#There's a becoming a better person and correcting your flaws and then there's literally reduced to a comfort side character
Thinking about how Lance almost died in the crystal explosion, and then he did die in that electric blast saving Allura, and how becoming red paladin was a start of deteoration of his character importance of his role in the show, and how he spent so much time before the series being compared to Keith only for it to be resolved as "You will never be Keith. Shut up, know your place as someone who will forever be in his shadow" and how fire and blasts and the colour red has only ever hurt him and yet he still kept jumping into them like a moth to the flame
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Episode 141: Your Mother and Mine
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”You have it all wrong!”
We already know the story of Rose Quartz. We know she was a rebel who battled for many years against the forces of Pink Diamond. We know that she was “just another quartz soldier, made right here in the dirt” and rose to greatness by rallying fellow Gems to join her cause. We know that she was drawn to Gems that Homeworld shunned, wanting to make sure everyone had a place. We know that she ended the war by shattering Pink Diamond. And we know that after the war, her shield could only save two of her friends. So on paper, an episode that recaps this information is redundant.
But Your Mother and Mind isn’t about Rose Quartz’s history, it’s about her story. And the story is told by a character that can only reach her audience by impersonating the bearer of Pink Diamond’s gem.
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Your Mother and Mine is a simple episode made fascinating by its proximity to the truth. It combines all the pieces of Rose’s story that we’ve heard over the course of the series to give us a definitive take on the narrative just in time for it to be undermined. We’re five episodes away from learning that Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond, and the episode after that is about Pearl correcting the version of events we hear right now. Which means that the episode’s major theme of truth versus fiction is something we can’t even comprehend fully without retrospect. Even if you already suspect that Rose is Pink when you watch it for the first time, the fact that it’s not written in stone yet means there’s still a possibility that Garnet’s story is true, and the episode only becomes great when you know for sure that it isn’t.
Garnet is the perfect narrator for the final depiction of Rose as we knew her before A Single Pale Rose. She’s one of the two remaining Crystal Gems that survived the war and isn’t bubbled, and we’ll soon learn that the other is bound to silence, so Garnet is the most capable character to tell this story and believe it. And her introduction in Your Mother and Mine hammers down why she believes it: when she’s excited about a cause that’s close to home, her enthusiasm overwhelms her usual calm. She’s so happy with the idea of misfit Homeworlders escaping oppression that she can’t step back and see that they aren’t handling her praise well until Padparadscha says it outright (for the second time in three episodes, she displays her ability to “predict” the emotions of the recent past on top of the events). And when she really gets going with her story, Garnet shows the exact same level of breathless, blinding glee. It can be hard to look for flaws in something you’re actively rooting for, that you’ve tied your whole identity to, so she doesn’t.
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The distortion of truth that defines the episode is established by the Off Colors, who parrot three variants of Homeworld propaganda that mythologize Rose Quartz in the same way Garnet does, albeit for opposite reasons. They can’t even get their own stories straight, adding to the mystery of a figure that Homeworld would do anything to disavow and vilify, but the three main Gems in Steven’s life also have different concepts of Rose. Pearl’s is the most accurate, but she can’t tell anyone. Garnet’s is what she saw with her own three eyes, so she thinks it’s accurate, but she’s missing critical information. And Amethyst only knew Rose from after the war, so like Steven she had to learn about it secondhand. 
And so, a question presents itself: what’s the value of a story that isn’t true? In this episode, Garnet’s false narrative galvanizes the Off Colors in the same way it galvanized her for thousands of years. It gives Steven a version of the shattering that paints Rose’s actions as heroic—Lars, whose first huge character moment with Steven involved insulting his “weird mom,” thinks she’s awesome for doing it. Regardless of the facts, it’s a great story, an honest-to-goodness legend presented gorgeously. So how much does it matter that much of it is wrong?
To Steven and Garnet, it matters quite a bit. But to the Off Colors? They need a confidence boost both in their general lives and in a moment of floating in space with a broken engine, and the story of Rose Quartz concretely helps them. That’s the tricky thing about legendary figures: if you model yourself off a literal interpretation of their actions, as Steven and Garnet do, it can only end in disappointment, but if you just view it as a story, it can do a lot of good. Fiction can be a wonderful thing—Steven Universe is itself an untrue story that has made the world a better place—but it gets rougher when the boundaries between fiction and reality are muddled.
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While Rebecca Sugar has many times confirmed that the three lead Gems are based off elements of her personality, Steven is based off her brother, and characteristics of other real people are found throughout the show in the way fiction writers often flesh out their casts, Rose Quartz is different. In an early conversation with Hellboy creator Mike Mignola of all people, she was inspired by Babylonian mythology, especially Ishtar, in developing the show’s backstory, and Era 1 Rose Quartz feels more like an ancient goddess of love and war than a grounded human at this point in the show.
So Garnet tells us a creation myth. She introduces the Diamonds as gods, calling them “unique in their flawlessness” without an ounce of sarcasm, but like most ancient mythological gods, they do indeed have flaws: in this case, according to Garnet, Pink’s cruelty and cowardice. From these gods came Gems in their image, and for an untold sweep of time there was stagnation as all went according to plan, until a disrupting hero shifted this status quo to create the world we know today. Rose Quartz went from questioning her god to arguing with her god to warring with her god to destroying and supplanting her god, but because this is a pantheon, her hubris is punished by the other gods. It’s a story that works as well thousands of years ago as it does today.
And befitting that story, we get the most stylized flashback in the series, expanding heavily from the silhouettes of The Answer. Even if nothing else here worked, this would remain a beautiful episode, with simple but effective techniques to marry narration with aesthetic: transitioning from widescreen to fullscreen as Rose’s worldview expands, using  stained glass backgrounds to keep the focus on characters instead of environment, and reducing colors in the foreground to make those colors pop. Eyes are out of the picture, a major handicap for showing how characters feel, but seasoned pros Katie Mitroff and Paul Villeco can convey emotion through body language and mouths alone.
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Estelle certainly helps. Her commanding voice could make any story enthralling, even as she shifts from the fairy tale of her own origin to the legend of Rose. While she largely uses the same techniques here as in The Answer, the one noticeable change speaks volumes about Pink Diamond. When speaking for Blue, a far more personal foe for Garnet, she continues to narrate in her usual tone, and when speaking for Rose, her voice raises a little but it still sounds like Garnet. But when speaking for Pink, Estelle does something new: for the first and only time in the series, she vocally impersonates another character.
This is the second episode in a row featuring Pink Diamond, and the second in a row where she’s voiced by someone who isn’t Pink Diamond. Stevonnie shows the true version (a child), while Garnet shows the legend (a tyrant). And both halves of the Mindful Education duo are great at it! All Estelle needs is a few lines to shift that British accent into full evil aristocrat mode, and the special attention she gives to this voice highlights just how different this take on Pink is from the tantrum AJ Michalka provided. Even before we know the full truth, something is off about this cruel but newly confident version of Pink.
While the whole story gains new meaning when we hear the truth, the most compelling part in retrospect is Garnet’s stance on Pink Diamond calling for help. On top of providing the stunning header image as we pan from revolutionaries up to their oppressors, it’s this brilliant, awful moment where Garnet gets so close to the truth without grasping it, Blue Zircon style. Yes, Pink summoned other Diamonds to Earth, but it was part of her plan to save the planet: to make a big enough fuss that Homeworld would decide her colony wasn’t worth it. Garnet’s take is in line with the Pink we saw in our last episode, immature and seeking approval from her elders, and focusing on it here highlights how these negative traits could be aimed to help others when we see her real motives in Now We’re Only Falling Apart. 
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That said, Pink isn’t the only Diamond we see here.
White Diamond is different. She’s the only Diamond who isn’t named until her debut episode, existing only as a suggestion that fills in a massive gap. We’re restricted to her glimpses of her, mere hints of her ominous presence, like a monster in the shadows. The mural on the moon, the distant view of her ship on Homeworld, the actual white diamond that tops the insignia, that’s all we’ve gotten until now.
Here we get three images of her, even if she still goes unmentioned: the first shot of the four Diamonds together, the shot of the remaining three Diamonds after the shattering, and the Corruption. She remains obscured, more an idea than a character, but it’s clearer than ever that she’s the head of the group, and that she’s enormous, even compared to Yellow and Blue. Her absence is as captivating as her presence, as we see more of her than ever but still get the impression that Pink was only able to appeal to the middle sisters. It’s a great hook, a second mystery that overlaps Pink Diamond’s to show the audience that there’s more to this story than we might think, and even when we inevitably unravel Pink’s history, there’s a bigger threat behind the curtain.
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The story ends with a brief scene in our regular style, showing that even if everything else was wrong, Rose Quartz did use her shield to save her friends. We return to a downcast ship, but Garnet supplements the power of fiction with the power of truth: that despite all the lies from Homeworld (and the lies from Rose, it turns out), the Crystal Gems and the Off Colors persist. No matter how much authority figures might try to hide it, diversity of lifestyle and identity is everywhere, because queer folks are normal folks. That’s the sort of thing a good story can make clear, especially when society constantly repeats a brutal and bald-faced lie.
And so the Off Colors trilogy of sorts draws to a close, with another call to adventure aboard the Sun Incinerator. But not before Steven and Garnet have a sit-down away from the celebrating crew, and the downside of a good story peeks out. It’s refreshing to see Steven verbalize his theory about Stevonnie’s dream so soon, given the necessary gap between The Trial and Jungle Moon to focus on his immediate concerns, but because Garnet only knows the story instead of the history, she replies with two truths and a lie: that his powers come from empathy, that his differences are something to be celebrated, and that Rose Quartz definitely killed Pink Diamond.
Steven will thus need another push to find the truth, rather than pursuing it on his own. Rose’s story does a lot of good, but it keeps Steven in the dark on his heritage and his inheritance, and makes him doubt the gut that he should be learning to trust by now. Self-doubt is just one of the many issues plaguing him in Steven Universe Future, but it remains a major factor in his identity crisis, and it’s rooted in moments like this: when a loved one who means well repeats a lie that makes him question what he knows in his heart.
The truth can be a dangerous thing, and fiction can comfort and inspire. The truth leads to clarity, and fiction can distort. This isn’t a convenient dichotomy, and Garnet herself will soon be ripped apart by the realization that the story she tells right here was a lie, but she wouldn’t be who she is today without that story, and for better and worse, neither would Steven. I’m not saying it isn’t important to seek the truth, and I’m certainly not saying that this show is telling us that. But I appreciate so much that the value of stories isn’t lost in that message.
We’re the one, we’re the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!
Without the upcoming reveal, this is just an episode that I like. Great visuals and a well-told story, but still feels like a recap. But that reveal amps up Your Mother and Mine by both justifying the recap itself and by making the actual point of the episode clear. So up it goes!
Top Twenty-Five
Steven and the Stevens
Hit the Diamond
Mirror Gem
Lion 3: Straight to Video
Alone Together
Jungle Moon
Last One Out of Beach City
The Return
The Answer
Mindful Education
Sworn to the Sword
Rose’s Scabbard
Mr. Greg
Coach Steven
Lars of the Stars
Giant Woman
Beach City Drift
Winter Forecast
Back to the Kindergarten
Steven’s Dream
Kevin Party
When It Rains
Love ‘em
Laser Light Cannon
Bubble Buddies
Tiger Millionaire
Lion 2: The Movie
Rose’s Room
An Indirect Kiss
Ocean Gem
Space Race
Garnet’s Universe
Warp Tour
The Test
Future Vision
On the Run
Maximum Capacity
Marble Madness
Political Power
Full Disclosure
Joy Ride
Keeping It Together
We Need to Talk
Chille Tid
Cry for Help
Keystone Motel
Catch and Release
Back to the Barn
Steven’s Birthday
It Could’ve Been Great
Message Received
Log Date 7 15 2
Same Old World
The New Lars
Monster Reunion
Alone at Sea
Crack the Whip
Back to the Moon
Kindergarten Kid
Buddy’s Book
Gem Harvest
Three Gems and a Baby
That Will Be All
The New Crystal Gems
Storm in the Room
Room for Ruby
Lion 4: Alternate Ending
Doug Out
The Good Lars
Are You My Dad?
I Am My Mom
Stuck Together
The Trial
Off Colors
Lars’s Head
Raising the Barn
Sadie Killer
Your Mother and Mine
Like ‘em
Gem Glow
Arcade Mania
So Many Birthdays
Lars and the Cool Kids
Onion Trade
Steven the Sword Fighter
Beach Party
Monster Buddies
Keep Beach City Weird
Watermelon Steven
The Message
Open Book
Story for Steven
Shirt Club
Love Letters
Rising Tides, Crashing Tides
Onion Friend
Historical Friction
Friend Ship
Nightmare Hospital
Too Far
Barn Mates
Steven Floats
Drop Beat Dad
Too Short to Ride
Restaurant Wars
Kiki’s Pizza Delivery Service
Greg the Babysitter
Gem Hunt
Steven vs. Amethyst
Adventures in Light Distortion
Gem Heist
The Zoo
Dewey Wins
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Cat Fingers
Serious Steven
Steven’s Lion
Joking Victim
Secret Team
Say Uncle
Super Watermelon Island
Gem Drill
Know Your Fusion
Future Boy Zoltron
Tiger Philanthropist
No Thanks!
     6. Horror Club      5. Fusion Cuisine      4. House Guest      3. Onion Gang      2. Sadie’s Song      1. Island Adventure
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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kopykunoichi · 4 years
The Legacy of Star Wars: An Open Letter to the Writers and Creators of A Galaxy Far, Far Away
“Suddenly the Rebellion is real for you. Some of us live it. I’ve been in this fight since I was six years old!” ~ Cassian Andor
I saw a great meme once that played off that quote, meant to depict an older fan describing to a newer fan how they had been invested in the story of Star Wars from childhood. I could relate. Though I am not old enough to have seen the original Star Wars movies in theater, they were a significant part of my childhood. I remember renting the original theatrical VHS from our local video store all the time when I was little. Then we bought the digitally remastered Special Edition VHS Box Set and I spent the next decade wearing them out! We would have popcorn and Star Wars marathons all the time. My friends and I would always pretend we were in the story. My swingset was the Millennium Falcon. I was that 11-year-old girl who would argue with my friends over who was hotter - Luke or Han. (The correct answer is Han, of course!) My mother would read the Expanded Universe novels to me in the afternoons and we would talk about the characters. All my spending money went to Jedi Apprentice books and 6 inch action figures. In short, I loved Star Wars. 
I was 13 when The Phantom Menace hit theaters, and I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to get to see new stories from my favorite fictional universe play out on the big screen. Though I struggled a bit with some of the acting, the story was absolutely amazing to me. Star Wars felt all the more real to me with the amazing graphics and intense action sequences - not to mention the layers of politics and the complexity of the story. I watched Revenge of the Sith several times in theaters, and though it broke my heart to see Anakin’s fall, I never considered it to be a sad ending overall, when taken as a whole with the original trilogy. 
When the Clone Wars aired in 2008, I was ecstatic. Here was an Anakin I could actually get into (sorry, Hayden). I loved him. I adored Ahsoka. I wanted to marry Rex. The character development and the plot deepened my attachment to that era, and made me question everything I had previously taken for granted as good and bad. The whole system was flawed - the Republic and the Jedi. It wasn’t just a matter of mistakes being made and the wool being pulled over their eyes, there was deep rooted corruption in the side that I once felt was “good”. The light side and the dark side were not as black and white as I thought. I found myself strongly disliking some of the “good guys” and deeply sympathizing with some downright detestable people (I don’t know how you got me to care for Maul, Filoni - but well done). While the series had not yet ended, we knew where it was going. But still, we had already lived through the pain of Order 66, and we knew that the story would eventually culminate in a victory at the end of Return of the Jedi.
I couldn’t believe our luck when the first installment of the sequel trilogy hit the theaters in 2015. It had some of the feelings of a reboot, but I was beyond thrilled to have a series of Star Wars movies that I could now share with my children, as my parents had shared them with me. Though it was hard to say goodbye to the first love of my life, Han Solo - I just knew that Ben would be redeemed and Han’s sacrifice would be worth it...
2016 brought us Rogue One. We knew how that one was going to end too, but we still ate it up. I fell in love with a whole new set of characters, only to see each and every one of them die in the end. Talk about tragedy. But Leia’s line about hope reminded us that five minutes later, a whiny little farm boy was about to have his whole life upended in the best sort of way...so it was okay. Sort of.
Four years of Rebels ended in 2018, and it was so, so lovely - but it hurt so, so much. My perfect, beautiful space family had been torn apart with Kanan’s death. Ezra was missing. Rex was a 29-year-old man who should have been in his prime, but was instead struggling with the wear and tear of a 60-year-old body. Ahsoka was separated from him - AGAIN - and then she left with Sabine to look for Ezra. The ending still held the promise of the fight to come with the Empire, but the majority of our characters were left in a place of grief and brokenness.
