#Tommy x OC
kai-n-ali · 11 months
Chapter Nine of In The Fields of Asphodel (My Regrets Follow You to the Grave) is out!
Chapter 9: Hemlock (You'll Be the Death of Me)
Eleanor Blum didn’t know what to think of this man, this Peaky Blinder devil that made all of Small Heath cower before him, this almost-stranger with his dead wife and dead stare, but she wished he’d stop showing up at the flower shop she worked in. And that he’d stop looking at her with those blue eyes of his.
Follows aftermath of Season 03 throughout Season 04. Tommy x OFC.
Warnings: Depictions of child abuse, antisemitism towards OFC, canon-typical violence, canonical deaths, sexual themes, etc.
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zablife · 5 months
Hello Aurora
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Trying to get back into the right headspace to write My Sun, My Moon and All My Stars so I'll be reblogging my previous work as I do a quick reread. Feel free to send asks or comments if you're reading along!
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roguetargaryen · 1 year
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Piel Canela - Tommy Miller x F!Reader
Chapter 1 - A New Beginning
Author’s Note: Author’s Note: This is my first full fic that I am writing so I know there will be grammar errors. Also, this may be a slow start but the story will progress. This is an alternate universe where there is no outbreak, and it also takes place in the game timeline in 2013. Let me know what you guys think, and I hope you guys enjoy it.  
Word Count: 1980
Series Masterlist
Warmth. It's what Y/N felt as she drove down the almost quiet street to reach her final destination. After the almost 17 hour drive from Chicago, she was finally arriving at what she hoped would be her forever home. She sure would miss her time back in the city, but tranquility is what she needed now. The events of the past two years were enough for her to settle down in the quaint suburbs of Austin, Tx. One thing she would definitely need to get used to was the Texas heat. She thought summer days in Chicago were bad enough, but not like Texas. Even with the window rolled down, she still felt like it wasn't enough to cool down. Hopefully by sundown most of the heat would be gone. She recalled her conversation with her brother at their last rest stop, "You'll get used to the heat. The good thing is the house has central air for you but make sure to keep the windows and doors closed throughout the day. That can sometimes help. At night the cool breeze in front the window open is nice. But that's the least of your worries." And he was right, that was the least of her worries. Her move was pretty much a result of packing everything from her tiny apartment and starting fresh in a whole new city thanks to her ex-fiance that is. She had hoped that with this fresh start, she could leave that chapter and move on. The downside is she has to give up her job, her friends, and practically everything she knows and move for her own safety. No one knew where she had gone except her best friend, who she knew would not say anything. Y/n were born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago but moved to the city for university. It wasn't something her parents were fond of at first. Their goal was for her to become a doctor or lawyer to make good money, but over time they warmed up to the idea of her choice in career. She met her ex-fiance in university in her sophomore year. He won over her parents really quickly and soon after graduating, he proposed. Also right after graduating she was offered a position in a marketing company which allowed her to stay in the city. Y/n felt like her life was perfect. She had everything she possibly could have wanted and even till this day she questioned where it all went wrong. When things started to hit the fan. 
Her thoughts were interrupted by her little passenger getting excited about finally arriving at her destination. At the last rest stop her niece, Emily, begged her dad to let her ride with y/n. Y/n loved having her in the car and she kept her company during the last couple of hours to her new home. Her older brother, Manny, was the first to arrive with the moving van while y/n drove in her car with the remainder of her more personal items. Emily bounced in her seat and anticipated to get out. Once y/n pulled in her driveway Emily bolted from her seat and greeted her mother, Kelly, who was waiting to give y/n the keys to her new home. Once out of the car, y/n walked over to Kelly and gave her a big hug. "Hola Kelly!" She giggled and responded with a thick Texas accent, "Hola Y/N! Bienvenidos a Texas. You know I've been getting better at my Spanish. Now that you guys are here I can definitely practice more." "I don't see why it took Manny this long to teach you. You guys have been married for 13 years." "Hey! Stop talking about me and let's get this stuff out." Her brother retorted. They pulled apart and y/n took the keys from Kelly, who led them inside the home. It was a cute little two story bungalow that was perfect for you. The living room was connected with an open kitchen concept kitchen and a small dining area. The stairs led up to a two bedroom and one bathroom. Y/n stood in the middle of what would be the living room and let out a big sigh. Both Many and Kelly had done so much for her to help her get to Texas, and words could not express how grateful and appreciative she was. 
After the movers arrived, the process of unloading the truck and y/n’s car went a lot quicker, so much so that by almost mid afternoon they were practically done. The help was much needed after the long drive. Once everything was unloaded, Manny and Kelly left to return the moving truck and pick up something to eat while y/n stayed with Emily. They decided to take a break and sit on the front porch steps to take a look at her new neighborhood. Y/n’s thoughts were interrupted by Emily speaking up, "Oh Tia I forgot to tell you my best friend lives across the street at the house right there!" "Is this the one you play soccer with that you told me about in the car?" "Yes!" It was almost as if on cue, a car pulled into the driveway and a man came out with a young girl trailing behind him. "Sarah!" Y/n jumped, a bit startled by her niece's outburst as she waved at her friend. The young girl turned around and waved back. She spoke to her dad real quick, who then nodded and followed behind her as they walked over to them. "Hi Emily! When did you get back?" "This morning. We did a lot of driving but we got to see a lot! I got you something from Chicago. Let me go get it." With that she ran inside and left y/n alone to meet her new neighbors. "Hi I'm Y/N. I'm Emily's aunt." She extended her hand to the handsome man in front of her who took it with a small smile. "Joel. Joel Miller. And this is my daughter Sarah." "Hi." Sarah added with a soft smile. Before y/n could respond, Emily bolted out. "I got you a key charm from Chicago." "Chicago? That's a long way to Texas." Joel spoke. "My family made the move and I tagged along." Before Y/N could continue, her brother and Kelly pulled up. "Hey Joel!" They greeted each other and made small talk while the girls caught each other up. "Well neighbor..." "Y/N...you can call me y/n.." "Well y/n it was nice meeting you. We will let you guys have dinner. We will see you soon. Let us know if you need help with anything." "Thank you Joel. Bye Sarah." " Bye y/n. It was nice meeting you." Y/n watched as they walked towards their house and smiled. Maybe Texas won't be so bad after all, y/n spoke to herself as she walked inside herself. 
Once inside, they settled around the kitchen island and began to eat when Emily spoke up, "Tia I am gonna be over all, the time now that I know Sarah lives across the street." "I would love that but first you gotta ask your dad" y/n responded. "Mija you can't just invite yourself and you do have to ask for permission." "Okay papa. Is it ok that I come over to Tia y/n's house?" "If it's okay with her it's okay with me." He responded. "I don't see why not. Besides I do have a little free time to get settled in before I start working. So if you guys need help picking her up from school and watching her, I'm more than happy to help. It's the least I can do." "Y/N we told you that you don't owe us anything." Kelly responded. "We just want to make sure you're happy and safe. You're family and we take care of each other." "I know but.." "ah ah no buts." "Well at least accept my thank you." "We do. Now let's enjoy our lunch so we can wrap up today." Manny finished. With that, easy conversation flowed as they ate lunch. 
Later on that evening, y/n was wrapping up the kitchen and putting away most of her stuff. By now, Manny and his family had left with a promise from Kelly that she would be back tomorrow to help her with the rest of the house. A lot was done for the day, with mainly the first floor being done. Before calling it a night, she gathered all the trash she could and stepped out into the brisk night. Once done she let out a heavy sigh and stood with her arms crossed as she observed the quiet neighborhood. A soft strum caught her attention from across the street where she noticed her neighbor Joel sitting on his porch with a guitar in hands. He gave a soft wave, to which she returned and decided to walk over to his home. “Hey neighbor. I hope I’m not interrupting.” Y/n wondered. “Not at all. Usually when I can't sleep I come out here and just play anything that comes to mind.” Joel explained. “How’s the unpacking going?” “It’s going. I thought I didn’t have much when I was packing but that’s not the case. You never know how much crap you actually have.” Both let out a chuckle and then sat in a comfortable silence until he started strumming the guitar again. “Did you write that?” Y/n asked. “It’s not finished. I just let myself play. I wanted to be a musician when I was younger, but I had Sarah really young. I don’t regret it. I used to say the universe has its way of shaping your life when you least expect it, but she’s my life now. Her and my younger brother Tommy.” Y/n listened attentively but didn’t want to pry too soon. “That’s really sweet. What do you do now?” “I’m a carpenter. So you can say I’m really good with my hands if you need help anytime…uhh that kinda came out weird. I’m sorry.” “No, don’t be.” she giggled. It felt nice to feel like she was getting to know someone this soon in her move. “But I’ll keep that in mind..””What about you? What do you do?” “I was in marketing when I worked in the city. It was good for a time but now my brother and I are opening up a bakery. We are looking to open in about two weeks.” “Camilla’s right?” “Yes! How did you know?” y/n asked. “Well your brother kinda hired me to help get the place ready.” “Can’t wait to see it. I hope you guys can come to the opening.””Sarah will definitely want to go especially if Emily will be there. I swear if given the chance, those girls can be attached at the hip.” “Emily got really excited when she found out I would be living across the street. Pretty much told us she would be over all the time.” Both chuckled and then they fell into another comfortable silence before she spoke again. “I think I’m gonna head back home. I have a busy day tomorrow and I don’t want to keep you up too late either. Thanks for the good welcome to the neighborhood.” “Of course. I’ll see you around, neighbor.” “Goodnight Joel.” “Night y/n.” When she closed the door behind her, she leaned against the frame and smiled. For a long and tiring day, she was happy at how well it went. Tomorrow would be a new day, her new life was starting, and it would be something she would look forward to.
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cillspropertea · 2 years
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Chapter 21: Golden girl
Warnings: none
This fic is a mature story. It involves violence and intimacy which may not be suitable for young readers. It might have dark themes which may irritate or offend some readers. But if you’ve seen Peaky Blinders and are familiar with Thomas Shelby, you’ll be okay. The story, plot, character histories and back stories might not be relevant to the original “Peaky Blinders” . Warnings will change per chapter. This is my first fic. Hope you all like it. English is not my first language.
Do not hesitate to comment, reblog and engage. 😁 It works as fuel for my writing. 😉💙💙
Word count: 2709
    Thomas walked out of the house ready to get in the car while Robert kept the luggage in its trunk. The journey would take him two days but he was hopeful it would be worth it. The Russians had been nagging him for quite some time. With his recently broken ties with Alfie and Sabini he needed all the allies he could get. They were a powerful bunch, powerful but a little cuckoo in the head. But he would find a way, as he always did. Apparently, the sapphire had been a mistake, as they were unaware of its curse. A mistake he had not forgiven them for. The issue had simply been dusted under the carpet, for now. Until the right time.
    Only Tatiana had known but she wanted it to cause problems to her aunt and uncle. She wasn’t aware that it was to be gifted to him. She’d answered that while being choked by Thomas’s leather gloved hands, so Thomas had believed her. He was going there to give them a second chance.
   While he waited for Robert to finish up setting the luggage he caught the sight of a lone tea cup on the bench in the lawn. Memories from last night rushed in as his lips turned up into a smile. He shook his head. He was in love, once again it seemed. The feeling was heavy and soft at the same time. He’d left her sleeping, with a kiss on the forehead as she still had a few hours before she had to wake up. In came one of his other cars through the drive-way, the one reserved for the office. The door opened as Lizzie, his PA, came out of it. “Thank god I caught you!” she said breathing heavily. Thomas would have believed she had ran the whole way to his home if he hadn’t seen her getting off of his car himself. “You forgot these at the office.” She handed him a file. Holding it in his hands, he opened it. “What would you do without me Tommy dear?” she said sliding a hand down the left side of his coat, smoothing some invisible lines. “This is the copy Lizzie, I have the original with me.” He snorted. She frowned, “Oh! Well…” She cocked her head to the side suggestively, “… I am here now, maybe we can have a coffee in your office while Robert here sets up the luggage eh?” Thomas calmly removed her hand which was still on his collar, “I am getting late Lizzie...” “Oh it’ll only take a few moments darling! I know all the right moves. I know what you like…” She whispered the last part into his ear. “Not today.” Thomas said stepping back, absolutely unfazed. Lizzie was growing frustrated. He’d never been this difficult. Especially after Grace. ‘It has to be the Gold girl Ada was telling me about… fuck!’ she thought sourly. When Robert was done Thomas moved to sit in the car, “Aren’t you going to leave?” He asked Lizzie. “Don’t look so worried love, I’ll leave right away! I won’t tell anything to your new plaything.” Anyone else would have gotten a warning but Lizzie was all words, Thomas knew. Plus he had used her several times in the past to please associates and rivals. Lizzie was important for the business. So he knew how to swallow his bitter words, sometimes, when he knew it was beneficial. She had been around the family for as long as he could remember. For some time, when things had gotten really bad for her, she’d gotten into prostitution. He did not judge her as he was no saint himself but their off and on fling had started when he’d returned from the war. Tainted and utterly broken, Lizzie had provided him the distraction he’d needed at that time. But then she’d fallen in love with him. He knew the signs. But unfortunately, he did not reciprocate those feelings at all. But he knew he had let on her feelings for selfish reasons and that guilt had made him offer her the position of his personal assistant to her. That and plus a business rival had shown interest in her. The truth was that Lizzie was reliable and useful. And Tommy used people whenever he needed to, unashamedly.
So, instead of saying something rude, he’d simply gotten out of his own car and opened the door to the car Lizzie had come in, waiting until she sat in, shaking her head and gritting her teeth at the same time. “Is she that fragile? Can’t even protect herself eh?” she teased to which Thomas simply rolled his eyes, ‘If only you knew what she’d done in the past to ‘protect’ herself…’ Thomas stopped himself from smiling. Lizzie did know though, she knew the stunt the ‘Golden girl’ had pulled, through Ada of course. That was her nickname in the office, ‘Thomas Shelby’s golden girl’. No wonder she had wrapped Thomas around her danm finger. “Good bye Lizzie.” Thomas had replied in a clipped way before asking the driver to go. Only after she’d left did he leave in his car. He wasn’t hiding anything from Esmeralda, he just wanted to tell her about this side of his life himself. Knowing Lizzie, she would have made sure to twist and turn the truth the way it suited her. Plus yeah, he felt like this relationship of his felt too sacred and sensitive right now. He would do everything to keep it as pure as it was. Even if it meant to keep things away from certain people.
