#The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
velveys · 9 months
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The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)
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lovecatnip · 22 days
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The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
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itscrazylate · 3 months
Will always be mad that Vin Diesel’s character in the 2001 hit classic ‘The Fast and The Furious’ (plus all 10 of the sequels) was named Dominic, instead of just. Still being Vin Diesel
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whitewaterpaper · 2 years
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Vilken snabla blandning denna månad som präglas av att "the Fast and the Furious" flimmrade förbi på Viaplay och jag tänkte "tja, varför inte?"...
2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) [🔁] Den första av uppföljarna på racing succén F&F, lyckades med konststycket att vara bättre än jag mindes den.
Atlantis: Milos återkomst / Atlantis Milo's Return (2003) [👎] De påvärmda resterna av tv-serien som aldrig blev av. Kändes både billig och plastig samt copypastad.
Djupet / Deep, the (1977) [_] Bygger på en bok av samma författare som skrev "Hajen", kul liten dykarfilm. Men jäkligt fånigt med karln (aka skattletarproffset) som envisas med att dyka i skjorta och chinos.
Fast & Furious (2009) [👍🔁] Filmen som fick hela francisen dra en suck av lättnad. Familjen är tillbaka.
Fast and the Furious, the (2001) [👍🔁] Originalet som är djupt rotat i street raing-scenen. Tåls att ses om.
Fast and the Furious, the: Tokyo Drift (2006) [🔁] Den av uppföljarna jag aldrig begripit varför den fick grönljus. Till Skillnad mot tvåan lyckades den här vara sämre än jag mindes den.
Modig / Brave (2012) [👍🔁] 📜 Se mitt omdöme här.
Monster from the Ocean Floor (1954) [📺] Svartvit "klassiker" av Roger Corman. Okej underhållning, kinte en av karlns sämsta alster.
Pied Piper of Hamelin, the (1957) [👍📺] Charmig liten fantasyfilm baserad på sagan med samma namn. Skojig och genomtänkt. Och man vänjer sig snabbt vid att alla talar på rim.
Tales of Robin Hood (1951) [📺] Budget version av Robin Hood, fick mig nästan att börja läsa Ivanhoe. Filmen bjuder dock inte på något nytt eller eget, utan mest sådant man sett i andra adaptioner.
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) [👍] Jane Foster är Thor. Bra rakt igenom, den här filmserien har verkligen lyft under Taika Waititis ledning.
Vilda kvinnor / Prehistoric Women (1950) [👎📺] Nä. Riktigt sunkig film som måste kvala in som en av de absolut första mockumentärerna.
Thor: Love and Thunder är avgjort värd en chans om man känner sig vågad -- annars så är Pied Piper of Hamelin värd en chans om man lyckas hitta den (på tuben).
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elbovari · 1 year
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There's no "wax on wax off" with drifting. You learn by doing it. The first drifters invented drifting out here in the mountains by feeling it. So feel it.
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, Justin Lin (2006)
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rookie-critic · 1 year
Rookie-Critic's Film Review Weekend Wrap-Up - Week of 4/10-4/16/2023
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The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006, dir. Justin Lin) The franchise wouldn't really skyrocket into success for another couple films, but Tokyo Drift is the beginning of that change. For starters, it introduced the character that I most often hear as people's favorites, Han Lue (if we're not counting director Justin Lin's great 2002 character study Better Luck Tomorrow), played brilliantly by Sung Kang. It's also the first film in the series to be directed by Justin Lin, who would go on to direct the following three FF films. Lin's style fits the Fast films like a glove, and you really see the identity of what these movies start to shape itself in Tokyo Drift. The aesthetic of this one, while still of that "hyper-color" sensibility as the first film, seem to fit the streets of Tokyo better than it did for LA. The acting is good, for the most part, Lucas Black's southern accent can be a bit much sometimes, and I'm not sure Bow Wow should be acting in anything, but in a way, it almost fits the B-movie vibe that these early Fast & Furious films have. It's not the greatest this franchise has to offer, but Tokyo Drift is a very entertaining entry that has the best races I've seen in any of the films so far.
