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Teen Patti Entrepreneurship: Join Our Agency, Earn Online, and Thrive!
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In the dynamic world of online gaming, Teen Patti has emerged as a powerhouse, captivating millions with its blend of skill, strategy, and thrill. What if you could turn your passion for this card game into a flourishing entrepreneurial venture? Welcome to the realm of Teen Patti Entrepreneurship, where joining our agency is your gateway to earning online and thriving in the exciting universe of card games.
The Rise of Teen Patti Entrepreneurship : Teen Patti is not just a game; it's a cultural phenomenon, and its online adaptation has created a wave of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. As a Teen Patti entrepreneur, you have the chance to build your own success story by combining your love for the game with strategic business acumen.
The Benefits of Teen Patti Entrepreneurship Discover the numerous advantages of becoming a Teen Patti entrepreneur:
Financial Freedom: Break free from traditional constraints and unlock the potential for unlimited earnings.
Flexibility: Enjoy the flexibility of managing your business on your terms, allowing you to balance work and life effortlessly.
Community Engagement: Connect with a vibrant community of players, agents, and entrepreneurs who share your passion for Teen Patti.
Skill Enhancement: Sharpen your entrepreneurial skills as you navigate the unique challenges and opportunities in the gaming industry.
How to Kickstart Your Teen Patti Entrepreneurial Journey Embarking on your Teen Patti entrepreneurship journey is easier than you think. Follow these steps to get started:
Agency Registration: Join our agency and gain access to a wealth of resources, tools, and support to fuel your entrepreneurial aspirations.
Strategic Marketing: Leverage effective marketing strategies to promote Teen Patti within your network and attract players to your agency.
Financial Management: Learn the ropes of managing your earnings, commissions, and bonuses to ensure sustainable growth.
Community Building: Foster a sense of community among your players, creating a loyal player base that contributes to the success of your agency.
Success Stories and Testimonials Explore the inspiring success stories of Teen Patti entrepreneurs who have turned their passion into profit. Learn from their experiences, strategies, and the valuable insights they've gained along their entrepreneurial journeys.
Conclusion: Are you ready to turn your love for Teen Patti into a thriving online business? Join our agency, embrace the spirit of Teen Patti entrepreneurship, and set the stage for a future where you can earn online and truly thrive. Your journey to entrepreneurial success begins here – let the cards unfold in your favor!
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teenpattiindia · 8 months
Beginner's Luck? Tips for First-Time Mines Players
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Venturing into the world of Mines for the first time can be both exciting and daunting. While the game's premise is straightforward, mastering the strategies and nuances can take time. However, with the right approach and a few handy tips, beginners can quickly transform their initial forays into rewarding experiences. Here's a guide tailored for first-time Mines players.
Understanding the Basics
Familiarize Yourself with the Grid: Before diving in, take a moment to understand the 5x5 grid. Each square can either conceal a treasure or a mine. Your goal is to uncover as many treasures as possible without triggering a mine.
Begin Small: As a newbie, it is best to begin with modest bets. This allows you to get a feel for the game without risking too much. You can gradually increase your investments as you develop confidence and understanding.
Use the Tutorial: Many online Mines platforms offer interactive tutorials. These are invaluable for newcomers, providing step-by-step guidance on gameplay mechanics, strategies, and potential pitfalls.
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Utilizing Tools and Features
Flagging System: Some Mines platforms offer a flagging or marking system. While the primary game doesn't involve numbers like its Minesweeper counterpart, these flags can be used to mark squares you're uncertain about. It's a way to remind yourself of areas you deem risky, allowing you to approach them with caution or avoid them altogether.
Game History: Many platforms provide a history or replay feature, allowing players to review their past games. This tool is invaluable for understanding your gameplay patterns, mistakes, and successful strategies.
Hints and Tips: Some online Mines platforms offer hints or tips, especially tailored for beginners. These can guide your initial moves, helping you navigate the grid more confidently.
Adjustable Settings: Familiarize yourself with the game's settings. Some platforms allow players to adjust certain game features, such as sound effects, grid colors, or even difficulty levels (by varying the number of mines). Tailoring these settings to your preference can enhance your gameplay experience.
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Developing a Strategy
Observe Patterns: While Mines is a game of chance, certain patterns might emerge as you play more. Take note of these patterns, as they can offer clues about where mines might be located.
Set a Limit: Before starting a game session, set a win and loss limit for yourself. This ensures that you play responsibly and don't get carried away by the excitement.
Know When to Cash Out: One of the key strategies in Mines is knowing when to cash out your treasures. If you've uncovered several treasures and feel uncertain about the next move, it might be wise to cash out rather than risk hitting a mine.
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Learning from Mistakes
Analyze Your Games: After each game, especially losses, take a moment to analyze your moves. Understanding where you went wrong can offer insights and help refine your strategy for future games.
Seek Community Advice: Join online Mines forums or communities. Engaging with more experienced players can provide valuable tips, strategies, and insights that you might not have considered.
Embracing the Journey
Stay Patient: Like any casino game, Mines has its ups and downs. It's essential to remain patient, especially during a losing streak. Remember, every game offers a new opportunity.
Enjoy the Process: While winning is exhilarating, it's crucial to enjoy the process of playing. The thrill of uncovering treasures, the suspense of avoiding mines, and the satisfaction of refining your strategy are all integral parts of the Mines experience.
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While the concept of "beginner's luck" might hold true for some, success in Mines is often a blend of strategy, observation, and continuous learning. By understanding the basics, developing a strategy, learning from mistakes, and embracing the journey, first-time players can set themselves up for a rewarding Mines experience. Remember, every master was once a beginner. With dedication and the right approach, you too can master the Mines grid.
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astrologerali · 4 months
Cash Rummy Games vs Rummy Tournaments: Which One is the Better Option?
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‍Rummy has been a popular game for centuries, and now it’s available to play online. But how do you decide which type of rummy to play? Should you go for the best rummy app for real money or rummy tournaments? Both offer a unique set of benefits, and the answer to which one is better for you depends on your individual preferences.
Cash rummy games provide a more relaxed atmosphere and allow you to play for smaller stakes. On the other hand, rummy tournaments provide a more competitive setting and can lead to larger rewards. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it’s up to you to decide which one is the better option.
Definition of Cash Rummy Games and Rummy Tournaments Cash Rummy Games The best rummy app for real money games are exactly what they sound like – games that are played for cash prizes. These games are typically played for smaller stakes, and the main goal is to win money. These games allow you to interact with other players and chat while you play, which makes the experience more fun and engaging.
Rummy Tournaments Rummy tournaments are tournaments where you try to accumulate as many points as possible. The player with the most points at the end of the tournament wins the grand prize. These tournaments are played for much larger stakes than cash rummy games and involve fewer players.
Rummy games are typically played at a slower pace than tournaments and involve a larger amount of strategy. All players start out with the same amount of chips and try to win as many hands as possible with the goal of amassing a high score. While tournaments are played at a much brisker pace and have a set time limit.
Advantages of Cash Rummy Games More Relaxed Atmosphere One of the main advantages to cash rummy games is that you can play them in a more relaxed atmosphere. You’re not competing against other players for a big cash prize, so the stakes are much lower. This makes it a great option if you’re looking to take a break from high-pressure games.
Low Stakes Another advantage to playing cash rummy games is that you can play for lower stakes. Depending on the site, you may be able to play for as little as $1 per hand. This makes it a great option if you’re new to the game and want to play at lower stakes.
Advantages of Rummy Tournaments Competitive Setting One of the main advantages to rummy tournaments is that they provide a more competitive setting. You still have the option to play at lower stakes, but you’re competing against a smaller pool of players, which can increase your chances of winning. This makes it a great option if you’re looking for a more competitive setting and a chance to win a large amount of money.
Disadvantages of Cash Rummy Games You Can Only Win a Small Amount One of the biggest disadvantages to playing cash Teen Patti Star games is that you can only win a small amount. The stakes are much lower than in tournaments, so you can’t win as much money. This makes it a great option if you’re looking to play for small prizes and take a break from high-stakes games. But if you’re looking to win a large amount of money, cash rummy isn’t the best option for you.
