#Sunnah Revival
dailyhadeeth · 10 months
The Sacred Month of Muharram
Hadith: Arabic Text followed by English Translation. 
عَنْ أَبِي بَكْرَةَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ عَنْ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ
الزَّمَانُ قَدْ اسْتَدَارَ كَهَيْئَتِهِ يَوْمَ خَلَقَ اللَّهُ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ السَّنَةُ اثْنَا عَشَرَ شَهْرًا مِنْهَا أَرْبَعَةٌ حُرُمٌ ثَلاثَةٌ مُتَوَالِيَاتٌ ذُو الْقَعْدَةِ وَذُو الْحِجَّةِ وَالْمُحَرَّمُ وَرَجَبُ مُضَرَ الَّذِي بَيْنَ جُمَادَى وَشَعْبَانَ
‏رواه البخاري ٣١٩٧
Abu Bakrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
The division of time has turned to its original form which was current the day Allaah created the heavens and earth. The year consists of twelve months of which four are sacred: three consecutive months, Dhu’l-Qa’dah, Dhu’l-Hijjah and Muharram, and Rajab of Mudar which comes between Jumada and Sha’baan.
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3197 .
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Ang tanging bagay na nagpapalakas sa atin sa tuwing tayo ay nabibigo ay: Ganap padin ang ating katiyakan na ang lahat ng ito ay nasa kamay ng ALLAH at ang buhay ay magpapatuloy kahit anong mangyari.
‏الشيء الوحيد الذي يجعلنا أقوى كلما انكسرنا هو :اليقين التام بأنَّ الأمر كله بيد الله .. وأنّ الحياة ستمضي مهما حدث
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xatskee · 1 year
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#QuoteOfTheDay (20230210): “Barang siapa menghidupkan sunnahku, berarti dia mencintaiku dan barang siapa mencintaiku, maka dia akan bersamaku di surga.” (At-Tirmidzi: 2602) Hari Jumat, ada beberapa sunnah Rasulullah ﷺ yang khas di hari ini. Mulai dari, mandi Jumat (Al-Bukhari: 846), menggunakan pakaian terbaik dan wewangian (Abu Dawud: 290), bersiwak (An-Nasai: 1366), dan menghidupkan lima sunnah fitrah manusia: berkhitan, mencukur bulu kemaluan, bulu ketiak, kumis dan memotong kuku (Al-Bukhari: 5439). Kemudian membaca surah Al-Kahfi (Darimi: 3273), perbanyak salawat Nabi (Ibnu Majah: 1627), sedekah Jumat (An-Nasai: 1391) serta datang lebih awal ke masjid (Al-Bukhari: 877). Mari kita hidupkan sunnah-sunnah ini dan bukan sebaliknya. “Barang siapa membenci sunnahku maka dia bukanlah dari (golongan)-ku." (Ahmad: 13230) #Whoever #revives #Sunnah #then #has #loved #me #shall #be #with #me #in #Paradise #prophet #Muhammad #JumuahMubaraka Telegram Channel https://t.me/x_QoTD https://www.instagram.com/p/CodKl8eSm7F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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julaibib · 28 days
Find an abandoned Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ and revive it.
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fluffy-appa · 16 days
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (رحمة الله) said:
"It is known that a person is rewarded twice for reviving the Sunnan: Once for performing the Sunnah and again for reviving the Sunnah."
Sharh Riyadh As-Saliheen, (3/528)
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asma-al-husna · 3 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Waarith—The Inheritor, the Heir— on one occasion in the Quran. Al-Waarith is the One who remains after the extinction of everyone and everything. He is the only One to whom all will return; He is the sole inheritor and owner of the whole creation!
The Inheritor, The Supreme Heir
Waarith comes from the root waaw-raa-thaa, which points to four main meanings. The first meaning is to inherit. The second main meaning is to be an heir or survivor, and the third is to be the owner or maintainer after one has passed.
This root appears 35 times in the Quran in five derived forms. Examples of these forms are narithu (“we will inherit”), meeraathu (“(the) heritage”), and al waaritheena (” the inheritors”).
