#That's up to the people in charge of her design and the collab to decide not the fans
silkflovvers · 9 months
hey miku is 16 jsyk!!
Anon, I'll be honest I'm not fully sure what your intentions are with this message… I've been in the Vocaloid, UTAU and Vsynth trenches since 2010. That may not be 16 years worth of time here, but it's still a long time to be a fan of one thing considering it's about half the time I've been alive. So that means I'm going to impart some knowledge here that newer Vocaloid and Miku fans may not understand (Especially anyone coming to my account after being introduced to Miku through Project Sekai).
Miku is, by all definition, an instrument. A voicebank is an instrument. It is a tool used to create music. The only thing that truly sets her apart from other electronic instruments or music making software is that she has a 2D mascot assigned to her to make her more marketable. That mascot was meant to be 16, yes. I will not deny that fact. Her voice bank even turned 16 years old this year since she was released way back in 2007! Happy 16 years of physical existence to your original disc-based software, Miku! So her Mascot associated as the face of the voicebank is 16 in both her physical age since launch and what's included in her original bio in that software and on the Yamaha website. If you wanted to say she was 16 years old at birth, then she'd actually be 32 years old this year if she actually aged. But her mascot doesn't age, just like all mascots of goods and brands do not age (Except for the Planter's Peanut guy I guess???). If this was a character from an anime that was always portrayed as a 16 year old and never anything else ever, it would be different. But only the 2D mascot tied to the voicebank and used as a marketable image is 16.
Now here's the part where saying she's always 16 years old all the time no matter what makes you look a little silly.
As an instrument and voicebank, Miku has been used to tell stories and fill roles much different from the bio of her software mascot. She's a medium to tell stories through, just like human voices are! She is whatever the person using her to tell a story wants her to be. This could be the VocaloP, the illustrator, or even the person creating the music videos deciding her age. Sometimes she's used as the stand-in voice for the person using her to tell the story, perhaps because they themselves aren't confident in their singing ability or wish to remain anonymous like in PowaPowaP's songs. Sometimes she is just her default voicebank self like in KIRA's Digital Girl. More often than not, she's portrayed as an original character the person using her made up in their head like she is used in mothy_悪ノP's The Evillious Chronicles. She can be anything.
She's literally the target demographic for those unpaid internship listings on job app websites that ask for 30 years experience in the field before you should even consider applying for the internship. Those aren't targeted at you, those employers want Hatsune Miku. Obviously.
That said, I don't think it's fair to apply the default voicebank mascot info to her if the person using her voice or image says otherwise.
If we really want to be picky here, the Kagamine voicebanks are even younger than Miku according to their software mascot info (15 years old), but VocaloPs wasted absolutely no time using Len to sing songs like SPICE! and Gigantic O.T.N. and Rin to sing songs like Alluring Secret ~ Black Vow ~. They were both used to sing songs like Corrupted Flower and if you also want to count violence as a mature theme here, Karakuri Burst. Does that mean they're 15 years old in any of those songs? I don't know. The person who wrote the song or the person who made the art for the music video might know, but I definitely don't. I also don't have the right to decide that specific bit of info for them since I am just the viewer.
The case is the same for the special Pokemon collab "What if Miku was a _type trainer?" series. I'm not the illustrator of each of the Trainer Mikus, so I don't know anything other than what they look like, just like the rest of the general public. The only people who have the right to decide the canon age of the Pokemon trainer Mikus are the people who illustrated her (and maybe whoever was directing the collab in the first place). Not me, not you dear anon, and not even KEI, the original illustrator and character designer for the mascot of the voicebank known as Hatsune Miku have the right to decide the age of the Trainer Mikus. The people actively telling a story with Miku are the ones who decide who she is, where she is, and what she is. Until we are told the Trainer Mikus illustrators' exact intentions, ages are up for interpretation and no one's interpretation is a cold hard fact.
The only times the person using the software or image of the mascot can't choose what age the character is are when there are specific rules listed in the software manual or on the official website. As an example, I'm about 98% sure the voicebank for Kaai Yuki has restrictions for what types of songs she can be used in since the voice providers for the voicebank were actual children. That's the only exception I am personally aware of within the official Vocaloid brand voicebanks by Yamaha. There may be non-Yamaha voicebanks, UTAUs and VSynths with similar restrictions that I am unaware of.
Now that you've been given a small history lesson on voicebanks and the fact they're used to tell stories as all instruments are, I'll give a more personal reply.
If your ask was sent in response to me tagging the Dark type Trainer Miku art with "I'm gay" in my reblog, you may be taking Tumblr and social media as a whole a little too seriously. Dark type Miku is pretty and I love dark type Pokemon and trainers, always have. I've been a Mawile fan since the Pokemon was still considered a Dark-Steel type and it took me a very long time to stop being upset when they switched Mawile to a Fairy-Steel type. Anyway, if we're being honest, I wish I looked like Dark Type Miku. This is the response of a nonbinary lesbian desperately wishing they could look as good as Dark Type Miku. I'm not lusting after her, I'm not lewding her. I just wish I was as hot as she is in this artwork.
If you don't agree with anything I've said in my reply to this ask, then please do not continue to make yourself uncomfortable by interacting with me or my social media accounts. Please block me if you must! I highly recommend blocking accounts and muting tags that make you uncomfy! I do it all the time! It's the only way to stay sane on social media, aside form simply not using social media.
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theliterarywolf · 2 years
Do you have the deets on Mattel's bones that aren't willing to publicly be gay yet?
They treated the person in charge of writing the Monster High novel franchise like absolute shit
They themed an entire media franchise (Monster High) around 'being different' and 'embracing your differences'... just to berate the character designers/concept-sculptors anytime they dared to give characters pronounced cheekbones or 'unfeminine features' (Mattel's exact words, not mine), characters with Afro-centric features (i.e.: textured hair) were often either whitewashed (not the tumblr definition but Clawdeen was literally whitewashed in several of her special releases) or given 'straighter, more manageable hair' (Clawdeen's younger sister Howleen originally debuted with an orange and yellow afro-undercut but, in all her subsequent releases, she was given long, straight pink hair because Mattel said it needed to be 'girl-friendly')
And, oh, let me just do a comedic recreation of my favorite little kerfluffle that we found out via the head character-designer's AMA a few years back:
Mattel: Alright, gang! Are we ready to launch the promotional material for our new collab with Lady Gaga to promote her new LGBTA youth organization?
Head designer: Yeah, um, about that. Me and some of the other character-designers were just wondering... Since we're working with such a big figure in the LGBTA community and how so many of our fans are in said community... If we could maaaaybe introduce a canon LGBTA charact --
Mattel: YOU SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU MISERABLE FUCKING HOMO-- I mean... We just don't feel like it's the right time to incorporate something like that into our brand, mmkay?
(Disclaimer, that was obviously a comedic recreation, but considering how so many companies treat the existence of LGBTA people... Is it really that unbelievable?)
Which is all the more ironic since... *deep breath*
Later on, it came out that one of the male antagonists in the franchise, a vampire named Kieran Valentine who would trick girls and women into falling in love with him and then break their hearts so he could feed off of their negative emotions, was originally planned to have an exclusive San Diego Comic Con doll (something that Mattel has done for a few characters, I myself even have a SDCC exclusive Ever After High Werewolf!Cerise Hood doll) with an included diary that would reveal that he was, in fact, gay.
But he kept constantly trying to force himself into fake relationships with women, feeding off of negative emotion, until he finally decided to be true to himself and seek out a relationship with another boy and found out that true love is much healthier for all parties involved.
... But Mattel came in and said 'Mm, we don't want to present the LGBTA community in a negative light, so... we're just going to discontinue this idea.'
The idea... that was written... By the one. Gay man. On the design team.
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snelbz · 4 years
What Happens In Vegas... {3}
An A Court of Thorns and Roses, Feyre x Rhysand, Modern AU, fanfiction.
Summary: For Feyre’s twenty-first birthday, her best friend took her to Las Vegas for a weekend of fun she could never forget. She’s going home with a lot more than memories.
@snelbz​ / @tacmc​ collab
What Happens In Vegas Masterlist
Fanfiction Masterlist
My Ask Box
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I felt like I had just fallen asleep when someone began hammering on my door.
“Feyre? Are you in there?” The knob shook and it sounded like whoever it was was trying to get in. I’d locked it after the incident with Rhys, just in case he wanted to come back and finish the fight we’d started.
I blinked and sat up, looking around the room, bleary eyed. The last time I had looked at the clock, it was 4:17. It had taken me hours to fall asleep, with the loud music below and the knowledge that Rhys was probably giving Belly Chain the night I should have gotten in Vegas.
Another knock had me climbing across the huge bed and hurrying for the door, but as I reached it, I realized I wore nothing but Rhysand’s shirt he’d left in Vegas. Whatever he’d washed it with, it didn’t smell of puke. The man had some serious laundry skills. Aside from my ruined dress and a couple of other tops, it was all I had with me, so it would have to do.
I reached the door and asked, “Who is it?”
“Amarantha. I’m Rhysand’s PA.”
I cracked open the door and peered out. The elegant redhead from last night stared back at me, unimpressed. From being made to wait or the sight of my bed hair, I didn’t know. Did everyone in this house look like they’d just slunk off the cover of a magazine? Her eyes turned into slits at the sight of Rhys’ shirt.
“His representatives are here to meet with you. You might want to get your ass into gear.” The woman spun on her heel and strode off down the hallway, heels clacking furiously against the terra-cotta tiled floor.
I hesitated, watching her disappear around the corner before closing the door behind me. I slumped back against it with a groan before stumbling into the adjoining bathroom. After a look in the mirror, and a cringe, I decided that a shower was definitely necessary. 
The shower was amazing.
The cost of the bathroom alone was probably equivalent to everything I owned. I quickly washed my hair and scrubbed my skin, and I was letting myself out. After brushing through my hair and putting on the same clothes I felt like I had been wearing for years at this point, I was wandering into the hallway.
Amarantha hadn’t told me where they were waiting for me, and in a house this big, I wasn’t excited about looking for the right room. When I walked down the staircase, though, there was a group of men in suits, and I figured that I wouldn’t have to look too long.
I nodded, my reality settling in around me. I was about to get divorced. Divorced at twenty-one. What a fucking dream. 
“Follow me.”
Me. Although there were four of them in the group, he was clearly in charge. He was probably a few years younger than my dad, clearly full of himself, and obviously rich as hell. His suit was pristine, designer, his hair luscious and just trimmed and styled. 
“My name is Darren Hybern,” he said. “The band’s manager.”
I noticed he didn’t offer to shake my hand. “Feyre. Sorry I’m late.”
He smiled and his teeth were too white, too perfect. “It’s fine, not a problem at all.” His tone suggested differently.
He led us to a room by the front door, an office of sorts. There was a large table, the likes of which I’d only seen in boardrooms and interview scenes on tv and in movies. He gestured to the men, who’d sat down on one side of the table, a show of power in their impressive, immaculate suits. “Gentlemen, this is Ms. Archeron,” Hybern announced. “Jeffrey Baker, Bill Preston, and Ted Clark are Rhysand’s legal representatives. Why don’t you sit here, Feyre?”
He spoke slowly, as if I were a feeble-minded child. He pulled a chair out from the table for me directly opposite the team of legal eagles, then walked around to sit on their side. Wow, that sure told me. The lines had been drawn.
I rubbed my sweaty palms on the sides of my jeans and sat up straight, doing my best not to wilt beneath their hostile gazes. I could definitely do this. How hard could it be to get a divorce, after all?
“Ms. Archeron,” the one Hybern had identified as Ted started. He pushed a black leather folder full of papers toward me. “Mr. Lunasa asked us to draw up annulment papers. They’ll cover all issues, including details of your settlement from Mr. Lunasa.”
The size of the stack of papers before me was daunting. These people worked fast. “My settlement?”
“Yes,” Ted said. “Rest assured, Mr. Lunasa has been very generous.”
I shook my head in confusion. “I’m sorry. Wha—.”
“We’ll deal with that last,” Ted rushed on. “You’ll notice here that the document covers all conditions to be met by yourself. The main issues include your not speaking to any member of the press with regard to this matter. This is non-negotiable, I’m afraid. This condition remains in force until your death. Do you fully understand the requirement, Ms. Archeron? Under no circumstances may you talk to any member of the press regarding Mr. Lunasa in any way while you’re alive.”
“So I can talk to them after I die?” I asked with a weak little laugh. Ted was getting on my nerves. I guess I hadn’t gotten enough sleep after all.”
Ted bared his teeth. They weren’t nearly as impressive as Hybern’s. “This is a very serious matter, Ms. Archeron.”
“Feyre,” I said. “My name is Feyre, and I do realize the seriousness of this issue, Ted. I apologize for being flippant. But if we could get back to the part about the settlement? I’m a little confused.”
“Very well.” Ted looked down his nose at me and tapped a thick, gold pen on the paperwork in front of me. “As I said, Mr. Lunasa has been very generous.”
“No,” I said, not looking at the papers, “you don’t understand.”
Ted cleared his throat and looked down at me over the top of his glasses. “It would be unwise of you to try and press for more given the circumstances, Ms. Archeron. A six-hour marriage in Las Vegas entered into while you were both heavily under the influence of alcohol? Textbook grounds for annulment.”
Ted’s cronies tittered and I felt my face fire up. My need to accidentally kick the prick under the table grew and grew.
“My client will not be making another offer.”
“I don’t want him to make another offer,” I said, my voice rising.
“The annulment will go ahead, Ms. Archeron,” said Ted. “There is no question of that. There will be no reconciliation.”
“No, that’s not what I meant.”
Ted sighed. “We need to finalize this today, Ms. Archeron.”
“I’m not trying to hold anything up, Ted.”
The other two lawyers watched me with distaste, backing up Ted with sleazy, knowing smiles. Nothing pissed me off faster than a bunch of people trying to intimidate someone.
Hybern gave me a big-toothed, faux-fatherly grin. “I’m sure Feyre can see how kind Rhys is being. There aren’t going to be any delays here, are there?”
These people, they blew my mind. Speaking of which, I had to wonder where my darling husband was. Too busy banging bikini models to turn up to his own divorce, the poor guy. I ran my fingers through my wet hair, trying to figure out the right thing to say. Trying to get my anger managed. “Wait—.”
“We all just want what’s best for you given the unfortunate situation,” Hybern continued, obviously lying through his big, bright teeth.
“Great,” I said, fingers fidgeting beneath the table. “That’s … that’s really great of you.”
“Please, Ms. Archeron.” Ted tapped his pen imperiously alongside a figure on the paperwork and I dutifully looked, though I didn’t want to.
There were lots of zeros. I mean, really a lot. It was insane. In two lifetimes I couldn’t earn that kind of money. Rhys must have wanted me gone something fierce. My stomach rumbled nervously but my puking days were over. The whole scene felt horrific, like something out of a bad movie or soap opera. The girl from the wrong side of the tracks hijacks the hot, rich guy and tricks him into marriage. Now all that was left was for him to use his people to chase me off into the sunset.
Well, he won.
“This was all just a mistake,” said Hybern. “I’m sure Feyre is every bit as keen to put it behind her as Rhys is. And with this generous financial settlement, she can move forward to a bright future.”
“You’ll also never attempt to make contact with Mr. Lunasa ever again, in any manner. Any attempt on your part to do so will see you in breach of contract.” Ted withdrew his pen, sitting back in his seat with a false smile and his hands crossed over his belly. “Is that clear?”
“No,” I said, scrubbing my face with my hands.
They actually thought I’d fall over myself to get that money. Money I’d done nothing to earn, no matter how tempting accepting it was. Of course, they also thought I’d sell my story to the press and harass Rhys every spare moment I got for the rest of my life. They thought I was cheap, trashy scum. “I think I can honestly say that nothing about this is clear.”
“Feyre, please.” Hybern gave me a disappointed look. “Let’s be reasonable.”
“I’ll tell you what…” I stood and retrieved the ring from my jeans pocket, tossing it onto the sea of paperwork. “You give this back to Rhys and tell him I don’t want any of it. None of this.” I gestured at them, the table, the papers, and the entire damn house. The lawyers looked nervously among themselves as if they’d need more paperwork before they could allow me to go waving my arms about in such a disorderly fashion.
“I don’t want to sell his story, or stalk him, or whatever else you have buried in subclause 98.2. I don’t want his money.”
Hybern coughed out a laugh. Fuck him. The phony bastard could think what he liked.
Ted frowned at my big sparkly ring lying innocently among the mess. “Mr. Lunasa didn’t mention a ring.”
“No? Well. Why don’t you tell Mr. Lunasa he can shove it wherever he feels it might best fit, Ted.”
“Ms. Archeron!” Ted stood, his puffy face outraged. “That is unnecessary.”
“Going to have to disagree with you there, Ted.” I bolted out of the dining room of death and made straight for the front door as fast as my feet could carry me. Immediate escape was the only answer. If I could just get the hell away from them long enough to catch my breath, I could come up with a new plan to deal with this ridiculous situation. I’d be fine.
A brand new black pickup truck pulled up as I tore down the front steps.
The window lowered to show my guide from last night, Cass, sitting in the driver’s seat. He smirked from behind black sunglasses, his hair tied at the back of his head. “Hey there, child bride.”
I threw a vulgar gesture in his direction and jogged down the long, winding driveway toward the front gates. Toward liberty and freedom and my old life, or whatever remained of it. If only I’d never gone to Vegas. If only I’d tried harder to convince Joey that a party at home would be fine, none of this would have happened. Gods, I was such an idiot. Why had I drunk so much?
“Feyre! Hold up.” Cass pulled up alongside me in his truck. “What’s wrong? Where are you going?”
I didn’t answer. I was done with all of them. That and I had the worst feeling I was about to cry, damn it. My eyes felt hot, horrible.
“Stop.” He pulled the brake and climbed out of the truck, running after me. “Hey, I’m sorry.”
I said nothing. I had nothing to say to any of them.
His hand wrapped around my arm gently, but I didn’t care. I swung at him. I’d never hit anyone in my life. Apparently, I wasn’t about to start now. He dodged my flying fist with ease.
“Whoa! Okay.” Cass danced back a step, giving me a wary look over the top of his shades. “You’re mad. I get it.”
Hands on hips, he looked back toward the house. Ted and Hybern stood on the front steps, staring after us. Even from this distance the dynamic duo did not appear happy. Evil bastards.
Cass hissed out a breath. “You’re fucking joking. He sicced that ball sucker Ted onto you?”
I nodded, blinking, trying to get myself under control.
“Did you have anyone with you?” he asked.
He cocked his head. “Are you going to cry?”
“Fuck. Come on.” He held out his hand to me and I stared at it in disbelief. “Feyre, think. There are photographers and shit waiting out front. Even if you get past them, where are you going to go?”
He was right. I had to go back, get my bag. So stupid of me not to have thought of it. Just as soon as I had myself under control I’d go in and retrieve it, then get the hell out of here. I fanned my face with my hands, took a big breath. All good.
Meanwhile, his hand hovered, waiting. There were a couple of small blisters on it, situated in the join between thumb and finger. Curious.
“Are you the drummer?” I asked with a sniff.
For some reason he cracked up laughing, almost doubling over, clutching at his belly. Maybe he was on drugs or something. Or maybe he was just one more lunatic in this gigantic asylum. Batman would have had a hard time keeping this place in check.
“What is your problem?” I asked, taking a step away from him. Just in case.
His snazzy sunglasses fell off, clattering on the asphalt. He swiped them up and shoved them back on his face.
“Nothing. Nothing at all. Let’s get out of here. I’ve got a house at the beach. We’ll hide out there. Come on, it’ll be fun.”
I hesitated, giving the jerks on the front steps a lethal look. “Why would you help me?”
“Because you’re worth helping.”
“Oh, really? Why would you think that?”
“You wouldn’t like my answer.”
“I haven’t liked a single answer I’ve had all morning, why stop now?”
He smiled. “Fair enough. I’m one of Rhysand’s oldest friends. We’ve gotten drunk and out of control more times than I can remember. He’s had girls angling to snare him for years, even before we had money. He never was the slightest bit interested in marriage. It was never even on his radar before. So the fact that he married you, well, that suggests to me you’re worth helping. Come on, Feyre. Stop worrying.”
Easy for him to say, his life hadn’t been skewered by a rock star.
“I need to get my stuff.”
“And get cornered by them? Worry about it later.” He held his hand out, fingers beckoning for mine. “Let’s get out of here.”
I put my hand in his and we went.
I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but the beach house we pulled up to wasn’t it. It was right on the water, the house lining the sand. It wasn’t as massive as the mansion we were just at, but it was pretty big. Much bigger than my parents’ house, anyways.
“What do you think?” Cassian asked, putting his car in drive in the driveway.
“It’s….nice,” I answered, at last, unsure of how to judge a house strictly from the outside. 
“Nice?” Cassian laughed. “This is my favorite place in the world...and you tell me that it’s nice?”
I laughed, purely because of his exasperated expression. “Well, I have to see the inside first.”
“Fair enough.” He shrugged before helping himself out then walked up to the front door. I stayed close behind, afraid that the paparazzi would be hanging just around the corner. 
The inside was much more marvelous than the outside. It was simple but sleek and modern. Plenty of space surrounded me, and between that and the beach just outside the backdoor, I was growing calmer by the second.
As I admired the line of instruments lining the walls, I asked, “How many instruments can you actually play?” 
Cassian shrugged. “A few.”
I snorted. “Right.”
“What kind of music do you like?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.
I shrugged. “A little bit of everything, mostly country.”
He groaned. “That’s, like, worst case music to like being married to a rock star. Do you even like hardcore?”
The smile I gave him as I walked into his living room was pained. “Sorry.”
Cassian’s house was clearly a bachelor pad/den of iniquity. I’d had a vague notion to make lunch to thank him for taking me in, but there wasn’t a single speck of food in the house. Beer filled the fridge and vodka the freezer. Oh, no, there was a bag of oranges used as wedges to go with shots of vodka, apparently. He’d ruled out touching those. Coffee, however, was something they both agreed was essential. After drinking three cups in the space of an hour, I felt a lot more like my old well-planned, caffeinated self.
Cass dialed for pizza and we watched TV late into the night. Mostly he found his joy in mocking my taste in pretty much everything: movies, music, the lot. At least he did it good-naturedly. We couldn’t go outside because a couple of photographers were waiting on the beach. I felt bad about it but he’d just shrugged it off.
