#The Libertine promo
dirty-pretty-jackal-s · 8 months
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'The Libertines @thealbionroomsmargate
Typically, fans only witness the band in their familiar ‘live’ or ‘promo’ settings, it has been a privilege revealing this unique side of the group. -Photo by Jason Knott-'
'It's with great excitement that we announce a NEW GALLERY ONLINE!!!
The Libertines @ Albion Rooms The images were taken by @jasonknott_official right before the opening of their new Hotel in Margate, UK. During the week spent with @thelibertines, Jason had the privilege of joining their studio session, capturing an intimate collection of images as they embarked on creating new music after a lengthy hiatus. Visit the gallery 👉https://www.italfotoarchive.com/the-libertines-albion-rooms-margate-uk-2016'
'The Libertines @thealbionroomsmargate
As I silently observed their creative process with the new material, I had the opportunity to delve into their intimate method of composing songs that would eventually grace their album and electrifying live performances. -Photo By Jason Knott-'
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skepticalarrie · 10 months
Hey so as a huge fan of Peter and The Libertines, it's really frustrating seeing people in the Louis fandom repeat unverified reports that come from 2000s-era tabloids - and even those reports, which are 20 years old, do not state that Peter was bankrupt if you read past the damn headline. And every time this is whispered around the Louis fandom it goes up - once bankrupt, twice, now three times? Please people, do some due diligence before you all repeat this stuff and bear in mind that 2000s tabloids really, really had it in for Peter and printed literally any trash they could on him, most of it untrue. I will add to that Peter has never been loaded, he's in an indie band, what do you expect? But if you want to get into his real financials, they are actually available, and he was earning around £10,000 per month as of 2019. Which isn't rich, but it's fairly cosy for an indie performer. Last of all, no one has discussed if any money is being exchanged in this deal, and for all y'all know it's just online promotion and touring. Regardless, even if he's fronting some money for Andrew to make and promote a record, that money is going to Andrew, not Peter. I can't really understand why a very, very wealthy pop star giving a hand to an indie artist who is on another indie artist's label is even vaguely controversial.
I don’t think it’s controversial, I think people are just trying to find something ~anything~ to shit on Louis and his new projects. That’s it. I wouldn’t get too worked up about that, because people are just trying to stir up some shit here. I think is great, Louis and Pete seem to get along behind the scenes and it’s just a really nice opportunity for everyone. I assume Louis is putting some money into it and also doing some promo for Andrew just because Pete’s label seems to have a very indie (smaller) approach and with Louis endorsing it they can do a bigger launch. So yeah, whatever, people are just stupid.
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twopoppies · 7 months
Louis and Peter are business partners thanks to Andrew Cushin's album and The Libertines is dropping their comeback album next year and this is the single. Good promo for them + good business relationship + good song seems more pausible than anything else twitter is making it out to be.
Sounds reasonable to me.
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ceoofhelaegon · 11 months
In HOTD the “prequel” episodes should’ve been confined to 3 instead of 5 and those 2 episodes should’ve been spent with the green kids, specifically Aegon (older Aegon).
He’s our 2nd main character and we know NOTHING about him going into S2 and the main action other then he’s a r***st and a pos.
All his canon character traits like going to flea bottom, alcoholism, whoring, being a sex addict and a libertine, being depressed over his inheritance etc are all either just implied, hinted to or viewers heard from the books or actor interviews. For most of us it’s the books. If you only watched the show you know nada.
On the other hand we spent SO MUCH TIME with Daemon. We saw what he casually gets up to, kinda a view his daily life, we got to know him in what I even think was too much screen time. He’s an important character but not a main character so the most time should’ve been spent on rhaenyra (5+ episodes of focus) and Aegon (10 minutes max of screen time and in 90% of that we just see him and don’t get to know him at all or it’s already the main action)
We also spent so much time with Leanor who hardly has any significance in the Dance or later events.
We spent so much time on the Stepstones debacle even tho it has little to no contribution to the main plot other then one mention of the triarchy during the dance. The stepstones plot was done imo as a way to flesh out Daemon’s character and Daemon and viserys’s relationship.
