Geetz: Myself and Mistress Sera are the last Ancients, we desire to live in peace
X the ACTUAL ANCIENT seeing through the bullshit:
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docholligay · 5 years
Prompt: Rin, the day after the final duel
Sorry, this was going to be a shitpost and then it wasn’t. 2,100 words and mostly my feelings original character do not steal ahahahah. 
The world had snapped back. She couldn’t explain it any other way. It was as if reality had been stretched and stretched and stretched, a tight rubber band almost to its breaking point, and then suddenly released. Loose. Free. At one time, Rin might have said that such a thing would be relaxing, that she could not quite define why everything in her life, in the school, felt so tense, but it clearly was, and she was looking for relief.
Instead, she felt the world’s elastic contract, and was overcome by a sudden wave of nausea as she stood next her tea kettle, waiting for it to boil. She bent over and took a deep, slow breath, trying to bring herself back to calm.
“Rin?” Ayaka’s voice was soft and worried as she sat at their little table in the corner of their tiny apartment, the pancakes and salted salmon laid out on the table in front of her. She liked them to start their day together. Rin liked it too. It was nice. “Are you alright?”
Rin shook her head briefly, but then brought herself back to standing and nodded, her still-wet brown hair flicking drops down onto her glasses. The nausea rose again.
“Think I just need ginger tea this morning.” She gave a sideways smile to Ayaka. “Maybe you got me pregnant.”
Ayaka gave a huff of a laugh, but relaxed and turned back to her crossword and her salmon.
The beep of the tea kettle signaled its rolling boil, and Rin’s mind exploded. There she was, in front of the classroom, again and again and again. There was arguing, and a stage, somewhere, that she knew and she didn’t know, and there she was, watching Maya and Claudine take the leads again and again, and they blended together, faster and faster, a carousel gone wild, the horses no longer seen and the music of it louder and louder. She felt the vomit rise in her throat.
We will all do Starlight! Her mind screamed.
The world went black. She felt herself fall deeper, deeper, into the darkness and the heat, and though she couldn’t open her eyes, she saw the bright red words, “I Am Reborn” written across the blackness of the sky, and felt the strong thump as she hit the floor.
There was the scrape of a chair against the floor, the tumble of someone next to her.
She felt Ayaka’s hand on her neck, and then nothing at all.
That was eight months ago. The official diagnosis had been, effectively, ‘we don’t know but she seems fine,’ a diagnosis which had given Ayaka no small amount of rage and disbelief, but which, as the months passed and nothing else seemed to arise, she seemed willing to accept, even if she looked at Rin with a careful eye even now.
The world had come back to itself, and after a few days at home, Rin had come back to school to find Hikari Kagura standing in her office, waiting, a look of sad resignation on her face. Yoshiko, who sat across from her in the office, either didn’t notice Hikari or didn’t seem to care, and Rin bit her tongue.
It wouldn’t be the first time she and Yoshiko had argued about the way to treat students.
“I hope you are feeling better, Miss.” Hikari said seriously, flat a look of disconnect on her face as she neatly folded her hands in front of her.
“Yeah, nothing to worry about…” Rin walked over to her desk and sat down.“What’s the matter? You all fighting over rooming again?”
Rin was more or less used to the general problems that plagued Seisho after hours, and she was more or less happy to be the one to take care of them. Sometimes the other teachers didn’t seem to remember what it was like to be that age, in such a pressure cooker, and, Rin felt, they didn’t give them enough in the way of quiet empathy. Sometimes it was just enough to listen.
A sudden flash of realization came to her that Hikari might want to talk about something that she didn’t care to discuss in front of Yoshiko, and was about to stand up against and suggest they go sit outside, when Hikari had presented her with a piece of paper.
“I am withdrawing from Seisho. Everything should be in order.”
There was no hesitation, no room for argument, as she gave Rin the papers. Rin glanced over them, that same strange feeling coming over her.
“Kagura, I–did something happen? I’m still a little foggy, but I’m sure we can–”
But Hikari was already heading for the door, and turned only to look at Rin one last time.
“Thank you for everything, Miss.”
Karen had been just as confused, and had wasted no time grilling Rin in the most polite way she could manage. Rin didn’t have the words to tell her that she didn’t understand either, that she had seen plenty of girls drop out of Seisho but she had never seen anything quite like this, and that there was something she felt was happening, something she could almost remember, but every time she touched it, that nausea ran through her, and she could hear the music again, so loud. Like something was trying to keep her out.
