#The Tophat Demon
chocococoa · 6 months
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Characters from The Tophat Demon's Cronikles series.
Check out his stuff
In order from left to right: Dilan, Ray, Rastera, and Birdman.
Drew some of my friends OC's a while back and never posted it. doing it now i guess.
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businessmemes · 4 months
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I hear the tophat magnates bought boats that year but got bored of them soon after and sank them over a dolphin sanctuary in the Atlantic. fiscally this was a wise move on their parts.
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huntale · 11 months
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Bill Cipher, human version by huntale.
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tophats-tea · 11 months
ah. perfectly reasonable explanation. i will be Sleeping now
(he said, you know, like a liar./ref)
good luck, I’ll be there with my tea cup soon enough. Sleep tight! :D
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simp-ly-writes · 2 months
Personal Hell: Epilogue
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Can be read as a standalone: Personal Hell Series (pt.10)
Pairing: (Hazbin Hotel) Lucifer Morningstar x demon overlord!Reader
Summary: It is the end... or is it?
Warnings: 4241 words, depictions of blood, gore, death, injury, trauma and abuse (some fluff too). NSFW (18+) I MEAN IT (OR I SWEAR TO GOD-). cliffhanger?
A/N: I can't believe this story has come to a close (for now possibly... no promises) yet I have kept the door open... who knows? Thank you all, seriously for the support- I have never received such wonderful comments and suggestions in any other writing of mine. I hope you all enjoy, I will deeply miss sitting down and writing this fic.
Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
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Various warriors, hotel staff, and even the King himself sat in the large dining hall. Candle-lit chandeliers floated amongst magical black clouds covering the ceiling- casting their warm light towards the steaming food and fresh vegetables. The centerpiece of the table sat a leaning tower of pancakes, wobbling with each breeze that casted through the cracked windows. The curtains drifted as you became lost in your thoughts, watching invested as they rolled like waves- a shiver casted down your spine before a warm hand eased the tension. 
Lucifer places his head on your shoulder, giving your cheek a lingering kiss as you smile and lean backwards in towards his touch. You had yet to enter the dining hall taking a moment to stroll through the halls as your body was still pumped with adrenaline from the war that you knew deep down was only the beginning. 
Within your personal tour of the palace, you were surprised to find the gardens in a ruined state as you turned, raising an eyebrow towards the King who acted like he had nothing to do with it. As he inspired his fingernails, tapped his cane against the hardwood floors, and adjusted his tophat with a wide smile as he casted you a wink. Shaking your head, you followed him back towards the dining hall as various glasses were raised to your presence, they cheered- they roared as Charlie ran forward and pulled you both into a tight squeeze. 
You smiled watching as Lucifer patted the top of her head in loving motions as you rubbed her back. Family… the term drifted through your head while looking between them both before Charlie was running with your hand in your own towards the head of the table, a seat left empty to the King’s right side as he and Charlie switched grasps on you. Lucifer pulls your hand upwards, sealing the back of it with a kiss before pulling your chair closer to his own. 
With a click of your fingers, food is summoned to your plate as your wine glass is filled. You take a stand, banging your knife to the glass with a series of chimes. Heads turn upwards, beginning to raise their own glasses, “To those of us with fighting spirit- may the blood be shed but never our spirits- our family, and may we pray never ourselves. I ask you to take a drink for those who have fallen, tie their names to your soul as you fight another day for we are now their protectors- we are the fighting spirit!” Lucifer stands up abruptly, causing you to snap your head to see pride flowing through his veins as he raises his glass with a cheer before slamming his drink down as you copy his actions. 
The glasses are refilled almost instantly as you take back to your seat and finish your meal, you and Lucifer have interlocked ankles as you begin to tease up his leg before falling back at the knee. He casts you a pointed look, cheeks flushed a light pink that he blames on the booze as you snort- covering your mouth in an instant as your eyes go wide. 
Lucifer looks to you, eyes wide as well before his head slams back with laughter, you face plant into the table, your shoulders rising in falling in silent chuckles before gripping the table and then your stomach. As you show your head to gain air, the King leans over- brushing your hair from out of your eyes as you whisper a thanks. You both are un-noticing to the table that has quitted, watching as you both interact and leave a teasing kiss before taking your last bite of pancake. 
Charlie leans towards Vaggie, their hands interlocked on the table as they sneak the fruits off each other's plates. “What I would give for this to be forever…” Charlie notes, head tilted thoughtfully to Vaggies shoulder as she tenses for the slightest moment at the comment. “We shouldn’t wish for anything- leads to disappointment babe,” She comments in a low voice, wincing as her girlfriend winces in recognition. “I guess you’re right… didn’t work out the greatest when I did that last time right?” The Princess chuckles to herself, her late deal with the dream lord still fresh on her mind after the battle as she looks towards her hands and at Vaggie who seems already lost in her own world. 
You have failed me, Alastor. Their voice echoes in the abyss as the Radio Demon struggles to stand, tentacles of water tighten across his skin- soaking him to the bone as he shivers to the lack of sun in the domain. Fabric shuts his mouth, wrapping tightly all the way down his neck as he can barely intake air, small shuddering breaths is all he receives. “Lord, I have now failed you-”
Oh but you have, they are not dead- the hotel is still alive and that bastard princess has managed to send a demon to heaven, your little mortal brain must not comprehend the severity of the situation. Oh, little one- do you need me to explain it to you slowly? Alastor kicks and screams, trying to escape, black tears beginning to slip from between his eye lashes as he casts his head down- trying to appear as small as possible. Oh I think I do, you precious thing. 
The constraints are roughly ripped away, the waves cutting through clothing in skin like thousands of razor sharp knives. Their cuts burn as Alastor bleeds, his hands gripping at the ground, between the Dreamer’s shows as he leans down, looming over the slowly dying demon with a yellow tooth-smile gleaming down like moonlight. Alastor begins to cough up water as its flood never stops from his lungs, his legs begin to kick out helplessly as he now rips their lower pant leg. The White fabric now a deep red as the Lord takes a seat beside their figure, their claws now delicately tracing up and down his back as they coo out. You are doing such an amazing job and are learning sweetheart, you should be proud of yourself Radio Demon. They mock in a light and loving tone as Alastors spine rattles in his back, he begins to scream before he feels nothing, hears nothing for he simply floats as a white-gloved hand extends itself out from the darkness once more, fingers dancing as their smile opens from down below like a shark swimming up for a bite. 
Alastor does his best to swim, body aching, brain spirling to newfound insanity as he grips the hand and is suddenly thrown back into the hotel, a lilac note resting upon his bed with a bright red apple shining in his face- a singular bite taken out of it as the Radio Demon rips open the seal and begins to read. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Alastor- I have read many of reports on your little adventures and now, it seems, we are to embark on one of our own. See I need you to- 
Lucifer opens a large portal in the throne room as one by one, everyone makes their way back to the hotel, or yet the remnants of it. You stand at the broken steps as they are flipped upside down. KeyKey runs between your legs and towards Charlie who stands with their arms ready and open as silent tears ruin her makeup and stream down to the soil below. Vaggie starts to account for the dead with Angel Dust and Husk by her side, clipboards in hand as they move through the rubble and write down names. 
You walk further into the hotel, now standing in what would be your room, your breath hitches seeing only the metal frames of your artwork still left standing, you frown, kicking the frame so it clatters to the ground as Lucifer leans against a withstanding post, jacket nowhere to be seen except for the newfound weight on your shoulders as you cast him a bittersweet smile and continue to sort through the remainder of your personal items. 
At sudden you both turn, claws raised at the sound of Charlie's violent cry outwards as she falls to her knees in the lobby, darting over and taking a knee in front of her, she falls into your arms, head shaking into your shoulder as you look towards Lucifer who already began a scan of the local area, your shadows now searching the skies above to return back with nothing. “I-I lost it all… I am a failure…” she cries to you between hiccups as you violently shake your head, “remember what I said, you are not a failure for you have made the progress no one else has been able to make.” 
“Your parent-,” Lucifer coughs, gaze casted towards his boots, “they are right, Charlie. All of this-” He casts his arms widely around as Vaggie and crew make their way towards you all. “-is merely aesthetic, I have seen the work you have done, all the souls you’ve touched, you can do this, I know it…” The King extends his hand, pulling Charlie from your loose arms as he takes a stand and steps abc, watching as their voices mix into the rising sun. Its pink rays casting over your vision as you imagine life always being like this. Angel Dust has wrapped an arm around your shoulders, another arm teasing your hair as you shove him away playfully and summon Husk a bottle of liquor as he casts you an appreciative smile, beginning to portion out the bottle in the withstanding glasses he found in the Hotel’s basement. 
