francepittoresque · 3 months
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ANECDOTE | Pain de l’Égalité décrété sous la Terreur ➽ https://bit.ly/Pain-Egalite En novembre 1793, les représentants du peuple en mission prenaient un arrêté fixant que « la richesse et la pauvreté devant également disparaître du régime de l’égalité, il ne sera plus composé un pain de fleur de farine pour le riche et un pain de son pour le pauvre », et que « tous les boulangers seront tenus, sous peine d’incarcération, de faire une seule et bonne espèce de pain, le pain de l’égalité »
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jloisse · 7 months
« Nous devons utiliser la terreur, les assassinats, l’intimidation, la confiscation des terres et l’arrêt de tous les programmes sociaux afin de débarrasser la Galilée de sa population arabe »
Israël Koenig, « The Koenig memorandum », 1976
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editionskelach · 2 months
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Un jour, un livre aux Éditions Kelach.
Le spectre de Rä
Démons - Aventure - Contemporain.
Avide de pouvoir, le démon Ravana recrute Wilhem, homme aigri et complexé, pour retrouver le sceptre de Râ, un artefact magique qui lui redonnera sa puissance d’antan. Mais c’est sans compter sur Râ, le dieu égyptien à tête de faucon, qui missionne l’érudit Franz Meyer pour contrecarrer les plans du démon ! Accompagné de son neveu, Franz ira jusqu’au bout du réel et bien au-delà. Ses efforts, mis à mal par le disciple de Ravana, seront-ils suffisants ?
De Francfort au Caire, entre magie, énigmes, course-poursuite, amour et frissons, plongez-vous dans cette quête pleine d’aventures aux côtés de Franz et ses compagnons !
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beyond-crusading · 2 years
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Just finished this book debunking common myths about the Terror ! It was pretty interesting. The main thing I take away from it is that the Terror wasn't some sort of organized and planned policy, it was a chaotic attempt from the Convention (and especially the Comité de Salut Public) to take back control of the repression against enemies of the people. Robespierre succeeded in reestablishing some sort of monopoly on violence for the State, but he fell anyway, because his political position wasn't strong enough. He overestimated his control of the State apparatus, which allowed politicians on his right and on his left to plot against him. The Thermidor plot succeeded, and quickly imposed the idea of the Terror as a way to discredit the fallen Robespierre as well as to put all the blame on him for the recent atrocities (even the ones Robespierre fought to stop).
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kaswretched · 10 months
'De regreso a mi propia mente'
Digital drawing
Kas wretched
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2t2r · 10 years
Greyfriars Kirkyard le cimetière le plus hanté du monde
Nouvel article publié sur 2tout2rien: https://www.2tout2rien.fr/greyfriars-kirkyard-le-cimetiere-le-plus-hante-du-monde/
Greyfriars Kirkyard le cimetière le plus hanté du monde
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Ma peur alors fut apaisée Après avoir noyé mon coeur Dans un lac de grande terreur.
Dante (La Divine Comédie)
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count-v-dracula · 2 years
🙋 + what was vlad like as a teenager/young man? how drastically did he change over the course of his life?
{ meme } | accepting
[[ I could go on and on, but I will attempt to keep it short!
Vlad spent his early tween/teen years until he was 17 held as a political prisoner, by the weak will of his father to keep a semblance of peace between the Church/Holy Roman Empire/appropriate leaders and the Turks. He was bitter all those years, hated everyone. He snapped back, pushed away those that did try to befriend him or show compassion. Even his little brother suffered his hate, while they both served at their time in the Sultan's home. As it can be surmised, he was just very and extremely hurt and felt like he was unloved, anger was just the secondary emotion and still is. He was then given the choice as a 17 year old, because of a particular event that made Vlad trust his father even less, to leave the "care" of the Sultan and return home or stay on and serve in the military.
He chose the latter, and did that for a few years (learning the enemy's ways and keeping them close and all). There was trouble between his family's clan (Draculesti) and his father's cousin's clan (Danesti) that he had to help resolve and left Turkish control.
