful. "Well then, I hate you so much, I'm going to give you the suck of your life."
San's eyes became hooded. "I hate your mouth on me."
"I hate you too, little flame."
When you came to, San's hand was on your head, supporting it against his chest. "Did you…" he almost choked on his words.
"I'm--" You swallowed down a moan, your sex feeling swollen from your vision. "San."
"Fuck me?" San said in a whiney voice.
You lifted your head. "Are you admitting that you believe in my visions?"
San grinned, part bashful, part cocky. "Will that get my cock inside of you?"
You rolled your eyes and sat back up. "I'm gonna fuck the brat out of you."
"I get that a lot."
One night, when you dared to have a secret rendezvous with Seonghwa after a meeting gone late and Hongjoong dismissed you both, you woke up with a feeling of dread in your stomach. You left Seonghwa lying like a starfish on the table and moved to the nearest balcony. You thought perhaps you needed fresh air. Even still, you could not shake the heavy feeling that something was wrong. And then the vision hit you.
“Ah!” A man with red hair who you had never seen before yelled as a whip with a cruel metal cap tore a strip from his back.
“Just give it up already! We know you’re a dragon. Transform!” 
“I don’t…know what…you’re talking about!” Insisted the redhead through clenched teeth.
Another man, one without the whip, slapped the redhead being tortured. “We’ve been watching you for days! Where is your clan?”
The dragon being tortured spat on the floor. “On their way to turn you into bones they’ll have to pick out their teeth.”
The whip hit once, twice, three times and the dragon’s back tightened in pain. “I like it! Hit me more!”
The man with the whip hesitated. “Is he crazy?”
The other man slapped the accused dragon several times more, until blood fell from the dragon’s mouth. “No, he’s just trying to throw us off. Leave him here to mull in his thoughts.”
The two torturer's left the basement and you saw a sign that said “the red belly of the beast”. 
You came back too, hanging a little too precariously from the balcony. Lucky for you, because you threw up any food you had in your stomach. Fighting you could endure, but that level of torture was inhumane! It had to be hunters again but you didn’t recognize the dragon who was being tortured. Then why would you be shown this image? Unless…
“Father, this is Wooyoung.” You tugged forward Wooyoung to finally meet your father. He was actually the first dragon you were introducing to your family. You were growing to love and adore Jongho and Yeosang and Seonghwa, but Wooyoung was different. He didn’t have any relation to the clan so you knew it would be less scarring to introduce him to your father first.
“Wooyoung, huh?” Your father peered up at Wooyoung, rocking in his chair by the fire.
Wooyoung looked a bit embarrassed but smiled nonetheless. “Your daughter, she saved me.”
Your father grinned fiercely, pride clearly written across his face. “I taught her all I knew. She fights for her mother’s honor.”
“Father, I fight for our family,” You insisted, feeling emotional.
“You fight for your life,” Your father said gruffly, breaking eye contact with you and bringing a finger to his eyes to wipe away the happy tears.
Wooyoung, in his typical fashion, began to animatedly retell the story of when you saved him. Your father hung on every word, laughing and gasping in all the right places. And when Wooyoung finished his story, your father grabbed Wooyoung’s hand and then yours and brought them together.
“Your mother… she would have loved him like a son, Spitfire.”
You began to cry and hug your father while Wooyoung started to joke about the nickname Spitfire, doing his best to make you feel better. Wooyoung was your comfort when you needed it the most. He loved you unconditionally and he was yours, solely. 
“Oh my god,” You attempted to collect yourself. You didn’t have time to cry or worry. Wooyoung was your mate and you needed to go save him.
You ran to your rooms for Rosa’s Bane, then to the stables, whispered an apology to the sleepy horses and you were racing out of the compound. When you had saved Jongho, you had only gotten there in the nick of time. You weren’t sure how much time you had with Wooyoung but you had a bad feeling that it was too late to stop those scars on his back. 
The moon was high and left your path clear. You had no idea where this tavern was but you had spent enough time with your mates to know how to follow your bond. You and Yeosang often played a game together, where you took turns fleeing and hiding and finding each other through the bond--involved some quiet masturbation and passionate sex upon finding each other--however, it had taught you how to find your mates no matter what.
It was difficult on the back of a horse, however, and more so with someone you had not truly bonded with. It was becoming hard to separate your pull from Jongho, Yeosang, Seonghwa and San from Wooyoung. You doubled back several times and grew frustrated at your progress. The only thing that drove you was that the longer you took to find Wooyoung, the more scars he would have on his back.
Just when you thought that perhaps this was impossible and maybe you should have grabbed one of your dragon mates, your bond pulled hard and it made you gasp with how much fear and pain was coursing through you. You knew without a doubt where Wooyoung was so you raced in the direction that was filled with hopelessness.
The swing of the sign of the tavern almost mocked you as you approached it. The noises spilling from the door were merry and bright and it only made your rage burn brighter that these hunters were taking delight in their evening when your mate was suffering below in the basement.
You carefully pulled back the cellar door and crept down the stairs, silent but angry. Upon a quick glance, they had left Wooyoung to further stew in his wounds. A fire cast light on Wooyoung’s back and it took all of your self control not to gasp in pure horror. His back was practically shredded. His head was cast downwards and when you tipped his head back to look Wooyoung in the eyes, his face was beaten to almost beyond recognition.
"Wha did you com'er fur?" Wooyoung slurred his words because of his fat lip and more than likely the blood lose, "Come t'see how ter properly beat a dragon?" And through all his pain, Wooyoung smiled with such fierceness that you knew without a doubt: his body may be broken but his spirit was not.
"I've come to save you, brave boy," You cooed.
Wooyoung perked up immediately upon hearing your words. "Save me?"
The dumb hunters, comfortable in their surroundings, left the keys to Wooyoung’s manacles on a table where their torture tools were. You resisted the urge to destroy those tools; your sole mission was to save Wooyoung. Wooyoung collapsed upon you when you released him, and even then, each step for him was beyond painful.
And still Wooyoung asked, "What's a beautiful girl doing in a dump like this?"
You laughed in pain, out of breath to even get him to the stairs. "I see the future. You're my mate. I came to save you."
"That sounds pretty plausible. I knew my face was too pretty to be wasted on death." Wooyoung groaned when he lifted his foot for the first stair.
"Save your breath and help me get your pretty face up the damn stairs," You grunted. 
The cuts on his back made it near impossible for him to walk. It took everything in you to get up those stairs with Wooyoung. And still the hunters continued to make merry in the tavern. You swore on your sword that you would come back with Jongho and he would burn the place to the ground with his dragonflame. 
Wooyoung was in no state to go back to the clan with you. You pushed him up on your horse, his belly along the back of the gelding and you walked away from that tavern, putting one step in front of the other. 
With all the time you spent with Seonghwa and Hongjoong in the meeting room, you had learned quite a few clan secret locations that any dragon could retreat to if the situation arose. There was a cottage built in a mountain. The legends told of how the mountain used to be filled with moving rock, hotter than even dragonflame. The mountain had long lain dormant and the cottage was a refuge for any dragons who required it.
The only healing you knew of was the bare minimum a warrior learns to stay alive until a healer can be summoned. Lucky for you, Wooyoung was a bit of a healer himself. So under his instructions, you fashion a poultice to sit on his wounds. Wooyoung faded in and out of consciousness and you could not afford to abandon him. 
Luckily, you didn't have to leave, your clan found you.
