#This is a good fenton parent's Au btw!
snazzydwarf · 3 months
Dp x DC: Mind Traveller
Okay do y'all remember the old trope in DP fics of "Danny get's hurt by a ghost/machine and is now in a coma like state, the only way of getting him to wake up is to go inside his mind and meet different aspects of Danny's personality (sometimes it's looking through his memories)"
Okay yeah that but! Make it Dp x DC!
Maybe a war has broken out between the GZ and the GIW, conflicting information is being given to the JL from both sides, and so far their stuck between a rock and a hard place.
On one hand there's a whole species and town throwing allegations towards a Government organization about kidnapping, torture and experimentation.
Then there's the Ghost Investigation Ward saying they've been working withing legal limits, and haven't done anything wrong. It's not breaking the Meta Protection acts due to none of the "affected" having the Meta gene, and therefore not counting as a Meta.
Most GIW subjects had not survived when it had came to light, those who had "lived" could not come out of the Ghost Zone because of how fragile their cores had become, and everything was still too risky to send someone over on uncharted territories to get their statement.
The one option they had was a young boy they had found, although he was in a coma and hadn't woken up in weeks. The situation was getting more and more dire as the public and ghosts grew restless with every day that passed.
Martian Manhunter spoke to Danny while he was in his coma, however he was only able to access surface entry due to unknown reasons. This was enough to talk to the boy however, and gain permission to enter his mind and find out more about the situation they had all landed themselves into.
With written consent from both of Danny's parent's a small group of 3 JL members along with Jazz, Sam and Tucker ( who came along to clean up any confusion or questions they might have) journeyed into the mind of the young boy, not realising they are about to witness the rise and fall of a hero who was born to young.
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lixxen · 3 months
Not to Marvel x DP post,
But I need to write a fic where Matt Murdock ends up in custody of Danny Fenton.
It'd be a The Fentons Are Bad Parents AU where Danny goes to visit his friend Peter in NYC and ends up meeting Matt, who proceeds to decide that he needs to gain custody over this child and his sister. So, like the good lawyer he is he represents himself and swiftly gains custody of the Fenton children
Karen and Foggy are also legal guardians btw. The three are raising the ghost child and his child prodigy sister together as a group. Karen is actually the best mom. She would kill someone again for them.
Not shown: Peter, Ned, MJ, and Harley being friends with the siblings. MJ and Sam totally get along. Tucker, Peter, and Ned are peas in a pod. Tony Stark watches as another set of children gets added to his gaggle of children.
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artistfingers · 3 years
Undercover au my beloved
I cant wait til sam and tuck see him messing with Fenton tech and he has to explain just how he got that
Btw does jazz know? How did he hop in the portal this time?
[Undercover AU]
Jazz doesn’t know! I talked a little more about Jazz in this ask and also this one.
Sam and Tuck questioning how he got his hands on Fenton tech will probably come up again in the comics (more than the 0.1 seconds in this strip anyway, haha). that should be very fun for Danny to (badly) explain away. “Um, I borrowed it?” / “I bought it at a garage sale!” / “You wouldn’t believe what kinda junk just floats around the Zone.” / “Jack Fenton threw it at my face. No, really!”
(I keep writing Danny as a really bad liar for the humour dskjfhsadk how does he get away with hiding his identity in so many ways, so many times, from so many people??)
As for the accident—well. If you started typing a query in Danny’s browser, you’d get a few auto-fill suggestions based on his history. The very first one—indicating just how often he’s searched it—is, “What does it take to be an astronaut?”
Turns out, a lot of astronauts were engineers, first. And luckily for Danny, there’s no shortage of hands-on engineering experiences in his home.
So Danny was really serious about the astronaut thing from day one, and that extends to an interest in engineering, physics, piloting, you name it. I’d bet he legitimately thought he could figure out something else about his parents’ portal that they couldn’t. Not that he thought it’d actually rip open a door to another dimension, but surely that electricity could flow somehow as opposed to just not, at the very least.