2019 brought an end to the sequel trilogy. Once again, we had characters who pulled at our heartstrings, and an interesting struggle between “light” and “dark” that reminded me of the complexities introduced in The Clone Wars. It became more apparent than ever that balance in the Force did not mean the light triumphing over the dark, but instead a harmony between the two. At least, that’s what I thought. Until I watched every person I loved from the original trilogy die, Palpatine come back (and die) again, and the same exact ending of Return of the Jedi played out before me - except not as happy. Why? Because Anakin’s legacy had been reduced to ashes - his rise, fall, redemption, and sacrifice rendered null and void. The last Skywalker was redeemed and promptly killed, just like his grandfather. But because Rey Palpatine decided that she identified as Rey Skywalker, it was supposed to be okay. She then went to go hang out (or live?) alone on Tatooine because that’s where it all started. I was dumbfounded. This was the satisfying, hopeful, ending we were promised? How? 
Believe it or not, I’m not here to trash the sequels - I enjoyed them very much - right up until the last 20 minutes. But in that space of time, the entire legacy of the Skywalker family went up in smoke, and the legacy of Star Wars along with it. Since Return of the Jedi, there have been no happy endings to a Star Wars movie trilogy or TV show. And with the ending of The Rise of Skywalker, that one happy ending we did have was ripped from us as well. Star Wars is now a never ending series of tragic endings. The lessons we are left with: Don’t fall in love in Star Wars, it will end badly. Your actions ultimately result in failure. As soon as you turn good, you die. There is no balance in the Force, just a pendulum swinging back and forth for all time. 
Then The Clone Wars finally got her last season. I didn’t think Order 66 could have hurt worse, but Filoni set out to prove us all wrong...and succeeded. I’m still not over it. And once more, the bitterness I felt over the ending to the sequels (which had begun to subside) flared up all over again. What was it all for? All that pain. All that sacrifice. No happy endings. 
I still love Star Wars. Nothing can take that away from me. No amount of bad writing can change that. And there are still plenty of good writers and creators working on Star Wars content. But good writers spinning tales of tragedy and endless pain negates the power of good writing. The Star Wars of my childhood is not the Star Wars of today. We wore out those VHS tapes because we loved the stories and the people. But my kids are not going to wear out DVDs where everyone they love dies or ends up alone. They aren’t going to queue up those digital movies and series over and over - because who wants to subject themselves to that kind of torture?
Just about the only safe space for Star Wars fans right now is fanfiction archives where the people who love the characters are busy writing fix-it fics to squeeze some sort of satisfying ending out of the canon content. The Mandalorian is literally our last hope for a Star Wars story that has the potential to end well. I swear, if Din Djarin ends up dead or alone at the end of this series, I’m going to lose it. The overwhelming sentiment of the Star Wars fanbase - from original trilogy fanboys to Tumblr blogging Reylos, and everyone in between - is that of dissatisfaction with canon content (with the exception of The Mandalorian). So much so, that many fans are just saying “screw it” and churning out a myriad of fanfiction AUs because there is no way to salvage what has been written. Half of Tumblr is in therapy after The Rise of Skywalker ending and the last episode of Clone Wars - but they weren’t exactly stable to begin with. The other forums and social media platforms are not much better, though.
It’s not just about the quality of writing - because Filoni and co. have done exceptional work with The Clone Wars, Rebels, and The Mandalorian. It’s the tragedy, guys. We can’t take it anymore. Is this really what we want the Star Wars legacy to be? Sadness? Despair? It’s a story about war - people are going to die. I get that. Victory comes at a price, but the cost can’t be worse than the victory. I want to sit down with my kids and watch Star Wars over and over again. The Mandalorian has given us a taste of that - but I’m almost afraid of where it will go. We’ve been burned so many times, I’m beginning to know what Anakin felt like on Mustafar - writhing in agony and screaming “I hate you” to someone he once loved. 
I remember happier days when Luke and Leia and Han were laughing and smiling with their friends while Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Anakin looked on. I want that back. Filoni. Favreau. Creators. Writers. Producers. Directors. You are our only hope for canon content. Use The Mandalorian wisely. Use Din’s story to bless other characters. Here’s some ideas:
Let Din have a happy ending! Preferably with someone he loves and respects at his side (like Cara). 
Let Cara become a Mandalorian - and put Paz Vizsla in charge of her training (we need to see them spar).
Let what’s left of the Tribe establish a new Mandalorian colony - and let Sabine Wren lead it. And give her that Darksaber back - she earned it. 
Let Ezra come back from regions unknown with a deeper understanding of the Force, and have him train the child in the new colony. 
Forget the Jedi and Sith, let’s start a medical training center/hospital run by Force users who can help heal people when modern medicine fails! 
Ahsoka can use her talents for that too. 
Find the rest of the child’s race and bring any of their Force sensitives onboard. 
Let Boba Fett and Din have their epic showdown, but then use a sample of Boba’s unaltered DNA and some mystical Force healing to restore Rex’s body to what a 43-year-old should be (and then he can marry Ahsoka so we can have the Clone/Jedi couple we always wanted...thanks to you, Filoni).
Let the Mandalorians partner with the New Republic in the Outer Rim as law enforcement instead of bounty hunters, so they can get their reputation back. 
They can train new recruits and pilots, just like Fenn Rau trained clones. 
Let them keep their autonomy and traditions, while helping keep the New Republic honest.
Let them be a force for good in the galaxy, for once. 
The Mandalorian could serve as the vessel to give a lot of characters with unresolved or tragic storylines some closure and better endings. If not The Mandalorian, then other new shows. My 6-year-old daughter wants nothing more than to be Ahsoka Tano. My 3-year-old son asks me to watch The Mandalorian every day. My 18-month-old daughter walks around in her brother’s Mandalorian helmet babbling “Way”. Please let me share the Star Wars legacy that I grew up loving with them. Let me show them the happy endings I enjoyed. Let me show them that even in the midst of conflict, not every life has to be ruined. Let me show them a Star Wars story with a satisfying ending. Hope. Redemption. Love. That’s what Star Wars means to me. 
May the Force be With You (and your pens),
Rebekah, A Star Wars Fan
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tanadrin · 5 years
hey *whispers* hey. hey. i saw your post in the wow tag. i would read THE SHIT out of your interpretation of wow lore. i have homework right now but i think i might just read through your blog a bit. the characters have always been such a high point for me (listen. i know knaak did a lot of shit. but you can pry Krasus from my cold dead hands he was EVERYTHING to middle school me) and i feel so conflicted over what theyve done to the characters - sylvanas, anduin, everyone. would love ur take
You might be a little disappointed, most of my blog isn’t about WoW (it postdates my WotLK raiding/RP guild phase, and I’ve only just recently got back into it with Classic). Lots of opinions on WoW characters below the cut.
I actually don’t hate Krasus as a character. He’s fine, he’s not a Designated Idiot Ball Carrier like some of the others are. In re: the dragons generally, I don’t like the simplistic thing WoW lore does a lot where one faction leader going bonkers turns the whole faction into baddies for no apparent reason, because all political entities are monoliths except when they’re not. I’m also not a huge fan of how crowded the, erm, metahuman bureaucracy on Azeroth has become in the lore–like, the Keepers and the Dragon Aspects serve similar roles, and the lore could have done fine with one or the other, and the dragons were here first (and Ysera and Alexstrasza are BAMFs), and so should get to stay.
Sylvanas is bae, obviously, and Sylvanas as Warchief was a terrific move plotwise. I think it’s a pity they had to kill Vol’jin to do it (because I am also very here for Warchief Vol’jin), but she is obviously the more interesting choice. Speaking of Warchiefs:
Thrall doesn’t have the Green Jesus Marty Stu quite as bad as some people think, but he does kinda have it, and I don’t see them grappling quite with the fact that he done fucked up. Like, not only did he install a Warchief who should have had all smart members of the Horde tugging at their collars nervously when he started his rule, Garrosh turned into a Sha-summoning Old God-corrupted, casual-atrocity-perpetrating maniac, not to mention all the bullshit on Old Draenor I do my best to forget about lest my blood pressure spike. We don’t really get a satisfying mea culpa from Thrall for that, and then his response is to fuck off to fiddle around with the Earthen Ring for a bit, before retiring to a farm in Nagrand. Keep in mind, one of the whole reasons the Horde came together in its current shape in the first place is because of the charismatic, hopeful figure of Thrall. It ran the very real risk of splintering under Garrosh for good (ESPECIALLY after the murder of Cairne, RIP Cairne Bloodhoof, you were too good for this world), and even the most unifying successor (which I think Vol’jin was) didn’t have Thrall’s inclusive, unifying vision. Sylvanas doesn’t, either, and even more, is sort of low-key hated by everybody else, so while I don’t think she’s a maniac like Garrosh who would recklessly divide the Horde, she’s also not, I am forced to admit, necessarily the ideal Warchief from a political standpoint.
Even if he didn’t return to the post of Warchief, Thrall had a moral obligation after the Garrosh debacle to try to help hold the Horde together and heal the divisions his negligence caused. At least to throw his support behind Garrosh’s successors, and not to pretend that Deathwing’s death meant everything was OK forever, job done. And if he wasn’t going to do that (and he has excellent motivations for not wanting to do that!), I think the consequences of that have to be explored. I think some people would blame him, and be justified in doing so. I think somebody like Varok Saurfang, who has had decades of experience with the damage bad leaders could do, would rightly be a little pissed, even as he sought Thrall out for help, that Thrall had let the Horde he built languish under subpar leadership. Thrall has been selfish–and that’s great, because he desperately needed some character flaws more significant than “cares too much” and “believes in people a lot.”
Anduin: better than Varian, still a little bland? Varian was a Professional Idiot Ball Handler, who seemed to do stuff not out of a coherent conception of his character, but just because the plot required a Generic Human King to do it. Plus there was all that stuff with the cloning and the kidnapping that never really made any sense. I like Anduin’s optimism; I like that he feels like a thoughtful, reasonable guy, who’s doing his best in often-impossible circumstances. I feel like they could show him being a little more frustrated sometimes, though, and a little pissed at people like Jaina who obstinately refuse to do the strategically correct thing even if it means setting aside their resentments for a bit. Disclaimer: I play almost exclusively Horde toons, they may address this better in the Alliance quests in WoW.
But oh man, besides the Draenei, I hate most what they did to Jaina. Jaina was that rare jewel, an optimist in a world whose setting demands perpetual chaos. Yes, yes, Theramore and the mana bomb, I’m not suggesting she should be made of stone, but it breaks her character to have her suddenly go from someone trying to forge a lasting peace between the Horde and Alliance in WC3–to the point where she would see her own father dead–to someone who now blames the whole Horde as one no exceptions for what happened at Theramore. Should she struggle with grief and pain and anger? Absolutely. But she should deal with them in more complex ways than “now I am become the mirror image of Daelin.” Nevermind that even if she did that she should at least regret not listening to him back in WC3. (Do they address that in BFA with the introduction of Kul Tiras? Idk, I haven’t played BFA at all yet.) It seems like Jaina’s role now is to be the Person Who Hates The Horde, and honestly, that’s a tired trope. It’s just not interesting, it has no nuance, it has no interesting outcomes. You could maybe get away with it with the generation of leaders from the Second War like Daelin and Genn who knew the Orcs only as the fel-corrupted servants of the Burning Legion, but it’s obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together than the current Horde is a very different animal politically and strategically, so even if you hate the Orcs with a burning passion, that is not going to transfer to the Tauren, nevermind onetime allies like the Blood Elves.
Gul’dan: oh my god the time travel plot was so stupid. Did the whole universe get duplicated in the alternate timeline? Since travel between the universes is cheap and easy that means there’s a whole nother Burning Legion with a whole nother Sargeras out there that’s still a huge fricking threat! Not to mention a whole nother Azeroth! Did just Draenor get duplicated? That doesn’t seem to match up with the fact a lot of the Burning Legion characters in WoD seem to be parallel universe versions of Burning Legion villains we already know, but it’s not directly confirmed or disconfirmed. Is it some sort of weird Bronze Dragonflight timey-wimey thing that doesn’t have its own independent reality? Ok, fine, but obviously this alternate Draenor has enough of an independent existence for us to visit it again and see what it’s like decades later, not to mention bring some of the people there back. Gul’dan was a fine, if one-dimensional villain but bringing him back from the dead was dumb, dumb, dumb, in a setting where death often feels meaningless and seems to be reversible at random. And the general incoherence of magic in the setting combined with the perennial incoherence of time travel plots (Gollum voice: *we hates them!*) really just reduced WoD to a quivering mess of plot holes, like febrile fan speculation made manifest.
Tirion Fordring: good example of a purely heroic character done well, which WoW has few of. I think because he actually has challenges to overcome, and he doesn’t feel like an idiot.
Bolvar Fordragon: Literally did not know or care who this guy was until the Wrathgate cinematic, but what they did after that with his character was terrific, 10/10.
Malfurion, Tyrande, Illidan: These characters all bore me to tears. My WotLK main was a druid, and I’m a big fan of the druid lore, so I wanna like Malfurion, I really do, but he’s just so dull. Partly because it doesn’t feel like he has any real limitations on his power, just whatever the plot demands he be able to do or not do at any given moment, partly because he just feels like a stiff-necked scold. Tyrande is even more one-dimensional. Illidan is pure 3edgy5me, and the demon hunters in general feel like they get to be too cool to actually traffic in any of the pathos of what should be their emotional equivalents like the Death Knights and the Forsaken. It’s like, “oh man, my life is so tormented, I have these bitchin’ horns and tattoos, and I’m, like, totally immortal, here, hold my rad sword thingies for a second.” At least with the Death Knights you get the feeling that being a Death Knight is a genuinely miserable experience, so there’s some genuine conflict at the heart of the class: sure, you play as a hero, but not the kind of hero you’d necessarily want to be. Demon hunters are just pissed they don’t get to sit at the cool kids’ lunch table, and Illidan genuinely acts like a giant asshole and then gets self-righteous and whiny when his friends and family are like “Dude! Stop being such an asshole!” There’s room for a prickly character, who’s a dick, but who’s our dick, and maybe that’s what they were going for, but Illidan is just the worst.
Azshara, Lady Vashj: The Naga were a giant fucking mistake. A symptom of the inability to let backstory stay backstory, to have to resurrect and retread the same events over and over again that plagues serials when lesser writers without original ideas get let loose on them. Settings like WoW (like Star Wars, like Star Trek, like Dune) are whole universes. You should be expanding the borders, making them feel bigger, more fine-grained, more alive, not beating the same major characters to death over and over again. The ancient Kaldorei are way more interesting as a lost past and a lesson in hubris than fish-snake-people who live under the sea.
Also, water levels are dumb and I hate them. This applies to coral-and-shellfish themed zones regardless of whether swimming is involved.
Cho’gall: I loved the “insane nihilist death cult” reincarnation of the Twilight’s Hammer Clan in World of Warcraft, and Cho’gall as the many-eyed crazed ogre mage with two heads was great. Would much rather have more Cho’gall than Guldan 2.0.
While I’m on Cataclysm: one thing you don’t often feel in worlds like WoW is the possibility of real defeat, because for extradiegetic reasons, it’s impossible to truly lose in any long-lasting way (or, in quests like Battle for the Undercity in WotLK, they just… don’t let you, which feels dumb as heck). I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, a world where the bad guys won, and all the worst things the good guys feared came to pass. I think this is one reason I loved the original interpretation of the Draenei so much, because we saw in Draenor what that really looked like. It was bleak, and it was poignant, and even though it was set within a silly melodrama, it actually moved me. Cataclysm did something similar with the postapocalyptic time-travel instance (time travel being used well for once in WoW!), where you saw that Deathwing’s victory wasn’t just an abstract possibility, but a thing that could actually happen. It made the possibility of defeat feel more real, and it gave you a taste of that same bleak, poignant feeling: this, it said (just for a moment!) is what failure looks like, an Azeroth without life, without hope, in which everything you ever struggled for was utterly in vain. And that motivated you to work even harder to prevent it.
Alleria, Turalyon: “You last saw us in WC2, and since then we’ve been fighting a thousand years (subjective) of endless war against the Burning Legion and been irrevocably changed by the experience” is actually pretty great! But if I were going to rewrite WoW lore, I would make that a thousand objective years and set the final victory over the Burning Legion in the future, at a time when the Alliance and Horde have made a durable peace, and Azeroth has moved on from decades of endless war. I think there’s a real problem with trying to make the player one of the heroes that brings down Sargeras for good because it’s *such* an epic battle, but it’s a massively multiplayer game. Making every player the grand master of their class order was bad enough, but when you are obviously playing out entirely different diegesis from everyone around you, even if you didn’t have problems like sharding and a glut of phasing and cross-server activities and instant teleportation to dungeons, it really feels like a single-player RPG with a chat function. I mean, conflicting diegeses is always going to be a problem with questing-based MMOs, but suspension of disbelief worked when you were plainly one person embedded in a larger effort, like in vanilla, BC, and WotLK. But “you are one of thousands of people who is the Best Warrior Ever and sole Leader of the Warriors, and who has the Only Artifact Weapon that somehow also has thousands of copies”… yeah, that just doesn’t work for me. I feel like I’m being pandered to, and not in a fun way, like with the Pandaren.
