#They haven't been interacting in canon for pretty long and no one in the fandom (except me) cares about them anymore sooo... 🤷
lulughoul · 15 days
Should g3 Dracugoona be considered a rarepair at this point
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months
So, what is an intrusive crossover?
(In response to this post)
The thing is I had a post about this way, way back, like... probably somewhere in the 2014-2016 era? My Marvel-and-Naruto period.
But I cannot find it.
I divide crossovers into categories or types, and here the most basic ones.
Intrusive: A character from one setting ends up in another, completely unrelated setting. They do not share a universe, do not share a planet, nada. This is 'falls through a portal' type of crossover. EXAMPLE: A Witch's Favor, where Wanda Maximoff and Maria Rambeau (Marvel) end up in the Star Wars universe due to an unexplained spell malfunction.
Shared Verse: The settings could theoretically, in some manner, exist in the same universe without ever intersecting. EXAMPLE: I usually use Naruto for this example, e.g. the Hidden Continent exists in the Pacific but has had minimal influence/interaction with the rest of the setting up to this point because it's magically cut off from the rest of the planet. For Star Wars, this is usually pretty easy by just putting whatever the second canon is as just. A planet in Wild Space. They exist in the same universe! They just haven't found each other yet! A great example is the fic A Star to Steer By, by @norcumii and @dogmatix. A subset of this is fics where one is the distant past of the other, like Muse on This or Red-Eyed Black Widow.
Mixed Verse: The setting is one that involves both canons influencing each other to a degree, or being in the same verse without being a fusion AU or shared-verse. The settings exist together, both having strong worldbuilding elements of the original, but are not fully themselves and show obvious elements of the other. EXAMPLE: Unfortunately my most recent example is an HP crossover so. Please keep in mind that this is from four years ago, before R*wling outed herself as a massive bigot: Professor Storm.
Fusion: more or less 1:1 "this character from fandom 1 would be this character from fandom 2" or otherwise "characters from fandom 1 reimagined in fandom 2 with none of the original setting." For a long time, HP was the biggest and most constant example, but uhhh that's clearly been falling out of favor like raw eggs. EXAMPLE: After Me Comes the Flood.
There are other types, like infusing the plot of one narrative into the setting and characters of the other, which is a really fun kind of fusion (I always come back to thinking about Age of Marvels by justplainrii, which only ever got three chapters but still eats at my brain sometimes), buuuuut I'd say most crossovers are some variant of the above four.
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the slay the princess fandom has been up to a lot since the game came out! and we've had lots of time to get into character dynamics
(mainly shipping, but this post isn't necessarily about romantic or sexual pairings)
there's the long quiet & shifting mound or the protagonist & the princess (undeniably canon).
i have seen voice & princess (to be expected considering canon as well as the thematic beats of the game)
and voice & voice (definitely understandable, seeing as interactions between voices make up a Lot of the game)
and princess & princess (no canon basis besides the shifting mound's words on each of her vessels, but hey, there's a lot of great potential)
and even voice & narrator (in terms of shipping, it's out there, but then again the interactions between the voices and the narrator make up a large part of the game as well),
but i think this fandom can get even more unhinged with character dynamics. we haven't reached our full unhingedness yet.
i suggest
✨ narrator & princess ✨
you know. it's enemies to... probably still enemies?
tbh i can't see canon narrator getting romantically involved with any of the princesses. i just think it'll be funny
and to start off i have some Canon narrator princess interactions:
Spectre/Wraith, obviously (via possession)
The Shifting Mound, obviously
Tower (she acknowledges him and controls him)
and by extension, Apotheosis, since the princesses remember the previous chapters (unfortunately i don't think the Tower controls the narrator in Tower -> Fury but that could be a fascinating dynamic)
Prisoner (she is aware that some outside force made you kill her in the previous chapter) (and by extension the Drowned Gray)
Damsel (i'm pretty sure you can just explicitly tell her that the narrator made you kill her) (and by extension the Burned Gray)
and on that note, not canon but i think the Witch & the narrator would be deeply interesting considering that one way to get the Witch is by doing literally the exact same steps you took to get the Damsel but the narrator forces you to stab her in the back and you don't resist (and you may not even have a choice in the matter if you did the damsel route beforehand)
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stormyrainyday · 26 days
🍎🫐🍑 if it's not too much at once <3
omg hi !!
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
Kind of basic but I'm not really one to write smut like it's fine I enjoy consuming it from time to time. Honestly, it's not even a matter of being uncomfortable I just don't like to write it. If I think about it, I wonder if it'd be fun to use sexual intimacy to discover more about how I think two characters would interact but I'd be so far out of my depth that I'd have to leave it for a long while down the road.
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
I've had an Alhaitham/Kaveh and Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch crossover rotting in my brain for ages and just haven't had the time to replay the game to flesh it out. But I imagine it as broken-hearted Alhaitham and pure-hearted Kaveh. A silly, sweet AU. Then they become companions and explore the world together it'd be cute as fuck.
If you've never heard of Ni No Kuni you should look into it it's so fun and gorgeous if a little childish and it's animated by Studio Ghibli it's so cool. I love the real time turn-based combat it was my first time playing a game like that.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Oh man, can I make a list.
Shenhe and Baizhu as characters are so underappreciated. Shenhe is part of a major story quest (the first Interlude quest) but so rarely makes appearances after that. On top of that, she's a pretty niche unit that's only rerun once so I feel like people don't give her enough attention which is a damn shame because her backstory is so cool to pick apart. She's also canonically the most powerful human in the game? The only rival to her in strength is Childe and even then between you and me I think she could beat him. Childe is my favorite but Shenhe is stupid powerful in her lore. So yes. I wish more people talked about her characterization and lore but unfortunately half of her tag is rope bondage smut.
Baizhu keeps getting fucked over by Hoyo and gets a lot of hatred from the fandom for being gay-sounding (which, I don't love his English voice acting but homophobia from the Genshin Impact fanbase is fucking rich). It's actually kind of shocking how much hate he gets when he is literally just existing. I think there isn't enough work dissecting the utter tragedy of his situation and the way he values selflessness to the extreme-- even the game seems to treat his contract and his pursuit of immortality as something to be celebrated, when in reality he is dooming himself to an eternity of suffering should he succeed. Most of the works about him are shipping him with Pantalone or are just your standard run-of-the-mill sickfics (nothing wrong with that, I just think that he is open to much more dissecting and prodding and that there should be more works cutting him open to show his heart).
Also I haven't written about it yet but I am absolutely batshit insane about Childe x Lyney rarepairing, when I have more time I will compile my incoherent google doc about them into a fic or at the very least an extensive Tumblr post. Before I get shot I would like to gently remind you guys that Childe in canon is in his early 20s and Lyney is not a kid he's just short please read the character stories thanks <3
Not Genshin related but I also feel very strongly about certain Stardew Valley NPCs and feel like we don't talk enough about how nuanced their characters are despite having relatively straightforward cutscenes and dialogue but that's a post for another time
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thecourtjester12 · 3 months
For the DCA fandom question thingie: 1, 5, 9, 16, 19, 20!
Thank you for the ask and the questions to answer from it! ^-^
how did you get here?
I'm a long standing FNAF fan! (not THE longest since I got into the fandom around late 2016 early 2017 just around when SL came out or a smidge before it really…) And when SB game out at first, from the trailer's at least; I wasn't TOO keen on the DCA's or how things would end up with the game, it was pretty out there to me. BUT! When it finally game out and watching GTLive play through it the daycare section (And Moon's part in partically) really drew my attention, was-and still is- my favorite part of the game, I grew attached to them and it grew from there!
I already had a FNAF special interest and in turn grew one for th DCA specifically as well!
if you make content, what's your favorite piece you've contributed?
Oh dear…this is a tough one….I'll start with written first It'd be a tie between 'System Overload' and 'Pretty Moon?' My first and 4th works with the DCA's they hold a bit of sentimentality.
As for drawing…While a bit of an Au drawing, this illustration of J-tol Moon (Moo) I just really love how they turned out ^-^ (Reminder to please use they/them for Moo!)
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what do you think of the dca's canon appearance? Scary? Cute? Something else?
I think they look neat! All the little details are fascinating and it makes curious how they would function if they had existed in the real world!
