kayesfanfics · 2 months
Okay so episode 5 absolutely destroyed me-
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unseentravler · 2 months
How dare this episode lure me in with Nightcrawler and then suck a punch me with Gambit's death! This is outrageous! Using one of my favorite X-men to blindside me to the death of 1 of my other favorite X- men.!
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sincerelywhistler · 1 year
This is Saiph
Saiph (he/it) is a Nightcrawler, a sub-class of Serenity Daemon
(I yearn for more Redactedverse races of D(a)emons since we know they’re out there, so I decided to make my own especially spooky skrungle to pass the time😌)
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Just a heads up: Saiph’s background is kinda dark lol [psychosis/delirium, malicious values, mention of human death]
• Saiph, meaning ‘sword’, is a star located in the constellation of Orion.
• Saiph is mute; it doesn’t need to use words to hunt or feed from its prey 
• While Demonkind isn’t ill-willed such as how Elegy’s interpretation shamefully tends to portray them as, this is a hostile sub-class of Daemon, yet not by choice.
• The Sovereigns toyed and experimented with Serenity Daemons in a similar vein to how they once did with Concubi, corrupting and warping the peace-seekers into its antithesis, into something so violently obsessed and aggressive in finding their picture of ‘perfect and divine serenity’ that they spiraled and drove themselves into an enraged madness. Thus classifies them as a sub-class to Serenity Daemons. Nightcrawlers did not coalesce; they were forged.
• This aloof and territorial sub-class highly values isolation and solitude.
• But worry not; there are very few and far between number of Nightcrawlers, so rare that they used to be practically considered a myth until modern Department technology was able to better track and contain them for research purposes. D.U.M.P. has aptly given this sub-class its name, as the majority of documented Nightcrawler tracking patterns have been recorded to display they seek out humans to feed on from sundown to sunrise.
• Saiph’s kind is extremely patient and meticulous when picking their meals, so rather than feeding from a gathering of people in a single passing go, this sub-class modifies a single human’s memory and implements an overwhelming sense of deja-vu into their minds, piquing their curiosity and luring them to its space of choice while under a trance-like delusion.
• They keep their prey around for the rest of the duration of the human’s life as a thrall of sorts, because the further into delirium the person strays, the stronger the emotions these Daemons can feed from.
• The human’s worsening psychosis provides such a substantial amount of emotions that only one person is needed per Nightcrawler, a ‘mate-for-life’ type of relationship, but between their aggressive feeding habits, tendency to push the human mind too far, as well as the intensity and obsessive frequency at which they feed, the person’s life is often cut extremely short. Then begins another hunt.
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mariebloodymoreau · 29 days
I looked up the comic book beau told everyone to read for the next episodes and I'm very worried for rogue.
I have a bad feeling she's going to end up with colossus' role and I would fucking hate that.
colossus' sister dies and with the grief and wanting revenge, he joins magneto in his war against the humans.
when xavier uses his power to make magneto catatonic, colossus stays with him to take care of him.
when xavier suspects the reason he left the x-men to join magneto was because of a head injury, he uses nightcrawler to lure him so he could get cyclops to heal his injury, but even though cured, he still stays with magneto.
It would explain why they had rogue and magneto romantically involved.
it's why they killed off gambit.
it's why they had rogue get revenge against trask and kill him.
I think it leading towards rogue leave the x-men and be with magneto again.
This is just my speculation, and I really hope I'm wrong because despite the fact I despise rogue and magneto together, I also fucking hate the thought gambit was killed off so there wouldn't be any obstacles for magneto and rogue.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Copycat: Genesis —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: The bimbos are back -Danny
Words: 1,391
Phase Six Masterlist
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xxix: Surprises
The archer beamed at the sight of her. Cat rushed over to the girl and wrapped her arms around her. "It's so good to see you!" Kate held her tightly.
"What are you doing here?" Cat cupped her face in disbelief. "I thought—" She turned to look at Peter, but he was nowhere to be found. "What the..."
"Spidey said I had to come," Kate explained grinning. "I really wanted to see you."
Cat shook her head in incredulity, she laughed a little. "You're such a sight for sore eyes," she squeezed her cheeks gently, caressing the skin with her thumbs. "Beautiful as always."
Kate blushed. "I'd missed you."
"I'd missed you too."
"But you didn't call," Kate pointed out playfully.
Cat leaned her head against Kate's shoulder and wrapped her arms around the girl's waist. "I'm sorry. I've been going nonstop from one place to the other— I caught Russo—"
"I heard. Yelena found out like two days ago," Kate stroke her back lovingly. "Good job."
"Thank you," she sighed. "Now all I have to do is wait for Kraven."
Kate moved her away from her shoulder. "Why aren't you trying to seek him out?"
"Cause I'm talking to you," Cat replied jokingly.
"Oh, shut up!" Kate threw her head back. "I'm trying so hard to get over you and you're not helping!"
"I'm sorry," she repeated, though this time she was smiling guiltily. "I never get over anyone I date, I collect them all like Pokemon and see who's up for round two."
"That'll do it," Kate pushed her face away playfully. "Back off." Cat moved her hand away laughing, and Kate continued. "I heard you're staying at your ex's place, don't try to trick me into a threesome—"
"Oh my god," Cat laughed louder. "Who said that? I wouldn't!"
"I don't believe you," she chortled. "Clint warned me about you and I didn't listen, this is what I get."
"All of you acting like you don't love me," Cat frowned. "That's insulting. I'm way too pretty to be treated like this."
Kate's eyes softened, she cupped her face again and kissed her cheek. "You're right. You deserve the best of the best." It was Cat's turn to blush. Kate broke the hug and seized her phone. "Which is exactly why I'm here. I didn't come just to pay a visit to you and your brother."