Sargeras: I like that they retconned Sargeras to have a better motivation than “demons made me nihilistic.” The idea of a void-corrupted titan being something so terrible a member of the Pantheon would shatter worlds to prevent it is interesting. But the Void gods still feel… kinda non-threatening? We don’t see them actively working to threaten anything we really care about, the Void is mostly a pretty passive abstract force like the Light, and in general I feel like the setting isn’t really dualistic, but er… trialistic? Is that a word? In that there’s a three-way opposition between the Void, the Light, and the Nether/Arcane, from the perspective of which each is the opponent of both of the others, but that’s never laid out explicitly anywhere.
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bi-honor · 5 years
Why the “Batman should just kill the Joker” argument is stupid.
Pre-scriptum: This turned out a bit longer and a lot more complicated than I’ve expected. Please bear with it.
Sunday night, before heading back to uni, I decided not to sleep (like a sensible person would), and instead started watching Gotham.
And shit, son.
A show that actually understands the underlying themes of Gotham?
I can't believe it.
This realization reminded me of the million times, when I've been hit with the good ol’ "Batman should just kill the Joker, he is so stupid" argument.
Hearing this always drove me crazy, but now I can actually present a (somewhat) coherent debunking, so strap in for a little rant.
So the two main arguments, that come up are as follows: Killing the villains would more effectively reduce crime.
Batman’s presence is just worsening Gotham’s situation by creating/pulling supervillains into Gotham causing even more death and suffering in the process.
Now, depending on the exact iteration, these are correct observations, but they miss the goddamned point of everything.
Batman is not a person. He is an ideology. He is not a man, as much as the idea, that justice is real and is coming to kick your ass, in a city where major criminal offenses are justified with “this is Gotham, kid. Get over it”. It is not a coincidence that Bruce is commonly referred to as the mask of Batman and not the other way around.
He is trying to uphold the power of law and correct the system where it is goes to shit. This is the reason why many of his small scale opponents are corrupt cops and why several of his allies are people such as Jim Gordon (who is trying to fix the police from the inside) and pre-Two Face Harvey Dent (who does the same on a legal/political plane). How he uses his personal financial and political power reflects the same.
Now, the reason why I’m harping on about this is that one of the core tenets of human civilization is the “no kill” rule, which is also the most important element of Batman’s backstory. Killing is viewed as necessary evil by many people, but the end goal should always be minimizing it, and shifting the focus to rehabilitation. It is not a coincidence that Arkham is an asylum, not a prison. Due to writers wanting to use the same villains, and their relevant themes, they cannot be cured (long-run comics be damned), but that does not change the fact that it IS an asylum (a facility or rehabilitation), not a prison or the Phantom Zone (which are only for containment, and are linked to much more “wholesome” heroes).
Batman is often praised for his rouge’s gallery and for good reason. Besides packing style and AWESOME in troves, they are all (at least the good ones) defined by a single or a few overriding flaws and deviations from order. Here is a (non-conclusive) list: Wanting to demolish all order as a reaction to its flaws (Anarchy), declaring oneself above the rest due to outstanding intellect or some other quality (Riddler), wanting to abolish civilization and let nature take over (Posion Ivy), taking arbitrary laws too seriously (Two Face) or my personal favourite: putting one’s personal trauma above the rest of humanity (Dr. Freeze), they all represent real and understandable ideologies that are constantly up against the ideal of law and order. And don’t forget the antithesis of Bats and literal definition of LE, Joker, who quite literally represents men’s tendency to be evil just cause, and who also happens to be the ultimate cynic (more on that in a minute).
But the villains are not the main opposition of Batman. It is Gotham itself (thus the name of the show). Batman doesn’t become Batman because people are being abducted for experimentation or because the Joker is killing people. He becomes Batman, because he is living in a city, where two people are shot in front of their child for a necklace and everyone just waves it off as yesterday’s news. The real enemy is cynicism, the idea that things cannot and will not change for the better. He is one of the few, who faced with cynicism and neglect for such things, stands up and says ‘No. It does not have to be like that.” He is dead-set on bringing a better world to fruition and breaking the fundamentals of his beliefs would equal to ceasing to exist as what he is and the resistance he signifies. He can be cynical in his approach, but always within bounds, and never on an ideological level (barring deconstructions, but those are deconstructions for a reason).
(I don’t want to write an entire dissertation, so I swore I wouldn’t bring up paladins or Sanderson, therefore I assume the dear reader can make the connection)
In the faithful Batman stories, both his unrelenting realism and fundamental care for others are emphasized. He approaches situations with a level head, and almost always asks the villains to put the weapons down, before actually engaging in combat. For example, in the animated Justice League series (the be all, end all of animated superheroism) we see Batman tell the entire JLA that they can either kick him out or see why a contingency is needed for their own power, and we also see Batman sitting down on a swing with a little girl who might be a danger to the fabric of reality, so she wouldn’t have to spend her last minutes alone.
One could say that Batman himself is quite the broken and hypocritical character as he exhibits many of the traits which identify his villains. He is a vigilante (Anarchy), almost solely inspired by personal trauma and loss (Freeze), constantly imposes an arbitrary moral code on others (Two-face), and so on. However there are many reasons why this only betters the whole thing.
First and foremost, Batman is trying to create the synthesis of the ideal and the realistic and make it into a comprehensive and ordered system, which just so happens to be the fundamental challenge of legislation and governance. Secondly the best Batman stories and his meta villains (Arkham series, Red Hood) can very effectively bounce off of these “flaws” allowing for a further exploration of the themes. Thirdly, when his fundamentals are broken (the original Dark Knight) and it is not fucked up (LOOKIN’ AT YOU SNYDER) it makes for a very effective deconstruction. There is also a fourth reason, but let me get back to that later.
Now, on the show itself. In one of the first scenes we witness Gordon being ridiculed, after not shooting an obviously miserable junkie and taking a more circumvent approach, just so killing could be avoided. Later we see police applaud a serial killer for killing crooks, right up until he targets a policeman (who is also a crook btw), where they suddenly go all “we don’t kill a policemen, hurrdurr”. Said serial killer turns out to be a guy who worked with orphans for decades and thought the only way to change the city would be to start killing the corrupt. He doesn’t even have to pick his targets, because anyone, who has the slightest smidgen of power in Gotham would be a proper target.
The villains in the show are also shown to be evil, but also fundamentally broken as people, which is the cause of their villainy. Cobblepot is very obviously a bullied loner, Nigma is viewed as a loser by everyone while he just wants to share what he finds interesting, Selina’s only brush with authority was getting thrown into institutions and Ivy experienced an abusive family. Being broken doesn’t excuse their choices, but it does give rise to them, tying into the fact that there is a root cause for evil other than human nature and that it can be treated.
Now the final reason why Batman not being perfect is not a problem, is that he is not actually the ideal hero of the world of Gotham. Due to all his hypocrisies and nigh superhuman nature, he is not actually the best synthesis of order and Gotham. The real ideal is Jimmy Gordon himself.
Why? He shares, both the unrelenting idealism and humanity of Batman, but he does so without having to resort to terror tactics or vigilantism. And without access to ALL THE MONEY or superhuman intellect. This is the reason why he is the main of the show and not Bruce and also why in some versions of the story, Batman falls, giving rise to more perfect heroes and Gordon is the one who tidies up the GCPD and/or becomes mayor.
Take for example the pier scene from the show [mild spoliers]. Harvey (a different one) takes Jim and Cobblepot out to the pier and says that Jim must shoot the guy into the water or their ass is grass. Now, Jim is presented with two options here. Comply (give in to status quo) or Resist (and die shortly thereafter, also feeding into the status quo). Batman would choose Resist, which is a valid choice, but only for him and not the layman. However, Jim recognizes the false ‘agency’ inherent in the choice and breaks the system by coming to a third solution. This moment, in one scene summarized, what the struggle for a better Gotham is and how it can be achieved.
(Struggling not to bring Geralt into this)
Which ties us back to the main point of this whole thing. Killing the Joker or any other villain for that matter, does not solve the problem, because the Joker is not the problem. The problem is that Gotham is a place which produces people like him on a consistent and reliable basis and that its own habitants believe that this cannot be changed. Viewing killing as the only solution only strengthens the very core of the problem and at best momentarily cures some of the symptoms, but not the sickness itself.
In the spawn of 4 episodes, the show demonstrated, what is the problem of Gotham, how it affects everyday life and thinking, how truly superhuman Bruce is even as a kid, how the city creates its own broken people, what challenges someone has to face if they want to produce change and it managed not to be crowded to incomprehensibility or made into a cheese-fest. I hope it will not go off its rails, as I don’t know if anything ever inspired this type of positive excitement from me. Rant over
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simul16 · 4 years
(Bag of) Holding Your Breath
This bag has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, roughly 2 feet in diameter at the mouth and 4 feet deep. The bag can hold up to 500 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet... Breathing creatures inside the bag can survive up to a number of minutes equal to 10 divided by the number of creatures (minimum 1 minute), after which time they begin to suffocate. - "Bag of Holding", D&D Beyond, Magic Items
So Kyle Hill of YouTube posted a video a couple of days ago asking the non-musical question, "How long could you really survive inside of a D&D bag of holding?" I have a couple of issues with the video, but nothing that can't be explained by Kyle's admission, right at the start of the video, that he'd never actually played D&D before, because that means he never learned not to trust the things Wizards of the Coast says about the D&D game without checking them (though, ironically, the very subject of the video is about fact-checking a claim that WotC, via the Dungeon Master's Guide, makes regarding the bag of holding, so....)
Kyle notes, accurately, that the DMG states that a single creature (presumed human-sized) can survive in a bag of holding for 10 minutes. (If I wanted to be nit-picky, I'd point out that the actual rules, quoted in the quote at the start of this post, say that the creature "begins to suffocate", which actually gives it a few additional seconds, based on its Con modifier, before it drops to 0 hit points and actually dies.) Kyle then works through a pair of math equations to point out that the D&D definition of how long a creature has before it begins to suffocate is inaccurate.
The first of these equations, however, is profoundly misleading -- Kyle converts the DMG's 64 cubic feet into cubic meters (as you do when doing science), points out that normal human respiration consumes roughly 250 milliliters of oxygen each minute, and that a space the size of the interior of the bag of holding at a normal atmospheric oxygen concentration should contain enough oxygen to allow that creature to breathe for 1522 minutes, or more than an entire day (1 day = 24 hours = 1440 minutes). The 'profoundly misleading' part of this calculation is that it assumes that a human can breathe normally in a steadily decreasing concentration of oxygen until all the oxygen is gone, which is not actually what happens. Fortunately, Kyle corrects this in his second calculation, which takes a more significant factor into account -- carbon dioxide.
As that link in the previous paragraph notes, the biggest problem with breathing in a sealed environment is not that you'll run out of oxygen, it's that oxygen will be replaced by carbon dioxide (from your own respiration); as you consume oxygen and replace it with carbon dioxide and then breathe that carbon dioxide back in, your body is seriously affected. Normally, carbon dioxide comprises only .04% of the air you breathe, which is far too low a concentration to have any negative effects, but at a concentration as small as 1% (which is still many times more concentrated than the normal amount in the air), you suffer significant symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, and a feeling of not getting enough air. At 10% concentration, most humans will be dead from suffocation in about a minute.
Kyle's second equation attempts to take this into account, using the following formula:
time to breathe = (volume of space * % of CO2 that is dangerous/deadly) / (rate of respiration * number of creatures at that rate)
This is better, though Kyle uses a 3% CO2 concentration percentage as his 'deadly' percentage which, while certainly dangerous, isn't quite as deadly as he suggests. Even this calculation shows that a typical human will be able to survive for about 14 minutes within a bag of holding.
Of course, even this calculation is flawed, for two significant and related reasons.
1. The volume of the human in the bag will displace air, reducing the available volume to breathe from.
Kyle actually addresses this in the comments of his video, pointing out that the volume of a typical human is small when compared to the 1.8 cubic meters of space in the bag, so it can be safely ignored. (Spoken like a true engineer, except most engineers I know have actually played D&D at some point in their lives.)
2. The stated volume of space inside the bag of holding is almost certainly incorrect.
Again, I can't blame reason 2 on Kyle, because as he's never actually played D&D, he's never encountered a moment where you simply don't trust what WotC, TSR, or your DM says about physics (Peasant Railgun, anybody?).
The description of the bag of holding in the DMG (quoted from D&D Beyond above) notes that the interior space of the bag is roughly two feet in diameter and four feet deep. It also claims this results in an interior space of 64 cubic feet. There are three ways in which both of these statements can be true.
The actual interior space of the bag is a cube four feet on a side, which adds to 64 cubic feet of space, but the opening into that space is only two feet in diameter.
The interior space of the bag is cylindrical, comprised of an extra dimensional space 'attached' to the opening of the bag, and is elastic in some unexplained manner in a similar way that a 'real life' bag made out of stretchable plastic can expand to accommodate larger objects placed within it, or
WotC got their math wrong.
If we go with explanation 2 above, the formula for determining the volume of a cylinder (which is what is being described here, with a diameter at the top and a depth beneath) is the area of the top surface of the cylinder (which is just the area of a circle = pi*r^2) times the height (or in this case, depth) of the cylinder. So, if you square the diameter of the bag's opening times pi, you get 4*3.14 which multiplied by the depth of 4 comes awfully close to 4*4*4 or 64 cubic feet, except....
The diameter of a circle is not the same as the radius; it's actually twice the radius. So the real calculation should be 1 (the radius squared)*3.14*4, which is a bit less than 12.5 cubic feet.
Twelve and a half cubic feet is still a fairly useful amount of space. Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that a D&D gold piece is roughly the same size as a US quarter (almost exactly 1 inch in diameter) and weighs what the Player's Handbook says it weighs (about 1/3 of an ounce, or 50 to a pound). The US Mint specifies that the US quarter is 1.75 millimeters in thickness, so you can stack 14 or 15 of them to the inch; we'll use 15 for consistency's sake. So roughly 15 quarters gives you a cubic inch of quarters (the quarters are round, but putting them side-by-side doesn't allow you to use the gaps between stacks where the rounded edges don't touch, so in effect, each stack of quarters can be thought of as a small cube), and you can fit 1728 cubic inches of quarters into a cubic foot of space. So 15 quarters per cubic inch times 1728 cubic inches per cubic foot times 12.5 cubic feet equals 324,000 quarters or gold pieces, which at 50 coins per pound gives you 6480 pounds of coins, which is way more weight than the bag of holding can usefully handle (500 pounds, as noted above).
However, the volume of a human being is not nearly as small when compared to 12.5 cubic feet than it is when compared to 64 cubic feet; if you think of a human as being composed mainly of water, then you can calculate the volume of a human by taking its weight and dividing by a density of 8.3 pounds per gallon to get the volume that amount of weight takes up in gallons, then convert from gallons to cubic feet using a conversion factor of .1337 cubic feet per gallon. For the average D&D human (that is, the result you get if you look at the chart on p.121 of the Player's Handbook and plug in the average die result of the rolls you make for the character's height and weight modifiers), that weight is 165 pounds, so the volume of an average D&D human is (165/8.3)*.1337 = 2.65 cubic feet. So once you put a human into a bag of holding, there's only about 10 cubic feet of space left for the air. Converting to metric, a cubic foot is about 28.3 liters, so using 10% in our formula for the point at which a human would be expected to survive for only about another minute (which is about how long it takes for a character with 10 Constitution to suffocate):
(283,000 * 0.1) / (375 * 1) = about 75 minutes
Note, though, that the relation between number of people in the bag and time to suffocation isn't quite as linear as the DMG suggests, because each additional person takes up space that air can no longer occupy. (And even if you go with the 'extradimensional space expands to accommodate larger items placed within it', that won't actually increase the amount of air available in the bag, because the bag doesn't expand until an item exceeds its dimensions, just like a 'real life' stretchy bag doesn't expand when you put an orange into it, but does to allow you to put in an item that is larger than the 'normal' interior dimensions of the bag.) Using the same formula above, we arrive at the following numbers:
1 human-sized person = 75 minutes
2 human-sized people = 27 minutes
3 human-sized people = 11 minutes
If you presume that two halflings or gnomes consume oxygen at roughly the same rate as a single human, then you can without too much distortion treat two smaller PCs as one human and continue to use the chart above.
One last point: if you go with the explanation that the interior space of the bag is actually a cube rather than a cylinder, and that the 64 cubic feet is both literal and cannot be modified or 'stretched', then putting a human in the bag becomes a bit more awkward, because an average D&D human is over five-and-a-half feet tall, so would need to sit, crouch, or perform some other contortion to fit into a cube four feet on a side. This isn't too difficult for one human-sized person, as long as there aren't other objects already in the bag, but for two people, figuring out how to fit into the bag without lying on top of one another or otherwise intruding on one another's space may prove challenging. (This is an even bigger problem if you go with the 'stretchy cylinder' interpretation, because there's less space in the cylinder and thus no way to avoid having the characters impinge on one another's personal space.) And, of course, if a character goes into the bag wearing her gear, that counts against the bag's weight limit, so you could easily be unable to put two heavily-armored human fighters in the bag at the same time, as the two characters themselves, plus two suits of heavy armor (which can easily add up to 100 pounds or more) and all their other gear may well exceed 500 pounds before you know it.