“I must have looked like I didn’t care,” Rin had said that night, lounging on the couch in a pair of loose pajama pants and her undershirt as Ayaka embroidered an edge on a costume she was working on, her dark hair softly curling against her shoulders, “But I just…I don’t know either, Ayaka. I know I got handed paperwork and she left. No forwarding.”  
“It isn’t really your problem, Rini.” She did not look up from her dress.
She’d forgotten she had managed to get sick at the least convenient time for her love, who was knee deep in final measurements and embellishments for her show, and Ayaka had not brought it up. It was sometimes a shock to Rin, still, how beautiful she was, how talented she was, and that one day backstage, in a show she had perhaps fifteen lines in, Ayaka had looked up at her while she hemmed her pants and given the most radiant smile Rin had ever seen. That she had loved Rin, who never really made it on the stage, was a miracle and a mystery.
None of this, of course, made Ayaka even the slightest bit right.
“It IS my problem, though!” Rin sat up and leaned toward Ayaka. “I have never had a kid just LEAVE like that, there’s usually something,” she tugged at her hair and flung her hand into the air, “and I can’t figure out what it is. I’ve asked around, and it’s making me, and the girls–”
“You should lie down.” Ayaka said brusquely, eyeing her seriously.
Rin closed her eyes and shook her head. It was like she wasn’t even listening. “Oh my god, stop babying me,” she huffed, “I’m an adult, and I’m fine, and–”
“Rin Miyamoto,” She set down the dress in her lap and looked at Rin fully, her voice firm as stone, “You do not remember what I remember, in the kitchen. You did not have to watch yourself crumple to the floor, and you did not have to call your name, over and over, to no response. I have been with you for seven years. Seven. If something happened to you, I’m not sure what, or where I would–”
There was a small crack in the stone of her voice, and Rin’s eyes softened. It was easy to think of Ayaka as unshakable. Part of what Rin loved about her so much was her strength and her fierceness, the way she dominated a room even with her small stature and flowing dresses. She was like an empress everywhere she went, but she could be hurt, and looking her now, her eyes gently misting with tears, Rin realized that she had frightened Ayaka. That she wasn’t the only one struggling to find footing with the events of the past week.
“–You are the softest part of my heart,” Ayaka did not look away, and Rin felt her own eyes begin to water, “I need you.”
Rin took her hand and squeezed it softly. “I’m not going anywhere.” She smiled over at her. “I’ll take care of myself. I won’t push it, I promise,” she put her hand on her chest and laughed, “I promise to remember I’m an old woman with limitations and responsibilities to Princess Ayaka.”
Ayak laughed and squeezed back. “Queen Ayaka, thank you.”
Eight months ago, huh? It seems shorter. It seems longer. HIkari came back, and that was good, right?
That was two months ago. Two months ago, in Rin’s office with no explanation but some paperwork, but with a bright smile on her face, hand in hand with Karen. No explanation but that she was ready to enter the doors again, and the world seemed to move to allow her to be the lead with Karen. They were wonderful. Excellent. The girls fell into place around them, and Rin was surprised that Maya and Claudine seemed so at peace with playing the supports to a girl who had never shown much drive and a usurper from London.
And she felt that touch again, that something had happened, the nausea and the spinning and something just beyond her reach.
She hadn’t told Ayaka.
Standing backstage at the production of Starlight, the one Nana had presented to the class with a new ending which was received with delight by the girls, Rin had to smile. It didn’t really matter if this had been a strange year, and if her nausea only flared up occasionally, and she hadn’t fainted at all, then there wasn’t much to worry about. The girls all seemed happy and content, and the show was better than it had ever been before. Rin had a new suit in soft grey windowpane check that Ayaka had lovingly made her for the premiere, blue vest tucked beneath it. She looked rather handsome, she thought.
Things could keep going on like this, as far as Rin was concerned. If she could get another class out the door, ready to face the world and full of hope and optimism, she’d be happy enough. She didn’t wish for much else for herself. Maybe she’d campaign the school board again that they should have an alternate uniform, she was getting tired of seeing poor little Futaba in a skirt.