A broad shouldered dragon entered the cottage where you had been humming to Wooyoung, who was in a blessed healing sleep. "San!" You shouted in elation and threw yourself at him.
You started to cry, pulling him as close to you as you could. "Please help me. I can't bring Wooyoung back myself, he'll tear open his wounds. Please help him!"
San pulled back, looking beyond confused. "Who is he?"
During the few painful hours when Wooyoung was conscious, in order for him to focus away from the pain, he told you who he was. Wooyoung, a clanless dragon, brought up amongst witches. It was how he had his knowledge of healing but also of who he was. Wooyoung may be clanless but he was not lesser. 
"You saved someone you didn't even know?" San looked stunned, "You saved another dragon?"
That stunned look never left San's face. He transformed and transported Wooyoung back to the clan. You followed below on the trusty gelding and before you knew it, you were back home with your new mate. But there was much more to answer for.
"Where did you find her?" Hongjoong demanded soullessly. His cheek was smooshed against his palm as if he had better things to do than to listen to why you left.
"No doubt tricking another poor dragon into giving up his cock to her," Yunho said with all offense, lips pursed and refusing to look at you.
"Yunho!" Yeosang scolded his mate.
"Well?" Hongjoong demanded a second time, this time unfolding his legs and stamping his foot impatiently.
"She saved a clanless dragon," San declared. His chin was raised, almost challenging anyone to argue his facts. His fists were clenched at his side.
Jongho came up beside you and his palm slid against yours to hold your hand. "Don't you ever do that again."
"I'm sorry, Jongho," You said, looking at his side profile.
"I think you owe an apology to more than just Jongho," Hongjoong interrupted.
You cleared your throat. "I'm sorry, Your High--"
Hongjoong cut you off. "Not to me, you witless fool, to your other mates!"
Yeosang had his arms crossed over his chest, clearly fighting with trying to not look upset or worried. You met eyes with Seonghwa, who let you see exactly how betrayed he felt. San still stood to your other side, arms quivering with how hard he was shaking. 
"I am sorry for leaving without telling anyone. All I could think about was saving Wooyoung. I won't ever do it again," You said with a rough voice laced with emotion.
"That's right, you won't ever do it again," Hongjoong declared, "Because you will spend every night with one of us, at least."
Mingi's mouth dropped. "But, we don't know--"
"What?" Yunho's quiet rage cut through everything. "Don't tell me you're starting to believe her lies?"
Hongjoong's eyes narrowed down at Yunho. "Do you not believe she is mated with Jongho? I witnessed him barely restrained by Mingi and Yeosang when you stated that she fled because she couldn't keep up with the lies anymore. He would have punched you for such an insult, Yunho. I myself held Seonghwa as he wept, worried that perhaps his inability to tell me of her was what finally drove her from our clan. San abandoned his duty to find her. We are all mates, Yunho. Do not tell me you didn't feel what I felt through their bonds."
Yunho's lips tightened further in anger. "I will not be a part of this."
Hongjoong laughed, a dangerous noise that made everyone in the throne room shudder. "No?"
"Yunho," Yeosang went to the only naysayer in the room. "Stop."
"When you say at least," You said nervously. 
Hongjoong's dark eyes swung back to you. "Why, you have to take care of Wooyoung, do you not? He is your mate after all, didn't you say?"
The next few weeks were a bit of an adjustment. You had spent most of your life living amongst your hatchling sisters, never having a moment to yourself, but they were your family. You had grown spoiled to your singular rooms, your sanctuary away from anyone. Now, not a moment where you were left alone. It wasn't necessarily that you weren't trusted, but to make sure that if you did have another premonition and you did have to rush into action, there would always be a dragon mate with you.
The only one truly upset with this situation was Yunho. 
The first night he found himself in your rooms, he dragged a chair into your room, put the back against the door, and stayed there the entire night. The second instance he watched with emotionless eyes as you tended to Wooyoung, who was healing progressively well.
"Some day I'm getting off my stomach and getting you on your back," Wooyoung said as you straddled his butt and applied more poultice to his back.
"Wooyoung," You scolded him, laughing at both his audacity and the nervousness of setting off Yunho. 
"You've mated with everyone else you've had a premonition with, it's not fair," Wooyoung groaned.
You cleared your throat, well aware that was entirely untrue. 
"No, she hasn't," Yunho's voice rumbled from his spot near the fire.
"I'll excuse your ignorance but she hasn't had a premonition with Mingi, even though it's clear he adores her regardless," Wooyoung replied flatly.
"I'm not talking about Mingi," Yunho corrected the clanless dragon.
Wooyoung turned his head to the side, the back of his hand lying against his cheek. "Sweetheart?"
"How do you know?" You demanded towards Yunho in a gruff voice.
Yunho laughed mirthlessly, tossing his head back like you had just told the funniest joke he had ever heard. "You don't think I feel the bond? Or is it you that cannot feel it because you aren't even a dragon?"
Wooyoung growled underneath you and you caressed the small of his back to calm him. "Wooyoung, don't."
"Even if you can't transform, that doesn't make you less of a dragon than him!" Wooyoung protested.
"I know, my brave boy, but it's not worth fighting Yunho on it. He can't be swayed."
"Maybe it is."
"Wooyoung, what are you saying?" You moved to get off your mate and off the bed.
"Hey Grumpy Scales, you ever think of fucking your anger out on the Oracle?" Wooyoung posed the question like he was asking Yunho if he ever considered eating blueberries for breakfast.
"I wouldn't touch her even if Seonghwa refused me his body. I am not San."
"No, you're certainly not. San has better shoulders and he isn't an idiot. Even he was convinced that being my sweetheart's mate isn't the worst fate. In fact, he's quite enjoying his nights now."
"Wooyoung," You attempted to hush your mate for a second time. 
Yunho stood up, the fire giving him a red aura that was actually less intimidating than the actual face Yunho bore. "San is caught up in the trap. You all are."
" ‘Cept me, or weren't you listening? I believe in her and her powers. I love her. I haven't slipped my cock into her tight, wet heat yet, however. Nor has Mingi. So how do you continue to feed yourself on a lie that's unfounded, Grumpy Scales?"
"Tricked," Yunho shook his head but his face was already less tight than it was before Wooyoung spoke. 
"Mmm, I do love a good trick," Wooyoung chuckled, "You know, if you sat on my hand in the right way, I might be able to--"
"You will not be doing anything in front of me," Yunho snarled. 
"Wooyoung, I would like to not die tonight," You said in a hushed tone.
"Oh, but if you slept with the oracle, wouldn't you be showing everyone that you can fuck her without getting caught in her web? Won't that be interesting to find out that you're the strongest of them all, hmmm?" Wooyoung hummed. "All that wonderful wet pussy just for you, right Grumpy Scales? I bet she quivers for you."
"If you weren't injured, I'd be slapping you right now, Wooyoung, I beg of you, stop!"
"You will not be trapping me," Yunho announced. He was… suddenly very close to the bed.
You carefully turned around. You could not give Yunho your back. It went against your instincts. "Yunho, I trap no one."
"You've trapped Seonghwa," Yunho stared right into your soul with his dark eyes, "You don't think I've felt what Yeosang's felt when he's sliding his cock down your throat? You don't think Seonghwa's told me of being between your thighs, and sighing like he's talking about slipping into Mingi or being fucked by Hongjoong? You don't think I've heard you with Jongho, calling him your pet? How dare you lord over a dragon as if you were more than what you truly are? How dare San submit to you when he knew of your tricks."
