#Trekcore caps
wanderingwriter87 · 2 years
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
oh we’re ABSOLUTELY calling it ham now. going ham is the perfect complement to tom/harry/b’elanna being tpk (total party kill)
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TNG Original Costume Tests: Geordi La Forge
I don’t have the actual documentary, just the Trekcore caps, so forgive me if I miss anything, and feel free to add on if you have more info!
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The VISOR here looks a lot more like a plain old visor to me, what with the smoothness and shininess. Though it still looks rather futuristic. Maybe I’m just attached to the VISOR the way it ended up! Interesting that it still has the silver frame and gold middle color scheme! It just doesn’t have the tines.
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Straight-up ICONIC look right here. Not only does the VISOR look fantastic, the whole outfit combo is just so happy. I usually don’t love the colour yellow. This is a major exception. LeVar Burton made a fantastic choice of clothes and I’m so glad it’s enshrined for posterity. I have an irrational love for this look. I think about it all the time. (Also: this is the source of a fantastic gif by @star-trekster)
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Nice close up on the two different colours for the ocular implants of his VISOR! They ended up going with the red one, but the multicoloured one also looks cool! It looks more like Data’s inner workings.
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There are also a few tests that are obviously not on LeVar Burton (I don't know who this actor is, but I think they also screen tested some general crew uniforms), but are still interesting. This one has a black frame and some sort of sparkly thing going on. To me, the middle looks weirdly recessed to me, because it doesn’t have the tines filling it in.
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The on screen visor designs tend to have the tines more significantly overlapped (season 1, they’re almost all the way across, and in later seasons they’re connected to both the top and bottom of the frame), so the half overlapping tines combined (com-tined?) the slightly taller frame make it look a lot larger. However, it doesn’t reach all the way to the ears like the on screen version does.
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superilovejeanluc · 8 months
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Season 4 behind the scenes caps (Trekcore) TNG 36
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beautyofsorrow · 4 months
ao3 has gotten plenty of my "seven's holster was b'elanna's first" brainrot but now that i'm finally reading star trek: defiant instead of just rotating the memory of that one alternate cover like a rotisserie chicken in my brain i think it's time for me to inflict the brainrot onto y'all
i mean
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come on
(caps pulled from trekcore and quickly cropped/brightened so u can see the details) (s2g if they don't start LIGHTING tv sets again)
anyway. sapphics. space. holsters. sapphics in space with holsters. i need to lie down
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Star Trek moments I live for:
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Screencaps by TrekCore and my own terrible caps.
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old-type-40 · 1 year
If you've watched DS9 and have a vague recollection that it's not possible to scan for changelings, bonus points for you. Here are some screen caps with dialogue from the episode The Adversary.
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Also, after Odo encountered his people for the first time, he gave up using his bucket early in season 3. Though of course the changeling aboard the Titan might not want to have been accidentally discovered as a puddle of gelatinous goo on the floor in its quarters.
There's a strange mix in season 3 of Picard of Matalas covering certain details carefully while flubbing others as to the changelings. For example, when the cadets ask Picard about him being hunted by a Hirogen, my first tought was, "How the hell did a Hirogen get to the Alpha Quadrant?" And then the cadet asked about that though we never got an answer.
@trekcore said that Matalas didn't have a lot of time to get season 3 ready to shoot as Patrick Stewart wanted to shoot seasons 2 and 3 back to back. And I'm wondering if he was stuck relying upon his own memory of details rather than being able to brush up on things because of time constraints.
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yellowcakeuf6 · 2 months
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Some of my favourite Data screen caps from Star Trek: Generations source: Trekcore
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Oh, it's the same type of Medusan starship from the Remaster of "Is there no Truth in Beauty"
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(TOS cap from Trekcore)
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commander-kiranerys · 2 years
I’m so spoiled by trekcore and the man from uncle frame cap library. In other fandoms I’m like, I have to find the shot myself??? And take a screenshot and upload it all by myself??? Excuse me??????
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TNG Original Costume Tests: Deanna Troi
I don’t have the actual documentary, just the Trekcore caps, so forgive me if I miss anything, and feel free to add on if you have more info!
Deanna had some great cut hairstyles, as well as some different contacts! Let’s dive in!
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I really like this style! I love the little curls around the face. Also, I’m fascinated by that hair clip thing— it’s kinda unclear what it’s made of. If anyone has any info, pipe up! Her lipstick seems to get progressively darker over the first two seasons; it’s pretty close to this in Farpoint, but by Naked Now it’s already darker to go with her blue jumpsuit, and it changes again to even darker when the burgundy jumpsuit arrives in the second season. Contrariwise, her blue eyeshadow is a lot more prominent here than even in Farpoint. Channeling Spock and matching her department colour, I suppose.
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I think I like the side view a lot more than the front view— that sparkly accent kind of gets lost in the hair in this view. The curls are still cute though! It’s also clearer in this picture the options for the Betazoid eyes. I didn’t notice it until someone pointed it out on Lon Suder, and now I can’t unsee it: Betazoids tend to have very large, very dark irises. Marina Sirtis’s actual eyes are a lot lighter than either option here.
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The next hair option is this sleek bun. I think the decorations here are really pretty from the side, and again, less so from the front. I love the naturalistic design of those gold leafy patterns!
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It looks a bit awkward from the front because of where the ends of the hair ornament fall. I think it might be nice if the top ones came over the front a bit more; I think the design would be clearer from all angles that way.
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It looks like there’s a cool twisted or braided aspect to the bun, which I wish was easier to see! The side view also shows how far back the eyeshadow goes on this style. I think it looks pretty nice! It's a little closer to the style she gets later in the season, though more pulled back.
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And this test is basically what made it on screen at Farpoint. This isn’t my favourite Troi hairstyle; the sparkly braided headband is cute, but maybe a little chunky and I think it has too many colours. I prefer the more defined loose curls she gets later to the loose frizz here. 
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Including this last picture mainly for the smile! Though you can also see how the eyeshadow was toned down from the other tests.
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superilovejeanluc · 9 months
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The many outfits of Beverly (out of uniform) over the seasons of TNG. (Screen caps from Trekcore)
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tribblesoup · 2 months
Tom and B'Elanna's quarters
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Caps courtesy TrekCore.
And apparently Tom and B'Elanna have more than one bat'leth, as the one in "Workforce" isn't the one they hung up in "Prophecy." This is often regarded as a continuity error; but that second bat'leth looks familiar...
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As Tuvok would say, "the most obvious answer is usually the correct one." Tom saved his blunted bat'leth from the duel, and he and B'Elanna switched their décor around a few times.
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mylittleredgirl · 3 years
we talk a lot about janeway’s white suit in “the killing game” and rightly so but you know what we don’t talk about enough?
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tuvok’s white suit, thank you for your attention
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trek-tracks · 6 years
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The Senior Officer Bridge Ballet Talent Show went exceedingly poorly
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lascapigliata · 6 years
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No offense but this Look that Paris shoots Harry when they think they’re all gonna die in that distortion ring thing is the most romantic thing on this show so far??? He’s so absurdly head over heels in love it’s ridiculous
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