This is my everyday life. It’s nothing new to me.
He paused on the country music channel as we were eating our pizza.
“What about this song?” he asked. “You like this?”
Miranda Lambert strode on screen in a cool ’50s frock and I grinned. “Miranda is a badass.”
“I’ve met her.”
I sat up straight. “Really?”
He chuckled. “You’re impressed I’ve met Miranda Lambert but you didn’t even know who I was. Honestly, woman, you are hard on the ego.”
“I saw the gold and platinum records lining the hallway, buddy. I’m thinking you can take it.”
He snorted. “Can’t you at least pretend to worship me?”
I bite into another slice of pizza. “Nope. Sorry.”
With a scoff, Cassian began to surf through the channels. Football, home shopping, Jeopardy!, and me. My face on tv.
“Wait,” I said.
He groaned. “Not a good idea.”
“No, just…” I held up a hand, and that seemed to have do it. He didn’t change the channel anymore, but I was fully aware that he was watching me.
The reporter showed up on the screen, talking about everything and nothing in between. I couldn’t help but try and grasp the concept of what she was saying, although the words really didn’t sink in. 
“Rhysand Lunasa’s new wife-.”
“Is that all I’m going to be seen as from now on?” I muttered, not really sure if I said it outloud or not. “Rhysand Lunasa’s new wife?”
Cassian didn’t respond. Or, maybe he did and I just didn’t hear him. The footage of me at the airport streamed across the screen and I frowned. I looked so scared, so off guard, so nervous. And I was, that wasn’t the point, but I figured the first time I would ever be on t.v. would be because of a great accomplishment, not because I was accidentally married to a rockstar. 
Cassian rested a hand on my shoulder and I looked at him. “Rhys is the favorite, darlin’. He’s pretty, plays guitar, and writes the songs. Girlies faint when he walks by. Team that with your being a young ’un and you’ve got the news of the week.”
“I’m twenty-one.”
“And he’s twenty-six. It’s enough of a difference if they hype it just right.” Cass sighed. “Face it, child bride. You got married in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator to one of rock ’n’ roll’s favorite sons. It was always bound to cause a shitstorm. Given there’s also been some crap going on with the band lately… What with Tamlin partying like it’s 1999 and Rhys losing his music-writing mojo. Well, you get the picture. But next week, someone else will do something wacky and all the attention will move on.”
I shrugged. “I guess so.”
“I know so. People are constantly fucking up. It’s a glorious thing.” He sat back and kicked his feet up on the coffee table. “Now smile for Uncle Cass, cause like I said, this will all blow over in a week or so. You know you want to.”
I smiled halfheartedly.
“That’s a bullshit smile and I’m ashamed of you. You’re not going to fool anyone with that. Try again.”
I tried harder, smiling till my cheeks hurt.
“Damn. Now you just look like you’re in pain.”
Banging on the front door interrupted our merriment.
Cass raised his brows at me. “Wondered how long he’d take.”
“What?” I trailed him to the front door, lurking behind a divider just in case it was more press.
He opened the door and Rhys charged in, face tight and furious.
“You piece of shit. You better not have touched her. Where is she?”
“The child bride is otherwise occupied.” Cass cocked his head, taking Rhys in with a cool glance. “Why the fuck do you even care?”
“Don’t start with me. Where is she?”
Calmly, Cassian shut the door and turned to face his friend. I hesitated, hanging back around the corner.
Cass crossed his arms over his broad chest. “You left her to face Hybern and three lawyers on her own. You, my friend, are most definitely the piece of shit in this particular scenario.”
“I didn’t know Darren would go at her with all that.”
“You didn’t know because you didn’t want to know,” said Cass . “Lie to everyone else out there, Rhys. Not me. And sure as fuck not to yourself.”
“Back off.”
Cassian sighed. “You need some serious life advice, friend.”
“Who are you, Oprah?”
Coughing out a laugh, Cass slumped against the wall. “Hell, yeah. Soon I’m gonna be giving out cars, so stick around.”
“What did she say?”
“Who, Oprah?” 
Rhysand just scowled at him. He didn’t even notice me spying. Sad to say, even a scowling Rhys was a thing of rare beauty. He did things to me. Complicated things. My heart tripped about in my chest. The anger and emotion in his voice couldn’t be concern for me. That made no sense, not after last night and this morning. I had to be projecting, and it sucked that I even wanted him to care. My head made no sense. Getting away from this guy was the safest option all round. “Rhys, she was so upset she took a swing at me.
“I kid you not. She was nearly in tears when I found her,” said Cass.
I banged my forehead in silent agony against the wall. Why the hell did Cassian have to tell him that?
My husband hung his head. “I didn’t mean for that to happen.”
“Seems you didn’t mean for a shitload to happen.” Cass shook his head and tutted. “Did you even mean to marry her, dude? Seriously?”
Rhysand’s face screwed up, his brow doing the wrinkly James Dean thing again. “I don’t know anymore, okay? Fuck. I went to Vegas because I was so sick of all this shit, and I met her. She was different. She seemed different that night. I just… I wanted something outside of all this fucking idiocy for a change.”
Cassian pouted. “Poor Rhysie. Did being a rock god get old?”
“Where is she?”
“I feel your pain, bro. Really, I do. I mean, all you wanted was a girl who wouldn’t kiss your ass for once and now you’re pissed at her for the same damn reason. It’s complicated, right?”
“Fuck you. Leave it alone, Cass. It’s done.” My husband huffed out a breath. “Anyway, she’s the one who wanted the fucking divorce. Why aren’t you giving her the third degree, huh?”
With a dramatic sigh, Cass gestured towards me. “Because she’s really busy hiding around the corner, listening. I can’t disturb her now.”
Rhysand’s body stilled and his blue eyes found me. “Feyre.”
Huh. Busted.
I stepped away from the wall and tried to put on a happy face. It didn’t work. “Hi.”
“She says that so well.” Cass turned to me and winked. “So did you really ask the mighty Rhysand Lunasa for a divorce?”
“She threw up on me when I told her we were married,” my husband reported.
“What?” Cass dissolved into laughter, tears leaking from his eyes. “Are you serious? Fucking hell, that is fantastic. Oh, man, I wish I’d been there.”
I gave Rhys what I hoped to be the meanest look in all of time and space. He stared back, unimpressed.
“It was the floor,” I clarified. “I didn’t throw up on him.”
“That time,” said Rhys.
“Please keep going,” said Cass, laughing harder than ever. “This just gets better and better.”
Rhys didn’t. Thank God.
“Seriously, I fucking love your wife, man. She’s awesome. Can I have her?”
The look I got from Rhys spoke of a much more reluctant affection. With the line between his brows, it was closer to outright irritation. I blew him a kiss. He looked away, hands fisted like he was barely holding himself back from throttling me. The feeling was entirely mutual.
Ah, marital bliss.
“You two are just the best.” A chiming sound came from Cassian’s pocket and he pulled out a cell phone. Whatever he saw on the screen stopped his laughter dead. “You know, you should take her to your house,man.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Rhysand’s mouth pulled wide in a truly pained expression. I didn’t think it was a good idea either. I’d happily go through life without setting foot inside the house of horrors ever again. Maybe if I asked Cassian nicely he’d fetch my stuff for me. Imposing on him further didn’t appeal, but I was running low on options.
“Whoa.” With a grim face, Cass shoved his cell at Rhys. 
“Fuck,” Rhys mumbled. He wrapped his hand around the back of his neck and squeezed. The worried glance he gave me from beneath his dark brows set every alarm ringing inside my head. Whatever was on that screen was bad. Really bad.
“What is it?” I asked. “Oh, you, ah… you don’t need to worry about it.” His gaze dropped to the phone again, then he passed it back to Cass. “My place would be cool, actually. We should do that. Fun. Yeah.”
“No.” For Rhysand to be so nice to me it had to be something truly bad. I held out my hand, fingers twitching from impatience or nerves or a bit of both. “Show me.”
Rhysand didn’t budge. “It’s not important.”
“Show me,” I snapped.
Cassian frowned as he looked at Rhysand. Rhys, on the other hand, was staring daggers at his bandmate, his friend. 
He handed the phone to me.
My cheeks instantly heated as I glanced down at the picture on Cassian’s phone, the picture that was all over the web. 
I was looking at a picture of the tattoo of Rhysand’s name on my ass, a picture that I didn’t even know had been taken. 
I tensed, my heart falling into my stomach. It couldn’t be. It didn’t make sense. I had no idea how it had happened, and the thought of a picture of my asscheek ending up all over the internet had me ready to puke.
“Excuse me,” I breathed, shoving the phone into Cassian’s chest. The second he took it, I was hauling ass down the hallway, into the bathroom, where I slammed the door shut behind me.
I locked it and sat on the edge of the Jacuzzi, trying to slow my breathing, trying to be calm. There was nothing I could do. The picture was already out there. This was no death and dismemberment. It was a stupid picture of me in a compromising position showing more skin than I liked. But so what? Big deal. Accept it and move on. Despite the fact that everyone I knew would likely see it. Worse things had happened in the history of the world. I just needed to put it in context and stay calm.
“Feyre?” Rhys tapped lightly on the door. “Are you okay?”
“Yep.” No. Not really.
“Let me in?” I gave the door a pained look. “Please.”
Slowly, I stood and flicked the lock. Rhysand wandered in and shut the door behind him. No slicked back, styled hair today. His dark hair hung down, framing his face on one side. He had three small silver earrings in one ear playing peekaboo behind his hair. I stared at them because meeting his eyes was out of the question. I was not going to cry. Not about this. What the hell was even wrong with my eyes lately? Letting him in had been dumb.
With a heavy frown he stared down at me. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Yeah, it is. I should have looked after you better.”
“No, Rhys.” I swallowed hard. “We were both drunk. God, this is all so horrifically, embarrassingly stupid.”
He just stared at me.
“Hey, you’re allowed to be upset. That was a private moment. It shouldn’t be out there. We were in a private room. This should never have happened, but people get offered a lot of money for this sort of thing.”
I nodded, knowing this sort of thing happened to them all the time. He must have thought I was having a meltdown for no reason. “Can I… can I see it again?”
His eyes narrowed slightly. “You sure that’s a good idea?”
“Not really.” I chuckled, but there was no humor in the words. They sounded slightly unhinged.
Rhys handed me his phone regardless.
The image I was looking at this time was a different angle, more zoomed out, but there could be no doubting what it was, even on the small screen. There was a lot of skin on account of my being bare from the waist down. My naked butt sat front and center in all its pale glory. The party dress had been pushed up and I stood, bent over a table while a tattoo artist worked hard inking my rear. My panties had been cinched down, barely covering the basics.
At the other end of the frame, our faces were close together and Rhysand was smiling. Huh. So that was what he looked like when he smiled
I remembered it then, the buzz of the needle, and him talking to me, holding my hands. At first, that needle had stung. “You were pretending to bite my fingers. The tattoo artist got mad at us for messing around.”
Rhys tipped his chin. “Yeah. You were supposed to be keeping still.”
I nodded, trying to remember more but coming up empty.
I blinked, trying my damndest to keep my chin from wobbling but I knew I was about to have another round of tears. “Rhys, I- I’d really like to be alone for a few minutes…”
He made a growly noise and suddenly his arms wrapped around me, pulling me in against him. He caught me off guard and I stumbled, my nose bumping into his chest. It hurt. But he smelled good. Clean, male, and good. Familiar. Some part of me remembered being this close to him and it was comforting. Something in my mind said “safe.” But I couldn’t remember how or why.
A hand moved restlessly over my back.
“I’m sorry,” he said, “so fucking sorry.”
The kindness was too much. Stupid tears flowed.
“I’d hardly even shown anyone my ass and now it’s all over the Internet.”
“I know, baby.” He rested his head against the top of mine, holding on tight as I blubbered into his T-shirt. Having someone to hold on to helped. It would be okay. Deep down I knew it would be. But right then I couldn’t see my way clear. Standing there with his arms around me felt right.
I don’t know when we started swaying. Rhys rocked me gently from side to side as if we were dancing to some slow song. The overwhelming temptation to stay like that with my face pressed into his shirt was what made me step back, pull myself together. His hands sat lightly on my hips, the connection not quite broken.
“Thanks,” I said.
“Of course.” The front of his shirt had a damp patch, thanks to me.
“Your shirt’s all wet.”
He shrugged.
I ugly-cried. It was a gift of mine. The mirror confirmed it, demon-red eyes and flushed fluoro-pink cheeks. With an awkward smile I stepped away from him, and his hands fell back to his sides. I splashed my face with water and dried it on a towel while he stood idly by, frowning.
“Let’s go for a drive,” he said.
“Really?” I gave him a dubious look. Rhysand and me alone? Given the marriage situation and our previous sober encounters, it didn’t seem the wisest plan.
“Yeah.” He rubbed his hands together, getting all enthused. “Just you and me. We’ll get out of here for a while.”
“Rhys, like you said out there, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“You want to stay in LA?” he scoffed.
“Look, you’ve been really sweet since you stepped through that door. Well, apart from telling Cass about me puking on you. That was unnecessary. But in the preceding twenty-four hours you dumped me alone in a room, went off with a groupie, accused me of trying to get it on with your bandmate, and sicced your posse of lawyers onto me.”
He said nothing.
“Not that you going off with a groupie is any of my business. Of course.”
He turned on his heel and paced to the other end of the bathroom, his movements tight, angry. Despite it being five times the size of the one back home, it still didn’t leave enough room for a showdown like this. And he was between me and the door. Because suddenly exiting seemed like a smart move.
“I just asked them to sort out the paperwork,” he said.
“And they sure did.” I put my hands on my hips, standing my ground. “I don’t want any of your money.”
“I heard.” His face was carefully blank. My statement prompted in him none of the disbelief or mockery it had in the suited bullies. Lucky for him. I doubt he believed me, but at least he was willing to pretend. “They’re drawing up new papers.”
“Good.” I stared him down. “You don’t have to pay me off. Don’t make assumptions like that. If you want to know something, ask. And I was never going to sell the story to the press. I wouldn’t do that.”
“Okay.” He slumped against the wall, leaning his head back to stare up at nothing. “Sorry,” he told the ceiling. I’m sure the plasterwork appreciated it immensely. When I made no response, his gaze eventually found me. It had to be wrong, or at the very least immoral, to be so pretty. Normal people didn’t stand a chance. My heart took a dive every time I looked at him. No, a dive didn’t cover it. It plummeted.
Where was Joey to tell me I was being melodramatic when I needed her most?
“I’m sorry, Feyre,” he repeated. “I know the last twenty-four hours have been shit. Offering to get out of here for a while was my way of trying to make things better.”
“Thank you,” I said. “And also for coming in here to check on me.”
“No problem.”
He stared at me, eyes unguarded for once. And the honesty in his gaze changed things for me, the brief flash of something more. Sadness or loneliness, I don’t know. A kind of weariness that was there and gone before I could understand. But it left its mark. There was a lot more to this man than a pretty face and a big name. I needed to remember that and not make my own assumptions.
“You really want to go?” I asked. “Really?”
His eyes were bright with amusement. “Why not?”
I gave him a cautious smile.
“We can talk over whatever we need to, just you and me. I need to make a couple of calls, then we’ll head off, okay?”
I nodded. “Thank you. I’d like that.”
With a parting nod, he opened the door and strode back out. He and Cass talked quietly about something in the living room. I took the opportunity to wash my face once more and finger comb my hair.
“Give me the keys to the truck,” said Rhys, squaring off against Cass. 
He winced. “I was joking about giving away cars.”
“Come on. Quit bitching. I rode over on the bike and I don’t have a helmet for her.”
“Fine.” With a sour face, Cassian dropped his car keys into Rhysand’s outstretched hand. “But only ’cause I like your wife. Not a scratch, you hear me?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Rhys turned and saw me.
A hint of a smile curled his lips. Except for that first day on the bathroom floor, I’d never seen him smile, never even seen him come close. This bare trace of one made me light up inside. My knees wobbled. That couldn’t be normal. I shouldn’t be feeling all warm and happy just because he was. I couldn’t afford to have any feelings for him at all. Not if I wanted to get out of this in one piece.
“Thanks for putting up with me today, Cass,” I said.
“The pleasure was all mine,” he drawled. “Sure you wanna go with him, child bride? This prick makes you cry. I make you laugh.”
Rhysand’s smile disappeared and he strode to my side. His hand sat lightly against the base of my spine, warm even through the layer of clothing. “We’re out of here.”
Cassian grinned and winked at me.
“Where are we going?” I asked Rhys.
“Does it matter? Let’s just drive.”
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arielmatosdraws · 3 years
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(WARNING: broken english, not my main laguage)
Also, special and high inspiration on: Miss Holoska(i write right, right?) With Underswap!MH and a but of Team Switched with TS!Underswap
So, you guys rembember me talking about how many takes of Underswap is out there but not many Underfell, well, guess what? I have a Underswap take
Character explanation
Chara: i made Chara design to look like how they look in the intro and flashback of Undertale, since i have a headcanon that Chara hair is like that because Chara didn't have time to brush their hair(why would they?), and so, the Dreemurs take care of them, and one time Chara have that hair that we see on genocide end(is just my headcanon), and since in this Underswap is the first time that Chara is in thr underground and not have time to brush their hair, i decided that should look like this, also, their personality depends of the routes, not only that but their personalities is just from the differents view of Undertale Chara, the neutral route, depending of what did Chara do, they have the personality that the "Neutral-Chara" believers think they have, the pacifist route, their personality can be either sarcastic, sassy, etc, to educated, angel, lawful good etc, and finally genocide, can be either sinlent, or, if Chara used cruel ACTs, can be the stereotype evil Chara
Sans: first of all, no, he is not a child, if was i could have drawed a stripe on his shirt, so, his clothes, is just thinked that his Undertale clothes are already perfect to exercice, so why change? The only thing that i changed was the sneakers with the shoes of Temmie Chang Sans concerpt art, and their hoodie with a scarf, he have a good relationship with Toriel like in Undertale, telling puns, talking about Papyrus, etc, the only people that know that Sans go talk to the queen is his brother, Mettaboo and Napstaton, but they doesn't mind and don't tell anyone, Sans doesn't use this as a excuse to enter the royal guard, he wants to enter with his skills(like Undertale Sans, he is just skilled, but not strong), he still have the shortcut, he like sci-fi and watched enough fiction movies to assume that Chara is a Time-Traveler, he, unlike Undertale Papyrus, actually is seen with Papyrus and his friends in some areas, however, if you killed someone, only Sans will be in other areas, he will say how his brother dissapeared after the battle bentween Chara and Sans, he doesn't kill you in pacifist and neutral, only captures you, but in genocide, he wants to do justice and he tries his best to kill you and he introduce his SECRET ATTACK, KARMA
Papyrus: i decided to just make he look different from his stereotype, well he is not drepessed like Undertale Sans, actually that bags on his eyes is because he suffer from insonnia, thats why he sleep many times, Sans not get angry about that, but, yes worried, since, unlike Undertale Sans thats just lazy, Papyrus suffer from insonnia and he have "other things" to treat and Sans is really worried about his younger brother, Papyrus doesn't mind puns, unless that too many, well, Papyrus is kind and sweet outside and doesn't want the people worry about him, he will not hate the person if killed someone like "you demon" but will be highly dissapointed, he will only hate you if you kill his brother, if Chara killed someone, he will no longer appear after Sans battle and only reappear in the judgement hall, he, unlike Sans, doesn't believe that The Fallen Human is some time-traveller and think thaf just Sans crazy imagination, but he notices that the Human act strange sometimes, he never made the promise to protect a human, in pacifist, he is just fine with Chara and never treath them about they "would be dead where they stand", in neutral, if any other monster was killed, he will be just disappointed, and if Sans was killed, he doesn't kill you because he will not be any better than you, but in genocide, the hate was so much that he take action, he is way stronger than Sans, both in attacks and status, but doesn't have karma, however, he is weaker than Undertale Papyrus because he not train and not sleep very well, but he have one thing that Undertale Papyrus doesn't have, the will to end you, he have bone attacks, have blue magic and blue attacks, he also use Gaster Blaster, however they eyes are angry cartoonish eyes, but if you could see, you would have a chill on the spine
Alphys: i always imagined a Alphys battle with a mecha, so instead of her being a close-combat warrior, she wears a mecha made by Undyne as a gift, the armor have a lighting canon and a robotic axe(with lighting aspect, yes, lighting will be exclusive to Alphys in this AU), she will not have a Undying form, but will use a upgrade of her armor that more hard, Alphys doesn't talk so much and not have a explosive personality, she is also not rude, but once that you make friendship with her, she shows her good side, she is a kind and sweet person, that just want the best to the people, she really like anime and loves Undyne, in battle, she uses her mecha and make you soul yellow, that is similar to Undertale, however she gives you a powerful teaser that you use to defend yourself from attacks, but you can use to overcharge her charge shot to make her mecha arm explode, after the two arms are destroyed, she will use a attavk that open their mecha torso reaviling the core, than you use all the enerhy of the teaser to stop the machine, than you can spare her or give the final blow, while she is inconsience, you can date her with Papyrus to be friends, the date involves you draw anime and watch anime, she is akward at first because she think that Chara doesn't like her, however, you can turn the tables and be really good friends, however, if you killed someone, instead of Papyrus, Sans will be in the front of the door to visit her, then he notices Chara and ask if you also want to pay a visit, and this version, Sans and Alphys go to her room to talk, Chara stay in the kitchen, than Sans go out, then the date with Alphys start, she is kinda reluctant in this version and in the end she doesn't really see you as a friend
Asgore: he is the one that stated that every human would die, however, Toriel banned them from the capital and he insolated himself in the ruins, he still the kind and good fluffy king from Undertale, i don't have much thing to talk about him
Undyne: even if US! Undyne hair is canon in Undertale, i decided that is just a pony tail, or, sometimes, a messy hair(without a pony tail), she is more determined than Undertale Alphys and go out more to visit Papyrus and his brother, she made Napstaton body and she like anime way more than Undertale Undyne, she knows that anime is not real, but, with her determination, she made robots, armors, etc, Napstaton is the only robot with soul, and is way stronger than that robots, this robots onoy follow their progamation ans don't give EXP, she upgrade Chara's chellphone and turn it into a deluxe U-phone, that phone have pretty much the same things from Undertale Alphys Cellphone, but, instead of a yellow mode, it have a "Cyan mode", in the cyan mode, the soul turn cyan, pressing Z make the soul make a really fast tackle that destroy or react some attacks, if missed the timing or used and doesn't hit nothing, the soul get way slower, so, be PATIENCE
Mettaboo(mettaton): He is not shy or melancolic like Undertale Napstablook, in the truth, he want to perform and be the famous star in the underground, he tries things like tearthes, pilot progams, etc.., but not many people like it, but he is not giving up! He doesn't attack using robots or lighting, but attack with things like flowers, other things that resemble, magic shows, cook lessons, pose, etc, he is cousin of Napstaton and he knows that they are cousins
Napstaton(Napstablook): they is the most famous musician on the underground, making sometimes collabs, music videos, etc.. they makes songs to progams, cartoons, games, etc.. but they is pretty shy, and have a TON(fingerguns) of fans not really help with their mental health, sometimes Undyne and mettaboo to giving them moral support, in thrir battle, the Cyan mode is really necessary, is a rythm battle, the objective is make a good song until have 10000 hearts, but, in genocide, they will truly battle you and use the whole area to attack you, and their "NEO" form is called Sonical Napstaton
Asriel: he is swappes with Mosnter kid, in this universe, he is not related in any way with the dreemurs, he have a more important role in this AU in pacifist, a little in neutral, but don't appear in genocide, Asriel have the same exact personality of his Undertale counterpart, he first appear when Chara ended up sliding in a endless ice path and ended up failing in some special crystal colors flowers, Asriel heard the sound of somebody grunting and he ended up founding Chara, and he heal them, he help them in some puzzles and guide them till Springout(Snowdin swap), then Chara can visit him in the local park, the two can go for the Muffet Café, the library, etc, after that, Chara gains Asriel phone number, if doing pacifist, Asriel can be found in other places since theres not "mysterious murders" going on, he normally will appear next to save points areas, because feel some sensation(determination)
Toriel: She is the queen of the Underground, almost everyone fear her, but, in the end, she just some poor old lady that have a whole kingdom to take care, have lost her two children, and their husband "is a horrible creature" to her, when encoutering her for the first time, she is silent at first, then proceeds to talk about all that her have face while walking to the barrier, she doesn't use anything to attack except their magic, she only attack Chara because Chara doesn't want to go away from her, making her feel guilty
Frisk and Monster Kid: [NO DATA FOUNDED]
So thats all that i have now about my Underswap, i tried to make the designs to look like their original counterparts and use almost the same style of clothes of the original Undertale, thats all, please, don't steal this idea,
Special thanks to: Miss Holoska and Team Switched, they are my inspiration to do this Underswap
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thots4daze · 4 years
Until | Yorarashi Inasa Apocalypse AU
a bnharem server collab please check out all other other wonderful authors ---> here. <---
many many thanks to jae & the thorsty squad: @reinawritesbnha​ @aizawascumslut​ @michiieewrites​ @hipster-merchant-of-death​ for all your support & help~
Warnings: 18+
Word count: 8k+
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It had been months since the beginning of the breakout, the ''Collapse of Society” as it was soon to be known as. Before? You were just your average, everyday university student. Attending classes, tuning out the monotoned droning on of professors just about as ancient as the subjects they taught, dodging the one night stands you had the misfortune of dragging into your arms in the attempt to warm your sheets. It wasn’t all that bad, before the Collapse that is. You had friends, you were well liked, even had a long time crush that you would meet up with on occasion to discuss what was going on in each other’s lives at the moment. It was nice. It was calm. It was normal.
