#This one's for you
im almost asleep so starting a cursed thing before i do, as is tradition
why do humans have bones? wrong answers only.
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herewegobebe · 6 months
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💞🥰💞 [x]
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
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Ed + Beard Appreciation
For @blakbonnet​
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majokothesmol · 5 months
Gosh, can I just say how much I love applin metaphors for love now?
Applin itself is like the schoolyard crush, just a little ball of feelings that have the potential to be very strong feelings.
Flapple and Appletun are a duo, with flapple being the happy, fluttery, feelings surrounding love, and appletun being the domestic peace that comes from it.
Dipplin is the enhanced applin. Like a "Honeymoon" phase if you will, where everything's so sweet and affectionate it's almost insufferable. Syrup bomb is what happens when all those pet names come out lol.
Hydrapple can be anything from the love between friends, love within a family, or an especially large polycule.
And the EVOLUTION OF ALL OF THEM?? A tart apple for accepting the sour notes of a relationship, a sweet apple for the sweetness, a syrupy apple for the exciting feelings, learning dragon cheer to support others!!
Let's not forget the trading component— how giving an applin to someone bonds you together in a happy future.
I want to play with all these notions oh my GOSH.
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papriaki · 1 year
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Devour Me Whole
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 months
Rose: My dear sir, there are individuals roaming the streets of Earth C at this very moment with the faces of squid! Squid! Do you ask *them* their gender? And yet you waste our time asking me trifling and impertinent questions about mine? It is my own business, sir, and I bid you good day.
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callisteios · 1 year
in my new uquiz i ask the question in all your hearts, are you even good enough to have imposter syndrome?
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naturallydark · 9 months
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please accept my humble offering of Inscryption yuri
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ringosmistress · 18 days
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unforth · 10 months
you may be old, but are you THIS old?
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luckypebble42 · 4 months
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harpoonsnotspoons · 17 days
We goin' green today, chat
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markatoto · 10 months
Hot milfs in your area and they DON'T want to fuck you
Click this link: www.yahoo
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moo-blogging · 11 months
Actor Levi insisted that you to not watch the lastest trailer of AOT but you being a supportive partner wanted to watch it.
You ended up being heartbroken because of how sad, disappointed, tired, hurt, and helpless everyone looked in the trailer. Levi made tea and held you close, rubbing your back, and he kept whispering "it's just a show, baby. We're alright. I'm here, Y/N." He pulled away, "look, angel, I'm not hurt. It's just makeup."
You caressed his face, watching his eyes as you thought about his teary ones in the trailer. "It's just hurt seeing you in pain." Levi gave you a small smile. He knew exactly what he needed to do.
"We'll have brunch with the brats tomorrow, ok? Erwin will show up with 2 arms, I promise."
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turanga4 · 1 year
For @hinnymicrofic Prompt 30: Goodbye
A better read on a03 because of the initial quote and attributions that set the full context. Nevertheless, here it is.
The sunlit days this time didn't happen near the castle. The hours unspooled around them all summer at the Burrow, mucking out the chicken coop and dipping feet into the pond.  When they talked, it felt just like that—something cloudy underneath, dart of minnows past his toes, not knowing beforehand if the water was too cold. Finally, one torpid afternoon, with his back against an apple tree, Harry offered the apology he knew that she deserved.
“I hid so many things from you, when we were together that spring. It wasn’t fair. ”
Ginny seemed to shake her head hard enough to clear the thought away. “I didn’t want to face it either, Harry.” 
As she spoke again, he saw her eyes trained on the dirt. “When Bill came of age, he didn’t want a new watch.” Bill had always been her favorite brother: Harry’s heart clenched.
“He took my dead uncle’s.” Her right thumb passed over the pads of her fingers: he imagined the watch there, in Bill’s hand. In hers.
“I was six. But I knew. Don’t you see it? I needed those weeks just as much as you did. I needed…I needed just the good things. Couldn’t talk about the rest.” 