Score: 7/10
Currently available for rent/purchase on digital (iTunes, Amazon, Vudu, etc.) and on 4K, Blu-ray & DVD through Universal Studios.
Fast & Furious (2009, dir. Justin Lin) This has been easily my least favorite of the Fast films so far. The Toretto clan is back, but without any of the good 'ole schlock-y fun that we had in the original. We meet a few major players that would return to better effect in future installments, including Gal Gadot's Gisele Yashar as well as the dynamic duo of Leo and Santos (the oft forgotten, but effortlessly funny twosome played by rapper Tego Calderon and reggaeton singer Don Omar), and the villain in this one is one of the better-played and interesting ones in the franchise so far, but the film is so self-serious you even kind of gloss over all of the good things about it because for most of the first half of the film you're just, kind of, bored. I think the thing the creative crew for this one forgot when they were making is that the thing that makes these movies work is that it is, inherently, goofy, and they work better when that is leaned into. The think that saves Fast & Furious from being completely without merit in the franchise is that, like almost all of these early entries, once you get into the second half of the film, the set pieces and action sequences involving the cars are incredibly entertaining. The cave sequence in this movie is really cool, and even though this is one of the weaker entries, that sequence is still one of the most memorable. It's been the weakest film so far, but not all is lost, and it's still required viewing if you want to binge the franchise like I'm currently doing.
Score: 5/10
Currently available for rent/purchase on digital (iTunes, Amazon, Vudu, etc.) and on 4K, Blu-ray & DVD through Universal Studios.
Paint (2023, dir. Brit McAdams) I'm not sure why director/writer Brit McAdams felt the need to invoke the image of Bob Ross in his quirky script for Paint, but he did, and here we are. I mean, I know why, the story is centered around a middle-aged painter hosting a painting show on public broadcasting... and he has an afro. He might be soft-spoken like Ross, but Owen Wilson's Carl Nargle has very little in common with beloved PBS painter: he's selfish, fairly uncaring towards those around him (especially the many women that are fawning about him), a womanizer, and hasn't painted anything other than the same mountain for what I believe the film said was around a decade. I think the thing that frustrated me the most with it was that it didn't seem interested in making Mr. Nargle confront any of these wrongdoings in any meaningful way. If anything, it seems like we're meant to sympathize with him when all of his misdeeds and character faults start to catch up with him. That being said, I think I enjoyed Paint more than I thought I would after it was all over because, for all of its faults, it is absolutely hilarious. It's shockingly well-written as a comedy, and it's a brand of comedy that you don't really see often anymore; almost like a film that was made off of a recurring SNL character (something I've seen many other reviewers say, I just happen to completely agree). I found myself laughing quite a bit at the one-off gags and oddball humor the film dishes out throughout its 1 hour and 36 minutes. It's not gonna be for everyone, and I think as a society we might be past this kind of comedy (not necessarily this style of humor, but a film that seems content to not analyze the actions of its characters), but sometimes it's nice to drop in for a 90-minute sketch every now and then.
Score: 6/10
Currently only in theaters.
Fast Five (2011, dir. Justin Lin) Now this is what I'm fucking talking about. I'm not sure what revelation Justin Lin & Vin Diesel had between 2009's Fast & Furious and this, but I'm forever grateful for it. This one sees most of the franchise's major players coming together for the first time (Michelle Rodriguez's Letty was absent from this entry) and sees the introduction of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Luke Hobbs. I was almost in total bewilderment at just how much better this was in every conceivable way from the first four films. You've got the Torettos and Paul Walker's Brian O'Conner bringing the heart, you've got 2 Fast 2 Furious' Roman Pierce & Tej Parker bringing the humor (as well as Fast & Furious' Leo & Santos in that department), and rounding everything out, you've got Tokyo Drift's Han and FF4's Gisele bringing the level-headedness and cool-factor. This crew together is what makes this work. The action and the crazy car stunts are always going to be entertaining, they've never not been entertaining, and a good FF film is going to be a little schlock-y, but Fast five knew how to incorporate all of the best pieces from the previous four films and inject just the right amount of new stuff in there to make it one of the more entertaining action films of modern memory. The script is solid, every cast member is at the absolute top of their game, and the film just works. I don't think I was uninterested or critical of a single aspect of this, and think that making your way through the more lackluster aspects of the first four films (five if you count Lin's 2002 film Better Luck Tomorrow, which I whole-heartedly think you should) is absolutely worth the payoff this entry brings.