But then the Collapse happened. It seemed sudden, as though everything you knew that was normal was far from it. According to all the broadcasts and media coverage, it was something that had been steadily infecting those around the world. It started off small, a cold or flu like symptoms - something that was fairly common that people took no notice of usually. And then there were the fever spikes. In the end, the body would overheat from the extreme fevers before shutting down. In the span of a few hours after death, the infected deceased were then reanimated as if by some unknown, higher power. A darker malevolent being. Truly a plague on the world as a whole.
The infected didn’t seem to be affected by conventional means of dispositions, instead a clear shot to the brain, through the skull, was enough to incapacitate the creatures. What made the situation worse was the fact that the governments and other authority powers around the globe insured that the public was in good hands. You were all safe from the horrible outbreak, that everything was under control. 
                                   Until it wasn’t.
                            »»————-  ————-««
That was almost two months ago; when the Collapse really took to the public and the world around you crumbled into a chaotic state of panic. Bigger than what was originally predicted. In that time, you had managed to escape the death trap that was your university’s dorms. You had managed to scrounge together a go-pack, one that you had prepared just in case you needed to get the hell out of there, and headed towards a friend’s apartment on the outskirts of the campus. It was better in numbers, safety and all that, right?
However, when you eventually did make it to the familiar complex, it seemed to have been all for naught. The place was pillaged and seemed to be vacant, aside from the curtains that would sway in their places adjacent to smashed windows, giving the illusion of warm bodies behind them. You knew better and yet your feet were moving on their own accord, leading you along the all too familiar path that carried you to the original destination.
The scent of putrid flesh was overpowering your sense of smell and nearly knocked you over more than once as you continued to the door at the end of the open-aired hallway. The sound of shuffling reached your ears as you stood on the other side of the door, hoping beyond all hope that they were alive still and not some decaying corpse.
All hopes were shattering in a matter of seconds, for as soon as you twisted the handle of the door and pushed the flimsy wood inward. The body of your friend stood stagnant in the center of what used to be their living area, back to you, swaying on the spot. The sound of you closing the door behind you knocked them out of their daze, acting on pure instinct they lunged forward, nails like claws. You had only a moment to dodge out of the incoming attack, side stepping - ungracefully - and scrambling to get to a weapon; anything to protect yourself. In the end, you had managed to grab a table lamp, one of those very modern designed ones, all angles and edges, and were able to use that as your weapon - bringing it down onto your friend’s skull. Denting in the bone, and damaging their brain.
In hindsight, you should have known better than to just straight up attack an infected as you did; but honestly, what choice did you have? It wasn’t like you could sneak behind ‘em and attack that way. When they died, er, rather before you finished them off, the piercing screech that assaulted your ears was enough for you to get the job done quickly. You would have never guessed that that sound would act as some sort of beacon, attracting the other infected in the area to your location.
You were there for a few hours making sure you gathered enough supplies to fill your pack, coming across an enormous duffel bag that once belonged to your friend and stuffing it full of non-perishables as well. Your reprieve was soon cut short when you heard them. The sounds of heavy, sloppy footfalls traipsing up the stairs, down the corridors, searching for their fallen comrade. The dead were surrounding you, trapping you inside, where the only way out would have been to jump from the balcony to the three stories below. The sound of your own blood rushing around inside that head of yours did well to drown out the sounds of pounding from outside the small safety of the apartment you took residence in.
In an instant you were dropping your perishables and scrambling to barricade the door with any and all furniture you could find. The couch, the kitchen table and chairs, hell even the large bookcase you had helped move into this place. Nothing was off limits. It didn’t take long for the dead to reach your door, clawing at each other, at the wood separating you from your inevitable doom. You grabbed the bags once more and scuttled off to the back door leading out to the balcony. There was a small storage building directly beneath you, it would break your fall if you could just hop over the railing and jump. But then the noise would most likely attract them to your new location, and if you were to injure yourself in the fall… well… 
You shook your head clear of the negative thoughts and before deciding on anything you swept the apartment once more to make sure you had snatched up anything and everything, just in case.
                            »»————-  ————-««
The high pitched screech could be heard two blocks away from where Inasa was scouting. It wasn’t a dead scream, like the ones he was unfortunately used to hearing. No, it was something akin to a cry for help. Which was strange, this stretch of area was cleared of living. It was too concentrated of an area and had been evacuated a while back. The only things that were inhabiting the neighborhood were the dead.
So, to hear the dead essentially calling for backup meant that there was someone alive nearby. And that meant he was needed. Shishikura called out to him in harsh, hushed tones, so as to not draw anymore unwanted attention in their own direction, but he was in vain as the brash, headstrong male charged forward in search of the person, or persons, in danger.
It didn’t take him long to find the apartment building where he was most needed, seeing as how the herd of the dead were flocking to it as if it held the key to their problems. Hard, onyx eyes searched the parameter of the building, or what points he could easily get to without being caught himself, before locking onto an exposed balcony, three floors up. There was movement in the open backdoor, a young woman scanning the surrounding areas - most likely searching for a way down. Which meant that the dead must be outside her door if jumping down was her only option.
She moved away from the window before he could get a chance to call up to her, that from where he was she would be good to jump. In the short amount of time it would have taken for him to think up a plan, he instead bolted forward, easily hoisting his burly, muscled body up to the roof of the storage building. Eyes scanning the balcony railings above him and jumping towards them, large hands gripping the wrought iron without an issue. Using the momentum of the jump Inasa was able to shimmy his frame up the iron rods before swinging his legs to hook around the tops of the railing, and with the finesse that only a large man as himself could posses, he was clamoring to his feet on the balcony deck, only a few feet from where you had once stood.
Cautiously he began to move into the room, holding the sheer curtain away from his line of sight, hoping to catch movement, of any kind. A serrated blade at his hip, his free hand at the ready to pull it from it’s sheath at any given moment.
You heard grunting coming from the balcony and in an attempt to seem braver than you truly were in the moment, you lunged at the intruder, assuming it was another dead creature that somehow appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
However, your attempt fell short, and your wrist holding onto a kitchen cleaver was stopped midair. The vice grip that held your wrist in place was warm and not all rotting. Sturdy muscle was pressed against the front of your body and you could only look up in panic and relief. Someone living. Someone to help. It was then that your face fell as thoughts of them being here for other intentions flooded your head. Struggling in the man’s grip, you began to pull and thrash around, anything to remove yourself from his immediate radius.
“Stop, stop. I’m not here to hurt you. Calm down,” Inasa was trying his hardest to sound sincere and to keep his voice at a lower level than what he was currently used to. Your ears perked up at the familiar sounding voice. It would have been foolish to not be able to discern your long time friend’s tone - even if it was almost whispering.
“I-Inasa?” The puff of air that passed your lips as you called his name made everything seem dreamlike. “Y/N?!” There he was. The loud and passionate meathead you knew and loved. How long had it been since you found yourself in his presence? Too long it seemed. But here he was, in all his handsome glory. 
“Y/N we’ve gotta go. They’re gonna be breaking down-,” he looked towards the front door of the apartment to find that you had already barricaded the entrance, “the door…” his words seemed to die in the forward cavern of his mouth as he glanced between you and the door and back again. Hands on your hips you flashed him a cheeky and very pleased grin, “I’m not completely useless, ‘Nas.” A small poke of your tongue breathing your lips was the last you gave him of that conversation. His only response, along with a heavy blush dusting his face and spreading to his ears was a short and sweet, “That’s my girl.” Then it was your turn to blush.
                            »»————-  ————-««
In the end, he convinced you that the two of you needed to jump down onto the small building under the window. After a lot of pushing and prodding you finally took the plunge - literally. Thankfully, Shishikura and Camie weren’t too much further up the road and were at the ready, weapons drawn, in position to provide cover if it was needed. Unluckily, a few dead were needed to be disposed of as you and Inasa made it to them, but otherwise Mission Save Y/N was a great success.
That was nearly five months ago, though it seemed so much longer than that. What with time ceasing to exist on smaller scales - the only thing you knew was that you were safe, for now, with a small and efficient group of fellow survivors. Your best friend and crush one of them. You had wondered, at the start of all this turmoil, why it was that you didn’t see him as often as you clearly would have liked. Aside from different university campuses of course.
“You aren’t thinking, Y/N!”
                      Ah, that’s why...
The ever consistent arguments that seemed to blossom between the both of you. Small things that would typically pile atop one another until it just became too much and one thing just sets it all off. You were no better at keeping it all under wraps, but still you tried. Could anyone blame you for wanting to keep the peace so that you could continue to have your best friend and eye candy around at all times? No. No they could not.
The end of the world was no exception.
“I can’t believe you would do something so monumentally idiotic!” All you could do was release a low, agitated sigh as you continued to sharpen your personal knife on a whetstone, keeping the edge as sharp as you could. However, with the mountain of a man pacing angrily behind you, throwing out condescending accusations you might find a better place to store your blades weapon.
Taking enough of his name calling, you threw the blade onto the table and stood up in such a quick and fluid motion Inasa had no time to react before you were poking into his chest yelling right back at him. "We needed the supplies, 'Nas, you know we did! What was I supposed to do, just let them lay there on the ground?"
He faltered and stumbled back a bit when you proceeded to aggressively jab your finger into his chest, still yelling, “I wasn’t going to waste a perfectly good opportunity for those kinds of supplies, especially the first aid! Who knows when it’ll be the next time until we have a chance to stock up on that again?!” You glared up at him, fierce eyes daring him to try and argue with you any further.
He paused, backing down from his earlier comments. Shocked at the raw emotion you were pouring forth. You had him there. What was supposed to have been a routine supply run quickly turned deadly when a herd of the dead were alerted to the sound of the group scavenging. Fortunately, everyone was able to make it out and back to camp in time before being completely overwhelmed; nearly losing all of the newly gathered supplies - and your life - at the same time. 
Thoughts raced through his mind about what could have been, what almost was. What if you weren’t lucky enough to have had backup? Or if one of the others were to get bit? Even worse, what if you were to get bit? Thankfully, he had managed to trap the herd in that now empty store.
His mind was racing. Adrenaline still pumping through his veins, as it was yours, he wagered - if he could take a moment to actually think straight. Large hands already having moved to your hips, you furrowed your brows at his elongated silence, already waiting with a new argument in hand. When had you gotten so close to him? You tried not to let his scent cloud your mind, trying to hold fast to your argument. 
“I had it Inasa”, you glowered, coming back to your senses, growing more irritated by the minute at his tight lip service, “I’ve been on my own for years already before the world went to shit, I think I know a thing or two about taking care of myself."
That was what snapped him out of his stupor, the realization, the weight of your words and how when paired next to your recent actions just ignited something within him. The grip on your hips tightened at your words, his own words flying from his mouth before he had time to truly think of their delivery, “You may have thought that you had it under control, but you didn't, Y/N! Did you ever think of what could have happened to you just now?! How it would have affected everyone?”
How it would have affected me? He wanted to yell at you. To fully encompass you; grip you by your shoulders, your face - anywhere - and make you see. Make you see that he was trying to keep you safe, for you, for the group, for him. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he had let anything happen to you. To him you were the world as he remembered it. Sunshine and goodness. Warmth, safety. Intimacy at its peak.
But he didn't. Inasa didn't mention to you how much you meant to him on a level that crushed anything even remotely platonic. And that line had been crossed long ago. Instead, he continued on his war path, “Do you even realize how much danger you put yourself and the rest of the group in just now?” He ranted and roared, his breath shortening and heart beginning to pound harder under his ribs, mind continuously returning to the possibility of What Almost Was...
You scoffed at his tone, and as much as it pained you to do so, you pushed yourself out from his ever tightening grip on your body. You just wanted to curl into his warmth. The fresh, yet muddled scent of petrichor that made you feel as if you were in the greenery at the base of a mountain after a warm, spring rain. Getting lost in the moment, getting lost in his presence. You would have stayed in his warm embrace for as long as you could. But now was not the time to get distracted. And without another glance back, you headed after Shishikura for another run.
                             »»————-  ————-««
Another supply run. Another issue. If it isn’t one fucking thing it’s another. Down side to this one you had been in trouble and yes, it was your fault. Were you about to admit that? Fuck no.
Since arriving back to the camp, even more so when you returned to your personal quarters, you had been avoiding a certain overenthusiastic, mountain of a man. You were a big girl and knew how to take a tongue lashing, but already having had to deal with him and his scolding earlier was too much. Speaking of the Devil, he barged into your quarters as you began to peel the top layer of fabric off your battered and bruised body. Surely you were going to be sore in the next few hours with all the jumping and running you’ve had to endure in the last 24 hours alone. “Um? Excuse you?” You turned to catch sight of him, glaring at him to turn around at least. Instead he continued on as if he wasn’t just caught staring at the small of your back.
Clearing his throat, he hoped you wouldn’t have noticed - you did - “What the fuck were you thinking? Did you not pay any attention to our discussion earlier?” His voice was definitely lacking the fire that was clearly there before he walked in on you stripping. But no matter, because upon hearing those words spill from his lips you doubled over in a bitter laugh. “Discussion? Is that what you would call that?”
Ignoring the bite to your tone he approached you, when had you stood to face him? He was a mere four feet in front of you, eyes locked on their target. Hardened chips of onyx bore into your soul and you unconsciously brought your arms to fold across your chest, not being used to being under such an intense gaze. Definitely not from him. A warm blush dusting the tops of your shoulders, matching the one across the bridge of your nose and the round of your cheeks. His voice took on an even deeper timbre than normal, “I could have lost you...” It was so softly spoken, yet husky, that you had almost missed it. And you would have if you weren’t so acutely aware of his lips and how chafed they looked. Even with his tongue darting out to wet them before he spoke.
“But you didn’t…” The voice you spoke with was one you weren’t familiar with. Inasa just shook his head, stepping a bit closer, his heat coming off of him in waves. A steady thrum beating beneath his chest, he was sure you could hear it. “That isn’t the point, Y/N,” he still held that tone of superiority, of authority, just laced with a touch of tenderness.
His normally tense frame was wound up tighter now more than ever, even though he should be relieved that you were indeed safe. Inasa was still hung up on the what if? What if something were to happen, you would have never known his true feelings for you. What would you say to them, now? Given the shitty circumstances of the world? Would you return them, accept them with open arms and allow him to cherish and protect you for a different reason? Or would you deny him, and see him only as the best friend he’s been for the last four years?
You understood the frustration of his internal plight, having been in the same boat as him for the past four years will do that to you. There was never any sign that the feelings were mutual, so why act out on them and ruin something beautiful? Though you couldn’t help but develop some hope that with this tension surrounding the two of you, and the massively obvious blush coating his body and yours, that there just might be some common ground between you after all.
It was you who took the final steps causing you to close that gap and the instant you were within reach, Inasa’s hands shot out, wrapping around your semi-bare form. Pulling you closer into his body and his warmth. His head resting in the junction of your shoulder and neck. Tremors racking his body, “I thought you were dead…” his voice was so soft and muffled, the experience was enough to weaken you.
“Hey, hey, I’m okay. It’s gonna take more than a few dead to take me down.” Trying to lighten the mood with an ill-timed joke was not appreciated on his part, even if you did force a small smile at the words. All Inasa did was frown and glare into your shoulder, not bothering to move from his previous position. Inasa wrenched himself away from you and began to pace on the opposite side of the room. “I can’t do this. I can’t.” He ran his hands through his hair, its length showing how long it had grown since the beginning of all of this. You had to remind yourself to keep the undersides shaved. Bring something from the old world Inasa back. 
“What?” You swallowed the lump rising in your throat, voice cracking ever so slightly, “What can’t you do ‘Nas?” He whipped around to face you, pacing stopped, and bellowed, “I thought you were dead. I saw the creatures swarm you… you, you left your knife?! The blood.” Inasa stalked closer, towering over your small frame, dark eyes burning with an overwhelming passion you hadn’t seen in him in a long time. Moving slow, bringing your hands up to cup the sides of his face, he trembled beneath your touch. Breath coming out ragged and strained. His eyes misting over as he stared at you. “You know I always come back. You’re stuck with me, until the end.”
“Until you don’t.”
“You’re always there right with me. I have you to save me,” you had started, trying to get him to calm down, but it only seemed to have woken the storm brewing within him again.
“You aren’t getting yourself killed while I’m left standing in camp, taking fucking inventory. I watched as the dead swarmed that convenience store and thought that the woman I love was gone and I… I didn’t know what to do.” Inasa just sort of buckled, a solid wall collapsing upon himself. You lunged forward to try and keep physical contact with him, but with his weight and the sheer surprise factor of the fall, he ended up pulling you down to your knees with him. He hunched over, sniffing and sobbing softly into your shoulders once more.
“I thought you were dead,” he whispered once more. You wrapped your arms around his large frame, your fingers digging into his back, holding on as tightly as you could. 
“I’m not. I’m okay.” You could feel him begin to relax slightly into your touch, even more so after you began to rock gently, “I promise I’m okay.”
Inasa let loose a shuddering breath before murmuring against the skin of your shoulder, “It hurts to love you.” You still against him, shock numbing your senses and sending your mind racing over his words. He pulled himself slightly from your grasp, leaning back to properly look at you while he moved his hands from your back to slide them down to your hips.
“I didn’t think it would hurt so much…”
Bringing your own hands to entangle in the hairs at the base of his neck, your voice lowered to nothing more than a whisper, “We’re both here now.”
“Yeah,” a single breath passed, neither one of you moving for fear of shattering the moment. You worried your lip between your teeth, his words replaying over in your head as you stared at the man before you. Something in him snapped at the hardened innocence you bore. In an instant he was on you, surging forward, crashing his lips onto yours. Words were lost on your tongue as he stole the breath from your lungs, his kiss hard, rough, and needy. You flinched, your teeth having clacked together when he began to deepen the kiss. Inasa broke away from the kiss, a murmured apology falling from him though he was too focused on you and your lips to pay much attention. He ran his hands up the sides of your body, strong fingers tracing your curves and dipping into your softer spots as a hand slid up to cup the back of your neck; holding you close. His lips never seemed to cease their ministrations, rather deepening the kiss until all you knew or could sense was him and him only. 
However you could feel a slight burning in your lungs, the few snatches of air between kisses no longer enough, and you pulled your head back slightly after that last kiss. You and Inasa were breathing hard, sucking in as much fresh air as you possibly could, a thin, silver string still connecting the two of you by your lips. Heart pounding and ready to burst from his chest, Inasa pressed forward. He pulled you against him before walking you backwards to your bed, gently but firmly guiding you until the back of your knees hit the mattress. You let out a surprised squeak, glancing up into his eyes, “‘Nas-” you whine but he cuts you off with another strong, albeit quick, kiss.
“W-was that okay?” he breathed, the confidence and strength that he had before from his desperation starting to wane, especially from your prior lack of response.
