spearxwind · 1 year
for the dragon gifs post you reblogged, could you elaborate on your tags? as someone who loves speculative/fictional biology, id be interested in hearing how actual gliding wings would work for dragons, if youre okay with talking about it of course :]
Gosh, basically.... the whole wing shape is wrong for gliding
Firstly, a majority of the dragons' wings do not have any base to them. base being the membrane that should go down their side
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By far the worst offender seems to be arrax here, but like. all of the dragons have NO membrane going from their arms down their sides, the only one who appears to have more normal wings is syrax
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It's got more base to the wings so this gif looks slightly more natural to me but not by much
NOW,, my disclaimer. I am not an expert in aerodynamics. So I am just going off what I know personally
First off, the wing shape in most of these dragons is elliptical (like in sparrows) which is good for powered flight (flapping), and when they ARE flapping, it does look very good!! Very powerful strokes etc.
However, because they are missing that base at the wing, a lot of the energy of the downstroke would simply just escape. Wings in general work by "trapping" wind underneath them, by making the air on top roll by at a different speed than the air underneath and generate lift that way, but if there's nothing TO lift... then it won't work
Animals who actually glide all have very specialized wings for it.
Eagles, vultures, condors, etc: all of them have IMMENSE wings, and they almost cannot do powered flight (at least not on the same level that sparrows can), they rely a lot on updrafts
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Their wings are all very wide, but very rectangular!! the base of their wings is basically the same width as the rest of the wing, generally
This is true as well for SEABIRDS which are all gliding experts. Seabirds have VERY not wide wings, but they make up for that in length, and this very specialized shape they have allows them to glide for literal WEEKS without needing to land
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Basically, I suppose it's something of a tradeoff? Even in these birds the base is incredibly proportionate to the shape of their wings and body, and they depend on wind currents over the ocean specifically. They've evolved for that
alithographica has this VERY GOOD little chart of what different functions wings can perform depending on their shape
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I personally think the got dragon's wings are incredibly disproportionate, looking at wings on any other animal it immediately stands out that a whole chunk of wing is simply... gone. For no good reason other than aesthetic I think
And besides the anatomical error, they don't have a clear purpose to their shape, they kinda do everything all the time and its jarring to see on otherwise incredibly designed creatures and its also an immense shame. It would have been so cool to see different dragons have different flying techniques (the only different one we get is caraxes with his wing legs, but from what ive seen)
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aikainkauna · 5 years
Fanfic trope meme
Apologies to those of you who see this for a third time, as I’ve crossposted it to both LJ and Pillowfort. Feel free to comment over on there (or my other posts) if you like. And of course, feel free to grab this one and do it yourself, if you like.
Grabbed this meme from a couple of people on LJ. It's... well, apparently about fanfic tropes. Some of them more terrifying than others.
I have written:
-Hurt/comfort (Yeah, baby! Most of my fic is this.)
-Body swapping (Sort of? Souls slipping into each other's bodies for a bit? Jaffar feeling what Yassamin feels? Sex swap, I've definitely done.)
-Soulmate identifying marks (tattoo, red thread of fate, etc) (I have! The Throne of Solomon. And maybe The Past Forgotten counts, in its way. I may have written more, but I forget.)
-Snowed-in cabin/isolated together for extended period of time (The Jaffar/Pwinzezz Cavefic!)
-Found families (I guess the Samarkand gang counts for poor old Fadl? Even if Jaffar *is* his brother, so technically it is his family. But he does have his religious congregation and Zainab, and is... well, he always does seem to be seeking something, so he's the kind of guy to go for this trope.)
-Fairy tale/mythology AU (And not just when I am  writing in *actual* fairytale/mythology fandoms. Which I am doing most of the time, what with Thief of Bagdad being a 1001 Nights fanfic anyway. So I'm writing fanfic about a fanfic of some age-old RPF (fantasy AU!) about historical figures from the late 700s/early 800s...)
-Enemies  to friends to lovers (Yes, please! Aplenty. I'm surprised that  enemyslash/FoeYay/Hero(ine)/Villain(ess), whatever you want to call it,  isn't mentioned on this list.)
-Characters swap roles AU (Uh... I've written sexual switching in some isolated chapters? Like when Laura  briefly doms Torsten in The Fall of Angels, to help him get over some traumas?)
-Friends to lovers (With RPS, Veidtbone in particular, and Theta/Koschei. This also seems to happen whenever I write femslash.)
