#TSM Mods
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Love this new buffet table!
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simverses · 2 months
Medieval Merchant Ship from TSM
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Conversion from  Sims Medieval to decorate your ports and seas. Two versions - sailing or port version.
Fully equipped with cannons, and cargo. 
Place on your sim seas an in your ports.
Use to decorate your sim world - for a proper Old Town or Village Square.
Both files merged in one as they share textures.
Place them in empty spots in you hood using T.O.O.L  by TwistedMexi.
You can use my Blowtorch mod to have a sims world emptied of modern stuff - read more here.
Download Medieval Merchant Ship from TSM (Curseforge)
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murfeelee · 2 years
2 Cooking Cauldrons
This miniset includes two functional cooking cauldrons using the AMAZING new cooking mod by @spherefish​ over at MTS (which is REQUIRED for these to work).
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EA Magic Cauldron
TSM to TS3 Physician Fireplace REDONE
TSM to TS3 Physician Fireplace REDONE
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The Physician’s cauldron is basically a quick mesh edit I did of the one Spherefish made at MTS, removing all of the bulky masonry and lengthening the chain, so we just have a nice and simple cauldron for all your bubbling and brewing needs.
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It’s fully recolorable, found under Appliances. (It doesn’t conflict with the original BTW, you can have mine and Spherefish’s at the same time.)
EA Magic Cauldron
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Spherefish’s mod is such a godsend for me, cuz I've ALWAYS wanted the cauldrons to actually be a functional Appliance for more than just magic. (I really wish we could use them like TS4′s, where we can do spells AND cook with them, but oh well.)
You DO NOT need EA’s Magic cauldron for this one to show up in game. You can tell them apart cuz EA’s magic cauldron has the clear liquid inside, and the recolor channels are different.
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I also added a few different variations, with gruel and guts, with 1 recolorable one too:
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And that’s that! Thank you SO MUCH @spherefish​; you’re a genius!
Download miniset (pacakge files): Mediafire | SimFileShare
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sunmoon-starfactory · 2 years
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Fantasy Flavor - TSM Wild Herbs Update Sep 24. 2022
This is a minor update for the TSM WIld Herbs.
Harvests are now repositoried to the Harvest Basket inventory tool
Gathering herbs now builds FT Nature Enthusiasm IF FT is installed
Sims with the Gatherer trait have a 20% chance of getting an extra harvest (BCON-tuneable)
This update requires Smarter EP Check. REMOVE ALL PREVIOUS FILES.
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PomPom: Mammott... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor? Mammott: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. PomPom: PomPom: I wrote sanitize, Mammott.
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dizziesims · 5 months
Sims 3 Gameplay Mods
I was going through MTS looking for mods to improve my gameplay and thought I would share the ones I downloaded!
Livestreaming Mod - Allows your sims to livestream from a PC for tips, blog followers, and celebrity points.
More Pregnancy Interactions - Adds more options for the pregnant sim and more social interactions with all age groups!
Yoga Mod - Allows your sim to do yoga and also lead a yoga class for simoleons.
Laundromat Fix - Actually empties the laundry hamper on your sims home lot when using a washing machine at a laundromat.
Dirty Laundry Mod - Gives your sim a negative moodlet when dirty laundry hasn't been washed in a few days. Gives more incentive to do your sims laundry!
Layoff Mod - Gives your sim a 2% chance at the end of every work day of being laid off. Depending on their work level they may get unemployment benefits.
Nicer Vendors - Overrides the default animations when interacting with vendors, looks more friendly.
Acne Mod - Gives teens-adults a chance of waking up with acne. Adds washing face options and applying acne toner at sink.
Sunscreen - Allows you to buy sunscreen from the store, will protect sims from getting a sunburn with Seasons installed. Works on vampire sims as well.
Restaurant Host Career - Allows your sim to work part time at diners/bistros as a host. Only 1 career level.
TSM > TS3 Facial Expressions - Overrides most s3 facial expressions with the sims medieval ones making them a lot more realistic and natural looking.