But am I wrong when I say “was that really that important and crucial to take up 5 episodes?”
Look how unfair and unbalanced the info we have on rhaenyra vs Aegon is. We see rhaenyra grow up, we see an hour long well rounded view into her life, hardships, conflicts, friendships, etc that shape her into who she will be as a character and her behavior in the later action. By the time we see her in episode 8 and the real action begins she’s a character we’re already familiar with.
Instead we could’ve gotten a good 2 episodes looking into the daily lives of the green kids at the Keep. We could’ve seen Aegon in flea bottom, wandering drunk around the keep, being dragged out of brothels, partying, sneaking out at night, creeping around serving girls in a book canon way, slacking off training and lessons, bonding with or riding Sunfyre, his relationship with his siblings and family outside of only showing us the conflict parts
The whole thing with Daemon stems from “famous actor syndrome” meaning that if an actor less well known than Matt Smith was playing Daemon we wouldn’t be spending as much time with him.
GOT had Sean Bean, I was looking into the promo for GOT season 1 and it was only Sean Bean. GOT firstly attracted viewers because of him.
Kit Harrington and Sophie Turner talked about how all of the actors had to learn Sean Bean’s northern accent because Sean Bean couldn’t do RP.
I think the same could be applied to Matt Smith, without a shadow of a doubt he is the most famous actor in HoTD, and neither him or his fans would like to have him in the sidelines.
In regards to Rhaenyra, regardless of my feelings of the character, making her the protagonist was a mistake. She doesn’t survive the whole Dance, and her death occurs way too late to be like Ned Stark dying in season 1, so we would shift focus to other characters.
Alicent survives the whole Dance, her character is one of the most important to be build up for it. Cregan doesn’t do anything to her to avoid another war breaking out.
Targaryens are supposed to be otherworldly, if we got them through an outsider’s perspective it would make much more sense. Alicent seeing Rhaenyra flying on her dragon and seeing how insane this was, and how Rhaenyra saying that Alicent should ride with her would be a great set up.
Seeing how Targaryens only care about their own, no matter what they say is also a good way of seeing it through Alicent’s eyes.
Aegon, well…he should’ve been the focus of the narrative as soon as Rhaenyra leaves for Dragonstone. How does he feel about Rhaenyra? How does he feel about the fact that he was disinherited for no good reason? Those are the questions the show should be answering.
They have the skeleton of a story, finish the building, don’t knock it down and start from scratch because it never works.
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ousontlesfemmes · 2 months
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‘’La force est féminine’’ écrivait et chantait-elle dans sa chanson Méfie-toi, datant de 1999 et issue de son cinquième album, Innamoramento. Elle avait bien raison, et n’a eu cesse de le prouver. Bientôt quarante ans après sa première chanson (Maman a tort - 1984) qui posait déjà toutes les bases de son univers si particulier, elle est l’artiste de tous les records : record du nombre de disque de diamants pour une chanteuse (elle est d’ailleurs la seule artiste à en avoir obtenu un pendant quatre décennies), unique artiste féminine à avoir classé un album au top de ventes sur cinq décennies différentes, seule artiste française à avoir rempli deux fois le Stade de France, … La liste est longue, bien trop pour la faire ici. 
Quand on demande à Mylène, dans les rares interviews qu’elle accorde, les raisons, la recette de son succès, bien souvent, elle répond qu’elle ne saurait pas l’expliquer. On entend très régulièrement que ce qui marche, avec elle, ce serait la culture qu’elle fait du mystère. Généralement, ce sont des gens qui n’y connaissent pas grand-chose. 
La seule chose qu’elle a pu cultiver, au fil de sa carrière, c’est la différence. Différence dans sa manière de créer ses spectacles, différence dans sa manière d’aborder les clips musicaux, différence dans sa musique, mais surtout, différence dans les thématiques qu’elle aborde, et qui reviennent de manière récurrente dans ses textes.