You clink your glasses, surprised as Lucifer spins you, taking a quick kiss to your lips as he mumbles the next few lyrics before running up a fallen wall, casting a hand towards Charlie as he begins to point out all the new renovations they could make together. You hand your glass to Husk with a nod, cracking your fingers as the ground rumbles- walls beginning to stand as Lucifer slips back down, running to a stand as he picks up KeeKee and soon everyone gets to work repairing the hotel. 
“The show must go on! We can do this, we can build it, the best hotel that you’ve ever seen!” You sing along with a wide smile, now drifting between the shadows as Lucifer’s wings pop up to life as he stables the foundation. “So long as I have all of you with me,” Charlie smiles up at you, taking your hand as you transport her inside the hotel and cast her a paint bucket. With the next tap of a foot, you make all the lights flicker to life as their glow warms your face. 
As you take a step back, admire the new lobby and take a stand in recognition to the late Sir. Pretentious. Lucifer wraps an arm around your waist, “I love you, darling,” he whispers in your ear, eyes appearing golden in the warm lighting as you take his cheek in your hand, beginning to lean in for a kiss just as Alastor appears suddenly between your both, peering down at you with a crooked smile as you flash him a shadow coated glare, the air turning cold in a sudden as Lucifer chuckles, shoving the demon aside before continuing to sing. 
“And then tomorrow it will be a fuckin’ happy day in hell!” you belt towards the rising sun, gripping Lucifer by the suspenders as you tip him back and into a deep kiss as Angel Dust groans from beside you, Husk giving the Spider a good shove as you teleport towards your new office, King in arms. 
You press Lucifer against the wall as he whines at the impact, cheeks gone impossibly more red, his skin as sweet as apples and you take a bite at his neck and kiss around the mark as he curses out from the sting. He feels you smile into his neck, hands dragging up his back as you playfully snap his suspenders to his body, watch as he twitches closer, brushing your lower halves against one another as your breath catches in your throat before pressing your forehead against his. 
Lucifer pulls away, eager to see your blush as his hooded eyes meet you with a lazy smile. He tilts his head, releasing the warmth of your skin against his own as he tips his mouth down towards your cheek- pressing a delicate kiss. Your hands grip at the fabric bunched up at his arms, hands trickling to the tops of his long gloves as you circle the sliver of skin poking out. You feel the small shiver that runs down his spine, how his legs begin to wrap around your thigh as you press your knee between his thighs. “You alright, darling?” you tease out in a light whisper as Lucifer curses out to your warm breath sticking to sweat beginning to form behind his ear. 
You watch his nod rapidly, eyes closing and squeezing as you draw imaginary doodles down his white dress shirt and play with the top of his pants, hands running across the various belt loops. Stopping half-way to wrap your fingers through the loops as you brush him against your thigh once more, chuckling as his head falls to your shoulder, breaths shuttering as your other hand begins to tug at the roots of his hair. 
“Please…” he begs, shaking his head into your shoulder as he applies more of his body weight atop of your own. You lock your legs into place, the small movement eliciting a moan from the King of Hell as you tease at him, “Is my little Luci enjoying himself?” He wines out, refusing to reply out in words as you pull his head back by the hair. “I need words, my love,” you press further watching as the gears turn in his head, his eyes casting away from yours for a split second before returning back to your own, slightly red ones. “Yes,” he manages in a weak tone before shadowing you both towards a desk as you place in the large leather chain, watching as it swivels into place. 
Lucifer leans back, legs extended wide as the bulge in his pants becomes ever-the-more evident. You sit against the desk behind your arms, caging in the King as you drag the chair closer to your body as you peer down at him. His hair is a mess, the bruises against his neck stand proud against his ivory skin as his chest rises and falls rapidly. Your hands fall towards his chest, circling around his collar bones before pressing a featherlight kiss between them both, trailing your way down his chest as you slowly unbutton each detail to his vest and shirt. His suspenders have fallen to the floor, much like his shoes as you place a hand to the centre of his heart, feeling it pick up the pace as he sends you a small smile, hand now resting atop of your own. 
“I live for you,” he speaks out softly as you close your eyes, listening as your heart follows the same beats before whispering out the same, “and I you.” In the next moment, you shove him back, Lucifer grips the arms of the chair, eyes going wide- his eyes casting to you kneeling before him - his mouth opening and closing, trying to find the words before a moan encompases them all. Your hands make quick work of his pants, with a snap of your fingers they are gone in an instant his small white briefs are the only article of clothing in the way as they have slowly become see-through by his excitement. 
Casting a smile while playing with the leg holes of the garment, hands drifting towards his inner thighs just before leaving just as quickly. “Please- stop teasing…” Lucifer pleads, legs beginning twitching and kicking out as your palms drift up and down his legs, starting from the ankles and making their way up to his waist as you coo, “oh, sweetheart, am I being mean?” 
“Yes,” Lucifer breaths out as your finger drifts down his length, stopping to cup his balls just as your mouth wraps around his covered top. Lucifer's hands now grip at your hair and head, applying pressure to keep your mouth against his as his hips twist upwards the slightest bit before you slap his thigh as he begins to sit nicely once more. 
With the next click of your fingers, air meets new hot and angry skin as you further your work, taking his length as far into your mouth and down your throat as you could. Tears start to well up in your eyes, your nose burns for air as you fight your gag reflex before pulling away, a line of your saliva connecting you both before falling at your skin and trailing its way down your neck and into your shirt. Lucifer watches this movement with dark eyes, within a blink, gold swirls around your vision before a sudden coldness halts your actions. You see yourself in his eyes, skin against skin, lips meeting your own in a passionate play coming up for air. 
You feel his hardness against your inner thigh as you sit in his lap, curious as to how he had yet to become distracted as he pinches your hips, causing your body to buckle against his own as you share a series of moans and pray that no-one had bothered to come find you both. “I think we should move this someplace else, though you do look rather stunning against mahogany,” Lucifer teases as you nod, stealing another kiss before you both become wrapped in a world of bliss under a canopy bed, it’s drapes flowing with the night wind as you swear to be in a state of dreaming as you slowly slides into you, allowing you a moment to relax against him before he rocks your bodies back and forth into the mattress. 
You crane your neck upwards, pressing a hiss to his chest as he leans down, pressing one to your forehead before shuffling the little baby hairs that stick to it away. Lucifer smiles, watching as your eyes slowly begin to close, a smile splitting your cheeks as your chest presses upwards into his own, hearts connecting once more. Your hands scratch at his back, your legs wrapping around the back of his thighs as you lock his movements to deep thrusts as he helps you to meet your climax. Rubbing at your skin, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your neck, your mouth forms a silent gasp as you find your high, body shuttering as you gradually become crashing down into a series of wines as Lucifer remains unrelenting. 
He continues his movement at a now faster pace, forcing you to reach yet another high just as you were flowing off the last. You don’t realise you are screaming before his mouth crashing down to your own, muffling any sounds as your eyes go wide, a series of footsteps trailing past the door and down the hall as you go stiff. Eyes wide and still dilated as Lucifer chuckles above you, “Don’t worry love, you sing ever-so beautifully for me.” Just as he makes you sing out once more as you both come crashing down, the deep bellowing moan rumbling in his chest as you pull his head into your shoulder, hands rubbing his back as you both catch your breaths. 
“I love you,” you whisper into his hair, feeling him smile into your shoulder before leaving a kiss as you close your eyes, “I love you too, more than anything.” 
Some time had passed since the new Hazbin Hotel had become operational among many other shared nights you and Lucifer made up for with one another. Things at the estate ran smoother than ever with your public position now back to full force as you commanded the courtroom to the throne room as Lucifer stood proudly as you side or forced his chair closer to your own before becoming bored from the lack of contact and pulling you into his lap much to your protest. The people loved it but most of all Charlie and all the other staff, seeing their King so full of life once more as you playfully shoved his face from pressing a kiss to your neck as you addressed a recourse chain issue between the rings of hell- the overlord looking very bored at the two of you all cozied up. 
You and Lucifer would walk the streets of Hell together, multiple guards positioned around the street in disguise as paranoia ate the King out alive watching as you shook the hands of many strangers and even did a spontaneous wine tasting in one of the orchards as he bit down on his nails, leaning in the doorway as you swirled and gulped down the wine without much of a second thought just as you poured out another glass and offered it his way with a smile that he could not refuse. Next thing you both knew you were stumbling your way back to the newly established gardens where you fell asleep in the grass together, a blanket somehow gracing against your skin in the middle of the night as you woke up cuddled together. 