One With Nature - Allows your sims to sleep outside on ground, wash themselves in bodies of water, and go to the bathroom outside. Needs Nraas traveler mod to work. (Good for apocalyptic gameplays/adding realism?? haha)
Walk Cycle Edits - Overrides original walk cycles so there's no forced smile, allowing your sims to make facial expressions based on mood/surroundings.
The Randomizer Mod - Triggers more random events that effect your household. Adds more realism and can effects the relationships/friendships your sims have. (Can choose between which random event modules you want in your game based on play style!)
More Negative Moodlets - Negative moodlets cause a greater effect on your sims mood making it a bit more realistic.
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greenplumbboblover · 11 months
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I made a website!
Now you've probably seen the attempt before, people getting mad at tumblr and then making a 'Simblr' (Tumblr clone). Though, despite tumblr being sometimes a bit frustrating because of their changes, that's not why this site came to be...
I wanted a place where Storytellers, Creators, and just generic sim players can all be together and get the exposure and fun that they deserve.
Not only that, but also for a place where the TSM community and TS1 can belong somewhere too without the use of a forum.
And eventually, I hope we can make it the home for Life by you and Paralives when that comes out :)
Plus, it's also NSFW friendly! While the site is initially PG-13, we've got tags and profile settings that allow you to browse NSFW items as well.
What can I find on Simblr.cc exactly?
Anything for all sims games, really! TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4 and TSM
Practically anything you technically can find on Tumblr and really other sim websites. We've got...
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I've specifically made filters for different games, and their needs in mind. For example, for TS2 there are so many awesome game fixes out there and clean templates, that you'll be able to navigate and find this easily.
Not only that, items can also be put in multiple categories! Especially great if you've uploaded a set!
You can also find Testers wanted only mods here if you feel like helping out fellow simmers with testing!
Mods do go through a "queue", but not in the same way as you may have experienced on MTS or TSR. I merely check if it's flagged as NSFW correctly, and then it's good to go! :) So the waiting time will be much less!
See TOU: Click me!
Eventually, I may see if I can get a bypass system in place, but that really depends on if NSFW isn't too confusing.
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Work In Progress
To show off your work to others! Even if it's project #94882 that may never get released, any WIPS are fine!
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It's really difficult to find new Sim stories or Legacies on Tumblr, let alone for these writers to get people to read their awesome stories! Hopefully this should make the process much easier now!
Also! You got any comic or "movie/cinematic" like stories? No problem! Just check the "carousel only" option, so no description needed!
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... and for the Simblrs here, a feed to see all the people you follow, their content (stories, WIPs, mods and general posts)! Or, simply check out sitewide, or even game-related, what people have been posting!
Customizable profile pages
Just like tumblr, you can make your own profile page! With it's own colours and a pre-made theme. (if you need a different profile page, though, Let us know on the discord)
Want a peek? Here you go:
What about moderation?
While there's a report system in place, and the items in the queue are checked for NSFW, but users could still turn their non-NSFW to a NSFW, items may be stolen. So do report these as that will never be condoned!
Additionally, all comments you get on your mods, story, etc. Those are primarily moderated by you. You can delete them, you can turn comments off even if you'd like. If things really go wrong, you can always ask an admin.
Got any ideas? Feel free to share!
Since I really wanted it to be a website we all create together in some degree, if you have any features you're missing or would like to see, feel free to share on the discord!
Where are the Advertisements?
If you're currently not seeing them as of reading the post, that's because that's still being set up. This is merely to cover the cost of the website! Though, I promise you I won't bombard the site with ads, as that's just annoying.
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tipsypixel-sims · 4 months
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Let Them Eat Bread! | Custom Food for Sims 2
Alternative Title: I made CC - can you believe it? (Because I surely can't!)
So I was recently searching for bread for my medieval NH @arendholmislands that I liked the look of, didn't require any cooking skill and was eaten with hands not cutlery. I didn't find quite what I was looking for and I decided why not try to make it myself?
So here are some barley bread loaves for your medieval sims (or modern day bakers!) to munch away on!
