ungewissen · 7 years
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G I N T A E W E E K 2 0 1 7 | | D A Y 1 umbrella
“This is my favorite umbrella. Make sure to bring it back in one piece.“
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arysamisu · 7 years
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My Favorite Umbrella
| First Day | Second Day |
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maki-no-maki · 7 years
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Shiroyasha being attached to Otae.  Otae petting Shiroyasha. 
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anshaccan · 7 years
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Day 1 - Umbrella 👫☔🌧 Happy GinTae Week guys 👼🎊 •Otae-san & Ginpachi-sensei•
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lemayorashinsengumi · 7 years
GinTae Week 2017 Day 7 : WHITE PLAGUE/ FAMILY
Good Day! This fic is dedicated to Maia, Hana, Quen and Hasaji. in celebration of GinTae week, i decided to participate on DAY 7: WHITE PLAGUE/ FAMILY. also a appreciation for all those GinTae shippers out there, i really admire your community, those four are my friends who had strong dedication for this ship, i hope your week was successful!
im sorry is this is all i could do, but i hope you would enjoy it! ^^
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12543384  That’s the link for Ao3 as well thanks! 
“Welcome Home to Yorozuya”  The sound of heavy rain that was continuously pouring on the ground, making a pitter patter on the roofs and windows didn’t stop since this afternoon. It's been cloudy and gray since then and the sun didn’t show up to grace this place that was starting to rot since 5 years ago. 
Five years ago when all the plants and trees danced along the wind, 
Five years ago when the children was still able to play around the park, 
It was five years ago when the streets were protected by the police officers who took their rounds and patrol to secure the area while doing stupid shenanigans with the citizens in Kabukicho.
It was five years ago when the she saw them do their usual antic, running around the streets doing random jobs and fight over a bowl of ramen to fill their hungry stomach.
That very same year five years ago where she saw him going around with his usual laziness and dead looking eyes that seemed to be searching and seeing a far away world..
 And it was also five years ago when she last saw him leaving a message to her to watch over the kids  
Because it was five years ago that Sakata Gintoki disappeared and was never seen again.  
Otae knew that something was up that day, on that specific day before he disappeared, dropping by the dojo telling her to watch over the kids as he had a job to do that was outside Kabukicho, the way his smile conveyed the sadness and heaviness of what he was actually carrying, by that time Otae didn’t have any idea but she knew there was something wrong. She tried to ask him, tried to convince him to confine to her that it’s okay and she will listen, but GIntoki remained firm, a man who didn’t show his real emotions and would rather carry the burden all by himself decided to abandon Kabukicho and his family. Otae could not accept it; she knew he was out there somewhere...
Taking a deep breath she looked at the window and saw the traces of water flowing on the glass that was keeping her away from what Edo had become, though she herself is a living proof and the outcome of the curse that had the people of Edo cower in fear. 
The white plague, Otae didn’t know what to feel when she first found out she was infected with this sickness, she felt bad for burdening her dear brother and everyone around. Day by day she knew it might be her last and she didn’t want to go.. She is trying to be strong each day for Kagura, Shinpachi and the people around her and specially... 
She murmured under her breath and a bitter taste felt on her lips as the name slipped, she didn’t want to go without seeing him or knowing if he was alive or not but just like every waking moment, all Otae could do is wait. . . .
It's the sound of shallow footsteps that woke her up, with her eyesight going bad her sense of hearing had become sharper than normal and it didn’t missed the light footsteps that was on the room, she shifted to where the direction was coming and blinked trying to get a clearer view.
"Shin-chan?" there was no answer and it left her wondering since no one comes in and out her room as they pleases except if it was Shinpachi or the Doctor's and Nurses and it left her puzzled, for a moment she looked at the tall figure, whoever it was it was standing far from the light and suddenly her eyes widen as she realized, the fast beating of her heart and the chills that ran on her spine, it’s the same feeling whenever he around and so she called. 