Linguistically, waratha refers to the action of inheriting whereas waarith is the one doing the action, the inheritor and al-meeraath is the inheritage. Even though there is the concept of heirs and inheritance of worldly possessions in this world, Al-Waarith is the supreme Heir to whom the heritage of the heavens and earth belongs.
Al-Waarith Himself says: . . . And indeed, it is We who give life and cause death, and We are the Inheritor [Quran, 15:23] …And to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth. And Allah , with what you do, is [fully] Acquainted. [Quran, 3:180]
Inheritance in the Quran
Al-Waarith says: It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any opinion in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, has indeed strayed into a plain error. [Quran, 33:36] As believers we find guidance regarding the Islamic rulings on inheritance in detail in the Quran. The law of inheritance has been given in the Quran in Surah An-Nisaa, in ayaat 11 and 12 and then in ayah 176 and it is part of faith to refer to these at all times.
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Know that you will return to Al-Waarith.
Don’t stick to worldly possessions and don’t let them distract you from obedience to the one to whom both your possessions, yourself and your actions, will return. Don’t look for success in wealth and status, big cars and houses, if it compromises your relationship with Allah ‘azza wa jall— even though society pushes through this concept of “success.” Raise your children in putting Al-Waarith first in their actions and remind yourself often that very soon you will return to Him and you won’t be able to take any of your possessions in this world.
2. Say inna lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raji’oon.
Al-Waarith says: Who, when disaster strikes them, say, Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return. [Quran, 2:156] Say inna lillaahi wa inna lillaahi raji’oon not only when someone passes away, but whenever a disaster or trial hits you, even if it is the loss of an object. Revive the sunnah and use this dhikr in times of loss!
3. Reflect on the ownership of Al-Waarith.
Take a look around you; everything you see– and don’t see— belongs to Allah. He gave you all the possessions you have— your car, your house, your children, your health, and even your time. Al-Waarith says: The kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything in them belongs to Allah. He has power over all things. [Quran, 5:120] Realize Al-Waarith owns everything, nothing belongs to you, not even your own soul, and praise Him and ask Him for guidance to use your “possessions” to gain His pleasure. When you lose something or someone console yourself with the fact it was Allah’s to begin with.
4. Follow the rulings on inheritance of the Quran and sunnah.
The rulings and laws regarding inheritance in Islam are laid out in the Quran and demonstrated in the sunnah; refer to them in any situation, whether it brings you worldly benefit or not. Some of us follow their own rules of inheritance to gain more financial benefit, this is a grave sin and disobedience to Al-Waarith. So ask Him to guide you to stick to His rulings at all times!
5. Ask Al-Waarith.
The Messenger of Allaah salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to say:
O Allaah, make my hearing and my sight strong, and make them my heirs (i.e., keep them strong until I die), and support me against the one who has wronged me, and avenge me. [Al-Bukhaari] Use this supplication in your daily life!
In the Quran you can find supplications in which waaritheen (inheritors) is used:
And place me among the inheritors of the Garden of Pleasure. [Quran, 26:85]
And [mention] Zechariah, when he called to his Lord, “My Lord, do not leave me alone [with no heir], while you are the best of inheritors. [Quran, 21:89]
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Al-Waarith, we know that You are the Inheritor of the heavens and earth. Aid us in using our worldly possessions to gain Your pleasure, guide us in remembering frequently that we will return to You and make us act upon this knowledge. Help us to abide by Your laws and make us of those that will inherit the highest Paradise, ameen!
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imaanoverdesires · 9 months
Shaykh al-Uthaymeen رحمه الله said :
“Whoever revives a sunnah will receive 2 rewards : one is for implementing the sunnah, two is for reviving the sunnah.”
[Sharh Riyad as-Saliheen, 3/528]
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aysufs · 2 months
Revive a forgotten sunnah
Abdullah bin Ja'far -may Allah be pleased with him- narrated:
I saw Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) eating cucumber with fresh dates.