S’inspirant régulièrement d’autres formes d’art, comme le cinéma, allant de Stanley Kubrick à Ridley Scott, travaillant avec des cinéastes de renom, comme Luc Besson, Abel Ferrara, ou Pascal Laugier, la littérature, surtout, puisant aussi bien dans les écrits du Marquis de Sade que dans ceux de Zweig, Baudelaire, Allan Poe, Pierre Reverdy, Arthur Rimbaud, Guillaume Apollinaire, la peinture et la sculpture, évoquant Egon Schiele, Paul Gauguin ou bien encore Auguste Rodin, elle laisse une place de choix aux femmes dans l’univers audiovisuel qu’elle choisit de nous présenter. 
Ainsi, elle fait référence à Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson, Etty Hillesum, Marie de Hennezel,  Greta Garbo, et tire son pseudonyme d’une actrice des années 1930, Frances Farmer. 
Cette longue aventure commence en 1984 : sa première chanson, Maman a tort, est un succès, mais il a failli être de courte durée, puisque son deuxième titre, On est tous des imbéciles, qui livre une critique plutôt acerbe du show-business, est un échec. Puis arrive Libertine en 1986, une chanson sulfureuse, pour la promo de laquelle Mylène se teint en rousse, couleur iconique aujourd’hui dont elle ne se départira plus, et pour laquelle, avec son compositeur et ami, Laurent Boutonnat, elle décide de réaliser un clip digne d’un court-métrage, dans lequel Mylène elle-même n’hésite pas à se montrer nue : le premier d’une longue série. Il dure 10 minutes, pour un budget étonnamment bas de 76 000€, et surtout, fait scandale à sa sortie. Encore une fois, le premier d’une longue série. Mais peu importe : le succès est immense, et la carrière de Mylène décolle vraiment. 
Car s’il y a bien une chose pour laquelle Mylène affirme sa différence, allant même jusqu’à la provocation quelques fois, c’est pour les thématiques qu’elle aborde de manière régulière dans ses chansons. Que ce soit la peur de vieillir et de mourir, la solitude, la perte d’être chers, du suicide, de l’amour et de ses chagrins, de l’emprise, ou bien de la sexualité, elle brise allègrement un à un tous ces tabous, ces choses que beaucoup de gens peuvent connaître, mais sans jamais oser trop les verbaliser. Autour de cela se crée une véritable communauté de fans, qui se sentent différents, eux aussi, et qui ont enfin trouvé quelqu’un pour dire tout haut ce qu’ils pensent tout bas.
Pour ces fans, Mylène est une artiste à part dans les coeurs, quelqu’un qui se dévoile si intimement dans ses chansons qu’on a la sensation de la connaître personnellement, qu’elle n’est pas qu’une célébrité éloignée, mais quelqu’un de proche, quelqu’un qui est là pour tenir la main dans les moments de solitude en faisant se sentir compris, quelqu’un en qui on peut se reconnaître, et qui peut nous aider à grandir, qui que l’on soit. 
Et puisque sur ce site, on a à coeur de mettre en avant les femmes, et les personnalités queers ou en faveur des queers, voici une petite sélection de ses chansons queers et féministes : 
La première : Maman a tort - 1984
Mylene Farmer - Maman A Tort (1984) HD 720
Dans cette chanson aux allures de comptine saphique, Mylène chante l’amour d’une petite fille hospitalisée pour son infirmière. Si ce titre ne figure pas parmi les plus connus à ce jour, il a été un véritable succès à sa sortie, et posait déjà toutes les bases de l'univers de Mylène : une chanson aux allures presque innocentes, des paroles qui le sont nettement moins, et une bonne dose de provocation avec Mylène qui fixe la caméra en disant qu'elle "aime l'infirmière, Maman".
La duologie : Libertine & Pourvu qu'elles soient douces - 1986 & 1988
Mylène Farmer - Libertine
Mylène Farmer - Pourvu Qu'Elles Soient Douces
Si ces deux chansons ne sont pas ouvertement queers ou féministes, la première parle d'une prostituée, que Mylène revendique fièrement être, et la deuxième parle de sodomie : des pratiques quasiment jamais évoquées dans des chansons à cette époque, encore moins chantées par une femme, et encore moins destinées à un grand public. Les clips, inspirés notamment de Barry Lyndon de Stanley Kubrick, montrent Mylène tour à tour nue et revêtant des habits masculins de l'époque, arborant un look androgyne et se battant, pour une durée totale de 27 minutes en cumulant les deux. Du jamais vu en France, surtout qu’à l’époque, les clips étaient faits pour passer à la télévision !
