#Surprise Trip Home
kikker-oma · 3 months
I'm stuck in an airport and dont wanna work on my fic fan art quite yet cus it's very whumpy and this is a very public setting lol
Im very kindly asking for some simple sketch ideas for the lu boys! I'm going to take the first 5 and then I'll reblog this post once I have them. If I don't answer youts, sorry! But I only wanna do 5 of them rn. ❤️❤️ Bless you all, lovelies
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notjustdragonspages · 2 months
Sad? Make an edit that makes you snort. Trust me, other people find it highly entertaining.
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cookinguptales · 7 months
so... my current plan for this year's holidays is to do them alone. I'm just too tired to do any more air travel for a few months, so I'm gonna make do with the Philly-NYC area until next spring at the earliest.
and I've done Thanksgiving alone before, but never Christmas and New Year's.
personally speaking, my feelings about all three of those holidays is like... I'm not particularly into the "meaning" behind those holidays, but I do like the excuse to eat good food with my family. (for nye, we have fondue every year.) so I'll be a little sad to be alone, but I can still just... eat. lmao. and that's 90% of the fun for me.
NYE is pretty easy to cover; fondue is easy and I might even go to SNM for NYE. it'll be a fucking nightmare to find a hotel room on NYE in NYC, but if it's the last party they ever do... idk, I guess we'll see.
for Thanksgiving and Christmas... I learned last year, my first Thanksgiving on my own, that expecting yourself to cook a big meal on a specific day when you have a handful of chronic illnesses is just setting yourself up for failure. so my current plan is to find some restaurant that will let me pick up meals for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and then just... slowly cook the rest of the foods I associate with the holidays for the rest of the season. turkeys and stuff will be on sale for the whole season, and it's not like they'll taste any better if I make myself one on November 30th.
so... I'm making a list of foods to attempt to cook (not at the same time!) over the course of the season, and I have the ones that my family usually eats... but what does your family usually eat this time of year? I think it might be fun to start incorporating new traditions into my old ones, and picking up some recipes from my friends might be a good first step.
(any holiday or tradition is fine, lmao. I'm not loyal to my holidays, for the most part, I just like eating with people. lmao)
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landwriter · 10 months
dear diary i had a marvelous birthday roadtrip wherein i
had a terrible sinus infection
drove eight hours then waited for a boat for four then saw my best friend’s new place for the first time four hours after that and immediately fell asleep in her bed
hiked for three days (trees trees trees) and swam in a glacial lake
got surprised by a delicious cake while topless (see above)
identified a DOZEN plants for the first time from the trip (and ate so many berries)
bought a great deal of pottery and a nice linen dress
surprised family with a visit <3
saw juvenile barn swallows (v silly beaks)
had old silverware fobbed off on me and decoded the makers marks to learn i have 208-year-old teaspoons! thanks ancestors
drove 1735 kms
got to come back and see home with the fresh peepers you only get when you’ve gone away for a little bit
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Back when I was teaching Japanese college students, I remember escorting some of my students back to their dorms from a burger place one of the other mentors invited them to late at night (he ditched them there and I was mad about it because they didn't know the area well).
While we were walking back, I was expressing my disappointment and saying it was inappropriate for that mentor to invite them out without walking them back since it was late at night and it wasn't a great part of the city, but after a few minutes I apologized to them saying something like "I know most of you are grown adults and I don't want you to think I see you as helpless children, but I do want to make sure you get home safely," and one of them said in the kindest most sincere voice, "We know. You are like a Japanese mother."
And I was just like *voice cracking* "Cool" and walked them the rest of the way back to their dorms, then walked to the bus with my face buried in my hands.