The memory hit him, a white tent seen out her window. Ginny’s lips crashing into his, her body pushing him urgently against the bedroom wall. The shine in her eyes of the tears she didn’t show him, tears she must have dropped afterwards, when Ron opened the door. “My seventeenth.”
She flicked her gaze back to him, shoulders thrust forward. “What of it?”
“When we kissed. When you kissed me. You were saying goodbye.”
“Yeah. Maybe I was.” Ginny was flushing; if they’d been back in that room, she might turn away again. If they’d still been in the room, he would look towards the window.  
Hours and days and maybe years in which to talk.
Harry took a deep breath and leaned his body close to hers.
“It wasn’t, though. Goodbye,” he answered, in a soft voice.
Like opening his eyes in the mist at Kings Cross Station, like the crushing hugs of his friends after Voldemort fell, like his hand helping Ginny to stand up within the Chamber. Impossible to believe, but so lucky, to be true. How many times would she need to be reminded? How many times would he?  
Whatever the number, each time, it was a gift.
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geralts-yenn · 1 year
Ray of Sunshine
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Modern AU Melot (Tristan&Isolde) x OFC (second person pov)
summary: just some simple fluff and smut containing a beach, a bonfire, a guitar, a motorbike and a tattooed guy
warnings: alcohol and drug use, fingering, oral (f receiving), protected p-i-v sex
word count: 3,1k
A/N: My lovely @raccoon-eyed-rebel finally made it! She worked through the same new years eve party eight times with all of the 8 lovely inhabitants of 179 Crescent Street. I am so proud of you, babe!
You really deserve a treat for that one!
So I wrote this one just for you, Nina - hope you like my Nina-indulgent Melot 💜🖤
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“Come on, Isa, I am already in my pajamas. I'm pretty sure you'll live if I don’t join you.“ Isa whined a little more into your ear, but in the end she said goodbye and you were finally able to sink onto your couch and drown in your misery. You were so awfully tired. You struggled with your classes, with your job and with your life. 
You zapped through the TV channels, but nothing could get through to you. Frustrated, you grabbed your book and tried to read, but when you realized you were staring at the same words for minutes you gave up.
“Fuck it!” you told yourself, got up and changed into some shirt and jeans. This should be enough for a beach party. 
When you arrived, you knew that it had been the right decision. The sounds of laughter, conversations and a girl singing to a guitar reached you as well as the scent of fire and marijuana that wafted through the air. Your mood was already better than it had been all week.
“Nina!” you heard a cheering voice and in the next moment Isa hung around your neck. “You changed your mind!” 
Isa and you got back to the bonfire and she handed you a bottle of beer.
As the night went on you felt at ease, surrounded by happy people, music and the sound of the ocean. Isa handed you a joint and you took a long drag before you passed it on to the girl next to you. You were really glad that Isa had asked you to join her, finally your head had stopped ruminating for a while.
After some time you heard the sounds of bike engines. You looked over to Isa. “Tristan is coming?” you asked with a smile. You really liked Isa's new boyfriend. She has been so happy ever since she met him. You had never seen her so much in love. 
“I hope so. He didn't know if he could make it.” Just a minute later you saw two guys parking their bikes at the side of the road nearby. Both men left their helmets and leather jackets on their bikes and headed over to the party.
Your eyes widened when you realized it was not only Tristan who came to join you, but also his foster brother Mel. You had met him a couple of times before, and to say that you had a huge crush on him was an understatement. 
Which was no surprise because who wouldn't fall for him, looking so damn handsome with his long curls and his cute face covered with something that was more than stubble but not enough to really call it a beard. 
You watched him approaching the fire. He looked like he belonged on the cover of a magazine, rugged and impossibly cool. He wore some ripped jeans and a black tank top that allowed you to ogle over his tattooed arms. It was just rude how good he was looking.