Unable to speak, the only reply you can give is the desperate kiss that you pull him into, your lips crashing on his. You clung to him like he’s the only lifeline you have ever needed in your life, tears springing to your eyes as you inhale his sharp, metallic smell that reminded you of the air after a major storm. You let it wash over you like waves along the shore, letting it fill your senses and entire being till you knew nothing but Inasa in that moment. He jumps, having been caught off guard by your enthusiastic answer, but he recovers quickly with a pleased hum. The desperate mood from earlier had shifted, turning into something much softer but you could still feel the tug in the lower part of your belly for the perfect storm that was brewing. Arms curling around his shoulders, body flush against his own and when you pull back for a small breather he’s caught off guard at the sight of your pupils blown with desperation and lust.
He’s planting one knee between your parted thighs and leaning over your frame, an arm wrapped around your waist, the other providing him with stability. Inasa is grinning down at you, heart beating erratically beneath his ribs with his love for you. He wouldn't be surprised if you could feel it.
Fire burns just beneath his skin from every touch of your skin on his and he never thought burning alive would be so worth it. He allows his large hands to slip to the small of your back, drifting over the sides of your hip until he’s cupping the globe of your ass. You can’t help but to squeeze your eyes closed and suck in a breath, arching into his body, allowing him easier access to mold the firm flesh beneath his fingers.
“Inasa…” the whisper that slips past your parted lips, coated in want and raw desire, fills the small airways between the two of you. It should be illegal, the way your lips form an ‘o’ as he rut his clothed erection against you. He’s leaned forward, one arm keeping his massive weight from crushing you, running calloused fingers over your bare flesh ever so gently, starting at the base of your neck. His fingers tracing little light patterns along your exposed collar bone before shifting the trail down your sternum, the sight of newer scars littering your flesh made his heart skip a beat or two. Inasa bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from frowning at what could have caused them.
Catching your eyes though, he notices that you’re staring at him, flustered cheeks and an awaiting gleam in your blown out eyes. If the deep inhale was anything to go off of, he could only assume he was doing something right. He keeps his eyes locked onto your own as he continues down the expanse of your body until he’s reaching your bra. He’s pushing the cup of your bra up and circling your areola with his warm tongue before you can say anything. A gasp escapes you as you arch into his touch. He flicks his tongue out and sucking on the rosy bud, taking it between his teeth ever so gently. Your breathing hitches again and you find him shifting his body lower, making himself more comfortable between your thighs.
The way you’re arching, trying to press more of your breasts into his mouth, trying to get him to use more teeth and tongue, has got him rutting into the mattress below him seeking some kind of friction. Throwing your head back, mouth dropping open in a soft moan, one hand coming down to grip his long, shaggy hair. He would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the feeling of your fingers tightening in his locks every time he made you shiver. It was starting to become one of his top favorite feelings.
He’s sucking on your nipples, alternating between the left and the right, making sure to keep you on your toes. Rolling your hips up into him, searching for more. Needing more. You’ve already made a mess of the thin material between your legs, and with the way he’s straining against you, you can only assume he’s made a mess himself. He’s dragging his dull nails across your skin and leaving fire in their wake. Both of your hands tangled in his tresses, tightening intermittently as he moves down your body. Littering you with wet and warm kisses, down to the apex of your thighs, pulling the band of your panties down before he’s dragging his tongue over his lips, preparing for the taste. Unsurprisingly, your hips jerk at the contact and he’s drooling for your taste. He wanted to hold your gaze, to lock eyes and see you come undone because of him, but you long since closed your eyes at the pleasure that’s about to course through you. 
Eagerness pulses through his veins and he’s pushing your legs apart. You don’t even try to halt his motions and instead open wide. Your scent hits him in the face and it takes everything in him to not just bury his nose into your wet heat. One last lick of his lips and he’s muttering out, "Itadakimasu,” and dipping down to drag his tongue through your folds. Inasa hikes a leg up and over his shoulder, settling himself further between your legs, never once breaking contact. He’s devouring you like a man starved. And given the state of the world around you, that isn’t far from the truth.
Your hips are rolling in time with the thrusting of his tongue, mewling and jerking every time he curls the pink muscle. Your walls tighten around him. Two fingers dive deep into your tight hole next to his animated tongue, quick, hard thrusts are accompanied by the flicking of the muscle. Soon enough he’s sucking on your clit, your head thrown back, mouth agape as your moans become louder, your grip doesn’t slack as you ride his face. 
“‘Na… ‘Nasa,” you groan, voice laced thick with want, “I’m gonna…” Something within him ignites, his determination is increased tenfold, his desire to have you come undone on his tongue fueling his endeavors. It’s been too long since that passion was so clearly expressed. Your own movements are erratic, hips jerking under his tight grip, pulling his hair harshly. You try to squirm away and out of his grasp but he isn’t letting go. He won’t ever let you get away. Your legs are snapping closed around either side of his head, effectively trapping him there, however he’s got such a strong grip that he’s easily keeping them open with both hands. His tongue never ceases it’s harassment of your pulsing cunt.
He moans into your pussy, eyes rolling back at the taste as you begin to come down from your high, pulling him up to your face by the scruff at his neck. He’s vaguely aware that you’re kissing him, completely unfazed at being covered in your slick. In fact you’d go so far as to say it tasted good on him. Your tongue swiping across his face, catching on the stubble near his lips, causing him to shudder at the sensation.
Hands carding through his hair are shaking, but resolute as you push your body up into him, trailing your nails down his back, up around his biceps and broad shoulders. His own hands mapping out your body beneath him, committing you to memory. With you grinding up into him and groaning onto his ear, holding back was thrown to the wayside. And when your hand came down the front of his pants to cup his cock straining against the fabric he nipped at your lips moaning at the sensation.
He's speaking, something that you nearly miss, your head being so clouded with warm fog - a result of the large man above you. Being under him like you were,responding to each one of his kisses and touches was dragging him further and further from control. He wanted to be inside you. No, he needed to be. And before he knew what was happening he voiced his desires into the open spaces between you.
Your answer came in the form of a hum, pulling your hand away from his strained cock and instead to help him out of the pesky pants. Eventually the two of you remove the offending clothing and he's tossing them somewhere into the corner of the room.
At the sudden contact of your naked slick slipping against his throbbing cock sent electricity shooting throughout his body. Nerve endings feeling as if they were on fire. You’re so wet and needy. For him. Thoughts seem to escape him as his need to be inside your and rearrange your guts has him by a thread, and before either of you know what’s happening; he’s gripping his cock, thick fingers finding purchase around his girth, and he’s sliding along your folds.
Your body is shaking as he’s slow to push through those beautifully swollen lips. A choked sob escapes you, nails digging further into his shoulders, trying so hard to relax, but he’s so big and you haven’t prepped in months! The stretch is welcomed but burns. You’re pulling his gaze back up to you, from where he was so entranced at watching his dick enter you, so you can kiss him hard and sloppy. It was the only thing you could do to keep your mind off of the pain. A hiss slipping past your lips and into his mouth. He would have pulled away from you right then and there to check on you. Make sure he wasn’t hurting you. That’s the last thing he would want to do. But he couldn’t move far enough away to get even a good look at you, you had your claws in him and you weren’t letting go.
Finally, once he’s fully sheathed, he stops. Muscles flexing and tensing as he tries and wills away his encroaching orgasm, wanting to savor this moment. However, your grip is still death like your arms have slacked off, allowing him to rise up slightly. Enough to observe your face, basking in the harsh pants and pleasurable mewls you release. 
“I love you, Y/N” and with that he starts moving, rolling his hips like the whipping winds of a gale force. Hard and harsh in waves, plunging himself as deep as he can. Tears streaming down your face, hiccups bubbling from your open mouth, panting, “I love you too, ‘Nas.”
It was the only motivation he needed to continue with the pace of his thrusts. Long, deep and hard, pushing up against your cervix every time. The muscles in your arms strain once more as your fingers scratch at his biceps and pectorals. Trying to find something to ground yourself else you’d fly off into a pleasurable abyss. You're wrapping your legs around his waist, rolling your hips in time with each of his powerful thrusts, clenching down on him as he drives deep into your heat.
The only noises surrounding the two of you were your own husky breaths and moans, the constant of the worn mattress supporting the weight of your rigorous activity and the sounds of sweat slicked skin slapping against one another. The tell tale scent of salt and something else much more bitter filled your senses.
You’re positively buzzing, pussy clamping down on him every time he pulls back out, trying to keep him and his cock between your legs for as long as you can. You’ve waited this long and now that you finally have him, you don’t intend to let him go.
His eyes, you can tell, are threatening to close due to the sheer force of pleasure washing over him. Just like your own eyes, lidded and struggling to stay open. You want to be able to see his face as he ruins you. Inasa repositions one of your legs from his hips over his shoulder and the change has you screaming out his name. Arching your body into him, he’s doubling his efforts, trying to get you to make that noise again. The new position has you wider and more accepting of his thick cock and he’s doing everything in his power to get you to cum like this all over his throbbing member.
Your head tilted back, eyes finally shut, mouth agape, tears rolling down your cheeks you’re vaguely aware of the wanton screams falling from your lips as his thrusts become more and more erratic. He’s losing himself to the mesmerizing sight that you are. Your hands are shooting back into his hard, pulling hard, commanding him, “Don’t stop, oh god, ‘Nas… yes!”
Inasa doesn’t look away from you as he continues plowing into you. You’re so blissed out, hair sticking to your face, flushed skin looking so gorgeous in the shitty lighting of their headquarters. A thought pricks at the back of his mind, but he’s too focused on you and your cunt trying to milk him for all he’s worth that he can’t be bothered to figure out what it means. Instead he decides to position your other leg up to your chest, effectively changing the angle of his thrust and you’re howling out once more. He can tell you're close, you’re trembling around his cock and he’s got this primal need to watch as you come undone because of him. 
He brings his lips to the spot below your ear, “I love you, Y/N, cum for me baby, please, please...” his whimpers and husky tenor was all it took to have you come crashing down, tension taking over your body as you’re sent careening over the edge. Fingers splayed out across his back, scratching trails down his back to the globes of his ass.
The feeling of your nails dragging across his skin burned, but it only heightened his senses especially when paired with the way your walls were constricting around his pulsing cock. Throw in all the times he’s thought about this exact scenario before and after the collapse of the world around you, and the realization that he’s not wearing a condom and he’s coming hard. Whole body locking up as he arches his own back, pistoning into your warmth one final time. Thick ropes of cum paint your insides, filling you to the brim, seeping out of your plugged hole. You’re cunt is pulling the last of his seed from his throbbing cock and it makes his body light up, as he’s fucking you through whatever remains of your own orgasm. 
It isn’t long before you realize that your lips are connected once more, tongues stroking over each other in slow, lazy motions. You're almost positive that there’s drool dibbling down your chin. But you couldn’t be bothered. Not in the slightest. Both of your breathing has leveled out, even though Inasa’s large cock was still buried deep within the walls of your sore cunt. The last hour or so replaying behind your eyes, your taste still on him. 
None of it seems real. He’s having a hard time registering what exactly happened. Hell, you are too. But nothing seems more right then the moment right then. With a slight groan he’s pulling himself from you and rolling to his side. The sheets beneath you both soaked with sweat and drool and other sex induced fluids sticks to your skin, but it doesn’t bother you. Inasa is pulling you over him, an arm to rest across his chest as it heaves slowly. One of his arms comes to rest under his head as a makeshift pillow - even though he seems to be hogging all of them anyways - his other moves to trap you to his warmed torso, absently tracing little patterns along your lower back.
The post sex high coming to a close as you bask in the ambiance. The silence of it all. To think, the world around them was destroyed and only falling further and further away from civilization as you had previously known it. It was small moments like these, in the afterglow of a good fucking, that you started to think that even with everything the way it was that there might be some good to come of it all. There had to be. Right?
                            »»————-  ————-««
After that eventful, and well needed, burst in the sexual tension bubble that surrounded you and Inasa, it made known that it wasn’t just going to be a one time thing. In fact, the rest of that night was spent with many rounds of you two making up for lost time. Exploring each other, finding out what each other enjoyed and didn’t. Needless to say, the entire camp knew before you needed to tell them. It was a bit embarrassing at first, but nothing you two couldn’t handle.
There were still moments where you would argue about supply runs - either one of you throwing yourselves into harm's way - the other berating for being careless. Today was no exception. Camie, instead, took your position in the latest run covered in rotting flesh and guts - something you did not envy her for. Though, it was when she had walked past you and towards storage to take inventory of their haul that you doubled over and retched. The rationed stale bread and scrambled egg from this morning’s breakfast came up in one big upheaval, scattering on the concrete floor, barely missing the toes of your combat boots. It caught everyone’s attention, including your mountain of a boyfriend, who rushed to your side in such a flurry you would have thought he bent the air around him to get there. 
“Y/N?! Are you alright? What’s wrong?!” He was panicking as he lifted you to your feet - when had you fallen down? - and was already leading you to the makeshift infirmary where Mora was stationed, hoping that his senpai would be able to do something. At the very least be able to determine the cause of the sudden illness. If Inasa were to think about it long and hard he would have realized that it wasn’t in fact sudden and that you had been experiencing waves of nausea on and off for the last week or so.
Upon entering the infirmary and depositing you on a table he began to pace. Nerves were skyrocketing and his normally enthusiastic personality was limited to one riddled with anxiety. Mora had started conducting an exam on you while he was off overthinking, one of the tests required your urine and a full body check to make sure there weren’t any infectious bites hiding away on your skin. Inasa wasn’t pleased to have another man check over your body, but there was nothing he could do when he was forcefully removed from the situation. Resulting in his pacing to continue out in the hall.
“‘Nas…” you cooed from your position in the doorway, exams concluded, just waiting on anything further from your senpai and trying to gain his attention. It seemed to have worked because he stopped burning a trail into the flooring with his gait and turned to you in an instant. He looked at you expectantly, “I’m alright. You’re stuck with me forever, remember?” If it hadn’t been for how pale you were he would have laughed at the growing joke between you.
“Until you aren’t…” he muttered, and it was so soft you thought you missed it. But before you had the chance to comment on it, Mora emerged from the room, a small smile across his face. “Y/N is completely fine.” Inasa physically relaxed at his words, though the comfort was short lived as he continued, “Though we will need to make sure she gets plenty of extra rations for the next few months.” 
It clicked a lot faster with you than it did your towering lover and so when you audibly gasped and brought your hands to you mouth, in both a reaction to the news and the new wave of bile inching up your throat, Inasa took notice and was at your side quickly. “Mora senpai… I don’t understand-”
“Y/N is pregnant, you idiot.” Shishikura yelled from around the corner where he and Camie both emerged from. Thankfully she had cleaned up before embracing you in a hug and patting Inasa on the back.
“... oh fuuuuuuck…”
“Yeah, that’s how y’all got here!”
“Camie you aren’t helping!”
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belladoesmakeup · 5 years
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Hey guys!
Hope everyone is having a fun weekend. During the week on Boots.com they had a option to sign up to early access of the Florence By Mills Collection, that meant I would get a look at the collection a day early so I decided to try one of the most raved products from the collection.
Now quick context for those who aren’t familiar with the brand Florence By Mills, Mills in this scenario is Millie Bobby Brown who very recently released beauty and skin care products under this brand. The brand is completely hers and not a collab with another brand it’s pure Millie which some people assumed previously. Now this brand like I said has a range of skin care products and a few cosmetics but I wanted to try one of the most hyped products which is the Look Alive Eye Balm (£16.00) (now while at some point I may try another product from this collection I’m happy with my skincare and makeup at the mo).
The Look Alive Eye Balm is meant to make your under eyes look more brighter and less tired. On the back of the packaging it says “the cooling metal plus hydrating and brightening formula with vitamin B12, snow mushroom, malachite extract and a peptide blend, acts as a super-charged rush for tired dyes”. I’ve worn this eye balm so far over two days and after two applications I do notice a slight brightness to my under eyes obviously it’s quiet early to tell what difference it’s going to make to my appearance long term. When you’re applying the balm the way the actual product is designed helps cool down your eyes straight away by having the cool metal tip to apply the balm, straight away you can feel how cold the tip is before even squeezing the balm out and I loved how mess free this applied. After waking up the next day from first application I did think that my eyes didn’t look as grey as they did the night before now some would say well obviously you just slept a load of hours but even after 10 hrs of sleep I’ll still have some greyness under my eyes.
So far first impressions are really good this product does help make a difference with your under eyes in the first two applications, I’ll keep you up to date as I wear it more. But I like how it applies and blends, the packaging looks really cute and I think Millie has done a great job at adding a variety of products in her first release.
Lots of love
Bella x x
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oftcnas-blog · 5 years
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kylie jenner . twenty one . she and her ━━ welcome tanja ‘tana’ brooks ! our sources say you’re a 𝓂𝓊𝓈𝒾𝒸 𝒶𝓇𝓉𝒾𝓈𝓉 and 𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑒𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓊𝓇 with a net worth of 26.7m. now that you’ve signed the contract to 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘶𝘵𝘦 , fans are thrilled to finally watch you on television and are hoping to see more of your 𝔦𝔪𝔭𝔲𝔩𝔰𝔦𝔳𝔢 yet 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔢 traits on the show . but please leave your glossy lips, singing loudly in the back of uber’s, and neck kisses at los angeles, california because now , you’re dead broke. vc: ariana grande
asdf basically theres me, and then theres trash and honestly??? the difference is not big at all.. in shorter terms? me and introductions literally do not clash well together at all .. so i do want to apologize for the potential sucky ness ?? and rambles that are bound to happen asdf. on that note, im gigi (or gi) and if you want to know a little more about my baby tana just keep on reading !! 
trigger warning !! gang mention ! drug mention !! 
                                          the synthesis …
◜ scribbles on empty pages that equal pain, anger, and struggle. words that had only been meant for one, carved themselves into the brunettes skin the moment air filled her lungs for the first time .. screams into the air, she formed into a fear that driven those around her. a fear that was so powerful, it made even a king cower. her king. the daughter of a man who ran an empire, was vowed to be protected along with her six other siblings who stood beside her. but the life of crime and danger always tugged at their skin, forced their claws into their flesh. it was an eat or being eaten lifestyle, and without choice tanja brooks was thrown in the middle of it. it was her bloodline. and while her mother wanted to protect and shelter, her father wanted to toughen her skin and wrap the chains of their gang around her feet. she was forced into situations by loyalty, by the love she had for of those around her, by the drive that was forced within her. but, this lifestyle was not always for her. the constant fear, the murder, the dirty hands, the loss, the pain, and the anger, it sat on her shoulders like boulders. the pain and anger that latched on to her and her siblings wrist troubled their mother, at first it was an itch, and then it was a rash, and then it ate at her flesh. she was barely skin and mostly bone when she decided to take her twin boys, tanja, and her four other children out of their fathers arms, lifestyle, and curse.
             the important extras …
her oldest twin brother, has started to get back into the lifestyle their mother has done everything in her power to keep them out of- yet despite the knowledge and knowing for a fact that its not something he should be in she has kept his secret out of loyalty and has lied countless of times to not only his mother for him, but her other siblings as well as his friends and others in his life.
she once filled out a police report on her father, exposing everything he has and everything he has done. of course, it came from a place of anger and hurt, and a way to get back at him for not being in her the way she wants him to be. she never actually filed this report considering it could have gotten her into a lot of trouble with her father and his gang, not just trouble but it could’ve put her on her death bed.
despite the anger and hatred she has for her father, he use to send her along with his other kids money each month; while one of the twins refuses to touch it and her mother forbids it… she and her other siblings have used it to benefit them educational wise, as in paying for college and for their own pleasure such as brand items, cars, spring break trips to bora bora, and whatever else they can get their hands on.
at five years old, tanja had actually witnessed a murder (the reason her mother removed them from her fathers live) and to this day it still lives on in her head. so bad, that she use to have night terrors (and occasionally still does ).
family extras ...
socialites had always been a title the brook family carried, with her father hiding his dirty money behind an luxurious company ? they had always been just that one family everyone tends to talk about here and there for no other reason but because of their wealth and business strategy. 
when tana’s mother took the kids and left, the media framed it as an affair and the family has kind of just ran with that? never denying nor confirming the statement. 
her mom got remarried a few years after to an actor? and he kind of brought more attention to the brooks and their name? 
the kids went from being mob boss babies to? basically accepting their new lifestyle in not just money but fame too.. 
when tana was around sixteen, her father had got arrested on too many charges to count bringing out his gang involvement and other dirty things he has been doing . which at the time was a nightmare, but it brought the brooks family more then they could imagine. 
people wanted to know more? to see more? to learn more? and so, her mom wrote a book and with that interest the brooks were offered an reality show. 
for the last sixish years, the family has been almost like the kardashians? actually just like the kardashians minus the too problematic part.. 
she has six full siblings, two half, and one step and she honestly adores them all with everything in her.
the brook children in their own are all successful? from lawyers, to doctors, to actors/actresses, music artists, designers, and even business men and women.. 
shes also super close with her step father? like she kind of looks to him as her dad and is so grateful for him and all the love he has given her and her mom and sisters and brothers.
career extras ...
she started her following super early on social media? and kind of had her own little fanbase from just being on the show.
shes been singing ever since she was a little girl, but took it serious around the age of seventeen. 
her music career took off pretty quickly? like kind of a big star overnight type situation.
her music company kicked off when she was nineteen, and shes been expanding it ever since.
shes truly passionate about both of her careers, and is just super grateful she has the opportunity to do the two things she loves the most ! 
more extras ( am i ever going to shut up?? )
her name is tanja, but considering the media always got it wrong?? and most assumed it was tana she dropped the j for more of a stage name? 
of course, a lot of her family still calls her by her actual name! but even her close friends call her tana! 
    the personality …
known as the lion hearted, tana is light and love combined with a sense of playfulness and ebullient that you can somehow never get out of your head . she is a big hearted beauty, who loves with her all and as her sibling would tell her loves too hard. good intentions flow throughout her body, and despite her claiming up and down that she doesn’t need anybody she is truly someone who attaches themselves to you. she is always teasing somebody, and has a sense of adventure that surely comes from her upbringing. she feels most at home surrounding by friends, and family. she is someone who will drag you out of bed in the middle of the night for a late night drive with good music, and the first person who’ll jump in front of a bullet for you. she feels deeply, but does not always know how to deal with those feelings. she can be jealous, stubborn, and trust issues are rooted so deeply into her she doesnt know where they begin and she ends. she loves laughing, and feeling alive? which she will do anything to achieve. its like her own little high and shes an addict. an adrenaline junkie her father would call her. she’s affectionate with those she loves, and of course when shes drunk. she craves meaningful connections with those around her, and falls into a darkness when she feels as if shes disconnected. her father left this sense of needing to be needed and wanted within her, but shes dealing.
the connections …
platonic soulmates ! that one person who kind of just completes tana? they understand and connect in a way that even for them its hard to understand. best friends is an understatement. 
best friends ! two other people shes close as can be with. they are truly her number ones, the ill take a bullet for you kind of friendship. 
a girl group ! just a group of girls, tana is always seen with! could also be her best friends ! i just want something cute, close friendship, trouble and good memories. plus all the three way, even four way threads we can do would be magic. 
cousins ! from either her mom side and/or dad side. this could even be a cousin from her step dad side, so step cousins? either way id love all type of relationships. almost like siblings, cant stand one another, you name it, 
family friends ! someone who has known her for as long as she can remember ! they knew all about her father and everything that came with it.. 
childhood friends ! this could be neighbors she grew up playing with or even that one friend she went to elementary/middle/high school with.
the ex lover ! im such an angst kind of person so this will definitely be juicy.. they’ll definitely be her biggest muse.
on and off relationship ! a toxic kind of relationship, someone she truly loves with everything in her but it just never works the way they want it to. 
 musical duo ! someone who just? when they are together its magic. they write together, sing together, collab together, encourage one another and just ! are those people you see and know its going to be a bop. 
friends with benefits ! mutual or one sided . they could be using her, she could be using them. 
one sided friendships and relationships ! 
publicity friendships and relationships !
you can find more wanted connections in this tag !!
