#Trendy Popular Awesome
miyoriia · 5 months
kitties will be cats and puppies will be dogs at the end of the day and its ok to realign yourself to whatever makes you feel better. i just want to spread what makes being a cat so awesome because i truly do love being a cat so much and dont want people to get taken away by whats popular or trendy. be you! lets all just spread love for ourselves and the people who need to see it will see it eventually ♡ thats catpunk!
and also teasing puppydogs a bunch
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anashins · 1 year
hi! can I request one where reader gets jealous and a bit sad because some girl was trying to hit on jae and he notices that so he makes up for reader in the most fluff way, please? only if you want to :))
Pairing: Jaehyun x reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1k
Summary: "Is she your girlfriend-girlfriend or are you just talking?" - "If I kill you, are you dead-dead or just not breathing?"
A/N: Stumbled over a TikTok audio that fitted perfectly, I hope you like it 💜
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“He sounds so good! I didn’t know your boyfriend could sing.”
“I overhear him in the shower sometimes,” you explained loudly, “but I had no idea either!”
You and your friend’s eyes were fixated on Jaehyun who was giving the performance of his life in the living room. The guests were either sitting or standing to listen attentively after someone had brought out a karaoke machine to spice up the party since the first ones had already prepared to leave.
Your boyfriend was singing some trendy pop song while others chanted along, raising the mood again after everyone had thought the party was dying. Watching him enjoy singing, dancing along and interacting with the audience made your chest swell with pride, and you found yourself nodding rhythmically as well even though you usually weren’t the one to verbally express your musical side. According to your friends, you sounded awful, and you left it like that.
But your boyfriend, on the other hand, was awesome. When he ended the song, people came up to him while others stormed to the karaoke machine to choose a song themselves. 
“Well, I actually wanted to go home already,” you said to your friend. “But I guess we’re going to stay for a bit longer. Wanna have another drink?”
You went over to the kitchen where you found fun in mixing fantasy drinks for each other before you returned to the living room.
“Uh…” Your friend looked past you with a clear view to where another group had taken over the karaoke machine. “I think Jaehyun got a bit popular.”
“Yeah.” You chuckled. “After that performance, I can understand.”
“... with the ladies,” she added. “Look there.”
You shifted to where she was pointing and found Jaehyun standing there with a girl. Usually, for you, it wasn’t a problem. He had never given you a reason to be jealous or mistrust him, but you also had to admit that your boyfriend was very naive when it came down to flirting, so the longer he stood there, the more hope he gave the girl hitting on him. You had to nip her hopes in the bud.
“I’ll be back,” you told your friend, gave her your cocktail, and walked over to Jaehyun. “You were great!”
You luckily found them laughing mid-conversation, making it less awkward for you to jump in between.
“I know, right!” the girl chirped even though she had not been addressed by you, and it irritated the heck out of you. “I just told Jaehyun - that’s his name by the way - that he should be a singer, that’s how great he was.” 
Something in the way she spoke, so overly haughty like she had known him for years, overlooking Jaehyun entirely as well as though he was only a mannequin who needed a spokesperson, gave you the ick that quickly developed into a volcano that was close to erupting the moment she touched his arm in a claiming gesture. Enough was enough.
“I’m his girlfriend,” you blurted. “I know his name and that he’s a great singer. Good to see it’s getting acknowledged by other people.”
She didn’t have to know that you were concealing the truth, but being so bold also didn’t seem like you despite you still trying to stay polite while making your point clear.
“Oh?” She raised a brow and shifted to address Jaehyun. “Is she like… your girlfriend-girlfriend or are you just talking?”
You looked at your boyfriend-boyfriend, expecting him to reject her, but he seemed too stunned to speak. That man would rather eat something he was allergic to than tell the waiter that he brought in the wrong dish. Always reserved, even with his feelings for you. Yet, there were situations where he needed to take action, and one of them was now. Still, he didn’t utter a single word. Fine, then you’d do it yourself. 
“If I kill you,” you spoke to the girl with a low voice and narrowed eyes, “are you dead-dead or just not breathing?”
Without sparing either of them another glance, you turned on your heel and walked back to your friend who had observed the whole situation from a few feet away, but still not having gotten the gist of the whole conversation since the music was too loud.
“What happened?” she asked when you whipped your cocktail out of her hand.
“I need this.” And you downed it one go. “My boyfriend is too nice for this world.”
“And the problem is…?”
“I want him to tell everyone I’m his,” you complained to her. “I want him to show everyone I’m his. Is this too selfish? I don’t need him to scream at people he meets that I’m his girlfriend, but when he senses that a girl shows interest, to tell that he’s taken. I don’t need him to be all over me publicly, but holding my hand when he’s close to me or slightly touching my arm when he’s standing next to me would be nice. Is that too much to ask for?”
“Oh dear.” Your friend took a long sip from her own cocktail. “Careful what you wish for.”
Only now you noticed that the music had entirely stopped, and before you had let that fact sink in, Jaehyun’s voice already filled the room. 
“There is a girl here tonight who I really love. She’s my girlfriend and she’s standing right there,” Jaehyun announced into the microphone, making you slowly turn around to meet his loving gaze. The other guests were staring at you too, but you had your attention entirely on him only. “I want to make sure that despite me usually being reserved with my feelings, there is no one else I want to be with or am interested in, and I want to dedicate this song to her. It’s one I’ve written myself, and it’s about her. There is no music, so I hope you don’t mind an a capella version.”