I mean, come on, he’s seen the kinds of stuff his parents make; it’s fun, but it’s not, like, dangerous. Good practice for him and his future career as an astronaut or aeronautical engineer, though. Why his parents strictly forbade him from tooling around in the lab alone, he’ll never know.
...until he steps into the portal.
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five-rivers · 3 years
@lucifer-is-a-bag-of-dicks came up with this op!Danny/Marvel AU!
BTW I need help naming this newest proof that I can't keep anything to a short little one-shot.
Loki was not, and never had been, a good man. For that matter, whether or not he’d ever been a good boy was debatable. His mother would argue that he had, but she would very likely be the only one. Well, except for Thor, perhaps, but that was because he was an idiot who could drown in three inches of nostalgia. Like he didn’t remember every time Loki had humiliated him. Maybe he didn’t, for all that he kept falling for the same trick over and over again.
It made Loki’s late nights studying the arts of illusion, misdirection, and lying seem redundant. Almost. Not everyone was as dense as his big brother.
No. Loki had never been a good man. He had, however, been a free man.
Free to run or hide. Free to explore the nooks and crannies of Asgard, to uncover her secrets in ways few cared to do. Free to walk hidden paths between the Nine Realms and even farther flung territories, where his people did not and had never ruled, to play games, make deals, have adventures, take risks. To be. To exist as his own creature.
He had been free. He had.
But on one of those little secret excursions, he had discovered something that had made even his flippant, slippery heart clench with fear. A ravening plague, spreading across the stars. The death of half of everything on the horizon.
Loki was not a good man. What cause did he have to care for all the sundry others in the universe? There were too many. It was too much to ask.
But Asgard—His home, even though the had long ago realized the blood in his veins originated on very different soil. That was different.
Asgard, he could help. Asgard could survive.
But it had to be strong. It had to have strong allies. None of this barely-held peace, this enemy eternally at their gates. It needed strong leadership. Not his brother’s simplistic view and longing for the glory of war.
Loki was not a good man. But he was one who could get things done.
Before he knew it, he had burned all his bridges behind him. In one case, a literal bridge that was literally broken.
And he fell.
And he fell.
And he fell right into the hands of the one he had feared enough to do this. Broken enough for poison to drip into the cracks. No one knew where he was, no one could know where he was, except, perhaps, Heimdal, and Loki sincerely doubted Heimdal cared. No one was coming for him. No one was looking for him. No rescue was forthcoming.
He was alone.
Asgardians were considered gods for a reason. Their bodies and minds were much more resilient than the average mortal’s. But Thanos’s people had been titans, and there was a reason for that, too.
Thanos enjoyed breaking him.
And Loki turned his lies on himself. A skilled master of games always had one gifted opponent, even alone. Hadn’t he wanted to rule? To command? To see a world, any world, prostrate at his feet? To be given the recognition and praise of which he was so worth?
To pull something, anything, out of the fire?
(If he had spent less time learning how to spin lies and more on how to see the truth, he might not have believed it. A better, wiser, man would have. But Loki was not a good man. And he was very skilled in his craft.)
So, his new master put a weapon in his hands, and he went off to conquer a world.
Danny was used to rude awakenings. He was used to those rude awakenings being full body chills and ghosts, not someone knocking on his door.
Blearily, he pulled himself out from under the blankets. Quasi-military government facility or not, the beds were comfortable. Maybe Mom or Dad had gotten themselves locked out of their room? Or Jazz—No, not Jazz, she hadn’t come with them. She was at college, not being flown places by Mom and Dad’s suspiciously generous new consulting job.
At least it wasn’t the GIW.
He stood on tiptoe (curse his perpetually short body) to peer out the peephole. His parents’ buff, one-eyed, and incredibly imposing new boss stood in front of the door, hands on his hips, slightly sweeping back his long dark coat. If Danny listened carefully, he could hear two other people near the door, and… was that an alarm? Yes. Faint, but present, was a warning klaxon.
