doublebellyman · 3 months
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What’s with our fascination with fat guys in tight places they ought not be? And why do I wish it were me?
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chubunited · 8 months
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its the third time this week the fire department's been called to pry this man out of his car
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softcitrus2345 · 7 months
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"Ah... A little help? *hff-* Just a few good *hah* p-pushes should do the trick-"
Those dang doorways are always so narrow nowadays... 🙄
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sister-lucifer · 2 months
Toby noncon stuckage ?
my original idea was for ready to get themselves stuck somehow, and for toby to find them and say he’s going to get help. how oddly selfless of him! reader hears him walk away, but then it’s all quiet. that is, until someone starts touching their back…
halfway through the brutal fucking reader starts to call out to toby to please, help them, they can’t take anymore! but what poor little reader doesn’t know is that it’s toby’s cock pounding into them at this very moment, and it’s taking everything in him not to moan, especially when reader’s calls for help start to melt into needy mewling.
reader passes out after they cum and wakes up to toby holding them, and he’ll subsequently gaslight them into thinking it was all a dream they had after they passed out waiting for him to come back.
someone DID suggest toby being the one stuck, which is an interesting role reversal, though i haven’t quite found a concept i like with it yet.
i’m open to hearing ideas though
[if you wanna see more ideas like this you can find the list here]
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heavysambino · 2 months
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Gonna have to get a bigger car soon...I can barely turn my steering wheel with this gut in the way
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bellyasks · 15 days
alright . ik ive said before that i dont specialize in stuckage At All but just this once ill try. i dont really Go Here tho so idk if im actually hitting the mark or not
Your character has to retrieve something from a closet at work, but there's a big piece of furniture in front of the door, maybe a copier or a heavy filing cabinet. They can only open the door a crack, but they think they can squeeze through just enough to reach what they need. Well, they can. Getting back out once they've wedged themself between the door and its frame, however, is another story.
Your character has just eaten an enormous meal, and their now-too-tight pants are squeezing their tummy painfully. They try to unbutton them but realize that the waist of their pants is pulled so tight by their distended belly that they can't get enough slack to undo the button, and tugging at it only makes the discomfort worse.
Your character has a little space they like to hide away in when they need some peace and quiet. The opening is fairly small, but fitting through isn't usually an issue. When they bring a bunch of snacks in with them one day, though, they find that they're too bloated to get back out, their bulging belly stuck firmly in the door no matter how hard they try to suck it in.
Your character has to squeeze into a tight space to reach something they dropped. The object is still out of reach when they realize they can't get any farther, and they decide to give up and get a tool to fish it out with, but they find that they've wedged themself in so tightly that they're stuck fast. The angle they pushed themself in from could also be an issue, making it harder to get back out the way they came without assistance.
Your character is trying on clothes at the store. They're in the dressing room trying on a cute shirt, but it's far too snug. Disappointed, they try to take it off but find that it's so snug they can't wriggle their way out of it, and they're too worried about ripping it to try and force it off. Hopefully they have somebody with them who can come to the rescue, or they'll wind up paying for a shirt they don't even want.
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infinitegest · 11 months
Storage Closet
Horny Plot Device University!
[this longer story is a bit of a prequel to Freshman Dorms II, another HPDU story. starring Quark (they/them) and Vic (they/them), two freshman goons at their dream college]
“This is the worst!”
The homecoming crowd was deafening.
“It was your idea to come here!”
“Well, I’ve changed my mind!”
A ball moved from one side of the field to the other, and the deafening crowd somehow became more deafening.
“____!?” Quark shouted back.
Vic gestured for Quark to follow. The two of them stumbled past a row of people and beelined for the exit. Finally, with a couple layers of concrete between them and the volume of the game, Vic spoke up.
“I thought that, you know, starting college, new year, new me, maybe the new Vic likes school spirit and football games.”
“And does New Vic magically like meaningless rituals and being bombarded by noise and lights?”
“No, New Vic does not.”
Quark snorted and bumped Vic with their hip.
“Am I the only one who’s impressed at how… flat, all the cheerleaders are?”
Vic cocked an eyebrow. “I bet they have some sort of agreement or contract or something saying that they can’t be pregnant during big games, or maybe the pregnant ones sit it out?”