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jeramymobley · 7 years
Apple Powers IKEA Augmented Reality App
IKEA has confirmed it’s developing an augmented reality shopping app with Apple. Making its debut in the fall, the AR app will give customers a preview of how furniture will fit into their homes before ordering and building.
“This will be the first augmented reality app that will enable you to make buying decisions,” said Michael Valdsgaard, IKEA’s digital transformation leader.
Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a recent interview he was so excited about AR he wanted ‘to yell out and scream.’
“We’ve talked to IKEA, and they have 3D images of their furniture line,” he said. “You’re talking about changing the whole experience of how you shop for, in this case, furniture and other objects that you can place around the home”
Valdsgaard told Digital.di, “This will be the first augmented reality app that allows you to make reliable buying decisions… When we launch new products, they will come first in the AR app.”
Customers must take photos of their homes to use the app to position photo-realistic renders of Ikea products wherever they want – placing them ‘millimeter precise’ with sizes and lighting completely accurate, and 5-600 products at launch.
Ikea is using Apple tech to make an AR app that helps you size up furniture before you buy it https://t.co/dzGcdTTt9v http://pic.twitter.com/Qh5dbo0TZE
— CNET (@CNET) June 20, 2017
A tease of things to come, “place” a sofa virtually in your living room to decide on style, color and shape—then click to buy online and have it delivered.
Open-sourcing innovation with other designers, IKEA’s Design Days 2017 took place in Älmhult on June 7th and among many innovations, Ikea is wafting into the home decor space with new scents created in partnership with Swedish perfume brand Byredo.
Byredo founder Ben Gorham said in a post,
“I know most people have associations of visiting their grandmother’s house – whether it’s her perfume or the flowers or her cooking – smell is a very relevant part of the home. It creates a sense of comfort and security. We seldom speak of it and I think this project enforces that as well: getting people to think about smell. We’re trying to develop a ton of smells enforcing the idea that everyone has a different relationship to it, and nothing is right or wrong.”
IKEA said the “aromatic collab” could lead to a product that smells like the retailer’s Swedish cinnamon buns.
IKEA is also partnering with Virgil Abloh, founder of fashion brand Off-White, on a furniture collection targeting millennials.
It makes perfect sense that the company that led innovation in home furnishings would now lead the charge for scenting that space with a diversity of olfactory options.
The post Apple Powers IKEA Augmented Reality App appeared first on brandchannel:.
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Chesca’s Current Status
This weekend was amazing and gave me so much happiness, something I feel like I haven’t been in a long time. You know that the rest of this post is gonna explain why lol
So earlier last week I heard that a friend was selling tickets to the Alex Aiono and William Singe concert that I had been eyeing since like I think December or January, whenever they had released their tour dates. I was debating about it but by the time I decided tickets sold out already. So when I heard about my friend selling her ticket, the whole week I thought about it. I told her I’d tell her by Friday night. The week goes by and I was still debating, I was pretty broke and i knew if I went I would spend a lot of money on like getting there and back, and then food, and subway. What actually made me decide was that after class friday Nat Jose and I went for coffee with our old Don and I mentioned I was debating in going to toronto for this concert and Nat was like, “yo, lets go, i need a getaway and celebrate finishing design.” Plus Nellie was throwing a late bday party for Paul Saturday but I knew that Lisa would be there and that Thavi could potentially be there too. I honestly just didn’t want another repeat of gfx. I wouldn’t have been comfortable and I didn’t want that to translate on a celebration. Plus thinking about being in the same room as those two made me really anxious. I mean I know I didn’t do anything wrong but its the bad vibes and negativity I know those two people have for me that would make me uncomfortable. I mean if you had a choice I think you would choose a weekend in toronto by yourself, going on a few dates and going to see one of you favourite Youtube singers live, over a few hours of not knowing how to act around two people who use to be the closest people in your life who have now come to hate you for who know what reasons? 
So yea after a night of drinking and dancing at Phil’s with Nat, Jon, and Jose, which by the way was super fun because of the drunken talks and the company. Nat and I ventured off to Toronto Saturday morning. We went and got Pho in Chinatown, and then went to Eaton’s to shop and pick up some stuff. We ate there and didn’t go to Celene and Abby’s place till around 6pm. Funny story about where we ate for dinner. We went to the like cafeteria type place. I went to the coffee and pastry section since I was still full from Pho. I got an iced latte with a cheesecake. While I was in line, there was a hella rude customer who was on his phone telling the guy behind the counter (who was pretty cute btw) that he wanted more syrup on his waffle. He was also waiting for his drink and when the girl called it out he didn’t think it was his, when it clearly was. When he had left the cute guy behind the counter and another co-worker who I realized were filipino started talking about how rude he was. I listened and laughed cuz I know their struggles too and when the guy gave me my drink i smiled and said Salamat, and he was thrown off by it and he smiled back and I went on my merry way. 
Conversation with Nat was pretty good, we go pretty deep into my stuff, just with dating again and how I had been feeling the past few weeks. After that we went back and I redid my make up and taxied to the venue. I thought I was gonna be late but the show didn’t start till 8pm, line just started to move at 7pm. We get into the venue and its just standing so no seats. Its pretty packed and it was cold in there. I was supposed to meet up with my friend Jezeth but she was in the middle and I couldn’t find her so I just chilled where I was. When alex came out I had an amazing view of him, like most of the people there were girls who were with their girl friends or girls with their boyfriends, plus most of the people were asian so they were all shorter then me all I had to do was tippy toe a bit and I could see alex so well! The girls I ended up standing with and eventually befriending were super fun! They were drinking too so their vibes were legit and we danced and fangirled the whole time together! 
So let me talk about Alex, this man, omg he was so much cuter in person, his smile 10x warmer and his voice.... like fuck me, lol Like I thought that it wouldn’t sound as good as his videos but honestly he sounded exactly the same, even better live actually. I could listen to this man sing and play guitar for hours! I totally jus vibed out during his set, really took in the moment and just enjoyed being in the same space as him. *sigh* his gf is so lucky! lol
So after Alex it was obviously William and I only knew him from the songs he and Alex collabed together on. I honestly was not prepared, like this man, was sooooo good live, like his falsetto is on point, his covers were amazing! I love his style, his r&b swag and even his original songs... man. He got me feeling feels too. A little bit into his set my phone died and I actually am so glad it did. I really jus experienced the night and really enjoyed myself without worrying about getting things on camera. I just lived in the moment. I was just so happy and loving life. Alex ended up coming back later on and they sang the songs they did together and I almost died, like I felt like I went to heaven lol
After the concert, which ended around 10:30pm I decided to walk back, well partially. I had to find a place that was open where I could charge my phone. So I went the Tims on College and Yonge. Stayed there for a bit and then took the street car to Abby’s place. Decided to get BK cuz i was hungry and then waited for Nat to come back since she went to go and hangout with Jack while I was at the concert. When she got back we talked a bit before we went to bed. I let her sleep on the bed and I took the ground, which wasn’t bad actually.
So we wake up and we originally planned on having brunch with Jack and Bri but Jack was too sick and Bri’s schedule was too busy so we went for lunch with Celene, her man, and Abby. The place we went to was near Koreatown and we ate at this cute restaurant that had the best eggs benedict I’ve every had in my life. I go mine with baby spinach and the home fries was covered in this sauce and like i died! The conversation was good too and it was nice hanging out with friends. It was such a beautiful day too! Like the nicest day of the year so far I think. I mean I didn’t wear a coat and walked around the whole day. after lunch nat and i walked around koreatown, got my favourite fish dessert and just chilled. She had a carpool a 5pm since she was having dinner with her roomies so she went back first. I actually had a date for that afternoon but he cancelled saying he had worked out too hard in the morning and pretty much felt sick. I wasn’t too bummed about it since I still got to hangout with my friends and eat good food. We’ve been having good conversations on facebook and he seemed sad we couldn’t hangout, but its okay things happen for a reason.
When nat left I went for a bbt date with this guy I had been talking too for a week now. He was Korean and was actually pretty nice and sweet. Like physically he was okay but conversation was nice and he spoke english pretty well despite only living in Korea until like 4 months ago. He was super sweet and even walked me to my subway. it was cute date, i’d talk to him again lol
I was supposed to meet up with other friends for dinner but they cancelled last minute because something came up. Another guy I’ve been talking to for a week asked if I was free to grab dinner since he wanted to see me while I was still in town. I said yes of course, and we ended up getting dim sum in Chinatown and it was honestly sooooo good! This guy is filipino and he’s one of the ones I enjoy talking to via text all week so i was excited to meet him. He was actually so much better looking in person and his voice, sounds so nice. Like its deep and he has a filipino accent which I didn’t think i’d like but I totally did. Our conversation was so good and i just felt comfortable with him. after dim sum he offered to subway with me all the way to yonge and sheppard. thats like 30 mins on the subway. My carpool was at 10:30 so we went to the meet up spot and the carpool cancels last minute! At first I was annoyed and furious cuz now I’m stuck here till tmrw morning. But what happened after made up for it. 
We subway back to Abby’s place and then we decided that we wanted to walk around for a bit. guys, we ended up walking 3 km together. We went down beverley st. all the way to queen st. down john st., past front st. and all he way down to the harbourfront. We sat by the water for 30 mins, just talking about life, relationships, school, etc. The spontaneous nature of the whole night was something I honestly have never done before. Probably one of the best first dates I’ve had. we ended up walking up spadina from the rogers centre and made a full circle back to Abby’s place. We walked for 3 hrs almost. When we said our goodbyes he hugged me so tight and I was gonna kiss him on the cheek but i ended up giving him a peck on the lips, and then he hugged me again and then this time he kissed me and then just walked away all shy like. It was so cute and like the best way to end my night.
I went to sleep around 2am I think. Woke up at noon, and went and got starbucks with celene and her man. Then took a go train to bramalea and then a bus to kitchener go, then the 8 bus to asian grocery, then walked to campus and made it for the 5pm meeting. We then set up at 6pm for our event, and then EOT was at 7PM-10PM.
So that was my weekend getaway with myself. Honestly I’m so happy I decided to go away, even though now i’m hella broke, it was so worth it. I mean like I finally know what I want to do and what I’m gonna tell my parents my plan is. This weekend gave me motivation to get my shit together and just go after what I want to do and what I want to pursue. I swear I’m meant to live in Toronto and based of the events of this weekend I feel like in my gut its where I’m supposed to be.
I plan on going back in 2 weeks, after I’ve made some money and you know finished school stuff lol
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braxarchives · 3 years
Calm Before the Storm ― CANON. (current verse)
Brady and Max are still settling into what it’s like being secret  boyfriends for real. They spend some time filming a video for Max’s YouTube channel with some friends, then end up coming home for some long awaited time alone. NSFW.
It was pretty sweet when Brady got to be the designated cameraman for a video Max was doing with other very qualified content creators. Well, okay — it was always that way when it was a video for Max's own channel, because it had to fit with his normal style. But still. It was always interesting when he popped up in other videos that Brady had had nothing to do with filming or editing wise. So he appreciated being a part of the entire process during collabs like this. He got along just as well with their YouTube friends Forest and Maisie, so there were very rarely any issues in a video like this. Of course, recently there was the whole added aspect of keeping a huge secret. So things sometimes felt a little more tense despite the otherwise chill atmosphere, and while Brady was in charge of the videography aspect of everything, he felt a little less in control of... everything else. He was doing his best, though. Max was too. And they were managing pretty well, he thought. No one seemed to suspect anything of them.
Brady was mindful, though. He was currently sitting behind his camera setup, ensuring everyone was in the frame and in focus, and taking notes for editing later on. And the whole time, as he listened to Max go back and forth with Maisie and Forest about the first tiktok trend on their list, Brady had the thought in the back of his mind not to let his eyes linger too long on Max. But also, don’t completely ignore Max because that’s even more obvious. It was a little ridiculous at times, feeling like he had to find a happy medium, but it was always worth it later on. They’d go home and Brady wouldn’t have to worry about any of that anymore (especially with Arlo in the know now). He was sure that all of this being careful would be totally worth it down the line. So maybe he should just spend more of his energy focusing on the video right now. “You guys gotta pick your heads up a little bit,” Brady cut in at a quiet moment, noticing the way things looked through the lens. “You‘re looking all the way down at the phone. Gotta see more of your pretty little faces.” Making them look good was, in fact, his job. “Sorry to pull you away from your riveting ‘wipe it down’ challenges but editing magic can’t fix staring at the top of your heads.”
When it came to the nature of his job sometimes there were people he met up with for a collab and it turned out they were not what he thought they’d be like, but then there were people he knew and trusted and genuinely genuinely enjoyed working with. Max wasn’t the type of person to lead onto the fact he didn’t particularly care for someone anyway. But today he didn’t have to put on a face, because his normal collab team was there. This isn't the first time he'd done videos with Maisie or Forest, and it wouldn't be the last considering Max genuinely felt relaxed around them. And luckily Brady was there too, which would make it more fun because all of his favorites were in one place. Yet Max didn’t feel like he could engage with him like he usually did in videos, which was... strange. He’d been staring at his phone when he heard the quip, and his usual time to fuck with Brady on camera smile crossed his lips. But instead of making some joke about how he always knew Brady thought they were cute — his brain stopped himself, for once. Brady has always rolled his eyes at the joking in the past, but now that it was finally... real, Max knew that it would be too much. Instead, he swallowed his joke. “A little rude of you to interrupt us getting to see five hundred Harley Quinn’s,” he teased instead, all the while lifting his head just as the others did. They moved a little to the side, situating so they could view it better with some muttering thrown between them. He glanced back up to the camera, trying to fight looking directly at Brady, like he was already paying him too much attention and would unsettle him somehow. Jesus. He needed to get back to TikTok. “We good?”
“Yeah, hate to interrupt but I’m trying to do my job here.” Brady watched them readjust and make themselves seen more clearly, and he double checked through the camera. “Perfect. Now go on.” He held up a hand. “Don’t let me hold you back.” That is, until he had to fix something again. Damn influencers just couldn’t handle themselves on camera. But things continued on well, with Brady staying quiet (for the most part). Each of them had chosen a tiktok trend for the video, and Brady had just reset the recording when Forest brought up his pick — to react to the whole walk in on your partner naked trend. And instantly Brady flashed back to a video recorded for not a soul to see, one that was simply meant for them to laugh at after Max had sneakily interrupted one of Brady’s video calls. He paused where he was, head still ducked toward the camera, but his eyes flicked upward to peer at Max. He wanted to laugh or to make a comment, but obviously he couldn’t. In fact, he quickly became aware that even this look might be too telling, and he managed to pull himself away and sit back again, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from smirking.
God, it was hard to keep it all to himself for once. Brady typically had no problem being quiet or reserved about just about anything in his personal life, but something about the thought of all this, the idea that it needed to stay a secret was making some feeling build up in his stomach. At first he couldn’t place it, but then he thought it might just be...excitement. It was sort of thrilling keeping a secret like this. No one else had a clue Brady and Max could lump themselves in with these people they were all playfully making fun of, and that was kinda hot, in a way Brady didn’t totally know how to explain. “You better hope you don’t get demonetized for all this,” Brady settled on pointing out after a bit. He was just itching to direct his train of thought elsewhere, away from Max and the video and— “Supposed to be family friendly here.” And yet, here he was. And so much for thinking of something else. “Although I guess this is why you decided to scrap the ‘recreating tiktok trends’ idea, huh?” he teased. A bold move to just kind of talk about it instead, perhaps. But then maybe that was the key to deflecting after all. Brady hadn’t quite cracked the secret relationship code yet.
The rest of what followed was pretty procedure, with all of them trying to get in angle before continuing on, exchanging jokes before Forest let them in on his latest favorite Tik Tok trend. And Max's stomach flipped almost immediately, and he had to *fight* himself from putting his own self on blast for doing the same shit. To Brady, not quite that long ago, either. Max's whole brand was built on him not holding himself back when it came to certain things, but now more than ever he was trying to. He managed to not look at him as he laughed about the choice, but as Forest was flipping through his phone to find his favorite one, Max's gaze drifted towards Brady’s general direction. He tried to play it off by laughing at some offhand joke the others made as they talked about the trend in general, though his heart thumped heavily against his ribcage for a moment. No one knew the things they did in their own apartment; all of the private videos and pictures he had already. He wanted to tease Brady about it so badly, but this wasn't the time or the place. Still, something possessed him to make some type of comment. Although subtle. But it was no different than his usual jokes on camera, or so he hoped. "If anything they'll pay us more." He joked, Forrest immediately agreeing with him as they all looked up. "Is that you creatively suggesting we do some? Because we can do that." Max playfully took Maisie's following comment of please don't in stride, and his smile grew larger as he shrugged. "Okay, fine. Fair enough." He took that moment to lock eyes with Brady, though to the outside eye it would only look like a tease to the audience only. "Maybe we can film that later, then." He diverted his attention back to Forrest then, like that hadn't been a direct comment to Brady. His stomach twisted, and it felt like a dangerous game suddenly. No one could know. "C'mon. We gotta see some of these TikToks for inspiration now. Like 'n subscribe if you want a part 2."
“I’m not suggesting shit,” Brady insisted. Really, he wasn’t, because that whole hypothetical situation just reeked of disaster. At least Maisie was on his side. Brady wasn’t paying too much attention to her, though. He was looking at Max, maybe hadn’t even realized how long he had been, but it registered with him when Max looked back at him too. If he wasn’t already sitting, he might have dramatically done so just then. The instant Max’s words washed over him, Brady began to register what he’d said, and so many different things entered his mind he could barely keep up. Max may not have know the box he had just opened up, but Brady all too quickly realized that filming something later sounded like a really good idea. Unfortunately, though, he couldn’t start up that conversation now. He had to force himself back into reality once again, tearing his eyes away from Max and back down to his phone in his lap. He hadn’t written down a single note in about ten minutes. He hoped to god any editing mistake wouldn’t be noticeable later.
Aside from the accidental proposition, the rest of their time together went smoothly. Brady made it through without another major hiccup, and when it was time to get his things together, he did so quickly. Not enough that he was clearly in a rush, but he was just... distracted now, and ready to be done. He hung around with them another few minutes before telling Maisie and Forest he was going to go put his stuff away, and he’d see them around. He carried his camera and mic into his room and shut the door behind him, closing his eyes and sighing once he did. God. He wondered briefly if it was always going to be like this, but then, as usual, he didn’t like to think about it for long. So he put his camera back in its bag and set his mic down gently, and then immediately went for the joint he hadn’t had a chance to smoke earlier today. Now seemed as good a time as any.
Max had to force himself not to make anymore comments for the duration of the video, as discreet as they may be. He knew it was pushing it; pushing the line of saying something that fans could read into. Although that never stopped fans from looking too deeply into things before, it was different now, because now they actually had something to hide. It was a good ten minutes after Brady had gone to put his equipment away that Forest and Maisie left, but not before making plans to film a collaboration again sometime next week. He'd joked around with them for a few minutes; throwing out possible ideas. Although in the back of his mind, all he could think about was Brady and how he should separate work Brady from --- boyfriend Brady, and fuck that thought alone had his heart racing, still. And probably why he had such a problem keeping him out of his mind when he was supposed to be filming normal - non suspicious content. After the two had left, Max took a minute to push the chairs back to where they were normally, converting everything from the filming setup back to their normal living space. Margaret was no doubt still napping in his room, but instead of going there to join her just yet, he made his way to Brady’s instead. His lips quirked into a small smile automatically as he knocked twice, before letting himself in. His eyes immediately fell on Brady, and it took nothing for him to already made his way over to him. “Hey,” he said simply, gaze softening as he saw him with the joint in his hand. “Mind if I hang out?”
Brady cracked open his window before bringing his lighter over to his bed. He could hear Forest and Maisie still there, and he didn’t think much about it. He knew Max would come here later. After he’d lit the joint and set the lighter down and lay there for a few minutes, he heard their friends start to head out. And sure enough, just another few minutes later, two knocks on his door preceded Max coming into his room. Brady smiled a bit, but then shrugged. “I dunno. I might,” he said, following Max’s gaze to the lit joint in his hand. “Kinda expecting someone.” He brought it up to his lips to take a hit, then pushed himself to sit up and look at Max again. He spoke as he exhaled, the smoke surrounding his words: “Waiting for my boyfriend to come smoke with me.” The slight smile remained on his face for a moment, and then he shrugged once again, and he held it out in Max’s direction for him to take. “I don’t think he’ll mind.”
Hearing Brady openly call him his boyfriend, even when it was just them, still affected him as strongly as the first time he'd admitted that's what he'd wanted. The smile didn't seem to want to fade as he took the opportunity to finish crossing the distance. "Oh yeah? Seems kind of like a jerk leaving you waiting for so long." Max lowered himself onto the bed, easily sliding himself up to sit with him, facing him as he reached his hand out to take the joint that was offered to him, fingers brushing against Brady's.  He slowly withdrew it to bring it to his lips, taking a long hit off of the joint, letting the smoke billow around him in an exhale as he handed it back, shifting a bit to make himself comfortable. "I don't know, he might." He teased. "I might get too high and try something."