Cat tilted her head. "What?"
"I know how to find Kraven," she showed Cat a picture of the man in the middle of a busy crowd. "We lost track of him when you vanished, but I made it my job to find him again, and I think I did."
"H-How?" Cat held the phone in wonder. "Why?"
"Because he almost killed two of my best friends," she raised a brow. "And I know those friends would like to get even. I heard Kurt's back on the planet."
"Jesus, y'all can't keep your mouths shut, huh?" Cat frowned.
"You should be grateful," Kate crossed her arms. "Now you don't have to make a plan. I'm glad 'cause you suck."
"That's true," Cat stared at the dark-haired girl with fondness. "I assume you also heard I'm an Avenger again?"
"Yes," she smiled. "A super like you belongs in the big leagues. So who are you recruiting?"
"You, if you're interested," she replied, handing back the phone. "Captain America, and all of those other heroes across the world I've been stalking for ages. But in order to do that, I have to get Kraven out of the way. A bunch of enhanced individuals in one place is like a candy store for him."
Kate paused. "Wouldn't that be convenient?"
"We show him what he's looking for: Nightcrawler and you, Spider-man and I. Bet that'd be enough to lure him, right? He'll try to fight us to prove that he's better and we all just had luck."
Cat thought about it. "But if we do that, we should do it in a place where there will be no casualties. Just him and us."
Kate winked at her. "Trust me, we'll get everything ready."
"Me and Harley," she clarified. "He's your guy in the chair, right? I'm your trustworthy source. We'll figure something out."
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Cat went back to the city feeling energized and happy. Matthew called and asked her to pick up something she'd apparently left behind in his apartment, she agreed with no complaints.
"About time," Daredevil let her in, and he was too serious, even for his standards.
"What's going on?" Cat raised a brow. "What did I leave behind? A bomb?"
She stepped into the living room and found Parker seated in one of the individual chairs. He smiled awkwardly and waved. "Surprise."
The mutant came to a halt and looked between the two men. "Oh, my..." Cat cleared her throat. "Par... er, Bug— what are you doing here?"
"I thought you were here," he admitted, blushing a little. "I had been waiting for you on the rooftop when he found me..."
"He'd been there almost an hour," Matt said in a bad mood.
She wanted to laugh, but she was also baffled. "How on earth did you manage to come back again?"
Parker stared at her. "Little me didn't tell you?"
Cat understood this would take a while, and she was definitely not having that conversation with Matthew present. "Oookay, you and I go back to my apartment. I am so sorry he broke into your house—"
"I did not!" Parker got up and hurried over to her side.
She sent a glare his way. "Thank you for looking after him, DD."
"Make sure it doesn't happen again," Matt replied in a plain voice. "And don't give my address to any of your other friends."
"You got it, hot shot!" She smiled innocently. "See you!"
Parker muttered "Hotshot?" with disgust. Cat drove him out of the apartment. "What were you thinking?" She whispered angrily, urging him to walk faster. "Why didn't you go to Pete's apartment?"
"He wasn't home so I thought it didn't matter if I came here instead! I didn't know you'd moved out! Does that mean—?"
"No no no, you don't get to ask questions like this is normal," she scowled. "Why did you come back?"
He stared at her blankly. "I just missed you."
She spoke with exasperation. "Can't you just lie for once!"
He let out a childish laugh. "And you'd believe me? What am I supposed to say, that I'm here for the weather?"
For weeks she'd tried to convince herself that Parker was a dead end in her life, even Harley had spoken about him as if he'd been another loss, something she no longer had, but there he was again... still putting up a fight.
"You found Russo and Kraven?"
"Just Russo. He's in jail."
Parker smiled. "You didn't kill him?"
He pulled out something from his pocket. "May sent you this."
She looked down, the young man was holding a paper bag full of cookies. "Did you tell your aunt you were visiting me?"
"Yeah," he grinned. "She got really happy."
"In the middle of your school term—!"
"Cat," he opened the door of the building for her, and she stormed out heatedly. "My aunt loves you! Do you think she cared about school? As soon as I told her, she packed my bags," he snorted. "I wouldn't be surprised if she's designing wedding invitations as we speak—"
Cat stopped in the middle of the street and looked at him with horrified eyes. "I'm not doing that again."
"I was joking," he said, then frowned. "Wait, again? What do you—"
She walked past him, her eyes tearing up. "I told you not to get your hopes up—"
He caught up with her, seizing her wrist. "Cat! I'm not trying to get anything from you. I just... wanted to see you. I'll go back to my universe tomorrow night. I promise."
She stared at him with teary eyes. "You're so weird."
Parker raised his eyebrows. "You're weirder," his gaze softened, and she felt his thumb lovingly stroke her wrist. "That's why I like you so much."
Cat pulled her hand away. "You're lucky I got a substantial amount of money after I caught Russo. I can take you to dinner before I go. As a thank you for looking after me for a whole month. But you must explain to me how did you find a way to come back."
"Deal," he nodded once with a serious expression, though his eyes were bright and happy.
Cat turned around and resumed her walk, Parker punched the air celebrating his victory. She did her best to ignore it, and also to hide her own mirth.
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Next Chapter—>
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the-haunted-office · 2 years
The Dampening
It’s infodump time about my deadly little blorbo - The Dampening! Previously (and still referred to in rp’s as) the Entity, or the Mist. Henceforth I shall be referring to it by the nickname I have given it - Dampy.