You smiled down at Lucifers resting from, arm on a ninety-degree angle to view his profile as a staff member came forward with yet another blanket alongside a breakfast tray as you whispered a thanks. You did your best to hide a chuckle as they waved a hand in your face, raising their eyebrows up and down in a dance before shimmying away as you playfully shook your head. Setting the objects to the side before stilling in your actions to the warm arm wrapping its way around your waist and the head in your shoulder as their groggy-morning voice bellowed in your ear. 
“Goodmorning, darling,” Lucifer commented as your body relaxed into his touch, falling back into the grass and blanket mound you both had become situated in. “Mornin’” you replied back, going in for the kiss before shoving sliced apple into his mouth with a teasing smile as he glared back in reply, slowly chewing and gulping down the food before tackling you to the ground with a series of kisses to your face as you raised your hands in surrender. Laughter consuming you both as you stared up in between the canopy of trees above and into heavens light. 
Lucifer shuffled beside you, body now sitting upright as you paid no mind to his actions, enjoying the sky floating on by before a cough had your head tilting to the side, a gleam in the corner of your eye forcing you upright in an instant as a gasp was cut short by a shuttering cry emanating from your chest- hand falling atop your heart as tears fell down your cheeks. 
The King stood there on one knee, in front of the bench from all those nights ago, shirt dishevelled and falling off his shoulder, hair tousled yet his smile young and bright, his skin glowing as you felt yourself being transpired to your first time meeting one another all those years ago in your first life. You begin to laugh in between your cries as you crawl to pull him into a hug, hands gripping at the white dress shirt just as your tears stain the material. 
Lucifer grips the ring in his hand as he holds you, his other palm gently rubbing up and down your back before resting on the back of your head in gentle reassurance. So much had changed from that first meeting, you both were so naive to the world and its inhabitants. You shutter at the memory of the white-gloved hands against your skin. You remember every other lifetime that flashes before your eyes leading all the way up to this moment- to this life that you hope would become forever- however long forever really was as you nod your head, whispering out a yes into his ear just as your lips crash against one another, sealing away fate and future at the feeling of the band gliding and locking against the base of your finger.  
Pressing your forehead against one another in a second kiss, you feel each other’s light breaths against your skin before pulling away to admire the ring just as another magics itself against his hand as you smirk at the claim he ever-so-proudly wears while sending you a wink. You both clap your hands, a table set before the both of you as brunch is served piping hot. Your coffee mugs clink against one another, as you close your eyes into the first sip before a hot liquid is being spit across the table, staining the food before you- a cough killing the moment in an instant. You raise your gaze upwards, blood stirring cold, eyes gone wide as you swear to die in this lifetime just as it appears to start. Your heart has stopped, as they peer over you both, a killer-tight smile highlighting the blood red lipstick they had chosen to wear today. 
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Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
↳ Taglist: @jtcat305 @tati-the-fangirl @randomgurl2326 @22carolina08 @amarokofficial @cynjinx0 @legacyreadsfics @repentant-repeller @ly-doodels
↳ A/N: the urge I have to make, "just one more."
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fallenangelics · 2 months
Hiding From The Missus
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PAIRING | Alastor/Angel Dust
SUMMARY | After seven years of silence, Angel Dust had finally gotten word of a familiar someone showing their face again. Going to where all clues point, he's met with some surprises before finally finding what he had been after.
RATING | Teen And Up Audiences
WARNING/TAG(S) | No Archive Warnings Apply, Overlord Angel Dust AU, Established Relationship
A/N | @rubra-wav created the beautiful banner below so go check out their content since they have some amazing stuff. @minidust093 loosely inspired this fic. I had already had the idea when I saw some of their amazing art so I just wanted to tag them so that anyone reading this could go and check them out.
EVENTS | @eclipsingbingo | Grabbed By The Chin
AO3 LINK | Read Here
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The suit that Angel Dust wore was fitted to the curves and extra arms of his body. Though it wasn’t uncomfortable, as he walked across the pentagram it made him miss the loosness of his favoured dress. It didn’t matter though as he didn’t plan on spending too much time out, just a quick stop by one of the new establishments under the guise of scoping it out before he could return to his luxurious house.
Treading up the small hill near the end of the pentagram, Angel’s eyes fell on the large building at the top of it. Ghosting his eyes across the overly red building, he took in all of the extra renovations it had undertaken, such as the pirate ship that stuck from one side of the building and the radio tower that was spiralling out. His eyes stayed locked on the radio tower for the remainder of his walk, all the way up until he was knocking on the door and could hear the footsteps of someone coming to greet him.
“Hello,” A short blonde woman cheered excitedly as she threw open the door, staring up at Angel with stars in her eyes. Something in the back of Angel’s mind was itching at him, telling him he had seen her face before but he couldn’t quite place a finger on it. “And welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! You’re Angel Dust, the Mafia Demon, right? Are you here to begin your path to redemption?”
“Ehh, not quite,” Angel spoke with as little enthusiasm as he could muster, having seven years of excitement sucked out of him just from the display he witnessed. Deflating slightly, the blonde woman still looked at him with a radiating sense of joy that Angel couldn’t help but wonder where she stored it. “I’m here for other reasons. Think of this as a business opportunity.”
“That’s great,” She exclaimed, shoving the door open wider to invite him in. With a hand reaching out, one of the blonde woman's hands latched onto Angel’s making him flinch back at the sudden contact. It wasn’t every day that people came running at the opportunity to grab onto Angel, not when they realised who he was at least. The woman took his reaction in stride as she beckoned him in, trying to show him the way. “Let me introduce you to our hotelier. He’ll be so happy to meet you.”
“I’m sure he will be,” Angel muttered as he stepped into the hotel for the first time. Taking it all in, just like the outside, there was an excessive amount of red, the colour coating almost every surface. All the furniture and wallpaper was old, fabrics peeling and stuffing spilling out of surfaces. Angel wouldn’t be caught dead staying in a place like this or even wandering near it if he was certain they were harbouring something he was looking for. 
“Angel Dust?” A voice called out, sceptic as they called for his attention. Turning to face whoever had caused him, Angel’s face brightened a minuscule amount before he even faced the Sinner, recognising them from their voice alone. Just as every other time Angel has had the pleasure of running into the Sinner, he wore his usual tophat, bow and suspendered pants, all of which were laced in red. “What are you doing here?”
“Just lookin’ for some new investments,” Discarding the blonde woman momentarily, Angel Dust gave his full attention to the much shorter Demon. “Didn’t know I’d find you here, Whiskers.”
“Wait,” Their attention was then pulled away from a new voice, one Angel didn’t recognise this time. Spotting a woman even shorter than Husk adorning a lot of grey and a glare on her features, Angel couldn’t help but sigh as more time was wasted. The scowl on her features twisted as her eyes flicked between them both. “You two know each other?”
“Yeah, he also knows Niff,” Husk supplied for him, filling in the two unnamed girls in the room. Both of them gave him a confused stare, unaware as to how Angel could’ve known the both of them. Just by Angel’s looks alone it was clear that he was well off since coming down to Hell. Trying to connect the dots as to how he had met two Sinners who had sold their souls just wasn’t adding up. “Wait, do you two not know who he is?”
“He’s the Mafia Demon,” The blonde woman repeated, though there was a spec of hesitation in her words now as she examined Angel’s tall figure.
“What?” The shorter one exclaimed, her eyes widening as she took in Angel’s calm and put-together appearance. Marching over to the blonde woman, she grabbed onto her arm and pulled her in close, whispering in a shouted way, “You let another Overlord in here, Charlie?”
“He wanted to invest in the hotel, Vaggie,” Angel was guessing Charlie spoke to who she had called Vaggie. Again, the name Charlie rattled around in Angel’s head but he was still yet to put a title to the name or the face. “This could be really good for business if everyone knew we had two Overlords helping out.”
“Or it could scare them all away,” Vaggie rebutted, letting go of Charlie to instead glare at Angel. The heat in her eyes did nothing to get under Angel’s skin, just making the Overlord let out a huff in annoyance as he was subjected to this bickering until Charlie was able to move on with this little tour and take him to the hotelier. 
“I don’t think that’s going to matter,” Husk cut in, stopping Vaggie from going even further down this over-paranoid rabbit hole. “Not when he’s Al-”
“What’s all this commotion about?” A static-filled voice sliced through the room, putting an end to any discussions. Chills broke out along Angel’s spine as he turned to face the newcomer to the conversation. Setting his eyes on him, Angel was glad he decided to give this rundown hotel a look since it was in fact harbouring the Sinner he was in search of. “My, what a wonderful visitor we have here.”