Score: 10/10
Currently available to rent/purchase on digital (iTunes, Amazon, Vudu, etc.) and on 4K, Blu-ray & DVD through Universal Studios.
The Innocent (2022, dir. Louis Garrel) The best comedies have great dramatic weight to their stories, and the duo at the heart of this French comedy/heist film are two characters coping with the death of a shared loved one in two very different ways that often puts them at odds with one another. The main plot centers around Abel, our protagonist, and his obsession with his mom's relationship to an ex-con that he believes may not be as "ex" of a con as he says he is. The back and forth and endless bumbling by Able during these pieces of the film work decently well, but I really think the heart of the film belongs with the relationship between the two friends, Able and Clemence (who is played by the wonderful Noémie Merlant). I normally don't go for the obvious "person falls in love with the best friend of their former partner" trope, especially in the case of this film when the former partner is deceased, but I found Abel and Clemence's relationship to be very naturally and sweet. They bring out the best in each other and they're written in a way that doesn't cheapen their romance or ignore the dead best friend/wife-sized elephant in the room. The comedy has its place and it works well, but it never sacrifices a beautiful dramatic moment for a joke. There is a diner scene between the central duo in which they "act out" a scene as a couple fighting that occurs during the film's climax that is almost more rewarding to the audience than the actual "climax" of the film that happens immediately after it. I've said this in the past, but I will always make time for the smaller, less-advertised, indie and foreign-language films that come out, because often I am rewarded with a satisfying film experience such as this.
Score: 8/10
Currently only in theaters.
Renfield (2023, dir. Chris McKay) How could this not be at least good, right? Nicolas Cage as Dracula, Nicolas Hoult as Renfield, Awkwafina and Ben Schwartz? All signs point to hilarious, and it is. Cage is the true highlight here, and he delivers a fantastic performance as the Count. Not just from a zany, Nicolas Cage-y performance, but from an actual, genuinely, intentionally funny place. Hoult, Awkwafina, and Schwartz all deliver on their strengths (although Awkwafina's performance is surprisingly restrained when compared to her other comedic roles) and turn in fantastic performances of their own, but Cage is the scene stealer. So much so that I think the film could have benefitted from way more of him. The entire film is decently funny, but Cage is just delightful. Another thing to note is that, while the digital effects are laughably sub-par, the practical effects, specifically the makeup done on Cage, is exquisitely executed. There's a ton of good here, and while I genuinely enjoyed it, I think it didn't quite reach the highs that I wanted it to. It's sad, because I feel like the same thing happened in The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. It's a very enjoyable viewing experience, but I feel like they could have pushed the Cage of it further, although in Unbearable Weight I did want more of that zany Cage, and in Renfield I just wanted him on screen more because he was making an already decent film into a fantastic one.
Score: 7/10
Currently only in theaters. Be on the lookout for a full review of this one later this week.
Fast & Furious 6 (2013, dir. Justin Lin) As a follow up to the actually perfect Fast Five, of course it's not as good. As the sixth installment in a franchise that has no right having even 3 installments it's great. Justin Lin and Vin Diesel really just said "What if we took everything great about Fast Five and... just... did it again?" Except this time Michelle Rodriguez's Letty Ortiz is back and Leo and Santos are M.I.A., also they switched out Elsa Pataky for Gina Carano (though Pataky is still in the film). The car stunts and the espionage are cool as always, and the twists and turns of the story never felt contrived or boring, it was just missing that X-factor that Five had. I'm not sure I can even describe it, it just felt like there was an element missing that kept this one from being as beautifully, effortlessly perfect as Five. I will say this, though, this was the first time I've really gotten sad watching these movies and thinking about the inevitability of Brian's absence from the franchise. Paul Walker was such phenomenal actor and screen presence, and I don't care what anybody says, I am of the full opinion that Brian O'Conner is the heart of this franchise. I know that from the fourth film forward Dominic Toretto is kind of the figurehead and face of the franchise, but to me, Brian is the heart and soul of it. I know Fate and F9 are considered good, but it's going to be a hard sell without Brian there.