The mesh is a TSM conversion by Zx_Ta, which you can find here. And the wonderful @creesims made it into usable food to stock your fridge here, which I think would go along nicely.
More information and download under the cut.
A few things to mention:
The bread is cloned from the toaster pastries, which are a little smaller than I wanted the bread to be. Because of that the sim's fingers will kind of vanish inside the bread and they will shove the loaf a little bit too far into their face while eating.
Because I cloned it from the toaster pastries, there's no real "preperation stage", your sims will simply take the unbaked loaf out of the fridge and put it into the oven.
The bread also has no "half eaten" stage when eating, since I can't mesh for the life of me.
But if - like me - those things only mildly bother you, feel free to download and enjoy! :)
Polycount: 3367
Meal Time: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Required Cooking Skill Points: 0
Download Barley Bread on MF
(Edit 28/02/2024: The breakfast option was previously missing, it has now been added, please redownload if you want your sims to eat bread for breakfast as well.)
I did test it in an unmodded and modded game and had no problems, but please message me if there are any issues!
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simspaghetti · 4 months
Hello! May I ask how you have your NRASS settings for your decades challenge? And how you cater your game in the sims 3 with the challenge
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Hello anon!
Thank you for this question, I wouldn't consider myself an expert on medieval-style gameplay at all lol there are definitely many more people in the community more knowledgable than me! But I've done my best to detail some resources along with my NRAAS settings below, I hope this helps! <3
In terms of how I cater my game for the challenge, I have a lot of historical replacements and cc which make things look more immersive,
If you want a few recommendations:
Zoe22's Off-Grid Plumbing, Buzzler's Scribbling Pad & Functional Washboard
All of Danjaley's stuff! They've been the GOAT in the sims 3 medieval community for a long time and have some great CC including lots of defaults, their CC finds blog is also a fantastic resource for other peoples stuff
JoojConverts also has some great medieval (and other historical periods) clothing & objects
Omedapixel has some essential historical defaults and other great medieval CC!
MsPoodle has some great historical defaults and medieval CC
This sims medieval total object conversion pack & this functional fireplace / cauldron conversion are really great bits of CC converted from TSM
Declaration of Dramas has some fab medieval CC along with a few medieval mods to enhance your gameplay, such as adding a whole religion system!
Ani's Sims has lots of mods which fit in really well with medieval-style gameplay, adding hunting, digging for treasure, blacksmiths, woodcutters and loads more!
Random Default Replacements: Clothesline / Fishing Rod / Music Tips Jar / Paintings / Baby Blanket
Arsil's no cellphones mod / No answer calls mod are really useful as cellphones are one thing which just break my immersion so much!
The carpool disabler is also pretty useful
Feyerin made a bunch of medieval-style careers to be used in conjunction with the NRAAS careers mod
The Merrye Makers on MTS have made a whole bunch of medieval CC and mods I really reccomend!
Technical Stuff: Sims medieval music, UI & CAS room
I've listed my changed NRAAS settings below, they are mostly the same as the ones listed on my nraas settings page, I've only listed the ones which are different below - so be sure to check out my main settings page first!
Caste Options -> Teenagers
Pregnancy: Allow Participation -> True Romance: Allow Marriage -> True
General Options -> Options: Money
Options: Fees and Support -> Child support payment -> 0 Daily fee per household sim -> 0 Elder support payment -> 0 Social secuity per elder -> 0 Welfare per child -> 0
Options: Purchasing -> Purchase bicycles minimum -> 100 Purchase canes -> True Disallowed Cars -> (All 'modern looking' cars have been disabled, leaving a few CC options such as horse and carts, sleighs, bikes etc.)
