#The birds were amazing!
Went to a bird park!! Exhausted, had to walk a lot....
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I did also go to the zoo! I have diverse interests!!!!
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misskelley · 27 days
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How did I miss them at the match.
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In a shocking turn of events after how poorly handled Look My Way was, I also don't like the new ep lol
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miyakuli · 1 month
when I read a post about giving some love to my fav bird and I end up just analyzing all the facets of his personality that I adore without sounding coherent in my words because my next class of students will arrive in 2 minutes
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photon-crest-art · 7 months
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Weird birds I found outside today.
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My brain nonstop since watching episode 2:
*RUN* angelic choir singing as we pan up Izzy's missing leg and then his body. As we see him holding the gun *RUN* Izzy looks sad, wet, sick, and PISSED, betraying Edward for good this time*RUN* Zoom in on Izzy's face, the mark of his failed attempt dripping in the rain *RUN* Pan to Ed, laughing like a maniac, relieved, and scared, as he realizes that Izzy didn't die. So him killing himself like this would kill all the people left in his life. That he's put the ship in danger for no reason.*RUN*
(Spotify is SO LUCKY my top Songs of the Year reset October, this fucker would be top 50 AT LEAST)
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batri-jopa · 2 months
Singing bird automaton - SOUND ON!
From thehouseofautomata on Instagram
Dusty as a treasure from a tomb, this clockwork machine sings out, giving life eternal to a stuffed bird. Bontems, Paris c1865. The workings of this mechanism are described in the book ‘Secrets of Automata’ available worldwide via the link in the bio.
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flecks-of-stardust · 2 years
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[image description: two images of a Northern Mockingbird perched on some branches. It is a soft grey-brown, with darker feathered wings that have a white band in the middle. Its eyes are a brilliant gold. In the first image, it is looking off to the right, one eye staring at the camera, and is somewhat hunkered down. Its body is framed by a curving twig. In the second image, it is perched higher up, rump facing the camera as it looks to the sky. There is a big fluffy white cloud in the background. end image description]
birdy :D
#big long ramble about my day so far in the tags just cause i felt like sharing#i had a rheumatology appointment today but i was Way early#arrived when the doctors had broken for lunch. the receptionist told me there was a new nature path past the parking lot#and i was like hell why not. maybe i’ll find a cool bug#i did not find many bugs but hooo there were so many birds it was amazing#this fella was the highlight#i was trying to get a picture of it through a bush cause it looked cool#but then it flapped up In Front Of Me. like less than a meter away#and i just stared wide eyed at it for like three seconds#snapped a few pictures because it posed for me for a little#it also gave me a little gift :’) i didn’t catch the poop falling on camera lol#then it flitted off back the way it came#there was also a hummingbird (anna’s hummingbird i think)#and a few others i couldn’t identify. probably a few bushtits and i think two goldfinches at least#and also some really fucking loud geese(?) that i could not find#it was nice. talking a walk here and there is so nice#i did eventually find some bugs. there was a honeybee that was getting blown across the ground by the wind#literally tumbling all the way. i scooped it onto a leaf and put it somewhere a bit less windy#and there was another in a flower that seemed a bit stronger#also there were these little solitary bee home tubes!!! didn’t see any bees come out though#and there was a cat :D#hshshshshdh it’s been nice so far#my appointment went well too#mockingbird blessing :)#if i had a nickel for every time i happened to somehow be allowed within a meter of a bird to get a super clean picture of them#i would have two nickels#which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice /ref#the other instance was of hatchlings too :’D god they were so round and cute#i miss them i hope they had lots of babies
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mid-nighttiger · 7 months
trying to listen to the newest silt verses but getting too distracted by the bird chirping noises in the background
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sincerely-nines · 2 months
Computer. Show me birds.
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Some bird pictures from the park near my local art museum! The pigeon is my favorite and I really wanted to take it home.
(Sorry abt the picture quality, my phone camera is not very good lol)
BRO??? 'sorry abt the picture quality' ITS SO CLEAR THO
THANK YOU FOR THESE ohh they are so beautiful, first pidgie is so shiny and round i would like to pap him gently
ALSO YOU HAVE COOTS THERE?!??! AND THE DUCK WITH A CREST TOO And so many more duck loafs ahhajshdjs
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g0dtier · 10 months
yall i went to a medieval fantasy fair festival thing for the first time of my life and definitely had some kind of sexual awakening at 28 years old
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oh the wonder and beauty of seeing a new bird species in your backyard ..........
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mollymarymarie · 1 year
Hi! just wanted to let you know that bird set free is so wonderful that I am unable to read anything else. Your talent is a blessing and a curse.
I just had to look up all the ice skating moves you mentioned and it’s so beautiful to watch, I trained in ballet for about 14 years as a kid and they are vaguely similar and I think that enticed me, like a little throwback you know. Anyway, I was just curious how you knew so much about it? Are you just extremely well researched or have you skated before?
Thanks love
Hi! Thank you so much!!! This is such a lovely ask!
And also I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED because I have ZERO experience as an ice skater (have never even worn a pair of ice skates). My Jobros bestie and technical beta @billsfangearring was the brains behind this operation!!
Going in, I knew basic things, like the names of certain jumps (like a triple axel or a quad Lutz) just from watching figure skating. But Billie was the one to tell me that there are requirements for certain elements in each type of program (we designed the whole Bird Set Free free skate entirely from scratch, even literally modeling the starting pose lol) and helped me figure out the best way to verbally describe those elements (how a jump starts, which side of the blade a skater would land on, etc).
So if it reads like I know what I am talking about, that is ALL thanks to Billie!
(Billie also helped me pick the music! Including recommending THE PERFECT SONG for a very important short program that is coming very soon 👀👀👀)
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vermillioncrown · 1 year
im so predictable it's tragic...put a funny little robot in a game and that's my guy. my dude
CNMN is the most character ever, i'd die for him
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