“Alastor,” Angel mused, voice sweet and sultry as he left his spot to saunter over to the Radio Demon. The deer smiled up at Angel in a genuine display, the sight blocked by Angel’s being as he got closer. Lifting one of his many hands, he slowly placed it on Alastor’s cheek, giving him time to back up if he needed to. When he didn’t, his head tilting to rest in the gesture, Angel trailed it down to where he was grabbing Alastor’s chin and tilting his head up so their eyes could properly meet. “Smiles… Where the fuck have you been these past seven years?”
In seconds, the sweetness that had been previously wafting around Angel dropped and a cruel and harsher tone took over. Grip tightening on Alastor’s chin to the point where his nail dug into the flesh and almost pierced it with his claws, blood ready to begin bubbling out. One of Alastor’s ears twitched, his smile hardening as he grinned up at Angel, ready to diffuse the situation. 
“What’s going on with those two?” Vaggie murmured, pointing an accusing finger at the both of them.
Hearing her voice, Angel let go of Alastor’s chin and instead reached up to grip one of Alastor’s red ears. Pinching down hard, Angel pulled Alastor in step with him as he turned the both of them around to face the small group that was watching their untouching reunion. In a deadpan Angel announced, “He’s my husband.”
“Aww,” Charlie very quickly cooed despite the situation, earning a blare of static from Alastor. 
“Why don’t we move this to the privacy of my room, Dear?” Alastor attempted to wiggle his way out of Angel’s grip, one of his tentacles coiling around Angel’s arm to try and yank him off, though Angel stayed strong in not letting Alastor out of his grip.
“Oh, so you made yourself nice and comfy here before tryin’ to track me down to let me know you were back?” Angel scoffed as he pulled on Alastor’s ear tighter, practically shouting into it as he lowered himself to speak into it. “Let me guess, you were gonna go start shit with Vox before even droppin’ by to let me know you weren’t dead.”
Alastor’s response couldn’t be heard as the pair of them were engulfed by shadows, transported to wherever Alastor desired. Behind them, they left two bewildered girls and an amused Husk at seeing his boss get a good yelling at. Sucking a calming breath in that didn’t work in the slightest, Vaggied said, “What. The. Fuck.”
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felice-jaganshi · 3 months
My Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 2
You end up staying in hell a bit longer. Wanting to get to know the real Lucifer better, even against his own pleading! He didn't want you to see how bad his kingdom really was, but you didn't care.
You wandered the halls of his palace and stopped in front of a painting. It had three very beautiful blondes in it. One was Lucifer himself, the other you guessed was his wife, a very beautiful demon of some kind given the horns. But who was the younger girl then?
“Who is that?” You asked, and he looked sad and sighed.
“My wife and daughter. Lilith and Charlie.” You look over at him, noticing the longing in his gaze.
“You said before she's been gone for seven years? What about your daughter?” You regret your words when more pain crosses his face. But he immediately tries to hide it with the fakest, biggest grin you've ever seen.
“Oh, hah! Char char is too busy to spend time with her old man these days! Busy with an important passion project of hers! I'm so proud of her.” The forced cheer was replaced with a note of something genuine in that last sentence. So you picked up that he did love his daughter, genuinely. But there seemed to be distance between them… you kept yourself from asking, you'd made him cry enough for one day.
“Well, do you have a passion project? Something that keeps you busy?” His eyes lit up genuinely, and it was breathtaking.
“Do you like ducks?” …
“I'm.. sorry?” You weren't sure you heard right. Did he really just say, “did you say Ducks?” He blushed and looked away.
“I uh, take that as a no then.”
“No! I mean, I do! I just wanted to make sure I heard you right. I think they're cute!” You couldn't bear hurting him again, you'd say anything to get that sparkle back! He looked back at you, a glimmer of hope hidden behind embarrassment. 
“Really?” You nod vigorously!
“Really!” He smiles softly and holds out a hand.
“Then come with me. I'll show you my workshop.”
You take his hand, it's warm and comforting, fitting nicely into your own. He leads the way down a few halls before stopping in front of the door and unlocking it.
“No one's been in here with me since… Well, you're the first in a long while.” Suddenly, you feel a bit nervous. This feels… intimate in a way. A side of Lucifer possibly only seen by his wife and daughter. And now you, too.
He opened the door, and you're immediately overwhelmed by the color yellow! He confidently walks in and you follow close behind. You've never seen so many rubber ducks in all your life! Or death for that matter.
“I… so many…” You pick one up that has a tophat and cane, and it does a little dance in your hands. Lucifer watches, holding his breath to see your reaction. You smile wide and laugh, “oh my god, that's so cute!” He lets out his breath in one loud go, he's more relieved than you can imagine. He then puts on a more genuine grin.
“Well! Then you're gonna love the rest of my collection, they all do crazy shit! Oh, uh, avoid that pile over there though, those one breath fire and have knives and other dangerous things.” He pointed to the far corner. You make a note to avoid those ones and the two of you spend the next hour going over all the ducks he's made…
Except by the time you're halfway through one pile, you realize it's been way longer than an hour! The sun has set and the stars are coming out. 
“Oh fuck, how long have I been here?! Everyone's gonna panic! I gotta get home to my friends.” Lucifer's face drops as you say this.
“O-oh… right, you don't belong here. You have a family to get back to… don't you?” He then tries to cheer up, “well hey, thanks for making my day! It's genuinely been the best one I've had in… a- a while.” You look at this sad little duck loving angel, how could heaven ever get rid of such a cutie?!
“I'll come back.” His face lights up with shock.
“If you'll allow it, I'll sneak out and come visit once a week. We can organize the ducks and have lunch.” He looks at you like you're the answer to his prayers.
And hey, maybe prayers do make it out of hell after all…
“Yes! Please do! I'd- I'd love that! Oh wait, here!” He dove into a pile of ducks, digging around in the squeaking pile for a full minute before emerging with a single green duck with a turtle shell on its back. “For you. It's not perfect but…” You take it with a smile and hug him tight.
“It IS perfect. Just like you… thank you for such a fun day Lucifer. I'll see you in a week.”
He hugs back, and blushes. A week was going to feel like an eternity of waiting for both of you… 
But, leave you must. He gives you his phone number and helps you get back up to heaven. Once there, you text all your friends that you're fine, and say you just spent the day alone at home because Adam was an asshole when being rejected, and you needed alone time afterwards. You hoped everyone would believe you and that he didn't tell anyone about what happened. 
If they found out you spent the day in hell… Well, there'd definitely be consequences. Like not seeing Lucifer again! And you couldn't have that.
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tardlard · 3 months
hazbin hotel redesign part 2/?? (since i felt creative and the last one was received okay! lore below :3)
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BACKGROUND: husk was a gambling addict when he was alive, surrounding himself with "hang in there" posters whenever situations got tough and being able to sneakily cheat in solitaire (which is why hes a cat lolzies) -now in hell, he made a living by becoming an overlord of the pride ring's casino motel, but then met alastor. the two got along, but its clearly toxic from how alastor treats the poor guy. husk stays by the radio demon's side nonetheless, the two becoming really bad business partners and 'friends'. (his soul isnt owned hurrah) -alastor drags him and nifty to the happy hotel, run by the dynamis angel charlie morningstar. he decides to roll with it, becoming an overlord sponsor and the hotel's bartender. 👍
DESIGN CHOICES: i wanted husk to look more like a bartender and a gambler, changing his attire and giving him an actual shirt :3 -his design originally wasnt that bad (surprise it wasn't made entirely by vivzie), but i felt like it was a little too cluttered and bland at the same time -i feel like he shouldn't be so skinny, considering he's supposed to be an alcoholic who loves cheap booze, so i fattened him up a bit :3 -his claw is supposed to act as a cork screw since he works at the hotel bar -i removed his wings, i just felt like they didnt fit his design or theme well (sorry wing lovers -made his color palette less red, adding in some gold n green -FUCK THE TOPHAT BRO LET HIS HAIR BREATHE -i didn't give him shoes despite him being an overlord n all, but its due to cats sweating through their feet and using their paws as a stealth advantage!!