Town Options ->
Pregnancy: Base number of children -> 5 Pregnancy: Maximum number of children -> 10 Pregnancy: Newborn last name -> Father Pregnancy: Rename Newborns -> True (I like to give them historically accurate names) Romance: Legacy Marriage Name -> False Romance: Marriage Name -> Husband Romance: Marriage Name: Same-Sex -> No Change (If a same-sex couple does get married, I like to view it as a 'secret marriage' between them, which is not officially on paper)
Try-For-Baby -> Species: Human
Allow Same Sex Try For Baby -> False
And that's pretty much everything! It's been a while since I've played the decades challenge tbh so I'm not that caught up with the medieval community, but I hope the resources I've listed above are helpful :)
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esotheria-sims · 10 months
Hi Esotheria, can you help me finding small witchy zombie-related knickknack deco for shelves and bookshelves? Asking this for some of my normal Knowledge Sims with high interest for paranormal stuff, so I want to decorate their rooms with occult-related deco.
Hi there! I don't have much zombie-related clutter, but I can help with the witch side of the ask! ^^
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Buyable Reagents mod - so that even your non-witch sims can have reagents as deco. Best combined with Pineappleforest's reagents default replacement!
Buyable AL witch stuff by Hugelunatic (the little witch statues could probably work as shelf deco?)
Extracted in-game magic clutter (wands, crystal ball, books, witch hats etc.) by Shastakiss
3t2 Supernatural conversions I and 3t2 Supernatural conversions II by Shastakiss
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Gargoyle statue, spellbook, and jars by Chimerical (reuploaded by theatticbox)
Extracted TSM books and potions by lmhwjs (I love those old books so much!)
Steampunk conversions by lmhwjs (linked mostly for the quill and parchment deco that comes with the set; I use it on my witches' desks all the time!)
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4t2 Sabrina clutter set by Nikaonishko
TS4 to TS2 Realm of Magic deco by Gryning (the set contains a tombstone that might also be suited for your zombie clutter needs!)
4t2 Witchy clutter by Limonaire
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Various Harry Potter conversions by Decat
Various 4t2 objects by Decat
Realm of Magic conversions by Decat
Witchy goodies by Deatherella
4t2 Paranrormal Helping Hand deco by TheNinthWaveSims
I also recommend you check out all past supernatural/magic themes that were running on GoS! ^^ To name a few:
2022.07-08 That 70s Theme & Eye of Newt
2021.09-10 Baby On Board & In the Mausoleum (also for zombie-related stuff)
2020.05-06 HomeCrafter & Tea with the Queen
2019.09-10 Farm to Table & Danse Macabre (also for zombie-related stuff)
2015.07 - Fairy Tale & Fantasy
2011.06 - Magic and Fantasy
2009.10 - Halloween! (also for zombie-related stuff)
Hope this helps a little! ^^
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simverses · 1 year
Four medieval stoves adapted to work with Ye Olde Cookbook
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How would we live without Ye Olde Cookbook? The awesome medieval mod by @littlbowbub - find it here.
It made me stop using my old stoves altogether. I could not live without Eel Eye Stew. But, now I can use the stoves again! I adapted them with LBB's permission (TY!!) to her mod. They are freestanding versions from the old ones, so you can have both.
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The visible difference is that I stole borrowed some of LBB's deco and put it on the stoves. The two SDA stoves are a little higher than normal stoves and therefore the animations are just a little weird.
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In these pics you see the smaller version of the SDA stove combined with the large kitchen fireplace. Find it here.
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The two frankenmeshed TSM-inspired stoves are also updated, they also have the LBB deco to differ them from normal models.
Download 4 Medieval Stoves adapted for Ye Olde Cookbook (Curseforge)
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murfeelee · 7 months
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This upload is inspired by one of my favorite vampire tv shows, What We Do in the Shadows. (It was supposed to be my Simblreen gift this year, but I'm hella late cuz IRL suuuuuucks...blood. 😅)
The DL folder includes 4 zip files:
My WWDITS INSP CC Set, including 37 wives items.
The WWDITS INSP Vampire Residence Lot to go in your Sims 3 > Library folder (in-game it'll be in the empty lots bin in Edit Mode)
A MERGED CC file of allllll the other CC I used on the lot (brace yourselves 💀) to go in your Sims 3 > Mods > Packages folder
Granthe's OMSP from MTS, cuz I wasn't sure if I could merge it or not and decided to play it safe.