Yunho was so close to you that you could feel the puffs of his breath hit the top of your head. "Is he right?"
"Wooyoung is wrong," You stated immediately.
"You're quivering for me right now." Yunho looked down his nose at you, his eyes hooded.
Your entire body was covered in goosebumps. You felt the pull in your bond, the lust spreading through your nerves. Your mate was calling for you to mate with him. Whether it was subconscious or not, Yunho now wanted to fuck you. Or was it Wooyoung? A quick glance showed that Wooyoung had fallen asleep with a smile on his lips.
"I do not want to mate with a dragon who thinks I am worthless," You hissed, holding back your need for Yunho by only a spider thread.
"Perhaps," Yunho licked his lips in what you could only describe as a predatory way, "There's something of you that isn't worthless."
The shame and lust that filled your veins was undeniable. You could slowly feel your resolve crumble beneath Yunho's stare. "That will bond us, Yunho. I know you don't want that."
Yunho chucked his fingers under your chin and you swallowed in response. "I am already bound to you through my mates. I cannot get rid of you, you've proven that with your little fleeing scene. So you will submit to me because you want it and it's the only thing I'll allow between us."
Your words were cut off as Yunho moved his fingers to wrap around your throat. "I don't want to hear my name from your mouth one more time. You simply need to nod or shake your head. You are simply a hole for me, oracle."
This was it. This was your chance to decline, to scoff at him and tell him your worth, just like you had done with every single other dragon since you became oracle. The only one you should submit to was Hongjoong. But there was a look in Yunho's eyes that spoke of how much he wanted this. Wooyoung had been right. Yunho wanted to take his frustration out on you and he wanted to benefit from it. He wanted the high ground over you and you were about to concede to him. 
You nodded and Yunho slowly smirked. "That's what I thought."
Yunho stripped you of your clothing until you were stark naked. His clothing remained on. He guided you to your lounge and made you go on your hands and knees there. His nimble fingers found your folds and he chuckled darkly at the discovery that you were drenched. "Surely that's not for me, whore?"
You pressed your lips together, trying to keep within the rules that Yunho laid out. You were certain that if you broke them, he would stop, or worse, leave. You urged your ass back onto Yunho's fingers as your only response. 
"Ridiculous," his disbelief came as a rumble from behind you, "Wet for what? Because I put you in your place? Because you get a new cock inside of you? Or are you just an eager whore all the time?" You whined as his fingers brushed your clit. "Listen to the noises you make, you are an eager whore. I could have you coming over my fingers embarrassingly quickly, I imagine. How anyone else finds you alluring enough to fuck you will be beyond me. Are you wet enough to take me?"
You nodded and Yunho was busy undoing his pants. He rubbed his cockhead against your folds. You hissed as he sank into you. It was a stretch for you, you had to admit, but it was a damn good stretch. Yunho's fingers sank into the flesh of your ass until he bottomed out. 
"Just a fucking hole," He growled and then started to nudge himself inside of you.
The loudest moan imaginable escaped your lips as he moved inside of you. The feeling of being stuffed, the feeling of that large cock moving against your walls, was truly like nothing you had felt. You weren't sure if you should be worried on how clouded your mind was, narrowed down to simply getting fucked by the man that utterly hated you.
Yunho's large body practically loomed behind you. You could feel how both of his hands encompassed your waist. His thrusts inside of you brought a choked cry to your mouth. "Yu--"
One of those hands left your waist and wound itself in your hair. The hand tugged and guided you to arch your back. "Don't say my name, whore." 
"But--" You still cannot manage to get a word out because how wonderful it felt to have a dick continue to hit the end of you.
"FUCK!" He roared and yanked your hair so hard that the back of your head was resting against his shoulder and chest. "Can't you just let me enjoy this?" He hissed into your ear.
You attempted to press your lips together but still moans fell from them. You simply could not contain yourself. "Please," You whimpered and then groaned loudly.
"I frankly don't give a damn if you come," he snapped from behind you. "But I cannot be known as the only one who cannot pleasure you."
Long fingers were unceremoniously shoved into your mouth and still your tongue lathed at them. You moaned around them, knowing full well they'd be leaving your mouth soon. His fingers, wet with your saliva, found your clit and began to rub it harshly, well wedded with the snap of his hips against your ass.
You felt your climax build within you, the double sensations driving you mad with desire. "Yunho, Yunho please," You begged for the final time.
Yunho used his other hand and gently squeezed your throat. "Let's see if I can't make you have a vision, hmmm?"
Your vision dimmed, fuzzy black waves clinging to the edges as Yunho denied you any air. You could feel your climax building and you knew you were about to come undone for Yunho and he had not even shown any signs of being ready to come. Was he going to use you more than once, was he--
"Yunho, I've brought you some food--"
Mingi's eyes grew wide and dropped the tray he had brought. The hatchling caretaker ran into the room and pulled Yunho back, before either of you could finish. Your air came rushing back and you gasped it in.
"What do you think you're doing?" Mingi accused Yunho. Mingi’s large hand came to your back to rub you through your shaking breaths. 
A true vision overtook you, eyes growing cloudy and you slumped forward on the lounge.
Mingi's hands rubbed your overextended stomach. A smile of pure happiness was there before he bent over to kiss your stomach. "It's a male. I just know it."
You laughed quietly. "Mingi, even I don't know if it's a male or female, and I'm the oracle."
"The elders say when a female is craving spicy foods that it is a male," Mingi insisted sincerely.
"Well, they also say when you crave sweets, it's a girl and I…what exactly do you think you're doing?" You demanded.
Mingi had begun to kiss down your belly, moving beyond your line of sight. "Are other parts of you swollen?" His deep low voice rumbled through your skin.
"Ming-mingi!" You stuttered, "I'm--"
"You're big with the hatchling. You can barely get off this bed without help. I can simply take advantage of that, can't I?" Mingi had arrived at his destination, tongue swirling along his lips before he kissed your lower lips.
"Oh fuck, Mingi, that's---hnnnn, that's lovely," You couldn't help but moan.
"You deserve to be rewarded for carrying our hatchling so well, don't you think?"
Your back arched as Mingi's lips sucked down on your clit. "Want--want you Mingi," You admitted softly.
Mingi's head popped back up above your head, a satisfied smile tugging his lips. "The elders say fucking a pregnant female helps with the hatchling arriving later."
You groaned and laughed at the same time. "Was that your intention with your visit today?"
"My intention was to ensure that you are well," Mingi replied, suddenly more solemn. "I want what's best for the mother of our children."
"Oracle?" Mingi sucked in his bottom lip in worry, cradling you in his arms as you presumably collapsed on your lounge.
"I'm here, Mingi," You assured him.
Your eyes sought Yunho's immediately but his back was to you two, near the door. "You take over, Mingi, I'm leaving."
Mingi's serious eyes followed Yunho until he left without a word. Then Mingi's disposition changed. "Did you have a vision of us? I am your mate? What did you see? Is that rude to ask? Should I not know my own fate?"
Your heart clenched with each step that Yunho took away from your rooms but you couldn't help but laugh at Mingi's questions. "A hatchling, Mingi. You kept saying that I was the mother of 'our' children."
Mingi's mouth dropped. "A hatchling? But you cannot carry the eggs, you cannot become a dragon, how--?" Mingi wiped a hand over his face in disbelief, "Truly? A hatchling?"