Disadvantages of Rummy Tournaments Very Competitive Setting One of the biggest disadvantages to rummy tournaments is that they are very competitive. The stakes are much higher than in cash rummy games, so you can win more money, but you’ll also have to face more competition. This makes it a great option if you’re looking to win a large amount of money and are willing to face stiffer competition. But if you’re not interested in competing against other players, tournaments are not the best option for you.
Comparison of the two types of Rummy Cash rummy games provide a more relaxed atmosphere and allow you to play for smaller stakes. Rummy tournaments are more competitive and involve larger stakes. Cash rummy games are played at a slower pace and involve a larger amount of strategy. Rummy tournaments are played at a much brisker pace and have a set time limit. Cash rummy games allow you to play for smaller stakes and have a more relaxed atmosphere. Rummy tournaments provide a more competitive setting and allow you to win large prizes.
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spookyscaryskidnpump · 2 months
my thoughts on spooky month 6
copy pasted from a page and a half of google doc. crying. spoilers inbound.putting it under the cut cuz its super long. also swear warning.
Ok to start off LILA. LILA MY GAL NO UR DOING UR BEST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Im crying im actually fucginf crying. She's trying. So hard. Skid is trying so hard. THEY'RE DOING THEIR BEST PLEASEEEEE. Father Gregor can go EAT SHIT. THEY'RE TRYING AND THAT'S WHAT COUNTS GODDAMNIT.
Susie… Susie no… please… she deserves better istgggggg. What happened to their parents? Are they actually just busy? Are they DEAD? Holy shit what if they're dead. Poor Pump, poor Susie, god please just let these kiddos be ok. PLEASE. ABUELO WONDER IS TYING SO HARD BUT SUSIE KNOWS IT ISN'T REALLY FROM HER PARENTS IM CRYING. SUSIE NOOOOOO
ROYYYYYY ROY MY BOI NOOOOOO poor guy :( i understand why he hates the kids they DID kinda ruin him so. At least he knows theyre trying now :( and ross n rob just ASSUME he did something bad isnt helping here!!!! I get that theyre also trying to help him and its nice to see him opening up to them about stuff (even if we dont get to know what specifically PELO WHY) but PLEASE get this kid an anger management class or smthn PLEASE. He needs SO MUCH THERAPY. I dont think hes gonna get therapy because im pretty sure his parents are Part Of The Problem but STILL.  Also FUCKER LITERALLY GOT POSSESED BY A DEMON?????? THATS GOTTA BE TRAUMATIC TF
Side note i love ross and robert dearly and i appreciate them doing their best to help on both sides i love them smmmmmm AUGH
KEVIN AND RADFORD FRIENDSHIP REALLLLLLLLLL i am SO fucking happy about that!!!! Also Kevin having conflicted feelings on the kids FAIR. Similar thing to Roy except hes an adult with a semi-functional support network and is able to understand that theyre just dumb kids and they dont actually mean any harm. He’s harsher on the hatzgang cuz theyre teens and old enough to know stealing is wrong but Skid n Pump are little kiddos they dont know better. Also him disapproving of father gregor REAL THO. also HE GOT POSSESSED TOO?? TRAUMA CENTRAL HOLY SHIT
Rick just has the WORST luck lmao
JAUNE AND ROSS’S DAD… HE'S REAL HE EXISTS!! I get ur trying jaune but that is NOT the best way to comfort poor lila… AT LEAST SHES TRYING THO I APPRECIATE HER
MOLOCH IS GONE. he deserved it but also THE KIDS ARE SO SAD ABOUT IT? Like they don't really get it but they just watched someone they thought was their friend DIE. HOLY SHIT.
Ok for real tho theyre so much more self aware than the fandom and bulk of the show give them credit for?? Like Skid is VERY aware of his dad being dead/possibly missing and legit just doesn’t wanna talk about it. He knows what death is and he finds fun in it to cope. My poor sweet boyo… and PUMP. PUMP ANSWERING THE CALL AUGHHHHHH HE WANTS HIS PARENTS BACK IM CRYING. SUSIE AND ABUELO ARE DOING THEIR BEST AND HE'S TRYING SO HARD AND AAAAAAAAAAUGH. Also him getting possessed by Moloch while having Star-Eyes basically debunks the theory of the Star-Eyes being a form of possession which is FASCINATING. Anyway that scene with Susie and Pump got me misty eyed and then during the ending with Skid and Lila i actually genuinely started crying. I just want them to be happy. Please let them be happy. Please. PLEASE.
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jgroffdaily · 4 days
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The New Yorker Interview
Jonathan Groff Rolls Merrily Back
The actor reflects on his journey in reverse: from his latest Tony nomination to his arrival in New York, waiting tables and dreaming of Broadway.
By Michael Schulman, Photograph by Thea Traff
June 2, 2024
One of the problems with “Merrily” is its protagonist, Franklin Shepard, whom we first meet as a slick, philandering forty-year-old Hollywood producer. It takes two acts to arrive at the charismatic musician he once was, with a lot of mistakes in between. Putting effect before cause gives each scene a painful irony—but how do you get an audience to care about a guy who’s off-putting for so long? “Merrily” is back on Broadway, in a production directed by Maria Friedman, and it’s finally a hit. One big reason is its Frank, played by Jonathan Groff, whose natural warmth shines through even in the character’s older, sleazier incarnation. When this revival opened Off Broadway, in 2022, The New Yorker’s Helen Shaw wrote, “Groff’s silky tenor and angelic face elevate a part that can sometimes be contemptible—for the first time, I could see Frank as both the dreamer who believes in greatness and the glib charmer who believes every lie he tells.”
Groff, thirty-nine, is now nominated for a Tony Award, alongside Friedman and his co-stars Daniel Radcliffe and Lindsay Mendez. He was previously nominated in 2016, for “Hamilton,” in the scene-stealing part of King George III, and in 2007, for the indie-rock musical “Spring Awakening,” as the rebellious schoolboy Melchior Gabor—his breakout role, opposite Lea Michele. Groff had come to New York three years earlier, as a stagestruck, closeted nineteen-year-old from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where he grew up among Mennonites and was obsessed with the original cast recording of “Annie Get Your Gun.” “Merrily,” with its themes of aging, idealism, and the vicissitudes of show business, has had Groff thinking about his own path toward stardom. “Doing this show on Broadway at this time, moving to New York twenty years ago, I’ve now lived the time frame of the show,” he told me recently.
We were talking at a bakery north of Washington Square Park. Groff had glided in on a bicycle. As we spoke, he frequently welled up with tears—he’s a crier—but regained his composure by focussing on a pair of googly eyes affixed to the wall behind me. For our conversation, which has been edited and condensed, I had an experiment in mind.
Let’s start with the extremely recent past. Three days ago, you went to the Met Gala. How was your night?
The big headline for me was Lea Michele was pregnant, and I sat next to her at the table, holding her giant train thing while she peed. She took it off, and I was holding that and her purse. I saw Zac Posen, who was at our table, help Kim Kardashian up the little tiny stairs, and I said to him, “Wow, that was such a sweet moment of the gay helping the diva.” I was relating to him, like with me and Lea. It’s a zoo of famous people. I was going to go to the after-parties, but my body was just, like, “No.” I hit a wall from the shows and the epicness of the week, with the Tony nominations. So I was home by eleven-forty-five, and in bed by midnight.
The Broadway production of “Merrily” opened last fall. You told Jimmy Fallon that Meryl Streep came to your dressing room, where you have a bar named BARbra, and she took a video of you and sent it to Barbra Streisand. Who else has been there?
The first thing that comes to me is sitting in BARbra in October or November, drinking whiskey with Sutton Foster. I came to New York as a teen-ager and saw her six times in “Thoroughly Modern Millie”—now she’s in BARbra, dropping in for, like, an hour and a half after the show, and it’s so full circle. Who else? Patti LuPone was there—another big one for me. Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Martin McDonagh. Glenn Close sent back a bottle of champagne to be chilled in BARbra, which we drank together.
This show, like every Sondheim show, is very dense. Over the course of three hundred-plus performances, are there certain moments that have suddenly hit you a different way, or that you realize have a double meaning?
