#Thinking about it is fun
iceinwhb · 28 days
After seeing your post about the healers, what would happen if Minhyeok visited Paradise Lost (like he previously did with Gehenna)
Do u think Minh and MC become invincible or something?
Thinking of Min stepping on Paradise Lost land… At least there won't be Lucifer's brothers to try to kill him, nor kings who can brag about their relationship with Mc. Moreover, Gamigin would give him a warm welcome, and lecture him on the three unbreakable rules without knowing that Min can ignore all that. Marbas would look at him with excessive suspicion, but without making any dangerous moves because he is a guest of Lucifer. Buer seems like a good demon at first glance, but he's going to think “that one” is the human so dear that he's holding Mc back from staying eternally in Paradise Lost. Here the theme of the visit comes with Lucifer.
For him, it is one thing to invite him, quite another to see how Minhyeok touches and hugs Mc so affectionately. The worst thing Luci could see, would be that even Mc would receive his "friend" with equal or more love. Lucifer is not going to let go of Mc after he learns his lesson, and he is going to hate Min. He don't allow anyone but him to touch her, not even his brothers, and less that human, no matter how close they are to being “a family”, is unacceptable.
He will hiss menacingly at Min to the end, faithfully detesting even the farewell, which will be sooner than the one he had in Gehenna. And Min, on the other hand, seeing an ancient angel, the most beautiful of all God's creation, will feel intimidated, he will think that Lucifer is too hot not to feel even dirty for looking at him that way.
And definitely, Lucifer is going to investigate the information the demons have on Minhyeok, and he is going to join the team of anonymous demons who don't want Mc to leave hell!
And to your second question. I've always thought that Min stopped being human since he died, (I feel that by himself he regenerates, or is more resilient than a normal human), but still, he remains a normal person. So, the win card for Min is Mc herself, because her soul is still bound to 65 demon contracts. Here the point is that it has been implied that demons, like god, and I don't exclude angels, can “lend power”, to others; as Satan gave Min the opportunity in the event, and as God ceded everything to Solomon (this one being human). I think the two make a pretty good combination on their own, if they get to use and learn from their own abilities and advantages.
The short answer is yes, Min and Mc can be invincible if Mc learns to use his power, and Min, once he adapts to the skills Mc has with his contracts, will put up a good fight.
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evidently-endless · 2 months
i think we should remind musicians they can absolutely make up little stories for their songs btw. it doesn’t have to be about them at all. you can invent a guy and put him in situations to music. time honoured tradition in fact.
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leavemebetosleep · 5 months
when I was a kid for some reason I thought Lola Bunny's last name was "Rabbit" and that she was actually Jessica and Roger's daughter. And the reason she wasn't in the original Loony Tunes is just that she wasn't born yet
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I mean can you blame me. Look them and look at her. She's got a good blend of both of their features.
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badolmen · 11 months
People against piracy fail to realize that no, I can’t just ‘buy it.’ They stopped making DVDs and Blu-Rays. They’re barely offering digital copies for download. I am not spending money I could use for food or bills to pay for a subscription service just so I can always have access to a beloved piece of media. Especially not when the service will remove media on a whim without concern for how the loss of access to that piece will make its artistic conservation nigh impossible.
For example, I recently learned that Disney+ had an original film called Crater. It’s scifi, family friendly, and seems cool - I would love to buy it as a holiday gift for my little brother! But: it’s exclusive to D+ and THEY REMOVED IT LITERALLY MONTHS AFTER ITS RELEASE.
The ONLY way I can directly access this film is through piracy. The ONLY available ‘copies’ of this film are hosted on piracy websites. Disney will NEVER release it in theaters, or as something to buy, and it may NEVER return to the streaming service. It will be LOST because we aren’t allowed to purchase it for personal viewing. If I can’t pay to own it, I won’t pay for the privilege of losing it when corporate decides to put it in a vault.
So yes, I’m going to pirate and support piracy.
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historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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nubs-mbee · 6 months
The people against bows becoming a trendy fashion accessory has annoyed me sooo much lately. Saw a tiktok that was like “if you get uncomfortable with us saying wearing bows infantilizes women and supports the patriarchy, it just means you’re uncomfortable with us pointing out you’ve been engaging in a harmful trend/behavior 😌” aaaaaAAAAAAH people online are allergic to nuance
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demadogs · 1 year
nothing can break the bond between a friend who loves spoilers and a friend who just watched an amazing show and needs to tell someone the entire plot from start to finish
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I just wanna say bc I KNOW you're somewhere on tumblr, to the teenage girl who attended Take Your Kid To Work Day at an office building in Ontario, Canada circa 2013 and had a conversation with a middle aged woman in which you showed her your Black Veil Brides fanart and fanfics and ship content and told her about different fanfic tropes including a/b/o verse bc she happened to know who Panic! at The Disco and Fallout Boy were and thus you felt the need to show her your bandblr ship art, that was my fucking mother and I had to clarify all that to her including looking my mother in the eye and trying to explain a/b/o verse without sounding like a lunatic.
It's been 10 years and I still regularly sent evil energies in your direction. Since you'd be probably two years younger than me and thus legally an adult now, please know if this post reaches you it's on sight.
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eatyourdamnpears · 8 months
I’ve been in such a funk since the concert. I’m not even sure I enjoyed myself that much. maybe I did. I don’t know
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lgbtlunaverse · 8 months
Nothing will dispell the "the curtains were just blue" myth faster than writing something yourself, because the amount of pretentious symbolism i am putting in my silly little fanfics is ridiculous. I mean SO much with these words, literally every single one of them. This fic has twenty five typos and zero correct uses of punctuation but if there's curtains you bet your ass I put thought into what colour they were.
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keymintt · 10 months
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a comic/zine about coyotes
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apollos-olives · 24 days
before october 7th this blog was a meme page btw.
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magnusbae · 11 months
To illustrate this post by @mayahawkse I would like to visualize to you the difference:
A post in 2023:
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A post in 2014:
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A zoom out of the same post:
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This is what a community looks like.
See how in 2023 almost all of the reblogs come from the OP, from their few hours/days in the tag search. Meanwhile in 2014 the % of reblogs from OP is insignificant, because most of the reblogs come from the reblogs within the fandom, within the micro-communities formed there. You didn't need to rely on tags, or search, or being featured. Because the community took care of you, made sure to pass the work between themselves and onto their blog and exposed their followers to it. It kept works alive for years.
It's not JUST the reblog/like ratio that causing this issue, it's the type of interaction people have. They're content with scrolling and liking the search engine, instead of actually having a reblogging relationship with other blogs in their community.
Anyways, if you want to see more content you like, the only true way to make it happen is to reblog it. Likes do not forward content in no way but making OP feel nice. Reblogs on the other hand make content eternal. They make it relevant, they make it exist outside of a fickle tumblr search that hardly works on the best of days.
If you want more of something, reblog it.
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batbabydamian · 4 months
*you opening the love letter* what does your damijon look like, pls pls pls pls pls pls pls, i know it would be so cute, i just know it 🙏🙏🙏
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here you go! thank you for the ask, this was a lot of fun to do! they're working on a case together ^^
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ruporas · 24 days
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trigunned the hades or hadesed the trigun (id in alt)
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geezmarty · 8 months
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karlach and the benefits of having a sorcerer gf
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