#Summer Heat Affects Asthma Patients
drnishthasingh · 2 years
Make an Appointment with Dr. Nishtha Singh to get more information about What are Monsoon Allergies. Also you can call us (+91) 946 1685 766
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today3467h · 2 months
Asthma Action Plans During the Shift from Summer to Monsoon 2023
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Asthma, a chronic respiratory condition affecting millions worldwide, presents unique challenges during the transition from the scorching summer months to the wet and humid monsoon season. As summer heat recedes and the rainy season sets in, weather-related triggers such as increased humidity, mold spores, and indoor allergens can exacerbate asthma symptoms, leading to breathing difficulties and respiratory distress.
To empower individuals living with asthma to effectively manage their condition during this critical period, the implementation of Asthma Action Plans becomes paramount.
Asthma is a complex and often unpredictable condition that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways, making it difficult for affected individuals to breathe.
While some people experience mild symptoms, others may face more severe asthma exacerbations, leading to emergency medical attention and hospitalization. The impact of asthma is particularly pronounced during seasonal transitions, as changes in weather and environmental conditions can trigger asthma attacks and worsen respiratory health.
The transition from summer to monsoon marks a significant change in climate and environmental factors. During the summer, high pollen levels, air pollution, and outdoor allergens are common triggers for asthma symptoms.
However, as monsoon arrives, the rise in humidity and frequent rainfall can lead to the growth of molds and indoor allergens, posing new challenges for asthma patients. The convergence of these factors necessitates the need for a comprehensive approach to asthma management, centered around personalized Asthma Action Plans.
Asthma Action Plans are individualized strategies designed to empower patients and their caregivers to take appropriate measures for asthma symptom control. Developed in collaboration with healthcare professionals, these action plans serve as an essential roadmap for asthma management, outlining step-by-step instructions on medication use, trigger avoidance, and handling exacerbations.
By educating patients about their condition and potential triggers, Asthma Action Plans raise awareness and enable early intervention, reducing the risk of severe asthma attacks and emergency medical visits.
The advantage of Asthma Action Plans during the shift from summer to monsoon lies in their tailored approach to individual patients. Asthma is not a one-size-fits-all condition, and triggers can vary significantly from person to person.
By taking into account a patient’s medical history, asthma severity, and specific triggers, these action plans can be customized to suit the patient’s unique needs. This personalized approach enhances the effectiveness of asthma management, allowing patients to navigate the seasonal changes with confidence and control.
Consistent medication adherence is crucial for long-term asthma control, and Asthma Action Plans provide clear guidelines on medication usage and dosage.
As seasonal transitions may tempt patients to modify their medication regimen or skip doses, these action plans serve as reminders of the importance of adherence to prescribed treatments. By promoting medication compliance, Asthma Action Plans contribute to better disease management and overall health outcomes.
Furthermore, Asthma Action Plans emphasize the significance of managing environmental triggers, particularly during the shift from summer to monsoon. Mold spores, dust mites, and indoor pollutants become prevalent during the rainy season, and these can significantly impact asthma symptoms.
The action plans offer practical guidance on reducing exposure to allergens, enabling patients to create a healthier indoor environment and minimizing the risk of asthma exacerbations.
Understanding the Shift from Summer to Monsoon
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The transition from summer to monsoon is marked by a significant change in climate conditions. During the summer, warm and dry weather prevails, which can trigger asthma symptoms in some individuals. Common triggers during this season include high pollen levels, air pollution, and outdoor allergens. 
However, with the onset of monsoon, the environment undergoes a drastic transformation. The increase in humidity, rainfall, and the growth of molds and allergens can exacerbate asthma symptoms even further. Monsoon-related triggers such as mold spores, indoor allergens, and respiratory infections may lead to more frequent asthma attacks and respiratory distress.
Importance of Asthma Action Plans
Asthma Action Plans serve as an essential tool for asthma management, providing personalized guidelines for patients to follow based on the severity of their condition. These plans are typically developed in collaboration with healthcare professionals and include critical information about medication use, triggers to avoid, and step-by-step instructions to handle asthma exacerbations. The primary advantages of Asthma Action Plans during the shift from summer to monsoon are as follows.
Awareness and Education
Asthma Action Plans facilitate patient education, ensuring that individuals understand their condition, its triggers, and the appropriate steps to take when symptoms worsen. By educating patients about the potential effects of changing weather conditions, they become more aware of their surroundings and can identify triggers proactively.
Early Intervention
During the transition from summer to monsoon, asthma patients may experience increased symptom variability. Asthma Action Plans help patients recognize the early warning signs of worsening symptoms, allowing for timely intervention. Early recognition and management of symptoms can prevent severe asthma exacerbations and the need for emergency medical attention.
Tailored Approach
Asthma is a highly individualized condition, and its triggers can vary from person to person. Asthma Action Plans are personalized based on a patient’s medical history, asthma severity, and specific triggers. By tailoring the plan to suit the patient’s needs, it becomes more effective in managing their condition during the changing weather conditions.
Medical Adherence: Importance, Challenges, and Strategies for Improved Patient Compliance
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Medical adherence, also known as medication adherence or compliance, refers to the extent to which patients follow their healthcare providers’ prescribed treatment plans, including taking medications as directed and adhering to recommended lifestyle changes.
 It is a critical aspect of patient care that significantly influences treatment outcomes and overall health. High levels of medical adherence are associated with improved therapeutic efficacy, better disease management, and a reduced risk of complications. On the other hand, non-adherence can lead to treatment failure, disease progression, increased healthcare costs, and a diminished quality of life. 
In this article, we will explore the importance of medical adherence, the challenges patients face in adhering to treatment plans, and strategies to enhance patient compliance.
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todayhealthlife23 · 3 months
Asthma Action Plans During the Shift from Summer to Monsoon 2023
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Asthma, a chronic respiratory condition affecting millions worldwide, presents unique challenges during the transition from the scorching summer months to the wet and humid monsoon season.
