A visitor comes with big news, and Inosuke learns something new! ... kind of.
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glockhashira · 10 months
au where inosuke is found by the butterfly sisters instead when he's like 10 or something and then tanjiro goes there in the present and meets him and he's like "if i see you even glancing at my sister [kanao] im going maul you half to death" but little does he know tanjiro is bisexual
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dailyordem · 1 year
Gente meu amigo me mostrou um site muito daora pra usar de tabletop pra rpgs e eu tô amando, vcs não tem noção. Tô considerando mt fazer a minha próxima campanha aq apesar de dar certo trabalho, tbm já fiz quase toda ficha pra personagens usando o sistema de ordem, quando ficar pronta eu vou compartilhar ela. Quem tiver curioso o site é multiverse.com e melhor de tudo é q é free
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sunbreathesa · 1 year
@naisetsu. / starter call.
the   first   thing   tanjiro   registers   is   how   heavy   his  body   feels.   it's   as   if   all   his   limbs   had   been   replaced   with   concrete   ,   &   he   ached   all   the   way   through.   it's   a   slow   waking   process   ,   as   if   he's   fighting   with   himself   to   wake   up   at   all.   after   a   few   moments   ,   garnet   eyes   flutter   open   with   a   quiet   groan.   the   slayer   blinks   the   remaining   sleep   from   his   eyes   ,   clearing   his   bleary   vision.   he's   at   the   butterfly   mansion   once   again   ,   but   this   time   it's   just   him   here.   his   head   carefully   turns   from   side   to   side   ,   lifting   his   arm   with   some   measure   of   difficulty   .
tanjiro   had   a   feeling   this   would   be   a   long   recovery.
jarring   him   slightly   ,   the   door   to   his   room   is   opened   softly   &   tanjiro's   head   snaps   to   see   who's   there.   kanao   stands   in   the   doorway   ,   although   he's   unsure   if   she's   noticed   he's   awake   yet.   he   doesn't   move   much   ,   arm   falling   back   to   his   side   with   a   quiet   noise.   he's   exhausted   still   &   he's   barely   sure   of   how   long   he's   been   asleep.   ruby   eyes   follow   her   careful   movements   ,   a   smile   falling   over   his   face.
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❛   kanao   ...   ❜
tanjiro's   voice   is   rough   &   quiet   from   disuse   ,   but   the   slayer   smiles   towards   her   nonetheless.   his   expression   is   almost   sheepish   ,   as   if   a   silent   apology   for   his   current   state.   he's   glad   she's   here   ,   though.   honestly   ,   he'd   prefer   her   company   over   zenitsu   or   inosuke   ,   as   much   as   he   loved   his   friends   ,   &   her   gentle   nature   was   appreciated   now   moreso   than   ever. 
❛   i   hope   i   didn't   ...   worry   you   too   much.   ❜
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starwarsbracket · 6 months
A Statement From Sebulba
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Achuta, Ma Shutaka. Jee Na Sebulba. Jee Naga Tah Settah Da Jee Na Ree Tokuno Che Menah Tah Rota Ta Hodrudda Noleeya Ma Chuchuna. Jee Na Ashoto Ko Ma Akuli An Jee Na Repolti Tah Pono Mo Gootu Noleeya Ta Futa. Jee Na Traka Du Bop Tuta Hodrudda Tah Repoth O Haku Jee Her Po. Tuta Ta Botor O Ma Pumpum, Jee Tankan Wa Ma Shutaka, An Jee hope Tah Ba Worto O Do Shuta Noleeya Ta Futa.
Hello, my supporters. This is Sebulba. I want to say that I am very sorry for trying to rig the competition in my own favor. I am ashamed of my actions and I am committed to doing better in the future. I am taking a break from competition to reflect on what I have done. From the bottom of my heart, I thank all of my supporters, and I hope to be worthy of your support in the future.
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emayuku · 29 days
Swan Lake
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Swan Lake https://www.scribd.com/document/550130737/Swan-Lake
An enchanting picture book with five chapters from Tchaikovsky's famous ballet. Younger readers will be captivated by the Demon Slayer haunting story of Siglinda and Otmar, charmingly retold through simple and engaging text alongside beautiful illustrations. A lovely gift for young ballet enthusiasts.
