#Sylvie Laurent
lounesdarbois · 1 month
"Article intéressant mais je vous promets que nombre de nationalistes français métissés ne trouvent pas vos propos de nationalisme racial pan-européen, poivré dans quelques articles ici et là, drôle. Ce sont des gens qui se savent trahi. C’est la trahison qui leur incite le plus et quand ils voient qu’après avoir été trahi par les réseaux vétérotestamentaires cosmopolites à la Kalergi, puis par la nouvelle gauche, puis par des influenceurs du nationalisme auparavant français mais finalement racialiste pan-européen, ce seront ces derniers qui se prendront des bombes, innovatrices, mais nuisibles et violentes, des nationalistes français trahis. L’élément est dorénavant planté. Les bombes et autres armes de vengeance commencent déjà à se faire contempler. Ca va finir très mal."
Cher "anonyme".
Le ton de demi-menace et les termes "inciter", "bombes", "armes de vengeance" rendent votre démarche curieuse. Cette équivoque est le privilège des anonymes et la pente naturelle des lettres anonymes.
Est-ce que vous suivez mon parcours? E&R est composé pour 1/3 de banlieusards et métis patriotes comme moi. Depuis 15 ans j'espère en l'avènement d'une classe "racailles patriotes" pour simplifier, comme le furent autrefois corsaires et flibustiers sur les mers pour le compte du Roi. Hommes durs, fraternels, collectifs, et par-dessus tout LOYAUX envers le pays. Ni ratonneurs ni racailles. Loyauté envers le pays c'est loyauté envers les lignées patrilinéaires des hommes de la souche du pays, qui nous ont précédé, qui ont façonné le pays, qui en ont fait ce merveilleux potentiel, cette table toute prête à laquelle nous venons nous asseoir. Les Desouche ont la préséance dans un ordonnancement national. C'est normal. Nul ne récuse la préséance des Desouche en Italie, Tunisie, Thaïlande etc. Voyez comme la Tunisie a expulsé sa 1ère invasion de migrants en 2023! Patriotisme = loyauté = gratitude. Tout le reste est idéologie, névrose, manipulation.
Je viens de Grenoble ultra-gauchiste bordéleux corrompu, j'y ai appris la vie. Je ne suis pas un Français de souche et rallie la France car je n'ai qu'elle, cela par gratitude, par souvenir de tout ce qu'elle m'a donné de Charité, de Beauté, de grandeur et j'aimerais que nos "nationalistes français métissés" dont je fais partie, s'occupent, dans un contexte de racisme anti-Blanc banalisé, de modérer les invectives de certains "métis" attentistes. Les diatribes des Noah, Booba sont des appels à la destruction par métissage et agression et sont i-nac-cep-tables. Le discours de haine de soi de certains bobos Blancs comme Sylvie Laurent, Molard etc doit être critiqué par les Blancs ET les métis unis. "L'humoriste en paix", je ne l'aime pas. Dans les moments cruciaux il a toujours pris la voie facile. L'affaire Obono… Assez de ce "métissage" qui ne tolère les Blancs de France que comme corvéables, métissables dociles réceptacles.
Cher "anonyme" seuls des métis patriotes loyaux (comme vous et moi), sont opportuns pour contredire durement de tels propos. Quand des Blancs le font, le mot magique "raciste" met fin au débat. Nous les métis devront faire face à une autre mise en danger qui sont les références à la "harka" et au "bountisme", j'y reviendrai en détail c'est important.
Je ne suis pas moi un de ces types qui chie sur les Blancs ou au contraire qui appelle à la violence contre tel ou tel autre en restant en retrait.
Nous sommes Français par la bonté des Français qui ne le savent même pas et se croient coupables de tous les maux. Il faut répondre au bien par le bien. Nous ne devons AUCUNE LOYAUTÉ à des partis communautaires quels qu'ils soient: ni chinois du 13e ni LFI ni likoudnik ni antillais ni espagnol ni franmac ni rien de tout ça. Ils n'ont rien fait pour nous, ils sont incapables par eux-mêmes de produire, de servir, d'ordonner, d'apaiser. Quand il y arrivent c'est par la souche française pré-existante. Ils ne sont pas la vraie substance qui souffre, qui paie, qui porte le pays. Par exemple qui en France produit la nourriture ? Les 1% d'agriculteurs blancs persécutés, suicidés de désespoir sans personne pour les aider, accablés de moqueries, d'impôts et d'ingratitude alors qu'ils sont les plus utiles, les plus bosseurs, les moins payés, et pourtant les plus directement issus des plus anciennes lignées populaires françaises.
