#The ways their powers can interact with each other is unlimited fun
charnauk · 5 months
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I appreciate that in the middle of all the chaos, Sue is considerate to make a fun slippy slide for Reed. I feel like he was so distracted here that he would have fell onto the ground like a discarded party streamer if she didn't intervene.
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thisworldisablackhole · 4 months
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Sprawl Trilogy first impressions
God damnit, Gibson really did it this time didn’t he? The man really knows how to string you along and then ghost your ass mid dinner - dipping out of the bathroom window to leave you calculating the tip on your own.
Upon writing this, I have just finished Mona Lisa Overdrive, so I’m full of post-book emotions. Mona Lisa Overdrive took me the longest to read out of the 3 books. Part of that is due to the fact that I was getting distracted and spending full days writing posts on this blog about music and other stuff, and part of it is due to the fact that it is simply the most narratively dense book in the series.
After reading all three I have to say that Neuromancer is still my favourite. It had the most satisfactory ending by far, and perhaps the most cohesive vision. Count Zero is the only entry in the series that was kind of a dud for me. Upon finishing the trilogy, I think there is still some important world building information in that book that is worth revisiting, but the semi-boring characters mixed with all the weird heady spiritual stuff just didn't click for me. Not to mention the finale was much like when you try to pop a bubble on a sheet of bubble wrap and it sort of just softly squeezes out the air without making a sound. Virek going from being on the verge of unlimited power to completely ceasing to exist within the span of a few pages just made me go... "oh.... alright then".
Many people claim that Mona Lisa Overdrive is the best, and I can see where they are coming from, but I must admit I am just not a huge fan of the multi character perspective switching that happens between every chapter. Neuromancer still had it's fair share of innate complications that come from being based in a highly technological word (and written by an author who trusts the intelligence of the reader way too much), but it had a single driving perspective that was easy to stay engaged with. Count Zero caught me off guard with it's perspective shifting right away and it took me almost half the book to really pin down all the who what and where's to a point where I felt connected to each thread. Fortunately Gibson improved on this method of writing A LOT with Mona Lisa Overdrive. Even though he upped the narrative threads from three to four, the characters felt more fleshed out and were easier to connect with.
There is still so much I don't fully understand about the story. The end of Mona Lisa Overdrive wrapped up a lot of loose ends from the previous two books while simultaneously opening a pandora's box full of new questions and theories to explore. I do feel like Gibson added a bit of unnecessary information for the pure sake of complicating the plot and throwing you off balance, but it was nonetheless fascinating. Kumiko's entire involvement in particular was a huge question mark for me. Not to say I didn't enjoy her character. I loved the interactions between Kumiko and Colin. The whole idea of a handheld maas neotek personality construct that acts as a guide/companion that only she can see was really fun, but I kept waiting for her involvement in the whole switcheroo deal to make sense and then it turned out she was never really involved in that aspect of the story in the first place.
On that note, one of the beautiful things I learned to accept about Gibson's writing is that he loves to leave the reader in the dark. There were many times where I felt like an idiot for not fully understanding what was going on, only to have Gibson drop the answers straight into my lap in the last quarter of the book. I found reading this series a lot more enjoyable when I just relaxed and went along for the ride instead of asking questions. The knowledge and context you gain by the end of the books almost beg you to read them again, and that is why I refuse to do a full in depth review until that happens. I just can't do them justice until I fully understand.
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aiinfluencercompany · 5 months
Revolutionizing Engagement: The Power of AI Avatars by The AI Influencer Company
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In the fast-evolving landscape of digital marketing, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to captivate their audience. One trend that has taken the marketing world by storm is the use of AI avatars. These virtual influencers, created and managed by companies like "The AI Influencer Company," are reshaping the way brands connect with their target audience.
The Rise of AI Avatars As traditional marketing strategies become saturated, companies are turning to AI avatars to breathe new life into their campaigns. The concept of AI avatars involves using artificial intelligence to create virtual influencers with distinct personalities, styles, and voices. These digital entities can engage with audiences on social media, create content, and even represent brands at events.
"The AI Influencer Company" stands at the forefront of this revolution, offering businesses a unique and effective way to reach their customers. By leveraging advanced AI technologies, they create avatars that not only look and behave like real influencers but can also adapt and evolve over time based on audience interactions.
Personalization and Authenticity One of the key advantages of AI avatars is the ability to personalize interactions on a large scale. Traditional influencers may struggle to maintain genuine engagement with thousands or millions of followers, but AI avatars excel in this regard. Through machine learning algorithms, these avatars analyze user behavior, preferences, and feedback to tailor their content and interactions to each individual.
"The AI Influencer Company" takes personalization a step further by enabling businesses to customize avatars to match their brand personality. Whether a brand is looking for a sophisticated and professional avatar or a quirky and fun personality, the customization options are virtually limitless. This level of personalization ensures that the AI avatars seamlessly integrate into a brand's existing marketing strategy.
Unparalleled Consistency Human influencers are subject to various external factors that can impact their consistency in delivering content. From personal issues to changing trends, human influencers may struggle to maintain a steady presence. AI avatars, on the other hand, operate 24/7, providing a consistent and reliable channel for brand communication.
"The AI Influencer Company" ensures that their avatars are always on-brand, delivering messages with precision and consistency. This reliability fosters a sense of trust and dependability among the audience, further strengthening the bond between the brand and its customers.
Adaptability and Scalability In the dynamic world of social media and digital marketing, trends change rapidly. What works today may not be effective tomorrow. AI avatars excel in adapting to these changes in real-time. Through continuous learning and analysis of user behavior, they can adjust their content strategy to align with the latest trends and audience preferences.
For businesses aiming to scale their marketing efforts, AI avatars offer a scalable solution. Unlike human influencers who may have limitations in terms of time and availability, AI avatars can engage with an unlimited number of followers simultaneously. This scalability ensures that businesses can reach a broader audience without compromising on the quality of engagement.
Overcoming Challenges and Building Trust While the concept of AI avatars is revolutionary, there are challenges to be addressed, particularly concerning trust. Audiences may be skeptical about interacting with virtual influencers, fearing a lack of authenticity. "The AI Influencer Company" recognizes this challenge and places a strong emphasis on transparency.
Through open communication and clear disclosure of the avatar's non-human nature, businesses can build trust with their audience. Additionally, showcasing the AI avatar's ability to learn and evolve based on user interactions helps humanize the virtual influencer, making it more relatable and trustworthy.
Conclusion In the era of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is essential for businesses aiming to make a lasting impact. The rise of AI avatars, pioneered by companies like "The AI Influencer Company," presents a groundbreaking opportunity to transform the way brands engage with their audience.
The unparalleled personalization, consistency, adaptability, and scalability of AI avatars make them a formidable asset in any marketing strategy. As businesses continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of digital communication, embracing AI avatars could be the key to unlocking unprecedented levels of audience engagement and brand success.
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whispersfans · 7 months
Easiest way to get free, unlimited GEMS and DIAMONDS in WHISPERS app / game!
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Whispers - Interactive Stories gift codes, Whispers: Chapters of Love gift codes!
Whispers is a game that lets you experience interactive romance stories with choices. You can customize your outfit and hairstyle, and meet your dream lover in each story. You can also control your fate and destiny, and shape the outcome and happiness of your couple. Whispers has different genres and themes, such as billionaire, mafia, dragon, or werewolf romance. Each genre has its own characters and stories, and you can choose between them according to your preferences and moods. In this article, I will introduce some of the characters and stories that you can find in Whispers, and give you some tips on what to choose to get the best results.Billionaire Romance: The Nocturnal BillionaireThe Nocturnal Billionaire is a story where you get swept away by a tantalizing tale of power and passion with a charismatic alpha male who is equal parts handsome billionaire and fierce werewolf.
You can choose to roleplay as a girl or a guy, and customize yourself with fantasy dancing dresses. You can also choose between four perfect lovers to romance, and face the challenges and drama of the show. Will you succumb to his commanding presence and become his devoted girlfriend, or will you resist his advances and assert your independence?Some of the characters that you can meet in The Nocturnal Billionaire are:Ethan: He is the nocturnal billionaire, the owner of the Moonlight Club, and your mentor in the dance competition. He is a werewolf who has a dark and mysterious past, and a powerful and dominant personality. He is attracted to you from the first moment he sees you, and he will do anything to make you his. He is loyal, protective, and passionate, but also possessive, jealous, and controlling. He can be gentle or rough, depending on your choices.Alex: He is your best friend and roommate, and a contestant in the dance competition. He is a human who has a cheerful and optimistic attitude, and a friendly and supportive personality. He is always there for you, and he will help you with anything you need. He has a crush on you, but he is too shy to confess his feelings. He is kind, sweet, and funny, but also insecure, naive, and clumsy.
He can be your friend or your lover, depending on your choices.Luna: She is a contestant in the dance competition, and a rival for Ethan’s attention. She is a werewolf who has a glamorous and seductive appearance, and a cunning and manipulative personality. She wants to win the competition and Ethan’s heart, and she will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. She is arrogant, selfish, and spiteful, but also smart, ambitious, and confident. She can be your enemy or your ally, depending on your choices.Ryan: He is a contestant in the dance competition, and a friend of Alex. He is a human who has a handsome and charming appearance, and a charismatic and flirtatious personality. He likes to have fun and enjoy life, and he is not afraid to express his interest in you.
He is adventurous, playful, and witty, but also reckless, irresponsible, and careless. He can be your partner or your fling, depending on your choices.Some of the tips that you can follow to make the best choices in The Nocturnal Billionaire are:If you want to romance Ethan, you should choose the options that show your attraction, trust, and submission to him. You should also avoid the options that show your defiance, doubt, or rejection of him. You should also be careful with the other characters, especially Luna, who might try to sabotage your relationship with Ethan. You should also be prepared to deal with Ethan’s possessiveness, jealousy, and control issues, and to accept his werewolf nature and lifestyle.
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tcx-mania · 1 year
Grateful AF
I just needed to take this moment to be thankful. Thankful for all that I have.
My body which aches and tells me that I'm alive and reminding me that my health is important. It bears me the ability to move and partake in activities that I enjoy and allow me to make a difference in this world with ease. My teeth which are imperfectly there and holding strong reminding me that I must take care of them. My hair which is strong and healthy and beautiful making me feel feminine and powerful. My eyes and senses which allow me to be in touch with and interact with the world in a way that is irreplaceable.
My brain which can take in new information and my mind that has the desire to learn and grow. A mind that is accepting of challenges and has the ability to see things in ways that others can't. That tries to find the good in all and give the benefit of the doubt.
My spirit which can remain positive even during trials and tribulations and has a desire for fun, experience, and learning, and has the ability to reflect and forgive myself when I fall short of my own expectations and others'.
My job which is challenging to my knowledge, intellect, learning, skills reminding me that I am a little fish in a big pond that can make a difference with the right amount of ambition and discipline. Where I'm surrounded by a culture of people and coworkers who love nature and fun and kindness and try their best inspiring me to be a higher level. And a boss that I hold dearly in my heart and look up to and respect.
My home which needs cleaning and maintenance remind me that I have warmth and safety and that good things come with a price. A place that connects me to my family and gives me the space I need to express myself and feel at home.
Clean water in "abundance" that I can so easily take for granted for cleaning, showering, and drinking. Clean air that I can breathe in-- free of a mask. Containing the air and molecules breathed in my my ancestors and all those before me. Ordinary and extraordinary all the same.
The Internet and smartphones which provide access to unlimited information and software that can spread knowledge of nearly anything you could ask for. Reminding me of the blessing I have for speed of communication and education at my fingertips if I'm willing to look carefully.
My car which allows me to not only get from place to place, but brings me there in a way that I can pass safely. It's loud sounds reminding me that I am in a car and traveling with speed and that driving is fun. Giving me an accessible way to feel the wind on my face and enjoy peace and time to myself. Where I can meditate and think and find solace.
My country that I live in which has blessed me with the freedom of expression and a place I can feel accepted and grants the opportunity to work hard and contribute to society and earn money that I can spend however I want and have food to eat and feed my loved ones. A government that isn't perfect and teaches us that there is always more room for growth and progress and revolution, but allows us the space to try to make a difference.
A world that has strange and wonderful unimaginable beauty. A place where different creatures with unique strengths and weakness that remind me that being different is a necessary part of life and a spectacle at that. Where mother nature is in charge and will thrive above all. Where one can realize the divinity of interconnectedness and love. Where all experiences that us as humans take place. A world that I am grateful to be a part of and reminds me that my life is short and must be lived. That anything good in this world comes with working hard, giving love, and having strength in self and others.