Esmeralda had woken up in a bed without Thomas, but on his pillow, she’d found a small, navy blue velvet box and a letter. Opening the box she’d gasped, it was a ring with the biggest diamond she’d ever seen and she’d seen a fair share of them in her lifetime as her father sometimes used precious stones as a currency when he dealt with people he did not trust. Opening the letter she read words in his rough but delicate writing,
    “I am sorry that I can’t accompany you today love. But I want you to wear this when you go there. It will give me some peace of mind. It isn’t the best way to propose as well, I am aware, but if your answer is affirmative to the question of marriage, don’t take it off and I’ll know. I did not want you to feel pressured into saying yes, which you would have undoubtable felt, had I asked you in person. If I come back and find your hand without the ring, I assure you nothing will change between us. But at least consider the possibility. The wedding would be on the day of your choosing. It could be tomorrow or decades from today. This is a piece of me I want you to gain power from. Just remember that in its form, it’s me who’s with you, by your side, clasping your left hand. Just show them the queen that you are. They’ll be forced to bow and cower.
Her hand skimmed over the shiny stone. The question was a heavy one. She did love him, there was no doubt about that. But both of them had a lot of baggage. His work was laced with unpredictability and danger. Whenever she’d pictured a perfect life, it was with a simple man with a simple job and life. She’d imagined herself making breakfast for him in the morning and saying him goodbye with a kiss on the lips before handing him a lunchbox. Money or power was never a part of her ideal man’s lifestyle. But Thomas had both and, to make things more complicated, ambition was part of the mix as well. Things were different now too. She, herself was different now. She’d discovered a part of herself that was a complete opposite of what she thought of herself. This new side of hers, it felt as if she had always been there, inside of her, but she never let that part of her out. She was scared of that inner self too. She’d killed people. It did not matter that it was always out of necessity but she was the kind of person who would carry that guilt with herself until her last breath.
    Did she want to tie herself to someone just now, when she’d found out there was so much to discover, about the world around her and inside of her? Getting out of the Gold territory had brought forth the possibility of living her life on her terms. Would tying herself to someone right now not bring her back to square zero? But the simple thought of living without Thomas or Charlie made her chest hurt. And saying no would hurt Thomas, a lot, she knew that. For someone like him, who had been through so much himself, going through war, creating this life out of nothing, falling in love and then losing that love, she could not ignore how much courage this must have required for him to pop the question. Probably why he did it this way as well, he was protecting himself as well as her.
   She rubbed her temple sighing heavily and decided to handle things as they came. First she needed to attend the funeral and get it over with. She took the ring out and put it on. It sparkled in the sunlight. She smiled, biting her lip. Suddenly, she felt something crawl at the nape of her neck. Her heart quickened as her eyes went wide. She looked towards the dresser where a shadow lurked. It seemed as if someone was peeking. She gradually stood up and walked towards it. It felt as if everything around her had gone still and slowed in motion. Just when she’d reached and was about to take a look the door opened and in walked Polly. “What are you doing still in your sleeping attire? Do you want to be late?” she was carrying a dress which she laid on the bed carefully. “What is all this?” Esmeralda asked, her heart still a bit erratic. “A dress and some accessories. You are my family now. We have to make an impression to…” she stopped talking as her eyes took in the ring on Esmeralda’s hand. “Are my eyes deceiving me? Or is that an engagement ring?” she walked slowly and held her hand to examine it closely. “It is an engagement ring. But I haven’t said yes or no yet.” Polly frowned, “Well, Thomas wanted me to wear it to the funeral…” “He knows what type of people the Gold’s are. He marked his property.” She cocked a brow. “That’s the thing Polly, I don’t like this idea, of belonging to someone like, like, their danm property!” Esmeralda rubbed her eyes. Polly moved towards her, “That’s just an idea he wants plastered in their minds. He knows what you are girl! He knows he can never trap you or enslave you.” Esmeralda shook her head smiling, “Trust me. He just wants to be there. I’ve seen him around women, especially when he wants something out of them. He’s different with you. And if he ever goes out of line, Look at me…” Polly ordered suddenly, so she did, “You come to me. I’ll make sure he knows your piece of mind!” She nodded, “Never feel alone alright? I’m here, always!” Esmeralda wrapped her arms around her and out of nowhere her shoulders started to shake as she sobbed in Polly’s embrace. Polly, simply smiled and knew exactly why she was crying. She simply rubbed her back, “C’mon now, we don’t want to be late now do we? Let’s get you ready eh?” with that she called Frances and asked her to bring their breakfast in Thomas’s room.
      It had been a week since the funeral. Thomas was to return today and saying that Esmeralda was nervous was an understatement. She had missed him, a lot. His face, his voice. Just his presence made her feel, loved. But she was a bit confused too. She kept on twiddling her ring. The truth was that she was not okay. The way everyone’s stance had changed the moment they had seen Thomas’s ring on her finger was making her feel unsettled.
    Finally, when she had gathered herself enough to feel like a person, to have her own identity, all these people had once again managed to make her feel like nothing. The truth was that she was still nothing. Everyone treated her differently because she was with Thomas now. Her own worth was still nothing.
   In this case, wouldn’t marrying Thomas Shelby just lock her in this phase forever? Wouldn’t she stay ‘Thomas Shelby’s bitch’ for as long as she lived? ‘Fuck! What the hell am I thinking?’ her words had been effective to shut everyone at her territory up but what about having this as a tag for a lifetime.
   “Ma’am?” Frances called from the other side of the room.
   “Yes?” Esmeralda replied rubbing her aching temple. “Miss Lizzie is here.” Who was that? She got up and unlocked the door.
   “Who?” she asked Frances.
    “Um, Miss Lizzie? From the office Ma’am. She is Mr. Shelby’s personal secretary.” Oh that Lizzie! She remembered now.
   “Did you tell her Thomas isn’t home?”
    “Yes Ma’am. She says she is here to see you.”
    Esmeralda frowned, why was she here to see her? Still skeptical she asked her to bring her to the drawing room. “Uh, but Ma’am she is already in Mr. Shelby’s office.” Oh! ‘How very forward of her!’ This pissed Esmeralda off. Nodding and telling Frances that she would be with her in a moment, she sprayed her perfume from her dresser before leaving the room.
    Entering Thomas’s office, the sight made her blood boil. Lizzie smiled at her sitting on Thomas’s chair. “You must be Lizzie than. Frances told me you wanted to see me?” Esmeralda watched her closely as she clasped her fingers in front of her resting her elbows on the table. “And you must be Thomas’s ‘Golden girl’!”
    ‘Oh! So this will be ‘that’ kind of a meeting then…’ Esmeralda looked down, shaking her head and smiled. Lizzie looked at all the stuff on the table and then decided to get a hold of Thomas’s pen. “Is that what you all call me there?” Esmeralda cocked her head. She calculatedly crossed the carpet and sat down on the sofa-set in front of his table, refusing to sit on the table with her while she sat on Thomas’s chair.
    “Yeah, there are other names too. But this one seems to be the most… how I should say?” she bit the pen thoughtfully, “Respectful one…” Lizzie stroked. “Fascinating.” Esmeralda’s jaw ticked but she kept a hold on the reins of her temper. At that very moment Frances came in with a trolley of tea and refreshments “Oh Frances darling! You should have asked me before arranging that! I really wasn’t in the mood you know.” Lizzie said with a tone which sounded really informal and casual. “I did ask the lady of the house Miss Lizzie and she said yes. So, here we are.” Frances’s reply made Lizzie grit her teeth as Esmeralda tried not to scoff. “It’s okay Frances. It seems our guest would like something more ‘informal’…” Esmeralda gestured her towards the whiskey near Thomas’s table. But before Frances could pour any Lizzie stopped her. “Leave us.” She commanded Frances but she only left when Esmeralda nodded to her, which infuriated her even more.
    “So, is there a motive behind your visit?” Esmeralda cut to the chase. “Oh there is. I was actually here to see Thomas but when Frances told me he is running a bit late, I decided to meet you instead. Y’know to pass the time.”
   “Well, I’m flattered and honored really that you thought of me as worthy enough…” Esmeralda said while walking towards the door. “…but I have things to do so…” “I am pregnant.” Lizzie said in a monotone. “And it’s his, it’s Thomas’s…”        
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moral-terpitude · 1 year
Misadventures - Part 6.5
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A/N: not what I thought I would be posting tonight, but I’ve determined some flashbacks may be interesting, and it just feels fitting to introduce a friend of Quinn’s back home before we see him some more.
There’s nothing you’ll miss if you skip it before I post chapter 7, and I don’t blame you because there’s no Tommy in this chapter🤷🏼‍♀️ also I’ve been trying to find ways to include songs from The Jaws of Life, and apparently flashbacks are going to be it 😂 ft. an old project I drew (and my handwriting has apparently not changed much.)
Summary: It’s early April 2020 and Quinn is not handling COVID lockdown well.
[Masterlist] [Series Masterlist]
cigarettes on a dark, bent highway • follow you from a distance like • demons in a dеath machine • I feel your stomach tightening
“Quinn, are you okay?”
She sighed, sipping from the coffee mug, feet tucked under her on the couch.
“I don’t know, Hannah.” Quinn sat the mug down, closing her iPad as she leaned back in the cushions of the couch, “I hate feeling helpless like this. I can't even turn the tv on because I can't stand watching the news.”
“You never usually watch the news.” Hannah shook her head, sitting on the steps from the kitchen to the living room.
“Okay, that’s a fair point. But still. I don’t want to see it. I don’t want to hear about it. I feel like normally, something like this, we would just be drinking right now, and that would occupy more time, but just the thought of it turns my stomach.”
“Listen, we came back in one piece—“
“I don’t remember anything!” She could feel the anger bubbling in her stomach, they had this conversation so many times and each time she felt more and more mad at herself. “I don’t remember what he looks like, I don’t remember if we used a condom, I don’t remember, fuck, I don’t remember if he pulled out. I don’t remember shit. Do you know what that feels like?”
Hannah stared at her blankly. For a fact, she didn’t remember much either.
There had been no intention of attending the Mardi Gras festivities while they were in New Orleans, they didn’t even know it was going on until they were in the thick of it. They had been there only for work, they had said.
A convention in New Orleans weeks ago. Both of them came back sick with no idea what it was.
Quinn felt like she was dying the first few days. A mix of trying to breath through the coughing and trying not to cry for how terrible she felt, she had been a mess.
“I should have just went back to Michifan, as soon as we came back, my dad said it was going to get bad, and if we wanted to we could go back to the cabin, or come stay there, but no, here I thought,” tears started to well in her eyes as she tried to choke them back, “that we’d be fine and that everything would die down, and now, we’re sitting here without fucking jobs at the moment!”
Hannah swallowed thickly. This wasn’t the first outburst Quinn had in the last few weeks and she was sure it wouldn’t be the last.
She had been undoubtedly cranky. Calls from the state health department about shutting down weren’t even what had irritated her the most.
It was other artists who just thought they didn’t have to listen and could do whatever they wanted.
“Chris wanted me to stay open and eat the fucking fine from the state. Said if we all chipped in that it wouldn’t be so bad. He had a fit when I said I wouldn’t do it. I feel like I’ve personally put everyone out of work and I hate it.”
She sighed, keeping another sob from wracking through her as she buried her head in her hands, bare faced and rubbing at the tears stuck in her lashes, she finally felt a sense of relief at letting it all out.
“Quinn, I think you just need to go to bed. You look exhausted.”
“I haven’t done anything! Why should I fucking be exhausted, Hannah. I’ve sat here, all day, a little ball of stress in my pajamas, trying to find a way to make some god damn money for everyone while the shop is closed! People aren’t working, so they don’t have extra money to spend—“
“I am sure, if it goes on any longer, there will be money from the government, or something. Dead ass. You just need to chill. Dante said they’re fine, Chris is just frontin’, he has money stashed, and, it’s good. We’ll all be good. Just take a breather. Periodt.”
Quinn smiled, the tiny ponytail on top of Hannah’s head bobbing as she talked was enough to send her over the edge for a laugh. She knew if she busted out a “Periodt,” she was better off not arguing with her.
“Fine. I will go to bed. But I am not going to sleep.”
“Don’t tell me you’re starting Buffy again.”
“No; I just finished it the other day. I can’t do a rewatch that quick.”
Dragging the comforter along behind her, arms full with water bottles and her iPad she schlepped past Hannah to her room, an awkward goodnight exchanged between the two of them before Quinn shut the door with a click.
If she wanted to, she could rent a car. Drive back home. But how could she? Abandon all her duties to her employees and coworkers by not staying around and trying to figure something out?
It wasn’t right.
The bubbling sound of her phone ringing as she stared at the blank screen was taunting her. How could her best friend not answer her at a time like this?
“Quinn, it is ten at night, what are you requiring of me at this hour?”
Dalton crammed his glasses back on his face as Quinn pulled the blanket up to her chin, burrowed in her bed. Sandy hair askew with a hood pulled up over his head. Bleary eyes struggling to focus.
“Hi, Blondie.”
“Oh shut up. It looks terrible doesn’t?” She ran her fingers through the light hair, probably needs a good wash.
“Quinn your roots are grown out and it’s the first time I’ve seen your hair faded in years, so yeah, it looks terrible. But I know that’s not why you’re calling me.”
“How are you guys holding up?”
He shrugged, “Jay is at work. He’s barely been home. Slept at the hospital a couple of nights because they just can't get caught up. I’ve been staying at the studio so that he can rest when he is home. He doesn’t want to get anyone sick from bringing something home from work, so, I’m bored as fuck and haven’t had good head in fucking weeks.”
Quinn laughed, a smile fighting its way onto her face despite her tear stained cheeks.
“There we go,” Dalton laughed, dog barking in the background, before he continued, “Okay, mama, are you gonna tell me what’s wrong, or do I have to dig it out of you?”
Quinn sighed, rubbing at her eyebrow as she thought. “I think I did something terrible, Dee.”
“Well, you’re here to tell the tale, and also not in jail, so how terrible could it be?”
“It’s not funny.”
“I’m not laughing, I’m just stating the facts here, babe. What happened?”
“I think I finally reached my limit. I…” she sighed. There had never in their entire friendship been anything that Quinn had been embarrassed to tell Dalton.
“Have you ever just…drank enough that you left a bar with some random and come to, like, a few days later?”
“Days?! Quinn. A few days later?!”
“No, I haven’t ever came out of a blackout days later!”
“Well, it’s not the first time. I think I’ve been working through it, Hannah hasn’t even noticed, but I know I left a bar in New Orleans with a guy. I remember bits and pieces. Nothing that tells me anything. Maybe a few seconds of waiting for an Uber and I feel like I’m making that up to just try and find something to grasp at.”