CONCEPT SO FAR: -so, charlie goes to the seraphim and blabbers out her ideas, faithful in heaven being accepting and fully siding with her dream. but, approval's iffy, and it takes a while before heaven decides to go along with it (albeit they shit on her constantly for it). sent down with keekee, now her trusty book of sinner backgrounds and hotel embodiment/key, she gets to work on advertising her happy hotel!!! -first to arrive to the hotel is vedika (my vaggie rename), a fallen angel with the intent of guarding charlie and providing for the hotel itself. (not revealing she was an exterminator, and now these lesbians get SLOW BURN) -as they advertise, the infamous radio demon finds the idea of an angel wanting to redeem SINNERS entertaining, so he shows up and drags along husker and nifty to help around. (hes more evil here, me and my homies HATE alastor) -then they find a demon to bring along as the example/star of the redemption idea, angel dust (now more related to his mafia background, no more porn jokes guys11!!), and attempting to get him clean so heaven doesnt make fun of charlie as much feel free to critique me! im not the brightest in character design, so it'd be helpful to get any tips and tricks with my design! be nice tho, im just a gyal might do another 😋(is it obvious i had a warrior cats phase)
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felidaefighter · 1 year
The qualities of a true tumblr sexyman are as follows:
Evil or villainous in some way AND/OR
Have an extreme amount of power that surprises, thrills and enthralls on the rare occasion it’s used
Dapper and well-dressed (at least two out of three of suit, tie, tophat)
Win against the heroes, or are next to impossible to beat in a fight despite their demeanor
Are, or can be drawn as, tall and lanky (Sans is an outlier)
Appear to be demonic or monsterous in some way
As such, the only true tumblr sexyman out of these polls is Jschlatt.
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lorre-verie · 1 year
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ. ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ ᴏʀ ᴅᴀʀᴇ ᴘᴛ. ꜰᴏᴜʀ ₊˚✧ ゚.
aka, the chapter where  the title of the series really comes into play.
the unfortunate pair: ao’nung x fem! sully! reader
chapter summary: crossing off stuff from your bucket list is fun, but in your opinion it was just going too slowly. so what if you sped things up a little? your decisions garner unexpected results, but i suppose in the end, you’re satisfied with the way they turned out.
warnings: cussing, kissing (just a light lil peck yk) reader being an absolute tease, ohmygawd the TENSION IM SCREAMINGGG, sully family shenanigans
word count: 4.7k 
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | masterlist
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“I keep thinkin’, bout his angel eyes!” you belted out, eyes on the screen in front of you.
“I keep thinking, AAHHH!” Kiri followed, putting all her soul into the song.
Bucket List! 
Dance with a partner to my favourite song.
Drink alcohol
Go on your first date
Have a sleepover with my friends and siblings
Karaoke night
Have my first kiss 
Receive an oshalia flower 
Per your wishes, your family had graciously agreed to having a karaoke night in your marui. It was really a good thing that your tent was isolated from the rest of the metkayina’s, lest your neighbours would have to try and sleep through incessant screaming all night long. 
Your mother didn’t really want to participate though, understandably. And of course, your father followed her. Even though he really, really did want to join in on the fun, he loved your mother more than he loved Taylor Swift.
It had been a week since your official diagnosis, Norm and Max confirming your illness from all the way in the lab in the forest. But there was still hope for you. And they were doing everything in their power to find a cure. 
While they were probably pulling their hairs out, you and Kiri were singing your souls out, so passionately that even Eywa would stop the wind to listen to how unbelievably horrid hypnotising your voices were.
“LAST NIGHT, I WAS TAKING A WALK ALONG THE RIVER!” you half shouted, taking bold steps across the floor, your brothers laughing at your strutting.
“WHEN I SAW HIM TOGETHER WITH A YOUNG GIRL,” Kiri followed behind you, before pointing at Tuk’s rubber duck with a tophat (whom she dubbed Paul).
“AND THE LOOK THAT HE GAVE HER MADE ME SHIVER-” you scooped Paul up, ignoring Tuk’s whining. “Give him back!”
“CAUSE HE ALWAYS USED TO LOOK AT ME THAT WAYYYY!” Kiri and you sang in unison, back against each other, and you held Paul up to the light that seeped in through the night, glaring at him accusingly. 
Kiri yanked Paul from your hands and threw him down to the floor, much to your littlest sister’s distress.
“HEY!” Tuk screamed, crawling to save her poor Paul.
Just then, 3- no 4- metkayinan teenagers stepped through the flap of the marui, wondering what the hell the noises coming from your marui were. 
Veyä went through first, followed by Tsireya, Rotxo, then Ao’nung. You continued singing with Kiri, unbothered by their sudden presence. “What is going on here???” Rotxo practically screeched, trying to make his voice heard.
The four looked horrified at the alien technology in front of them, the giant projector showing the lyrics in english, and the mics in your and Kiri’s hands. 
Combined with the background music playing out of seemingly nowhere, it looked like you and your siblings were performing some sort of ritual.
Eventually, with some explanation that this was not a demonic ritual from Neteyam, the metkayinans settled down to enjoy the show, you and Kiri breathless after finishing the song. You stumbled down to the floor, acting as if you were passing out. 
Lo’ak grabbed your mic and switched to a different song (a rap song 💀) and you crouched along the floor to talk to your friends and the frog. 
Veyä tilted her head, smiling welcomingly as you sat in front of her. Tsireya and Rotxo waved, and Ao’nung just..looked at you. 
“You’re all invited to a sleepover tomorrow night,” you smiled. 
Tsireya’s ears perked up. “A slumber party? Here?” she sat up straight.
“Yep, it’s going to be super fun. There’s gonna be a movie- I’ll explain what that is later-” you added, internally groaning at their confused faces, “and we can play some games! And after, you can sleep here. We have a few extra sleeping bags.”
“We’ll be there!” Tsireya almost shouted, she was clearly excited about spending some time with a certain someone who was stumbling over his words at the moment. “Won’t we, dear brother?” she turned to Ao’nung, a hopeful look on her face. 
He frowned, eyes flickering from Rotxo to Tsireya, who were both looking up at him with stars in their eyes. 
“Well I, for one, am definitely going to be there,” Veyä shrugged, angling her chin upwards. 
“We can go.” Ao’nung turned his head to you, the corner of his lip twitching upwards once he saw the bright smile etched on your face.
What he didn’t know was that beneath your “genuine” smile, your brain was meticulously planning all the ways you could trick him into doing whatever you wanted.
“Just wear whatever you sleep in,” you put your hands on the floor to push yourself back up. Eywa forbid Neteyam got to the tablet before you, he’d show off his singing skills like he was Ninat’s son and not your mother’s.
Soon you all were divided into 2 groups; the girls and the boys sat in separate circles, each one hyping their sully member up as they came up to sing. 
“It’s kinda like..a moving picture? A picture is like a memory captured in time, like you can see the videos- moving pictures- being displayed on the screen there” Kiri painstakingly explained to Veyä, who seemed to catch on rather quickly. 
“Where is Tuk?” Tsireya whispered to you with her signature sweetener smile. “I miss her presence.”
You looked back at her, about to respond, but you closed your mouth back up again once you saw that she wasn’t looking at you, but rather behind you. 
Lo’ak, you rolled your eyes, turning to confirm your suspicions.
Lo and behold; they were making sickening lovey dovey puppy dog eyes at each other, completely oblivious to you and your twin brother who were about to projectile vomit onto the floor right next to them. 
Rotxo was trying his best to pronounce the english words on the screen, but his singing was rather alright. Nothing compared to Neteyam, of course, but pretty good. 
You shared mirrored frowns with your older brother, shaking your head at the exact same time. You mouthed, “How’d he get a girl that quickly?” 
Neteyam shrugged, “It’s the good girl and bad boy trope.” 
You winced, remembering all the books you read about the relationship dynamic as a child. It was okay, but you loved the enemies to lovers and sad stories much more. *wink wink*
The best idea you’d ever conjured up in your life tugged at your lower lips, that devilish smile appearing on your face as it’s done every time you were about to dare someone to do something stupid. Neteyam picked up on this immediately, his eyes widening and immediately mouthing ‘NO’.
As you shook your head up and down, you both were unaware of Ao’nung confusedly looking back and forth at your wordless conversation, his fingers intertwined. He was an excellent lip reader, but you guys weren’t speaking na’vi, so he wondered if you guys just made up your own language.
‘I dare you to pretend you like her.’ you mouthed back, but by this time, Lo’ak had seen the words come out of your mouth. 
Alas, your beautiful plan was fooled. (but wouldn’t that be funny as hell)
You let out a laugh, covering your mouth as you did so. His eyes fell on you, gazing at the way your body buckled forwards, at the way your yellow eyes were fixed on the floor as you tried to stop the giggles spilling out of your mouth, at your w- 
“Hello??? Are you okay?” Tsireya waved her hand in front of his face, to which immediately jolted backwards like she was threatening to cut all of his beautiful hair off.
“Brother, are you sick? You seem very out of it today.” she crouched down in front of him concerned, for his eyes seemed like they were popping out of their sockets.
Today had been an incredibly stressful day for Ao’nung. He’d been unable to focus on any of his duties today, because of well, you.
You showed him a different side of yourself, above the petty insults and the snarky exchanges you two would have everyday. 
That night he didn’t see you as the nasty forest imp. 
He saw you, for you.
And he was unable to get you out of his mind for the whole day. 