Okay. Danny would bet his right arm that something had gone horribly wrong with whatever his parents were consulting on. Didn’t explain why the boss was in front of his door.
Unless they’d gotten the rooms mixed up, somehow?
Ugh. Danny wasn’t paid enough to deal with this.
He opened the door. “What-?”
“Phantom,” intoned eyepatch guy with great solemnity.
Danny immediately tried to close the door. The guy stuck his foot in the jamb, and, sure, Danny could have crushed it, but that would be a jerk move. He didn’t think this guy was going for a pirate look, after all.
“We need your help.”
“I’m not sure what you think I can help you with,” yelled Danny over the beating of the helicopter blades. He’d remained stubbornly in human form. “My parents are the scientists. This sounds like a science thing. Not a punching-people thing.”
“We spoke to them earlier,” said Fury, “and we have plenty of scientists working on the theories they brought up. You’re the one with practical experience.”
“Practical experience in what?”
“Interdimensional portals,” said the woman, who had yet to introduce herself.
As if this whole thing wasn’t already giving him a bad feeling. “My parents built an interdimensional portal. Again, you should be talking to them. They’re the ones you’re paying.”
“We could pay you, too,” said Fury, “but we assumed you would want to avoid letting your parents know about this, as you’re still a minor and they have control of your bank accounts.”
Danny stared flatly. “This is blackmail.”
“We aren’t threatening you,” pointed out the woman.
“Emotional blackmail,” said Danny, glaring, daring her to challenge him on whether or not he actually knew what blackmail was.
In the meantime, the helicopter landed. Danny unbuckled and hopped out, trailing slightly awkwardly behind Fury and the woman. He didn’t want to stand out, but he suspected that, being the only kid here and being in the general vicinity of Fury, who radiated authority, that was a lost cause.
“This is Agent Coulson. Coulson, this is Phantom.”
Danny’s mouth went dry(er) at how casual the introduction was. His eyes went nervously to all the other people running around the field. With all the noise, it was unlikely anyone had heard, but still…
“Can you not? Secret identity and all? Unless you’ve told everyone herealready, which, rude.”
Fury sighed. “How bad is it?” he asked Coulson.
“We’re not sure,” said Coulson. “That’s the problem. Big fan of your work, by the way,” he added as an aside to Danny. He glanced at the woman. “Agent Hill.”
“Background?” asked Fury as he led the way into the building.
“The first energy surge was four hours ago. Dr. Selvig’s equipment picked it up – He’s the head scientist on this project.”
“Dr. Selvig isn’t authorized to test,” said Fury. “We wanted to run his plans by the Fentons.”
“He wasn’t testing. He wasn’t even in the room. He called it ‘spontaneous advancement.’”
“It turned itself on?”
“What are the energy levels?” asked Fury before Hill’s question could be answered.
“Climbing,” said Coulson.
“Mr. Fenton,” said Fury, “any comments?”
“Look, I don’t even know what this thing that you built looks like or what it’s a door to.” Danny frowned as a thought occurred to him. “You’re not expecting me to fight whatever comes out of it, are you? Because, unless you’ve got a ghost portal down there, I can’t make guarantees.”
“It’s called the Tesseract,” said Coulson. “It’s supposed to be a connection to the other side of space. A source of unlimited energy. At least,” there was a note of humor in his voice despite the evacuation taking place around them, “that’s what the scientists say.”
“A door to space?” asked Danny, firmly shoving down his excitement at the prospect. “Like, a Stargate?” It was no good, he could practically feel himself sparkling. He took a firm grip of his core and reminded himself he might need to fight before the end of the day.
“Well, no,” said Coulson. “It’s this little… cube… thing.” He made a shape with his hands.
“Oh,” said Danny, mind still whirring. “You know, if it’s really a tesseract, it isn’t a cube in just three dimensions, so bigger things could come out of it than you’d think.” He’d seen some weird portals in the Ghost Zone.