As summer heat recedes and the rainy season sets in, weather-related triggers such as increased humidity, mold spores, and indoor allergens can exacerbate asthma symptoms, leading to breathing difficulties and respiratory distress.
To empower individuals living with asthma to effectively manage their condition during this critical period, the implementation of Asthma Action Plans becomes paramount.
Asthma is a complex and often unpredictable condition that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways, making it difficult for affected individuals to breathe.
While some people experience mild symptoms, others may face more severe asthma exacerbations, leading to emergency medical attention and hospitalization.
The impact of asthma is particularly pronounced during seasonal transitions, as changes in weather and environmental conditions can trigger asthma attacks and worsen respiratory health.
The transition from summer to monsoon marks a significant change in climate and environmental factors.
During the summer, high pollen levels, air pollution, and outdoor allergens are common triggers for asthma symptoms. 
However, as monsoon arrives, the rise in humidity and frequent rainfall can lead to the growth of molds and indoor allergens, posing new challenges for asthma patients.
The convergence of these factors necessitates the need for a comprehensive approach to asthma management, centered around personalized Asthma Action Plans.
Asthma Action Plans are individualized strategies designed to empower patients and their caregivers to take appropriate measures for asthma symptom control.
Developed in collaboration with healthcare professionals, these action plans serve as an essential roadmap for asthma management, outlining step-by-step instructions on medication use, trigger avoidance, and handling exacerbations.
By educating patients about their condition and potential triggers, Asthma Action Plans raise awareness and enable early intervention, reducing the risk of severe asthma attacks and emergency medical visits.
The advantage of Asthma Action Plans during the shift from summer to monsoon lies in their tailored approach to individual patients. Asthma is not a one-size-fits-all condition, and triggers can vary significantly from person to person. 
By taking into account a patient’s medical history, asthma severity, and specific triggers, these action plans can be customized to suit the patient’s unique needs.
This personalized approach enhances the effectiveness of asthma management, allowing patients to navigate the seasonal changes with confidence and control.
Consistent medication adherence is crucial for long-term asthma control, and Asthma Action Plans provide clear guidelines on medication usage and dosage. 
As seasonal transitions may tempt patients to modify their medication regimen or skip doses, these action plans serve as reminders of the importance of adherence to prescribed treatments.
By promoting medication compliance, Asthma Action Plans contribute to better disease management and overall health outcomes.
Furthermore, Asthma Action Plans emphasize the significance of managing environmental triggers, particularly during the shift from summer to monsoon.
Mold spores, dust mites, and indoor pollutants become prevalent during the rainy season, and these can significantly impact asthma symptoms. 
The action plans offer practical guidance on reducing exposure to allergens, enabling patients to create a healthier indoor environment and minimizing the risk of asthma exacerbations.
Read More - https://todayhealthlife.com/asthma-action-plans-during-the-shift-from-summer-to-monsoon-2023/
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bondiairau · 7 months
The Importance of Air Conditioning Systems in Schools
Can you imagine a place where there is no air conditioner? If you think about it, you envision the struggle people have to go through to survive the day. You will feel sweaty already just by picturing not having an aircon but do not be surprised if you ever encounter one. Because of these, having an air conditioning Bondi system in schools is necessary. Students and teachers get to focus more on their agendas, helping them with everything they do. But aside from these, here is the importance of an aircon in a learning institution:
Improved Learning Environment
Students and teachers are comfortable moving around the room because they do not need to worry about feeling hot and getting sweaty. And if they do not have to limit their movements, everyone can create a comfortable atmosphere. The environment the student is in can affect their overall experience in staying at the learning institution. If they are unhappy or uncomfortable, do not expect them to perform as well as you expect them to. No air conditioner during the hot school day, less learning can happen.
Concentration and Focus
If students and teachers are comfortable inside the classroom, they tend to have proper concentration and focus. However, be mindful of the correct temperature because having a too hot or too cold setting in the room can cause distraction and discomfort. Once these two occur, concentration can be affected. People will look for ways to improve this issue, consuming their time learning and teaching. Always ensure everyone can agree on the temperature set to avoid complaints while the class is ongoing and provide a better learning environment.
Health Benefits
Aside from having a better environment and comfort, installing an air conditioning system inside the classroom can also promote health benefits. However, the learning institution will only achieve this if there is proper aircon maintenance. Keeping an unclean air conditioner can cause health concerns, especially for people experiencing respiratory issues. You will commonly see this in asthma and allergy patients.
Students and teachers can benefit from air conditioners because of the improved air quality. The air filters in the appliance can contribute to the removal of pollutants and contaminants, making air clean and easy to breathe. Enhanced air circulation can also happen as long as there is proper air circulation and ventilation. This factor might look like nothing, but it can improve the alertness, well-being, and concentration of the teacher, student, and even the non-teaching staff.
Reduced Heat-Related Illness
Once in your life, you will encounter people who are sensitive to heat. You will see them getting dehydrated easily or suffering from heatstroke. Sadly, these two can happen to anyone, no matter their age. Students and teachers can have these health conditions, but having an air conditioning system helps. Since the appliance produces cold air, heat-related illnesses can be reduced, and no one needs to experience them inside the premises. If you have any related illnesses, do not forget to book an appointment with your doctor and see your treatment options.
Extended School Hours
Regular classes are not the only service a learning institution can offer. They can also run evening classes, depending on the age bracket of their students. These instances commonly occur to college students, so do not be surprised if you see them attending classes at night. But even if the outdoor temperature is better at these times, turning on the air conditioner is still necessary to help students and teachers focus on their classes. Aside from evening classes, summer programmes and extracurricular activities can also be offered by the school. If you are interested in something, joining a club is not a bad idea.
