othercrossee · 11 months
ARGirtuals r kinda special to me at this hour
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charlottan · 6 months
Hey Chaaarlotte :3
Are you still doing music recs? Cause if so have you heard Psycada? Cool psychadelic rock band, think they only have one album so far but its coool methinks.
https://youtu.be/ANIX12gCtyM?si=AhY995IDB9Qxnff4 link 4 u
ok firstly i love this album but second this is the third time somebody has recommended it to me and its legitimately getting scary at this point lol
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fillthedarkvoid · 10 months
Me armor be done sis
Really??? Coool :)
That is so awesome. :)
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i am NOT good at hollow knight AND IT IS 3AM i did ittttttt omgggggg this si soo coool wtf i amm actually so
im so happy i am actually like SOOOOO bad at hollow knight u don tundertsand
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hopeful-hellion · 2 months
Thanks for sending this in anon! :DD Feel free to share anything involving Hazbin with me! I don't bite~ (Especially Alastor he is my life <333)
OOOO THAT'S SO COOOL THOUGH?? Like, he's out here seeing half the world in a black and white cartoon and regularly has to infer based off what other people say and what he knows about the people around him to figure out what they're wearing or referring to by color?
~Like, Vaggie's skin is already grey, her clothes are red and black, and her hair is grey and white so he has no idea what's he wearing without inferring form his surroundings?? jgkj
~Which could be super funny around the right circumstances. Like, someone asks him what color the hotel uniform is and he knows its red cause he chose it based off of how he sees his suit. But ask him what Velevette's outfit looks like and he's all ???? Proceeds to make up an excuse, aka saying that it's a stupid question he doesn't have time for to get out of the situation xD
~Wait what if he likes husker partially because he's actually gray furred? XD He looks at him and assumes he just can't see the colors(eye roll) but then Husk casually mentions that he's gray as an old man's hair and he's sold kjbgkbj
~It would be EXTRA funny if Husk found out about this and can't say anything....but in private he tells Alastor what other colors he can't see on people are XDD
~Rosie is the only other person that knows cause if anyone else were to find out they'll be killed for sheer embrassment
~He picks up on color changes cause suddenly he can SEE what the person is wearing(Charlie dear, why are you wearing blue?"
~I feel like this is extra cool for Alastor redesigns that them him in black and white? LIKE YES VERY ON BRAND! That's part of his outfit choice, actually
~What if he purposefully gives people shades of reds to wear because to him it makes them all look colorless? Like back before color television? Just another thing to go with his whole aesthetic dksjhg
~WHEEZE clearly isn't canon but what if looking at someone with too many colors that he can see is like fucking eye strain and/or an overwhelming sensory output so that's another reason why he gives everyone red? He just needs things to look quieter
~In that case he would've gotten used to it enough to be around Vox but maybe his eye is twitching the whole time or he doesn't look directly at him as often as others lol
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justwritedreams · 2 years
im planning on studying computers too if med school doesnt work 🥺🥺
I'm lil sis
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not by my own choice but i am SCHOOL MED?😱 OMG That's so coool!! I'm rooting for you, no matter what you do i'm sure you'll do just fine 🥺
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hugoterongmakata · 2 years
I am so happy for all the things that we bought. Parang everything is easy. Pinapadali namin dalawa ang trabaho. Less hassle. I'm taking care of her, and she's taking care of me. Sobrang bago for me lahat ng nangyayari but I am not scared. Or should I be scared? I should be scared no? I'm in charge of my own life na. So whatever consequences ng decisions ko, it's all on me. Coool.
I know I made a right choice living with her. Since day one, i never felt this comfort. I just pray to God na sana sya na. Magtatampo ako kapag hindi talaga si Eunice makakasama ko habang buhay.
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lgbt-romanian-teens · 4 years
WOOOOOOW!!! YO' you got a bald haircut? That's so coool. Vrei sa pari mafiot si sa nu te mai confunde cu ametite? :)) kidding. You're gorgeous!!!
🥺🥺🥺❤❤❤❤❤❤THANK UUUUU
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maria-angels-stuff · 4 years
Ojala la encuentre
Desconocido: H o M?
Tú: m
Desconocido: Edad?
Tú: 17
Desconocido: Sexo?
Tú: Ah quieres saber mi orientación?
Desconocido: Sip
Tú: Bi
Desconocido: Genial!!!!!
Tú: y tu?
Desconocido: M
Desconocido: Lesbiana
Tú: edad?
Desconocido: 19
Tú: oh cool
Desconocido: Sii
Tú: bueno no sé que pasa despues de esto JAJAJA
Tú: Bueno y que te gusta?
Desconocido: Ni yo
Desconocido: Jajaja
Desconocido: Tú, bebé
Desconocido: Así ligo
Desconocido: Jajajaja
Tú: bueno yo soy tan mala ligando que aun siendo bi no tengo pareja :(
Desconocido: Quieres ser mi novia entonces?
Tú: no soy tan facil querida jajaja
Tú: nah y de donde sos?
Desconocido: Lo intente
Desconocido: México
Desconocido: Y tú?