-Magical  connection (telepathy, etc) (Doctor/Master basically ruined me for all  my other ships what with their telepathic ability. So that now, it feels less interesting for me to write love/sex that *doesn't* have telepathy.)
-Fake dating/fake marriage accidentally turns into feelings (see next trope)
-Royals/political marriage turns into feelings (These last two are pretty much the same thing in ToB, as I've had Yassamin marry Jaffar a couple of times--like The Past Forgotten and The King's White Falcon, but without him laying a hand on her for up to a year, until she finally grows a brain and realises how loveworthy he is after all.)
-Seemingly unrequited pining (Emphasis on the "seemingly." Jaffar's unrequited   pining is painful enough in the movie, so there's no point in making him  suffer any more.)
-Accidentally fell in love with the mission target (Well, *kind of,* what with Torsten. Lars-Erik was definitely his mission target in the original film, and at the start of Because The World Belongs to the Devil, he made no bones about having wanted to kill Laura Erika [the teenage girl version of Lars-Erik in this AU, to those of you just joining in] when she was born.)
-They break up (but then they get back together) (With Jaffar/Fadl.  Fadl's stormed off in a huff at least twice in the past. And Doctor/Master is always the same old on-off car crash, isn't it? Although this is not a favourite trope of mine, as the setup would usually necessitate them being an existing couple in the first place,  and I tend to not write canon or "plausibly lovers" ships because   they're already happily together. What do Two and Jamie, Holmes and   Watson etc. need me for? They're already as good as married. Let them have their happiness.)
-Supernatural creature/human romance (Sort of. I've written Time Lords/humans, humans/djinn at least. And surely wizards count as supernatural romance, anyway?)
-Reincarnation/'25  Lives' AU (What's with the 25 lives? Is this some big fandom thing again? One of the darkest, most fucked-up fics I ever wrote was the Master killing the Doctor during sex and fucking him as he regenerated around him. As you do. And there's reincarnation in one of my Jaffar/Pwinzezz fics,  but I won't spoil it for the new readers by telling you which one it is.)
-Selfcest (possibly due to time travel) (I am scratching my head trying to remember when I wrote this and in which fandom, but I have the distinct feeling I've written it. I've certainly whacked off to  that World Of Simm!Masters clusterfuck what with the pink dress so many  times I... I think I broke two clit buzzers during that time. I've certainly drawn it. And drawn some Connies on Connies. And then there's, of course, Sarosh the Sexbot  who's a clone of Jaffar, looks-wise, but he is very distinctly just a robot, not a living character as such--not the sort with which you could  have a real, interpersonal dynamic. My problem with selfcest, in general, is that I like having that character dynamic--and that requires  the characters to be different from one another. If it's two characters  that are too similar--if they fulfill a similar role in the canons--it's hard to create a dynamic between them and to make it   interesting.)
-Polyamory (Swinging away ALL the bloody time with the Roses!Jaffar and Yassamin, and Torsten/Laura. Sometimes I miss the monogamous 'verses.)
-Amnesia (I've got a post-movie "Jaffar comes  back from the dead" WIP I'll probs never finish, because it doesn't seem to get off the ground. If I wrote this trope, I would have the characters gradually regain memory, though; complete mind-wipes are   horrid. I did have Handy lose the majority of his cognitive/motor/Timey skills in No More  and that was the main reason I had to... well, I'm not going to spoil it if someone hasn't read it yet, but it wasn't the cheeriest of fics. The Past Forgotten *sort of* has this, but I don't want to spoil as to how that happens.)
I could write:
-Daemons (Why the archaic spelling? I have written djinn, so I almost put this in the 'have written' section. I can't remember if I actually *have* written real demons, because I might have. Surely, Torsten counts...)
-'Everyone is evil'/mirrorverse AU (Well, mostly, if I want to explore "evil"   characters, I write about those types of characters in the first place, without having to turn anyone evil. Devilry is the 'verse for that. Hell, usually it's the other way around; I try to look for the human elements of the baddies, or at least explore their logic--what makes them tick, what makes them the way they are. So, IDK, I could've also   put this in the "unlikely to ever write" section.)
-And they were roommates! (This would be terrible and also hilarious, whatever characters ended up becoming my victims. Even if I'm more interested in those hurt/comfort plots, overall. And I have always found it *impossible* to live under the same roof with other people because I need peace and quiet and solitude too much. So this is almost a bit too much like the sorts of negative RL experiences I don't really want to get more of in fic.  But I *could* write it as a comedy for cheap lols, especially if the stress were resolved by hot bonking, ASAP.)