Dampy is a semi-sentient extraterrestrial creature that appears as a silvery cloud of mist. Its size can vary greatly, depending on where it’s contained - or not contained - and how much it has consumed. Think of it like a combination of a goldfish and a snake from the Snake Game. In theory, it could grow indefinitely, so long as it has infinite space and an infinite food source. As long as it has a food source, it can technically live forever.
It is also what is known as a Malignant Reaper. Legend has it that it was born when two Nightcrawler siblings grew to hate each other and one murdered the other. When the surviving twin eventually died, from their body sprung the Dampening mist, where it spread across the entire planet, consuming everything in its wake, including the soul of the planet itself.
It made its way to Earth on accident, when two Nightcrawlers left their planet in search of a way to destroy it. Dampy hitchhiked on their ship, unbeknownst to them at the time, and was released onto the new planet where it found the perfect food source - human souls.
Normally Dampy can consume the soul of any being that has one, which is most of anything that’s living. However it has found that it very much likes the taste of human souls, and they are very useful to it - they provide it with more energy than it has ever had before, given it more strengths, more powers, more interests.
When it attacks, it can either kill the prey or infect it and act symbiotically with it, although it only does this so it can hunt more prey. Killing prey usually means that it consumes its soul. Infecting it means entering the prey’s bloodstream, entangling itself with their organs, and stopping most of their functions. Usually it will leave the heart alone so it can continue to circulate the victim’s blood throughout their body. It also seeks out the victim’s soul, which is usually stored in their consciousness, which in humans is stored in their brain. Once it finds the soul, it attaches itself to it where it can access all of the memories and knowledge that are stored there. A side effect of this is usually the victim loses all of their memories from before the incident - technically the memories are still there, but they are blocked, although victims often find that they can still experience emotions and feelings attached to the memories that are no longer there, creating inexplicable conflicts in their current lives.
The process of possession by Dampy is extremely frightening, not to mention painful. For one, it is cold to the touch, to the point of burning. For another, it enters the victim’s respiratory system and eventually their bloodstream, which nearly suffocates them in the process. In fact, it’s not usual at all for the victim to die because this is very similar to how it kills its victims in the first place.
Dampy digests the souls it consumes and the byproduct of this process is the energy it needs to live. It can use this energy to grow and also to create things. A lot of times it will create things it needs to lure in more elusive prey, and as it does this is can learn of new ways of creating new things to lure in new prey.
Now, the human soul is a tremendously powerful thing, and it can create infinite possibilities for Dampy to utilize.
The space that Dampy currently occupies is the so-called Haunted Office, once known as ABC Corporation. What did ABC Corporation do? Doesn’t matter, as it is doing none of that anymore. After being chased all over the planet by the Nightcrawlers, it was finally trapped by them at this office.
The Nightcrawlers devised a plan. They would trap Dampy at the next building it infested. One of them would become the Narrator of the office, tasked with keeping Dampy entertained and less likely to fight back, also forcing it to burn through its energy source faster so as to starve it to death faster; the other to become the Curator, tasked with both shielding it from the outside world and from escaping. Together they created the Parable - the Narrator having written the story, while the Curator facilitated the various Endings.
Unfortunately for the employees of ABC Corporation, Dampy being trapped within their building was a death sentence. Upon entering the office, on a Thursday at precisely 4:27 PM, it killed and consumed the souls of all but two employees - Employee #427, known as Stanley, and Employee #217, then known as Charlotte. One of them became the Protagonist, the other became a second Narrator.
Burning the souls it consumed to power the office, Dampy is now contained. But it must be prevented, at all costs, from escaping. If that were to happen, it could very well doom the rest of the human species.
Can Dampy be defeated? To date, the Nightcrawlers have not found a way of killing it. It is impervious to physical attacks, and no kind of spiritual exorcisms or anything of the like have worked on it either because it is not a demon but a creature.
It does, however, have one weakness. And it is terribly stupid. But can anyone figure out what it is?
Update: The Dampening has been defeated! Turns out it is severely allergic to aspartame. It was essentially poisoned and starved to death by the Narrators.
Also, yes, I do have some music for it! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6r7w2CAJ3bqr5fLH0wLV6M?si=144bd7fea2a54900
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allankinsella · 14 days
Into the Depths: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Art of River Eel Fishing
In the realm of angling, a world is shrouded in mystery and intrigue—the domain of river eels. Fishing for these elusive creatures is not merely a pastime but a journey into the depths of the unknown, where patience, skill, and a deep connection with nature converge. In this comprehensive guide, we embark on an expedition to unravel the secrets of river eel fishing, from understanding their habitat and behavior to mastering the techniques that lure them from their watery hideaways.
Decoding the Enigmatic Eel
Before we cast our lines into the river's swirling currents, let us first acquaint ourselves with the enigmatic creature we seek—the river eel. With their serpentine bodies and nocturnal habits, eels exude an air of mystery that has captivated anglers for generations. These ancient fish, belonging to the Anguilliformes, can remarkably adapt to various environments, from freshwater rivers to the ocean's depths.
River eels are primarily solitary creatures, preferring to inhabit secluded stretches of riverbed where they can conceal themselves amidst submerged vegetation, fallen logs, and rocky crevices. Under the cover of darkness, they emerge from their lairs to hunt, their keen senses attuned to the slightest movement in the water. Understanding the eel's habitat preferences and behavior is the first step toward unlocking the secrets of successful eel fishing.
Gearing Up for the Challenge
Equipping oneself with the appropriate gear is essential to pursuing river eels. A sturdy rod and reel combo, with medium to heavy action and a high-quality fishing line, is a prerequisite for handling these formidable fish's powerful strikes and thrashing. Braided or monofilament lines in the 10 to 20-pound test range offer the strength and sensitivity required to detect subtle bites in the river's darkness.