I would say what happened to him from the age of 13 to 23 hardened his heart. His eyes were opened to the cruelties of life and the world as a whole when he was very young. He learned that he was meant to fight and win, and fight some more because of his family's role with kingdoms and the HRE. This reflects in him as an adult, mortal and immortal. His initial reaction/thoughts is to fight, push back, bite -- in every aspect of life. Once he realized that this was the path made for him at the start of his childhood, he mourned at first, but he learned he would have to pick himself back up from this, and hardships to come, and push through it. Take care of himself because no one else would. Go through with his life as planned because it was right and expected of him.
He also had no one to look after him as he deserved when he was a youth, though a particular angel did arrive and kept him from getting much worse for a number of years when he was around his 30s. Another betrayal pushed him into making a decision: to die or to buy more time.
He's still much like he was when he was a mortal man: obstinate, prideful, arrogant, passionate, loyal. An overall royal pain <3 ]]
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witchaotics · 2 years
send me ❤ and I will bold all that applies to your muse
I would kill for you. • I would make love to you. • I would fuck you. • I would protect you. • I would hurt you for a selfish cause. • I wish we had more in common. • I want nothing to do with you. • I want to see you cry. • I want a future with you. • I want to destroy your future. • I do not care what you do. • I am indifferent towards you. • I want children with you. • I love you ( platonically ) • I love you ( romantically ) • I love you life family. • You are my family. • I could fall in love with you. • I would lie for you. • I would fight by your side. • I will never let you go. • I would hold you while you cried. • I would hug you. • I want to kiss you. • I would stay by your bedside if you were ill. • I want to fall asleep with you in my arms. • I want to forget you. • I will never forget you. • I only want to make you proud. • I wish I could make you happy. • You deserve nothing. • I will never forgive you. • You confuse me.
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eltjedoddema · 6 days
Treurnis - 4/5
Eltje Doddema
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francepittoresque · 4 months
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ANECDOTE | L'arbre de Noël 1793 ou comment l'astucieux comte d'Auvrigny se joua de la Terreur ➽ https://bit.ly/Noel-1793-Auvrigny La veille de la Noël 1793, quelle n'est pas la déception du comte d'Auvrigny, petit bourg de Thiérache, d'apprendre que personne ne participerait aux réjouissances par lui organisées, tandis qu'il avait fait dresser comme de coutume un magnifique sapin chargé de lanternes et de friandises pour les enfants du village, pratique désormais jugée comme « entachée d'aristocratie »...
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cariri556275 · 6 days
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e-c-guyot-blog · 2 months
Si Supernatural se passait en 1883...
Supernatural est une série créée par Eric Kripke en 2005, et conçue comme un western moderne d’horreur à travers les petites villes des Etats-Unis. Fontaine (un journaliste enthousiaste) : “supernatural”, en anglais, cela signifie simplement “surnaturel”. Bizarrement, ça ne sonne pas pareil en français… Auteure : et pourtant Surnaturel, c’est son titre au Canada. 😁 La série raconte l’histoire…
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editionskelach · 2 months
Fantastique en pays de Chièvres
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Un jour, un livre aux Éditions Kelach.
Fantastique en pays de Chièvres
Fantastiques - Terreur- Créatures.
Six destins, six nouvelles.
Embarquez au cœur de la région de Chièvres à la rencontre des hommes et bêtes fantastiques qui l’ont peuplée de tous temps. Forêt maudite, loups-garous, sorciers, druides, démons et créatures fantastiques sont au rendez-vous de ce recueil.
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kaswretched · 1 year
Invadido por los pobres sacos de carne quemada,
arrastrandose por tener una segunda oportunidad,
me cortaron la piel para tener una
no entienden que todo se terminó.
"Y son todo lo que veo, y son todo lo que siento 2"
Oleo sobre tela
17cm × 22cm
Kas wretched
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2t2r · 4 years
Shadows - quand des monstres envahissent de petites pièces par Karen Jerzyk
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/shadows-quand-des-monstres-envahissent-de-petites-pieces-par-karen-jerzyk/
Shadows - quand des monstres envahissent de petites pièces par Karen Jerzyk
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