Technology Preservation
One of the many things you will see in schools is computers. And when students or teachers continuously use them and they do not get proper rest, they tend to slow down and lag. These types of issues are something you would never want to experience, especially if there are deadlines you need to meet. So to preserve the technology in the school, having an air conditioning system inside the computer room is necessary. It can prevent computers from overheating and humidity damage.
Schools are just some of the many establishments where you can see air conditioning systems. But here, students, teachers, and non-teaching staff can benefit. It does not only help the people but also the learning equipment they use. Highlighting the advantages of air conditioners in schools will help parents have peace of mind because they know their kids are safe and comfortable inside the premises.
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The Importance of Ventilation in buildings
With the help of ventilation, your home can get rid of indoor pollutants like moisture, smoke, cooking odors, and toxins. A building can become a gas chamber of stagnant air without enough ventilation, endangering the health of its people by allowing germs and carbon accumulation. Structured ventilation controls the amount of heat in the attic, crawlspaces, and basements are kept dry, and uninsulated walls don't become wet. It is also beneficial to have constant ventilation because anything that hinders airflow in your home can be detrimental to both its condition and your health. Ventilation is essential because it controls how much moisture stays in your home, one of its many advantages.
You have no control over the airflow in a building if there is no ventilation system in place. There are so many projects in Gurgaon that have proper ventilation but one of those among the project we recently visited is Signature Global 37D Dwarka Expressway Gurgaon.
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Reasons Why Your Home Needs Good Ventilation
1. To make a healthier living environment and reduce asthma
Did you realize that moldy and wet environments can be significant asthma triggers?
When a home's ventilation system is poor & the humidity level is high, dust mites can thrive in this environment. These dust mites and the debris they release into the air flourish in poorly ventilated dwellings. Their waste can trigger allergic reactions that result in asthma attacks, eczema, watery eyes, itching, sneezing, and runny noses when it comes into contact with the skin or is smoked. An efficient ventilation system can greatly alleviate these problems, and several asthmatics have experienced rapid relief after installing one in their houses.
2. To help alleviate symptoms of hay fever
Many people experience anguish and suffering from hay fever during the summer. Larger particles, like pollen, can be filtered out by an efficient ventilation system, keeping them out of the house. It is unnecessary to open the window, which can be problematic for people who have pollen allergies when there is a ventilation system in place. A ventilation system might provide the solution for a summer that is more comfortable.
Some hay fever and pollen allergy patients have reported improvements in their symptoms after installing an efficient ventilation system. Pollutants in the indoor system are reduced with a steady flow of filtered fresh air entering the house, which may improve health.
3. To reduce the effects of naturally occurring Radon gas
Air pollutants affect some areas of the nation. It is a mixture of gases that has no colour or smell and is created when minute amounts of uranium, which are present naturally in all rocks and soils, decay. This causes the generation of another radioactive element known as Radon's Daughters, which can cling to airborne dust particles and adhere to the lungs' airways if inhaled. The World Health Organization (WHO) has shown that between 3 and 14% of all lung cancer cases can be directly attributed to radon exposure.
Radon is common in places like the South West and the East Midlands and is mostly found in regions with significant concentrations of granite and other volcanic rocks. If you live in a radon-affected area, it is worthwhile to have testing done in your house. A positive input ventilation system may help reduce radon to safe levels, lowering the hazards to your health.
4. To lessen the impact of VOCs
Volatile Organic Compounds, often known as VOCs, are invisible gases that can cause a variety of health issues in the home. Up to 900 chemicals are estimated to be present in indoor air according to the Scientific Committee on  Environmental and Health Risks, with harmful side effects being far more prevalent in homes with inadequate ventilation. In fact, according to statistics from the Environmental Protection Agency, the air inside of homes may be 70% more contaminated than that outside!
VOCs are emitted from a range of sources, including cosmetics, air fresheners, and permanent markers. VOC levels can be 1,000 times greater than background outside levels after specific activities such as cleaning and peeling paint. Homeowners can safeguard themselves and their families by installing an effective ventilation system designed to constantly enter clean, fresh air from outside to dilute and reduce VOCs in the home.
Building your dream home may be a fun and exciting experience. Planning every stage of your house construction project and making judgments that will end in something beautiful is a huge responsibility. As a result, before you begin, understand the scope of the assignment; this will make the process more enjoyable and efficient.
We are pleased to offer this information to our readers and investors who are wanting to acquire new properties in Gurgaon. Kamal Associates guides for all property related queries to their clients for those who are looking for a property in Gurgaon like Signature Global Sector 37D Gurgaon.
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chiefchildwinner · 1 year
A Parents' Guide to Managing Eczema in winter and Year-Round
“Ground cloves for teething babies” in the winter, interior heating and stale, dry outdoor air can dehydrate skin. In the winter especially, red, crusty, dry patches on a baby's skin can be prevalent and worry parents. However, these signs and symptoms are treatable, and many infants and kids outgrow the dry, itchy skin of dermatitis, often known as eczema.
To discover more, we talked to pediatric dermatologist Katherine Pungent.
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1. What factors contribute to baby and child eczema?
A child's environment and genetic predisposition interact intricately to cause eczema. Numerous factors, including the weather and potential allergens, can make eczema flare up. We are aware that eczema frequently runs in families that are predisposed to various atopic illnesses such hay fever, asthma, and food allergies. Atopic dermatitis patients may have skin that is less protein-rich, which makes them more sensitive. Children with eczema are more likely to have parents who suffer from it. Its precise transmission from parents to offspring is yet unknown, though. The majority of children with eczema begin to exhibit symptoms within the first year of life.
2. What triggers eczema to flare up or wax?
Various "triggers" can exacerbate eczema. These may include irritants like wool, particular detergents, harsh temperatures, or other immunological triggers like food allergies, asthma, or even pet dander for infants.
Winter, when the air is chilly and dry, is when most children with the condition struggle the most. When it's hot and muggy outside in the summer, a small minority of people struggle more.