My living parents and brothers and sisters who are all unique and important to me-- each of them holding a piece of my heart. I wish them health, love, discipline, strength, wisdom, adaptability, peace, and happiness. They have shaped me both indirectly and directly into the person I am today. My extended family that I'm so proud to be related to and show me different sides of life.
Friends that accept me and act as a mirror to the person I am. Who are honest and helpful. Who share my different passions and laugh with me. Who want me to succeed and open my mind up to new ideas. Who I can count on when I really need the hand.
My daughter who teaches me so much every single day and walks each step in life as her own person. She embodies kindness, compassion, charity, love, brilliance, creativity, femininity, strength, patience, and fun. She empowers me to be an amazing role model and challenge myself and the characteristics I may have inherited so I can exercise virtues and heighten my emotional intelligence and encompass patience and find ways to cope with my feelings so that someday she can learn it through me and realize her true potential, encapsulate the essence of love, express herself authentically, and help others to do the same.
My boyfriend who loves me for who I am and makes me feel beautiful and wanted. His sweet touches that brush my hair or my back and holds me in a way that no other has ever done. With consideration and thoughtfulness providing me security in ways I never imagined feeling. And finally feeling heard and cared for by someone who wants me to grow and succeed. He grants me the independence and freedom that I need to become the person I was meant to become. A man who teaches me what it means to be a good partner.
There are so many things in this world I am thankful for and I couldn't possibly name them all, but for each of them I am blessed. Cheers to gratitude and happiness.
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ultimateintimacy · 2 years
How To Play Inappropriate Truth Or Dare With Your Spouse?
Playing fun games is the best way to develop understanding and become more comfortable in each other's company. Also, this is one of the best ways to spend time with each other and break the ice after having arguments. But you need to be very thorough while playing games with your spouse, and also, you must know what you can ask and what will be appropriate. Inappropriate truth or dare holds the power to impact your relationships negatively. So, be careful while playing the ways and have fun without turning your games into serious conversations.
3 Tips For Playing Inappropriate Truth Or Dare With Your Spouse
You need to be thoughtful while playing games with your spouse and use this game as an opportunity to make your bond stronger. But ensure that you are not making this game  Inappropriate truth or dare. You can give any direction to the game as per your mood. It can be a flirty, serious, and fun game to play on any occasion. So, if you want to play games with your spouse and looking for some helpful tips, you are at the right place; read further to explore!
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1. Play With Questions ( Challenge Each Other )
We all have a few things we want to know about our partner, and we think of games as an opportunity to resolve all the queries. But let's play the game lightheartedly and make it a fun experience. You can get creative with the questions and give your partner different scenarios and some tricky dares. Also, you can inquire about their past relationships in a fun way without turning the game into  Inappropriate truth or dare.
2. Use This Opportunity To Know One Other
As a newlywed or  if you have recently started dating, you have queries about each other, and you look forward to knowing more about each other to make your relationship work out. So, take this game as an opportunity to ask questions about each other's personal preferences and priorities in the relationship. Moreover, you can also ask about their expectations of you and their views on your interactive @dult games. So, next time you can multiply your fun.
3. Avoid Making Each Other Uncomfortable
It is the most crucial thing you must remember while playing games with your partner. The game's motive is to have fun, which goes the same for both parties. So, if one of you finds this game unsatisfying, then there's no point in moving forward. Try changing the questions and have fun with your partner.
Have Fun With Your Spouse With The Best Games! Games are the best way to discover more about your partner's personality and uncover their secrets. But you must be careful and play this game without hurting your partner's feelings. So, if you want to work on your relationship and have a relationship with your partner, Ultimate Intimacy has an app with the best features and unlimited games and questions. It is one of the finest apps for intimacy for couples. Visit their website and explore their app to know more about their fun games!
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edittrust · 2 years
Dota underlords hackers
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#Dota underlords hackers for free
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Is the dota+ seasonal sets even an issue? Who gives a fuck lmao. Playing ingame I can't remember the last time I experienced a big bug that wasn't fixed in a couple hours (neutral item bug most recently). The bugs that have been in the game for years are generally pretty mild ones. Sure they only fix bugs that hit the frontpage of reddit, but that's because the gamebreaking bugs hit the frontpage super fast. Never experienced that or ever seen anyone post about it. Game stuttering sounds like a you problem.
#Dota underlords hackers for free
Download this game for free only from games1tech.(the game is stuttering and has lots and lots of bugs in it that Valve only fixes when it reaches the front page on the subreddit).This game lets you interact with various players in online mode, so this helps you to improve your relations, and you will even come to know and interact with different people.You can even invite your friends or friends of friends and play with them.There are gangs, secret societies, and others from which you need to protect the city and use special powers of your heroes.You can make your room of players or heroes and play in the game.As you will level up and the new season will come your one of them, or some of the heroes will be gone as to earn something you need to lose something, and those new heroes will have different powers, different strength, and various new looks to showcase that will help you in winning the battle.To boost the powers and strength of the heroes or buy a new hero, you need to level up and collect more money.Each hero has their special power, and they are best in their way.
#Dota underlords hackers upgrade
To upgrade your hero, you need the money that is XP in the game by reaching levels and playing and winning levels.As you level up, each level is full of difficulty and adventure.You need to buy the heroes and purchase them from the store by giving gold.This game has amazing and powerful characters that are heroes that will showcase their powers, and you will be fascinated.
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mybabygirlelsa · 3 years
So I was watching Frozen II the other day and the whole confusion about the voice visited again. Like, who's calling Elsa? Is it Ahtohallan? Her mom? Her own self? Jennifer Lee (I think) said that the voice belongs to Iduna, but that doesn't sit well with me. And then I remembered that I've written my own theory about it, which why not share it with you? 😂
It's probably very inaccurate based on the things we know, but it was really fun to write!
Hope you enjoy!
(A/N: italics are extracts of the book "Frozen II: The Junior Novel")
The Fifth Spirit
Very long ago, in a time no man can recall, humans weren't the dominant species on Earth. There were no rules, yet neither freewill.
Or so it was thought.
People lived under nature's laws -they interacted with it, respected it greatly but mostly feared it. Prophecies about nature's rage were foolishly believed and seriously taken into account.
But it wasn't nature they truly feared -it was its magic.
Humans never succeeded to understand magic -it was considered unreachable. Only a small group of people that repeatedly refused to take part in the "vision of civilization" decided to co- exist with the magical elements and spirits of nature. These people were the first human inhabitants of the Enchanted Forest and the ancestors of the future indigenous Northuldra.
As time went on, people grew more and more arrogant, thought they were capable of everything and gradually stopped believing in nature's power. They began sacrificing and falsely taking advantage of nature's goods. Seeing their audacity getting out of hand, the spirits of air, fire, water and earth sought help from Ahtohallan, the mythical river said to hold all the answers.
The then- small glacier, foreseeing the consequences of people's hauteur, sacrificed a part of herself and sculpted a female figure, with hair and skin as white and pale as freshly fallen snow and eyes as blue as shining ice. With her ancient magic, the glacier gave life to the woman, who was none other than the Fifth Spirit.
According to scanty myths, the woman had achieved great and extraordinary accomplishments in her previous life and the magical river had collected and kept her soul to be used for greater things when the right time would arrive. However, those speculations never came to be confirmed.
Nonetheless, why she was there and why she was chosen, that she never came to know. And a part of her wondered if she ever would.
People's conceit kept growing in an astonishingly fast pace while the Fifth Spirit was given a duty -to connect humans and the magic of nature, as well as protect the only home she would ever know in her existence; the Enchanted Forest.
Apart from her duty, she was also given a power no human had known and no spirit had possessed -the ability to create ice and snow, to control and bring winter. After connecting with the other elements, she was also gifted and given powers to represent all four spirits, such as wings, the ability to strike lightning and control the water, as well as the power to cause earthquakes.
The Fifth Spirit was sent to humans after fully mastering her powers and understanding her purpose. Under the guidance of the unseen deity, people began having faith in nature and underlying yet great respect.
However, this was not an easy task to achieve. It took her almost a hundred years to restore people's faith and trust -but she successfully accomplished it.
Each passing day her power grew significantly, and so did her fondness for her creator. To show her gratitude, she used her unprecedented power and expanded the length and height of her beloved glacier, making Ahtohallan an extension of her powers and mostly, herself.
To honour her child, Ahtohallan assigned to her a new task; she had to visit a chosen woman's dream and recite a poem that would soon be heard from every young Northuldra mother's lips -the lullaby of Ahtohallan. The old glacier also gifted her with a beautiful staff that could summon power and turn into a crystal necklace when unneeded.
Having already mentioned the lullaby, it's important to subjoin the meaning behind a specific lyric -"dive down deep into her sound, but not too far or you'll be drowned". The youthful spirit created a sheer drop that ended to an ice sheet to keep there the utmost truth, for only the most selfless souls would be fearless enough to ignore the warning, as well as brave enough to dive into the abyss. That, if anyone would ever manage to reach the frozen river. For the mighty Water Nokk -who shared a very special bond with the Fifth Spirit- guarded her secrets.
For the very start of her existence -as well as in the meantime of her mission to restore people's faith-, the Fifth Spirit would travel across the Earth to bring winter and joy to the children. She was the very first winter spirit  -Jack Frost made his appearance a lot later. Legend has it that she was the Snow Queen the Danish author, Hans Christian Andersen, spoke about in his fairytale. However, unseen as she was, this theory had never had a requisite basis and was never further explained.
As time went on, the forlorn deity was assigned tasks that aimed for specific, chosen people freeing their potential, resulting their lifework to be considered admirable, and almost magical. All spirits had agreed there were and there would be humans that deserved to be known for their own "magic". The Fifth Spirit helped people accomplish dreams and bring visions to life, as she was the only spirit that had the power to transform, painlessly get into one's head to guide and/or give advice and take a human form of any needed age as well as gender when one's achievement was considered of great difficulty. She even had the power to seek a specific ability she didn't possess -which would later on be declared hers- so her efforts could be crowned with success. 
She could do anything. There was only one thing she was unable to do; feel.
She was emotionless.
Even her fondness for her mother was taken away after the second century passed. It was thought that if she was given the ability to feel, she would show mercy and compassion and her unlimited patience would spare.
So forsaken she remained. Nameless and isolated, unseen and walked through by people, having to serve her cause on her own, merely meeting with the other spirits on specific occasions.
One of them was on the first day of spring every five years, when everything was blooming, blossoming and growing. A great part of the Enchanted Forest was her deed -she expanded its length and grew more trees, more grass, bloomed more flowers, added more bushes, a small river -where the Earth Giants would be sleeping in the future- that floated into a waterfall which ended at a sheer drop, a pit full of black rocks later known as the Lost Caverns. Because of this, the spirits gave her the appellation "The Reincarnation of Mother Nature" -the only name she was ever given.
For most of her existence -as long as she was waiting  for her next task to be handed-, she lived close to her glacier. Away from any kind of life, on her own, in her Ice Palace of memories. She spent so many years close to it, that her fondness returned and she wanted to praise her treasured river.
So she gifted her her voice.
Her act was pure and sincere and played a significant role in the Enchanted Forest's and spirit's future. The iconic and quintessential call would later on be heard, and then, much later, known worldwide as one of the most famous melodies of the Gregorian Chant -the "Dies Irae".
During one of her missions, on the fjord south of the Enchanted Forest, while she was making sure the protector of people, the famous warrior of old, Aren, had achieved his life-changing goal, something changed. Aren was a little bit like her, a protector who served people as his cause. She was protecting the Forest and was serving both nature and humans. Yet a big difference grew the gap between them; he was loved and surrounded by people.
He was feeling.
She wasn't.
Occasionally, she would roam the night skies to witness a life she had never known, to witness how people felt.
And remind herself how she couldn't.
She had been told to distance herself from sunlight, as if she was a single snowflake that would melt when she met with sun's light. She had been told humans were weak, mischievous and unpredictable creatures. She had been told she was greater and superior. Yet she caught herself longing to spend a day warm in the sun, longing to see people dancing...
Longing to feel.
And so she did. Painfully, her as cold and hard as ice heart melted and its first beats sounded like heavy raindrops hitting the dry soil loudly.
She had never felt so alive. She had never... felt.
However, her accidental action required a cost to be paid.
The same, previously mentioned scanty myths, referred to another woman's soul, which had been collected and kept by Ahtohallan. She was certain she would be the one given the great purpose and when she wasn't, her soul never reached the heavens as she swore revenge on the young soul of the Fifth Spirit. Hiding her true intentions, in Ahtohallan's chambers she remained, nurturing the young spirit like mother Ahtohallan did.
Once she learned the youthful deity had broken the laws she had been restrained from ignoring, the resentful soul brought her bitter foe to the Enchanted Forest, secretly from Ahtohallan, and for the first time in forever, she allowed her to feel.
While she burned her.
