#There's like 60 panels
likesdoodling · 26 days
First only text post I have ever done!
This is kind of a disclaimer? Maybe? I guess?
So I started doing art stuff on here primarily to post my dsmp comic 'The Adventures of Steve and Orphan' which my predictive text still remembers perfectly btw-
I finished said comic a while ago, (like... I dunno.. Last year around March or something?) and I planned on putting it all together when I was finished to make a more cohesive read, since I definitely wrote it to be read in order.
That was before.. Ahem. Stuff happened. Like. The recent wilbur stuff, not the June 2022 stuff. Definitely wasn't going to do it straight after that,
Anyway. The main characters are Steve and Orphan because of that video Technoblade did with Ranboo where he said Steve was the real main character/should have his own series, plus him telling dream in prison that Steve was coming to rescue him. I thought this was hilarious, so that's when I started my comic thing.
(I'm kind of a Technoblade fan. Can you tell? Genuinely the only person on dsmp that I watched live, plus all his dsmp vods and YouTube videos, and no I do not have a problem, my obsession has just shifted to different fandoms)
It is of course, ✨Fiction✨ so I'm probably going to post it anyway, this is mainly just to figure out if any of my tumblr followers actually care about the dream smp, since it was mainly my Instagram folks who followed me for that stuff, since ascendance of a bookworm and bsd fans are a lot more active on tumblr.
Anyway. My main reasoning is that I want to still post Technoblade related stuff, fanart etc. Because he was the inspiration to finish one of the biggest projects I ever undertook, drawing wise, and it's the best way I can think of to try embody the 'Technoblade Never Dies' spirit. Ya know?
So expect to see the collected Adventures of Steve and Orphan soon!
It's all from Steve's perspective btw
And there is a bit of a jump in quality when I took a break mid 2022 for obvious reasons. It is so weird to think that it's been nearly two years... Who knows. Maybe I'll post it as an anniversary thing or something. Eh. I probably won't bother waiting that long. I want to do a full on art piece for the anniversary if possible anyway.
Honestly, I haven't gotten more than 20 likes on a single picture on Instagram since I finished said Steve and Orphan comic, so you guys clearly have superior taste in anime. But then again, Steve had some pretty good unintentionally funny commentating skills so who knows. He thinks he's inspiring. Like Master. Orphan might laugh, but Steve is clearly a wonderful teacher.
If you don't want anything to do with the dsmp, then you probably haven't read this far honestly. I kind of doubt any of you guys are interested, but yknow. Just in case.
Doin sarcastically commentated comics was/is kind of my thing. And the Adventures of Steve and Orphan is a prime example of that.
That's it for now, cya!
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prophecydungeon · 10 months
the thing about hit "big three" shonen jump series Bleach (2001, stylized in all caps as BLEACH) is that it's about experiencing one of the most stylishly done series that will ever exist
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forevercloudnine · 2 years
I need help finding a panel, its the one where Jon's mom kissed Batman. My friend believes me but I still wanna prove its real
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Year One: Batman/Scarecrow #2! I'm guessing Jonathan wasn't happy about that, because four years later he's still tormenting her in the DC Universe Holiday Special '09.
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goldiipond · 1 year
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happy pride to them specifically
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jewishcissiekj · 30 days
ok new Rattatak headcanon simply because I can not for the life of me come up with names for the Ventresses and also there's some evidence that supports this kinda sorta in Republic 60: Rattataki (and on Rattatak in general, the Rattataki aren't the only species there) there's no value to names after death. There's value to the impact a person leaves, but their name, like their body, is no longer around and no one uses it. After death, it's mostly about the role a person had, or things they did. Asajj only refers to Ky as her master, and Osika Kirske refers to her parents as "Ventress' parents", and calls Ky a stranger, a warlock, and a mentor. On the other hand, first names matter a lot. Asajj does call Obi-Wan "Kenobi", but especially when she's on Rattatak she calls him Obi-Wan a lot (I'm pretty sure she only calls him Kenobi in issues not written by W. Haden Blackman). And while we don't know if it is his first name, she calls Aidus his name and not a rank or anything. Also, Osika Kirske calls her both Asajj and Ventress but uses Asajj when talking about her when she was younger and Ventress after. which probably means nothing. it does mean something to me. yeah ok that's it I love making up lore for this planet by overinterpreting a single comic issue
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icyfox17 · 2 months
She DOES she's literally the coolest person ever Eileen omfg I love her
She's been on ao3 for so long...... She knows it better than I do HELP
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rillette · 2 years
You ever think Hal's file on the Batcomputer lists his greatest strength as "denial," followed by "stubborn (will?power)" and "focused" and "0 situational awareness (I want what he has)"
I'm ngl to you guys I'm so abysmally deep in mainline GL hell that I forget that Bruce and Hal interact occasionally and are friends until hal has another crisis and goes around to literally every single person in his phonebook for advice and I get jumpscared by bruce wayne
Anyways I think his greatest strengths would be willpower and the ring and his biggest weaknesses would be peanuts, the color yellow, and commitment
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daydreamerdrew · 5 months
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Tales of Suspense (1959) #76
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girlwiththegreenhat · 3 months
my screenshots folder is 89% cool outfits + environments i snipped out of columbo and knight rider. the aesthetics were just better back then
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You. You get it. Sometimes I get really frustrated about the in-fighting in the Flash fandom between people who stan Wally and people who stan Barry, but you do a really good job of seeing them both as good characters with unique things to bring to the comics.
also obviously we need to unite against the flood of Bat-content
(concept: Multiple Flash books. We can do it Flash fans!)
Aw thanks! I genuinely like them all and I don't understand the conflict so I think that helps lmao
All the speedsters are fantastic imo
But yeah, I agree that we need more Flash books stat
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
out of boredom/curiosity I read 60 eps of a webtoon. it was not good.
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volfoss · 4 months
its so interesting to me how tezukas art is just... like very ageless to me. in the way of yeah ofc u can TELL its his you can tell his drawing eras and how it progresses if you study it enough but you cant really like. determinedly say yeah its from this certain era. like i feel it truly is just in a league of its own (altho i do need to read more manga from the 60s and earlier lol so i might just be talking out of my ass here). im reading something that you can TELL is from the 90s-00s by art alone alongside it and idk. its just very interesting how different eras have different art trademarks
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bigbrainbiology · 2 years
So... Urd, Rigr, Lest, and Ky are now 100% my fave characters 😅😂 And I guess technically Ferid and Crowley get a pass too bc they weren't actually in the chp despite me thinking that they should still be w/ Guren and Shinoa squad iirc...
A moment of silence pls for Narumi, Shinya, Goshi, Mito, Sayuri, Shigure, Kureto, Aoi, Chess, and Horn, who still have not returned from their trip to the store to buy some milk 😔
I'm up late, was reminded of the new chp, and now have ons brainrot so my thoughts on 120 in the tags ^v^
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thedevotionaltour · 7 months
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Daredevil #9 - "That He May See!" (June 1965)
Written by Stan Lee Art by Bob Powell (pencils), Wally Wood (pencils, inks)
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graff-aganda · 1 year
another draft preview from page 24. just a dude grabbin his boob
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heistheghostking · 1 year
Y'all I have a problem. I just found out David Tennant is coming to Emerald City Comic Con next week and I need someone to convince me not to buy a ticket
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