3. What does it resemble?
Infants with eczema often have itchy, dry, and scaly skin, as well as redness, swelling, and tiny bumps that break open and bleed when scratched. Eczema typically appears on the face, outside of the elbows, and on the knees in infants and young children.
Eczema typically affects the hands and feet, arms, and backs of the knees in older kids and adults.
Remember that not all dry skin patches are eczema. All newborns' skin might become dry and irritated in the winter due to the indoor heating system and the chilly, dry outside air. The sun, air conditioning, pools, and salt water can all cause dry skin in youngsters.
As dermatologists, we often emphasize, "If it's not irritating, it's not eczema. Eczema can only be diagnosed if there is accompanying itching to the rash. Cradle cap, also known as seborrheic dermatitis, affects infants and can cause a widespread rash that is not eczema. But during the first several months of life, cradle cap and eczema frequently coexist.
4. How can eczema be identified?
Consult your child's pediatrician at all times because eczema symptoms might match those of other skin disorders. A thorough medical history and physical examination are required for a diagnosis.
5. How is it dealt with?
Our treatment aims are to lessen discomfort and skin inflammation, as well as to avoid infection, because there is now no known cure for eczema. The best approach to treating eczema is proactive, utilizing moisturizers and mild skin care products to rebuild the skin barrier.
Skin should be kept well-moisturized on infants and older children, and cleaned using fragrance-free non-soap cleansers. Additionally, we advise using a moisturizer that is ointment-based and contains petrolatum as either the first or the only ingredient. It is acceptable to use an over-the-counter topical hydrocortisone ointment, a mild topical steroid, for up to a week to small children and newborns.
6. What else is going on today at Johns Hopkins?
We go above and beyond to give our eczema sufferers the thorough treatment they require. Whether in allergy, dermatology, psychiatry, or infectious disease, we consult with one another on a case-by-case basis to determine the best course of action for each child.  With more research, we are hopeful that treatments and methods for people with even severe eczema will be greatly improved. We also believe that the establishment of the Eczema Day Treatment Unit will make it easier for us to conduct cutting-edge research and find solutions to the problems we encounter every day while seeing and treating patients._
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natural remedies for asthma
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Omega‑3 fatty acids
Some alternative treatment options and their associated risks and benefits include:
Garlic. Garlic has been used as a natural remedy to manage many diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease, because of its anti-inflammatory properties. ...
Ginger. ...
Echinacea and Licorice Root. ...
Turmeric. ...
Honey. ...
May 24, 2011
https://www.everydayhealth.com › n...
Natural Remedy Options for Asthma Treatment - Asthma Center - Everyday ...
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Poorly treated asthma may get worse with age. However, taking regular controller medication as prescribed by your doctor can prevent your asthma from getting worse and help to preserve your lung function. ... Not necessarily, however asthma is often more severe if it starts at an older age.
https://www.asthma.ie › about-asthma
Asthma FAQs | Asthma Society of Ireland
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Cold, dry air is a common asthma trigger and can cause bad flare-ups. That's especially true for people who play winter sports and have exercise-induced asthma. ... Wet weather encourages mold growth, and wind can blow mold and pollen through the air.
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Home Treatments
Use a humidifier or vaporizer.
Take long showers or breathe in steam from a pot of warm (but not too hot) water.
Drink lots of fluids. ...
Use a nasal saline spray. ...
Try a Neti pot, nasal irrigator, or bulb syringe. ...
Place a warm, wet towel on your face. ...
Prop yourself up. ...
Avoid chlorinated pools.
Jan 17, 2018
https://www.webmd.com › allergies
How to Treat Nasal Congestion and Sinus Pressure - WebMD
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How do you cough up mucus stuck in your chest?
Steam. Keeping the air moist can loosen mucus and reduce congestion and coughing. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommend using a cool-mist humidifier or steam vaporizer. People with difficulty sleeping may wish to use a humidifier at night.Apr 19, 2018
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com › ...
How to get rid of mucus in the chest: 8 natural home remedies
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What foods heal lungs?
Foods for keeping your lungs healthy
Water. Water is essential for healthy lungs. ...
Fatty Fish. Fish high in fat is an excellent choice of food for healthy lungs as they contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids which are linked with lung health.
Apples. Apples are the food for adults who want healthy lungs. ...
Apricots. ...
Broccoli. ...
Poultry. ...
Walnuts. ...
More items...•Jan 16, 2013
https://www.powerbreathe.com › blog
Foods for keeping your lungs healthy - eat a healthy diet ...
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Taking the following actions can help to eliminate excess mucus and phlegm:
Keeping the air moist. ...
Drinking plenty of fluids. ...
Applying a warm, wet washcloth to the face. ...
Keeping the head elevated. ...
Not suppressing a cough. ...
Discreetly getting rid of phlegm. ...
Using a saline nasal spray or rinse. ...
Gargling with salt water.
More items...•Mar 7, 2018
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com › ...
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Hot weather
Mostly we think of asthma symptoms being worse in the winter. But hot summer weather can trigger asthma symptoms for some people too. The causes are not clear but two possible reasons are: Breathing in hot air can cause the airways to narrow, leading to coughing and shortness of breath.
https://www.asthma.org.uk › triggers
Weather as an asthma trigger | Asthma UK
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How can I drain my sinuses naturally?
Warm and cold compresses. Rotating warm and cold compresses on your sinuses should also help. Lay back with a warm compress draped across your nose, cheeks, and forehead for three minutes. Remove the warm compress and replace it with a cold compress for 30 seconds.
https://www.healthline.com › cold-flu
5 Home Remedies for Sinus Drainage - Healthline
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Treatments for chronic sinusitis include:
Nasal corticosteroids. ...
Saline nasal irrigation, with nasal sprays or solutions, reduces drainage and rinses away irritants and allergies.
Oral or injected corticosteroids. ...