J'aime Bassem. Et des gars, des bons gars, maghrébins bac+5 m'ont dit "Mais pourquoi tu le relaies c'est une caillera il nous enfonce". Ce n'est pas ainsi qu'il convient de regarder les choses leur ai-je dit. Il faut pour le pays des bac+5 spécialisés et précis oui mais aussi des patriotes de rue, ouvriers, avec émotion directe. J'espère que Bassem fasse un jour de la politique car c'est sa vocation profonde: passer de blogueur "leader d'opinion" à "Grand frère des Français patriotes et traditionnels d'origine immigrée". Mais je prends mes distances quand soudain malgré 10 ans de d'expérience il dit soudain à un gars assez connu "sale gw** de merde". La voie facile du racisme anti-Blanc dans un contexte d'invasion massive constitue une aggravation du déséquilibre. Je suis pour l'équilibre, l'ordre, la tranquillité de l'ordre qui est la définition même de la Paix. Quand on est immigré, écraser les Français de souche conduit par Justice Immanente à se faire ensuite écraser par d'autres immigrés plus récents, ça se vérifie à chaque génération depuis les premiers Italiens de 1960. Aimer les Français de souche rendra la paix au pays et à tous les hommes dans le pays. Les Français de souche doivent sortir de la haine de soi vendue par la Canaille au pouvoir. Et les non-Blancs comme vous et moi doivent aider ces Blancs à s'aimer eux-mêmes. Et nous le faisons non servilement dans un esprit mondain mais pour le pays, pour la "chose en soi" comme disait Kant.
À bien y réfléchir je vous remercie de votre message et des menaces voilées qui s'y trouvent car je dois dévoiler un manifeste qui s'appelle "Vous avez dit bounty?" que j'ai en réserve depuis longtemps et vous m'en rappelez l'urgence.
Lounès Darbois
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eightiesfan · 5 months
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Sylvie Vartan and Yves Saint Laurent, 1970
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rcsitastark · 8 months
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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (2023) ↳ Season 1, Episode 6: Coming Home
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60sfactorygirl · 9 months
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Sylvie Vartan and Yves Saint Laurent, 1970.
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thegeorgiahuntsman · 8 months
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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Paris Sera Toujours Paris (S01E03)
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buckysteve · 1 year
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sylvie + happiness 1.07 | 3.06 | 3.10
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theteasetwrites · 9 months
Might fuck around and kill off a character in Begin Again whether they die in the show or not
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savelindsaylohan · 3 months
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Sylvie Gueguen @ Yves Saint Laurent Spring/Summer, 1989 Ready-to-Wear
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mymanreedus · 11 months
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dailyfandombooty · 8 months
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aeeioou · 1 year
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In the Middle Somewhat Elevated
with Sylvie Guillem, Laurent Hilaire
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Title: The Round Up
Rating: NR
Director: Roselyne Bosch
Cast: Jean Reno, Mélanie Laurent, Gad Elmaleh, Raphaëlle Agogué, Sylvie Testud, Hugo Leverdez, Oliver Cywie, Mathieu Di Concetto, Romain Di Concetto, Rebecca Marder, Anne Brochet, Isabelle Gélinas, Thierry Frémont, Catherine Allégret, Denis Ménochet
Release year: 2010
Genres: drama, history, war
Blurb: During World War II, France's Vichy government takes part in the collection of 13,000 French Jews and holds them in various venues, including an indoor cycling stadium, before shipping them off to their deaths.
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King y la otra América La campaña de los pobres y la búsqueda de la igualdad económica. por Sylvie Laurent
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antes de su asesinato, Martin Luther King Jr. pidió una redistribución radical del poder económico y político para transformar toda la sociedad. En 1967, imaginó y diseñó la Campaña de los Pobres, un esfuerzo interracial que se llevó a cabo después de su muerte. Esta campaña reunió a estadounidenses empobrecidos de todas las razas para exigir mejores salarios, mejores trabajos, mejores hogares y mejor educación. King and the Other America  explora este episodio pasado por alto y oscurecido del último movimiento por los derechos civiles, profundizando nuestra comprensión del compromiso de King con la justicia social y también de la trayectoria a largo plazo del movimiento por los derechos civiles.