L'iconique : Sans Contrefaçon - 1987
Mylène Farmer - Sans Contrefaçon Une chanson en particulier attire à Mylène les faveurs de la communauté LGBT+. Sans Contrefaçon sort en 1987, et parle de transexualité : quelque chose d’assez inédit, pour l’époque, et qui dérange, encore une fois. Mais peu importe. Mylène aime la communauté LGBT+, le dit et le répète à plusieurs reprises, n’hésitant pas à poser “en garçon” pour la couverture du magazine Têtu en 2008, et répondant quand on l’interroge sur la question des mariages homosexuels et des adoptions d’enfants par des couples homosexuels “C’est un sujet de société que certains voudraient traiter sous l’angle moral… Pour moi cela pose la question de l’égalité des droits. Au 21è siècle, il serait temps de traiter le sujet !”, et refaisant la une pour les 25 ans du même magazine, maintenant ses propos.
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“J’ai le sentiment d’être privilégiée. Le public gay est un public sensible, pointu et avant-gardiste. Nous nous suivons depuis de nombreuses années, c’est important pour moi. Je pense aussi que je partage avec le public gay, comme avec d’autres publics d’ailleurs, le sentiment d’être « différent », sensation qui provoque des difficultés de vivre dans ce monde.”
Le pied de nez : Fuck them all - 2005
Mylène Farmer - Fuck them all (Clip Officiel)
Rarement la plume de Mylène aura été aussi acérée. Dans Fuck them all, elle rappelle avec verve les siècles de domination de l’homme sur la femme, quitte à passer pour de la provocation gratuite aux yeux de certains. Mais ce qui rend cette chanson encore plus crue reste le contexte de la sortie de ce single. Alors vainqueure aux “Victoires des Victoires de la Musique” dans la catégorie “Meilleure artiste féminine des vingt dernières années”, qui récompensent, pour la 20ème édition, des lauréats d’éditions précédentes, Mylène ne se présente pas pour venir chercher son prix. En effet, elle boude cette cérémonie depuis sa victoire dans la catégorie “Meilleure artiste féminine” en 1988, récompense pour laquelle elle ne remerciera d’ailleurs que son public, alors que le prix est décerné par des professionnels. Elle dira : "J'ai passé des heures en coulisses pour les répétitions de cette soirée télévisée. Tout le gratin du show-business était là et ces gens m'ont écoeurée. Ils se détestent tous. J'étais triste d'avoir été récompensée et reconnue par ces gens-là. Ce sont les Victoires de l'hypocrisie ! J'ai failli m'enfuir, mais je suis restée pour faire plaisir aux gens qui regardaient l'émission. Ils n'auraient pas compris..".  Mylène ne se présentera plus aux remises de prix décernés par des professionnels, et demandera même à ce qu’ils arrêtent de la nommer, et ne se déplacera que pour les remises de prix décernés par le public. Après sa victoire en 2005, elle aurait envoyé un message à Nagui (qui lui avait, en outre, déjà tenu des propos insultants), alors hôte de la cérémonie des Victoires le message suivant: "Merci. N'oubliez pas que mon dernier single s'appelle Fuck them all."
La méconnue : Elle a dit - 2012
Mylène Farmer Elle A Dit Live 2013
Parue dans l'album Monkey Me en 2012, Elle a dit a fait beaucoup moins de bruit que les quatre chansons citées précédemment. Et pourtant ! Vraisemblablement inspirée de la bande dessinée Le bleu est une couleur chaude de Jul' Maroh, qui raconte l'histoire d'amour entre Clémentine et Emma, Elle a dit parle d'une fille hospitalisée qui va mourir ayant du mal à comprendre qu'elle aime une autre fille. "Pour le plus petit mot qui a guéri, sauver une âme, c'est si fragile."
