#The Shadow of Zaun
jennithejester · 2 years
The Shadow of Zaun - Act I - Chapter 1 Introductions 
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Words: 5,336 Rating: Explicit (eventual SMUT, darlings) Warnings: Violence Summary: Born of two different worlds and raised by the Lanes, you rise from the ashes and runoff of Piltover to become the Shadow of Zaun. Fanfic will have two acts, with an “intermission” chapter, that will span before and after the bridge incident between the brothers of Zaun. The whole cast of characters within the show will eventually make an appearance. Eventual SMUT, thus the rating now, kids. Relationships: Silco x F!Reader AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41675289
I can't decide,
Whether you should live or die.
Oh, you'll probably go to heaven.
Please don't hang your head and cry.
No wonder why,
My heart feels dead inside.
It's cold and hard and petrified.
Lock the doors and close the blinds.
We're going for a ride!
“I Can’t Decide” – Scissor Sisters
For a city that existed within the toxicity, filth, and runoff of the shining jewel of Runeterra otherwise known as Piltover, Zaun has always been grotesquely beautiful, alluring, and mysterious as it grew beneath the shadows of the upper level. Zaun pulsed like one’s own heart - illuminated within its smog by its vibrant, neon lights that provided an ever-glowing essence to its beating aura. This city never slept, for why would anything teeming with such life dare to sleep when it could constantly be dancing and dreaming while awake? 
While you did not love the cards that your own life had dealt you, for a variety of reasons, one thing you knew with absolute certainty from an early age:
You loved Zaun.
So this is why you find yourself on a rooftop, awaiting the group that had started calling themselves The Sons of Zaun to show after you left a not-so-subtle calling card, in the form of setting fire to one of their safehouses, squarely in their lap. Since this was to get their attention and not do harm, you had the building cleared hours before setting it ablaze as well as ensuring the fire didn’t ruin any of their supplies being stored there. A wicked grin crossed your face as you casually lit a cigarette, took a long pull, and leaned your head back to savor the nicotine and your thoughts returned to The Sons. This group and you had been dancing around each other’s paths for about a year now and, after careful spying on them for half of that time, you’d come to the sensible conclusion that you should align your efforts. They seemed genuine in their cause and held an admittedly admirable fire for fighting for the freedoms and independence of this city that had outgrown its need to be the dirt beneath Piltover’s shoes. 
Genuine, yes, but perhaps slightly unorganized. The group was mastheaded by two young men: Vander and Silco. The twosome called themselves brothers, though it was painfully obvious to anyone there was no true blood relation between both of them. You’d sized them up rather quickly after haunting their footsteps for a few weeks. Vander was the muscle and was admirably good at training the younger recruits how to defend themselves. Then there was Silco, the obvious brains of the lot of them, who had surprised you on more than one occasion with his well-organized heists as well as meticulous scheming against the Piltoverian enforcers. He’d come close once to even discovering you – a fact you found not only impressive but disturbing all the same.
Most of your life you’d spent as a ghost. Your unusual upbringing and fervor for ensuring Zaun wasn’t completely overtaken by Piltover, had you living in its shadows as a thief and, later, assassin for hire. You closed yourself purposefully off from any friends and family for many years, convincing yourself that it was much easier to deal with things with your own two hands and emotionally easier to sever any ties that might have you make a costly mistake. Piltover’s aggression and power was growing; however, every day. It was only a matter of time before a singular person such as yourself would be overtaken and thrown in Stillwater Hold or killed outright.
You weren’t sure which fate would be worse.
Your breath caught in your lungs after another long drag and you violently let out several harsh coughs before angrily flinging the half-spent cigarette over the edge and to the ground below. Must be the damned smoke from the fires aggravating things, you’d thought bitterly. Wheezing, you fumbled quickly through your pockets and pulled out a small device, pulled it to your lips, hit a button, and inhaled deeply as you closed your eyes and counted the seconds. Smoking was a habit you never should have formed with the damage to your lungs you’d had since birth, but you’d found most of the time you were able to handle it even though you realized, in time, it would eventually take its toll. Wiping the tears from coughing so hard from your face and eyes, you began to breathe again and shook your head at yourself.
“I really need a better hobby,” you croaked, your throat still raw from the harsh coughing before. 
Scanning the area once again, you suddenly froze as you caught the eyes of none other than Silco standing on the street below…staring right at you with a smirk set upon his face. Cheeky bastard, you thought as you stood up. Confident that anyone that would find themselves in this situation would surely react the same, you returned the smirk slowly, bowed in a grand fashion, and waved at him.
“Lovely weather we’re having, don’t you think? I felt it might be a bit chilly, so I decided to light a fire to help keep warm,” you said loud enough for him to hear with a wide grin that faltered a bit as his smirk only grew. “Pity it got a bit out of hand, eh?”
You heard footsteps behind you as Silco’s grin widened to match yours, reminding you a bit of a cat getting ready to eat its prey. “Pity, indeed,” he began as you pretend to be unaware of the persons creeping closer behind you. “Are you always so reckless?”
Casually, you slide your hand down the thick, long braid of hair at your side, playing along with this game, as you spun it around in your hand, as if out of habit and looking utterly bored. “No more or less than you are, I’d surmise,” you say and with that you spin on your heel and thrust the end of your braid in an arc towards the two men behind you. The two of them, younger than yourself but a bit larger in frame, give you a startled look upon being caught. You notice only one of them has quick enough eyes to spot the blade on the end of your braid, forming it into a sort of weapon, before it sliced them both.
Fools, you thought. You’re very lucky I wasn’t aiming to kill.
The two give a wounded shout as the blade slices them both across the chest, not deep enough to do more than stun and wound their pride, as you then begin your escape from them across the rooftops. You shoot a quick glace to where Silco had been standing and note that he had disappeared, likely to join the chase, as you then parkour down to the street below. Swiftly, you make your way over to stand in front of the burning building before sliding to a halt.
“Now children, play nice,” you shout as you hear the two from the rooftop stumble their way down to the ground with Silco or any others still no where in sight. “I only want to talk.”
The young boys who had attempted your capture on the rooftop now came into view as they approached you with caution. You made no attempt to run away and held your hands up.
“You have a funny way of asking for an invitation, my dear,” Silco’s voice came from your left where you found him lazily leaning against the corner of a building a short distance away.
He spun a dagger in his fingertips as he then pushed off the wall and began his way over to you with a swagger to his step, twirling the blade within his hand, and never taking his eyes off of you as he grew nearer. You’d witnessed his skill with that very blade several times from afar and could tell by the way of his approach he was sending only one very clear signal: one of warning.
“I would humbly request parlay with you gentlemen,” a request left your lips as others, presumably with this group, started revealing themselves as they also came to join Silco and the two boys.
Silco actually stopped at your words and cocked his head to the side, an action reminding you of a bird, “Well, I hate to disappoint you, but as you are well aware, we’re not on a ship, so parlay may not be an option for you.”
It was the first time you’d been this up close to really see this particular Son of Zaun. His gate gave off and air of surprising confidence for someone who had to of been no older than 30, only a few years older than yourself, you’d gauge. You found him intriguing, to say the least. The sharp angular features of his face, as only a true Zaunite would have, was complimented well with his slightly long, inky-black hair that framed it. The juxtapose of his dark hair only brought out the intensity within his oceanic colored eyes as you studied him for a moment. Strong for someone so lean you’d observed from a distance before as you now caught the peak of the muscle of his forearm as he neared you. Those blue-green eyes never leaving you, you noticed, as he seemed to be sizing you up as well. 
He was roguishly handsome, you admitted to yourself before quickly shutting that thought down in your head. Clearing your throat and your thoughts, you then retorted and lowered your voice seductively, “Come now, I’ll make it worth your while.”
Silco merely chuckled and resumed his encroachment, “I’m sure you would; however, there are consequences to be had for what you’ve done. Surely you understand?”
“Consequences? Hmm, sounds a bit kinky,” you said with a wink and a grin as a few of the younger kids in the crowd visibly blushed and/or coughed. “We don’t even know each other.”
“I beg to differ, my dear. We are well aware of who you are,” Silco began as he came to stand mere inches in front of you, purposefully invading your personal space, “though only by reputation, not in name.”
“Give me an audience. I promise I won’t waste your time. Maybe I’ll even tell you my name? Besides, I made sure your little storage shed was cleaned out of the supplies of importance and also ensured there was no one there when I set it ablaze. Just wanted your attention and, well, here we are.”
The tension in the air was shifting and everyone in the vicinity seemed to pick up on it with the space you and Silco held being its epicenter. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Silco grip his dagger harder within his hand and the others surrounding you both took that as a queue to ready themselves. His patience obviously waning, you and Silco proceeded to stare each other down for a few moments, the few inches separating the both of you electrified with every second that passed. He was the one to break the moment, but only after several minutes of palpable silence had passed.
You blinked. You were expecting many things. Being asked why wasn’t near the top of that list. You considered Silco for only a fraction of a second after the initial surprise of his question and decided to drop the act and answer honestly.
“Because I believe in Zaun.”
Silco took a short step back away from you, narrowed his eyes, and gave you a searing look that felt like he was peering into your very soul, as if he was searching for some proof of what you’d said being false. The smiles and your flirtatious nature had been immediately dropped with your last words as you merely arched an eyebrow back at him, daring him to question the truth in what you’d just told him. You watched as he then straightened himself to his full height above you, seeming to come to whatever conclusions he’d gleaned as he then hummed under his breath. 
Suddenly, garnering everyone in the small group’s attention, a loud whistle came a rooftop across from them. You spied what looked to be a teenage girl making some sort of large arm and hand signals to the group below. You heard a few within the group murmur the girl’s name was Sevika as they then looked to their leader in front of you with concern. Silco visibly tensed and then shook his head while the others surrounding you started to spread out. A few of them, you noted, had looks of panic set into their faces.
“Well, sweetheart,” he began as you scowled at the sarcastic term of endearment he’d used at you, “it appears you may get a chance to prove yourself a bit. Your little bonfire has drawn the attention of the Enforcers, it seems.”
Your scowl deepened. You’d gone to certain lengths to ensure that the Piltoverian guard that generally kept eyes on this part of town were, well, taken care of, before you’d started your little show here today. Something must have changed…or someone else alerted them. The latter thought had you seething, knowing it had to of been someone within the Sons’ ranks.
“I’m at your service,” you state bluntly. “Oh, and if you ever call me sweetheart again, darling, don’t be surprised if you wake up to my blade in a less than pleasant location.”
Silco chuckled before raising his voice slightly to you and the group before him. “Pair up and spread out. Meet back at The Drop and be careful to avoid being followed in the process,” he began as the group almost immediately dispersed and then his eyes fell on you. “You’re with me.”
Silco went to grab your arm to lead you away as you rolled your eyes. You both; however, froze on the spot when a bullet went whizzing past your ear and lodged in the wall behind you. From behind him, you spied an Enforcer sniper on a rooftop opposite of where you’d previously seen the teenage girl that alerted you. A pit of cold settled into your stomach knowing now without a doubt that someone used your efforts today against you and the Sons of Zaun and had alerted the Enforcers well enough ahead of time to allow for them to setup at least one sniper, no less. The sniper was preparing yet another shot when you and Silco started darting out of the open and into the alleyways nearby.
You both had not made it very far in before your arm was yanked harshly from behind and you were slammed and pinned against the wall of an adjoining alley. Venom was in his gaze as Silco held you in a crushing grip.
“You have ten seconds to explain what the fuck is going on here!” he seethed thru his obvious fury while attempting to control the volume of his voice so as to not alert others to your location.
“I should be asking you the same thing!” you spat back at him as you squirmed within his grip and eyed both edges of the alleyway you were pinned within for signs of Enforcers. “I work alone, Silco. That means it’s easier to keep things secret. There’s no one to tell. Why the fuck would I come to join forces only to give you away? I’m here to help your fucking cause, not end it!”
He pushed your shoulders deeper into the wall as he lifted you with ease up and off the ground with a strength you weren’t aware his wiry frame possessed, “Then how did they know ahead of time? It’s clear—”
“It’s clear to me,” you quickly interrupted him. “That your ten seconds are up and if we’re not careful to continue this conversation at a later date, we are both going to end up dead!”
Silco let out a growl as he proceeded to immediately release his grip on you and you struggle to hold your footing as you land awkwardly and lean back against the wall to regain your balance. Without allowing you any time, he then grabbed you by the arm and pulled you forward with him to the edge of the alley way before guiding you both to scramble up a drainpipe and to the rooftops above.
You followed him at a break-neck pace across several buildings before he signaled you to halt and crouch out of sight next to him behind a wall leading up to a higher floor of the building you were on. He placed his finger to his lips as you nodded before you watched him begin to creep out into the open. Alarmed that you’d spied a few Enforcers a ways back, also atop the buildings you passed by at this level and in the fact they might see him once exposed, you hastily grabbed at the back of his shirt and pulled him back into you. Silco leveled you with an angry glare.
“You’re going to be seen in two seconds of crawling out into the open like that,” you whispered to him. “What the hell are you thinking?”
“I need to know if we’re still being tailed unless you had any better ideas,” he growled at you under his breath. “We cannot lead them back to The Drop.”
You shoved him a bit off of you and looked around before your eyes caught how high up the building you were on went. Silco watched you intently as your face took on a calculating expression as you began to chart your coarse mentally for what was to come next. You then checked over both edges of the wall you were hiding behind with him before you voiced your plan.
“There were four on either side as we were running in this direction earlier,” you began softly under your breath, still scanning the area and listening for any noises of movement surrounding you both. “Sorry to scold you, but the rooftops are my favorite territory usually and you may just not have noticed and I didn’t want you shot.”
“How kind,” Silco stated with a bitter, sarcastic tone. “I’m not new at this, you realize.”
“I do. I also realize we’re both in a bit of a mess here,” you said with a scowl. “You have someone playing both sides within your ranks.”
You watched as Silco’s eyes narrowed a bit and then looked around. “I know,” he stated with no small amount of disdain. “We’ll handle that later. I can only hope the others get back safely at this point.”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m fairly certain they’re after either me or you from what I’d noticed in how they followed us out of there.”
Silco’s eyes widened at that, “Are you certain?”
“Not yet, but that’s part of my plan,” you began as you pulled your hood over your head. “Now, if you’ll excuse me for a moment, I’m going to check to see if we’ve lost them or if they’re still following us. From a safer spot, that is, than walking out in plain view. Keep a lookout for me, will you?”
As Silco began to object, you turned, ignored him, and began to scale the wall you’d both been crouched against, still remaining in its shadow. It took a few minutes until you reached the desired height at the peak of the turret the wall formed into that you were climbing. Once there, you tested and then held onto a bracket sticking out of the stonework before you swung wide to get a glance at the area around you from this height. You blocked out the sunlight of dusk from your eyes and squinted to see if you could still tell where the four you’d passed were as well as if any other of Piltover’s finest were in your area. 
You’d expected to see a few of them had abandoned the chase. The complete lack of seeing any of them in the area made you frown. They had every intent of taking one or the other of you today with how they had chased you with fervor when you both had taken to the rooftops. While your general opinion of the enforcers were that they were lazy at best, they still were not known to abandon things so very quickly. This also seemed to be a planned effort. You grimaced. Something wasn’t right here at all.
You looked down and saw Silco watching you, several feet below you, in the shadow of the building. He made a gesture as if to ask if you saw anything. Still hanging by one arm off the bracket, you shrugged slightly with the other arm and moved to start to make your way back down. You froze when a glint of something caught your eye to your left and you snapped your view towards it only in time to realize it was sunlight shining off the barrel of a gun as it fired at you. You spun and slammed into the side of the wall off the bracket attempting to dodge the bullet and while you escaped it hitting anything vital, it still struck you across the arm that had held the bracket as you let out a yelp.
Silco watched from below as you narrowly avoided completely losing your grip on the wall. Losing control for a few seconds, you slid harshly down, the stone and wood of the building pulling up your shirt and scraping your abdomen, chest, and the ends of your fingers before you found purchase again within its cracks and molding and held tight for a few seconds as you caught your breath. Coming to your senses, you quickly looked left and right to see if you were at least out of range as you then began the somewhat painful descent downward on your raw fingertips. Your mid-section burning from the scrape as you descend the wall. 
Silco had moved to stand beneath where you were at on the wall to help you the remaining part of the way as he pulled you downward. Without realizing, he grabbed your waist to lead you to the roof below his feet and inadvertently grabbed across the scratched flesh under your shirt. You hissed in pain as he quickly released you and sat you down. “You were hit.”
“Among other things,” you deadpanned and then suck air between your teeth in a bit of pain as he looked you over for injuries. “I’ll be fine. Just nicked me, really.”
“And here I’d thought you had a plan,” he said, attempting to lighten the situation, as you just glared at him. “How many did you spot?”
“Well, no one until that fucker shot me. Maybe they paired down now that they’d narrowed their pursuit to us…or likely me, really.”
“I was up too high for any normal person to be looking up there. With being sniped, I’m almost sure they knew to look high. Honestly, I’d thought I was far less predictable than this,” you sighed and winced as he examined the bullet wound in your arm. “Maybe you should just ditch me here and go on without me.”
Silco hummed, “Maybe…you’re just fluffing up your own ego and are out of ideas?”
You glared daggers at him, once again with a scowl as he grinned a bit.
“Or maybe I have an idea?” he started again with a shrug. “If you’re willing to listen. Tell me – where was the shooter?”
You point in the direction the bullet came from, “From this level, that direction. Must have been on someone’s balcony, perhaps? I’m not quite sure since I didn’t see the bastard until right before he shot.”
“All right,” Silco began as he reached down and squeezed at your good arm, that’d not been shot, in reassurance. You watched the motion a bit confused and jumped a bit at his touch, not having been around people this close nor having anyone try to reassure you for many years at this point. He frowned a bit before continuing, “You stay right here. I’m going to go see where our shooter might be and try to take care of him so we can sneak down and away from here.”
“Silco, they know we’re here.”
“They know you’re here, you said it yourself. They won’t see me coming, sweetheart,” he grinned and winked before moving in the shadow of the wall to the edge of the rooftop and then disappearing over the side before you could protest.
He’s going to get himself killed, you thought with a grimace and pulled yourself further out of view against the wall and waited. It was several minutes of quietly waiting there in the shadows before you started to hear sounds of a scuffle coming from the building nearby. Instinct drove you to stand and edge your way to the corner, still in hiding, as you attempted to get some view of whatever was happening that you were certain Silco was the cause of. Unable to see anything at all from this vantage point, your curiosity got the best of you as you laid down and crawled your way to the edge of the roof to see if you could obtain a better view while still out of sight. You winced as pain burned through your scratched torso as it dragged across the shingles of the rooftop and you came to the edge in order to get a view of things.