Every kind of anger and frustration you had harbored dissipated with one heartbeat, and you locked your gazes with him, feeling nothing but love and understanding now when he started singing, capturing every listener’s imagination.
Yes, your boyfriend was oftentimes reserved with his feelings. But that didn’t change the fact that he still carried a lot of them and just had other ways to express them.
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jimmy-johns-was-taken · 10 months
Can I please get some glitchy red headcanons? I just want to know your take on him, love your writing by the way, you're awesome! :)
RAHHHH I LOVE U! Thank you so much :)
I hope these aren’t bad
Glitchy Red Headcanons
Fun fact, I don’t think I’ve actually ever written for Red, so this will be new !
Plz don’t hate me if this is bad I’m sorry :((
So appearance wise? Going with the canon Pokémon Red trainer guy with some blood and stuff (I’m going to talk about overall style later)
Probably aro/ace
I use he/him for Red
Personality? He’s a bitch
But unlike characters like Jeff who are just an asshole becuz why not
Red has reason
Red especially hates popular pastas and most of the other gaming pastas
Reason? He’s jealous
Red’s whole thing is “I’m not a joke” and to not be a super popular pasta he feels like everyone thinks he is
Like when you think of gaming pastas, BEN, Lost Silver, and Herobrian are probably the ones that come to mind
So Red’s just jealous
Absolutely despises Silver and other Pokémon themed pastas
But he doesn’t hate everyone !
Him and Liu get along fine, as well as Bloody Painter
Mainly becuz Liu actually acknowledges him (a personal headcanon of mine is that for awhile Liu felt overshadowed by Jeff) so Liu relates to him
Bloody Painter likes his style
Red has one of the coolest styles tho
It’s kind of a retro-gaming theme, so his room is covered with posters for older games
And his dressing style is kinda like a grunge but instead of band shirts it’s old retro game shirts like Pac-Man!
Red grew up in the 80s and 90s (Pokémon red came out in 1996 and he’s about 16ish so)
He’s got that old but vintage and trendy style
As a partner and stuff?
Very tricky, but once you’ve got him he’s never going to let you go
Needs constant reassurance that he’s not a joke and that you think of him
Totally takes you around the Pokémon world and like you have your own team and outfit and everything and it’s so cute and it’s living my dream-
Anyways that’s all I have rn, I’m sorry it’s so short :(
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vanessaroades-author · 11 months
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Let’s look at what happened from June 13th to July 13th. (ARCs, Preorders, Sales, Marketing!)
Note: I’m not talking about costs here and likely won’t ever. However, my author buddy JAL Solski has an awesome write-up on the costs, tax considerations, all sorts of numbers, of publishing their sapphic fantasy duology! I’m also very fond of Ros’s write-up on expectations and goals related to post-publication.
Before you start–some disclaimers on my experience
First, expect very little! These numbers will not impress you and honestly there’s a part of me that’s pretty embarrassed, like I'm advertising that I'm a big dummy who can't write. But all in the name of honesty & transparency!
Something I hear a lot from other new authors is, “Am I doing pretty good? Am I doing really badly? I don’t know.” Well, here’s another batch of numbers to consider!
Deep Roots is currently only available as an eBook & through Kindle Unlimited.
I’m not writing anything trendy. By a long shot. I can throw “queer fantasy” on it but that’s kinda the most I got. (When’s the last time you saw a runaway indie hit that didn’t have a ton of romance?)
I’m not popular on social media (260 IG followers with on average <10% engagement and <200 TikTok followers).
I have so many friends in my corner. Someone should stop you at the gate to the Indie Publishing Amusement Park of Hell and tell you, “Listen, if you want any hope of staying sane, make author friends.” Besides helping you navigate tech questions or giving second opinions on your cover, and, you know, understanding and empathizing with you, your friends will be the ones who comment on your posts, repost them, tell their friends, add you in their newsletter, read, and review. That can mean sales…but that also means having people lift you up and celebrate with you.
Advance Reader Copies
I began posting about ARC sign-ups April 4th, sent the first round of eBooks ~May 5th, and closed applications on June 2nd.
I didn’t use a service like Booksprout or Booksirens, just plain old BookFunnel and email (therefore my reach was entirely reliant on my social media efforts). I was most talkative about it on Instagram. I only posted like once or twice on Tumblr and TikTok, but they went really well for my standards.
Sign-Ups: 51
By publication day I had 4 ratings/reviews on Goodreads, 1 on Amazon, and 1 on StoryGraph.
After 31 days I had 6 reviews and 10 ratings on Goodreads. 1 extra rating on StoryGraph; Amazon stayed the same.
Note: I was really lax with my ARC team about when reviews should be sent in. I was clear that I didn’t care if they were pre-publication (partly because well…I read ARCs a lot and I know I can’t always get to things on time, and partly because I didn’t decide a publication day until fairly late in the timeline).
However, from what I’ve seen for other authors, a pretty low return on ARC readers isn’t entirely uncommon? Kind of a kick in the confidence regardless.
Total of 7. I don’t remember when I opened preorders, but I believe it was around the same time as the ARC application.
Marketing (sort of) from June 13th to July 13th
I ran a small (kinda last-minute) campaign for extra merch & an extra story for anyone who preordered or purchased during release week. I said that I would re-run this campaign for paperbacks.