Score: 8/10
Currently available to rent/purchase on digital (iTunes, Amazon, Vudu, etc.) and on 4K, Blu-ray & DVD through Universal Studios.
Suzume (2022, dir. Makoto Shinkai) Director Makoto Shinkai is probably the most popular name in modern anime filmmaking (or, at the very least, in the top three with Mamoru Hosoda and Masaaki Yuasa) after the smash success of his 2016 film, Your Name. While his follow up, Weathering with You, was quite beautiful, it couldn't recapture the same magic that made Your Name. so special. Suzume, while still not quite as beautiful as Your Name. is (sorry about the period, that's how the title is stylized), is a step better than Weathering. The animation is gorgeous, as always, the voice cast does an amazing job (I saw it in the original Japanese-language version), and the story is very moving and has a great second act climactic fakeout that leads into an adventurous third act. It hits a lot of the same story beats as Weathering with You did, but here everything feels a lot cleaner, like some of the kinks had been worked out and Shinkai was giving this story format another try. I think the biggest pitfall for Suzume, which isn't necessarily a horrible thing, just something that might just not be my speed, is that there are times when he dips a little too far into the melodramatic. Your Name. does this, too, but the story and the whole vibe of that film kind of lends itself to that melodrama and Shinkai works it in the film's favor. To me, Suzume didn't need it, and the film would have slightly benefited from those really melodramatic moments being reworked as a little more subdued. It doesn't take too much away from the film though, and Suzume ends up being yet another plus in the director's filmography, with yet another amazing soundtrack by frequent Shinkai collaborators RADWIMPS. It's a great time, and I feel like everyone should go see it if they can. Anime films can be more than just a niche cinematic experience, and Suzume is a pretty good entry point for families looking to see what the artform is capable of.
Score: 8/10
Currently only in theaters.
Mafia Mamma (2023, dir. Catherine Hardwicke) [tw: attempted rape] I really wanted to like this. I think Toni Collette is a fantastic and highly underutilized actress in Hollywood and, from the trailer, it looked like it would be pretty funny. Sadly, this wasn't the case. Don't get me wrong, Collette was great in it and there were a handful of gags that got a laugh out of me, but overall the film just felt like a mix between a comedy that was trying to hard and a female-empowerment film that felt a tad too insensitive at times for its own good. I acknowledge fully that this could be a case of me not being in the target audience, I take full ownership of that, and I won't argue with anyone that did enjoy it. There is a scene where there is an attempted rape on Collette's character that the men on her Zoom meeting can't hear because they've muted her. While Collette's character in the film does get out of this situation without the help of any male character (which I appreciated), and had a callback to one of the film's funnier scenes from the first act, I felt that the rape aspect of it was excessive and unnecessary. Maybe it wasn't supposed to be played for laughs, but it really felt like that's what they were going for, and personally I can't find the humor in a situation like that. I think the space is wide open for a comedy of this temperament, we need more like it, but there was just something about Mafia Mamma that ultimately didn't sit right with me, Collette and Monica Bellucci aside.
Score: 4/10
Currently only in theaters.
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sacrerism · 1 year
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swiftieinportland2 · 4 months
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bonniehooper · 5 months
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Top Picks of 2023
My Top 20 New Favorite Actors - #6: Brian Tee
Introduction to Him: Chicago Med
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pitch-and-moan · 11 months
Tokyo Drift...er
An AI-penned remake of the 1966 Japanese film, but the program becomes confused by web searches on the source material and makes the main character a talking car that street races while dodging a rival gang's hit squad.
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blackryan53 · 11 months
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千葉真一   Sonny Chiba
1939年1月22日 - 2021年8月19日
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift   2006
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift is an anomaly in the franchise. Even if you watch it in the “right” order, (which is between Fast and Furious 6… and its mid-credit scene), this feels like a movie that technically fits in the franchise rather than being a satisfying entry.