"I don't know when that occurred, Mingi, that could be years from now--MINGI!"
Mingi lifted you high above him in celebration. You should have realized that the dragon that took care of the hatchlings would be beyond excited to hear that you would be the mother of his children--your mates children? Who…?
"First thing in the morning, I will demand an audience with the elders. They've been bugging Hongjoong about an heir for years, they'll be happy to hear that you will carry our children!"
Mingi put you on your feet but your head was still in the clouds. Hongjoong mating with you? How could you manage such a thing? "Mingi, wait!"
Mingi's large hands encompassed your head in a gentle squeeze. "I will help you. With your vision and my magic tongue, we'll make it happen."
You frowned, not understanding. "Your tongue?" Then it hit you. He wasn't talking about convincing the elders, he was talking about-- "Mingi!"
Mingi's tongue caught between his teeth, looking quite pleased with himself. "Do you doubt me?"
You thought back to your vision and found that you couldn't disagree.
Whether it was your vision, or Mingi's magic tongue, it was declared that a formal event would be held before the court. Hongjoong was going to acknowledge that you were his mate, and mated with the others, before the entire clan. The preparations were made and it was decided that you would perform a Seeing with all that was present. There was no doubt in your mind that Hongjoong was your final mate, so it wasn't the ceremony you were worried about…
"Hey," Jongho met your eyes as you stood across from him before the large doors that would open soon and what seemed like the third beginning of your life was about to start. "I love you," he told you.
You leaned upwards to peck at his pink lips. "I wouldn't have any of this without you, you know that, right?"
Jongho's gummy smile, one of your favorite things about him, stretched across his face. "I can't take credit for your visions. I like how that sounds, though."
"Jongho, please," You whined.
Jongho wrapped his arms around you and squeezed until you squealed. He then peppered your face with kisses, scolding you between breaths. "You didn't say you loved me back!"
"I love you, Jongho," You said quietly.
A horn was sounded and that signified the commencement of the event. 
Jongho escorted you down the hard stone floor and helped you up the stairs but left you to join the rest of your mates. Hongjoong stood from his throne, beautiful and glorious in his power. He threw his arms open wide and began his speech.
"Today we celebrate our beloved oracle. Our clan has been gifted with one who can soar the skies of the future, having given up her second form in order to keep our clan safe. She has proven her abilities beyond reproach; she has saved my mates and her own from death. She has saved outlying clans, hatchlings, and she has even kept my body from danger. She has seen visions of each of her mates and our bonds have only grown stronger with her connection to us."
Hongjoong turned towards you and you locked eyes with him. "Today, we give the final proof for all to acknowledge. Today, our oracle will have a vision of my future, of my heir."
"Hongjoong," You whispered his name, finding your mouth void of any moisture.
A rare, special, and most importantly, genuine smile pulled at the corners of Hongjoong's mouth. "We've a bet, between us, Oracle. I hope you have a gentle vision of me because I wasn't planning on making the heir on this eve."
Were your mates betting on whether you had a vision full of sex with Hongjoong? It took everything in you to not send a glare over your shoulder. Men!
Hongjoong gentle grasped your hand and flipped it over to impart a kiss to your palm. Your eyes went cloudy and you fell into a vision. Hongjoong captured you in his arms, eyes on your face for when you woke up. 
"Youngho, you are a prince, not a demon!" You shouted at the small boy who was cackling ahead of you.
"Come catch me, Mama!" 
Your breath caught in your throat for the love of your son. His blue hair declared him his father's son, if his sassiness didn't prove it to you every day. You tried to love Youngho as fiercely and as strongly as your father had once gifted you with. You were certain that Youngho would not grow up to be the heart-scarred man that Hongjoong was. Your son would be happy upon his throne with his mates, you were determined to ensure he did not have a fate such as yours. 
"Let him be devious," Hongjoong declared beside you, "He has a mind for being tricky and he loves scaring you."
You pursed your lips together. "I carried him for nine months within me, Hongjoong. I will decide on whether he is allowed to get away with everything or not."
Hongjoong smiled, the same one your son sent you after he had burst from a bush and scared your wits from you. "Well, I put him in you. Isn't that enough reason to have a say on his upbringing?" You scoffed and Hongjoong's smile only grew bigger. A low chuckle came deep from his throat. "Perhaps you need a second hatchling to prove to you that it was me?"
"Prince Youngho, if you don't get off that balcony right now, I will tell Dadda that you are not allowed to visit the hatchlings for a week!" You said in a firm voice, still looking towards Hongjoong. "You have your heir, Your Majesty. Besides, didn't we agree that it was Seonghwa's turn to father a child?"
Hongjoong's grin was at full brightness, mischievousness achieved. And then his face blanked to the cold, haughty leader face you had once only known from him. "We'll have nine months before they know it."
This time you laughed, something that lured Youngho back to your side. "Mama, what are you laughing at?"
"Youngho, did you know," You told him, pushing your hands through his hair lovingly, "Your father tells the funniest jokes? He thinks he can hide things from your other fathers."
Youngho frowned heavily, peering up at his father. "Father, Papa says he can smell when you lie. Don't be silly."
Hongjoong threw his head back and laughed, a belly laugh that seemed to be reserved for only his son. "Seonghwa does say that, doesn't he? I'm sorry for being silly, Spitfire."
Your emotions caught in your throat and you excused yourself, allowing Hongjoong a moment with his son.
"Oracle." Yunho approached you as you moved back to your rooms.
"Prince," You nodded curtly, your heart aching to reach out and touch your mate.
"It is my night with you," Yunho said primly.
"It is," You confirmed.
Yunho stepped closer to you, leaning in to speak to your ears only. "Don't get too wet for me, whore."
Your body was covered in goosebumps of shame and lust. Only one thing had changed in the years in which it took to conceive of Youngho, to nurture the young dragon to be capable of a loving prince, and that was that you had loved Yunho. But he still kept you at a heart's distance.
"Welcome back," Hongjoong greeted you as you rose from your vision.
You felt wetness on your cheeks and realized you had been crying. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I need a moment to collect myself."
Hongjoong's eyes traveled over every plane of your face. "What did you see?"
"A son," You choked out, "Youngho. He had your hair."
"A son," Hongjoong echoed back, looking both fierce and soft at the same time, somehow. His head snapped to your mates. "She says we will have a son!"
The crowd erupted into cheers. Hongjoong helped you up and raised your joined hands. "The oracle has declared there will be an heir and she will carry him!"
San and Wooyoung hugged in celebration. Yeosang slung an arm around Jongho's waist, both quiet in their happiness. Seonghwa and Mingi pressed their foreheads together, clearly excited for a hatchling. Yunho was not celebrating, however. His eyes were on yours, with a rage that only made lust curl within your stomach. You found that you could not meet his eyes any longer and broke contact. 
"So," Hongjoong said under his breath, "Was it gentle like Yeosang's or rough like Seonghwa's?" He began to lead you back through the hall. It had been agreed on that the nine of you would celebrate privately after the event.
"Gentle, Your Majesty," You admitted. 
Hongjoong smiled in triumph and it almost echoed the smile he had carried from your visions. "I knew it."
"And are you sharing your winnings with me, Your Majesty?" You said mirthlessly.
"Of course," Hongjoong bent his neck, acknowledging certain key members of the clan graciously.
"Of course?" You questioned his easy answer.
"My winnings is time with you and another of my choosing," Hongjoong revealed.