“Mama, that’s fucking called alcoholism. You are a functioning alcoholic.”
Quinn stared at him through the camera, letting the words sink in. She had assumed that was the route she was headed down, but to think she had already went that far? Had it really been that bad?
“You are using alcohol to cope with—“
“Do not bring him up!—“
Dalton softened his tone before continuing, “what happened to you, and I don’t recommend it. You need to quit before—“
“I haven’t been drinking. I swear on my life. I started weaning myself off of shit when we got back. I figured it was bad when I had the bottles under the bed, but I didn’t realize how many there were.”
“Quinn, detoxing at home will fucking kill you.”
“Well I did it. Okay? It’s done. I dumped it all down the toilet, and now we’re all stuck in our houses like caged fucking animals with nothing to do!”
Dalton sighed, sitting up on the couch, rubbing his eye beneath his glasses, “Have you went and got tested?”
“No. I don’t know what’s open. I haven’t looked.”
“Okay, I think you haven’t looked because you don’t want to know. I think doing that will bring you some peace of mind. Do that, take a breather. I don’t think you need to try and remember anything.” He shook his head, “You’ve…informed me of some of your escapades and while I’m sure it’s not the safest thing, you’ve coped. You’ve moved on.”
“You sound like my therapist.” She sighed, wriggling around in the blankets in hopes of sticking a foot out the side to cool down.
“Right now I'm your therapist, Quinn.” He sighed, “if you can’t keep doing it. Don’t. You don’t have to drink. I think it’ll be easier than you think. You’ll feel better, that’s for sure.”
“I think I’ve lost like 10 pounds already.”
“Well, yeah, that’ll happen.”
She took a deep breath, finally feeling like her lungs were able to fill with air, “I think I feel better.”
“You were probably having an anxiety attack. It’s not uncommon. Everyone has been turned on their head the last few weeks. Just take some time to rest. I think your body needs it.”
“I hate it when you’re right.”
“Ugh, you look like you need a hug, you little touch starved muppet. When this is all over, I’m coming to see you.”
“It’s just so boring being just Hannah and I. Like, not to be rude, but I think we’ve told each other our life stories three times over.”
“You told her?”
“Okay, maybe not everything. I don’t particularly like advertising that I’m damaged goods.”
“Mama, you are not damaged goods. I swear if you don’t quit. You’re a fucking gem. I think you need to get a pet or something. Adopt a cat. Around here they’re trying to clear out the shelters so they’re waiving adoption fees.”
“I said after Penny I’d never get another cat,” she whispered, eyes welling up just at the thought of losing her.
“Okay, well, you need to go to sleep before you keep crying and I need to go to sleep before I keep putting my foot in my mouth by the scenic route of my asshole. Goodnight, Quinn.”
“ ‘Night, Dee.”
A cat, she pondered, tossing her phone on the bedside table, it might be worth a shot.
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The Singer - Part 7 // Tommy Shelby x OC
Summary: After her beat up, Tommy looks after Liv.
Warnings: Language, Fluff, Fighting, giving birth
A/N: Here you go, Part 7!
Tags: @soft-valet-barrow
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The following day Liv wakes up in Tommy's arms. She snuggles up to him and caresses his chest when she notices he is awake.
"Morning," she says, her voice sounding better but still scratchy.
Liv wonders at that moment when she will be able to sing again.
"Morning," he says, too, and kisses her.
"Yesterday was..." she begins, grinning. "Different."
Tommy can't help but grin briefly. "And still no less beautiful," he says, putting his arms around her.
They lie there like that momentarily, but Liv stands up.
"What are you doing?" asks Tommy, reaching for his smokes.
He lights one and looks at Liv questioningly. She gets dressed and then turns back to Tommy.
"We can't lie in bed all day Tommy," she says, "I'm amazed that you, of all people, would let that happen."
Tommy scratches his nose and then smiles.
"That would normally be true, but today is a special day," he says, and Liv presses her eyebrows together.
"What makes it so special?" asks Liv.
"We're having a wedding today," he says as if it's the most normal thing in the world.
Liv's confusion mounts. "Whose wedding?" she asks, but Tommy just grins. Liv walks back up to him and sits on his lap. "What are you up to, Tommy?" she asks again, stroking his chest.
As Tommy is about to answer, the door is pushed open, and John walks in.
"Tommy... Oh! I'm sorry," he says immediately when he sees Liv sitting on Tommy.
Tommy's grin widens. "There he is," he says, and Liv looks back and forth between Tommy and his brother.
"No!" she then says and has to laugh.
John, who has turned back around, looks at them both questioningly.
"What? What's wrong?" he asks, looking at Liv and Tommy. Then he shakes his head and eyes them both. "You two are just incorrigible. Barely two minutes with each other, and you're already falling over each other again."
Liv shrugs and gets off Tommy to sit on the edge of the bed.
"What exactly do you want, John?" asks Tommy then, already annoyed again.
"Uhhh, yeah. The boys are ready. We're just waiting for you," John then says.
"I'll be right there," Tommy informs him, and John leaves the room.
"He doesn't know about this, does he?" asks Liv, looking at Tommy, who shakes his head. "Well, then he'll be pleased. What's it about?"
Tommy takes a drag on his smoke and then stands up too. He stubs it out and starts to get dressed.
"We're burying the hatchet with the Lees."
"The Lees? Don't you have a deal with Billy Kimber?" Liv realises in the same breath what Tommy is up to. "Oh, Tommy. I've already told you. Kimber is a dangerous man. Don't underestimate him, will you?"
"Don't worry. It's all planned. Kimber won't know we're aligning with the Lees, and then on said day, we'll take everything from him. I'd advise you to finish your business with him."
Liv smiles. "Let my business with Billy be mine. If you take everything from him, I'll do my business with you then," she grins and kisses Tommy briefly.
"I'm looking forward to those negotiations," he grins and kisses her again. "So, put on something pretty, and then we'll go to a wedding. What do you think?"
"If I had my clothes here, I'd say yes in a heartbeat. But I think I can find something else in our house," she winks at Tommy.
"Fine. I'll go with the boys to prepare John gently. You can go with Polly."
Liv nods, and Tommy gives her another kiss as a goodbye before disappearing outside. Liv now stands alone in his room and smiles after him. She only now realises how much she has missed Tommy and his crazy family.
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Later, when she returns to the Shelby's house and changes, Polly is already waiting for her.
"There you are, love. You look pretty," she greets Liv and kisses her on the cheek.
"Thank you, Polly. You look great too."
Suddenly the door opens, and Ada walks in. "Liv?" she asks, confused, and Liv's eyes widen.
"Ada? You... You're pregnant?" Ada laughs and takes Liv in her arms.
"Quite pregnant, yes. And married, even if my fucking husband isn't here."
Liv looks at her questioningly. "I married Freddie Thorne. He and Tommy aren't speaking right now."
Liv rolls her eyes and then smiles at Ada. The latter takes Liv in her arms again. She has missed her so much.
"I'm so glad you're back! At least you can knock some sense into Tommy's brain."
Liv takes a deep breath and then looks at Ada. They just agreed that she would stay until her injuries healed.
"I heard what happened," Ada says then, pointing at Liv's neck.
"Is it that obvious? I tried to cover it, but..."
"No, don't worry, love," Polly interjects. "You can only see it if you know."
Together they then go to John's wedding. When they arrive, the ceremony is just beginning. Liv stands next to Tommy, who quickly kisses her on the cheek, and Ada stands on the other side.
The two siblings discuss something, but Liv focuses on John and his future wife. When she lifts the veil, John grins at his brothers, and Liv has to shake her head, laughing. It would suit him if she were pretty.
After the ceremony is over, the party begins. Tommy holds out a cup to Liv, and she takes a sip.
"I don't know how long it's been since I was at a party like this," she says, and Tommy looks at her.
"London's different, I suppose it is."
"It is." They stand silently beside each other, watching the others dance.
Suddenly one of the Lees approaches them.
"You're Olivia James, aren't you? The singer?" he asks, and Liv nods politely.
"Wow, amazing to meet a real celebrity. You look even hotter this close!" he says, obviously drunk.
But that's enough for Tommy. He grabs Lee by the collar.
"Fuck off!" he threatens, but Liv touches his shoulder.
"Tommy," she says warningly.
Tommy pushes the Lee away from them and then looks at Liv. He holds out a hand to her.
"May I?"
Liv smiles at him, shaking her head, and follows. They dance together for a moment.
"Tommy..." begins Liv, "we need to talk about this."
"Not now, Liv," is all he says, but he doesn't look at her, which makes Liv stop. She looks at Tommy.
"Why not now, eh? Tommy?" Tommy bites his lips and finally looks at Liv. "You know we need to talk about this! About us! About all of this! About me being here."
Tommy strokes his mouth, visibly annoyed, wanting to discuss this with Liv in peace. But he knows her. She always wants to talk about everything after a few drinks.
"What the fuck do you want me to say, eh?" he asks angrily, and Liv takes a step back as she makes a face.
"I don't know! You tell me what you want!"
"Tommy!" shouts Polly, approaching her nephew and Liv and interrupting their conversation. She points to Ada.
"Please talk to her. Tell her to take it easy. It's not healthy for the baby."
Tommy is still looking into Liv's eyes. He grinds his jaw, then walks over to his sister. Liv follows him with his gaze, eyes narrowed.
"What's going on with you two, huh?" Polly asks her, and Liv looks at her.
"What do you mean? It's always so fucking easy with Thomas Shelby, isn't it?" she asks sarcastically. "You know... In those moments, I know why I left," Liv growls, but Polly knows better.
Liv doesn't mean it. She's angry, maybe had a drink or two too many, and things between Tommy and her are far from settled. Polly grabs Liv by the arm.
"Now listen to me very carefully, Liv, will you? I like you. You know you're part of our family, but if you fucking pull anything like you did before the war, I swear to you… You broke Tommy's heart, but you fucking know that. He fucking loves you, and you love him. We know that, and you both know that. You need to fucking decide what you want to do with your life, Liv! Do you want to be a famous star, or do you want to be with the love of your life? Make up your mind!"
With these words, Polly lets go of Liv.
"Why can't I fucking have both?"
Before Polly can answer her, they hear shouting.
"Polly!" shouts Arthur, upset, coming running towards them.
"What happened?"
"Ada's water broke," is all he says, and Polly and Liv exchange a glance.
"Fuck Ada," Polly says, pulling Liv with her. "Come on. I need your help."
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With Esme, John's new wife, and Polly, Liv helps Ada deliver her baby. Liv helped deliver John's first wife's babies back in the day, so she knows what's coming.
"Okay, Ada, keep it up..." Liv tries to coax her, and Polly and Esme also help.
Esme holds Ada's tummy and then looks worriedly at Polly. "I think the baby is upside down," she says, and Polly feels too.
"I think you're right."
"Polly, we'll have to put her in a different position then," Liv says, and the other women nod. They quickly move Ada into the dog position and continue.
"Okay, Ada. You're doing good, you hear?"
After a few hours, the baby is finally born. It is a healthy boy, and Ada is overjoyed. Suddenly the door opens, and to everyone's amazement, Freddie walks in. Liv smiles at him, strokes Ada's head, and is about to leave the room when Ada stops her short.
"Liv... Thank you. For everything," she whispers. Liv puts her hand on Ada's and smiles.
"I'll leave you to it," she says, leaving the room to keep Polly company in the kitchen.
She sits at the table, and Polly puts a cup of tea before her. Liv takes a smoke and lights it. Then she looks at Polly.
"I'm sorry, Pol... You're right." Liv lowers her eyes again. Polly says nothing but watches the young blonde in front of her, whom she has known since she was a small child. "But the decision isn't just mine. After all, that's what I wanted to discuss with Tommy. I don't know what to do."
Without her wanting to, Liv begins to cry. Polly sits beside her and tries to comfort her, but maybe it just needs to come out.
"You know Tommy would always choose you. Always. He wants you here."
"I love him, Polly. So much that it hurts. But being with him hurts just as much. The fear of losing him. He's playing dangerous games, Pol. I don't know if I'm ready to live in that world again."
"I know, love, I know."
Suddenly there's a thump at the door. "Police! Open the door!"
Liv quickly wipes away her tears and looks at Polly in confusion. But then the door is already broken down, and a horde of police rush in. Liv is roughly pushed aside, and the policemen go into the back room to Ada and Freddie.
"No! Stop!" Liv hears Ada shout, which almost breaks her heart.
But there is nothing Liv can do. She watches Freddie being taken away, and disappointment settles in her. Was that Tommy? Did he let Freddie come here on purpose? Liv doesn't think so, though; if he did, she's just decided.
As the policemen leave, an incredibly angry Polly storms past Liv.
"Polly! Pol, wait!" Liv shouts after her and follows, but Polly is incredibly fast, so Liv almost doesn't catch up with her.
She knows the destination, however. Polly yanks open the doors to the Garrison and storms inside. Liv enters behind her and looks briefly at John, Arthur, and Will, who all look confused.
"It's a boy!" exclaims Pol, and Liv sees Tommy rejoice.
But Polly goes for him, and he grabs her wrists before John and Arthur intervene.
"Pol! Polly!" they all shout in confusion, trying to calm their aunt.
"But the police came and took his father away," she spits in Tommy's face. Liv tries to read his expression, which seems shocked, which Polly also notices.
"Don't you dare look at me like that!" she shouts before storming out again.
John, Arthur, and Will also follow Polly, but Liv is still standing in place watching Tommy, who is now shaking his head in disbelief.
When Tommy looks up and sees Liv standing there, he sees the disappointment in her gaze. At this moment, Liv doesn't care that Grace is watching them. Tommy just looks Liv in the eye because he doesn't know what to say. It takes a lot for Tommy Shelby to be speechless, but this is one of those moments.
"Is it true?" Liv breaks the silence. Tommy swallows but doesn't break eye contact. "Please tell me it's not true that you didn't set the Coppers on Freddie. Not during a truce."
Tommy quickly strides across the few feet between him and Liv. He takes her face in his hands and looks into her eyes. Tears gather in Liv's eyes, and her lips begin to tremble.
"Liv... Liv. I didn't. I... Please, you know me."
Liv, however, pushes away from him. "Do I? You've changed, Tommy. I knew that when I saw you in Cheltenham, but that you would do something like this..."
"Please, Liv. Believe me! I didn't call the cops!" Liv averts her eyes for a moment and then looks at him again.