17-year-old Sean (Lucas Black) gets kicked out of his mother’s home after his latest racing stunt. Sent to Tokyo to live with his father, he becomes fascinated with Tokyo’s signature racing style – drifting. Under the tutelage of Han (Sung Kang) and with the help of his friend Twinkie (Bow Wow) this newcomer might have what it takes to become the DK (Drift King) and win the heart of the prettiest girl in school, Neela (Nathalie Kelley).
To understand Tokyo Drift, we must travel back to 2006. At this point, the Fast and Furious series was without Vin Diesel and directionless. While Sung Kang’s Han was retroactively added to the "family" later on, there are no recurring actors here. If you recast the role and excised a cameo at the very end, you’d think this was a pale imitation of the series rather than a fully-endorsed third chapter. It begins in high school with the sorriest excuse for a teenager in recent memory. You can practically see Lucas Black shaving his beard between takes. There’s no way, NO WAY he’s a teen but the film reminds us numerous times that he’s a minor. I know 2 Fast 2 Furious was dumb, but don’t expect us to be dumb for enjoying it! Not helping are the flat performances. Sung Kang has charisma. Everyone else is running on fumes. They’re either (Bow Wow), or wooden enough to be confused with talking logs.
This is a terrible sequel which ever way you look at it. The stakes are much lower than in Fast and Furious 6. They’re even lower than in 2 Fast 2 Furious, which makes it hard to care about anything. Even with the possible threat of violence and death from a high-speed car crash, this is a high school drama on wheels. When Sean gets schooled at a drifting race by pro drifter Takashi (Brian Tee), you're not surprised." Aww nuts! I guess I won’t impress that girl I like" - the one non-Asian girl in the school, by the way - and "Uh oh! Turns out she’s involved with the very same guy who beat me! What does she even see in him?"
If you’re watching the series in order, you can have fun with Tokyo Drift. Dumb as the plot may be, those Japanese ladies shaking their behinds in front of the even hotter cars is what you came to see. When those rides are in motion and performing those crazy stunts - the kind you’d only dream of - you better grab some napkins to wipe the drool from your chin. What makes those moves particularly spectacular is that unlike the kind of nonsense we're seeing in the franchise nowadays, you could theoretically do what these people are doing. There’s something about seeing something kinda-sorta attainable that resonates.
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift is largely composed of cool car stunts and missed opportunities with a big heaping’ helping of dumb on top. One can’t help but feel strange seeing an American kid travel to Tokyo and become prolific at the art of drifting, particularly in a series that's become so multicultural. No need to delve on that thought too much - no one involved did. Not even director Justin Lin, who’s since gone on to do much bigger and better things. Tokyo Drift is the kind of movie you wind up including in your collection if you like the series but would never watch if it weren’t for a crucial plot development about 2/3 of the way through. (On Blu-ray, January 5, 2019)
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zegalba · 10 months
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The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)
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junkfoodcinemas · 1 year
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The Fast and the Furious Franchise (2001 - )
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pegassi-toreador · 2 years
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Karin Sultan RS
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
the day you kissed a writer in the dark // han lue (tokyo drift)
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summary: she's stood by his side for years. his loyal mechanic, the brains behind his brawn. but she'd be lying if she said that it didn't hurt to watch him flirt with those other women in his club, when he came home to her every night in secret.
bet you rue the day you kissed a writer in the dark, now she's gonna play and sing and lock you in her heart. i am my mother's child, i'll love you 'till my breathing stops.
pairing: han lue x mechanic! reader
warnings: smut, inappropriate use of a drifting car, insecurity and self-doubt, secret relationships, unplanned pregnancy.
author's note: here's something a little different today, lovelies! it's a departure from the usual realm of f1 content i usually bless you all with, but i felt like i needed to do something different to avoid burning myself out, and rewatching tokyo drift gave me the inspiration that i needed :)
she hated the club.
in the back end of her mind, she always resented the mere existence of that secret room leading to han's garage. the fact that he chose to surround himself with women in tight dresses with long legs and perky boobs like he was some kind of yakuza punk.
well, this wasn't crows fucking zero. this was real life.
she couldn't help but draw comparisons between these beautiful girls and herself. as she curled in on herself to duck through the crowd, she frowned at her reflection in the window: her torn up jeans, the grease stain on the cuff of her army-green sweater, the zip barely done up enough to cover up her double-d's, a small nut from her very first car hanging limply from a chain around her neck.
some days, she wondered why han had chosen her of all people.