“Ao’nung, the fish have all already gone at this point,” Tonowari signed. It was the next day; the day of the slumber party. 
The afternoon light seeped into the water, illuminating beautifully the hunting grounds that Ao’nung and his father would often traverse to together, and the Olo’eyktan quickly noticed his son’s strange behaviour. 
Ao’nung gripped his crossbow with such intensity that if he squeezed it just a little bit tighter, he’d be able to break it into two. Besides that, he was aiming at an empty spot in the sand, the rest of his body hidden from nothing by a rock structure.
As he stared at nothing, his father grew increasingly concerned. Tonowari tucked his knife into a strap wrapped diagonally across his chest, placing a hand on his son’s shoulder to get his attention. 
Ao’nung whipped around to face him, releasing the trigger on the crossbow as he did so. The arrow flew into sand, scattering tiny bits of it everywhere, floating aimlessly in the water. 
Tonowari simply shook his head with a slight frown, signing ‘Up.’ 
Even as they rose to the surface, Ao’nung’s heart felt like it was dropping lower and lower as he pushed his arms back. What if his father was angry that he was slacking off and getting lost in his thoughts? He should’ve been more focused- he should’ve been more aware-
“So, who’s the girl?” Tonowari half smirked, placing his hand on Ao’nung’s head. 
“What?” Ao’nung looked at his father, his eyes as wide as a tulkun’s.
“Don’t try to lie to me, son. I had that exact same look on my face when I was in love with your ma,” he chuckled, resisting the urge to ruffle Ao’nung’s hair– if that even was possible, being tied up into a bun. 
The frog said nothing, only parting his lips in surprise. 
First of all, why would his father assume he’d been thinking about a girl? He wasn’t. He was thinking of someone completely opposite a “girl.” No, no, no, absolutely NOT. You had attacked him, beat him up, left him with bruises on his beautiful face- Why would he like you??? (what he’s been repeating to himself for the past 24 hours)
Second of all, his father’s huge hand was threatening to ruin his beautiful hair. 
Third of all, ew, he didn’t need to hear another story of how his dad pined over his mother like his life depended on it. 
“Is it Veyä? I heard she’s been a hot topic with the teenagers these days,” his dad pondered, and he gagged in response. “Ugh, no way.” Ao’nung snorted, wanting to punch himself in his own face for not even trying to deny he was thinking about a girl in the first place. 
“Hm. I can see that.” Tonowari pursed his lips. “It doesn’t seem like you’d be her type either. From what I’ve heard, she’s much more popular with the girls.”
“Ew.” Ao’nung cringed, a shiver running down his spine at the thought of his childhood friend being subjected to such….affectionate thoughts? gossip? He didn’t know the word for it, he just knew it wasn’t something he wanted to hear.
“On that subject, is it a boy? Perhaps I’ve been getting all of this wrong.” Tonowari looked at his son, seemingly assessing who he thought he liked. 
“Dad, please no. I am not thinking of anyone,” he groaned, a pained expression on his face. 
“Bah! Nonsense! I know that look when I see it. I am wise beyond my years my son, you cannot fool me that easily.” Tonowari dismissed him, Ao’nung’s shoulders slumping down.
“It must be someone you’d be embarrassed about if you’re this desperate to get me off your back,” he jutted his lips out as he thought.
Ao’nung slapped a hand to his face, groaning even harder. He wasn’t even desperate. Was he?
His father let out a sharp gasp, looking at his son panickingly, seemingly choking on his words.
“What? What? Father, what is it?” Ao’nung swam closer to his father, brows knitted together in concern. He placed a hand on his dad’s chest, checking his heartbeat and breaths like his mother taught him. 
“Great mother-” Tonowari spurted out, causing Ao’nung a greater deal of worry. But upon examining his heart and the timing of his breathing, he seemed perfectly fine. 
“It’s that girl from the Sully’s, isn’t it?? What was her name- Y/N?” Tonowari stumbled over his words. 
“Great mother, father you had me thinking you were having a heart attack-” Ao’nung sighed in relief, backing away from his father who was in fact, not dying in front of him. But then his eyes widened. He had said your name. 
The look on Ao’nung’s face when they locked eyes said it all. 
“Dad NO-” 
“And remember, do NOT let any of the boys touch you,” Jake pointed his finger directly into your face. 
“Yes, dad, I get it.” you rolled your eyes, shoulders slouched and a pout on your face. 
Eclipse had fallen, and your dad for the past 5 minutes had been laying down all the ground rules for the slumber party as Neteyam and Lo’ak set the sleeping bags on the floor behind you, Kiri off to accompany the metkayinan teenagers here, and Tuk sleeping over at one of her little friend’s homes. 
“And that Veyä girl too, I don’t trust her. She’s already gotten your sister-”
“What??” you looked at him. 
“Yeah, didn’t you see them yesterday? They were giggling with each other and all,” he rolled his eyes, “and when I tried to talk to her about it she flipped me off. My poor baby is beyond saving.” 
“You’re insane, dude. She flipped you off cause there’s NOTHING going on between them. Honestly, I thought you watched enough romcoms to know they’re just friends? You’re getting so old.” you crossed your arms, a slight smile on your face as you teased your own father. 
Neteyam chuckled behind you. “If Lo’ak said that, he’d get 40 lashes right then and there.”
Lo’ak rolled his eyes, unable to say anything cause he knew his older brother was right. 
“Hey hey, first of all, don’t “dude” me, young lady.” 
You rolled your eyes, there he was with his over-a-100-year-old father attitude, like seriously didn't those expire in the 2050's?
“Second, I’m not that old alright?” 
You pursed your lips, holding back a laugh. 
“Third, there’s SOMETHING going on there, I’m tellin’ ya, but if you don’t believe me, just see for yourself,” he raised his arms in the air surrenderingly.
“And fourth, Neteyam, where’d you get that from? You guys know I have never punished any of you by physical force–” he was interrupted by Lo’ak’s scoff. 
“Hey, come on now.” he frowned, his heart sinking slowly, looking at how Lo'ak ignored him as he pat the wrinkles off his own sleeping bag.
“Y’know what, I’ll let your mother take over.” Jake whispered to you quickly. 
“Lo’ak, walk with me.” he called him over. Your younger brother begrudgingly agreed, and they stalked off into the night. 
“If he wasn’t such a troublemaker, he’d be the favourite child,” you stared at their backs as they disappeared into the trees, seemingly having a conversation. 
“Well you’re the favourite child and you’re a troublemaker.” Neteyam responded nonchalantly, shrugging behind you. 
“Well that’s just cause I have irresistible charm,” you smiled smugly at him, crossing your arms.
“Not to mention I inherited mom’s boldness, dad’s charisma, grandma’s wisdom, oh and I’m super talent- AGH” your list was interrupted by Neteyam throwing a pillow right smack into your face. 
He laughed in your face, using the walls as support. You were about to throw the pillow back at him, raising your arm and gathering the force in your shoulder, but your mother stopped you. 
“Y/N,” she leaned on the archways to the entrance of the marui, one of her hands holding up the flap. “Come. I wish to talk to you,” she gave you a small smile.
You dropped the pillow immediately, hopping outside after your favourite parent (shh, don’t tell Jake), abandoning Neteyam in the process. 
“I suspect your father has given you enough rules to work with?” she smiled knowing how protective Jake was of you (AND your siblings, of course).
You nodded rather aggressively, and she laughed slightly, the sound spreading a warmth into your heart. She hadn’t really been the same since the news about..you know. 
As you stood there with her, feeling her left hand tenderly pressed against the side of your head, you couldn't help but be grateful for her unwavering support. 
With a small smile on her face, she shared the news that your dad's friends had made a discovery - something that could potentially cure you. “But they are unsure,” she trailed off, lips straightening into a thin line. 
You could see the tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes, but you pretended not to notice.
You wished above all else you could say something, anything, to comfort her, but you knew that this was something beyond your control. At least, for now. 
Without uttering a word, she pulled you into a gentle embrace, holding you close as you both hoped for a brighter future. It was the type of hug a mother would give if her only daughter was leaving for something like college.
But permanently. 
You felt her basically crush your lungs, but you didn’t bother commenting about it. Luckily for you, she noticed how hard she was gripping you and loosened up a bit. 
“Have fun tonight.” she whispered into your ear. You nodded, and the pain around your body served as a reminder of how much you meant to her.
You finally broke away from her death hug, waving a goodbye as your mother went away with her arms interlocked with your dad’s for their fun little date night. 
“I hope they have fun.” Lo’ak stepped up behind you, watching your parents head to the ikrans together. “Just not too much fun, we really don’t need another sibling.”