The Fifth Spirit was set on fire and was obliged to feel her skin melting, like snow on a bright, sunny day. It was unimaginably painful. Her haunting call, that was later on used by a young Northuldra girl, tore the sky apart and meant only one thing;
"Help me".
If it wasn't for Ahtohallan's and Water Nokk's intervention, the Fifth Spirit would have vanished. The evil soul was banished to the Lost Caverns, a place with no way out, where one would be at their lowest emotional point from that day forward. However, before she was sent away, the hateful soul put a curse on the traumatized spirit -when she failed to serve her cause, she would be burned. If the mistreating soul still existed, that no one ever confirmed.
After her adored water horse healed her with the water's curative properties, the Fifth Spirit swore not to feel again, and accepted the prohibition of getting any near the land where the future kingdom of Arendelle would come to be.
Thousands of years passed and the unseen spirit's heart had gotten colder than ice, preventing her from repeating her mistake. Ahtohallan and the other spirits mourned for her, for she was not who she had once been, and made great efforts to change the past's design, intentionally forgetting what had been done was unchangeable.
Despite her change -and most likely because of it-, the Fifth Spirit had dedicated most of her attention to her precious forest. Seeing this, Ahtohallan assigned her the task of looking after a young Northuldra girl, so the deity could be surrounded by her forest.
The Fifth Spirit and the young Northuldra were somehow connected. Iduna, the young Northuldra, would occasionally hear the eerie melody of the spirit, since the deity would "sing to those who hear". The girl would also be seen playing around with Gale, the feisty Wind Spirit. Iduna was connected with nature in an unexplainable way -she was different and destined for great things; she was chosen.
One day, ships arrived at the entrance to the fjord south of the Enchanted Forest -wooden ships full of people who were determined to create a home for themselves near the water. Soon, the kingdom of Arendelle came to be and the Fifth Spirit knew what that meant.
The newcomers were welcomed by the Northuldra's ruler when he met with their king on a cliff as the sun set. The leaders firmly shook hands at this meeting, which was seen by others only in hazy silhouette. Yet the deity saw everything clearly.
To demonstrate their goodwill and friendship, the Arendellians built a mighty dam in the Enchanted Forest. They placed it on the river that flowed into the Arenfjord, the deep blue body of water upon which Arendelle Castle had been built. The dam connected all the lands and made it easier for the Northuldra and their reindeer to roam. King Runeard, the leader of Arendelle, offered it to the Northuldra as a symbol of peace and cooperation between the two groups. But the powerful spirit could see past his facade.
When the dam was complete, the Arendellians threw a great celebration. Northuldra from all over the land gathered at the base of the dam to mingle and feast with the Arendellians. The Fifth Spirit tried to warn the indigenous tribe about the trickery behind the kindness for months but no one listened -they were all busy welcoming and celebrating with the frenemies.
The poor spirit could see how it would all end and attempted to warn young Iduna. But it was too late -the battle had already begun.
Arendelle had turned out to be harmful once again. And as the lush beauty of her beloved forest was being destroyed, as the chaos continued beneath her, she cried, with her plangent call shaking the trees and crumbling the ground.
Her cry echoed as another voice synchronized with it -a pleading for help. Her eyes spotted Iduna holding a young boy in her embrace, as the girl called for help in agony. The Fifth Spirit, overcome with grief of centuries, wailed her eerie melody, mourning for her forest.
As well as for herself.
Her end was near and she was about to meet her tragic fate. She had failed to protect the Forest. She had failed to serve her cause -and the curse continued.
The Wind Spirit heard her call and took the children to safe ground. But it was the only one who listened.
Overcome with rage, the Fifth Spirit cried sorrowfully one last time before a mist, as thick and impenetrable as stone, enveloped the forest, as a promise she would forever guard it from foreigners. Then she disappeared, since people had stopped listening.
However, this was not her end. The Wind Spirit carried the remaining bits of her body to the devastated glacier that grieved over her lost daughter for days, in the meantime causing great parts of herself to collapse. The Water Spirit, overwhelmed with pain as well, told the river about the girl the Fifth Spirit was assigned to look after. Ahtohallan understood the importance of the young Northuldra's deed and finally let the soul of the deity find its new body, knowing she would not return the same.
The Fifth Spirit's soul travelled across the skies and on the Northern Lights above Arendelle it remained, looking after young Iduna, for she was destined to carry in her womb the reincarnation of the lost spirit.
And so, the spirits waited -waited for the Fifth Spirit to be reborn and return to where she belonged.
They waited for her to rise again.
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jrueships · 2 years
Oh please share all your thoughts regarding kyle/Demar. Im desperate for content too. Also, can you share that flop video? Their last game was 3 months ago cus Kyle didnt play in the one last month.
OOOOOOH okay YEAH that's what i was THINKIN!!! that the flop video HAD to be the one from 3 months !! YEAH okay YEAH my thoughts EXACTLY YOU OMNOMONO-S M A R T , anon !!!!!! I don't think this sentence made sense but whatever we move
HERES the flop vid!! Notice the tie and the quarter LOL klow RUTHLESS to his mans lol!
AS FOR MY THOUGHTS ON THEM...... let's Talk.
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They sure do love taking turns staring at each other in manic Lust huh. Hashtag just guy things Girlpower !!!
FIRSTLY uh hmm WELL i think they are.. just such an Iconic ship like TRULY the BLUEPRINT. Even in a nonshippy sense, the way they tell each other i love you i love this man i love kyle he's my guy i'd run through 15 brick walls for him i love demar he's my best friend LIKE.. it's REAL it's an UNABASHED bond!!!! They are CLOSE! they LOVE each other they CARE for each other!!! SOOO much!!!!!! THEIR POWER... UNLIMITED! and of course serge tryna pit bad bitches against bad bitches in his how hungry deebo guest vid; he recognizes REAL!! Not just delusional TUMBLRINAS realize their INFLUENCE but like! Everyone does!! IT'S SO ELEPHANT!!! IT'S SO THERE!!! love that for them!!! And i think them being so 'popular' and loved scares me off from privately publishing any writings not ONLY bcs i don't wanna DISAPPOINT people that follow em religiously down to a T, but bcs like! KYLE/DEMAR SO GOOD!! i don't wanna TAINT it with a thought process that can be COMPLETELY wrong from the source! I CANT DO THEM LIKE THAT!!! You know like i LOVE THEM because they're TRUE LOVE but i also HATE them because they're TRUE LOVE like! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY OTHER THEN 'it's true love baby!!' Because it IS! it's so GOOD and DEEP and COMPLEX and i LOVE that but my brain NEEDS to be able to simplify things down to lil bounceable points so i can understand it better but i CANT?? i can't let my brain DO that to something so HUGE and AMAZING????? The way they INTERACT is so DYNAMIC and fun and full of LIFE and!!! 1 U DONT EVEN HAVE TO GO INTO GOBLIN MODE TO VIEW EM & POINT OUT LITTLE THINGS TO. PROVE THEY ARE IN LOVE LIKE! they just ARE everyone can SEE can KnOW its so STRONG!!! They're my og favs for a reason but i also Hate them for that reason..... gay people
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This is from a lil note in one of my MANY unpublished kyle/demar fics to help keep me on point, SO if i ever DO sum up the courage and publish a fic that kinda hints to this idea, you guys WILL act SURPRISED and HAPPY at this BRAND NEW UNEXPLORED IDEA into kyle/demar lol (it gets touched upon a Lot in the kyle/demar owner player fic which is ALSO very long and WILL be hidden from the general populace )
People HEAR kyle. People hear his shouting, his demanding, his AWFUL jokes (deebo: the chips are down kyle: like? Potato- potato chips? *extends pop bottle microphone closer to demar's interview*), his loud laughter, his unnecessary SOUND effects with his unnecessary physical COMEDY ( s T O M P I N. wiTH. the. BIG. boYS !WITH... *swaggers away from his made shot as demar giggles. Probably emphasizing his stomps just to make demar laugh MORE), his smartass comments to reporters ignorantly written off as friendly cheekiness by them despite the OBVIOUS fact that he HATES them (EXCEPT when it's to talk about.. DE-MAAAR!!). KYLE IS.. heard. Does that mean he's LIKED??? um. Well.
Kyle can be .. bossy. To put it lightly. Or an ASSHOLE, to put it now DEMARLY(beloved) but DEROGATORILY. He can argue with coaches like it's a HOBBY! And refs! ESPECIALLY refs! He can argue with the other players!!! You tryna start a fight after we get ejected from a game? Alright, HERES MY ROOM NUMBER. Spoiler alert though, demar GONNA be there because we BOTH loyal af and we BOTH gonna whoop your ass so. have fun losing to homosexuality you sexless giblet ! EVEN IF KYLE ISN'T EVEN PLAAAYING, if a fight breaks onto the floor you can BET he's stepping up all suit and tie to put his two cents in. And people are gonna respectfully disrespect him for that! I mean like.. that's Okay, it's REASONABLE you know it's ALRIGHT. Kyle's been living his entire Life being disrespected so he's just disrespectful right back and that's FINE. it's a little tiring though. Never making someone happy. Never making people Smile because you're just. An asshole. BUt you ARENT juST An ASSHOLE!!!! youre actually REALLY funny and REALLY clingy and REALLY sweet and full of LOVE!!! just.. you know.. also full of... Opinions. Opinions you think EVERYONE deserves to hear DIRECTLY because you HATE fakeness. You also hate being boxed in too... so maybe youre Kind Of an asshole, YEAH so WHAT? thats not ALL? Sometimes you SAY things... yeah.. but youre.. more. Youre So much More. And no one wants to See that . . . And YEAH you COULD hypothetically 'change' that but then that wouldn't be YOU. So you'd rather live a life unloved than live a life not yours. You've already been doing it so long.
Demar is beloved. Like. Thats just FACTS! reasonable tangible understandable FACTS!! serge would PUNCH a man for even HINTING dislike toward demar! We ALL would!!! Deebo is nice and sociable and truthful, can hold pleasant small talk, responds to reporters with delightful little metaphors for rudy gay to question. DEEBO IS A K I N G !!! a pleasant MANNERFUL king! Elegant demarvelous GORGEOUS he is THE WORLDS girlfriend! We DONT deserve him!!!! you know.. he's good at decency. 'Deebo's a Nice Guy. He's known for freezing up during playoffs.. but he's Likeable. He's Nice. So he'll be OK.'
Deebo has the 'i can socialize well in small conversations and i WANT to act pleasant to others because i care for them!!' Attitude People go through where they're 'on good terms' with a lot of people but not... their Number one. Not really KNOWN for ALL that he Is. All that he DOESN'T say. Because what if people Don't want to hear it? What if people Don't want their 'perfect' image of Deebo destroyed? Marred by depressing thoughts, chocked uselessly full of silly Obsessions and Ideas. They just like Pleasant deebo.. Want pleasant deebo. So he gives them that. And represses what he thinks isn't needed. Hides it. Doesn't speak it into life. well- absolutes are Difficult. Sometimes he let's Some Things slip out. Just little things though. No one cares enough to put what he says into memory though. It doesn't make impact that way. He's content with it, he supposes. Because others are.
But. It really does feel Good being with Kyle. JOKING with him, TALKING to him, telling him all your 'silly little ideas', goofing off with him, proposing a MOVIE together, little roles they can fit (the matrix clip..), it feels nice BEING with him. Because he LISTENS. Even if others only see Kyle as this stubborn asshole who takes no opinion beside his own into account, Kyle really does Listen. He might make some snide comments in reply, but he Retains the information given.. the things said. They can hurt him, or they could make him feel Alive. Laugh. Kyle lives for pushing people past their 'Decent' boundaries at the beginning to see who they REALLY are.. the Extent of their Being. He gives them his 100% in search of 100% in return. And you can Bet Demar gives that to him plus More. Plus the moon and the stars and the old movies of his time and his dumb little dances and his musical aspirations and his bothersome interview interruptions and his Love... demar is More than willing to give Kyle EVERYTHING. Because Kyle Asks for his everything. WANTS his Everything. Kyle takes Demar's everything and makes it Beautiful. Let's demar know it's meaningful. He doesn't show it as perfectly Expected, but he Shows it. Demar tells Kyle about his rapping hobby on a lazy afternoon relaxing from another harsh conditioning morning. He tells it as nothing more than a mere Afterthought, just an excuse able comment sprung by music listening inspiration. But Kyle HEARS it, TALKS about it. He brings it up in an interview... the reporter didn't ASK for it. She asked about his favorite rapper. But because Kyle thinks about demar SO much and about EVERYTHING he says, the good, the bad, the Cringe, he brings DeMar's hobbies up. He doesn't EXPOSE them in DEPTH though, just gives them a shoutout. To let the people hear. And to let demar know he's Been heard
Demar thinks of kyle often. Feisty asshole kyle. Couldn't live without me kyle. The man i leaned down to while he was on the floor kyle. The man i told i'd be by no matter What kyle. Because no matter What anyone else thinks of him, Deebo will be there .