WARNING: The lot uses a ton of CC. I have all of the EPs, and a lot of the Store CC too, so if you don't have EA's crap & items are missing, that might be why. But if you're not seeing any of the the 3rd party UGC, then I done goofed, sorry--it's been YEARS since I've shared my lots.
🦇 Enjoy! 🦇
Download folders (package files) : Mediafire | SimFileShare
Descriptions & preview pics under the cut:
Vampire Residence
IIRC, this is a 50x50 fully furnished lot.
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The Library
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The Fancy Room
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Guillermo's "Closet"
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Nandor's Coffin Room
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Laszlo & Nadja's Coffin Room
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Music Room
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Other Rooms
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Colin's Robinson's Bedroom (Basement)
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This set includes 37 fully recolorable items:
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EA Handy Jar REDONE as Candy (ARSIL Bag of Chips Mod REQUIRED) V2 (misc appliances)
Wall Rack with Decor Slots (SN EP) (misc surfaces)
Horn Rack Frankenmesh (wall art)
Tile Pattern (found under Tiles, duh)
Colin Robinson Roomies Portrait (Surfaces -- the Walls version's included in Nadja & Laszlo Painting (Ruffs))
TS4 to TS3 TheJim07 Versailles Stool as Dining Chair
EA Aurora Skies Spiral Stairs FLIPPED as DECOR (misc decor)
Oval Bucolic Flowers in Glass (Pets EP) (wall art)
Octagon Bucolic Flowers in Glass (Pets EP) (wall art)
Column Round Skinny (columns, duh)
WWDITS-IWTV INSP Vampire Themed Newspaper Clippings (wall art)
EA Farm Fresh Folk Desk REDONE for 1 Tile
TSM Bear Rug as Sofa Throw (misc decor)
Nandermo Glitter Portrait (misc decor)
Goth Posters (UNI EP)
Primitive Hunt by Piero di Cosimo Wallpapers (found under Paneling)
EA DV Celtic Wallpaper REDONE PLAIN (found under Misc IIRC)
Spiral Stairs Tasselled Drapes as Decor (curtains)
EA Boudoir Feathers RECOLORABLE (plants IIRC)
RD's Giant Plumes Decor RECOLORABLE (plants IIRC)
3 Display Cases as Wall Lights with Slots (Reg | Smaller | Taller)
TS2 to TS3 Beck's Doll Dressed as Teddy Bear V2
Nandor's 37 Wives Painting (Walls | Surfaces)
ATS3_object_funeralparlor_coffin3_open_sims4to3 RETEXURED (misc decor)
ATS3 Coffin Table REDONE WIDER as SN EP Altar (beds)
Framed Hook Swords (misc decor)
Vampire Residence Portraits
EA TS2 to TS3 Apartment Life Table Lamp (Shorter | Taller)
Annev Animal Skin Rug REDONE as Wall Art ( + FLIPPED)
Hanging Knives (misc decor)
EA Topiary Pattern V2 (found under IDER)
Most of the items are self explanatory; there's nothing crazy going on, really.
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And that's that!
🦇 Enjoy! 🦇
Download folders (package files) : Mediafire | SimFileShare
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necrodogmtsands4s · 2 years
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Carriages & horses MOD.
Hello. I have finished this set. They are some horsed vehicles for your sims. They work as a bike. They are a pegasus, horse, wild west carriage, antique carriage and a conversion of TSM stagecoat. Hope you will like.
They are located at vehicles or outdoor activities. On the carriages the horses are little distorted because its difficult to acurate the weight transfer of the bones. Please forgive me :( but I did my best to look them nice and cool.
Suggested download
No bike helmet by littlemssam
This is a video in action
Download early access for patrons
This post will be public on 10- October -2022
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Fantasy Flavor - TSM Herbs - Critical Fixes
Sims with the Gatherer trait would error out when harvesting the herbs. This has been resolved. Please redownload the set and replace all files
Download - SFS
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echoweaver · 24 days
Modding status: Doing stuff.
I really got bogged down in trying to get Warrior Cats ready for alpha release, so I gave myself a break and dusted off some old animation projects.
