#To conquer my enemies
mihai-florescu · 2 months
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Wouldn't it be nice?
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sokokoko · 7 days
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When I say enemies to lovers, enemies means they both fight back against each other. Actively opposing one another. Actively fighting back, actively competing, one upping each other, swiping resources from under each other's noses, sabotaging one another, hitting back just as hard as the one who struck first. Tit for tat. An eye for an eye.
I like the phrase enemies to lovers more than rivals to lovers because rivals doesn't feel as serious to me. To be someone's enemy is a deeper thing imo.
To me, enemies to lovers is the one I hate who hates me just as much becomes bearable somehow. Hate eventually turns to love (there's usually a stage that looks somewhat like friendship in there).
Me liking enemies to lovers is about the transition from hate to love and exploring the thin line and how they slip over the line. And I like when they retain some of that competitive fire in the established relationship but there are ways in which the edges have softened.
Abuser x abused ≠ Enemies to lovers
That's something else entirely and doesn't sound fun. That sounds awful to try and portray as an actual romantic dynamic and not a commentary against/cautionary tale. This would hurt me to read.
Annoyance x the annoyed ≠ Enemies to lovers
Asshole x the one the asshole keeps bothering ≠ Enemies to lovers
Would potentially piss me off depending on how much the asshole doesn't respect the autonomy of the one they're pestering
Bully x bullied ≠ Enemies to lovers.
Not in the slightest. That is something else. These are all something else. I don't think bully x victim can be wholesome at all unless there's a helluva lot of repentance. Silent Voice style where the bully is filled with self loathing over their actions and works to better themselves. Even then, the weight of the bully's actions are still a raw wound.
Random rant I wanted to get out because I have a WIP where I want to tackle the enemies to lovers dynamic, but in the way that I consider to be enemies to lovers. The comments I see saying enemies to lovers is abusive annoy me. I feel like an enemy is respected, in some sense. If only for the danger that they pose or acknowledgement of their power and prowess.
Optimus Prime is Megatron's enemy, humans and the other Autobots are mere bugs and annoyances to him. An enemy must be on equal footing.
No power dynamics!!
Still exploring and working out kinks, but in my story, they're both college students in space and our earthling protag Killian accidentally insults Halite, an alien from a warrior/battle culture. She is the one to strike first and consider them enemies but Killian fights back. Enemies soften into rivals, tentative acknowledgment of their similarities, you're somewhat bearable to be around, to I feel like you understand me. They both have battlelust in their veins.
Edit: I should add my distinction between enemies and rivals.
A rival wants to be better than you. Is constantly trying to get ahead.
An enemy wants to be the agent of your downfall.
I think, in this way, an enemy can either be more sinister or serious than a rival would. Rivalry is fuelled by superiority/inferiority complexes/wanting to be better, the best.
Enemy(ship? hood?) Being enemies is about the emotion hatred. Hatred fuelled perhaps by the threat they pose or by one's enemy as a person. You and your enemy are like oil and water, unable to be mixed because you are so different.
But then you find out you're both liquids. You can both be poured. Both of you can be used to cook. Friends? Lovers?
And hatred has a lot of similarities to love. To the point where it would be called adjacent, while love's opposite is indifference. Because someone indifferent feels absolutely nothing for you, while love and hate are intense, passionate emotions.
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sassysaturnian · 2 months
my natal 1h Pisces Mars retrograde was not built for a capitalist society… i was born to be a sleepy girl or a mermaid … i was born to chill and vibe out and be surrounded by warm pillows and blankets … i was born to lollygag and laze around… i was born to snuggle and cuddle and daydream while questioning the greater meaning of life beyond the material world… not work a 9-5😔
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i-bring-crack · 4 months
*48 hours after being introduced with a punic war hyperixation* There needs to be a Second Punic War Musical for god's sake WHERE IS HOLLYWOOD---
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frootaye · 1 year
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tf2 has been my road back into drawing bc of all the fun shapes and designs, heres the first non-doodle ive done in Literal Months !!! i like when characters hang out :^)
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rarepears · 1 year
Are you implying that we get an Irish peaklord because a 10-year-old redhead got drunk, brawled their way through the demon and fae realms rather than face their mam’s wrath, got lost, somehow ended up at Cang Qiong. And THEN, since they’re there they thought they ‘might as well’ dig a giant hole in the dirt for hours under the blazing sun (while hungover, mind you)? And that then someone OTHER than the alcohol peak looked at this gremlin and says “Him, I want him.”?
[More in #if Cang Qiong had an Irish peak lord AU]
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shirozora-draws · 1 year
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And now for something completely different--some fooling around with painting techniques, brushes, faces, and colors. At some point I need to practice ditching lines but not tonight.