Along with that I generally have a fondness for celestal themed things (suns, moons, stars, clouds) along with star and striped patterns, I just think they're really neat, so the DCA's design really fits these lil things I enjoy! Andddddd……..Moon's design reminds me an itsy bitsy bit of little porcelain clowns I collect so that's neat!
what's something in the fandom you'd like to see more of?
That's hard to say…theres so, so, sooooo many wonderful things already in the fandom and so much wonderful creators and creations! Always new ideas and new twists on ideas, its amazing to see!
Maybe more….I wouldn't say crossovers….but more stories and other creations with the DCA's and older fnaf games and characters! I don't tend to see this very often but I LOVE all of FNAF and I love getting to see the DCA's interacting with previous games characters and lore and making twists so the DCA are appart of older games, like new timelines and all that its just so cool to see!
do you think you'd actually get along with the dca if you met them irl?
Ignoring the fact a first meeting irl with…any of them would….not be good (many reasons…. :' D) While I haven't watched HW2 yet I have the jist of things from it and…Sun? Maybe?
But…no strong guarentee….bit more likely with Moon but….also iffy cause…its Moon.
Eclipse tho, I'd probably have the best chance to get along with them (I have…been told by friends i am 'eclipse-core' and come across as similiar vibes to them at times?) So one yes, the other two….iffy unfortunately. (I'm moreso meaning on their end, I would Irl be cool with em all personality wise, but whether THEY would with me….less so :' D)
free space! talk about whatever's on your mind
Let's see let's see...While I will admit to having been a wee bit distracted with other fandoms past little bit, my love for the DCA and the fandom has not died out!
I've still been engaging in the fandom if a bit more...out of sight such as with some fun little projects with beloved friends both with the PDC au blog (tho limited on there >_<) and other things I can't say quite yet!
And a lovely little blog that.....well if you know of it and know it's me behind it....good on you for figuring it out! Unfortunately that little lovely is one you'll have to find on your own!
And while im a tad slow, I have been picking away at working on things for LSAU lots to do, lots to do before i can get into the fun stuff and start showing it off properly tho!
I suppose last but not least...I'll leave with this!
This wonderful story by ShivaCheshire! I've recently started reading it and its just really well written and captures the DCA beautifully! Would highly recommend (and its even better if you're looking for a long fic!)
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evilwickedme · 1 year
Idk if you have been asked this before, but what ur ur opinions in spideypool? I love the ship, but I hate how utterly hard it is to get a good comic out of them it's so sad
I think the reason I haven't been asked this before is because nobody really thinks to ask someome who writes spideypool fic what they think about the ship, but that's actually a really good question!
I love spideypool. I've been a spideypool shipper for about as long as I've been into marvel comics, since Deadpool was one of the first comics I picked up way back when in 2015. At the time it was pretty much omnipresent in the fandom, and for good reason - Deadpool's crush on Spidey is and was literally canon, or at least as much canon as it can be when it's played for laughs, and there's a lot of charm to their interactions.
To me, the appeal lies in the way they affect each other. Deadpool's got this whole hero worship mixed with actual attraction thing going on on his end, and Spidey has this whole "this is the most annoying man on the planet and possibly in the multiverse but also he's like pretty funny and our fight styles blend well" thing going on on the other end. A high quality longfic for these two will go into issues of morality and find where either of them need to or choose to change for each other, for better or for worse, and can easily include a heavy bit of angst regarding Wade's chronic pain and mental health issues or Peter's anger issues and monetary problems. A high quality pwp for these two will be very funny. These are both things I find incredibly appealing in my ships.
Also, visually, they really do fit together. Afaik, Deadpool's outfit was designed mostly to parody Deathstroke, but there's some Spider-Man in there anyway, and they look all matchy-match.
So why is it so hard to write a good teamup comic for them? Um... I'm not so sure that it is? Like I think that Deadpool annual from 2013 or 2014 where he and Spidey end up switching costumes is so fun and shows some of Wade's tendencies to mix hero worship and attraction really well, and a lot of their other early interactions are short but memorable. I think the issues of Daniel Way's run of Deadpool where Wade and Peter team up are some of the only actually good issues in the whole run, because Daniel Way actually wrote some themes and ideas into there and then didn't drop the ball immediately! He dropped the ball later, but not immediately, which is rare for him.
The main Spider-Man/Deadpool teamup comic seems to have mixed reviews. I haven't read through the whole thing yet, but like, I think it's fine? It certainly isn't outright bad, and it has some fun moments. I think the main problem with it is that it was created for and aimed at people who were fans of the ship, and then didn't really look beyond surface level into why people like the ship. Like I said, spideypool is at its best when it struggles with issues of morality and has some give and take, where both sides learn from the other. The team up comic is more like... Deadpool is bad cause he kills, but he wants to prove to Spidey that he's a good person! And then he tries to prove that by killing Peter Parker, who he thinks is evil (the team up comic started in a weird time in spidey's continuity where he was running a fortune 500 company, it's a whole thing)!
It's a lot of hijinks and shenanigans that I don't mind in fic, but prefer in smaller doses and one off team up comics. If I'm reading an ongoing, I'm going to want it to like... Be about something. At some point. A static character for a mainstay title is fine, but for the most part I want these characters to do something together beyond coexist. I think the best moment in the volumes of Spider-Man/Deadpool that I did read is the one where Wade introduces Spidey to Ellie Camacho, his daughter, because it forced Peter to reevaluate how he sees Wade. But then the itsy bitsy storyline happens, and it's such a shallow understanding of what makes Peter a good hero and what makes Wade ... Uh, Wade, and I think it just makes for mediocre storytelling.
I don't know I guess the problem is when we only had the one offs, we had a taste of something great, but when we got it in longform we realized the first bite was great, but the whole thing was a little stale.
I could write it real good tho, in case you're wondering. Marvel don't lose hope you can still hire me marvel I know you're reading this mARVEL
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beansterpie · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me @marley-manson! <3
I would tag people but it's late and my brain is tired so literally, PLEASE just adopt this tag meme if you see it and read the whole thing. You have my full permission to say I tagged you, even if we've never spoken lol. Go for it, be audacious.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
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2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Well the posted fic is a Berserk fic, but I have various other wips that I pick away at when I'm bored. Among them include Eyeshield 21, MDZS, RotE, Harry Potter (technically?). Those are the most recent ones anyway.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Chain of Dissent, she's my favorite fic <3 (she's my only fic)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yeah I try to! Though I'll admit uhhhh I haven't updated it in... fucking? two years? god, and so I've been bad about responding to the more recent comments because I feel guilty for not updating in so long :') Really gotta get back to it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None, because I haven't finished a fic yet lol
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
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8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far! I've gotten a couple of comments that come across as unintentionally mildly rude, but definitely nothing that constitutes as hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Well not so far in CoD, but, ahem, I have written smut in one of my wips lol. Deeply self indulgent but I guess character driven? It's mildly nasty and desperate <3
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't actually written a crossover (yet. well, recently) but they are a bit of a passion of mine lmao. I love ridiculous crossovers, and I'm talking about "a magical portal opens up and throws characters from fandom A into the world (& characters) of fandom B" type shit. I don't need the ways in which the characters interact to make sense, I just want them to be thrown together and see where it goes from there. Fish out of water shenanigans! Characters questioning their own motivations and idea of life by seeing a world entirely different from theirs!! Just like, fun shit! I also absolutely don't need for the two fandoms to be similar lol. I have a somewhat detailed Berserk/Eyeshield 21 crossover living rent free in my head so clearly anything goes.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Lol no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I'll probably have to say GriffGuts, because it's a ship that's gripped me by the neck for the past 7 years or something, where my interest in it hasn't really waned.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Uhhhh, idk? I mean I am DETERMINED to finish CoD, so that's out. And the wips I write in my spare time are just like, things I do for fun where I don't put any pressure on myself over it. I'm not planning on posting them anywhere, and I'm not generally planning on 'finishing' them either. I mean if I do finish one, I might post it, but again, they're low key things that I'm not taking too seriously.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm. I honestly don't consider myself a very strong writer, at least in terms of things like prose and sentence structure, grammar, that sort of thing. I think I'm pretty decent at figuring out the direction that I want the story to go, and all the individual steps that need to happen to get to that point in a way that feels organic (at least, imo.) And I like to think I'm pretty good at characterization-- having the characters behaving and reacting in ways that feel like could concievably happen in canon is generally what I'm going for.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Yeah prose, lol. I mean, I don't actually dislike my more.... utilitarian writing style, mainly because I generally prefer reading more direct writing (unless the lyrical writing is really really good), but I do think I could inject some more illustrative details and metaphors into my writing overall. @marley-manson is SO good at coming up with perfect metaphors to describe a situation or feeling, all while perfectly recreating the character's voice, and I really admire that about her writing!