Tú: oh estas lejos no creo que esto funcione
Tú: Guatemala, estamos a la par pero lejos igual
Desconocido: Viajo mucho, tú dime a donde tengo que ir
Desconocido: Mierda
Desconocido: A Guatemala fui el año antepasado
Tú: cool
Desconocido: 😢
Tú: tienes ig?
Desconocido: Nop
Tú: ouh
Desconocido: ☹️
Tú: bueno que sad
Tú: snapchat?
Desconocido: Menos
Tú: Dios como socializas?
Desconocido: No lo hago
Desconocido: Soy tímida
Desconocido: Jajajaja
Desconocido: Es raro
Desconocido: Viajo mucho
Tú: ayy me encanta
Desconocido: He conocido muchos lugares
Desconocido: Pero no puedo hablar con personas sin sentirme rara
Tú: bueno me pasa al principio nada más luego me vuelvo super sociable
Tú: las personas me aman
Desconocido: Oh que bien
Tú: y a donde has viajado?
Desconocido: Ammmm
Desconocido: Canada
Desconocido: España
Desconocido: Japón
Desconocido: Rusia
Desconocido: Egipto
Desconocido: Mmmmmm
Tú: que coool que haces trafico de personas?
Desconocido: Brasil
Tú: haces lo que probablemente nunca haga
Desconocido: Ay no digas eso😢
Tú: disfrutalo mucho
Desconocido: Siiiiii
Desconocido: Bueno
Desconocido: Es qué de pequeña trabaje muchooooooo
Desconocido: Y ayude a fundar una empresa, soy accionista del 32% de ella
Desconocido: Y pues
Desconocido: Mi papá dueño del %40
Desconocido: Y lo demás repartido a demás accionistas
Tú: Dios eso es muy cool
Desconocido: Prácticamente mi vida la solucione a los 15
Desconocido: Y pues
Desconocido: Me gusta conocer el mundo
Tú: bueno yo aun estoy por buscar una beca a España
Tú: pero por la carrera que quiero no creo poder
Tú: :(
Desconocido: Cuál es?
Tú: Derecho y sabes tengo que aprender cosas sobre mi país si es que quiero ejercer aqui
Desconocido: Si me imagino
Tú: pero tal vez en el futuro
Tú: o no sé cuando pienso en eso me dan ataques de ansiedad
Tú: para acabarla de joder
Desconocido: Mmmmm
Desconocido: Tranquila
Desconocido: Si algo me han enseñado mis viajes es que el futuro se escribe día con día
Tú: lo sé, pero es dificil cuando nisiquiera tienes valor para salir del closet jajaja
Desconocido: Pues para ti no es tan difícil
Desconocido: Tu eres bi
Desconocido: Osea que podrías tener una relación con un hombre
Desconocido: Y de lo otro nadie sabría
Tú: claro si es bien parecido a Harry Sryles jajajaj
Tú: nunca eh tenido un novio
Tú: solo chicas
Tú: me siento mejor
Desconocido: Ah okey okey
Desconocido: Ves, pero no quieres conmigo😢
Tú: JAJAJAJAJAJA aun que pareces ser una chica genial no te conozco :(
Desconocido: Bueno😢
Tú: ademas no tenemos ni como hablar, si no socializas
Desconocido: Ciertooo
Desconocido: 😔
Tú: y si alguien da skip por error no nos volveremos a encontrar nunca jaja
Tú: que loco
Desconocido: Jajaja
Tú: pareces ser buena persona
Desconocido: Soy buena persona ☹️
Desconocido: Deberías de verme en mis viajes
Desconocido: Siempre trato de ayudar
Desconocido: Aunque
Desconocido: Bueno
Desconocido: Timida
Desconocido: Pues
Desconocido: No se logra mucho jajajajaja
Tú: bueno has logrado mucho asi timida JAJAJA
Tú: Bueno no eh hecho mucho pero gracias a que soy un tanto sociable pues eh hecho un poco bastante voluntariado en mi país
Tú: me hace sentir mejor
Desconocido: Que bueno😊
Tú: pero no eh podido hacer mucho debido a la pandemia
Desconocido: Si lo sé
Tú: y digamos que mi depresion no ayuda
Desconocido: Yo me quede varada en Tokio jaja
Desconocido: Tienes depresión?
Desconocido: Debido a qué?
Tú: sip, diagnosticada desde hace 5 meses
Tú: bueno me dijeron que sobre pienso las cosas y me mato poco a poco
Desconocido: Mmmmmmm
Desconocido: Ojala pudiera conocerte y llevarte conmigo
Tú: ademas problemas familiares y asi
Tú: bueno a mi me encantaria ir al infierno hoy JAJAJAJA
Tú: chiste suicida check
Tú: jajaj
Desconocido: No digas eso!!!