TIL how to do baby-holding animations! That's been the big hurdle to doing the update of Nona's breastfeeding mod with animations from TSM. The adult animations are quite nice and fit the TS3 baby burrito pretty well, but there's no baby animations because the baby in TSM is an object. I'm using some existing baby animations, but they need some tweaking.
I also revisited an old project to create child conversions of a bunch of Handiness animations, using a bunch of stuff I've learned about working in Blender since then.
I am going to get back to Warrior Cats. Getting a few smaller wins under my belt should help.
I'm also brainstorming a physical attraction mod to bring some of the features of Wonderful Whims into TS3. It looks like I could create a preference system where a sim perfers certain eye color, hair color, fitness, body weight, and breast size/facial hair dependent on sexual orientation. A physical attraction score could be derived from how much any given sim meets those preferences, and then romantic actions could be augmented by how attracted the sim receiving the interaction is to the sim doing the interaction.
E.g. if your sim tries to kiss a townie, the townie's reaction would be augmented by how attracted the townie is to you. Then if the townie initiates an interaction, your sim's response would be augmented by their attraction to the townie, which could be positive or negative. I'd like to have the romantic interaction stages, or whatever they're called (flirty, alluring, irresistible) go up faster without actually increasing the sim's relationship with each other, i.e. you can romance/jump in the sack with someone you're attracted to without knowing them very well.
Then the TS3 attraction system could be treated as social compatibility, which is really what it is anyway. Social compatibility is a more mutual thing, while physical attraction isn't.
Still poking around to see what's possible.
I'd probably call the mod Chemistry as a tribute to an old abandoned project of Twallan's.
Also -- this physical chemistry project would involve NO ANIMATING.
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simdertalia · 1 year
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🔮 Witchy Shop Decor Set 🔮
20 items | Sims 4, Base game compatible Set contains: -Clock Vending Machine Table & Wall Versions | 5 swatches each | converted from Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams -Clock Pile & Single Clock | 1 swatch each | converted from Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams -Witchy Shop Bag | 2 swatches, sorry I forgot to include them in the second picture! 🙃 -Magic Potion | 5 swatches | Converted from TS3 Store -Gem Piles | Converted from TSM | Recolors included from a TS3 conversion of this item by CandK ( @crispsandkerosene here on tumblr.) -Gothique Pearls | 7 swatches | mesh edit of TS3 Store item -Assorted nature clutter: Pinecone, Sand Dollar, Starfish, Seashell & Wood Piece | 1 swatch each | Converted and liberated TS3 Store -2 trinket boxes | 2 swatches & 1 swatch | Converted & liberated TS3 Store -2 tiny bottles | 1 swatch each | converted and liberated TS3 Store -Scale | 1 swatch | converted mesh edit from TS3 Store -Incense Basket | 7 swatches (These will match the incense box decor in <THIS POST>) -3 to 4 Tibetan Prayer Flags | 1 swatch | Original item by Chisami Type “witchy shop decor” into the search query in build mode to find quickly. You can always find items like this, just begin typing the title and it will appear. Type “3 to 4″ to find the Tibetan Prayer Flags. Since this is a conversion of another creator’s item, I didn’t want to just slap my set name onto it, so it is titled 3 to 4 and the item name, instead.
bb.objects ON to place the wall clock vending machine. I suggest always using this command when building & decorating, it just makes it so much easier. For further placement tweaking, you will want to check out the TOOL mod.
📁 Download all or pick & choose (SFS, No Ads): https://simfileshare.net/folder/178824/
📁 Alt Download (still no ads): https://mega.nz/folder/81gHSCTS#rSt_e0DyptLv_oylRS7iQA
I hope you enjoy this set! As always, please let me know if you have any issues! Happy Simming! ✨ All of my CC has always been free & public upon posting, but if you like my work, please consider supporting me:
★ Patreon  🎉 ❤️ |★ Ko-Fi  ☕️  ❤️ ★ Instagram  📷
Thank you for reblogging ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ @sssvitlanz  @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters  @public-ccfinds  @coffee-cc-finds  @itsjessicaccfinds
Click here for the window stickers
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