Because Kyle's a Listener.
And DeMar sees that.
It's the little things that count.
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yamagucji · 4 years
a series of thank you’s i’ve been meaning to give for a while now. please note i couldn’t get everyone bc im smol brained and im forgetful :(( also its vedy long so i added a readmore link but if it’s okay then i can remove it!
i would’ve preferred to go to your inboxes/dm’s but im scared t🤢umblrs going to glitch on me if i do it again a ha ha
i remember you sent in my first ever request and i was SO happy like🥺 my account had no visibility on week 1 but then you somehow found my blog and since then you’ve been supporting me. i love the aesthetic of your blog and i always look forward to your rb’s because they so cute and insightful !! ik we haven’t talked much but i definitely perceive u as a gentle person here’s 1k hearts for you and you only <3
please i was *intense squealing* and *happy noises* when you said you wanted to be mutuals :’) im definitely uhhh way too immature for u but you still stick with all the caps and !!! i send you😭 you’re such an interesting, talented person. day 1 you got me HOOKED with your art and im gonna say this again,, i have never seen skin look soo s o f t painted. im really grateful for your company and all your cats and the hinata art you made me🥺 i am not still thirsting over it i swear and then you sent me pieces of your writing and i def expected hc’s but then BOOM🧍‍♀️ im so amazed by your writing. also you are vv pretty i hope you know that
matching heart memes matching heart memes😾 i don’t talk to you as much but our main form of communication is literally exchanging heart memes w/o a word,,, if that isn’t true love idk what is :// anyway i love our little convos so much it always brightens my day! and omg lets not forget when you made me a drabble back😳 like wha- HUH !! i was so touched i rlly went boom boom woosh bc no ones ever written me one back and i!! that yamaguchi gives me so much comfort. you give me sm comfort, thank you bub <3
hehe my first tumblr crush😼 as soon as i deactivated my reading account to my a writing blog i was like “ok bean is on my top to-follow list” like i thought you were so cool and i was vv shy to interact with you🥺 and YOU STILL ARE COOL!! your works are really amazing and i am vv much still in love w my matchup w suga :’)
HHHH GRR BORK BORK I LUB U B NEVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU BHH💓✨ bro,,,, when we switched over to insta it was WILD like— our sense of humor? matched. immaculate. please i love seeing all the memes u send me it makes my day so much like u don’t understand😭 and our convos really go chaos sometimes gkfjdj i love it. u need to pull up and play among us w me sometime 😡
m-my first spouse🥺 even tho it was a joke the first time and i said sike fkdjdjdj but you still accepted my dino chimken nuggie ring hehe <3 bub your are literally the CUTEST HHHHH LIKE,,, cuteness overload !!! i love talking to you sm and our little exchange of heart memes make the butterflies in my tummy go ✨
may🥺 imy bub i hope you’re doing well and taking good care of yourself. still very grateful for that time you pulled through to check which of my links weren’t working. and there’s a LOT. like the fact that you took time out of your day for me still baffles me. anyway im lomve you ik we don’t talk as much but you’re still a valued moot to me. im offering u free headpats hehe
hi maria👉👈 you’re so wonderful and rlly amazing w your smaus. absolutely smitten over our chaotic conversations fkfjd we haven’t talked in a while but if you see this just know that i’m here for you <3 take some self care okay? hope you’re doing good bub
dalia, you wondering being💞 please what did i do to deserve your love >;( we don’t talk much but we have exchanged heart memes before and you’re always out here supporting me whenever you can and like!! tysm bub. i hope you’re feeling better from the last time we interacted, and please do take good care of yourself!
can’t believe you made a reputation of having a piss kink. what power. what energy >>> anyway it’s fun seeing your chaotic energy on my feed/tl. sometimes i won’t even look at the user and say yeah💔 that’s hero alright gkfjdj also you’re so cute what the heck😡😡
[ insert 100 hearts ] this for u bub. im still going crazy over your tsukki lipbalm piece like i was so FLUSTERED you really did that huh😭 you’re so nice and sweet, ty for giving me headbonks as well im really glad to get them😌 hope you have an amazing day bub, and take care!!
cutecutecutest bean ever🥺 you have such wonderful works and im truly in love with your writing😌 also you’re so SWEET WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE U GKFJDJ literally you weren’t obligated to stop by my ask and check in but u did >:(
hehe ik we haven’t interacted in such a long time but im including you!! bc i appreciate you!! i know you’ve supported me a lot especially when i just started this blog and im really thankful for it. also uhhh im still not over accidentally turning off anon when i was- yeah😿 i wish you all the love in the world, and please do take gentle care of yourself 💓
frannn👁👁🤲 yes im gonna start with how big brained you are. your passion for textiles and improving the environment is vv cool to me. and then there’s the fact you write these hq characters so well. yes i am absolutely still living for your character analysis. i am thriving off of them!! here’s me manifesting kita and/or sakusa to show up in your dreams hehe
i hope you dont mind me sending u stuff every now and then! anyway im in awe of your writing and art skills. you brought a realistic yamaguchi and i ascended😳 i genuinely think you’re such a cool person but also please take breaks!! ik it’s such an overused phrase but i genuinely mean it. i care u <3
you’re so sweet and you do really be sending me back some heart memes😳 i go BOOM BOOM yaya that’s more to my collection;) also you and your hq anon interactions go WILD omg it really does make my day more interesting whenever i see them😂 also i do be seeing some of ur chaotic energy on my dash and i am HERE for it
hemlo clara🥺 d-do you remember me gkdjshsjs i think its been a while since we interacted. you’re so sweet and AHH lmao did u know we were in a poly with wiss😔💔 yeah❤️ n e way i hope you’ve been alright these past few weeks, and if not, please get some break!
miya twin supremacy😡 can’t believe you made me swerve over to osamu’s lane because of your amazing writing. how could you. the mf audacity. i rlly do fell in love with that piece do so THAMK U and that also goes for the support you’ve given me💗
ozzy👁👁🤝 ngl our conversations have been top tier im glad i got to uhmm,,, get some of these *thoughts* out of my head. you’re such a sweet little bean!!! that art/sketch you did with the purple (?) themed uniforms was really cute. im glad to have u as my moot and *cough* my vip reader *cough*
our heart meme streak was strong until school happened😔 but i really enjoy them tho!! it’s very calming talking to you (fun, but also vv calming idk that’s how i feel) loving the brainrots we give each other of our favs from time to time :’) also omg OSRRY im barely active in the server please spare me😿 im lomve u
gee!! AHHHH KGFJJD GRRR u sweet bean oh my goodness. where do i start- ??? i’ve already gushed so much abt your writing but here we go again; i love your writing so much and your attention to the little details is so great. they flow so well and i hope u get more visibility bc it’s what u deserve!! also please take care of yourself and don’t work too much u nerdy bean
ely my plant kinnie, my spouse (?) and also the blog that i dump my h word thots on😭❤️ ahhh im lomve you, you’re amazing. from your writing, to your makeup skills, and your room, the talent really ✨jumped out✨thank you for supporting me so much, i genuinely appreciate it. i hope we can stay moots despite me being busy gkfjdj anyway take care bbie don’t work too much okay?
TATE😤 the amount of hq brainrot you’ve fed me is astronomical. idk how you keep coming up with such good ideas but im all for them!! i love your writing so much and the plots are so *chefs kiss* (yes im still gushing over mermaid!bokuto). thank you so much for sending some bits of positivity into my life, im really grateful for it :’)
EL!😼 you sweet bean. wish i could bombard ur asks but school is saying no </3 you’re such a sweet mutual and your writing is absolutely amazing. still kinda hurt over that angst u made💔 but anyway i loved it sm. also please wear safer shoes next time on big events so u dont get any more BLISTERS kgjdjdh jkjk
nashnashnash🥺👉👈 wth you’re so cute and even cuter with the little emoticons u put in my asks. i really appreciate you taking time out of your day to check in on me. i think your works are really heckin cool, im still very into that sock agenda one and the akaashi fic AHH i love them sm. i hope that u have better experiences with online learning and i really wish you all the best on ur art journey <3
did u forget abt our walk to the strawberry field😿 jkjk heyyy atlas!! im lomve your theme and your writing. i have the urge to say you’re as sweet as strawberry bc im unoriginal like that💔 let’s just pretend i put something kute :’( n e way u are vv cute, make sure to take care of yourself ok!!
your rb’s and comments on ppl works... i just... my heart is full. im complete. i go absolute doki doki for you. you’re such a genuine person and you give people so much love❤️ here’s an unlimited supply of my love to you bc you deserve it. ty for all the cute questions btw🥺
🕊 anon - still wondering if ur one of my already-moots or not😳 but anyway dove anon i have a lot to say,,, like how ?? do u go “ok let’s check in on aaron today hehe” like am i interesting??😭 i feel kinda bad ngl you really don’t have to talk to me. but nevertheless im really appreciate of all the support you’ve given me. i genuinely think you’re a cool person and you do all these fun stuff like photography which is amazing. here’s the biggest THANK YOU i could ever give <3 ps. your art is CUTE and AMAZING @bee-kins
do i??? spam your feed??😭 you’re always liking my posts and i feel so sorry for spamming but also vv appreciate of all the interaction i’ve had with you!! im very glad i got to ask you qotd and stuff because i got to know that you like plants as well!! thank you for sharing plant facts with me, it really made my day. i genuinely think you’re such an awesome and big brained person for knowing all those facts🥺👉👈
ngl i was very intimated by you bc of all your angst and really good works which is probably why i never reached out to you sooner😿 ur my uhhh third spouse <3 but anyway your CHAOTIC ENERGY is thru the roof i love that sm and your writing is so mf beautiful i wish more people got to see it😡 i will gib you flower soup and muddy pie to make you feel better ;) jkjk but you’re very amazing and i hope you know that!
hehe you’re in here😼 thank you ???? for supporting me even tho you’re not obligated??? like wh- i- bub🥺🤲 you have all my heart and i rlly rlyy want to stop by your inbox and give you heart memes but me why >;( i hope you have the most amazing day(s) of your life because you deserve it SO much.
FINALLY someone i can simp over yamaguchi with😭 ik we haven’t talked much but AH i love the conversations we’ve had so far and all that insight you gave me about the new wanda film (truly a blessing bc i was so genuinely confused gkfjdj).
just. JOLLIBEE. can’t believe one of our first interactions was u sending me chain mail smfh i cannot believe you😭 anyway po i appreciate you so much na kaka tawa ako sa mga msgs mo and all the good vibes u radiate. mag bisaya unta ko nimi pero baka mag nosebleed ako😿 im losing my native languages it’s not even funny anymore but when i got to talk to u in my mother tongue, i felt a bit more at home. thank you bub <3
hihi👉👈 idrk what we first talked about, i think it was spending vacation in the galapagos islands??😭 riding turtles??? what a great way to start our friendship :’) i rlly think you’re cool and i just,,,, admire u from afar- yeah. sorry this message is too chaotic but anyway u might not have a green thumb but look at you growing potatoes accidentally😌 anyway i think you’re cool i just haven’t said it before because im s Hy
seal, bub, i genuinely care about you. you’re such a sweet person. i know we haven’t interacted much but im looking forward to more conversations with you!! please find little fun things to do... maybe do some self appropriation if you can, bc you deserve it. maybe even treat yourself... or any self care tasks that make you feel better. i care about you a lot, im just an ask/dm away if you wanna talk about anything at all💕💞✨
@hqgardenia - jkjk this is my spam account idk why i put this here but here probably bc im dumb as fuck
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crazyclownthanos · 3 years
Karra Marron
“I already know my worth and I don’t needed to be told by anyone”
“Passing on the will of Noelle Silva? Sounds fun I’m raring to go!!”
Character Information
Meet Karra Marron! Magna’s and Sol’s second child a commoner of the clover kingdom
Karra is the leading female protagonists in White Clover and is a member of the generations fearsome three
Latin, Irish, Gaelic origin meaning “beloved”
Delinquents Daughter (the villagers)
Will carrier of Noelle Silva
Little Rascal (By Sol & Magna)
General Infromation
Status: alive
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Affinity: Compound of Earth and Flame
Age: 11 (at the start of White Clover)
Birthday: April 17th
Constellation: Aries
Height: 149cm
Weight: 40kg (88.18p)
Blood type: A
Eyes: purple
Hair: light brown
Karra is taller than the average 11 year old usually being 144cm while standing at 149cm.
Karra has neck length light brown hair, brown skin and purple eyes.