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Et si cet article vous a donné envie d’en découvrir plus, voici une liste avec les chansons que vous connaissez peut-être par album, et les chansons qui gagneraient à être plus connues
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Sources :
♦ mylene.net
♦ innamoramento.net♦ Diverses interviews, notamment celle de Têtu le 20 août 2008
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hitheside · 5 months
i want to preface this post with saying thank you so much to everyone who applied. i wasn't sure how well this rp would go down in the tags and i've had an issue with the promo blog being sh*dowb*nned so the fact i've still been able to get interest in it and have all of you apply is so lovely. i also want to mention that if your app wasn't accepted at this time, please do not take this personally !! we did receive more than one app for some of the skeletons so it was just a case of having no choice but to choose one, and i was also unable to accept any apps that didn't have the requested minimum amount of information & i wasn't able to get this when reaching out. for any unsuccessful applications, rest assured that if you'd like to try again for another open skeleton, you are more than welcome to do so. <3
without further ado, acceptances can be found below the cut. please send in accounts within 24 hrs.
another post to follow very shortly will confirm ooc opening.
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presley warren, the insouciant ( madelyn cline fc ) written by el.
el, i love presley so much already. i love your interpretation of the skeleton, how their insouciant nature comes in the form of a sort of nonchalant indifference to everything and in particular i loved their aesthetics section because it really gave a taste of who they are as a person. obsessed.
dezirae alvarez, the halcyon ( lizeth selene fc ) written by nova.
nova, dezra ( cute nickname for her btw ) is such a well-rounded muse, to me. they seem as though they wake up every single day just knowing that no matter what happens, they need to have fun, and nothing can get in her way of doing so. a true halcyon. bonus points for the pics of your dogs that you blessed me with in the ooc info portion <3
sage cháng, the sanguine ( havana rose liu fc ) written by corrie.
corrie, sage is a ray of sunshine beaming over hitheside. she seems so lovable with a childlike wonder. her decision to drop out of university damning her to a loss of direction can't bring her down, because she takes her mind off of things by filling her life with light-heartedness and fun. i love that, as i feel like it not only embodies the skeleton but a shared attituded within the gang as a whole.
noelle woodbury, the fervour ( yandeh salleh fc ) written by becca.
becca, the attention to detail in your app blew me away. there wasn't a stone left unturned and i finished reading it with the sense that noelle was such a real, living, breathing person. i loved the section at the end of the doc where you expanded on your ideas about each of the pre-established connections — it showed you weren't just thinking about your muse, but also her place in relation to others.
arlo harris, the crepehanger ( hero fiennes-tiffin fc ) written by j.
j, your app made me so sad?! in the best way. it felt like watching a tear-jerker film / episode of your favourite tv show that is just so sad and tragic. everyone loves angst and it's no surprise that arlo is full of it after everything he's been through. i hope the group can show him how loved he is despite his past & i'm so excited to see him develop!
cerise van mol, the libertine ( casimere jollette fc ) written by sera.
sera, what a take on the libertine skeleton. cherry is an absolute bombshell. alexa, play "slut!" by taylor swift, the lyrics in that song sprung to mind when i read your application. she also sounds like a lana del rey song needs to be written about her asap. your characterisation was great and i'm so excited to see it go even further as she interacts with others.
alexander dundas-aguirre, the amaranth ( taylor zakhar perez fc ) written by archie.
archie, i love alec so much. your app was concise and straight to the point but had so many amazing details i wanted to grab onto with both hands. his dad being an MP that he'll do anything in his power not to end up like is sooo good. also, the fact that felix catton and jay gatsby are listed as inspiration for him has me so excited to see more as well. what an icon
sullivan jarvis, the firebrand ( jacob elordi fc ) written by felix.
felix, where can i start? your writing prowess and knack for creating a character shines so brightly through sullivan's application. love the way the gang calls him by his surname, seemed very on brand. loved all of the descriptors you used especially in the letter from his subconscious section you chose to include. 10/10 no notes
jason bergeron, the paladin ( joe keery fc ) written by nicole.
nicole, i love jace. i feel like he perfectly personifies the 'chaotic older sibling energy' that i mentioned on the paladin skeleton page. i can see him leading other members of the group into all kind of silly hijinks and chaos. i love the cosiness of him being a captain too, very seaside town appropriate <3
everyone please complete the checklist. thank you all so much and i'll see you very soon !!