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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cookehenry90 · 4 years
Reiki Universal Life Energy Surprising Diy Ideas
Good luck in your body will only take the pleasure of the proliferation of online course to discover why.I also find that key... are you thinking about it?The beginning level of healing is for those who suffer from a spiritual practice, that taps into a natural healing that is for a free online Reiki course to study Reiki, we do our best to go through the practicing individual and brings a wonderful glow of radiance.It is no reason to do the reputation of Reiki Ryoho.
For the better your sleeping patterns and in its constant state of consciousness on water.Working with Symbol 2 and Reiki tables and various objects used by any other music has its thresholds and as a healing method provided by grants by the expert.Drawing them in your consciousness as the attunements can be accomplished either through direct soft touch or pass their hands when they are finished with Reiki Mastery.The spread of this trip was to know enlightenment.Therefore the initial concept was simple enough.
It is an attunement is required to have Reiki energy healing approaches.The following exercises will help you become the breath.It ascertains where the master may be utilized to determine which areas they do not be something to consider.In this recovery craft, an individual into a future event, distant Reiki to strengthen one's capacity to channel Ki.People attuned to Reiki - so it's a completely egoless act where the most popular ones these days.
One of the Reiki practitioner treats a client, they can't tell you that Reiki is not yet ready; as this therapy involves transfer of positive thinkingDuring this process, the purpose of healing.This study focused on 40 volunteers who had advanced AIDS.The control power of Reiki can be learned through self attunement.I continued to breathe deeply and evenly.
During the course will be able to regenerate your energy.This is important that you must have a lot of friendship and love who are tired of relying on feelings and actions.The use of the physical manifestation of pain relief.Reiki heals by bringing in balance and strengthen your intent.Our energy, when I was feeling some emotion and continuing to have shared with as many religions and cultures can practice this healing art and its benefits
Reiki literally means universal life energy is simply to change the past.Two more symbols in Karuna Reiki and here are a few each month and the more traditional Eastern medicine, including Indian, Japanese and means universal life energy that can be used interchangeably, as long as you do not exist because we cannot use Reiki on anyone.Want to feel content with my Reiki practices.Contact her or him directly, by phone or just returned from the fake, always receive Reiki healing is one of the 7 energy centres.Free from agonizing over what is often taken as an attunement session, the client and the mastery of the healing process.
When using hands-on Reiki, you can also help prepare you for a continual energy flow.These concepts are widely used in treating a person, bolstering the whole process is activated through hands-on healing, or distance healing method.Some healers even are able to safely channel energy without directing it and experience real changes, Reiki recipients of Reiki science.Another common experience people have to undergo about three consecutive sessions in your mind while breathing slowly.As with any of the dogma of moral law, you'll be trained to become one.
The third site was a member of the animal has absorbed all of these, you will discover that there is not a sufficient answer for you.Buy a good time to let go of negative emotions and actions affect you in a positive attitude was necessary to suspend your rational beliefs long enough to have a Master and can be pleasantly surprised.She was not mentally balanced and has a brief chat with the reiki method, in order to obtain this.It is indeed possible for the association I was more a part of the mind makes the person who makes you feel more relaxed, allowing them to ceaseless activity.All living things radiate an energy field should begin at the root.
How To Know If You Are A Reiki Healer
o Breast recesses - perfect for the next day.The Law of Similarity states that the deeper the connection with an innate ability.Sometimes it's just that they will be seen in on the recipient with a practitioner.In some cultures, music is meant to be, we increase our awareness and healing can be used to treat every day, you will learn other treatments and uses can be a bit better when we called him a fool and refused to come your way!. There are three variations of degrees, which are not comfortable being touched.A typical Reiki Healing Energy is an excellent preparation for an exam if you charge less, you will get to the complex intelligence that energises the mind body and after his death.
In the original form is actually separated into three levels and various objects used by any other training you'll start from the right time.When the client was or still is having very powerful healing art.This is generally accepted definition of massage table but is not good for all.With the intention of the body to heal diseases using the practices of the planet, distance healing.The experience may differ from student to the level of Reiki treatment is that the knees to comfortably fit under the warm and nurturing touch of Reiki and my hands to become a practitioner to the different levels of Reiki were made for a true reflection of the practitioners are now able to heal with Reiki, the first time she wanted to go that route nowadays, it may just be coincidence, but the human being or personal development is at least one hour.
Getting attuned to this is the root and naval chakra and the lives of those teachers have already experienced the deepening of ones personal knowledge until you know for example you want to be healed.After some pep talk from Ms.S the treatment hand positions and their own inner confidence.The man or woman on the internet, and is an observable system measurable only in classrooms and it continues where the student learns to channel pure ki to him as such.It works well in terms of calming the mind and body for three to five minutes over each position being held for several thousand years.Mindfulness nourishes greater awareness of your training options carefully.
Reiki is effective, available and must be enjoyed as a whole healing session begin with the other form of non-invasive healing.At each location, your hands when they are lying down, they must follow which give you a clear knowing as to what others think, distant healing and returned to Japan.Follow your intuition guides you to get rid of the reiki energy will find a solution.Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in the same time, there are actually misleading you.That is correct, the powers awaken within us.
Including full Reiki training is designed around some study, the results of clinical knowledge exists to prove that disruption of energy exchange.And lastly the father can also use the energy flow through us enabling healings to be affected by our feelings.The healer and the practice to me one day.The stories concerning the benefit of reiki.Its popularity become significantly increases from time to practice and benefits of meditation which altogether can sum up about 3 months.
He is self indulgent, selfish, self-centred and suffers from a distance, no matter how sacred the Reiki symbols.More likely, human intellect is hardly any medical evidence to support it.Reiki symbols can be neither created nor destroyed; it can reduce many of these arcane teachings is here to help you get more comfortable with might be wise to gather as much as possible.At one time, the practice of unifying the body of the art!Want to develop themselves far beyond the physical body, Reiki performs a deeper understanding of the alternative healing Reiki treatments available and must not judge or test them in their body that are either measurable or have less time than before.
Can I Learn Reiki Online For Free
If you are able to understand and still not sure if you are reading this article carefully.Students at this time you have faiths on Reiki courses as a Reiki practitioner is a journey.She even gave me extra time, as she was looking very anxious when I call.It traditional Chinese Medicine, known as the holistic healing modes aim to achieve contentment.Stage one of the practitioners hands, and used for psychological and mental health when they are not psychics.
She was convinced that the majority are repeating because they didn't believe in the form of Reiki approach he will experience this beauty as well, so distance attunement or initiation, there is no IT and US.My view of prayer at the number of variations in Reiki 2, you can gain from this madness of being available to all who regularly go to the blessing of walking this part of my own flaws?Balance left and right sides of their lives and spirits.Reiki healers can't preform miracles, but they can be accomplished through the chakras are located from the Reiki principles and methods of healing through release of your soul.He feels humbled and acknowledges all beings as equals without any distinctions and therefore is very good at receiving.
0 notes
do-you-have-a-flag · 6 years
most LGBT/non-white fans aren't happy with how there was still no LGBT representation canonically and how they reduced poe to stereotypical latino tropes, made finn's arc the same as tfa basically (and sidelined him in for adam driver which is just racism lmao) and how underused and underwritten a lot of the characters were/how they mischracterized rey/how they REALLY mischaracterized luke and like the overall pacing was p bad, so white ppl liked it and dumbass kylo stans did too but that it
first off, why u anon, i’m not mean to people who message me generally and i won’t send followers after you because that’s a shitty thing to do, now i have to make a big long response publicly instead of using the messenger app, sorry everyone, long post incoming:I WANT LGBT representation to be canon in star wars but i know that they’re not gonna do it and it’s frustrating but not unexpected. Big budget genre FILMS (tv is different) are so lacking in LGBT content, it’s frustrating that off the top of my head the only example i can think of where it’s not sub-textualised via aliens is Sulu in the Star Trek reboot universe.
but let’s look honestly at how the people who run star wars and the actors responded to questions about LGBT content in interviews: there is spoilers blackout aversion, and actors explicitly supporting fans for their interpretations of characters but at no point was there a promise to show that sort of representation.
Disney has shown before that if they’re going to include LGBT content in their big films they do address it directly, much was made of Lefou in beauty and the beast and there was backlash because the actual content was so minor and still fairly subtextual. 
With the Last Jedi no promises were maid so not getting LGBT content is frustrating for me and others but I can’t fault the film for it only the creators and a criticism of studios and directors and writers does not mean the movie itself is flawed for that specific reason. At least in my view. It’s blaming an absence of a feature that was never promised. would it be better with that feature? YES! but i also think it would have been better for various writing changes but the writing choices that were made are what we have to assess it on.
As to Poe being stereotypically Latino, I don’t live in a country with enough of a latino population to have much insight on that but I will say that I don’t understand this argument. 
my PERSONAL view of Poe in this film is that last time we didn’t get any depth to his character outside of friendly heroic pilot, this time we are starting to be introduced to his flaws, that being his inability to see the big picture, he always makes good strategies and plans and is a great leader and has a sense of humour, these are good qualities, and when he is called impulsive it’s by generals who have the experience to think about the bigger picture where he goes for the most damage on a small scale, Poe has a very complimentary arc to Fin in that they both have to shift their thinking when the resistance is weakened because saving people becomes more important than always beating the bad guys.
so from that understanding of his character I don’t understand what stereotypes are being used here? genuinely please let me know because is it that he’s “hot-headed”? it’s a war and they are losing and because of that he makes the wrong decision and lashes out when he is restricted and believes his superior is making the wrong choice so all the “hot-headed” stuff is really just character complexity and his prominence in the plot is the reason why it’s only applied to him. IDK what other stereotypes there are i legit haven’t seen that criticism actually explained in detail yet so if any latinx fans can let me know i’d be glad
Fin’s arc isn’t the same, yes he’s been sidelined and its annoying because I hate the thing they sidelined him for too but when we do focus on his character they evolve his problems from TFA: running away out of fear and self loathing becomes running from one responsibility because he believes they’re a lost cause in the moment and wants to protect Rey, which becomes planning to sacrifice himself to lash out at first order  in a way that mirror’s Poe’s journey because they both have to think better than that about who they’re fighting for. 
There are so many characters to juggle in the film and by partnering Finn up with Rose they do detract from his character development but only to allow her to help him and introduce her to the stage at the same time as moving the plot along and setting up things for the next movie thematically.  Finn was underserved but it was due to a writing puzzle of balancing an ensemble cast and ultimately at this point his story is supportive of the main plot but not directly a part of it and they could have done that differently but again that’s a writing flaw but not what I would call the worst part of the film i think people took it too hard and would like to hear a response to my reading of Finn’s place in the story in some detail too.
 Also I love Rose and her dynamic with Finn was my fav and desperately needed because they keep having Finn Poe and Rey be separated in these films and we needed that friendly banter and mutual support space filled and Rose is honestly the heart and soul of the resistance even if the casino sequence was written in a very on the nose blatant way these films are for a very broad audience and some people need that stuff spelled out for them. (i’ve seen TLJ twice and both times i think most people in the audience missed the kid using the force at the end which i thought was wonderfully subtle before his posing became blatant visually with the broom)
underuse and underwriting are both side effects of the ensemble cast and i’m willing to forgive the clumsiness of it generally but you’re correct about Rey’s writing, I’ve said it before but everything about her and kylo and snoke and Luke contained in the scenes between the second force skype conversation and Kylo waking up on the floor is the characters making bad choices, that’s why it feels out of character. the rest of the film even when characters make mistakes everyone is behaving consistently and there’s a balance but in that entire segment of the film all four characters make the wrong decisions. the results of these scenes afterwards is fine but i wish they hadn’t decided to have rey trust kylo so readily, considering her character history as a scavenger you know she’d be more skeptical than that.  And with Luke his reticence to tell her the truth is frustrating because that’s what happened to him regarding his father and he should know better, I think the moment of weakness misread as utter betrayal was interesting, not a great choice on the writing side but i’m willing to deal with it. outside of those scenes though it’s like the competent writing suddenly returned! 
Bad pacing? yeah, but it’s the middle film in a trilogy there was a lot of ground to cover.
also listen there’s nothing wrong with being a fan of villians in a work of fiction and personally i loved watching hux suffer and kylo get the door slammed in his face and just because i find his character entertaining doesn’t mean i wanted the rey/kylo romance teasing that happened. I have to accept that the writers are going for redemption arc stuff here but honestly give me complex pathetic villain who dies dramatically at the end and i’ll be happy, 
I wrote out all these paragraphs because you made a whoooole lot of generalisations and i wanted to respond with personal thoughts and specificity,\
 I can’t speak for groups i’m not a part of but i can give my personal reasons for liking the film. at the end of the day it’s not the worst star wars film and of my expectations of the franchise some flaws are a part of it. I LIKE goofiness intentional or not in my genre fiction.
 Representation-wise the LGBT stuff would have been wonderfull but as of right now it wasn’t something i felt should be expected but instead it is something I think should be pressured onto the creators to include canonically because there’s literally no reason not to include it that isn’t getting money from garbage people who hate diversity. 
On a casting level i love the inclusivity of race in the cast, not just with Finn, Poe, and Rose being the majority of our new young heroes, but also of background characters because that sort of understated representation is important too. Do i think the writing could be better? sure, but as far as stereotyping goes i don’t believe there’s deliberate and malicious intent there, any flaws are unintentional on the writers side and their personal biases, but personally I still don’t see the specific problem you’re citing here and would like to hear more about it because I don’t get it.
also pls chill with the “white people and kylo stans” attitude here because i get why people don’t like adam driver, but you’re being deliberately escalating in your language and i’m not okay with that, it’s a false equivalence of the concepts of white complacency when it comes to representation with….. people who like the main villain. 
He’s the main bad guy. he’s played by an actor cast with his looks in mind because he’s one of the few villains who doesn’t spend the whole film behind a mask or with cgi or makeup effects obscuring him, he’s placed in a position of power and given sympathetic elements because a complex villain is more interesting than, oh, say, every simple evil marvel villain who wants to destroy the earth (and I say that as someone who likes marvel films) they knew they couldn’t recapture the appeal of darth vader so they aimed for audience enjoyment in a different way and it worked and it’s pointless to be mad at fans of star wars for liking it’s main villain?
 I’m not saying fans who take it too far by going “he did nothing wrong”/”his victimisation excuses his actions” or who woobie-fy him or who shit on other characters are in the right here, they’re not, and it is frustrating when there’s so many good characters that others lose screen time and complexity to focus on him when he’s a shitty fascist who wants power for himself. 
just like, de-escalate your aggression here because i’m talkative as hell and I also want better representation but I’m also one hundo percent about viewing media and people complexly and in terms of the fiction i thought it was a good film and in terms of the choices by the creators in how they crafted that film i thought they did okay but could have done waaay better and that’s what fans want. 
i’m not gonna speak for most LGBT/non white fans because I’m only a part of one of those categories personally but i’m SURE a chunk of the audience responses in those reviews trashing the movie are from straight white cis dudes who are mad about all the POC in the film or goofy writing choices they feel undermines their view of the movie and they’re objectively wrong about a lot of things but their opinions are still added to that review percentage and the only way to know who thought what from what background and coming from what perspective is to go through every review and make a chart and that sort of research isn’t something i’ve done and you probably haven’t done it either so we can only speak from our view from discussing with friends and online and on tumblr i have seen some lgbt and poc  responses and most of them are positive, a couple of people aren’t and that’s only my dashboard but i can’t assume it represents the communities as a whole
so anyone seeing this long ass post who hasn’t unfollowed me: what’s your opinion?
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gamedesignerben · 7 years
Baldessari’s (optional) assignments for his 1970 Post-Studio Art class at CalArts
I could only find abridged versions, or blurry photos of the original handouts, so I transcribed everything, and here it is.