Double, triple, quadruple, infinity. I’m still having revelations, which really makes me believe that it’s a true work of art. Maria [Friedman] talks about how, with Sondheim’s writing, he “leaves space,” which is why it’s always new. He always needed to work with a collaborator, and she talked about the actor being an essential collaborator. She said the lyric he wrote in “Sunday in the Park with George”—“Anything you do, / let it come from you, / then it will be new”—is Sondheim’s directive to the actor.
The Tuesday after the Tony nominations, I got to the theatre, screamed with Lindsay [Mendez], screamed with Dan [Radcliffe]. [He chokes up.] Then I was singing “Growing Up”—“So old friends, don’t you see we can have it all?”—which has meant so many different things to me in the run of the show. At yesterday’s matinée, Dan and I were sitting on the roof singing “Our Time”: “Up to us, pal, to show ’em.” We’ve done it a million times. We look at each other, and Dan just fucking loses it crying. He had to look away from me. We talked about it afterward, like, “What the fuck was that?” I don’t know. Something just happened.
When you started the show, in 2022, at New York Theatre Workshop, were there kinks in your performance that you’ve since figured out?
I remember feeling shocked at being disliked for so long in the first half of the first act. It was very clear from the energy of the audience that they loved Mary in the opening scene—immediately, they’re on her side. I’m out here as a gay guy, playing this straight, two-timing Hollywood producer who’s cheating on his wife. I’m already having to feel confident in a way that I don’t in my everyday life, this sort of swagger. And the audience hates me. I remember feeling scared and self-conscious. Maria, in that preview process, really helped with that, because she talked about the value of when it’s real, and you’re not playing ugly just to be ugly. The one line that I really struggled with was “I’m just acting like it all matters so people can’t see how much I hate my life and how much I wish the whole goddam thing was over.” That is a really confronting thing to say.
People might say that this is one of the fundamental flaws of “Merrily We Roll Along”—that you’re confronted with this cynical, smarmy Frank in the first act, and you don’t really understand him until the show’s over. I can imagine going into this not knowing if that’s a solvable problem, because it hadn’t been for decades.
Well, Maria wanted us to find the truth. She really believed that these characters weren’t archetypes, that there’s humanity in the writing from beginning to end. I found it after that first week or two of previews, not being so afraid. The line that made me want to do the show was “I’ve made only one mistake in my life, but I’ve made it over and over and over. That was saying yes when I meant no.” I’ve done that a lot in my life, and there was something that felt like the closeted version of myself. George Furth and Stephen Sondheim—I can only imagine being gay at the time that they were gay. Even though Frank is straight, there’s so much repression that feels very familiar to me.
Except that you felt it at the beginning of your life and not the middle, as Frank does.
Yes and no. I still feel it. I’m still trying every day not to go back. I’m obviously out of the closet, so that’s a huge relief, but I’m always going to be reckoning with the Republican upbringing that I had. I’m always negotiating whatever homophobia I’ve got. It’s all in there, still. What we see as ugliness in the top of the show, to stand and say, “I want to fucking kill myself, I hate my life,” and not overdramatize it but try to find it in the most pure, truthful place—it’s still, every night, a meditation to go there.
Let’s wind back. In 2021, you played Agent Smith in “The Matrix Resurrections.” Any good stories about Keanu Reeves?
Getting to play Agent Smith really unlocked rage inside of me that I didn’t know was there. That’s helped me so much with “Merrily,” particularly in the first act. Learning the kung fu was, like, months of fight training. They called me the Savage, because I was so into it. We were shooting a big fight sequence with Keanu, and, after the first few takes, I remember Lana [Wachowski] at the monitor, like, “Jonathan, come over here. Who is that?” I was, like, “I don’t know.” And she was, like, “And what is that?” I said, “Gay rage?”
I’d never shot a gun before. I shot Keanu and thought I had peed my pants, because I had this hot feeling. You know when you pee yourself and it’s warm? It lasted about ten minutes and then it went away. I sat next to Keanu and said, “Keanu, I just had extreme heat from my groin for, like, ten minutes.” And he was, like, “You opened up your root chakra.”
You turned thirty that year [Hamilton]? How was that?
I remember it vividly. We were at the Public Theatre. There was a fire in the East Village, and the show was cancelled that night. I got a cupcake at the deli around the corner from my apartment, on Sixteenth Street, and ate it by myself. I can be a bit of a loner, so that was a happy birthday for me.
(On Looking being cancelled)
But, in 2015, Michael Lombardo was our executive at HBO, and I was crying into my salad at some restaurant in West Hollywood, trying to convince him to keep the show going, right before getting on the plane to come do “Hamilton” Off Broadway.
I loved Raúl Castillo, who played your love interest Richie on the show. I interviewed him around then, and he told me that, since he’s straight, you all had to teach him some of the mechanics of what gay people do.
Oh, yeah! God, I love him so much. I officiated his wedding in July.
Let’s go back to 2013, when “Frozen” came out. You voiced the iceman Kristoff and the reindeer Sven. How did that film change your life?
It’s funny—I remember recording some of “Frozen” in San Francisco. I would be teaching Raúl, like, how to lick my asshole while jerking me off—not teaching him, but sharing the ins and outs of gay intimacy—and then going into the recording studio on a Saturday and being Kristoff and Sven in a Disney movie.
When they showed me “Let It Go” for the first time, I was, like, Oh, my God, this will help millions of people come out of the closet. This is the gayest thing I’ve seen in my life! That was the thing about “Frozen”: I don’t think anyone who worked on it thought it was going to be a juggernaut. It’s so weird to think of this now, but when it came out it felt quite alternative, because there was no villain, really, and the love was between two women. Now there are, like, tissues with Elsa on it.
Now we’re moving backward to “Spring Awakening.” By the time it moved to Broadway, in 2006, you were the twenty-one-year-old lead of the coolest musical in town. What was your actual life like?
I was so not cool. The show was cool, and the music was cool. I had people dropping me off joints at the theatre. And I remember fully understanding the stark difference between who I was playing onstage and who I was in real life, which was an extreme theatre nerd who wanted to be in the ensemble of “Thoroughly Modern Millie” and never would have imagined playing Melchior. It’s his gravitas. And trying to tap into that side of myself, which was a side I’d never experienced before.
Tell me about your audition.
I went to the open call and knew who Michael Mayer was, because he had directed “Thoroughly Modern Millie.” But it was “Spring Awakening” and I was, like, There’s a beating scene? This is so intense! They called me in for Melchior, then had me sing “Hey Jude” in a falsetto, and Michael was, like, “That was your falsetto?” And I laughed at him sort of making fun of me. Tom Hulce, who was our producer, told me years later that he moved my head shot from the “No” pile into the “Yes” pile because I had laughed at Michael in the audition, and he thought, This kid has the ability to let Michael roll off his back. We should bring him back in the next month or two.
It was, like, ten people up for Melchior. They brought me in first, because they thought they would just see me and cut me. But I had worked so hard on the audition material. I remember calling my dad the night before the final callback and saying to him, “I know I can’t be this character all the way yet, but I—”[He tears up again.] I really got to get my shit together! Why does this keep happening to me?
Because we’ve gone on an emotional journey.
I guess so, in reverse! Fuck me. [Pauses.] I knew that I had it inside, if they would just give me the chance. That’s all I was trying to say, but I guess I can’t stop crying while I’m saying it.
In 2005, you made your Broadway début, as an understudy in “In My Life.” Now, this was the weirdest musical I’ve ever seen. As I recall, there were dancing skeletons in a song about how everyone has a skeleton in their closet, a giant lemon that came from the sky at the end, and a girl on a scooter who turns out to be a ghost. And it was written by the guy who wrote “You Light Up My Life,” who then came to a dark end.
And his son!
Yes, his son killed his girlfriend. What the hell was going on with that show? Did you ever go on?
I went on for the ensemble members. I was so excited! I was in my first Broadway show, at the Music Box Theatre, walking in where it says “Stage Door.” And you couldn’t give away tickets to see the show. People were coming to laugh at the show from the audience.
Like “Springtime for Hitler”?
Exactly. And the cast had to do the show, even though people were laughing at them, which is devastating for the actors. But we formed a little family. It’s the plight of the actor. You’re just out there, like Sally Bowles in “Cabaret.” I was twenty years old, so I was lit.
Had you been waiting tables?