Desconocido: Yo te llevaría a conocer el mundo
Desconocido: A qué veas
Desconocido: Que la vida es única
Desconocido: Que hay tantas cosas hermosas
Desconocido: Y tantas cosas que podemos hacer por este planeta
Tú: claro, pero siento que unos no estamos hechos para eso
Tú: por más que lo intentemos
Tú: y solo queda resignarse
Desconocido: Noooo
Desconocido: Solo trabaja duro
Tú: Dios ni siquiera sé por donde empezar mi país va de mal en peor
Tú: aqui no hay oportunidad de nada
Desconocido: Mi país igual
Desconocido: Pero trato de ayudar
Desconocido: Imagina que no eres la única que quiere ayudar
Desconocido: Hay miles
Tú: claro, pero que puedo hacer ni siquiera sé que hacer con mi vida
Tú: pero no quiero contagiarte mis malas vibras
Desconocido: Tú tranquila
Tú: mejor hablemos de otras cosas como por ejemplo como eres
Tú: jiji
Desconocido: Pues
Desconocido: Soy hermosa
Desconocido: Ahí humildemente
Desconocido: Okey no jajaja
Tú: en serio, me da curiosidad
Desconocido: Por qué? jajaja
Tú: pues te quiero imaginar
Tú: ya casi no tengo en que pensar por las noches
Desconocido: Quieres pensar en mi? Owwww
Tú: pues si
Tú: mucha curiosidad
Desconocido: Es que capaz te digo que soy de una manera
Desconocido: Y no te gustan así 😢
Tú: DIOS noooo, las chicas son tan ufff todas
Tú: yo tengo miedo de decirte como soy
Desconocido: Y yo más, yo soy perfecta
Desconocido: Humildemente
Desconocido: Okey no😢
Tú: preparo mi cerebro para empezarte a crear
Desconocido: Okey😢
Desconocido: Mido 1.76
Desconocido: Soy de pelo rubio😢
Desconocido: Soy werita😢
Desconocido: Ojos de color azul😢
Desconocido: Pero uso lentes
Desconocido: Tengo tetas casi tirándole al melon 😢
Desconocido: Y nalgas bien echas
Desconocido: Pero por el gym
Desconocido: Me gusta vestir de negro y azul
Desconocido: Y pos
Desconocido: Mi carita yo creo que es bonita 😢
Desconocido: Estoy delgada
Desconocido: Pero por el gym
Desconocido: Y pos así 😢
Tú: ahí humildemente JAJAJA
Desconocido: Ves ya no te guste🥺
Tú: no, si la que tiene miedo ahora soy yo
Tú: Dios mejor me voy no te merezco
Desconocido: Por qué?
Desconocido: Nooooo😭
Desconocido: No te guste?
Desconocido: 🥺
Tú: y como no Dios sos perfecta
Tú: pero yo, ni hablar de eso
Desconocido: Eh? 😳
Desconocido: Enserio te guste? 😳
Tú: pues si
Tú: y a quien no
Desconocido: Pos no tengo noviaa😭
Desconocido: Osea que a nadie
Desconocido: Bueno
Desconocido: Ni amigas
Tú: las has de intimidar asi como a mi
Desconocido: Jaja
Tú: X2
Desconocido: 😢
Tú: Es que real sos muy guapa
Desconocido: Yo soy la timidaaaa
Desconocido: 🥺
Tú: en toda mmi vida creo haber tenido 3 amigos reales
Tú: y con los que sé que puedo contar
Desconocido: Pero has tenido
Desconocido: A mi nomas me quieren echar
Desconocido: O quieren dinero
Tú: no pues no te entiendo a mi no me pasa :(
Tú: jajajaj
Desconocido: Por qué tu si estás bonita
Desconocido: Y eres buena onds
Desconocido: Dime cómo eres
Tú: te lo dire
Tú: soy TODO lo contrario a ti
Tú: Literal
Tú: per creo que tengo buen culo
Tú: nomas hay que definirlo
Desconocido: Entonces eres perfecta
Desconocido: Si eres lo contrario a mi😢
Tú: nooo, yo sé lo que soy nena
Tú: asquerosa soy
Tú: __Maria_115angel.ofc si te da curiosidad o algo este es mi ig
Tú: al menos sé que puedes contactarte conmigo
Tú: cuando quieras
Desconocido: Okey😢
Tú: solo guarda eso en dnde sea
Desconocido: Siiiii
Desconocido: Ya lo anoté
Tú: okay
Tú: feliz quede
Desconocido: Bueno😢
Desconocido: Yo se que no soy perfecta
Desconocido: Pero si me llamaste la atención 😢
Tú: igual tu a mi
Tú: tienes una muy linda personalidad
Desconocido: Nomas por aquí
Desconocido: Por persona hasta tartamudeo en ocaciones😢
Desconocido: Cuando he conocido a mis ídolos me trabooooo😢
Desconocido: Es super vergonzoso
Tú: me imagino
Desconocido: 😢
Tú: una vez uno de mis idolos le dio me gusta a mi comentario y por poco me cago JAJAJAJAJ
Desconocido: Jajajsjs
Tú: Les vomito de una vez
Desconocido: A mi me gusta mucho el deporte y la música
Desconocido: Y pues
Desconocido: Eh conocí a deportistas y artistas que me gustan
Desconocido: Como Cristiano ronaldo, lebron James, curry, Neymar,
Desconocido: Y muchos otros deportistas
Desconocido: Y artistas
Desconocido: A Becky G, ariana grande, ed sheran, muchos djs como steve aoki, mi crush Mariana Bo, Martin Garrix
Desconocido: Entre otros
Tú: Dios que cool
Tú: Ariana G uff
Desconocido: Super sexi
Desconocido: Y algunos actores
Desconocido: Zack E, Scarlett, Emma Watsson, Megan fox, Will Smith
Desconocido: Y ammmm
Desconocido: No se muy bien como se escriben sus nombres jajajs
Desconocido: Pero total
Desconocido: Con todos tartamudeo
Desconocido: 😢
Tú: uyy Emma su cerebro es excitante
Tú: normal
Desconocido: No sólo su cerebro
Desconocido: Jajajaja
Tú: son idolos al final de tanto
Tú: sii es muy guapa
Desconocido: Sip
Desconocido: Bueno María, me tengo que ir😢
Tú: en serio?