Aspirin desensitization treatment, if you have reactions to aspirin that cause sinusitis.
Jun 1, 2019
https://www.mayoclinic.org › drc-2...
Chronic sinusitis - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
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The bladder 2 (BL2) pressure points are located between the bridge of your nose and the inner side of your upper eyelid. To relieve pressure in your sinuses and around your eyes, try this: Using both hands, place your index fingers above the bridge of your nose.Sep 20, 2019
https://www.healthline.com › health
9 Pressure Points for Sinus Issues - Healthline
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Give yourself a sinus relief massage: You can use your fingers to gently massage your sinuses to get nasal congestion relief. For example, place your index fingers on both sides of your nose where the nose and cheek meet (with one finger on each side), and apply moderate pressure for 2 to 3 minutes.
https://vicks.com › en-us › treatments
How to Relieve Sinus and Nasal Congestion | Vicks - Vicks
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https://www.webmd.com › guide
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28-Mar-2019 · Here are 13 complementary therapies you can try for your asthma. Dietary changes. Although there's no specific diet for ...
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8 Home Remedies for Asthma - International Pain Foundation
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Natural Remedies and Techniques for Asthma Symptoms - Verywell Health
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fumpkins · 3 years
Are dehumidifiers good for asthma
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Whether you’re the type of person who loves the heat, or you thrive in colder temperatures, when the air gets humid in the summer, we can all find ourselves struggling to breathe normally. Humidity refers to the amount of moisture in the air. When humidity levels reach over 50%, we tend to suffer from the heat more than usual, as the moisture in the air prevents our sweat, the body’s cooling mechanism, from evaporating.
Because high humidity can be so uncomfortable, especially in hot temperatures, many families invest in a dehumidifier to reduce the humidity levels in their homes. Dehumidifiers use a fan to essentially suck excess moisture out of the air and release drier air back into the room, thereby rebalancing your home’s humidity levels.
While most people use dehumidifiers to make their homes feel a little cooler and fresher in the summer, you may be surprised to learn that the machines can also be useful for people with asthma. Today, we’ll be discussing how dehumidifiers can help to ease the symptoms of asthma and why, along with some tips on how to use a dehumidifier to breathe a little easier when things get humid.
Is a dehumidifier good for asthma?
Asthma is a frustrating, persistent condition in which a physical abnormality of the lungs results in sensitivity and occasional breathing difficulties. Environmental triggers and excessive bursts of cardio can cause the common symptoms of an asthma attack, such as a cough, wheezing, chest tightness, and breathlessness.
Asthma is a chronic condition that is untreatable, however, doctors can help asthmatic patients manage the condition with education about the common triggers, advice on possible lifestyle changes, and medication. One of the lesser-known tools that can be used in the battle against asthma is a dehumidifier. 
(Image credit: Getty Images)
How is a dehumidifier good for asthma?
As Dr. Jessica Shepherd, Chief Medical Officer of Verywell Health, told Live Science, dehumidifiers are not recommended as the only tool to manage asthma, but in certain cases, they can be useful. “Dehumidifiers should not be used to manage asthma, however, yes, they can ease asthma symptoms,” she says.
As Shepherd explains, dehumidifiers are only useful if high humidity is a factor that is aggravating your asthma.
So far, the scientific evidence on the benefits of dehumidifiers for asthma shows that Shepherd’s assessment is pretty spot on: while they can help, they are certainly not all that useful during periods of “normal” humidity levels. 
A 2013 double-blind study from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews on the effects of mechanical dehumidifiers on asthmatic patients showed that dehumidifiers made no noticeable impact on asthma control.
However, as the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America notes, high temperatures and thicker air can negatively affect your breathing, which can, in turn, lead to lung irritation and breathing problems. As Shepherd adds, “Heat and humidity create changes in the air which will increase the demand for oxygen. It is also important to monitor the humidity level, especially in the home, with a hygrometer as humidity levels that are over 45% encourage mold, bacteria, and dust mites growth – all of which are common asthma triggers.” 
Because of the effects of humidity on asthma, it follows that a dehumidifier could be a useful tool for people who struggle with asthma attacks during the hotter months. However, there’s a reason why dehumidifiers aren’t considered a standard tool for managing asthma – dry air can also aggravate the lungs. So, to avoid doing more harm than good, dehumidifiers should only be used to help with asthma when the air is extremely damp.
(Image credit: Getty)
Is humidity or dryness best for asthmatics?
Many doctors actually avoid recommending dehumidifiers to asthmatic patients, simply because they can make the air excessively dry if used at the wrong time.
As Dr. David Edwards, FEND Inventor, pioneering aerosol scientist, and Harvard University faculty member, notes, while humid air can be bad for asthmatics, dry air can actually be worse. “At low humidity, the upper airways, which necessarily hydrate inhaled air, can dry out, slowing cilia beat frequency that is critical for clearing inhaled debris, and stressing cells,” he says. “Low humidity also promotes breakup of mucus into respiratory droplets, which can carry inhaled contaminants deeper into the airways where they can promote respiratory illness including bronchoconstriction.”
Edwards points to a peer-reviewed 1977 study from the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology that found that exercise-induced asthma (EIA) occurs more frequently in dry air than in humid air. The study even noted, “High humidity of inspired air could be the reason why EIA is less prevalent in swimming, as compared with other modes of exercise.” In other words, it’s more important to avoid dryness than humidity as an asthmatic. In fact, a little moisture in the air can actually help to ease the symptoms of asthma. 
So, it’s best to avoid using a dehumidifier in your home unless you’re absolutely sure that the internal humidity levels are above the optimal levels of 40-60%. While dry air may be worse for asthma than humid air, both come with their challenges. As Edwards sums up, “It is very important to maintain a moderate humidity in the control of an air space — whether by dehumidifying a very wet room or humidifying a very dry room.”
What are other methods for managing humidity-induced asthma?