Regarding bait selection, eels are opportunistic feeders with a diverse palate. Anglers seeking to entice a strike favored live baitfish such as minnows, shad, or even small eels themselves. Additionally, natural baits like nightcrawlers, earthworms, or fish chunks can effectively tempt eels from their hiding places.
Exploring Eel-Friendly Waters
Selecting the right fishing spot is crucial for a successful eel expedition. Rivers with slow-moving currents, deep pools, and ample cover provide ideal habitat for eels to thrive. Look for areas with submerged structures, such as fallen trees, rock formations, and undercut banks, where eels can lie in wait for passing prey.
As twilight descends and darkness envelops the river, eels become increasingly active, venturing out in search of food. Targeting your fishing efforts during these nocturnal hours increases the likelihood of encountering eels on the prowl. By strategically positioning yourself along the riverbank and deploying your bait precisely, you enhance your chances of enticing a strike from these elusive creatures.
Mastering Eel-Specific Techniques
Fishing for river eels requires patience, persistence, and finesse. Bottom fishing with a sliding sinker rig is one of the most effective techniques. By rigging a sinker above a swivel and allowing the bait to drift naturally along the riverbed, anglers can present their offering in a manner that mimics the eel's natural prey.
Drift fishing is another productive technique for targeting river eels, particularly in larger rivers or tidal estuaries. Allowing your bait to drift with the current while periodically imparting subtle movements creates the illusion of an injured or struggling prey item, enticing eels to strike.
Jug fishing can provide an exhilarating experience for those seeking a more hands-on approach. This method involves deploying baited jugs or floats anchored to the riverbed and monitoring them closely for any signs of activity. When an eel takes the bait, the jug will bob or move, alerting the angler to reel in their prize.
Embracing Conservation and Sustainability
As stewards of the environment, anglers must practice responsible fishing techniques and promote the conservation of eel populations. While recreational anglers do not typically target eels in large numbers, it is essential to adhere to catch-and-release practices to minimize the impact on these valuable species.
Additionally, staying informed about local regulations and seasons is crucial, as some regions impose restrictions on eel fishing to protect vulnerable populations during critical life stages, such as spawning migrations. By respecting these regulations and exercising ethical angling practices, anglers can play a vital role in ensuring eel populations' long-term sustainability for future generations.
The Allure of Eel Fishing
What is it about eel fishing that captivates anglers and draws them back to the river time and time again? It may be the challenge of unlocking the secrets of these elusive creatures or the thrill of the hunt as anglers pit their skills against a formidable adversary. For some, it is the opportunity to immerse themselves in the tranquility of the river at night, far from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Whatever the allure, one thing is sure: fishing for river eels is an experience like no other. It is a journey into the heart of nature, where each cast holds the promise of adventure and discovery. So gather your gear, heed the river's call, and embark on an unforgettable eel fishing expedition into the unknown depths.
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uchilakelodge · 2 months
The experience of walleye-catching is unbelievably invigorating that anglers ever since the time have wooed them. Not only alluring but also sought by medium game fish for their unique features as well as the challenging but delectable thrill they offer to among fishermen. While hooking and trolling the walleye, we devise a plan, diversify our tactics, and at the same time, respect nature and the process. The foundation for a perfect walleye fishing trip is savvy knowledge about walleye life habits and the places where they reside the most. These awe-inspiring carnivores prefer cold water with correct oxygen level and often can be found over rocky bottoms, artificial structures or near the steep side of the ocean. For angler to be a great fisherman, he or she has to get to understand the differenties such as water temperature, clarity and depth. The diversity of walleye fishing Ontario is one more remarkable factors as there are many techniques and tactics that are used. From the primitive ways of fishing like bait with live nightcrawlers and shiners to a wide array of lures such as crankbaits, jigs and spinners, anglers have a colossal variety of choice. Every method calls for specific abilities, and upon this, their mastery depends for many practitioners as a lifetime commitment.
The trolling is a widely-used and efficient tactic including in lakes that are of great sizes. A boat can be used as a means of fishing over a wide space by pulling the lures in a slow way, allowing them to entice any fish within a range that makes them strike. Accurate boat operation, maintenance of line strengths, along with keenness regarding the walleye movements are critically mandatory for the success of trolling. For those who want to enjoy such an active approach, there are two fishing methods that define the activities well in confined casting and by doing jigging, the sports anglers have a chance to experience the immersive and hands-on fishing. Bass fishermen actually doing a lot of things right compared to their so-called inexperienced counterparts. This includes line selection, reel speed control, lure presentation for fishing in grass, and depth for deep diving baits. This technique is like walking on a slippery surface, when you have to place a very intuitive policy on how you strike, visualize the movement and do the hook with delicacy. By evening, when the sun sets beyond the horizon, the transformation of walleye fishing takes a new life. The night fishing excels in specific area and some complexities are also often present as the predators become more active and assertive as the dusk settles in. Fishing at night requires the use of different and sometimes, specialized tactics and equipment like glow-in the-dark lures and line-watch reels. This is meant to raise the angler’s chances of a good catch when fishing in the dark. https://uchilakelodge.com/
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catfishguide · 9 months
Just How to Capture Catfish
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Catfish are highly desired video game fish understood for their stamina, size, as well as yummy meat. Whether you're an experienced fishermen or a beginner seeking to try your hand at fishing, capturing catfish can be an interesting and also gratifying experience. In this article, we will supply you with some ideas and also methods to boost your opportunities of Blue Catfish Guide on Lake Tawakoni.
Choosing the Right Lure: Catfish have a varied diet, so choosing the best bait is critical. Some popular options include chicken livers, nightcrawlers, crawfish, shad, and stinkbaits. Trying out different sorts of bait to figure out what works best for the certain types of catfish and the problems you're fishing in.