Yeah. The whole year before that, I was at the Chelsea Grill, in Hell’s Kitchen. The day I got to New York—October 21, 2004—I moved to Fifty-first Street and Ninth Avenue, before it was super gay, and I walked down Ninth and got a job waiting tables. A week later, I waited on Tom Viola, who runs the charity Broadway Cares, and became a bucket collector. I’d watch the second act of shows and then collect the money at the end. I went to hundreds of auditions, trying to get my Equity card. That, to me, was “Opening Doors,” from “Merrily”—that moment of sheer will and ambition and ignorance.
We’ve now reached our finale, which is 2004. Can you tell me about the decision to move to New York?
My mom was a gym teacher and my dad is a horse trainer, and they didn’t really understand anything about the performing world. But my dad grew up on a dairy farm, and he was supposed to take over and become a Mennonite preacher, which is what my grandfather was. My dad didn’t like cows—he liked horse racing, so he sort of rebelled and did his own thing. My mom always says that nurse, secretary, or teacher were the options for women in a small town at that time, but her passion was sports, so she ended up being a coach.
So they understood the power of fanning the flame of passion. When I was a kid and into acting, they drove me to play practice. They drove me to community theatre. My senior year of high school, my mom drove me to New York to audition for this bus-and-truck tour of “The Sound of Music.” I got that tour, and deferred my admission to Carnegie Mellon. I made ten thousand dollars after a year on the road, and I learned so much from getting to act every day. I wanted to take my ten thousand and move to New York, and my parents were super supportive: “If you feel like you need to go to college, you can always go to college. But take a gamble and move to the city.” I’d worked at this theatre in Lancaster called the Fulton Opera House, where I’d met this girl who wanted to move to New York, so she became my roommate.
To me, “Merrily We Roll Along” is about how difficult it is to stay in touch with the person you were as adulthood knocks you sideways and forward. When you think about nineteen-year-old Jonathan coming to New York, do you feel like you’re the same person? What’s changed?
[He bursts into tears.] I can’t tell why I cry! When we were about to start rehearsal for “Merrily,” I would listen to “Our Time,” and I couldn’t sing it without crying. And, when I think about that version of myself—I think it’s because that person who brings you here does diminish. Maybe it’s the grief for that person. The whole reason that I’m here now is because of that person, but that person no longer exists.
But that person is still in there, somewhere. That voice is so quiet now, but it’s still driving my choices. You have to make choices. You get older, that pure inspiration dies, but it doesn’t have to go all the way away. I think that’s the whole point of the show, why it goes backward. Maria says that Sondheim put all of his regret into it, so that we could have less regret for ourselves. And perhaps the reason it ends with these people, with these versions of ourselves that we remember when we see it, is that it’s an invitation to remember and honor that person.
Why does that make me cry? Is it grief? Is it joy? I don’t know, but I’m so grateful for that purity and that optimism. The first month that I was here, feeling so lost and confused, I pulled the Bible that my Mennonite grandmother gave me off the bookshelf. She gave me that Bible before I left town. I was alone in the apartment thinking, What the fuck am I doing in New York? Or not even “what the fuck”—I didn’t swear until “Spring Awakening,” and when I would sing “Totally Fucked” I would get beet red. And I remember putting the Bible down and thinking, This is not the answer. This is not making me feel good. And then running to Central Park and standing in front of the Bethesda Fountain. I was nineteen, and I was, like, This feels better—but, like, What? Who am I? What am I doing here? I know I want to act, but I’m so scared. And gay. But it was something—some voice, some passion, some inspiration. Some something brought me here.
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blacklegsanjiii · 1 month
•°♤°• What would happen if 01234ji all escaped Germa? Zeff would have 5 eggplants and if would be very funny of how would that go. But 0124ji are very overprotective of Sanji. They are guilty for their actions and want to redeem themselves so doing that they would want to protect Sanji. I'd have a feeling Yonji would be Sanji's fav bro bc Yonji is younger than Sanji & Sanji has that older sibling instinct. (Can be ASLXSANJI God AU of regular).
That's great, but they all need food names. Also yeah, imagine they feel guilty and then their brother is a god. Wild.
Zeff pinning Sanji to the deck of the Orbit only to have four tiny bodies hanging on him as the ship starts sinking. So now he and five rainbow haired brats are stuck on a rock so he gives them the food and goes and sits on his side. The he eats his leg. Then they get rescued. So Zeff and the kids are recovering and the blond is the worst of them for some reason. Zeff decides he's going to be called eggplant. I feel like Reiju would nectarine, ichiji would be chili, niji blueberry and yonji would be called floret like broccoli. So he recovers and they start work on the Baratie and Zeff suddenly has five children. Which is five more than he had like four months ago. It'll be fine.
Sanji and Ichiji cook, Reiju is the hostess, Yonji and Niji wait. They've cultivated a weird little family for themselves, even if the four stick to the blond like glue and apologize for things randomly. Eggplant doesn't like hats and toys with his hair a lot, one of the others will catch his hand and hold it. The boys share a room and one morning a group of teens come say Sanji is sick and shaking the geezer who is trying to calm them down, so they go check and yeah. Reiju is pointing and saying they never get sick and Zeff knows that's the truth, in the entire time they've been together they don't get sick, so eggplant having a fever and Sanji is shivering and sweating and yeah, he's sick. So he gives the kids shift to stay with him and they continue on as normal. As normal as his kids are. Floret uses his winch hands to whip assholes around the Baratie, Chili will use his laser eyes to destroy ships, Nectarine has eaten a whole poison fish on a dare, blueberry will electrocute dickbags who speak ill of his sister and the eggplant when he goes to help wait. Either way the eggplant is sick so he has the kids take shifts to take care of him.
Sanji is better after a few days and is even more drawn to the water than he was before. The brats could swim for hours, but him especially. His siblings ask him what's going on because he shouldn't be staring at the sun like he is and he's like 'I'm the Ocean, I know where the All Blue is' as his siblings ask what the fuck that means Sanji explains his past lives, his spouses-plural which piss his siblings, Zeff, Patty and Carne off- and Ichiji is like 'well, we're not gods, but you're not like us so it's fine' which is the conclusion the brats come to. It's not fine. Zeff is cursing up a storm and demanding what the fuck happened to his brat?
Then Luffy shows up and everything happens and he leaves and no one knows Luffy is the sun god and Luffy doesn't mention they're married or anything. So they all pay attention to the news and everything going on with their brother. Up until Marineford. Where Fire Fist is a god-the god of stars and Luffy is there with him and that clown is livestreaming it to the whole world. None of the crew is there and Fire Fist is screaming that the Elders are lucky so far it's just him who has unlocked his godly form. Then there is nothing after Marineford for two years. Then it turns out they're all alive and then after Wano the Strawhats, Ace, and Sabo show up at Baratie because uh...they need to meet Sanji's family properly but also uhhh, Zeff is probably going to kill Sanji's spouses if his siblings don't get to them first.
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omegaremix · 1 month
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Omega Radio for May 1, 2013; #16.
Brian Eno “Third Uncle”
Patti Smith “So You Want To Be (A Rock And Roll Star)”
Iggy Pop “Nightclubbing”
David Byrne & Brian Eno “Strange Overtones”
Parts & Labor “Fake Rain”
Throbbing Gristle “Her Arm Was Her Leg” (live)
M.I.A. “Paper Planes”
Martin Rev “Mari”
NON "Warm Leatherette"
Normal, The "Warm Leatherette"
Kraftwerk “The Robots”
Suckdog “Oh, Mighty Pidgeons”
FFH “Worth Doing”
Einsturzende Neubauten “Styropor”
Foetus “Today I Started Slogging Again”
Sleater-Kinney “Get Up”
Mika Miko “Dear Teen Magazine”
Ms. Les “And Now We Know”
Swell Maps “Midgets / Submarines”
Slits, The “I Heard It Through The Grapevine”
X-Ray Spex “Warrior In Woolworth’s”
Enharjharna “Starka Band”
Pailhead “Ballad”
Crass “Shaved Women”
New Bomb Turks “Dragstrip Riot”
Subhumans UK “The Day The Country Died”
Deluxe industrial, punk, indie, hipster, and marquee sounds.