Desconocido: Si😢
Tú: por qué?
Tú: n te vallas
Tú: quedateee
Desconocido: Tengo un evento con mi familia😢
Desconocido: Lo siento😢
Tú: ni siquiera me dijiste tu nombre
Desconocido: Lucifer
Desconocido: Me puedes decir
Desconocido: Mi nombre es Lucía Fernanda🤭
Tú: Dios que lindo
Desconocido: Mi padre eligió el nombre no es mi culpa
Tú: es hermoso
Desconocido: Owwww
Desconocido: Gracias
Desconocido: Pensé que te asustarias
Desconocido: Jajajajaja
Tú: bueno adios mi amada lucifer lol tal vez en otra vida nos encontremos
Desconocido: Amada? 😳
Tú: JAJAJA lo siento demasiado libro
Desconocido: Ah
Desconocido: Jajaja
Tú: bueno me encanto hablar contigo
Desconocido: Igualmente
Desconocido: Te amoooooo
Desconocido: 🤭❤️
Tú: y es en serio ojala en esta o en otra vida
Desconocido: Ojalá
Tú: me intrigas lucifer pero en otra ocasión
Tú: okay
Tú: adios
Desconocido: Adiós
El extraño esta desconectado.
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fardell24b · 4 years
Quinn’s Code - Cafe Geekdale - Part 7
Thursday, October 21, 2005
Through the day, many of the students of Lawndale High, thought about what they might be seeing if they went to the Coffee House, or in a minority of cases, what they would be performing...
During lunch, Brittany was reading over the scene from Romeo and Juliet. 'Is that Caplet or Capulet?' She was excited about performing at the Coffee House, but she didn't know how Kevin would perform. 'At least he promised he would learn the lines.'
Jodie came up to Daria as they left Science. “Mr. O'Neill told me that you are doing something at the Coffee House,” she said.
“So?” Daria asked.
“So, I would like to know what you are going to do?”
“You will find out when everyone else does,” Daria said, as she walked off.
Jodie sighed. She had been hoping that she would be able to help Daria with whatever performance she had planned.
“What's wrong?” her boyfriend, Michael 'Mack' Mackenzie, asked as he came up.
“Nothing,” Jodie said.
Mack didn't believe that, but he didn't press.
After school, Quinn met Andrea as she left the school building. “There will be a meeting of the Programming Club tomorrow,” Andrea said.
“Yeah, Laurence told me,” Quinn replied, referring to another member of the Programming Club.
“One of the things we will be discussing will be the coffee house,” Andrea said, as she started walking.
Quinn followed her.  “Why?” she asked.
Andrea looked back “You will find out,” she said.
“I'll be there,” Quinn said.
“Good,” Andrea said.
'What is she up to?' Quinn thought yet again.
When Daria arrived with Jane and Jennifer at the Pizza King, many of the patrons were discussing the Coffee House. “Is that all they can talk about?” Daria asked.
“It's Lawndale. There's not much else to talk about,” Jane said.
“I guess so,” Daria said, as she went to order a pizza.
“Touchy, isn't she?” Jane asked Jennifer.
“Definitely,” Jennifer murmured, as she remembered what Jodie told her about at lunch.
Griffin residence
The Fashion Club was in Sandi's room, they were nearing the end of their regular official meeting.
“Motion approved?” Sandi asked.
All three other members put up their hands.
“Motion carried,” Sandi said.
Tori smiled.
“Coool!” Tiffany said.
“Last topic for this afternoon; tomorrow night's opening of the Coffee House,” Sandi directed.
Stacy fidgeted as she entered the topic into her notebook, betraying her agitation about Sandi's antagonism towards Quinn.
Sandi noticed the fidgeting. “Sta-cy, is there, like, a problem?”
“Eep! No, Sandi. No, problem!” Stacy said quickly.
“Good. Now, I have written a speech in which I eloquently state the reason why Geeks, especially, like, that Quinn, should not be popular,” Sandi said. She took a sheet out of the right drawer beneath her computer.
“Are you going to read it to us?” Tori asked.