“Well, right now, we’re just getting energy.” They entered a large room with an extremely sci-fi setup. It looked like they were planning to shoot some kind of laser across the room onto a platform surrounded by strange-looking panels. There were men with guns scattered around in what was probably a well thought out formation Danny couldn’t see. There was also a dude with a bow sitting up in the rafters. He frowned down at Danny as he noticed Danny noticing him.
“Dr. Selvig!”
“What do we know?”
Danny allowed himself to be distracted by the centerpiece of the room, a piece of machinery built around what was indeed a little cube thing. He tilted his head and approached, trying to get a better view of it around the people in lab coats and protective gear currently swarming it. He caught mention of radiation a grimaced.
It was unlikely to kill him, but, really, everyone here should probably be wearing more PPE. You never knew what was going to come out of an interdimensional portal, after all. Except trouble. Trouble was a pretty safe bet.
It was pretty. Blue. Reminded him a little of a blue raspberry ice pop. Part of him wanted to lick it. Which was stupid. He didn’t want to wind up half what-ever-lived-on-the-other-side on top of his regular ghost nonsense.
“Mr. Fenton?”
Danny jumped and turned, refocusing on the adults, who had multiplied while he’d been daydreaming. The guy with the bow had joined them.
“Mr. Fenton? Like the Doctors Fenton I spoke to earlier?” asked Selvig.
“Yeah, it’s—”
This, of course, was when everything decided to explode. Sort of.
The blue cube shot out a beam of energy that had more than a little in common with the Fenton Bazooka’s portal setting. The beam terminated on the platform, a portal rapidly forming.
Danny slid into a fighting stance, and barely even noticed as blue energy washed over the room, throwing many less-prepared people back.
Something shaped like a man stepped through the portal.
Danny did not break his stance. Still. “An alien,” he whispered, eyes wide. If they were friendly, maybe they’d answer his questions about space. If they weren’t friendly, maybe they’d answer his questions about space after Danny beat them up.
(Danny did not go ghost. Did not even think about going ghost. There were too many people here, and the space was too open.)
Fury attempted to negotiate. Danny approved. Not everything that came through an interdimensional portal was necessarily evil.
Except this guy apparently was. Go figure. He could also deflect bullets and was very good with throwing knives, which led to Danny having to pull several of the gun guys out of their own line of fire as well as the alien’s line of knife. Who would have thought an alien’s weapon of choice would be throwing knives? The energy-blasting spear was much more in line with his expectations.
The bow guy proved to be more competent than the gun guys. This didn’t really surprise Danny. Bow guy sort of had to be competent. Otherwise, no way would they let him go around with a bow. Like, seriously. A bow.
Even so, bow guy was fighting an alien and—
“You have heart,” said the alien, raising the spear.
Danny pushed bow guy out of the way, and his mind fuzzed out.
(The human part of it, anyway.)
Loki didn’t know what a child was doing here, and he didn’t particularly care. The boy would do for a hostage, at least. He had a mission he had to fulfil, or else…
Or else.
“Please don’t,” he said turning with a shadow of his usual lazy affect, vaguely insulted that the human thought he could be sneaker that him, “I still need that.”
The human went on and on, apparently burdened with the delusion that he was on the same level as Loki.
Loki was burdened with other things. A glorious purpose. Glad tidings. Freedom. What could be better than freedom?
“A world free from what?” asked the human.
“From freedom,” said Loki, and wasn’t that what he believed, now? Wasn’t that what he’d been shown? “Freedom is life’s great lie.” He would know. He was an excellent liar. “Once you accept that, in your heart—” He batted away an arrow and tsked. “Shield me, boy,” he demanded. Had Thanos misrepresented the scepter’s powers? Or was the boy merely—
A dome of green surrounded him and the boy, thrumming with magic the likes of which he had only seen once, in a tome thrice forbidden.
“Oh,” said Loki, almost purring. “You are interesting. What are you?”