I also want to get better with having characters like, doing things while they're talking. I find a lot of the conversations I write happen between characters just kind of standing around, which obviously is fine but I'd like to construct scenes with a bit more specificity in the future.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Wait so like, say in a fic that is otherwise written in English, having a line of dialogue written in Spanish when a character is speaking it? I... don't have strong feelings about it one way or the other I guess lol. I mean ideally the line(s) written in the other language are correct lol, and not just badly google translated or something.
Though you know, now that I think about it, I feel like it would work best between languages that use the same alphabet (which does end up narrowing the possible languages down quite a lot) because that way the reader can still sound out the dialogue even if the don't understand the language, which could emulate what the pov character is experiencing. Whereas if it was a fic written in English, and then had a line written in, say, Japanese, the reader wouldn't even be able to sound it out so it's kind of a brick wall. (Unless there's footnotes, but that tends to be a little more clunky in fic than in a published book with pages).
If the readers are supposed to understand the dialogue written in another language, like two characters suddenly start speaking in said other language and we're meant to keep up with the conversation, then I feel like it's just easier to translate their words in whatever language the fic is written in otherwise.
But yeah idk, I think with intent and good execution, anything can work, but it could also be done in a way that's more annoying than anything.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think. It was neopets LMFAO. I remember writing a fic when I was like 10 about Hannah (the adventurer) and Jacques (from the maraqua plot comic) as a romantic couple because I was annoyed at the time that there were multiple fics about Hannah and Garin (or whatever his name was, also from the maraqua plot) getting together even though I thought Garin was BORING and they were just shipped together because they were both usuls (which are overrated imho), even though Jacque was obviously better.
... I may have had a crush on Jacques.
But the first fic that I think I posted anywhere was for Xiaolin Showdown lmfao, probably also when I was 10 or 11 or something. I wrote like four separate fics for that show.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Yeah it's CoD lol. It's the longest thing I've written so far, and I'm overall still very proud of it. I'd probably go back and change some things in the first chapter because it reads a little clunky and like, abrupt to me now, but I'm not doing that until I finish the fic. Allowing myself to go back and edit stuff before I've even finished the story seems like a road to ruin lol.
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steeklover · 1 year
i never thought of stan/tweek before but you got me hella interested in the dynamic.. /pos
ahem...allow me to explain my lore behind this ship-
So I started shipping Steek not long after I joined the SP fandom, it was completely be accident if I'm being honest. I was trying to come up with a Stan-centric fic idea that would be based off the You're Getting Old/Assburgers episodes because I thought those episodes were really good and I love Stan!
I knew I wanted to make it a ship fic but I didn't know who to ship him with. When I first joined the fandom the only Stan ship I really knew about was Style but I didn't want to write it as a Style fic which left me searching for another Stan ship to use and I admittedly went to whatever Stan x Tweek was.
I went straight to Tweek because he's my favorite character but I didn't know anything about Steek, I didn't even know if it was a thing. So I did some research about it and found that there was some content out there but not a lot. The idea I came up with was pretty cute in my opinion and I'll link the two versions I have of the fic in case you haven't read them yet but would like to.
As I continued to dive further into the fandom and more specifically Steek, the ship quickly became my OTP which brings me to today where I can not shut up about them. They are literally all I think about and they bring me so much joy that all I want to do is create more content for them.
I can't decide whether I'm shocked or not that more people don't consider Stan and Tweek. The people that I've come across that don't like the ship usually dislike it for two reasons. The first reason is because they don't like the idea of shipping Tweek with anyone other than Craig which you can't really do anything about because haters are going to hate.
The second reason I've seen is because canon-wise Stan wasn't exactly the nicest to Tweek so people think he would be too mean to Tweek. Personally, I completely disagree with that. Sure Stan is a little shit and there were times when he was a little hard on Tweek but so was Kyle and yet I see a lot of Twyle content out there. There were also times where Stan was nice to Tweek like when he said he liked him better than he liked Butters (although I don't know if that's saying much) or when he tried to assure Tweek that things would be okay when Tweek didn't make enough paper hats in Free Hat.
Also, in seasons 2, 3 and 6, the main 4 weren't really fleshed out that much (at least in my opinion but I know others feel the same way) so of course Stan is going to act like a little boy who's a jerk, that's basically what all the main kids were in the earlier seasons. Now we have more of a personality for him but we haven't been able to really see how that would work with Tweek.
Besides, you can't really go off of canon here because Stan and Tweek barely interact with each other. I feel like for most South Park ships you can't go off of canon except for little background moments or like two or three lines that two characters happen to exchange. I see a lot of people say how do people ship this? or they barely interact and it's more about what they could be rather than what they actually are, at least in my opinion.
And also, if they hate each other than why not have enemies to lovers Steek???
Also I'm not trying to say that anyone's opinions or invalid by pointing these reasons out. I myself have ships that I don't like but I know others do. Even though their reasoning for liking that ship may not appeal to me, I still respect those opinions so I hope that you will respect mine too!! I'm not trying to call anyone out lol 😊😊
The number one reason why I probably ship these two is because they are both my favorite SP characters, one being Tweek and two being Stan (sometimes I find them being tied though) but I DO think they would work well together.
They both seem to be more in touch with their emotions versus Craig and Kyle who are more in touch with their logical sides. Because of this, I feel like Stan and Tweek would understand each other pretty well. I can't imagine either of them being hard on each other or not listening to each other when they're having their issues because they both have experience with not being listened to (Stan with Kyle in You're Getting Old/Assburgers and Tweek in Put It Down, and also not being listened to by their parents). I feel like they could sympathize with each other because of that and even though they might get frustrated with one another, I think they would try their best to understand and help.
I also find that they seem to have a lot in common. They both seem to have a love for animals, they both seem to like music and they both like legos. I think those would be things that they would bond over and have fun together with.
I can see them fitting into a lot of relationship dynamics (going off of Pinterest lol). Again they could be enemies to lovers if you want both of them (or at least Stan) to be little pricks. I can see them both being little jerks that only like each other plus a select group of people. I can see them as the nerd x jock trop with both of them in either role but preferably jock Stan x nerd Tweek. I'm in LOVE with the idea of goth Stan x sweetheart Tweek, I saw this comic about it on Pinterest and I think it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. They DEFIENTLY fit the moon x sun dynamic! There's more but I can basically imagine them in any trope/dynamic, maybe it's because they can actually work together or maybe it's because I'm forcing it too much.
You probably shouldn't have sent me this ask if you were looking for a short reply because I will literally take any chance I get to go on a rant about these two! 😂😂 I just love Steek so much and I really wish more people would be open to it. I have seen a little surge in the content for the pairing, like there's a few fanfictions that have come out and I've seen some new artwork for them. I think there's a lot of people that are interested in the pairing or are at least open to it but not enough to engage themselves in the content, if that makes sense. That's why I've made it my goal to try and produce as much content for the ship as possible, the soul purpose being that I want more people to pay attention to them. Call me selfish I guess-
I don't know how you came upon my blog but if you want to, here's some of my favorite Steek things if you'd like to take a look:
I Can't Handle Change Version 1 - By Moi
I Can't Handle Change Version 2 - By Moi
Goth Stan x Sweetheart Tweek Comic - By Unknown
Drawing - By @ari-nee-23
Drawing - By @kvsagi
Drawing - By Unknown
Drawing - By @naitosutan
Drawing - By @kingukairu
Lastly, did you know that Stan has canonically given Tweek a rose?
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That's all. Sorry for such a long response again, I couldn't restrain myself from writing an essay. Hope you liked the response and thanks for the asks, it made me so happy as soon as I saw it! Have a great day anon!! ❤️❤️❤️
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the-indie-owl · 7 months
Suggested SB Obscure Ships for The Shipping Wiki
This is most likely inspired by @spongebob-connoisseur's suggestion of her Favorite Character to be on Sexypedia
Now, for the record, I don't really exactly have my own Fandom Wiki Account (even if I wish I had one) but I would like to suggest some Other Ships from the SpongeBob fandom that haven't been added on to the Shipping Wiki (and are pretty obscured judging by the title of this text), in case if that would bring towards anyone's attention in doing so (depending on the popularity based on Two Sets of Characters' Dynamics that are written either Canon/Fanon).