Just as you peered over to the direction you’d thought you’d seen the enforcer sniper shoot you from, you suddenly saw an individual come crashing through the window into the air and then fall harshly to the street below making an sickly, loud, crumpling noise as their body seemed to fold on top of itself as it landed. A few screams from bystanders a block or two down that witnessed the event were the only other sounds you’d heard in the vicinity as you then looked back up to the balcony edge he’d been thrown from to find a very smug Silco wiping blood from his mouth and staring straight at you. Appearing to be unharmed for the most part, you watched him wipe the blood from his dagger and hands on the side of his pants before sheathing it back in his boot and then looking back up to you.
“It was only the one,” Silco shouted up to you as you looked around in alarm and shushed him. “Don’t worry, I checked around, there’s no one in earshot that cares about us at this point. Whatever are you doing over there when I’d told you to stay put?”
You pull yourself up on all fours before sitting back on your knees as your arm held your midsection that still stung, “Maybe I’m not used to being ordered around?”
“Maybe you’ll need to if you’ll be joining us,” he stated more seriously to you in less of a shout, but loud enough for you to hear across the now relatively quiet area. When you stayed quiet for a few moments without any retort, he then followed with, “Can you climb down without hurting yourself again?”
You rolled your eyes with enough drama you were sure he could see it from across the street, flipped him a lewd gesture, and after looking around, made it over to the edge of the rooftop where Silco had previously dropped down and followed suit, albeit wincing the entire way. You met Silco down by the enforcer’s body that he was ransacking for anything of worth. Silco turned to look at you and his eyes widened instantly concerned.
“I’d thought he only hit you in the arm?” His concerned voice started as he stood and moved to touch you but seemed to catch himself, thinking better of it.
You looked down to where his hand had been moving towards to see the front of your shirt stained with blood, “Shit.” A sigh escaped your lips as you shook your head, “In my graceful attempts to dodge said hit I may have tried to slide down the building and scraped myself a bit.”
“Your entire front of your shirt is bloodied. I’d say that’s more than a bit.”
“I’m fine.”
Silco pinched between his brow with his fingers as he gave an annoyed sigh before suddenly grabbing you by the forearm and dragging you out of the middle of the street into an alleyway before stopping and waving his hand at you, “Show me.”
“What? No, I’m fine. Just – shouldn’t we get back to The Last Drop? We’ve wasted plenty of time—“
“You either show me here, with a little privacy, or you show me there amidst everyone and their mother in the Lanes that haunts that place. Now c’mon. I need to know if this is going to be an issue later on.”
Tired from the drama of the day and the drama of the man standing before you, you huffed out a, “Fine,” before pulling up the front of your shirt.
Of course this would be one of the days you decided to go without a bra as Silco got more of an eyeful than what he’d bargained for. His eyes widened briefly before you watched him swallow hard and then school his gaze to something more clinical as he observed your injuries.
“Might want to steer clear of rough walls for a bit,” he deadpanned as you shoved your shirt back down. “Sliced you up pretty good, but nothing we can’t tend to once we’re back home.”
Home, the word caught you a bit. You’d not called anywhere home since you were very, very young.
“You talk like I’m already a part of this gang of yours,” your voice came out huskier than you intended as he took a step towards you.
“Not just for me to decide, but I think you have a shot,” he said before he gave you a lopsided grin. “You know, as long as you don’t get in another fight with a wall before we get there.”
“Asshole,” you said as you swatted at his arm and he chuckled a bit.
“C’mon. We should get back before Vander starts to worry and sends someone out after us,” he said as he motioned for you to follow him as he begins to pull a cigarette from within his pockets and searches for his lighter.
Before you move, you say your name quietly out loud and you watch Silco stop dead in his tracks. Without turning around and merely angling his head back towards you, he says your name as if testing it on his lips. Only then did he turn around and offer a spare cigarette he held between his long fingertips. You consider it a few moments, having just coughed your way into being seen earlier, and then give into temptation as you take it from him, your fingers brushing against his briefly. He moves forward and ignites the lighter as you bring the hand-rolled cigarette to your lips and allow him to light it for you.
“I’d forgot to ask,” you said after a long drag and as he starts to walk out of the alley once again as you follow.
“Is any of that blood on you actually yours?”
Silco huffed a bit as he took a drag before a side of his mouth quirked upwards, “He got one punch on me before he went window diving and split my lip a bit. Pretty sure I’m on the verge of dying. If I don’t make it back, let Vander know I died a hero.”
“Are you always this much of a cheeky git?” You asked with a snort.
“Always, sweetheart.”
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jynxd · 5 months
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There were many plans that Warwick had made in his head prior to escape. The first of which had been to get his revenge of Silco. To hell with Singed’s attempts to get him to play nice, to be a fucking lapdog. No he was going to kill the man who was really responsible for making him a monster. However, that mission got tossed to the side when he found her. Vi.
His daughter had grown so much over the last few years since his ‘death.’ But she was alone and now more than ever, the streets of zaun were not safe. So he put his vendetta aside and vowed to follow her wherever she went, to make sure she was always protected. He would be her guardian angel in monstrous form. It didn’t matter if she was in piltover or zaun, he would always be there.
So the hound of zaun was watching her when noticed a pair of hounds coming for her. It was clear that Silco had sent them after her. Would have sent him, too, if he hadn't escaped. Warwick growled as they were getting too close to her now and he knew if he didn't intervene it would get worse. One of them made the mistake of hurting her even. He saw red.
He charged at them then, getting between her and them, slashing at them with his long claws. "Stay behind me." He growled, Right now he didn't even care if he was scaring Vi, he was just protecting her as he tore into one of them. In his preoccupied state, one of them slip past him and went straight for Vi. "Vi watched out."
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aurelion-solar · 1 year
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Teamfight Tactics: Runeterra Reforged Promo Art
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Region Crests - Runeterra Reforged
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arclundarchivist · 7 months
Don’t know what took me so long to post this, but hey, are any of you interested in a retelling of the INFAMOUS Sentinels of Light Event?
Would you like the story to be retold, delving deeper into the realms of Runeterra and it’s varied heroes and the challenges set before them?
If so, then I have the fic for you!
The Ruination Saga is set of Five Linked stories detailing the trials and victories of the Legends of Runeterra, a fix fic to challenge all fix fics I tell you!
And it is ongoing! It updates semi-regularly, and I promise to see it reach the eventual fitting end the story should originally deserved.
Drawing not just from the story presented in the Even though heavily edited it also draws from The Ruined King game, Ruination novel, and even Arcane in regards to the story beats and characterization of characters. Further more original adventurers using the LoL characters follow other monsters and enemies as they take advantage of Viego’s singular goal or simply the chaos that he has created.
Check it out! For any that have a strong urge to delve back into a story, that could have been amazing, and the do-over I have supplied.
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So I’ve been building some ideas for League of Legends OCs, one per region. Except Bande City because I don’t care for Yordles.
Aside from Fletcher, my demon OC who lives with cartoon logic and goes around to spread mayhem, I’ve been building up some ideas as it goes.
I’m not really sure about Bilgewater, she’ll either be some creepy hybrid monster-girl or a fierce assassin and pirate with a cute physique. If the latter is the case I want her to be a cool rebel.
For my girl from Demacia, however, I have no doubt: Sylas’ proud and beloved henchwoman, a mage he saved and who fights by his side. Sylas is a king and deserves love. I may base her off Karli Morgenthau from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, except she’s treated as if she’s right and she gets to live.
Ionia’s side will have a healer, someone who lost enough from the war and tries to mend wherever she can, even though she knows sometimes violence is indeed the answer. I’ll try to find an Asian culture that’s not China and Japan to build her from.
Ixtal has the dubious honor of containing my least favourite LoL character, Zyra. So I’ll create a character who’s hell-bent in hunting and destroying her for the good of the world, all the while she debates herself about Zyra’s own sentience.
I’m also indecisive when it comes to Noxus. On one hand I like the idea of creating a villainous character – Fletcher kills people but she’s not evil, she’s just a demon – but on the other hand Noxus offers more potential for a complex heroine and I shall indeed take it.
My Piltover character – and probably token white character, unless I decide to create that Noxian baddie – will be a high-end gentlewoman thief with a classic double life. Probably a cyborg. Probably spat in Camille’s coffee out of spite
Shadow Isles: this is the character I’ve worked on the longest, so much so I gave her a name (Vivienne). She’s Senna’s older sister, who blames herself for her fate as older sisters do. After shutting herself off from the world she gave all she had in fighting: now she occupies a high rank in the Sentinels of Light and needs to find herself a greater purpose than “protect my sister and my bil with my own life, and on the side curb-stomp Thresh’s head”, thus living for herself. She also exists to fulfill one of my greatest fantasies: hug Senna and tell her she’ll be alright.
When it comes to sweet Shurima, I’m browsing a bunch of ideas and cultural inspirations. I already made a SWANA Oc in Genshin Impact, and since I don’t want to copy her (especially her name, since we already have a Samira) I’ll try to make something that’s the opposite of what she was. My Samira was self-conscious, responsible and insecure: this one will be an extroverted thrill-seeker who needs to undergo a Puss in Boots II arc about life and responsibility and, on the side, slap some sense into a certain bird of dubious smarts.
I need to look up more into Targon, but if I do end up making a full villainess, this one will be it. An anti-Pantheon of sorts, and someone who doesn’t care about the Moon or the Sun: just herself.
The Freljord will bring home a unique character: an old, worn warrior who’s lived through plenty of battles and knows a thousand ways to survive. She’ll probably be my only older character.
Not sure if I’ll even consider the Void.
And finally Zaun: this one already has a unique backstory, having been kidnapped as a kid from a rich Piltovian family and raised by ChemBarons to work as an errand girl. But will cynicism prevail, or will the brave local youth show her a different way?
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honeydazai · 1 year
୨୧·࣭࣪̇˖ 𝆬  having a secret enemies to lovers relationship with them 𝆬 𓏸
feat.: Jayce Talis, Vi, Ambessa Medarda, Mel Medarda, Ekko
content: f!reader, nsfw content, mild violence mentions
notes: this was commissioned by the most lovely @angelltheninth !! thank you so much again!! 💜
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Honestly, JAYCE refuses to admit just how much he finds himself drawn to you. You're everything he's not, working in the shadows for Silco while he's Piltover's golden boy, the Man of the Future, and yet there's some odd tension between the two of you that he can't deny. He aches to label it as natural hate, though that couldn't be further from the truth. The catalyst for your eventual growing fondness of each other is when he's got you pinned down, imposing hammer so close to obliterating you and, God, he can't do it. You're his enemy, certainly, and yet he finds himself absentmindedly brushing some dirt off your cheek, touch gentle despite those huge hands.
After that, things go all too fast. One moment you're kissing, you softly moaning into his mouth, the next you try and sneak into the Academy, trying your hardest not to appear suspicious and, well — if you end up making out on one of the tables he usually does science stuff on, who can blame you? It feels all too nice to wrap your legs around his wide waist, pulling him closer while his dick pushes into you, calloused fingers roaming over your skin as if he's desperate to feel as much of you at the same time as somehow possible. It's all too good, until the sound of approaching footsteps, accompanied by the rhythmic thumping noise of a cane, makes both of you flinch, and you're forced to hide in an empty storage room, still dripping with need.
“Fuck, talk about horrible timing—, quick, in here, in here. God. Hopefully he'll leave real quick again, I'm stil hard; don't you worry, we'll continue just where we left off in but a moment. We just can't get caught.”
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There is no word for what VI feels for you other than 'hate'. How could she not? As an Enforcer, you're her complete opposite, you're used to the riches and comfortable life of Piltover and, well, she would've never thought she could ever grow fond of you, but it turns out you look awfully pretty underneath her, pinned to the ground of Zaun. There's mud caked to the side of your face and a stray trail of blood runs down your forehead and, oh — for some reason, you don't do anything but moan softly when she leans down to meet your lips in a bruising kiss, her thick thigh spreading your own apart.
It's adorable how your cheeks flush when she calls you a teasing nickname; it's downright sweet when you whimper and press your body against her own. Your very reactions make you so very human, so very much like her. You're not that different from her at all, it appears, and that realisation itself makes things complicated. Vi swears she despises you, hates you with all her heart, but when she sneaks away to your usual meeting place, the sixth time this week, rough touches having turned into loving embraces along the way, she can't say she's being entirely truthful.
“Hey, sugar! You made it. Fuck, I'm always so happy to see ya, it's ridiculous. My heart's beatin' all fast. Oh—, hey, you're eager today, hm? Wanna continue that badly where we were interrupted last time? Fine by me. You gotta spread those cute legs of yours then, darl.”
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It comes as no surprise that a powerful woman such as AMBESSA has quite a lot of enemies. There's all too many people who wish her death or worse for the countries she's conquered or the people she's slayed — and yet you're the only one who has ever caught her eye. It's all too easy to have you brought to her luxurious chambers, and even when you're glaring at her, eyes narrowed with nothing short of hatred, she doesn't care, really. Her fingers come up to grab your chin, keeping your head in place as her gaze rakes over your face, taking every feature of your face in.
You're not sure whether to be enraged or relieved that, apparently, she's satisfied with what she sees, though it's a lot preferable when, minutes later, she seats you on one thick thigh of hers rather than having you beheaded. Really, you couldn't stifle your mewls and moans even if you tried when she grinds said leg up against your already dripping folds. Over time, you grow fond of her — something you hadn't thought possible —; your relationship stays a secret, but your smile at her praise is honest, your laughter joining her boisterous one is not an act at all. She's surprisingly sweet for such a bold woman and, well; the fact that she leaves you unable to walk for a day or two whenever she's between your legs is a pretty convincing factor to stay with her, too.
“Aren't you just the sweetest little one? C'mon, now, no need to be shy. You've been grinding against my thigh like a bitch in heat before, haven't you? Surely you can do it again. Though, if my leg isn't good enough for you, maybe you're just not as desperate to cum as I thought.”
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There's always been tension between you and MEL; how could there not be when you were anything she didn't stand for, being her political enemy and everything? Really, the amount of bickering you two did was close to ridiculous, and yet neither of you seemed to mind it all too much. Even though you don't make a pretty picture up on a stage or behind the council roundtable, you look all too ethereal on her bed, legs spread wide and arching your back while slender fingers alternate between gently rubbing and meanly pinching your throbbing clit.
Really, you'd worry about it being all too obvious how often you search up her quarters, though she's quick to distract you with soft kisses and the occasional cruel graze of teeth against your neck. There's no need to worry about anything, truly; when Mel wants your relationship to stay between the two of us, it will remain a secret at all costs.
“My, my. You're quite adorable today, hm? So very needy for my touch, and yet I remember quite clearly how you've challenged me in front of the rest of the Council. Love, it almost looks like you were aching to be punished by me. Is that not the case? I might go easier on you if you at least admit it.”
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EKKO despises you. There's no way around it. Ekko despises you and, if needed, fights you with all his might, and yet his expression, Firelight mask long knocked off his face, softens oh so visibly when he, one day, meets you at random, your injuries awfully bad. He's not sure what he's thinking when he takes you in and cares for your wounds, nursing you back to health; you're his enemy, damn it, and he should act like it, but the only explanation he has for how he's acting is that empathy is an all too human trait he can't seem to get rid of, no matter how hard he tries. He can't just leave you in the Undercity to rot.
By the time you're back to full health, you can't deny that, even though you're supposed to be enemies, you've bonded quite a bit. He's funny and loving, protective of you, even; and even though your relationship has to stay secret at all costs, given how he'd otherwise lose credibility with the Firelights and you'd be called a traitor, you both can't help but sneak away at night to see each other, you embracing him in a loving hug and his lips pressing against yours all too eagerly. With Ekko, it takes a while until it gets to making out and getting even more intimate, but that's quite alright. There's no need to rush it; you're both more than happy to lose track of time while cuddling and kissing.
“Would've never thought that, one day, I'd be kissin' someone like you like this. Hey—, in a positive way. Don't get me wrong on purpose. Y'know I love everything about you. Yeah? Good. It's almost sunrise, though. 'm afraid you'll have to go back soon.”
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tags: @vislovelywife @Mamanaga @vaemadz @cicada-teeth @jinxsslut @silcosnumber1 @coochie-intervention @inertiacreams @shinwifexx @rhaeena @bumbookitten @greeniegreengreen @my-awakened-ghost @afidiofobia @helloyellowsheeps @yuuotosaka3 @sccarymonster @satoruislove @pastelsbaby @artsyxabbyx @ cyan-skulls @arboranimus @marina-and-the-memes @holysmokesblog @twilightdollie @kaaylvst @definitely-not-v @innerstrawberrypolice @misty-q @perylinsus @pleasemakeitgayer @imaginesbymk @meimayooo @doxmino @smolbeandrabbles @darknessbyme @darthkenobii @mars738 @cupcakkesinflatedwetbussy @illicittete @lemzhargreeves @festivalthrash
@savagemickey03 @rosepxtlz @user4837 @Nervousartisanheart @mikariell95 @mechmoucha
@silcobrainrot @Medeaa5 @nocturnal-onlooker @modernamilf @catsaiem @t0r @beyondblissxoxo @zillahvathek @brainrottingrn @klaudia7 @okura-s
@666abby6666 @ironnieincarn8 @watercolourdreams @scturne19 @ladykatakuri @lunerenzo @cowboykiri @soullessbody @thottywizard @celebrity-crushes27 @ygrworld @sevikasslvtt @chaoticevilbakugo @trashbod @MiloMalaise @berywritesstuff @alice0blog @gooseberries88 @s1t1n0ny0url4p @black-rose-29
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ohnoitstbskyen · 3 months
Since Riot Forge has been offed by management, what other characters and storylines would you want a game about?
Honestly, not even necessarily champions. You know what would be cool? An honest to god Stardew Valley style farm simulator where you're, like, trying to run a farm in the Demacian hinterlands. All the usual mechanics: growing crops, mining, crafting, maybe some light combat, lots of dateable NPCs, your grandad's ghost appears and judges you if you haven't gotten laid by the end of year 4, all the usual normal stuff.
But then also there's a mage or two who lives in town, one of the villagers who helps you out, that hot NPC you're trying to date. Maybe the kid you'll eventually have with your spouse could be a mage. And the Mageseekers come around every few years looking, and asking questions, and taking people away from your community, and you need to make some decisions about what you're going to do about that. Do you sell your fellow villagers out to the authorities, in return for rewards, or do you find a way to resist?
Like, that kind of a thing. Or a 4x or Total War style game where you play as a Noxian commander trying to expand and colonize the Valoran continent, pushing against the borders of Demacia and the Freljord. Crusader Kings-like set in Shurima where Azir is trying to unite his new empire.
Heartless Frostpunk-style management game where your goal is to help your Freljord tribe survive an especially harsh winter. Tavern management game set in Bilgewater where you're trying not to run afoul of pirate gang politics. Visual novel where you play as a tormented soul on the Shadow Isles trying to escape from Ruination by finding the Hallowed Mist manor from Legends of Runeterra.
This is one of the things that frustrated me about Forge, that it was still stuck in this "THE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS CHAMPIONS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF OUR UNIVERSE!" framework that League of Legends itself is stuck to, rather than trying to profile and expand the universe itself as an interesting setting that people might love all on its own, the way people love Middle Earth whether or not Aragorn happens to be there, or the Star Trek universe regardless of who's captaining the Enterprise that day.