“Sure,” Sandi said. She then read the speech to the club.
“Good Evening, Students of Lawndale High and other Coffee House patrons...”
“Opinions?” Sandi asked, looking at Tori.
“Quite argumentative. Most people will support us,” Tori said.
“But, Sandi -,” Stacy began to say, but she was interrupted by a glare from Sandi.
“No buts!” Sandi said.
“Sandi! What will Mr. O'Neill say?” Stacy asked.
Sandi snorted “Puh-lease, like Mr. O'Neill will do anything more than say 'Oh dear!' He won't say anything negative. He certainly won't say anything to Ms. Li,” she said, imitating Mr. O'Neill when she said 'Oh dear!'
“That's riiight,” Tiffany said.
'That seems to be true,' Tori thought.
“Maybe,” Stacy said, more subdued.
Sandi smiled. “That concludes this meeting. Stacy, concluding time?”
Stacy looked at her watch and at Sandi's bedroom clock. Both were within two minutes of each other. “5:45, for a duration of 1 hour and fifteen minutes,” she said, averaging the time between the two time pieces.
“Usual length of meeting, plus time to, like, read the speech,” Sandi said.
Stacy wrote the concluding remarks down and closed the notebook.
Unknown to the Fashion Club, Sandi's mother, Linda, had listened to Sandi make the speech. She smiled a wicked looking smile. 'Very good, Sandi,' she thought. It was exactly as she had hoped. Sandi was following in her footsteps.
Friday, 22 October, 2005
Sandi awoke at 7:20. After getting ready, she took the speech and went to the bathroom.
“Sandi Griffin, Fashion Club President,” she said, scrutinizing her near perfect appearance.
“Good Evening, Students of Lawndale High and other Coffee House patrons, I have prepared this statement to tell you that Geeks are not welcome, like as members of the popular cliques,” she began.
“Thank you for your time.” After this conclusion she was silent for a moment before looking at herself again. “You will be triumphant! Quinn, that Geekendorffer will not, like come back from this.”
There was knocking. “Come on Sis! I need to go!” her brother, Sam said.
'Of course he would,' Sandi thought. She folded the sheet with the speech on it and opened the door. “All yours, you brat!”
“Finally!” he said as he dashed into the bathroom past his sister.
Helen was preparing to leave for work when the door bell rang. “Who could that be?” she wondered. She went and opened the door. “Oh, Hi, Jennifer! Are you here for Quinn or for Daria, neither of them have come down for breakfast yet.”
“Hi, Mrs. Morgendorffer. For Daria. I am helping her with her performance at the Coffee House this evening,” Jennifer said.
Helen opened the door wider, allowing the quiet girl in. “It is great that she is participating in an extra-curricular activity. She is still quite anti-social and stubborn,” Helen said. 'I see that you have been a good influence,' she thought.
“I had to encourage her,” Jennifer murmured. She knew what it was like to be shy and emphasized with Daria.
“What was that?” Helen asked, not quite hearing what Jennifer said.
“Yeah, it's great,” Jennifer said with a little sarcasm.
“You can go right up,” Helen said, pondering Jennifer's tone.
Jennifer knocked on Daria's door.
Daria quickly opened it. “Hi, are you ready?” she asked.
“I am. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't.”
Daria smirked briefly, prior to letting Jennifer into the room.
“Close the door. I don't want Quinn complaining about the noise.”
“Sure,” Jennifer said, as she closed the door and glanced at the padded walls. 'Excellent soundproofing,' she thought.
Daria grabbed her guitar, carefully swung it around and began to play.
15 minutes later, Daria had gone through her performance twice.
“That's a little better.  Mr. O'Neill will still react to it though,” Jennifer said.
“I want him to react,” Daria said.
“Make him think that the Coffee House is a bad idea?” Jennifer asked.
“Yes,” Daria simply said.
Jennifer shook her head in good humor.
Quinn and Jenna were talking as they approached Lawndale High.
“...And then Jennifer said that Daria doesn't want the Coffee House to succeed,” Quinn said.
Jenna stopped. “She wants it to fail?” she asked.
“I hope that her song, whatever it is about, won't be that bad.”
“Well it's metal music, so I think it might be borderline,” Quinn said with a nervous laugh, as they came to the front of the school.
“I will try to convince Mr. O'Neill to have the Anime reviews first,” Jenna said.
“I have my Ghost in the Shell review.”
“That's good!”
Quinn smiled.
Quinn approached the Programming Club meeting with aprehension. “Why are you so apprehensive, Quinn?” Wolfgang Schuhardt asked.
Quinn turned to the nerdy boy. “Have you ever thought that Andrea may be a cracker or something?” she said quietly.
Wolfgang stopped and looked around. “I have, but only after others have told me their suspicions,” he said.
“No one has told me, but she gives off that vibe, you know,” Quinn said uneasily.
“She does give off an unfriendly vibe, but I don't think that means that she is a cracker.”
“What of the network share at her house?”
“You don't have to share files there if you don't want to.”
“I guess not,” Quinn said.