“Half human, half ghost,” replied the boy, tersely.
Loki had never heard of such a creature. No matter. He’d be sure to make good use of him.
“Grab the scientist,” he said, nodding at the balding man who had been with his brother when he’d fought the Destroyer in the desert.
Loki wanted the archer. He seemed interesting. Useful.
Fenton was under thrall. Phantom knew what that felt like. A hundred feet under red water, trying not to drown, whispers everywhere. Pulling. Pushing. Prodding.
This was different, but the principle was the same.
Neither half of him could truly ‘fight’ the other. Fenton and Phantom were a single entity. Not two in lockstep. Even so.
Fenton grabbed onto Dr. Selvig, as ordered. Phantom made sure that was all they did.
“What are you doing, boy?” snapped Loki. “Follow me! Bring the scientist.”
And so, they followed.
Loki breathed. Acquiring Barton had been the right choice. The boy was powerful, but, perhaps because of his unique biology, did not have Barton’s presence of mind, and couldn’t have led him to such wonderful allies.
These weren’t truly his allies. Nor were they subjects. They were…
Loki forced himself to breathe. He just had to follow the mission. Follow the mission, let Thanos’s army through. He’d been promised this world. He would have this world.
And then he could be… His mind stuttered over the next word, and he shook his head, trying to drive out the painful buzz of Thanos’s herald and mouthpiece trying to contact him.
He looked up at the drones bustling around, all according to his will. Except the boy, who stared at him, somehow managing to be both utterly blank and challenging at the same time.
He was alone, here.
He was alone.
But what did it matter? Bad men always wound up alone, and Loki… Loki could never be a good man.
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ladylynse · 7 years
Oooh if the writing request is still open, could you do some ether fluffy or angsty Danny Phantom? (Your writing is awesome btw I got so excited when I saw that post :D)
Thanks for the request, anon! I hope you enjoy this. I picked angst for now but might do something short and fluffy later.
Missing:[FF | AO3] You never know what you have until it’s gone. That’swhat they always say. But Danny had never imagined that phrase might apply tohis sister. 
Season 3, going AU before Phantom Planet; 2.7 K
“You’re back early,” Maddie mused when Danny walked into thekitchen in the hopes of finding some non-contaminated food to eat. She wasmaking cookies at the kitchen table, which at least meant there’d be someedible food in an hour. “I thought Jazz said you two would be out all day.”
Danny frowned. It was the first Saturday of Christmas break,and he’d planned to spend the afternoon at home. Ghost hunting had kept him uphalf the night again, but he’d headed out this morning to meet up with Sam andTucker. Tucker was going out of town this year to meet up with his dad’s sideof the family, and since it was out of state he’d be away most of the break.Danny and Sam had wanted to spend what time they could with Tuck before he left.
Sam figured they’d be able to sneak away to visit him atsome point—he couldn’t be busy all the time, and the Spectre Speeder was almostalways available—but even though her parents didn’t celebrate Christmas, theystill attended a number of high society functions and dragged Sam to as many aspossible. Consequently, Danny knew he’d be spending most of this Christmasstuck with his family, as he had for many Christmases in the past. As long ashe made sure he didn’t get stuck in the Ghostwriter’s story again, he should beable to marginally enjoy himself.
At the very least, the Christmas Truce meant he’d actuallyget a real break.
But it still meant he had planned to avoid his family forlarge chunks of time, which meant he hadn’t made any plans with Jazz.
“When did she say that?” Danny asked. He opened the fridge,trying not to let the worry clawing at his gut explode into anything serious.Jazz was the worrywart, not him. Usually.
Maddie laughed. “You were there, sweetie. It was only thismorning.”
Everything in the fridge looked suspect, either moulding or glowingor smoking, but Danny had already lost his appetite. He shut the door hardenough to rattle the test tubes on the top shelf. “Right.”
He hadn’t been there.
He hadn’t even seen Jazz today.