Oh, also, dating sim set in Piltover and Zaun where none of the dateable options is a champion, but every playthrough, one of them is randomly selected to actually be Evelynn in disguise, and if you can't see through her act in time, she kills you in agonizing (horny) ways.
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
Something with like cellmate prisoner!sevika?! 😭😭😭 idk I just think like her being all dangerous and powerful, having a shit ton of friends but like selectively, no one messing with her maybe even hating how just mean she is. And then comes in reader and yk. I’d love if the story was smutty but u can chose ofc 🫦
i love this so much
men and minors dni
living in zaun is shit. but the one thing that's always kept you and a majority of your fellow citizens in line, was the ever-looming presence of stillwater prison just a few miles away. you've watched countless people enter those prison walls. you know very few who ever came back out.
and now, through a series of unfortunate events that lead to you assaulting an undercover enforcer, you're going to find out first hand just how horrible stillwater really is.
you don't think you've ever been so nervous in your life as the enforcer guides you-- restrained and already hating the itchy fabric of your new life-long uniform--down a long, long hall of cells.
he's chewing a wad of bubblegum, casually, like you aren't about to piss yourself with nerves. "listen kid." he says, looking you up and down. "i read your file. seems like you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time." he says, shrugging. "no prior arrests, clean record-- honestly i'm surprised they sent you here, but i guess you did break marcus' nose." the enforcer chuckles here.
"you know that asshole?" you ask. the man guiding you snorts.
"'s my boss." he mumbles. beside you, a prisoner lunges at the bars of their cell, screaming at you. you jump, and the guard laughs. "as i was sayin'-- you seem like a real peach. like you'd be a good influence on some of our... rougher prisoners." he mumbles.
dread starts to curl in your stomach. you have a pretty good idea of where this conversation is headed, and you don't like the outcome. you just hope you aren't cellmates with someone real bad: like genie the counter-fitter who got caught two years ago; esmee the weapons expert who successfully set an entire square block of piltover's wealthiest neighborhood ablaze; or, god forbid, sevika.
she'd been caught just weeks ago, smuggling an entire airship's worth of shimmer into piltover's loading docks. it was big fucking news.
sevika's a big fucking deal.
and you want absolutely nothing to do with her.
which is why, of course, the guard pulls you to a stop right outside of the only cell with a light on, the low, dim glow of a reading lamp and the quick flickering light of a lighter. you feel like you're gonna barf.
sitting in the shadows of the cell, puffing on a hand-rolled cigarette, sits sevika, silco's second in command.
if he's the eye of zaun, she's the arm. he might be watching-- but she's doing. she's nothing but bad news; everything you've tried your best to avoid while living in the undercity.
well, look how well that turned out for you.
"sevika, meet your new cellmate." the enforcer calls out. a pair of silver eyes snap up from her book and lock on yours. you shiver.
"fucks' wrong with her?" she mumbles. you gulp.
"nervous, i'd assume. 's her first-offense." the guard says. he shoves you into the cell and you jump as the bars slam shut behind you. "you ladies have fun." he says, before turning and walking away, the smacks of his gum echoing behind him.
sevika inspects you from her chair.
"how'd you fuck up so bad you ended up in a cell with me from your first offense?" she asks, seemingly intrigued.
"punched an undercover enforcer." you whisper. sevika's eyebrow hitches up, a little amused.
"think his name was marcus, or something." you mumble. she sputters.
"ha! really!?" she asks, a little smile growing on her face. you nod. she takes a drag off her cigarette, then points at the bunk beds. "i get bottom. don't go thinkin' 'cause we're cellmates it means you get to touch my shit. i got people outside pullin' big favors for met to get shit like this." she gestures to her cigarettes and lamp. you nod. "don't look so nervous. i won't bite unless you piss me off."
you try to stop shivering. you don't succeed. "s-sorry."
she studies you for a moment, her smile growing as she does. though she's no longer armed with shimmer, her arm's still in perfect working condition, five little daggers gently tapping on the table top as her eyes dart across you. "you from the lanes?" she asks. you nod. she snorts. "you know who i am?" she asks. you nod again. she chuckles, then stands. she approaches you, circling around you like you're prey, then chuckling and leaning back against the table, crossing her arms over her chest. "you scared'a me?" she asks.
"shouldn't i be?" you choke out.
it seems to be the right answer. sevika laughs, then sits back down at her table, picking her book back up, chuckling intermittently for minutes after.
she's not a bad roommate. she's surprisingly tidy, always quiet, her nose usually buried in a book. she smokes like a fucking chimney, and you've come to find she gets her tobacco-- and sometimes a bit of weed-- from one of the guards every tuesday night.
she's got special privileges among most of the guards. they're always sneaking her books and flasks, letting her get away without cell-searches, letting her read past lights out and have lighters and screwdrivers and other dangerous, weapon-like tools.
you, on the other hand, do not have these privileges. and, keeping in line with sevika's one and only rule, you don't touch her shit. all of this means that while sevika smokes and works on her arm and reads and works out, you spend your time just... sitting on the top bunk. watching her.
sometimes, during open cell time, she gets visitors. you're surprised that none of these visits end in shady dealings-- sevika doesn't seem to need to trade her stash of goods for anything. most of her visits are quick, and most end the same way: a small scrap of paper being shoved in sevika's hand.
she burns the scraps after she reads whatever's on them.
she's... pleasant, sometimes. it's rare, but it happens. one day, you'd forgotten to make your bed before you went to breakfast. you returned to find it neatly made, and when you thanked her for helping you avoid trouble with the guards, she had just waved it off. "don' get used to it. i won't always be here to fix your mistakes."
once, a fight broke out while you were in the showers. you were sent back to your cell soaking wet-- your hair still lathered in shampoo. she had chuckled, called you a "wet rat", and helped you rinse your hair out in the tiny sink in your cell.
and... she's kinda pretty. it occurred to you one evening while the two of you were partaking in your nightly routine: sevika reading in her chair while you study her, pretending to sleep. she'd glanced up at you and whispered. "why're you always lookin' at me?"
you shrugged, then nearly choked on your tongue when 'you're pretty' almost slipped out of your mouth. "uh... i got nothing else to look at." you'd ended up saying. she seemed to accept this.
"you don't have any prison girlfriends?" you ask. sevika's in a particularly jovial mood today: the note she'd been delivered earlier in the afternoon must've had great news. she's decided to share her joint with you. the question slipped out the second you took your first puff-- your tolerance astronomically low from being without for so long.
sevika laughs. "nah."
"but..." you cut yourself off before you get yourself in trouble, biting your lip. sevika chuckles, then nudges your leg.
"y' can say it." she says. you smile at her, then speak.
"it's just... i had a few friends who work at babette's." you say. "i figured you'd have as much of a reputation here as you do there."
she takes a second, tilting her neck side to side as it cracks, then sighing. "i got shit to do in here." she says simply. you raise an eyebrow at her, biting your lip again, and she chuckles. "say it." she demands again.
"you just read all day." you laugh. sevika nods.
"i'm... working." she says. you just nod along, pretending you understand what she's alluding to.
it happens in the strangest way but you and sevika start to become... friends.
she sits alone at lunch, and you sit alone too, on the oppisite side of the cafeteria. but you're so used to looking at sevika, that you find yourself watching her even when there are much more entertaining things to look at, like the handful of fights that break out every meal.
you notice she loves the jello cups you guys get once a week. so you pocket yours and toss it at her later that night. the way she smiles lights up the room even brighter than her tiny lamp. you make it a habit.
she starts loaning you her books, finds you a crate to sit on by her table while you guys read together at night.
and when sevika gets jumped in the middle of the night-- you don't even question it before you jump out of your bunk, grab sevika's screwdriver where she left it on the table, and start swinging in the dark, blindly.
"what the fuck?" someone squawks when you manage to stab something in the dark.
"what?" sevika whispers in the dark.
"sevika, your bunkmate fucking stabbed me!" her attacker's voice rings out.
a light flicks on. you cringe at the sudden brightness, then blink in confusion as sevika and a guard with a screwdriver sticking out of their shoulder stare at you.
sevika's grinning. the guard is scowling. you hold your hands up in shaky fists, preparing for a fight. sevika chuckles.
"relax, sweetheart." she says, swinging her arm around you and tugging you into her side. "ran's a friend." she whispers into your ear. you blink at the bleeding guard, then back at sevika.
"so, what, we're taking your girlfriend with us now?" the guard-- ran-- asks. sevika looks at her friend, then looks at you, a calculating look in her eye. she smirks, shrugs, then looks back at the guard.
"she threw herself between me and a uniform-- can't just throw that kinda loyalty out, now can i?" she asks, smiling.
you don't know what's happening. you're about to ask-- when suddenly you black out.
the first thing that comes back to you is your sense of hearing.
"sevika, fuck, you can't just throw a wrench in the plan like this--"
"i can do whatever the fuck i want--"
"on the night of the breakout?! no heads up!?"
"do i need to remind you which one of us is second in command, here?!"
"...fuck. c'mon, help me load her in the van."
the next thing is your sense of touch. you're laying on the rumbling cold steel of a van floor-- currently in motion.
you're shivering, but then something warm and wool and smelling like cigars is draped over you.
you're head keeps bumping uncomfortably with every crack in the road. someone gently picks your head up and puts it in their warm nap, a hand coming down to scratch your scalp.
your voice comes next. "mmmh?"
"it's okay." sevika's voice comes. you groan, cracking your eyes open, only for her face to be grinning down at you. "fuckin' maniac." she giggles.
"wha?" you groan. you're seeing double, your head is pounding.
"ran knocked you out. 's what you get for stabbin' 'em." sevika chuckles. "but, you're lucky, 'cause they don't hold a grudge. they helped me lug your ass outta stillwater."
"wha?!" you ask again, snapping up. sevika laughs as you look out the front window of the van-- the depths of piltover surrounding you as you head, presumebly, to the last drop.
you recognize the man driving-- a tall, muscular, tattooed man who'd recently been added to your cell block's guard rotation. in the passengers' seat sits the guard you'd stabbed-- bandaged and watching you with amusement.
"wha's happenin'?" you mumble, looking back at your cellmate as you clutch a hand to your throbbing head. you've been shrouded in a red cloak-- sevika's already out of her prison uniform and back in her 'second in command' look. she smirks at you.
"y' really think i was jus' sittin' around, servin' my time?" she asks. you shrug.
"figured somethin' was goin' on. y' kept gettin' those notes. didn't wanna ask." you groan. sevika chuckles.
"well, you shoulda. or i shoulda warned you, so you didn't try killing my crew." she chuckles. you blink over to the person in the passengers' seat, cringing.
"s-sorry." you mumble. they wave it off.
"'s cool. knocked you right the fuck out, didn't i?" they chuckle. "we're even."
you turn back to sevika. "you broke me out of prison?" you ask. she shrugs.
"'re you mad about it?" she asks. you gawk at her.
"uh... just... a little surprised?"
sevika cackles. you smile at the sound, despite your headache. "i wasn't plannin' on it! then you started givin' me your jello, 'n readin' all my books, 'n..."
"she's got a crush on you." ran fills in from the front.
"i didn't say that!" she shouts.
"she's not denying it though--" the man driving teases.
you choke on your spit. sevika huffs, rolls her eyes, and speaks. "i... i kinda got a crush on you, yeah." she mumbles. "and i swear i'm not sayin' this jus' 'cause i think you're cute but: you should really stay with us at the last drop until things calm back down, since, y'know... you're kinda wanted now..." she says, rubbing the back of her neck.
you blink... shocked.
you don't really know what to think. you tried your whole life to stay out of trouble, and it managed to find you anyways in the form of a drunken under-cover enforcer deciding to smack your ass when you'd had too many drinks to hold your punches. you tried to stay out of trouble in stillwater until you were saddled with sevika. you tried to stay out of trouble with her until she dragged you-- literally, you were unconscious!-- out of prison along with her. it seems like trouble's meant for you.
but if there's one thing you're certain of, it's sevika.
you smile at her, then reach up to cup her cheek. she looks more nervous than you've seen her in all your months in stillwater together.
"you gotta crush on me?" you ask. she gulps.
"i'd say it's a little more than a crush seeing she broke you outta stillwater as your first date--"
"ran!" sevika hollers. you chuckle.
"is this our first date?" you ask, raising your eyebrow at her. she shrugs.
"it's... jus' don't expect the next dates to be this exciting." she chuckles, rolling her eyes. you grin, then dart forward and press a kiss to her lips. when you pull away, she's wearing that same nervous look again.
"you okay?" you whisper. she licks her lips, nuzzles a bit against your hand on her face, and nods.
"'m just kickin' myself for not puttin' the moves on you sooner. coulda been fuckin' you to pass the time in prison instead of readin' all those boring books." she mumbles. you burst into laughter, and she grins.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub
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somedaylazysomeday · 3 months
You catch Silco's eye at The Last Drop, but he isn't the only one interested in you.
Silco x fem!reader x Sevika
Rating: Explicit. Minors, please do not interact.
Word Count: 5,900
Warnings: Clubs, predator/prey vibes, sex, interrupted sex, minor voyeurism, threesomes, anal fingering, double penetration, anal sex, sex toy use.
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You were on a bed, sandwiched between two warm bodies. You were trying to stay afloat in the wash of touches, your body stretching in ways it never had before. With the all-encompassing sensations, you were struggling to remember exactly how you had gotten to this point. 
You hadn’t been drugged or anything. That much needed to be said, especially somewhere like The Last Drop. But no, the fuzziness of the evening had started from the first time you had caught the Shimmer-glowing eye of Silco himself, and you were drunk on everything that had happened since.
Catching Silco’s attention wasn’t something you had set out to do. Just the thought would have made you dizzy with nervousness and intimidation. Those weren’t emotions you had very often. Growing up in the deepest shadows cast by Piltover had left you with the distinct impression that there was no further you could sink. 
And there were always predators in the deep. 
When you had first noticed that mismatched gaze fixed on you, you had put on your best blank expression. Every Undercity resident worth their air knew that Silco wasn’t someone to fuck with. And if he had decided that he didn’t like the look of you, it would be better to leave The Last Drop before he had a chance to kick you out personally. 
Admittedly, he would be more likely to send his second-in-command, Sevika, to get rid of you. That didn’t make it any more pleasant, though she was easily as attractive as he was - just with a different sort of danger. 
In any case, you lost sight of him after that, though you couldn’t help but scan the crowds regularly for a sight of that glowing eye. Every time you didn’t see it, you relaxed a little more, though you couldn’t help recognizing that there was a part of yourself that rode a wave of disappointment. 
Silco was known for being dangerous, but he was also undeniably handsome. That trim body and sharp fashion sense were paired with the keenest wit the Undercity had seen in decades, and he used it to his best advantage. Silco could take apart his enemies with a few well-placed words and a single command to his army of followers. 
And he fucked.
Very few people could claim the distinction of having been with the Eye of Zaun, but everyone seemed to have a story about the time their friend’s older sibling’s cousin had spent a few glorious hours in the chem-baron’s company. 
You would be willing to dismiss those stories as urban legends, a simple desire to make Silco’s power personal by having it exercised over you directly, but the stories all shared a few too many details. Firstly, they almost always started with someone catching Silco’s eye in The Last Drop. 
Second, he was always very much in charge. It wasn’t something you would struggle to believe. If Silco was going to hook up with a stranger, it was only smart to make sure he was in control of the situation, if only to keep from being double-crossed. 
Third, the person was never contacted again after their initial encounter with Silco. If they met him somewhere else, he was cool and indifferent toward them. It was clear that he was interested in short-term pleasure, not long-term commitment. 
There were a few other factors that featured in most stories, but they weren’t entirely consistent and you didn’t count them. For instance, a lot of stories had Sevika involved, but not all of them. Some listed favorite positions or toys that were used, but those reports were so varied as to be pointless. 
Overall, you considered the stories a fascinating look at how folklore supported shadowy figures in the Undercity. It was an interesting way to pass your time, even if it felt a bit voyeuristic. But you were simply interested in a major Undercity player, and found the pursuit of trends in stories a good indicator of that. You were watching solely as an academic exercise, not from any personal interest. 
That was why you had regularly chosen to drink at the Drop for the past few months. The only reason.
Still, despite the stories - nay, Silco’s sexual exploits had reached the level of legend - you hadn’t expected to actually make eye contact with Silco himself. Even then, your tipsy-but-watchful demeanor hadn’t been enough to see him a second time. 
Perhaps it had been a fluke. You weren’t stupid enough to think it had been anyone other than Silco, but you were also willing to concede that he probably observed the goings-on of The Last Drop. It wasn’t impossible that he had been watching the crowd at the same moment that you had been looking around. Still, there was something about the way his gaze had slowly slid away from yours that made you think he had been watching you for a while.
And you had to consider the tingling feeling of being watched, dancing invisible fingertips between your shoulder blades.
But you hadn’t seen Silco again. Not until you had gone to the bar. The bartender had slid you a drink before you had even ordered, directing you to a hallway that led from one side of the room. There, you found a staircase, and the door at the top had been unlocked…
When you opened the door and stepped into the darkened room beyond, Silco had been inside. You couldn’t claim to be completely surprised - who else would have a bedroom in The Last Drop? 
You also weren’t stupid enough to believe that the room was actually where Silco slept. No, the bed was ridiculously big and the shelves against the walls held a variety of lascivious-looking toys. This was clearly where Silco hooked up with people from his club. 
That, at least, ended up being correct. Silco had shared a drink with you, telling you bluntly that he was interested in fucking you that night. He asked if you were interested in that, too. Your immediate and resounding ‘yes’ was embarrassing, but he only gave a small smirk and told you to finish your drink while you discussed preferences and limits. 
When that was settled, you found yourself on that giant mattress, flat on your back under him as he ravaged your mouth. He explored you thoroughly, taking control so casually and naturally that it only seemed to make sense. 
And then he was inside of you, pushing himself deep as you arched your back and cried out for him. Your voice was loud in the room - too loud, but you couldn’t help yourself. He was thick and hot, and you could feel him throbbing. Or maybe you were the one throbbing, your inner muscles working around him as your body tried to decide whether to pull him deeper or push him out of you entirely. 
Just as you were beginning to relax around and under him, a loud bang made you jump. You couldn’t see much from under the canopy of Silco’s body, but you managed to spy that the door was now open. More importantly, someone was standing inside. 
“Scoop told me to come find you- Oh.” 
The voice was low and rough, so much so that it took a moment for you to realize that it was female. And there was only one person you could think of who wouldn’t be apologizing profusely by this point: Sevika. 
To your mingled surprise and embarrassment, Sevika stepped around the bed until she could see you more clearly past Silco’s shielding body. Her lips curved into a sardonic smirk as her dark eyes wandered over every bit of you visible in your current position. 
“Nice going, boss,” Sevika congratulated lowly. “If you didn’t wreck that pretty pussy, I was gonna do it myself.”
Your breath caught at that, the muscles of your core fluttering at the unexpected filth. 