Area is Secret: Catfish are bottom-dwelling fish as well as are normally located in deep openings, under submerged structures like fallen trees or rocks, as well as locations with a lot of cover. Look for them in rivers, lakes, ponds, and also storage tanks. Utilizing a fish finder can be useful in situating these hotspots.
Time of Day: Catfish are most active throughout dawn as well as dusk when they come out to feed. Think about Lake Tawakoni fishing guide throughout these times for higher possibilities of success. Nevertheless, catfish can be caught throughout the day, so do not be prevented if you can only go fishing during other hours.
Hold Your Horses as well as Persistent: Catfish are recognized to be opportunistic feeders, however they can also be particular sometimes. It is essential to be client and relentless, as effective catfishing often requires long waits. Bring some treats, kick back, relax, and also delight in the fishing experience.
Remember that angling guidelines as well as needs vary from location to location, so acquaint on your own with the neighborhood rules and also policies prior to you start angling. Method catch and release when possible to help maintain the catfish population for future generations of fishermens. Since you have some pointers in your take on box, it's time to order your fishing equipment, head to the local catfish hotspot, and also experience the adventure of capturing these impressive fish! Check out this blog to get enlightened on this topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catfish.
Pleased fishing!
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yuopkkk2 · 1 year
Five Best Lures And Baits For Fishing In Streams & Rivers
As we delve into the world of it, it becomes clear that it has a vast and complex history fishing lures and baits.
When it comes to fishing in streams and rivers, the right lures and baits can make all the difference. For anglers looking to maximize their success rate, here are five of the best lures and baits to consider.
1. Crankbaits
Crankbaits are a great option for stream and river fishing, as their erratic motion and bright colors can draw in curious fish. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, so you can find one to suit any type of fish. Just make sure to match the size and type of crankbait to the size and type of fish you’re targeting.
2. Spinnerbaits
Spinnerbaits are another great option for stream and river fishing. They are easy to cast and retrieve, and their spinning blades and bright colors attract fish. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, so you can find one to suit any type of fish. Just make sure to match the size and type of spinnerbait to the size and type of fish you’re targeting.
3. Soft Plastics
Soft plastics are a versatile choice for stream and river fishing. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, and they can be used to target a wide range of fish. Whether you’re fishing for panfish, bass, or trout, you can find a soft plastic to suit your needs. Just make sure to match the size and type of soft plastic to the size and type of fish you’re targeting.
4. Worms
Worms are a classic bait for stream and river fishing. They can be used to target a wide range of fish, from panfish to bass and trout. Worms are easy to use and relatively inexpensive, and they can be effective even in murky water. Just make sure to match the size of the worm to the size of the fish you’re targeting.
5. Live Bait
Live bait is a great choice for stream and river fishing, as it can attract a wide range of fish. Popular live bait choices include minnows, crayfish, and nightcrawlers. Live bait can be used to target a wide range of fish, from panfish to bass and trout. Just make sure to match the size and type of bait to the size and type of fish you’re targeting.
When it comes to fishing in streams and rivers, the right lures and baits can make all the difference. With the right lure or bait, you can target a wide range of fish, from panfish to bass and trout. Just make sure to match the size and type of lure or bait to the size and type of fish you’re targeting, and you’
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ruleroflimbo--a · 1 year
Illyana bio
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« Halston Sage, 25, she/her, Marvel comics » ∙∙ loading case file for Illyana Rasputina. known aliases, if any: Magik. current location: new york, new york.  current occupation: teacher. she is known to be strong and emotionally distant, so proceed with caution. their current alliance: x-men.
Trigger warnings: kidnapping, child abuse mention, death mention, death, murder
Illyana Nikolievna Rasputina was born on a farm in Russia to Nikolai Rasputin and Alexandra Rasputina. The first few years of her life was relatively normal, at least until her brother Piotr’s mutant powers manifested. Piotr moved to the United States to attend Xavier’s, a school for mutants, and became part of the X-Men. When she was five years old she was kidnapped as leverage against her brother and the X-Men, they rescued her and she stayed in the states at Xavier’s with her brother. 
She only stayed at Xavier’s for a year until she was lured to a hell dimension known as Limbo by the current ruler Belasco. Some of the X-Men travelled to Limbo to try to get her back, even having help from a Storm and Shadowcat from another universe. In their universe Illyana had escaped from Limbo while the X-Men stayed behind. For Illyana it went the opposite way, the X-Men returned to earth while Illyana remained in Limbo. 
In Limbo Illyana’s soul was used to create bloodstones by Belasco as he hoped to free the Elder Gods of Limbo. The creation of the bloodstones gave Illyana magical powers while also turning her into part demon, a dark side of herself she’s always struggling to control. During her first year in Limbo the alternate universe Ororo taught her light magic, hoping Illyana would become strong enough to defeat Belasco. Cat, the alternate universe version of Kitty, disagreed with Illyana learning magic, believing all forms of magic was evil, and so she took Illyana away from Ororo’s sanctum. 
For the next few years Illyana travelled across Limbo with Cat, learning how to fight and how to survive in the hell dimension, until eventually they went to confront Belasco. During the confrontation the alternate universe Nightcrawler, who’d become loyal to Belasco, was killed by Cat. They failed to stop the demon lord though and Cat was turned more demonic than she already was and became loyal to Belasco, while Illyana became his apprentice. 