Another wave passed over her, the lights on the stage, even standing in the back, too bright, and she gripped onto a piece of scenery tucked away backstage to steady herself.
But things can’t stay this way, a far away voice whispered, audiences get bored when things are too bright. Light means nothing without shadow, and the shadow must come to the stage. You understand.
I understand. She’d heard that voice before. The world became a carousel again, and Rin could not, would not, refused to look away, just kept pressing deeper and deeper on the thought until she felt it break through.
The giraffe. The duels. The never-ending lust for brilliance that kept the girls slaving at the stage.
Rin looked back to the stage, where the girls where draped across the stairs, Karen greeting her Flora with tender and expressive eyes. They were all so young. They were all so happy. The giraffe had let them believe it could stay this way.
Her girls. This wouldn’t be the first of her girls he’d tangled with. He preyed on those fresh buds, barely bloomed and so sweet. He never came for those who bore the scars of the stage, those who had seen what it was to rise and fall and who were ready to not only parry but also block a blow.
Rin Miyamoto, who never made it on the stage, who was only a teacher and who would never have a big apartment in a nice neighborhood, who loved her job and her girls and her life with her love, was tired of it. 
She rushed out of the backstage, the hold it had had on her all these months finally broken, and stormed toward the space where that elevator would be. Where she knew it must be.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Let’s see how tough he is facing an adult.” She growled as she sped down the hallway, already feeling the sword form in her hand.
“I’ll take care of myself. I won’t push it, I promise,”
“You’re gonna get the hell out of my school.” She shook her head angrily, the cape beginning to drape across her back. “You’re not going to touch any more of my girls.”
“I promise to remember I’m an old woman with limitations and responsibilities to Princess Ayaka.”
She slammed her hand down on the button, and felt the ground begin to shake.
“I’m sorry, Ayaka.”
The floor dropped, and the lights came up.
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lumentears · 2 years
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I posted 156 times in 2021
21 posts created (13%)
135 posts reblogged (87%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 6.4 posts.
I added 241 tags in 2021
#bloodborne - 63 posts
#art - 34 posts
#shitpost - 31 posts
#nier automata - 31 posts
#nier - 25 posts
#lady maria - 15 posts
#2b - 13 posts
#the doll - 12 posts
#9s - 10 posts
#saint adeline - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#if i had more time to write i might just write the all machines and androids just fucking live in a house au i want to see in the world
My Top Posts in 2021
Me, holding up 9S: stinky (affectionate)
Friend: stinky bastard man (derogatory)
Me, swinging him back and forth: naughty boy (affectionate)
Friend: Brat bot (derogatory)
29 notes • Posted 2021-05-03 07:06:45 GMT
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i think about this exchange i had under a collection of all the voice lines of the chapel dweller a lot
35 notes • Posted 2021-03-12 20:30:05 GMT
pet peeve: when ppl draw the good hunter as taller than The Doll.
Let her be tall. Let her be gangly. Let her be able to pick a stray leaf or bit of viscera out of the good hunter's hair without reaching up. Let her be the woman that one Very Tall Wife guy from mbmbam had to consult yahoo about.
If her and the hunter don't look like that:
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I don't want to see it.
58 notes • Posted 2021-02-23 13:59:56 GMT
NieR:Automata side characters that live in my head rent free (spoilers!)
16D, the android that gives you a +6 defense chip early in the game after you tell her her mentor/lover is dead because she doesn't need to protect herself anymore - girl are you okay? Do you need me to call someone for you?
That one unnamed operator who tells 2B that it's so nice that her and 9S get along so well exCUSE ME? That's a strange way to spell tragic and probably traumatizing for everyone involved.
The two desert units that Jackass gets addicted to e-drugs. I hope they're doing well. I choose to believe that when Pod says that "all YorHa black boxes confirmed offline" those two got so zooted their black boxes no longer send a signal.
Resistance gourmet guy. I wonder how much variety his meals have, when all he has to work with is pork and moose beef.
The animal loving machine. I'd die for him and his animals, and he has a very stylish sense of dress and accessory.
60 notes • Posted 2021-03-22 10:37:37 GMT
Bloodborne Bosses rated by how they smell, from worst to best
22. The Orphan of Kos
Imagine the world's grungiest harbour. Imagine smelling algae, rotting seawood and a million dead, decomposing fish bobbing belly-up on the waves. Now imagine giving birth there.