Wolfgang opened the door. “Girls first,” he said.
“Thanks,” Quinn said.
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celestianstars · 4 years
i’m really excited for cherry bomb iLIKE IM SO EXICTRF
ME TOO SIS OH MY GOD, I’ve kept the plot so under wraps besides conversing with you about it and ahhh thank you for giving me major inspo to get it done!
I go back and reread our convos about it when I get stuck 🥺💖💖💖 I can’t wait to release it cause it’s just so coool and I love it and thank you for the idea in the first place to! It couldn’t be anything without ya!
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loverboypercy · 5 years
May I have soft c3 with Σ (there's a short reference page of them on my blog and stuff if that makes sense) and Guzma from Pokemon: Sun/Moon?? I'm sorry if this ask bothers you!!! Also!!! Thank you so much for making my friends happy!!!!! Sorry again if this sounds weird!!!!!!
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dont be sorry!!! ur si design is SO FUCKIN COOOL it was a blast drawing them, hope you like it!!
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incognitowetrust · 5 years
I am a selfish person. Long incoherent rambling time.
There’s no way to get this out in a well written thing without taking fucking forever. 
But it’s something that bothers me about myself. Actually, I just wrote a thing in a Discord chat, and I’m basically gonna copy-paste the damn thing because I don’t want to rewrite the whole thing. I’ll add a bit more on than the initial thing though. 
I usually don't vent, but I'm just gonna do a small one because I feel like mentioning it to someone. A friend person I made recently is on the spectrum like me and around the same age, and she's nice and all, but I have the same problem with her that I've noticed I have with some other people, and it makes me feel awful and also annoys the fuck outta me. Her drawing style is pretty basic, and I'm happy to see people get excited about their characters but her characters aren't technically interesting, and she messages a lot and recently I did say "hey listen I'm not gonna reply to every message" because I like to be upfront about that shit just so people know... but anyway, it's hard to describe, but she falls into like a specific type of person that I can relate to and still have love for but I find myself wanting to avoid and I can't actually grow off of them. 
Like... it's awful because it reminds me of when I was like ages 13-15 and actually learning social things that other people already knew just because of me lacking friendship experience and only just having made artist friends, and I cringe at my past self but understand it at the same time, and I have to be understanding towards people because I understand what it's like to be there, and I always want to be the person I needed when I was younger. But... I mean... is it selfish to pick and choose who I "like" based on standards like... "experience" and "skills"? I mean, I often haven't been brave enough to interact with "cool" people anyway, but... fuck, I wiiish that I couuuld be liike the coool, kidsss, like the coool kiiiids.
I wonder if some of my feelings relate all the way back to elementary school, I was often paired with this one autistic girl, who I didn't have anything against (though tbh she did have some gross habits and she was hard to talk to at a young age), she and I were always the slowest in PE, always the quiet lonely kids, always the kinda pudgy and awkward girls, and I guess I felt myself pushing away from her not because I didn't like her but because of my strong sense of wanting my own identity and didn't want to always be stuck with her "just 'cuz" she was the only partner who was left over when other kids made partners.
Something that I also wonder is, well, I have an older sibling on the spectrum, but diagnosed early. I was diagnosed at 18. My parents have always tried to be fair as far as making sure we both get the attention we needed, but still, I was pretty much the older sibling because for much of our childhoods my sister and I did everything together, and I was very protective of her. The only reason I have ever punched anyone was because someone stole her glasses and I punched the girl to get them back after trying to politely reason didn’t work. We were so close, but somewhere around puberty I started breaking off from her, I became more and more hungry for my own identity, and our interests and activities grew apart as well. At this point in my life, I don’t really chat with my sister much, or do a ton of sisterly activities with her, and I think I basically avoid her because I don’t want to get mad at her for stupid little pet peevey reasons. I admit, there’s some of me that resents that I’ve had to make sacrifices because of her, I could never hum or sing because of her sound sensitivity, and nowadays sometimes I have to be the one to receive a text to relay a message to my sister because she often either doesn’t notice texts, or doesn’t have her phone on at all. I remember in 2016 in the past, it was around the peak of a shitty time in my life, a school staff member came up and asked how my sister was doing and what she was doing. I was salty and grumpy, and basically said “I don’t know” and “I don’t really care” because I’m not her damn babysitter, and if it’s SO important to ya, lady, you can probably just email her. Though, oh yeah, my sis hadn’t always checked her emails either. 
Look, I’m not gonna act like I don’t have my problematic quirks. I do take out garbage and vacuum, but I avoid problems even if I remember there’s something I’m supposed to do, and I procrastinate. It’s also very easy for me to forget or ignore something unless it’s right under my nose, but I admit, often it’s just me acting out of avoidance. 
Something that I think I’ve developed is... I have a huge want to love and be loved in return, I want to take care of people and feel like I matter to someone, but on the other hand besides my mom and a few adults rocking pulling me through life I’ve kinda picked up on behaviors of “Other people have problems. They gotta be taken care of. I should help. I am lazy and not all that troubled anyway, so I don’t need to share my problems with others.” ... I want to take care of others and be a good listener, but I resent it at the same time. I resent that while I’m out trying to take care of people, I don’t feel like I can be vulnerable and let someone take care of me. Because I also don’t want to let myself be vulnerable and rely on someone enough so that if I made a “friend” and lost them that I’d be legit hurt. 