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amatricescams · 1 year
Robes sexy pour femme libertine by conseils libertins Découvrez les nouveautés Robes sexy pour femme libertine et promos en cours: http://robessexy.conseilslibertins.com Description Senkys est une boutique en ligne qui propose une large gamme de produits érotiques et sexy pour les femmes et les hommes. Parmi les produits les plus populaires de Senkys se trouvent les robes sexy, qui sont parfaites pour les occasions spéciales, les soirées coquines ou tout simplement pour surprendre votre partenaire. La gamme de robes sexy de Senkys est variée et offre une grande sélection de styles, de couleurs et de matériaux. Voici quelques exemples de ce que vous pouvez trouver : Robes courtes : Les robes courtes sont idéales pour montrer vos jambes et mettre en valeur votre silhouette. Les robes courtes de Senkys sont disponibles dans différentes couleurs, avec des détails en dentelle, des ouvertures sur les côtés ou des décolletés plongeants. Robes longues : Si vous préférez les robes plus longues, Senkys propose également une sélection de robes longues sexy. Ces robes sont parfaites pour les occasions plus formelles ou pour les femmes qui préfèrent une coupe plus élégante. Robes en latex : Pour les femmes qui aiment les tenues plus provocantes, Senkys propose également des robes en latex. Ces robes épousent parfaitement les formes du corps et sont idéales pour les soirées fétichistes ou pour surprendre votre partenaire. Robes en résille : Les robes en résille sont également très populaires chez Senkys. Elles sont disponibles dans différentes couleurs et styles, et peuvent être portées seules ou avec des sous-vêtements assortis. Robes en vinyle : Les robes en vinyle sont également très sexy et sont parfaites pour les femmes qui veulent mettre en valeur leur corps. Elles sont souvent moulantes et ont une finition brillante qui attire l'attention. En plus de ces styles, Senkys propose également des robes en satin, en dentelle, en cuir et en d'autres matériaux. Les robes sont disponibles dans différentes tailles, du XS au XL, pour convenir à toutes les morphologies. Si vous cherchez une robe sexy pour une occasion spéciale ou pour surprendre votre partenaire, la gamme de robes de Senkys est définitivement à considérer. Les robes sont de qualité supérieure et sont conçues pour mettre en valeur le corps féminin. De plus, la boutique propose une livraison discrète et rapide, ce qui vous permettra de recevoir votre robe en toute tranquillité. #sexy #lingerie #robes #libertine via YouTube https://youtu.be/VXzzH9bOx8o Dating: http://www.dating.zitohits.com
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hspn · 2 years
The school-inspired promo video for the new 2022-23 home kit, set to the Libertines’ ‘Time for Heroes.’
Me: Thought this was great. Laughed at Kai combing his hair and Lauren giving a deep glare to Reece for throwing things at her. And I don’t know who produces these promo videos but whoever timed the cut from Magda to Pernille with ‘I cherish you, my love’ needs a raise.
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musikblog · 3 months
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https://www.musikblog.de/2024/03/the-libertines-all-quiet-on-the-eastern-esplanade/ The Libertines waren auch außerhalb des Indiezirkel mal ein Phänomen. Dafür hat Skandnudel Pete Doherty ganze Arbeit geleistet. Man könnte es erfolgreiche Promo nennen, hätte sie nicht das Problem, dass die Popularität der Musik bei weitem nicht mit dem der Eklats mithalten konnte. Was Doherty und Kate Moss wieder so allerhand Unrühmliches gedreht hatten, welche […]
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tarikulislamahc · 6 months
How to Get Free Tokens on Chaturbate
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If you are a regular user of Chaturbate, then you know that it is important to keep a certain amount of tokens in your account. This is because the tokens are used to tip models and buy exclusive content on the site. Tokens are also needed to access the premium features of the site like private shows and more. Luckily, there are several ways to get free tokens on Chaturbate.