"sean?" she asked quietly, poking the young american boy in the arm, practically shouting to be heard. "have you seen han?"
sean shook his head. "no, sorry. have you checked the garage?"
"i'm heading back there now. thanks, sean." she sighed, backing out the way that she came, trying not to think about all of the places that her boyfriend could be right now.
the anxiety ate away at her. was he with one of the other girls? one of the prettier, taller, thinner ones? was that why he wanted to keep the relationship under wraps?
was han ashamed of her?
she hurried down the rickety metal staircase, dropping her purse on the workbench as she went, subconsciously placing a hand over her stomach as she thought about the white plastic stick inside the fake leather bag.
they'd been sneaking around for a year, but they'd known each other far longer. she had come to tokyo when she was twenty-one, with a pocketful of cash and a monkey wrench. she had a high school diploma, but that didn't mean much to the rally teams she had applied to work on the pit crews for.
and that's when han swooped her up. when she became the bonnie to his clyde, the mechanic for his little street racing gambit.
that was three years ago. now she was almost twenty-five, he was twenty-seven, and he was in far too deep for them to keep going like this.
she knew why he had to keep it a secret. telling the world that she was his lover would put a target on her back. because that's what happens when you get in deep with someone like dk.
she pulled her hair back with the green rubber band on her wrist, pushing up her sleeves as she reached for a ratchet and approached han's car, the hood already open and ready for her.
working on the cars had always been her safe haven. her distraction from the outside world. fixing something that was broken gave her a satisfaction like no other.
"babe?" han's voice echoed through the garage, and she hated herself for the way that she froze up, fingers tightening around the ratchet. "sean said you were asking around for me? is everything okay?"
she withdrew from the car, slamming the hood down. "you're pushing the car too far. the engine is wearing down, you have to get something stronger. the serpentine belt is at it's brink."
"and that's why you're the brains of this operation and i'm just the pretty boy who drifts." han said playfully, wrapping his arms around her midsection as resting his chin on her shoulder.
"be more careful out there, seoul-oh." she said softly, placing a cold hand on top of his warm one before turning her head and kissing him softly. "i don't know what i'd do if anything ever happened to you."
han spun her body around gently, his hands on her waist as she jumped to perch her body on the edge of the hood, her fingers tangling in his dark, silky hair.
"you don't need to worry about me, sweetheart. i'm going to be okay."
she sighed, lacing her fingers together behind his neck. "where were you, han? wandering around your club with a girl on each arm? a girl that's three times prettier than i am, maybe one who's clothes are a little more revealing-"
"y/n, stop." han said firmly. "baby, you're the only one. my only one." he kissed her on the forehead softly. "i love you. i love you so much that it hurts. i wish i could shout it from the rooftops, but i can't put you in danger like that. i don't want dk to know, because that's a target on your back that i don't want there."
he pulled her as close as he could, arms wrapped securely around her as he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. "i couldn't live with myself if anything ever happened to you."
the sincerity in the older man's voice was reassuring. but some days, it wasn't enough. she loved him more than words could say, but she was getting tired of being his little secret.
but at the end of the day, it was her bed that he always came home to. his arms she woke up in. his terrible singing in the kitchen while he made coffee with breakfast.
han lue was hers.
she kissed him again, still sitting on the edge of the toyota's hood. this kiss was stronger, harder. with more feeling as she bunched han's sweater up in her fingers, trying to wrestle it off his broad shoulders, his hands gripping her thighs tight enough to make her moan against his lips.
"seoul-oh." she mumbled as han broke away from her, pulling his sweater off the rest of the way before tugging his everlast t-shirt over his head.
they fit together like well-worn puzzle pieces, his lips finding that place on her neck that made her crumble, turned her legs to jelly as he slipped a hand up the front of her sweater, thumb tracing comforting shapes against her stomach as he nipped at her neck, biting down gently. there would be a hickey there in a mere matter of hours.
trailing kisses back up her neck, he gently bit her earlobe before placing one hand on the side of her face to guide her lips back to his, the other hand braced against the hood of the car to hold himself up. she bit down on his bottom lip, wrenching a growl from the back of han's throat.
he pulled away, dropping to his knees in front of the car as his large hands dipped under the waistband of her jeans. after reaching down to untie and kick off her beat up vans, she reached above her to grab the exposed beam in the garage ceiling, pulling her body up and allowing han to pull her jeans and panties down her legs in one fell swoop.