“Or maybe they save it so after the game, if they win, they can give the team a celebratory bang, and if they lose, they can give them a pity fuck.”
“Is that how people think? Sounds kinda depressing to me.”
“Idk dude, just keep an eye out and see if they’re still flat after tonight.”
They smirked at each other, and walked quietly for a moment.
“So you don’t want to watch the game. What do you want to do?”
“Dunno. We could wander around, explore campus while everything but the stadium’s abandoned?”
Vic gave Quark a side eye. “So… you were watching the cheerleaders?”
“I mean, yeah. They’re hot, and I can focus on the hotness instead of being worried that they’re going to go into labor or keel over from some Mystery Pregnancy-Related Ailment. Is that a thing? Do people do that?”
“No idea. I haven’t seen anyone on campus keel over from an MPRA, and if you were going to see it anywhere…”
“It’d be here. Yeah.”
“Would you want to try it out?”
“… What?”
“Pregnancy. The whole ‘magically pregnant’ thing.”
Quark stopped. “I mean… yeah, being here, you think about it…”
“You think about it, you see other people swelling up, you watch the cheerleaders and discuss their lack of big, bouncing bellies with, dare I say it, a note of disappointment?”
Quark squinted at Vic. “What are you playing at.”
“Just wondering. The cheap tuition isn’t the only reason the two of us are here, right?”
“Fuck off with the vagaries. Say what you wanna say.”
Vic stepped a little closer than Quark was expecting. “Quark, you’re cool. You’re badass. On top of that, you’re extremely hot.”
They grinned. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
“And I really like you. And if you want to try the whole… whatever is up with this school… I wouldn’t mind being the one you try it with.”
Their faces hovered closer together. Slowly, they leaned into a kiss, uncomfortably hesitant at first, then growing warmer and warmer to each other. Quark grabbed Vic’s hips and nudged up against them, feeling the growing stiffness between Vic’s thighs and realizing that they really, really wanted that inside of them.
They broke apart, breathing heavily and shuddering.
“You want to get me pregnant?”
Vic nodded. “You want me to get you pregnant?”
Quark nodded vigorously.
“Okay then. Let’s knock you up.”
“Wait, like, here and now? Do we wanna go back to the dorms?”
“We could, but…” They looked at each other. Neither of them wanted to wait that long.
“I saw a storage closet back there?”
“Gross. Cliché. Let’s do it.”
“After you, m’theydy.”
“Aaaaaaand just for that I’m gonna find someone else to knock me up, have fun jerking off in a closet!”
Laughing, Vic grabbed Quark as they started walking away and pulled them back. “Ok, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll never say that again.”
“Good, cos if you do, I will smother you with my pregnant belly.”
“Well, we’ve gotta give you that belly first, huh?”
They stumbled over each other, piling into the closet and closing the door behind them.
Quark’s voice in the darkness. “Great. Where’s the fucking light?”
There was the sound of Vic pulling a chain, and the incandescent light flickered on. Quark slowly looked up at Vic, inches away.
They attacked each other, almost tripping several times as clothes started piling up and getting tangled on the floor. Vic wore more layers than Quark, so there was a moment when Quark, stripped to just a black tank top and their socks (no homo), was grinding impatiently against Vic (who was still carefully undoing some clasps) chanting “Get me pregnant get me pregnant comeoncomeongetmepregnant—“
Finally, Vic grabbed hold of Quark, who climbed Vic like a tree, slamming their hips together and fucking like their lives depended on it.
“Come on, come in me, put your babies in me, make me huge and swollen like those cheerleaders are all gonna be!”
Vic slammed Quark against the back wall, pushing as deep into them as they could go, making Quark gasp, their eyes going wide. “I can’t wait to feel you grow, I can’t wait to feel you swelling up, your belly heavy with babies… oh god, I’m going to cum in you…”
“Do it, god I’d love that, I want to be so big I need a wheelchair to get around!”
“You think you can handle a belly that big?”
Quark grabbed Vic’s face and looked into their eyes. “Yes. I want that. I want that so fucking much, I feel so empty right now and I need you to fill me up.”
“Good, because I’m about to cum.”
“Oh fuck, oh F U C K”
They came together, shuddering and clutching, nails digging into skin, before collapsing to the floor, Quark on top of Vic, Vic still inside of Quark.