Sahih Muslim | 2043
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riversofnoor · 1 year
Anas ibn malik reported that the Prophet ﷺ said to him:
“Young man, if you are able every morning and evening to remove any malice in your heart towards anyone, do so.”
Then, the Prophet said to me, “Young man, that is my Sunnah. Whoever revives my Sunnah has loved me, and whoever loves me will be with me in Paradise...”
{Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2678; Hasan: al-tirmidhi}
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dailyhadeeth · 5 months
Hadith: Arabic Text followed by English Translation.  عن أبي سفيان صخر بن حرب ، رضي الله عنه، في حديثه الطويل في قصة هرقل، قال هرقل‏:‏ فماذا يأمركم -يعنى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم- قال أبو سفيان‏:‏ قلت ‏:‏يقول ‏:‏ اعبدوا الله وحده لا تشركوا به شيئاً، واتركوا ما يقول آباؤكم ، ويأمرنا بالصلاة، والصدق، والعفاف، والصلة‏ متفق عليه أخرجه البخاري، ٧ و مسلم، ١٧٧٣ Abu Sufyan (May Allah be pleased with him) reported, in course of his detailed narration about Heraclius when the latter questioned him about the teachings of the Prophet (ﷺ) He said that: He (ﷺ) told (us): Worship Allah Alone and do not associate a thing with Him; and give up all that your ancestors said. “He also commands us to perform Salat (prayers), to speak the truth, to observe modesty and to strengthen the ties of kinship. Narrated by Al-Bukhari, 7 and Muslim, 1773 Download The New Sunnah Assistant Android App: Manage all your To-Dos & Tasks to help you become a Better and Productive Muslim. It includes an option to get Prayer Time Alerts and Sunnah Reminders Download Now for Free
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lightup0nlight · 7 months
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Revive this forgotten sunnah! When you feel pain, it is sunnah to place your hand on the area of the pain, and supplicate to Allah. This is based on the following hadith:
🌺 Uthman ibn Abu al-‘As al-Thaqafi complained about his pain to Rasulullah salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam. So Rasulullah ﷺ gave the following advice:
🌿 (1) Place your hand at the place where you feel pain in your body,
🌿 (2) say Bismillah 3x
🌿 (3) and say the following 7x: ❛A’udhu billahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa uhadhiru.❜ (I seek refuge with Allah and with His Power from the evil that I find and that I fear).
【Sahih Muslim 2202】
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This is the only authentic dua after reading the Qur’an. Any other dua has no basis in the sharee’ah. [An-Nasa’i in ‘Amalul-Yawm wal-Laylah (no.308), Ahmad 6/77, Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasai. See also Al-Albani, Sahih At-Tirmidhi 3/153. This is a forgotten Sunnah which needs to be revived. JazakAllah khairun katheeran. #LearningIslamTogether #rasullahshallahualaihiwasalam #allahuakhbar
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ummabdillaahh · 7 months
Goal: To revive the forgotten sunnah acts, remind ourselves about the known sunnah acts and also strive to implement.
Day: Every week will be for a single sunnah in shāʿ Allāh.
May Allāh make us sincere and consistent upon reviving and enjoining ourselves with the sunnah of His beloved messenger (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam).
Al-‛Allāmah Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-‛Uthaymīn رحمه الله said:
"The individual who revives the Sunan is rewarded twice: once for acting upon the Sunnah and another time for reviving the Sunnah."
Sharh Riyad al-Salihin (3/528)
Translated by @SunnahPublishing
Yūsuf Ibn Rayḥān رحمه الله said:
My father told me: “I heard Abū ʿAbdillāh Muḥammad ibn Ismāʿīl say: The best of the Muslims is a man who revives a Sunnah from the Sunnah of the Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) that had died. So be patient oh people of the Sunan, may Allāh have mercy on you, for indeed you are the minority among the people.