“Ew! Why would you even say that??” you covered your mouth with your hand, unable to get the image out of your head, as Lo’ak laughed. 
“That’s what I said like 7 years ago, and then Tuk appeared.” he shrugged, a cheeky smile on his face as he scampered back into the marui before you could hit him on the head. 
“Lo’ak!” you sighed, following him back inside to wait for the rest of your friends to attend. 
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“Lo’ak, I dare you to take a dip in the water!” 
“WHAT?” Lo’ak yelled. “Please bro, it’s freezing cold at night!” he pleaded to Rotxo, practically gruelling at his feet as the metkayina simply held in a laugh. 
“It’s alright baby bro, worst case scenario, you’ll get hypothermia and die.” Kiri commented, waving her hand around in the air as she did so, Veyä giggling in response. 
The metkayinans were getting situated with your favourite game, which would’ve made you super excited under normal circumstances. But your mind was stuck thinking about your bucket list. How in Eywa’s name were you going to find someone to go on a date with you? 
You could’ve just asked Veyä, but unfortunately, your dad seemed to be right. Kiri and Veyä had sat directly next to each other, and everytime one of them spoke, they’d look at each other like… ew? Okay, we get it?
Rotxo was 100% oblivious to Kiri and Veyä’s relationship so unfortunately, he was still pining over your dear sister. So he was out of the question. 
If you even tried to imply anything to Tsireya, Lo’ak would slit your throat while you were sleeping. 
And Ao’nung would never say yes. 
You would have to find some other metkayinan your age, be friends with them, woo them over, and ask them to go out on a date with you, and then have to explain to them that you were dying soon. So, that was out of the question too since you didn’t even have the energy for the first step.
“Ah Lo’ak, don’t be such a wuss.” Neteyam slapped Lo’ak on the back, earning a hoarse growl from the boy. 
“After all, you have an audience,” he whispered, subtly nodding his head to point in Tsireya’s direction, and once he did, it’s like a fire arose within Lo’ak’s chest. He stood up immediately, stomping outside. 
“It looks like he’s got his source of motivation.” Veyä chuckled wryly, and everyone went up to follow them. 
Everyone except you and the frog. 
“Are you not going to watch?” the frog spoke, eyes blinking slowly. He hugged his knees as he sat, his usually neat bun having strands flow down the sides of his face. With that, you realised that you’d be able to see him with his hair down tonight, which was certainly interesting to think about.
“Hm, no. I’m busy contemplating the best way I can do something that I need to do,” you responded, looking down at the floor. But then you thought about the game. 
Your gaze switched from the floor to Ao’nung immediately, a light twinkling in them like nothing you’d ever experienced before. As he tilted his head, wondering what was up with you and your sudden mood swings, your resolve was set.
The right half your mouth curled up into the most wicked smirk he’d ever seen on you. Goosebumps ran down his shoulders down to the very tips of his fingers, his lips parting subconsciously. Just then, Lo’ak burst through the flap of the marui. 
“JESUS BALLS THATS FUCKING COLD” was one of the endless strings of profanity he shouted out as he grabbed a cloth from near his sleeping bag, rubbing it all over his soaking wet body in desperate attempt to free himself from the chains of being ‘shitting my ass freezing’. In order, Tsireya, Neteyam, Kiri, Veyä, and Rotxo came inside, laughing their behinds off. 
By the time Ao’nung looked back at you, you looked as sweet as the dessert they’d serve at the day of an official mating, sitting cross legged with your hands placed on your knees, blinking your eyes innocently with a seemingly genuine smile on your face, acting like nothing had happened just moments before. 
The laughter died down slowly, Lo’ak’s breaths becoming shaky as he struggled to regain his body heat. The order of the circle went: Neteyam, Lo’ak, Tsireya, Ao’nung, Rotxo, You, Kiri, and then Veyä. So by the rules, it was your turn to ask someone a truth or dare. 
You pretended to look around, pretended to consider your options, pretended that you didn’t have everything planned out in your head already. 
“Ao’nung.” you smiled innocently. 
“Truth or dare?” you tilted your head to the left, trying to make your smile seem as innocent as possible so that it would seem wrong.
So wrong that he’d think you’d have a trap for him placed on truth. As he took his time thinking, he decided that you couldn’t possibly make him do something that would genuinely inconvenience him if he picked dare. 
“Dare.” he nodded, and Neteyam’s eyes widened, knowing first hand how cruel your dares would be. Your smile turned wider on the right side, the sweet smile now turned into a grin of malicious victory.
He cringed; he knew that look. The look that would make the person his dear twin sister dared regret all their life decisions leading up to that very point. Would you make him lick the sand? Would you make him dance for everyone? Would you make him cuss out his friends without explanation? The possibilities were endless-
“I dare you,” 
everyone held their breath.
“to go out on a date with me.” 
And the circle erupted. 
Neteyam was the first to react, letting out an extremely loud WHAT THE FUCK, Lo’ak let out a high pitched squeal that would’ve been Tsireya’s if she wasn’t covering her mouth out of surprise, Kiri’s jaw dropped straight to the floor, Veyä was just impressed, and poor Rotxo didn’t even hear what you had said. 
And Ao’nung? 
Oh, Ao’nung.
He was frozen. 
Veyä started to hush everyone down, intrigued by the reason you’d even suggest that idea.
Without a single word leaving his lips, Ao’nung stood up, walking behind Rotxo. Then he grabbed your hand and led you outside, Veyä and Tsireya sending whistles and ‘whoops’ your way, and Rotxo had joined the fight in trying to push Neteyam back before he kicked Ao’nung in the shin. 
You would’ve thought his grip on your wrist would hurt, but it didn’t. He was surprisingly gentle with you, and you willingly did most of the work getting yourself there.
He pulled you in front of a tree, his face just centimetres from yours. You looked up at him amusedly, smugly, even. 
“Is there anything I can help you with, Ao’nung?” 
His proper name on your tongue sounded like the most bitter of venoms and the most sweet of honeys to him at that moment. He searched your eyes as if he’d find anything other than yellow and black in them, and you stood there, back pressed against the smooth bark of the tree. 
“Why?” he whispered, the huskiness of his voice combined with his metkayinan accent sending a delicious blaze down your spine. 
“Why not?” you replied coolly, going so far as to let your eyes wander down his face, landing on his lips for a brief second. 
It didn’t look like it, but you were doing your best to keep your heart from pumping out of your chest. He was so painfully close to you, his right leg in between yours. 
He was already confused about you–– everything about you made his head spin. You spoke not truth nor lies, always in riddles. You were a troublemaker yet deemed responsible. Your personality was blazing hot, yet your skin always felt cold to the touch. 
His eyes landed on your cheek, a tiny scratch embedded between the stripes that adorned your face like a piece of beautiful art. You were smaller than him in every aspect, yet you were stronger. 
His attention turned to the little strip of hair above your eye, which enunciated the differences between you even further. You were a human, but you were also na’vi. 
Then, his eyes finally fell on your smile. It described you like no other part of your face or body did. It could smile like a goddess but grin like the devil. 
Without thinking, he leaned in (rather harshly, as you recall), pressing his lips to yours. 
Bucket List!
Dance with a partner to my favourite song.
Drink alcohol
Go on your first date
Have a sleepover with my friends and siblings
Karaoke night
Have my first kiss 
Receive an oshalia flower 
It was just a small peck, and you both pulled away in an instant, and you looked at his neck blankly. 
This was NOT what you intended.
You wanted a date and instead you got a kiss, but hey, something crossed off is something crossed off, righ—
His fingers pulled your chin up, interrupting your panicked train of thoughts. And the moment you looked into his eyes, you knew you were fucked. 
You turned him insane. He spent the last 2 days thinking of not kissing you and there you both were. 
As you both took a breath and processed things, Ao’nung brushed his thumb over his lips to see if he wasn’t dreaming, which made you smirk just a teeny tiny bit. (You were on the verge of screaming your lungs out cause what in the divinity of Eywa just happened?)
“So… I take it it’s a yes to that date?”
“...can you shut up”
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | masterlist
STOP iiiiiiidk if that was the right thing to DOOO my plan for the first kiss was not supposed to be in this part but it just happened and i think it’s good??? Idkkkkkkkkkkkkkk im having doubts but i hope u guys enjoyed it 😭 
but as for the rest of the slumber party they def stopped playing truth or dare because of neteyam, so they watched a movie instead, then they played charades, would you rather and whos most likely to :) originally i was planning on including all those things but it’d be way too boring and way too long so 💀 nvm!!!!!
So yeah! as always, i appreciate you all so much 💗💗💗💗 tysm for your support on this series! it means so much to me, you couldn't imagine.
much loved, lorre.