There was a small flinch from the figure and a clatter of metal hitting the floor it was a quick sound and faint but she didn't miss it, she sat up and started to panic when the figure started to retreat, and she stood and reached out.
"Wait! Gin-san!" 
She won’t let him go, if she had to crawl and run all the way to him she would! and that's what she did, she forced herself to stand and walked towards the figure but her legs felt like jello and it gave up on her after a few steps she stumbled and closed her eyes bracing for the impact that never happened as she felt a warm body and strong arms that caught her before she fell and she clung into it, she didn’t want to let it go. 
He didn’t response and Otae looked up and can see the face of a man concealed in bandages, she might not be able to see it clearly but there is enough light for her to at least make out some details. "I know it's you.." She received no response and all she could feel is she was being maneuvered towards the bed and she sat down took two short breathes as she tried to speak again but stopped as she felt the stranger placed his hand on her cheek and she could not help but nuzzle against it. 
"Im sorry"
Otae's eyes widen and she held the hand that was stroking her cheeks and smiled a bit
"i knew it.. " she murmured and looked up to him reaching out as she slowly peeled the bandages that was concealing the face that she wanted to see... longed to see for a long time and when she did she smiled, 
"Gin-san... still as stubborn as ever"
There was a small silence before Gintoki started to speak and Otae missed that voice so much. 
"It's all my fault, everyone…  i caused  this..." 
"No it's not your fault, im pretty sure you tried to prevent this... Gin-san we believe in you "
"But it’s too late for that"
“Gin-san” She murmured and that caught Gintoki’s attention as he looked at her, there was as a small silence shared between them before Otae started to speak again. 
“It’s never too late for anything, you always say that the things you protect since then and now hasn’t changed so Gin-san.. don’t stop”
Gintoki stared at her for a moment before a small sad smile crept on his lips as he nodded “You are right..  so I promise, I wont let you suffer any longer, if I need to go through hell and all just to bring you back I will, Satan doesn’t need someone more evil than h—ugH!”  he stopped midsentence as he felt a remote control being thrown on his face. 
“I maybe sick but that doesn’t mean you can make comments about me “ She smiled and she felt so much better, it felt normal, they way they converse right now feels like it was five years ago.
“Well.. some things doesn’t change do they?”
“mm… I will still wait for you, Shin-chan and Kagura-chan going back home, back to the Yorozuya, so go.. back to what you should be doing now”
She closed her eyes as Gintoki ran his fingers on her now silver locks “Silver doesn’t suit you.. ill bring back your colors and everyone so hang in there” he murmured and all Otae could do is nod as she saw him slowly walk away from her looking at his retreating form that looked like a ghost who slowly fade away and she lay back down to bed looking at the sun that was slowly setting, taking a deep breath she smiled, its okay she was feeling fine now, she knew that he was alive and he was doing his best to save everyone again, she was satisfied to know that and she believed in him, she would wait again and she knew that when she opens her eyes once again she will be seeing their happy smiles and laughter as they all walked back to Yorozuya , Kagura would be shouting ‘we’re back!’while Shinpachi tries to keep up with her pace, Gintoki would let a small smile on his features at the same time annoyed at their loudness and she would greet them with happiness and open arms saying . . . .
“Welcome home everyone..”
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sabeia · 7 years
AU - GinTae Week 2017
GINTAE WEEK 2017 DAY 4: Alternative Universe/ Cohabitation
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Otae: This will be the last day I’m gonna call you SENSEI~ -wink- Ginpachi: -sighs- Yeah Yeah SHIMURA! -smirk- Otae: -Blush-
Sorry I had no time to draw. Instead I manipulated this photos to submit as my theme this day:) I hope this will do!! but do tell me if I violated some rules T.T Thanks...
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rusycchi · 7 years
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GinTae Week Day 2: Red String of Fate
If they weren’t sleeping, they should’ve avoided Kagura and Shinpachi to tied their pinkie up with a long red rope.