Which meant he needed to find her.
Maddie was too distracted with trying to fish a tiny pieceof eggshell out of the glass she’d cracked the egg into to really noticeanything Danny was doing, so he didn’t even pretend to look for more food. Hejust spun on his heel, left, and called Jazz’s cell phone.
She didn’t pick up.
Tucker wouldn’t be able to track her phone when he was stuckin a car, so Danny dialled Sam’s number instead.
“Danny? What’s up?”
“Jazz is MIA,” he said. “I don’t know who it was. Amorpho,maybe. Someone who can pass for me, at any rate. Mom said we left together thismorning, but we didn’t, obviously, because I was with you and Tuck.” He bit hislip. “I don’t know if Jazz knows she’s in danger. I mean, she should realize that whoever it is isn’treally me, but….”
“Think she’s still intown?”
Danny had already checked the garage. “Her car’s gone, butthat doesn’t mean anything. Can you check the library? That’s close to you, andI can cover her other usual haunts faster than you.” Not that she had manybesides the library, but since she wasn’t answering….
“No problem. Don’tworry, Danny. We’ll find her. I’m sure she’s fine anyway.”
That depended on who had her. Amorpho had promised never tocome back to this town. Even if he’d decided to go against that, what reasondid he have to take Jazz? What reason did anyof the ghosts have to take Jazz? If someone had pretended to be him, thiswasn’t like it had been that time with Kitty and Johnny 13.
Danny shoved his phone into his pocket, took one last glancearound to make sure he was alone, and transformed. He should be able to checkalmost everywhere by the time Sam finished combing every inch of the library.And if any ghost decided to show up to try to slow him down, they’d regret it.
Danny worked as efficiently as he could, zipping betweenplaces and taking his time once there, but he backtracked a few times to makesure Jazz hadn’t shown up in the meantime. His ghost sense never went off, andhe saw no sign of her, so he ended up doing a quick patrol of the entire town,hoping to spot something. When he finally gave up and met Sam at the library,he only needed to see the look on her face to know that she’d come up emptyhanded, too.
“She might have gone out of town,” Sam pointed out. “Did youtry calling her again?”
He hadn’t, so he did, but there was still no answer. He bitoff a message telling her to call him back and then looked at Sam. “We shouldcheck the Ghost Zone. I…I think it might be faster if we split up. Are youcomfortable going in by yourself?”
He didn’t doubt her ability to handle the Spectre Speeder, andshe knew it. He was more worried that she might be attacked. If Jazz had beentaken, Sam was definitely fair game. The Spectre Speeder had a wealth ofbuilt-in weaponry, but it could be overwhelmed.
And he didn’t want to lose her, too.
“I’ll be fine. If she’s in there, she’ll show up if I trytracking Real World items. And if you’re really worried about me, I can swingby Dora’s and ask her for help.”
Danny couldn’t hide his relief. “That’s a great idea. Thankyou.” On an impulse, he threw his arms around her and squeezed. “Be careful.”
“You, too,” Sam whispered, hugging him back. After a beat,she pushed away and added, “I know you’re going to hate this suggestion, butyou should talk to Vlad. You’ll know pretty quickly if he’s behind thissomehow, and if he’s not, he should jump at the chance to get in your mom’sgood books.”
Danny shuddered, but he knew she was right. “Yeah, okay.” Hethought he should say something else, but he didn’t know what, so he juststepped back, mumbled, “Thanks,” and jumped into the air, angling toward Vlad’s.
The first energy blast nearly shot him out of the sky, andinstinct was the only reason the next ones fired in quick succession didn’t hithim. When he recovered his wits and spotted Valerie, he growled and zipped in azigzag fashion toward her. “I don’t have time for this!”
“What, did I interrupt your plans? Sorry not sorry, ghostkid. You wreck too many plans of your own to get any sympathy from me.”