I’m left with even more weird feelings about myself, remembering and considering things I know about my own family members now that I didn’t know the same about when I was young, like my mom, who I credit as being the most important person in my life, she’s the oldest of 5. She was really another parent. Look, I don’t care how close your family is, or how loving they are, when ya got a big family, the oldest child becomes another parent. And they lived in Saudi Arabia for a while, where at one point the family got in a bad car accident and my gramma was wheelchair bound and immobile, and though my mom lost use of one of her arms for a while she took up the brunt of a lot the taking-care-of-people work. She’s badass, but so many responsible people, as much as suffering builds character, there’s a lot that so many people like this shouldn’t of had to do. My aunt Santos (partner of one of my aunts) was the “tough” child... sure, her parents can praise her for never having to give her help, but it doesn’t matter how “normal” or how “capable” you are, everyone should be able to feel like they can be vulnerable and be taken care of sometimes. Something I’ve come to try and remember a lot is you never know what pain people are actually going through, so while I do want to take care of myself, I always ask my mom when she comes home how her day was. She’s mentioned to me in the past that as a parent there’s the dilemma of “do I show I’m troubled so my child knows I’m human and it’s okay to be upset, or do I hide my troubles for the sake of their comfort?” ... but now that I’m older, I assume this gave a lot more leeway for me to be a listener. She still takes care of me way more than I take care of her, but I do things with her and listen to her in ways that my sister doesn’t necessarily do automatically. 
I guess back to more of the original subject, I’ve actually had a friend for many years now, or at least I’ve certainly known them for many years and we became friendly a little later, she isn’t diagnosed with autism, but she still fits in the category of “nice people who I sometimes want to avoid for some reason”. It’s awful, this person has great respect for me, and we even made a couple OCs together, but I’ve had times sitting here in my chair wondering “how do I respond to this?” or “Should I feel bad I’m not as excited about this one thingy as she is?” and “Aw man I wanna talk to someone. No, not you right now. I’m being a choosing beggar.” like who the fuck do I think I am to not be loving on this person who only holds me in the highest of regards?? 
But here’s the thing I guess. No matter what, there are a few important things in friendships, or really any relationship. Communication, and mutual enjoyment. It doesn’t have to be the choice fault of one or both people that something doesn’t like up, often people just don’t line up. I mean, lots of romantic relationships end not because people hate each other but because two perfectly decent people feel hungry for something else. As long as I treat people with basic human respect, I can’t be too hard on myself can I? There’s so so many people I could choose to have as the few I have regular conversations with at a time, but I tend to fall into routines, and there’s only so much time in the day, so this impacts my social capabilities a lot. I can only talk to people how I want to talk to people on my own time. I wish I could hear everyone’s stories and carry a small piece of them around with me all the time, but it’s tiring as fuck, man. 
I want to be around people who inspire me so badly I am thrown into euphoria, the rare euphoria I only get when I have a friendly interaction with someone I didn’t think would have the time or interest to notice me. I technically have really good reading, writing, and drawing skills, but I need to push myself, I need people to bounce off of so I feel motivated to impress and not be lazy. I’m constantly starved for that stimulation and positive reinforcement. 
I’ll end this here I suppose. 
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maki-no-maki · 7 years
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GINTAE WEEK 2017 DAY 4: Alternative Universe/ Cohabitation Original art: Karlo Gatchalian Colored by: @theqrianana
Tae: Let’s go home.  Gin: O-Okay... (wants to touch her but he can’t)
Like the Umbrella art, I had it commissioned from an artist from an event though it was color-free. Qrianana made it more awesome by putting colors on the drawing. Sis, you’re so coool :))  Happy 4th Day! 
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sanzeroeigteen · 5 years
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“WILD STYLE” 35th Anniversary CAP!! So coool 🐐🐐🐐 Thank you my sis @shiro_one ✨✨ #wildstyle #wildstylethemovie #静岡 #mixingjournal #ミキシングジャーナル #webmagazine #ウェブマガジン #streetculture #ストリートカルチャー #hiphop #cactus #サボテン #sk8 #スケートボード #outdoor #アウトドア #bicycle #自転車 #military #自衛隊 #club #クラブスケジュール #movie #映画 #artlife #アート #music #ミュージック https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxl_Rx_pW5J/?igshid=oq66moezkdmk
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geekymistymelanin · 7 years
First encounter
AN: Hey y’all, just going to warn you I suck at writing. I just want to let you know I tried my best and sorry if the writing disappoints. Also sorry for any typos, grammar or misspelled words. I’m also sorry if I didn’t translate right.
First day of kindergarten
 “Madre, no quiero ir!” ( Mom I don’t want to go!)
“ Tony…Por que?” Mrs. Padilla looked down at her son with curiosity. 
(Tony why?)