Vic felt something press against their abs. “Hey, sit up. I think…”
Bleary eyed and grinning, Quark sat up, and almost immediately started grinding on Vic again.
“Quark, wait—oh shit, that feels good—your belly—“
“Knock me up, I need you to fuck me full of babies,” Quark murmured, blissful and unthinking.
“Quark—oh, fuck—Quark, you’re getting big—“ As Quark rode them, Vic put one hand on their bouncing hips and one on their midriff, where their tanktop was quickly losing ground to the growing bump.
“Huh? Oh,” Quark finally noticed their changing body. “Oh fuck. Oh, holy fuck, you got me PREGNANT.” Mad with lust, they started bouncing furiously on Vic’s member.
“Oh, Quark—that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen—I put a baby in your belly,” Vic said, rubbing Quark’s swelling belly, the tanktop stretching thin.
“Do it again, do it AGAIN, fuck, my belly’s so big—“
“Fuck, you’re so good at this— I’m coming again—“
They both moaned as Quark felt Vic exploding, filling them with even more baby batter. Quark slid off, cradling their full-term belly, and felt it start to shift.
Vic was panting, exhausted. “That was amazing, holy shit, I don’t think I have any left in me…”
“Vic, I’m growing again.”
Quark saw something shift in Vic’s eyes when they looked at the expanding stomach now dominating Quark’s lower half. Their breathing deepened, and they sprang erect once again.
“Wait, are you ready to go already?”
“I think so, yeah.”
“I’m already so pregnant…”
“True. But, consider this: I could get you even more pregnant.”
“That’s a good point, I like that point.” Quark grinned and leaned back, spreading their legs wide.
Vic crawled over to them, and, leaning down close, the still-swelling pregnant mound pressing against their abs, they growled: “Let’s see how many babies we can fit in that belly.”
20 minutes later
The belly gently rolled back and forth, jostling its passengers, ensuring they stayed awake and active. Nearly a dozen babies squirmed inside, jockeying for wiggle room.
Quark was bent over, their gargantuan stomach stacked on top of a box of paper towels, while Vic worked on adding more to their ever-growing womb from behind.
“God, I’m still growing, I’m still growing from the last one and you’re putting more in me, I’m never going to stop growing…” Quark said, deliriously happy and horny.
“I love your belly so much,” Vic groaned, “I love feeling you swell up bigger and bigger knowing it’s because of how much I’ve fucked you, FUCK” They slammed into Quark, making every part of them jiggle and adding more babies to the growing process.
“Holy… shit…” Quark weakly patted the bulging orb that had been a cute six-pack less than an hour ago.
“Fuck… I think I’m finally done… Jesus, you’re huge…” Vic pulled back and wiped the sweat from their face.
Quark giggled, and, straining to lift their belly more than an inch above the ground, they turned to face Vic. Or, they tried to face Vic.
“Er… I don’t think I have room to turn around.”
“Hm. That’s okay, I’ll help you get dressed and open the door for you, and you can back out.”
“Insert obligatory truck backing up noises here.”
“Nice. Quality joke.”
Vic managed to roll Quark’s leggings up their shaking legs, giving their hips and ass a squeeze along the way.
“Okay. Beep beep time. Let me out.”
As Vic held the door open, Quark slowly waddled backwards, careful not to bash their womb against any shelves.
Then came the doorframe.
“Uhm. Hm. Vic?”
“Yeah, that’s… a problem.”
“Yeah, you got me so pregnant I can’t fit through the door.”
“Yeah. Damn.” Quark looked over their shoulder at their accomplice. “You’ve made my belly so huge I can’t fit through doors. Vic?”
Vic, who seemed lost in thought staring at Quark’s backside, snapped out of it to look up and see Quark’s face, heavy-lidded, and flushed with arousal. They gently wiggled their rear, the lower curve of their crowded belly visible between their legs.
“You filled me up with so many big, heavy babies…”
“I shouldn’t have bothered putting your pants back on, should I.”
“Of course not, you idiot.”
Vic gently pushed Quark back into the closet and set to work bringing Quark up to a full baker’s dozen. Down the hall, an extremely tired-looking custodian radioed the admin building, letting them know of an impending situation.