Here are some of my own Suggestions of some Obscured Ships that I'd like to see be added into the fandom's list of ships (with my own written bios).
1. Slapferatu
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The M/M Pairing between Slappy Laszlo and Nosferatu.
Character 1: Nosferatu
Character 2: Slappy Laszlo
Canonical?: Fanon
Status of Relationship?: Master and Servant
Type: Slash
Their first interaction came in "Squidferatu" when it was confirmed in the episode that Slappy works for Nosferatu in his Castle. When Nosferatu greets Squidward and SpongeBob at his own front door, Slappy then appears from his Boss' legs welcoming the new guests. He even wraps around his Master's neck like a Snake and is even shown kissing his own Hand, pleasing his own Master. During the Dinner Table, Slappy does serve SpongeBob and Squidward their own food (including Mummy Fingers) while they eat with Nosferatu.
Later, when Squidward and SpongeBob are in Bed, Nosferatu and Slappy wish them a Good Night before they click out the lights a few times and leaving them in one of the Mansion's Bedrooms. When Nosferatu scares SpongeBob and Squidward that causes them to wake them up and run straight across the hallway, Slappy immediately slithers down and is about to chomp them down with an Axe but Squidward sprays a Sleepy Gas into Slappy's face, causing him to feel unconscious.
When SpongeBob and Squidward enter Nosferatu's coffin room during the Climax, Slappy's head appears rolling around from downstairs as he picks his head up putting it back on his body, alerting the Duo that they're in his Master's Bedroom and that they might be disturbing his slumber. When Nosferatu wakes up, Slappy assures them that he wanted to return their own mail back and that he only had a Big Lunch, giving Squidward his own Gift back which reveals is Garlic. Nosferatu gags but then laughs as Slappy informs them that he actually likes Garlic (unlike how Vampires are afraid of Garlic in Pop Culture). The Lights in Nosferatu's room then flicker, revealing The Phantom of The Opera, in which they all laugh about it.
In "Slappy Daze", Slappy takes Nosferatu to the Doctor's at Dr. Calimari's Physician. Slappy is advised by the Doctor to return for Two Hours so that his Master can steam his allergies out.
After Two Hours of Slappy visiting The Bikini Bottom, he comes back at the Physician and picks up his Master (along with his own medicine and even Nosferatu receiving a Lollipop). Slappy offers Nosferatu a Flea Collar that he bought for him at the Pet Store. Slappy even teases Nosferatu, applying him as a "Best Friend". Nosferatu carries Slappy on his bike as they go back to the Castle before being eaten by a Moon near them.
In "FUN-Believable", Rube Goldfish takes a tour around the Bikini Bottom, specifically on the Next Stop that is Nosferatu's Mansion where Nosferatu and his Minion are both greeted by Rube. Conditionally, Nosferatu goes into his Half-Bat form and plucks Slappy's head right out as Slappy goes through some Random Hijinks through the Castle from his decapitated head (which eventually Nosferatu picks it up while drinking a "Fizzy Fang" soda drink).
The Idea of Slappy and Nosferatu came up not long after when "Squidferatu" first aired showing their actual relationship, but because on how Slappy was one of the Recent New Characters to be added in the Franchise since he first appeared in the Anniversary Special from the Main Show, "SpongeBob's Big Birthday Blowout" and became a recurring character later on (especially in Spin-Offs like "The Patrick Star Show") ever since. Slappy is one of the Character Parodies of a Peter Lorre archetype.
It was confirmed that SpongeBob's Nosferatu is set in an Alternate Timeline to the Original Nosferatu 1922 Movie where he never made it Wisborg and that his coffin was sunk deep in the Ocean, it could've meant that Slappy was there when he first saw him (based on some fan theories about their own first meeting).
Because of the Trope, Master and Henchmen, many fans do fanarts surrounding the Vampire Master and his Fish Servant (either platonic or romantic). Since Nosferatu (Real Name; "Count Orlok") is an Actual Adaptational Film Character of his own Movie from 1922, he is loosely based on Bram Stoker's Character, Dracula, it would at least apply that Slappy would be akin to Renfield from the Original Dracula story, who was also a Butler to his own Vampire Master (Dracula) like how Slappy is to Nosferatu (Orlok). This would also tend to mirror the similarities between The Two Vampires and their own Butlers, but also because on how that the relationship between the dynamic of Nosferatu and Slappy share the Aesthetic to the Classic Horror Genre (most likely directed to the Bram Stoker's Dracula story).
2. SlipSlap
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The M/F Pairing between Slappy Laszlo and Slippy
Character 1: Slappy Laszlo
Character 2: Slippy
Canonical?: Canon
Status of Relationship?: Dating
Type: Het
Also Known As: Fish LorreShipping
The Patrick Star Show
In the prequel spinoff episode, "Mid-Season Finale", Slappy was performing a recitation of a Poem, he holds out what appears to be a Very Rotten Bad smelly Sunflower which he dumps it on that passes his own smell towards his Female Counterpart named "Slippy" (in her actual first appearance). Slappy compliments Slippy's smell in which they walk off the stage together, showing off their own love (which is shown through a Gassy-Shaped Heart).
SpongeBob SquarePants
In "Slappy Daze", during Slappy's Tour-Hour visit in the Bikini Bottom, Slappy goes to the Pet Store and visits his Girlfriend, Slippy (who works there as her own job). They complimented each other as they laugh about it. Slappy orders Slippy some supplies for his Master (Nosferatu) in which Slippy gives her Boyfriend the supplies that Nosferatu needed. The Two were then about to kiss but as Slappy leaves, SpongeBob appears out of nowhere (along with Gary) as Slippy mistakenly kisses Gary for Slappy (Funny Enough, this was meant to be a "Same Voice Actor" Joke since Tom Kenny (the voice of SpongeBob, Gary, and Slappy) and Jill Talley (the Voice of Slippy and Karen) are actually married in Real Life).
This Pairing came out right after Slippy's first appearance from one of the Spin-Offs.
Although Slapferatu is one of the Most Common Pairings in the SpongeBob SquarePants Fandom, Slapferatu shippers also support this pairing based on a Polyromantic Pairing between Slappy with his Girlfriend and his Master.
Slippy (like Slappy) is also a Female version of a Peter Lorre Archetype. Although while Slappy is mainly used for Lorre gags like how Slippy is, many Fans of Slappy Laszlo also support the relationship between Slappy and Slippy simply because of the Film Cultural Impact behind Peter Lorre.
3. Polacia
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(Credit goes to @missplayer30 for the Artwork that I commissioned)
The Unofficial/Theoretically M/F Pairing between King Poseidon and Salacia.
Character 1: King Poseidon                                                                    
Character 2: Salacia
Canonical?: Fanon
Status of Relationship?: Unknown
Type: Het
Also Known As: Saladon, Poseialacia, Salaseidon, PoseiSal, SalPosei
Poseidon first appears in “The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge On The Run” where he is shown to be the Main Antagonist of The Third Film. 
Although Salacia is not seen nor does she appear in the Movie as King Poseidon’s wife, aside from a Statue of Mermaid inside of King Poseidon’s Kingdom in his Flamboyant Show regarding if it could be truly her or not.
However, Poseidon is then later reformed at the end of the climax of the film. Although his true appearance remains as an Elderly Merman God, it is unknown rather or not if somewhere that Salacia might be either a Normal Mermaid or a Sea Goddess (since the Third Film is sent in the Timeline as “Kamp Koral”), it is at least unknown if Salacia exists in any continuity of the Main Series or The Alternate Timeline of Kamp Koral.
Oddly enough, in Concept Works behind the Film (despite having a lot of early scrapped different story plotlines behind the movie, especially when it was meant to be entitled “It’s a Wonderful Sponge”), an Concept Art by Michael Defeao does show a Scrapped Mermaid Character for the Mermaid Statue, assuming that Salacia was going to make an actual appearance in the Movie (but would’ve been scrapped due to the Main Focus of King Poseidon being the Third Film’s Main Antagonist).