"You betted a damn--" The word threesome, it seemed, couldn't be spit out, "--the first time with me and another?"
"Seemed appropriate, at the time," Hongjoong shrugged.
"Who…" You cleared your throat, "Who did you pick?"
The large doors closed behind you and Hongjoong, a formality more than anything. The others would leave from the door behind the throne and join you in a room prepared for you all. 
Hongjoong let go of your hand and walked with both of his hands held  behind his back as he answered you. "Why, you are mine now, Oracle. And what's yours is mine as well now, it seems."
You made a noise of surprise. "You want Wooyoung? Why?"
"I want to be there, I want to be there to witness your first time with him. I want to be his first as well. I'm a greedy lover, you'll learn soon enough."
You felt like you had just been hit by a book. "Your--"
"--Hongjoong," The leader of your clan corrected you.
"There, much better." Hongjoong turned suddenly. "It's not going to be very fun if you continue to call me Your Majesty when I'll soon be filling you with my seed."
"Sweetheart!" Wooyoung screeched from the door where everyone was waiting. HIs grin said it all. "Hurry up! We have a bet to settle."
You swore you were going to pull every one of your mates ears in anger at having a damn bet about what kind of vision you were going to have with Hongjoong but the anger melted the minute you entered the room. You felt the overwhelming love and adoration through all your bonds and realized in this moment, you were the most loved you had ever been in your entire life. Perhaps it was worth a little silly moment of frustration.
Still, you couldn't help but scold them a bit. "If I see anyone betting about my visions in the future, I swear I'll make you all rue the day I became your mate!"
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choochooboss · 7 months
October Magma event approaching!!
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Choo chooOOOoo...! "A swift, chilly autumn wind sweeps past you. As soon as it fades, a letter lands by your feet. You look down and notice that the fancy looking envelope bears your name. You get a little nervous not seeing who sent it.
You flip the sealed envelope in your hands a few times while thinking what to do about it. Eventually your curiosity wins and you decide to open it up. It reads...
"Pasio Glamour Fest. Starting on Saturday, October 28th-30th. At Magma mansion. We are expecting you."
It's time for another monthly Magma event! Wooo!! Here is the event guide, make sure to check it out!
Main event theme: design a special costume OR a Sygna suit for any official Pokémon character(s) and draw them strike a pose!
What's a sygna suit you may ask? For those who don't play Pokémon Masters EX: it's a stylish costume themed after the character's partner pokémon! However, the pokémon doesn't have to be originally in the character's team, so you can choose your inspiration freely and make them pose together!
Please don't worry about picking the same character/pokémon as others. I believe each of your design will be unique! You can also pick a pokémon the character is already partnered with, like sygna suit Emmet & Archeops!
Halloween themed costumes are appreciated but not required! Also they don't need to be cool and stylish, you can go totally silly and/or cute with it! If you don't want to make your own design or nothing pops in your mind, you can make the character cosplay as other characters (can be outside games/Pkmn series). Just write down in the piece who they're dressing up as!
You can draw as many designs as you like, but you can reserve up to two slots at the start: if your pieces reach the coloring phase/show good progress, you can reserve more slots!
If you already have a design prepared, you can use that no problem! Working on your ideas in advance is recommended! Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but you can draw your piece in other art program than Magma (or traditionally) if that suits you better! Just make sure to DM me your piece(s) by the end of October 30th!!
For free doodle session we will have a dedicated page for ghost type pokémon! We also have a grandiose ballroom for your OCs & favourite characters to enjoy the spooky atmosphere and show off their moves. I also hear there is a mischievous little witch running around & turning naughty people into joltiks..! Trick or treat?
All aboard!! I hope you'll have a spooktacular time with us!
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1-800-cuupid · 8 months
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HAPPY ALMOST HALLOWEEN!! I'm going to be participating in Simblreen with @fatalrosecreations and have we cooked up treats for everyone to enjoy!!!
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For my schedule, I will give out treats for both weekends. Each weekend has a set dedicated to it and I will give away one part of the set each evening! It could be the shoes, the accessory or the outfit itself, yay!
Here are the times I will be giving out my treats:
🎃 Weekend 1 (October 20th - 22nd) [From 7pm to 11pm EDT]
🎃 Weekend 2 (October 27th - 29th) [From 7pm to 11pm EDT]
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Unlike last year, I don't feel like doing my prize wheel so, it'll be the classic trick o' treat!
Come to my Inbox or DM!
Be off Anon!
Ask for a treat (trick or treat, pun, poem, etc.)!
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No Witching Hour or LL treats, sorry bbys!
There is a soft 17+ warning for this weekend's treats but other than that, everything is SFW, including next weekend.
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Don't sweat it! Like last year, there will be a round up post and you can get ALL of my treats on the 31st of October!
♥Happy Simblreen & Halloween everyone ♥
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kalena-henden · 10 days
I’m loving The Midnight Romance in Hagwon. It’s really a slow burn friends to lovers. They’ve known each other for so long and always had a special connection but because of the age gap and power dynamics their relationship stayed platonic. Since he decided to join the academy with her, you can see them sacrificing for and worrying about each other. They’ve been carefully poking and prodding each other with work and personal boundaries. I love when he asked her if she could ‘read between the lines’ because that’s literally their job as language teachers and it’s what we as an audience have been doing as well. Both for her benefit and ours, it’s his version of ‘can I be anymore obvious?’  LOL
It’s so cute how lowkey and awkward they are about their burgeoning feelings. He’s barely holding on by a thread but Hyejin admitting she liked the way Junho upended her ridged, overly planned, workaholic life to make her want more. *clutches heart* He’s probably dated but she’s been dedicated to her job to the point of no social life. She a bit unsure of how to proceed but I like that she’s up for the adventure of falling in love.
As for her director, it was interesting to find out that he made everyone think he treated her well. When in reality, he had always taken her to the cheapest restaurants, gave her loans to emotionally blackmail her, and put in non-competes to her contract (which are starting to become illegal alot of places in my country). The fact that he didn’t even wait 12 hours to officially try to soft get rid of her was disgusting. He could have tried to build up the Korean department by getting new teachers to do other schools or by building up other teams like English or Math to grow his business so it wouldn’t be as reliant on Hyejin. That’s his fault. As Hyejin said, she was willing to take less if it meant building something special together but once he broke her trust all bets are off. She owes him nothing.
The Grey Witch offered her another terrible deal as well. Even though she’s nearing retirement, I understand why she wouldn’t want another teacher stealing her students simply to keep her pride intact. While she was underhanded in making sure her students wouldn’t be able to attend the lecture, except for the spy she blackmailed into attending, she was trying to protect her domain. But the offer she made to Hyejin was pathetic at best. As Hyejin told Junho, it was the bare minimum of what she is worth. That whole ratio salary thing was such a cheap trick. Very shortsighted. It did not offer any real job security or power.  She was still going to rule her castle. If the Grey Witch truly wanted to retire gracefully and pick a successor, she should have offered to sell her academy to Hyejin for a tidy sum. 
While I understand that the economics of successful talent can be taxing for business owners, it’s literally the owners’ job to assess those risks and build their business around them accordingly. In general, even the best talent gets kicked to the curb at a moments notice so I don’t begrudge the talent for asking for the best terms for themselves. Also, more often than not, business owners (and corporate CEOs) take huge advantage of the majority of their average employees so I have zero sympathy for them. They are more than getting their money's worth. 