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drpeppertummy · 5 months
Doodle idea! 2 character trying to squeeze through a door way but ther stuffed tummys have them stuck together
mindcraft villager behavior💖 2 separate versions bc i had 2 visions
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[ID: two drawings of the same scenario: two people squeezed together in a doorway, their backs to the frame and their full tummies pressed together. the first drawing shows two women in the doorway, one laughing at their predicament and the other looking surprised and amused. the second shows a tall, annoyed-looking woman saying "Do you mind." and a short man smiling innocently up at her and saying "no."]
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chubunited · 5 months
How does Amity deal with doorways and the like at larger sizes?
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typically, in non-emergency situations, Amity can simply avoid any activities that require it to squeeze itself stuck into small spaces. However in emergencies.... well. lets just hope those doorways arent critical to structural integrity...
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lipglossanon · 10 months
I know we've gotten that good stuck fic with subby stepbro!Leon, but I need to know the reactions he and stepbro!Leon would react if you were stuck in the washing machine
Like, it's literally impossible to get stuck in there, but I for some reason need to know 😭
And reminder to take care of yourself love!!! (is it okay I call you that?)
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The cat pic! ASDSFDL 🤭
And seriously I love stuckage but why is the washing machine the trope 😭 but I’ll try my best friend, reader will be magically stuck in there somehow haha 🫡
Aww thank you 🥹 I’m doing that now! Taking it easy and trying to stay offline a little more, writing whatever I feel like and posting what I want haha. And it’s perfectly fine to call me that! I’m chill 🥶 😝 (18+ under the cut pls and thx 🙏)
Stepbro Leon:
Hears some weird noise as he’s walking into the kitchen and so follows it til he comes to the laundry room. And sees you, lower half dangling over the washing machine
“What the hell are you doing?”
Your voice echoes weirdly since it’s coming out of the machine itself, “I got stuck, help pull me out.”
You just hear him snicker to himself and then feel him press up against your body.
“You’ve gotta say it, this is too good of an opportunity to pass up.”
“What the hell are you talking about, get me out of here!” You try to kick your legs but it’s too awkward.
His voice goes falsetto, “Please help me stepbro, I’m stuck.”
“Fuck off,” you snap at him, feeling frustrated, “if you won’t help me go find someone else, asshole.”
He clicks his tongue, “That’s no way to ask nicely.”
“Please, big brother,” your voice drones sardonically, sounding even dryer with the metallic echo, “I need your help.”
He sighs, “You’re no fun, seriously. But…”
He doesn’t say anything but you feel him tugging your shorts down your legs, “Maybe this might help you out.”
His fingers slide under the band of your panties and start to softly circle your clit. You whine and clamp your legs shut but it only makes him laugh and tease your slit, fingers dipping into your hole.
“Fuck, you’re already wet,” he groans, slipping two fingers into your pussy easily finding the spongy spot along the front of your cunt to rub against.
You moan as he slides his fingers out and you feel the hot tip of his cock pressing into your hole in their place. Both of you groan as he sinks his dick into your pussy, quickly pulling out to slowly fuck back into your fluttering walls.
“Slutty fucking pussy,” his big hands wrap around your hips as he snaps his hips into your ass, “so fucking good.”
“Leon,” you mewl, crying out when his slick covered fingers find your clit again and start to slowly circle the sensitive bud.
“Yeah, cum on my cock and I’ll help you out, little sis,” he laughs.
It feels like he keeps you on the cusp of orgasm for forever, every time your cunt clamps around his dick he eases off from teasing your clit until you’re whining and gasping, pleading with him to cum.
“Ready to get all filled up, baby sis? Want big brother to cream your hot fucking cunt? Yeah y’do,” he grunts, hips thrusting into your squelching hole as he rubs your clit in harsh circles.
“Please, wanna cum, please big brother, please,” you gasp out, a low keening whine spilling out of your mouth to echo around you as Leon rubs across your clit just right, making your orgasm overtake your body.
Leon curses under his breath as your body shakes and tightens up around his cock until it feels like he’s fucking into a vice grip. A few more thrusts and he’s burying himself deep into your spasming walls, cock spurting hot cum into your pussy as it milks him. Once he’s soft enough, he pulls out with a low hiss, quickly snapping your panties and shorts over your ass so nothing drips out of you. He reaches around your shoulders and maneuvers your arms and shoulders until you’re stumbling back into his chest.