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That's 114 contenders! Amazing job everyone!
we got 323 submissions and labored over every single one until approximately 2am, which is why this bracket looks so fucking incomprehensible. (shoutout to tumblr user asparagoos for creating The Milves Rubric and user pastramis, who plays fantasy football and knows brackets.)
anyway, full match-ups are below the cut. starting tonight (3/30) we'll start with uhh the upper left-hand chunk today, then make our merry way down the list three times a day until the first elimination round ends. the top scoring milves will not appear until the second elimination round, aka when this bracket is legible.
milf lovers grab your therapist's number!
Regina Mills (Once Upon a Time) vs. Marge Simpson (The Simpsons)
Queen Clarisse Renaldi of Genovia (The Princess Diaries 1 & 2) vs. Olivia Crain (The Haunting of Hill House)
Barbara Howard (Abbott Elementary) vs. Ambessa Medarda (Arcane)
Helena "HG" Wells (Warehouse 13) vs. Taissa Turner (Yellowjackets)
Catelyn Tully Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones) vs. The Black Fairy (Once Upon a Time)
Penelope (Greek Mythology, The Odyssey) vs. Siobhan Sadler (Orphan Black)
Xenomorph Queen (Alien Cinematic Universe) vs. Goldie O'Gilt)
Bella Goth (The Sims) vs. Jean Milburn (Sex Education)
Cersei Lannister (A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones) vs. Valka (How to Train Your Dragon 2)
Queen Calanthe (The Witcher Netflix) vs. Nancy Botwin (Weeds)
Marge Simpson (The Simpsons) vs. Ella Montgomery (Pretty Little Liars) WINNER MARGE
Queen Clarisse Renaldi (The Princess Diaries) vs. Peggy Bundy (Married With Children) WINNER CLARISSE
Sarah Jane Smith (Doctor Who, Sarah Jane Adventures) vs. Olivia Crain (The Haunting of Hill House) WINNER OLIVIA CRAIN
Barbara Howard (Abbott Elementary) vs. Stacy's Mom (Fountains of Wayne) WINNER BARBARA
Ambessa Medarda (Arcane) vs. Jacqueline Carlisle (The Bold Type) WINNER AMBESSA MEDARDA
Helena "HG" Wells (Warehouse 13) vs. Flemeth (Dragon Age) WINNER HG
Taissa Turner (Yellowjackets) vs. Janet Van Dyne (Antman and the Wasp) WINNER TAISSA
Patty Hewes (Damages) vs. The Black Fairy (Once Upon a Time) WINNER THE BLACK FAIRY
Milah (Once Upon a Time) vs. Penelope (The Odyssey) WINNER PENELOPE
Siobhan Sadler (Orphan Black) vs. Norma Bates (Bates Motel) WINNER SIOBHAN
Gerri Kellman (Succession) vs. Xenomorph Mom (Alien Franchise) WINNER XENOMILF
Alex Blake (Criminal Minds) vs. Goldie O'Gilt (Ducktales 2017) WINNER GOLDIE
Bernie Wolfe (Holby City) vs. Bella Goth (The Sims) WINNER BELLA
Elizabeth Jennings (The Americans) vs. Jean Milburn (Sex Education) WINNER JEAN
Valka (How to Train Your Dragon 3) vs. Ana Servín (Madre Solo hay Dos) WINNER VALKA
Matriarch Benezia (Mass Effect) vs. Queen Calanthe (The Witcher Netflix) WINNER CALANTHE
Julie Cooper (The OC) vs. Nancy Botwin (Weeds) WINNER NANCY
Ana Amari (Overwatch) vs. Aunt May (Spider-Man MCU) WINNER AUNT MAY
Joyce Byers (Stranger Things) vs. Queen Ramonda (Black Panther) WINNER JOYCE
Admiral Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek: Voyager) vs. Nalini Vishwakumar (Never Have I Ever) WINNER JANEWAY
Carol Newman (The Santa Clauses) vs. Bette Porter (The L Word) WINNER BETTE
Addison Montgomery (Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice) vs. Sabine Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug) WINNER ADDISON
Laura Roslin (Battlestar Galactica) vs. Mrs. Brown (Paddington 1 and 2) WINNER LAURA ROSLIN
Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher 3) vs. Carminha (Avenida Brasil) WINNER YENNEFER
Camila Noceda (The Owl House) vs. Sarah Alder (Motherland: Fort Salem) WINNER CAMILA
Wynne (Dragon Age) vs. Melissa McCall (Teen Wolf) WINNER MELISSA
Mon Mothma (Star Wars) vs. Carol Peletier (The Walking Dead)
Helen Parr (The Incredibles) vs. Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Picard)
Abigail Pent (The Locked Tomb) vs. Medea (Greek Mythology/Euripedes)
Queen Elinor (Disney's Brave) vs. Caroline McKenzie-Dawson (Last Tango in Halifax)
Evelyn Wang (Everything Everywhere All At Once) vs. Takhisis (Dragonlance)
Annalise Keating (How To Get Away With Murder) vs. Maureen Robinson (Lost in Space)
Gemma Teller (Sons of Anarchy) vs. Celeste Wright (Big Little Lies)
The Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2) vs. The Smart House (Disney's Smart House)
Marcia Roy (Succession) vs. Martha Rodgers (Castle)
Pyrrha Dve (The Locked Tomb) vs. Danielle Rousseau (Lost)
Olivia Benson (Law and Order: SVU) vs. Linda Flynn-Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb)
Morticia Addams (The Addams Family) vs. Maeve Millay (Westworld)
Melanie Cavill (Snowpiercer) vs. DCI Amy Silva (Vigil)
Beverly Crusher (Star Trek: The Next Generation) vs. Lucille Bluth (Arrested Development)
Abby Bartlett (The West Wing) vs. Laura de Mille (Doom Patrol)
Alicia Florrick (The Good Wife) vs. Ellie Torres (Cougartown)
Zelda Spellman (The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) vs. Lisa Lisa (Jojo's Bizarre Adventures)
Tsunade (Naruto) vs. Jules Cobb (Cougartown)
Katherine Hastings (American Auto) vs. Esme Cullen (Twilight Series)
Abby Griffin (The 100) vs. Letty Ortiz (The Fast and the Furious 9)
Jocasta (Greek Mythology) vs. Joss Carter (Person of Interest)
Julia Sugarbaker (Designing Women) vs. Eve Fletcher (Mrs. Fletcher)
Chrisjen Avasarala (The Expanse) vs. Marion Lavorre (Critical Role)
Tiffany Valentine (Chucky) vs. Jodie Mills (Supernatural)
136 notes · View notes
Tournament Updates
Preliminaries Part 1
Voting for Preliminaries Part 1 has ended!
Sylvie (Loki)
Stiles and Derek (Teen Wolf)
Naruto and Sasuke (Naruto)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Spock and Kirk (Star Trek reboot movies)  
Preliminaries Part 2
Voting for Preliminaries Part 2 has ended!
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Dean Winchester and Castiel (Supernatural)
Klavier and Apollo (Ace Attorney)
Rei and Nagisa (Free!)
Sherlock and Moriarty (BBC Sherlock)  
Preliminaries Part 3
Voting for Preliminaries Part 3 has ended!
Rachel Berry and Quinn Fabray (Glee)
Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr/Professor X and Magneto (anything X-men)
Allison and Patti (Kevin Can F**k Himself)  
Merlin and Arthur (BBC Merlin)
Steve and Bucky (Captain America)  
Drs House and Wilson (House MD)  
Sophie and Agatha (The School of Good and Evil)
Preliminaries Part 4
Voting for Preliminaries Part 4 has ended!
Keith and Lance (Voltron)
Sherlock and John Watson (BBC Sherlock)
Thomas and Newt (The Maze Runner)
Beca and Chloe (Pitch Perfect)
Shiro and Adam (Voltron)
Loki (Loki)
Finn and Poe (Star Wars)
Matsuoka Rin and Haru (Free!)
Preliminaries Part 5
Voting for Preliminaries Part 5 has ended!