"I believe you." Relief spreads across Tommy's face. He takes Liv in his arms. "Tommy... I'm going back to London," she says, gently pushing away from him.
"What, Liv... I thought..."
"I have to sort some things out, Tommy," Liv interrupts him. "Somehow, I have to explain why I'm coming back to Birmingham all of a sudden, don't I?"
Now Liv smiles at Tommy, and as he realises what she is saying to him, he smiles too. He takes Liv in his arms again.
"I'll be back in a few days, yeah?"
"You don't know how fucking happy that makes me," he whispers in her ear.
However, just as he is about to kiss her, she stops him.
"Tommy..." she breathes, "I'll be back in a few days, and we'll talk then, okay?"
Tommy looks into her eyes and then nods. Liv smiles, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before disappearing from the pub. What she hasn't noticed, however, is that Grace has been watching them both, seething with jealousy.
A plan is already forming in the Irishwoman's head to get Tommy on her side.
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embystarr-blog · 2 years
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This is me any time awake my soul is mentioned 😆😆😆 I just love that story so much
Aaahhhh, this makes me so happy, you can't imagine!! 🥰🥰🥰
I'm officially back into it, I don't want to leave it unfinished. It's my longest work at this point!
I paid too much attention to the negative voice in my mind, won't let it happen again 💪
Thank you so, so much!
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feninina · 9 months
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𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐭𝐞 ༉‧₊˚.⁀➷
therapist! jonathan crane x female reader.
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: when your father decided that you needed therapy, taking you to his dear friend dr. crane to treat and help you, you thought it wouldn't work at all, but it turned out to be everything you needed.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: SMUT(minors dni!!), noncon/dubcon, depression, cursing, crane is a mysoginistic prick, using therapy for unhinged reasons, smut, hair pulling, jonathan just being an creep, choking AND strangulation, dacryphilia, hitting, unprotected sex (safe sex its great sex!!), breeding kink, forced breeding, power dynamics, i think crane should be a warning himself, reader being borderline stupid and naive. also this has a lot of backstory i’m so sorry i got carried away lol.
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 7.1K
𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: omg my first fic on here!! this is also my first work on english and my first smut ever so i apologise in advance for any mistake!! i hope y'all enjoy it anyways ahahahaha live laugh love jonathan crane👏🏻 feedback its very appreciated so i can improve and continue to publish better works, anyways enjoyyyy 💓
𝘀𝗺𝘂𝘁 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝘂𝘁
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It was awkward, to say the least.
You were sitting across from Doctor Crane in the couch at your dad's house, legs crossed as you watched him write on his clipboard, something about it making you feel anxious, a little nauseous, even.
This wasn't your first session, you started doing this four months ago, not long after your divorce that caused you to fall into a spiral of sadness and misery. Your failed— and short marriage was the main reason you started taking therapy with your dad's friend, the chief of Arkham, Jonathan Crane, and still, you couldn't bring yourself to talk about it.
He was patient, you told him several times that he was a saint. Regardless, before you started with the sessions, he explained to your dad that he didn't really do this; therapy really wasn't his strong suit, but for a friend, a desperate one, he would gladly do it.
Your dad came to him, offering a big stack of money if he would talk to his little girl, make her recover her once joyful personality, like you had one to begin with. Jonathan really couldn't say no, and not really because of the money, he had other reasons in mind, unethical reasons.
And there you were now. You were quick to open up to him, eager to talk, to be listened and he, on the other hand, was ready to listen, to give you advice, console you and help you get through the sorrow that was following you since you were young, playing the role of your knight in shinning armor.
"I can't believe you don't actually do this" you said once, sniffling your nose with a handkerchief he gave you as he examined you with a warm gaze, an empathetic grin on his face. "You're really helping me"
Jonathan was quick to wave his hand and tell you that it wasn't a big deal, that he was just doing his job, and if you weren't so innocent, so stupid, you would have noticed the mischievous sparkle that flickered in his eyes for a split second.
You were landing right in the palm of his hand.
Not even thirty minutes into the first session you told him everything about your past; every little thing you thought he needed to know to treat you. And you were slightly right; he did need to know those things, but not to treat you, just to manipulate you and mold your little brain into what he was envisioning for you and your future together.
Truth was, you hated everything about your life, regardless of the fact that you had everything. That's what you've been told since you were a child; a big house, a lot of money, maids taking care of you so you wouldn't have to move a finger and just sit pretty and relax inside the walls of the huge mansion that confined you since you could recall.
You have everything. That was bullshit.
Sometimes, you couldn't help but think that people told you that out of pity, like they knew how miserable you felt, but not daring to say a word about it. Your dad was a powerful man, and you were aware of that, ever since you were born, he had bussines with Falcone and you knew that people feared him, he practically ruled Gotham, that lifeless and dangerous city that you had to live in.
You have everything. You were tired of that sentence. You didn't care at all about these nice things surrounding you, those dresses in your closet, those diamonds in your jeweler, that fancy car you owned since your eighteenth birthday, no, that was useless in your eyes, because all you really wanted, was love.
It was a lonely life; you learned how to do everything by yourself, how to comb your hair, how to deal with your period when it first came, how to dress up properly and do your makeup. You didn't even had to learn about boy problems because there weren't any boys in your life, you were homeschooled. So you were quiet, not really having to talk at all, there was nobody to talk to.
And since Jonathan was the only person you were talking to at the moment, you started to feel like you loved him, the idea sitting right with you without you even knowing it, thinking that this was how therapy normally went.
Loneliness striked your life at a young age; your mother died from a strange disease when you were eight, leaving you with a shattered heart thad bled everytime you walked past her bedroom, or saw a picture of her. You practically watched her die, a witness of how she lost her strength, how her once beautiful skin turned pale and yellow, and lost every little spark within herself, and the worst part was that all the money you had, couldn't even help her.
It was a deep wound that you carried with yourself, with nobody to talk about it.
Your father spent his days locked up in his office, and when he wasn't there, he was out in the city doing unthinkable things that you didn't even wanted to know about, leaving you on your own, having to fill all of those silent and empty rooms by yourself, with nobody to laugh with, nobody to hold you and see you grow. He wasn't really around, working all the time, too busy to know that his daughter didn't seem to care about all the expensive stuff he bought for her, not even taking the time to have dinner with you or hold a simple conversation. He loved you, you knew that, he just wasn't the type to show his affection with words or actions, but with gifts. And you hated everything about it.
But now, Jonathan was there, making you feel listened, finally saving you from falling into loneliness again. Your whole life, you thought you had a horrible sickness, that you were doomed to this awful destiny of sorrow and silence, but now, with his sweet words and good company, you couldn't be more than relieved.
You wished sometimes that you met him earlier, that this whole therapy stuff started before, and you even confessed it to him. And it irked him a little, that you didn't even remember how you two really met each other, hiding his annoyance with a warm smile.
Some months ago, your father started to brought you to parties he attended, parties were all the corrupts scumbags from Gotham reunited and celebrated how they were dragging the city to the gates of hell on their benefit, and you couldn't be more happy to attend them. You knew he was bringing you because he recently broke up with the young girl he carried with him— that was most likely your age, and needed a pretty thing to hang of his arm and take care of the people he didn't feel like talking to.
So you accepted this new life, eating up this role of socialite like it was made for you.
It was a chance to know people, to speak and make new friends, but you learned quickly that those people weren't there for that, and picked up on how mostly of the people who talked to you just wanted to climb up the social ladder and gain some extra points from your father.
He, even, introduced you to a couple of people that seemed close to your age, and you chatted with them, feeling extremely anxious because you weren't used to this, so it was weird to them seeing such a pretty woman, with your status and fortune, acting so shy and quiet in a place that your dad practically owned.
After a couple of hours, you learned the agenda. All you had to do was put on a fake smile, get them off your father's shoulders and pretend you were very interested in what they had to say, hiding your uncomfortable expression behind your glass of champagne, promising them that you would arrange a reunion with your father someday.
One of those nights, your father introduced you to someone, someone who you didn't pay much attention because he seemed to be uninterested too, only being there for the sake of his job.
"Pretty girl, come here" your father said, a cheerful tone of voice as grabbed you by the shoulder to get your attention, snapping you out of your train of thoughts. "I want you to meet my friend, Doctor Crane"
You looked at the man in front of your dad, his pale blue eyes already sizing you up discretely, looking at you up and down in a way that didn't go unnoticed by you, a shiver running down your spine as his eyes finally locked with yours.
You couldn't help but feel small under his gaze, your glass now forgotten in your left hand, the right one extended to take his and stretch it for a quick second, returning to your first position, his expression remaining serious.
"Nice to meet you" he spoke, his voice sounding like velvet in your eyes, not quite sensing the undertone behind it. "Your father told me wonders about you"
You grin, the irony of that sentence making you laugh a little, what wonders could your father know about you? But you kept your composure, the conversation not going any further, and you forgot about him fast enough, when in another of those annoying parties you met the love of your life — or so you thought.
That same night, when you went back home, you were thinking about spending the rest of your life with some guy that flirted with you at the bar, and Jonathan, prayed to whatever thing listening to him up there, that crossed your path with his again.
He practically obsessed with you, because it felt right. You were young, beautiful, wealthy and had a last name that could open even more doors for him, getting tired of saving Falcone's man of going to jail; you were an opportunity, tied to a nice pair of legs.
After a few weeks of stalking, it kinda broke his heart that naive as he expected you, you got married to the guy from the party; he told you then his name was Lewis, and now you doubted it that was even true.
You were finally going to get what you always wished for, a family, love. And it was perfect. Everything was perfect.
It was a dream that you were living in. A dream that shattered in front of you no longer than three months after.
After you contracted married with this man, you took care of the house, now learning all of these housewife duties that you didn't know anything about, but making your best effort to please him, to be the perfect woman ever created, departing from your old life and habits and adjusting them to his own.
You couldn't be more happy, regardless of your bad cooking, the bad-swiped floor and the half-done bed that welcomed you both every night, you finally had love.
It lasted three months. Your wholesome real life fantasy of a marriage destroyed when you found out, accidentally, that this man was just an employee of your dad, willing to get a promotion if he married you. At that moment, you didn't know who you hated more, if the bastard, or your dad who was literally bribing the bastard to love you.
But your dad only wanted to make you happy, tho.
You were embarrassed, not quite sure of how to tell this to Jonathan, because after all, he was there for you, just for the money your dad was paying him. Your cursed the day your dad became rich, because all of it was making you miserable and it felt like it wasn't going to stop.
At this point, a feeling of despite against you was growing within Jonathan, after a few weeks treating you, he quickly remembered why he didn’t chose this path of career, but remembering that he was there because of a major reason; a reason more important than your helpless cries for attention.
He was sick of you, all you ever did was complain in the commodity of your million dollar house, unaware that there were more important problems in the world. It isn’t completely your fault, Jonathan thought one day, you were just an ungrateful brat, and his work was to tame you, and he planned to do just that today.
"So," he startled you, narrowing his eyebrows, an expression in his face that you could only understand as concern. "remember, if you don't speak, I can't help you".
You chuckle and shift your weight in the chair, immediately feeling your eyes fill up with tears as you confronted the fact that you had to speak about it, right now. He was quick to offer you his handkerchief, as he always did and with shaky hands you took it, sniffling onto it, closing your eyes as you felt your whole body shake with each one of your cries.
You felt Jonathan put his hand on your knee, softy caressing the skin that his thumb could reach, opening your eyes and looking at his, Jonathan welcoming you with a pitying look. You put the tissue aside, both him being so close and his scent impregnated on the piece of fabric making you feel a little giddy, a little confused.
Why was your heart racing so much? He was your therapist, here to talk about your former husband.
Jonathan couldn't help but grin a little, knowing he was maybe breaking a rule here, touching you like this, being so close. He couldn't care less, after all, he wasn't here listening to you cry and bitch about your whole life for the sake of your well-being. He was here because he wanted you to break and get on your knees to him. Figuratively and literally.
"It's so embarrassing" you struggled to spit out "He didn't even love me, Doctor"
He hummed, dragging his chair so he was a little closer to you, you looked at him through your teary lashes and tried to keep it together, this wasn't the first time you cried in front of him, but the reason itself was enough to make you feel full of shame.
He didn't say anything, this being a motivation for you to continue.
"My dad was paying him" you murmured, cleaning the mascara off your cheeks. "It was all a lie"
The whole situation was absurd, what happened to you still felt like a sick joke they were playing on you, your dad and Lewis, probably waiting for the perfect moment to tell you the truth.
But that wasn't going to happen, right now the only thing that felt true to you was Jonathan. He set you up to that, and you blindly fell on his silly trap.
"Poor thing" he cooed you, moving his hand a little further up your thigh, noticing the goosebumps on your skin. A mastermind, that's how he felt. "How could they?"
That was all the mendacity he fed you with since you started seeing him, making you believe he was actually empathizing with you, full of loathe against everyone who hurt you, who dared to leave you alone, but now he was there, his task being to pretend to care.
"It's pathetic" you blurted out, leaning into his touch when his prying hand went up to your cheek. You really couldn't say anything more, crying against his hand like it was something you did every monday morning. "I'm so sad. I don't know what to do"
He shook his face, your eyes meeting his with a confused expression, black stained tears dropping on your lap and wetting his hand before he returned it and looked over his clipboard, pretending to think.
You were so vulnerable, ready for him to destroy. He finally got you where he wanted. He then explained you that you were so sad that it made you unaware of a lot of things, blinded by your own pity against yourself that every door that opened, you closed. It all came down to a thing; you needed a diagnosis.
He gave you a moment to process the information, ready to continue with his plan.
"Actually," he started, his tone now more firm, more strict, the one he used when you were approaching the end of the session. On the last one, he recommended you to touch yourself, to liberate oxytocin on your brain or something you really didn't understood.
It was almost evil from his side, he knew that your only thought while doing it would he him ordering you to do so.
"I'm sorry to be the bearer of such awful news, Y/N" he stated, making your heart skip a beat. "But I think you're sick"
You nearly gasped, the air got stuck in your throat, more tears gathering in your eyes. You lifted one of your hands to your chest, a million thoughts crossing your head as Jonathan's clever eyes examined your expression.
"Sick" you repeated after a moment, almost like you were making peace with the revelation. "How sick?"
It was an innocent question, your tone of voice shaking as your inferior lip trembled, holding it with your teeth in an attempt to not burst into tears again, your whole body feeling like it was going to break into a million peaces by how much you were shaking in the couch.
Jonathan was quick, standing from the chair he was on and taking a seat by your side, his hand swiftly placing in your knee. You looked at him confused, he never got this close, maybe your sickness was serious.