While dehumidifiers can certainly help to ease any humidity-induced asthma attacks, they will always work best alongside other medically approved methods for asthma management. As Shepherd notes, these include:
Reducing exposure to allergens or irritants that trigger asthma 
Getting an annual flu shot 
Weight management 
Limiting exposure to any allergens including pollen, dust, mold, and pet dander. 
Avoiding smoking of cigarettes, vaping
Breathing exercises such as the Buteyko technique
(Image credit: Getty)
The takeaway
Asthma is a complicated chronic condition. Managing your symptoms requires a careful plan, and experience of your unique environmental triggers. While dry air is widely known to aggravate asthma, excessive levels of humidity in your home can also lead to irritation or an attack. Take note of the humidity levels in your home when you tend to experience symptoms. If you notice a pattern related to high humidity, it may be a sign that a dehumidifier could be just the thing you need to keep your symptoms in check.
Today’s best dehumidifier deals
New post published on: https://livescience.tech/2021/09/29/are-dehumidifiers-good-for-asthma/
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agritecture · 6 years
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New Affordable Bronx Development Will Feature a Rooftop Aquaponics Greenhouse
The new Bedford Green House development will feature a number of unique and innovative elements including a rooftop aquaponics greenhouse, a living green façade, a community playground, and custom artwork from the Bronx community. Located at 2865 Creston Avenue, the 13-story, block-and-plank building will meet or exceed LEED Gold standards for energy efficiency and environmentally friendly design.
“We are thrilled to break ground on Bedford Green House, a development that will provide high-quality affordable and supportive housing for hundreds of individuals and families. Throughout our 50-year history, Project Renewal has provided innovative programs to help New Yorkers in need. We will continue to do that at Bedford Green House with comprehensive services and cutting-edge features like aquaponics to ensure that residents can lead healthy, stable lives,” said Mitchell Netburn, President & CEO Project Renewal.
The rooftop greenhouse will be filled with nutritious produce in an innovative vertical farming system called aquaponics, in which residents will raise delicious, nutritious fish and vegetables in a symbiotic ecosystem. Edible tilapia fish will live in large tanks connected to a bio-filter that breaks down fish waste and carries nutrients to the plant roots; meanwhile the plants will clean the water for the fish. Because the aquaponics growing platforms can be stacked vertically, produce yields per square foot will be many times higher than with traditional soil-based farming.
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Project Renewal will use the rooftop space outside the greenhouse for organic farming in planter boxes to grow vegetables that are less suited to aquaponics. Residents will work with Project Renewal’s horticultural therapist to grow their own food in the airy and light-filled greenhouse, year-round, alongside their friends and neighbors. Horticultural therapy in the greenhouse will be especially beneficial to elderly residents who can often be isolated at home, and for residents who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is common during winter months.
The rooftop will also feature a demonstration kitchen with healthy cooking classes for residents and community members, taught by professional chefs from Project Renewal’s Culinary Arts Training Program.
Bedford Green House’s active design was influenced by the theory of biophilia—the innately emotional affiliation of human beings to other living organisms. Scientific studies have supported biophilia, showing that exposure to the natural world reduces stress levels, shortens recovery times for hospital patients, lowers blood pressure, reduces depression, and increases insulin sensitivity among diabetics.  
In light of these findings, Bedford Green House will feature an interior green wall in the lobby and an exterior living green façade at the building frontage, featuring plants and vines cascading from planters. In addition to transforming the visual character of the neighborhood, the vines will reduce the building’s energy usage by absorbing solar radiation during the hot summer months when the vines have leaves. During winter months, the vines will shed their leaves and allow solar radiation to warm the building, bringing in heat and light when it is most needed. The vines will also remove airborne pollutants, which is especially important in the Bronx where children are hospitalized by asthma at a rate that is 21 times higher than more affluent areas of New York City.
Bedford Green House will create an inviting streetscape through landscaping along the sidewalk frontage, seats at the setbacks, and public art that will encourage residents and neighbors to engage with the building. Highlighting the front yard will be a colorful community playground—with two slides, jungle gym, musical instruments, and a water fountain to play in during summer months—that will be accessible to children of families who live in the building, as well as community residents. The rear courtyard and front setbacks will also include extensive landscaping and space for yoga, group exercise, and mindfulness classes.
The project is the first phase of the Project Renewal’s larger plan to create 90 additional affordable homes through the redevelopment of a neighboring site.
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drnishthasingh · 2 years
The Chest and Lung specialist Dr. Nishtha Singh is here to help you and provide you the best information about What is Throat Cancer with the best treatment. Make an Appointment with Dr. Nishtha Singh or call us for more information (+91) 946 1685 766
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the-sleepandbeyond · 3 years
Invest in your bedding for a healthier and happier life!
Believe it or not, making a good investment in your bedding will give you a healthier and happier life. An average person spends about 33 years trying to sleep and sleep in a bed, and that's just for sleeping. We spend so much time lying around in bed reading, thinking, or eating, which makes the interaction time with our bed very high. So think about how much your bed will influence your life.
How does your bed affect your health?
When you sleep uncomfortably or cut short your sleep because of a poor mattress, it can increase the chances of developing heart disease. Dyes and chemicals in your sheets and comforter can cause reaction/allergies to your skin if you have sensitive skin or has a child. It can cause problems in asthma/bronchitis patients as well due to the presence of bacteria, fungi, and allergens in the air that were residing in your mattress, toppers, padsand wool comforters.
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How can your bed make you healthier and happier?
Your mattress pad/toppers can help you get sound sleep. Not just for good sleep but for relaxing and de-stressing as well. Of all types of pads and toppers, wool mattress pad and wool mattress topper are highly recommended due to various reasons. Apart from being environmentally friendly, it is more comfortable and durable at the same time. It is softer in touch and lasts relatively longer than other fabrics. Due to its organic nature, it is free of any form of chemicals that can cause allergy and rashes in our skin; making it safe for not just you but your child too. Most importantly, it regulates temperature according to your needs naturally. Wool mattress pads and wool toppers will naturally cool down in summer and naturally heat up in winter. This means better sleep, and with better sleep, you are more likely to be happier.