If they weren’t sleeping, she shouldn’t has to listen to his curse over and over again, “oi, oi, this is a red string of nightmare” or “shouldn’t they tied me up with Ketsuno Ana??” or even, “didn’t they know which one is right and left?? have i been raising them that wrong??”
If they weren’t sleeping, he shouldn’t has to shiver from her cold stare, “i would kill you if you hold back the kids’s salary after this.”
If only they knew that a red string of fate already tied them up, actually.
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ourgintae · 7 years
GinTae Week Day 1 - Umbrella/Crush
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              If there is sillier than believing you can stop a rain by dancing and singing to it then it will be glaring daggers at it. If looks could kill then probably it still wouldn’t work. He’s at a point of drawing out his bokuto to slash every droplet that ever tries to touch Kabukicho. Forget the Amantos, the rain had made its way to the top of his hate list, well just second to his perm. Why now rain? He was just about to go out, grab a copy of Jump but then evil happens.
               If only he has—“I’ll lend you my favorite umbrella, so be sure to return it safe.” Ding! He scrammed, ran towards his closet, well the one not occupied by his ninja stalker. And there it was, safely tucked in a corner—scratch the corner! It definitely is an altar, like those of ancient, family heirloom swords displaying ages of pride. He tried to shake the thought, he was probably too dazed, an aftermath of the battle. He probably thought it was the Benizakura. But deep inside he knows it’s a terrible lie. He has grown attached with the brun—the umbrella! Umbrella? Yes, got a problem with that? It took good care of me. Without it I’ll probably catch a col—Took care of you? I think we got it all messed up w/ who took care of you. You know, patched you up? What? He probably does. Oi! Every time he went on a battle, gets cut, battered and bruised, a smirk crawls its way to his face as an idea popped through his mind of how he’ll whine like a boy to her and she lets him be, their normal after battle routine. It’s probably the concussion! Probably, but deep inside he looked forward to the patching up, where she scolds him for being reckless, smacks his head for saying something ridiculous while he pouts and whines. He knows it’s wrong to make her feel worried but the idea of her giving him attention sends him warmth throughout his whole being. I do not—You sound like someone caught watching AV. What? This is non-sense! And who are you? I am you. Well the ‘not in denial you’. Indenial? Yes, why are you so stubborn? What are you afraid of? Afraid? Oi, I’m not afraid! Well if you aren’t, then go! Get your ass off here and get the girl!
               He hates the rain. For making him talk to h— Shut up! his not in denial self. For dragging his feet towards a route his whiny-little-boy-probably-concussion self even w/ eyes closed knows too well. I hate you! You’re welcome! Now go knock!
And so he does.
  A/N: Again this is too fast, short and is not proofread for same reasons. This was supposed to be an entry for 2015′s GinTae week but decided not to because well obviously you can tell why. Anyway, I’ll appreciate any reacts, comments, suggestions, everything. Happy GinTae Week 2017!
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maki-no-maki · 7 years
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DAY 1| Umbrella/ Crush Art by: Rainbow Reflects
This work is not mine. I had it commissioned last June and thankfully, it fitted the theme of the day. Kudos to the wonderful artist, Rainbow Reflects, who drew this. Thank you for allowing me to post your art!  You were sweet in person~ <3   
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maki-no-maki · 7 years
Otae: Gin-san, do you think we would see each other as often once we aged?
Gin: Huh? Did you hit your head?
Otae: Do you want me to hit you?
Gin: (sweats) It's unlike you to ask about this kind of thing?
Otae: I know but I'm just wondering.
Gin:(picks nose) You must have eaten your own cooking, you're thinking of silly things again.
Otae:(looks into the distance) (places chin over palm) People are every changing creatures. We are not forever young and sturdy. Someday, I, you, and everyone has to follow their own journey. Life doesn't stop at the last arc of the manga.
Gin:(sideways glances at Otae)
Gin:(sighs) Kagura and your brother have signed up for the Yorozuya for 500 years, y'know.