“Yeah. He is kind of a jerk.” Brady watched Max take it from him and bring it to his lips, nearly mesmerized by the sight even if he’d seen it countless times before. “Doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.” He hadn’t forgotten what Max had said, of course. Wasn’t sure how he could. And Max knew what he’d done. Brady hummed at Max’s comment, nodding as if he were thinking on it. “Yeah?” It was nice to joke about it, to be comfortable with it. It always was. And Brady knew it would be, allowing him to get through the whole time they had to hide it. “Guess I’m gonna have to get you pretty high then,” he teased right back. He lay back again, stretching his legs over Max’s lap and lifting his arms up behind his head. “You did say you wanted to film something later.” He shook his head. “Dumbass.”
"Oh, huh, sounds like he just has lots of interesting things to say." Joking with Brady had always been easy, something that had not changed even as their relationship shifted into something else entirely. Max felt light; comfortable as Brady lifted his legs to rest them on his lap, and one of his arms came to rest over them, hand resting on his calf as he looked at him like he didn't know what he was talking about. Which he absolutely did. "And how do you know I wasn't just speaking to the fans?" It wasn't a second until he dropped the act, other hand coming to rest on his knee absentmindedly, fingers playing at the fabric of his pants. His grin was back in full force. "Knew that got your attention.  Sounds like you liked the idea, so who's the dumbass now?"
“Because I’m not fucking clueless.” And, like, the very direct and obvious eye contact. But mostly the first part. Brady held his hand out for the joint again and Max passed it back to him. He rolled his eyes as Max spoke, dropping his head back and holding his breath for a moment before letting it out, watching it rise above him. “You,” he said without thinking, a firm nod of his head just for good measure. “You’re still the dumbass.” He was the one who’d said it in front of their friends, and on camera, after all. He was surprisingly able to let it go, though, instead spending the next... he didn’t even know how long just relaxing there with Max, passing the joint back and forth, which happened to be one of his favorite activities. He’d put on music as well. Then, Brady wasn’t sure exactly how it’d gotten here, but at some point he was getting up from the bed with a laugh to pull his shirt up over his head and throw it to the floor because he was suddenly too hot. Not that he expected Max to care in the slightest. When he turned back to where the blond was on his bed, Brady couldn’t help but chuckle again. “Dude, you are stoned,” he pointed out, as if it weren’t obvious, but seeing the look in Max’s eyes made it even more so. And not that he didn’t look exactly the same, but still. He slid back onto the bed, this time staying sitting straight up and getting a little closer, his body fully relaxed as his arm pressed against Max’s. “Gonna try something or what?” he asked lowly, red rimmed eyes flicking down to Max’s lips. “Might get lucky.”
Max couldn't say how long they spent just continuing on joking, passing the joint back and fourth as music played faintly in the background. He was completely relaxed, until it turned into him getting.... really fucking high. His eyes burned, but in a way he definitely didn't mind because the rest of him felt relaxed and content. He was sprawled out with his legs stretched out in front of him, hands resting on the bed below him as he leaned back a bit - having changed positions at some point. And then he was just lazily watching Brady strip off his shirt, eyes trailing down his torso as his jaw dropped open a bit, eyes dazed. "Me?" He echoed, words slightly delayed, because Brady was clearly correct. "'M not that bad," he grinned, expression lazy as the other moved back to the bed with him. Max straightened up a bit as Brady situated himself behind him, and immediately he turned his attention onto the figure beside him. "Dunno. What's your boyfriend gonna think?" Words were quiet as he leaned his head in towards his, the smell of weed permeating through the air making everything seem delightfully hazy. Max's gaze met eyes that were clearly just as stoned as his own. But neither of them cared. He smiled again, faintly, as his attention was pulled to his lips. And fuck he'd been thinking about kissing him all day, and now he got to. "Fuck it anyway, I guess," he teased, leaning in not nearly as coordinated as he usually was (and even then, it wasn't by much). His nose bumped a bit against Brady's, and he huffed up a small laugh before all too slowly brushing their lips together. He didn't rush it, not this time - instead taking his time like this was the first time he'd ever kissed him, or something.
A comment about how his boyfriend didn’t seem to mind died in his throat as Max closed the small distance between them. It was slow, taking a moment even for their lips to touch, but Brady didn’t care. It seemed better that way, almost. All other thoughts had slipped away and he was focused on nothing but the boy in front of him, the way it felt to touch him and call him his. The music still playing and the familiar way Max smelled mixed with the weed made Brady relax even further. He brought a hand up to Max’s shoulder and slid it slowly down his arm as he leaned in closer, trying to kiss him deeper. There was a small noise of pure content from the back of his throat, and only then did Brady pull away again. He’d set what was left of the joint down a bit ago with the intent to go back to it later, but he supposed later was now, because he reached over to his desk to retrieve it with his lighter. Once he lit it up again, he tossed his lighter back on the desk, brought the joint to his lips and inhaled deeply. He slid both arms around Max’s shoulders, pulling him in close and pressing their lips together before exhaling. It was the first time he’d shotgunned like that with him, but goddamn if it didn’t instantly drive him crazy. His free hand went to Max’s hair, curling in it tightly to keep him close and kiss him hard. The smoke was between them and Brady’s senses were overwhelmed. While all of his muscles felt loose, he wanted desperately to be closer to him. He couldn’t remember the last time he and Max had gotten this high together, and he was most certainly feeling the effects. “My boyfriend,” he finally said against his lips, as if his brain was just now catching up to the earlier conversation, ”loves this.” He tugged his hair just slightly, leaning back so Brady could look at him, take in just how fucking gorgeous Max was. Brady licked his lips. “Right?” And he brought his other hand around to hold the joint up to Max’s lips himself.
Little shockwaves rolled down his skin as Brady's mouth moved against his; the kiss deepening as they sat there together. Max pressed himself closer, already addicted to Brady's hand on his skin and the moan that he could feel against his own mouth. Once the kiss was over, he didn't move away, instead opening his eyes to gaze at him half-lidded as he grabbed the joint and lighter again. Max didn't think twice about his eyes following him; studying him like it was the most natural thing in the world. The profile of his face, the way his hands lifted and lit the joint, how he looked holding it between his lips. His chest constricted and they were some of the same fucking things he noticed when he wasn't high, but it was all Max could think about right now. He was. So when he decided to pull him in, he didn't think twice about leaning in toward it. Their lips were pressed together once more, and this time Max's lips automatically parted. He could feel the smoke billow into his mouth, and his heart pounded as he slowly inhaled, consumed with the smoke and Brady and the way the music was playing rhythmically around them. It was his turn to let out a small moan of encouragement. The hand tangling in his hair didn’t help matters, so familiar yet somehow even hitting him even harder than it usually did. The whole action had an effect on him immediately, his thoughts racing although he couldn't seem to hang on to a single one.
"Fuck," he said softly. It was unreal at how hot that was, and Max's eyes dropped to his mouth as his tongue flicked at his bottom lip, still tasting the smoke and Brady.  A shiver rolled down his spine as his hair was pulled back, and he lifted his eyes back to his, and he was already starting to grow hard. "Yeah." It was a quiet whisper, something he wasn't even sure he said - too distracted by Brady bringing the joint to his lips. Max held eye contact with him as he leaned in, taking a hit off of the joint he was holding for him. He let it linger as he let the smoke fill his lungs, everything overwhelming him in the best possible way. Smoking with Brady had never quite been like this. It was intimate; time slowed down. He decided he liked it. A lot. Max couldn't seem to stop looking at him; stop watching him as he let the smoke billow from his mouth slowly, floating between them. His hands came up to rest on his waist, fingers trailing over his skin because he couldn’t help himself. "Think you do too." He finally dropped his gaze back down to Brady’s lips, and it was clear where his mind was. His lips lifted into another slow smile. “Kiss me again.”
It was hypnotizing, seeing the joint Brady held for him between Max’s lips while he held his gaze. Brady had never done anything like this before. Usually at this point they would put on a movie, maybe fuck around and laugh at things, but this felt different. Brady wanted him. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, obviously, but coupled with feeling like he could melt into the mattress at any moment, it was kinda blowing his mind. He zoned out a bit, sitting there staring at Max and barely registering the smoke he’d exhaled now rising to the ceiling. Brady’s mouth hung open slightly as he gawked at him. But then Max spoke, and shit, Brady didn’t have to be told twice. He broke free from his trance and let go of Max’s hair so he could lick his fingers to pinch the end of the joint and put it out again. Once he was sure it was, he put it back on the desk, and then turned once again to Max.
Brady was up on his knees, staring down at Max sitting back on his bed, and Brady hardly even noticed when a soft “Fuck” fell from his lips, just as Max had done a few moments ago. Word of the hour, Brady thought. His brain couldn’t quite articulate anything else at the moment. He was gazing down through a figurative and literal haze at his boyfriend waiting for Brady to kiss him, and it was so wildly hot, of course Brady had to comply. Brady leaned over him slightly, arms falling to the mattress on either side of Max’s body. He took another moment just to look at his face before kissing him again, once again slowly and deep. Brady leaned forward even further, urging Max to lie back, and Brady focused on holding himself up to keep from just collapsing on top of him. His hips naturally pressed down against Max’s and he could feel that Max had already started to get hard, and Brady wasn’t far behind. But it caused him to groan, and he tore away from him to sit up quickly and reach for his shirt. “I wanna touch you,” he said quietly, pulling at the shirt and with it, Max. And he did. He wanted to lie there with him, feel Max’s skin against his, and just kiss him while they both felt like they were fuckin’ floating. “Take this off.”
Max couldn't get enough of touching him normally let alone now, when everything seemed to slow down and he was noticing every little thing about Brady. He wanted to press himself closer; touch the skin he'd seen and touched and kissed a countless times before. But each time he was still just as into it; into him. Max's mouth moved against his just as slowly; deepening the kiss like he wanted to disappear into him. His hands slid around to his back as he guided him back on the bed, and he automatically lowered himself onto the mattress, groaning himself as their hips pressed together. Everything felt so much more intense in a way he couldn't describe, and he looked up at him as his hands explored the dips and muscles in his back, eyes trailing over his body until he heard Brady's quiet words. As though he was just realizing it was on to begin with, Max stretched up, swallowing as he lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it on the ground behind him, somewhere on the floor. He then fell back onto the mattress, bouncing a little as he wrapped his arm around the back of Brady's shoulders, tugging him closer. He wanted to feel their skin pressed together; wanted to touch him just as much. He didn't waste time before pressing his lips to Brady's skin once more, but this time they found his neck instead, mouth carefully brushing over his skin - his focus entirely on just what it felt like to touch him.
Brady helped him pull his shirt over his head and then Max tossed it aside, and Brady was met with the sight of him below him, once again waiting for Brady to lean down and kiss him again. Max’s arms looped around his shoulders and his lips found Brady’s neck, and Brady’s eyes slipped shut as he sighed at the sensations. He wedged his own hands under Max’s body to wrap around him, essentially hugging him from their position on the bed, and fuck, it felt good just to hold him like that. They were chest to chest, Brady’s nose nuzzling in Max’s hair as the blond kissed his neck. Part of Brady never wanted this to end, the slow kissing, but the other part of him was turned on and now really wanted Max. That part eventually won.
Brady pushed himself up just a bit, only to come face to face again and kiss him quickly. Then he sat up, straddling Max’s waist, and got a little dizzy for a moment; clearly he’d sat up too fast, and his brain was already foggy as hell. But he didn’t care. He reached for Max’s jeans, undoing the button and the zipper, but not moving to pull them off quite yet. Instead, he bent down to kiss Max’s neck now. His hands traveled just below, sliding down Max’s chest slowly as Brady kissed along his collarbone, down to his chest as well. Then Brady shifted to one side, lying beside Max on the bed so he could slide one arm behind him again. The other remained on his stomach and Brady continued its path, all the way beneath his jeans so he could palm him over his boxers. He watched Max’s face as he did, waiting for his reaction, then ducked his head down to kiss the skin of his chest again. Brady swiped his tongue over one of his nipples, and moved his hand over him slowly at the same time, rubbing him through the fabric. He was intoxicated by him, always was, acting on the pure desire to make Max feel good. He licked again, slower this time, and then lifted his head to watch Max’s face again. “Okay?” he asked, because he could just never be too sure, even if it was far from the first time his lips and tongue and hands had been all over him like this.
Max had no complaints as Brady lifted himself up to straddle his waist, except for maybe that there was a brief loss of contact. But it was only for a moment, as soon Brady’s hand was undoing the button and zipper of his jeans, causing his breath to hitch in his throat. The lips at his collarbone caused his eyes to fall shut; his own hands exploring Brady’s skin. His head turned to the side automatically to face him as Brady fell to lay next to him instead. And seeing him there while his hand wedged itself into his open jeans was unbelievably fucking hot. His attention was pulled to that for a moment, hips shifting under the ministrations. But pretty soon his gaze was back on Brady, eyes focused in on him as he leaned down towards his chest, and immediately a soft moan escaped him as he felt his tongue swiping over his skin. His body shifted against the bed, back pressing against Brady's arm as his head fully turned to watch his face. “It’s good.” His words were murmured as though he just remembered how to speak as he shifted his body on the mattress, hand coming out to smooth down Brady's torso, eyes following the movements. The hand pressing over his boxers along with Brady's mouth was driving him insane already. His hand was moving as though it had a mind of it's own, guiding down to the front of Brady's own pants. His eyes rolled back to lock with his as he popped up the button, much like he did to him. There was heat behind his gaze, and there was no denying he was completely into this. Instead of teasing over the front of his boxers, Max instead smoothed his hand down his abdomen, fingers just barely dipping under the fabric of them and his jeans. But he didn't touch him further yet, fixated momentarily on how he was looking at him and the way he was touching him right now. "This good for you?"
A nod was all Brady could really muster for a lot of different reasons. He was still really fucking high, trying to keep his focus on what he was doing, and now he was distracted by the heat of Max’s hand dragging down his skin. He tried to watch Max’s hand and when he finally touched him, Brady sighed, breath ghosting over Max’s neck. He looked up to Max’s face again, and at that point they were just looking at each other, watching each other’s expressions with their hands on each other, and Brady felt strangely close to him in that moment. Even though it wasn’t exactly what he’d call romantic, it was a weird reminder for Brady of the trust between them. But then...maybe he was just getting into his usual drug-induced philosophy mode. He supposed he didn’t really care, because it still made him feel all fuckin’ warm.
Brady broke the eye contact so he could look down and see what he was doing, since his brain was really doing him no good and he didn’t want to fumble around. He pushed Max’s underwear down a bit, as much as he could from where he was, so he could wrap his hand around him instead. He started to stroke him, a little quicker than before, urged on by the feeling of Max’s hand on his own cock. Brady pressed his lips against Max’s cheek, the kiss clumsy and a little sloppy, but he was pretty sure neither of them really cared. He didn’t pull away quite yet, breathing him in as the arm around him tightened. He didn’t know how long they had been here already, and Brady knew his grasp on reality was just a little bit skewed at the moment, but it felt like a while — though he didn’t want to stop. Although there was a small part of him remembering they were still half dressed. He didn’t slow his movements, but he did glance down and bite his bottom lip. “You wanna take those off?” he asked. Because frankly, he didn’t care either way. He’d never felt so close and loose-limbed with him like this before, had never wanted so badly just to stay right where he was and touch him just like this. The rest of it was hardly a concern.
The way Brady was looking at him, the way his breath brushed over his skin, the feeling of their hands on each other - it was all overwhelming to Max at that moment. All he wanted was to be impossibly close; to touch him in any way he could. His brain and body were relaxed and in overdrive all at once, and it wasn't something he'd particularly experienced before. Max had been stoned before, but he'd never wanted to touch someone so badly while he was as he did now. Max's hand continued to stroke him, varying in speed and pressure, paying attention to what Brady liked the most. A small sound of agreement was audible at Brady's question, and he leaned in to capture his lips in a desperate kiss, reluctantly releasing Brady's cock. He withdrew his hand to his own jeans, still making eye contact with his boyfriend, and looped his fingers under the fabric of his jeans and underwear, in the process nudging Brady's hand away. He arched his hips up on the bed as he worked the fabric down his legs, kicking it off the rest of the way. Instead of immediately going back to the position they were in, Max took in the sight of him laying there, and he was continuously struck by how beautiful he was; how much he wanted to touch him - in innocent and not so innocent ways. Right now in particular, his need to do the latter outweighed the former. Max slowly sat up, moving into a sitting position. Though that didn't stop him from stretching down, pressing his lips to the skin of Brady's chest, leading opened mouthed kisses down his torso as far as he could reach. Max lifted his head, gaze unfocused and filled with desire for his boyfriend. One of his hands dipped down under Brady's jeans again, fingers curling around his cock for a few brief moments, stroking him again before letting go. His hand instead slid up to the waist band, giving the fabric a harsh tug downwards as his lips quirked up in a half smile. "Can't touch you anymore if these aren't off either."
Brady had that same sort of hypnotized look on his face as before when he looked down at Max now tugging on his pants. It took him a second to register, but once he caught back up, Brady mirrored what Max had just done, lifting his hips up off the mattress to wiggle out of his jeans and underwear and discard them on the floor with the rest of their clothes. Then it was just the two of them again, nothing between them, just looking at each other. Brady couldn’t help but bring a hand down to Max’s cheek. He held it there, rubbing his thumb gently over the skin, admiring him in a way he used to be afraid to. “I know I’m high,” Brady blurted, “but I don’t think you’ve ever looked hotter.” His red eyes, flushed cheeks, his lips, the way he sat there looking at him as they both simmered in the anticipation — it was a lot for Brady to take in. If it wasn’t obvious before, it was clear now how hard Brady was, and Max was just inches away from his cock now that his pants were off. Brady still had a hand on his cheek and he moved it toward the back of Max’s head just slightly. Not enough to actually move or urge him yet, but... a hint, mostly. “They’re off now,” Brady noted with a quick glance down to the floor, where all of their clothes were now lying. He looked back at Max, his free arm holding himself slightly upright, and smirked down at him. “Your move.”
As Max situated himself over Brady's legs, he leaned into the hand that caressed his cheek, looking at him for the billionth time that night like he'd never seen him before. He moved his head slightly to place a lingering kiss to his palm while it was still there, hands raising to rest against Brady’s thighs. “Wish you could see yourself, too,” his tone was slightly raspy, and God, from this angle Max’s desire from him grew even further. "Freaking... unbelievable." He drug his hands up his thighs to grasp at his hips, and he couldn’t think of anything else to say, because he was too focused on wanting to get his mouth on every inch of him. Brady's words only served as encouragement; the familiar hand on his head making his whole body feel hot already. He dipped his head down to press his lips over Brady's left thigh, tongue brushing over his skin. He trailed kisses to his inner thigh before lifting his head just slightly, breath ghosting over Brady's cock for just a brief moment before even his weed-addled brain told him enough was enough. Max slid him into his mouth inch by inch, one hand dropping to pull one of his legs closer to him while the other dropped between them. His eyes were hazy as he looked up at him, fingertips ghosting along the base of his cock and grazing his balls, until his palm cupped them, squeezing. He continued moving his mouth over him at a steady pace, completely focused on how he felt under his tongue. A few moments passed before his hand moved to grasp the base of his cock instead, inching him deeper into his mouth, wanting to make the most of how good every single thing felt.
Brady felt like they were moving in slow motion, like time and the world around them had slowed down — yet he still didn’t really have time to process before Max’s mouth was on him. It was like Brady didn’t even know what it felt like. His head dropped back and he didn’t even bother to suppress the moan that followed; they were home alone, after all. Or he thought he remembered they were. He didn’t really care at this point, regardless. His hand had traveled to Max’s neck and now threaded gently through his hair. Brady was absolutely overwhelmed by the feeling of Max taking him in deeper, and he showed it by moaning again. Completely fuckin’ shameless, which was typical, really, but the weed was certainly helping. And Brady had been smoking for years — had spent a few times on an especially strong high, and had slept with Max after smoking or drinking a little, of course they had. But never had it been such an intense physical thing for Brady. Max had that effect on him, and always had; he made Brady feel things for the first time and experience familiar things in an entirely different way.
Brady lifted his hips off the bed a bit, meeting Max’s mouth, matching the rhythm of the slide of his lips over Brady’s cock. He felt it through his entire body. He was still propping himself up on one arm while the other hand fisted a little tighter in Max’s hair. Brady made himself look down again, watching him and the way his own hips raised desperately to feel more of it. “Jesus, Max,” he breathed, shaking his head in near disbelief. He didn’t know why he was driving him so insane. Well, he did know; it was Max, he always drove him insane. But Brady felt especially out of control tonight. He eventually let his head drop back again, and he relaxed so he could lie back and look at the ceiling instead. Looking at Max with his dick in his mouth was almost too much right now. Now both of Brady’s hands were in Max’s hair and he continued to roll his hips up into his mouth. But he let out another strangled sort of groan and stilled, though his hands continued to clutch at the blond hair below him. “You gotta stop,” Brady said quietly, his voice lower than he expected it to be. He gave Max’s hair a tug, urging him away, and for good measure added, “Now.”
Those hands tightening in his hair caused chills to roll down his spine every fucking time, the way he tugged at his hair every time something felt good always made Max fill dizzy. Only tonight it was amplified, his own cock unbelievably hard at this point, completely immersed in the way Brady sounded and looked. He relaxed his throat as he rolled up into his mouth, a choked moan vibrating around him in the process. His hands had drifted back to his thighs, gripping onto them tightly as he only used his mouth. His eyes would glance back up at him, and his heart was beating so rapidly in his chest, his stomach fucking tightening at the sight of him. It seemed like no time and all the time had passed when Brady yanked his head back. "Why?" Max's voice was hoarse; his gaze half-lidded as his tongue swiped over his bottom lip, and he could still taste him. "You gonna come?"  His head had been tugged back, and he respected the request as he didn't lean back in to wrap his mouth back around him like he wanted to do. Instead, Max's hands continued to travel up his thighs, one of his palms brushing over his cock teasingly, until they reached his stomach. Both hands smoothed up Brady's chest, his own body moving so he could do so, and he moved to straddle his waist. "Maybe that's what I want." His eyes were still fixated on his before he stretched down to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. He leaned back just a bit so he could reach his hand back, so near Brady's dick again. "Sure you want me to stop?"