These are my Tired Girl numbers:
Instagram: 5 posts specifically about DR. 2 non-DR related.
TikTok: 7 videos specifically about DR, most getting ~300 views, though one broke 1k. (Notably, I didn’t post about the release week extras on TikTok at all.). 2 non-DR related.
Tumblr: One post I would send spinning around the block every once in a while. Definitely lowest priority.
Release Week Sales
eBook: 3
KU: 15 pages read
Release Month Sales
eBook: 4
KU: 594 pages read
Future Plans
*Releases one giant sigh* I’M FREEEEEE
Once the book is written and done, cover made and words edited, there’s only one thing left in your control: marketing. Everything else is up to chance (honestly, marketing is up to chance a lot of the time, too).
But I pretty quickly decided to take it easy on social media. A wave of burn-out that had been chasing me since last summer finally caught up, and I don’t think I’m alone in saying that when I saw like no return on investment for my posts or chatter, I was like, “Okay, I’m going to rest, instead of pushing this boulder up this hill, then. I deserve it.”
One plus of having paperbacks come out way after the eBooks? I get release day Part 2! (With fun new props for pics and videos!) I have a good list of video ideas & drafts, but I would always look at them and think, “Wouldn’t this be better to do when the paperbacks are around?” And soon, they will be!
As for blog posts, I want to continue being transparent with things like this. I will (hopefully) catch up on the numbers again near the end of August, as by then I’ll be making the decision to keep Deep Roots in KU for another three months or not.
Until then, lower your expectations! It’ll keep you sane out here. Thanks for reading and hanging out.
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doctorguilty · 1 month
Prev post didn't feel like putting it all in the tags but it's b/c exclusionism is a means in which subjugated people feel a sense of power and control by subjugating others. And they also think it makes them look cool to others (see also: stereotypical high school bully). This type of crowd is always waiting for the next group of disenfranchised people a large enough consensus of their online community has deemed socially acceptable to beat down on without being viewed as a bigot. It happened with it happened with asexual/aromantic people, it happened with neo pronoun users, it happened with nb/agender people, until there was enough pushback from the other side and also like, masking off where these bigoted ideas trickled down from (ie t*rfs, transm*ds) making it non-socially acceptable, and the people doing that shit pretend they never reblogged dozen of "asexuals aren't LGBT" posts and had "ace/aro inclusionists dni" loud and proud in their bios. Shit like that. So here we were again with the popular exclusionism, this time picking mspec lesbians as the punching bag, somehow convincing themselves this is totally different from all those other exclusionism movements that are now skeletons in their closet, THIS time it's totally not bigotry and feel so good and awesome about this and they think there's no way this one came from the book of t*rfitry. But like everything else this will inevitably stop being trendy when people call it like it is and they'll feel embarrassed for a while until the next exclusionism discourse crops up, which will DEFINITELY TOTALLY be different from the mspec lesbian thing. Also basically none of these arguments have any significant presence offline in queer spaces because nobody gives a shit
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cow-legs · 3 months
What are some of your favorite videogames? ♡ ♡ ♡
(extremely long post incoming lol turns out i have a lot of things to say on this subject)
usually i have too hard of a time trying to remember anything i like to have answers for questions like these but thankfully for this one i have answers prepared since this is something i try to think about a lot
realistically if i had to pick one single "favorite videogame" above the rest itd probably just, like, ocarina of time & majora's mask (i'm considering them to be one videogame because i said so, it;s a package deal), just on account of how much of an impact they had on me from an early age combined with just how often i Still go back to revisit them in one way or another, but this is just about the most basic boring answer a person can have for this question unfortunately
thankfully you asked for some of my favorites instead of just one so i can unveil my Actual list of favorites instead of the one that only holds the top spot by technicality and not because i actually like it "the most". all of my favorite games have such a range in style and quality it's hard to really compare them in any meaningful way
crypt worlds, space funeral, and off-peak are all pretty different games made by very different people but i usually group them together when talking about stuff like this since collectively finding them all back in the day at roughly the same time kind of shaped my perception of indie games as a whole which probably gave me a very weird and skewed perception of the media but who gives a shit really it's a perception i hold dear. (they weren't the first indie games i ever saw of course but they were the most personally impactful ones that made me go "holy shit, this is awesome, you can do literally whatever you want")
they've pretty heavily influenced my own games, too. there have been multiple times i've started a project and then days later realized "wait shit this is just space funeral again. i'm just making space funeral again but slightly to the left. fuuuck" which is a pretty good problem to have i think.
gadget: invention, travel, and adventure is an old point and click game i found a few years ago that struck me by just how unique feeling its atmosphere is. strange looking people turn to you and say even stranger sounding things, the soundtrack feels like its having a nervous breakdown, the main character is given so few meaningful decisions/actions (read: basically none) by the people around them that it can barely be considered a game at all…it is a very fascinating experience, and one that i think back to a lot
i like Your Turn To Die a lot and am very excited to see how it ends, though i feel like i don't have too much to say on it here. one of those games that has me going "oh man i should draw more fanart for that one of these days" every time i'm reminded of it only to then remember that i Can't Fucking Draw right now lmao
myhouse.wad is something that extremely deserves to go on this list but a large part of my brain is telling me not to just because somewhere along the line i fucked up and became allergic to anything that has ever recently become popular & trendy on youtube because i don't want to look like a poser even though literally no one but me cares about where i hear about these things so i can only bring myself to include it if i also state that i played it BEFORE it was cool &all the streamers started covering it like some kind of shameful hipster. but for real though its awesome, very inspiring stuff. i wish my brain did not force me to want to distance myself from it for literally no good reason. fucking ocarina of time is on this list why is this the thing that makes you afraid of looking like a normie
i have a lot of appreciation for myst in a kind of "i've never played more than 5 minutes of this nor have i even bothered to watch a playthrough of it but i understand what you have done for me and the games i love that came after you" kind of way. i have purchased 3 different copies of it over the years as well as a copy of riven and i don't intend on playing any of them anytime soon. great game, probably. i wouldn't know.