Rating: I'm counting the fact that the good hunter does not spend the first seconds of the fight dry-heaving as a plot hole.
21. The One Reborn
Look at it. It's a few dozen dead people held together with superglue. You cannot expect it to smell like anything other than rotting flesh and blood and whatever birth juices the moon had to offer.
Rating: They do say babies have a special newborn smell...don't think that's what they meant.
20. The Blood-Starved Beast
I know that smelling of blood is a recurring theme in this list, but look at that thing. Look at it. It clearly smells like blood and the wettest dog that has never been cleaned in its life.
Rating: I've learned that the mane on its head is not in fact matted fur but aaaalll the skin of its body. I haven't slept since.
19: Laurence, The First Vicar
Two words: Burnt. Hair. The man smells like a whole fur coat factory that's been lit on fire.
Rating: A smell that brings tears to any hunters eyes.
18. Ludwig, the Accursed
Expanding our olfactory library, this boss smells not only of blood but also of horse! As someone who has spent some time of their teens in a stable, this is not a compliment. I had to throw away my working jacket.
Rating: A smell not even a horse girl could love.
17. The Witches of Hemwick
They clearly have weaponized old people smell. Just look at them, they are not taking care of their living space or of their bodies. Look at them. There's stuff growing on them.
Rating: I can smell the pickled cabbage from here.
16. Martyr Logarius
He also has the most pungent old people smell, but as opposed to the witches who are marinating in their senior citizen stink, he is located at the top of a windy roof and the smell is slightly dispersed.
Rating: My nose has frozen off, I cannot smell the pickled cabbage anymore.
15. Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos
On the plus side: Ebrietas smell definitely has some notes of petrichor. However, she predominantly smells like petrichor's evil cousin, the smell of all the worms and slugs that used the rain to make the long trek across asphalted streets and died there.
Rating: Smell of my childhood (derogatory).
14. Father Gascoigne
It's not your fault, buddy. After a long night of hunting you will smell like blood and sweat, especially when you're also in the middle of going full beast mode, which also adds the smell of wet dog.
Rating: I don't blame you, buddy, but I will surreptitiously hand you an axe body spray.
13. Cleric Beast
Beats out Father Gascoigne on the technicality that I don't think it can sweat. Otherwise blood, wet dog, you've heard it before.
See the full post
347 notes • Posted 2021-10-26 10:46:53 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Top 10 Female Chracter Tag! Rules: write your 10 favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 different people.
Tagged by @officialpittacuslore
In no particular order because it would be too hard.
1. General Diana Farley from Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
I love her. She is better than everyone to ever exist anywhere. Gives Mare birth control while giving birth, loses her baby daddy but still fucking fights for her cause, single mom who brings Clara to all the war councils, corrects her dad when he calls her by the wrong rank, gets in trouble for insubordination at the beginning of Glass Sword and then she continues to commit insubordination because her dad is a dick, LEADS A GROUP OF NEWBLOOD FUCKERS WITH AUTHORITY PROBLEMS. She is a queen™.
2. Blue Sargent from The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
Feminist icon™. Expert at standing her ground against dickheads (Kavinsky I’m looking at you.) Doesn’t instantly fall in love with Gansey (tbh I wouldn’t have either), dates Adam first which was cute, has excellent bromances with all her guy friends, gives all the women in her life the love and respect they inherently deserve as human beings, has proven to be just as, if not more, badass than the boys, doesn’t let anyone, even her friends, treat her with less respect than that which she deserves. A true supporter of respect and equality.
3. Cress Darnel from The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer.
Anyone who tells me that Cress Darnel from TLC is weak can die in a fiery spaceship crash bc Cress Darnel deserves the world. She was handed over to the government as soon as she was born bc she couldn’t be manipulated, spent 9 years underground and then was moved to a satellite where her only human contact was with her abuser and yet is still a fucking dreamy, star-eyed sweetheart who is brave and heroic and could fuck up your life and mine with 10 minutes and WiFi. Her and her boyfriend are  one of the reasons I’m bisexual so...