He slaps your ass as he heads out of the room, smirking at you, “Next time just say you want fucked, don’t gotta get stuck for me.”
Subby stepbro:
Is already actually looking around the house trying to find you. So imagine his surprise to see your ass hanging out of the washing machine as soon as he goes into the laundry room.
“Uhh, do you need help?”
You laugh but it sounds strained, “Yes, I’ve been trying to get out of here for longer than I’d like to admit.”
He bites his lip as he actually looks at you. You’re only wearing skimpy panties and a baggy shirt (makes sense to him that you’d be doing laundry then). But he can see the outline of your fat pussy lips and it’s making him stupid. Walking up to you, his hand skates up your thighs until his thumbs are spreading open your pussy until your underwear barely cover your hole.
“Leon,” your shaky voice makes him groan.
“Let me just—“ he stops talking to dip down and lick your cunt through the thin panties.
“Leon!” You gasp out, “fuck, this is so, ngh!”
He’s yanking your panties off, mouth going right back to licking into your cunt. Moaning, he licks and mouths along your pussy lips, sucking them into his mouth as he moves up to your clit. He sucks the sensitive bundle of nerves into his mouth, running his tongue over the hood before flicking across your clit. You can hear clothes shuffling and then Leon’s pulling away only to push the fat head of his cock into your soaked hole. You squeal as he buries his thick cock into your pussy, feeling overly stretched out and full.
“Fuck, just needed to feel your pussy, big sis,” he grunts, rocking his hips deeper into you, “so sexy, bent over with your hot little cunt just there for me to take, fuck.”
He groans and starts a quick and hard tempo, humping against your ass as his cock bullies into your pussy over and over. You’re only able to whine and moan as your stuck taking Leon’s fat cock deep into your cunt. His hand slips to the front of your hips and he teases across your slippery clit.
“Big sis,” he pants, drooling against your back as he thrusts harder, “gonna cum in you, god, want you to cum all over my cock so I can creampie your pretty pussy.”
“God, yes,” you gasp, “right there, keep fucking me like that—‘m gonna cum.”
Leon whines and bites your shirt as his cock knocks against your cervix and rubs across your g-spot. He hammers against the spongy spot in your cunt until your toes are curling as you cum hard around his dick, walls spasming and milking him rhythmically.
“Feel s’good,” he moans, thrusting so hard to bury his cock deep into your pussy it shifts the washing machine dislodging you.
He only grabs your upper body and presses you down as he rails your pussy, finally pressing tight against your body as he spurts hot ropes of sticky cum all in your stuffed hole.
He pulls out with a groan, quickly pulls his sweats up, and grabs you up in a bridal carry.
“Gotta get you to a bed,” he murmurs as he presses a sloppy kiss against your cheek, “need you so bad.”
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untitledinstinct · 6 months
Post stuffing.
Still got enough to keep munching throughout tonight though.
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I tried to get up to grab my charger, and I had to roll around and wiggle my way upright.
I'm one donut away from stuck. Glad I have 7 in reach.
(And my vibe)
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please-dontperceiveme · 8 months
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If you're tiny and have a loving giant boyfriend to rove around the house of, the temptation to indulge in your sweet tooth can be irresistable. Mint finds a decorative bottle full of candies and, knowing he's safe here, chooses to make himself comfortable and dig in.
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...of course, actions do have consequences.
(Mint belongs to a dear friend of mine!)
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boytumms · 23 days
Maybe fig should try to escape some human house through a mouse's hole after totally stuffing himself on human foods, but oopsie, his tummy is way too full and big and he gets stuck right there in the entrance of the hole, halfway in and halfway out!
aww haha the classic trope of getting stuck with a full tummy, I love that so much, poor little fig hehe. He was probably trying to suck it in to fit through the hole, but even then he still gets stuck. He can't hold it in and ends up exhaling which just wedges his tummy even tighter, securing him in place. His belly is so full there's no way he's getting out of there on his own, his only way out is to either wait for his tummy to slowly shrink as it digests, or let a human find him and get him out of this mess
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jellyjaws · 1 year
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yeah turns out maybe there's a reason only the literally noodle-shaped snake guy uses these as shortcuts, dummy
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sapphicdeathfeedee · 5 months
My dumbass just tried to turn around in the tub without standing up and got stuck 😵‍💫 one of you will help me up, right? ...right?
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