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antonymphy · 11 months
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On 9/13/2001, two days after the attacks on 9/11, Serj Tankan posted the essay “Understanding Oil” to System of a Downs webpage. Sony Music would then remove the essay and cla Tankian was “justifying the attacks”, and the band was monitored by the CIA for subversive activities.
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asparoh · 2 years
KinnPorsche music
look what I found while browsing youtube
they did a phenomenal job in finding these songs, they even have another one dedicated to songs used by Be on Cloud
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Citrus Tankan, wherever you are, huge thanks for this playlist!
i'll add some more songs as i've come across them and i believe they're not featured on this monster playlist
Bassio - Muy Bacano - plays in ep 7 towards the end when Vegas talks to Porsche and acts all creepy revealing he knows about his dream of opening a bar
El Neón - Turbulencia - ep 7 again, Porsche dances (oh, how this song manages to make me get up and dance)
Jay Varton - Walking the Distance - ep 7 playing during the infamous bathroom sex scene (insanely atmospheric)
Revel Day - Baby, It's You - the female assassin appears in ep 2 (and hands both Kinn and Porsche their asses) or alternatively ep 7 AGAIN when we collectively got horny and whiplash-ed by the "lucky gun" scene
Killrude - Fall in Line - everyone dancing in ep 03
The New Fools - Don't Kid a Kidder - Arm does the striptease (i can't call it anything else) in ep 03 (also, i can't put my finger on it why, but aptly named)
David Celeste - Dreaming While I'm Awake - ep 04, sex scene right before the theme instrumental (called none other than LOVE) wrecked us
i am tagging a few people that seemed to enjoy kp music: @moerusai, @northskyy, @aqu4rius, @maleficent-cannoli, @itreallyisthelittlethings, @borrowed-ideas
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werehoggin · 1 year
Since Mononobe sensei have white streak hair mc2 decided to dyed her hair too but with different colour
I’ve been thinking about that especially after witnessing him disappear she dyes it to remind herself incase she doesn’t get him back. Kentaro’s hair would probably turn white but it would only turn white because of the stress of losing Mr Mononobe.
Chapter 9-13: spoilers
Kyoka was the one who actually saw him disappear and Kentaro was the one who had to watch Mr mononobe tell him how much he hated them, and how he wished he never met them.
Kade was with Shiro and Kengo during the time Wakan Tankan was making the rain fall, so they helped him get to cover.
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Tanjirou looks to the future, and Zenitsu looks to the past. They meet in the middle with and abundance of (Zenitsu’s) tears.
Heavy manga spoilers this chapter!
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yamanaka-shin · 2 years
1. Mangetsu because holy shit he has such a rep but we never saw anything from him! Not even a voice line was provided (I'm taking the time to present my selective mute hc for him, now that the topic has come up). I need to know about his upbringing, his relationship with his brother, who exactly he worked with in the Seven, his standing in Kiri, all about his death, and literally every other detail possible. I love and respect this man even if I barely have any canon presented reason to.
2. Shin because [gestures to my entire blog] literally WHERE do I begin with this poor fuck. In such a short time, life was just not good aside from having Sai as company. But they were such a good person and loving sibling. Sai's survival and safety meant more to them then trying to ease their illness (let alone cure it) to such a degree that dying for his sake was the option they leaned towards probably the entire time. Selfless, sweet, and gone wayyyy too soon. Also according to Sai a total bastard which is the best possible archetype out there. So not get me started on Shin.
3. Kohan Yamanaka simply because (and here's my transfem hc in action) I like her a lot and want to see her on the job more often. I wanna know how all the Barrier Team stuff works and I trust her very much to be the perfect person to shadow of I want to find all that out. She's pretty and very calm and I would definitely enjoy spending time with her no matter what's happening.