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crmsndragonwngss · 3 months
It's International Women's Day, so here's a playlist of my top 13 favorite ladies in the metal and core scene today
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girafferoyalty · 2 years
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Revisiting my ace Dimitri & Mercedes headcanon for Ace Awareness Week. Here’s one for my people 🫶🏼
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disillusionedjudge · 2 months
{Hero Archetypes: The More... something version}
The Fallen Hero You are the Fallen Hero, a tragic embodiment of betrayal, vengeance, or perhaps a heart-wrenching love story turned awry. Whether exposed to corrupting influences, manipulated by deal-makers, brainwashed, extorted, blackmailed, or witnessing the destruction of sacred bonds, your descent into darkness is marked by profound sorrow and loss. You might have turned for the sake of greed. Yet within, a lingering spark of hope remains, compelling you to reluctantly extend assistance to the newcomers. Motivated by the sincere desire to shield them from the same tragic fate you endured, you find yourself driven to guide and protect, despite the shadows of your own past.
tagged by: @tarnishedxknight tagging: anyone!!
#quiz#((*taps fingers together* I have;;; thoughts on this#so this isn't. quite accurate for Gylfie as she does have morals and does act for what is good#which is going against Vayne and fighting for all of Ivalice instead of continuing to blindly go with Archadia's expansion#because she knows Vayne will destroy Ivalice in his constant need for power and Archadia will devour herself before she's full#so Gylfie never fell in the sense of turning on what is right and following Vayne without question#or continuing to believe that it was the destiny of the Empire to conquer all#with that all said - I can see her having a corruption arc and I think that'd be fun to explore heh#but also this is accurate with how Gylfie sees *herself*#I really should write a post about this at some point lol#but Gylfie doesn't believe herself to be a good person whatsoever. She used to believe Archadia was the best of the best for *years*#and felt it appropriate for the Empire she loved so much to continue her expansion and that Rozarria was 100% the enemy#and... never thought twice about the smaller kingdoms caught in the warpath#her mother's criticism of Archadia slowly began to chip at that but she wasn't disillusioned until Nabudis because *that*#was something she absolutely couldn't get behind no matter how she felt about the Empire. it was a horrific and brutal act that greatly#disturbed her and really snapped her out of it#also Ffamran leaving did make her start to question things a bit but not quite enough#anyway my point is: Gylfie doesn't believe herself to be a good person. she believes herself to be a *product* of war#to be too much like her father to be a good person#and that she's done so much harm that there is no room for her to be good#with that said she doesn't necessarily see herself as a horrible person but. definitely not a good one#and ABSOLUTELY doesn't see herself as *any* kind of hero - she'd honestly just laugh if someone called her one#but she had been brainwashed essentially and she had witnessed destruction of sacred bonds#and she has acted selfishly and she has done horrible things in the name of the Empire#but she also tries so hard to do *right* despite it all. she *wants* Archadia to be better#she *wants* Ivalice to remain whole and she does what she can to see Vayne defeated and Archadia changed for the better#her goal of becoming Judge Magister changes from her believing it was her birthright to her wanting to be one to make sure Archadia#stays on track and continues to do better under Larsa's rule because she knows he'll make the Empire *better*#and she's willing to do whatever she can to protect him and protect Archadia's future#but with that she may have to do things that wouldn't necessarily be considered *good*
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Some guy: The winners write the history books.
Actual history: We need to be mindful of bias here because most of our primary sources come from people they menaced or conquered.
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sylvainahyperfixation · 7 months
the amount of times minthara refers to you as "my love" towards the end is UNHEALTHY FOR ME
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
Tbh i have a second account not a sideblog but second account that nobody knows about. Not even my closest online friends
It's part of my grand plan *rub hands*
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snotoflathander · 2 months
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Did a Tav based on my Skyrim girlie, the Breton ranger Scathach (named for the Scots warrior woman who trained Cuchulainn).
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She's a little sawed-off shotgun of a woman who takes no shit, and she honestly inspires me to play better. All the characters love her and want a piece of her, and it's the farthest I've ever made it in Honor Mode (Isobel insisted on getting kidnapped and there were too many dumb ol' cursed vines.) Her preferred weapons are longbow and fuckoff massive hammer (in Skyrim, the Champion's Cudgel, which deals a different kind of damage each hit; she proposed to her husband after they killed the zombie general who drops it. They are big softies.)
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She travels with her sexy Orc husband Ghorbash Iron-Hand, but we don't get to romance any orcs, so she had to settle for seeing him in her dreams. The nearest person who fits the bill is Lae'zel, who has less of Ghorbash's laid-back guard dog energy but all of his appreciation for a lady who can swing a big hammer.
Also, they share a very specific quote:
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totallyseiso · 9 months
I'm going to have to start a new game of civ, despite being in the 19th century now, because I was planning on having wars and stuff in late game, because I rarely actually fight wars in this game and wanted to try taking over my entire continent, but my closest neighbour is the Cree and I just cannot do that to them.
Poundmaker has been nothing but a delight to share a border with
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dailyflicks · 2 months
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I know they will be loving children to you, do their duty faithfully, fight their enemies bravely and conquer themselves so beautifully that when I come back to them I may be fonder and prouder than ever of my little women.
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