Brady was so beyond used to fondly rolling his eyes and telling Max to shut up at this point, that likely would have been the response in another situation. But his brain was so clouded by both not being sober and his own ridiculous arousal that that’s not what he did at all. Instead, his hand reached down for Max’s, catching his wrist before he could touch him again. Something about Max’s teasing, holding that over his head was unbearably hot, but it triggered something in Brady. His need to not be the only one trying to hold himself together. “I said stop.” Of course he knew Max wasn’t actually going to push him or overstep what Brady had asked. But he also knew that Max was playing a game here, and well, two could play. Brady held his gaze while he moved Max’s hand away, slowly and deliberately, just to be very clear that was what he was doing. Then he rested the hand on Max’s hip, the other sliding up his back, urging him to come back down again. His hand had reached the back of Max’s neck by the time their lips met again. His fingertips simultaneously pressed against the skin of Max’s hip and the back of his neck, just enough to hold him close in both places at once. But then the hand on Max’s neck came to rest on his other hip instead. Brady broke the kiss so he could urge Max to move, pushing him back into the bed and immediately climbing on top of him. He did what Max had just been doing, straddling his hips. Brady ground his hips down against him, Max’s cock rubbing against his own, and Brady leaned over him with one hand on the mattress beside Max’s head. “Then I wouldn’t be able to fuck you.” Brady looked down and reached a hand between them, wrapping around both of their dicks together. But he didn’t move it, instead rocking his hips forward again slowly. “And that’s what I want.” He brought his gaze up to meet Max’s. “Did you want something different?”
He stilled his hand immediately as Brady grabbed his hand and told him to stop again, eyes still locked with his. His lips quirked into a brief smile despite how worked up he was already, skin breaking out in goosebumps as he felt his hands travel up his body, and his eyes traced his movements. Max's brain went quiet, and fuck, it was like Brady had never touched him before because his body felt hyper-focused on every single touch. Max kissed him back, deepening it automatically as Brady held him there. He was taken in by the actions, previous teasing now forgotten when he was guided to lay against the mattress himself. And now Brady was on top of him, their cocks brushing together every time he rocked his hips, and a low moan escaped him as his hands came to settle on Brady’s hips. Max couldn’t stop fucking looking at him, like he was mesmerized by everything he did - and maybe he was. He really couldn’t bring himself to care, and he swallowed another moan before shaking his head. “Gonna drive me fuckin’ crazy, Brady,” he managed to say. “You know that’s what I want.” His eyes fell between them, and his hips lifted up as Brady rocked against him, and a shock of pleasure momentarily distracted him. He rolled his head back against the bed to gaze up at him, fingers digging into his hips as he studied his face, his lips --- the way he was moving. “Or we could do it just like this.” His voice lowered, feeling hoarse. “With you right here. Riding me,” he rolled his hips up again, hands sliding to Brady's waist instead. “Just fucking want you. Whatever you want.” Max just wanted to keep touching him; wanted to feel impossibly closer as though they didn’t already did this on the regular. "Don't think I'm ever gonna get sick of lookin' at you."
Knowing he was driving Max crazy always spurred Brady on, even if he knew it, in theory. He still liked to hear it. Everything Max said was turning him on, actually. Plus, his hands on Brady’s waist caused him to keep moving, keep grinding against him with his hand wedged between them to touch the both of them. Max’s second suggestion rang in Brady’s ears and he couldn’t decide at this point which idea he liked better. He sighed as he thought it over, ducking down to mouth at Max’s neck. Still, his brain wasn’t really working. He couldn’t really think of anything beyond Max and how he currently felt beneath him. “Or,” Brady said, lips still on Max’s neck, “we could do both.” His heart was pounding in his chest. He was rocking his hips steadily now, rubbing against Max with every movement, painfully aware of how hard both of them were (and how close he’d just been a few minutes ago). “Would you like that?” Brady’s hand on the mattress twisted in the sheet below him as he picked up his head to look at his boyfriend. His skin felt hot all over. “You want me to ride you and then fuck you?”
The thought of it alone was driving him even more insane, and Brady dropped down to his elbow instead of his hand to hold him up. He caught Max’s lips in a quick kiss, moaning as he did. And Jesus, he’d have to stop again soon. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten so goddamn worked up so quickly. But at first he just slowed down, moving against him with much less desperation. He dragged his lips over Max’s skin and to his ear, catching his earlobe between his teeth for a moment. Then he finally pried himself away, reluctantly as all hell, because there were more important matters to attend to now. Like getting the lube and holding it out toward Max with a raise of his eyebrows. “You wanna do the honors?” he asked, and then instantly broke into a giggle at the way it came out. Jesus, Brady was swaying a little where he sat up. To be so high and so turned on. But he didn’t think much more about it, sliding back down next to Max on the bed and leaning over to kiss him, holding his jaw to angle it toward him.
Max’s mind just about shut down with that suggestion, like that thought had not even occurred to him, and it hadn't. He suddenly forgot how to breathe, Brady's kisses to his neck combined with those damn words turning him on more than he even thought possible. Having him slowly grind on top of him was completely overwhelming in the fucking best way, and his arms snaked around his waist  to pull him tighter against him. Thinking about it had another groan falling from his lips before he managed to speak. "Fuck. Yeah." He breathed, pupils blown and looking right into Brady's own eyes as their hips rocked together, and it was all so mind blowingly consuming. "Yeah, I'd like that."  Complete and utter understatement, but his brain couldn’t think, wouldn’t be able to think with how Brady looked right now even if they weren’t both high out of their minds. Brady’s teeth pulling at his earlobe caused another moan, mindlessly arching his body up to press further against his. And then just a few moments later Brady was to the side of him and reaching for the lube to pass it to him. Max wordlessly propped himself up on his elbow, just as uncoordinated as his boyfriend was at that moment, but he did not let that get in his way as he popped the cap of the lube open with his thumb. All he could focus on what was about to happen, on how much he wanted Brady pressed against him again.
Max sat up for a moment to spread the lube onto his fingers, before he set the bottle to the side and moved back to his previous position, head facing Brady’s. His eyes trailed down his body as his fingers trailed over his cock again, drifting downwards until they pressed against his entrance. He dipped his head to press his lips against his shoulder, leaving a series of open-mouthed kisses up to his neck as he carefully pressed his finger further into him — one, and then once he was relaxed enough, another. Max heart wouldn’t settle in his chest as he met his lips in an immediately desperate kiss. He only stopped to lean his head back slightly, watching his face for any discomfort. His voice didn’t feel like his own as he spoke, still hoarse and slow. He wanted him. In any fucking way. And right now it felt like he was addicted to everything. “Good?”
As familiar as it was at this point for Brady to feel Max touch him like this, it still kind of made him feel a little exposed, lying there on the bed with his legs open like that. It was just that now, he didn’t really care about feeling exposed. In fact, he liked the way it felt; it was a part of him only Max had ever gotten to see and feel, and for Brady that meant a lot more than he was usually able to voice to him. He hoped Max knew. Though maybe he really should just speak up on shit more. Now wasn’t the time for it, though. Brady’s mind was downright useless, his brain a puddle as all he could do right now was moan and try to control his breathing. ”Yeah,” he replied, too abruptly, maybe, but fuck if he cared. He was turned on as all hell, watching his fine ass boyfriend get him ready with the promise of Brady returning the favor later on, so sue him if he was a little enthusiastic at the moment. Plus, he didn’t want Philosophical High Brady to have any time to make a comeback in his head right now. All he wanted to think about was Max. And his dick. It hadn’t been difficult at all for Brady to relax, and soon he was nudging Max’s hand away, leaning up a bit to kiss him again.
Then Brady went to the side table again to fish out two condoms (one for later — his stomach twisted) as Max lay back on the bed again. Brady straddled Max’s thighs and tore open one of them, reaching down to roll it onto him. Fuck, Brady could physically feel the anticipation pulsing through his entire body. He licked his lips as he looked up at Max, finally moving to settle over him, one hand still reaching between them to guide Max inside of him. He slowly lowered himself onto his cock, half-sighing half-moaning as he did. Brady loved seeing Max’s face at this exact moment, but right now it was like he’d never seen it before. He stayed still for a few moments, adjusting to the feeling, letting his hands run slowly over Max’s stomach and chest. Brady let his hands stay there on his chest, a support as he started to move against him. It was a mirror of his action just a few minutes ago, grinding against him, and god, was Brady glad Max had suggested this. All of his senses were particularly overwhelmed. Brady couldn’t tell if it was because of the weed or just because it was Max. “This okay?” he asked breathlessly, even if he knew the answer damn well. It certainly would never hurt to ask.
Max couldn't seem to get his mind to settle down when it came to him, which shouldn't have been surprising, considering he was never able to really stop ever since they started all those months ago. Seeing Brady now, moaning under his touch as he stretched him carefully, and him laid out like this was an all powerful reminder this was his boyfriend. That he didn't have to hide how much he was completely fucking into him; into every sound and move he made.  He'd never done such a good job at hiding how much he liked that, anyway. His brain completely stopped thinking the moment Brady climbed back on top of him only to roll the condom onto him himself, and fuck if that wasn't one of the hottest images ever, that is until Brady slowly lowered himself down on his cock, and the sight of it completely beat everything else.  A sharp sigh pulled from his lips as Brady's hips rocked just like earlier, but now more intense than ever. He felt so perfect and Max's eyes felt so heavy; not sure if he was more intoxicated by this or all the damn weed. "More than okay. You kidding me?" His voice was strained as his head knocked back against the mattress, and he couldn't bring himself to feign a laugh, tone completely taken over by his desire for this guy. Brady's hands burned against his skin, and he was already so overwhelmed with this alone, he didn't know how it'd feel later. With him fucking him after this. Jesus.
The thought of it combined with the overwhelming sensation of Brady wrapped around him had Max's hips rocking up and into him, eyes fixed on his face. "So hot." The words were breathless, and he stilled his hips until Brady was ready for more. When it was clear he was, he rolled his hips up into him again, hands steadying at his hips tightly, before one let go to slide up Brady's chest, drifting until it wound around his neck. He tugged him down towards him for a kiss as they moved together, his other hand still pressing tightly against Brady's hip. He couldn't decide if he wanted to keep watching him or keep kissing him or keep touching him, because he somehow wanted to do everything at once. "Love being inside you like this." He murmured against his lips before breaking apart, looking at him for the hundredth million time. Max was so turned on by him; already wound tight. His fingers shifted into his hair, combing the hair back. "Can't wait 'till you fuck me, too." Words were punctuated by another roll of his hips; another moan. "You feel so good."
Brady sort of whined as Max moved with him, meeting Brady’s own movements to press deeper inside of him. To think there was a time in his life he’d never considered doing this, and now, with Max, he couldn’t seem to get enough. Brady’s hands moved from Max’s chest to beside his head on the mattress. When Max pulled him down by the back of his neck, Brady bent down to his elbows instead. The angle was different but easier to roll his hips down to meet Max’s thrusts, and Brady moaned shamelessly against his lips. He let Max’s words wash over him once he’d broken the kiss, and Brady sighed as his eyes fell shut. ”God, I... I can’t wait to fuck you,” he simply repeated, for lack of any better response his brain could possibly manage right now. And it was true, the anticipation was making him nearly shake, but he was also enjoying every single moment now with Max fucking him instead. He reopened his eyes to look at him again. “So good,” he agreed breathlessly, as if he knew no other words than the ones Max was speaking to him just moments before. He pushed himself up on his hands again, sitting up only enough that he could look down between them, watching the hypnotizing way Max pulled out before pushing back into him. And it was like Brady had never seen it before. It exhilarated him in a way he could hardly place.
“Fuck, isn’t it...isn’t it weird?” he asked suddenly, picking his head back up to look at Max. He was still grinding against him, all too aware of the feeling of Max’s cock inside of him, but now his mind was wandering all the same. “How we can just, like. Be inside someone. Like this.” He sighed, sitting up even further to move his hands from the mattress up to hold onto the headboard instead. “And how it’s so fucking good.” Brady knew his philosophical pondering was better saved for another time, but he couldn’t help when curiosity struck him. It wasn’t even the most misplaced conversation they’d ever had during sex; at least it had to do with what was going on right now. Still, Brady pushed it aside, mostly because he was now astounded by the way he could move now that he was holding onto something more solid. The angle was achingly good and Brady rocked his hips in a quicker, steady rhythm. “Fuck. Max.” Brady licked his lips and brought one hand up to push his own hair back quickly, holding it there for a moment. “I want you to touch me,” he told him, his throat feeling dry as he spoke. Then he braced himself again, grinding his hips down hard to try to feel Max even deeper inside of him. ”Wanna get close again.” For the third time. Maybe he had a new thing.
All he could think about was how damn lucky he was; how fucking good every single thing was. Feeling Brady take him deeper and deeper while all the sounds he made filled his senses and made him feel like he was losing control. Another moan pulled from his lips as Brady sunk down onto him; taking him deeper and deeper, and he was going absolutely fucking crazy at the new angle. Max found it hard to breathe; completely focusing on the way his boyfriend rocked down onto him continuously and every look on his face. "So weird," he murmured in agreement, both hands falling now to hold onto both of his hips, eyes dropping to watch them move together, seeing himself slide in and out of Brady. Shit. He couldn’t imagine a world right now where they wouldn’t be able to do this. "Thank God someone figured out we could *do *this." His words were breathy as he spoke, not paying all that much attention to the conversation, because he couldn't care less about the first people who founded sex right now. He cared about Brady's words; his movements.
He guided his hips back down against his cock, wanting to get as close and as deep as he could as he rolled his hips up again. A light layer of sweat broke over his skin as he moved under him, and he didn't think twice at the request. One of his hands dropped to wrap around Brady's cock, his grip firm as he stroked him. The pace was slow at first, out of time with their bodies moving together. "Fuck. Like that?" Max licked his lips, and he could feel himself get closer and closer the more they continued this. He was quickly losing control, and Brady asking to get closer to had just about killed him. “Get closer from me. Wanna see it.” Max picked up the pace, stroking Brady's cock faster the closer he got himself. He couldn’t keep holding back, having Brady move on top of him was way too much. "Gonna make me come, fuck. Fuck.” A mix between a whine and a moan left him, and he dropped his head back on the mattress, and it wasn’t long before Max froze under him, mouth falling open as his eyes shut --- completely losing it under his touch. His hand froze on Brady momentarily, his other hand still gripping his hip as his own rolled up one last time, riding out the high without thought.
Brady had his eyes shut tight, simply trying to take it all in at once — the feeling of Max’s hand on his cock while he continued to fuck him, the way he sounded as he spoke to him, urging him on. He almost didn’t realize what Max said until he stopped, and Brady opened his eyes to look down at him just as Max’s head dropped back. Brady was mesmerized, looking at his face as he came, and it was so fucking hot to just watch him. Jesus. He brought his hands down to Max’s face when he came down, and Brady didn’t realize his mouth had been open until he consciously pressed his lips together. He may as well have been drooling, honestly. He bent down to kiss Max hard, his fingertips grazing the hair at the back of his head as he held his face. He pulled back after a moment to meet his gaze. “That was really fucking hot,” he breathed. “You. Are so fucking hot.” He would have liked to just stay there, kissing him and telling him how hot he was, but there was the issue with the condom, and also the fact that Brady was still so hard it almost hurt. And he’d said that he was going to fuck Max, so as long as that was what he still wanted... that was what Brady was going to do. He slowly moved off of him, sighing as Max slipped out of him. He sat back on the bed while Max took care of the condom, and when he came back Brady reached a hand out to touch his arm and pull him in for another kiss. Then he moved to kiss his cheek instead. “I still wanna fuck you,” he said quietly. “Is that okay?” Because of course he’d understand if it wasn’t, but when he got Max’s clear go ahead that it was still okay, Brady was more than happy to hear it.
Brady shifted on the mattress a bit to make space and told him, “On your stomach.” He waited while Max did so, and then settled behind him. Music was still playing. The air still smelled strongly of the weed they smoked what felt like ages ago despite the window being open. Brady was overwhelmed but determined — to do what he set out to do, and now to get Max to come again. Brady reached down to grab Max by the hips, coaxing him back a little further and to come up onto his knees just slightly. Brady needed a better angle. He didn’t know if Max knew what he was about to do, because he’d never done it before, and Max himself had only done it to him once. But Brady was really feeling the urge to try new things tonight. Especially now, wanting to make Max feel even better than he had before to get him hard and bring him over the edge again. Brady’s hands slid from Max’s waist to his ass. He shifted to get closer, his hands spreading him open, then he leaned down to tentatively swipe his tongue over him. Brady paused, unsure if this was good despite knowing it wasn’t fucking rocket science. He was just going to roll with it unless Max told him to stop. Brady licked again and again, his movements slow but still deliberate, intent on making this good for Max. His tongue circled Max’s hole, becoming less uncertain as he went. Though he did stop after a moment to pull back and ask, “Is this okay?” Usually asking was more of a double checking thing as Brady knew the answer, but now he honestly wanted to know if this was doing anything for Max. Not everyone’s cup of tea, or whatever.
Max’s body momentarily felt like jelly as he slowly came down from his high, brain still slow to process the fact that he’d just come too soon. But it was hard to feel anything but fucking amazing with the way Brady was looking at him and kissing him as his bones sunk into the mattress below them. He kissed him back, deeply, sighing into his mouth as his hand remained gripped around his cock. Everything nearly felt slow motion as they broke apart and Max got rid of the condom, letting his body fall back onto the bed afterwards with a hum under his breath. His head swam with how good he felt, but even still, the fact that Brady hadn’t come yet weighed heavily on his mind. He kissed him back, slow and deep, and his words hit him all at once. He didn’t forget that’s what he’d said what would happen. Not even remotely, but hearing them again hit him all at once. Fuck. His limbs felt like they were made of lead and he was still caught up in afterglow, but the idea of going again sent a chill throughout his body. He’d inhaled shakily and nodded before giving his verbal agreement; encouraging it despite how sensitive his body still felt. His eyes drug down Brady’s form, stricken by thoughts of making him feel just as good. Having him inside him right after Brady rode him. It continued to make his brain explode inside his head. Metaphorically speaking.
He swallowed and shifted to do what he’d instructed, rolling over his stomach, arms folded and forehead pressed against them, feeling short of breath as Brady guided him back by his hips. He shifted so that his knees were pressed against the mattress, and he didn’t realize what Brady was planning. Excitement pooled in his stomach at feeling his hands on him; the position vulnerable - and he thought that he was going to get him ready. It was thrilling not seeing him; not knowing what he was doing. He was honestly too zoned to really question it, body still humming after having just came, and his high ever present. And then Brady’s tongue swiped over him, causing a startled moan to catch in the back of his throat. His eyes shut as his head pressed further against his arm, back arching slightly at the swipe of his tongue. Brady had never done this to him before, and Max had only done it to him once before. The tongue brushing over him caused chills to prickle at his skin, and he sucked in a deep breath the more his boyfriend continued the ministrations. He felt his thighs tense, not of discomfort, but by being overloaded with one thing after another. He’d already come and part of him was still basking in it, but somehow Brady’s touch was making him hard again. And fuck if that wasn’t super hot. He was dizzy with it; overwhelmed in the best way. “Yeah, it’s okay,” his words were somewhat strangled; raspy to his ears. And it was more than okay. “It’s good. Fuck. Brady.” More then good. One of his hands curled into the sheets. “Feels good,” he spoke again, feeling like he was babbling as he lifted his head up somewhat; knees shifting on the bed to situate himself better, sighing as he continued. His body was simultaneously relaxed and keyed up and he wasn’t sure how that happened, but he liked it. Words kept coming out and he didn’t care to stop them. “You’re gettin’ me hard again.”
All Brady needed to hear was that Max was enjoying himself to get right back to it. He leaned down to continue what he was doing, his tongue moving mostly experimentally since he wasn’t totally sure what worked and what didn’t. But Max was tensing and gripping the sheets and telling Brady exactly what he wanted to hear, so he figured he must be doing something right. When he told him he was making him hard again, Brady couldn’t hold back his moan. His hands squeezed where they were on Max’s ass and he pulled back. “Yeah?” The thought of making him come a second time was unbelievably exciting. One of Brady’s hands slid down to let his finger trace where his tongue had just been a moment ago. He didn’t press inside him, not yet. Just teasing. “Gonna make you come again,” he told him. His voice was level and quiet, so Max understood that Brady was going to make sure of it. He got the lube again, more than ready to fuck him already but of course needing Max to be also. “You gonna make me come, Max?” He poured the lube onto his fingers and pressed his free hand against Max’s lower back to steady him. Brady has clearly already helped relax him a bit, so he pressed into him with one finger, and not long after was able to add a second. “I can’t wait.” And he really fucking couldn’t. He was already imagining fucking him after just having rode Max till he came, and it was making Brady dizzy. It was probably a combination of everything — Max being comfortable, loose-limbed, and also high — that allowed him to stay relaxed, and it wasn’t long before he was letting Brady know he was good to go. Brady really didn’t want to rush this because he was sure he wasn’t going to be able to last long at all once he got going; but then, he was desperate at this point to be inside him.
Still, he tried to take his time putting on the condom and settling behind Max. His hands dragged slowly over the body in front of him, touching everywhere he could reach from his ass up toward his shoulders. Brady licked his lips and reached down to wrap a hand around the base of his cock. He guided himself inside him, pushing in slowly, biting down on his bottom lip as he did. “Holy fuck, Max.” Brady truly didn’t imagine super stoned sex being so overwhelming. It was always incredible, obviously, when they had just smoked a little, but this time, looking down at the way Max was positioned on the bed as Brady’s cock slipped inside him, combined with the feeling of it made his breath catch in his throat. He stared in awe like he’d never done this before. Instead of immediately setting a pace, Brady leaned over him a bit so he could reach around and touch Max. He could feel that he wasn’t kidding; he was getting hard again. And all because of Brady. Brady ducked his head down to press his lips to Max’s skin. Then he straightened up again, hands finding Max’s waist. Brady ever so slowly pulled out before pressing into him again. Trying to be careful not to let this end so soon. He needed it, though; needed Max. Brady succumbed with a groan, moving at a faster pace to start fucking into him steadily. “You feel fucking incredible,” Brady said, his voice not quite as steady. He pressed his lips together as he continued to rock his hips into him. And he didn’t know what compelled him, but something about the atmosphere gave him the urge to raise a hand to slap Max’s ass. Not hard, just...noticeable. “Driving me fuckin’ crazy tonight.”