Narumitsu (Ace Attorney)  
Janis (Mean Girls)  
Grif and Simmons (Red vs. Blue)  
Beca (Pitch Perfect)  
Faith and Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)  
Jade and Bella (Rainbow High) 
Lena and Kara (Supergirl) 
Tournament - Round 1 -Left side
Stiles and Derek (Teen Wolf)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Destiel (Supernatural)
Sherlock and Moriarty (BBC Sherlock)
Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (X-men)
Merlin and Arthur (BBC Merlin)
Steve and Bucky (Captain America)
Tournament - Round 1 - Right side
Keith and Lance (Voltron)
Sherlock and Watson (BBC Sherlock)
Beca and Chloe (Pitch Perfect)
Finn and Poe (Star Wars)
Narumitsu (Ace Attorney)
Janis (Mean Girls)
Beca (Pitch Perfect)
Lena and Kara (Supergirl)
Round 2 - Left side
Round 2 - right side
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chiarrara · 3 months
Bro I got more for the 80’s/90’s au:
Title already reminds me of Gojo but the lyrics as well is just. Hhhh. Reminds me of when Geto started spiraling.
Title says it all I think
Mostly here becouse it sounds like something they’d listen to
While this is a 90’s song it reminds me a lot of Gojo. Just the childish/cocky tone, the line “and then you told me how bad you had to suffer, is that really all you have to offer?” Like idk it just screams him to me.
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And if I died right now what then
90’s song but Jesus Christ this one is even worse. “I wanna hold the hand inside you,I wanna take a breath that’s true” “you’ll come apart and you’ll go blind” banging my head against the wall
“And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too, I’ll see you in the dark side of the moon”
Also “the lunatic is in my head” good way to say there’s a curse inside your brain Geto
Here mostly becouse it’s an actual confirmed gay song but it’s still a bit satosugu
It’s just here becosue vibes
(1980s SatoSugu AU + 1990s Megumi AU Playlists)
omg omg you're like a musical angel. okay let's do it:
1. Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol
This is the perfect 1984 sound to me!! Like, quintessential this is so perfect thank you. And yes, eyes theme, of course. But also...
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woof 🥲 i can imagine suguru playing this song while he's having a Bad Time™ and thinking of satoru.........i am sad
2. (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight - Cutting Crew
Ugh, this is such a classic. Technically it's 1986 so......I can put it near the end of the playlist and it can be like a couple years in the future. So. Things are not going well for them in 1986.....
3. Sowing the Seeds of Love - Tears for Fears
Immediately yes.
So they're back together by 1989 and belting this at full volume down the highway. that's nice :)
(+ BONUS) Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Tears for Fears
I had to go back and see what TfF songs were out around '84 and
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4. 21st Century (Digital Boy) - Bad Religion
Ooooh yeah I hear it, that line is so good. But......it's also great for Megumi, beating up some bullies lol. And it's 1994! that's my anchor year for him so that's perfect!
5. Love is a Battlefield - Pat Benatar
Okay, those lyrics hit so hard 😢 tell me I'm wrong, but I feel like Gojo would love Pat Benatar, but Geto would haaaate her lmao. Like Gojo would bring a tape into the car and convince Suguru to let him play it, but Suguru would be like, "don't leave that tape in my car." idk he's just not like other boys.
Also, very Gojo coded song 2 me. This came out in 1983, so I think everytime it comes on Gojo blasts the radio and sings along at top volume all by himself while Geto rolls his eyes in the drivers seat.
6. Fade Into You - Mazzy Star
🥺🥺🥺 I love this sooooong. Giving it to little proto-emo boy Megumi for timeline stability. Gojo can overhear it and have traumatic flashbacks or something
"I think it's strange you never knew" kill me
7. Brain Damage - Pink Floyd
Does Geto just have two full Pink Floyd tapes in his glove box?..........I mean probably
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"there's someone in my head but it's not me" I don't wanna talk about it.
8. Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've?) - The Buzzcocks
No notes.
9. Because the Night - Patti Smith
Another Gojo belter. But this one grows on Geto and in a couple weeks he's belting word for word along with him. They love this song 🔥🔥🔥
I'm having so much fun 🥰 tyty the playlist is really coming along now
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stories-and-chaos · 2 months
Tarnished pt 19
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[Helluva Boss AU where Blitzø’s childhood theft from Stolas’ palace is discovered and major consequences ensue for everyone involved.]
[Part 19/?? Word count: 1081]
[Cw: arson, stalker behavior, burns, severe injuries, amputation]
Fizz was surprised by his win at the first clown contest, but Barb and the rest of their troupe weren’t. Most of the performers had come to give the young clown their support. Working with him for so long, they’d been confident he had it in the bag.
He barely had a chance to thank the audience for their support when Mammon whisked him backstage. The King of Greed wanted to sign the brand agreement as soon as possible. Cash, thrilled that his star performer’s image was soon going to be seen all over the Seven Rings, gladly joined them. Since Fizz was still a minor, Cash needed to co-sign as his guardian. There was a flurry of papers, pens, and lawyers saying “sign here, initial here, sign and date here, fill in your mother’s middle name here, print and then sign on this line.” When Mammon wanted something, he was quite efficient. Before half an hour had passed Fizz had a year long contract as Mammon’s new brand face.
Cash started to rethink the whole situation as he’d read the paperwork. There were a number of requirements that would take Fizz away from the circus, especially in the first couple months. Saying no to a Deadly Sin was impossible. The best he could do was insist to the young clown afterward, “You gotta get all this brand image shit done quick kid. We need your act back on the schedule asap.”
“You got it sir!” Fizz replied. “I can’t forget the troupe and all my fans here.” Mammon didn’t look pleased about that and decided to add a non-compete clause for the contract next year. He wanted his shiny new brand baby working for him and him alone.
“Good,’ Cash said as they headed back from the backstage office. “We’re all counting on you Fizzarolli.” For now Fizz had a meet and greet with the crowd. They wanted to find out more about this new talent and he wanted to thank all his new fans.
The next day, Mammon sent a car to bring Fizz before the teen even had a chance to eat breakfast. At least once he arrived, there was a small buffett of breakfast foods in Mammon’s office. He grabbed a couple pieces of toast, a sausage patty and cheese as a breakfast burger and was ready to work with his new benefactor on his brand.
There wasn’t much for Fizz to help decide however. Mammon had the theme (clowns and jesters) decided. They needed to decide which colors were best for Fizz, get his measurements and tailor costumes. Once the first couple costumes were ready, Fizz went through a whirlwind of promotional photo and video shoots.
Mammon had multiple products ready to go. They were mostly manufactured before the contest and just needed the pictures of his face. These included cereal, snacks, lunchboxes, drink containers, notebooks and body pillows. Within two weeks, the soft launch of Fizz-brand products was out. They weren’t done yet. Mammon wanted action figures, toys, bobble heads, hats, and clothing in the Fizz-brand theme for starters. The young imp spent a full week in a black morph suit with dozens of white markers attached to get full body scans in a multitude of poses. Another week was spent with a grid of markers attached to his face and horns as he made expressions.
It was just over a month since the competition when Fizz finished the initial wave of work for Mammon. The soft launch was going well and they were releasing a set of small pushies, including a limited edition in the outfit he won the clown pageant in. The limited edition sold out within hours and the other versions were flying off the shelves.
Fizzarolli’s seventeenth birthday was the week after the plushie launch. With how well his brand deal was doing, everyone at the circus decided it would be a great time to hold a party celebrating both occasions. Fizz and Barb hung out that afternoon since she’d had more than her fill of clown stuff since the pageant’s end. The two of them saw a movie and had some tasty but terrible food before the party started. Fizz went to the circus afterwards, while Barb and a couple of girls from the troupe went out.
She woulda been so bored, Fizz thought, laughing as one of the other clowns put a red nose on him. Cash gave him a glittery card saying ‘Wish You Were My Son’ with a message about the great job he was doing inside. Another imp brought in the lit birthday cake with a flourish. After the cake, Fizz obliged the troupe members with one of his new plate spinning tricks.
Two of the other clowns caught the plates as Fizz tossed him and started juggling them back and forth. The sound of chatter and clapping was cut off by a voice yelling, “YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! FIRST YOU IGNORE ME THEN YOU SELL OUT?!” Fizz recognized those whiny shrieks; the stalker fan that Barb kicked and forbid from the circus.
The gathered performers barely started to react when the stalker yelled from the other side of the tent walls. “TRY TO IGNORE THIS BITCH!” A half full glass bottle sailed through the tent flap. Fizz saw the flickering fire on the rag in the bottle’s neck a second before it crashed on the ground. The bottle broke, spraying flaming shards of glass. The circus members started screaming and running. Another molotov cocktail landed in the group as the stalker’s laughter and curse filled yells got louder.