i like a lot of kitty horrorshow's games but i don't really know what my favorite would be. lethargy hill is probably the one i think about most often though.
i like (the steam version of) dwarf fortress a lot and have been trying to play it more often. it is very funny having 80 hours in a game and still not feeling like you understand half the mechanics in it. figuring it out as i go along has been fun though. in a similar vein i also like elden ring a lot and despite being at over 160 hours on that one i still haven't beaten it. i need to get back to it before the dlc comes out but i stopped playing for so long that most of my muscle memory is gone…
for something much more recent than all of the above, absolutely perfect specimen is something really incredible that gave me a lot of stuff to think about, though it can be a little hard to recommend since it's extremely 18+ and has a whole big list of content warnings you definitely need to take heed of. extremely interesting work though, i like it a lot.
i'm running out of things to list off and should probably stop just for the sake of time even if there is more shit that deserves mentioning so i'll just end it off with CLONE ON NET YAROZE BABYYYYYY LET'S FUCKIN GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💯💪🙌💥💯💯
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charlesandmiranda · 4 months
Asakusa Adventures part one:
2/1 dinner with friends and 2/2 Senso-ji Temple
After leaving Ochanomizu, Charles and I took the train to Asakusa, our next stop in Tokyo. We had dinner plans to meet with a friend and her family that night, and we planned to explore the area the following day (which is yesterday, at the time of writing!)
Our friend, Penko, her husband As'maria, and two sons took us to Asakusa Ichimon, which is a super traditional restaurant. It was featured in the movie Shin Ultraman which came out in 2022, and Charles really wanted to visit it as a film location, but before we could even mention it to her, she was already suggesting that we should all go together, and so we did!
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The interior was amazing, I wish we had taken more photos. Taking photos inside establishments can sometimes be difficult, privacy is much more significant of a cultural consideration than in the US and we don't want to take photos of other patrons. It was a lot of gorgeous, dark wood, short, low to the ground tables, tatami mats, and floor chairs. There was a super zen, indoor water feature too, which was pretty cool, to put it mildly.
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I don't even begin to know how to describe how tasty the food was; there was a huge menu of sakes (Japanese style alcohol, think sort of like a "rice wine" even though that's not strictly accurate) and shochu (more like a liquor), almost all, if not all of which, we'd never seen before in the states. The entire meal was a like...5 course experience, starting with a small appetizer of fruit, tofu, fish egg and beans (in honor of the Setsubun holiday, which is today [2/3] at time of writing!) all the way to a hot pot of tuna, leek, mushrooms and more. Genuinely everything was like, beyond delicious, and it was sooooo much food, without ever making us feel like we were totally gonna pop (although it was close). There was also a beef dish mid meal that was the first beef Charles had eaten in close to two decades, and it was worth it.
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It was also really really special to get to spend the time getting to know Penko and her family better; I first met her here on tumblr actually, maybe....gosh, I don't know, 8 years ago? give or take a year? through a mutual fandom (we were both fans of a specific pairing in a video game called Danganronpa, where she was a very popular fan-artist at the time). Since then, we've met her in Japan a few times on trips, and we've slowly gotten to know her family over the last few years. After our engagement, Penko actually drew some lovely art for us as a congratulations; if you were at our wedding, we had it displayed near our guestbook :P
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The following day, we spent exploring around our Airbnb in Asakusa, as well as visiting Tokyo Skytree. Our stay was on the second floor, above a restaurant, right in the heart of the district.
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We started the morning early at Cafe Royal, a super old-school Showa-era coffee shop built in the early 1960s. We had coffees and breakfast there, and their specialty Royal Coffee has to have been one of the best coffees I've ever had. It almost reminded me of dark chocolate in terms of its acidity and smoothness. It was truly awesome.
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Afterwards, we spent some time shopping at Uniqlo, a Japanese clothing store (there are some in the states too, if you're curious!) My favorite pair of jeans ripped badly on the plane, and I wanted to replace them, so I bought a new pair at Uniqlo, as well as some of their warm layering clothing, which they're well known for, to stave off the February chill. Charles also got some warm winter wear, so we're both totally topped off for the rest of the trip with trendy heat-tech goodies.
We also wandered around the streets and streets and STREETS of Asakusa's extensive shopping and food district surrounding the massive, gorgeous Senso-ji temple. One thing I love about Japan is that these huge shopping districts often have covered roofs over the streets so even if it's raining or kinda crappy weather, you can still walk freely across blocks without too much trouble. We were mostly window shopping, but we definitely stopped for a few treats.
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From there, we headed to Tokyo Skytree, stay tuned for our next post!