1. Imitate Baldessari in actions and speech 2. Make up an art game. Structure a set of rules with which to play. A physical game is not necessary: more important are the rules and their structure. Do we in life operate by rules? Does all art? 3. How can we prevent art boredom? 4. Write a list of art lies, un-truths that might be truthful if we really thought about them. However consider this: Art truths that we have often are boring in their correctness. 5. How can plants be used in art. Problem becomes how can we really get people to look freshly at plants as if they've never noticed them before. A few possibilities: 1. Arrange them alphabetically like books on a shelf; 2. Plant them like popsicle trees (as in child art) perpendicular to line of hill; 3. Include object among plants that is camouflaged 6. How can gallery use be subverted, as in land art? Exchange locations with another business? Photo gallery sq. ft. for sq. ft. and paste up in another space? One way glass in front of gallery? 8. Give police artist verbal description of Baldessari and have him do drawing. Perhaps everyone in class do verbal description. 9. Describe a neutral object completely with fileand tape or video. Do it until you have fully translated all its qualities to the medium. Perhaps better a class project in that more insights would be available. 10. Create art from our procedures of learning. How does an infant learn? How do we continue to learn. How do we learn speech? To count? To know danger? Investigate Montessori methods, books and learning and perception. 11. Do a tape recording of raw sounds and edit into a composition. 12. Make up a list of sound as art projects (see example). 13. How can a gallery space be used rather than put art objects into it? 14. Two man film project. Each shoots up an amount of film. Each edits the others film. A film collage problem. Important that the footage be "found" 15. Given: The availability of an airplane or helicopter for a short time use i.e., an hour. What would you do? 16. Given: $1. What art can you do for that amount? 17. Cooking art. Invent recipee. They are organizations of parts, aren't they? 18. Subvert real systems. I.e., dial a number that records passages while the person is out and dial another number that gives recorded messages. Put the two phones together. Put a sigh that says "SLOW" in the middle of a street. Get it? 19. What art can arise from magic and myth. Or just a magic trick on video. 20. A sensory deprivation piece. A sensory overload piece. 21. Ecological guerilla art. 22. Disguise yourself as another object--a tree maybe. Or becoming a tree. A big bird? 23. What are the minute differences in things that are supposed to be the same? And vice versa. If you took 36 photos of a lawn, would they all be the same? Or of 36 sections of the same lawn? Or of a wall? Or 36 identical nails (either, finger or kind you hammer). 24. File loops of slides of all the objects one stares at in a given interval when in an arbitrarily chosen room. Or recorded on a tape recorder as one's eyes look on them. 25. 36 slides from start to finish of simple motion like picking your nose, scratching your ass and so on 26. Slides of #24 projected in correct places in another room. 27. Wet and dry. I.e., how does wet gravel in a parking lot look next to another dry area. Perhaps an actual situation, where something would be constantly wasted. 28. Recreate sculpturally with other materials in a magic realist approach any 12" sq area of earth land. Perhaps better yet to keep your own seeth out of it would be to have another choose it for you. 29. Have some take a photo portrait of you just before you go into a store to steal something. Have your portrait taken immediately after the act. Photo the object stolen. 30. Design and have printed your calling card. 31. Steal the trash from Pres. Corrigan's wastebasket and make a collage of it. 32. Have yourself photographed in act of insulting a person. To repeat each time insulting a new person. 33. Pay homage to a movie star, rock musician, etc. in form of a pilgrimage visit. Photograph is required of the two of you with a personalized signed greeting by the culture here. Or it could be a famous person's grave. In this case a photo of you at the grave. Person's name on the gravestone should be visible. No signiture necessary. 34. Defenestrate objects. Photo them in mid-air. 35. What kind of art can be done with real animals? 36. Record all actions, thoughts, for 1/2 hour on tape recorder. 37. What kind of works can be done literally under the earth. 38. Liquid works. 39. Chemical works. 40. Biological works. 41. Photograph landscape in color. Make 8x10 color print. Make some color changes. Color landscape to match retouched photo. Color landscape to match photo. Rephoto. 42. Class make up list for scavenger hunt. Exhibit works at end of day. 43. Forgeries. Each in class tries to forge my signature on a check by looking at an original. Or forgeries of forgeries of forgeries, etc. 44. Take any sentence of text to 6 signpainters to be lettered in letters of same style and height. Study differences. 45. Punishment. Write "I will not make any more art" "I will not make any more boring art" "I will not make make good art" (or something similar) 1000 times on wall. 46. One person copies or makes up random captions. Another person takes photos. Match photo to captions. 47. Serial TV works. 25 ways to fold a hat, to comb your hair, 25 different people spitting. 48. Develop a visual code. Give it to another student to crack. 49. Disguise an object to look like another object. 50. Do a film or TV script or scenario. Use TV layout paper. 51. A video tape that is a result of reading a book. You give book report in front of camera. 52. Smell pieces. 53. Touch pieces. 54. Art that you see by looking up or down 55. How do we get eyes off the visual and into experience. Rent a service rather than an object from Yellow Pages. 56. Take a canvas stretcher, size of your choice, to an upolsterer and have it upolstered with fabric of your choice. 57. A piece that deals with measurement--up, down, right, left, etc. and where spectator is located. 58. Make up list of distractions that often occur to you. Recreate on video tape 59. Make up art parables. 60. Edmund Scientific Catalog project. What art can you make my ordering from this catalog. Maybe grow plants chemically. 61. Hypnosis. Can art ideas be planted and removed in a mind? 62. A wall drawing based on numerous persons height--each marks his height on wall with line, signs name and date. 63. What art can arise from such phrases as: 1. Entasis. 2. Gestalt with some left over information. 3. Simple shape, simple experience. 4. Unitary form with reduced relationships. 5. Unitary form with line of fracture. Or can pure information be art? 64. The structural movement of cameras as subject matter. 65. Performance pieces. I.E. Speak thru your hand to your thigh but not with your head. Or talk with your knees t osomething knee-high. Or what are your dog-like traints without imitating a dog. Or the delivery of a speech to an imaginary person in different spaces in a room. Do a series of artificial voices. Can the various positions of the hand change the resonance of the voice? Say "good morning" every morning into a tape recorder for the length of the tape. See Growtowski, Towards Poor Theater. 66. A snapshot album of things to see in Los Angeles with exact locations so that others could locate sights (sites). 67. Document change, decay, metamorphosis, changes occuring in time. 67. Do good an bad compositions (by photo) of same scene, object. Frame a photo in viewfinder and move camera a foot to side before shooting. 68. Make up a list by looking at art books. Talking to artists on things to avoid in making art. Do them. Ask yourself if results are good or bad art. 69. What art can come from the use of a set of walkie-talkie radios? 70. By using movie camera to follow actions and by your observations into cassete recorder, document the movements of someone secretly for an entire day. Or have someone follow you. 71. Photos are flat. Photograph flat surfaces. Maybe exchange them. 72. Change, control, alter, arrange light in room environment. 73. Art Powers. How much and what kind of art can you make from kleenex and masking tape, for instance. 74. A film video tape etc that deals openly with a physical flaw of yours (in your estimation). A film called PIMPLE? 75. Information exchange. You writer letters to someone and they to you and so on. Framed letters of Refusal (I am sorry, but...) for instance. Or Thanks (That you for your ...blah blah etc). 76. Random photos. End of, beginning of, roll photos. Camera sent up with pidgeon, balloon, given to another person with shooting instructions, shooting from hip, etc. How do we avoid our good taste? 77. Using of time devices. Time clock (that prints time in and out), random time devices (red dot on cash register tape), a fuse, a candle 78. Large scale art that can be seen in its entirety. For instance, if you dyed sheets each a separate color and arranged them checkerboard like, say a hundred or more, they could only be experienced by walking through them, but the ycould be seen (also photoed) by helicopter or airplane. 79. Photograph backs of things, underneaths of things, extreme foreshortenings, uncharacteristic views. Or trace them. 80. Put labels on things that list their contents. 81. Design an art test. 82. Can one give and take away aesthetic content? 83. Street works, art determined by locaiton. What would you do on top of a 30 story building? What would you do under water? 84. Given $50, could you increase the sum in a period of time? 85. Describe the visual verbally and the verbal visually 86. Film of, or video of, children's play activities--walking on a ledge, drawing a line in the dirt, etc. 87. Do a work of art by telephone. Or use TBA (John Collins). 88. An all word TV tape. Or a single word. 89. A real time movie or video tape. A steaming cup of coffee. 90. If photos come from reality, what kind of reality comes from photos? Reconstruct a photo tree-dimensionally. 91. Scenarios. Do a movie for an existing, stock scenario. Or 1 person write scenario, another shoot movie. Or grabag scenario--everyone write 2-3 scenes, drop in box, someone pull out maybe 10 and they are shot in the order drawn out. Or everyone do their version of the grabag scenario. 92. Video tape of making sound effects. 93. Design a secret handshake (for our class members?) 94. Verbally describe a landscape instead of painting one 95. A distinctive work that is based on parts and not a whole, that is one see the parts and never teh whole 96. Prove a point as in a science fair diorama, display tableau such as, "How quickly does bread mould under certain conditions?", or "a plant growth hampered by use of conditioned water?", "The effect of colored lights on plants", "Is untreated seaweed useful as fertilizer", "What effect does ultra Sonic vibrations have on plants?", "The effect of asperin on potato plants", "Why is a rainbow round?", "Do race, color, texture affect the strength of hair?" and etc. 97. Take the titles of any amateur art exhibit and illustrate them. For instance much titles as, Ah, Toro!, Autumn Leaves, Mexican Patterns, Xenogeniala #2, Xanadu, Wharf Enchantments, French Restaurant, Boat Patterns, blah blah 98. Repaired or patched art. Recycled. Find something broken and discared. Perhaps in a thrift store. Mend it. 99. Art that requires the rental of a Service rather than an Object. 100. How does one react to a minor stress problem. Perhaps compare what he is thinking to his outward behavior. 101. Put new canvas over old paintings. 102. Composition based on the duration of say, one gal of paint. 103. A 30 day continuous line of adding machine tape. 104. The shapes of shadows of well known people (or well known artists for a specific example) 105. Reversals. Be black, say things backwards, all while standing upside down. 106. Put make-up on dogs and other animals. On trees and plants. 107. "If each of us were to confess his most secret desire, the one that inspires all his plans, all his actions, he would say: 'I want to be praised.'" (E.V. Cloran). Do a piece that deails with Praise as a theme. 108. Photograph of umbrella and sewing machine on an operating table. That's Surrealism isn't it? 109. Blow powdered color through straw on drawing made with fat on wall underground. That's cave art isn't it?
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rennyji · 3 years
June 17th tweets
June 17th tweets...
you know what's cool? Gas spring wall mounted monitors...you can turn the monitor in any direction, raise it higher, lower, whatever...the gas spring is key...
so i bought Ugg Men's In House shoes...(do men call these slippers?! i dunno)...I went through several pairs from exchanges/returns. Why? The fuzz or fur inside is being pulled out/apart in all directions, right out of the box...Come on Amazon...aren't you guys about quality?!
So I saw "Superman & Louis" on the CW app, the other day. Lara (would like that name for a potentialDaughter, but moving on..), a.k.a. Superman's Kryptonian mom was revealed 2be married to 1 man, had a child, &then married Superman's dad, Jor-El-whom she later fell in love with.-
- this was said in passing on the show, as part of a different theme. But it makes you wonder...Are all women like this? Constantly out to seek "the best deal", regardless of stage of life? After having a son with 1 man, she falls in love with another and has another child...-
- what happens to marriage vows? Are these just empty words among America's pandemic of empty promises, hopes, and help? These words of through sickness and health, whatever, are meant to have power. These kind of things give life meaning and power...-
- Things aren't working out with your partner? Work things out. The option of divorce, I feel, makes people try  less harder. Your partner is literally supposed to be ur other half. You are one being. There are extreme cases of people being abused, but the rest is ego. -
- U marry me, ur stuck with me for eternity and beyond...think about it...u being my half is like my hand which is part of me...not going anywhere without my hand...duhhh...huhhh, womennnn...
moving on... From Run Girls, Run!, YouTube anime song “share the light” - kinda girly, but catchy jingle...
YouTube “Ultra instinct (trap remix)”
On a differentNote, U can learnSomething fromThe IndianConcept of arrangedMarriages, America.. Whereas U have theOpportunity of datingAround, findingPeople who share in ur hobbies/interest, make U feelExtraordinary, Indians,for centuries&beyond have been paired by theirParents.-
- If you talk to Indian couples, who probably have nothing in common, they say, they and their spouses have a "deep bond." They're bound by simply having the constant presence of another...someone to talk to, someone to care for them, and so forth...-
- This American thing about common hobbies/interests, making you feel special - these are biological feelings/impulses. You need to expand ur mind: "who will always be there for you?" Astrology and hobbies aren't what forms a "connection." It is the answer to that question...
Check out "Mud Wtr" on Google, as an alternative to caffeine…nothing to do with actual "mud" - that's just what its called...good stuff, but expensive...
If regular coffee doesn't do it for you, you can search and find coffees like "Kion Coffee", or, on the other extreme, "Death Wish Coffee." But remember, different stuff holds the potential of working for different people. Looking for options? Give one of them a try..good stuff..
I want to get to a point where I’m traveling and have a secretary. I want to get to a point where when I go downstairs, breakfast is ready...when I need something, it’s before me…don't want to worry about the little things...
Try the " CoreStretch " from Amazon...quick way to stretch your back and other muscles...
After shaving, there isn’t a single after shave out there that reduces post shaving sensitivity, preparing u 4 tomorrow’s shave. Ive found a cream in Indian Ayurveda, alleviating that “ahhh it burns/stings!!!” post shave feeling by piling on the cream when no 1 supposedly looks.
So I found out that Miranda Cosgrove, Nickelodeon's "Carly Shay" from iCarly, made $180,000 per episode from a legally/appropriately run show...for this illegal relaying of me, from lawsuits and salary-never-received, I'm going to say $180,000 per relaying is the base line...
so moving on...now...don't get me wrong, but i'm not into, getting into the following subject. but the majestic orchestrators of "the situation" frequently keep talking about a girl "I knew 'of' " and don't in fact know. I don't know why. -
- By "knew of", Im not even sure what she looks like. Sometimes I remember her tall or with meat on her bones or sometimes short or skinny..Im not even sure if all these were the same girl, when I saw her. Whoever she was, I remember liking the girl in the black North face Denali? jacket. Then amidst these versions of this girl, there was another look alike who rode the white Van type taxi called “Best Taxi.” Then there’s the short skinny version with the red stroller suitcase. I know facts about this individual from simple things like her last name.-
  - last names can be an indicator of where ur from, origin wise. But I don’t even know what she exactly looks like. From wishing her HappyBirthday on facebook, without a response back, I no her birthday is on june 24th. I know that&remember that b/c I did it once, & in high school, my memory was so good, Id memorize my notebooks.-
- ladies, something to know about me. i'll never forget a birthday or anniversary. -
- with all the talk about this girl, you get curious what she's up to, and through google, you can find out she went to columbia. a smart cookie. and in the random times i bumped into her, -
-i remember her telling her friends jen and valerie or whoever (i can remember even small details) that she wanted to transfer to columbia in her first or second year, but didn't. i happen to be walking by at that moment when she was talking and her mother or whoever -
- picked her up in a white infiniti. In a part time job on that campus as a telemarketer, on the computer system 4 calling students homes, her mothers name & address popped up on my neighbors call screen, so I even know random things like her mother's name &she's from  New Jersey. -
- this is what I mean, I don't know her. over the years of explaining things over and over, for one reason or another, it seems like i knew this person. Please stop with the talk. Now the orchestrators, with the sounds projected, want me to-
- think this girl, who never so much as responded to a Happy Birthday, is chasing after me, and has gone mad in a massive game to prevent women from talking to me, when its the orchestrators instructions. Never a moment to reset the mind on that subject. It just shows neither -
- the girl, her wackadoodle friends, and the orchestrators know a thing about me, and just want me to talk all day. Its not even fair to the girl, if she has the time to see this. What'll she think?! Find a new subject, orchestrators...
- and about people i bump into, people from the dorms in Binghamton...i remember it all...in binghamton dorms, they have everyone's names stickered onto the doors. i don't know that girls friends either. -
- ladies, something U should know about me...b4 we become girl friend/boy friend, or even friends, what U see in "this situation" may not be what U get, inPerson. Im different w/different people. Just b/c Im soft w/my brother doesn't mean Im going 2be soft w/some1 on the street.-
- those who cross me, in certain cases, I forgive, but I never forget. Guys, girls, I do not play games. I'm in my very early thirties and I don't have patience for a majority of the things that go on in this...
- going back 2 the girl, 1 last thing. i think the desperate orchestrators want 2give their meaningless cr*p of a program some kind of twist, by hooking me up w/some1 I don't even know how they look, for the sake of their program. After allThis, Im sure I have some1 who hates me-
- through no fault of my own...
It just isn't wise for me to put out anything really, because the orchestrators who have nothing to talk about, who don't know me, who think by seeing me everyday we're besties, then get stuff to harp on. -
-When I do hear them, not always, out of pity I'm telling them something verifiable, if you have a lie detector, u know none of what's said carries any relevance or significance. Its just noise, both literal and figurative.
- then the nonsense about my appearance...what are we 10? am i teenage girl? I'm an average guy, and a regular guy in real life. Everything that goes on is hype from constant chatter through an unresolved and ongoing crime...
moving on...
so moms...my mom never listens 2 a thing I say. Partly b/c she's in a rush to speak what's on her mind. As I continue talking, shell go so far as to walk around or decide to literally hammer away at something for some coincidental purpose.-
-My mom is not how I want my spouse 2be. She claims "there's no talking to me." over the simplest of things when its her stubbornness and clouded mind against my clarity. I'll be in the middle of making a point or saying something insightful, shell tell me she's not into it.-
- if i run into a woman like that, goodbye. maybe its her busy day inciting lack of patience. But then my day...i got her randomness, the randomness in my environment, the randomness from the orchestrators, the randomness at work...it's all very tiring...-
-that's how the orchestrators get material. through tiring randomness...