Silco rolled his hips, pressing further into you and driving a gasp from your lungs. “Mmm, she liked that. And, as it happens, I’ve already started working on ruining her.”
“Everything I’ve seen so far seems pretty tame,” Sevika said with a scoff. “I think you’re losing your touch. Maybe you should let an expert take over.” 
Silco bared his teeth, holding your hips tight against his to keep himself buried deep as he rolled. When you were on top, still laying with your chest pressed to his, Silco raised his eyebrows at Sevika. “I am the expert here. If you don’t believe me, perhaps you should see for yourself.” 
Sevika grinned, teeth flashing brightly in her smile. Her lightning-quick wink was the last thing you saw before she stepped out of view once more. 
When you would have turned your head to keep her in view, Silco gripped your chin and held it steady to press a kiss to your lips. When he let you pull away, he murmured, “Pay attention. You’ll hurt my pride.” 
The feeling of his chest rubbing against your stiffened nipples made your eagerness surge, but the sharp gasp was pulled from you by a different sensation: fingertips running upward along one side of your entrance, trailing around where Silco’s length had you spread wide around him. You couldn’t help a squirming shiver when that touch traveled up and between your cheeks. 
“Sensitive little thing, isn’t she?” Sevika asked, a warm chuckle rumbling through her voice.
“If you could feel her the way I can, you would not need to ask.” Silco punctuated it with a pulse of his hips that made you gasp and cling to him. 
Normally, this was not your kind of thing. You preferred to be an active partner in your sexual encounters, and the fact that most of the comments being tossed around were pointedly not directed toward you should have made you nervous. Probably would have in any other situation, if you were being honest. 
But you felt exposed like this, knowing someone was watching. Someone who had plainly stated that she was also interested in your body. That, combined with the knowledge of how dangerous both of them were, kept you calm as they spoke around you rather than including you in the conversation. You felt as if you were slowly turning into a pile of flesh and nerves, able to do nothing but limply receive the pleasure you were offered. 
Somehow, it was working for you.
“But you have yet to tell me,” Silco continued, giving another lazy thrust that made you squirm down onto him more firmly. “How does she look?” 
“Needy. Hot. Desperate. Sexy,” Sevika said with a hum. Her attention was still between your legs as she scattered adjectives through the conversation. She played idly with you and - if you were to guess from his low growl - with Silco as well. Her fingers pulled you wider, as if testing how far your folds would spread. “The only way she’ll look better is dripping with cum, too fucked-out to move.”
You were listening intently to her, but a sound in the room made it hard to focus. It was only when they both chuckled that you realized the sound was a whine, coming from between your own parted lips.
“I can think of something else that may be better still,” Silco mused. His voice sounded teasing, but he didn’t continue. The silence felt heavy, weighed down with expectation and more than a hint of anticipation. 
Silco’s hand smoothed over your temple, making you twitch with surprise. You glanced up to find him watching you. “What do you think, pet? Shall we invite Sevika to join us?” 
Your mouth went dry. You didn’t want to risk trying and failing to speak, so you settled for a fervent nod. Silco’s lips curled as he glanced behind you. There was a knowing light glowing in his mismatched eyes, but they were aimed at Sevika, not you. 
“Where do you want me?” Even Sevika’s low voice and brusque tone couldn’t disguise her interest. There was a stab of satisfaction in your gut - you may have been needy, but she wasn't as unaffected as she wanted to seem. 
"Hmm…" Silco drawled, tracing circles on your skin that made you shiver. "If we truly want to ruin her, there would seem to be an obvious choice." 
His touch lifted your chin once more, pulling your touch-drunk gaze toward his. With that orange eye burning deep into your mind and soul, Silco asked, "Shall Sevika and I share you? Take you at the same time?" 
You nodded again, but Silco stared harder. "And has your lovely rear ever taken anything before?" 
Feeling inexplicably disappointed in yourself and your past sexual partners, you slowly shook your head. 
"And would you like to try?" 
Your eyes snapped back to Silco's face, core throbbing. "Yes, I would." 
Silco's lips curled into a pleased and slightly predatory smile. 
Behind you, Sevika barked a laugh. "She can still speak." The chill of metal fingers against the side of your face made your eyes flutter closed. "We'll fix that." 
"Get harnessed," Silco ordered, and Sevika's artificial touch disappeared from you. "Use the smallest toy. I want her ruined, not destroyed." 
Even as your body gave a throb, clearly of the opinion that it wouldn't mind either way, Sevika said, "I’ll get ready. You keep doing what you were doing."
Silco took her at her word. He started slow, guiding your hips up and down on his length. When you had found the right combination of movements on your part and the right amount of Silco thrusting into you from below, your pace naturally built back to where it had been before. 
The sound of your panting breaths filled the room, pairing chaotically with the sounds of sex. You had almost forgotten about Sevika entirely in the sprint toward your impending orgasm. But Silco stopped you with a steady press of fingers against your hips, his attention moving to something behind you. When he gave an approving smile, you glanced back as well. 
Sevika was standing behind you, baring more skin than you could remember seeing her display. Her muscular arms were on full show, leading up to broad, strong shoulders. She was wearing a black breastband, but it could hardly contain the rounded swells of her breasts and your mouth watered at the idea of seeing them without any cover at all. Her abdomen was taut, a hint of muscle definition casting shadows on the flat expanse of her stomach. There was a suggestion of a rounded lower belly that made you itch to touch Sevika’s dusky skin, but that bit of softness was covered by a pair of black, form-fitting boxers. 
When your eyes finally fell between Sevika’s legs, you could see that the boxers doubled as a harness. The toy held in place by the boxers was also black, and you struggled to pick out its edges against the darkness of the background. Sevika helped you - perhaps inadvertently - as she worked the short shaft, coating it with shining lube. 
You watched her fist the toy, laying a thick coat of slippery gel over the surface. Your mouth was dry, but you did your best to pretend that you weren’t utterly entranced by the sight. 
Silco gave a rumbling laugh, and it buzzed pleasantly through you. “Like what you see, pet? Do you think you can take her?” 
Sevika smirked at you, hand spreading open between the toy and the boxers so you could see it more clearly. It was… smaller than expected. 
“That’s it?” you asked, cringing at yourself a moment later. 
Sevika laughed out loud. “For your first time? It’s plenty, trust me. Anything bigger and we really would destroy you.” 
You smiled back, but Silco was already moving on. “Sevika is going to prepare you. I want your eyes on me.” 
When you turned back to face the man beneath you, Silco nodded slowly. “One moment.” 
Silco’s hands were firm around your hips. He used the leverage of them to spear himself as far into you as he could get, pressing deep and deeper until there wasn’t a fraction of space between your pelvis and his. Your mouth had fallen open somewhere along the line as you dealt with the flood of sensations, but he wasn’t done. 
His palms slid up either side of your spine, pulling you forward until you were lying flat against him again, your breasts crushed to his chest and his length shifting oddly inside of you. You weren’t sure what look you were wearing when you stared down at him from inches away, but the pupil of Silco’s green eye was blown wide and you thought you would drown in the darkness of it. 
Sevika’s touch made you jump just a bit, but it was enough to pull you free of the trap in Silco’s gaze. She must have been touching you with her metal arm, since her hand was cool and firm against you. She found the place where your spine met your ass, the spot where the sway of your spine rose past your tailbone and into the swell of your hips. 
When her hand was on that anchoring spot, Sevika pressed down. It wasn’t painful, even with the unyielding metal of her replacement arm. However, it did lock you in place against Silco, holding you steady even when you tried to squirm at the feeling of him inside of you. 
The feeling of warm, slippery fingers came a moment later - hardly a surprise, even as a gasp fought to escape you. That touch traveled closer and closer to the center of your ass, working its way toward that secret place hidden between your lower cheeks. 
She quickly found your rear entrance and pressed a finger against it. You made an inhuman sound at the firm touch even as you fought to wiggle your hips closer. When her hand on you and Silco’s anchoring grip made that impossible, you settled for arching your back to give her better access. 
Sevika laughed, and the sound warmed your face. “Responsive. I like her already.” 
“Just wait,” Silco told her lazily. “She’s the best I’ve had in some time. Not overly chatty, either.” 
“Just the way you like ‘em,” Sevika remarked. Her fingers playing against the small of your back made you shudder - or perhaps that was the way her other hand was poised and ready to breach you. When Sevika spoke again, her voice was closer to you, as if she had leaned in. “Don’t worry, we’ll get some sounds outta you either way.” 
Somehow, you managed a halfway sexy laugh. "Promises, promises." 
A firm slap to your ass took your breath away. It was a good spank, but it also forced you further into Silco's cock and ground your clit against his pelvis. 
"Sevika," Silco's voice lashed lowly through the room. "Enough teasing." 
As if to prove his own point, Silco used his grip on your hips to pull you up off of him and slam you back down. The suddenness of it made it all the more intense, and you started riding him without any further prompting.
"We'll start you off slowly," Silco said, offering a nod past you. 
A cool drop of liquid landed just above the crack of your ass, sliding slowly downward. The first drop was followed by another and another, until the slippery gel had started working its way down to your heated core. 
Searching fingers slipped between your cheeks and you tensed reflexively. Sevika's voice was low and close as she said, "Relax."
That wasn't going to happen any time soon, not with her touching what she was getting ready to, but you made an effort anyway. The tension drained slowly from your muscles, and you were so focused that you hadn't noticed the way Silco had stopped moving again.
His hands traveled upward to splay across your back once more, holding you steady as one of Sevika's fingers found your rear entrance and began to press against it. 
Your vision seemed to dim. Not from the sensation itself - though that was certainly a source of interest - but because you were concentrating so hard on the way it felt that you weren’t fully using your eyes anymore. Beyond a vague recognition that Silco was watching you closely, all of your focus was on something you couldn’t see. 
With the lube that was coating you, Sevika’s finger provided almost no friction. If not for the press of her knuckles against the softness of your cheeks, you would hardly know what she was doing. Her finger was equally slick (you suspected it had been coated with a fresh sheen of lubrication), but far more noticeable with the way it pressed against you. 
Your entrance braced against the intrusion, fighting to keep it out. As the pressure increased against you, you drew tighter and tighter. Silco made a surprised noise at the way your inner muscles squeezed around him. It was quiet, but just enough to distract you. You relaxed as you glanced at Silco, and that was all it took for Sevika’s finger to breach you. 
Naturally, you tensed. It was an unfamiliar sensation. Not uncomfortable, but different in a way that stole your focus. That ring of muscle seemed to stretch impossibly wide around the invader, and that feeling only grew as more and more of her finger sank into you. 
“You’re a fool not to take her ass yourself,” Sevika informed Silco. “She’s gonna be perfect.”
“Perhaps I consider the privilege a reward for your excellent work,” Silco countered. “Besides, she is strangling my cock now. I think this will prove pleasurable for both of us. And even more so for our lovely guest.” 
Sevika hummed in agreement, the fingers of her free hand dancing over the small of your back. “If she can walk after this, we haven’t done enough.” 
With a twisting motion, Sevika curled her finger all the way into you, stopping only when her knuckles were pressing against the cheeks of your ass. The noise you made was short and sharp, an audible expression of your pleasure. 
“Are her eyes crossing yet?” Sevika asked. 
Silco caught your chin between his thumb and forefinger, carefully turning your face from side to side. “I do not believe so, but we have plenty of time. Sevika will keep her finger in you, pet, while we resume our activities. I want you used to taking something in two places at once before we start in earnest.” 
It wasn’t a question - no part of it had been, but you nodded anyway. Silco grabbed your hips again, guiding you in a new rhythm. He stayed deep inside of you, his tip never quite leaving your core even as he thrust. You picked up the pattern and started to follow it eagerly. There was a different dimension to the pleasure with something in your ass. 
Sevika followed your movements with her hand, keeping her finger buried in you. It spurred you on, adding spice to every thrust as you adjusted to being stretched in two places. 
A warmth at your back warned that Sevika was leaning in again. “Let’s take him apart.”
Your movements stuttered when her finger started to move inside of you, but she didn’t start to fuck you with it. Instead, she curled the digit, timing each curl perfectly to catch Silco’s tip at every thrust.
Silco’s brows furrowed, a harsh curse leaving him. He picked up speed when yours faltered, holding the rhythm even when you were completely distracted by the feeling of Sevika pressing against the thin wall that separated her from Silco. 
At last - and long after your brain had melted entirely - Silco seemed to have had enough. With his chipped teeth bared, he hissed, “Sevika. Take her.” 
The abrupt feeling of Sevika’s finger sliding from you made you gasp. She and Silco both chuckled, though Silco’s voice sounded a little strained. 
“Ready?” Sevika asked, ducking forward so you could see her without straining your neck. Her eyes seemed even darker, excitement sharpening her features. You could only nod in silent agreement. 
Her hands pressed you forward against Silco’s chest once more. You felt them travel down slowly, teasing where you and the chem baron were joined. Her touch dipped briefly lower and Silco cursed again. “Focus, Sevika.” 
As if enticing her to do exactly that, Silco grabbed as much of your ass as he could possibly hold, spreading your cheeks wide as your face went hot. Sevika’s hastily stifled groan eased your embarrassment, but your breathing had picked up and you were fighting not to push back toward her. 
A metal hand against the base of your spine drew your attention from your own eagerness for a moment. “Keep relaxed for me,” Sevika urged. 
It was an impossible thing to ask, but you did your best as she placed the tip of her toy against your ass. You felt your eyes widen as she started to push into you. 
You had seen the toy. It was small, almost laughably so. But now, it felt immense against your rear entrance. As it started to spear into you, it seemed to stretch you impossibly wide. The intrusion burned slightly, even with the generous amounts of lube that coated both you and the toy, and you would have shifted away from it if Silco weren’t holding you so tightly. 
Your mouth opened, ready to call things off and walk away, but there was a slight popping sensation that made you jolt. “Head’s in.” 
Sevika’s explanation answered your unasked question, but you couldn’t acknowledge her verbally. The steady slide of the toy into you was smooth and inevitable, your body letting it in with minimal struggle. 
The firm press of her boxer-clad hips against your ass made you jump again, but Sevika’s hands smoothed down your sides. “Doin’ good for me, pretty girl. We’re gonna stay like this for a minute.” 
You nodded, agreeing to yet another thing that hadn’t truly been a question. Slowly, Silco urged you to sit upright on him. You winced at the feeling of being stretched in two places, but it wasn’t painful. Silco wasn’t a small man and it was always odd to move this way with someone inside of you. Sevika’s toy was small, but it was odd and different enough to make you double-check every sensation to see whether it was good or bad. 
Sevika started things, gently massaging your breasts from behind. Her touch was gentle but insistent, bringing your body back to eagerness. Silco joined in soon afterward, focusing his attention between your legs. His nimble fingers teased your folds around where he was speared and further back, but most of his attention was fixed on your clit. 
Your lips parted as your breathing picked up. Silco and Sevika’s motions synced up, and Sevika’s fingers rolled your nipple just as Silco gave your clit a firm rub. You moaned aloud, head tipping forward in time to see a smirk spread over Silco’s face. 
“It sounds as if our pet is ready to be fucked,” he remarked conversationally to Sevika. “Shall we?” 
“Hmm…” Sevika hedged, rolling her hips against your ass as she thought. The motion knocked you off-balance, pushing you forward along Silco’s cock and spearing you back onto both of them when you corrected your position. You let out a plaintive sound. “How can I resist when she sounds like that?”
“Are you ready?” Silco asked, grabbing your chin once more. 
That grip kept you from nodding. With your three functional brain cells, you managed, “Yes. Please.”
“Please,” Sevika repeated, amused. “You don’t have to beg. Yet.” 
And then they started to move. The first few thrusts were disjoined, leaving you tossed back and forth between them like a toy boat in a storm. But they found a devastating rhythm soon enough. Silco pumped in and out of you, using his length to best advantage. Sevika had less of a shaft to work with, but she focused her energy on giving a little swivel of her hips with every stroke. The combination was lethal. 
It seemed that you had just started when your body tightened. Tension was screaming through every muscle, warning that you were only moments away from utterly imploding. 
“I- I’m–” you stammered, someone taking the words from your lips before you could get any further than a single word into your warning. 
“We know,” Silco said, smugness written across his face. 
“Surprised you made it this long,” Sevika agreed. 
You decided that the best revenge would be to come. Your body wasn’t waiting for permission from your brain, but the timing was great - no sooner had you made your decision than every muscle in your body locked down. 
Colors burst behind your eyes as the most intense orgasm you’d ever had roared through you. You had always imagined going through a hex-gate would be like that: an all-encompassing experience that robbed you of every sense until you were through. Of course, if the hex-gates felt anywhere near as amazing as it did to come on Silco and Sevika’s cocks, you would understand the exorbitant prices for passage. 
If not for Silco’s hands on your hips and Sevika’s arms around your torso, you would have stopped moving entirely, other than to collapse forward. Somehow, they kept you upright, even when they edged you toward overstimulation. 
Silco let out a low, wordless growl as he fucked up into you hard for a thrust, then two. When he was buried as far into you as he could possibly get, he came. The condom he wore kept you from feeling its heat, but his staccato pounding pushed you into a strong aftershock. 
He was almost pretty like that, you reflected, watching Silco writhe beneath you. Fierce, of course, and always imposing, but somehow pretty. Maybe it was the way his eyes flashed, or how his face narrowed even more with the intensity of his pleasure. Or maybe it was the way his jaw dropped, a helpless sound of pleasure leaving him even as his brow crinkled with irritation at his own vulnerability. 
Eventually, Silco lay slack on the bed, watching you and Sevika as his cock slowly softened inside of you. You were still pushed forward and back on him, moving slightly with Sevika’s thrusts. It felt inappropriate somehow, having your ass fucked while you were watched by the man you had started the night with. But Silco seemed unbothered, tracing lazy circles against your hips as he held you still to receive Sevika’s thrusts. 
You could come again this way, you decided idly. Anal was a slower build to orgasm than you were used to, but it was certainly more powerful when it got there. 
“Close yet?” Silco asked eventually. It could have sounded impatient or jealous, but his tone was nothing more than curious. 
“Close,” Sevika confirmed. “It’s a smaller hilt than I would have wanted.” 
“Did you choose the one that vibrates?” 
You couldn’t see Sevika’s expression, but there was something close to glee in her voice as she said, “Forgot about that, but yeah.” 
“Allow me,” Silco offered valiantly. He reached to grab something from a nearby table, and then you were too busy writhing to worry about what he was holding. 
Sevika’s toy buzzed violently in your ass, and you were choking on air at the unexpected sensation. You could only squirm with the surprise of it, but when you had regained some control of your muscles, your instincts hijacked your brain. The only thing you could do was lean forward onto hands you had planted against Silco’s chest, pulling away and thrusting yourself back onto Sevika’s toy as quickly as you could manage. 
Between your sudden eagerness and Sevika’s continued thrusting, the toy pulled free of and punched back in far more often than it had up to that point. A small, almost silent part of you recognized that the ache would be fierce the next day, but that concern was overwhelmed by the vast majority of you that insisted this was necessary. You needed to come again. If you didn’t, you would die. 