When the Movie First Appeared around in Canada in August 2020 and then later on Netflix in March 2021, King Poseidon was first introduced in the Third Film, presumably as an Alternate Counterpart for King Neptune from the Main Show in the Timeline of “Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years”.
However, it is important to know that outside of the Franchise, in Greco-Roman Mythology, Neptune was the Roman Counterpart of Poseidon (who was Neptune’s own Greek Equivalent). Each of the Greco-Roman Sea Deities had their own consort of wives (Neptune was married to the Roman Sea Goddess, “Salacia” whereas Poseidon was married to the Greek Sea Goddess, “Amphitrite”).
But because based on the Idea of the Greek/Roman Names being “Mixed-Up” or having the Wives between Neptune and Poseidon to be “Swapped” in Any Other Forms of Original Works in terms of using some aspects of Myths/Legends or Folklore, King Neptune is confirmed to be married to his Wife (Queen Amphitrite) since “The Clash of Triton”, but a No Canonical Appearance of a Queen Salacia is confirmed in “Sponge On The Run”, assuming that King Poseidon might still have Salacia for a Wife (even if it is Highly Unknown weather if she Truly Exists or Not in the Universe of SpongeBob SquarePants).
Many Fans do not pay attention to this Pairing giving on how that King Poseidon is highly one of the Most Unpopular Characters in the Fandom. Thus, making this Theoretical Pairing widely unpopular. There are a Few Fans however, who do like the King Poseidon character that do support this Pairing between Poseidon and Salacia (most likely drawn to the Greco-Roman Pantheon Lore or the “Wife-Swap” theory between The Two Sea Kings).
Poseidon is the Main Target of a Character being “Rewritten” in most Fanfictions (most likely being the Ones as Re-Imagination versions of “Sponge on The Run”, either with or without including the segments to Kamp Koral), specially to those who dislike on how his own Character was handled in The Third Sequel, they have him being falling in love with Salacia (or having her being already married to Poseidon in some Rewrite Interpretations of the Third Film fanworks).
Because it is clearly unknown if weather or not if Salacia is will be included in Future Episodes of the Main Show (or any other form of Related SB-Media) or how Poseidon will reappear later on or will be given with a Different Love Interest (who might not be his own Swapped-Wife), Fans tend to portray Salacia as a Polar “Opposite” to Poseidon where she’s been interpreted as a Love Interest to Him. Because of the Trope, “Opposites Attract”, Shippers tend to twist the Relationship between the Two Counterparts of King Neptune and Queen Amphitrite where they have a Similar Relationship to their own Said Counterparts, but still portrayed having a Widely Different Romantic Relationship from Them.
In Most Fanon Works, Salacia is portrayed having a Generous, Kind, and Loyal Personality with a sense of Humility and can be interpreted as a Supporting Ally to the Main Cast. Where she was supposedly meant to be a Sea Queen like Amphitrite, She is often depicted as a “Sea Maiden'' (though this is most likely where in conclusions in most fanfictions of this Pairing where Salacia becomes a Sea Queen and marries Poseidon as a Husband). Interestingly enough, because there is No Actual Appearance for Salacia in SpongeBob, Fans tend to do a Personal Design of Her (either in their own way or inspired by the Single Mermaid Statue).
The Fanon Portrayal of Polacia tends to be pulled out on a “Beauty and the Beast'' trope, where based on Poseidon’s Semi-Good Side, he might show Romantic Feelings for Salacia or Based on Poseidon’s Bad Side that tend to show him as a Narcissist flirting with Her whereas Salacia would balance him out and to show the more good in him (presumably based on fan rewrite works, having Poseidon’s own Redemption to be Stretched out a bit as an Arc). This whole portrayal of this pairing might change unless either Salacia does make a Canonical Appearance or if Poseidon might reappear if he makes an appearance in the show.
This Theoretical Pairing might bare a strikingly similarity with the Persades pairing in The Disney's Hercules fandom since both Animated Movies (Hercules and The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge On The Run of their own Franchise) feature a Greek God (Hades and Poseidon) as a Central Antagonist, while small hints of cameos of their own wives (Persephone and Salacia) were featured in their own Husbands' said films (despite being unconfirmed if the said Goddesses truly first appeared in the films or not, unless if a canonical true appearance for each of the Consorts between Hades and Poseidon in their own Universes is confirmed).
Although in Greek Mythology, Hades and Poseidon were both the Brothers of Zeus, Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. As well as they were both the Children of Kronos and Rhea.
Similar to Slapferatu, Polacia is often pulled by the Aesthetic of Greco-Roman Myths (most likely from their direct Mythological Counterparts) as well as Classical Aquatic literature within the Themes between Fairy Tales and Merfolk being portrayed as Water Spirits (such as Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid).
4. Nepitrite
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The M/F Pairing between King Neptune and Queen Amphitrite.
Character 1: King Neptune
Character 2: Queen Amphitrite
Canonical?: Canon
Status of Relationship?: Married
Type: Het
Also Known As: Neptutrite, Amphitune, NepAmp, AmpNep, Amptune
King Neptune’s first introduction was “Neptune’s Spatula” where the physical appearance of Him was revealed in his very first appearance. In fact, Neptune is considered to be the Undersea Equivalent of God in The Entire SpongeBob Universe as his own name is often phrased in the place of God’s (considering that He’s the Entire Main Ruler of the Sea).
Although he does appear within a Different Design in “The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie”, it is likely to assume if by Half of the Fandom if King Neptune by Two Different Designs are meant to be the Same Character or Just Two Separate Rulers (oddly enough, Squidward called King Neptune from the Show as “Neptune IXV” in “Krusty Towers”, assuming that there might be More Neptunes out there and that Movie Neptune might be a separate character from the One in the Show).
Queen Amphitrite makes her own official first appearance in “The Clash of Triton”, where she is confirmed to be the Wife of King Neptune as she does celebrate her own Husband’s 5,000th Birthday at the Krusty Krab for the Party.
Although there is No Canonical Backstory as to how they met, Amphitrite seems very calm and is always on her Husband’s Side as she is shown to be very devoted and caring compared to Neptune (who’s more Regal and Arrogant). In her first appearance, she is shown to cheer up her own Husband to forget about their Son, Triton, on his 5,000th Birthday when they have a Dinner Party at the Krusty Krab (along with their own Three Subjects/Servants). But when King Neptune cries after he is reminded of the name of their Son, he sobs down as Amphitrite comforts her Husband when telling the truth to SpongeBob who Triton is.
During the Episode, Amphitrite does stay at her Husband’s side in the Party Table, until when Triton shows up crashing his Father’s Party, locking both his Parents, their Servants, Mr. Krabs, and Squidward all in a Cage, it might apply that Amphitrite is indeed disappointed in their Son’s comeback (much to Neptune’s dismay of their Son’s Return).
When Patrick produces to unlock the Cage as Triton’s prisoners were all free, Neptune produced to talk down with his own Son but after seeing the surprise destruction that he caused damage in the Bikini Bottom, Neptune forgives his son and is proud of the work that he did to proven himself out of his own God Powers. Along with the Crowd, Amphitrite claps for their own reunion and in the ending, the Family go Home with their own Son (who now has returned after Long Years of being Caged up in an Island).
After the Finale of Season 6, King Neptune’s Wife never appears again until in “Trident Trouble” where Neptune jokes about the Greek God named “Zeus” in which Amphitrite laughs but hides herself underground when she is shocked by the Mother of the Kraken (who King Neptune fought in a Battle).
Outside of both the Show and the Films, King Neptune does make his own appearances in Other Media (the Comics and the Games) but his own Wife does rarely appear in Other Media (with the expectation of Games such as “Bikini Bottom Chess” and even a pictured cameo in “Battle for Bikini Bottom: Rehydrated”). Making the recurring pairing widely unpopular.
Princess Mindy
Mindy is the Very First Child of Neptune and Amphitrite introduced in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. 
She has Green Skin and a Green Mertail like her Father’s but has Black Hair like her Mother’s. She appears to have a Friendly, Calm, and Generous personality, almost similar to her Mother’s and is chosen to be the Future Queen of the Sea one day in the Future for her Father’s Throne. 
Prince Triton
Triton is the Second Child of Neptune and Amphitrite introduced in The Clash of Triton.
He has Green Skin and Red Hair like his Father’s, but also has a Blue Mertail like his Mother’s. Unlike Mindy, He is very rebellious and arrogant just like his Father. Although he was once fascinated with the Mortal Side from the Bikini Bottom, he lost interest in it as he grew to become more rebellious through his prison years.