"oh, not on the car, baby. you'll stain the bodywork."
"don't care." han hummed, kissing the soft skin of her thigh. "i can't think of anything prettier than you. on the hood of my car, legs spread wide for me." he mumbled in between kisses, inching ever closer to where y/n needed him most, her arousal dripping onto the cool metal hood of the drift car.
and when his lips touched her throbbing clit, she could have sworn she turned electric, using one hand to brace herself against the car and burying the other in han's hair as she threw her head back in a throaty moan.
"han." she panted, grinding against his face as his tongue licked and sucked at her core. "oh, baby, yes."
han smiled to himself, kissing her clit gently as he held her thighs open with his hands. "still think that i don't find you attractive any more?"
"shut up, please. i need you so bad." she'd barely finished speaking when another low, seductive moan left her mouth. the arm that was holding her body up threatened to buckle underneath her as she tugged on han's hair, urging him to keep going.
han chuckled, the vibrations sending shockwaves through her body as her arm buckled, and she found herself lying against the hood, her head on the windscreen as she bucked her hips, searching for more as her lover tongue-fucked her, her legs thrown over his shoulders with reckless abandon.
"seoul-oh." she whined, clenching her thighs around han's head
"i know, baby." he mumbled softly, kissing her thigh. "you're doing so well darling. come for me."
and that's exactly what she did. with a moan so loud that she was shocked that the patrons of the club couldn't hear it echoing through the garage, she let go, her juices coating the lower half of han's face as he licked her clean before wiping off the bottom half of his face with the back of his hand.
"fuck." he mumbled, standing between her legs and leaning over the car to kiss her. "i can't get enough of you, baby. i think i'm gonna need more."
"oh yeah?" she smiled sitting up slightly, resting her weight on her elbows and raising an eyebrow when she saw the obvious hard-on struggling to break free from the confines of han lue's jeans. "and what do you think we should do about it?"
"back. room. now." he said, softly but firmly, kissing her in between each word as she wrapped her bare legs around his body, allowing han to pick her up and carry her over to the back room, where a double bed was piled high with blankets for the nights where they worked late, or drift races lasted until the mere hours of the morning.
or, nights where neither of them wanted to go home. han was sure that they had fucked on almost every available surface of the garage.
she undid her sweater slowly, revealing the lacy white bra underneath, the makeshift pendant on her necklace hanging delicately just above the hollow of her breasts as she cast the fabric aside, reaching up to snap the elastic band in her hair, letting it cascade in waves down her shoulders.
"you're beautiful, you know that?" he said softly, kneeling on the mattress as he rested one hand gently against her cheek.
she leaned into his touch, reaching up to wrap her slender fingers around his wrist, pressing a soft kiss to the heel of his hand.
she knew she should tell him. han needed to know.
but now was definitely not the time.
not that she could find the words while he kissed her neck, her chest, her stomach, his fingers dancing across her back as he fumbled with the clasp of her bra, erection straining against his jeans.
"han, babe." she mumbled, reaching behind her. "it's been a year now, you should know how to undo a bra, mr. womanizer." she joked, pushing his hands away as she pulled the bra off by herself.
"why would i need to know how to do it when you just take it off by yourself most of the time?" he grinned, standing up to unbuckle his belt.
he started to undo his jeans, pausing halfway as if he had forgotten something before he darted over to the rolling toolbox in the back of the room, pulling a small foil packet out of the top drawer.
fat lot of good a condom would do them now.
not when she was already carrying his baby inside of her.
her body trembled with anticipation as she watched han rid himself of his jeans, the echo of his belt buckle hitting the floor echoing around the room before he rolled the latex sheath onto his thick, hard cock.
god, she was a fool in love. han seoul-oh made her feel every range of emotions all at once.