FUCK, the fireworks! The tent holding their pyrotechnics was close to where the party had been held. Panicking, Fizz ran from the fire to check on the fireworks. He hoped they were covered in the fire resistant tarpaulin like they were meant to be.
Lifting the tent flap, the ichor drained from Fizz’s face. The tarpaulin was nowhere to be seen. Worse, the fire had already spread here.
“FIZZAROLLI YOU ELITIST SELLOUT PRICK!” The stalker had spotted him; he started running towards the clown. And the fireworks exploded.
Pain. Bones snapped. Ears ruptured. Hellfire licking his skin. Pain. Have to move. Can’t. Crawl. Pain, flames eating him. Someone, out of reach. Someone, holding sparks. Someone, throwing more fire. Painpainpain.
I’m gonna die. No, move! Crawl, pain, move, legs gone, pull, fire took them, arms going.
Dragged. Painpainpain. Scream. Up, fire chasing, pulled away. A face. Barb? pain
<<First <Prev Next>
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teenpattiindia · 9 months
7 Reasons Why Teen Patti Stars is the Best App to Play Car Roulette in 2024
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SEO Meta-Description: Play Car Roulette with Teen Patti Stars, the best app in 2024. Discover the features, benefits, and reasons that make it stand out from the rest.
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Car Roulette, a thrilling game that combines the excitement of cars with the unpredictability of roulette, has been a favorite among gaming enthusiasts for years. Over time, the game has evolved, adapting to the digital age and finding its place in mobile apps.
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In the ever-evolving world of mobile gaming, Teen Patti Stars has carved a niche for itself, especially when it comes to Car Roulette. With its unmatched features, vibrant community, and commitment to user satisfaction, it's no wonder it's the best app for Car Roulette in 2024. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, Teen Patti Stars promises an experience like no other.
0 notes
memethebum · 1 year
Hcs of the main groups’ favorite 90s/early 2000s CN/Nicktoons bc I’m too sleepy to update my fics but don’t wanna go to bed just yet
Maka: Jimmy Neutron
It gets pretty unhinged and she likes how some characters act like crackheads while the others are pretty grounded/also likes how stupid Jimmy’s dad is bc she needs to roast a father figure once in a while bc ✨trauma✨ lol
Soul: Hey Arnold
Overall vibes of the show are pretty chill (even with how unhinged some eps are)/he wants to see how normal teens grow up since his options were either being a trust-fund baby or a child solider
Black Star: Spongebob
Its a holy grail for memes so uh duh don’t think I need to explain anymore lol
Tsubaki: Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends
She can relate to taking care a egotistical blue guy/she likes how grounded a lot of the characters are
Kid: Rocket Power
Watching teens skateboard and pull off cool tricks without a literal flying skateboard is cool to him/it’s not a super unhinged show and he likes how he can kinda predict what direction an ep might be going
Liz: Fairly Odd Parents
Having two magical fairies that’ll give her anything sounds amazing to her/really likes the found family vibes it has
Patty: Powerpuff Girls
Pretty fast-paced show/likes how it’s about sisters kicking ass but also being able to act cutesy bc that’s basically been her whole life lol
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seancamerons · 6 months
as far 90s shows, did anyone watch any of these:
teen angel it was like on after sabrina or something during the tgif era of the 90s? i found it lowkey funny, idk if it was like shortlived i assume that, but idk if it was good or cringey? i think it was only on for one or two at the most seasons, i remember he would literally talk to the moon/stars/god but also like have teenager hijinks
smart guy as it is, a smart guy. young kid maybe 10 years old in college, skiped grade school/high school and is now in college with his dumb brother. i think it was on disney channel.
my brother and me a two season show on nickelodeon in the 90s, i don't remember that much about it tbh, just that it existed and i know i watched it but idk if it held my attention. it seemed run of the mill early nickeloeon two brothers, their friends and random things that would happen like in the style of most of the shows of the time.
gulah gulah island a show about a family and a large amphibian friend of their family on a island (where is gulahgulah?) i was able to do a killer impression of the pollywog. i would make a garden bc the mom had one in the summer before kindergarten and i would sing plant a seed in my garden, my garden my garden plant a seed in my garden watch it grow 🎶 i still if i hear it on a nostalgic video sing the theme. i found out the husband and wife are an actual couple irl earlier this year, and simeon (sp?) and shayna i think was their child biologically. the other two kids were hired to be their other kids, the one daughter was on keenan and kel as far as i know. she played keenan's sister who crushed on kel after gulah gulah ended.
pete and pete a show in the 90's quirky as all get out. good music, good vibes, a child with a beautiful mermaid tattoo and more questions than answers tbh. the mom had a plate in her head, thee dad was oblivious, speaking of oblivious the next show:
the secret world of alex mac yet another 90's show, about a girl with a secret, which the theme gives you the run down, alex is not average in the slightest. i loved that show and people often forget all about it.
so let's just say everyone knows sabrina, but do they remember clarissa? if you don't know, clarissa explains it all. i think there were a few things she didn't know about, or left out. clarissa was the effortlessly cool girl, but she was also painfully average and her brother reminded her of that, much to her chargrin. from her cool ass bedroom, her boy bestie sam who'd climb in the window via ladder, and she nonchalantly greeted him with a friendly, "hi sam!", her weird ginger brother who was like a 'genius' but a jerk at the same time, her descriptions and slideshows about things she'd explain in detail at length, her dated little computer, her pet in the sandbox and a lot more things i forgot or are self-explanatory. na na nanna, nananananaana, hey cool!
doug if he's not bangin' on a trashcan, blasting killer tofu, arguing with his parents, clashing with his thespian sister, in the company of a blue dog named after dinner parents cook and kids love to hate, beefing with a rival in a leather jacket with a cat sidekick, or with mayor's stuck up daughter, surrounded by random kids with quirky names and dining a cool hangout called the honker burger he was writing in a journal or dreaming of fake worlds that are anything but normal. he was doug was one of the defining guys in 90s cool back in the day, he was cool bc he wasn't a showboat or an over confident or arrogant guy like chalky studebaker at times, or green-skinned rival roger who came off like a coward internally but tough and had an obnoxious laugh on the outside. he 's a guy in middle school with tensions with the principal, a total everyman with a big imagination who wrote his dreams, thoughts, and hopes in a journal, crushed on his girl next door/the show essential 'good girl' patti mayonnaise and of course, he had a loyal bestie skeeter. if it were 99-the 00s it was the spongebob/patrick dynamic, and even doug had an alter ego which was quail man. i believe the original story of doug, he was new to town and he came to be fast friends with skeeter, and quick enemies with their principal who always threatened him to put things on his permanent record, which i was afraid of when it was time for me to go to school when it came to going to the office for anything tbh.
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fibula-rasa · 10 months
Cosplaying Patty Duke as Neely O’Hara in Valley of the Dolls (1967)
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Take one of my closet cosplay of Patty Duke as Neely O’Hara in the telethon scene in Valley of the Dolls (1967)
Or, as Patty Duke herself called it, “Valley of the Dreck.”
Why Duke would continue to feel chagrin over Dolls and her performance even after the film developed a devoted cult following is no great mystery. Dolls was Duke’s first film after the end of her sitcom, The Patty Duke Show. What Duke envisioned as a potential first step in a full career of proper adult work was marred by an abusive work environment and resulted in a funhouse mirror reflection of the novel and, eventually,  a cornerstone of Camp.
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Take two of my closet cosplay of Patty Duke as Neely O’Hara
Duke wasn’t the only one in the cast hot off major television roles: Barbara Parkins and Lee Grant had prominent roles on Peyton Place, Martin Milner and Paul Burke  starred in Route 66 and 12 O’Clock High, respectively. However, for Duke, Dolls held extra weight: between the end of her sitcom and the production of Dolls she had been institutionalized for her mental illness and she had finally been able to seek work free from the abusive management team she had as a child. There would naturally be a lot riding on Dolls for her, professionally and personally. For Dolls to not only be a shitty filming experience but a dud of a film—garnering Duke bad reviews—would understandably leave a lasting bad taste in her mouth.