[Al-Jāmiʿ Li Akhlāq Ar-Rāwee Wa Aadāb As-Sāmiʿ of Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdādee vol. 1, p. 168, Muassasah Ar-Risaalah] Translated by Markazus Sunnah-Ghana Editorials
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reverthelp · 1 year
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said to me: Young man, if you are able every morning and evening to remove any rancor from your heart towards anyone, do so. Then, the Prophet said to me: Young man, that is my Sunnah. Whoever revives my Sunnah has loved me, and whoever loves me will be with me in Paradise.
Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2678
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questionsonislam · 4 months
What answer should we give to those who say, "Do not think deep; excessiveness in religion will make a person go crazy"?
Unfortunately, the world is like that today. Allah makes this factory of the universe work for us all the time and mobilizes everything for us; therefore, we need to allocate all of our time to Him but we live in an age that regards performing five daily prayers, which hardly lasts an hour every day, extremism. They act as if we will do very important things if we do not perform prayers.
The midway, way of ease, moderate way, the way that can be followed is ordered in our religion. The Prophet (pbuh) said,
“I advise you the midway because the religion will overcome any person who makes tiny distinctions.” 2
As a matter of fact, the following is stated in the Quran:
“We have not sent down the Qur'an to thee to be (an occasion) for thy distress.”3
The following is stated in another verse of the Quran:
“Allah intends every facility for you He does not want to put you to difficulties.”4
“On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear.”5 Acting upon the verses above, Badiuzzaman Said Nursi attracts attention to the fact that a person cannot be loaded a burden heavier than he can carry in the religion.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) interprets the verses above with the following hadith:
“Indeed, this religion is easy, and no one will ever overburden himself in religion, except that it will overcome him. So seek what is appropriate, and come as close as you can, and receive the glad tidings (that you will be rewarded), and take it easy; and gain strength by worshipping in the mornings, afternoons, and during the last hours of the nights.”6
To go to extremes in the religion does not mean to persevere, to live based on taqwa and to live in accordance with the obligations of the religion. To go to extremes in the religionmeans to pay much attention to the orders of the religion that are of less significance and to neglect the orders of the religion that are of great significance by not establishing a balance between the decrees of the religion. It is imbalance. For instance, a person makes a lot of efforts, efforts that are beyond his power, and wearies himself for nafilah (supererogatory) prayers – he becomes too tired due to this extreme meticulousness – and he neglects sunnahs, wajibs and even fards.
In fact, the Prophet (pbuh) worshipped at night until his blessed feet swelled and performed prayers. For instance, once Hz. Aisha asked him, “O Messenger of Allah! Why do you tire yourself so much? Were your previous and future sins not forgiven?” The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Should I not be a slave that thanks Allah more?”
However, the Prophet (pbuh) performed this worshipping within the boundaries endurance; and this night worshipping never caused him to neglect - God forbid - the morning prayer, his family and the people. Taqwa starts at this point.
If a person who performs a lot of nafilah worshipping at night in order to revive a sunnah becomes very tired and neglects the morning prayer, his wife and children, his guests and his health, he will have gone to extremes and acted contrarily to the Sunnah.
* Hz. Anas narrates:
When the Prophet (pbuh) entered the mosque, he saw a rope stretched between two columns.
“What is this rope?” He asked. The Companions said,
“This rope belongs to Zaynab bint Jahsh. She holds it when she gets tired.”
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
“Remove it. Perform prayers with pleasure. When you get tired, go to bed and sleep.” 7
* Hz. Aisha narrates:
There was a woman I was talking to in my room. When the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) entered my room, he asked,
“Who is this?” I said,
“She is such and such a woman.” Then, I started to mention her prayers. Finally, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
“That is enough. Do what you can do. By Allah, Allah Almighty will not be tired of giving you thawabs but you will be tired of worshipping.“ 8
* Hz. Anas narrates:
A group ofthree men asked about the worship of the Prophet (pbuh). When they were informed about it, they considered it little and said: "Where are we in comparison with the Prophet (pbuh) while Allah forgave his past sins and future sins". One of them said,
"I will perform prayers all night long and will not sleep." Another said,
"I will perform fasting continuously and will not break except on days of eid."Another said,
"I will abstain from women and will never marry".
