#That Thing
lukadjo · 2 months
Ugh the thing is back
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Time to squish
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fiannalover · 7 months
The thing about 0079 is that if you got here and have any interest in being on Gundam long term, 0079 Absolutely is mandatory watching. Not because it's The Best One or anything, such a classification is inherently subjective, but because Gundam 0079 is the olive oil that will make every other Gundam series, no exception, Even Better
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akirachuuu · 2 months
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Remember kids, drugs are actually good!
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otrebot · 5 months
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Birthday present for @jigopatchouli
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nin-deer · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about Sarina and Gorou pre-reincarnation. Like we can see Gorou isn't really paying attention to Ai while Sarina is ranting to him but he sees that this is something truly something she loves. And then we see post-Sarina death that he became obsessed with Ai and it's probably because it's the only thing of Sarina he has left (whether she was his first patient or he was looking after Sarina for so long he grew very attached to her) and so his only outlet was to obsess with the thing she was obsessed with: Ai
And we can see post-reincarnation that they both don't really handle grief well (i.e. jumping to revenge even though they're literally babies for Aqua and the manipulating everyone around her for Ruby [i know they have older minds but still pretty violent revenge came first instead of living well or taking up her mantle and doing everything in honor of her]) and like what if Aqua sees Sarina in Ai and that's why he got so obsessed? The two both have that happy-go-lucky/positive vibes and Sarina was really obsessed with her, so whenever Gorou thinks of Ai he (consciously or not) thinks of Sarina. and then take that and not good at handling grief and well... He just saw "sarina" die again and he just snaps
also the fact that he really did care about sarina so her death must have really hit hard. like he doesn't have to stay and listen to her rant and rave about her favorite idol but he did (i mean he was 30 something he probably could care less) and the whole romantic feelings sarina had for him. he considered her feelings first even though he knew it was impossible (and personally i think he saw her more as a little sister than anything but up to interpretation i guess) maybe it's just a doctor thing? idk im not in the medical industry so i couldn't say
thus circling back to the "oh fuck i let her (ambiguous; sarina or ai?) die again" but this time he can do something since its not a disease and so he decides to get revenge for Ai. OH MY GOD also ai did also become his patient and maybe he treated her like he treated sarina and AUGH
i just a;sdlfhasdlf;hasl; so many thoughts sorry if this is absolutely all over the place im just word barfing here
just a note that this is completely my opinion and maybe he really did like Ai as an idol just because of admiration or something. idk. i just found the timing odd since he didn't really seem to care too much about her when Sarina was alive, yet we see when Ai visits the hospital he is literally worshipping the ground hse stands on. anyways thanks for reading my silly thoughts if you got all the way here
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lizhi-art · 6 months
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What are they looking at? An akuma? A demon that cannot feel the light of god? You decide!
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jamesfromidaho · 24 days
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quadrantadvisor · 2 years
Sometimes I remember that Kipo and the age of wonderbeasts really said "Hey, what if we copied these character archetypes from Powerpuff Girls, but then we played them for drama."
And they were geniuses for it.
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the-luigi-irl · 8 months
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thisphantomlife · 8 months
Losing my mind over Andrew singing Doo Wop (That Thing)!
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theevilpickler · 5 months
First thing to come up when you searching Mike Wheeler on Urban Dictionary
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The rest is a fucking rollar-coastter
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razzle-zazzle · 7 months
1922 Words; @brain-bumbler's Dormmates AU
AO3 ver
“Move it, pompadork.” Dion growled, trying to get back to his dorm.
“Oh, am I in your way?” Morris moved right in front of Dion. “Guess you’ll just have to sit there and wait then.” He looked up at Dion, radiating as much challenge as was physically possible.
“Do you get paid to be an ass?” Dion snarled. “Do you wake up every morning and decide ‘Oh, I need to be as big of a jerk as possible’?” His voice rose with his frustration, even through his Morris Impression.
“I don’t know,” Morris countered, “Do you make it your mission to be a blight on everyone’s day?” This only drew forth more high-pitched curses from Dion, to which Morris began to respond in kind.
“It’s way too early for this.” Adam grumbled, in the doorway of his and Morris’ dorm. A telekinesis hand appeared in between Morris and Dion, putting a pause on their argument.
“STAY OUT OF IT!” They both voiced their disagreement as one, only for that to spark a fresh wave of confrontation as they simultaneously accused the other of copying them.
Adam brought a hand to the bridge of his nose and groaned. “I’m not dealing with this.” He decided. “Not at this hour.”
“I don’t know, it’s pretty funny.” Gisu commented from her spot on the couch. She still had her pajamas on, the hood of her rex onesie casting a toothed shadow over her eyes.