"What am I, Doctor?" you whispered, your eyes showing him a hint of fear that made him finally lose all his faked professionalism. "Depressed? Crazy?"
Both of you were dying of anticipation now; meanwhile you feared that you were going to get admitted to Arkham, Jonathan was seeing the golden ticket to the best future he could ever achieve, and all thanks to you.
"Oh, no, no" he purred, his hand making its way up to your thigh. "You're sick, not crazy"
You parted your lips as his hand moved more further, not really sure of what was happening, not daring to stop him, too scared of your mental health to think about anything else, not helping the way your legs started to part too.
A sudden gasp left your lips as his hand squeezed your tight, a smile you never saw on him appearing on his face. The crying stopped a moment ago, the surprise of having him so close making you go a little numb.
"I know what a girl like you needs" he said, almost sternly, like his hand wasn't centimeters away from your panties.
Was in that moment, that you knew this wasn’t about therapy anymore.
"You think so?" you whispered, your voice still shaky, but now for a whole different reason. "And what is it, Doctor?"
"To be fucked stupid"
It almost shocked you how he said that as it was a normal diagnosis, like he gave you a name of a medicine you could go and buy at any drugstore in town. You gulped and didn't move when his grip tightened on your leg, your face growing red.
A loud gasp escaped your lips when at your lack of response, Jonathan grabbed you hard by the jaw and forced you to look at him. Your eyes glistened with nothing but fear, your brows narrowing as you mumbled something that he really couldn't understand, and it wasn't like he wanted to.
"You're sick, Y/N" he repeated, more harshly this time, his hand moving your head as he spoke. "And I'm going to cure you"
He let go of your face to clasp his lips against yours, a kiss very far away from sweet, his mouth moving roughly against yours. You never had been kissed like this, so you tried to play it along, trying to show him some of the love you felt for him, that you thought you owed him.
But he didn't care if you felt loved during the kiss, trying to assert the dominance he held upon you, his hand now holding firmly the back of you neck to prevent you from pulling away.
It was a mess; your teeth clashed, drool was dripping from your chin as his tongue explored every space of your mouth, not leaving anywhere of it untouched. Your movements were a little stiff, unsure of what to do, trying to provide the sweetness that he lacked.
His hand moved to your the front of your neck and squeezed it a little, making you yelp in surprise, the sound muffled by his mouth. You tried to get away from the kiss, confused about his rough actions against you, a little scared of him even, almost like you didn’t trust him every little part of your brain in this same couch for the last couple of months.
But then it clicked on your foggy brain, he knew you, perfectly— you only knew his name, you didn’t know what this man was capable of.
You could only move a few centimeters away from his hungry mouth, your lips parted as tears welled in your eyes from the pressure he was applying to your neck.
“Stop” you managed to stutter, your breath mixing with his. “I can’t- breathe”
You doubted that he listened to you, your voice not coming out of your throat at all and getting stuck in your larynx, your voice-box completely muffled by his strong grip.
“Shut up, brat” he spitted, his tone sounding full of abhor, your eyes wide open as you felt the air leaving your body and your lungs starting to burn. “Always getting what you want”
You weakly placed one of your hands around his wrist, another attempt of gasp elicited from your agape mouth as he lifted his other hand and choked you with both, something in your dizzy mind telling you that he was possessed.
“Crying all the time- complaining” he continued, not caring if you were listening, the suffocation being to much to bare now. “So selfish”
And maybe he was.
Your brain was filled with fear, wondering how it all went from a kiss to this— almost getting killed by your therapist in your couch. You opened your eyes to meet his, feeling like your chest was on fire as there wasn’t any air flowing in, seeing how the blue of Jonathan’s eyes has darkened and his lips were parted as well, the muscles of his jaw twitching as he choked you to death.
Your eyebrows narrowed together in terror as you noticed that familiar tingly sensation in your lower belly and your thighs clenching together. Maybe it was something about him exercising this power over you, how you felt so feeble under his touch, that was probably leaving bruises on your neck for you to carry and show around what he was making you do it.
You didn’t have enough time to think about it, you were practically dying.
“And you are enjoying this?” he said with an amused tone, probably noticing how your thighs fragily contracted against one another.
You felt yourself slowly lose your consciousness when finally the relief came and the air started to flow again to your desperate lungs, taking long and loud puffs of air when his hand let go of your neck. Your erratic breath was interrupted by a loud moan that escaped you when Crane yanked you by your hair and shoved you to the floor.
He was quick yo position you between his legs, looking at you through his unfixed glasses, giving you a twisted smile that made you quiver in fear, that growing wet patch on your panties making you feel like a really sick girl.
“Doctor-” you mumbled, closing your eyes as he pulled your hair, withdrawing a mewl off your mouth. “Hurts”
“You talk when I tell you to talk” he snickered, adjusting the way his fingers gripped your hair. You thought that he might just pull out the strand he was tugging. “I’m sick of your whining”
You felt more tears well up in your eyes; not sure if it was from the pain in your head or how his words felt like a knife that landed right on your heart. You were confused, sad, angry— a little hot, too.
“I pay you yo listen to me” you said, your voice so shaky you were lucky he could understand you. You wished he didn’t understand you.
Another sort of moan left your lips as a hard slap made a landing in your cheek, your face turned to the side because of the impact. You closed your eyes in disbelief, a cry coming out as you felt helpless, wondering if this was some exposure therapy he was experimenting on you.
He repeated himself, instructing you to talk only when you were told so, nodding in defeat as you accepted whatever this was and continued to play along with Jonathan’s sick fantasy of controlling you, without even knowing it.
You looked at him with nothing but inquietude, the look in his eyes giving you the foreboding that nothing good was about to happen now, frightened of what we would do to you.
He didn’t show any hints of letting go of your hair anytime soon, just holding it firmly to keep you looking at him through your heavy lashes, a wicked grin on his smug face.
“Let’s give that whining mouth of yours a good use” he said, and you gulped, understanding what he wanted and quivering in fear, not really understanding why the sticky sensation between your legs grew.
“Undo my pants” he commanded, and you stayed still, your eyes not leaving his even when another slap landed on your tear-wet face. “Do as you’re told, brat. This might be your only cure”
You couldn’t help but sob a little, his tone sounding so definitive, so professional. Your trembling hands reached his belt and unbuckling it ungracefully, taking longer than he expected, you heard him chuckle as you unbuttoned his pants afterwards, then putting your hands back in front of your lap.
“C’mon” he pulled your hair again, causing you to moan in pain. “Don’t make me tell you what to do”
You looked at him again in nothing but shame, trying to resist to this humiliating request of his, but complying it anyways. He said he was going to cure you, but now you doubted it, right now, you only wanted this to be over.
With a last look at his eyes you returned your attention to the growing bulge in his slacks, the shame in your brain being present at all times, not quite helping the way your eyes were fixated on his clothed member. You were quick to free him out after your staring earned you a other harsh pull of hair, your lips turned into a line when his cock slapped his abdomen, causing his dress shirt to wrinkle a little.
“Go on, Y/N” he encouraged you, as you looked at him with pleading eyes, silently begging him for mercy, knowing that even if you screamed it at him, he just wouldn’t listen. “This isn’t about what you want, anymore. Is about what you need”
A tear slid from your eyes and disappeared down your cheek when his free hand placed the tip of his hard cock on your parted lips, gesturing you to take it and not waste more of his time— more than you already did.
“Open up, whore” he said under his breath, using your hair as a device to move your head and help you shove his length down your throat. You complied, the tears in your eyes now soaking in you cheeks by the effort that you were making trying to welcome his thick shaft down your mouth.
You were sure you scratched him with your teeth a few times as he bobbed your head up and down with his strong hand, manhandling you without care for his own pleasure. You placed your hands on his knees, trying not to gag, but when his tip touched the bottom of your throat, you couldn’t help it.
You cried as you felt suffocated again, now for a whole different reason, a more humiliating one, and you almost wished he killed you then. His hips buckled everytime your lips reached the base of his cock, the room filled with the sounds of your mouth and saliva coating his shaft and the soft moans that came out of his poisoned lips.
“Take it, whore” he said, his voice now husky and distorted by the pleasure, the pain that your teeth accidentally inflicted on him turning him even more. “God- you are horrible at this”
He chuckled between heavy breaths, pulling you by the hair and releasing his cock from your mouth, a vulgar pop filling both of your ears at the sudden separation of your lips and his member. Your eyes looked at the floor, feeling such a shame that the mere thought of meeting his face with your fearful face made you cringe, the pulsating pain on the back of your head making you dizzy.
“You can’t suck dick properly” he said, his tone sounding like he was making fun of you. “No wonder why your husband left you. You’re just pathetic”
You finally rose up your face to look at that insufferable smile of his, ignoring the way his cock was still hanging there in front of you, almost brushing your nose. His fingers finally untangled from your hair and giving you some sort of solace, the consolation that this traumatic session was over.
Maybe the remedy was worse than the sickness itself.
“Jonathan, stop it, plea-”
Your imploration was completely ignored, followed by another slap on your wet cheek that made you cry even more, not understanding how this man could’ve been the same one who made you felt loved and finally listened. You fell for a lie once again.
“Get on the couch” he simply said, his words were like a bucket of cold water fell on you. “Stop the bitching, don’t want to hear it”
“And I’m your doctor. Not Jonathan” he reminded you, making you feel even more ashamed.
You did as he told, again, half-standing from the floor and sitting next to him, trying to take as much space from him as you could before he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer, your face growing red as his face was now centimeters away from yours.
“You look so beautiful when you cry” he whispered, caressing your face but trying to nor wipe the tears away, almost like he was admiring you. It made you melt into his touch, glad that his kind demeanor was there again. Even if his words made you cringe— and the fact that his cock was still out, you felt your heart grew warmer by the way he tenderly touched you.
It didn’t last much longer, when his lips twitched into a malicious smile and went down to nibble your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses around the bruised skin and bitting where his fingers hurt you previously, making your fingers wrap on his hair and cry for mercy, trying for him to stop hurting you this much.
“Shut up, stupid brat” he repeated that same insult, making you swallow your cries, closing your eyes in disbelief as he continued to injure your already suffering skin.
You arched your back in surprise when all of the sudden his hands reached for your breasts, groping your tits like his life depending on it, stimulating you through the fabric of your shirt, but all you felt was fear and anger, impotence flowing through your veins because you just couldn’t scream and push him away, fear was freezing you on the spot.
The worst part? You maybe didn’t wanted to push him away. Because maybe if he gets what he wants now you would be cured and he’ll be back to normal, returning you the sweet Doctor Crane that you met once, not this monster that was groping you like a piece of meat.
He clicked his tongue and dropped both of his hands to spread your legs open, forcing your back to drop onto the hand rester of the couch. You looked at him with big eyes, your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest and scream to Jonathan that enough was enough, you just couldn’t take any of this anymore.
But your heart stayed there, between your lungs that seemed incapable to hold any air, making your breathing erratic. So nobody screamed Jonathan to stop, and he continued with his profanation against your persona— your dignity.
He bit his lip at the sight of your fucked-up face, your legs open as it showed him the dark patch on your baby blue panties, darting his eyes from your half-exposed crotch to your teary eyes.
“God, keep crying and I might come now” he growled, lowering his face to meet your pussy, kissing it through your underwear, making you mewl, closing your eyes at the sudden attention your core was getting.
You felt embarrassed at how much you enjoyed when he moved the fabric to the side and started making out with your cunt, swallowing your fluids like a starved man.
“So wet” he mumbled against your labia, the vibration making your eyes roll back, bitting your lip to prevent any moan to come out; he was raping you, why did he make you enjoy it? “I bet you like this, to be treated like a whore”
You shook your head, more tears falling out of your eyes as you felt nothing else but humiliation, pleasure washing over your body everytime his tongue brushed your clit, your back arched against nothing.
“You like it?” he said, finally pulling out and pushing his body up so his face was in front of yours, his cock grazing against your now stimulated pussy, a gasp leaving your lips, a gasp that quickly turned into a hurting moan when his hand slapped you again, this time in your throbbing cunt. “Answer me”
“I- I do” you whispered, gripping his shoulders when you felt him align the head of his member with your whole, scared of how it was going to fit. You had trouble taking it when he face-fucked you, how the fuck it was going to fit down there?
“I’m going to fuck you so good” he whispered between pants, jerking himself off before entering you. “You’re going to forget that pathetic husband of yours”
You couldn’t help but cry, trying to push him off by the shoulders, a terrified look on your face. “It won’t fit, Doctor” you pleaded, a crooked grin on his face as you keep on calling him that. “I beg you, don’t-”
“Yes, beg me” he said, starting to push his member inside you with a slow but relentlessly pace, not giving you enough time to adjust, just to scream and hit him weakly on the chest, face and shoulders before ge grabbed your hands and pinned them down, on the sides of your body. “I’m going to cure you- do you so good”
His voice was low, as he barely could speak when he felt just how tight you were, your walls hugging his cock just the right way, his pulsating head making your mind dizzy, the stinging pain starting to be forgotten.
But when he slid out and entered back it, the hardness of his movement made your insides burn with pain, a loud cry echoing in the walls of the living room as he started to trust into your pussy with a fast pace, not caring at all if you felt good.
He snapped his hips against yours with an animalistic force, growls escaped from his mouth every time his cock was welcomed by the warmth of your stretch whole, the sensation making him go even more feral, making you cry more.
He let go of one of your hands and grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look at his eyes as he fucked you vigorously, the blue on his iris not existent anymore, only his widely dilated pupils meeting yours, your blurred vision distinguishing the depraved expression in his face.
“You- so tight” he snarled, his voice barely audible, covered by the sound of skin slapping and your loud cries. “I bet your stupid husband didn’t fuck you like this”
You felt nothing but shame as you felt his cock now sliding in and out more easily, the wetness of your cunt growing as he spoke to you like that, that familiar heat flourishing in your lower belly as his words degraded you, your cries quickly becoming moans.
“This was all you needed- fuck” he said, his spit splashing your face as he talked, his words full of disdain. “A good dick, that’s all it takes to keep bitches like you quiet” You nodded, thinking that if you agreed he would stop. How wrong you were.
In a quick movement Jonathan took his cock out and spun you around, not giving you time to get on your ass up by laying your chest down before he stabbed your hole again, pushing your skirt all the way up to see how his pelvis came into collision with your ass.
You were moaning like a bitch in heat now, sure that the maids were listening, not really caring about it anymore. Jonathan was fucking you nice and hard, your mouth wide open as his tip brushed your cervix, screaming to him to keep it right there.