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lawnhive · 9 months
The Power of SEO Content writing behind the success of Digital Marketing
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Hey there, let's dive into the world of digital marketing, where we use all those online platforms to shout out about cool products and services to the folks who are actually interested. I mean, who isn't consuming digital stuff every single day, right? Traditional marketing is slowly waving goodbye, and the digital world is taking the stage. The best part? Digital marketing doesn't cost an arm and a leg like the old-school methods.
Now, imagine you're a business – big or small, doesn't matter. Having your online presence is like wearing that trendy jacket to a party. Everyone's doing it. And guess what? This huge demand for SEO content writers is on the rise. What's all the buzz about, you ask? Well, stick around, 'cause I'm about to spill the beans on what SEO content writing is all about and why it's a big deal in the digital marketing universe.
What exactly is  SEO Writing?
SEO content writing is like giving your website a makeover to make it more popular with search engines. You know those results that pop up when you type something on Google? Yeah, we're talking about those. Good SEO content writing means your website struts its stuff right at the top of those search results. And to do that, you gotta be a champ at a few things:
Playing by the Rules: Use those fancy header tags the right way.
Connecting the Dots: Throw in some links inside your site to connect the dots.
No Keyword Overload: Spice up your content with keywords, but don't go overboard.
Everybody's Welcome: Write so well that both humans and search engines love it.
Difference Between SEO and Content  Writing?
Aha, great question! So, SEO content writing is like writing with a mission – to make your website shine on search engines. It's like giving your content a secret weapon that makes it stand out. On the other hand, regular content writing is a bit more chill. It's about talking to your audience, whether it's through blogs, articles, or even social media posts. The goal here? Engage 'em, establish your brand, and maybe get 'em to hit that "buy now" button.
Why's SEO Writing a Big Deal for Websites and Stuff?
Imagine you're throwing a party and you want everyone to show up. SEO content writing is your invitation to the online party. You see, when you use the right words and polish up your content, search engines are like, "Hey, this site's pretty cool!" They push your site higher up in search results. And guess what? More people drop by your virtual party. But it's not just about getting clicks. Quality SEO writing also keeps folks engaged and convinced, which is like winning the party game.
Meet the SEO Content Writer Extraordinaire
The SEO content writer create super interesting content that not only reads like a breeze but also shoots your website up in search results. They're like the wizards of words who dive into keywords, know your audience like a BFF, whip up captivating articles, and sprinkle them with the right keywords so search engines just can't ignore 'em.
Your Guide to Nailing SEO Content
Okay, let's get practical. Whether you're an aspiring SEO writer or a business aiming for online fame, here's your cheat sheet for creating awesome content that both humans and search engines adore:
Unearth Keywords and Topics: Dig up those keywords using cool tools.
Catchy Headlines and Meta Magic: Write headlines that sparkle and meta descriptions that make people curious.
Rock Solid Content: Whip up top-notch stuff that answers questions and solves problems.
Search Engine Love: Sprinkle those keywords like confetti, but keep it natural.
Links Rule: Add links inside and out to keep things interesting and build trust.
And there you have it – the lowdown on mastering the art of SEO content writing in a friendly chat. Ready to give your digital marketing game a boost? You've got this! Remember, it's not just about writing for search engines; it's about creating content that speaks to real people. With engaging headlines, top-notch content, and relevant , researched  keywords, you can make your mark in the online world.
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francisversion2 · 8 months
Can we make premature greys trendy so I don't need to get weird looks?
I have premature grey hair, I am freaking 20 years of age...
I know they are from my stressing but god damnit can it become trendy so I stop getting weird looks. Like it's not a lot but is a nice chunk in front. The only thing that is making it look is the fact I have money pieces hair style thing scattered throughout my hair I mean it looks awesome until people point out the grey hair.
Ugh if it was popular or if I was a man people would find it attractive.
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tamapalace · 2 years
Tamagotchi Smart Lands 13th Spot on Nikkei Trendy’s 2022 Top 30 List
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Each year Nikkei Trendy, a popular finance Japanese, posts the top 30 consumer hits list, as well as the Face of the Year. The list covers everything from applications, movies, foods, and more. The Tamagotchi Smart landed a spot on the list at number 13! How awesome is that?
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Nikkei Trendy notes that it’s the first smartwatch type Tamagotchi ever, and that after 25 years it has become an explosive hit with annual shipments of 700,000 units for the entire series and it has even awoken dormant users who are returning back to the Tamagotchi community!
The list has been published on the Nikkei Trendy website, but will also be feature in the December 2022 issue of the popular finance magazine. Interestingly enough number 14 on the list is the One Piece Film Red!
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image source: TMGC_net on Twitter
Each year Nikkei Trendy holds an event in Japan for the media to see all of the products featured on the list in person, and this year was no exception. At the event there was a Tamagotchi Smart booth which featured not only the Tamagotchi Smart, but Anniversary Party Friends, and One Piece special sets, along with the four Tamagotchi Smart watch bands.
However there was more than just the Tamagotchi Smart oddly enough, the Jurassic World Tamagotchi, One Piece Tamagotchi, and Spy x Family Tamagotchi were also featured at the booth despite not being not he top 30 list. This might have been because the One Piece Red film, and Spy x Family anime series earned spots on the list.
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marbledmoonthreads · 2 years
This week's Aesthetic Spotlight: Grunge
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Grunge historically has its roots in the 1990s hard rock scene of Seattle, Washington. It was a countercultural, anti-consumerism youth movement and musical genre that defined Generation X. Grunge fashion was made popular by bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, and Soundgarden, and was meant to be timeless and quite casual.