When the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) came, he summoned them and said to them,
“Are you the people who said such and such things? By Allah, I fear Allah more than you do, and I am most obedient and dutiful among you to Him, but I sometimes perform fasting and sometimes break it. I both perform prayers and sleep at night. This is my Sunnah. Whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not from me.” 10
* Abu Muhammad Abdullah b. Amr b. al-As narrates:
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was informed that I said, “I will perform fasting every day and perform prayers the whole night as long as I live.” He said to me,
"Is it you who said this?" I said to him,
"O Messenger of Allah! That is true." Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"Do not do that. Observe fasting for few days and then leave off for few days; perform prayers and sleep at night, as your body has a right upon you, and your eyes have a right upon you. Your wife has a right upon you; your visitors have a right upon you. It is sufficient for you to perform fasting three days in a month, as the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times, so it will be like fasting the whole year." I said,
"O Messenger of Allah! I can do more than that." He said,
"Then, perform fasting of Dawud. Do not add more.” I said,
“What is fasting of Dawud?” The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
“Fasting half of the year. You will fast one day and eat the next day.” I said,
“I can do more than that.” The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
“There is no fasting more virtuous than that. The most virtuous fasting is that of Dawud.”
Afterwards when Abdullah grew old, he said, "I wish I had accepted the three-day fasting the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) advised. It would have been lovelier to me than my family and wealth. However, it is too late now." 11
There is no compulsion in the religion. There is moderation, balance and harmony. It is essential to live in the religious balance, not to abandon fards for sunnahs, not to leave wajibs for nafilahs, and to live the religion as a whole based on our strength.
1. Jamius-Saghir, 2/1582;
2. Jamius-Saghir, 3/2706;
3. Taha, 20/2;
4. Al-Baqara, 2/185;
5. See al-Baqara, 2/286; at-Talaq, 65/7; al-An’am, 6/152; al-A’raf, 7/42; al-Mu’minun, 23/62;
6. Nasai, Iman, 28;
7. Nawawi, R. Salihin, 146;
8. Nawawi, R. Salihin, 142.
9. Jamius-Saghir, 2/1582;
10. Nawawi, R. Salihin, 143,
11. Nawawi, R. Salihin, 150.
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asma-al-husna · 9 days
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Allah calls Himself Al-Kabeer— The All Great, The Most Great, The Grand— on six occasions in the Quran. He is the One who is unimaginably great and perfect. Al-Kabeer embraces all kinds of greatness, from rank, size, nobility, and knowledge to mercy, and it tells us that nothing was, is, or will ever be like Him!
The All-Great, the One Far Greater Than Anything or Anyone
Kabeer comes from the root kaaf-baa-raa, which points to three main meanings. The first is to be great in rank and nobility and the second to be great in size. The third main meaning is to be great in age and the fourth to be great in learning and knowledge. The fifth main meaning is to have rights above all others.
This root appears 161 times in the Quran in eighteen derived forms. Examples of these forms are kabura (“is great,” or “is difficult”), fakabbir (“magnify”), mutakabbireen (“the arrogant)”, akbaru (“greater”), kibaru (“old age”), and kubra, kabeer (“great”).
Linguistically, kibriyyah refers to the concept of greatness. One who is kabeer is someone great in rank or skill. Allah is Al-Kabeer—The All-Great and The Most Great; for each of His attributes He is the greatest.
Al-Kabeer Himself says: So the judgment is with Allah, the Most High, the Grand [Quran, 40:12], . . . because Allah is the Most High, the Grand [Quran, 22:62], and . . . Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand [Quran, 4:34].
The Ranks of This World and the Hereafter
We’re naturally predisposed to admire those who are most beautiful, most intelligent, most eloquent, most powerful, most generous, most merciful, etcetera.
However Al-Kabeer Himself says: See how We prefer one above another (in this world), and verily, the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in preferment [Quran, 17:21]. The poorest in this world can be the richest in the Hereafter; it all depends on one thing: your rank with Allah al-Kabeer.
How Can We Live By This Name?