She levelled another barrage of charges against him, but hedodged, turned invisible, and ripped the blaster off her suit before sherealized his plan. Another sprang out of her shoulders, finding him almostinstantly, and he dropped his invisibility as he threw the broken weapon ontoher jet sled. “Jazz Fenton is missing,” he snapped. “If you want to helppeople, help me find her. She was kidnapped by a ghost, but I don’t know who itwas, so I don’t know where to look. Your trackers have a wider range than myghost sense. Are you gonna help or not?”
Valerie blinked at him. “Jazz Fenton?” she repeated. Andthen, “You have a ghost sense?”
“Just leave me alone until we find her, okay? I promise wecan fight later. Danny and Sam are already out searching. Call one of them ifyou find anything. Got it?”
“But why do you even care? She’s the daughter of ghosthunters.”
“Because she’s my si—“ He caught himself, stopped, andamended, “She’s my friend.”
Judging by Valerie’s narrowed eyes, she didn’t buy that, buthe had no plans on elaborating. Fortunately, she didn’t push him. “Fine. I’llhelp. But this doesn’t mean I’m going soft on you, got that?”
“Loud and clear,” Danny confirmed, and then he flipped overand sped towards Vlad’s. He heard Valerie yelling something after him—she couldprobably guess his destination by his trajectory—but right now, he didn’t care.Not if Jazz was in trouble.
Danny knew Vlad conducted about as much of his mayoralduties from his home as he did from city hall, probably by citing vague andsuspect security reasons and overshadowing anyone who asked too many questions.Danny didn’t care about the details now, but since being at home gave Vlad morefreedom to plot, he checked there first.
Because it was Vlad, he didn’t bother going intangible whenhe burst through the west picture window and into his home office.
“Temper, temper, Daniel,” Vlad said without looking up fromhis desk, as if he didn’t care about the shattered glass that was noweverywhere.
Danny knew his eyes were burning green as he advanced. “Didyou take Jazz?” he yelled. “Do you have her holed up somewhere? Is this anotherone of your stupid schemes? Because it’s notfunny.”
The pen dropped from Vlad’s fingers, rolling from his deskand onto the carpet. He looked up, finding Danny immediately. “Jasmine isgone?”
Danny’s heart sank. The surprise and concern on Vlad’s facewere genuine; there was no hint of a smug smirk hidden in his features. “Momsaid the two of us left the house this morning, but I haven’t even seen Jazztoday, which means it’s someone who can shapeshift. Do you know if Amorpho cameback?”
“My dear little badger, last I heard, Amorpho had moved onto bigger cities.” Vlad’s lips thinned. “I know for a fact that Spectra andBertrand are scouting out a town in another state, for all that I advised themagainst that particular place, but I wasn’t aware that another shifter had comehere.”
Danny had known Vlad kept tabs on the ghosts that invadedAmity Park, but he hadn’t realized how closely. “There have to be othershapeshifters, though. Not just ones I’ve fought.”
“Of course there are. But even if they did come here,Daniel, what makes you think they would be able to impersonate you so easily ifyou had never met them? And what makes you think they would choose Jazz as thetarget if they have not been here long enough for either of us to discovertheir presence?”
Danny swallowed. “Are all your clones accounted for?”
Vlad rolled his eyes. “Butter biscuits, Daniel, do you takeme for a fool?”
“That’s not an answer.”
Vlad’s expression softened. “I don’t have any stable clonesright now. You know that. Danielle is the only one unaccounted for.”
“This isn’t Dani. Even if she could pass for me, shewouldn’t. Not like this.” Danny raked a hand through his hair. “You reallydon’t have any idea who it could be?”
“I dislike your father, Daniel, not your sister. While Iwish to tear your family apart, I wouldn’t do it like this.”
“Gee, thanks.” Danny crossed his arms and studied theintricate pattern on the carpet. In a quieter voice, he said, “Sam and I havechecked all over town. There’s no sign of Jazz or her car. I filled in Valerieon my way over here, and Sam’s going to take the Spectre Speeder into the GhostZone and search with Dora. I guess…. I guess since you don’t know anything,I’ll have to tell Mom and Dad.”