Nepitrite is one of the Most Rare and Unpopular Pairings in The SpongeBob SquarePants Fandom. Although despite that they are one of the Canonical Couples in the Franchise, they are not one of the target focus as the Other Popular Ships due to how King Neptune rarely appears in a Few Episodes and is only a recurring character as his own Family is barely on Screen. 
Regarding the works that King Neptune has appeared in, there are a few supporters of his own canonical marriage between Him and his own Wife. But given on how that Queen Amphitrite (along with their son, Prince Triton) weren’t in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, it is likely unknown on what happened to Amphitrite or why she wasn’t in the Movie (nor how it’s most likely unaware of what the relationship between their own Children and their Mother are like compare to their Children’s own relationships with their Father) but it’s most likely because there wasn’t a confirmed appearance for King Neptune’s wife until when “The Clash of Triton” came for Season 6. 
Some Fans Theorize that because of King Neptune’s arrogant behavior, they assume that Queen Amphitrite must’ve divorced him or simply because she was somehow killed or died, assuming that’s probably the reason as to why Neptune became more ruthless in the First Movie (especially in Theories where that The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie was meant to take place in the Future as a Chronological Finale to the Series).
People who are found between the Pairing of King Neptune and his Wife are possibly the same People who are Fans of the Original Greco-Roman Mythology. However, in Roman Lore, Neptune had a Wife named “Salacia” and in Greek Lore, Amphitrite was the Wife of Poseidon but both Couples were indeed the Same Gods and Goddesses of the Sea just by Different Names through Different Religions (Roman and Hellenic). It is yet to be implied that the SpongeBob SquarePants Franchise has put a Twist between the Two Mythological Couples by swapping the Names out (which can also be said to their own Counterparts as Well).
Although King Neptune is sometimes known as “King Neptune IXV” since “Krusty Towers” as if he was meant to be a Member of The Whole King Neptunes of the Sea, but because that it depends on the Writers to decide on weather or not if King Neptune was supposed to be either their own Personal Depiction of the Said Roman Mythological Deity or Not. This gain regards Half of the Fandom to have their own Personal Views towards the Character, if King Neptune is meant to be the Actual Neptune or Not (depending on what produced works he is featured in).
Fans of this Rare Canonical Pairing who have read Greek/Roman Myths describe SpongeBob’s Neptune’s marriage with his Wife in the Franchise as an “Open-Relationship”, considering that Amphitrite was described always being the calm one while Neptune was indeed actually very wrathful (which is something that the Show took inspiration on for its own Royal Family). It’s most likely because the Supporters of this Pairing found the Dynamic between a Wrathful Arrogant Sea King and a Beautiful Calm Kind-Hearted Sea Goddess intriguing, they've created their own headcanons to expand their Marriage and even their Family Tree (rather if it’s truly inspired by Greco-Roman literature works or not).
These are just a Few Ideas of my Personal Suggestions. Let me know of what you think if you can consider any of these ideas to be added.
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piethemoon · 1 month
In defense of Abby Clark
I've been watching 911 for 3 years now, but I've always kept to myself and haven't interacted with a lot of people from the fandom. This changed recently because of my excitement for canon bisexual Buck (and the very real chance of canon Buddie) and my for you page on Twitter is now full of tweets about 911. It made me realize how many people hate Abby, to the point of sometimes advising people on skipping season 1 entirely (which I don't get because why would you willingly miss an entire season, especially one that set most of the characters and their relationships with each other?).
I think it's totally fine to dislike her but sadly, some people seems to need to twist the reality in order to look good while doing it.
As of today, I have watched the entire first season again (and the first few episodes of season 2) and thought I'd question some stuff that are presented as facts to new fans :
She was abusive/toxic toward Buck:
Where ? Like, really guys.. Where ?
First of all, I think some people are turned off by the age gap. Nothing wrong with having your own preferences. But there's no reason to make it into something it's not. Nothing in the show even hint that Abby targets younger men. There's also no scene where she tries to use his age against him. When we can hear her thoughts about him, she's never thinking about him in a predatory way and while she does seems to be a bit self conscious about her age, that's it. It's not even an important part of the plot.
Also, you know. Relationships with a big age gap between two (or more) consenting adults aren't inherently harmful, especially when the characters are fictionnal. Buck is absolutely not "too young" to date her. He's an adult man who's considered adult enough by people around him to take decisions about people's lives every day.
Sure, the way she gets his number is very questionnable, but she tells him the truth very openly. I think it's one of the many times in the show where the characters are shown being unprofessional and we're supposed to suspend our beliefs about it.
Also, if you consider this preying on Buck, do you realize the amount of women he has preyed on by using his status as firefighters? We know he dated or had sex with women he saved before, which is pretty creepy when you keep in mind that it means they might feel like they owe him a date (or more). And yet we all know his intentions are absolutely not to manipulate them into anything. So why is it so difficult to also assume Abby's intentions were absolutely not to prey on him? She seems to be happy to see someone in their work field recognize her skills, and feel like she understands him. She seems to just wants to connect with him, whether you interpret it as a romantic interest from the beginning or not.
She went away to Dubling at a key point of their relationship :
That's because she's a well written character, who's personnality doesn't revolve around her romantic relationship! That's a good thing! She's a normal woman, who spend years taking care of her mom, pretty much on her own for the most part, and she not only watched her mom's state worsen, but she also watched her suffer and loose her sense of self. And it's so tragic that her mom dying is the only thing that can truly make her free. She seems to have given up many things (including a relationship) to care for her mom.
Obviously leaving to go to Dublin wasn't the best thing to do for her relationship but to be fair, she certainly seems adamant that she's going to come back. Also, I think it's good writing! This is a woman who's far more than her romantic relationship, who lost her mom and who's realizing she doesn't know herself. It's only natural that a person like her, with self respect and a lot of life experiences would understand the importance of some selfishness, especially because she's been selfless for so long. Her mom sacrificied many things and she doesn't want to do the same!
She ghosted Buck
Well, actually... She didn't? I actually remembered that too since it's often presented as fact by some fans but she seems to have broken up with him in a way that is obvious enough that (at least) Chimney realizes. I'm not saying it was well done, of course and she probably should have been a thousand times clearer but it does seems she tried to end things. We can't be a hundred percent sure of what was said between them so it's difficult to know if part of it isn't also Buck not having the experience of a serious relationship ending/being a little bit in denial. But interestingly, certain fans seems to think it's completely her responsability.
We can assume she might have been a bit careless with it, but again, I think it makes sense for her character, who cared for her mom & her job so much that maybe she's becoming a lot more selfish now.
But no matter what you think about it.. This is absolutely not the proof of a toxic or abuse relationship. It doesn't erase the actual happy moments they shared together, the way they both improved through that relationship and it's literally the only time she messed up in their relationship, that was obviously about to end anyway. And if you can forgive/understand Buck for cheating on Taylor.. Why can't you at least not rewrite their actual relationship?
She didn't trust Buck when he was accused of being a cheater:
Again, she's not written as one dimensional character who's existence only rely on her romantic interest. Sure, she trusts Buck (and she does end up believing him) but it's understandable that, while she's going through the first stage of grief, she might not have the patience or energy to listen to her boyfriend defend himself in the very public place where everyone saw him being accused of cheating on you. It was very brief and she wasn't even mean about it. Come on.
Athena hates her:
I see people making edits of out of context moments to try and say that Athena (and the others) always disliked Abby.
To be honest, that one feels a bit sexist. So because Athena is not jumping to hug her it means she hates her? Female characters (and real women) can be not super close without hating each other. Honestly, they both don't look like they really care about the other, and that's all. And that's really not a big deal.
And I think it's the same for the other characters. Bobby seems to respect her a lot and actually helps Buck improve his relationship with her. The other characters don't seems to care for Abby and it's not like they really interact with each other anyway.
Conclusion :
Basically, I wish people would just say they don't like her instead of using moral reasons to make themselves look good for disliking her. And I would also add.. I've seen some of those people says they want complex female characters. Are you sure this is what you want or do you just want female characters who are easily disposable when they're not needed for your favorite male character? (it's not a judgement, I just think people should be honest about that)
And personnally.. I kind of like her. She's always very tired and we don't necessarily see the best moments of her life but I think that's the point of her story in the show. And I'm so glad 911 gave us so many women who are in their 40s or older (Athena, Hen, Karen, Abby...) and who are living full and rich lives. It's so very refreshing and I love that they never tried to make Abby look younger. She has wrinkles! She never tried to convince herself or other people that she was young! It's not even something she really cares about!