At last, Sevika gave a sharp, staccato cry and buried her face in your neck. The flexing of her hips buried the toy as far inside of you as it could get. The buzzing brought you to a small but powerful second orgasm. You reveled in every second of it, even as Silco turned off the toy’s vibrations and soreness immediately set in. 
Sevika pulled out of you, and the resulting motion of your hips allowed Silco to slide free as well. You collapsed on the surface of the bed, your fall cushioned by blankets and the arms of the two strangers you’d had sex with.
They started a low conversation above you as you throbbed and basked in the afterglow. Either they were speaking too quietly for you to hear or your brain wasn’t quite capable of processing speech yet. Either way, you were largely left to your own thoughts. 
You hadn’t watched Sevika come. That was the only part of the experience you regretted. Silco was beautiful when he came, and you were willing to bet that Sevika had been the same. Unfortunately, she had been behind you and there were no mirrors that you could see. You felt cheated, almost, robbed of the chance to see a strong, stunning woman brought to her knees with pleasure from your body. 
But you couldn’t truly complain. The rest of the night had been incredible. Silco truly deserved to have so many people talking about his talents in the bedroom. If he had orchestrated the whole scenario - and you strongly suspected that he had - he was both a master manipulator and someone with a keen need for pleasure. 
Yes, if you were only going to get one chance at this, you were satisfied in how things had played out. And you had been with both Silco and Sevika! Two of the most dangerous people in the Undercity had let you share their bed, and they had cared enough about your pleasure to be sure that you came twice. 
Now, you had your own story to share… but you didn’t think you would. This felt like something to keep quiet and close, to treasure for the rest of your life. And, of course, to get off to when you were feeling particularly lonely or needy. 
“Is she wrecked enough for your tastes?” 
Silco’s quiet question was the first thing you had understood in quite some time, and you realized with a start that he was talking about you.
“Mmhmm,” Sevika hummed, sounding wickedly satisfied. “Look at her.” 
Since they were sitting at the right angle to be staring at your sensitive core, you didn’t bother to keep your eyes open. You were tempted to be shy, but sleep was calling louder and louder. They had made a mess of you, after all. They could look at that mess if they liked. 
“I would like to try her mouth next time,” Silco added, almost absently. 
Sevika let out a short laugh. “Works for me. I wanna bury my tongue in that pussy until she’s sobbing.” 
“We’ll have to do this again soon,” Silco agreed. 
You could hardly believe your ears, but even your excitement couldn’t keep you awake. You faded into soft and filthy dreams, the words ‘next time’ echoing in your ears as you went.
Author's Note - The reader character does and says a lot less than I'm used to writing, so my apologies for that. Honestly, this was fueled by scraps of a weird dream after I had too much wine one night. My excuse is that it was a very overwhelming dream for an ace-spectrum writer, so I just got it all down on paper as soon as I could!
Thanks for reading!
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jennithejester · 2 years
The Shadow of Zaun - Act I - Chapter 3: Proving Grounds 
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Chapter Word Count: 9.058
Rating: Explicit (eventual SMUT, darlings)
Warnings: Violence
Summary: Born of two different worlds and raised by the Lanes, you rise from the ashes and runoff of Piltover to become the Shadow of Zaun. Fanfic will have two acts, with an “intermission” chapter, that will span before and after the bridge incident between the brothers of Zaun. The whole cast of characters within the show will eventually make an appearance. Eventual SMUT, thus the rating now, kids.
Relationships: Silco x F!Reader
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41675289/chapters/106898832
PS looking for a few good beta readers if you’re game.
I've been here before, But always hit the floor. I've spent a lifetime running, And I always get away. But with you, I'm feeling something. That makes me want to stay. “Writing’s on the Wall” – Sam Keith
The next morning you awoke disoriented, in pain, and alone.  As you sat up and palmed across the side of the bed where your former sleep mate had been you’d wondered where he’d gone off to, not that he had to appraise you of his whereabouts.  For crying out loud, you’d thought, you barely know the man and here you’re feeling…
What was it you were feeling, you asked yourself, as you stood up a bit gingerly and was surprised to see something fall off you and onto the floor. When you bent in an awkward manner, mindful of your stitches, to retrieve what looked to be a folded scrap of paper that you opened and began to read, you realized with a slight pang exactly what it was you were feeling:
Disappointment and perhaps…loneliness, if you were being honest with yourself. You made a disgusted frown. Sure, you were a bit contact-starved from living alone for so long, but for Janna’s sake, you shouldn’t start latching onto the first person that held a conversation with you. Sure, he’d help patch you up and wasn’t bad to look at, even with that beak of a nose of his that you might find a bit adorable, but that wasn’t a reason to start fawning over him.
“You are quite possibly the saddest excuse for a human being that walked the Lanes,” you mumbled to yourself as your fingers traced over the surprisingly fancy penmanship of Silco’s that adorned the paper and read it in its entirety. You didn’t think you’d ever seen your name look so elegant.
Went to talk with Vander. Meet me back at the bar and take your time to rest and clean up. Silco
You smirked at the elegant look of the message as you began to wonder if Silco was born of the Lanes at all. With his way of speaking as well as his apparent skills with the pen, if you didn’t know any better (and you didn’t) you’d swear he was born in Piltover and had received only the best education possible. As you made your way to his washroom, you’d eyed the many books piled about the room and in glancing at their titles alone, your suspicions about his being educated in a more formal sense only mounted. Subjects were things such as history, geography, science, and only a rare few fictional works that seemed to have an overwhelming nautical theme.
“Huh, not one naughty novel or anything fluffy? So boring, you are, Silco,” talking to yourself again as you spied a clean, but well-worn, towel and washcloth that had been laid out presumably for you in the small washroom you entered. The door to the room wouldn’t even open the entire way due to where the sink was placed and the shower within was barely big enough for one person to fit into. You began to remove your clothes, careful to not undo the stitching that adorned your front. Looking into the small, oxidized, and somewhat cracked mirror above the sink, you debated whether or not undoing all the gauze and jumping in the shower was smart. 
Admittedly, you looked a fright as your mess of a reflection stared back at you. The kohl around your red, tired eyes showed the track lines of some of the tears that had escaped in pain as you’d been sewn up. The black lipstick, once neatly painted upon your lips, was smeared sideways across your mouth. Memories of some of the clowns that entertain children at festivals came to mind and you huffed a laugh at yourself. 
“A monumental first impression,” you muttered with a sigh as you grabbed the washcloth, bar of soap, and resigned to use the sink to bathe everything around the areas bandaged and leave the dressing as is in order to heal more. Once finished with cleansing your skin, you had the unfortunate dilemma of your hair to deal with. The rats’ nest atop your head that held the fuzzy, long braid that came out of it gave off the impression that you might be feral, at best. Turning around, you eyed the shower and the bar handles that adorned the side walls within and had an idea. You removed the blade that adorned the end of your braid, unraveled it, and finger-brushed it a bit before turning on the shower. After waiting for a few moments to see if the water would warm (it didn’t), you then proceed to turn backwards, still naked aside from the bandage across your torso, and hold onto either railing to allow for your head to fall beneath the water to at least rinse out your hair.
After a long while of letting the cold water run over your scalp, to your absolute shock and horror, you felt a pair of arms come under you and lift you up as you let out an undignified squeak and flailed.
“You’re going to slip and break your neck doing that,” Silco scolded you as you frantically tried to right yourself to a standing position out of his arms, sliding on the floor a bit, and just ending up falling further into his grasp.
“You said you’d meet me at the bar! You said take my time getting ready! What the fuck are you doing in here?! Put me down!” you yell at him as he returned you to your feet.
Silco and you both then stare at each other for a few moments before the realization that you were still quite naked seemed to dawn on you both simultaneously, causing his eyes to widen before he spun around with his back to you, as you squeaked again, and grabbed for the towel. Wrapping the towel around your waist, since your top half was covered with the bandage, you then began to braid your hair back into the singular braid as you waited for him to answer. 
Silco seemed to take a second before he responded in a wry tone, his back still to you, “Yes, I said I’d meet you at the bar and, yes, I said to take your time. I didn’t realize you’d be in here until late afternoon and when I’d not heard anything out of you, I merely came to check on you. Speaking of which you’re very lucky I did, seeing that your recklessness blends into everyday life, apparently. Lastly, this is my room so I do have every right to be in here.”
Late afternoon? Fantastic, I’ve now probably missed my window with his damned brother.
“I—“ you began to retort and whatever words you were going to say died on your lips. Silco wasn’t wrong you were just surprised and notably should have probably also closed the door to the bathroom.
“Are you decent yet so I can at least turn around and we can speak like normal people?” he asked in a voice that gave the hint he was smiling through his words.
“Neither of us are normal, but yes, I’m decent,” you said and he turns around in the doorway and leans against it and crosses his arms.
Silco takes an agonizing minute as his eyes rake over you, from head to toe, and you take a step backwards into the wall behind you, without thinking. He then has the audacity to walk closer to you before coming up and reaching out and you hold your breath. A small knowing grin touches his features as he seemed to delight a bit in invading your personal space, making you squirm, and pretended to examine the bandage around your mid-section, his fingers ghosting along the edges of the bandage in spots.
“Looks like this held up since last night well. Doesn’t seem that you ripped out any of the stitches, so that’s good.”
“Wouldn’t want to ruin your handiwork.”
“No, that would be a shame if I had to have you strip again. Not that I’m complaining about the view,” he said as his grin goes wide and he winks before he turns around to leave the bathroom, leaving you standing there with your mouth agape.
“Bastard,” you call in a sing-song voice to him in the other room as you hear him laugh and the squeak of bed as he presumably sat upon it.
“Hurry up and get dressed. Vander is waiting for our little talk,” he called from the other room as you began to put your clothes back on which included his shirt from the night before. You finished braiding the long plait and wove the blade back into its end before taking one last look into the mirror at yourself. You adjusted his shirt, that was indeed big on you, to hang off one shoulder a bit and then proceeded to walk out into the living area. While he had been seated upon the bed, waiting; Silco stood upon you entering the room.
“I thought you boys had something to attend to this afternoon? Sounded important,” you began as he moved towards the door.
“I convinced Vander that we could use that little excursion as your first test,” Silco said as he opened the door for you and motioned for you to exit.
“As long as it doesn’t involve scaling walls and roof tops I’d inevitably slide down the wrong way,” you remarked sarcastically as he gave you a side glance as you grinned and he rolled his eyes at you. You followed him back down the hallway that you knew led to the bar. “In all seriousness, I’m certain this is going to take a bit to heal, mostly cause of where its located.”
“I’m sure,” he began and then stopped suddenly in his tracks an turned as you nearly rammed into him. “Are you still in a lot of pain?” He asked in all seriousness.
“I’ll live.”
“They’re old, so I know they weren’t that effective, but we can likely scrounge up a few more painkillers if you feel that would help,” he said as his hand motioned as if he was going to reach out to you before he fisted it and lowered it back down.
“I’m fine. Or I will be. Thank you, though. Maybe I’ll hit you up for some before I head home this evening tho, but I’m fine for now.”
You didn’t miss how his face fell a bit when you mentioned leaving before he nodded and turned back to leading you to the main bar area. Just as the evening prior, Vander was behind the bar slinging drinks to the patrons of The Last Drop. Even though you’d slept into the afternoon, it was still a bit early for the denizens of Zaun to pack into the popular bar, so only a couple stragglers were sitting at the tables within. Silco motioned for you to have a seat up to the bar as he did so himself. You began to sit, but then thought better of it due to your stitches and merely leaned against the bar top.
“What’ll it be?” Vander said as he noticeably eyed your neck where a light bruise from his hand had formed. “It’s on the house.”
“Well, in that case, one finger of your best whiskey, sir,” you said in your best Piltie accent with a wink as both Vander and Silco rolled their collective eyes at you.
“You’ll need a double for what we’ve got to discuss,” Vander said with a bit of foreboding as he set the glass in front of you with twice the amount of liquor you’d requested in it. “As I think Sil had already mentioned to ya, he and I had a bit of business down at the docks we needed to take care of. Apparently, he thinks you’ve got enough worth to go ahead and test you out today.”
“So, what sort of business are we talking about here, boys? A little arms dealing, petty theft, extortion—“
“Intel,” Silco cut you off before you could continue your list.
“That sounds rather dull. In my experience, intelligence gathering is also better performed by one person, not three,” you said as you took a long drink of whiskey and relished the burn on your throat as it went down and began to warm you from inside to out. “This is rather nice. Thank you.”
“Well, well. The lady has manners,” Vander quipped before you pointed your finger at him with the hand that still held the tumbler.
“I’m no lady, so let’s put that rumor to bed before it starts. I have a reputation to uphold. Really, the audacity,” you said, laced with sarcasm as Vander grinned and laughed.
“Now that you’re involved, it won’t be three of us. Still just two,” Silco cut in with a level of seriousness that deflated the banter between you and Vander. Silco give Vander a seething glance as his jaw muscle ticked, which Vander didn’t see. Was he angry at him?
Or jealous? Your mind filled in and you audibly let out a noise before speaking aloud, “Not bloody likely, you idiot.”
Both men just stared at you believing your words were potentially for either or the both of them. You really needed to get this talking to yourself under better control.
“Sorry. Talking to myself, again,” you said through a sheepish smile and then promptly drained your glass dry and put it back down on the bar top with a bit more force than needed.
Silco and Vander gave each other a glance and seemed to communicate with only that for a moment before continuing.
“Since Sil spoke for ya, he’ll be the one responsible for ya on this run,” Vander started before his grin returned and he leaned forward on the bar, placing himself a bit between you and Silco and he poured you a refill of your drink. “I’ve got dibs on the next run though, lass, if you do well.”
“I’ll look forward to it,” you say back as you begin to grin but it dies on your mouth as you again catch the glance from Silco at Vander from over the big man’s shoulder. He was fuming and you watched him grip his own drink tight enough that his knuckles ran white. You quickly changed the mood of the conversation to distract him with business, “So explain what exactly you and I are to do here, Silco. Or should I call you ‘Sil’, now that we’re all good friends?”
“Silco is fine for you,” Silco stated as he visibility relaxed a bit again after a last lingering glance to Vander. “We are to spy on the Enforcers that have almost tripled their guard at this particular area lately for no good reason.”
“If they’ve tripled their guard, there has to be a good reason,” you added as both men nodded in agreement before Silco continued.
“Precisely. We suspect it’s shipments being brought in from Ionia, potentially for something they’ve only recently began working on,” Silco began before taking a sip of his drink, lit a cigarette, and took a long pull of it before exhaling and continuing. “From everything we’ve gathered, we’ve learned they may be building some form of a defense mechanism or potentially a weapon, the stories we’ve heard are frustratingly conflicting.”
Vander placed his hand over Silco’s forearm and looked around in alarm before narrowing his glance on his brother-in-arms, “A bit louder, Sil, I don’t think the neighbors down the street heard you talkin’ about Piltover’s possible secrets.”
Silco rolled his eyes and removed Vander’s hand from his arm, “Please, while I know my voice carries, I’m certain the only ones within earshot here are loyalists to the cause, Vander. But thank you, mother, I’ll keep it in mind.”
Vander tutted before you spoke, “Defense mechanism or weapon, eh? And if it’s coming in from Ionia, I’d thought you’d said the docks? Ionian shipments only come to bay at the airship port.”
“Docks, port, eh, all the same,” Vander shrugged before someone seated at one of the tables at the far end of the room made a signal for another drink. “Excuse me. I’ll be right back.”
Silco let out a long sigh before taking another drag from his cigarette which you made no effort to hide your longing for one, “You and I both know when it comes to subterfuge, a dock and an airship port is definitely not the same. It’s the airship ports we’re discussing here, sweetheart. Honestly, I’m almost glad you’re coming with me on this one rather than Vander. He tends to forget how big he is, at times, and I’d need more than two hands to count the number of times we’ve been found out because of that.”
You both laughed a bit at that and Silco pulled another fresh cigarette from his pocket and offered it to you.
“I probably shouldn’t. At least until I can visit the old man to get a stronger dose in order,” you said as you licked your lips a bit in want and he shrugged and put the fresh one away.
“Likely a wise decision. You can just sit there and absorb second hand,” he said as he exhaled a few smoke rings upward in a a bit of a show.
“Such a gentleman.”
“Now there’s something I’ve never been called.”
“So you’re saying I’m setting myself up for unrealistic expectations, eh? Pity. And here I thought with all that fancy talk surely I’d had you dead to rites,” you smirked over your glass before you took another sip.
“Fancy talk?”
“You do know you talk like a damned Piltie, right?” You asked and he actually gave you a look of surprise. “Surely you realize that?”
“I’m not sure what you’re suggesting,” he began as he finished his drink and then ashed out his spent cigarette in the empty glass. “Just because I don’t speak like a heathen, doesn’t mean I’m one of them.”
“So you’re not from there? Not some sad tale of a rich boy raised in the city that did something horrible that had him disowned and banished to the Lanes to live the life of a Trencher?”
Silco began to laugh wholeheartedly at the story you’d concocted for him, “No. Nothing that sordid. I merely educated myself in an attempt to spite them.”
You gave him an appreciative smile and joined his laughter for a bit. That revelation made perfect sense with what little you still knew about Silco. It also explained the books you’d spied within his room. It was actually admirable that he’d gone to those lengths, especially out of spite, you thought, as you chuckled once again to yourself. It was then that Vander came up to stand aside the both of you and placed his hands on either of your shoulders.
“I miss something?” He asked with a grin at the laughter.
“Apparently,” Silco began with a bit more of an air than normal to his voice. “I’m from Piltover, Vander. Can you believe it?”
Vander chuckled and patted Silco on the shoulder before moving back behind the bar, “Get ta know him better. You’ll change that tune right quick.”
The three of you chuckled a bit before Vander’s face turned serious again, “Ya fill ‘er in on what the job is, Sil?”
Silco lit the other cigarette he’d previously offered you and took a long drag from it before responding, “A little. I’ve not gotten around to explaining the bit about what they may be building and what we’re truly looking to learn while there.”
Both you and Vander then gave Silco an expectant look when he paused as he took a sip of his drink and then continued.
“You asked about the item of defense or weapon,” Silco began as you nodded and slid a bit closer to where he was standing as Vander leaned in across the bar. “From all reports we’ve been able to patch together, Piltover, or rather someone from their academy, has potentially learned of a rare metal that could be used for a variety of things and both uses for armoring the guards as well as enhanced weaponry have been mentioned in reports. With this knowledge, there’s talk of increased trade with other realms within Runeterra, potentially adding to their already overly lucrative endeavors that the council has been running. I swear they do more dirty dealings than we do in the Undercity.”
Your eyes grew wide, “Has this been confirmed? Opening up trade like that would exponentially empower Piltover even more so than they are now? How would we ever keep up?”
“Calm down, we’ve not confirmed anything yet and that’s why were going to spy on them a bit. It will allow us to figure out what all this secrecy with their cargo has been as of late so we can piece together what is actually going on.”