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boy-lungs · 1 year
literally fucking magnetizing
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TWD: Daryl Dixon “Paris sera toujours Paris” Review
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☕️Beware of Spoilers☕️
Last week we finally learned how Laurent was brought into the world and we now reach the third leg of the journey for Daryl Dixon and the location this time is Paris. Before Isabelle and Daryl reach the city they come across the town of Angers to one of Isabelle’s allies who has a radio, or so she leads Daryl to believe. Sylvie and Laurent stay behind armed and ready. I’m not sure if this was the brightest move on their part leaving them out in the open but Daryl and Isabelle venture into the theater to her contact and he’s one strange musician.
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Of course, we reach the never-ending saga of French radios that do not work, which is becoming way too predictable at this point. Daryl remains more than irritated that the radio has been used for nothing more than to feed this man’s musical obsession. Instead of trying to help, the man leads them to his stage of zombies in an orchestra. The bodyless head playing the strings was a nice touch but this was undoubtedly one of the strangest scenes in The Walking Dead and one giant waste of time as the crazed man was no help at all. And just as predicted the kids got in over their heads with walkers coming their way. Daryl must save the day and he has had enough of Isabelle’s leadership. It’s time to do things his way now. Though I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing given his track record so far in France.
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Soon the group reaches Paris and it’s a homecoming for Isabelle. From afar Laurent admires the Eiffel Tower for the first time, much like Daryl did upon his arrival. But Paris brings back a lot of memories Isabelle would rather not relive. It’s the very reason why she spent the last decade avoiding it.
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As they march on Isabelle shows Laurent some of her mother’s old stomping grounds. It’s not quite clear if Laurent knows Isabelle is his aunt. She has been lying about so much already so that wouldn’t be surprising. She then tells Daryl about the “pourvoir” movement. During the outbreak in desperate times, people think to order..”Yeah or God.” Daryl remarks back. That line makes it evident that Daryl doesn’t believe in either side of the fight in France. It makes it really hard to fight for something you don’t believe in.
The group stumbles upon the grave of American Rock star Jim Morrison after Laurent tells another story that nobody asked for about the fortitude of a weary woodsman. How death came for him and he had a change of heart. It is nice to know Laurent has so much “useful information” but I’m not sure that it adds any value to the story. Laurent assures Daryl that he will not face the same Morrison fate and die in France. Unclear if he thinks he’s a psychic or trying to ease Daryl’s fear but I think we all know Daryl Dixon is untouchable and not going to perish anytime soon.
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Another ally comes along just in time, Fallou. He has heard the story of Laurent but not seen it with his own eyes and he is mesmerized by the child as are all his people. They’d been waiting a long time to meet the miracle boy. It is a small community of 64 members and Sylvie quickly catches the eyes of a young man.
And on come the homing pigeons. They are used for messaging because they always find their way back home. Daryl thinks this idea is crazy and to get a message to America, it would just take too long. What came next was the most interesting part of the show. Carol is alluded to throughout this episode but this was the moment that screamed her name. While the trainer is holding one of the pigeons to be released he looks at the small creature and says “Maybe he has a girlfriend..we all have a person who waits for us somewhere.” And as Daryl listens he drops his head in both sadness and guilt. He’s dying to get to a radio to send word back and the further they keep going the more walls he is running into. I do however think the girlfriend line is very interesting. They didn’t have to throw that line in if they were trying to stick to the platonic soulmate trope.
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Another fun fact is when pigeons mate they mate for life. Which is how Norman Reedus always saw the character of Daryl. No matter where they go they can always find their way back home to their mate.
At this point, Daryl is over the games. These people are no use to him if they aren’t living up to their end of the deal. Daryl knows that Fallou can get them to The Nest the rest of the way and if there is no radio then she can’t help him. Fallou lets him know there are people in Paris that trade for all kinds of things but he will need currency. He’s ready to steal so he can make a trade to get back home but Isabelle said she will get what he needs. After all, it is the least she could do after the amount of times Daryl has saved them.