“I’m close” he said, pulling your hair back to press his chest to your back, his other hand going down to play with your swollen clit, wanting your to come around his cock like the slut he knew you were. “Come with me, you whore”
“Yes” you moaned, your tongue out as his cock hit the right spots, making your hips to move against his, grinding against his hand and dick, feeling your wetness drip down to your thighs. “Yes, yes, I want to”
He laughed, approaching your ear with his tongue to bite it, leaving a long and wet kiss underneath it that made you grow hotter, your eyes closed as you let him use you; the only thought in your mind being him and his wonder-working cock.
Truth was, he was fucking you stiffly, every slam of his hips stronger than the last one, but you were so deprived of touch, so dick-starved, that even if Jonathan was fucking you like a lifeless doll, only for the sake of his pleasure, you loved it, even when it hurt you.
“I’m going to fill you up” he said against your ear, his hand leaving your clit unattended as he grabbed your hip to increase the velocity of his thrusts, ramming your hole like a demented man, making your head drop against his shoulder and scream at the ceiling, now knowing what he meant by curing you.
“Going to get you pregnant” he said, more to himself than anything “so you don’t have to bitch about being alone anymore”
You opened your eyes with terror, you didn’t want children, you were so young. The idea made you frightened, the moaning now sounding like little nos and pull outs, but Jonathan didn’t listen.
“Doctor please, please, pull out” you pleaded, reaching for his hips and trying to push him away, one of his hands slapping your ass and pulling you down by your shoulder blade so you wouldn’t fight anymore. “Doctor Crane please”
“I will fucking fill you up, Y/N” he chanted, laughing at the idea of your round belly and your swollen tits, carrying his baby all day and feeling all worked up and needy all day, only waiting for him to fuck you all day. “You won’t be alone again. You won’t be sad again”
Then you realized it.
When he came, your hot walls creamed every single drop of his cum, making his thrusts sloppy and slow, his moans filling your ears as you sobbed under his touch, feeling his seed paint your walls and load your insides with his sperm.
That was your cure.
His hot release that now flooded inside your leaking cunt, that was your so-promised antidote. He took away your solitude by giving you his and yours firstborn, a bastard baby that would give you the company that you lacked.
You felt him chuckle as he rode out his high, the chase of his own climax made you forget yours, so now there you were, your swollen cunt looking for its release while his rested among your insides calmly, like it was meant to be.
He didn’t pull out immediately, taking his time to appreciate the sight of your skirt resting in your hips all rolled up, your bruised neck and messy hair, the way your ass was exposed to him by the way he had you arching your back. All for him— for him to wreck.
He pulled out and rolled his eyes when you started crying, now being annoying instead of hot. You sat on the couch and saw him button his pants and fix his hair, hissing when you felt nothing but pain growing in your worn-out pussy. You explained through your weak voice how he ruined your life, that he was the worst person you’ve ever met and that now you had to carry the product of his sick and twisted rapist-fantasy, even tried to hit him, but your pathetic tantrum only gained you another slap in the face, and a stern look.
When he tried to stand up and leave, you grabbed him by the wrist and begged him not to, he couldn’t just leave you, not now, not ever.
“Don’t be so ungrateful” he said, a smile that made you feel nothing but trepidation in his face. “You’ll never be alone again”
You couldn’t help but feel scared. Scared of him, of what just happened, of what’s going to happen next, scared for your future son with this evil specie of a man.
When you continued to cry, and he pulled you for a hug as he assured you that he would never leave you; and how could he? He had a long life of success waiting for him now, giving a girl of your status his last name, his children. Oh, it’s going to be wonderful, he just needed to tame you and make you the perfect slave for him, and that wasn’t going to be hard.
You were sure that you’ll never be loved, but at least now Jonathan was going to be with you. You’ll never be alone again.
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thanks for reading. w/love, fenina;)
taglist: @lovesickxcherries @genini @ilunapb @ostricx @devotedlyshadowytheorist
if you want to be added let me know, it’ll be my pleasure🫶🏻
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themultifandomgal · 4 months
Tommy Shelby- I’m Not Doing That Again
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“Every woman has one” Polly argues while flitting around YN and Tommys shared bedroom getting everything ready for when YN go into labour
“I had one with Charlie, I’m not doing that again. If I shit then so be it” YN cross her arms stubbornly over her large stomach “tell her Ada”
“I’m not involved in this conversation” Ada holds her hands up shaking her head. YN looks over to Esme who’s smiling
“Polly I don’t want an enema”
“Love it stops infection”
“It’s embarrassing that’s what it is, having your husbands aunt shave you then stick a tube in your arse to make you shit. I’d rather just shit the bed while pushing. Ada didn’t have one with Karl”
“He didn’t leave us with much choice” Polly mutters “right I’ll be back later with supper. Please try and relax”
“See you later” Ada gives her sister in law a weak smile before leaving. Esme walks over to her with a mischievous look
“Where has she put the enema kit?”
“Over there” YN frowns pointing towards the box on top of the dresser “why?”
“Well it would be a shame if it went missing wouldn’t it?”
“She will know it was one of us. Thanks though”
“Not if the kids run wild in the house” Esme winks at YN and then takes the enema kit with her.
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“I’M GONNA CHOP HIS DICK OFF AFTER THIS!” Tommy hears his wife scream while she’s upstairs in their room giving birth
“Thats what you said last time now where’s the enema kit? I put it up here” Polly stands with her hands on her hips looking at the dresser. She then turns to YN lying on the bed with Esme holding her hand “YN where have you hidden it?”
“I haven’t” not a lie, but YN knows where Esme has hidden the tube
“Well I suppose we will have to do this the old fashioned way, we just need to find….”
“No please Polly, i don’t want one, please I’m begging you”
“Pol look she’s gonna want to start pushing soon, let’s just leave it”
“Fine” YN finally relaxes looking over at Esme.
Downstairs Tommy paces the living room with a whiskey in hand. Arthur, John, Finn and Micheal all sit with their own drinks on the large sofa. All that can be heard is the shouting of profanities and cursing Tommys name
“Bloody hell, she’s a true Shelby’s ain’t she Tom” Arthur chuckles
“Where’s Charlie?” Finn asks
“YN’s mums” Tommy replies still pacing around, then stops when he hears feet running down the stairs. Ada runs past her brothers and cousin and goes straight into the kitchen to get some more warm water
“Are they here yet?” Micheal asks
“D’you think I’d been here running around if they were”
“THOMAS FUCKING SHELBY YOU BETTER RUN ONCE THIS CHILDS OUT OF ME” YN Shelby, the only person Tommy is afraid off. This makes the Shelby’s all chuckle, but Tommys pacing continues
“Will you sit the fuck down? You know YN will kill ya if you wear out her carpet” John says before drinking the rest of his drink. Tommy finally sits down on the sofa as Ada makes her way back upstairs with the water.
After hours of pacing and drinking, the screams go quiet, that is until the cries of a baby can be heard. Tommy lifts his head up as John slaps him on the shoulder
“Congratulations brother”
“Tommy” Polly says walking down the stairs “come meet your daughter” in an instant Tommy is up and making his was to his and YN’s bedroom.
Walking in he sees Esme and Ada tidying up and putting some sheets in a bucket. His wife sat up in bed with a baby in her arms suckling on her breast
“No more Tommy. I’m not doing that again”
“Whatever you want, as long as you and our kids are happy I don’t care if we don’t have anymore” Tommy walks over and places a kiss on his wife’s head.
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evita-shelby · 9 months
Happy wife, Happy life
Or Tommy gets drunk and assumes his wife is someone else so he sleeps on the floor instead
For @runnning-outof-time with the prompt 34) “I didn’t get your name.”
Gif by @cillianparadise
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The sight of Tommy, this new Tommy who is always in control at all times, drunk as hell and stumbling into the bedroom, is a sight for sore eyes.
It is the old him, the one who laughed and loved horses and had ambition but not the sort to get you murdered by the Crown's most evil men.
“Did you have fun tonight, love?” You ask as your husband of four years stripped down to join you in bed.
“Sorry, sweetheart, I am sure you’re a catch, but I got a wife.” He answers, perfectly serious too and lies down on the floor after taking his pillow with him.
You can’t help but laugh and tease him. Not like he’ll remember this tomorrow.
“Oh, so you’d rather sleep on the floor instead of your bed, Mr. Shelby?” you ask letting you arm hang over the edge of the bed and just low enough to bop his nose.
He hates it, and rolls his eyes at your immaturity.
“Yeah, happy wife happy life.” Tommy responds as if it made all the sense in the world.
Good boy, you say and he thanks you for the praise and rejects your advances while he’s at it.
“What if I told you your wife was in bed and can’t sleep without you with her?” you ask while you lightly pester him in ways only you did.
“Mhm, she’d shoot me if she caught me in bed with another woman, especially you.” He turned on his side and you paused as you raked your fingers through his mop of dark hair.
Was there another tramp trying to woo him away from you?
You knew from the beginning that every woman here would sign off on their firstborn to be in his bed, and sell their soul to the devil to be in your shoes.
You were jealous, so much so that when he left for France you told him he could fuck a whore so long as you got to fuck a fella in return.
Your threat saved him from a bout of gonorrhea which Barney got from a whore who gave it to every man in the battalion save for Tommy.
“She doesn’t have to know,” you say keeping up the act so you know which woman you have to scare away from your fucking husband.
Couldn’t these ladies see the wedding band in his finger?
“She will, you aren’t exactly doing yourself any favors working in the pub, Miss. Miss?” Tommy faltered forgetting the name of the mousy barmaid. Looked like Jane Seymour , with that holier-than-thou face that got Anne Boleyn short of a head. “Sorry, I didn’t get your name.”
“Grace. Grace Burgess.” You filled in the blanks and knew you’d make the blonde bitch leave Birmingham and scurry the fuck back to Belfast or your name isn’t Y/N Shelby.
Part 2
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Time After Time | Masterlist
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader, Tommy Shelby x Original Female Character
Summary: You’ve been told by your mother since the moment you were born that you had the gift of prophecy. Convenient, since you managed to mysteriously transport back into time by one hundred years. What happens when you become wrapped up in the Shelby’s family business after the brothers return from the war? Will you ever get back to your own time or figure out how you got to Small Heath in 1918?
Rating: mature
ao3 Link
full author masterlist & credits/disclaimers here
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Chapter One: Kashmir
Chapter Two: Magic Man
Chapter Three: Do I Wanna Know?
Chapter Four: Feeling This
Chapter Five: Broken Crown
Chapter Six: Dismantle. Repair.
Chapter Seven: Vagabond
Chapter Eight: Devil Inside Me
Chapter Nine: Dancing in the Moonlight
Chapter Ten: Curses
Chapter Eleven: Dazed & Confused
Chapter Twelve: Nobody Knows
Chapter Thirteen: Ghost
Chapter Fourteen: Raise Hell
Chapter Fifteen: Left Hand Free
Chapter Sixteen: Fear & Delight
Chapter Seventeen: Change on the Rise
Chapter Eighteen: Trouble
Chapter Nineteen: Coming Soon
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indeediagree · 11 months
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We love a young cillian murphy (and old)
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roguetargaryen · 1 year
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Piel Canela - Tommy Miller x F!Reader 
Chapter 2 - The Other Miller
Author’s Note: This is my first full fic that I am writing so I know there will be grammar errors. Also, this may be a slow start but the story will progress. This is an alternate universe where there is no outbreak, and it also takes place in the game timeline in 2013. Let me know what you guys think, and I hope you guys enjoy it.
Word count: 2247
Series Masterlist
Over the next few weeks, y/n was getting used to almost having a daily routine once she finished up unpacking and settling in. Sure there were changes she wanted to make in her home and furniture she wanted to buy, but she was starting to become content with her new life. Time in Austin was going really well for y/n. The family bakery was going great for them and was beginning to be the talk of the town. They had a great opening day, and y/n was surprised Joel and Sarah came along, since he is a workaholic. It was nice to see him a bit more relaxed, which y/n always teased. “Joel, stop being so tense and relax.” “I am relaxed.” “Uh huh. Those creases around your eyes say otherwise.” After her initial encounter with Joel, they were starting to build a really nice friendship. Both Joel and Sarah really made her feel welcomed in the neighborhood, and along with her family, they made the transition better. Joel was also appreciative of y/n for offering to help with Sarah after school or even on the evenings when he had to work late. However, it wasn’t easy at first when y/n offered to help. Joel being Joel declined at first stating it wasn’t her responsibility. Y/N didn’t mind especially when she and Sarah would end up having a great time being in each other’s company. Sarah was a gem. She was a very polite and smart girl and she could see why she was best friends with Emily. Sarah was also the reason Y/n was able to meet some of her other friendly neighbors on her block. The Adlers always greeted her with a smile and offered her company. They were fond of visitors and told her stories of their lives that reminded y/n of her times with her grandparents. Then there was your neighbor Denise who was very helpful and resourceful. She knew their neighborhood really well and always had a beautiful garden that y/n admired. Y/n and Denise started to trade flowers for fresh baked goods sometimes when y/n was trying out a new recipe and in return, Denise would get her a bouquet of fresh flowers for her kitchen. Things in her life were really starting to turn over for her. 
 Except for today. Waking up on the wrong side of the bed doesn’t even begin to describe the day y/n was having. Not only did she wake up late but she spilled her coffee on herself on her way to work. To add to her eventful morning, she got a flat tire two blocks before arriving at the bakery and without realizing she left her keys to the bakery at home. She called Kelly, who allowed her to take the day off to get herself situated. “I owe you big time. In fact I’m taking your shift tomorrow.” “Y/N that won’t be necessary “ “Please? It’s the least I can do.” Once y/n left the bakery she made her way home taking the bus. She wanted to change and ask Joel for a ride to the auto shop. As soon as she got to her front steps panic started to rise. She was digging through her bag trying to fish out her house keys and then proceeded to dump all of her belongings out on her front steps trying to find her keys. “This is really just the topping on the cake!” She expressed and realized to top off the events of her day she left her house keys at the bakery when she was helping Kelly. At this point she wanted to just crawl into her bed and not come out the rest of the week. After collecting herself, she decided to take a bit of extreme measures in her own hands. She began to walk around her house to check if at any chance she left a window open or unlocked not realizing she had a spectator watching from across the street in a pick up truck.   