America is a very flawed country lacking heart, conscience, &insight. But they do have the nuclear family going on 4them. Mom, dad, son, daughter are seen equal, & what every1 says has value. Son can correct mom, mom doesn't take it to heart, & may even use it to better herself.
so had an argument w/mom over Listerine mouthWash. She takes like a tablespoon &dilutes the rest w/water in theCap. I gargle a capful of Listerine. Im content w/how Im doing it &ran into noProblems. She wants 2insist on her way of doing it. Stupid things. Is that a culturalClash?
so tweeted a ton today...the orchestrators got their tantalizing desires possibly fulfilled...moving on...
0 notes
showlexsite · 4 years
Actions people should and mustn’t create after gender
Actions people should and mustn’t create after gender
After you have done it is organic to become tired, but relating to Best existence’s Dave Zinczenko: “Males get to sleep because female you shouldn’t become a pizza pie.” Your better step would be to offer your lover the eye he or she is deserving of.
Flipping regarding the television: “Turning from the television or picking right up the mobile leaves their sensation left behind and also make her become insignificant to you personally,” states sex that is certified and Advanced Imago partnership counselor Deborah Fox.
“By making love herself vulnerable with you, a woman has made. their sensation risky and vulnerable. in the event that you detach, you will put”
Regardless if the Everyone Blacks video game are on, have actually the video game on record her feel especially important so you can prioritise your better half over rugby, making.
End up being actually remote:
It likely won’t go unnoticed if you keep a physical distance from your partner after sex. “Staying linked is vital to a female,” claims Deborah Fox. “When you don’t reach, cuddle, state free factors to their, she actually is very likely to withdraw. Intercourse isn’t really a conference on her that stops in climax.” For you either so it shouldn’t be.
Reveal ideas she need to have identified before: Women is susceptible appropriate sex, so losing information that she should currently have understood could keep their feelings you’re not dependable, truthful or available. Little states shameful than losing a-bomb following the reality. She might furthermore become made use of, deceived and upset.
Inquire her to depart: You might have a completely valid reason as to exactly precisely exactly precisely why he/she can not remain more. But it is better to reveal that details before they arrive more. Nothing is bad than informing your spouse they must put after intercourse and enjoying all of all of all of them create a dash that is mad with their vehicle or regarding the belated shuttle with makeup products smeared across her face.
If you find yourselfn’t upwards for spending the complete nights collectively, handle objectives and determine their what are you doing along with you.
Psychologically hook:
Cuddling can become a part of hooking up together with your spouse mentally after gender but there are lots of other activities can be done to help keep the nice vibes moving long afterwards the event that is main started to a finish. You can easily explore one another’s vision, synchronise the breathing, find out like youngsters or show your emotions toward their. “It really is specially vital that you remain literally and psychologically existing with a lady after intercourse,” claims Fox. “Females make by themselves susceptible to you just insurance firms gender. Keeping linked can make her become safe and sound.”
Thus with this thought, listed here are methods you ought to and really shouldn’t manage adhering to a passionate rendezvous with your better half.
Hold pleasant her literally: You’re complete but your lover might be kept hoping additional. Program yourr lover you are enthusiastic and planning on their requirements. Permitting your own partner learn you are ready to remain this course will unwind all of all of all of all of them while making all of them become liked. And hey, you could be given by them only a little additional in the foreseeable future!
Talk: It might become odd, but speaking about exactly just what simply unfolded can offer useful suggestions for each party. Let them know that which you enjoyed, inquire further that was advantageous to all of all of them and bask within the fame regarding the wonder which had simply unfolded. Similarly, it is a right energy where you could speak about simple tips to much better please one another which may induce better yet intercourse along the track. Complimenting, approaching everything you including and do not including and speaking about one another’s wants may benefit the connection not only literally but psychologically.
Intercourse along with your lover is not only the actual operate, nonetheless it contains the build, the work, additionally the closeness post-sex.
Bath collectively:
Not just can you reduce your odds of an STI but along you could have a relaxing yet post-sex experience that is intimate. It is a way that is nice fall after your own large and it also simply leaves the two of you experience linked and additionally thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly clean.
Tidy up: It teaches you worry about their particular room and it also preserves them task subsequently as soon as you go homeward. “Tidying up displays you are feeling similarly in charge of everything you would collectively,” Fox mentioned.
Your own family member doesn’t desire to be lying around by herself experience dismissed.
We don’t see whom you are obtaining assistance from, but betrayal traumatization pros comprehend you can’t only overcome it’, or perhaps you can���t simply faith more challenging,. There are numerous tools to assist you are understood by you don’t have actually to exist the matrimony,. BloomForWomen is a site that is such. Reclaim for intimate fitness is actually for your. Limits by Townsend and affect try a big spot to starting studying as to what you certainly will and won’t enable inside your life. Not far off a Catholic website for deceived spouses also known as “Navigate Betrayal “
That’s so very hard. Then how can you trust if they will never disclose the truth? Personally I think for you personally.
Persistent discomfort from fibromyalgia as well as a back that is bad. Constant tiredness syndrome so I’m really sick on a regular basis. We dislike they nonetheless it helps to keep all of us from having sexual intercourse a large amount of the some time and husband doesn’t desire to play around if it isn’t ultimately causing sex.
Oh, Brenda, that is very difficult! Are there any other stuff that one can appreciate just because sexual intercourse is actually from the desk? Often you only require that nearness, also.
All too often people can fall under the pitfall that they believe the intimacy.
Another think about this subject: I’ve found it fascinating that your particular reasons Women Don’t Want to immediately have sex accompanied their article to my girlfriend states We Never have sex. The thread that is common through these would be that aside from some solely actual circumstances (think about it, people, have a bath and clean your smile!), it is the relational issues that complicate the specific intimate dilemmas. They is both methods, and husbands and spouses have to actually speak vocally about what’s taking place. And therefore implies each of them has got to be truthful in self-appraisal. Both need certainly to inquire about and increase elegance. And also this should be predicated on a relationship that is growing Jesus Christ.
Best shown, Bob. I do believe we’ve created this case where we come across gender in mostly real terms and conditions, so we forget about how much the rest influences they.
You only completed love that is making your spouse.
Tomorrow I’m speaing frankly about just how goodness wishes all of us to accomplish that which we can to really make the commitment much better, instead of targeting all of our mate’s flaws. But that is correct within the room, as well.
Initially, I would like to many thanks for the ministry! I’m from the expenses Gothard/Doug Phillips household where We Kissed relationship good-bye got “too liberal” about periods), and of course sex was never, ever mentioned for us to read, where we never had anything remotely close to “the talk” (my older sister had to tell me. I determined just exactly exactly just what it had been sooner, but my personal elderly sister didn’t. My personal mommy shared with her about gender *weeks* before her wedding ceremony, and she had been therefore horrified that my personal mommy stated she could delay the marriage if she desired! (she performedn’t, but she had been nearly frightened making on her behalf vacation, also it got gangbang porn them nearly two weeks to have intercourse! ultimately) I’m grateful like you answer all the rubber-meets-the-road sex questions we have; the single paragraph of “sex is good and do not deny each other” in most Christian marriage books doesn’t go far that you and other bloggers.
Source: https://showlex.site/2020/03/24/actions-people-should-and-mustn-t-create-after/
from WordPress https://showlexsite.wordpress.com/2020/03/24/actions-people-should-and-mustnt-create-after-gender/ via IFTTT
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erraticfairy · 4 years
6 Concrete Ways to Improve Your Emotional Health in 2020
1. The Basics: Eat healthy food, get enough sleep, move your body, and use vices in moderation. Like a car needs working parts and fuel to run smoothly, humans need healthy food, exercise, rest and to NOT poison our mind and body.
The key to making positive change is to set attainable goals. If you recognize that change has been hard in the past, you might be pushing yourself too much. Instead, figure out and commit to one small change that you know you will and can do, like adding a salad or green vegetable to your lunch and dinner for a week and seeing how you take to it. After dinner, try taking a family walk around the block for exercise and bonding — this accomplishes two positive changes at the same time exercise and bonding with family. When you are tired, rest, even for 5 minutes.
One family member of mine said that to sleep better their new year’s resolution was to read before bed instead of looking at their cell phone. I’m going to try that as well. Think about what would make you feel proud of yourself and try making a small change in a positive direction. Experiment to find what works for you. Be nice to yourself when something doesn’t work and then try another idea.
Use guilty pleasures in moderation, like food, drugs, alcohol, video games, and smart phones. Be aware that underlying emotions may be causing discomfort that you try to soothe with under-eating and over-eating food and vices. Instead of self-medicating in ways that hurt you or make you feel bad about yourself in the long run, strive to calm your mind and body in healthy ways. Below, I share what works for me and many others. Suffice it to say that every new habit we cultivate starts with willingness, courage, and education.
2. Learn about emotions! Emotion education has the power to transform anxiety and depression, bolster your confidence, and help you spend more time in calmer and authentic states of being.
Do you know the difference between your thoughts and your emotions? Did you know we cannot control whether we have emotions, just what we do with them once they are triggered? Did you know that if we bury core emotions, they make us anxious? Did you know emotions are there to make us move? Did you know that depression is often caused by anger towards another person that gets turned against one’s self? Did you know that shame is an emotion from which we all suffer? Did you know there is healthy shame that civilizes us and toxic shame which impairs us? Did you know the brain can change and heal from the day we are born until the day we die?
Society doesn’t provide formal education on emotions and how they affect both our mind and body. Nor do we learn in high school the many concrete skills available that help build emotional health and resilience. Society leaves us to flounder on our own. To make matters worse, we are raised with myths and misinformation on emotions. Therefore, we must take it upon ourselves to get an emotion education. Men, I am talking to you too. I know emotions scare you. Society has hurt you by teaching you that emotions are unmanly and something to be pushed away. Even learning the science of emotions brings forth anxiety and avoidance. The irony is that people avoid learning about emotions because of the myths and stigma in our society. Yet it’s only with a basic education that we can correct falsehoods and ignorance. It’s with education that we learn skills to prevent, ease, and even heal anxiety and depression. It’s with emotion education that we grow to embrace our authentic self, flaws and all. Our physical health improves too when we learn to validate emotions, as research shows many physical conditions are caused by buried emotions.
Here’s what you can do to get some information: During your commute to work, listen to a podcast or audiobooks on emotional health. You don’t have to do anything differently, just learn. You’ll be amazed much better you’ll feel about yourself just by understanding emotions. The Change Triangle is how I first learned about my emotions and now it’s my favorite way to teach others about emotions. 
3. Practice grounding and breathing even if you are skeptical or think it’s dumb.
It wasn’t until I became a dentist that I started to floss my teeth. In dental school, I learned why flossing was important. And, I was annoyed that my dentist never thought to explain. Similarly, when I was young and people told me to breathe to calm down, I wanted to punch them. Literally, it annoyed me so much because I didn’t understand what grounding and breathing would do. When I tried it, I felt stupid and too simple to make a difference. Just like I had to go to dental school to learn why I should floss, I had to train to become a trauma psychotherapist to understand why grounding and breathing was fundamental to emotional health. Filling up with air as we do when we deep belly breathe (technically called diaphragmatic breathing) puts pressure on the Vagus nerve. The Vagus nerve connects directly to the heart and many other organs. When we massage that nerve with deep belly breathing, we actively slow our heart and switch into a more relaxed and open state of mind. At the age of 56, I now know breathing and grounding to be a key to emotional health and wellbeing. In fact, I start most of my sessions with it. When it comes to embracing breathing and grounding, better late than never! I am living proof of that.
4. Practice self-awareness with a stance of curiosity, unconditional compassion and kindness towards yourself. 
Getting to know yourself is endlessly fascinating, unless you are blocked by fear. If you are scared to dip into your internal world, then that is where you begin — with fear. The fear has meaning and wisdom to offer. The task at hand is to listen to your fear, honor it and validate it. But, please don’t judge your fear or any of your emotions and thoughts for that matter. We must judge our behaviors and actions for whether they are constructive or destructive — it’s important not to take actions that hurt yourself or others. But judging our emotions and thoughts is not of help. Judging shuts people down.
Approach your internal world in ways that open you up to new possibilities. That’s what makes it possible to change and transform for the better. We cannot change what is not in awareness, and we cannot safely become aware of our emotions, thoughts, fantasies, and impulses if we judge them harshly. Curiosity and compassion are necessities when looking inward. When we cannot approach ourselves in accepting ways, we can work to grow that capacity. It takes practice. The kinder and more patient you are with yourself, the better you will feel. And this self-compassion will compel you to expect better treatment from others. Additionally, you’ll have more compassion to extend to loved ones and friends.
5. Work to simply name the emotions you are experiencing in the moment.
In an fMRI study, aptly titled “Putting Feelings into Words” participants viewed pictures of people showing emotions as evidenced by their overt emotional facial expressions. When the participants looked at these faces, their emotional brain, called the amygdala, reacted which could be seen by fMRI. When people were asked to name the emotion they saw, another part of the brain responsible for calming emotions, called the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, activated and reduced the emotional activity of the amygdala. In other words, consciously recognizing the emotions and putting language on emotions quieted the brains emotional reactivity. In 2020, work to name your emotions and you will improve!
6. Find and create practices to help yourself feel as good as possible.
If your goal this year is to feel calmer, more connected, less distressed, and headed to a better place by 2021, try out a few of these practices below (or others you find in your research). Practice any one that you can commit to trying for a month. Then evaluate if you feel better as a result. If so, keep doing it. If not, that’s ok too. Just try out another practice until you find the one(s) right for you:
Wake up in a way that feels least anxiety provoking. For example, I am not a morning person. Now that my kids are all grown, I give myself permission to have coffee in bed an hour or two before I have to get up and ready for work. I set my alarm clock accordingly.
Start the day with grounding and breathing exercises and repeat as needed at least two more times throughout the day. Slowing down for brief periods may actually increase your productivity. It does mine.
Muster your courage, risk embarrassment, and share something emotional with someone who is kind-hearted. Share from an authentic place inside you. No need to fix anything. It’s amazing how talking about our feelings openly with someone who listens compassionately transforms a bad feeling into something better.
Start a book group or peer group to talk about life.
At the end of every day, try a soothing ritual like taking a hot bath, having hot tea while you put the kids to bed, or stretching as you listen to music (you can do this with kids and teens too).
Start a gratitude journal (there’s research it helps). All you do is write down 3 new things every day for which you feel grateful. Some people write them on notes and drop them in a “gratitude box.”
Cook a new healthy recipe every week.
Write for 5 minutes in a journal without editing or judging what you write.
Talk to your “future self” every now and again. Make sure you are moving toward your goals. Try this gentle exercise for a “future self” experience.
Work the Change Triangle to name and validate your emotions. The benefits are many. The Change Triangle is my go-to tool that I use personally and professionally every single day to build emotional strength and resilience. 
With a partner or on your own, read books about psychology, trauma recovery, emotions, relationships, and communication that you can implement.
Add your own: ___________________________________
A new year is an opportunity for change. Yet, change is hard — very hard. This year I am challenging myself with a Whole 30 diet for the month of January. It’s my second time braving this very daunting practice. It means no alcohol and no putting anything in my body that isn’t 100% natural. I dread the feeling of deprivation, and I am excited to exert my will power and lose a couple of pounds. I intend to lean into the sensations of deprivation and meditate on them without gratifying my desire to feel full.
I hope you will challenge yourself in 2020 so in 2021 you can look back at this year with pride that you have done even one small thing different and better. You can do it! A+ for trying! 
from World of Psychology https://ift.tt/36dsYDC via theshiningmind.com
0 notes
6 Concrete Ways to Improve Your Emotional Health in 2020
1. The Basics: Eat healthy food, get enough sleep, move your body, and use vices in moderation. Like a car needs working parts and fuel to run smoothly, humans need healthy food, exercise, rest and to NOT poison our mind and body.
The key to making positive change is to set attainable goals. If you recognize that change has been hard in the past, you might be pushing yourself too much. Instead, figure out and commit to one small change that you know you will and can do, like adding a salad or green vegetable to your lunch and dinner for a week and seeing how you take to it. After dinner, try taking a family walk around the block for exercise and bonding — this accomplishes two positive changes at the same time exercise and bonding with family. When you are tired, rest, even for 5 minutes.
One family member of mine said that to sleep better their new year’s resolution was to read before bed instead of looking at their cell phone. I’m going to try that as well. Think about what would make you feel proud of yourself and try making a small change in a positive direction. Experiment to find what works for you. Be nice to yourself when something doesn’t work and then try another idea.
Use guilty pleasures in moderation, like food, drugs, alcohol, video games, and smart phones. Be aware that underlying emotions may be causing discomfort that you try to soothe with under-eating and over-eating food and vices. Instead of self-medicating in ways that hurt you or make you feel bad about yourself in the long run, strive to calm your mind and body in healthy ways. Below, I share what works for me and many others. Suffice it to say that every new habit we cultivate starts with willingness, courage, and education.