“Regardless of whatever its use turns out to be—something like this, gentlemen, is not something that’s to be trifled with. That’s a hell of a lot of power you’re talking about and I’m not just talking about the trade and financial gains from this, if this all pans out. That would be just the start,” you said as you finished your drink quickly and felt your entire being buzz with warmth.
“Which is precisely why we’re going there to find out. If they do have something like this, and that’s a big ‘if’, then two can play at that game. We can get our hands on whatever this is and have our own people break it down, weaponize it, use it against—“
“Silco,” Vander cut him off as he slammed a glass he’d been cleaning down on the bar top loudly, “how many times have we talked about this? We are not weaponizing anything of the sort. I don’t want to hear talk like that again outta ya. We’re not starting a war down here in the Lanes and that’s final.”
“We’re already at war or weren’t you paying attention?” You ask bluntly as both men pause at your words. “Oh, I see. You weren’t.”
Silco says your name in warning, “Explain yourself.”
You swallowed, wishing you hadn’t drained your drink so quickly as the tale you began to lay out seemed to sober you up as you spoke, “The Lanes have been restless for a while. This hasn’t gone unnoticed by the guard, let alone the council. More and more restrictions are being placed upon those that live below. The other day I overheard they were contemplating enforcing a curfew to halt all traffic across the bridge at dusk until dawn,” the two men exchanged a look before you continued. “Zaunites are getting tired of the treatment they’re receiving and some have lashed out when confronted by Enforcers, resulting in a surge of Trenchers ending up imprisoned in Stillwater—or worse, they just go missing, never to be heard or seen from again. Within the Enforcer ranks there are some elitists that believe that Piltover is being held back by the Lanes and that eradicating us off the face of the realm would be in everyone’s best interest. Whether it’s been an outright declaration or not, war is here. Piltover’s just trying to be quiet about it.”
With that, you stopped to gauge the men in front of you and their reactions. Neither of them seemed too terribly surprised, but a grim look crossed both their faces as they once again took to a silent communication between the two of them. The atmosphere of the entire conversation shifted and any levity that the three of you had been maintaining seemed to evaporate. The weight of what was to come and how you now found yourself aligned with a group that was somewhat publicly known as being outspoken against Piltover and attempting a rebellion, you suddenly felt hit you like a ton of bricks. Alone, you’d never been a big enough threat and could maneuver without as much worry, but now…now, potentially, you had stepped into something that felt far larger that you’d originally thought through. When Vander shifted to refill your drink again, knowingly in light of things, you placed your hand over the glass to stop him.
“I probably should eat something before I have another if I’m to be in good enough shape to be of help when Silco and I go out to port,” you said in a small voice as you avoided their gazes a bit, still absorbing.
You felt Silco’s eyes analyze you for a long moment before he spoke, “I’ll swing her by Jericho’s on the way over, Vander. It’s on the way.”
Vander merely grunted in acknowledgement as he poured himself a glass and proceeded to down it in one large gulp, “Speakin’ o’which, you best get moving soon if you’re to catch the shipments before close, this evenin’.”
“Quite right,” Silco says as you still feel his eyes scrutinizing you as you stare at the empty glass in front of you. He then proceeded to finish his drink in one go and then stand and gently taps your upper arm. “Come on. We’ll head through the main strip before we take the back alleys to get to the port.”
Silco starts towards the front door of the establishment and you turn to follow when Vander comes to grab your hand before it leaves the bar top.
“Help with this and do a good job and there’s more work helpin’ the cause when ya get back. Make sure that one comes back in one piece, too, understood?” He requests of you seriously as he nods his head in Silco’s direction.
“Of course.”
“There’ll be a drink waitin’ fer ya when ya get back, as well,” he winks and you only half-smile as you remove your hand from his grasp and head towards the door where Silco had stopped to wait for you.
“What was that about?” He asked as you exited The Last Drop with him and attempted to match his long strides as he led you down to the main street within the heart of Zaun where the bazaar was that held the majority of the food vendors. You found your shorter legs had to work twice as hard to keep up with his long, brisk strides.
“He told me I needed to keep an eye on you,” you said with a wide grin as he gave you a look.
“Did he now?”
“I mean look at you. You’re a twig. Anyone could snap you in two just by looking at you funny.”
“Is that so?”
“Mmhmm,” you tease, the grin growing wider and you stuck your tongue out a bit to him.
“I’ll remember that the next time I have to save your reckless ass.”
“I’m not reckless,” you said in mock offense and Silco actually stopped, crossed his arms, and leveled you with a look. “I’m not. I’m just…overly…excitable, that’s all.”
“Passionate, maybe is a better word.”
“So you’re blaming your passion for almost getting yourself killed now twice since we met?” He asked and motioned for you to continue to follow him as you both began to near the bazaar area, the hint of music and smells of various cooked foods invading your senses.
You shrugged, “Eh.”
Silco rolled his eyes and then turned to a more serious tone with you as you both blended into the crowd in front of the vendors, “All joking aside, you really do need to watch out more for yourself. You may be used to going it alone, but if you are to join us in bringing Zaun and all its sons and daughters their freedom, you need to be more careful or you may not only get yourself hurt or killed, but you may take us down with you in the process.”
“Awe, I thought for a second there you were worried about me,” you attempted to lighten the conversation.
Unfortunately for you, Silco wasn’t in a mood to make light of anything as he turned and you ran into his chest. He grabbed your shoulders, moving you back a ways, so you’d look him square in the eye as he said your name, “Can you for one second stop joking around and listen to me? This isn’t funny. Zaun’s future depends on everyone being reliable and giving their all. You were right, back there. We’re in a volatile time between Piltover and the Lanes which means that one wrong move and the silent war you described would be silent no more and Zaun isn’t ready for that. It would be a massacre.”
“I know.”
“Then do you understand?”
“Yes. I understand. I’ll do my best to curb my reckless ways,” you said and he eyed you as if he didn’t quite believe you. “Look, I wasn’t kidding when I’d said I’d been alone for a long time. When you’re used to only being responsible to yourself then that allows a level of operating freely. I understand what I’m getting into here, Silco. Let me be perfectly clear about that and I would never do anything to jeopardize you, your brother, or anyone else that is a part of this group. I want to see a free Zaun.”
Silco’s face softened a bit as his hands slid down the side of your upper arms, “I believe you do and I believe you would do everything in your power to keep us safe. I’m asking you do the same for yourself.”
A sympathetic look crossed his face as you took in his words. Silco then took you by the hand and led you up to the counter in front of Jericho’s. Much to your amusement, it appeared when Jericho spoke a greeting to you both when you arrived, that Silco either didn’t understand him or ignored it. When you waited for Silco to order and Jericho asked him a question and Silco’s reply was completely off base, you grinned and knew. You leaned over and placed your finger across Silco’s lips to his utter surprise and annoyance before speaking in Jericho’s native tongue to him and finishing out the order for the both of you. The look on Silco’s face of utter disbelief and the broad grin from Jericho at your speaking in his native language made it all worth it.
Before Silco could even attempt to, you pulled a few coins from your pocket and set them on the counter in payment to Jericho with a wink and a thank you, again in his native tongue, as you then looked expectantly to Silco who shot you an incredulous look.
“Thank the man,” you order as you suck the meat from the shell of a piece of fish you grabbed out of the bag and lick your fingers.
Silco swallowed and attempted his best mimicking of the thank you to him that you’d previously uttered and Jericho smiled broadly.
“Well done!” you said as you slapped Silco lightly on the back in appreciation before handing him his bag of food.
“Where did you learn to speak his language?” Silco asked once you’d moved a bit out of the main crowd as he picked at his food a bit.
No wonder you’re as skinny as a beanpole.
“Just something I picked up. I speak a few languages of the folk that travel in and out of the Lanes. Got a good ear for it. Makes it easier when I need to negotiate for things,” you shrugged and finished off the remainder of the food within your bag before crumpling it up in your hand.
Silco then angled his bag towards you in offer, “I’m not terribly hungry, would you like the rest?”
“You sure about that, Twiggy?” You asked with a grin and Silco glared daggers at you and shoved the bag into your hands. His demeanor suddenly changed though as you watched the corners of his mouth twitch to hide a laugh. You suddenly became self-conscious, “What do I have something on my face?”
“Perhaps,” he said calmly with a shrug as the corners of his mouth turned up even more.
You wiped furiously at your face with the sleeve of his shirt you were wearing and his grin widened, unable to be hidden, “Damnit, Silco, just tell me where it—“
You froze as he reached forward with his finger and swiped at the corner of your mouth. Silco then made a lewd show of licking off his finger with a pop. 
“There, all better,” he said with a knowing grin before he turned to walk in the direction of the sky port. 
It may have taken an embarrassing few moments to collect your senses enough to follow him.
The sky ports were a massive construction within Piltover that allowed for the import and export of everything under the sun coming into the great city. You remembered as a child being fascinated with airships and would watch them from the rooftops sometimes in awe as they would travel in and out of port. Today, you not only found yourself crossing the bridge into Piltover, something you generally tried to avoid unless the business need absolutely left you no other choice, but also coming up close enough to see the intricate details of the ships at bay. You’d been to the port before, but never this close to the ships as there was never a need. Silco guided the both of you to duck behind a grouping of crates off to the side as you both surveyed the area so you could tell exactly what you were dealing with.
“I’d thought you’d said they’d tripled the guard,” you began in a whisper as you elbowed him in the ribs and gave him a glare.
“I did.”
“This is more than triple, Silco. What the hell is going on here?”
“Well, that’s what we’re here to find out, now isn’t it?”
You sighed through your nose and shook your head, “Fuck, I need a cigarette.”
Silco chuckled darkly right before he suddenly came alert and motioned for you to duck down further behind the crates as an Enforcer’s patrol came closer to where you both were. You winced in a bit of pain, your stitches reminding you of your injury from earlier, as you crouched down under some tarp that was lain across the crates you and Silco were behind. Silco gave you a concerned look when he caught the pain flicker across your face before he squeezed in beside you, also under the tarp as you both waited. The agony of the odd position you were in and your injuries was only deepened when you caught the whiff of tobacco smoke wafting over near you both.
The two Enforcers had come over here on a smoke break.
Of fucking course.
“How much longer do you think we’re all going to have work extra shift like this?” One of the Enforcers, a young man, asked the woman who stood beside him as he lit her cigarette for her.
“Who knows,” the woman said as she exhaled smoke. “I’m tired of this gig already, though. I didn’t sign up to babysit construction materials and equipment. Where’s the action in that, huh?”
You and Silco exchange a glance as the Enforcers continue their conversation.
“I know, right? A bunch of lumber and supplies. I mean—honestly, do they think those stupid Trenchers care about this kind of stuff enough to need this kind of a protection detail? Piltover’s building all the time, so this isn’t anything new. It’s just weird if you ask me,” the man said as he finished his cigarette and stomped it out on the ground beneath his boot.
“Well—and you didn’t hear this from me,” the woman started before she leaned over to the man’s ear to continue. “I heard its more than just building materials. I heard its jewels.”
“Jewels?!” The man asked loudly in surprise before his counterpart shushed him.
You felt Silco’s hand find your shoulder and squeeze it at the mention of the jewels.
“Shut up, you idiot! You want to get us both in trouble?” The woman started before she continued in hushed tones. “Yes, jewels. Loads of them, imported from somewhere on the outskirts of Runeterra from what I gathered. Supposed to be worth a fortune. I also heard they’re being brought to the Academy. Being used in experiments or something.”
As the two were conversing, you slowly began to open a compartment on the heel of your boot. Silco caught the movement and watched silently as his brows furrowed, wondering what you might be up to as he still listened intently to the conversation evolving in front of you both.
“Yeah, it’s still all tied to that big new academy wing their building though, supposedly. Oh, and to use against those filth trenchers, too,” the woman said as you both overheard her take a long inhale and exhale of her cigarette.
Quietly, while still keeping one eye towards where the Enforcers were at, you then slid the blade that was affixed to the end of your braid into the compartment now opened in your bootheel. Once you removed it again, being careful not to touch yourself or Silco, you then slid the compartment closed. Just as you began to lean forward to maneuver past Silco, you feel his hand clamp down on your arm in an iron grip. You look up to find his eyes staring furiously back at you as you attempt to pull your arm out of his grip to no avail.
“Pfft,” the man says. “Probably all of this is just one more fancy thing for the Council. Jewels will be someone’s window décor or something for the wing.”
“I dunno,” the woman said in a sing-song voice. “I heard it’s magic.”
You glare angrily at Silco and the two of you proceed to have a silent war between each other, mouthing words back and forth.
Let. Me. Go, you begin.
What the fuck is this?! He mouths, over-enunciating his words so you could understand without him actually needing to speak aloud. You got the point.
You shake your head at him, knowing that you’d never be able to silently convey what exactly the substance now that glazed the tip of your blade was or what you were getting ready to do. Instead, you glanced up at him, into those oceanic eyes of his and simply mouthed one word:
Silco stared at you for several long moments as you both heard the Enforcers near you chuckling at the very idea that magic was involved. When he eventually let up his grip on your arm, you nod in appreciation to him before motioning for him to stay back. You could scream with how much pain your midsection was in with the position you were in, much like a stalking cat, as you made your way to the space where to crates corners met, right behind where the two Enforcers stood. You heard Silco make a small noise of surprise as he watched you then swiftly swipe and cut at the backs of both of the Enforcers’ ankles. The two only had time to gasp before the both of them dropped in a crumpled heap to the ground. You immediately move around the outside of the crates, taking a quick look to make sure the coast was clear, and then proceed to pull one of the Enforcers back around the crates and out of view.
“Well, are you going to help me or not?” you ask as Silco spurs into action and brings the other one around the crates as well.
You then feel something cold come up under your chin as you find Silco’s dagger suddenly pressed into your throat, “I warned you about killing. What the hell were you thinking?”
“They’re not dead, you idiot. Now get that thing off my neck before I use my blade on you as well,” you ordered and glared at him as you made sure you saw you had your blade now pointed towards his forearm.
“If they’re not dead then what is this that I’m looking at?” he asked as he removed his dagger but kept it in hand.
“It’s a paralytic toxin of my own design,” you begin as you then wipe your blade on your trousers before then proceeding to start to strip off the woman’s uniform. “Hurry up. This will only give us about an hour before they wake up and alert others. It will give us enough time to slip into their uniforms so we can get a closer look at things.”
Silco curses under his breath and runs his hand back through his hair in frustration before setting into action to remove the uniform from the man in front of him. With only the sounds of shuffling of clothes and buckles surrounding you, the two of you wordlessly manage to get the uniforms removed. As you pulled his shirt off over your head, you heard Silco utter your name softly, but with some urgency, getting your attention. You followed his eyes to your torso where there was a light line of red down the center of the bandaged area. 
Shaking your head, you sighed, “Looks like the big one didn’t hold up.”
Silco reaches for you, as if he was getting ready to check the stitches and says your name before you grabbed his hand and stopped him.
“We don’t have time. I’ll be fine.”
“You are certain?” he began as he pulled his own shirt over his head to remove it and you got a full view of lean muscle, scars, and long lines.
Suddenly your throat was dry.  “Y-Yes. I’m fine. Let’s just get this over with,” you stammered a bit, distracted by seeing so very much of his skin, before you pointedly look away to finish dressing.
You took the pack that the woman was wearing and stuffed yours and Silco’s old clothes into it once you both were dressed.   Slinging it over both your shoulders you reached down to pull from your own boots that you still wore, your nebulizer. After giving it a good shake for several seconds, you inhaled deeply and waiting to feel your lungs open a bit.
“That going to be a problem?” Silco asked as he noticed him place the hat of the uniform upon his brow.
“Nope. That’s why I’m getting ahead of things and taking a dose before we set out to play pretend,” you say with a grin as you then looked over to him…and proceeded to snort a laugh.
Never in all your days had you seen a more ridiculous sight than Silco’s long, wavy hair spilling out madly beneath the hat that had been rammed over it atop his head.
“What?” he asked, offended.
You shook your head and walked over behind him, “Nothing, but if I had a camera right now, you’d never in a million years be able live down this moment. Especially if I showed Vander the picture. Come here, let me fix this in a bit more proper fashion so you don’t look like a wild beast in Piltoverian clothing.”
Silco held his head back a bit as you pulled one of the bands from your braid off and used it to pull his hair into a low ponytail before placing the hat back upon his head.
He turned around and spun in a circle with his hands wide for you to look him over, “Satisfied?”
“Hmm. I’m not sure if that’s the word I’d use, but you look presentable now, so yes,” you said with a wink before grabbing one of the Enforcer’s rifles and slinging into place within the pack on your back. “Shall we?”
Silco grabbed the other rifle and slung the strap of it over his shoulder as he came up to walk beside you and you made your way deeper into the port together, attempting to blend in. 
“So you’d say your not satisfied?” Silco started with a slight smirk in attempting to make some small talk—either out of nervousness at the situation, an attempt to blend in with the other officers, or just a blatant ploy to get under your skin, you weren’t sure.
“No, a man in uniform doesn’t really do it for me, if that’s what you’re asking, darling,” a cat-like grin formed upon your lips as the two of you kept walking.
Out of the corner of your eye, his lopsided smile began to creep up his face to match yours before he spoke, “So then what does satisfy you, sweetheart?”
“Where’s the fun in telling you? I’d much rather you—” you began before another officer walked up to the two of you and stopped you.
“Just where do you two think you’re going?” the stout man asked as he crossed his arms and halted you both from moving any further.
Silco and you exchanged a look before he shrugged. “Well, officer, we were going over to that ship as we’d been ordered by Sheriff Grayson over there,” Silco began as you tried very hard to not act surprised as he motioned over to a crowd of Enforcers a long ways away from where you three were, “before we were so rudely interrupted. Clearly, you don’t recognize either of of us…and you are?”
By the time he’d finished speaking, Silco had stood to his full height which was a full head taller than the man in front of you as he leered down his nose at the him with an air of superiority. You had to admit, getting a look like that from Silco felt intimidating, to say the least, and it wasn’t even directed at you. Playing along, you leaned up to Silco’s ear and pretended to whisper something while you both kept an eye on the man.
“Hmm, indeed,” Silco answered a pretend question out loud.
“Yes,” you used your best Piltie accent. “Though, I don’t believe we should reveal too much to this officer, Captain, especially since he seems very much to not be in the know.”
The man in front of you come suddenly to attention and stood and granted Silco a salute. “Captain, I do apologize, sir, it won’t happen again. I was merely advised to keep officers away from this particular shipment to ensure,” he began before he leaned in and whispered as if revealing a secret, “that no one could spread rumors about its cargo.”
“And you felt that telling us this was advisable when you have no idea who we are, officer?” Silco continued in the tone he’d used previously that seemed to have the man before you shaking in his boots as his eyes grew wide.
“Oh! I’m terribly sorry, sir, I wasn’t thinking. I was—by Janna, I mean, its my third week here and I—please, please don’t go saying anything to Grayson. She’d have me behind a desk!”