Karra’s regular clothing style would be a sleeveless top with white borders on each side with a few tares, navy blue shoulder length glove on her left arm that shows all her fingers except for the thumb connected to the sleeve and tied around her waist is a blue jacket with cotton on the borders she normally wears in winter. For the bottom Karra wears navy blue baggy pants and brown boots
Karra is the total oppsoite to Noelle. Because of her home environment of masculinity and femininity Karra just dosen’t care about gender and even mentioned once that dating both men & women are fine to her though growing up in a family where her parents argue about cereal every morning (usually) Karra has grown dense to love assuming marriage is all about arguing. Unlike Noelle Karra tends to be more open and isn’t afraid to be herself around anyone and not to mention her rowdy with her older brother. Any time a challenges occurs Karra is always the first to raise her hand and the last to runaway. When it comes down to business Karra knows when to be silly and when not to be in dire situations often relying on her strength to solve it.
Extremely dumb
Magna Marron
Karra has always been a “daddy’s girl” from their love of spicy food to their wild and predacious personalities and because of Magna’s soft side he grew to have a connection for Karra from the moment he held her. Aside from all the cute shenanigans Magna and Karra are always the first ones to start a fist on fist rally
Sol Marron
Karra and Sol share the same traits of being both feminists. Sol cares deeply for Karra and has always been worried of her well being being afraid of her going through the same thing she went through as child. Karra is honestly the proudest daughter alive to have Sol as a mother being a member of the blue rose knights Karra would go on for ages on how amazing her mother is and her magic attribute though she never understood why she use to be attached to Charlotte for many years
Karra’s older brother
Karra and her older brother always had a close sibling connection both having an age gap of 4 years (Him being 15 at the start of White Clover and Karra being 11) aside from that Karra and him grew up both ruffians though he started growing a habit of being more tired and sleeping more and the duties as a magic knight leaving no room in his sechuldue to spend to time with Karra. Standing from the bigger picture these will always love each other
Fearsome 3 or New Light Triad
Ace Silva
Ace and Karra have known each other since diaper days and because of their dads close friendship they would always have play dates. Karra views Ace as her closest friend and wouldn’t hestitate to give up her life for him though at some stages Ace can get a little awkard and can seem nervous around her which only makes Karra confused but she pushes that thought away and overall appreciates him and everything he’s done for her
Mirage Aldai
As well as Ace, Mirage and Karra have known each other since diaper days. These two had always have that relaxed persona, sometimes Mirage has to play “mother’ in Karra’s reckless and mindless states. Primarily Karra shows a deep interest in Mirage’s magic affinity of Forcefield and sees unlimited potential in him and tells him every time whenever he used his magic yet Mirage does get nervous when’s he’s openly compimented leading Mirage in being a hot red mess however Karra tries to control this and not openly compliment him.
Noelle Silva
Noelle is Karra’s mentor and the will carrier of Noelle’s legacy of the light triad. Despite their difference in magic affinities Noelle always wanted a student like how Mereoleona was to her mother Acier then Karra came along and made her life a little more brighter. Karra had always loved Noelle and always admired her strength and courage and would never get tired of her stories of her fighting on the battlefield and wanted to aim to be like her, Karra even asked her mother she wanted to live with Noelle when she got older.
Karra thinks of Genji as an emotionless robot who suffers to show emotion but when she does she’s always pointing it out, always cussing him headaches and trouble. Karra’s opnion on Genji is currently the person out of everyone they had less interactions with but always like starting a teasing partying for him.
Battle powers
Compound Magic/dual affinity: Karra possess the ability to use Flame and Earth magic but unfortunately the two however Karra can manipulate the crust of the earth and create as well manipulate hell fire and create fire
Creation Magic: Karra uses this form of magic to shape objects and entities from Fire & Earth
Immense magic power: Its nearly impossible for commoners to wield such large magic power people assume that’s because she has two magic attributes she gets the upperhand but there might be another reason why she posses such high magic power, Karra has proven this from being able to use her hands underground to generate large mana to the point where she could move one of the teutonic plates without the need of a grimoire
High Durablity: Karra maintains a high durability through the toughest situations in a sparring match against Yami Karra was able to stand on her own and even able to him with 2 attacks
Enhanced Strength: Karra is nowhere near as strong as Asta but for her age group she is mightier even being able to carry both her parents if she eats the right nutrients in the daily
Creative Mana: Both of Sol’s children inherited her creative mana, able to create weapons & beings out of Earth and Fire if in the right environment
Neglected by Mana: The disturbance of mana waves in ones own body can cause affects of complication one having immense magic power and low mana read. Vice versa.
Mana moves: Being neglected by mana Karra cannot do simple hand signal spells she has to do body movement spells
War Hammer: Karra can create a war hammer out of flame obstructed by earth this one of the only ways Karra can use both Earth & Fire magic
Physical Strength 4/5
Magic Amount 5/5
Magic Control 3/5
Magic Sensing 1/5
Cleverness 4/5
Toughness 5/5
Karra was inspired by Korra from legend of Korra
Karra’s favorite food is Spicy Grilled Salmon Kabobs
Karra likes are mud baths and vine swinging
Karra has a strange fear of squirrels
Favorite color is blue
It’s estimated that if Karra wanted to become a Wizard king she’ll achieve it at the ages of 18-20
She easily forgets named
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 77 Rundown!
Code Geass: So since Shirley’s dead, Lelouch has a similar thought to Cornelia and blames the power of Geass itself instead of her actual murderer. So instead of using the Geass Order like he planned he decides to say fuck it and burn it all to the ground, completing his Darth Vader transformation by not only killing the men, but the women AND THE CHILDREN AND THE SCIENTISTS (Science is the fourth gender, look it up, it’s in Dr. Stone). But yeah half of this episode is just murdering scientist who granted were making child supersoldiers but also don’t have any weapons, like they have zero security no wonder Cornelia was able to walk right up to V.V. And the Black Knights are pissed about killing civilians but I feel like once the horde of children starts making them shoot each other they should get the picture. Rolo murders all his friends, C.C. murders all her former supports, Dietard puts a ninja hit out on Ohgi and Viletta also wants to kill Ohgi, poor Ohgi the dude has like nothing going for him and just ended up in this fucked up chess game and he’s just some dude that fell in love when he saw Viletta naked (didn’t we all)  but anyway V.V. pilots Jeremiah’s Pumpkin Battleship and before Lelouch can make Rolo kamikaze himself for killing Shirley, Cornelia wipes him out anyway in probably her most badass moment in the series, using the Pumpkin Battleship’s Byakugan Blindspot to bring it down. V.V. is dead like five times over but Charles comes out to drag Lelouch into the Spear of Longinus so he can do Human Instrumentality or whatever.
Inuyasha: Naraku’s kidnapped Rin so Sesshomaru will kill Inuyasha for him and Sesshomaru hates two things more than anything: being implied he likes humans, and being told what to do, so he tells Naraku to fuck off and goes to fuck him up. This being one of Naraku’s plans of course Sesshomaru doesn’t actually have a choice in this and the battle is a farce so he can spread bits of himself all over and absorb Sesshomaru like Super Buu did to Mystic Gohan. However Inuyasha’s new powerup lets him throw a wrench in that by breaking his barrier and Kagura has to pretend to fight him even though she just wants the doggy brothers to fuck Naraku up. Also Kohaku and Rin have a cute little interaction while he’s holding her captive and Kohaku sees Sango again which triggers his selective amnesia shit. Like you get the feeling Kagura probably would’ve been a better guard for Rin but Naraku only has so many named demons and Kanna isn’t allowed to do anything so might as well throw Kohaku in there to get bonus mental damage to Sango which only works out if you know they’re going to split up like that. But again, this is one of Naraku’s plans so it’s like 50% torture, 50% just trolling people to fuck with their heads.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Younger Toguro faked his death and ambushes Yusuke’s date with Keiko because the plot just doesn’t want this relationship to happen. Toguro pulls up on a motorcycle which is just kind of weird to see and he takes Yusuke somewhere, idk if they walked or if Yusuke got on the back of the motorcycle but Toguro either tossing his motorcycle away to go walk to a car park with Yusuke or Yusuke holding onto Toguro’s waist while they ride are equally hilarious images. Anyway Toguro demolishes the parking garage while still breaking all the rocks that are about to crush Yusuke just to literally flex on him how much stronger he was than when they fought. It’s weird because Toguro seems to kinda be mad about having to fake a loss but also respect Yusuke as a fighter which is strange since Kuwabara was the one that put in the effort for that fake win. That doesn’t matter though cause it’s DARK TOURNAMENT TIME BABY! One of the most iconic anime arcs ever is about to begin and it’s kinda funny they yadda yadda over a two month training arc like there’s like three minutes of Kuwabara training with Hiei and Kurama (where Kurama is the bad cop ironically enough) and Yusuke training with Genkai again before it’s like “Okay let’s just get to the tournament” like I don’t think I’ve ever seen an anime where they announce the tournament and then go sign up for it in the same episode, usually they milk that shit to really sell the preparation but they go with “Here’s a few scene and Yusuke’s a lot stronger now, take our word for it” which is a funny way to start one of the most epic tournament arcs ever.
Fate Zero: This is an episode I’ve heard a lot about, Iskandar, Saber and Gilgamesh fuck around drinking, the whole thing kinda reads like a fanfiction or a Ghost in the Shell episode since 75% of it is just talking. Gilgamesh is basically like “Yo, see that shit? All that shit is my shit, even if I don’t know what it is, it’s mine, so fuck off.” Iskandar’s like “What could the man who once conquered the whole world want? To conquer the whole world TWICE!” and Saber’s like “Hey my whole country got destroyed cause I was thrown into a role I was grossly underqualified for so, maybe not that?” and this pisses Iskandar off because her regret and martyrdom isolates and enfeebles her, he sees the downfall of nations as inevitable and leadership as something to form a community that emulates their leader, not to isolate the ruler as some lone pillar. Also Kirei’s Assassins jump them and Iskandar uses Unlimited Dude Works to stomp them all. Basically it’s the whole Ling/Bradley discussion from FMA but with more nuance, rulers have to benefit their people but they can’t be so dragged down by it that it destroys everyone involved once that pillar collapses. So Iskandar’s like “Yeah you have a really toxic way of looking at things Saber, I’m out. Stop beating yourself up about what’s already happened.” And Gilgamesh is like “No, let her keep beating herself up, this fun, I’m having fun.” So Saber has the admiration of the villain and the disdain of the hero which is an odd situation to be in.
Konosuba: So this one is an OVA or something I think so we don’t get closure on the whole “Kazuma is going to jail for horny and non-horny crimes alike” subplot but we do get a cute little story about Kazuma slowly getting murdered while basically doing the Higurashi Punishment Games on everyone. Ironically he’s not pervy enough for Darkness or Aqua because he’s just a voyeur for Darkness and Aqua he apparently has no sexual attraction to whatsoever. It’s kind of interesting because a few times one or two of them heavily imply they’d just straight up take his virginity if it’d help and he doesn’t go for it, I don’t know if that’s better or worse than what he actually does but once again the ‘principled scumbag’ archetype comes into play and it’s always fun to see what Kazuma will or won’t do, it tends to be just enough that we’re willing to see him punished but not enough to make us hate him, it’s a surprisingly good balance. Anyway, Darkness is boobs, Kazuma may be a lolicon for Megumin, Yunyun and Wiz are also boobs, Aqua is boner repellant and Kazuma dies anyway because the real wish was the friends we made along the way but real friends are the ones that murder you when you’re a scumbag… or something. On to Season 2 next week!
Sailor Moon Crystal: I’m kind of  loving the Evil Tuxedo Mask aesthetic, like the bishie face with the red eyes and the suit is really cool-looking. Anyway Tuxedo Mask is evil now and seduces Usagi all over again with the power of evil and video games. There’s probably a message here about girls falling for toxic boys but that’s the subtext over a lot of Sailor Moon that there’s lots of bullshit out to get teen girls and they shouldn’t waste their energy on it. Usagi’s kind of having an existential crisis over evil Tuxedo Mask and Luna’s feeling bad about calling him evil before and now that he actually is evil she doesn’t know what to do. Anyway he finds Zordon’s Tower by hypnotizing Makoto and we do the full transformation scene and speech for four of the scouts so you really know they were stretching the plot with this one. Usagi gets over herself but it’s too late, Evil Mask has the crystal and summons Queen Beryl by… flapping his cape, guess calling her was that easy, man you’d think they coulda just stomped these guys a long time ago but oh well.