4. SUIGETSU IN THE CURRENT ERA ESPECIALLY. Canon has mishandled this fool for most of his time existing in it. But now, having to be a lackey for his abuser, oh I hate it. You can see that "I really don't want to be here right now" look on his face while he's doing lab work instead of being allowed to fuck around and find out literally anywhere else. And like his brother, I need to know in depth how he felt about being a sibling. I wanna know what those two were to each other AND I wanna know about their parents. I want to ask him, too, the process of changing his dynamic with Karin because I'm so impressed that the two don't throw hands anymore. I miss this idiot. I want him back so badly. Also why isn't he a goddamn DILF, canon please.
5. AMEYURI MY CRAZY WIFE 🧡 like she's another for team Terminal Illness Of Unknown Description. Gone too soon. Short, insane, sexy, and wicked powerful (bonus about how her dub voice actress is literally my favorite one ever). I need to know when she existed in the timeline too now that Raiga is truly embedded in canon. I have my theories, but those are simply hcs. Show me the reality canon wants me to believe! We didn't even get ONE flashback to her when she was alive, man. And that also means I don't know who else in the Seven was around when she was. So I can't imagine the dynamics that would have to exist. I love her so very much.
💋 I'll give you my top 15 but it won't be in much order besides the #1 spot. Keep in mind there are SO many others who are so goddamn good looking. It's a constant struggle to decide on even a top 15. Shin and Mangetsu remain the absolute best, at least.
1. Shin
2. Mangetsu
3. Santa Yamanaka
4. Urashiki
5. Shibuki
6. Kurama
7. Isari
8. Suigetsu
9. Karin
10. Ino
11. Killer B
12. Ameyuri
13. Shizune
14. Sai
15. Inoichi Yamanaka
🌊 I already answered this but again I'll reiterate my love for the two Kiri arcs in Boruto. the way they expanded the cast and showed us the state of affairs (including how it's developing in real time) in the village that has had the most gruesome history we are aware of. It gave us a new clan (the Funato), it gave us a new Seven, it gave us another Karatachi, it gave us time to see Chojuuro in his role as Mizukage, it gave us his aide/guard Misuno (or Tankan) who I genuinely adore very much, it gave us one of my favorite villains ever (Shizuma) among SO much else. I particularly need to highlight the way I am so happy with what was done with Gokai. The struggle of accepting the war is over but still wanting to fight because that's "the Funato way" even if his superior often mistreated him. And then, after learning that hard lesson, not holding things against said superior's son but instead stepping in as a father figure. He's literally just some guy and he was handled VERY well. If I am allowed to get into more about these two arcs we will be here all damn day. I'd say blame my partner Des for why I'm like this but tbh it's only HALF their fault. I know good content when I see it.
Thank you so much for this 🧡🧡 I love all your Kiri content a lot. Especially all of the perfect trans Tenma section.
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glockhashira · 9 months
growing up for me personally was realizing that tankan and inoaoi are both horrifically adorable and that i shouldn't be mad at fictional straight people all the time
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admirkadir · 11 days
Admir Kadir: Analysis of Japanese and US Economic Data Impact on Financial Markets
In the context of global economic fluctuations, the financial market trends have become a focal point for investors. Admir Kadir of Ocean Finance Academy believes that recent financial and economic data significantly impact the markets, particularly the economic indicators from Japan and the United States, which directly influence the decisions of investors.
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Global Economic Data Interpretation and Market Impact
Admir Kadir points out that recent economic data from Japan are noteworthy. The Reuters Tankan index for May remained at 9, despite economists predicting a drop to 7, indicating that businesses still hold optimistic views about the economy. Meanwhile, the trade deficit of Japan in April unexpectedly widened from 366.5 billion yen to 462.5 billion yen, surpassing the expectations of economists. This change highlights the challenges Japan faces under global supply chain pressures and increased import costs.
According to the Ministry of Finance, the exports of Japan in April grew by 8.3% year-on-year, higher than the 7.3% of March, while imports also increased by 8.3%, compared to a 4.9% decline in March. These figures not only reflect improvements in the foreign trade environment of Japan but also indicate signs of a global demand recovery. Admir Kadir believes these economic indicator changes might attract the attention of the Bank of Japan (BOJ) and further push market expectations for a rate hike in June.
Additionally, the weak yen has increased import costs, impacting household spending and demand-driven inflationary pressures. Admir Kadir analyses that although a weaker yen might boost exports in the short term, in the long run, its impact on households and the service sector will be crucial considerations for the decision-making of BOJ.