Tommy Miller pulled up to his brother’s house much later than he wanted, or at least he should have. He was starting to develop a migraine and the bright sun was not helping. He always tells himself that he won’t be drinking much the night before but that’s a lie he doesn’t want to admit to himself. He can already hear it in Joel’s voice and today he doesn’t want to deal with it. He takes a sip of his coffee trying to get as much sober making a face because it’s essentially not to his liking. He had no choice as he scrambled to make one this morning while also trying to run out of his place as he can to try to get to Joel’s on Time. He lets out a long sigh recalling the conversation he had with him earlier that morning. “Tommy, where the hell are you? We can’t be late on this one.” “Shit! I know I’m sorry I’m leaving now. I uh..I had a rough night.” “Tommy, I can't keep waiting on you. This is the last time I let this slide. Now I’m gonna go take Sarah to school then deliver the pieces. I’ll meet you at the house at 10 to pick up the tools. Don’t be late!” Before Tommy could respond Joel hung up. With a heavy sigh he made his way to his truck and sped down the road. He arrived at Joel’s a quarter after 9am and now he sat in his truck waiting for his brother to arrive. What he didn’t anticipate was for his morning to get any more eventful than his already bad morning. Across the street he spotted a young woman spilling out the contents of her bag all over Joel’s neighbor's house. He had never seen this woman and from the last time he remembered an older couple in their 80s lived there. He witnessed her walking to the front of the house and started peeking inside the windows before she started testing what he assumed was trying to see if the windows were open. He didn’t think too much of the situation since it looked like she was having no luck, that is until she climbed up the porch banister and started using her legs to push on the windows. “What in the hell?” He questioned as he got out of his truck and slowly made his way over. Now why does someone have the nerve to try and break into someone’s home this early in the day? He thought to himself. His thought was interrupted when he heard a soft “yes” come from her. It appeared as she succeeded too because she was able to open one of the windows and she had yet to notice him. He was standing a few feet away from the banister when he spoke loud for her to hear, “That’s called breaking and entering!” The woman in question let out a yelp as she was startled by him and she lost her footing. Without realizing, Tommy’s instincts kicked in and he bolted forward catching her before she could hit the ground. “You okay?” Tommy asked a bit apprehensive that he was asking about the well-being of a potential robber, a very pretty one he thought as he helped steady her.  Y/n was a loss for words. she tried to comprehend what just happened and who was this stranger holding her. She craned her neck back to get a good glimpse at her ‘savior’ but no words came out. He had tan colored skin, almost cinnamon, dark curly hair, broad shoulders, and the most chocolate brown eyes she was getting lost in. When he spoke he had this rich, husky voice that if he weren’t holding her she would definitely hit the ground. “Ma’am? You okay?” “Ma’am? I’m not that old am I?” At that y/n wanted to really just faceplant to the ground. However that caused her ‘savior’ to chuckle and untangle himself from her, steadying her in the process. “No you don’t look old. Now if I may ask what are you trying to break in that house? You trying to rob an elderly couple?” He asked. “Rob? Do I look like I could really rob a house?” She couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Well from where I was sitting it sure looked like it. I know the couple that lives there.” He ran a hand behind his head feeling a little sheepish. “No. It’s not like that. You’ve got it all wrong. I live here.I moved in a few weeks ago. I um. I just locked myself out of my house.”
“Sorry to assume. I’m Tommy.” He extended his hand to her to offer a shake. “Tommy Miller.” She extended her hand out to shake her hand and he could have sworn he heard a little gasp leave her and it felt electric. He even took a little more time in really looking at her. She had the prettiest smile that reached her y/c eyes. He could help but smile back. Her hair was up in a loose bun with a few strands falling in front of her face and he wanted to just wisp them away. He noticed a bit of flush on her cheeks and that only made him smile more. She cleared her throat and said,  “Joel’s brother right?” She hoped her little hint of excitement went unnoticed. “You know my brother?” “Well we are neighbors. Speaking of, is he home?” “No, I am actually waiting for him.” They stood there in a bit of a silence before he spoke again. “So my name was brought up?” She giggled and nodded. “Really? Hopefully all good things sweetheart.” Y/n couldn’t help the flutter she felt in her stomach and he spoke again, “uhh so um why did you end up breaking into your house?” “I forgot my keys with my sister in law and I wanted to get out of my coffee stained clothes. I-I’ve been having a rough day. I wanted to ask Joel for a ride back into town…” “I can take you.” He wanted to smack his forehead at how forward he was being but there was something about her that was drawing him in. 
Before she could speak their attention was drawn to Joel’s car pulling into his driveway. “Come on. It really isn't a problem if I’m offering. Besides, we are headed that way anyways.” Tommy walked ahead over to Joel who said nothing but started helping load his truck. “I thought you were working today?” Joel commented as he looked up and caught sight of y/n. “Let’s just say the universe had other plans. I got a flat and my car is at this auto shop.” She states as she hands him the business card. “I actually was coming over to ask for a ride there but I didn’t want to ask if you are working.” “Like I said it’s no trouble!” Tommy shouted from the garage, missing the glare Joel shot his way. Y/n, however, caught it but brushed it off. “We have to drop this off first and then Tommy can take you.” Y/n nods her head and hops in the back of the truck.  On the way to town, y/n explains her day and how Tommy caught her breaking and entering her home, hoping at least she could crack a smile from Joel but he stayed quiet. The rest of the car ride is quiet until they arrive to Joel's destination first. Y/n could tell he had an irritated demeanor but didn’t want to press any further. Once the truck was unloaded she stepped out of the truck to move to the passenger seat where she also caught the last bit of their conversation. “Tommy seriously. You better come straight back here. Now I bought us some time but this is it. Once you drop her off, come straight back here.You hear?” Tommy nodded quickly and got back in the truck. It wasn’t a long drive and before she knew it he pulled up in front of the shop. “Oh hold on” Confused, y/n watched as he got out of his truck and jogged to her side only to open the door. She flashed him a smile as she got out. “Tommy, I can't thank you enough.” “Don’t mention it. Besides, if you ever need help with anything don’t hesitate to call,” he finished with handing her a piece of paper with his number written on it. “Thanks. I will keep that in mind.” She placed the piece of paper in her tiny pocket in her purse so that she wouldn’t lose it and made her way to the door of the shop. Just as she grabbed the handle he called out to her, “wait you uh pardon my manners um what was your name?” “I didn’t give it to you.” She said with a smirk as she walked inside. Tommy watched her disappear through the door and leaned against his truck for a moment. He had it and he was determined to figure her out. Maybe Joel could help him. “Oh shit Joel!” He got back in his truck and made his way back to his brother's.
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cillspropertea · 2 years
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Chapter 19 : Diamond 
Warnings: Mature Content 🚨🔞
This fic might have dark themes which may irritate or offend some readers. But if you’ve seen Peaky Blinders and are familiar with Thomas Shelby, you’ll be okay. The story, plot, character histories and back stories might not be relevant to the original “Peaky Blinders” . Warnings will change per chapter. This is my first fic. Hope you all like it. English is not my first language.
Do not hesitate to comment, reblog and engage. 😁 It works as fuel for my writing. 😉💙💙
Word count: 1423
Flashback continued…
It was dark but the moon was shining brightly through the window. Thomas was lying in his bed, arms behind his neck, eyes upwards, watching the ceiling. He watched her intensely as she took one step after the other towards his bed and when she had reached the opposite side he silently moved the duvet up, inviting her in. She slipped beneath it watching his face too. He scooted closer until they were almost nose to nose. “Hi.” He said cockily, “Hi.” She replied shyly. His hand reached for her shoulder, tracing a line along her arm. Esmeralda felt the feather-light touch all the way to her bones. She let her fingers touch his lips and then wander down towards his neck, through his chest hair to his chest. The darkness of the room making her bolder. “Lay on top of me…” she breathed. He was taken aback a bit but obliged immediately, before she changed her mind, by moving on top of her, supporting his weight on his arms. She opened her legs, letting him settle in between. That’s when she realized he was naked beneath the sheets. He watched her take a deep breath. He was hard. Usually he knows when he has played the cards right with a woman. He knows that he has the woman eating out of his palm. But with Esmeralda, he was never sure. His shaft throbbed on her silk covered folds. She was astonished at how delicious his weight felt on top of her. She moved her fingers though his hair the other hand caressing his face, learning each feature through touch alone. He closed his eyes leaning into her touch and letting his arms cradle her. His chest pressed into hers. “What do you want love? Tell me and it’s yours…” he whispered through her fingers after kissing their tips. She wanted him. Craving his touch and mouth. “Distraction…” she mumbled. He frowned for a moment, the sultry smoke in his eyes vanished for a second, making Esmeralda rethink her choice of words or in this case word but then he smirked. Leaning in he took her lips in his once again.
    He let his mouth explore her neck and shoulder next. Her breathing hitched as she felt his hot breath and tongue on her skin. Her neck had tiny scars peppered all over it, Thomas felt them under his tongue. When he tried to remove her gown she stopped him. “Wait… I…” panic evident in her eyes. Thomas kissed her worry away and did not try to remove the clothing again but instead palmed her breast through the silky garment. Esmeralda’s sex was throbbing now. She bit her lip to try and stop herself from making any vulgar noises.
    But then Thomas’s hand went to her core. She yelped when she felt his fingers feeling her bundle of nerves beneath her silken underwear. No one had touched her there before. She had experimented a few times as a teenager but had never reached the peak of her pleasure. And then one day she had been caught by Malaiah in her room. She was mortified as her Grandmother had called her a slut and tied her in the basement for two days without any food or water ‘To cleanse the filthy feelings out of her’ she had said to her mother. Her hands were blue and numb when she had been taken out. Maliah promised to burn her at the stake if she ever found her ‘experimenting’ again. In their books, women were only supposed to be a way of pleasure for the men. Their own needs or wants were completely ignored when it came to sex.
    That punishment had scarred her forever and had never really let her come in terms that part of herself. She reached down and hastily took her panties off before reaching for his shaft. “Fuck!” he breathed through clenched teeth as her hand started to rub it. He was so hard that he knew he could cum any moment. He caught her hands in his and pushed them next to her head, entangling her fingers in his. He let his shaft slide on to her sex directly. “Oh God!” Esmeralda threw her head back in pleasure. The juices of her core lubricating his movements further enhancing the intensity. His cock’s swollen head hitting her clit again and again rhythmically.  
  Thomas knew Esmeralda was a virgin and going in wouldn’t be that pleasurable the first time. “Is this distracting enough love?...” He hissed barely holding on to his passion. Esmeralda could not answer at all. Her moans and hisses were her only reply. “Let go Esmeralda… that’s it…” and she did. She groaned as his words tipped her over the edge. Her whole body shook with the vibrations of her orgasm. Watching her bliss Thomas too followed, pumping his cock with his hand and coming all over her negligee through the night gown, on her stomach. Utterly spent, he laid on top of her as Esmeralda rubbed the back of his head and his back with her hands, both trying to calm their breaths. That is when he saw the fresh blood on her bandage. “Fuck!” He moved off of her immediately. She sat on the edge of the bed as Thomas gently started to peel off the bandage to see the damage. “I should have been more careful…” she simply kissed him shut up. Looked like the stitches were still intact but the wound had started to bleed. He cleaned the wound as gently as he could.
    After cleaning up Thomas and Esmeralda slid back into bed. She had borrowed one of Thomas’s undershirts to wear, The stretchy material doing nothing to hide the shape of her curves but it was comfortable and Esmeralda was enjoying teasing him. They had talked for hours. Asking random questions, trying to get to know as much as they could about each other. When Thomas had asked about her childhood. He had easily sensed how uncomfortable and vulnerable Esmeralda had become during her answers. But her determination to tell him everything had made his heart swell. She was so utterly ruined. The way she was treated as a child had to leave a lot of pain behind. But somehow she had managed to save her giving side. She still believed in goodness and had a bit of faith in the future and… in him. It made him think how every smile of hers had to be so much more precious and priceless now. None of them remembered when they’d fallen asleep. But at some point they had managed to tangle their bodies together. He woke up with her head resting on his bare chest. It was the best sleep both of them had had in a long time.
Polly entered the Arrow house, all fresh and ready to ruin the morning of every foe that came her way. She was happy and chirping for she had seen a beautiful dream with the feeling that it would come true very soon. She had seen herself gifting Thomas and Esmeralda a white mare and a bunch of red roses. The white mare represents hope and red roses meant marital bliss. She couldn’t wait to see them married at all. But before the wedding there was a funeral to attend to.
The roar of the crowd was deafening. Clearly it bore more people who were against her than with her. They were screaming and shouting her names as Bonnie’s men tried to control them from attacking her. “Whore!” “Slut!” “The curse of the Gold’s!” “How dare she enter our pure lands again!” they made sure she heard every single word coming out of their mouths. A few even dared to throw a few stones at the car. But as soon as the car’s door opened and the passengers stepped out, they all went silent. Not a single pin drop could be heard as Polly and Esmeralda stepped out of the car. Ten armed men fanned around them. “Hello familia!” she stepped out chanting loud enough for all to hear, the most wicked smile playing on her lips, “Did you miss me?” she gradually lifted her hand to her throat which bore a light love bite and the gesture made sure everyone saw the big diamond ring on her ring finger as well. They knew she did not belong to them anymore, she was His woman now and they could not mess with a Shelby.
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moral-terpitude · 10 months
Misadventures Secret Playlist - Part 2
Okay, since I enjoyed doing this part have another one.
At the beginning of writing this I was listening to a LOT of Doja Cat, because I think I had just watched the episode of Dave on Hulu with her in it.
I go in spurts of listening to just one artist at a time, and one of the things I feel like Quinn knows more about than I do is Rap & HipHop and Cars (that whole spurt about the car comes back up later so it was important even though it probably was just as foreign to everyone else as it was to me.) It took me so long to write that. All I know about cars is that I need an oil change. 😂😂😂
And, I dunno these are making me actually want to write I guess, so, no I'm not pacing myself:
Speaking of that car, so, all I knew was that GT500's are expensive, right, when I originally wrote that Tommy was going to buy one, but I didn't realize how expensive some models are. There was a car, that was the specific one I used as an example that was actually brought back from (that whole snippet was the truth about that specific car) Germany and it sold at auction for 1/5ish of the price of some GT500's. so.
"Pull a U in a, that sexy car, Got your black magic and your two dollar love, Pull a U in a dust, dusty car, Got your black magic and your two dollar love..."
I don't really think the song says much more than that, but, it just made me always think of someone driving a car fast, so.
"I could fuck him in the rain, I could fuck him in the Range, I could fuck him every day..."
“What, you fuck him in that blacked out Range Rover and find out it wasn’t all that great?”