Durarara!!: We leave off where Shizuo just crushed someone with a car door, good times. Celty takes the knife they had, believing it to be Saika but is so superstitious about it she doesn’t even see it’s a crappy Pampered Chef knife that’s like two years old max. Then Haruna, the reporter’s daughter reveals not only did she have a weird relationship with the teacher hitting on Anri but she’s also controlling all the Saika zombies around the city because to swords cutting people is loving them like how sharks bite things to see what they are. She sics her army on Anri and Shizuo separately and goes after her teacher who was just coming to sexually harass Anri again so… yay? Anyway Shizuo says fuck you to being in a polyamorous relationship with hundreds of sword zombies and Anri reveals that Haruna’s Saika isn’t the real Saika because HER Saika is the real Saika, we got katana school girls here folks, it really is an anime after all.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Ok so like it’s rude that tumblr cuts off tags?!! Like who is this plague inverted dency aka cj? Because like you come up with the bet, most interesting, headcanons 💖✨
aww ty lmao. also fuck u tumblr literally just give me unlimited tags what’s ur damage? but cj. let’s talk! bc cj came to mind when i was like. thinkin about like if all my next gen kids were to meet bc like. i would want to do that quasi gradually not throwing everyone in a room all at once but having them all meet bit by bit in different lil pods and i was thinkin like. hmm. who would have the most fun interactions what would give us the best foils yknow and like. like. yes we have dency the source’s heir but she was never really the source. so like. dency, but king of hell. meet cole jr. who basically is dency in the sense that they both have the same starting point but then they immediately go off in different directions. so like, dency’s path is like phoebe vanquishes cole with her sisters the seer does try to take in the source so that does get exorcised out of her for the most part she is raised by phoebe n the rest of the halliwells phoebe meets coop blah blah blah raised in light magic, essentially. the current rough sketch for cj is you know that scene where cole’s like gonna kill paige and piper and they’re all like okay phoebe him or us get out here well um phoebe picks him. zoinks! the charmed ones are dead meaning the seer goes for the source the same way trying to take it in but still gets killed, this time by cole, so cj & dency both have the same % source in them. and phoebe kinda really clings onto cole because that’s the only thing she hasn’t fucked up yet bc up. she betrayed her family and we can say paige died who knows what piper’s up to but there’s no way phoebe will be welcomed back but she feels horrible blah blah blah she gives birth to a baby boy the source’s heir named cole jr doesn’t even take the halliwell name cole benjamin turner junior that is the baby and phoebe’s like real fucked up after the pregnancy blah blah blah and like. we’ll say you know like she wants to save innocents she wants to show cj that like. you can be good!! but she’s horrible out of practice and the constant kinda evil around her has worn away at her powers so she does end up you know. dying. so now it’s just cole and cj cole still runs hell and how he’s a single father. and like. i’m not shitting on cole here or anything i think he really loves his kid a) that’s his kid you know that’s his progeny that’s who’s gonna take up the crown b) he has phoebe’s eyes. like. yes that’s his son. it’s also phoebe’s son. and i think like you know he doesn’t like resent his kid or anything blame the baby for phoebe’s death he blames himself cole thinks that was his fault but okay he has a do over a chance to make things right and that’s cj. 
and then like. basically by the time dency & cj’s paths cross cj is already the source already king of hell and dency’s well you know dency doin her shit a fun piece of trivia is both like their momma they change their hair a lot yeah dency and cj in their own like alternate world have been following the same exact hair journey. and then quite frankly i don’t have much beyond that i think they would Love to just study each other bc like. dency is constantly fearing that someday she might just give into the source and cave and cj always has some thought eating at the back of his mind like is this what he was made for? is this what he was meant to do? be the source? or be charmed? and like. wallah! here’s your answer. i also think they just have incredibly similar mannerisms they also like. immediately recognize the other as a part of the source. like hey they're like me! and then they like really look at them and go wait. they're me.
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flightfoot · 4 years
Alya (and Nino)
Note: I’m specifically talking about the Alya and Nino from @angelofthequeers excellent fic “Hold Me By Both Hands” There be spoilers!
Alya gets a prominent storyline of her own in Hold Me By Both Hands, with Nino serving as her Deuteragonist.
At first Alya mostly has a supporting role, not too different from canon. Even from the first chapter though, things start diverging quite a bit, including with Alya, with Marinette going into a lot more detail with why Lila’s assertions should be taken with a grain of salt, pointing out that Ladybug saving Lila doesn’t really make Lila that impressive or interview-worthy. Ladybug’s saved a LOT of Paris. Along with pointing out that even if her claims of being Ladybug’s best friend WERE true, it’d be highly irresponsible for her to be bragging about it, and dangerous to broadcast her association with Ladybug in case Hawkmoth went after her or the people around her for leverage. That’s enough to prompt Alya to do a rethink about Lila’s other claims and take them with a grain of salt, along with taking down the interview in case it attracted the wrong kind of attention.
But the part I really loved about the sequence was this bit:
“Ladybug’s saved half of Paris,” Marinette points out. “Lila’s not the only person she’s saved.” She hasn’t even saved Lila before. “If anyone was going to be her best friend, I’d think it’d be someone like you, right? You’re the one she gave that interview to. She wouldn’t even think of agreeing to that interview when I asked until I mentioned that you’d be the one interviewing her. She’s only saved Lila once, but she’s talked to you loads of times.”
“Oh – well, I mean, you’ve got a point there.” Alya practically swells before Marinette’s eyes. (Chapter 1)
Marinette’s pulling at the threads, unraveling Lila’s lies, but… she’s not doing it by tearing down Alya for believing her. She’s boosting her up instead by just stating the truth. And that subtle reminder that Marinette got Alya that first interview, while also saying that she agreed to it because it was with ALYA… it’s just so good! Marinette cares about Alya a lot, and wants her to know how much she appreciates and respects her, even if when it comes to Ladybug, she has to do it in a roundabout way.
It’s not too big a deal when Alya (and also Nino, who heard part of it) begin to doubt Lila, she’s ultimately just a girl who brags and makes up stories at this point. A little disappointing that some of the things she’d say she might be able to set up obviously aren’t feasible, but nothing especially worldshaking.
No, Alya only really shows dislike for Lila once she starts harming her friends – at first when she just pretends that SHE was the main organizer behind the protest to get Adrien back in school instead of Marinette, and later on with how Lila keeps touching Adrien. She still keeps her confrontations civil and to-the-point though.
“Lila, why did you try and take credit for Marinette’s idea?” Alya says. “Why’d you tell Adrien that you were the brains behind everything, but you let Marinette take charge?” (Chapter 4)
She points it out and asks, but allows for explanation, since it looks bad, but Lila still giving her a chance to defend herself and explain. This sort of questioning should serve her well as a reporter, holding people to account, but allowing them room to give context to their actions.
Alya and Nino also join in on poking holes in Lila’s lies like Marinette was back in Heroes Day, to about the same level of effect.
There’s a lot of nice just… friendship fluff with Alya and Marinette hanging out together having fun, with the occasional hiccup like during Chloe’s party, but nothing that a good conversation can’t help with. Neither of them want to harm the other, and as long as they’re willing to sit down and talk things out, with neither of them meaning any harm, but occasionally just getting the wrong idea or not realizing a problem, it’s nothing they can’t handle.
Just… all the little sequences of Alya and Marinette hanging out, just having a normal friendship – not one completely devoid of any semblance of conflict or disagreement, but one where they can work those things out because they’re willing to do so, and normally just enjoying each other’s company – it really makes them feel alive and REAL.
The casual establishment of their friendship and of Alya’s character makes the kickstarting of her own subplot all the more satisfying, since the reader has good reason to be invested in Alya, even beyond already being invested in her via canon.
Ladybug and Chat Noir start thinking about recruiting help, Ladybug putting forward Alya’s name, naturally.
“Well…” Ladybug chews her lip. “Alya’s the Ladyblogger, right? She’s already familiar with our job. And she loves us, so I know she’d never betray us. Also…maybe she’ll have a new appreciation for our secret identities if she’s got one of her own?”
“Makes sense,” Chat Noir says. “But why the Fox? Alya’s a pretty forceful person…from what I’ve seen.”
“Trixx is a crafty kwami,” Ladybug says. “I think he would be a good influence on Alya and help balance out that forcefulness. And the Fox corresponds to wood, right? That push to grow and hang back to get the facts first could be just what Alya needs, especially after why she was akumatised into Lady Wifi.” (Chapter 19)
She’s got multiple reasons, both positive and negative, but all pushing towards making Alya the fox. On the positive side, she KNOWS how loyal Alya is to them, that she wouldn’t turn against them, that they can rely on her. But also acknowledging some of her flaws and recognizing how giving her Trixx, making her a superhero, can help her grow, rather than simply taking those as marks against her. The need for subtlety and to hang back combining with Alya’s more naturally forceful, action-oriented nature… the balance helps reinforce the themes of the show, and of the fic in particular taking pains to make the different relationships between characters (Ladybug and Chat Noir especially) more balanced overall.
Alya’s drive, her impulsivity, is only a bad thing if left untampered – going too far the other direction can be just as bad. So Ladybug recognizing that and specifically choosing the fox for her, helping her restructure her mindset a bit, to foster the need to take the time to gather information and analyze the situation before acting? I just really love her looking at Alya and thinking about what kind of support and scenarios would be most useful in fostering her development. It really shows why Ladybug’s a good leader here – not just because of her ability to make up plans on the fly, but for how she’s supporting her teammates.
Ladybug still gives Alya a bit of a test, with telling her she needs to give it back at the end, but she’s not singling Alya out for this – she and Chat do it for most people they end up giving Miraculous too, when practical. It’s a reasonable precaution, even though they DO trust the people they’re giving them too generally.
The banter, the playfulness when they give Alya her Miraculous, just… just getting to have fun with the three of them interacting, Alya getting to have a good time in her own right… it’s sadly rare to see that, to see her own emotions, feelings, and story get a prominent role. It’s great showing her being support for Marinette, but it’s also great to see her friends helping and supporting her as well.
Seriously, Alya’s living her best life getting to be a superhero and banter with Ladybug and Chat Noir (I really love the banter), and seeing her just getting to be happy and excited and just generally being portrayed in a positive light and having a good time, it’s a really big relief and break from the negativity I often see towards Alya in fanfics.
Ladybug’s evaluations of Alya are really great, positive but showing where there’s room for improvement, and actively trying to help her on that path, being constructive rather than tearing her down.
“Besides, imagine the chaos of having unlimited illusions everywhere without a timer once you’re more experienced,” Ladybug says. “You wouldn’t know what’s real or what’s not. The Fox is suited to hanging back and annoying the enemy, remember?”
“Hanging back? That doesn’t sound like me at all,” Rena Rouge says.
“Which is why we picked you for the Fox,” Ladybug says. “It’s not always about what power you’re best suited to, but what that power can teach you. I get the feeling that you’ll benefit from learning how to be a true Fox, especially since you wanna be a professional journalist someday. Hang back, gather information, confuse your opponent, then get out of there. Even if you prefer to be in the thick of things, it’s all about learning how to use your wits under stress. He did say that aggressive foxes were a thing, didn’t he?” (Chapter 19)
Ladybug’s up front about her reasons for making Alya the Fox in particular, when at first glance it doesn’t seem like it’d suit her – something which Alya also realizes. Ladybug’s really intent on bringing out her teammates true potential and helping them shine, both as a superhero AND as a civilian here, with giving Alya experience honing skills she’ll need as a reporter, but that she hasn’t exercised much so far.
Something else I really love about this whole chapter? The first illusion Alya makes.
Right, right. I think I’ve got it.” Rena Rouge’s brow furrows, then she unslings her flute and raises it to her lips to play a short tune. “Mirage!” She flings the orange orb at the end of her flute and when it hits the ground in front of her, a small group of people appear in a flash of orange light.
Wait. Why is Chat Noir looking at himself? Well, not technically himself, but his civilian self. Adrien. And Marinette, and Nino, and a few other people who he assumes are Rena Rouge’s parents and sisters. Except that they’re slightly fuzzy around the edges and very obviously not real.
“Guess what, guys!” Rena Rouge crows. “I’m a superhero! I’m Rena Rouge! Me, Alya!”
“Oh my gosh, really?” Illusion Marinette bounces on the spot. “That’s so, so cool, Alya!”
“We all know how much you love superheroes, especially Ladybug!” illusion Adrien says.
“I’m so proud of you, babe!” illusion Nino says.
“Our daughter, a hero!” illusion Mrs Césaire says, and illusion Mr Césaire beams and hugs her.
“Super Alya! Super Alya!” the illusion twins chant.
“Not bad, sis,” illusion big sister says. Rena Rouge’s necklace beeps and loses a tail segment, so she sighs and reaches out to touch illusion Nino, and the group of people disappear in another flash of light and the faint sound of flute music. (Chapter 19)
She gets to do what she’s forbidden to do in reality, to tell the people she cares most about that she’s a superhero, to see them be proud and happy for her, to experience it.