As Belasco’s apprentice Illyana learned much about dark magic and eventually created the second bloodstone, her mutant powers of teleportation also manifested during this time. Because of the bond created between them with the first bloodstone Illyana found it hard to go against Belasco as she wanted him to be proud of her and love her, and because there were severe consequences if she failed to meet his expectations, but when he was about to sacrifice Ororo’s soul to the Elder Gods Illyana made the impossible choice to kill her instead. Angered by Illyana’s actions Belasco banished her from the citadel and suppressed her mutant powers. Illyana was left alone in the wastelands of Limbo, though Belasco has also made it so she couldn’t die, no matter how cold, hungry or exhausted she was. 
At one point Illyana accepted what it was she really wanted, revenge, and used the last of her energy to create a sword out of her own soul. The Soulsword shattered the bond and illusion created by the bloodstones and reactivated Illyana’s mutant powers. Armed with her new sword she fought Belasco and won, however she chose her humanity over killing him and he fled from Limbo. She returned to earth shortly after and found no time had passed for the X-Men who had tried to rescue her but Illyana was now almost fifteen years old rather than six.
After her return from Limbo Illyana struggled with her demonic side, at times losing control and as a result most other mutants were afraid of her. She also found it hard to balance being the new ruler of Limbo and wanting nothing to do with the place. She trained to be able to use her magic on earth and how to use it without her demon side taking over. Her power of teleportation combined with her magic and soulsword made her a force to be reckoned with and a great asset to both the New Mutants and the X-Men.
Illyana completed her studies at Xavier’s while working with the New Mutants and X-Men. Even deciding to remain at Xavier’s to teach after she finished school. She kept going on missions with both teams but she also had a habit of going off on her own when it was something involving demons or Limbo. One day she underestimated her opponent, a powerful demon and magic user who’d come to earth via Limbo. Illyana had to use all of her power in order to defeat him, and she succeeded but at the cost of her own life. 
Three years after her death she was brought back to life, unknown to her Belasco brought her back. She started spending more time in Limbo and taking her position as queen over the dimension more seriously as maybe if she had done so before she could have prevented the demon from reaching earth. She’s been back for almost a year but spent most of that time in Limbo and is now trying to readjust to being back on earth and keeping her demon side in check.
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fishingjutsu · 1 year
The Complete Trout Fishing Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Strategy - Discover What You Need Fishing for trout can be fun if you know what you're doing. The ultimate fishing guide is here to assist you if you want to go trout fishing. As much as I occasionally enjoy trout fishing, even after 20 years of experience, I cannot consider myself an expert in the field. It's all right, however; I've inquired among my fellow fishing partners who frequently catch trout. Our team of trout fishing experts developed this comprehensive trout fishing guide. Last but not least, I fact-checked every part of the content myself, so you should be confident it is reliable. This article will cover the following: To have a successful fishing trip, the first step will be to decide where to go and what to do. Where can I find trout? You're unlikely to catch any trout if you're fishing in an area with insufficient trout; you're unlikely to capture any trout if you're fishing there. Fortunately, you can catch a wide variety of trout on the river, such as rainbow and brown trout. It is common to observe at least one species in most locations ( rivers, creeks, streams, ponds, and lakes), and you are most prone to spot the primarily prevalent species, also known as brown trout. There is also a tendency for trout to be more abundant in the coolest streams and lakes (10-16°C). There are other ways to find a good spot for fishing, including looking at fishing maps. In addition to your local fishing store, you will also be able to obtain much information from there. As a rule, trout tend to hang out around cover. Once you've located your location, you'll need to fish around covered areas, including rocks. We are ready to continue with the equipment you require to fish for trout, and we will review what is required. When fishing, which rod and reel should I use? Ideally, the best fishing rod to pick will be a medium-weight one about six or seven feet in length and has a 2- to 6-pound weight rating. If this is the case, then you can be sure that the rod will be flimsy enough so you will be able to enjoy fishing. After that, you will need to pair it with a spinning reel. What type of line should I use? If you use a line, you should stay under 10lb as you want a nice, light presentation that the fish will not see. The most popular line used by trout anglers is the 4lb test line. The average trout measuring between 12 and twenty inches should be hooked with a very light 2-6lb test tackle. For larger trout species, such as steelhead and lake trout, you'll need heavier tests (8-10 lb). Can Baits and Lures Be Effective? It is said that trout are like pigs. As far as food is concerned, they eat pretty much everything edible. Nightcrawlers, canned corn, power eggs, shrimp, crawfish, fish eggs, and so on are included. It is fun to find out what trout eat by testing different baits to find out what they like. As a general rule, however, most anglers prefer using minnows as bait when fishing for fish. Fly fishing for trout with artificial baits like Power Bait is also becoming more and more popular as fly fishing grows. Baits tend to catch fish better than lures when it comes to catching them, so beginners would be better off sticking to baits. Furthermore, it is important to note that trout often come to the water's surface to feed. The Power bait is a great choice because it will float instead of sinking wherever you're fly fishing. For bait that doesn't float, you'll need a corky. Are sinkers and bobbers necessary? Short answer: yes. It is optional to say much about sinkers because sinkers are effective regardless of the type of fish you are targeting. For your bobber to work well, it must be smooth. If it's too buoyant, trout will bite it and feel the resistance, and they'll let it go. The best bobber is one that weighs between 1/8 and 1/2 ounces. The fishing gear is finished. I'll move on to the fishing technique next. Methods of fishing The first step is to set up a sliding float.