In the United States, the existing home sales data of April have also garnered investor attention. Economists predicted a 0.5% growth in home sales, following a 4.3% decline in March. Admir Kadir notes that the US housing market is seen as an economic bellwether; improvements in the housing market can boost consumer confidence, subsequently stimulating consumer spending and demand-driven inflation.
Admir Kadir suggests that the short-term movement of USD/JPY will be influenced by the Index (PMI) and central bank commentary of the upcoming service sector Purchasing Managers. The recovery of the service sector activities and changes of Japan in US economic data will directly affect market demand for USD/JPY.
Investment Strategies and Risk Management in the Current Economic Environment
In the current complex economic environment, Admir Kadir mentions that the policy decisions of the BOJ and the Federal Reserve will directly impact global financial market volatility. Therefore, investors should remain vigilant and adjust their investment strategies promptly to cope with market uncertainties.
Admir Kadir recommends that investors consider diversifying their investments to reduce risk. Since different markets and asset classes have low correlations, diversification can effectively mitigate the risks posed by fluctuations in a single market. Specifically, investors can allocate their investments across stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities to balance risk and maximise returns.
In the stock market, Admir Kadir suggests investing in companies with strong financial health and sustained growth potential. Particularly during economic turbulence, companies that can maintain stable profits and cash flow will be more resilient to risks.
Furthermore, Admir Kadir emphasises that investors should closely monitor the macroeconomic data and the market impact of central bank policy changes. Economic data and policy adjustments in major economies like Japan and the US will significantly influence global financial markets. Therefore, investors need to maintain flexible investment strategies and adjust them based on market dynamics.
Investment Outlook and Market Prospects
As the global economy gradually recovers, the direction of central bank policies and economic data will continue to be market focal points. Investors need to pay attention to changes in economic indicators from Japan and the US and policy adjustments from central banks, as these factors will directly influence market trends.
For future investment strategies, Admir Kadir advises investors to focus on long-term and value investing. In the current market environment, high-quality assets with long-term growth potential will become key investment targets.
Simultaneously, Admir Kadir stresses the importance of maintaining flexibility and regularly adjusting investment portfolios to respond to market changes. By periodically assessing the performance of investment portfolios and market dynamics, investors can seize opportunities amidst market fluctuations, achieving asset preservation and growth.
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thepunarvasu · 26 days
Sutshekhar Rasa
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Sutshekhar Rasa, from Punarvasu, is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation renowned for its effectiveness in managing hyperacidity, heartburn, and indigestion. Enriched with potent herbs like Shuddha Parad, Shuddha Gandhak, and Tankan Bhasma, it provides quick relief from acidity-related discomforts while promoting digestive health. Embrace the natural solution for gastric issues with Sutshekhar Rasa by Punarvasu.
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emayuku · 3 days
Kanao's Happy End Kiss
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Guess what had just happened…
well, if u had just tought that Kanao has completed Tanjiro's story, u are right! That's why Tanjiro is naked uwaaaah! and Kanao holds some sheets of paper in her hands.
I tried to keep some parts of the original style, but as u can see this is mine one, which means that I did the eyes, the hands, the birthmark, the tufts and the shoes are different!
for the BG I tried to emulate some of the BGs I saw in the serie, but not as well as I wished turn a blind eye, please!
for the colours, I used the swatches I uploaded and the CG, wich I think came out pretty well on Tanjiro and Kanao.
Hope u like it, I think this would had been a nice end for them two, hope u too!
from the serie Prince Tights by Elizabeth Mayuku and Koyoharu Gotouge
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Giappone, in forte calo la fiducia delle grandi imprese industriali. E' la prima volta in un anno
AGI – La fiducia delle grandi imprese industriali giapponesi è scesa per la prima volta in un anno, secondo il barometro trimestrale Tankan, mentre quella del settore dei servizi e’ stata rafforzata dall’afflusso di turisti stranieri. L’indice si è attestato a +11 per le grandi imprese manifatturiere (rispetto al +13 del precedente Tankan pubblicato a metà dicembre), in calo per la prima volta…
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