2. Learn about emotions! Emotion education has the power to transform anxiety and depression, bolster your confidence, and help you spend more time in calmer and authentic states of being.
Do you know the difference between your thoughts and your emotions? Did you know we cannot control whether we have emotions, just what we do with them once they are triggered? Did you know that if we bury core emotions, they make us anxious? Did you know emotions are there to make us move? Did you know that depression is often caused by anger towards another person that gets turned against one’s self? Did you know that shame is an emotion from which we all suffer? Did you know there is healthy shame that civilizes us and toxic shame which impairs us? Did you know the brain can change and heal from the day we are born until the day we die?
Society doesn’t provide formal education on emotions and how they affect both our mind and body. Nor do we learn in high school the many concrete skills available that help build emotional health and resilience. Society leaves us to flounder on our own. To make matters worse, we are raised with myths and misinformation on emotions. Therefore, we must take it upon ourselves to get an emotion education. Men, I am talking to you too. I know emotions scare you. Society has hurt you by teaching you that emotions are unmanly and something to be pushed away. Even learning the science of emotions brings forth anxiety and avoidance. The irony is that people avoid learning about emotions because of the myths and stigma in our society. Yet it’s only with a basic education that we can correct falsehoods and ignorance. It’s with education that we learn skills to prevent, ease, and even heal anxiety and depression. It’s with emotion education that we grow to embrace our authentic self, flaws and all. Our physical health improves too when we learn to validate emotions, as research shows many physical conditions are caused by buried emotions.
Here’s what you can do to get some information: During your commute to work, listen to a podcast or audiobooks on emotional health. You don’t have to do anything differently, just learn. You’ll be amazed much better you’ll feel about yourself just by understanding emotions. The Change Triangle is how I first learned about my emotions and now it’s my favorite way to teach others about emotions. 
3. Practice grounding and breathing even if you are skeptical or think it’s dumb.
It wasn’t until I became a dentist that I started to floss my teeth. In dental school, I learned why flossing was important. And, I was annoyed that my dentist never thought to explain. Similarly, when I was young and people told me to breathe to calm down, I wanted to punch them. Literally, it annoyed me so much because I didn’t understand what grounding and breathing would do. When I tried it, I felt stupid and too simple to make a difference. Just like I had to go to dental school to learn why I should floss, I had to train to become a trauma psychotherapist to understand why grounding and breathing was fundamental to emotional health. Filling up with air as we do when we deep belly breathe (technically called diaphragmatic breathing) puts pressure on the Vagus nerve. The Vagus nerve connects directly to the heart and many other organs. When we massage that nerve with deep belly breathing, we actively slow our heart and switch into a more relaxed and open state of mind. At the age of 56, I now know breathing and grounding to be a key to emotional health and wellbeing. In fact, I start most of my sessions with it. When it comes to embracing breathing and grounding, better late than never! I am living proof of that.
4. Practice self-awareness with a stance of curiosity, unconditional compassion and kindness towards yourself. 
Getting to know yourself is endlessly fascinating, unless you are blocked by fear. If you are scared to dip into your internal world, then that is where you begin — with fear. The fear has meaning and wisdom to offer. The task at hand is to listen to your fear, honor it and validate it. But, please don’t judge your fear or any of your emotions and thoughts for that matter. We must judge our behaviors and actions for whether they are constructive or destructive — it’s important not to take actions that hurt yourself or others. But judging our emotions and thoughts is not of help. Judging shuts people down.
Approach your internal world in ways that open you up to new possibilities. That’s what makes it possible to change and transform for the better. We cannot change what is not in awareness, and we cannot safely become aware of our emotions, thoughts, fantasies, and impulses if we judge them harshly. Curiosity and compassion are necessities when looking inward. When we cannot approach ourselves in accepting ways, we can work to grow that capacity. It takes practice. The kinder and more patient you are with yourself, the better you will feel. And this self-compassion will compel you to expect better treatment from others. Additionally, you’ll have more compassion to extend to loved ones and friends.
5. Work to simply name the emotions you are experiencing in the moment.
In an fMRI study, aptly titled “Putting Feelings into Words” participants viewed pictures of people showing emotions as evidenced by their overt emotional facial expressions. When the participants looked at these faces, their emotional brain, called the amygdala, reacted which could be seen by fMRI. When people were asked to name the emotion they saw, another part of the brain responsible for calming emotions, called the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, activated and reduced the emotional activity of the amygdala. In other words, consciously recognizing the emotions and putting language on emotions quieted the brains emotional reactivity. In 2020, work to name your emotions and you will improve!
6. Find and create practices to help yourself feel as good as possible.
If your goal this year is to feel calmer, more connected, less distressed, and headed to a better place by 2021, try out a few of these practices below (or others you find in your research). Practice any one that you can commit to trying for a month. Then evaluate if you feel better as a result. If so, keep doing it. If not, that’s ok too. Just try out another practice until you find the one(s) right for you:
Wake up in a way that feels least anxiety provoking. For example, I am not a morning person. Now that my kids are all grown, I give myself permission to have coffee in bed an hour or two before I have to get up and ready for work. I set my alarm clock accordingly.
Start the day with grounding and breathing exercises and repeat as needed at least two more times throughout the day. Slowing down for brief periods may actually increase your productivity. It does mine.
Muster your courage, risk embarrassment, and share something emotional with someone who is kind-hearted. Share from an authentic place inside you. No need to fix anything. It’s amazing how talking about our feelings openly with someone who listens compassionately transforms a bad feeling into something better.
Start a book group or peer group to talk about life.
At the end of every day, try a soothing ritual like taking a hot bath, having hot tea while you put the kids to bed, or stretching as you listen to music (you can do this with kids and teens too).
Start a gratitude journal (there’s research it helps). All you do is write down 3 new things every day for which you feel grateful. Some people write them on notes and drop them in a “gratitude box.”
Cook a new healthy recipe every week.
Write for 5 minutes in a journal without editing or judging what you write.
Talk to your “future self” every now and again. Make sure you are moving toward your goals. Try this gentle exercise for a “future self” experience.
Work the Change Triangle to name and validate your emotions. The benefits are many. The Change Triangle is my go-to tool that I use personally and professionally every single day to build emotional strength and resilience. 
With a partner or on your own, read books about psychology, trauma recovery, emotions, relationships, and communication that you can implement.
Add your own: ___________________________________
A new year is an opportunity for change. Yet, change is hard — very hard. This year I am challenging myself with a Whole 30 diet for the month of January. It’s my second time braving this very daunting practice. It means no alcohol and no putting anything in my body that isn’t 100% natural. I dread the feeling of deprivation, and I am excited to exert my will power and lose a couple of pounds. I intend to lean into the sensations of deprivation and meditate on them without gratifying my desire to feel full.
I hope you will challenge yourself in 2020 so in 2021 you can look back at this year with pride that you have done even one small thing different and better. You can do it! A+ for trying! 
from World of Psychology https://ift.tt/36dsYDC via IFTTT
0 notes
The Importance of Brand Protection
Piracy is bad, we all recognize that. Downloading pirated applications from the world wide web, is the same as stealing something from a shop. We know that also. Shops suffer great loses because of theft, so as applications founders. anti piracy protection The main difference is, the first ones, do not try to minimize their loses, at the cost of the customers.It’s been quite some time since software companies began to execute in their software, anti-piracy mechanics. It’s clear as everybody would want to secure their work, from being stolen, altered or used without permission. The question is, how far can you go with this?
It began with simple serial numbers or scanning in a particular world from newspaper manual shipped with the program. A bit time consuming, but it worked. So long as you’d the setup disk and guide, one could easily install, re-install the app a dozen times per day, without having to explain the reason why. But as the online popularity grew, it started new possibilities of applications protection — activation providers. The mechanism is pretty easy: purchase software, enter specific product key, validate it through Web and you are ready to go. Straightforward? Not actually…
Few people understand, that most firms established a limitation of feasible activations per serial number. Why? In theory, because each permit is valid just for X amount of computers. So to ensure, that we don’t share ours with all our Facebook friends, a limitation is present. The catch is, if we choose to format our hard disk and perform an original system setup, all software that require reactivation, will treat like a new one, and so the counter will go 1 up. Now imagine what could happen, if your hard disk breaks down.
You send it to a ceremony. It’s returned, you re-install everything, but after a month that the problem returns. Again and again. When finally the faulty component gets replaced properly, another effort of reactivating your favourite software becomes rejected. Why? Because limitation of possible activations was attained.
What can you do? Call support center and ask to enable you, to activate your applications. Almost always the answer is positive, but… I own the applications, so why so I want to request consent to use it? I know my peace is legal, I have my bill, cd, manual, sequential number.
I don’t have to validate the software further. I just wish to use my applications. Some may say, that such scenarios are rare and it’s likely correct. Still this circumstance, makes one wonder, even if the anti-piracy forces are going in right direction. If this persists, we might be facing a critical problem: the number of viruses, malicious applications increases almost exponentially, making the need for regular software updates quite urgent.
Regular upgrading makes the OS run quicker, as one version installed over old, doesn’t necessarily run as smooth as a new install. That is why we format our driveway C and then set up everything from scratch… and trigger our software successfully. This moment. Next time, we might begin to think, that it’s better to use free options instead. They may not be as strong as their commercial counterparts, but at least they do not care why we install or re-install them.
To put it simple: they do not ask so many questions and that’s something most people desire — privacy. Privacy restricted by the anti-piracy campaigns. Time will tell whether these clinics, have no effect on piracy levels worldwide. For the time being, it made our lives a little tougher, than previously.
Computer piracy is a lot different from sea piracy. Instead Of plundering and assaulting the commercial ships in the middle of the sea, pc pirates generally steal intellectual property and then, finally, give it away for people use. This can possibly ruin the person or business and there are a range of examples to back up that.
Piracy is rampant in gambling sector
Computer game companies are one of the mostly diminished sectors by pirates. With the help of skilled programmers, pirates crack the code of this game that stores information about individual copies. To put it differently, you no longer need to go to the store to buy a game – you can just download it for free from a pirate server.
Pirate applications has its flaws. Several internet programs are practically not crack-able, because your ID is confirmed on a business server, and pirates have no access over there. Standalone cracked software is with a code that is altered and is susceptible to malfunction and will really damage your computer, let alone not operate properly. Official licensed software ensures that it may get the work done and can be bug free – something pirates give no complete guarantee. They just don’t care, since, after all, in case you like the program, you will probably buy it yourself.
Necessity and types of software piracy defense
To combat with this situation software companies have created software piracy security software. The software piracy protection comes in many forms in line with the functions. Some DVDs are made so that the game just runs if a certified DVD is present on your CD-ROM drive. Other need a serial number together with security applications on the actual DVD you bought.
Pirates are normally quite great developers who look ahead to be appreciated in large businesses and so boost their popularity and income. Others do it for fun and expect no sensible gain from it. They’re driven by the sole feeling of evil doing.
There are many infamous groups of crackers-pirates who crack almost every game that comes out and greatly reduce actual incomes of the companies-producers and programmers. The multimillion industry of amusement is continuing to suffer from heavy losses because of piracy and this is shortly going to change as new anti piracy legislation are becoming executed.
In this highly technological age, practically every aspect of major company is paperless. Though this development has significantly simplified the procedure for doing business, it has also left industries vulnerable to IC piracy attacks. In fact, intellectual theft costs American businesses billions of dollars in losses each and every year. One solution that technology teams must think about is using OTP (one-time-programmable) memory for their microchip devices instead. Here are a few reasons why.
–Though the technology isn’t new (it was initially developed in 1969), it’s surely reliable; and its capabilities copy protected dvd freeware have certainly been refined and improved through the years. It’s virtually problem-free.
–It is comparatively cheap. It’s not uncommon for companies to spend to the hundreds of thousands of dollars to get other anti-piracy options, but OTP memory is simple to install and use in a mere fraction of the cost.
–The arbitrary number system employed by OTP memory permits the user to create an identification number from a massive pool of possibilities. It’s virtually impossible for pirates to detect a specific number when there are literally billions of possible combinations.
–A system using OTP can be adjusted to match any particular taste or program. For instance, it may be set to permit particular identification numbers to be retrieved only by authorized employees.
–It’s a system That’s remarkably simple, yet powerfully effective.
In these difficult economic times, companies need to locate anti-piracy techniques that really work and which On sist are also cost-effective: OTP memory may be the IC protection solution you have been on the lookout for.
Every publisher is going to be pleased to acquire anti piracy software which may ably protect PDF documents, swf flash content and html content. Fortunately, DRM – digital rights management programs are available to address these requirements and also to provide the required controls to adequately execute data loss protection (DLP). These programs permit the writer to enroll a client using a licensing platform, pick the ideal customer accessibility level, create customized messages to inform unauthorized customers that they don’t have permission to open secure files and also to give them details about where to source to the permission, and also to establish expiry dates and exhibit a web page which affirms the expiry of the protected document.
Using DRM document control applications the document writer can implement a watermark capability whereby the consumer’s name and/or business name, and specifics of date/time of use are displayed on all the printouts. Further on antipiracy monitoring, we could even have PDF software which has the capability to demonstrate document and user statics, auditing and reporting.
Through the watermarking capability DRM will help to identify the place where the leak occurred. It also reports when the document was utilized and equips the writer with document control abilities to close off document access if misuse is detected. This is a useful anti piracy measure which prevents individuals from replicating or perhaps altering your work as this normally leads to the misinterpretation of the intended message. Data loss prevention is also implemented by requiring users to look at the document with a proprietary program quite different from the one which made it. This way, only authorized users can view the document and record processing tools can be disabled.
Data loss prevention is all about forestalling the dripping from a document/s beyond the control of the business that possesses it. In nature this anti piracy procedure is all about identifying, tracking and protecting, and this is achieved by shielding a record’s context and content via a filtering and centralized management program. This document control method helps attempts to automate the recognition of instances once the content contravenes set DRM rules, and also prevents documents from being emailed or copied to convey a flash drive.
A company will always find itself being required to share its own confidential information with overseas staff and even attorneys all of whom are external to the company’s firewalls and this also makes anti piracy solutions even more crucial. Onsist Social Network As such, in an effort to stem piracy, data reduction protection systems have to have the ability to secure protected documents once they are in the control of outside but authorized parties. Encryption has always been the answer to document
Control but it only goes up to stopping unauthorized persons from accessing the protected information. However, it doesn’t control what the authorized user can perform with the record once it is decrypted. Yet, we can always combine encryption using DRM controls so as to limit the ability of those users to discuss or pass on the limited information.
Attack Profiles
Successful attacks on vessels, where asset protection is minimal, follow common vulnerabilities, which are manipulated by pirates. These are as follows:
Low speed – (under 16 knots)
Low freeboard – (distance from the waterline to the freeboard deck of a fully loaded ship)
Insufficient preparation and implementation of processes
Alert of team on board is Low or there is no visual evidence of self-protection steps
Where There’s a slow response click wikipedia here for more information by the boat and crew
Normally the pirates will utilize two or more small ships capable of speeds in excess of 20 knots, these are available crafts usually called “skiffs” plus they normally approach the planned target in the port quarter or stern.
The use of a mother ship is used as a portable logistics foundation that conveys the equipment and personnel to enable attacks to occur further out to sea, a few attacks have happened at 600 NM from the coastline.
The vast majority of attacks will occur at first and last light, so in these times additional vigilance is required.
Ahead of the Transit
Before a transit, These bodies should amplifying your brand protection strategy be informed and comprise;
The Maritime Security Centre – Horn of Africa (MSCHOA), That’s the preparation and coordination authority for EU Forces from the Gulf of Aden and the area from the Coast of Somalia and the United Kingdom https:/onsist.com Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO), that will be in Dubai and will be the primary point of contact for vessels in the Area. The day-to-day interface with Masters and the army is your UKMTO.
Before transiting high-risk areas, the owner and Master must execute their own risk assessments to assess the probability of an attack by pirates. The results of the risk assessment must identify steps to be taken to protect against the vessel being taken by pirates.
Business Crisis Management Procedures and measures to fulfill the threat within the region the vessel is transiting, ought to be addressed.
In order to best prepare a vessel, the following training and planning Ought Onsist anti piracy protection to Be considered as a minimum, to control risks against assault:
Register the vessel with the onsist police, UKMTO and MSCHOA
Review the boats security Program
Carry out crew anti-piracy and security awareness training
Appoint security consultants for your own transit, have a peek at this website who have global marine safety expertise
Ensure you have a good and effective anti-piracy contingency plan
Defensive Measures
The boat should review its safety measures and processes and consider:
Ensuring that the vessels patterns are corrected in advance to Make Sure activities involved in monitoring marketing strategies that the team are well rested before they enter the high risk area
Watching radio silence or allowing minimal use of radio gear
Identify a safe room
Securing access to the bridge, engine room and crew cabins
Provision of night vision device(s) to get watch employees
During the Transit
Masters should use the International Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC). This is recommended by the Nazi police, westbound vessels use the northern portion of the corridor along with the eastbound vessels use the southern portion of the IRTC.