Isa got up and ran over to the men, jumping right into Tristan's arms. They immediately started kissing as if they were alone and not standing in the middle of a whole crowd of people.
Mel just chuckled and continued to walk. When he reached the bonfire he glanced around and when he saw you he smiled and dropped at the spot Isa had left seconds before.
“Hey Nina, nice to see you again.” Your heart skipped a beat when he gave you a hug. You were glad that you were intoxicated just in the right amount, so you'd be able to talk to him without being too nervous. And so you did. 
He asked you about college and your job but you didn't want to talk too much about that as it was too frustrating. So, when you both saw Tristan and Isa leave the party for a more quiet place, you took the opportunity and talked about them. 
Mel told you that Tristan, as Isa, was very much in love, almost unrecognizable, but that it did him really good. “He's a completely different person. He's so happy, it almost makes me puke sometimes.” Mel chuckled deeply, a sound that made you shiver.
“Yeah, I know what you mean, it's awful how cheerful Isa is at the moment. It's so sweet, you get a toothache just from watching.”
Mel and you continued your conversation and you couldn't help but notice how he looked at you. His eyes were following every one of your movements, and every once in a while he shifted and seemed to get nearer to your side.
You tried to ignore the hopeful feeling that built in your stomach. You didn't want to add another disappointment to your life right now.
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The girl that had played the guitar stopped and put the instrument against a rock. 
Mel got up and went over to her. “Hey, do you mind if I play for a while?” he asked her. 
You weren't aware that he knew how to play, and you were more than thrilled to see him doing so.
Mel sat down again beside you and you watched as his fingers started to move expertly over the strings. The sight of his hands and arms moving over the instrument and his face in a deep frown, eyes closed in concentration, made you melt completely in adoration for him. You thought you couldn't fall harder for him until he started to sing. His voice was deep and rich, and your whole body was covered in goosebumps as soon as you heard him.
Everyone else around you disappeared from your vision, it was just Mel and you, the fire, the sea and your racing heart.
And then you listened to the lyrics of his song:
She enters the room and all eyes are on her Her tales bring joy and her smile is pure Her voice, a melody that touches the soul All fears melt away, you feel whole
She's the perfect blend of light-hearted, cute, and beautiful No one else compares, she's truly wonderful With her around, life is always bright
So here's to the girl with the rainbow hair You're a ray of sunshine, beyond compare May your radiance never dim, shine on with all your might For there's no one else like you, you are my light.
Your mouth fell open when he sang the last verse. You just blinked at him, unable to form a thought and not even realizing that you had stopped breathing.
Mel put down the guitar, leaned over to you and let his hands run through your colorful strands of hair. His face was so near, you could feel his breath.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispered, the words coming out soft as the sound of the ocean.
You nodded, your eyes closing as Mel leaned in, his lips brushing against yours, and pulling you in close. 
You kissed for what felt like an eternity before you finally pulled back and looked into Mel's eyes. His pupils were blown wide. 
He got up and held his hand out to you. “Come with me?” he asked you and you were happy to follow him to the outskirts of the party, where the noise of the people faded. 
He sat down on the sand and pulled you in his lap.
“I've wanted to kiss you so bad since I first saw you,” he told you. And as if to prove it, his mouth was on yours again. 
Although you were far away from the fire now, you felt heat pooling in your center. Your hands traveled over Mel's arms and neck and finally settled in his chocolate curls. 
Mel pressed his hands firm on your hips and as you grinded against him, you could feel him growing under you.
Your hands moved to his chest and you pressed against his hard pecs, parting your face from his. 
A small whine escaped him when you denied him another kiss.
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“Take me somewhere else, Mel!” you requested with a smile.
He looked at you, confused.
“What? Why?” He almost sounded like a child who got told to stop playing with his favorite toy. And the puppy eyes he gave you melted your heart.
You chuckled and played with the collar of his shirt.