“Only for the first twenty minutes.” Adam responded, moving over to the kitchen. “Then you just wait for them to stop, and they never do.”
“Huh.” Gisu said, in a tone that said that she didn’t particularly care what Adam had been putting up with in the boys’ half of the dorm. She shrugged, still working through the bowl of cereal held on a telekinesis hand in front of her. “They’ve gotta run out of steam eventually.” She declared, between bites.
“They better.” Norma mumbled from the breakfast bar. “Or I’m throwing both of them out of the window.” As Morris could levitate and Dion was an acrobat, neither would be in very much danger from being defenestrated. But it would be satisfying, and Norma looked like she was seriously considering it as Dion and Morris got progressively louder.
“Dion must really care about Morris.” Raz decided through a yawn. “‘Cause Dee and Frazie argue with each other all the time, and they care about each other.” He watched the two for a moment, then added, “And they don’t even argue in a mean way.”
Norma snorted. “Maybe tell them that.” She suggested. “That’ll probably get them to stop.”
“Huh, that might work.” Raz nodded. He hopped off of the stool, his toast forgotten as he skipped over to Dion and Morris. “Hey, guys—”
“WHAT?” Dion and Morris both turned to Raz in tandem, once again unified by the threat of their argument being stopped.
“You argue like siblings.” Raz pointed out. “Dion must really care about you, Morris!” He grinned, showing off all of his teeth, not a shred of anything but mischief in his eyes.
The reaction was immediate. Dion’s face flushed, protestations falling from his lips as he sputtered. Morris looked equally as put-out, frantically trying to assert how much he hated Dion’s guts.
“With the way you too are so obsessed with each other, some might think you’re lovers!” Norma called out from the breakfast bar. Morris and Dion’s equally red faces turned to her, too stunned to speak.
Morris recovered his aplomb first. “I am not obsessed with this clown.” He asserted, moving over to the side.
“I barely think about you at all.” Dion agreed, face still red as he flipped over to his dorm.
Silence reigned in the common room for a moment.
“Huh.” Adam commented. “Wonder how long until it starts up again?”
Morris huffed. “Hey!”
Gisu cackled.
“Pretty please? With sprinkles on top?” Hand clasped together, Gisu gave Dion her best puppy dog eyes. “Just once?” She even batted her eyelashes, too, to really sell it.
Dion’s mouth pressed into a thin line, his eyes darting away from Gisu. “No.” He reaffirmed, even though his voice wasn’t as firm as it had been before.
“Aww, c’mon!” Gisu urged. She turned back to the couch in the common area. “Guys, help me out here!”
Norma continued knitting, ignoring the proceedings. Sam narrowed her eyes at Dion, but otherwise said nothing—possibly still upset at being banned from the kitchen. Adam rather pointedly looked away from the breakfast bar. Morris and Lizzie, however, both added their voices to the cause, the video game in front of them paused as they looked over the back of the couch. Their voices intermingled as they tried to cajole Dion into conceding. Gisu watched as Dion’s resolve dissolved.
Dion rallied, glaring at Morris. “I’m not cooking for you.” He growled. “The answer’s still no.”
Morris smirked. “Wow, you must be really bad at cooking.” He taunted. “Suppose we’ll just have to make do with someone better.”
Raz, from where he was on the stool next to Gisu’s, turned his eyes to Dion. “Don’t you want to show them how good you are?” He asked, his face covered in the sweetest innocence he could manage.
Dion gave Raz a dry look. “You’re just saying that because Gisu bribed you.” He pointed out, knowing full well that Raz was mostly just trying to get a rise out of him.
“Is it working?” Raz asked, face morphing into a mischievous grin.
Dion’s face went through several expressions that essentially boiled down to saying “yes, but I don’t want it to” without him needing to say anything at all. He clenched and unclenched his hands into fists, visibly working his jaw as he searched for a response.
After a moment, Dion threw his head back and groaned, conceding. “Fine!” He turned back to the kitchen. “But if any one of you comes in here while I’m working then the deal’s off!”
Raz and Gisu cheered.
Lizzie pumped a fist in that air. “Free food!”
Norma rubbed at her temples. “Great, that’s settled.” She commented. “Are you going to get back to your game?” She asked, tilting her head towards the screen.
Morris turned around first and grabbed his controller. “Hey, Gisu, do you wanna join?”
Gisu waved him off. “Nah, I wanna watch.” She said.
Lizzie shrugged. “Suit yourself.”
“Right.” Dion set down the last plate. “Bon appétit, or whatever.” He grumbled, going back to the counter to grab his own plate.