You watched as Silco’s eyes narrowed at the man, as if considering his punishment. “Very well. I’ll let this slide just this once, but do not mistake this for leniency, officer. I want to make sure we’re setting a fine example of security for Piltover in this effort. Do we have an understanding?”
“Yes…what?” Silco drawled as he had the audacity to proceed to light a cigarette from his pocket and then exhale smoke into the man’s face through his nose.
“Oh, oh, yes, sir.”
“Good boy,” Silco said as he walked past and you followed him with a nod to the man. You both walked together in silence for a while as Silco led you up the gangplank of the ship that you’d used as your cover story.
Once you both reached a spot where you were no longer visible, you let out a long sigh accompanied by a laugh, “I underestimated you, darling. That was brilliantly played. Are you sure you don’t have that formal education we’d talked about? Maybe someone in theater?”
“Shut up,” he gave you a half-hearted glare as you noted the slight uptick of his scarred lip.
“So why this ship?” 
“Why did you use this ship for our cover? Any particular reason or did you just pull that out of your ass?”
Silco leveled you with the same glare he’d previously given the officer and paused for a moment before answering in a serious tone, deadpanning, “I pulled it out of my ass.”
You both stared at each other for a few seconds before laughing, “I knew it.”
“In all seriousness,” he began as his laugher died down and he began to look around. “I actually did have a point in using this ship in the dialogue. As we were bantering—“
“Bantering,” Silco clarified to you as you grinned at the tease, “our way up here, I’d noticed that all of the foot traffic of loading and unloading the cargo were from the other few ships here in port. Yet, this one seemed to have the heaviest guard.”
“I caught that, too. I also caught that it seemed like maybe the guard at front were waiting for something…or someone, for that matter,” you made your way over to the doorway the led into the ship’s hull. “So we may wish to hurry things along before we have company, I’d say.”
“Agreed. I’ll take topside, you look in the cargo hold, but don’t dally.”
“‘Dally’? Honestly, Silco, who talks like that?”
He breaths your name out his nose in frustration as you gave him another shit-eating grin, relishing in just how easy it was to get him ruffled, before you ducked below deck to take a look around. You found yourself in near-complete darkness upon shutting the door behind you. Quickly, you find your lighter within the pack and light it as you descend the stairs. Spying a lantern off to the side upon a desk, you make your way over and light it in order to illuminate the space before you. The ship itself wasn’t large, by any means, and so the hold you found yourself in wasn’t this vast space with a lot of areas to hide things. The area itself was likely no larger than the main space of The Last Drop, you’d surmise, as you began to look around. 
You jumped when you heard a voice that you’d not heard in a long while call out your full name.
“You don’t belong here, my dear,” a very tired, beaten down Petyr Singed said from within a holding cell off to the side of the space.
With a gasp, you ran over to kneel in front of him in the cage he was held within, “Petyr, I was just talking about you a while ago! What are you doing here?!”
The older man looked up into your eyes and his own held tears, “Punishment that I deserve.”
“No, they cannot do this to you. I won’t let them,” you swear as you rummage through your pack and pull out a small metal lock pick from your old pants and begin to attempt to pick the lock on the cage door.
His long, cold fingers wrapped around one of your hands through the cage bars as he shook his head at you, with a sadness, “Orianna…my little girl, my only child, she’s…she’s gone. It’s my fault, you see. That’s why I’m here, among other things.”
“Oh, Petyr. Petyr, I’m so sorry. What happened?”
“I told them it was an accident. One of the experiments the Council had me working with Professor Heimerdinger. It was supposed to help people,” he began as he wiped at the corner of his eyes. “To heal people…”
“She was dying,” he said with a fire behind his eyes as he looked at you with conviction. “It..it should have saved her. It would have saved her. He didn’t understand. Tried to make me slow down, to stop. Said it was wrong. Unnatural, was the word he used. And then…oh, my Ori…”
You reached through the bars and placed your hand on the side of his face, “Petyr, I’ve known you and your daughter for a very long time. You’ve done nothing but try to help every person who’s lives you touched. Whatever this is that caused them to lock you up, whatever you believe you deserve, you would never try to hurt anyone. Let me free you. I can get you out of here and we can figure this out together.”
His clammy cold hand came to rest beside yours on his face, “Your breathing’s gotten worse, hasn’t it? I can hear it rattling when you speak. When you breathe…That’s why you’d been talking about me. Isn’t it?”
The whiplash of a conversation change had you stop and shake your head. There wasn’t time for this, you thought, as you ignored his question and started once again to try to open the lock. With a satisfying click, it unlocked after a few moments and you pulled the lock off and moved to open the cage door. Suddenly, you froze, and so did Petyr, when you both heard footsteps begin coming down the stairs behind you. Quickly, you snuff out the lantern and roll behind the cage he was held within and lay flat upon the ground. In the darkness, you hear him shift in front of you where his body would hide you behind him as your eyes began to slowly adjust to the dark. You hear the clicking of boots on the wooden floor of the hull moving towards you before a male voice curses under his breath. A shuffling noise briefly occurs before you hear the striking of a lighter and light illuminates the room, once again.
Silco stands in the center of the space and looks around before his eyes fall on Petyr Singed and narrow, “Who are you?” 
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chairwritexv · 10 months
Fem Reader is another adopted kid silco took in (because young jinx insisted on it). The two are super close and deeply care for each other. During the statue scene she tells silco she'll offer herself up and take full blame for jinx if it means her sis stays safe and free. This way zaun is free, jinx is safe, and her dad finally gets his biggest wish. This is enough for silco to basically go "fuck that. You are my children and I will not give either of you away. Not even for Zaun. We'll think of something but I refuse to sacrifice either of you." And Jinx overhears all this.
the statue scene is when silco’s talking to vander’s statue, right? lol, my memory sucks…
tw ❦ angst
platonic ❦ romantic ❦ neutral
fandom ❦ arcane
character(s) ❦ silco, jinx
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“is there anything so undoing as a daughter?” silco’d asked as he took a sip of alcohol. you’d peeked your head out of the shadows as you listened to your adoptive father’s conversation with vander’s statue, knowing what you had to do. “dad,” you said as you walked up to him, your hands swaying by your side. silco immediately turned to you, slightly startled. “Y/N.” you took a deep breath. “i’ll do it.” “what?” “i- i’ll offer myself to the enforcers, so that jinx will be safe and-” you were only halfway through your sentence when silco started shaking his head, standing up, but you didn’t notice as your eyes were closed and your head was down. “-and then zaun is free and you’ll have your biggest wish and-” “No.” at this you looked up, staring your adoptive father in the eyes. “but-” “No. i am not giving either of my children away, not even for zaun. i’ll figure something out but i am not losing you or jinx.” you stood there for a moment, unsure what to say before you tackled silco in a hug, almost knocking him over. he flinched, but hugged you back. neither of you noticed your blue-haired sister hiding in the shadows, having heard everything. ☽ 【┘】 ☾ "jiiinnnnxx,,” you dragged out your sister’s name as you called her, your feet dragging behind you as you entered her “lair”. however, the place was empty, much to your surprise. you looked around, making sure she wasn’t hiding to scare you as she’d done so many times before. “jinx?” which is when you noticed the note scribbled on the desk. “ not letting you sacrifice yourself for me n dad. luv you, tell dad i love him too ꨄ ” you cursed and ran out of the room, running as fast as you could all the way to the bridge connecting zaun and piltover. after reaching the bridge you immediately spotted jinx’s bright blue braided hair, and the enforcers surrounding her with their guns raised. “JINX!!” you yelled out, catching jinx’s attention as she turned to you, her eyes widening. “WAIT!!” you yelled out, coming in between jinx and the enforcers, half of whom now had their guns trained on you. “wait, she’s-” “Y/N, no-” “she’s just covering for me,” you spat out, still panting heavily from the long run. “it was me. i did everything. jinx was innocent, she did nothing wrong. she’s just covering.” and that was all the enforcers needed to hear. they handcuffed you and forced you away from jinx, dragging you toward piltover. you looked back at jinx with tears in your eyes, giving your sister one last smile.
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hope you enjoyed! ♡ debating a part two lol
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lullabyes22-blog · 3 months
Snippet - Tipping Point - Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
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Silco forces Vander's hand beyond all recourse.
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
"They're like a cult," Vander said, their last night together.
Silco didn't glance up. He'd been sitting at the Drop's table, hands laced under his chin, poring over a map. Black ink, red ink. Blue strings running in between, like the veins in a corpse. He'd been at it all evening, and his eyeballs vibrated. So did the rest of him.
Usually, he'd take the percolating mania and channel it into Sevika. She was a solid presence: always available, always hungry. By now, he'd all but moved into hers and Nandi's flat. There was gossip, as there was bound to be. Neither he nor Sevika gave a toss.
Nandi was gone, and he couldn't shake her loss.
But at least he could fuck his way out of the grief.
That's what he and Sevika did, most nights: fucked, then slept, then fucked again. Mornings, they'd wake with sour mouths, and sour moods. He'd brew her tea, and she'd suck his cock under the table. Afterward, they'd share a plateful of sump-vole fritters, and plot the day's course. Then she'd leave for her patrol, and he'd go to work at the Drop. Evenings, they'd rendezvous at Jericho's. A little more planning, a little more fucking. She'd rub his shoulders, or he'd knead her calf-muscles. She'd feed him bits of smoked sardines, and he'd eat her out until her toes curled. Then, after the drinks were drunk and the dishes were washed, they'd fall into bed again.
Rinse, lather, repeat.
It wasn't love—neither of them was ready for that. But it was easy. It was enough. A rhythm he could fall into; a routine she could count on. Sevika wasn't Nandi. Everything about her was a fraction heavier, harder, coarser. She wasn't soft; she wasn't sweet. But her body was a good one, and her mind a keen one. Her temper could flare; but her humor could cut.
And her laugh, though rare, chased all the shadows out of the gloom.
He could live with that. Hell, he could live for it. Even—love it? In time. When Zaun was theirs, and the dead laid to rest.
Not that night.
That night, the maps wouldn't stop jittering. His mind kept running in circles. Sevika wasn't due till late. There was only Vander.
Only Vander, and his looming shadow.
And Silco's own: darkening the map. 
"A cult, you say?" he said. A fortnight, he thought. The time's nearly up. "That's high praise."
"Is it?" Vander's chin jerked towards the flapping door, where a pair of scrappers had just slunk out. "That lot were practically beggin' for commands. Looked at you like you were a bloody god." He grimaced. "Makes my skin crawl."
"They're useful." Silco stirred the page with a fingertip. "Steady hands."
"An' sharp knives." Vander's brows bristled. "I ain't seen a lick of their faces, but I bet they're young. Too young for this kind of job."
"We were all too young."
"And look what happened." Vander crossed his arms over his chest, his face granite except for the vein throbbing in his temple. His jowls were furred with stubble; all attempts at grooming had ceased the past few weeks.  "The Lanes are crawlin' with their sort lately. They'd kill their own mothers for coin. An' you've got a talent for pickin' the worst."
"Perhaps," Silco rejoined, "I prefer company with an ounce of ambition."
"Ambition's the least of their bloody traits!"
"Vander, use your thick head. We're at war." Silco tapped the maps with an idleness that belied his irritation. "And war needs more than soldiers and stalwart hearts. It needs spies and saboteurs. People who'll do the dirty work without compromising the cause. I have my contacts, and they have theirs. If it weren't for them, we'd have no way to ship our goods."
"We wouldn't have a bunch of cutthroats loose in the Lanes, neither."
"We've always had cutthroats."
"Not this many!" Vander's fist slammed against the table, rattling the glassware. Once, Silco would've jerked. Now, his body-language betrayed nothing. Passions were a volatile commodity; a good leader could ill-afford to succumb to his own. He'd learnt the hard way and meant to profit from the lesson. "They're a fuckin' infestation! Eyes like dead things an' smiles like wolves. They've got no limits. All they want is blood."
"The world's made them that way."
"An' you're the one exploiting 'em."
"I'm offering them a choice."
"Are you?" Vander glowered, looming into his space.  "What are their options, huh? Down the gutter, or up the river? They're not loyal, Silco. They're fanatical. To you."   
"To us," Silco corrected.
"I didn't ask for a cult!"
"Then maybe you should!"
Their eyes locked from across a flashpoint of inches. In their debates, as a rule, Silco weighed Vander's words before his own. It was a practice borne of equity: no partnership comes without compromise. Lately, though, they never debated. He'd get an earful of strident moralism.
Tonight he'd had enough.
"Right now, our plans are only partially done,” he said. “But unless we get every cutthroat, snitch and sneak-thief on our side, they'll be undone. The Wardens will kill us all. You. Me. Sevika. Benzo. They'll raze the Lanes to the ground, and salt the ashes. And when the smoke clears, the soft ones—the ones like Nandi, like Lika and her girls, like your two boys—will be put to work. All our children will die before they've a chance to live. Is that what you want?"
"Don't make this somethin' it's not." Vander's jaw jutted. "You think I don't want Topside's boot off our necks? You think I wouldn't give anything to make sure our kids breathe easy? You think I don't think back on Bloody Sunday every single damn day? What was lost? What you—" Silco's head tilted, a basilisk lifting, and Vander backed off just enough to avoid his stare. "...what we could've done."
"Could've. Would've. Should've." Silco's eyes descended to subzero. "All excuses for a failure to act now. Or maybe the Hound's losing his teeth?"
Vander's nostrils flared. He unbent to his full height stepped around the counter, a slow, lumbering turn. His shadow engulfed Silco like a fist.
"If you had any idea," he said, a whiskey-waft of heat. "Any. How much I'd like to—"
"To what?" Silco challenged. "Discipline? Force me to obey? Do try. I could use a spot of fun." 
Vander seized a fistful of his shirtfront. The next moment, Silco found himself being dragged across the countertop. The whiskey glasses toppled to the floorboards. The ledgers and maps scattered. He was half-slung through the air, the room upside-down before the breath was knocked out of him.
His spine hit the wall, legs dangling. A fist pinned him in place.
Vander's features were contorted, a red-hot fury at once leashed and explosive. His fingers closed around Silco's throat. He didn't squeeze. Not yet. But the threat was there.
"D'you even listen to yourself?" he gritted. "D'you have a shred of decency left? Or did Nandi's death knock it all outta you? She'd be ashamed. To see you. To see what you're doin'!"
Silco let one corner of his mouth curl. "What am I doing?"
"You know damnwell what!"
The nights, he meant.
The plainclothesmen gutted in the shadows. Their bodies left in the open where everyone could see. The edge of Silco's knife never clean when he came home.
"It's not the way," Vander said, a hairline crack in his voice. "You know it isn't."
"You haven't stopped me."
"Stopped you?" Vander's knuckles flexed. "I've tried. Every day since you started. I thought...you'd get it out of your system. You'd snap out of it. But you haven't. You won't. You've gotten a taste for it."
"I have a taste for keeping us alive."
"You have a taste for murder!" Vander shook him. "An' I can't keep turnin' a blind eye. You're the best thing that's happened to the Lanes, Blut. If the Undercity had to choose, they'd have my back. But we'd all be six feet under without you! That's why you need to get your shit together. Because when this is over, I won't let you walk away."
"Threats, Vander?"
"This has gone far enough." Vander's pitch dropped. The Hound's warning rumble. "If you cross the line again, I won't hesitate."
"You won't have to."
"The Sheriff has issued a search warrant. In a fortnight, the Enforcers will crack down." Silco's eyes went past Vander's shoulder, where the maps had fallen. "A citywide sweep. We'll lose the advantage. Our networks, our stockpiles. Everything. Unless—"
Vander's hold on his neck tightened. "Unless what?"
"We strike first."
"First." Vander's grip stayed immobile. But his stare was no longer a blister. It was a burn: eating Silco alive. "Fuck. This is what you've been planning."
"A smokescreen."
Silco's fingers folded around Vander's wrist. It didn't budge. Vander was strong; the strongest he'd ever known. Struggling was besides the point. Part of him was already prepared to go all the way. To let go and take Vander with him into the freefall of blackness.
"The Enforcers bodies will divert Topside's attention," Silco went on. "Their patrols will be spread thin. The bodies were all near the Canal Zone. They'll believe our operation was concentrated there. Meanwhile, the guardposts at Bridgeside will be understaffed. We'll deploy the squads to transport the ammo. If everything goes as planned, the Lanes will have the full arsenal by tomorrow night. Then, the real war will begin."
"Think. You'll have everything. A force. Firepower. Enough to drive Topside out of our streets for good."
Vander's fist clenched and unclenched. His eyes roved the room, the empty stools, the felled glasses, the scattered plans. His shoulders caved inward.
It wasn't surrender. It was a man, bracing himself against a massing storm.
"How could you?" he rasped. "Silco, how could you?"
"There is no other way."
"Sevika... she knows about this?"
"We had a talk."
"A talk," Vander repeated flatly. "Of course. You're her damned messiah now. That girl was always prowlin' for someone to take her old man's place. Someone who'd give her orders. Who'd make her feel strong. I told you not to play games with her. To not lead her on. To not—do this!"
With renewed disgust, Vander shoved him away. Silco swayed but kept his balance. Vander's fingerprints burned around his throat.
"That's why you chose her, isn't it?” Vander went on. “Her gang's the most coordinated in the Lanes. The most ruthless. Our folks respect 'em, but they fear 'em, too. They're perfect for what you've got planned." When Silco stayed silent, he shook his head. "For Janna's sake, Blut. She's barely twenty-two. You were supposed to be her family. Her mentor. Not the person who puts the goddamn matches in her hand!"
Silco snapped. Low-blows made for the deepest cuts.
"You used me first, remember? When I was sixteen and you were twenty-one. You knew I'd do anything for you. You knew I'd follow you to the ends of the earth. You've always known, and still you've never had the guts to do what should be done. So I have. Because someone has to. Someone with a spine, and the balls to take what's theirs."
"Fuckin' hell." Vander's face had changed. The lines carved deep, shadows in the hollows of his cheekbones. He looked both worn to the bone, and blasted open. "All these years. All these years... an' you never let it go. Why couldn't you let it go? Why couldn't you forgive me?"
"Why couldn't you?!"
The air was charged with currents. Silco's body sang. Like a sea-change: skin sloughing off, and something raw and primal birthing itself. Something he'd known was always inside him, and was now in its last throes of transformation. He had no name for it but he knew its shape.
It was a part of him. A monster. Same as Vander's.
"I'm not asking for forgiveness," Silco said softly. "Nor am I giving it. But I am asking you to do what's necessary. For us."
"Us," Vander repeated, the word scraped raw.
"Our city. Because Zaun will die if we don't do this, Vander. So will everyone we love." Silco took a step towards him. Vander shuddered. He felt the tremor. Felt the monster behind it. The two of them: feeding off each other. A decades-long twining of call-and-response. "We can't keep on like this. You. Me. Sevika. Benzo. Lika. We've been fighting our fates since we were children. Now it's time to take the fight to Topside."
"We can win this. We have the weapons. We have the people. We have the resolve. We just need you." 