Also, the song playing during the tossing of the bouquet was supposed to be I Don't Do Drugs by Doja Cat, I just couldn't find a good way to work the lyrics in, so I just left it out.
"Let me check my chest, my breath right quick, He ain't never seen it in a dress like this, He ain't never even been impressed like this, Prolly why I got him quiet on the set like, zip
Like it, love it, need it bad, Take it, own it, steal it fast, Boy, stop playing, grab my ass, You actin' like you shy?"
Just the backless dress and the ass grabbing in the linen closet, yup ⬆️⬆️⬆️
"They tell me I should mаke а plаn for life, All I'm thinkin' 'bout is whаt to do tonight, 100 miles аn hour, no heаdlights, On аn open roаd, oh We do whаt we cаn to dull the pаin, Pinky promise things will stаy the sаme, Even when I'm old, I'll know your nаme, Anywhere we go, oh
Dye my hаir а million colours, Dreаm I'll mаke а billion dollаrs, I sweаr thаt day cаn't come soon enough, In the meаntime, we just..."
There's something about this song that just makes me think of Quinn and Dalton's friendship and the shenanigans that they probably got into on a regular basis. There's just something nostalgic about it.
"Smаll town аnd we're drinkin' аll the liquor, Every night trynа feel, something bigger, Hotbox in the cаr in the winter, We don't wаnnа go home..."
Now, really, where Quinn is from isn't a small town, but compared to Manhattan it is, so I just picture them doing young dumb friend shit together once the first one of them were able to drive. Not so much a specific scene just a general vibe.
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The Singer - Part 5 // Tommy Shelby x OC
Summary: Liv gets a message from Tommy inviting her back to Birmingham. Of course, she is everything but amused about it and lets him know that...
Warnings: Language, physical violence, slight rape attempt
A/N: Here we go with chapter 5 - if you wanna be tagged, let me know :)
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Mayfair, London, 1919
Liv is sitting in her flat in London when Ayla rushes in.
"Morning, Liv," she greets her, and Liv looks up from her tea. "I've got something for you," she says, waving an envelope in front of her face.
"What's this?" asks Liv, reaching for the envelope.
"A booking. From Birmingham. Very generous, if you ask me." Liv looks at Ayla questioningly. A booking from Birmingham? What could that be? She quickly opens the envelope and begins to read.
Dear Miss James,
We take the liberty of contacting you directly.
We would like to book you for a performance at the official ceremony for the licensing of our betting slip. Of course, we will generously compensate you for this performance. Please find the amount on the enclosed sheet.
Please also find the date, time and place on the enclosed sheet.
Hoping to hear from you.
Shelby Company Ltd. Thomas Shelby
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Liv mumbles to herself and takes the enclosed sheet.
The amount is indeed very generous, but anger spreads through Liv. How dare they! And how can her own brother be involved in this? Sure, she hasn't seen Will for a long time. He and Liv have been distant since the war, but still, she can hardly believe her eyes.
"Well what do you think?" asks Ayla, who has now also helped herself to a cup of tea.
"I think you should organise train tickets to Birmingham for us."
"Great! You'll take the booking request then?"
"No, I won't. But I will kick someone's fucking arse!"
Small Heath, Birmingham, 1919
The next day Liv gets off the train in Birmingham. Her anger has not subsided. If anything, it has grown. She calls a taxi for Ayla and herself, and then they are driven to Small Heath. Not straight to Watery Lane, of course, the taxi drivers don't dare, but close enough. Liv briefly looks at her watch. They must be at the Garrison. So she walks purposefully in the direction of the pub. On the street, she can hear people whispering.
"That's Olivia James." "Is that Liv? What's she doing here?"
Ayla tries convulsively to keep up with Liv. "Liv… Wait," she says out of breath as Liv stops outside the pub.
"I'm sorry for what you're about to witness," Liv says, then yanks open the doors. Behind the bar, Harry immediately looks up and his eyes grow wide.
"Miss James?" he asks in surprise, and then Liv spots Grace. She stares at them angrily. Grace tries to stop Liv just as she pulls open the doors to the small parlour.
"You can't go in there!" Liv, however, doesn't listen.
All eyes shoot to her. Arthur, John, Polly, Will and Tommy stare at her.
"Liv?" asks Will, confused, but Liv walks purposefully towards Tommy.
She punches him several times in the chest, pushing him backwards. He is not prepared for this, which is why he staggers backwards a step.
"Are you actually taking the piss out of me completely?!" she shouts angrily.
None of the other Shelbys intervene and Tommy, too, just lets her freak out. They all know better than to stand in the way of a raging Olivia James.
"What the fuck, huh?!" she exclaims, taking out the letter. "Fuck, I knew there was something different about you when I saw you Cheltenham, but this is really a new fucking low, even for you Tommy!" She shoves him again. "First, you tell me you don't care about me, and then something like this? What the fuck is wrong with you?!" yells Liv, looking Tommy in the eye with rage.
She crumples up the letter and throws it at Tommy. "I will now take the liberty of telling you directly. You are a fucking bastard Thomas Shelby!" Liv lashes out and slaps Tommy across the face.
There is silence all around. No one would normally dare to do something like that, but with Liv it surprises no one.
She snorts angrily before turning on her heel and storming out. She drags a completely confused and uncomfortable Ayla with her and then pushes the doors out of the garrison open.
Outside, Liv stops for a moment and then takes a deep breath. "What the hell was that?" asks Ayla, still confused, but Liv gives her no answer.
Just as she is about to light a smoke, she is grabbed by both arms and a bag is pulled over her head. Her cigarettes fall out of her mouth.
"Hey!" protests Liv, trying to free herself but her hands are held back.
"Easy, Miss James, or we'll kill your friend right here and now."
Meanwhile at the Garrison, Tommy's brothers, his aunt and Will look at him questioningly. "What have you done now?" asks Polly then, taking a drag from her smoke. Tommy looks at her and presses his eyebrows together.
"Honestly… I don't know," he says and John picks up the crumpled letter.
"What's this?" Tommy snatches it from John's hand, unknots the paper and reads the lines.
"Fuck," he curses, then runs out of Garrison.
"Liv?!" he shouts, looking around, but he can't spot Liv anywhere. Arthur, Will and John follow him.
"What the fuck is going on Tommy?" asks Arthur.
"Liv received a letter, with a booking request from Shelby Company Ltd," he says and the three others look at him in confusion. He spots the unlit smoke on the floor and picks it up.
"We certainly didn't send her that letter. So it must have been someone else," Tommy says.
"Fuck," Will now curses. "Campbell…"
Liv notices herself being tied to a chair as they finally pull the bag off her head. Next to her, she spots Ayla looking around with fear filled eyes. They have also tied her to a chair and gagged her. In front of her, Liv discovers two men looking at her.
Hateful, she looks at them and spits at their feet.
"Pretty cheeky, don't you think Fred?" one asks and the other nods before coming towards her. He grabs her by the chin and scrutinises her face.
"But no less pretty because of it." He lets go of Liv.
"Now then, my little songbird. Where are the weapons?" he asks and Liv frowns.
"What fucking weapons?" she asks, squeezing her eyes shut.
"The ones your friend is hiding."
"What friend?"
"Well, that Peaky devil. Thomas Shelby." Now Liv starts to laugh.
"Are you fucking stupid?" she asks. The man, however, doesn't seem to find this funny at all, because he slaps her face with the flat of his hand. Liv sees stars in front of her eyes for a moment. Ayla tries to scream, but Liv only hears her whimper.
"That's the end of being cheeky," he says sternly and leans down to Liv. "Where are the weapons?" he asks again.
"What fucking weapons? How the fuck am I supposed to know where Tommy hides his fucking weapons? We haven't been in contact for years!" The man looks at his accomplice and then back at Liv.
"Well then, let's find out if he still cares about you," he says and pulls out a knife.
Liv tries to hide her fear as best she can. The man takes Liv's hair and cuts out a strand. Then he presses it against Liv's cheek. When he takes it away again, Liv sees the blood on it. It seems her cheek split open when the man hit her. He smiles confidently before the two leave the room, leaving Liv and Ayla alone.
Gritting his teeth, Tommy looks at the strand of hair in front of him. Blood is on it. They have her. They have Liv. And they're using her against him.
"Fuck!" he exclaims, banging his fist on his desk. At that moment his aunt enters his office. Concerned, she looks at the strand of hair.
"You have to do something Tommy. And you have to do it now. If they hurt her… You'd never forgive yourself."
"Oh yeah, you think I don't fucking know that myself eh?!" he shouts angrily, glaring at his aunt.
"Just give them the guns and get Liv home," she says sternly and Tommy looks her in the eye.
"It's not fucking that easy Pol! No," he says, shaking his head. "I have to find her myself." With these words Tommy leaves the office. Shaking her head, Polly looks after her nephew.
Liv and Ayla have been sitting in the dark room for what feels like an eternity now. It is stuffy and damp and Liv suspects they must probably be somewhere near the docks. n an old warehouse. She feels her arms beginning to ache from the position and she puts her head back. Why on earth did she come back here? She knows the answer to that all too well, of course. Tommy fucking Shelby. He just still gets under her skin and after so many years. And he knows how to drive her up the wall.
When Liv almost falls asleep, she hears the door open and is immediately wide awake again. She looks ahead and an older man with a moustache and bowler hat approaches her. She squints her eyes and watches his every move. He approaches Liv and then stands about two metres in front of her, eyeing her.
"Miss James. It's an honour to meet you. I'm Inspector Campbell." Liv raises her head arrogantly.
"I wish I could say the same to you," Liv returns and Campbell's lips twitch. He walks up to her and scrutinises her face. He lifts a hand and briefly grabs the laceration she has on her cheek.
"Sorry about my men." Liv jerks her head away from him.
"Sure you are," she says sarcastically. "You're making a big mistake here Inspector. I have friends. Friends in high places," Liv then says with narrowed eyes.
Campbell clasps his hands behind his back. He pulls up a chair and sits down opposite her. "If you want to use that to refer to Mr Mosley, don't worry. I know from reasonable sources that you two haven't seen each other in a couple of months and besides, you're not the only one with friends, Miss James."
He puts on a smug smile. "It would be a lot easier for you and for me if you would cooperate with us Miss James. Then you won't get hurt and we can finally wrap things up here and Shelby will get the punishment he deserves."
"I don't fucking know where the weapons are! How many times do I have to say this? Tommy and I are not friends! Not for years!" Now Campbell smiles even wider.
"I know," he says and Liv looks him in the eye in surprise. "You're not here to tell me where the guns are either."
"Then why else?! Fuck! Your men…"
"I know, I know. They're not exactly the brightest candles on the cake, but they're useful."
"What do you want from me?", Liv then spits out.
"As I said before, I have very reliable sources Miss James. And they have informed me that you are still one of the most important things in Thomas Shelby's life."
"So you want me to be the decoy?" Campbell nods curtly.
"You're very clever, I'll give you that. Shelby will do everything he can to track you down. He'll also know by now that I'm behind your invitation and he'll try to make a deal."
"You want to trade me for the guns? You're really fucking dumber than you look. Tommy doesn't care about me anymore." Campbell's smile on his face doesn't go away.
"And I think you're wrong on that very point, Miss James." With those words, Campbell stands up and walks towards the door. "You watch her. She is not to be touched, do you understand?!" he says to his men and then walks out of the room.
Liv, still bound, stares at the floor in front of her. They have now also gagged her to keep her quiet. Again and again she hears Ayla whimpering beside her. Suddenly one of the two men stands up and comes towards Liv.
"What are you doing?" the other asks, but he ignores him.
"She's quite pretty, isn't she?" he asks as he stands in front of Liv and takes her chin in his hand. "I bet she's a good fuck. I heard she was Tommy Shelby's girl."
"Come on, leave her alone. Campbell told us not to touch her."
"Like he'd find out," the other says then, eyeing Liv's body.
"I'm just wondering what's hidden underneath." He reaches for her dress and begins to pull it up. Liv now begins to whimper as well. They can hit her all they want from her, but she definitely doesn't want to be touched where it doesn't belong.
"Don't do that Titus," the other now says again, slapping the latter's hand away.
"What's the matter Fred? Haven't you ever wondered what a superstar looks like under all those clothes?"
Again Titus reaches for Liv, but Fred tries to dissuade him again and they wrestle for a moment, sending Liv flying to the floor, chair and all. She feels her elbow hurt and probably bleeding, but she doesn't care because the fall has caused the cloth in front of her mouth to slip.
"You know what? Do whatever you want!", Fred then gives up and looks down at Liv before turning away. Titus grins and then leans down to Liv.
"Please," she pleads and a tear runs down her cheek.
"Shut up," he just says sternly and slaps her face again. Liv now tastes blood in her mouth, but she doesn't care, because she notices his hands on her dress again. She tries to escape from him somehow, but it is difficult when you are tied to a chair.
"Maybe I'll just knock you unconscious and you'll stop struggling. Well, what do you think of that?" he then asks and grabs her neck. He squeezes and immediately it cuts off Liv's air.
Her eyes grow wide and just as she thinks she is losing consciousness, she hears a gunshot. The grip on her neck loosens and then Titus falls backwards. She feels his wet blood on her face and then tears her eyes open, but her vision is blurred.
She can make out screaming and then another gunshot. Liv is still on the floor. She can just see some legs in front of her, but then she can't manage to stay awake.
When Tommy flings open the door and he, Arthur, John and Will rush into the room, he is almost breathless. The image that presents itself shocks him deeply. A man is bent over Liv, who is lying on the floor tied to a chair, and is choking her.
Tommy does not hesitate for long. He raises his gun and shoots the man in the head. No one touches Liv like that. No one. Next to Liv he sees another young woman, also tied to a chair, crying. While the others take care of the second man in the room, Tommy runs towards Liv.
He pulls the dead body away from her, but he quickly realises that Liv is no longer conscious. He quickly unties her and then takes her in his arms to examine her. She has a laceration on her cheek, a split lip and bruises are already forming where the bastard choked her. Anger rises in Tommy. How could he let this happen to her.
"Liv!" he then hears Will shout, kneeling on the floor next to Tommy.
"What's wrong with her? Is she still alive?" he asks quickly, checking her pulse. Relief rushes through him as he can feel it.
"We have to get her to Polly, Tommy!" he says then and Tommy looks Will in the eyes. They are the same eyes as Liv's, looking at him now with concern. Then he nods and lifts Liv up.
Arthur has meanwhile released Liv's escort, who throws herself gratefully around his neck, which seems to confuse Arthur slightly.
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