Grunge is a darker, edgier style that is usually depicted these days with glitches, vinyl records, cigarettes, neon lights, and the color black (which has absolutely nothing to do with the original grunge).
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Grunge started in 1985 with Green River's album Come on Down, but it did not become mainstream until the 1990s with Nirvana's Nevermind. Grunge was most popular from roughly 1991 to 1997 and eventually lost its anti-consumerist philosophy. It can be argued that grunge began to decline in 1994, after the tragic suicide of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain, though the genre maintained popularity until about 1997 when Soundgarden broke up.
Some of our favorite bands include Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Stone, Temple Pilots, The Gits, Varuca Salt, & The Pixies. A majority of Grunge's visuals involve a large amount of dirty, grimy, weathered imagery.
These show a sort of hopelessness and disenchantment with modern society.
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A lot of earth tones and pale colors are used to convey this sort of cultural depression often associated with Grunge.
You will often see the use of polaroid cameras and pictures, glitches, vinyl records, cigarettes, neon lights, and the color black.
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Grunge fashion of the late 1980s and early-mid 1990s was often purchased out of thrift stores at the time. Some will argue it was done out of a rejection of the fashions of the time. It's generally agreed that it's because it was cheaper as, at the time, most grunge artists were dirt poor. But with the modern Grunge movement, the philosophical elements of the original Grunge movement were completely dropped in favor of just achieving the visual aesthetic of looking Grunge (although often paying far more exorbitant amounts of money compared to the original Grunge style icons, who almost exclusively shopped at Thrift Stores). Men often wore oversized t-shirts, flannel shirts (that would be tied off around the waist when it got too hot), ripped jeans, and combat boots. These were considered timeless looks and were generally durable and reliable clothing to wear.
Women tended to favor slip dresses, flannel shirts, ripped jeans, chokers, and the bell-bottoms/babydoll t-shirt was a popular combination as well.
Why we love Grunge
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Growing up in the 90s, we were lucky enough to have parents with a broad taste in music, fashion & art. So it's fair to say Grunge had an influence on our household.😉 Music, fashion, and shopping at thrift stores are the most significant contributors. 🎸 Music is a given. Music was always playing in our house growing up. If we weren't rocking out at home, we listened to road-trip jams and would go to concerts and festivals. When it comes to our personal style, bellbottoms, flares, and wide-legged and distressed jeans are some of our favorite bottoms to wear.👖 We own a small collection of band T-shirts(yes we actually listen to the bands we wear). Our favorite shoes to wear are high-top canvas sneakers, and you will rarely see us without a choker. As much as I love new and trendy things, you can find some really amazing things at thrift stores. And it's not just about fashion, it's the whole experience of exploring! Sure there is a lot of old junk in good condition, but then you find it. That amazingly awesome thing. And you know the instant you lay eyes on it, that you have to have it. That thing may be clothes or jewelry. Or it could be a piece of furniture, or maybe a book. And then there are times when you don't find anything. But that's the fun of shopping at thrift stores. You may have an idea of what you are looking for going in, but that may not end up being what you find.🛍️
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When you visit our store you'll notice that our collections are categorized by aesthetics. So you can easily shop by whatever aesthetics you vibe with.
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qvistwheeler9 · 5 days
How Luxury brand replica bags can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
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Boasting the label’s signature Intrecciato weave, the shoulder bag provides a quasi-moon condition by having an unexpectedly flat base. For saving Many dollars, these spot-on LV bags are an awesome substitute to your originals and let you take a look at out the types and spice up your outfits by giving them a designer feel and look!  There are many faux bags on the market which are marketed as "replicas" that are actually counterfeit. They are utilizing the designers' names and signature styles (such as the Burberry Test sample or interlocking Gucci Gs) and even though they don't seem to be specifically advertising that they are authentic to people, the bags is usually represented to Some others like that as soon as a buy has long been made. Recently increasing from its sneaker roots (also an active re-sale Market) to incorporate bags in its inventory market-like format, StockX is where by the hypebaes store. Once you look for a bag you like, you can place a bid underneath the inquiring price This can be greedy for straws at this stage. Individuals are far too invested in Other individuals life plus they gained’t seize your bag. Chanel has high quality so undesirable from the boutiques the superfakes are starting to appear greater. However, when desiring luxury designer designs without having exorbitant value tags, replica bags give a large number of prospects. aaaaaa replica handbags existing a feasible choice for customers who need to embrace brand aesthetics when Functioning inside their budgetary constraints. aaa replica handbags reviews can be highly recommended to protect on your own by avoiding sellers who exhibit this kind of tactics and alternatively opting for those who supply very clear and reasonable return guidelines. Whether you should costume up the Business office with a classy tote or Select a night out with a robust clutch, we’ve got it to suit your needs. There are several common approaches to evade AliExpress rigorous authenticity rules on the System like employing alternate names or hidden hyperlinks. Sellers ordinarily utilize these techniques as well as buyers must decipher these codes intelligently. At TheCovetedLuxury, we make replicas that happen to be popular for his or her pure luxury and exquisite craftmanship that matches that of their authentic counterparts. Should you’re wanting to make a fashion statement or you want to impress your Woman, make her truly feel Exclusive with luxury Hermes replica bags. These apparel tend to be the replica of top brands and sporting these clothes is likely to make you really feel as When you are sporting the initial brand as a consequence of its premium high quality. So opt for best T-shirts and Shirts from our wide range of selection available at our online retail outlet. Produce a design statement and appear trendy. Disclosure: This put up might comprise affiliate backlinks, meaning we have a Fee if you choose to produce a purchase by means of our links, without charge for you. Please study our disclosure for more info. The concept of confined provides is commonly a marketing method. It is crucial not to hurry into creating conclusions; alternatively, go to the trouble to conduct extensive investigation and make an informed alternative within your Replica designer bags. They're extraordinary copies that get all the details correct and will be tempting to order, but they're unlawful.