Despite Duke’s negative recollections of the production and release of Dolls, it’s clear in her memoir, Call Me Anna, that Duke approached the role of Neely in earnest. She would be immediately dispirited, however, witnessing first hand the poor treatment of Judy Garland, originally cast as Helen Lawson, and experiencing abuse of her own from the director Mark Robson. Duke even alleged that casting Garland in the role was a publicity stunt; as it was long rumored that Duke’s role of Neely O’Hara was inspired by Garland.
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A troubled production isn’t always destined to fail and, in fact, Dolls was successful at the box office. However, in this case, what resulted was a sort of “passionate failure”—to quote Susan Sontag—which has cemented its place in Camp canon over the fifty-six years since its release. Quite a few writers have examined that more thoroughly than I could here, so rather than doing a full literature review, let me instead recommend you do some reading on your own about Dolls’ Camp pedigree. Instead, taking note that I love Valley of the Dolls, I can provide some context on how the film became what it is—and why Patty Duke suffered for it.
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Take three of my closet cosplay of Patty Duke as Neely O’Hara
Read on BELOW the JUMP
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Jacqueline Susann’s bestselling novel, Valley of the Dolls, published in 1966, is also a Camp classic (in a wholly different manner than the film—another story for another time). Regardless of Camp status, the novel pushed a lot of boundaries in terms of the social mores of the 1960s. Susann frankly depicted drug abuse, queerness, female friendships, and the difficult realities of living life on your own terms as a woman in the social climate of mid-century America. As you might imagine, a Hollywood film made in 1967 would hardly be able to present much of that effectively.
To start with, the filmmakers heavily sanitized the entire work and also condensed the timeline of the story significantly.* The language used and nature of conversations are heavily censored or completely removed. The events that form the basis of the three lead characters forming their friendship are elided or rewritten, making the intertwining of their lives/careers feel like little more than a narrative device.** In my opinion, the most obvious victim of the changes is Duke’s Neely O’Hara.
The novel takes place between the mid-1940s to the mid-1960s, with relevant flashbacks/backstory for many of the characters. Neely is only a teen at the start of the book and is in her mid-thirties by the end. Obviously adapting a novel to a single feature-length film requires truncations. Characters are removed/reduced/remixed and a lot of backstory is erased—understandable and expected. But, a puzzling choice in the case of Dolls is that the bulk of the events of the nineteen years of the book are still included in the film. Which means packing a lot of pretty serious life events into a drastically shorter timeframe—a move destined to produce absurdity.
“Neely had no education, but she had the inborn intelligence of a mongrel puppy, plus the added sparkle that causes one puppy to stand out in a litter. This puppy was clumsy, frank and eager, with a streak of unexpected worldliness running through her innocence.” — Valley of the Dolls, Jaqueline Susann
In the case of Neely, she has her big break, gets married, gets a Hollywood contract, gets addicted to pills and booze, her marriage falls apart and she has an affair with/marries her costume designer who then cheats on her and they divorce, she hits rock bottom and she’s institutionalized, then she steals Anne’s boyfriend and when she’s poised to make her big comeback, she gets sloshed and can’t go on. All of that goes on in the film with little to no change in fashion or styling to indicate time passing. This makes Neely’s rise and fall and rise and fall come off as absolutely outrageous.
No matter how earnestly Duke might have pursued her characterization of Neely originally, she was going to emerge looking ridiculous. [IMO, ridiculous in a highly entertaining, non-mocking way, but nevertheless ridiculous.] Whether it was possible to foresee this outcome at the time, I can’t know for certain. However, Susan Hayward’s insistence on having her hair white, instead of being bald from cancer treatment (screenplay) or hair treatment gone awry (book), makes me wonder if the more seasoned performer saw the writing on the wall and wasn’t willing to commit to such extremities?
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Take four of my closet cosplay of Patty Duke as Neely O’Hara
With the benefit of time, fifty six years after the film’s initial release, the Camp factor of Dolls has only increased. If it had been competently adapted and had better direction, I feel confident that we wouldn’t still be talking about it in 2023. And, if Patty Duke’s performance hadn’t been so wildly over the top, Dolls might have been kind of dour and slightly boring. That’s not to deride Barbara Parkins, Sharon Tate, Susan Hayward or Lee Grant, they did great work with what they were given—but they also weren’t given jobs as impossible as the adapted Neely.
Duke’s performance is often derided (even by herself) and Dolls did end up being deleterious to her transition to adult screen roles. But, her Neely O’Hara is a Camp icon and I have a great affection for her work. It’s a performance that’ll stick with you—love it, hate it, or laugh at it. Maybe it’s the irony of having such a young actress (only twenty two!) so convincingly portray a performer that’s already been chewed up and spit out by the industry. Maybe it’s the energy she brings—the bottled up ambition to make it stick and no longer be thought of as a kid. If nothing else, Duke’s Neely is one of a kind.
“Camp taste is, above all, a mode of enjoyment, of appreciation—not judgment. Camp is generous. It wants to enjoy. It only seems like malice, cynicism. (Or, if it is cynicism, it’s not a ruthless but a sweet cynicism.) Camp taste doesn’t propose that it is in bad taste to be serious; it doesn’t sneer at someone who succeeds in being seriously dramatic. What it does is to find the success in certain passionate failures.” — Notes on Camp, Susan Sontag
What do you all think about this film? It’s divisive for a lot of very good reasons! And also bad reasons!
*Only in writing this did I learn that one of the two screenwriters credited for Dolls, Helen Deutsch, is also the screenwriter who adapted Paul Gallico’s The Love of Seven Dolls into Lili��(1953). If you have also read the book and seen that film, the, um… creative choices there would also leave you questioning some things. Though maybe I should give her some leeway and assume that they weren’t strictly her creative choices given that, under the studio system in Hollywood at the time, it’s not likely that a closer adaptation of the book could have passed the censors or been palatable to studio heads. Ditto with Dolls.
**Most instances of queerness of the characters (mostly Jennifer and Anne) are erased entirely. I will talk about this more in future posts!
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artisticlegshake · 11 months
1st Overture - EDX
2nd Summer - THE NINE
3rd Don Quixote - VLAD’S
4th Tempo Di Valse - STARS
5th Kaleidoscope - WOODBURY
1st Por Mi Paz - STARS
2nd Fight or Flight - EDX
3rd Pieces of Perseverance - EDX
4th My Love Life Waits - DWDE
5th Nautilus - EDX
5th Night Fight - SOUTHERN STUTT
1st Weighted in Baggage - THE NINE
2nd One Love - ARTISTIC EDGE
3rd Just Like A Dream - VLAD’S
4th All of Me - STUDIO 413
5th Come Back Home - WESTCHESTER
5th I Remember Her - NORTHPOINTE
1st The End Is Always Near - STARS
2nd Le Freak - P21
3rd Now Pick Up The Pace - P21
4th Strike A Pose - STARS
5th Gossip - VLAD’S
5th Richman’s Frug - THE NINE
1st Cabaret - VLAD’S
2nd Catch Me If You Can - EDX
3rd Bring On The Men - STARS
4th Somebody To Love - NORTHPOINTE
1st Clap Up The Tap - CDC
3rd Doin The Thing - CDC
3rd The Painting That Sees Me - DWDE
4th Backstage Romance - NORTHPOINTE
4th Let My Love Open The Door - DANCE SPECTRUM
4th Riptide - WOODBURY
5th Elvis - RHYTHM
5th Lady Soul - STUDIO 413
1st Lean - WOODBURY
1st Ties - THE NINE
2nd Unplugged - EDX
3rd Let’s Go - CHARLOTTE PAA
4th Bring Em Out - THE NINE
4th Haunted - VLAD’S
5th Mic Drop - RHYTHM
1st Father Time - VLAD’S
2nd Alien Superstar - P21
3rd Radio Silence - THE NINE
3rd When We Reach the Shining River- EDX
4th Let Me Go - CDC
5th Muster Of Peacocks - RHTYHM
1st  Crazy - P21
2nd Get on the Floor - SOUTHERN STRUTT
3rd Burn the Floor - STARS
4th Cheetah Girls - STARS
5th I Like You - NORTHPOINTE
1st On, Then and Now - THE NINE
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