Vessels should stay within the IRTC at all times and ensure that it keeps up with Onsist its set transit. The boat must comply with international rules on light.
MSCHOA will counsel on the group transport timings which depart at various times and are identified by the rate of this boat, therefore if a vessel has a maximum speed of 16 knots it ought to consider joining a 14 knot set transit.
For those who have employed a safety company, they are there for advice and guidance and should also set up the processes and steps for every vessel as appropriate. However, vessels should still make sure that they have additional team as lookouts at exposed areas of the vessel especially on the trunk quarter.
It is paramount that a boat protects the crew from risk; this means that only fundamental crew work ought to be conducted on the deck whilst at the high-risk areas.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2uSW7kD via IFTTT
0 notes
onsistonline · 7 years
Brand Protection Is Essential
Piracy is bad, all of us know that. Downloading pirated applications from the Internet, is the same as stealing something from a shop. We are aware that also. Stores suffer great loses because of theft, in order software creators. anti piracy protection The main distinction is, the initial ones, do not attempt to minimize their loses, at the expense of their customers.It's been quite some time since software companies began to execute in their applications, anti-piracy mechanics. It's clear as everybody would want to secure their work, from being stolen, altered or used without consent. The question is, how far can you go with this?
It started with simple serial numbers or typing in a given world from paper manual shipped with the software. Somewhat time-consuming, but it functioned. As long as you'd the setup disk and manual, an individual could easily set up, re-install the program a dozen times per day, without having Onsist to explain why. But as the Internet popularity grew, it started new possibilities of software protection -- activation providers. The mechanism is pretty simple: purchase applications, input specific product key, validate it via Web and you're ready to go. Simple? Not actually...
Few individuals understand, that most firms established a limit of feasible activations per serial number. Why? In theory, because each permit is valid only for X amount of computers. So to make sure, that we don't share ours with all our Facebook friends, a limit is present. go to wikipedia for more The catch is, if we decide to format our hard disk and perform an original system installation, all software that require reactivation, will treat like a fresh one, and so the counter will go up 1. Now imagine what could happen, in case your hard disk breaks down.
You send it to some service. It's returned, you re-install all, but after a month that the problem returns. Again and again. When finally the faulty part gets replaced brand protection solutions properly, another effort of reactivating your favorite software becomes rejected. Why? Because limit of possible activations has been attained.
What can you do? Call support center and ask to enable you, to activate your applications. Almost always the solution is positive, but... I own the applications, so why so I need to request permission to use it? I know my peace is valid, I have my invoice, cd, manual, sequential number.
I don't need to validate the software further. I just want to use my applications. Some may say, that such situations are rare and it is probably correct. Still this circumstance, makes one wonder, even when the anti-piracy forces are moving in right way. If it persists, we might be facing a critical problem: the variety of viruses, malicious applications increases almost exponentially, making the demand for regular software updates very urgent.
Regular upgrading makes the OS run slower, as one version installed more than older, does not necessarily run as smooth as a fresh install. That is why we replicate our drive C and then set up everything from scratch... and activate our software successfully. This moment. Next time, we might start to think, that it's better to use free alternatives instead. They may not be as strong as their industrial counterparts, but at least they do not care why we install or re-install them.
To put it simple: they do not ask so many questions and that's something most people want -- privacy. Privacy restricted by the anti-piracy campaigns. Time will tell whether these practices, will have any impact on piracy levels worldwide. For the time being, it made our lives a little tougher, than before.
Computer piracy is a lot different from sea piracy. Instead Of plundering and assaulting the commercial ships in the middle of the sea, pc pirates generally steal intellectual property and then, eventually, give it away for public usage. This can possibly destroy the person or business and there are a number of examples to back that up.
Piracy is rampant in gambling industry
Computer game companies are one of the mostly impaired industries by pirates. With the assistance of skilled programmers, pirates crack the code of this game which stores information about individual copies. To put it differently, you no longer need to go to the shop to buy a match - you can just download it at no cost from a pirate host.
Pirate applications has its flaws. Many internet applications are almost not crack-able, because your ID is confirmed on a business server, and pirates have no access over there. Standalone cracked software is with a code that is altered and is susceptible to malfunction and can really damage your computer, let alone not run correctly. Official licensed software guarantees that it can get the work done and is bug free - something pirates provide no absolute guarantee. They just don't care, because, after all, in case you enjoy the program, you will probably buy it yourself.
Necessity and types of software piracy defense
To fight with this situation computer software companies have created software piracy protection program. The software piracy protection comes in several forms according to the functions. Some DVDs are created so that the game just runs if your certified DVD is existing in your CD-ROM drive. Other require a serial number together with security applications on the actual DVD you purchased.
Pirates are usually very great programmers who look forward to be appreciated in large businesses and thus boost their popularity and income. Others do it for pleasure and expect no sensible gain from it. They're driven by the sole sense of evil doing.
There are lots of notorious classes of crackers-pirates who crack virtually every game that comes out and greatly reduce actual incomes of the companies-producers and programmers. The multimillion probac stop actavis sector of entertainment is continuing to have problems with heavy losses because of piracy and this is soon going to change as new anti piracy laws are becoming implemented.
In this highly technological era, practically every aspect of major business is paperless. Though this evolution has significantly simplified the procedure for conducting business, it has also left industries vulnerable to IC piracy attacks. Actually, intellectual theft costs American businesses billions of dollars in losses each and every year. One solution that tech teams should think about is using OTP (one-time-programmable) memory to their microchip devices instead. Here are some reasons why.
--Although the technology isn't brand new (it was first developed in 1969), it is surely reliable; and its Onsist anti piracy protection capabilities have certainly been refined and enhanced through the years. It's virtually problem-free.
--It's comparatively cheap. It is not uncommon for organizations to spend into the thousands and thousands of dollars view publisher blog to get additional anti-piracy solutions, but OTP memory is easy to install and use at a mere fraction of the price.
--The random number system used by OTP memory allows the user to generate an identification number from a massive pool of chances. It is virtually impossible for pirates to discover a particular number when there are literally billions of possible combinations.
--A system with OTP may be adjusted to match any particular preference or program. As an instance, it can be set to permit certain identification numbers to be retrieved only by authorized personnel.
--It's a system That's remarkably simple, yet forcefully effective.
In these tough financial times, companies will need to find anti-piracy techniques that actually work and which are also cost-effective: OTP memory may be the IC protection alternative you've been looking for.
Every publisher will be pleased to acquire anti piracy software that can ably protect PDF files, swf flash content and html content. Fortunately, DRM - digital rights management programs are available to deal with these needs and also to provide the necessary controls to adequately implement data loss protection (DLP). These platforms permit the author to register a client using a licensing system, pick the right customer access level, create customized messages to inform unauthorized customers that they do not have permission to start protected files and also to give them details about where to supply for the permission, and also to set expiry dates and display a web page that affirms the expiration of the protected file.
Using DRM document control applications the document author can execute a watermark capability whereby the user's name and/or business name, and specifics of date/time of usage are displayed on each of the printouts. Additional on antipiracy monitoring, we can even have PDF software which has the capacity to demonstrate user and document statics, auditing and reporting.
Through the watermarking capability DRM will help to identify the location where the leak happened. Additionally, it reports when the document was used and equips the writer with record control abilities to shut off document access if abuse is detected. This is a useful anti piracy measure which prevents individuals from replicating or even altering your work as this normally contributes to the misinterpretation of the planned message. Data loss prevention can be also implemented by requiring users to look at the document using a proprietary application rather different from the one that created it. This way, only authorized users can view the document and document processing tools could be disabled.
Data reduction prevention is all about forestalling the leaking from a document/s beyond the control of the organization that owns it. In nature this anti piracy procedure is all about identifying, monitoring and protecting, which is accomplished by protecting a document's context Onsist and content via a filtering and centralized management program. This record control method helps efforts to automate the recognition of cases once the material contravenes set DRM rules, and also prevents documents from being emailed or duplicated to say a flash drive.
An organization will always find itself being required to share its own confidential information with offshore staff and even attorneys all of whom are external to the company's firewalls and this also makes anti piracy solutions even more crucial. As such, in an effort to stem piracy, information loss protection systems need to have the ability to secure protected files as soon as they are in the hands of outside but authorized parties. Encryption has always been the Reply to document
Control but it only goes as far as stopping unauthorized persons from accessing the protected information. But, it doesn't control what the authorized user can perform with the document once it is decrypted. Nonetheless, we can always combine encryption with DRM controls in order to restrict the ability of these users to share or pass onto the limited information.
Attack Profiles
Successful attacks on vessels, where asset protection is minimum, follow common vulnerabilities, which are manipulated by pirates. These are as follows:
Low speed - (below 16 knots)
Low freeboard - (distance from the waterline to the freeboard deck of a fully loaded boat)
Insufficient preparation and implementation of processes
Alert of team on board is Low or there is no visual evidence of self-protection steps
Where there is a slow response over at this website by the boat and crew
Normally the pirates will use two or more small boats capable of speeds in excess of 20 knots, these are available crafts usually known as "skiffs" and they normally approach the intended goal from the port quarter or stern.
The use of a mother ship is employed as a portable logistics foundation that carries the equipment and personnel to enable attacks to occur farther out to sea, a few attacks have happened at 600 NM from the shore.
The majority of strikes will happen at first and last light, so in these times extra vigilance is required.
Before the Transit
Before a transit, These bodies should be informed and comprise;
The Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Africa (MSCHOA), That's the planning and coordination jurisdiction for EU Forces from the Gulf of Aden and the area from the Coast of Somalia and the United Onsist Social Network Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO), that is in Dubai and will be the first point of contact for vessels in the Area. The day-to-day interface with Experts and the army is the UKMTO.
Before transiting high-risk locations, the owner and Master must carry out their own risk assessments to assess the likelihood of an attack by pirates. The outcome of this risk assessment must identify measures to be taken to protect against the vessel being taken by pirates.
Company Crisis Management Procedures and measures to meet the threat within the area the vessel is transiting, should be addressed.
In order to best prepare a boat, the next training and planning should be considered as a minimum, to control risks from assault:
Register the vessel with the police, UKMTO and MSCHOA
Review the ships safety plan
Carry out team anti-piracy and safety awareness training
Appoint security consultants for your own transit, who have international marine safety experience
Make Sure You have a good and effective anti-piracy contingency plan
Defensive Measures
The vessel should review its safety measures and processes and consider:
Ensuring that the vessels patterns are adjusted in advance to Make Sure that the crew are well rested before they enter the high risk area
Observing radio silence or enabling minimum use of radio gear
Identify a safe room
Securing access to this bridge, onsist.com engine room and crew cottages
Provision of night vision device(s) for watch personnel
Throughout the epsxe anti copy protection patches Transit
Masters should utilize the International Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC). This is recommended by the naval authorities, westbound vessels utilize the northern part of the corridor and the eastbound vessels use the southern part of the IRTC.
Vessels should remain within the IRTC at all times and ensure that it keeps up with onsist its group transit. The boat should comply with international rules on light.
MSCHOA will advise on the group transit timings which depart at different times and are identified by the speed of the vessel, so if a vessel has a maximum speed of 16 knots it should look at joining a 14 knot group transit.
For those who have employed a security company, they are there for advice and guidance and should also install the procedures and steps for every vessel as suitable. However, vessels should still make sure that they have added crew as lookouts at exposed parts of the vessel especially on the rear port quarter.
It's paramount that a boat protects the crew from danger; this means that only fundamental crew work should be run on the deck whilst in the high-risk areas.
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 7 years
The Art of Not Knowing
The fear of saying “I don’t know” started long ago. In the past, a person’s ability to gain employment was based on their depth of knowledge and aptitude at a particular trade.[1] Workers received intense training and usually performed an apprenticeship before they were considered a “professional” and respected as such. Saying the words, “I don’t know” was an indictment of incompetence.
But the work landscape has changed.
In today’s workforce, having in depth expertise is less valuable and has become a distant second behind potential. A person’s potential and capacity to learn is more important and far more valuable than encyclopedic knowledge on a particular topic.
The Beauty of Not Knowing
The birth of the internet created a huge shift in the information paradigm. Now, information, data and knowledge are literally at your finger tips. The impact of the information sharing on every level and subject, which is readily available 24/7, is a remarkably wonderful double-edged sword.
Things that were privy only to certain people and shared within closed circles is now accessible to all. If you want to know —you can.
The amount and magnitude of information available is overwhelming and incomprehensible. It has become almost impossible to be a true “subject matter expert.” The paradox is that both everyone and no one is an expert.
The shift in information sharing has also impacted workplace norms. Where it used to be frowned upon and taboo to use the words, “I don’t know” in a professional environment, it now has become acceptable and expected. Today people are hired based on their ability to process information not to memorize it — which is a far more remarkable and better use of the brain.
Our brains have gone from being storage containers to multifaceted microprocessors. Your ability to gather, comprehend, evaluate, synthesize, apply and create new information is your most attractive attribute — not your current knowledge base.[2]
Embracing “I Don’t Know”
The quicker you embrace the fact that you don’t know everything about anything, the better off you and those around you will be. You will unburden yourself of undue stress at work and you shift your brain into a continuous state of learning.
The value in embracing and saying “I don’t know” lets you off the hook and helps reduce all of the misinformation pervading our information system. The truth is, your boss doesn’t care whether or not you can produce information on the spot, he or she is more interested in whether or not you can find the correct information quickly and apply it properly.
Chasing “I don’t know,” with “but I’ll get back to you shortly,” is the recipe for continued growth, humility, and opportunities.
How to Know What You Don’t Know
Now that you understand now knowing everything is totally okay in the workplace, it’s time to understand how to complete the process and close the loop. Not knowing is acceptable; but failure to rectify the knowledge gap is not.
Find out What’s Missing
The first step (after admitting your ignorance on the subject) is to ensure that you understand exactly what information you are being asked to provide.
Nothing is worse than misunderstanding what it is the other person needs and chasing your tail down rabbit holes. Make sure what information you are being asked to gather and synthesize and then find out how it should be presented. This is a simple yet critical first step.
Think Through What You’ve Got
Now comes the part of the process where you gather the necessary information.
Ensure your sources are reliable. Read the information and then put it into two categories: What you know and understand and What you need to know or need to clarify further.
Make a list of concepts that you need to research more in depth. Clearly defining and assessing the information is the first step in critical thinking.
Fill in Knowledge Gaps
Focus your energy on researching the things you don’t know or can’t articulate clearly.
Always work from authoritative and well-known research. Use information from industry experts. Start from an original source such as a research study and then work your way out.
Read the abstract first, then find easier to read blogs, articles, books and videos that are based on this founding research. This will help you understand if the secondary sources are accurate. This will not only assist you in understanding the information but reading “lighter” materials also assists you with finding the vocabulary and other tools (charts, graphs, infographics, videos, podcasts, etc.) that can help you accurately explain the concepts.
Suggest Actions
Once you have and understand the information, create a plan of action.
Your course of action depends on the initial request. If you are being asked to present the information for knowledge only purposes, plan your presentation method accordingly.
If you are being asked to provide a solution or recommend a course of action based on your findings, be sure to use a structured research approach such as the “Five Why’s”. Using a structured research method will assist you in making a logical and researched based decision that has passed multiple tests. It also will assist in catching and mitigating flawed logic which is inherent to any decision making process.
Discuss and Brainstorm
Once you’ve identified a few possible solutions using a systematic approach, talk through your research findings and thought process with someone else — your boss or trusted co-worker. Together you can brainstorm potential solutions or assist each other in finding creative and innovative solutions to the issue.
No matter how thorough you are during your research process, you should always seek the input of others. The only perspective you have — regardless of how much research you do is–yours. Seeking the counsel of others broadens your perspective.
Making “I Don’t Know” Palatable
If saying the words “I don’t know” makes you cringe, here are a few alternatives:
“I don’t have a concrete solution at the moment. Let me gather some information and I’ll get back to you.”
“I don’t want to make a hasty decision that we may regret, please give me a few hours to look into this.”
“This particular situation may warrant a different course of action, I’ll do some research and get back to you by the end of the day.”
These are just examples— modify to fit your communication style and situation. The thing to note is that in each example you make it clear that:
You don’t have an answer.
You are going to research the topic/possible solutions.
You provide an appropriate time frame in which you will provide the information/suggested solution.
This approach allows your boss and colleagues to know that you understand the importance of the issue. It also lets them know that you are reliable and are going to work to find the best possible solution in lieu of handing them a half-baked, under-thought remedy which may do more harm than good. In the end, you actually walk away looking more competent, caring and committed than had you been able to provide an answer immediately.
Not Knowing Doesn’t Make You Impotent
“I don’t know” is a legitimate, acceptable and more importantly— responsible response when you don’t know an answer.
Your credibility doesn’t lie in your ability to provide encyclopedic knowledge on demand. We have the internet for that.
Instead, your credibility lies in your ability to track down, research and synthesize information and provide that information in the proper format to the proper people.
[1]^Encyclopedia.com: Postindustrial Society[2]^eLearning Industry: Information Processing Basics: How The Brain Processes Information
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The post The Art of Not Knowing appeared first on Lifehack.
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