When you have finished this process, you need to reel up about 1 to 1.5 feet out the end of your rod tip. As you point your rod tip behind you, you should throw it as far overhead as possible. Here's what is the most important part. Make sure your rod is at 45 degrees so that you can feel the tension when a fish bites. Reel in the line until you see a slight bend in the rod tip, ensuring there isn't any slack in your line. This way, you can see it on your rod when the fish bites. When you see the bobber bobbing up and down, set the hook only when it is completely submerged. Once the hook is set, firmly pull the tip of your rod towards you so that it becomes 90 degrees. The final step is to reel the fish back into the boat. Among the most popular methods of fishing for trout is fly fishing. Fly fishing, however, may not be as versatile as other fishing styles and may not be suitable for other fishes. That is why I should have included a guide on fly fishing in the eBook I wrote. An overview The Complete Trout Fishing Guide To find trout, fish clear cool (10-16°C) streams or lakes, consult a fishing map, or ask your local fishing store. Then, fish around cover, like rocks. You will need a medium-weight fishing rod weighing 2-6 pounds and six to seven feet in length. If you're fishing regular-sized trout (10-20 inches), pair it with a 2-6lb test line to catch regular-sized trout like brown trout. Larger trout, like steelheads, require heavier tests (8-10lb). Last, you can use any bait for trout, although Power bait is a good place to start. It would be best to use bobbers weighing 18 to 12 ounces. Are you looking for some further tips on how to fish? Here are our top 10 fishing tips to help you improve your fishing game. Frequently Asked Questions The Complete Trout Fishing Guide Fishing for trout: what's the best bait? Anglers often use natural bait to catch trout. In addition to night crawlers, other types of earthworms make excellent choices. The use of salmon eggs, mealworms, and locally available baits can also be very effective and often mimic food sources in the environment. Is there a best month to fish for trout? Fishing for trout can be best when various factors are present, but generally, it's in the spring. During spring, trout feed aggressively, thanks to rising temperatures and abundant food. Lures, baits, and flies are all prime targets when they're actively feeding. What attracts trout the most? Anglers use many types of bait, including old-school nightcrawlers and human foods such as marshmallows, sweet corn kernels, and Velveeta cheese. It is also popular to use artificial dough bait to lure trout, especially in areas where live bait is not allowed. What colors attract trout the most? Various colored baits and lures are available; selecting the right ones and using them properly are important. A bright neon color lure attracts mostly trout, while a darker colored lure attracts largemouth bass. When is it not a good idea to fish for trout? In general, trout are happiest when the water temperature is below 65 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature of moving water reaches 67°F, STOP FISHING. When the water temperature in moving water is 65-66oF, getting out early in the morning is recommended. Is there a best-size lure for trout? For trout, 75mm is a good general-purpose size. It weighs 5 grams and can dive 1.5 meters deep. Our favorite colors include ghost wakasagi, laser perch, and kamawutu. As a result, these lures work exceptionally well with trout and can be played with a slow continuous roll or by twitching the rod. What is the age of a 6-pound trout? In about 2 to 3 years, they reach an average weight of 5 to 6 pounds. In the autumn, brown trout return to the spawning sites at 2 to 4 years old. When is a rainbow trout 10 inches old? Typically, they reach 4 to 6 inches after two years, 6 to 9 inches after three years, and 8 to 12 inches after their fourth year. Trout populations in lakes grow rapidly, too: four-year-old fish reach a length of 13 to 17 inches.
Is shallow or deep water more appealing to trout? During the summer, trout seek deeper water for colder temperatures, but not deep enough that pressure exacerbates them. In large bodies of water, salmon and trout tend to stay near the thermocline, a gradient layer in the water column where cold water is mixed with warm water, and oxygen and nutrients are mixed.  
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whitesuited · 2 years
the last time she’d been out on this lake with a fishing pole in hand it had been at the insistence of her father ----- the two of them sat on either end of his ancient rowboat long into the afternoon while he listened to the baseball game on his AM radio ( the rowboat she still, to this day, hasn’t been able to figure out how it managed to stay afloat purely on the amount of duct tape and good intentions that held it together ) while she tried to keep herself from leaning too far over the edge to see why her little orange bobber wasn’t bobbing; or trying not to fall asleep while he went on and on about how live bait was the way god had always intended them to fish from the beginning.
( nothing like spending your saturday mornings all summer long up before the sun digging around in an old beat up folgers coffee can full of nightcrawlers. )
so when @ichormotel​ had asked her if she wanted to come along with him this time, she’d surprised even herself with how quickly she’d said yes; even if the before - five - am - wake - up - call it required made her feel a little jittery ( and not just from the vast amount of caffeine she’d made a point of bringing along for the ride to go along with a cooler full of beers for later and a few sandwiches ). but the opportunity of some time alone without work so much as being mentioned wasn’t something she was about to pass up, even if it meant rolling out of bed almost as soon as she’d rolled into it the night before ---------- and acting like she was even good at this whole fishing thing to begin with. ( she knew she was in trouble once she’d commented on the mini pro - shop’s worth of rods he had leaning there against the wall in his office; but if she could feign being terrible at pool she could fake being good at drowning worms. )
it certainly helps that they seem to be the only ones out on the lake; at least for now ----- the sounds of water barely brushing up against the sides of the boat and the occasional birdsong are far cries from the memories of moments like these being accompanied by the sounds of radio static and beeps on the hour. he already seems more relaxed out here while she watches him setting everything up now that they’ve dropped anchor, which is an equally nice surprise; and she wonders if maybe it’ll take a bit of the weight of being down at the station all the time off her shoulders, too. ( and maybe that’s why she finds herself watching him just a little bit longer than she knows she should ---- that she knows is probably safe to ---- tying off lures, testing lines and the way his eyes crinkle at the edges when he concentrates on those little knots … but she catches herself before he can see that she’s staring; might just consider it her first catch of the day, too. )
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which means she should probably follow his lead and get her own pole ready for the water; doing her best to pull from what muscle memories she still has of these trips with her father and stealing mirroring beau’s routine to help fill in the gaps. “so what are we thinking, ten fish each? maybe twenty?” the corner of her mouth curls on the side that’s closest to him as her fingernails attempt to separate and untangle her line, still going along with the plan to bluff about her fishing prowess for as long as she can get away with it. “figure we’re going to get pretty hungry.” she’s already promised to cook whatever they catch for dinner later ----------- the one part of this so far she actually feels confident about being able to do with ease.