-'They  all work in an office' AU (Otherwise, I would've put this in the "just  no" category, but... the Barmakids were civil servants. So I *could*   write Jaffar and Fadl drowning in paperwork--"WHY DID WE EVER introduce paper into THIS EMPIRE?!?" and cursing their fates and Jaffar restraining Fadl from braining Harun al-Rashid with a paperweight. Same with Lina doing Zainab's books and trying to hold back The Fist of Death when Fadl carelessly drops a piece of his lunch over her perfectly calligraphied accounting.)
-'Falling for a coworker/teammate is a bad idea' except this is fiction so it works out (Maybe. Just maybe. But it'd also be in a medieval ToB context.)
I will probably never write:
-'Groundhog  Day'/karmic time loop (I just never got the appeal of this. Sounds like the sort of thing experimental writers would like? The sorts who really  like filling in bingo cards and challenge lists?)
-Vampires/werewolves  AU (I'm not that big on either. Super-unpopular opinion coming up: I prefer sex to the sublimation of it that vampires are often all about; bloodsucking in lieu of sex, and/or being seen as way better than sex just always feel to me like a cheap cop-out from writers who are disappointed in sex, or afraid of it. I've never grokked it any more   than that stupid, stupid "chocolate is better than sex" quip from women who don't know what masturbation is--yes, it fucking well is sex, TYVM! I much prefer to make partnered sex better than it is IRL by adding supernatural stuff like telepathy to *that*. Immortality alone is interesting to explore, as are Gothic themes, but all the usual themes that vampires *specifically* usually represent just... either hold little interest for me, or then, I can explore them in other ways.)
-'Pride  and Prejudice' AU (I don't hate Jane Austen, but it's not my fandom. That kind of society stuff and being witty over teacups in bonnets has never really been my thing--if anything, I usually have my characters exist in their own bubble, isolated from society and its restrictive mores and social stresses.)
-Coffee  house AU/food service AU (AUGH! Please, no coffeeshop AUs for me; the world is full of them already. Maybe I could write it as some terrible, short parody? Or doodle it? But no more than that.)
-Hogwarts AU (Haven't read HP. Young Adult isn't really my genre. I know, I know; I've just lost all my WLW cred.)
-High  school/university AU (I've done Time Lord Academy-era stuff with Doctor/Master, but I expect this means a sort of American high school/university AU with jocks and cheerleaders and shit. Hell, no. Again, the exact sort of horrid society stuff I would rather have my characters escape from.)
-Adopting/raising a baby (Erm, not unless you count Jaffar/Yassamin adopting a cheetah? They do have kids in some 'verses but there's none of that everyday baby stuff that this question/trope probably implies. I'm squicked by   babies, sorry.)
-Unusually specific occupation AU, like, the Author clearly has the same job (It worries me that this is, by virtue of its inclusion here, apparently seen as normal and acceptable..? When it's crap fanfic, inserting yourself into something that should be about the *established* characters instead. Jesus, I don't want to go in expecting a fanfic, and then find out it’s your diary instead! Unless you're Anaïs Nin. And even if you really *do* want to write about yourself, then just... write original fic? An autobiography? A blog? Write an OC that has your job. Don't do this false advertising where you insist it's fanfic when it's not. That's a dick move towards your readers.)
-Loyalty kink (see next trope)
-Alpha/beta/omega (Too creepy. I can write about piss, shit, incest, necrophilia and cannibalism, but not these last two. Any more than I can glorify the Nazis I've written about; I either take the piss out of them, as with Strasser, or just step outside of their politics and bring them into the land of happy sexings like with von Kolb, with the aim of dragging him out of that madness and leaving it behind.)
-Hot single parent(s) (Please. Rundvik: "You love children." Torsten: "I loooooathe themm.")
-Unrequited pining (Too much of an emotional squick. Has to be requited. I write fanfic to fix things, to avenge wrongs, to set things right. I don't write them to make the characters more miserable than they already are. Unless it's for temporary, character-development purposes, that is.)