Raz dug in immediately, uttering his thanks around his bites.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” Dion chided without even turning around.
“As much as I hate to say it,” Morris said, “This is really good.”
“Yeah, this is top-notch.” Adam agreed. “How long have you been cooking?”
Dion preened. “Of course it’s good,” He said, “And that’s none of your business.”
Morris made a rude gesture in Dion’s direction. “No need to be a sourpuss.” He pointed out.
“I’ll be as sour as I like!” Dion had turned to look back at the table, his plate only half filled. After a moment, he turned back to the counter.
“Today’s lesson!” Norma interjected, before Dion and Morris could start to really go at it. “Let’s talk about that!”
Raz perked up immediately. “Yeah!” He agreed. “I had this idea for telekinesis that I wanted to try out later.” He waved his hands as he spoke, his food forgotten in front of him for the moment. “I was wondering how much weight it can handle, and if I could lift myself with it.”
“That’s just worse levitation.” Morris decided, between bites.
“And who made you the expert?” Gisu asked teasingly, leaning over the table. “You’re not Milla.”
Morris gave Gisu a flat look. “I’m an expert.” He argued. “Clearly.”
“Then I guess I am too!” Gisu countered. She turned back to Raz. “We should go out to the Questionable Area and test that tomorrow.”
Raz nodded. “Yeah!” He grinned. He went back to his meal, but the conversation continued on as Lizzie brought up a project Compton had assigned her and Norma started asking questions about it to be polite.
A wave of homesickness passed over the table with no discernible source. The trash can opened, and Adam looked over to see Dion scraping his food into the trash, expression stone.
“You okay?” He started, but Dion just stomped past the table without a word. He crossed the common area and disappeared down the hall, melancholy bleeding into anger radiating from him the whole way there.
“What’s his problem?” Morris asked.
Raz shrugged. “How would I know?” He didn’t dig around in Dion’s head often, both to avoid Dion somehow finding out and getting annoyed by it and because there were better things to do with his time. Half the stuff Dion did anyway barely made sense as it was, so why would Raz have any insight? “It’s not like him to waste food.” He added. Something must have really ticked Dion off then, Raz supposed.
Lizzie shrugged. “Maybe he’s being pissy for the sake of it.” She suggested. She took another bite. “This is really good though.” She complimented, reaching for her glass.
A wave of agreement passed over the table. It was a general sense of that was weird and a big mental shrug at whatever was going on with Dion.
As usual, it didn’t take long for the conversation to move on.
“Your brother is a housewife.”
Raz looked up from Issue #242 of True Psychic Tales at Sam’s comment. “What?” Sam was a little different at the best of times, and utterly incomprehensible at the worst. But after knowing her for a few weeks, Raz was reasonably confident that he could decipher the method to her madness more often than not.
This, however, was one of those “nots.” Sam stared at him innocently over a bowl of… something, a bird perched upon her head as she stirred. Raz stared at her from the booth he was seated in, wondering if the Lumberstack had a gas leak. Or if it even had gas to leak. He’d heard that gas leaks could make people say funny things.
Or it might just be Sam being Sam.
“Which one?” Raz asked, because while he had an idea he still wanted to be sure. If Sam was talking about Queepie then Raz would have no hope of ever understanding what she was talking about.
“Dion.” Sam chirped, turning her attention back to the bowl on the counter before her. “He knows how to cook and mend, he cleans, and he’s good with kids. Housewife material.” She nodded after listing off her reasons.
“Oookay.” Raz said. If he thought about it, then what Sam was saying did make sense. Dion was good at all those things, though Raz wasn’t sure where Sam got the last point from. Still, the logic was clear and easy to follow, even if it would never have occurred to Raz. Sam was like that, coming at everything sideways. Sometimes it resulted in the most confusing things Raz had ever heard, and sometimes it made sense, like now.
Raz frowned. “But he’s not married?” Didn’t being a wife require marriage? Raz was pretty sure that was the case.
Sam chuckled. “Not yet he isn’t.” How she made it sound both lighthearted and threatening, Raz would never understand.
Raz nodded, turning back to his comic. Better to just nod and agree.
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leo-k1 · 11 months
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(Click en la imagen para más calidad)
OC que hice el año pasado y quise publicar.
Ficha en esta semana (talves).
Chip: Boo!
Los Corazones y reblogs son apreciados.
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gretavanfleetposts · 1 year
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You know when he does that thing
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what if the ugly wife and the groom
they're in love : ) She's his favorite knight :)
he likes her hair that appears to be posessed by some sort of alarmed deep sea creature:)
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