1. Say a lot of takbeer.
Revive the sunnah of The Prophet ‘salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam by saying a lot of takbeer— Allahu Akbar. Abdullah ibn ‘Umar narrates that a man came late to Salāh. Upon arriving to the line he started his prayer with the following words, Allāhu Akbaru Kabīran wal-hamdulillahi kathīran wa subhān Allahi bukratan wa asīlā. The Prophet, after completing the prayer, asked the people who had said this. The man said, O Rasūlullah, I did not intend by it other than good. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, I saw the gates of heaven open because of those words. Ibn ‘Umar added, I never ceased saying these words since hearing the Prophet say that. [Muslim, At-Tirmidhee, An-Nasaa’i and Ahmad]
2. Find happiness with Al-Kabeer.
Your original nature makes you seek love and perfection and Allah Al-Kabeer is the source of all perfection. So only by turning to Him can your heart feel peace and happiness. In fact, the more you get to know about Him, His names and His attributes, the more you’ll turn to Him with true love and devotion and feel secure and peaceful with Him.
3. Magnify Al-Kabeer in the proper way.
Allah ‘azza wa jall instructs you: And magnify Your Lord [Quran, 74:3]. Words to magnify Al-Kabeer, like the tahleel (laa ilaaha illAllah) tahmeed (Alhamdulillah), tasbeeh (subhanAllah) and takbeer (Allahu akbar), have great meanings; ponder their true meanings, increase in saying them and be careful not to misuse them.
4. Seek perfection at the source.
Don’t disappoint yourself by expecting others to be perfect and admiring those with wealth or status but no emaan. By admiring your Lord, by relying on and trusting in Al-Kabeer, The All-Great, The Source of Perfection, you will never be shocked or disappointed, even better you will be amazed by His enormous rewards for your little deeds.
5. Never be arrogant.
Guard yourself against arrogance (kibr). Never look down on others; you don’t know the rank they have with Al-Kabeer. Arrogance can also be found in how you deal with the commands of Allah. Look at the sin of Iblees; he refused to bow down due to arrogance. A good tip to keep you away from disobedience to the commands of Allah is that whenever you’re about to sin, look up and imagine Al-Kabeer watching you— would you dare to look up and say “no” to Him?
6. Strive for a high rank with Al-Kabeer.
Glorify Him alone and be humble in life in order to be great in the sight of Al-Kabeer. If Allah Al-Kabeer blessed you with being kabeer in this world in knowledge, job position, or any other skill, make others benefit and truly become kabeer to Him in the Hereafter.
7. Call upon Al-Kabeer.
Make dua using this name to ask Him to lead you to deeds pleasing to Him. There is no rank higher or achievement better than attainment of Allah’s good pleasure. It is as Al-Kabeer says: Verily, to Us will be their return; and then verily, for Us will be their reckoning. [Quran, 88:25-26] Always aim high in your supplications— ask Him for Jannatul Firdaws, the higest paradise, without reckoning.
8. Be proud of your Lord.
You shouldn’t be ashamed of Allah’s religion or divine commands. When you’re offered wine to drink, don’t apologize and make excuses like, “Sorry! I have a stomach ache.” You should proudly say, “I do not drink wine because it’s forbidden in my religion of Islam.” If you really believe that Allah is Al-Kabeer, you should be proud of your Lord in all situations, places, and company.
9. Feel your takbeer.
What is really akbar in your life? The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam taught you to say Allahu akbar at the start and during your whole salah. Whenever you say, or hear, Allahu Akbar in prayer or the adhaan (call to Prayer), know what it really means. Know that Al-Kabeer is far greater than anything that you could ever imagine or think of. When you raise your hands to start your prayer, imagine you’re throwing the whole world behind you and all is about Allahu akbar.
O Allah, Al-Kabeer, we know that Your Greatness is perfect and beyond our imaginations. Help us to reflect on Your greatness in order for us to stay close to Your commandments. Inspire us to magnify you in a proper way. Adorn us with pride in Islam, protect us from arrogance, and make us of those who attain the highest ranks with You in the Highest Paradise without reckoning, ameen!
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