Switching to a wool comforter is also beneficial for your health as it is chemical-free and anti-microbial. It has no odor as wool absorbs sweat and prevents odor-causing bacteria from thriving. Wool is also a natural dust repellent because of its antistatic nature, making it pollution and allergen-free, and at the same time, keeping it fresh and clean for a longer period. A wool blanket and comforter will also help you sleep better as it is softer and more comfortable than others.
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If you are a parent with a child, you might as well consider switching to wool comforteras apart from being sustainable; it helps your baby bum breath better without any leakage due to its liquid repellent nature. A wool diaper cover is also rash-free and will make your child healthier and happier. A wool diaper cover will also naturally keep your baby warm in winter and cool in summer, making it the perfect choice for your beautiful child. For the comfort of your baby, try investing in some good quality diaper cover.
At Sleep & Beyond, we believe everyone deserves a good sleep and a healthier life. And for that to happen, it must start from the bed. To check our products, Visit our website at sleepandbeyond.com.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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by Crooked Bear Creek Organic Herbs
Also Known As,
Jin Yin Hua
The herbal plant called the honeysuckle is a climbing plant that can grow to twelve ft – four meters – in length. The plant comes in several varieties, and some varieties are deciduous – example, the L. caprifolium variety – while some are semi-evergreen – the Asian honeysuckle or jin yin hua, L. japonica. The plant bears oval-shaped leaves that come in pairs on the branches. The tubular shaped flowers of the plants come in a variety of colours, the yellow-orange flowers of the European variety or the yellow-white coloured ones of the jin yin hua. The European honeysuckle variety bears red coloured berries and while the berries of the jin yin hua variety are black in colour.
The European honeysuckle or “Woodbine” – the L. periclymenum to botanists – was at one time employed widely as an herbal remedy for problems like asthma, all kinds of urinary disorders, and as an aid to soothing labour pains in women giving birth. The ancient Roman writer Pliny suggested the use of the honeysuckle mixed with wine for disorders of the spleen. The variety of honeysuckle most likely to be used in herbal medicine is the “jin yin” or Chinese honeysuckle – L. japonica to botanists – rather than the woodbine. The properties of this variety of honeysuckle were recorded in the Chinese medical book called the “Tang Ben Cao,” that was written in A.D. 659. This herb remains as one of the most potent Chinese herbs used for eliminating heat and accumulated toxins from the human body.
The traditional use of the honeysuckle in European herbal medicine was as a remedy for asthma and related respiratory disorders that affected the chest. The Bach Flower Remedies lists the honeysuckle as one of the beneficial herbal plants. In this system of herbal cures, the Woodbine is said to suppress feelings of nostalgia and to quell homesickness in a person. The use of the “jin yin hua” in Chinese medicine has a long history, and the herb was used as an agent to “clear heat and relieve toxicity,” besides other uses.
Parts Used…
Flowers, leaves, bark.
Contemporary herbalists in the Western world make very rare use of the honeysuckle herb. Honeysuckle was a part of the traditional herbal repertoire, and the historical uses of this plant in herbal medicine were many. Traditionally, European herbalists used to employ different parts of the honeysuckle plant for different therapeutic purposes as they believed that different parts of the herb had different remedial effects on the human body. Honeysuckle bark contains compounds that induce a diuretic effect in the body; a remedy made from the bark is used to bring relief from problems such as gout, from kidney stones, and is also used in treating liver problems of all kinds. Honeysuckle leaves have the astringent properties and are made into an infusion used as an oral gargle and general mouthwash – this remedy is excellent in alleviating sore throats and canker sores or other oral complaints. The remedies made from the flowers of the honeysuckle have an anti-spasmodic effect, this brings relief from chronic coughs and was traditionally used as a treatment for asthma and related respiratory disorders. In the Chinese system of herbal medicine, the “jin yin hua” remedy is extensively prescribed for a very wide range of diseases. Remedies made from the jin yin hua are mainly utilised in countering “hot” infectious disorders including abscesses, sores, and inflammation affecting the breasts, as well as dysentery. The remedy made from the jin yin hua plant is also used to bring down elevated temperatures in a body wracked by fever. This remedy is also used in treating problems affecting the oral cavity.
Other medical uses…
Viral infection
The European honeysuckle or “Woodbine” is indigenous to southern Europe and the region of the Caucasus, though plants can be seen all over Europe except in the far north. The Asian variety, the “Jin yin hua” is native to the Chinese mainland and the island of Japan – it is cultivated as an herbal plant in both countries. The usual site where both varieties of plants can be seen growing are along walls, on trees, and in hedges. Harvest of honeysuckle is usually done in the summer months, flowers and leaves are normally gathered in the summer immediately before the onset of the floral bloom.
Research carried out on the properties inherent in the “jin yin hua” suggests that active compounds in the herb can help inhibit the growth of the tuberculosis bacillus and can help counteract infection of this dangerous pathogen. The Chinese also investigated other known properties of the herb, during one clinical trial, the jin yin hua was used in combination with the ju hua herb – this herbal mixture was found to be very effective in reducing the elevated blood pressure in individuals affected by hypertension. The European honeysuckle may also prove to be very useful in counteracting infection as it is very similar to the “jin yin hua” herb.
Honeysuckle’s constituents include a volatile oil, tannins, and salicylic acid. Honeysuckle contains a volatile oil (which includes linalool and jasmone), tannins, luteolin, and inositol.