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If you are looking for an alternative to Chaturbate, we recommend checking out Wyylde. This site offers all of the excitement and naughtiness of a live cam site, but with a few added bonuses. You can actually meet your naughty friends in real life and have more of an authentic experience with a libertine social network. Plus, you can use your Wyylde credits to tip models on the site as well as access their exclusive content and private shows. So, what are you waiting for? Check out Wyylde today and discover a whole new world of libertine pleasures! You won't regret it. And if you use the promo code "LANT" when you sign up, you can even get started for free!
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018987812409 · 2 years
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The libertines promo team is so insane
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missoneminute · 4 years
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Libertines rare promo items.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Thurs 5 Sept 1/2
“Happy release day everyone, exciting stuff!”
Too right Louis! Kill My Mind is out and it's awesome and the world is all over it, hell yeah. KMM hit the charts high and climbed all day, hitting #2 on iTunes and getting great press, with LTHQ going hard on the global focus.
He did the first of many radio appearances, notably the Indie House Party spot, genuinely the Louis interview of DREAMS, a full hour of real music talk and respect and Louis just relaxing and talking about what he loves with someone knowledgeable and smart who takes him seriously as an artist, I'm... overwhelmed. And Louis playing music for us? Please just give Louis his own radio show I want this content always! He also did an earlier show, played the rom com game, fun stuff but no room to get into it sorry highlights below. The Notebook still isn't a rom com though, where's the comedy? Someone needs to talk to him and Harry about that.
MTV calls KMM "bigger slicker and rockier than anything he's ever done", and talks about his note of intention, Rolling Stone published a write up and tweeted about the song (as does Rob Sheffield, "KMM is the No Control sequel I did know I needed"), iHeart says "think LBD and No Control vibes with an Oasis twist," Euphoria calls the song "a new age Britpop banger that'll shine even brighter in a live setting" and Louis "your new Britpop icon," he got a twitter moment, Power Radio UK is gonna play the song hourly all weekend, and the Comic Relief breakfast footage is finally dropping, teased today and out tomorrow.
Louis says the song is about experimenting when you're young, fun nostalgia, and looking back at being juvenile. He says it can be read as being about a toxic relationship but mostly that it's about going through an experimental phase in your youth and doing things that might not be good for you but are exciting, about "... uh... being naughty" (it's at least in part about drugs like yeah I'm saying it. It is and you know it, fight me, and also who cares, it's not a big deal.) He says, "the next few songs I have coming out represent me as an artist," "this is the most comfortable I've felt musically," "this is the vibe from now on," about the song being loud and in your face, "as promised!" and that he is "proud and excited"- yeah! Us too!!
He thanks the fans more times and in more ways than I can count but yeah bunches of tweets, radio mentions ("they're smart yeah?" *taps head cutely*), re: the fan project of a BILLBOARD IN TIMES SQUARE (can you believe?!) he says, “so fucking incredible,” he did a thank you video, and a final tweet to finish out the day "even if I don’t always see you all I feel your presence and your backing" and signed off by saying fuck fandom factions with his emphasis on how much he loves ALL his fans.