#i talk#My favorite student also said I reminded him of his mother (who he'd spoken of very highly the entire trip) and I was like#*VOICE CRACKING* ''OH. THANK YOU.''#Man I love all those students so much#That was right before one of the worst periods of my life#but I remember the time I spent with them so fondly#One of them was a 40 year old woman who was so surprised I knew who Kaito was when I saw him on the background of her computer#and she was like ''That is Miku's boyfriend'' and I was trying my best not to burst into giggles because she said it so seriously#My favorite student was an absolute sweetheart. When I said goodbye to him and the rest of my students I burst into tears while going home#All of the Pokemon nerds and I played Pokemon Go together and it was so fun#I mostly spoke English with them because I wanted to make sure they were getting enough practice#but I did speak Japanese with them for funzies sometimes (esp. if they were having trouble understanding something)#but I have a tendency to use casual speech and when I found out one of my students was older than me#(one who I always used casual speech with)#I was like WHOOPS. Well. Oh well#he thought it was funny but I guess technically it was fine since I was his mentor / teacher#He was a very serious guy but he was always very nice#Though the one day I wasn't there he got into a fight with another student because they were rude to him#but you know. it happens#anyways. All of them were so sweet#I almost cried saying goodbye to my elementary school students too when I finally decided to swap jobs#The little Mexican boy and girl I taught came up to me and silently hugged me so tightly and cried and cried and cried#and I almost started crying too#agh#I love kids I love college students#aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh. education is such a tough field to work in and the pay sucks and you're constantly overworked#but I loved my students so much. I still love them. I hope they're all doing ok#I remember when the Orange Idiot got elected one of the students who was planning to study abroad here messaged me#and I asked him if he still planned to come study here and he said yes because ''I believe the good people outnumber the bad''#I think about that all the time
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fulcrvm · 1 year
thank you for the tag @teejaystumbles !! :D **edit: and tagged again by @amielot !! thank you!! (since @/rexwrendraws is a sideblog from this account, i'll just use this post to cover both blogs lol)
Rules: Tag 10 (or less) people you want to get to know better
relationship status: still dating the coolest and most wonderful girlfriend of all time ever!! (together for almost 6 years now!! 💞💞 )
favourite colour: literally all of them! especially warm colors, i've been especially fond of orange lately
song stuck in my head: Nosferatu by Blue Öyster Cult — fantastic song regardless, and it's been sticky recently because it reminded me of this spooky illustration i had to do for class :]
three favourite foods: pepper beef (hotplate with rice hell yeahhhh), onde onde (but specifically made by the kueh lady near my old house), and my grandma's aloo posto (idk how to translate it.. potato with poppy seeds?)
last song I listened to: The Visitors by ABBA
dream trip: oh man i already travel so much all the time that i think a dream trip would just involve a lot of rest haha-- as long as it's with friends, it's a dream trip!! would love to explore more of central or southern Europe, haven't been there much.
last thing(s) i googled: "They Were Eleven 1986" — we were talking about this film in my history class and I hadn't seen it before, it looks pretty interesting!
tagging: No pressure tags!! @kiieyla @3-inch-jam @portalpanda @ameedala @invincibleinck @mickstopher-mouse @bowieandthemickjaggernauts @jet-bradley @fltwoodsmonster and anyone else who sees this and wants to!!
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wafflessquad · 1 year
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a little treat for being a brave scaredypants today
not pictured: piles of evidence of the garbage collectors having been striking since tuesday
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talkfastcal · 5 months
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silverislander · 5 months
got through another church service :) (people wouldn't stop touching me without asking) (got guilt tripped abt not coming around anymore twice) (extremely aware i was being watched and judged the whole time) (everyone only seems to remember my brothers accomplishments) (they still fucking do gendered call and responses in 2023)
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This au twists in very pleasing ways, but! I think I found the solution to additive less medication!
So, the scientists (and medics). Where do they get their medical supplies? If so, what stops them from taking this massive discovery and concern to whoever the fuck is still producing Cybertronian medical supplies because from what I'm seeing there's still unaffiliated mecha out there among the stars.