“Quiero quedarme contigo Mama!” Tony whined grabbing his mom’s leg as they stopped at the doorway in front of the classroom.   (I want to stay with you, Mama!)
“Sólo intente un día y ver si a ti te gusta?”   (Just try one day and see if you like it?”) Mrs. Padilla grabbed his hand from her leg and clasped it in hers. They slowly entered through the doorway of the brightly colored classroom and was met with a short blonde woman.
“Hello! What’s your name?” She asked gently but excitedly.
Tony looked up at his mom to see her nod in approval and smile down at him. He turned back to face the blonde woman and looked her in the eye.
As soon as he said his name the blonde woman’s features brightened instantly. “Nice to meet you, Tony! My name is Mrs. Jevvers! I’m going to be your Kindergarten Teacher!”
Tony’s face brightened a little.
“I already set up everything and you’re free to go around the classroom and find your desk! It should have your name on it.” She exclaimed with a bigger smile.
 He gave her a small smile and turned back to his mother who gave him a smile.
“See, you’ll be fine hijo.” She said as she gently hugged him.
Tony nodded but, he could feel his throat getting tight and his eyes start to get prickly.
She exited the embrace and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
“Adios Hijo, te amo.” (Bye son, I love you.) She cooed and waved goodbye as she exited through the door.
Tony swallowed a big lump in his throat and wiped his eyes.
Mrs. Jeevers looked down at him, sadness in her eyes.
“Tony are you ok? Your mother will come back don’t worry!”
Tony rubbed his eyes with his sleeves and nodded.
“Why don’t you go find your desk and I’ll start class soon!” She smiled trying to brighten his mood.
“Yes, mam.”
He left the blonde teacher alone and went over to where the desk where on the other side of the room. He glanced for his name as he made his way around the groups of desks. His eye instantly caught the bold red name tag with the letters TONY written in neat handwriting.
He pulled out his chair and sat down next to a bigger brown haired freckled boy.
The boy looked over at him and smiled. 
“My name’s Jonathan, what’s yours?”
“COOOL! Like Tony Stark from Iron Man?!.”
Tony hesitated and nodded.
The brunette proceeded to talk about Iron Man as the rest of the kids entered the classroom to get dropped off by their parents.
When all of the parents were gone Mrs. Jeevers clapped her hands to get the classes attention.
“Hello class, I'm Mrs. Jeevers and I’m going to be your teacher for the rest of the year!” She said with a big grin.
The class giggled and grinned.
“I’m going to call each of your names off so I can do attendance and when I do call your name I want you to stand up and tell us something fun you like to do!”
The class whispered and nodded.
“Adrian Hall?” She called.
“That’s me! I like to play with my legos!” A freckled red headed boy raised his hand and smiled showing off his toothy grin.
Mrs. Jeeveres smiled and continued calling names. Tony zoned out until he heard his name get called.
“Tony Padilla?”
He raised his hand.
“And what do you like to do Mr. Padilla?”
Tony thought as hard as he could until he figured it out.
“I like to play with cars!”
Mrs. Jeeveres smiled and checked off his name.
Mrs. Jeevers continued to call off names until she was done.
“Did I forget anyone?” She asked looking around the class.
“Mrs. Jeevers, you forgot me.” A quiet sheepish voice called from behind Tony.
Tony turned around till he was in eye contact with a small brunette boy with blue eyes.
“Whoever said that could you please raise your hand?”
The small brunette boy slowly raised his hand embarrassedly as all eyes in the class were on him.
“What’s your name, young man?” Mrs. Jeevers asked with another one of her bright smiles.
“Clay. Clay Jensen.”
Tony quickly realized he was still staring at the brunette and quickly flashed his eyes somewhere else in the room in embarrassment.
“Nice to meet you, Clay! What do you like to do for fun?” She asked calmly.
Clay hesitated to get the words out of his mouth.
“I like to um…um..watch TV!.” He blurted out.
Everyone in the class except Tony giggled at him.
Clays cheeks slowed turned from a rosy red to a deep scarlet.
The teacher also giggled at him.
“I like to do that too Mr. Jensen.” She beamed as she made a mark on the attendance list.
“Anyone else?”
No one in the class answered.
“Ok that should be everyone!”She replied quickly.
“Could everyone please go sit around the chair? I’m going to read you guys a story!”
The class whooped in excitement and stampeded over to the rocking chair. Tony got up to follow them but stopped when he noticed Clay was standing little ways away from the group of chatty kids. The small hispanic boy quickly took notice of how the other boy fidgeted in his spot and looked over to the group in nervousness and proceeded to stare down at his shoes.
Tony thought about his options. He scratched his head of hair and made up his mind. Tony went away from the group and up to the shorter boy. He stuck out his hand.
“Hi, my name is Tony.” He smiled one of the brightest he could muster.
The other boy smiled bashfully, revealing a set of pearly white teeth with one missing middle tooth.
Tony could feel his heart start to speed up and his cheek start to get hot. 
He questioned himself internally on it but, ignored it when the soft-spoken boy whispered out.
“Hi! My name is Clay.”
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