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bandimaginezzz · 6 years
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Baby I love you apocalyptic. •A/N I was thinking is it really possible to wait out an apocalypse. The things I think about. And does anyone remember the interview where they all were asked who would survive and the only reason Alex would survive was because Brian would nurture him and tell him it’s ok. And Brian thinks that Lyndsey would wander off to find a phone to call her mom. And Alex right away thinks he would die. The sound of white noise is all that can be heard. The whole room quiet. You had to be careful not to make sure not to make much sound. You sat against a wall. Staring at Lyndsey, Alex, Brian and Justin. Next to you was your ex boyfriend. The two of you were together trying to work shit out. Then the fucking world went to shit and literally all hell broke loose. There was a virus that spread like wildfire amongst the worlds population. Why weren’t you guys infected it? No one knew. You guys had to stay quiet not to draw sound to your hideout. The virus created... well zombies. They were smart and could follow sound easily. They only cam out at night. Moving daily making sure not to draw to much attention and staying away from dark areas. The cover of night was the only time to fear. Staying in a group and keep track of sun sets helped make things easier. You guys had passed some nomads before reaching this restaurant. These nomads seemed to not want to try and fight. They had told your group that they were going to wait until the cover of darkness to end things. During the day when you found the restaurant you had thrown a flare into the room. It would have drawn anything out if something had made its way in for cover from the daylight. Nothing came out. The group huddled in and started to barricade off the doors and windows in the restaurant. Making sure nothing could get in. It was the perfect hideout but it wouldn’t last you. The group had heard of possible salvation in the south. Of course no one knew if it was true but you could only hope. “What are you thinking about y/n?” You heard a whisper. You looked around the dimly light room to see whose voice had spoken. Alex was staring at you with interest. “I was just thinking about how this all started and how will it all end.” You whispered back. He nodded. Your ex rolled his eyes at your response. “That’s stupid y/n stop worrying about it all.” He spoke with a deep sarcastic tone to his voice. You stared at him giving him a disgusted look. You didn’t think it was possible but he became for of a prick when this apocalypse started. You could hear Lyndsey softly humming and Justin tapping softly along with the beat. Despite everything that has happened the band still liked to goof around and make music however they could. The music was the only thing pushing everyone forward. It was hard to make out the faces of everyone sitting around you. The candles barely light the room. Hydro was no longer a thing. The hand cranked radio was the only source of sound but as the only sound was white noise. You missed the days where you could flip through the channels listening to bits and pieces of different songs. Supplies were running thin and going into different buildings to search for them was a dangerous activity. “Why aren’t you paying attention to me y/n?” You looked over to see your ex talking to you. The past few weeks he’s been nothing but needy. Despite that world had pretty much come to an end and everyone that we knew and loved has been transformed into a flesh eating monster he still thought the world surrounded around him. You got up and shuffled around the room. Sitting far away from the groups you rested your eyes. Sleep was hard to come by. If it wasn’t warm it was freezing. Most nights were loud outside the walls you hid behind. The creatures screaming and making lots of noise. The prey that they do find make horrid sounds as they attacked. You heard someone shuffle close to you ad slide down next to you. You opened a single eye to see who had approached you. You saw Alex sitting next to you. “Finally done with that dumbass and his mouth constantly running off?” Alex asked in a low voice that only the two of you could hear. It didn’t matter too much as the majority of the group was sleeping. You nodded “he’s so much work and I don’t even remember why we were trying to work things out.” You spoke softly. Alex wrapped his arm around you pulling you into a hug. You rested your head against his chest. It’s funny despite the world ending showers still worked. So bathing wasn’t out of the question. “You know y/n I’ve liked you since the day I first met you. But you were with that jack ass and I never had the nerve.” Alex whispered. You stared at him completely shocked. You reached up and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing. Get the fuck off her” your ex started to yell. The group woke up to the sudden loud noise. “Keep your fucking voice down” Alex spoke softly but sternly back. “You know what I’m done with you. You treat me like shit. I’d rather be with Alex.” You said to him. He huffed his chest at you. It was true. You’d rather be with Alex. You grabbed Alex’s hand and held it. He smiled at you. Your ex spoke up again. “Fine as soon as sun rise comes I’m out of here. I’ll find my own way around.” You looked at him and thought. “Ok you do that.” You didn’t give a shit anymore. Of course it would be sad if he got attacked but he treated the group like shit and didn’t need to be with this group. Come sun rise your ex was the first out the door. He started doubling back. You and the band started off in the other direction with your bag of supplies. You and Alex’s were hand and hand together. Together you two and the rest of the band would get through this. Some how some way. You just knew it.
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