And I do think that, as much as she messed up in the end, she was a very good influence for Buck, and it's pretty sad to deny that part of his story. Her age actually helped with that because her life experience means she wasn't too impressed with him and was able to stand her ground which I think Buck liked. She challenged him! It helped him see that he is able to have a serious relationship (which I hope will be used for Buddie hehe) It's pretty great imo and I'm glad she was a part of the show.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months
Making this its own post instead of an ask.
I divide crossovers into categories or types, and here the most basic ones.
A character from one setting ends up in another, completely unrelated setting. They do not share a universe, do not share a planet, nada. This is "falls through a portal" type of crossover. EXAMPLE: A Witch's Favor, where Wanda Maximoff and Maria Rambeau (Marvel) end up in the Star Wars universe due to an unexplained spell malfunction.
Shared Verse:
The settings could theoretically, in some manner, exist in the same universe without ever intersecting. EXAMPLE: I usually use Naruto for this example, e.g. the Hidden Continent exists in the Pacific but has had minimal influence/interaction with the rest of the setting up to this point because it's magically cut off from the rest of the planet. For Star Wars, this is usually pretty easy by just putting whatever the second canon is as just. A planet in Wild Space. They exist in the same universe! They just haven't found each other yet! A great example is the fic A Star to Steer By, by @norcumii and @dogmatix. A subset of this is fics where one is the distant past of the other, like Muse on This or Red-Eyed Black Widow.
Mixed Verse:
The setting is one that involves both canons influencing each other to a degree, or being in the same verse without being a fusion AU or shared-verse. The settings exist together, both having strong worldbuilding elements of the original, but are not fully themselves and show obvious elements of the other. EXAMPLE: Unfortunately my most recent example is an HP crossover so. Please keep in mind that this is from four years ago, before R*wling outed herself as a massive bigot: Professor Storm.
More or less 1:1 "this character from fandom A would be this character from fandom B" or otherwise "characters from fandom A reimagined in fandom B with none of the original setting." For a long time, HP was the biggest and most constant example, but uhhh that's clearly been falling out of favor like raw eggs. I've seen a lot of good ones for Hunger Games, though, and even wrote my own, but I know some other common ones are Steven Universe (which gem are they?), AtLA (which bender type are they?), or Pokemon (what trainer type are they). Also, arguably, generic AUs that don't take place in canon-verse, like modern or historical or zombie or Generic Cyberdystopia. EXAMPLE: After Me Comes the Flood.
Element Overlay:
A world-building element from Fandom B is applied to the setting and characters of Fandom A. Common examples are Daemon AUs or Sentinel/Guide AUs. I think a fun thing to point out is that, while they don't technically have a source fandom of origin since they were developed communally by fandom, soulmate AUs and omegaverse count as well.
There are other types, like infusing the plot of one narrative into the setting and characters of the other, which is a really fun kind of fusion (I always come back to thinking about Age of Marvels by justplainrii, which only ever got three chapters but still eats at my brain sometimes), buuuuut I'd say most crossovers are some variant of the above.
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zyrafowe-sny · 10 months
oh I have some questions if you're taking!
11: Link your three favorite fics right now
45: Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
70: When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
Thanks so much for the ask! Asks come from this post.
11: Link your three favorite fics right now
This is so hard. There are so many good fanfics out there.
I will always love @sercezgazety's/theprincessofdenial's A Potter's Field. It was written before For the Future aired, and is a darker look at how post-Belos life and political restructuring/lustration could look like, particularly for the former Golden Guard. I appreciate how the story is also told/supplemented through other media (like archaeological field notes), and the whole fic matches my academic interests pretty closely (studied anthro, politics, Eastern Europe, democratization, etc. once upon a time). Full disclosure: I did beta read it and was generally a chapter or two ahead of other readers, so that made the comment section even more fun. In general, I highly recommend the comment section of all theprincessofdenial's fics in addition to the fics themselves.
After a long stretch of being most interested in genfic (especially in the TOH fandom), Nimona has gotten me into shippy stuff again. I'm enjoying @peachblossom-odyssey's/LiterallyThePresident's how familiar the danger series because it's an interesting concept for an AU (Ballister doesn't become a knight), the universe is dark/gritty, and all the Ballister/Ambrosius interactions are fire.
I also really like @thegrimshapeofyoursmile's Strange Infatuations series since I am a sucker for worldbuilding, especially worldbuilding based on research.
45: Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
Both? One of my favorite books - Under the Whispering Door - made me cry actual tears and laugh out loud, so that kind of emotional rollercoaster is something I aspire to.
A good chunk of my writing falls into bittersweet, but even my "funny" fics like World's Best Turkey Carver and LuluRoe include nods at grief. My most angsty fics tend to be short and follow canon closely - I haven't invented much new angst for the blorbos.
I'm a little proud that I get this kind of range of comments across my fics (yes, I re-read comments as a pick-me-up and cherish each and every one):
"I don't know if i should laugh or cry ahdjshjd"
"Thank you for making me look like an idiot in front of my roommate! I laughed way too hard at that part."
"Aaaaahhh this hurt. This hurt me. Akkskssmzndkdk"
"This gave me such a quiet, sweet little heartache."
"I want to cry but I'm in a public place"
"I love this so much! Though you will be paying my therapy bills"
"It took me over an hour to finish reading this fic because I kept laughing so hard kdnfjskdkfmdkdkfjdk Oh my god, I had like twenty different giggling fits."
70: When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
It wasn't until after I posted my third TOH fic that I confessed to my long-term partner that I was writing again and shared my AO3 username. There's just something about writing that exposes a bit of your soul, and having my writing connected to me as a person can feel mortifying.
I have mentioned to a few people that I write fanfic without linking to my work, and that's been easier (sometimes to friends/acquaintances who are also in fandom spaces, sometimes to my real life professional writer friends/acquaintances in a "I am but a humble amateur but still can relate somewhat to your writing vent post/your messed up Google algorithm" sort of way).
Basically, I don't consider amateur writing (fanfic or otherwise) embarrassing, but am more personally shy about sharing what I write with people who know me in real life.
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hunter-sylvester · 9 months
hey I saw you when I first got into the metal lords fandom but I didn't know you also liked shelter, what do you think Hunters opinion on would Ema be? (not that they have too much in common but i feel like he'd like her) Also, Hunters opinion on spoon?
Hey 🤘
I have been enjoying Shelter, but definitely in a much more casual way than I do Metal Lords.
I haven't really thought that much about how he'd feel about them/how they'd feel about each other, but I like the question. I'll have to base it off of the 4 episodes that are out so far, of course. Which isn't that much so this may change based on what else we see from the characters. (also might contain very very slight spoilers for those episodes idk just a fair warning)
Firstly, I don't disagree that Hunter might like Ema if he actually got to know her a bit. But I feel like on first glance he'd feel somewhat threatened by her.
Like, I think he might feel like she was sort-of invading his territory by being a weird, grumpy, alternative outsider. I also think he'd be a bit jealous of her professionally done temporary tattoos, although he would absolutely never admit that.
(this got kinda long, I'm sorry. I have a lot of opinions about Hunter and how he works/thinks lmao)
With how standoffish to new people both Hunter and Ema are I think it would take something of a 'forced' bonding moment for them to initially get to know one another. Because on first glance, Ema would probably think Hunter is just a massive dick. (Which is fair.) And Hunter would think that Ema is a dick. (He's got the self awareness of a wet rag.)
Basically, I feel like the first few steps of them getting to know each other would be an uphill slog through barbed-wire laden mud. But after that, and once they actually do get to know one another, I think they could make quite good friends in the long run. They're both (basically) canonically queer and I personally view Hunter as gay and Ema as a lesbian. So they could have quite a fun dynamic based on that and all their other quirks combined.
I think he'd dig her art too, he might even ask her to design an album/EP cover for Skullflower. That could be a nice initial way for them to interact in a more open way. Probably after the first mutual "yeah maybe you're okay, actually" moment. I don't think we've had much of a confirmation of Ema's music taste but she might like their music as well. And very very maybe she could even sing a chorus on one of their songs. That might be cool. Although I think it would take some time and personal growth on Hunter's part for him to want/be okay with something like that.