Otae: Yes, they have.
Gin: (grumbles) Oi, you aren't paying attention. I just answered your question.
Otae: Eh?
Otae: (buffering)
Otae: (deducing)
Otae: (eyes fly back to Gin) (smiles at him)
Some Deity 1: (frustrated) Help. I'm having supernatural's block here. How would I even bring those people together and make them stay together forever?
Some Deity 2: You know the usual...
Deity 1: Red string again? Nah.
Deity 2: (roles eyes)
Deity 1: I've already used that to Itachi's bro--(gasps)
Deity 2: Hey, are you okay?
Deity 1: (hyperventilating)
Deity 1: The Brother! The Brother is the answer!
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theqrianana · 7 years
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GinTae Week 2017 Day 2 - Red String of Fate / Song
“Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other.” - Paulo Coelho
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maki-no-maki · 7 years
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GINTAE WEEK 2017 DAY 4: Alternative Universe/ Cohabitation Original art: Karlo Gatchalian Colored by: @theqrianana
Tae: Let’s go home.  Gin: O-Okay... (wants to touch her but he can’t)
Like the Umbrella art, I had it commissioned from an artist from an event though it was color-free. Qrianana made it more awesome by putting colors on the drawing. Sis, you’re so coool :))  Happy 4th Day! 
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theqrianana · 7 years
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GinTae Week 2017 Day 3 - Genderbend / First Kiss
“Besides chocolate, you’re my favorite.”
This was inspired by a photo I found on weheartit. 
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sabeia · 7 years
GinTae Week Day 7: White Plague / Family
Anime: Gintama Pairing: Gintoki Sakata X Tae Shimura Song: Fukai Mori by Do as Infinity (Inuyasha Theme Song) Disclaimer:  I do not claim these. All materials belong to its rightful owner. apparently, this is Sunrise last project for Gintama :), all hail to them and of course hands down to Sorachi-Sensei for this wonderful storyline of this Be forever Yorozuya <3
and so…
The storyline goes to this!
Likewise, Otae is sick, her friends visited her. Before the emotional part, they all laugh like old times, until Otae reminisces the past where they’re just laughing without a care in the world, where He’s still around with them. Then being worried about the kids and thinking about him Gintoki, which is missing at the moment. She wanted to see him one last time before parting way or before she dies. That’s when Sacchan breaks down. Then after, Gintoki suddenly appeared before them, but in this scene, they saw him as it is, unlike in the movie which they see him as Chinpo. They thought that Gintoki came back at last. Hence they didn’t know that the Gintoki they’re with is him from the past, which he never wanted to reveal to them as of the moment. Also, Gintoki never knew about her sickness that’s why he promised her that he’ll do whatever it takes to find a cure for her. Although he doesn’t really know whats happening to Edo till now because he came from the past. Time Skip, months later when he found out who was doing all this, he does whatever it takes just to find that person. When he finally found the person whose the reason for all this madness, He fights then later killed him, that’s when he thought finally this chaos can end when a sudden revelation came. The one who his fighting with is him from this era. Surprise, astonished, speechless, bewilderment etc.. is what he felt. Then when the future him explained the very reason why this world is in dire straits. He rendered speechlessly, with wide-eyed, suddenly realizing the very reason why the woman she loved the most is on her deathbed and that all because of him, he’s the one who made all this possible, he’s the one who causes her to suffer and that shattered his heart into million pieces.
Sorry it’s too dayum long and I’m sorry for this angsty Story T.T hehehe Hope you like this!
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maki-no-maki · 7 years
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For GinTae Week 2017 Day 6| Crossover/ Jealousy Gintama X Inuyasha X FY Genbu Kaiden GINTAE X INUKAG X URUKI & TAKIKO
I didn’t realize before that my favorite heroines have one thing in common. They are voiced by Satsuki Yukino. 
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theqrianana · 7 years
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