However, I do like watching the politics of these business owners versus talent play out.
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call-sign-shark · 7 months
Heaven Lavey Shelby
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Heaven Lavey Shelby - is the protagonist/reader of the Arthur Shelby x You series Heaven in Your Eyes, but also my Peaky Blinders OC. All info and background can be found in the said series but if you can't/don't want to read it, here are some basic facts below.
She's 25 at the beginning of the series • Arthur's wife • Natural white hair • Blood witch (similar to the concept of Heartrenders) • French • Cold unhinged bitch
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🌙 Playlist
🌙 Theme Song: Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls
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♢ Heaven in Your Eyes
♢ From Blood We Will Grow
♢ To Bark and Bite
♢ Kaiser Meeting Cyril (requested)
♢ A Bone to Pick With It (requested)
♢ Perfect Lines
♢ Love Ritual
♢ A Slice of Us (Modern!Arthur Shelby x Heaven)
♢ The Woods Whisper 1 (cannibal!AU) || The Woods Whisper 2
♢ Savage Daughter
♢ Heaven Shelby Headcanons
♢ What if Arthur didn't exist? Who would be her man?
♢ Height difference with Arthur
♢ What does she think of Arthur's boxing hobby?
♢ How much Heaven has changed from her 1st version?
♢ What bedtime story would she tell to John's kids?
♢ Has she seen the ocean?
♢ Do the Changrettas know about Heaven?
♢ Red talks: Heaven vs Linda
♢ Red talks: Heaven vs Linda 2
♢ May x Heaven AU
♢ The best quotes for your characters
♢ Overthinker or not?
♢ How would a love story Eva x Heaven be?
♢ Would Heaven falls for modern!Arthur from Loose Cannon?
♢ Virtuous Ray of Sunshine x Ex Bad Guy
♢ Takes on hearing Arthur speak Romani
♢ What's Heaven's fav memory of Arthur? And his?
♢ Cute Aggressions towards Arthur
♢ Caption This!
♢ Tommy Shelby x Heaven Poll
♢ John Shelby x Heaven Discussion
♢ Heaven’s past Affairs
♢ How did Amos and Heaven meet
♢ What would Heaven eat at a carnival?
♢ What did Amos and Heaven's relationship look like?
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♢ Heaven in Your Eyes 2nd moodboard
♢ " Not so much an Angel"Ch.6
♢ "You should be scared of me" Ch.12
♢ Trick or Treat
♢ Heaven in Your Eyes illustrations (by @zablife)
♢ Heaven x Arthur illustration (by @raincoffeeandfandoms)
♢ Heaven x Arthur moodboard (by @runnning-outof-time)
♢ Heaven Shelby moodboard (by @dearshelby )
♢ In Love with An Angel (by @there-goes-thefighter )
♢ Eleanor Shelby & Heaven Shelby (by @dearshelby )
♢ Chiaroscuro, Eva Smith x Heaven Shelby (by @evita-shelby )
♢ Fairy!Heaven Moodboard (by @raincoffeeandfandoms )
♢ Wonderland (by the @evita-shelby)
♢ Partner In Crimes (by @raincoffeeandfandoms)
♢ Party and Trouble (by @peakyswritings)
♢ Shakeaspeare's Play (Kaiser and friends by @evita-shelby)
♢ Bird of a Feather (Tommy x Heaven x Jack x Eva by @evita-shelby)
♢ Bayou Christmas (Mel and Heaven by @cljordan-imperium)
♢ Heaven In Your Eyes ( by @v3n1c3b1tch3 )
♢ Christmas Morning with Arthur and Heaven (by @peakyswritings)
♢ Heaven’s face Imagined (by @heavencanbeaprisontoo)
♢ 18th December with Heaven and Arthur
♢ Heaven As... (Aesthetic tag game)
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This part is dedicated to the works of my wonderful mutuals, who mentioned/used the character of Heaven in their stories. No word is strong enough to tell you how grateful I am for your incredibly kind gifts/surprises/cameo. I am utterly lucky to have you by my side, know that I sincerely love you. Thank you again, darlings.
Trailer video:
♢ Pierced By Cupid (video by @brummiereader)
Featured in...:
♢ Killing Me Softly pt. 5 (Cameo by @brummiereader)
♢ Killing Me Softly pt.9
♢ Garden of Eden (Eva Shelby x Heaven Shelby by @evita-shelby)
♢ Garden of Eden pt.3
♢ Girls Night and Broken Glass (for @raincoffeeandfandoms birthday)
♢ Womenland (by @raincoffeeandfandoms about the Eva x Heaven AU)
♢ Garden and Pruning Shears (by @zablife)
♢ Stolen Angel, a John Shelby x Heaven blurb (by @zablife)
♢ Pasts and Future (by @dearshelby)
♢ Snow on The Beach (by @pacifymebby)
♢ Visiting The Bayou (by @cljordan-imperium)
♢ In The Graveyard With Lilith Rose Shelby ( cameo by @chaosinkest1996)
♢ Text Memes (by @rysko )
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thefirstknife · 2 months
I have not played since The Traveler left and Rasputin died. WHAT is GOING ON in there? THere's pyramids, Eris is a Hive god, Xivu Arath is dead(??? unsure), there's a. A Veil in the Traveler? ??????????????????????
Oh dear, welcome back! I highly recommend checking Destiny Lore Vault for playlists for the campaign, post-campaign quests and seasonal stories (Defiance, Deep, Witch, Wish)!
Speedrun cliffnotes:
Lightfall! Witness found something called the Veil on Neomuna. The Veil is to the Darkness what the Traveler is to the Light; a paracausal entity that controls aspects of it. We also knew about it because Osiris had a vision of it and Rasputin confirmed that! We go to Neptune where we find Neomuna and Cloud Striders, a civilisation that escaped the Collapse. The Witness tricks us into getting near the Veil and uses our Ghost to create a link between the Veil and the Traveler which opens a big portal on the Traveler. The Witness goes through and has been missing since. This whole year was dedicated to figuring out how to follow it into the Traveler!
Defiance! The Witness left its fleet to attack Earth, we defend the Earth from its forces. Mara and the Awoken help us, Crow and Mara begin their reconciliation, Amanda dies sacrificing herself to save civilians.
Deep! Titan returns from the anomaly! We've been told previously that we have to go there because an "enemy of the Witness" lives there; the enemy is a proto-worm Ahsa who fled the Fundament and settled on Titan back in the Golden Age. Ahsa helped Sloane survive on Titan. The two of them team up to help us against Xivu Arath and to figure out the portal. Ahsa tells us that Savathun knows how to get into the portal which means we have to rez her.
Witch! We meet up with Immaru who tells us that Sav left instructions for this exact situation; she will only tell us about the portal if we "deal with" Xivu Arath. Eris embraces her Hive side and bonds with Ahsa, to become a temporary Hive God of Vengeance. She collects tithes from us, the Guardians, and becomes super powerful. Once she's ready to face Xivu, we rez Savathun and Eris kills her, scooping up all of Sav's power on top of our tithes and becomes the most powerful Hive god briefly. She uses that power to cut off Xivu Arath from her throne world; Xivu is now mortal. Eris releases her power and returns to normal, rejecting the Sword Logic and laughing in the face of every Hive ever. Savathun honors her deal and tells us that she already showed us how to get through the portal, then she strikes another deal; she is to be free, but we keep Immaru so if she does anything we don't like, we can crush him. Savathun's answer is hidden in the pattern of her wings - it's the 15th wish. The 15th wish is to get one person through the portal. We need an ahamkara!