4. Annabeth Chase from the PJO and HOO series by Rick Riordan
I have been in love with Annabeth Chase since I was 11 years old (and I didn’t even understand love at the time). She is a beautiful badass who is intelligent and commanding but at the same time, very human and vulnerable and I think that is what makes her such a great female character to look up to. She both kicks ass on the battlefield and the classroom, she doesn’t sit back and let things come to her, she gets up and works for what she wants and I think that makes her a great role model for girls reading Rick’s books.
5. Nesta Archeron from the ACOTAR series by Sarah J. Maas
Okay, Nesta Archeron gets a lot of heat from both the in-book characters and the fandom, but I think she’s a badass. She probably would’ve had the closest relationship with her mother out of the three sisters, so having to watch her mother die while her father did nothing would have been agonising for her. And then she went from riches to rags, and then she loses her littlest sister (don’t you fucking dare tell me that she didn’t care for Feyre) and then gets turned into the thing she’d been taught to fear her entire life, and then watches as her bae almost dies and her father does die sooo... in conclusion, #LeaveNestaAlone2K18.
6. Manon Blackbeak from Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
Manon Blackbeak could kill me and I would thank her. She is truly beautiful and her character arc is amazing. She sees Abraxos and his fighting spirit and is full of exasperated pride at evrything he does. She treats her Thirteen with the respect that she is given and has earned her respect from the females by being this amazing pillar of strength. I love her opening scene in HoF (the foreshadowing tho) and how she doesn’t lose any of her scariness as the books go. Plus, let’s be honest, we’re all envious that she got to bang the king of hearts everywhere, the future Mr Manon Blackbeak AKA Dorian Havilliard.
7. Isabela Silva from the Legacies Reborn series by Pittacus Lore
Say what you want but Isabela Silva is a bisexual icon™ and I love her almost as much as she loves Taylor Cook. Like, she’s just so... iconic. Brazillian bombshell with a fucking heart of gold. Her boyfriend says she can’t join his team so she shows him up and then dumps his ass (while his head is still up there, mind you.) Literally convinces five other people to sneak out of a UN/US government guarded facility ‘cause why not? And then even when they get in the shit, they still tear a pub apart to help her out because they love her so much.
8. Nina Zenik from Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
The reason Nina is so far down is because I couldn’t decide whether I loved her or Inej more (jury’s still out btw). Nina is who I want to be. She is self confident and flirty and knows how to get what she wants w/o sabotaging her dignity to get it. She also is such a ride-or-die friend. like, I’m sorry, your friends might be great but are they “take drugs that could kill you just so your friends will be safe” great. I don’t think so. She is amazing, she is stunning, she is intelligent, she could kill a man. I aspire to be her.
9. Marlee Tames from The Selection Series by Kiera Cass
This was a close one between Celeste and Marlee but Marlee Tames is a sweetheart who nearly died for love so she won. She understands that things like money and caste aren’t the only things that matter and when it came down to it, she stayed true to her heart and chose love over wealth. She offered to take double the beating just so Carter didn’t have to. She acted as America’s wing-woman which couldn’t have been easy by virtue that America is angsty and confused. She was kind no matter what crap was thrown at her by others and I have infinite respect for her bc of it.
10. Fleur Delacour from Harry Potter by J.K Rowling
*screams about how much I love and respect Fleur Delacour and all she stands for* Let’s get real, not choosing a HP women for this list is a literary crime. I personally love Fleur bc she is a combination of all the things I admire in a woman. She could kill a man while painting her nails, she used her education to get what she wants, while still be aware of her stunning appearance. She is a woman who has worked hard so no-one with a brain can discredit her. Plus I like to think that she named her first daughter ‘Victory’ just to flip death eaters the middle finger.
I tag @deathgoddessnesta @propshophannah @highlady-cas @catastrophicallyinlovewithbooks @lovelunarchron @nothingtoseehere-move-along @accio-shitpost @dademigods @regolithheart @fourmillionkruge
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whoknowsbud · 3 years
Diavolo no Daibouken AU
This is essentially justification for a character that uses stand discs. It ended up (as usual with us) becoming a pretty big thing. Whether or not we ever pick it back up is... to be seen. Warning for part 6 spoilers (universe reset, that is) referencing of other AUs I have (shouldn't be a problem though), yugioh references...