Now, Spoon. Weirdly enough, I watched an interview where Adrian was asked if Spoon and Hunter would be friends and I don't disagree with his answer:
"I think Spoon would give it a shot, I don't know if Hunter would be up for it."
In addition tho, I think if Spoon manages not to accidentally press too many of Hunter's buttons, he would be able to wear him down. (Which sounds terrible, but I mean it more in the sense that I think Hunter just needs a bit of time to get used to people.) Spoon seems quite accepting of Ema's general grumpy-black-cat attitude, so I think he would probably extend a similar patience to Hunter. Which I think is something Hunter needs in people, it's a quality I think Kevin has. Someone who doesn't take the odd snappy comment or what I call "hedgehog moments"* too personally.
*hedgehog moments or 'hedgehogging' is basically when someone feels threatened so they metaphorically curl up and stick their spines out in a reflexive attack to keep themselves safe. (I don't know if it's a term anybody but me and my friends use but it makes sense in my head)
I think Hunter would initially think Spoon is...well...lame as hell, unfortunately. And probably pretty annoying. I think one of the things that might help Hunter see him in a better light would be if Spoon impressed him somehow. Either by getting him in somewhere he's not supposed to be through the Janitorial Offspring Network or something tech related. Like, maybe getting him a download of some unreleased music he couldn't get otherwise. Like once he sees him do some 'cool' illegal shit his tune might change. Other than that I think just the persistent non-judgemental attention would do the trick over time. Spoon seems pretty loyal and like a 'fierce' friend. Which Hunter would appreciate with his abandonment issues and fear of being "invisible" (cough result of parental neglect cough)
Thank you for asking! I enjoyed scribbling my thoughts on this down ^-^ I do hope it's not too long and jumbled (I have adhd, if it's a mess, that's why)
As always, this is just my 2cents based on my interpretation of the character(s)
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enchanted-day-dreams · 10 months
ok so, what’s your honest personal opinion on harringrove? What do you like and dislike about it? do you ship anyone specifically with Robin or Chrissy?
(Eddie x Chrissy 4life fight me.)
And what’s your honest opinion on mrs wheeler?
Hey, IDK how long this has been sitting in my inbox, so sorry to keep you waiting.
Ahh, Harringrove my beloved. Honestly there's not a whole lot I don't love about the ship, aside from I do get annoyed when I see Harringrove fics where Billy is worse than canon just for added angst. Honestly, the Harringrove fans are a big part of why I love the ship. (There's a particular ship I avoid whenever possible, and a major part of it is the shippers.) There are so many talented artists and writers but more importantly, amazingly kind and open-minded people. I wish the rest of the Stranger Things fandom was like this.
Robin I'm pretty open minded about with ships, but my favorites are Robin/Vickie (yes we don't know much about Vickie but that's never stopped a rarepare shipper before; hopefully she'll get a bit more focus in Season 5), Robin/Heather, Robin/Chrissy (the mental image of Robin bluescreening over a cheerleader crush is so delightful I wish we'd gotten to see it, and Robin would be such a sweet if awkward girlfriend to Chrissy), and last but not least, Robin/Sheena (if you haven't read 'Rebel Robin' I highly recommend it and can provide a link to a free online version if necessary; Sheena Rollins is one of my favorite characters in the book and I found her way more interesting than Tammy 'Muppet Voice' Thompson).
As for my favorite Chrissy ships, I especially love Eddissy/Hellcheer, Robin/Chrissy (as mentioned above), and Harringrovesonham, or Steve/Billy/Eddie/Chrissy (I mostly blame @robthegoodfellow's ongoing WIP 'Only One Bed' for getting me into this ship).
Ooh, Karen. Not a fan of hers, at all. She's not the WORST mother on the show (Laura Cunningham I'm looking at you) but I HATE how so many people overlook her lusting over Billy just because Cara Buono is attractive. As my mother said when I told her about Karen's interactions with Billy, "She's a grown ass woman twice his age; she should know better." If the roles were reversed and it was Ted (or a genderswapped Karen) lusting after a 17/18 year old Billie Hargrove to the point of acting like a teenager at her workplace with friends, I can't imagine it would get the same amount of support/defense from fans.
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kuinaoflight · 3 months
[ cherry ]  what is one thing you love about yourself?
[ mint ]  when did you start your blog? what made you start it?
[ coral ]  give a shoutout to one of your favorite blogs.
[ cherry ]  what is one thing you love about yourself?:
My ✨smile✨.
[ mint ]  when did you start your blog? what made you start it?:
I started my blog a little more than a year ago after watching both seasons of Alice in Borderland. I'd already been roleplaying on Tumblr and wondered if there was a group RP dedicated specifically to AIB and if I could apply as Kuina, or if anyone was interested in writing with Kuina in general. I hadn’t done an independent RP blog before that wasn’t associated with a main group, so I was pretty nervous about putting myself out there, but I just wanted to write Kuina so badly because she’s the first character I’ve been so strongly attached to in a long time. I was so surprised to find such a warm and welcoming RP community within the AIB fandom and it literally exceeded my expectations, which is why I'm here to stay!
[ coral ]  give a shoutout to one of your favorite blogs:
Want feels? Want angst? Obvi have to give a shoutout to @hoodedchishiya's blog so go like, comment, and subscribe if you haven't already. Whenever I have an idea be it canon or AU, a headcanon, or just overall brainrot in general, Mun is always right there on the same wavelength sharing one brain with me. Thank you for writing with me, thank you for always encouraging my brainrot and spam with yours. You fuel and inspire my creativity and I so appreciate you taking time to interact with me and all of our many many threads that we will keep adding to. 😘✨
-Mun 💕
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ratcandy · 3 months
Ask game:
#7 for all games. Considering most people hate your most special little guy due to fanon characterization, I was wondering if you feel that way about a different blorbo?
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Oohh nooooo you're gonna make me get people Angry at me... dangerous game. Dangerous game.
Well, let's see... You said all games so I'm ignoring media like ONE for now,
HK: Well, honestly, I can't say there's any character I've come to hate due to the fandom. I find the HK fandom is (MOSTLY) pretty good about fanon characterization. MOSTLY. MOSTLY.
The only character I look at and kinda... I dunno, grit my teeth over? Would be the Pale King. And I am choosing my words carefully now, because I know he is a Very Popular subject in the fandom, for all very fair and valid reasons, but....................
I don't know. Something about how fanon treats that guy makes me recoil more often that not. In more ways than one. It's the thing where fanon has no idea how to handle morally grey characters, and so most depictions of PK I see are either totally sand-papered (not really woobified, a word I cannot stand, just... painted in a far nicer light than I would give him) or demonized beyond belief.
also idk man taking one of the most morally compelling characters and reducing him to one of two things (evil baby killer who killed babies because he's evil and hates babies vs. a dressed up cute hamster to put in your pocket) is just. well. I'm not super into it, I'll be honest
So I'm just. Wary, I guess, of depictions of the Pale King shdgKJH. Not necessarily that I hate the character, just. Well. U know.
AHIT: Vanessa, next media
COTL: Hmrmgm. I gotta think. The problem here is that COTL's canon characterization is . Limited, so the fanon being buckwild and inconsistent makes sense,,,, aka there's no really established? Fanon? Things are everywhere! And I haven't been here long enough for any one fandom perception to irritate me, I think.
HOWever. And. I say this quietly, at the end of this post, where no one now following me after two Narinder-focused posts blew up will see it, i've seen so much of that cat I'm getting a little tired of him LIKE I love the potential of Narinder, I love what the fandom HAS done with him (for the most part), but he's. Everywhere. He's getting 110% of the attention.
When I was in the AHIT fandom I understood Snatcher getting more attention than everyone because, in blunt honesty, he was the only one that got even the tiniest smidge of character development in the source material, but. For Cotl???????? I'd argue everyone's pretty even on that, AKA everyone is SUPER VAGUE and open to interpretation.
so like. There is not nearly enough content of everyone else compared to Narinder, in my opinion. Can everyone look at the other bishops for a second . BEYOnd their interactions with Narinder, even if those are extremely fun and I also indulge in them (not pretending I haven't lmao).
better yet Can we start looking at............ characters that aren't the bishops..................
such as. s
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