Now here lies two major problems in this spinoff:
1. The lying to Laurent, these are supposed to be people of God and Laurent's life is nothing but one big lie. I felt for the kid last week in “Aloutte” when he told children all the lies he’d been told about his past. They only knew him for 5 seconds and knew it was fabricated. They are putting a lot of hope and pressure on Laurent when he doesn’t even know he’s the face of humanity in France. Daryl thinks they should be honest with him. Laurent has strong empathic abilities to read people but I don’t think he’s a miracle child by any means. Everyone is given a gift.
2. Isabelle believes Daryl was sent to her by God to deliver Laurent to revive humanity. However, she seems pretty capable of handling bad people on her own. She’s been out there a long time growing the Union of Hope. The “killer nuns” know how to defend themselves so I don’t see why they needed to use Daryl as a man who can escort them. It seems very outdated. On the other hand, Isabelle does a horrendous job at fighting walkers even if she can kill humans like it’s nobody’s business. At this stage of the game she should be experienced in that area.
Codron is still after Daryl and he’s not going to rest until revenge is served. He comes to Genet with information and Genet hires him to find the American. Strange experiments are going on with walkers/burners and I get the vibe these are not being done to free the world of tyranny. I believe there is a dark purpose behind it all. If you look back on the burner walkers that is not something that just naturally happens.
Now we have reached the infamous Demimonde underground nightclub club which Quinn of all people owns. There are acrobats, a drag queen, and performers of all kinds. A lounge-type singer named Anna has a miraculous voice and seems to be somewhat of an item to Quinn.
Eventually, they get to Isabelle’s to gather some things to trade. There is a line from Isabelle that just clarifies how much Isabelle doesn’t know Daryl..” you seem like someone who’s always thinking” She is glad the two of them crossed paths she tells him but he refuses to share the same sentiment. He isn’t happy to be there but in the same turn, he doesn’t hate her for it. She’s not the reason he ended up here. He must play nice for now to garner a ticket back home.
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Isabelle is admiring some artwork on the wall. A piece by Monet called “The Water Lilies.” She tells Daryl she used to go visit the museum every weekend and admire it. It was like a port in the storm for her. “It kind of reminds me of home,” Daryl replied to her. Upon those words, Isabelle looks like him with a hint of remorse for even pointing it out to him. There’s a tinge of jealousy every time Daryl talks about going home. But there are two very interesting things regarding this scene that are written subtly in the script. “A port in the storm.” We know that Daryl and Carol are each other’s safe harbor. Carol has always anchored Daryl. “The Water Lilies” also reflects home making him think back to Carol and the Cherokee roses by the water. She is his home and just as Isabelle walks away to speak to Quinn Daryl takes one last look back at the painting missing the happiness he was so close to having.
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Quinn lets Daryl know it’s not impossible to get to America. He’s heard things and they travel to his office to talk about it in a deeper capacity. He offers champagne to which they decline. Quinn starts to lay into Isabelle that she should have told him about Lily and the baby. Isabelle is not sure why she would because he didn’t even want to help Lily back in the day. Then it is revealed that Quinn is the father of Laurent leaving Isabelle in an alarmingly shocked state. It was Quinn who saved Isabelle’s life before when she tried to take it and Quinn never lets her forget it. Daryl doesn’t like the way this is heading and tells her he doesn’t need a boat from them this badly. He can find another way. She is irritated with Daryl at this point because she’d come all this way to help him to help him keep his promise. “That’s all you care about isn’t it?” She asks him and Daryl doesn’t deny it. Well of course not his plans are not going to be changed over a group of strangers he just met. Isabelle’s constant annoyance with Daryl wanting to get back to his family and fulfill a promise is very peculiar. What else would she expect? “Oh since you said so I must be a messenger of god and I’ll stay with you forever and do everything you ask?” Come on now.
On a side note I don’t think it’s a huge deal Daryl was not prepared to have Isabelle go through pain to get a boat. Daryl has always been a good judge of character. There’s nothing shippy about him not wanting to be a jerk to get what he wants. Isabelle doesn’t exactly exude the same energy though.