"seoul-oh." she mumbled, lips against his as he clambered onto the bed, covering her body with his broad one.
"hm?" han mumbled, pressing kisses all over her face.
"i love you, han lue." she said firmly, gently pushing his face away so she could look him in the eyes. "i mean it, babe. you've ruined me for anybody else. you're it for me."
"good, because i don't think i could love anybody else if i tried." han breathed out, kissing her again, the tip of his cock teasing her entrance.
she squirmed under him, a small gasp escaping her lips before she bit down on her bottom lip.
she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of hearing her beg. that wasn't what tonight was for.
han knew this as well, gently pushing himself inside her. tonight was about more than just chasing a high. for both of them. it was about love, and reassurance, and intimacy.
she threaded her fingers through his hair, whining as han moved ever so slightly, the sensations they both felt sending shockwaves through their bodies.
"seoul-oh." she moaned softly. "please. god, you feel incredible."
"yeah?" han crooned, thrusting softly and barely holding back a moan of his own. "you look so pretty with my cock inside you, my sweet sweet girl."
"just like that." she whined as he thrusted again, bucking her hips into him, trying to take his length deeper. "keep doing that, fuck."
when han's nimble fingers came up grip and massage her right breast, she knew she was a goner, arching her back to drive her body into him with a moan as he kissed her chest.
"you like that, baby? yeah, you love having my hands all over you. and i love touching your beautiful body." han murmured, sucking a hickey onto her collarbone. he could feel himself unravelling, knew that the end was nigh as he moaned against her skin, blindly reaching for her hand.
there were no more slow thrusts as the driver began to pick up the pace, his lover's legs wrapped tightly around him as she moaned his name.
"oh god, han, baby. fuck, keep going." she panted, one hand trailing down her body to play with her clit. anything to get her closer to that release she craved as she whined and squirmed under han's touch.
she'd seen this film before, and she already knew the ending. and the start if the sequel.
"come for me, baby. i know you can take it, just give me one more, okay?"
"han, han, holy shit." she moaned, feeling the coil in her stomach finally snap, her high crashing over her like a wave.
her lover groaned above her, a guttural sound ripped straight from his throat before han gently pulled out of her sensitive body, the evidence of his own peak contained within the clear latex that he slid off his member, tying the condom off in a knot before punting it into the trash can next to his desk.
she pulled the blankets up as han settled in the bed next to her, his warm fingers dancing in gentle circles against her sweaty skin as they laid together in the afterglow, a content look on his face as he kissed her on the forehead.
"seoul-oh." she said quietly, twirling his long, dark locks of hair around her fingertip. "i have to tell you something."
"what's on your mind, pretty girl?" worry creased han seoul-oh's face, a pit forming in his stomach.
he hated seeing her like this.
"i'm pregnant."
han's eyes widened. "what? babe, why didn't you tell me?"
"i've been trying all day. but you've had your hands full with dk and sean and drifting." she said sadly. "but i can't raise this baby with dk breathing down our necks. you need to get out of this life, seoul-oh."
han frowned thoughtfully, one hand resting against the side of her face. "i'm going to be a father. fucking hell, babe this is incredible. i promise you, i'm going to make a plan, and i'm going to get us out of tokyo."
"you know we can't keep this a secret any longer, right? i'm already eight weeks along, once the first trimester ends, i won't be able to hide it."
"you're right, you're right. we'll test the waters. i'll tell sean and twinkie in the morning, see how the news of our relationship goes over with them. i want to keep it from dk until i can find a way to get us out of here."
y/n nodded, lacing her fingers with han's and placing his hand on her stomach. "okay. let's do this thing." she broke out into a smile. "we're going to be parents, han. can't you picture it? sitting behind the wheel of your toyota, with our little gremlin on your lap, teaching them how to drive before they can even walk."
han laughed. "they'll be born with a monkey wrench in one hand and a bag of lays in the other."
"i love you, seoul-oh." she said softly, kissing him gently. "i'm so glad i found you three years ago.
"i love you more, y/n. and i can't wait to raise this kid with you."
Tags (though im not sure if any of you are interested loll):
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @sidcrosbyspuck @scuderiamh
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