And she’s NOT portrayed as selfish for wanting this. It’s recognized as being natural, and being something to commiserate with her over since she can’t have this in reality (well, as far as she knows anyway, considering that half the people she wants to show end up being Miraculous Wielders). Her emotions are recognized and validated.
“Rena?” Ladybug says softly when Rena Rouge says nothing for a few moments. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah.” Rena Rouge turns to face them, and Chat Noir’s stomach lurches at the sight of her glossy eyes. “I just…had to tell them somehow. At least I’ll have that memory with me.”
“You know we’d love nothing more than for you to be able to tell your friends and family, right?” Ladybug says. “But all it would take is one brainwashing or mind-reading akuma…”
“Not even Ladybug and I know who each other are,” Chat Noir says. He slips an arm around Rena Rouge, and she smiles and leans into his embrace. “Considering how many hits I take for her, that’s probably a good thing.”
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack one of these days,” Ladybug mutters as she joins the embrace, sandwiching Rena Rouge between herself and Chat Noir. They stand there in silence, squished together, ignoring Rena Rouge’s Miraculous when it beeps again.
“You know,” Rena Rouge eventually says. “I never would’ve put this on the Ladyblog, even without you guys asking me. I don’t care about the world knowing who I am. I just want my close friends and my family to be proud of me…”
Alya considers Adrien to be one of her close friends? Chat Noir can’t help but squeeze Rena Rouge tighter after that, not that she’ll know why.
“I think they already know just how miraculous you are, even without superpowers,” Ladybug says. (Chapter 19)
They reinforce why this can’t happen, but gently, while giving her support all the while – physically with the hugs as well as verbally by telling her the people she cares about already know how great she is, even without her now being Rena Rouge. She doesn’t have to deal with any of this on her own. Her friends are there to support her.
She gets to hang out with them some more later too, just getting to talk and banter and laugh. It’s somewhat fillerish – it doesn’t move the plot forward much, and doesn’t really tell stuff about Alya that the audience doesn’t already know, but – it’s important in its own right. Seeing her talk about her freebie list, joke about adopting Chat, and talking about stuff that’d happened recently, it all helps develop her and make her feel like a part of this world, and not one that just exists when the plot requires it, promotes her as a person with her own thoughts and feelings and… and presence beyond being a satellite character around Marinette.
Alya’s first major conflict of her own comes with Mr Alternative News blogger, Lars Vos, who is just a PRICK. Seriously, dude jacked her footage and then whined when she told him off for it. He’s akumatized into Faux News, who can make whatever he says a reality.
I really liked how the design for him purposely mirrored a fox, drawing parallels between him and Alya visually, as well as just continuing with the fox = illusions/lies/just generally making it look like something’s real that isn’t.
He goes after Alya’s work in particular, makes it personal, using his newfound powers to steal all the work she put into the Ladyblog for his own website and making the Ladyblog into just a random, amateur website with barely anything on it. Not something that would stick after the guy’s deakumatized, but it’s still really hurtful for Alya, even KNOWING that it’ll all be restored.
And Ladybug and Chat Noir RECOGNIZE that, comforting her, giving her emotional support.
“Hey.” Ladybug grabs Rena Rouge by the biceps and squeezes gently. “We’ll take care of it, okay? We’ll defeat Faux News and the Ladyblog will go back to normal.”
“What milady said,” Chat Noir agrees. “Like we’re gonna let some ugly Rena knock-off win. Hawkmoth deserves our Miraculouses if we lose to this guy.”
Rena Rouge snorts and wipes her eyes, even though her mask conceals any traces of tears. “Thanks, guys. I just…god, I can’t stand people who steal others’ work.” (Chapter 29)
Of course, even with that support, she’s only human. It helps, but she’s not really calm enough to fight the akuma with a level head, which gets to be a bit of an issue.
“There’s too many of them!” Ladybug says. “And Rena’s too angry to focus on a proper Mirage!”
“You no-good fake!” Rena Rouge shrieks in the background, inadvertently confirming Ladybug’s assessment. “Stop hiding behind your little fans and face me like a proper fox!”
“Rena, take a chill pill!” Chat Noir calls. Naturally, he’s ignored. “Okay, uh, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to let her take this one?”
“We should’ve made her sit it out,” Ladybug agrees while elbowing a young man in the solar plexus and dropping him like a sack of bricks. “Too personal. I think I’ll have to…Lucky Charm!” A little red and black candle falls into her hands. (Chapter 29)
Her rage is especially a liability with the specific powerset she has, since it really requires her to be calm and able to think critically and concentrate in order to use it effectively. It’s one of the issues with deliberately giving her a Miraculous that requires a mindset that clashes with her personality; it’s useful in honing specific skills she needs to develop, but in a more emotional situation like this one, it’s a liability. Though she’d have been in a bad situation regardless, with the anger making her reckless and potentially easier to trick into making a damaging mistake.
So Chat needs to choose a new ally to help, giving Nino time to shine. He’s been a part of the group before this but didn’t really have his own arc per se, mostly just hanging out and giving Adrien some support when it comes to his crappy father.
Chat looks for something a little different when choosing an ally-Miraculous pair; Ladybug deliberately chose against type when giving Alya the Fox in order to help her shore up her weaknesses, while Chat chooses a Miraculous first, then tries to find someone who matches it well right away, whose strengths match those of the Miraculous. Which probably has to do with it being an emergency; with Alya they had the luxury of being able to train with her first, while in this case, the Miraculous Wielder’s gonna be dumped into battle immediately. There isn’t time for them to learn the ropes.
His choice of wielder is pretty much inevitable. Adrien just doesn’t have a very large social circle.
Nino’s naturally on board with it, even if he’s not chomping at the bit like Alya was. Mostly because hey, he can actually help protect Alya, since she can be pretty reckless sometimes.
I really like the dynamic that builds up between Rena Rouge and Carapace, with both of them being offended at the insinuation that they might be romantically interested in each other and having this sort of rivalry. It adds an interesting twist to their dynamic, especially with how it mirrors the Love Square in a bizarre sort of way.
Anyway, more of that comes in later. Back to Alya.
After defeating Faux News, she KNOWS she messed up and even assumes that Ladybug’s gonna want her Miraculous back.
Because I messed up big-time.” Alya still hasn’t looked up from the ground. “I made everything worse. I let my anger get in the way. And if you can’t trust me to –”
“Stop!” Ladybug holds up a hand, and Alya’s mouth clacks shut. “I’m not taking the Miraculous, Alya.”
“You’re not?” Alya’s head whips up, revealing the newfound shine in her hazel eyes.
“You don’t lose it for making a mistake, little kit,” Trixx says from Alya’s shoulder.
“Trixx is right,” Ladybug says. “Both Chat Noir and I trust you with our lives, and we’ve made plenty of mistakes between us. It’d be hypocritical to take your Miraculous from you. But it can’t happen again.” (Chapter 30)
 I really liked this. Because yeah, she messed up and it was dangerous… but it wasn’t the sort of mistake where she should have her Miraculous taken away. It’s something she can learn from and work on, and it’s just… well, it’s just a normal, human mistake. It’s a damaging one that put her in danger, but like Ladybug said, she and Chat have made mistakes too. Sometimes emotions override good judgement.
I also really liked Ladybug’s approach on how to prevent this from reoccurring.
“I should’ve realised that the battle was too personal,” Ladybug says. “This is a battle you should’ve sat out, Alya, and I’m sorry that I didn’t recognise that from the start.”
“Well, it’s not like you could’ve told me,” Alya says. “And wasn’t it safer for me to be Rena, anyway? So he couldn’t find me?”
“Yes, but we shouldn’t have let you get involved,” Ladybug says. “I’ll talk to Chat. We might implement a rule that you’re not allowed to get directly involved if we feel it’s too personal, unless we desperately need your help. One mistake could’ve leaked your secret identity or compromised your ability to be part of the team.” (Chapter 30)
I’ve talked about how I like Ladybug’s approach of trying to bring out the best in her teammates before, to help them grow, and this is an extension of that sort of philosophy I think, this idea of “ok these are the people I’m managing, how can I help them reach their full potential and maneuver them for the best outcome?” It’s not based on rewards and punishments, but on talking things out and just plain treating the other person with respect. Seriously, she’d be a great manager and is a really good team leader.
Ok I’m reading through some of the Rena-Carapace interactions some more and damn they are just really funny. Like, just having them know each other and having the same interactions they do as Alya and Nino is fine, but the little twist in their dynamic with the love-hate relationship and just generally sassing each other as superheroes makes it a lot more intriguing than it would be otherwise and gives an opportunity for a different sort of banter than Rena has with most of the others.
That’s most of the rest of the story, with Alya just hanging out with Marinette and co. and bantering with teammates as Rena Rouge. It’s a nice way to keep her involved and keep things interesting while not focusing in on a subplot with her specifically, since other subplots need room to shine. But it’s still a treat to see her in any scene she’s in.
Oh, though just to finish it off, the Nino-Alya reveal near the end when everyone reveals their secret identities is just pure gold.
In any case, I just really loved the whole arc with Alya, especially how even when she made mistakes she wasn’t yelled at, but instead she and Marinette would talk and work things out, would try for a constructive approach instead of the punitive one I often see in salt. It’s just a real breath of fresh air.
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thecagedsong · 4 years
Cool, so one of my fandoms is having a really bad day, and since I care about Fablehaven until this monster of a fanfic gets finished, how about some wholesome meta? I don’t really care what the drama was about, so don’t tell me. We’re all a little high strung, and I tend to take disagreements personally in a way that I’m working on, and don’t need to be involved in. 
Now that that disclaimer is out of the way, who wants to talk about the Five crowns? Because I had a 14 hour car ride yesterday, listening to the second half of Evening Star and Shadow Plague, and I am so ready to let you all in on the code I cracked. I found the unifying magic diagram of the Fablehaven verse. The key to ultimate satisfaction, and if there was a magic research journal in universe, I would post this in and win the Top Magic Nerd of this Century award.  My goal is to make this as accepted canon as possible, because I am ridiculously right. No characters involved, so no drama except of the scolastic kind, relying on heavy references to canon. 
SO, I made a pretty big claim. But I’ve been toying with this theory since before Dragonwatch three came out. I need some reviews before I inform Brand Mull that I’ve cracked his secret and won the game. If this symbol isn’t on the spine of the Journal of Secrets, what is even the point. 
A good symbol does three things: identifies the pieces you are dealing with, helps the viewer reach a new understanding about the pieces, and map onto the cultural understandings of the audience. aka a cross with four quadrants of airplane, mitochondria, love, and toe nails is a terrible symbol. See common memes for usually pretty good symbols and graphs. 
So you got five crowns right? That means you have a pentagon and a five pointed star, and the biggest trick was figuring out where each crown went, and how they related to each other. 
Examine five-part belief systems, see where the crowns match, unifying symbol explains everything, move on. Easy.
You wanna know why?
Okay, a bit of an exaggeration, obviously they are very useful for things like organizing systems within a single body. Who functions as the head, the shield arm, the pivot foot, etc. But the point of that diagram is that they are equally important and dependent to every other part. Which doesn’t work when the different groups keep trying to break each other’s kneecaps (see b5: fairies v demons).
It also falls apart on the five-piece cultural scale. The most well-known 5-piece cultural scale is obviously the chinese elements: Fire Wood Water Metal Earth.
Now, I don’t pretend to be an expert on those at all. But it all broke down on fire, TBH. Were dragons fire? But a large point was that their breath weapons weren’t always fire. Were demons fire? Even the ones covered in sludge. Were demons earth? Was the underking earth? All I got were fairies as water, in the end. If someone wants to give that a go, be my guest. 
I drew so many pentagrams trying to figure it out, and it never worked. No matter the arrangement, it never told me more about the crowns except that there were five of them. I was about to despair. 
But then the muses sang: The Forgotten Crown. 
(That’s the title of my thesis, btw)
Like I said, five pointed stars were trash for this system, but what if I added another crown, one that no one bothers to count, because by their nature, they can’t do anything. That’s right:
The Forgotten Crown of the Fair Folk. 
The symbol slipped into place like sharp pointy things into Warren. And now I can get to the real meta after sharing this image:
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Isn’t it beautiful? After I cracked this code, I showed it to my little sister. She smiled contentedly, calling it satisfying. It is so satisfying. It speaks to so many levels of understanding. 
First, I depicted for you, we have the morality and the terrain triangles. 
Morality triangle is the easiest, if you feel uncomfortable labeling drown-happy naiads as good and all demons as evil, congrats, thinking about the nature of good and evil is precisely what Mull was going for. Since I am suddenly one of those people, I’m going to be using the creation/destruction dichotomy, but acknowledge that both of those work. 