“Because fucking on the beach is only fun in movies and cheesy novels.” you explained with a wink.
Mel's eyes got wide when realization hit him and he got up so fast that a loud laugh escaped you.
You both walked over to his bike, holding hands, and he gave you his helmet and jacket. You climbed onto the seat behind him and wrapped your arms tight around his waist. Mel brushed his fingers over your hands and turned to check that you were seated comfortably.
The vibrations when he started the engine made you bite your lip. Mel was driving along the ocean road. The wind was blowing through your hair and you felt free and happy like never before.
When Mel turned into a driveway and stopped his bike, you were almost sad that your ride was already over. But as Mel wrapped his arm around your waist and started to kiss you, you knew what came next would be even better than this motorcycle ride. You both couldn’t stop with kisses and touches as you made your way upstairs to Mel's apartment.
Mel opened the door and guided you to go first. He gestured with his arm and even bowed slightly. 
“Welcome to my castle!” he said and you giggled at the silly comment.
“So, are you a prince or a robber baron?” Mel's smile grew over his face. 
“Guess tonight I was the minstrel” You both laughed. And you knew that seeing him like this, as an absolutely adorable dork, you would just fall harder for him.
His apartment was small but cozy. You always loved to see someone’s home for the first time, as you thought it gave away a lot about the owner. There was a dark leather couch that looked comfy, a small kitchenette, a big bed with disheveled sheets, quite an impressive bookshelf, two guitars hanging on the wall and, surprising you, a lot of well-kept plants. You really liked what you saw.
Mel guided you to sit on the couch. “Can I get you something to drink?” he asked as he was walking over to a vintage record player and put on some music.
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“No, just come here and kiss me.” you told him. That Mel didn’t need to be told twice. He sat down next to you and pulled you close. His hands rested on your hips as you started kissing again. 
But soon both of you got impatient. You climbed onto Mel's lap and your hands tugged on his shirt. Mel took your hint and pulled it over his head. As you saw his wide bare chest, you couldn’t hold back a gasp. You sank your hands on his pecs and traced the tattoos that covered his skin with your fingers. 
Damn, you wanted him so badly. So you got up and pulled him with you as you made your way to his bed. You unbuttoned your jeans and roll them down your legs. Mel let out a small growl as his hands brushed down your naked thighs. His eyes traveled over your whole body and he leaned down to you and whispered: “Nina, you're fucking gorgeous.”
You answered him with another hungry kiss and hands that wandered all over his body. 
Hastily, you worked on the belt of his jeans. “We need to get rid of those, baby!” you told him. Both of you were fumbling with his buttons until his pants finally dropped to the floor. Next, Mel took care to remove your shirt. Your underwear were the last bits of fabric that needed to go, and when that was done, both of you dropped onto the bed, relishing the feeling of skin on skin.
Mel's lips trailed along your neck while his hands were on your rib cage, one of his thumbs carefully brushing over the curve of your breast. He sank a little lower and took one of your nipples in his mouth. The sensation of his warm tongue made you moan. You nuzzled your face into his dark curls, taking in the scent of his cologne that clung to his hair. 
Mel's fingers slowly trailed down your side to your hip bone, resting there for a few seconds and drawing circles on your skin. Then he changed direction and his hand found its way between your thighs. 
When his calloused fingers ran through your wet folds, you both groaned. His movements were as skillful between your legs as they were with the guitar. While his thumb took care of your clit, two fingers pumped into you and you soon felt tension building in your core.
You felt his erection pressing against your thigh and your hand sank down to touch him. But as you wrapped your fingers around his cock, Mel withdrew himself. 
“No, sweetheart, not yet. I want to take care of you first, I want to cherish you!“ 
He pressed your shoulder down onto the bed and started to place feathery kisses on you. From your temple over your jaw, down your throat to your sternum and then going down to your belly, he was exploring your body with his lips. Mel looked up at you teasingly as you both knew where you wanted him to move his lips next. 