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simran-simran · 7 days
Which website is safe for online shopping?
 Best Online Stores for Women's Fashion: Affordable, Glamorous, and Unique Outfits
Hello, I am Simran. Today, I will guide you on which website is safe for online shopping. If you are looking for an affordable and glamorous outfit to make your look unique and enhance your personality among many people, you should choose an online store that offers the best outfits for every occasion and exceptional customer service. My recommendation is Vastrachowk, as they excel in all these aspects. Their collection is simply awesome. However, there are other stores worth considering as well. Let's dive into some of the best online stores for women's fashion, including Vastrachowk, and explore why they stand out.
Vastrachowk: Affordable Glamour
Vastrachowk is an excellent online store offering a wide variety of women's wear. Whether you are looking for a women’s dress for a special occasion, traditional wear, or festive wear, Vastrachowk has got you covered. Here are some of the highlights of shopping at Vastrachowk:
Diverse Collection: From long women's dresses to vibrant yellow dresses, their range is impressive.
Special Occasion Outfits: Engagement dresses, Indian wedding dresses, wedding guest outfits, cocktail dresses for weddings, wedding party dresses, and reception dresses are all available.
Traditional and Festive Wear: They offer a fantastic selection of traditional and festive wear that is perfect for any celebration.
Customer Satisfaction: Vastrachowk is known for its excellent customer service, ensuring that shoppers are satisfied with their purchases.
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Other Noteworthy Online Stores
Myntra is one of the most popular online fashion stores in India, offering a vast array of women’s clothing. They feature a wide range of brands and styles, making it easy to find something for every occasion.
Wide Range of Brands: From high-end labels to affordable brands, Myntra caters to all budgets.
User-Friendly Experience: Their website and app provide a seamless shopping experience.
Frequent Sales: Myntra often hosts sales and discounts, making it easier to find great deals.
Ajio is another fantastic online shopping destination for women's fashion. They offer trendy and stylish outfits that are perfect for modern women.
Trendy Collections: Ajio is known for its contemporary styles and unique collections.
Exclusive Brands: They offer exclusive brands and designer collaborations.
Convenient Shopping: Easy returns and exchanges make shopping hassle-free.
Amazon Fashion
Amazon Fashion provides an extensive selection of women’s clothing, including traditional and modern styles.
Vast Selection: From everyday wear to special occasion outfits, Amazon has it all.
Customer Reviews: User reviews and ratings help in making informed decisions.
Fast Delivery: Prime members can enjoy quick and reliable delivery.
Flipkart Fashion
Flipkart is another major player in the online fashion market in India, offering a wide variety of women’s wear.
Affordable Options: Flipkart offers numerous budget-friendly options.
Diverse Range: From traditional wear to Western outfits, their collection is diverse.
Easy Returns: Their return policy is customer-friendly, ensuring peace of mind while shopping.
When it comes to online shopping for women’s fashion, Vastrachowk stands out for its affordability, glamorous outfits, and excellent customer service. However, stores like Myntra, Ajio, Amazon Fashion, and Flipkart Fashion also offer fantastic options worth exploring. Whether you are looking for an engagement dress, an Indian wedding dress, a cocktail dress for a wedding, or traditional and festive wear, these online stores have something to suit every taste and budget.
Thank you so much for reading this blog. If you have any other favorite online stores for women’s fashion, feel free to share them with me!
By incorporating these keywords into your search and shopping experience, you can find the best outfits that suit your style and occasion. Happy shopping!
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thejollyhub · 10 days
Ten Whatsapp TVs With High Status Views in Nigeria
1) Jorra Media
Allow me to elaborate on Jorra Media, a fascinating WhatsApp TV channel with a prestigious viewership. Jorra Media also owns this very site. This Whatsapp TV stands out as a captivating platform that delivers a unique combination of compelling content, exclusive insights, and a touch of sophistication. Through their top-notch production quality and carefully curated material, Jorra Media attracts an esteemed audience, lending your WhatsApp TV an air of luxury. Covering a diverse array of subjects including fashion, lifestyle, travel, and entertainment, Jorra Media caters to elite viewers with varied interests. Prepare to enhance your WhatsApp TV experience and revel in the benefits of having high-end viewership!
JORRA MEDIA Whatsapp number is here
2) The Jolly Hub
Get ready to have a blast with The Jolly Hub! This WhatsApp TV is not just incredibly funny; it’s a comedy sensation! With their amusing content and unexpected surprises, you won’t be able to stop watching. They offer a perfect mix of humor and captivating material that will keep you glued to the screen. Even better, their prestigious viewership makes it a prime platform for advertising. I personally recommend it to brands and business owners because I’ve gotten sales from this TV. When it comes to top-quality viewers, look no further than here! Their audience consists of influential individuals who appreciate top-notch entertainment. If you’re searching for an excellent advertising platform, The Jolly Hub is certainly a top choice. Your advertisements will reach a broad audience with a dose of comedy and sophistication. It’s a win-win situation! Reach a large audience while infusing your brand with humor and elegance.