           “or am i gonna to be carrying the both of us so we aren’t stopping at the diner for a consolation dinner on the way back?”
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the-haunted-office · 11 months
🤝 Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
Cyrus: His sister, Aurora. His sister is pretty much always going to be his first choice when it comes to these sorts of matters. Thursday would be a very close second, though.
🪤 What is one thing that could be used to lure your OC into a trap?
Doomsday: One of her friends. Also one of her alternates - she is extremely protective of her alternates.
🌳 Would your OC survive for a week on their own in the wilderness?
Thisday: Nope! He has absolutely zero outdoor survival instincts and would probably perish in a single day.
🪄 Does your OC have any special powers? If so, are they normal in this OC’s universe?
September: She has a variety of special powers. Being a Reaper, she can bond with other shattered souls to become more powerful. By doing this she also gains their memories, experiences, and some of their appendages (like claws and wings and such). She can also see souls and communicate with them, even if their body is currently possessed or in a coma. She is extremely fast and powerful - she could very easily rip a person to pieces. She can also move freely through the In Between.
These abilities are "normal" in her universe in the sense that the way she was killed, she gained those abilities. All Reapers are a little bit different from each other and oftentimes develop different abilities, although sometimes they can be similar or the same.
🥪 On a scale from ‘burns water’ to '5 course menu’ how well can your OC cook?
Thursday: Burns water. She has actually, literally burnt water before. She has a bad habit of putting things on the stove or in the oven and forgetting they're there, thus accidentally letting them burn to ash. If she pays enough attention, though, her food isn't half bad.
🌧️ What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
Aurora: Just sit around, listening to the rain. Nightcrawlers are very in tune with nature, so rain is a welcomed thing to them. It's very peaceful.
🎮 If your OC lives or would live in the modern world, would they like video games? What would be their favorite game?
Timmy: He likes them well enough. He isn't what one might call a "gamer", but he will happily play with friends.
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mathewodenthal · 2 years
When is the best time to catch walleye in Lake Erie?
The first hour of daylight is ideal for catching walleye. This period is known as the "golden hour" of walleye fishing. You'll be rewarded with a nice catch if you can be patient and wait until the temperatures are just right. This time, however, comes at a cost. There are numerous other times of the day when fishing can be equally productive.
Walleye fishing is best in late spring and early fall. This is the time of year when these fish begin to migrate shallow and feed. They spend the warm parts of the day deep in the water, emerging only at dusk to feed in the shallows. They could spend the entire night in the shallows. Walleye slow down their feeding activity during the summer months, but they still bite hard. Fishing lures with slow, natural presentations is best during these times.
You can also fish from the shore while fishing from a boat. The best time to fish from shore is when the river water level is normal, there is no visible debris, and the flow is light to moderate. Fishing from shore is less effective than fishing from a boat because you'll be in shallow water, where walleye feed aggressively. Nonetheless, now is the best time to catch walleye.
When is the best time to go walleye fishing? Walleye will migrate from shallow to deep areas depending on the body of water. Lake depth varies depending on season and lake type, but in general, walleye move shallower in the spring, deeper in the summer, and deeper in the fall. This makes it an excellent time to catch trophy-sized walleye. The best time to fish for walleye is between late spring and mid-fall.
Try fishing late in the evening if you want to catch more walleye. Early morning is an excellent time to start fishing in Lake Erie's western basin. The water temperature in Lake Erie begins to rise in early September, and walleye start to feed in rocky areas near the shore. Shad raps and stick baits can also be effective when cast. Try dragging stick baits in deep water if you're feeling more daring.
When the walleye are near the bottom of the lake, jigging is an effective fishing technique. To jig from the boat, cast your line close to the bottom and feel the bottom. Jigging from shore necessitates casting from the boat to fish near this dense structure. Jigging from the beach necessitates casting a long line. Jigging is a great way to catch walleye in the spring.
As the water warms, the walleye migrate southward and further offshore. However, a limit of walleye can be caught in any month. If you haven't been fishing for the species before, you can check with local bait shops to find out when the best time is to get out on the water. However, if you want to catch a limit, try fishing in late spring or early summer.
When to Go Walleye Fishing
A successful Walleye fishing trip requires live bait. Walleye are notorious for being more finicky and difficult to catch than other freshwater fish, and live bait is the best tactic for beginners. Live baits that work well include nightcrawlers, minnows, and leeches. Although some states prohibit the use of live fish, minnows, worms, and nightcrawlers work best in many situations.
When is the best time to go walleye fishing? Once you've determined the best time of year, the best strategy is to plan ahead of time and know what kind of fish to target. Then you must decide which baits to use. If you prefer a certain type of live bait, try spinning a jig with a small spinner. The spinner can then be used to float your bait or to create a spinner rig. If you want to catch the most walleye, try fishing with a jig.
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How to catch a walleye
How to catch a walleye
Bait that is often effective for walleye includes live minnows, nightcrawlers, leeches, and jigs tipped with a minnow or pork rind. Anglers targeting walleye often use a jigging motion to work the bait through the water. Jigs for walleye fishing Jigging is a fishing technique involving the use of a jig, a type of fishing lure. A jig is a weight at the end of a line, usually a round lead, that is…
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