"You're the Hound of the Underground. Our champion. Because that's not me, Vander. It will never be me. No matter what those scrappers, or Sevika, or you, or anyone says. That's not who I am."
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ghostchems · 4 months
thief - silco x female!reader
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desperate for shimmer, you steal some from the last drop and make your escape
me less than an hour ago:
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tags: first time writing silco! let me know what ye think. PLEASE CHECK OUT THE FOLLOWING WARNINGS: drug addiction, drug abuse, shimmer, shimmer abuse, p in v sex, fingering, silco is a bad man and reader is v desperate but also kinda into it? 2.2k words. ao3 link.
The pavement thuds beneath your feet, running like your life depended on getting away. You’ve stolen something, something so small it couldn’t possibly be missed, right? Your hand grips it so tight, afraid that if you can’t feel the smooth glass it will somehow disappear from your fingertips. Small pieces of rubble start to get into the holes in your shoes which leads to you slowing your run to a steady jog and then peeling off into the next alleyway. You are panting, trying to catch your breath as you slither deeper into the dimly lit street. A success. It was a success. You were surprised by how easy it was. You slipped into The Last Drop at peak business hours (12am) and mingled within the crowd, pickpocketing one of the servers of a “shimmer shot”. You hung around for about fifteen more minutes and then peeled out of there.
You only took enough to give yourself a little push. The withdrawal symptoms have been intensifying over the last few day, to the point that this small instance of thievery seems justified. Money is tight. You’d buy some if you could. What is the harm of taking some from the largest producer in the lanes? They wouldn’t miss one small vial. They probably don’t even know it’s gone. You open your hand to look at it, the purple liquid glowing in the darkness of the alleyway. A shattered breath leaves your lips, feeling the familiar shaking in your hand and the buzz in your head. You could take it right now, swallow it down in one gulp, instead of saving it for when you get home. It would give you more energy for the remaining trek, wouldn’t it? You’re too trapped in your thoughts to notice him emerge from the shadows.
“Give that here, girl.” There’s an edge to Silco’s voice but also an air of exasperation. You’re wrenched from your thoughts only to meet his mismatched glare, one eye cool blue and the other black with a fiery orange iris. The Eye of Zaun. Your breath catches in your throat, your hand immediately closing around the purple vial.
“This is mine.” You’re not convincing anyone.
“You think I don’t recognize my own product?” Cold and unamused. Silco steps closer to you, his orange iris fixated on you as he holds his hand out. “Hand. It. Over.”
“Please. It’s so small. I… I went through a lot to get it.” You are sputtering, the idea of the vial being ripped from you almost bringing you to tears. He can see it in your eyes — you’re addicted. Addicted to his drug. An opportunity has presented itself to him, should he be in the mood to take it. Silco says nothing, his hand still outstretched to you. You give a strained whine and hand it over, your hand shaking as you drop it into his palm. “Be thankful I am letting you off with a warning, girl.” He hisses, closing his hand around the vial.
“Wait.” Your hand latches onto his coat, a bold move but you don’t want him to leave. Silco’s face twists in annoyance but he stays silent, even as you close the distance between the two of you. A last ditch, desperate effort. Your hand feels the soft material of his jacket lapel under your fingers. Silco’s jaw tightens, his mismatched glare boring into your face. You exhale, drifting your fingertips to the collar of his shirt and stroking where it meets his neck. He doesn’t stop you, which makes you push the boundaries further, touching his neck and then his jaw. Silco has seen this many times before but… but it’s been a while since he’s let himself indulge. He’s a busy man — ensuring the successful distribution of shimmer hidden beneath legitimate business dealings all while trying to raise a daughter. Your desperation is so delicious to him in this moment, his lips twitching into a barely perceivable smirk. You chew on your lower lip as your hand creeps further up to his cheek, stroking it with your thumb. He hasn’t shooed you away yet, much to your surprise. You wonder why but the thought is clouded by your extreme awareness of the vial of shimmer in his hand, so close to you now. The gravel crunches beneath your feet as you raise yourself up on your tippy toes in order to reach him. You lean in, the tips of your noses touching before you press a chaste kiss to his lips.
“P-please, Silco.” You’re begging now, your lips against his, feeling his soft breath start to pick up. You tilt your head and kiss him again, starting off with light, sensuous pecks before licking into his mouth, tasting the smoke on his tongue. Silco’s mouth drops open further, allowing you more access, his tongue curiously working against yours but letting you lead. Your spare hand moves up his chest then closes around his hand that holds the vial. All you have to do is work it out of his hand or make out with him enough to make him not care anymore. Easy, right? You embellish a moan into the kiss and then drag your teeth along his bottom lip.
Silco’s arm shoots out and seizes you by the neck, driving you back into a nearby wall. Your fingertips brush against the vial just as you’re thrown backwards, your hands moving to clutch at his arms. Air depletes from your lungs while you gasp, your eyes bulging from their sockets. Silco is strangling you, squeezing the air from your body but his face is cold, indifferent. He lifts the vial so that it’s in your view, secure between two fingers. Your grip on his arm loosens and your eyes fall to the shimmer, once again within your grasp. He tilts his head, watching your reaction to it — expecting nothing short of you reaching out to grab it yourself.
“All that trouble for the smallest amount — not even enough to keep the withdrawal symptoms at bay for long.” Silco hums and starts to unscrew the cap of the vial with his fingers. *You must need it.” He brings the vial just short of your lips, your breath catching in your throat. Your mouth waters from how close it is, practically able to taste it on your tongue. A groan rumbles up his chest and he loosens his grip on your neck and slips his hand behind your head, fingers knotting in your hair. He tilts the vial up, the shimmer flowing steadily down your throat. You’re barely able to swallow it down before Silco’s mouth is crushed against yours, the vial shattering on the ground as his hand moves to squeeze your butt. It feels like he’s devouring you, losing yourself in him and the shimmer that explodes in your system. Your body lurches forward with a shriek, your nerves firing on all cylinders but he keeps you caged against the wall with his strong arms.
“Turn around.” He demands in a low growl against your lips. You find yourself doing as you’re told without thinking twice, clumsily moving your body while your head feels like it’s floating off of your shoulders. Even from the small amount your vision is already blurred and your limbs are loose, disconnected from the orders your brain is giving. Silco grows impatient, his large hands grab you by the shoulders and forces your chest against the wall, a shiver running through him at just how pliable you are beneath his fingers. You groan, your head spinning from the sudden movement, lolling to lean back on his shoulder. His breath is hot in the shell of your ear as his hands start to tug at your waistband, fingertips brush along the sensitive skin on your hip giving you goosebumps. Your face flushes, heat spreading through you as you start to fully comprehend that how badly he must want you. You arch your back into him and you can feel him already half hard against the curve of your ass.
His cock pulses at the movement, a low grunt in your ear as he starts to work your pants down. A slender finger strokes along your slick folds, earning quiet whimpers from you. Each stroke applies more pressure than the last until his finger is deep inside you, massaging at your inner walls. You can’t help but moan, the shimmer heightening some senses yet dulling others at the same time but you know that this feels unbelievably good. Silco slips two more fingers in, easing you open to prepare you for his throbbing cock, giving a satisfied groan by how receptive you are.
“An obedient little whore, willing to do anything for a taste.” He hisses in your ear while he removes his fingers from you, his other hand working down his slacks. You feel how wet you are, your juices running down the insides of your thighs. Silco gives himself three quick strokes, spreading your slick along his shaft. You try to angle yourself as he lines up with your entrance, raising yourself up on your tippy toes and keeping your front press against the wall. “Good girl.” He hums right as he plunges himself inside you, your walls stretching around him to adjust to his size. You curse under your breath, the only coherent sounds you’re able to make. Silco manages a few strong pumps before he falls out with an annoyed grunt, fingers digging into your hips and pushing you further against the wall. The head of his cock presses against your entrance but when he thrusts, it slips and runs along your wet lips. You whine and grind against him, seeking out his touch so desperately. The shimmer amplifies it and she feels everything, from each throb to the veins on the understand to his neat pubic hair that brushes her with each thrust.
A strangled growl rips from his throat and he hooks his arm underneath one of your legs and raises it to pin it against the wall. You’re fully exposed to him now, spread apart and vulnerable — but you don’t care, you’re committed and into it now. You’ve stolen from the Eye of Zaun only for him to let you off with a quick fuck, presumably as a warning. Silco positions himself again and fucks into you with a sharp breath, holding still as he presses his nose against your ear. His hips snap again and your mouth drops open, a deep moan tumbling out of it. He fills you so perfectly, hitting that spot deep inside that makes your head spin and your muscles contract. You push back against each of his hungry thrusts, his thighs slapping against your ass loud enough that it echoes down the alleyway. Silco’s hand finds it’s way to your hair and pulls at it, twisting your head to face him.
He wants to see you. He wants to see the purple in your eyes, how heavy your eyelids must be by now, and how clenched your jaw must be. You meet his gaze and he sees most of what he’s looking for but your jaw is looking slack, relaxed even. Silco pounds into you once more and holds himself still, a huff leaving his lips as he watches your eyes flutter, teeth worrying at your bottom lip. You are so ripe for the taking that he can’t hold back, he has to chase it, to break you down in his arms and spill his poison inside you. His thrusts become frenzied, so deep and reckless that you can hardly see straight. Your eyes squeeze shut and you give another quiet moan, nails digging into the cement wall. He watches as the immense pleasure twists your face, making him growl and press his forehead hard against yours, feeling his sharp breaths on your lips. Silco doesn’t kiss you but he keeps his eyes on yours, the gentle lull of his teal eye and the combative danger of his orange one, both of which have a small tint of purple from your blurred vision. Two more thrusts and he’s there, flooding you with his cum as you feel his shattered breath on your face.
He slinks away, leaving you quivering against the wall, dropping your knee so your feet are on the ground. There’s nothing left for you to focus on, nothing more for you to feel and you start to spiral, your head leaning into the cement wall. Is he gone? It’s all too much. You’re head spins and you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to ground yourself as a shiver downs your spine. Just as you’re about to sink to the ground, you feel his warm breath against your neck. Silco slips something into your jacket pocket.
“For your troubles.”
You’re not sure how much times has passed since the words filled your ears. When you turn around he’s gone, but you feel like the rush is finally wearing off. You shamefully pull your pants back up, your gaze darting around with the realization that anyone could have seen. The same rubble in your shoe stabs into the balls of. your feet. You lean against the wall, still dazed when your hand settles in your pocket.
You pull out another vial of shimmer and you’re left with the same dilemma.
Take it now? Or at home?
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liyawritesss · 4 months
ᖴᒪOᗯEᖇᔕ Iᑎ ᗷᒪOOᗰ - ᐯᗩᒪEᑎTIᑎEᔕ ᗪᖇᗩᗷᗷᒪEᔕ
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Day 18 - Gift Giving
- Sentiment - Ekko, the Boy Savior - Arcane: League of Legends
- In which Ekko gifts you a necklace to commemorate the two years you've been together.
- Check out more prompts and other activities on the Flowers In Bloom Event Masterlist!
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Ekko knows what love is.
He may not be able to talk about it in the right words, but he knows through actions that without a shadow of a doubt, he has love. He was loved by Benzo, taken in by the older off the streets of the undercity and given the space to explore his inventive genius. He was loved by his friends, of whom he hung out with on a daily basis, playing pranks and digging through scraps and making the best out of their dim childhoods. And Ekko has loved, despite the hate bestowed upon him by the many people he’d encountered in his eighteen years of surviving.
He’d loved once, a love as pure and innocent and strong as any he’d ever felt before; his first love that was doomed before it could even come to fruition.
His second love was not a person, but rather, an idea. A dream that plagued his mind every day and every night, begging to be realized. It was a feverish love, strong and erratic and determined, giving birth to what became the only safe place in all of the Lanes for the children of Zaun to have some semblance of a safe childhood, one he could only dream of as a child, but was proud he could provide to others.
His third love caught him by surprise. It crept up on him like a thief in the night; slow, sweet, daunting, consuming him whole before he had a fighting chance. He became guilty of the longing stares, the daydreams, the lack of efficient words, because while he thought he couldn’t love again - because in this new world, daring to do so meant a very close meeting with death itself - there you were, in all your glory, daring to challenge him. And succeed, you did.
Ekko’s strong admiration for you knew no bounds; your grace was something he could never get enough of. While he exuded a bruteness that was required for survival outside the walls of the sanctuary, with you, the boyish grin from his youth painted his lips so often that a lot of his comrades questioned if he was under a spell of sorts. He was happy, happier than he’d ever been, happy as one could be in a city that knows no peace.
For the longest time, Ekko didn’t know how to express his affections for you. He thought that you deserved the world, but there was only so much his hands could make. That was, until he came across the jackpot of a lifetime - a nugget of gold he found on one of his many late night junkyard raids, discarded seemingly without a care. To an overpriced Piltie, the slightly tarnished mineral was deemed trash; to those of the Underground, a find like this was treasure beyond belief.
Rough and calloused hands handled the metal carefully, the dark soot that covered his fingertips showing the hard work he put into mending the mineral into a fine pendant. On the front was an engraving of the tree in which the sanctuary surrounded, the very beacon of light that the two of you found in the darkness of everything. On the back, both of your initials, bounded together in metal just as the two of you were for life.
Being an inventor, Ekko had made many things with his hand, but never did he think he could conjure something so small, so dainty and fragile looking, but perhaps it was possible due to the love he had harbored in his heart. It was that evening, when he gifted the necklace to you, that he realized that even the most damaged of hands and hearts could create beautiful things, if they have enough love to do it.
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Special Tags: @intotherumiverse for indulging in my Ekko obsession c:
If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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ughthisisntright · 11 months
The Most Dangerous Game | Silco x Male!Reader
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Summary: Your desperate attempt to get away from The Eye of Zaun is foiled.
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, 18+, p in a sex, general awfulness
Word Count: 1,180
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Breaths heavy. Chest burning. Eyes watery. You’ve been running forever and you can’t remember where you’re going. All you know is that you’re trying to get away from him.
How in Janna’s name you found yourself here, in this abandoned warehouse, is beyond you. It’s been a long time since you first started running, and it was safe to say you didn’t pay much attention to where it was that you were going. He’d find you, though. He always did.
You pressed your back against the concrete wall and ran your hands down your face, the sweat mixing with the filth on your cheeks. Your chest heaved with each breath you took and your throat burned. Maybe he’d just kill you and do you a favor. It seemed to be the sick little game he was playing with you, anyway.
Just then, in the distance, you heard his boots hitting the ground. Thumping, clunking, and heavy as he stalked towards you. You felt fear well in your chest, closing your eyes for just a moment before opening them to the view of him stepping out of the shadows. Silco. Smiling. A cruel little joke? Or part of his master plan?
He walked slowly toward you, that smile never faltering, and his arms swinging loosely at his sides. He sauntered up to you and raked his eyes over your body. You weren’t too much shorter than him, a little more muscular, but you radiated an energy that he fed upon. His hand rested next to your head as he leaned in close to you.
“You silly boy,” he crooned. “You thought you could get away from me.” He dragged his free hand down your toned chest and hooked his fingers in your belt loops. He tugged your lower half closer to him. “Bet you thought I forgot.”
You gaped at him. He… He hadn’t forgotten your little… dream. You’d confided in him that you’d had a dream about him that made you a little more than uncomfortable - given he’s your boss. But now here he was giving you exactly what your psyche had gifted you all those nights ago. And all because you’d decided to go off on your own for a few days.
Sure, you’d blown him off and neglected his orders. But this… This was different. No he seemed to be enjoying this a little too much for someone who’s supposed to be mad at you. And then it hit you:
He’s using this as an opportunity.
He then grabbed your throat gently, one finger tracing your jawline. He chuckled softly at your powerless disposition. He managed to make you sink to your knees. How he did, you couldn’t recall. It was all spinning in your head. The next thing you heard was the snaps of his buttons on his pants coming undone. The very sound had your cock jumping in your pants, harder suddenly.
“You’ll repay me with your body, boy,” he growled lowly. His cock sprang free in front of your face and you wasted no time taking him in your mouth. His head rolled back as he moaned a deep and desperate sound from his chest. Your lips sealed tight around his tip as you sucked once harshly before taking him all the way to the back of your throat. Bobbing slowly, his hand found its way to the back of your head. The short hairs he was able to grab onto were gripped tight in his fingers as he guided your head up and down on his cock.
“That’s right,” he groaned. “Swallow it all, you rodent.” He was quickly coming undone under you and he had to force himself out of your mouth. He growled softly and forced you onto your hands and knees.
“S-Silco…” You finally found your voice after all this time. He grinned darkly behind you, but you couldn’t see of course.
“You’re almost done,” he purred in your ear. He tugged your pants down around your knees and reached around to stroke your cock gently. The sensation made you gasp, shuddering under his touch. He cupped your balls gently and you almost combusted right there in his arms.
“Don’t tell me you’re going to cum already, boy…” he chuckled and pulled his hands away from your throbbing member. He spit in his hand and coated his cock with his saliva. He positioned himself behind you, rubbing the tip of his cock against your tight hole. The feel of it made you shiver and push back against him. This only spurred him on further.
“Such an eager little boy, are you?” He slowly pushed himself inside you, stretching your ass wide with the girth of his cock. You groaned and let your head drop. The full feeling made you whimper softly before he seated himself to the hilt inside you. He grunted softly and leaned over your back.
“Still nothing to say?” He pulled out and snapped his hips back against your cheeks, a desperate cry ripping through your throat. He chuckled and found a good rhythm, the sound of skin slapping together filling the abandoned warehouse the two of you occupied. Your ragged breaths and his grunts filled your ears as he fucked you.
“S-Silco…!” You cried out his name, to which you were rewarded with two rough thrusts. “Yes! Feels so fucking good, ah!”
“That’s it- hah - Tell me how good it feels when I fuck your tight little ass, boy,” he growled into your ear and reached his hand around to pump your shaft meticulously. You clenched around him slightly, earning a guttural groan from him. You were so close. And he knew it.
“Want me to fill you up? Hm?” He teased into your ear, licking and kissing the shell of it as he pounded into you. You whimpered and moaned for him, trembling on your hands and knees. You held yourself up, leaning back against him as best as you could. He grunted softly and kept stroking your cock. A slight shift and he was hitting your prostate hard and with precision, which had you seeing fucking stars.
“F-Fuck! Yes! Yes!” You cried out and felt yourself falling over the edge. He thrusted hard into you once, twice, and then he let out a shattered moan. He came inside you, cock twitching as he pumped his cum deep in your body. You shot ropes of your own cum onto the concrete floor beneath you. Shuddering breaths and moans falling from each of your lips as you came down from such an exquisite high.
You were the first to move to look at him. Your eyes wide, lips parted, you shook your head in disbelief. He recognized the look on your face and leaned in to kiss you. Your lips molded with his. His tongue slipped inside your mouth, caressing yours and claiming you as his. When he pulled back, a short string of saliva was the only thing connecting you two. And then, with the most shit-eating grin the man could muster, he spoke.
“Good meeting.”
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@saviourofzaun @legendscried @independentzaun
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