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/09/2020:
All right about the daibouken thing
Maybe the discs are randomly generated by the stand itself?
hollow knight... 12/09/2020:
hhhh? how tho..
pucci screwed up when resetting the universe is like. the only possible thing i can think of without doing weird workarounds. or like... original souls dead or alive were made discs?bgjkr
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/09/2020:
Pucci fucked up #2: now look what you’ve done
hollow knight... 12/09/2020:
hehehehehhdjbas yea
i love pucci just totally screwing up
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/09/2020:
Pucci made a world (almost) without stands
Fuckin.... pokemon but it’s stands
hollow knight... 12/09/2020
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/09/2020:
That would actually be a fun idea for a fanpart
hollow knight... 12/09/2020:
whitesnake says fuck pucci for evolving him and sabotages
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/09/2020:
Whitesnake: let’s see how you like THIS fate big man
hollow knight... 12/09/2020:
ok uhhhhh so the memory & stand discs are still separate, so the only way for this person to figure out what happened would be... someone's memory who was there to find out his whole plan. so the memory disc of... jotaro, jolyne, weather, emporio, or pucci? but emporio & pucci of course have all their discs...
whitesnake could also clone discs..?
hollow knight... 12/09/2020:
they do ballet, just cause i admire the fuck outta those ppl like holy shit strippers and ballet dancers god damn
this person can and will kill you only using legs.
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/09/2020:
Plot idea: stand disc game that kids play with gauntlets that load disks some of which are real
hollow knight... 12/09/2020:
jojo but its yugioh but its jojo
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/09/2020:
And our hero accidentally finds a r e a l one
hollow knight... 12/09/2020:
"i will just insert this Directly Into My Face"
jk, the disc calls to em
fuckn full yugioh
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/09/2020:
full yugioh...
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/10/2020:
WAIT wouldn’t giorno/some equivalent of him exist in this world thanks to Requiem
hollow knight... 12/10/2020:
yes, yes he would 👀
hes a pretty big help
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/10/2020:
wait maybe he’s a disc that someone finds
hollow knight... 12/10/2020:
i did consider, but
giorno is confused and depressed cause wtf happened, he lost like. Everything adn then this person whos happened to start figurin shit out starts looking for his discs, cause they find... i dunno, one of the p5 gangs disc, so they know about him. anyway, they find giorno himself and its weird cause like. why isnt he discs. and giorno becomes kinda the jotaro equivalent
im thinking, since almost everyones reborn, protag is trying to find them & return their discs
so giornos trying to help find the people & other discs, which is really hard cause for some reason someone made a goddamn game
god imagine a scene where giorno has all of his friends discs back
hollow knight... 12/10/2020:
and then finally pucci checks in on the new verse and ruins everything
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/10/2020:
hes the final boss
maybe this is the verse before fusion?
Like, Giorno has Jotaro’s disc in his hand and boom. Jort
hollow knight... 12/10/2020:
shrugs probably
just every au is real now
cause puccis a dick
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/10/2020:
Just an idea we don’t have to go through with it
A shitpost really
hollow knight... 12/10/2020:
this is the verse just before the final one
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/10/2020:
You genius
also consider: this giorno isn’t quite the giorno we know, he’s lived pretty much the same life as the giorno we know but he’s from another reset that was basically identical to the first universe
there’s a pattern to these things
mainverse, pucci fucked up verse
But each mainverse slowly but surely gains more information about how to alter reality properly
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/10/2020:
If that makes sense?
hollow knight... 12/10/2020:
ye yea
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/10/2020:
That likewise means we’re looking at slightly off center versions of the stands
hollow knight... 12/10/2020:
a little miscoloring, aesthetic changes, maybe a couple genders...
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/10/2020:
hollow knight... 12/10/2020:
aa wait if this was whitesnake getting revenge itd probably have to be one of the first
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/10/2020:
ohh good point
hollow knight... 12/10/2020:
im thinking about having it be the first disc.. and largely sentient (obv, or it wouldnt be able to want revenge in the first place)
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/10/2020:
makes sense
what if giorno goes by his birth name now
hollow knight... 12/10/2020:
actually now that i think about it, was it ever confirmed that giorno was immune to the reset?
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/10/2020:
i don't... think so? not by araki anyway
hollow knight... 12/10/2020:
where is he....
araki wheres new/old giorno.........
xXX.-r12p84-.XXx 12/10/2020:
basically how i see it giorno's a phoenix
he can survive one reset but not two
but then another one rises from the ashes so to speak
the dream is eternal baby
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