Just as Daryl is about to leave for the second time this episode he tells Isabelle she should stop lying to Laurent. Quinn being his father will just be added to the mountain of lies. I love seeing the old Daryl shine in this episode especially when he tells her Laurent deserves to know who he is. Maybe that’s something she needs to believe, that he’s a gift from God. He can still be a miracle and not be the messiah he tells hers just as hell broke loose. Laurent overhears them and gets furious with them both while Codron has tracked him down regardless of the deal Genet and Quinn had to steer clear of each other's territory. Daryl goes on the run and it becomes another glorious beta vs. Daryl battle before he falls through the floor in a cliffhanger. My favorite part of this scene was Daryl dropping his knife that resembles Carol’s. The camera really panned in on it which purposeful symbolism.
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My takeaways:
Too much inconsistency with Daryl. He’s a hero one minute then seems incompetent on his own at other times. The amount of times he says “I’m better off on my own” and it’s proven otherwise is countless.
Isabelle is often the same, she comes across as a strong and capable woman but then acts as if she needs a man to get her from point A to point B. I don’t think she needs Daryl at all so it does beg the question as to why is she trying to hold onto him and control him? However, I do understand the script had to be written a certain way to prolong Daryl’s stay in France to give Carol time to arrive. It would be devastating if he left when Carol arrived.
There is no chemistry between Isabelle and Daryl. I know that’s what some of you are worried about. With any Daryl/Norman Reedus ship they are going to try and point fans in that direction for drama and attention but I just don’t see it. Especially not with Carol returning. This is not Daryl’s happy ending…a happy ending is not something that you have to be forced or guilted into. A happy ending is not an obligation because you get stuck in a place you don’t belong. I think deep down it feels good for Daryl to help people but he wants to carry on paying it forward. He’s not looking for a place to hang up his hat just yet. Though we all do wish he would hang up that scarf.
We have not seen the last of Quinn. He still has feelings for Isabelle. Isabelle has shut that part of herself off. But I do think it’s a little hypocritical of her to judge Quinn’s lifestyle when she used to be the same. She was the one who wanted to give Daryl the benefit of the doubt and compassion even if he didn’t believe in God. It is pretty clear she’s a master manipulator and does exactly what she needs to get her way. Whether that is towards Daryl to get him to babysit them all across France or to her ex, Quinn to get what’s needed to secure a boat. For me, it all looks like a game to Isabelle. I’m not sure how much she wants to get a boat for Daryl but as a Christian, it is her duty to be a woman of her word.
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Now call me crazy but I thought Nuns were supposed to be as honest as possible. Isabelle lies to Daryl from the start to manipulate him into helping them get to The Nest(and you will see how in a later episode.)She has not only lied to Laurent about who he is and where he came from but also created stories about a pseudo-father. Laurent doesn’t know she’s his aunt or that he is going to revive all of the humanity of France. All she tells him is that he’s special. Meanwhile, everyone they cross looks at Laurent like the angels are singing when he walks.
Fallou did say the radio hasn’t worked in a long time. That had to be information Isabelle was privy to. Much like how she led Daryl on at the Abbey about their radio only to tell him it doesn’t work. I don’t think Isabelle is a villain but she does too many selfish acts for me to like her. It doesn’t matter if she’s a nun now it’s like this selfish manipulative side was something engrained in her from before that’s never gone away, not even with the cloth.
The best takeaway from this episode is Daryl’s heart and his willingness to get word back home. He can only imagine what is going through Carol’s mind right now. Daryl always checks in with her and he does seem frantic about getting to a radio. Every hurdle he jumps over to get radio access comes to a screeching halt so now his best bet is to find a boat to travel back home. From there he can radio out to her.
The Carol writing is all over the wall but it’s not definitive enough for my liking. Anybody who knows how to follow a narrative is going to know the safe harbor, home, the promise, and sadness that washes over him is because of Carol. And just as The Walking Dead usually does with the most popular ship of the show they don’t make it obvious enough. There is always that wiggle room. I do understand the poeticness of it but we need both Carol and Daryl to lay their hearts on the line once and for all. But I do however love all the symbolism. Famous french paintings that remind him of Carol, the pigeons, the girlfriend call back, and the knife.
I hope you enjoyed the Caryl hints in this episode. I know I did. There’s a scene coming up in Episode 4 that will completely warm your heart and I believe is another nod to Caryl and their future! Feel free to ask me questions to dive in deeper. Xoxo
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thegeorgiahuntsman · 8 months
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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Coming Home (S01E06)
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