An Arista release about KMM calls TOU “the first single off (Louis') album” and Louis said today that he wouldn't be playing Miss You in Madrid- he said he will play five new songs not counting KMM yiiiikkkes and OMG. He says he will be covering one of the songs he deleted on the radio show keep or delete game! (But not the Arctic Monkeys one so that narrows it down to what like three? My money's on the Libertines) (FYI I hope yall know I'm taking that day off just getting that out there now.) About the 1D ten year anniversary he says, "we should do something for that." And yeah what about those guys? Let's be real, we need a special section for this; he's talking about Harry. He's saying his name and casually talking about communicating with him! Asked about being in touch with the boys- he said he "saw Liam most recently," that he talks to him on the phone, that he hung out with Niall at Glastonbury, in fact he really gets into specifics and details for them both, exactly when and where, and then he says he hasn't seen Harry in "a while" but "I've been in contact with him recently, it's proper nice. Proper nice." Okay okay... by nighttime radio slots we had progressed to chatting about Harry's hair. He's asked about Harry's new haircut looking like his and he says, "I'll be telling him that yeah," and later, "I'll be sending Harry a text about his hair." Listen NBD right ....unless maybe you've been force fed a narrative of them not even being friends anymore for years. So are we seeing an end to that nonsense? HELL YEAH bring it on! A good start, KMM cowriter Jamie Hartman casually dropping the factoid that KMM was recorded at Shangri La, yes, the same studio where Harry was holed up to taking all those shrooms and recording HS2. Louis also named Japan as where he'd most like to go on tour, lol. Not mentioned once today: Eleanor or Freddie. I mean why would you mention your girlfriend during a whole radio segment about rom coms and romance amiright? Mhmm. I'm not saying we've heard the last of them but it definitely wasn't a focus today.
The lyric video exists and is cool and I don't have time for it but it shows him dressed as Liam Gallagher onstage, cute, and tells the story of a couple meeting at a Louis show and in the end smooching by a, uh, lighthouse. Maybe we'll have time for video analysis in full by the weekend? Let's go girls!
Finally, when promo was done for the day he parked himself on twitter to see what was up- he responded to a fan teasing about the Real Madrid shirt- “beaut shirt tho.” It was beautiful, the rainbow especially. He defended his height, ("to be fair he's a tall fucker"), says he liked Florence and the Machine, thanked Rolling Stone and various others and a few other things.
There were also lots of pics look go check a UA or something I'm done for I mean I also left out so much interview stuff and you all saw all this anyway! Whatever! Goodbye! Goodnight to Louis only THANKS FOR THE TUNE
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spn-mediabigbang · 4 years
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FIC PROMO: The Libertine Society
Author: @bees0are0awesome
Artist: @blueeyesandpie
Ships:  Dean/Castiel, Castiel/Josie. Background: as/Ketch, Cas/Lucifer (Tom Ellis), Cas/Duma, Cas/Adam, Cas/dogs, Dean/Sam, Dean/Josie
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 40k-60k
Warnings: Non-con, violence and gore, unsafe bdsm practices, no safe words, sounding, felching, blood drinking, bestiality (dogs and snakes), urination, vomit, electrocution, fisting, anal distention, torture, demonic rituals, nightmares, grizzly death, murder, necrophilia, infidelity, mind control, unwanted pregnancy, suicide (not a main chatacter), attempted suicide (Cas), stabbing, wound fucking, skull fucking, temporary MCD
Tags: Dark fic, Gothic fiction, Victorian London, aristocracy, hermaphrodite!Josie,  bottom!Cas, anal sex.
In the year of 1899, a young man named Castiel Gray learns that there is more to life than his sheltered upbringing and the endless droning of his tutors would lead him to believe. He meets the charismatic Josie Sands--a wealthy and mysterious widow, and Dean Winchester--a most accomplished painter. They introduce him to the hidden side of London’s elite; a place where Castiel learns to nourish his true hedonistic nature. But nothing is quite as it seems, and Castiel soon finds himself in the midst of a much darker and far more sinister world than he ever imagined existed. The only problem is, he loves every minute of it.
Source Material: The Picture of Dorian Gray - Book
Coming to a (computer or phone) screen near you, April 22nd, 2020!
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dayofthelords94 · 3 years
The Libertines rough trade promo poster and bag for their second album release in 2004.
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ssfoc · 5 years
"Does Styles know how Karter feels? "I don't think so, no. Not yet," okay, you creep what the fuck
Billboard loves it though— must be a coordinated promo. Exclusively premiering Kelsey’s music video on their website.
Does the fact that Anthony Rossomando, “a touring musician with The Libertines and founding member of Dirty Pretty Things and co-writer of the Grammy and Oscar-nominated and Golden Globe-winning Shallow from A Star is Born” wrote the lyrics:
I'll treat you better than the boys you're hangin' out with
mean that... no one in industry thinks Harry is straight anymore...
Addendum... we’re idiots. She played us.
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