“There’s so many things that I want to do to you!” he whispered with a deep, raspy voice. “Please tell me what you want me to do!” His eyes were dark as they rested on you.
“I want your mouth between my legs!” you replied, almost whining. Mel smiled contently when he heard you pleading and obeyed. He began with soft, chaste kisses on your inner thighs that soon changed to needy sucks and small bites. His mouth slowly approached your core with every kiss until he finally found your wet folds. He flattened his tongue as he lapped through them.
And as if your taste awoke something in him, he finally stopped his teasing and he dove right in, devouring you like he was starving. His mouth worked on your clit just in the right way to make you squirm beneath him. You were already on the edge when he dived his tongue into you, his thumb replacing its spot on your pearl. 
“Oh, fuck, Mel, don’t stop!” you cried out and Mel did his best to follow your wish and fucked you with his tongue while his thumb rubbed over your clit in just the perfect pace and pressure. Mel worked you up so fast and intense like you had never experienced before when you were eaten out and you came hard, screaming his name and arching your back. 
With small kitten licks he guided you through your orgasm until you were able to move again and you pulled him up to you. As Mel bent down to kiss you, you felt his shaft pressing against your stomach, twitching between your bodies.
“If you really want to take care of me, you better shove that cock into me soon!” you said, and Mel chuckled mischievously at it. 
“How can I deny you anything like this when you look so gorgeously spent.” After another ravishing kiss, Mel pulled a condom out of the drawers of his nightstand. He knelt between your spread legs and slowly pumped himself, while his eyes never left yours. Swiftly he wrapped himself with the latex and then he sank down onto you again. 
You felt the tip of his cock running along your slit and then slowly pushing into you. He spread your walls and when he was fully buried in you, he stopped his movements. Mel pressed his forehead against yours and you drowned in the dark pools that were his eyes.
That moment felt like the world had stopped turning, everything felt like it was in slow motion. You took in the music playing in the background, accompanied by Mel’s panting breaths, the mixed scents of cologne, fire and sweat, and the salty taste of Mel's skin that still lingered on your tongue. And then you felt him move inside of you. 
He started with long and slow rhythmic thrusts that made you squirm under him. You wrapped your legs around his waist and grabbed him at his shoulders, trying to feel him as deep as possible. 
Accompanied by breathy moans, Mel bit by bit increased his pace. Soon he was pounding into you erratically. He bent your legs over his shoulders and with the new angle he hit you exactly where you needed him with every stroke. 
You were losing your composure, with every move your moans got louder as you felt your climax approaching. Mel lost his rhythm, too, he was rutting into you desperately now. Pearls of sweat ran down his temples. You watched how his cock disappeared into your body, how his hand kneaded your breast firmly, how he hovered over you, mouth agape.
Mel felt your walls clenching around his cock and he responded by jerking his hips into you hard. You were finally falling apart under him, your legs trembling as you felt your release rush through your body. With a whimper, Mel pushed one last time hard into you and reached his own peak. 
Slowly, Mel retreated and left your cunt gripping around nothing. He slumped onto the bed next to you and reached for your hand. You entwined your fingers, both still catching your breaths. 
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A ray of sunshine was falling onto your face, disturbing your sleep. You blinked a few times, not yet really conscious. The sun was way too bright, so you shut your eyes again. But you enjoyed the other sensations that you took in. There was the scent of fresh coffee, the warmth of the sheets you were buried in and the tunes of a guitar playing softly.  
As you slowly stretched your arms with a yawn, the guitar stopped playing and soon you felt the mattress dip beside you and a warm hand was softly stroking over your back. Mel’s face appeared above you, he cupped your cheeks and pressed a kiss onto your mouth.
“Good morning, sunshine!” he whispered in your ear before he pressed more kisses all over your face. He lay down and pulled you in his embrace.
“Hey!“ you answered simply and just blinked at him, smiling uncontrollably.
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