Fairies can be most easily understood when Kendra asked the Fairy Queen what she should do with her life. She’s an unlimited fount of the Fairy Queen’s own power, allowed to do whatever she wants, and the Fairy Queen tells her to nurture life. Be fruitful, put good things in the world, help people grow. Their goal is to create, their magic is defensive, beauty is wonderful for its own sake. The better you are at respecting and nurturing life, the stronger your magic is. Dryads are responsible for the whole forest, and throughout the series they are seen as more powerful and serious than fairies, which can make the plants they interact with grow and hamadryads, who are connected only to their tree. Certainly more powerful than the petty, waterbound naiads. 
Ganalus’s speech to Seth about his own nature is where you can understand demons in this world. They like to destroy and torture, they find amusement in things like plague and clipping live beings to their belts and dragging them around. They are driven by the need for more power and control. Their nature is to harm and break apart, and that has its place in this world, but we care about the stuff and people here, so mortals and fairies have got to keep these punks in check.
And of course, the Fair Folk. Here’s where this triangle gets fun. The worst of the worst gets to be Demon King, the best of the best get stronger fairy powers. That means the most neutral of the neutral get to be the leader of the Fair Folk. We’ve heard references to the main city of the Fair Folk: Selona, somewhere in Europe, and a mysterious exert that I’ve seen images of with Lord Dagrel that I’m trying to pin down. I’m posing that their powers come from being neutral. They talk about the terrible consequences of the last time they went to war, what if it the equivalent of their fallen state, when they break their neutrality, and changes them fundamentally. 
This breaks down the most, but they are the Forgotten Crown for a reason. They hold themselves apart from issues of the other crowns. No one even remembers that they have a crown, because as Seth and Celebrant have shown, who cares? They aren’t going to do anything about it. Everyone collectively forgot/don’t care about them. But their abilities are equal in strength to the others, but different in use, and less valued by those who have battles to fight. Their neutrality puts them exactly between good and evil, creation and destruction. They take the choice not to act, and there is power there too. 
Next is the Terrain Creatures. 
Sky giants control the sky, obviously. Thronis and his ability to control the weather, their height, while their feet are on the ground, far as we know, everything important happens in the sky. 
Underking gets under the ground, again, obvious. Different from the other two points of the terrain triangle in that there is a lot of creature classifactions in their domain, but think of how big the surface of the earth is, underneath it, all theirs. 
Dragons, they dwell in the sky and below the surface, putting them in both. Water dragons and Dromadus both primarily function beneath the surface, and their wings let them be in the sky. while not stronger necessarily than the other terrain crowns in their own domains, they are top of the food chain for the creatures living on the ground, and could probably take out the undead that venture near the surface, and I have high hopes for seeing a Sky Giant v Dragon in the next book. 
Cool, we got our organization of information. We learn something about them based on their placements within the triangles. But is that our symbol? No! Symbols are different than graphs, we should be able to squeeze ridiculous amounts of meaning from them, and we aren’t done yet. The two triangles map really, really well together.
What does the placement of the two triangles together tell us about the individual components?
a WHOLE TON. This is what makes this symbol the most satisfying, the triangles create two separate categorizations of their powers and abilities, but they inform each other. The morality of the terrain beings, and the domains of morality beings. 
Dragons run the whole spectrum from creation to destruction. We see a lot more of the destruction dragons, because our kids are in a war, but Raxtus hits really close to the Fairies and can heal and grow with his breath weapon. We also have wizards, who chose mortality for the ability to use magic to create. All the way to effing Navarog, honorary demon. They run every shade of the creation/destruction spectrum. We also see dragons that don’t depend on destruction because we know that there are some that agreed to behave if it meant they weren’t shoved into sanctuaries. 
Sky giants, the group we know the least about, are good enough that their queen was deemed able to be the caretaker of a dragon sanctuary, so no inherent thirst for destruction and chaos. But they run the neutral side of creation, they weren’t going to step in to stop the demons, they like magic and creating from what we know of thronis, but they fit right here. 
Underking - fall between neutral destruction. The underking wasn’t orchestrating the opening of the demon prison. They crave life, its a food source, but more than that, they want to endure. They might fall closer to demons in their taste for extinguishing life, but they need their wanting of life to continue existing. They might have individual prizes and desires for life, but because they depend on wanting life for their own continued existence, they will never organize themselves into taking over the world. Congrats, you’re only half as destructive as demons.
The morality on the terrain is much easier to see blatantly. Fairies have wings, but in no way do they control the sky, and they live on the ground. Demons...I’m sure some of them fly, but they tend to prefer caves like Granulas and pits like Jubaya and Kurisok. Prefer the night, though the light doesn’t harm them. Fittingly, the Fair Folk do not have the ability to fly on their own, and they live on the ground, not under it. 
sO SATISFying how those fit together. Are you weeping yet? This is harmony on the organizational level. 
But I claimed this was the perfect symbol, the ultimate. There is one more layer describing how every piece relates to every other piece, per the best symbols. 
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This is the least defined level of interaction, and each line is unique, while still being opposite its counterpart. We’ll start with the ones we have the least information about and go from there. 
Demon/sky giant: We know nothing, at the moment. They have never commented on each other, and have never interacted. Why didn’t sky giants show up to the Zzyzx party? Who knows! So I’m going to speculate here, and propose that they just really can’t stand each other’s presence. Demons stay away from sky giants, because giants are way bigger than them, and it is hard to feel powerful when you only come up to their knee, and sky giants don’t like demons because...eww, demons. 
Fair Folk/Dragon: We know that there are Fair Folk at all seven dragon sanctuaries. We know that the Fair Folk were there long before the sanctuaries were created. Fair Folk neutrality let both parties trust the dragons to part of their watch. It also seems that Dragons have a very difficult time staying neutral. We’ve seen a lot of flavors of dragon, but the one flavor we haven’t seen, possibly by its nature, is a neutral dragon. The closest we came was Dromadus, who was an abstaining pacifist for two books, but kept lending help to the innocent and those aligned with the innocent. His neutrality broke literally the week someone asked him to break it.
 Fascinatingly, the talents of the Fair Folk are actually the closest analog to the breath weapons of the dragons. One unique ability, can be augmented by training, can do something unique to the characteristics of the user. This is enough to make their uses of magic foils for each other in ways that they can’t be with the other races. In fact, they take human shape, their wizards act a lot like the talents of the Fair Folk.
Their final opposite string: physical appearance. Fair Folk are attractive (symetrical) humans. Dragons are hulking reptiles of scale and claw meant to let everyone who can see them know who is the top predator around. Fair folk are disarmingly beautiful. 
Fairy/Underking: The dichotomy that we know the most about because it’s the one the protagonists find themselves on opposite side of. I could double the length of this post talking about these opposite foils, but this is already ridiculously long, so I’ll keep it brief. Consult upcoming thesis for full analysis.
Most obvious aspect of this line? They literally cannot co-exist, one must overpower the other. Nova Songs are consumed by darkness, while crown-fueled Kendra literally turns the undead into bones and dust. The darkness and light can’t balance like the demon cursed area + Fairy shrine stone did in Shadow Plague, there is no middle ground.
While fairies and demons make the creation-destruction spectrum, Fairy and Underking make the Life-death line. Unicorns, who have so much life and youth that lectoblixes overdose to death on them, and the undead that give up the joys light and live to continue. Because Death lasts as long as life. 
And finally my favorite line of opposites, their crowns functions in exactly the opposite ways. The under-crown does not share power. It accumulates, you become one of consciousness of the crown. They swallow you up, and you will never take power from them. They will continue. Meanwhile the Fairy crown has had several owners, as identified by Risenmay in dw2. And the Fairy Crown shares magic in a way that the other crowns don’t. The fairy Queen shared her magic with Kendra, yes, but she also shared it with her husband. All the male fairies fell with the Fairy King, turning permanently into imps. Unless the Fairy Queen isn’t being honest about how that happened, that meant that the male half of the kingdom was under the authority of her husband when he fell. Which makes sense for this crown. One person can’t make a new person on their own, they have to have a male and a female genetic coding. For the crown that is all about creating and preserving life, that power isn’t meant to be wielded alone. The Fairy crown can share, can give, while the Undercrown can consume and take. They are complete opposites in this.
Thank you for reading through this preliminary thesis. Counterpoints, additions, and commentary are welcome. I want to flesh this out a little more before sending my transcendent, beautiful, unifying symbol to Mull and have him announce that I have officially cracked the code. Really tho, the fact that I can pull this together into a unifying symbol is pretty cool in terms of Mull’s worldbuilding. 
Well...only works if he acknowledges the forgotten crown. Dragonwatch 5: the Crown of Selona. I can’t wait. 
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p1harmonyofficial · 4 years
[📰] Exclusive Interview: P1Harmony Debut with Single 'SIREN'
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By Alvin Yoga
Hi, P1Harmony. Congratulations on your debut! How do you feel about it?
KEEHO: I feel very excited and nervous at the same time. It’s because we waited so long for this moment to come and we prepared so much. I think we are feeling all sorts and types of emotions currently but I think the most important feeling that I have right now is to just have fun and do my best.
THEO: I am very happy that I can be on stage every day, and currently the joy of my life is reading our fans’ comments.
What does your group name – P1Harmony – mean?
KEEHO: P1Harmony is a combination of plus +, number 1, and harmony, 6 boys with unlimited potential to create various harmonies with ‘Team’ and ‘One’ added.  
It's your debut year, but also the year when the pandemic hits hard. Have you encountered any hardships throughout your debut process and how did you deal with that?
KEEHO: Obviously it’s a very unfortunate situation for all of us, but the biggest hardship for us was that we could not perform in front of actual audience and that we do not have the chance to interact with our fans face to face. We are still trying to communicate with our fans in different ways though we can’t see them face to face.
How do you define P1Harmony's music style?
JIUNG: We can define it as undefinable. We are currently working on hip hop based music, but we are going to try numerous genres and come up with different harmonies just like our team name. I hope that the undefinable to be a style, and everything that we do would become our very own style.
In your opinion, what is P1Harmony's strong point and uniqueness that differentiate you from other K-pop group?
JIUNG: The strong point or the charming point would be that each of us have distinct colors and that goes along well. We tend to adjust for each other, communicate, adjust and that just creates an amazing harmony which showcases us as a group while we show our individual charms at the same time.
Can you please elaborate your first single, "SIREN"?
INTAK: “SIREN” is a hip hop dance track with a powerful urban beat, heavy synthesizer and an addictive riff which sounds like the siren.
What was the hardest thing to do when you shot the music video?
SOUL: There was nothing hard! Everything was new to me and it was so much fun.
Did any of you contribute on writing the song lyrics on this album? If yes, where do you get your inspirations from?
JONGSEOB: Everyone contributed on writing the song lyrics on this album and INTAK and I participated in writing the lyrics of all the songs. I personally work with keywords which just randomly comes up to my mind, so I tend to work with those keywords.
What's the impression you want listeners to take away from your debut single, "SIREN" and which part of the track is your favorite?
INTAK: We wanted to leave a strong first impression. My favorite part of the song is the dance part at the last chorus. This part is significant since I really want the song to be hooked in the memories of the listeners.
What's the first thing that you wanted to do after this debut?
SOUL: I wanted to do a mukbang (eating show)! Not that I would just eat alone but to eat while I communicate with our fans!
What kind of musical styles or genres or perhaps, musical artists, you'd like to work with in the future?
JONGSEOB: In the future, I would like to try various genres. When it comes to musical artists, if possible I would like to work with Kendrick Lamar in the future.
What is the best advice that you have received from your senior artists at FNC Entertainment?
THEO: Our producer gave us an advice which was ‘Do your best in everything, and be polite to everyone at anywhere.’
Let's talk about your group's dynamic. How long have you guys been trained and lived together? What do you usually do to motivate each other?
JIUNG: KEEHO, JIUNG and INTAK have spent around 3 years together and it has been over a year and half since all 6 of us being together. If it’s long then it’s long, if it’s short then it’s short but in this period of time we quickly understood each other. It became a rule to talk to each other as honest as possible and to talk about an issue as soon as possible. We continuously and naturally talk about what we want to achieve and where the team is trying to go. I think all of the moments we’ve shared were eventually motivating each other.
As a rookie group, what is your biggest goal to achieve in the coming years?
THEO: Our biggest goal as a rookie group is to make our group to be known, and if there is a chance, we would like to receive the rookie of the year award.
Last one, please share a message to Cosmo babes and your listeners in Indonesia.
JONGSEOB: Thank you so much for supporting and loving us all the way from Indonesia. We will work hard and show you as we grow as a better artist.
INTAK: Please watch out for our album promotions, and we’ve got lots of thing prepared so please stay tuned! We love you.
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