If the actions weren't enough to begin to get him hard again, Brady's words alone might have done it. The tease of a finger pressing against him in place of his tongue had a small whimper escaping the back of his throat, opening his mouth to say more. "Yeah, wanna make you come." Really fucking bad. And the idea of coming with him, again was overpoweringly hot. Max focused on the way his hands felt guiding down his body, and around to his cock, and another groan floated through the air. He couldn't believe he was getting hard so soon, and that he was just as worked up as he was before. Being high caused him to relax, but he also somehow zeroed in on every single thing, releasing a harsh breath as Brady began to push a finger inside him; slowly beginning to get him ready. "Fuck, Brady." His hips jerked, before stilling, exhaling harshly as his boyfriend added another finger. Before long, he was impatient for it. "Can't wait to feel you," the words of agreement came just before he heard the crinkle of the wrapper, his stomach twisted in anticipation. The hands sliding over his body and around to his cock made his skin burn hot, and it was unreal how much he wanted him, even still. It was like he wanted him even worse now that he'd already come; fueled by his desire to continue to be close in any way and to make him feel just as good as he'd felt. His cock grew harder; Brady's hand on him further encouraging him. He was already in a daze when he shifted to began to press into him, filling his senses as a broken sigh left his lips. “God. Yes.” His hands twisted further into the blankets as his back pushed upwards, words hanging in the air as his boyfriend began to slide out only to push all the way back in. And he swore his vision went black for a second with how amazingly good this was; how overwhelmed he felt still even if he’d already gotten off once. Having Brady inside him always felt amazing, but now everything seemed to be heightened for him.
His knees dug into the bed as he held himself up to meet Brady’s thrusts; the slap that Brady delivered to his ass caused a loud moan to leave him; startled at the motion though it wasn’t unwelcome. It sent a shock of pleasure down his spine; going straight to his dick. Jesus. It wasn’t hard, but that combined with Brady fucking him was enough to make him go crazy. “Do that again," he murmured, breathless as he shifted his hips backwards, suddenly wanting to feel him deeper. The whole room felt hazy still and the smell of weed still floated around them and it felt like a dream. He moaned again as he felt him slide in deeper, and now he was definitely hard again. "Drivin' me crazy, too. Feels so fucking good."
Brady’s fingers dug into the skin of Max’s hips, almost feeling like he was holding onto him for dear life — trying to keep himself together. But it became damn near impossible for him to do that when Max told him to slap him again. Brady’s brain short circuited for just a second. Then he recognized what he had asked for, and Brady complied, with a little bit more force this time. He never wanted to hurt him, obviously, but now that he knew Max was clearly into that, he was less cautious. And he was also getting close again, way too quickly. He’d known it was going to happen, though. There was no use trying to hold back anymore and he didn’t particularly want to at this point. “Max.” His voice was strangled, and it was clear what he was trying to tell him without even saying the words. Brady leaned over him again, his body draped over his boyfriend’s, his hands pressing on top of Max’s as well. He picked up his pace slightly and his heart was pounding so wildly in his chest he was pretty sure he could hear it. “Fuck, I’m–” He didn’t actually manage to get it out before he froze, his hands curling tightly around Max’s in the sheets as he came. Brady pressed his forehead against him, his breathing heavy and irregular as he rode it out. All of his muscles were tense and then relaxed all at once. He could probably collapse and pass out, but he also had other things to attend to. He kissed Max’s back once more before getting up to slowly pull out. He was still feeling all loose and warm but he was determined to do what he’d set out to do. He nudged Max’s hips again to coax him to roll over again. Once Max was on his back, Brady wasted no time. He leaned down to take him into his mouth, as much as he could all at once, with his hand wrapping around the rest. His mind was racing. Brady was already looking forward to cleaning up and just lying there with him, but more than that, he wanted Max to come for a second time.
Max had no concept of time tonight. He had no idea how long they’d been at this; just that they both clearly couldn’t get enough of it. His breath fell out harshly as Brady slapped him again, this time harder and somehow so good, and it only further making him absolutely lose his mind. Brady's thrusts only increasing from there on out. His cock brushed against the sheets below him, and he hadn’t even touched himself and he was so keyed up. The hands covering his only made this ten times hotter; he could hear and feel Brady getting close. And suddenly he wanted to see Brady so badly; wanted to watch him as he came. But he couldn’t turn his head all the way; couldn’t think to as he was fucking into him in just the right spot. Max’s mouth dropped open as he felt Brady freeze behind him; hands tightening over his own. “Come on, want you to come, want you to,” Max managed to get out, voice raspy as the other finally let go. He could picture how he looked; had seen it so many times. And fuck it was still the hottest thing in the world.
A long sigh rolled from his lips as he slid back onto him slightly; mind racing as he felt Brady ride out his orgasm. God it was so much; too much. And now he was painfully hard again himself. Max rolled over as he was guided, gaze heated and immediately falling on him, and he knew what Brady was going to do before he did it. Still, a loud groan escaped him as his mouth sunk over him, and Max’s hand rose to tangle in his hair as his eyes stayed fixated on his face. "Shit, you're so hot." The way he sounded as he came and how he felt fucking him still burned fresh in his mind, and it didn't take long before Brady was getting him closer and closer again. "Feels... incredible." He could barely speak as Max's hips rolled up, sliding further into his mouth, body tensing before long. “Brady. I’m gonna...” He tried to speak, but it was obvious by the way his body froze and his head knocked back against the bed what was happening. His fingers tightened in his hair, tugging as he began to come, and it was somehow even more overpowering than it was before. His chest heaved as he inhaled sharply, eyes shutting tightly as his boyfriend made him come for a fucking *second *time that night.
Brady’s hands held tightly to Max’s hips when the blond finally came again. Brady looked up at him as he shifted and struggled to catch his breath, all too aware of the hand tightening in his hair. Fuck, Brady could watch him do this a hundred times in a row and not get sick of it. If only. When Max relaxed again, Brady pulled away from him and swallowed, licking his lips and then wiping his mouth on his hand. Then he finally got rid of the condom. He couldn’t even describe how he felt as he crawled back onto the bed and completely collapsed beside Max. It was like he was floating but sinking all at the same time; his bones were heavy, but everything else was all airy, like a dream. He wasn’t going to be too high for much longer and the orgasm had definitely helped speed the relaxing process along. Now he slung his arm around Max’s waist, settling in close to his side and pressing his face against the side of his chest, and there was absolutely fucking nothing else he’d rather be doing.
“We’ve outdone ourselves this time, Maxy,” he said quietly, and then couldn’t help but giggle. It was true, though. He was going to be thinking about this for a while. Really, he always made it a point to file away these memories for later — the times where he could just be with Max, do anything and everything without fear of screwing up. And it was what got him through the times like they had a little earlier today, being extra cautious what they did around other people. In these moments, other people didn’t matter. After a while, Brady scooted up the bed a bit to get closer to Max’s face. He pressed his lips to Max’s cheek. “Should I do some ASMR for you to help you relax? Just ignore the music.” Difficult, when it was Cage the Elephant and Brady wanted to vibe. This was more important. He trailed his hand slowly up and down Max’s side. Then he leaned in close to Max’s ear. “Welcome to post-coitus ASMR,” Brady whispered, his lips touching his ear with each word. Then he lifted the arm that was around Max’s waist to bring his hand up right beside his ear as well. Brady rubbed his fingers together gently, not quite snapping but making enough of a sound that he had to bite back another laugh. “We’ll be doing close up ear sounds today.” He emphasized it by gently flicking Max’s ear, and then he couldn’t help but to laugh again. “Sorry. Did that hurt?”
Relaxation settled deep into his body as they situated themselves on the bed, and his chest rose and fell heavily as he tried to regain his composure again, arm sliding around Brady’s shoulders as he fell against his side. Max felt completely at peace; he almost felt like he couldn’t move anymore. Everything felt slow motion, but he wasn’t complaining. “No kidding.” His fingers absentmindedly rubbed his arm before his boyfriend spoke and moved up and closer to his face. His arm fell against the bed as he rolled his head to meet his eyes, a tired grin crossing his face. “Oh man. For free? Didn’t even have to sign up for your OnlyFans.” His words were fond as his expression was amused, though a sigh left him as he shut his eyes. Just listening to Brady be a dumbass, and a laugh escaped him before he flicked his ear. At that, he opened his eyes, and it was his turn to roll them for once. Max’s hands rose up to cup either side of his face, bringing his face closer to his own. “You’re a nerd.” He said quietly, affectionate as he pressed a kiss to his jawline, then his cheek. One of his hands slid to his ear, tugging on it gently as he leaned back. “Know what hurts? You saying coitus instead of fucking.” His gaze dropped back down to his mouth before he pressed a kiss to his lips, lingering for a moment as affection warmed his chest. He leaned back only to speak again, tired but teasing. “Don’t give me any of that PG ASMR.” He huffed a small laugh. “Who do you think I am?”
Brady grinned. “My onlyfans is a secret. You think I want you to see me naked?” He emphasized his own irony by sidling in closer to Max, bare skin against bare skin. He shook his head slightly as Max’s hands came up to his face. Brady’s own hand poked Max in the cheek. “Don’t roll your eyes at me, you douche. I’m being nice here.” He recoiled a bit as Max tugged his ear, but only because it kind of tickled. Not that he’d let him know that so he could forever use it against him. Brady hummed when Max kissed him, and then shook his head when they broke apart. “Uh, I always keep it PG,” he deadpanned. “Not my fault you just wanna be nasty all the time. Maybe you should start an onlyfans for your filthy ASMR.” He settled back down again, his head resting against the blond’s shoulder. Brady’s arm returned to where it’d been before, across Max’s waist. Fleetwood Mac was playing faintly now. Brady closed his eyes, feeling beautifully content even as his high and the afterglow started to slowly fade. He didn’t think he would ever get tired of this. And he didn’t want to. He didn’t like to think of Max as a secret he had to keep or anything like that; rather, it was incredible to just have something that was just between them. No one else had any idea what they experienced together — well, except for like, Max’s twin and their roommate. But even then. Brady took comfort in knowing it was just them for right now, because he knew, realistically, that it wouldn’t always be. He didn’t need to think about that right now, though. “Well, I’ll save the ASMR for someone who appreciates it,” he muttered softly after a long time, eyes closed as he stayed still against his boyfriend. “For now I’ll just go fuck myself, I guess.” And knew Max could feel him smiling against his skin.
0 notes
davisgordonc · 7 years
Apple Powers IKEA Augmented Reality App
IKEA has confirmed it’s developing an augmented reality shopping app with Apple. Making its debut in the fall, the AR app will give customers a preview of how furniture will fit into their homes before ordering and building.
“This will be the first augmented reality app that will enable you to make buying decisions,” said Michael Valdsgaard, IKEA’s digital transformation leader.
Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a recent interview he was so excited about AR he wanted ‘to yell out and scream.’
“We’ve talked to IKEA, and they have 3D images of their furniture line,” he said. “You’re talking about changing the whole experience of how you shop for, in this case, furniture and other objects that you can place around the home”
Valdsgaard told Digital.di, “This will be the first augmented reality app that allows you to make reliable buying decisions… When we launch new products, they will come first in the AR app.”
Customers must take photos of their homes to use the app to position photo-realistic renders of Ikea products wherever they want – placing them ‘millimeter precise’ with sizes and lighting completely accurate, and 5-600 products at launch.
Ikea is using Apple tech to make an AR app that helps you size up furniture before you buy it https://t.co/dzGcdTTt9v http://pic.twitter.com/Qh5dbo0TZE
— CNET (@CNET) June 20, 2017
A tease of things to come, “place” a sofa virtually in your living room to decide on style, color and shape—then click to buy online and have it delivered.
Open-sourcing innovation with other designers, IKEA’s Design Days 2017 took place in Älmhult on June 7th and among many innovations, Ikea is wafting into the home decor space with new scents created in partnership with Swedish perfume brand Byredo.
Byredo founder Ben Gorham said in a post,
“I know most people have associations of visiting their grandmother’s house – whether it’s her perfume or the flowers or her cooking – smell is a very relevant part of the home. It creates a sense of comfort and security. We seldom speak of it and I think this project enforces that as well: getting people to think about smell. We’re trying to develop a ton of smells enforcing the idea that everyone has a different relationship to it, and nothing is right or wrong.”
IKEA said the “aromatic collab” could lead to a product that smells like the retailer’s Swedish cinnamon buns.
IKEA is also partnering with Virgil Abloh, founder of fashion brand Off-White, on a furniture collection targeting millennials.
It makes perfect sense that the company that led innovation in home furnishings would now lead the charge for scenting that space with a diversity of olfactory options.
The post Apple Powers IKEA Augmented Reality App appeared first on brandchannel:.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2rSEqQL via IFTTT
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joejstrickl · 7 years
Apple Powers IKEA Augmented Reality App
IKEA has confirmed it’s developing an augmented reality shopping app with Apple. Making its debut in the fall, the AR app will give customers a preview of how furniture will fit into their homes before ordering and building.
“This will be the first augmented reality app that will enable you to make buying decisions,” said Michael Valdsgaard, IKEA’s digital transformation leader.
Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a recent interview he was so excited about AR he wanted ‘to yell out and scream.’
“We’ve talked to IKEA, and they have 3D images of their furniture line,” he said. “You’re talking about changing the whole experience of how you shop for, in this case, furniture and other objects that you can place around the home”
Valdsgaard told Digital.di, “This will be the first augmented reality app that allows you to make reliable buying decisions… When we launch new products, they will come first in the AR app.”
Customers must take photos of their homes to use the app to position photo-realistic renders of Ikea products wherever they want – placing them ‘millimeter precise’ with sizes and lighting completely accurate, and 5-600 products at launch.
Ikea is using Apple tech to make an AR app that helps you size up furniture before you buy it https://t.co/dzGcdTTt9v pic.twitter.com/Qh5dbo0TZE
— CNET (@CNET) June 20, 2017
A tease of things to come, “place” a sofa virtually in your living room to decide on style, color and shape—then click to buy online and have it delivered.
Open-sourcing innovation with other designers, IKEA’s Design Days 2017 took place in Älmhult on June 7th and among many innovations, Ikea is wafting into the home decor space with new scents created in partnership with Swedish perfume brand Byredo.
Byredo founder Ben Gorham said in a post,
“I know most people have associations of visiting their grandmother’s house – whether it’s her perfume or the flowers or her cooking – smell is a very relevant part of the home. It creates a sense of comfort and security. We seldom speak of it and I think this project enforces that as well: getting people to think about smell. We’re trying to develop a ton of smells enforcing the idea that everyone has a different relationship to it, and nothing is right or wrong.”
IKEA said the “aromatic collab” could lead to a product that smells like the retailer’s Swedish cinnamon buns.
IKEA is also partnering with Virgil Abloh, founder of fashion brand Off-White, on a furniture collection targeting millennials.
It makes perfect sense that the company that led innovation in home furnishings would now lead the charge for scenting that space with a diversity of olfactory options.
The post Apple Powers IKEA Augmented Reality App appeared first on brandchannel:.
0 notes
montydozier · 7 years
Apple Powers IKEA Augmented Reality App
IKEA has confirmed it’s developing an augmented reality shopping app with Apple. Making its debut in the fall, the AR app will give customers a preview of how furniture will fit into their homes before ordering and building.
“This will be the first augmented reality app that will enable you to make buying decisions,” said Michael Valdsgaard, IKEA’s digital transformation leader.
Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a recent interview he was so excited about AR he wanted ‘to yell out and scream.’
“We’ve talked to IKEA, and they have 3D images of their furniture line,” he said. “You’re talking about changing the whole experience of how you shop for, in this case, furniture and other objects that you can place around the home”
Valdsgaard told Digital.di, “This will be the first augmented reality app that allows you to make reliable buying decisions… When we launch new products, they will come first in the AR app.”
Customers must take photos of their homes to use the app to position photo-realistic renders of Ikea products wherever they want – placing them ‘millimeter precise’ with sizes and lighting completely accurate, and 5-600 products at launch.
Ikea is using Apple tech to make an AR app that helps you size up furniture before you buy it https://t.co/dzGcdTTt9v pic.twitter.com/Qh5dbo0TZE
— CNET (@CNET) June 20, 2017
A tease of things to come, “place” a sofa virtually in your living room to decide on style, color and shape—then click to buy online and have it delivered.
Open-sourcing innovation with other designers, IKEA’s Design Days 2017 took place in Älmhult on June 7th and among many innovations, Ikea is wafting into the home decor space with new scents created in partnership with Swedish perfume brand Byredo.
Byredo founder Ben Gorham said in a post,
“I know most people have associations of visiting their grandmother’s house – whether it’s her perfume or the flowers or her cooking – smell is a very relevant part of the home. It creates a sense of comfort and security. We seldom speak of it and I think this project enforces that as well: getting people to think about smell. We’re trying to develop a ton of smells enforcing the idea that everyone has a different relationship to it, and nothing is right or wrong.”
IKEA said the “aromatic collab” could lead to a product that smells like the retailer’s Swedish cinnamon buns.
IKEA is also partnering with Virgil Abloh, founder of fashion brand Off-White, on a furniture collection targeting millennials.
It makes perfect sense that the company that led innovation in home furnishings would now lead the charge for scenting that space with a diversity of olfactory options.
The post Apple Powers IKEA Augmented Reality App appeared first on brandchannel:.
from WordPress https://montydozier.wordpress.com/2017/06/26/apple-powers-ikea-augmented-reality-app/ via IFTTT
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markjsousa · 7 years
Apple Powers IKEA Augmented Reality App
IKEA has confirmed it’s developing an augmented reality shopping app with Apple. Making its debut in the fall, the AR app will give customers a preview of how furniture will fit into their homes before ordering and building.
“This will be the first augmented reality app that will enable you to make buying decisions,” said Michael Valdsgaard, IKEA’s digital transformation leader.
Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a recent interview he was so excited about AR he wanted ‘to yell out and scream.’
“We’ve talked to IKEA, and they have 3D images of their furniture line,” he said. “You’re talking about changing the whole experience of how you shop for, in this case, furniture and other objects that you can place around the home”
Valdsgaard told Digital.di, “This will be the first augmented reality app that allows you to make reliable buying decisions… When we launch new products, they will come first in the AR app.”
Customers must take photos of their homes to use the app to position photo-realistic renders of Ikea products wherever they want – placing them ‘millimeter precise’ with sizes and lighting completely accurate, and 5-600 products at launch.
Ikea is using Apple tech to make an AR app that helps you size up furniture before you buy it https://t.co/dzGcdTTt9v http://pic.twitter.com/Qh5dbo0TZE
— CNET (@CNET) June 20, 2017
A tease of things to come, “place” a sofa virtually in your living room to decide on style, color and shape—then click to buy online and have it delivered.
Open-sourcing innovation with other designers, IKEA’s Design Days 2017 took place in Älmhult on June 7th and among many innovations, Ikea is wafting into the home decor space with new scents created in partnership with Swedish perfume brand Byredo.
Byredo founder Ben Gorham said in a post,
“I know most people have associations of visiting their grandmother’s house – whether it’s her perfume or the flowers or her cooking – smell is a very relevant part of the home. It creates a sense of comfort and security. We seldom speak of it and I think this project enforces that as well: getting people to think about smell. We’re trying to develop a ton of smells enforcing the idea that everyone has a different relationship to it, and nothing is right or wrong.”
IKEA said the “aromatic collab” could lead to a product that smells like the retailer’s Swedish cinnamon buns.
IKEA is also partnering with Virgil Abloh, founder of fashion brand Off-White, on a furniture collection targeting millennials.
It makes perfect sense that the company that led innovation in home furnishings would now lead the charge for scenting that space with a diversity of olfactory options.
The post Apple Powers IKEA Augmented Reality App appeared first on brandchannel:.
0 notes
glenmenlow · 7 years
Apple Powers IKEA Augmented Reality App
IKEA has confirmed it’s developing an augmented reality shopping app with Apple. Making its debut in the fall, the AR app will give customers a preview of how furniture will fit into their homes before ordering and building.
“This will be the first augmented reality app that will enable you to make buying decisions,” said Michael Valdsgaard, IKEA’s digital transformation leader.
Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a recent interview he was so excited about AR he wanted ‘to yell out and scream.’
“We’ve talked to IKEA, and they have 3D images of their furniture line,” he said. “You’re talking about changing the whole experience of how you shop for, in this case, furniture and other objects that you can place around the home”
Valdsgaard told Digital.di, “This will be the first augmented reality app that allows you to make reliable buying decisions… When we launch new products, they will come first in the AR app.”
Customers must take photos of their homes to use the app to position photo-realistic renders of Ikea products wherever they want – placing them ‘millimeter precise’ with sizes and lighting completely accurate, and 5-600 products at launch.
Ikea is using Apple tech to make an AR app that helps you size up furniture before you buy it https://t.co/dzGcdTTt9v pic.twitter.com/Qh5dbo0TZE
— CNET (@CNET) June 20, 2017
A tease of things to come, “place” a sofa virtually in your living room to decide on style, color and shape—then click to buy online and have it delivered.
Open-sourcing innovation with other designers, IKEA’s Design Days 2017 took place in Älmhult on June 7th and among many innovations, Ikea is wafting into the home decor space with new scents created in partnership with Swedish perfume brand Byredo.
Byredo founder Ben Gorham said in a post,
“I know most people have associations of visiting their grandmother’s house – whether it’s her perfume or the flowers or her cooking – smell is a very relevant part of the home. It creates a sense of comfort and security. We seldom speak of it and I think this project enforces that as well: getting people to think about smell. We’re trying to develop a ton of smells enforcing the idea that everyone has a different relationship to it, and nothing is right or wrong.”
IKEA said the “aromatic collab” could lead to a product that smells like the retailer’s Swedish cinnamon buns.
IKEA is also partnering with Virgil Abloh, founder of fashion brand Off-White, on a furniture collection targeting millennials.
It makes perfect sense that the company that led innovation in home furnishings would now lead the charge for scenting that space with a diversity of olfactory options.
The post Apple Powers IKEA Augmented Reality App appeared first on brandchannel:.
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2017/06/26/apple-powers-ikea-augmented-reality-app/ via IFTTT
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