Wish! Mara and the techeuns conjure Riven's spirit through her cleansed heart; ahamkara persist after death! Riven tells us she will grant the wish only if we help save her remaining uncorrupted eggs because she wants her children and her species to go on. We agree to this and spend weeks saving her eggs which were scattered through the ley lines to protect them (this was done by Riven's mate, Taranis, a kind and benevolent ahamkara). We fight the Sol Divisive Vex for these eggs, who are doing incomprehensible things as Vex do, and when we succeed, Riven grants the wish. Crow is the one to go through the portal because he and Mara share a bond and through that bond, Osiris and Mara figure they can use the Veil just like the Witness did and forge a connection that will open the portal for the rest of us. We're currently waiting for the final mission of Season of the Wish which will likely conclude by showing us that Crow made it and that the portal is opening.
That's the shortest I could get! Definitely recommend checking out DLV and all the stuff because there's A LOT going on and there's a lot of stuff also happening in the background, especially in dungeons, and with everything that appears to be hinting at post-TFS content. There's also a lot of stuff with the Veil and the nature of Light and Darkness, mostly in LF campaign and Parting the Veil quest from post-campaign; some incredibly cool reveals and information going on.
I'll be happy to answer any further questions, if anything interests you more than other stuff, but also feel free to dive into the content yourself! And as usual, Ishtar Collective will help as well, with all the lore books and lore tabs.
We're currently in the free update, Into the Light, which focuses on the continued attack of the Pyramids on Earth, something that appears to be a last ditch effort of the Witness' forces to prevent us from following it to the portal.
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insanityisfine · 1 month
So, I know I'm late to this party, but in my defense I just got the invitation.
I recently went through Little Goody Two Shoes, and then learnt about the existence of Pocket Mirror, so I went to look that one up too.
Loved how LGTS built upon PM, how it recontextualized COMPLETELY one of, if not THE generally agreed upon, happier endings.
And yet.
Maybe it's because I arrived here late, I haven't seen a lot of mentions of Henri's role in the most gruesome ending of PM (Witching Hour), and how deep Ozzy's manipulation and disregard for his own rules goes.
In the Witching Hour ending, we see Henri casually talk with Ozzy, clearly they know each other well, and I got the feeling Ozzy would eventually take him as an apprentice, or a new "lord", like the crow - Murim, and the snake - Aziel.
And LGTS makes SUCH a big deal of, well, the deal between Ozzy and Elise, with him demanding her first born, and her offering her second born (in one of the rare instances of smarts from Elise), and him agreeing to it.
Thing is: both of them were lying through their teeth.
Elise had no intentions of ever having children, and Ozzy went after BOTH of her children in the end.
Did he know she was trying to trick him, and decided to make sure she had two children, and then take them both, as a punishement? Or did he have no intention of following whatever counter offer Elise made, and take a child of hers regardless?
Did Elise ever had a choice?
In the non-canon endings we see Elise lament that Ozzy took Goldia, meaning she's most likely dead, but given what we see in the Witching Hour ending, Ozzy either has, or will take Henri too.
There's no saving grace, there's no honour among thieves, there's no escape. Ozzy takes what he wants, period.
Hell, the PM ending where Elise didn't take Ozzy's deal, where she apparently never even learnt of his existence, has Goldia finding the shoes, just like she did. He's going after that lineage, no matter what.
Elise's birth, her whole existence is tied to Ozzy and the supernatural, hell, it's basically unnatural, and Ozzy decided to torment her in every way and path possible, including taking both of her children, just to further fuck with her.
Hell, he even went so far as to guide Rozenmarine, who was basically groomed to eventually be a willing sacrifice to something, to Elise, to make sure he got his way.
He's a bitch, but he's a dedicated one.
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This manga is the gift that keeps on giving I see
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(The guy at the door has a crush on the MC while he’s cross dressing as a woman btw, knowing full well he’s still the MC “magically changed” btw)
(Also the little girl in the group is EXTREMELY autistic coded btw, she’s “weird” and talks with animals and her parents beat her for being different thinking a devil stole their daughter away from them and they think her a witch and, like, while they haven’t stated her being neurodivergent yet given how explicit this manga is in his themes about progress and acceptance this seems really promising).
(Also love how this is pretty much presented as, like, a “fake” isekai since the MC was dreaming of a fantasy world where he could learn real magic only to be sent to 16th century Germany instead and realizing this desire of his was shallow and fucked up given what a medieval “fantasy” world would actually comport).
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twopoppies · 2 months
The people who don't like TR are because they believe that TR is bad and hurts Harry, that Harry is forced to be TR's boyfriend. That she's a witch like O, that she just wants press. Please wake up from that, Harry and Tr chose this trick for mutual benefit, it's a win for both of them and between TR and the other "Harry's fake girlfriends" she is calm and doesn't do anything out of this world, it's better than TS dedicating songs to Harry afterwards 10 years old, that Olivia is a narcissist who still says that Harry is her boyfriend, Camil that sexualized Harry and Kendall that she only used him for her reality show 💩
Well, as much as I dislike all of these “relationships”, I think we have to admit that Harry went into them (at least the ones since he’s been solo) for his own benefit as much as the women did. I didn’t like Camille’s trolling of the fandom, and I could have done without her moaning Harry’s name on Instagram, but Harry clearly used her to be the public focus of Fine Line to his great benefit. Kendall used him for her show, but she’s also very connected to the Azoffs, so Harry likely also agreed to it because it put him in good favor with them. The first time they “dated” was 2013 IIRC and Harry would have been in the very early stages of trying to build his connection to the Azoffs. The second time, it was probably easier for him because he already knew her and from the look of things, they were at ease around each other.
I say all of this because I think there’s a tendency in this fandom to just say things because other people say them. But no real thought is given to the arguments being made. Olivia is a completely different story because of how she took the opportunity and went batshit crazy with it. Although he had no way of knowing what she would do, Harry did sign on to that stunt.
I just think it’s important to keep in mind that Harry is a grown man with at least a modicum of say in his career. These women are doing what celebrities have always done. I don’t really think looking at them like they’re the main reason for Harry’s closet makes much sense. I think that blame belongs on the shoulders of label executives, movie execs, the homophobia of the general population (including a lot of Harry’s fans), etc.
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charmixpower · 9 months
got any future plans for adding to the child Valtor au, because the more i think about the more i wonder about how his age changes the way he interacts with the characters and vice versa
I cannot tell you how much I've been thinking about child Valtor ever since I made that post
You what a bunch of hcs??? You get a bunch of hcs!!!
Like Winx says that Valtor was made by the ancestral witches, he wasn't born, and he actively trashes against the control the ancestral witches have on him and they straight up help Bloom kill him for the kicks?? And it's like, just there? I love it but it's so easy to kill off Valtor bc he has control over his actions and he's an adult and you don't get to sit with these uncomfortable implications due to that. The tragedy has already happened, it's passed, you don't have to look at it. You know??? Not anymore, we all hurt forever
Can you imagine being Daphne??? Seeing Valtor hiding behind Belladonna's leg, this child. Can't be older than 11. Fighting your fellow Nymph's, and you can't even think about that, pay attention to that, because you need to fight Belladonna and protect your planet. This wasn't a priority, that child those evil women created wasn't a priority. How would you ever recover??