THE JOLLY HUB Whatsapp number is here
3) Tweet Savages
Tweet Savages is a stylish WhatsApp TV known for its high-status viewers. Tweet Savages offers edgy and engaging content that appeals to a trendy audience. From funny tweets to popular memes, this platform keeps its viewers entertained and informed about current social media trends. If you want to enhance your WhatsApp TV with a touch of sophistication and cool views, make sure to explore what Tweet Savages has to offer. TWEET SAVAGES Whatsapp number is here
4) Naija Twitter Savages
Oh, my comrade, you are in for a deal with Naija Twitter Savages! This WhatsApp TV is the epitome of humorous and savage content. They dish out the maximum hilarious and witty tweets with a view to have you ever rolling at the ground laughing. And bet what? Their high-fame perspectives make it even extra impressive. You can be sure to see yourself in the laughter cycle with Naija Twitter Savages and experience their funny tweets with a view to maintain you entertained for days, and a view to grow your brand! NAIJA TWITTER SAVAGES Whatsapp number is here
5) Pot TV
You’re sure not going to miss out on Pot TV too! It’s a fascinating online television channel that offers incredibly engaging content. They excel at sourcing captivating videos and stories that will grab your attention. The best part is, they really know how to bring in a big crowd! It’s pretty cool, right? Their content is guaranteed to crack you up and make you feel like you’re hanging out with awesome people. You’ll have a blast! Prepare to explore the realm of Pot TV and relish the engaging content alongside those esteemed viewers.
POT TV Whatsapp number is here
6) Savage Responds
Oh, you are gonna love Savage Responds! It’s a thrilling WhatsApp TV that serves up a few critically savage comebacks. They’ve got a knack for locating the maximum witty and smart responses in order to depart you in awe. And the satisfactory part? Savage Responds has a popularity for attracting a high-popularity audience. You’ll have fun watching their posts. Be ready to see all of it in the interesting community of Savage Responds with the high-popularity views!
SAVAGE RESPONDS Whatsapp number is here
7) Floppy Media
Floppy Media is also a funny WhatsApp TV that serves up a few critically humorous content material. They dive into the arena of floppy disks, cassette tapes, and different media, and that sure they do it with a comedic twist. You’ll be in stitches as they poke a laugh on the technological relics of the current trends. And the quality part? Floppy Media has a recognition for attracting a high fame audience. And yes, you’ll definitely be entertained, you’ll also be in one of the fun companies. Prepare to chuckle and laugh through the posts with Floppy Media and experience the humorous content material.
FLOPPY MEDIA Whatsapp number is here
9) Savage Streetz
Savage Streetz is a hilarious WhatsApp TV with a purpose to have you ever in stitches. They focus on sharing humorous content material with a purpose to get you giggling non-stop. And wager what? Savage Streetz has a recognition for attracting a good number of audiences. You’re sure going to have a total blast with Savage Streetz! It’s not just about being entertained, but also about being amongst fun audiences. You’re in for a treat as you experience the comedic brilliance of Savage Streetz. Get ready to laugh your heart out!
SAVAGE STREETS Whatsapp number is here
10) Lxg TV
Lxg TV is an outstanding media company located in Lagos, Nigeria. They excel in producing captivating video content such as vlogs, interviews, and short films. Their skilled team consistently creates high-quality videos that captivate and entertain viewers. If you’re in search of engaging and visually appealing video content, Lxg TV is highly recommended. They have a significant online presence, where you can discover more about them on their website or social media channels. Feel free to ask if you have any further inquiries about LXG TV
Lxg TV Whatsapp number is here
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Amali Canvas Sneakers Tennis Shoes Size 12 - Fun In The Sun.
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gurmeettrail · 11 days
Trendy Indian Vape Shop
Vaping has quickly transformed into a popular choice rather than standard smoking in India, in light of its obvious clinical benefits over smoking cigarettes and the scope of flavours open. Indian Vape Shop had a fundamental effect here, giving permission to incredible vaping things as well as preparing and neighbourhood for smokers expecting to switch.
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What to Look For in a Vape Shop
Nature of Things
The main norm in picking a vape shop is the idea of things promoted. Top shops stock numerous contraptions, from starter packs to state of the art mods, and quality e-liquids from both close by and worldwide brands.
Client help
Surprising client help is fundamental. Staff should be capable and ready to help both new and experienced vapers.
An unimaginable vape shop offers a wide assurance of things that deal with different tendencies and spending plans, ensuring that all clients track down something that suits their necessities.
Vaping Society in India
Various vape shops in India orchestrate neighbourhoods, which are awesome entryways for vapers to relate, share experiences, and all the more profoundly study vaping. These events furthermore help to disseminate dreams and show individuals in everyday the upsides of vaping over smoking.
Online Presence
The best Indian vape shops keep up solid areas with presences. They give revives on new stock, progressions, and vaping news, keeping their clients taught and secured.
Happy Trail has had the choice to convey top-quality things and stuff to countless satisfied clients! We are open the entire day with the best smoking stuff that anybody could expect to find.
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