How Honeysuckle Works in the Body…
The use of remedies made from the honeysuckle – Lonicera caprifolium – in the Western world is based on the knowledge gleaned from its age-old usage and herbal lore. Some of the ways in which the honeysuckle is used in the West include the preparation of an herbal gargle or mouthwash from the leaves for use as a treatment for sore throats and gum or other general oral problems. The remedies made from the honeysuckle flowers are commonly employed in the treatment of asthma and related respiratory disorders – the herbal remedy helps soothe and relax the irritated respiratory passages. The traditionally use of the Lonicera japonica – a variety of honeysuckle in China, or the “Jin Yin Hua’ as it is known is much more extensive. Clinical studies carried out in China have shown that the herb possesses distinct bactericidal action against both the streptococcus and Staphylococcus strains of bacteria. During the laboratory experiments carried out on human subjects, the herb was demonstrated to induce some very potent protective effects on the tissues of the lungs of tuberculosis affected patients. The traditional uses of the herb in the Chinese system of medicine include the treatment of abscesses or swellings in the body, the herbal remedy was particularly used in treating disorders affecting the breast, the throat, the eyes, and used extensively as an internal medication. The remedies made from the honeysuckle are also employed during the early stages of many diseases that come with a fever. The herbal remedy is used to treat individuals with sensitivity to wind, they are used in treating chronic soreness in the throat, and to alleviate a persistent or a chronic headache. The herbal honeysuckle remedy is also employed as a remedy in treating cases of damp or heat dysenteric disorders in patients; it is also used in treating urinary dysfunction accompanied by pain. The property of being both “sweet and cold” is the alluded to this remedy in the Chinese system of medicine.
HERBAL INFUSION – the honeysuckle flowers can be combined in a remedy with many other expectorant herbal flowers, including flowers of herbs such as the cowslip, the elecampane, or the mulberry, this remedy is excellent for treating problems such as chronic coughs and in mild forms of asthma and some respiratory disorders.
SYRUP – the syrup made from the honeysuckle flowers can be used along with the floral infusion for treating coughs -particularly if they are chronic. The syrup may be used as a combination therapy with other herbal flowers, including expectorant herbs such as the mullein or the marshmallow herb.
Flower buds:
HERBAL DECOCTION – this form of the remedy can be used in the early stages of getting a feverish cold that is accompanied by some characteristic symptoms including a persistent headache, great thirst, and soreness in the throat. The dosage to use is ten to fifteen g of the dried honeysuckle floral buds mixed in six hundred ml of water as one dose. If the cold is accompanied by very high fevers, then the huang lian and huang qin herbs can be added to the remedy.
HERBAL TINCTURE – the tincture prepared from the honeysuckle is used for the treatment of different digestive disorders, including persistent diarrhoea or chronic gastroenteritis that accompanies food poisoning and related complaints.
HERBAL DECOCTION – the decoction can be prepared by steeping fifteen to thirty g of dried honeysuckle stems in six hundred ml of water. The use of the stem decoction is similar to the way in which the flower bud decoction is used. This remedy is excellent particularly for chronic pain in the joints, as well as in the treatment of influenza and other infections. This herbal remedy can be combined with the use of other cooling herbs, including the Chinese “luo shi teng” or “shi hu,” particularly when intending to treat inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and related problems.
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wefixcracksct · 5 years
Why It’s Mandatory To Waterproof Your Basement?
People who do not have a basement in their homes; consider it a place to store all the junk items which must be kept out of sight. However, a basement is more than a storage place. It is the foundation of your home and needs proper care and maintenance. You should never stuff your basement with too much junk and boxes. There should be enough space empty to move around the basement. Moreover, all the items and boxes placed in the basement should be properly stacked. Basements mostly contain the boxes with stuff you do not need frequently, but they are also mandatory to be kept inside the home. Therefore, keeping your basement waterproof is important. If the basement gets moisture or water then mold growth will follow and the foundation of the entire home will be affected.
Basement Water Proofing in Greenwich CT is important due to many reasons. Some of these are explained as under.
Flash Floods
The basement area is affected by flash floods. Most of the basements are below ground level and hence, these are damaged by the flood. Floods are considered as one of the most destructive natural disasters in the US. When you waterproof your basement, you add a protective layer to your house foundation and avoid water damage. You should get an Affordable Water Proofing Company to inspect your basement and carry out the process within your budget.
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Unwanted Growths
Floods are not the only disaster that can cause mold growth in the basement. There can be basement water leaks from rain or snow which can create a moisture buildup in your residence. Moisture can cause mold and mildew growth at a dangerous level. It can also cause medical problems which can range from breathing issues and coughing to skin irritation and allergies. Moreover, it can also trigger breathlessness in asthma patients. Basement Leak Repair Services keep you and your family members healthy and safe.
Foundation and Basement Floor Cracks
Moisture can be trapped in the basement floor due to porous surface. The moisture and water can contract and expand due to the increase and decrease in basement temperature. Which can lead to hazardous cracks and it can affect the overall integrity of the home. Best Water Proofing Services ensure that your foundation strength is not compromised.
Market Value
If your basement is waterproofed, then it will increase the market value of your home. Hence, you can easily refinish your home whenever you want to. It also adds a certain security and protection to your home. Foundation Water Leak Services should be arranged as soon as the water leakage or moisture presence is confirmed in the basement.
Energy Cost Reduction
If the basement is not waterproofed, then a wet and warm basement can give birth to humidity inside the home during the summer season. Foundation Water Leak Repair is necessary otherwise humidity increases the temperature inside the home and causes hindrance in the AC working. Moreover, there are chances that the cracks in the foundation are allowing the cold winter air to enter the house even if you are keeping it warm with the heating system. Your basement needs to be waterproofed to keep your air conditioning and heating system more efficient.
HVAC systems keep your entire home cool and warm in the summer and winter system. Since the system is heavy, it already affects your energy bills. Additionally, if you have humidity inside the home, it can affect the normal HVAC working and increase your energy bills. Therefore, it is better to invest in waterproofing of the basement once and save all of your increased energy bills.
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