The company of light is made up of educators, people who dedicated their life to children. A stutter, a small child's eyes winding in panic. None of them could follow though. It was safer to kill him, he was made, he doesn't have a soul, it was the right option. They send him to the Omega dimension instead
He wakes up from the ice to see Belladonna's cold eyes staring back at him. She doesn't look the exact same but he knows that smile and he knows those eyes. He'd recognize his mother anywhere. He does what he's told for new Belladonna too, not that he knows why. Icy has plans, plans he's supposed to help out with
He clings to Bloom. Her magic feels like his, she's the only person who could begin to understand how he feels. She was chosen too, right? She gets it doesn't she? How could she not. He just wants someone, anyone to understand him, to help him. He couldn't tell you what he wants help with. The Ancestral Witches say he's loyal to them, and he's never been able to disagree with them before
He doesn't like the winx, he's never shared in his life and is loathed to start now. He plays tricks and schemes and never kills them. He mains, he disables, he distracts. This is fun. He's never had a true enemy, rival. The company of light wanted to defeat his mother's, these are his fights. It's fun, he wants to keep them
(You ever think about the amount of times Valtor could of straight up killed the winx or put his mark on them and he just kinda doesn't and then gives their romantic rivals a love potion??? Bc I do. That was weird and the entire reason this au exists. Like Valtor basically made the perfect opportunities for the winx to get their Enchantix by never directly trying to kill them. It's almost funny)
Valtor is completely incapable of free will but he does experience desires and he has the ability to think for himself. One of the winx asks him why he's doing all of this and he literally can't answer, he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to be here, but he does? That's why he's doing it, right? And the girlies get a front row seat to a child gaslighting themselves to cope with their inability to control their own actions
He wants to be powerful! The most powerful person in the dimension! Then he could do whatever he wants! Then he would be free! At least that's what he tells himself (he knows it's not true, but children are allowed to have their fantasies)
They could extinguish kill. He barely came up to Bloom's chest, and they could just extinguish him. If Bloom pulled at the fire element in his body and Aisha the water they could pull him apart. Making a soul sounded impossible and has never been done before but that's the only way to release the Ancestral Witches control on Valtor, so they'll do it
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whoiwanttoday · 7 months
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I sorta wanted to save this post for tomorrow because I promise you these three won Halloween> They are basically the queens of Halloween by keeping it in their hearts all year round as far as I can tell. Halloween is a magic time of the year for those of us who care about it. On one hand, I can watch horror movies and not get the weird looks I do the rest of the year. Instead when I reveal I plan to spend the entire weekend with a bunch of friends watching horror movies and eating junk food people tell me how cool that is. In April I promise you that would nto be the reaction. You also get to play dress up which is just fun. You get to see everyone else play dress up. Just people are less uptight because it's a holiday with no actual significance to anyone other than you're supposed to have fun. There si no real baggage from religion or family drama cause it isn't one of those holidays. It's just that one where you got free candy as a kid and got to pretend you were a ninja or a princess. It's kind of hard to poison that. But if you didn't notice, friends come up a lot in this. Because it's not a family holiday, it's a friend one. You went trick or treating with friends. You watched scary movies with friends. Maybe you TPed someone's house with friends. I have a lot of Halloween memories and most of them involve my friends. Us on the basement floor splitting up candy. Us devising the perfect costume for that last year where we could carry extra masks in our bags, swap them around and then go back to hit the best houses again fro more of the good candy. Staying up late watching horror movies after trick or treating. Good stuff. So, I love that these three don't just put in a lot of effort into their costumes but they have the dedicating to group costumes. It elevates everything If I were to pick just one person this year it would be Lili Reinhart because she looks phenomenal in that Harley Quinn costume. The thing is though, it's so much better because Poison Ivy and Catwoman are there. I didn't even love the Gotham Sirens comic but you know what, they are a matched set now because of it and it makes for a stronger costume. And that goes with all their old costumes. A Powerpuff Girl is just a brightly colored dress. all three is amazing. One of the witches from Hocus Pocus? People might not even know who you are. All three? Dynamite costume. Cause all that ill gotten candy? Those full sized snickers bars we got three of because we were greedy little assholes? It tasted so much better cause I got it with my friends. So they won Halloween but I am not waiting to post them because who knows what tomorrow will bring. Maybe I'll just post them again. Today I want to fuck Camila Mendes, Lili Reinhart, and Madelaine Petsch.
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breelandwalker · 7 months
So you have recommendations for where to research signs of baneful magic having been performed on you or your home? Or do you have a list of signs to look out for just in case?
This is an excellent question (sorry it took me so long to get to it, this month has been BONKS) and it provides a good opportunity to talk about ambiguity and alarm systems.
Most sources that talk about how to detect signs of baneful magic will usually talk about random illnesses, accidents, bad luck, general misfortune, that sort of thing. And while it's true that these CAN be signs of baneful magic being directed your way, it's hardly a foolproof system, as these are also things that can and do happen without any magical interference. Plus, it creates kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you view any misfortune as a sign of being "cursed," then you tend to start looking for more signs and take note of every little thing that goes wrong, including things that you might normally brush off.
The only real way to know for sure that you've been cursed is to literally watch someone perform a baneful spell directed at you. Everything else is the magical equivalent of hearsay and guesswork. (Yes, even if someone TELLS you they've cursed you, since there's also a neat little trick that involves telling someone to expect the worst and then letting them suffer with the anxiety and pessimism, believing that doom is on the way, while you do next to nothing apart from encouraging the assumption. Bit of Headology for you there.) And even THEN, it's not a sure thing, since spells don't work 100% of the time.
In my experience, the best plan is to be proactive and to look to mundane examples for inspiration on how to structure magical solutions. If you want to know whether someone or something has intruded on your space, what do you do? You set up physical indicators and install some kind of security, right? If you want to know whether deer are getting into your garden, you put up a fence high enough to be a deterrent, you check the beds for prints and nibbled produce, and if you want to go the extra mile, you set up a trail cam. So do the same with your magical protections and your list of personal omens.
Add a layer to your home/personal protections that reflects, diverts, or nullifies spells sent your way that are unwanted, disruptive, or harmful. This might take the form of a defensive mirror jar or a ward that burns away or entangles those undesirable spells. It can be something you add to existing magical protections or a separate spell dedicated to the purpose, whatever works best for your needs.
In addition to this, add an entry to your list of personal omens that is specifically for Disruptive Incoming Magic. Make the sign something you're not likely to see on the regular so that you can immediately recognize it when and if it turns up. In all likelihood, you'll never need it because the possibility of actually being cursed is SO much lower than social media would have you think, but it's nice to have the failsafe.
(I fully recommend creating a list of personal omens to any witch who wants to look for signs btw. Make a list with easy-to-spot examples and clear meanings that takes natural occurrences into account. It's a great way to simplify things and not drive yourself to distraction wondering whether that spider on your floor is a Sign of Something or...just a random spider.)
So now you've got your prevention in place and you have an indicator to let you know if something does show up. It's still not foolproof, but it certainly helps.
In the meantime, just remember that witches experience accidents and illness and runs of bad luck with the same relative frequency as anyone else. The fact that something bad / a series of bad things has happened is not necessarily an indicator of the presence of baneful magic. Sometimes Shit Just Happens.
But when in doubt, you can always do a quick cleansing of your space and reinforce your protections to clear away anything unwanted that might be in the space. If nothing else, it's due diligence and it will probably make you feel better.
Hope this helps!
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