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milf-harrington · 2 years
going on TWO international flights all on my own has changed me, it was such a fun adventure, im extra excited for my trip to brisbane now that that scarier trip has come and gone
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beartoothbarry · 2 years
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i hate this “coming back home” business. i hate this “you’re a teenager AND an adult” unrealistic expectations, double-standard shit. i hate that no matter what, in conversations where i try to approach an issue as calmly and diplomatically as possible, i still get called out for being too emotional. i hate that i’m expected to know how to clean a house (or at the very least my room) and keep it that way, but i can’t make decisions about my own screen time. i hate that i can’t express how i feel freely, even if it’s messy, because other people get “overwhelmed,” or because i’m something that doesn’t matter — but maybe for me it DOES? i hate that simply because my problem might be more inconsequential, it means whatever i’m feeling about it is also unimportant. i hate that when all i want is to be validated, all i get is a constant feeling of failure. i hate that when it’s convenient for you, i’m an adult, but when it’s important to me, i’m still a child.
#belle writes#i got home from my month-long trip yesterday. and it’s fucking HARD to be home#even more difficult than i expected#my mom (i know she loves me and did it with the best intentions) decided to rearrange my room on a whim because i’d left it kind of messy#she never told me she was going to do this — until yesterday when i got home and she showed me#and look. i know it must have been a lot of effort & i’m touched that she went through it for me#but i wish it hadn’t been a complete surprise! because it’s so much to get used to#it’s like the space isn’t mine because i wasn’t there to help change it around#it’s giving me ANXIETY because it’s different and a Big Change#i tried to tell her this but she won’t even accept that my response is valid#saying that i should be grateful#that this is just a tiny thing; that problems in Life are not This#as if this isn’t my life already?!?!#as if i need to have it all together because of how i made you feel with my honest response but it doesn’t matter how YOU made me feel?#i already feel like i have so little control over my life and this only Added to the feeling#i wish she would understand#anyway take my venting with a grain of salt#this is not my biggest problem with life obviously but it’s just another reason why my mom and i are always at odds#i’m very emotional. if i have to i’ll rearrange my room myself#stories of my life#growing pains#belle speaks#i Know she thought she was helping but IT ISN’T HELPING
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fingertipsmp3 · 3 days
Yesterday I was musing about how I haven’t really had a bad nightmare since I went on SSRIs and then I proceeded to have a full blown night terror
#it was so so bad on so many levels#in the first part of my dream i had ordered edibles and shroom powder to be sent to my house (not surprising; i would do this)#and they got delivered by a man who looked completely judgemental of me#but i didn’t care because there was a hot woman there who made me shroom tea#it tasted terrible but i drank it all anyway. and had a weed gummie. and she had a ‘weed patch’ as well that she was trying to get me to put#on my stomach. but i was worried it’d be too potent#since my actual body was sober; i didn’t feel any of the effects of this drug within the dream (obviously) but i was operating under the#assumption they were going to kick in so i was really anxious#then this woman was going through my stuff and she found dead bodies?? like dessicated bodies of multiple people#and i was like ‘i don’t know who the hell that is. i guess they belong to whoever lived here before’#we weren’t in my actual house; we were in like a massive old four-storey house with an attic which i think was where the bodies were#in the dream this was MY house#then for whatever reason i went on a trip with this person i used to be friends with to her childhood home#which was suddenly in a really creepy neighbourhood#she suddenly had a sister who was maybe 11 years old and catatonic due to being demonically possessed. and this kid seemed to be the head#of a cult basically. she had something called the ‘angel guard’ under her thrall. and when i asked what the angel guard were#my friend was just casually like ‘oh they bury you alive’ WHAT?????#then someone unpeeled the weed patch and smacked it on me and i woke up just as i was about to be buried alive#i think there was more to it than this. there was also a creepy woman but i can’t remember the significance of her#it was just such an unnecessarily scary dream. i woke up at like 6am TERRIFIED#i haven’t had a nightmare in so long lol i’m unequipped to cope. especially since my dreams have gotten so much more vivid#now that i’m medicated. i feel like i’m fine with the vivid dreams most of the time but when they’re this bad.. no#personal
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aftersparty · 5 days
i'm home <3
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gregmarriage · 2 months
i have GOT to stop cursing myself for my mental health not being good, or for having literal human emotions, (as if i didn’t suffer a manic episode literally two months ago and i’m still recovering and healing from it)
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