Vlad sighed. “Tread carefully, little badger. In themeantime, if you get me some of your sister’s DNA, I’ll look into reprogrammingsome of my trackers.”
Danny’s head jerked up, his face twisting with disgust.“You’re not tracking me with those, are you? Or, oh, god, not Mom, right? OrValerie?”
Vlad glowered at him. “Do you want my help or not?”
Danny shuddered and made a mental note to have Tucker lookinto something that could jam that sort of thing, assuming that was evenpossible. “Yes. Okay. I’ll get you something. Hair’s good enough, right?”
“It’s much less effective than blood or saliva. The betterthe quality of the DNA, the more accurate the trace will be.”
Okay, gross. Danny did not want to know how Vlad went aboutcollecting DNA samples so that he actually knew that. “I know I can find hair,but I’m not making promises about anything else.” He glanced at the hole he’dmade, added, “Sorry about your window,” and took off before Vlad could sayanything else.
This was all taking time. Too much time, considering he hadno idea how much time they had. Were they going to have to wait until Vlad gothis creepy DNA tracker thing working or hope that the ghost sent some sort ofransom note? Since Jazz had been taken by a ghost, the police wouldn’t be ableto do much to help. It’s not like ghosts left behind a lot of traces; ecto-signatureswere arguably the best way to track a ghost, and they never lasted long. He’dlet his parents make that phone call; he had no idea what to tell the police.The ones in Amity Park would believe them, but anyone outside of the area….
Danny hit the pavement outside his house hard enough tocrack it, but that wasn’t enough to slow him down. He threw open the door, raninto the kitchen, and panted, “Mom, I think Jazz’s been kidnapped. I can’t findher anywhere.”
Maddie, who was covered in flour, looked up and pulled outan ecto-gun from her suit, levelling it at his head.
“What was that about my daughter, ghost?”
Danny still didn’t feel ready to tell his secret to hisparents. While he was fairly confident they wouldn’t vivisect or evenexperiment on him, he wasn’t sure any of them were really prepared to deal withthe emotional turmoil that would come along with the truth. That was one of thereasons he’d wiped their memories with the Reality Gauntlet. They’d acceptedhim for the moment, but once shock passed and the truth really sunk in—the truthand everything that meant—there would have been major issues. Hiding had seemedsimpler. He’d been too much of a coward to face all that emotional upheaval. Ithad been far easier to put all that off to some indeterminate point in thefuture.
But Jazz was the one best equipped to deal with that sort ofthing, and she wasn’t here.
And he wasn’t going to sacrifice her for the sake of hissecret.
“Jazz is gone,” Danny repeated. “I don’t know who has her,but I can’t find her anywhere.”
Maddie’s lip curled, and he saw her flick off the safety andrest her finger on the trigger. “My children are perfectly capable of defendingthemselves,” she snarled, “and are out together, safe and sound. You shouldhave picked a different lie, ghost scum. Why do you think I’d ever believe that?”
“Because I’m your son, Mom,” Danny said, shifting back toFenton, “and I always have been.”
The ecto-gun fell to the table. Danny dodged as it went off,rolled, and came back up to his feet. Maddie was still staring at him,pale-faced and wide-eyed. Her hands dropped slowly back to her side. “Danny?”He could see the fear on her face and hear it in her voice, the fear that whatshe was seeing was actually true and not just a trick.
“Fenton, Phantom.” He shrugged and tried to smile. “Notreally that hard to figure out once you actually consider it.”
“We can go over all that later, Mom. I promise. Right now,we need to focus on finding Jazz.”
Maddie shook her head as if she were trying to clear up allthe possibilities and improbabilities invading her mind. “Why now?” shemanaged. “All this time—”
“I know, but Jazz is in trouble,” Danny answered, “andfinding her is more important than keeping my secret.”
It always would be.
(see more fics)
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