Taglist: @eywas-heir @elegantkidfansoul @yeosxxx @whoreforpomegranates @fanboyluvr @thecrazyswamp @shkudss @stvrligghtt @ratchetprime211 @dearstelll @littlecrisisworld @itssomeonereading @goodiesinthecloset21 @ilovejakesullysdick @larkkyoris @opalescentblog @lovedbychoi @plzfeedmebread @holysaladapricothero @arminsgfloll @evans-bitch @seashelldom @quest-for-pluto @bananasplits-world @ken-zah @anxietydrogz @inluvwithneteyam @www-interludeshadow-com @anonmously-anonomous
note: names in red are the ones i've added to the taglist but i couldn’t tag!
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eve-pie · 27 days
splendiferous, fantastic and amazing!
I've officially reached 95 follower's! And I couldn't be more happier! Thank you all for helping me get here! I'm truly ever so thankful for it and I love the support you all have given me
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Thank you neighbors thank you all for being here! Speaking of which remember that image I teased? Well
*rummages into tophat*..hm oh! Here it is!
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Introductory is an order this is Lazuli moonbow (they/them) my self insert/artsona this would be a puppet version of them for welcome home! I was bored so might as well insert that Sona/myself into welcome home!... because of course I am I'll make an information sheet for them later
Lazuli's species would indeed in fact be something called a star demon
it's time to embrace the cringery side of myself more than I usually do but i do have multiple surprises for this post!
*flips over tophat and dumps this out*
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A Fake art collab of my Cuphead au of none other than Wally Cupling himself! This would be the first one I've made so if it's a little bad sincerest apologies
And for the last surprise for this post is...
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Ha ha ha!
That's right I've officially made My little au cup into an ai bot
Note: again I cannot guarantee that it's lore accurate no ai bot is but I did my best with what I could
That's all I have for today so
Until then...
Don't forget to wave up high!💐 As high as you can as you deserve it
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mintaikcorpse · 3 months
Analyzing the Circus & Biblical Elements in Hellaverse: Lucifer Morningstar
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The Devil Daddy himself! The King of Hell! The original sin! And somehow, the silliest character in the show, Lucifer Morningstar!
Look, he's a ringleader. I've said it, the show says it, Vivziepop said it, his design shoves it in your face- HE IS A RINGLEADER. But leaving it at that is boring, despite how obvious it is, so I'm going to talk about the aspects of him being a ringleader and why he's a ringleader!
Why he's a Ringleader
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The first and obvious reason is that Vivzie wanted him to be.
The in lore and symbolic reasons is because of the way Heaven saw him. In Overture, Charlie states, "He was a dreamer, with fantastical ideas for all of creation. But, he was seen as a troublemaker by the elders of Heaven."
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In a lot of stories, circuses symbolize risk, excitement, and freedom. It can also be a call for adventure, which fits Lucifer so well. He was so excited to create the world and give humans free will, which was seen as something risky and dangerous by Heaven. But, by giving Eve the apple, he was able to give the rest of humanity wonder and excitement, and most importantly, free will. While he does regret it, since he only sees the worst of the free will he has given, that doesn't stop the fact that he still made humans have their own identity away from Heaven, and isn't that the point of circuses? To provide freedom and an identity away from the norm?
Lucifer's Design
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Like I said before, we already know he's a ringmaster, with the suit and tophat and all that. BUT there's also other elements to his design I find very interesting.
For one, the tophat has both a crown, and apple, and a snake on it. I didn't even notice there was a crown on him until the wiki pointed it out. The snake is pretty obvious, since the snake is the one that gave Eve the apple. (Also, did you know that the bible never really said that the serpent was the devil? It mightve been a subject of the Devil, but it was never stated to be the devil. That doesnt mean we cant theorize it was tho. I absolutely love analyzing Abrahamic Religions.) There are actually so many apple references to his design.
He has a somewhat hourglass figure with 2 dots on the back of his suit, which makes his body look like an applecore. His color scheme is also primarily red, white, and yellow, which is the colors that most apples have.
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Vivziepop said that Lucifer and Charlie were loosely based on Porcelain Dolls, and whole that's cute, idk what that would have to do with it relating to lore. Not everything has to be lore related you know!
But Imma theorize anyways.
Perhaps it's like a puppet breaking off a string. When he was in Heaven, he was a puppet on a string, but now that he's away from Heaven, he's like a doll trying to find his purpose. It's a stretch, but still.
Or perhaps it's a reference to both hid and Charlie's child-like wonder, since dolls are mostly used by children who have big imaginations, like they do.
Demon Elements & References
In mythology, Lucifer was said to be the most beautiful angel and the most beautiful demon, so many artists took this as him being human, which is why he's the most humanoid sin. A lot of people complained that he was a twink in this show, but honestly, he was always a twink.
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All of this further proves my theory that the ideal man is a feminine man.
His last name, Morningstar, is a reference to the fact that the Morningstar was said to be Lucifer. In mythology, the morningstar (aka, Venus) was said to be Lucifer trying to steal the light of God, which is why it was a bright star that could be seen in the morning. Him having brighter colors could also be a reference to his association with dawn since it brings the sun and light.
While the name Lucifer has been used by humans for centuries, the name means light bringer, and I like the believe that in the show, it's because he brought the "light" to humanity, aka, free will.
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Fun fact: According to Wikipedia, early versions of Lucifer in Greco-Roman myths said that he was the son of Aurora, the Goddess of the dawn.
I heard this on a Ted Ed, but I forgot the video. But it mentions that someone had to steal the golden hair from a devil in one story, so I think that's why Lucifer is blonde. Plus, it just fits with the apple theme, I guess.
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shokolandish · 3 months
part three of my hazbin redesigns: sir pentious
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and i did the angel version as well:D
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age: 40
notes under the cut!
i don't have many notes about his demon design since i kinda already wrote all the notes on the ref but i do have some notes about the angel design!
- he's supposed to have a heart motif (the tail pattern thing, his hood shape)
- the hearts on the tail are still closed eyes btw
- i gave him wings because angels n all
- i also made his halo go around his tophat cuz idk it just looked better
- the mech arms are golden now!!! idk why i just thought it looked cool
i actually have notes about his writing but i think that deserves a separate post maybe
but the essence is that his redemption arc should've been much longer imo
i do love him a lot, he's my favorite character, but i admit he could've been written better
and, of course the bonus concepts/drawings i made with him:)
the hat still opens its mouth like on the first pic btw
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oh, i am so, so bored.. and so lost.. but i have an urgent place to get to.
the gear does not accept and will not welcome this behaviour--
though, i can make use of small talk. i have much to go through.. i must figure out the way back to crossroads first.
[ He turns his heel and starts going towards the opposite direction of where he was planning to go. ]
..oh, but, who is this? are you someone i know?
[ A demon with a peculiar, familiar light red tophat and half of his face blown off speaks to you! ]
-- THE BLINDED (@partycage)
“Party Hat? What in tarnation happened to ya?”
*she suddenly spaces out for a few moments (the hallucinations and some other things caused by her curse are kicking in again) before snapping back to reality*
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hello! i feel like you are someone i know, but i cannot see anything.. but, how are you? it would be nice if i knew who you are as well! thank you!
[ A very familiar tophatted demon with the right side of his face being.. messy, speaks to you from the other side of the intercom! ]
-- THE BLINDED (@partycage)
{It distracts her from the task he was completing. The voice seems familiar, just barely enough to put a name on it.}
WHAT THE PHUCK?- Hel… Hello???
…You answer first!
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k1tz · 2 months
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Created another damn oc, the demons possessed me again 😔
Info dump below!
Alright to start this out, to whoever can’t read my handwriting my guy is called Voski (but also nicknamed Sordid, thats why the “ is there) hes the person who makes the maps for the tophats and informs them on whats going on back on earth. Because of this he spends most of his time back on earth - ever since the rocket launched - trying to blend in either with the environment or the crowd. He doesn’t usually wear his top hat out in public, he only pulls it out if a tophat member back on earth spots him. Talking about that hes been spotted and caught multiple times by bystanders and/or gov members - somehow escaping every capture. Hes very chatty with people all things considered but has bad anger issues and because of him being caught so many times his emotions are practically held together by thin ass tape. His signature weapon is a pocket knife in case things get rough. Oh yeah u see that scar on his cheek? Yeah thats from him accidentally cutting himself with his knife lmfao. He loves to decorate his tophat with little golden chains because it looks cool. His favourite hobby is bird watching. His favourite treat is a chocolate candy with diced nuts inside. His favourite bird is the mourning dove because its coos are very calming to him. Also one last thing because he works on maps all day he has bad posture hahahahaha shrimp lookin mf ahahahaahA-
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